aCookieGod – I Built a WARDEN FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore

Video Information

When the warden was added to the game he was never meant to be killed until now because today we will be building a water Farm inside a giant skulk Streaker and is gonna have a bunch of cool features like a catalyst waterfall a hidden secret door and I

Even rebuilt the sensor Rings before we start farming him let’s try to kill him by hand so I know the warden has 250 Hearts so let’s run over here and trap him and he’s trapped oh God but let’s just stand back here and shoot him with

My arrows and see how long it takes for me to kill him okay that only took around 27 arrows to kill the warden by hand but now let’s start working on the actual Warden Farm I need to find a pretty open skull Streaker like that so let’s continue searching around oh guys

I think I found it this is so easy to access so easy oh God I don’t like the sound of that where is he oh my God what what just happened after some searching I feel like this Streaker right here will be the best just because I need a lot of

Space vertically to build it so let’s take my white wool and cover it up so it can’t hear me because I am fat and make a lot of noise and let’s just get rid of all of these sensors here that might give away my position and also him

Because you smell and now I think if I break blocks around the Streaker it won’t hear me oh yeah I can make as much noise as I want now so let’s clear this area a little bit and let’s make a little platform around the Streaker foreign with some carpets so it’s a safe

Spawning area and now with all this wool it should be safe to remove this and expose the Shrieker and with all the sensors removed I should be safe but now let’s head back home to grab some materials so I can build this Warden Farm I need some building blocks some

Wood stuff a little bit of redstone and some things for a water elevator that should be everything I need and let’s start building this Warden Farm let’s first put an observer right there and a few blocks like this to make a v now for some Redstone and let’s just put some

Carpet here so no mobs spawn there and let’s build the rest I’ve heard a sensor uh Make Some Noise oh I see you you can’t hide from me let’s continue working on this thing and this will be where all the wardens will spawn let’s put a block here and a fence now let’s

Put Soul Sand here and this will be the water elevator all the way up now let’s put a bunch of carpets here to spawn proof the block so these stinky guys can’t spawn up here and now let’s add some fence gates and open them all all let’s build something like that and now

From this layer let’s build up 20 blocks so uh okay now um all this garbage is in the way oh diamonds nice I totally care about them And there we go now let’s make a little border thingy and a slap down his chest right here with a hopper facing into it now let’s slap some water right here and let’s start working on the water elevator let’s slap down a bunch of kelp let’s break this kelp here and now we

Have a water elevator all the way to the top now up here let’s slap down a slab and let’s put some carpet over here so no mob spawn and now I need two buckets of water and I’m missing one bruh oh nice Let’s slap the water here and then put the bucket inside the dispenser and the very last thing I need to do is add a ladder that goes up to this chest and there we go the entire Warden Farm is done it’s pretty simple and now to test

It all I need to do is break this wool and stand on it and Warden should spawn but before we do that we need to light up this entire cave because uh yeah this this is getting really really annoying bro as quickly fly home and let’s craft a

Few torches alright no more mobs are spawning on my watch these aren’t Vines I can’t climb up these all right I basically lit up the entire area from bottom but the bottom bottom oh the way to the top so now let’s actually give this Warden Farm a test

I’m pretty excited before I do that though I’m gonna make a little fence surrounding the area where I’m gonna AFK because I still don’t trust all of these torches to protect me so all I have to do is break this wool block right here

And if I stand on top of it it should start summoning the warden and if everything is correct they should spawn only on this platform here so let’s keep waiting until a warden spawns hello there oh oh here he comes here he comes okay he’s going up the water stream

Elevator already and he should be up there getting suffocated or oh my God there’s another one is there any two this Farm is insanely fast I literally could have done this when I trapped 100 wardens in my video bruh so that’s AFK for 20 minutes and see how many skull

Catalyst blocks we get Foreign [Laughter] I thought my screen was bugged I was like hold up that doesn’t look that right and I thought he was just glitched a good thing I was looking at my screen I literally would have died okay let’s let’s kill him with my arrows there we

