AdieCraft – TUTORIAL – Large Minecraft Futuristic Base PART 1 – Futuristic Minecraft Dome – Futuristic Mega Base

Video Information

Hello there and welcome to 80 craft today i’m going to be showing you the first part of a two-part tutorial on how to build this fantastic large futuristic base in your world there is an interior on this build so you can get some ideas on what you

Can put inside and also there will be a full world download available to show you this build and all of the other builds in this fantastic futuristic world of mine so make sure you do subscribe so you don’t miss out on that and let’s get on with it

Here are the materials you’ll need for the build now you could replace the sea lanterns with either some shroom lights or some glowstone if you wished and alternatively as well to some of the smooth quartz you could use some of the white concrete in order to actually do

Flooring and some of the blocks that aren’t visible but make a note of what you do need and start collecting the build itself will take up a 71 by 71 block space which is marked here in yellow also you’ll need to mark the center spot

For later in the build which is going to be 36 in from each of the sides and that includes this yellow line so once we’ve done that we’re going to start building and we’re going to come to one of the corners which i’m going to show you

How to build and then you just repeat that on all of the other three corners so the first thing we’re going to do in this corner is we are going to come just inside this perimeter and we’re going to count out and place a sea lantern on the 7th block so

One two three four five six and then on the seventh block so this gives us the starting point that we’re going to be using for the circle it’s the same circle we’ve used in some of the other builds so it’s going to be a 17 diameter circle

And we build this by having the sea lantern here then placing two three more blocks and another sea lantern so you’ve got a side of five then we’ve got two blocks here coming through one of those being a sea lantern in fact then we’ve got one block here

One block here two more blocks with the first of those being a sea lantern and then we get to the next side which we’re gonna build out which again is gonna have exactly the same pattern so we’re going to carry this on round exactly the same way so come out two

Blocks with the second one being sea lantern two regular blocks and then sea lantern block and then we’ve got this side again matching up with the one on the other side so fill fill that circle in and then we will get to the next stage once you’ve completed that circle and

Then replicated it in all of the corners then it will look like this we’re now going to build a circle around this center point so in order to do that the first thing we’re going to do is place a quartz block on the ninth block from this

So we’re going to include this block and then count out and place on the ninth block once we’ve placed this that forms the starting point and we’re going to build one of these circles but we’re not going to be using any sea lanterns this time

So for the circle what we’re going to do is we are going to build this out with two on each side and that gives us the five in the same way that we had here then we’re going to come one close one block closer to the center

And place the two blocks then again stepping back from that we’re going to place two diagonally and then we start with the two this side before going on to the five on this side here so it’s exactly the same circle that we’ve used before and the middle block of this should if

You’ve done it correctly line up with the center so we’re going to carry this on build this circle all the way around in the quartz circle done and the next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to add another layer now for this layer we’re going to be

Using the cyan terracotta and the sea lanterns so for each of the sides the sea lanterns will go in the middle this time rather than on the edge and then on the same block on the edge here and here so each of these two blocks the furthest from the

Long side we will have ac lantern like so and then one in the middle and then simply what we’re going to do is fill in the rest of the blocks with some of the cyan terracotta now that we’ve filled those in we are going to build ourselves some stairs coming down

So on the blocks and it doesn’t matter which side you pick uh we are going to place some stairs three stairs like this and then three stairs on the ground like so now we’re going to fill in these blocks with some terracotta just to build a little walkway down to the side

So repeat that all the way around next we’re going to build the big circle that’s going to be the main footprint for this base now we’re going to do that by starting including this block here just in front of the sea lantern on the flat side here we’re going to

Count out and place a block on the 10th block and for this i’m just doing a sea lantern to show where it is so it’s easy to spot we’re then going to start building the circle round and i’m going to show you how to build a full quarter and then you just repeat

That quarter all the way around the bottom layer of these i’m using the quartz just because it’s easier but you can actually use absolutely anything you like because these won’t be visible in the build so first thing we’re going to do is build three blocks out like this

Directly from this sea lantern center point we’re then going to come in one block and build three more then gonna come in one more block and build two and then another two so we’ve got two lots of three two lots of two then we’ve got two lots of one and then

We repeat that going the other way so we’ve got two more diagonally going this way so as if we were facing this way now and that gives you four um diagonally here on the road then we have two blocks two blocks three blocks and finally three blocks

And then we’ll place another sea lantern here and all being well when we turn around lines up perfectly with this sea lantern so that gives you a full quarter of the actual base itself so just carry on that same pattern with three three two two one one and then one

One two two three three with the sea lantern in the middle until you get this all the way around and then on top of that uh we’re going to replace this one again we don’t need it to be see lanterns and then put a full layer of the quartz