Go and let’s put carpet here so the warden can’t spawn here I think that was the problem just having those open that would have been really close but this is looking pretty insane look at all those wardens just being suffocated Minecraft said it was nearly impossible to kill

These mobs well we have a farm now but let’s just cover up these edges just to be safe so no wardens spawn on me and let’s continue afking right on top of here Okay it’s actually been about 30 minutes now let’s check how many skull cattle this we got but first we gotta wait for all of those wardens to die oh there goes one two three okay this is taking way too on account there’s at least like

20 up there okay all of the wardens have died and I’m pretty sure the warden drops only one Catalyst per death so let’s see oh wow we already have two sacks and 40. that means we already killed 168 wardens in uh like 30 minutes yeah um I don’t think the warden is that

Impossible to kill now after all the water Farm is pretty boring and ugly but we’re gonna completely transform this farm and build a skull trigger on top of it and ask some super cool gadgets like the sensor rings and the hidden door so let’s first start off by getting rid of

This entire area and you guys know I love using my TNT let’s just pray it doesn’t blow up my farm right underneath it oh no oh no so I think it blew up the phone okay let’s uh try this again but be a little more careful My chest it blew up all of my catalysts no oh my this is going terribly wrong all right I think this is a big enough area to fit a skull Streaker now I just need the materials for it but since I did build this giant Warden statue which

You guys should totally watch after I basically have all the materials I need to build this skull Streaker I’m just missing one thing and that’s cold blocks it’s just impossible to get automatically I can’t make a factor or anything I have to go out and mine it

Like what is this peasantry I’m out here mining coal like bruh I got better things to do I got I gotta build a skulk Streaker like nothing gets more important than that in Minecraft well but I gotta play real Minecraft eventually so let’s just have some fun and mine some cool

And bam yeah I was too lazy to make a full stack of coal blocks 57 should be good enough well let’s start building this skull Streaker I want to have this area eye level inside the Shrieker so we can have a perfect view of all of the

Word is dying so let’s start building this about five blocks down and make a 16 by 16 area and now let’s start building out the frame of the skull Streaker and it’s gonna be pretty simple just like the warden statue build okay trust me it doesn’t look like much but

It’s it’s definitely gonna look better um just trust me bro now it’s gonna get a little more difficult because we’re gonna be adding some wood here and oh I think I already messed that up I think Birch goes here some aquamarine some we got some terracotta some Sandstone here

And oh wait I need a bone block here there we go now let’s do the rest and there we go now imagine having all four sides complete with the weird tentacles coming from the top and real sensor Rings coming out of it and maybe with like a secret hidden door on the

Side this is gonna be very cool once I add all the features but now let’s continue building the other sides All right now that the main base of the sugar is complete let’s start working on the tentacles or the weird little uh arms yeah I’m sure you guys don’t know what to call them either let’s build a little ring around here just so it’s a little

Bit easier to build oh I oh no I’m missing a block that I need I need mushroom stems or whatever where can I find some gigantic mushrooms I feel like I mined them all I think oh never mind some of these all right let’s put one right there I think we

I swear there was not a creeper just standing beside me unless I just don’t have eyes on my head um oh bruh did he come from the sky anyways that was pretty weird let’s continue building here so these tentacles are a lot lighter in color so it’s a little harder

To build because it’s hard to decide which type of white to use it’s like come on we can agree all of these look pretty white and the only color really used are some of these prismarine blocks right here [Applause] it’s looking pretty good so far I just need to add a little detail with some slabs and some quartz slabs to head up here first try oh up here oh up up he up he up up here let’s put some Sandstone slabs there and ports there and I think here

Looks better wait a second I think quartz should go up here there we go I definitely need more slabs though just speed bridge over there yeah my Bam Bam Bam one there one there and on to the next this is a mess now the final thing I need to do is build the

Ring sensor looking thing in the middle here skulk blocks here A bunch of prismarine like this um I think more warped blocks like that let’s throw in some black concrete like here I guess um what what what do it I I guess I’ll just slap Another Log there and one

There just to hide the mess let’s put some more black concrete I made a funny shape and do some more things like this and there we go that’s the first like ring now we gotta build the other side kind of circling around yeah this this is kind of difficult so let’s start

Spamming a bunch of random blocks and I think that’s all right let’s just grab some torches and light up the corners here just for now before a bunch of creepers spawn and blow it all up now let’s move on to the fun parts of this entire video and that is adding all the

Cool features so let’s start with the easy gadgets and slowly move towards the harder ones at the very end so let’s start with the Catalyst waterfall is what I’m calling it all the warnings that die will drop their Catalyst and it will fall straight down to where I’m AF

King over here so it’s like a cool little you know waterfall so let’s remove this Hopper and bring this water oh oh okay I just made a fat mess I wanted to fall um not there because I don’t want it to fall on top of me so what if I put a

Sign here and some more glass down here and try to split the items up like that let’s give it a try let’s throw a bunch of blocks down and I’m hoping it will just um okay it gets stuck that is not good and the water Rune of the carpet so uh

Let’s cover this up with some wool so we don’t spawn a warden on us so let’s just extend this all the way to the wall throw a sign here and let’s put a block there oh oh and now let’s build another water stream here so the Catalyst will just

Get transferred to this one and extend it underground and throw a sign right there now let’s put a water bucket down let’s make a nice tube so the catalysts don’t miss now if I throw items right here it will go all the way up and they

Should drop right here yep oh yeah it shot it pretty far though so let’s just add a few blocks right in front of it like that so it hits the wall and Falls straight down let’s give it a try let’s throw a bunch of random items

Oh there was my ax I hope I get that back wait oh there there he goes nice I got my items I lost my ax though where’d it go bruh oh there it is so now if I put some hoppers down here and a few chests I

Have made myself a catalyst waterfall so now let’s give it a try let’s remove all of this and spawn some wardens oh God I should probably cover up this floor so it doesn’t spawn on me now let’s find a bunch of these and collect some catalysts But there are a bunch of wardenses dying up there and let’s see if we got any catalysts oh we got nine now oh here it comes we got the Catalyst waterfall yeah the waterfall is kind of slow so I guess we gotta call it like the the drip the

Catalyst drip but we got 14 already and now that the easy feature is completely I’ll start working on the medium difficulty feature which is going to be the secret Redstone door right here so we can actually go see these wardens dying which is a pretty cool sight so

Let’s come over here and grab some observers I also need a sticky piston and obsidian Where’d I put obsidian uh is that obsidian nice I don’t even know how I have so much obsidian and also needs some slime blocks ugh I haven’t been here in a while does this thing still work

Um I guess it doesn’t matter because I have a bunch of slime balls well bam and this thing still works pretty beautifully this is so satisfying so let’s put the secret door right here and have the blocks come from underground so I need to go about six blocks deep here

And somehow place the block there oh what I didn’t even take fall damage let’s break this let’s build a platform underneath this so I have space to work and oh I need I need honey blocks um how do I manage to forget that bro please tell

Me I have some in here come on come on come on come on come on please is there any in here come on there has to be some in here yes 18. and now I can put some honey blocks that only took me like 10 minutes and now behind this let’s put

Rest on Dust there and some more observers facing into the repeater so now it’s actually yank these blocks right here and rebuild them in front of these sticky stuff just like that so the door actually works and that’s pretty much it for the door it’s a pretty simple design hopefully it works instead

Of activating this entire door with like a simple lever or a pressure plate that’s that’s pretty boring let’s make this interesting so let’s come right underneath here in front of the door and build a little platform and now let’s fly around so I can yoink a sensor block

Viewing and I’m pretty sure this would give a redstone current if I just do this oh yeah see if I make noise that thing lights up that’s that’s a good that’s a good sign so now what if I put this down a comparator and then some dust how oh