On top and now if you’re not using the quartz it’s a good point to say that any of the full blocks if you want to save yourself some resources you can just use something like a white concrete that’s a cheaper block to do the same thing um but yeah i’m

Just using the ports for this and it’s the smooth quartz now as you can see we’ve got the main footprint for the build we have got dual sections obviously this is a step down sunken section which you could use for anything like digging down further to take you to

A mine or an underground storage this is going to be a raised section and then we’ve got these sections here that are again going to be at ground level so what we’re going to do is we are going to start filling in some flooring i’m using again quartz but you can use

White concrete for a cheaper alternative because you don’t need any blocks or slabs but i’m going to fill in this entire area on each of the corners with a smooth quartz floor like so with one exception being that the middle block we are going to place assay sea lantern on each of these

Uh and that is because by placing a single sea lantern here it actually lights this entire place so you don’t need any more lighting inside which is a great thing so yeah fill in the whatever your flooring block is with the sea lantern in there in each of these corners

We’ve already got the sea lantern in the middle here uh but we are then gonna also fill in every available block here again with the flooring material like so and that is just gonna go all the way through like this on the inside of this bit and here for the final floor

What you’re going to do is we’re going to fill in all of this across here with some of the floor material again for me the smooth quartz here so this entire thing is going to be filled in here if you do you want you can use something like dirt

Or stone or cobble or anything to fill in this void underneath or you can just leave it and maybe light it up as well but yeah we’re gonna fill this right the way through all the way through on this bit on each of these corners and also in this center section the

Flooring is now in place and the next step is we’re going to build up the domes on each of these corners so i’m going to show you how to do this with the process steps for one of the domes and then repeat this in all the other three sides

So what we’re going to do first of all is we’re going to come to the center and we’re going to build up a framework going over the top and that’s going to follow the same pattern and the same shape that we have here so firstly we’re going to build up with

Two blocks now we are going to need some temporary blocks for this so we’re then going to come in with the temporary block build up for two more glass we can get rid of that now and then we’re going to start curving around so we’ve got one block here

And then another block here and then we move on to the two coming towards the center like so and the final temporary block to bring us through to the middle is this one and then that comes across and in the middle we will place a sea lantern here like so

So that is the first stage so we’re just going to build that up and we’re going to do it from each of the four sides now we’ve got the framework in place going right the way over this you’ll see that that can be broken up into

Four quarters now what i’m going to show you is the steps for one of these quarters for each of them and then you’re going to repeat that in the other three quarters and equally once you’ve done one dome you can then carry on and do the ones on the other sides

So the first thing we’re going to do we’ll just select this quarter it doesn’t really matter which one and the first thing we’re going to do is with the glass we’re going to place an l shape on this corner just like so so you’ll see on this reverse you’ve got

Another space and you can place an l shape here as well and then up in the top the final bit you’ve also got space to place one more l shape here next what we’re going to do is we are going to take the uh the next step round and we’re going

To bring this out i’m going to place two blocks on either one of these and then place three more blocks another l shape on the side like this so i’ll show you again down here so we’re going to do is cover both of those blocks cover both of those blocks and then in

This middle section we’re just going to then place another l shape connecting this up the final one this time two blocks here two blocks here and then finally the l shape here i’ve done those steps now in the other quarters and we’re going to go on to the next one

So we’ll start here and what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to place a line of glass that’s following uh but not overlapping this glass here right the way around so we’re going to have a zigzag line so we’re going to come up to and then

In and then up in up in up and then in to connect round and then we’ll do the same here again up and across so as you can see each one is touching on the corners and then the final one which will be here just above us we’ll bring this round again touching

The edge of the previous glass and then that connects up here so as you can see that now has filled in another big chunk of the glass so complete that round in the other quarters as well now you can see that the dome is almost actually finished so we’ve only got

Six more blocks to place on each of these quarters so we’re gonna do that first of all again we’ll need some temporary blocks now it to place the blocks we’re going to go into each of these corners where the two bits meet and we’re going to place our temporary block first and foremost

Then against that temporary block we’re going to place our first glass block and then what we’re going to do is either one of these two blocks on each of these sides we’re going to place another temporary block so we’re going to place one here and fill in the glass there then we’ve

Got this space here so again it doesn’t really matter which one we use just put one here and place the temporary that place the glass block rather in there as you can see the very last one that we’ve got is we’ll stick a temporary block there put the glass in

And we’re all good once we take those out and step back a bit to look you’ll see that we filled in that last of the areas so again as before do it on each of these sides and then also do it in each of the different

Areas now you will find that you are trapped in here once you’re done the way that you want to get out because it’s something that we’re going to be looking at next is the pathway to the main building so if you just