It actually carries the signal pretty far what if I make noise further out oh okay so it depends how close I am making this noise to send a big Redstone current so let’s actually put the repeater like right here so I need to be decently close to activate the entire

Door now let’s put a block here some Redstone Dust connecting to this and oh my god it worked um there’s a little too much noise going on just making the door go crazy what noise does it picking up what is going on the door is freaking out is there a

Mob somewhere or is it picking up like the Torches what if I remove that I I broke the door now there’s a little Gap right here I was not picking up the right amount of signal bruh if I put it here okay so if I walk by it should

What is what what noise is it picking up oh wait is it picking up the Redstone so it’s just a constant Loop okay maybe this wasn’t the best idea so let’s change it up and build it further away from the Redstone door and let’s put it right here and will it work properly

Um it will not so what if I put a comparator here and do something sort of fancy like this okay well it sort of works to added this little pulse um shortener and if I Make Some Noise it sort of works and then if I make noise

Again it pushes it back up I Make some noise and it should pull it down like oh like like like that um it’s not perfect but it works as a hidden oh what what kind of timing it still works as a hidden door now I just need to go to the

Secret area to activate it so it makes it even more hidden and soon I will redecorate this entire area surrounding this skull Streaker and it’s gonna look amazing so now that we have the easy feature complete and the medium difficulty feature complete let’s start working on the hardest one and possibly

The coolest and that is I want to make the actual working rings of the Shrieker because you know how when you make some noises it makes like these cool rings I want to imitate that with some falling water and I’m not really good at Redstone so this is gonna be challenging

So let’s start by coming right into the middle here I’m building up and I don’t think I have enough room to build this thing so uh this should be enough space to start building this thing so let’s first start off by building the smaller ring that

Would drop the water like this size is good so now let’s build an outer ring kind of like this and there’s gonna be dispensers on the bottom sides of these so they can dispense the water but somehow I’m gonna have to make this shoot first and then this one and then

The other later wait we have I have a good idea what if I just made this higher so the dispenser sits up higher and I activate them at the same time so it I I’m a genius and once this lights up it should shoot a bunch of water

Oh wait I didn’t put water in it oh and uh I probably shouldn’t move this clock so it’s not underneath the water oh now it’s kind of delayed oh no all right let’s redesign this entire thing so I’m somehow gonna take this side wait a second that wouldn’t work oh my I I

Let’s redesign this again what is guys I’m brain dead okay I think I fixed it and it should look like um oh that didn’t work and the thing that I was worried about happened it did this and ruined all the Redstone oh God this is a never-ending cycle I

Realized this machine is impossible to use with dispensers and with the new design instead of dispensers we’re using sticky pistons let’s turn on these pistons and um these ones don’t even turn on nice all right another redesign okay um it still doesn’t work what if I’ve removed

These corners and removed this will that make a difference yeah I know it doesn’t I’m not giving up I got a new plan on off oh there we go that’s the ring except that I’m not sure what’s happening there but that’s working oh I’m dumb I left this platform here let’s

Give it another try and why is only this side working okay I rerouted it if this doesn’t work then Minecraft is literally broken there we go oh my God and it’s coming down yes yes it’s not totally centered in the middle but I mean you can’t even tell

Now we just gotta add two more outer rings that are a little bit bigger and we should have rebuilt the sensor rings so now let’s start working on the two final rings and I’m super excited to see how this will look when it’s finished Okay I decided to make my life a little easier and put two currents in one system so it will activate the water here and then it will deactivate it again so I don’t need to like try to get to outputs out of this thing I should

Have done that a while ago but I simplified it a lot and I think this is gonna work it starts from the bottom here then moves to the other one and then the furthest layer thing you know what let me let me just show you let’s

Grab all of my water buckets and fill up these oh actually I almost forgot to add a border around these dispensers so the water doesn’t go crazy and I also need to come down here and figure out a way to contain this water because this dispenser just lands on this block so

It’s gonna pour everywhere would it look weird if I just put a glass block there to like contain it or something like like this like would that look weird let’s just do it for now and figure out a solution later I’m just excited to see this work so let’s turn this off and

Fill all the dispensers with some water okay I think we are ready if this doesn’t work I’m gonna be upset I spent literal days planning this I even moved out into a new spot please please honestly this is good enough for me I already went through so much pain to

Build this thing I’m even living in a different place from when I started that water dispenser thing and that’s probably why you hear an echo right now I moved homes I left my parents house and I’m living in a condo all by myself so I got some extra rooms if you guys

Want to live with me drop your applications in the comments since all the features are done let’s start decorating this place and making it look better because uh it’s pretty ugly let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of grass some skulk blocks and let’s craft a bunch of light blue concrete and now

We need to convert all this powder into concrete um you know what it’s pretty easy all you gotta do is look into your inventory and bam yeah I got a little lazy with these last stocks oh God I got a whole family of glow squids in here what is

Going on these guys are living with like drips of water and they’re not dying like how they usually do this is insane well I made two Farms I made a warden farm and a glow squid Farm that’s a pretty pretty POG champ I really need to stop saying that anyways it’s you this

Grass is gross what kind of biome am I in um let’s replace this entire ground of grass or this puke grass I guess it matches the theme very well that’s disgusting Alice we’re adding a little bit of terrain to try to blend it with this

Cave so I got some deep slate so I’m gonna try to like mix in few blocks here make it look like it was built in and all natural I think this is looking bro and by the way we just passed 3 million subscribers which is insane

About a year and a half ago I only had 3 000 subscribers so thank you guys so much for joining the cookie Army but there’s just one small problem I only have 20 000 followers on Twitter and Instagram guys what is this the cookie Army could do so much better so go on

Instagram and Twitter and type in a cookie God and go click that follow button do it now I’m waiting okay thanks guys and just on the outside of the skunk block I’m gonna replace the grass with some skulk blocks for a nice little transition and now to finish up

This entire build up here at the top I’m gonna make a nice little blue sky I feel like it would be a cool contrast through the Overworld of Minecraft compared to the deep dark so let’s start building this guy and I decided to add some clouds around as well just to break

Apart the blueness of the sky and make it look I mean the real sky has clouds so that’s why now right in the center of the skull Streaker let’s transition into a dark cloud let’s use some light gray concrete right at the very edge and then some darker gray concrete I feel like

This is gonna look so cool and now right in the middle let’s use some black concrete since Gold Blocks also have a hint of black I’m gonna put that right in the middle but without blocking these water dispensers and I feel like it’ll give a stranger things type of dark

Cloud Vibe and there we go it does look a little weird seeing all the dispensers and you kind of think to yourself like what is that I guess that’s the unknown of the dark cloud and what’s coming out of it anyways that is the story on how I

Built a Warner Farm inside a giant skull Streaker that has a cool Catalyst waterfall a secret hidden door and even the working sensor Rings thanks for watching and quote of the day um I guess make memories with your friends and family yeah that’s my new saying make memories wow

This video, titled ‘I Built a WARDEN FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2022-10-14 12:00:54. It has garnered 6271427 views and 134451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:24 or 1524 seconds.

Building a Warden Farm in Hardcore Minecraft


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This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂

I Built a Warden Farm in Minecraft Hardcore


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    Unleashing the Diamond TigerVideo Information This video, titled ‘𝑯𝒂𝒐 𝑫𝒖𝒘𝒄 | HỔ KIM CƯƠNG: 100 NGÀY SINH TỒN MINECRAFT | Nguồn: 桃子老玩伽’, was uploaded by 𝑯𝒂𝒐 𝑫𝒖𝒘𝒄 on 2024-06-11 06:02:43. It has garnered 124495 views and 537 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:40 or 1300 seconds. 👉 Contact me: ☛ Email: [email protected] ☛ Tik Tok: #haoduwc #funnyclips #minecraft #minecraftanimation #100dayschallenge Read More

  • Unhinged Kid 2.0 – Minecraft Madness – Viral! #trending

    Unhinged Kid 2.0 - Minecraft Madness - Viral! #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic #trending #viral #shorts #minecraft #edit’, was uploaded by CREEPY BOY 2.0 on 2024-05-08 19:15:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! Really Work In Reality #viral #trending #minecraft Easy mode Vs Normal Mode Vs … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build with Dejvan – EPIC!

    Insane Minecraft build with Dejvan - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘(Minecraft) Lets just make something big!’, was uploaded by Dejvan on 2024-04-15 21:37:23. It has garnered 120 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:34 or 14194 seconds. If you want to join my community go to: Read More

  • “Epic Minecraft 8+8=? Challenge! Can You Solve It?” #viral #funny

    "Epic Minecraft 8+8=? Challenge! Can You Solve It?" #viral #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘8+8=? #viral #trending #minecraft #animation #funny’, was uploaded by Uv ansh gaming on 2024-06-01 08:45:58. It has garnered 12501 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tier Test in All Game Modes!

    Insane Minecraft Tier Test in All Game Modes!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tier Tested in Every Minecraft Gamemode’, was uploaded by Bzowljr on 2024-06-16 02:24:10. It has garnered 2034 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:04 or 664 seconds. Well I did okay Discord: 00:18 Sword Test 2:18 Netherpot Test 4:38 Axe Test 6:18 Crystal Test 7:58 UHC Test Diapot and Smp I kinda skipped over Ignore this: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not rekrap2, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s… Read More

  • INSANE Double Clutch in Minecraft Bedwars!! 😱

    INSANE Double Clutch in Minecraft Bedwars!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Crazy Double Clutch In RBW! #minecraft #bedwars #rbw #hypixel #clutch #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Aspect on 2024-04-30 00:54:39. It has garnered 764 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Discord Server – —————————————– My Stuff – Glorious Model O – Razer Huntman Mini – Rtx 3050 GPU – Intel Core i7-11800H My Settings – 4 Debounce – 800 Dpi – 23 In game sensitivity —————————————– tags minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one… Read More

  • Bendee in AT – Epic Minecraft Builder! Watch now!

    Bendee in AT - Epic Minecraft Builder! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘ATTACK on TITAN builds! Follow for more Minecraft Content! #minecraft #attackontitan #shorts’, was uploaded by Bendeeee | Minecraft Builder on 2024-05-07 14:56:00. It has garnered 424 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Hope you enjoyed my Attack on Titan Ideas 🙂 Follow for more Minecraft Content!⛏️ _________ #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #tutorial #builder #medieval #fantasy #gaming #design #creative #building #futuristic #bauen #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #builds #germany #craft Read More

  • SHOCKING! Keelo switches client session to midnight!

    SHOCKING! Keelo switches client session to midnight!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adjust client session at 12am’, was uploaded by Keelo on 2024-09-02 20:42:55. It has garnered 169 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #hypixel #minecraft Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh… Read More

  • RLFactions season 1 – PVP, MODDED, FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Do you crave a heavily modded factions server experience? RLFactions offers a unique blend of RLCraft survival challenges with factions-based gameplay. Dive into a world where you fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon riders the next. Join our Discord: With modded elements and factions mechanics, RLFactions creates a competitive environment that enhances the survival experience. Are you ready to build, strategize, and survive in this challenging setting? RLFactions is not your average factions server – it’s for those who seek a tough survival challenge and the thrill of faction… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Scoliosis Treebeard Out for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Scoliosis Treebeard Out for RevengeWhy did Evil Treebeard get scoliosis? Because he couldn’t leaf well enough alone! Read More

  • Lava Ocean Mansion: Minecraft’s Deadly Lore

    Lava Ocean Mansion: Minecraft's Deadly Lore In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, We dive into the lava ocean, a story untold. Exploring the fortress, with treasures to find, Crafting our way, with a creative mind. Our house is complete, a masterpiece in sight, With blocks and resources, we build with delight. Subscribers and likes, a community so strong, Together we journey, in this world we belong. Follow me on socials, for more Minecraft fun, On Youtube, Twitch, and TikTok, we’ll shine like the sun. Join me on Discord, for a chat and a laugh, Instagram and Twitter, on this creative path. So leap… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Salam Tip! 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Salam Tip! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals” Read More

  • Mis problemas con las actualizaciones de Minecraft

    Mis problemas con las actualizaciones de Minecraft The Evolution of Minecraft: A Community’s Perspective Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. However, recent updates from Mojang have left some players questioning the direction of the game. In this article, we delve into the impact of these updates on the Minecraft community and explore whether the essence of the game has been lost. The Golden Age of Minecraft For many players, the early days of Minecraft represented a golden age of creativity and exploration. The game’s simplicity and endless possibilities drew in a dedicated fan base that thrived on building, crafting, and surviving… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.22: Disappointment or Game-Changer?

    Minecraft 1.22: Disappointment or Game-Changer? Minecraft 1.22: A Comprehensive Review With the release of Minecraft 1.22, players are buzzing with excitement and curiosity. The new update brings a plethora of changes, including the introduction of the intriguing ‘Pale Garden’ biome and the eerie ‘Creaking’ mob. Let’s delve into the details of this update and explore whether it lives up to the hype or falls short of expectations. The Pale Garden Biome: A Breath of Fresh Air The addition of the Pale Garden biome has injected a new sense of wonder into the Minecraft world. With its ethereal beauty and unique flora, players are treated… Read More

  • Insane Hive Night!! Join Now for Epic FUN!!!

    Insane Hive Night!! Join Now for Epic FUN!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Night With Viewers!!! Come Join!!’, was uploaded by ShadeDerp on 2024-07-27 19:46:17. It has garnered 82 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:00 or 12000 seconds. Live with Viewers on The Hive!!! #Minecraft #shorts #thehive #hive #minecraftbedrock #server #MinecraftServer #minecraftlive Read More

  • Sneaky Gamer Crushes Hardcore Minecraft Again

    Sneaky Gamer Crushes Hardcore Minecraft AgainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just Playing Hardcore Minecraft (2) 1.20’, was uploaded by Souli Layce on 2024-03-23 17:59:18. It has garnered 134 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:35 or 8555 seconds. Today Souli Layce is getting back in to the swing of playing again after some illness, time to get some jobs done around our Hardcore world. Come along for a chat. Check out my channel for more: Join my Discord: Twitter: #HardcoreMinecraft #minecraft #hardcore Read More

  • Epic Battle: 10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeletons in Minecraft!

    Epic Battle: 10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeletons in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ’10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeleton | Mob Battle | Minecraft Gameplay #8′, was uploaded by Armour9 on 2024-09-07 11:28:03. It has garnered 383 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:09 or 489 seconds. Welcome to my channel! 🎮 Today, we’re diving into the endless possibilities of Minecraft – the iconic sandbox game where creativity and adventure know no bounds! 🏰🌍 In this gameplay video, we’ll explore: 🏗️ Creative Building: Watch as I design and build incredible structures, from epic castles to cozy cottages, using a variety of blocks and… Read More

  • Unbelievable – Returning to Mind-Blowing Minecraft Roots!

    Unbelievable - Returning to Mind-Blowing Minecraft Roots!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Playthrough EP1】 Going back to my Content Roots!!’, was uploaded by Amora Lumina Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2024-06-15 22:37:33. It has garnered 915 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:00 or 13740 seconds. wah!! 【DONATIONS】 【SOCIALS】 Youtube: @AmoraLumina Twitter: 【TAGS】 OSHI MARK – 💗🚀 LIVE – #AmoraLive GENERAL – #AmoraLumina CLIPS – #AmoraClips ART – #LuminArti / NSFW #Lewdmina MEMES – #LumiLaughs 【CHAT RULES】 💗 Please be respectful; both to yourself, among chat, and myself. Any antisocial behavior such as discrimination, harassment, doxing ect… will be dealt with,… Read More

  • Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!

    Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Win ANY BRIDGE FIGHT’, was uploaded by BlueRaptorLord on 2024-06-12 13:00:14. It has garnered 9783 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftyoutuber #shorts #bridge #battle #minecraftserver #minecraftpvp #minecraftpvpserver #hoplite #wins #howto #tutorial #viral #subscribe Read More

  • Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games…

    Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games...Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack..!!’, was uploaded by sarkari games on 2024-05-06 01:48:00. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ……. MINECRAFT……. Subscribe :- My channel YouTube channel Content → Minecraft/free fire max / etc I am try giving good content and enjoy my videos 📸 My free fire I’d 2522351282 →Thinking you minecraft tiktok hacks, minecraft tiktok hacks shorts, minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition, minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi, minecraft tiktok hack video, minecraft tiktok hacks 1.19, minecraft tiktok hacks loggy, minecraft tiktok… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!

    Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!Video Information This video, titled ‘MABAR SANTAI DAN KERJA RODI BARENG, MEWINGCRAFT #2’, was uploaded by RifKick on 2024-02-23 05:34:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBS!!!! ————————————————– I go live every afternoon/evening to play games like Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!

    Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN’, was uploaded by Reactionary on 2024-04-09 15:00:19. It has garnered 20215 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:06 or 3246 seconds. FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN Check out the full animations here! WAIT WHAT Minecraft #45 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #56 Hit the Like button! And subscribe! 🔔 Tags reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactionary, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!

    Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorial $1 000 000 very expensive house’, was uploaded by Target on 2024-03-23 15:00:01. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Leays gaming SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 millyon Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorialhow to build a survival house in minecraft si=ntqm7daWZGLWuuEG #Leays#geming#mobileminecraft​ #mobile #minecraft #minecraft​ #but​ #hardcore​ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #NoobVsPro​ #noob​ #pro​ #hacker​ #animation​ #real​ #life​ Read More

  • SwipeSMP | smp | Mostly Vanilla | 1.21 | Whitelist

    Welcome to our Vanilla SMP Server! We are currently seeking new players to join our community on our 1.21 server. Help us with builds, shops, and more! If you’re interested in joining us, please add me on Discord. Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepy Creaker strikes again

    Minecraft Memes - Creepy Creaker strikes againMaybe the Creaker is just trying to be creeper-like, but is too busy creaking to properly explode! Read More

  • Mine King Soon: Minecraft’s Royal Rhyme

    Mine King Soon: Minecraft's Royal Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Kamaboko’s updates bring joy and gains. With each new feature, a spark in the game, Players unite, in Kamaboko’s fame. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Join the membership, and stay in the light. Check out the streams, for a gaming spree, Kamaboko’s world, where all can be free. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In Kamaboko’s world, everything’s right. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, Kamaboko’s updates, a true win-win. Read More

  • Steve + Alex = Hot Mess

    Steve + Alex = Hot Mess Steve + Alex = a Minecraft love story that ends with them building a house together and adopting a bunch of pixelated chickens. Read More

  • Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft!

    Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft! The Easiest Infinite Lava Source in Minecraft Are you looking to create an infinite lava source in Minecraft? Look no further! Building a lava farm in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding project that adds a unique element to your gameplay. Let’s explore how you can easily set up an infinite lava source in the game. Setting Up Your Lava Farm To create an infinite lava source, you’ll need to set up a lava farm. Start by finding a lava pool in the game. Once you’ve located a suitable spot, you can begin building your farm. Dig a… Read More

aCookieGod – I Built a WARDEN FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore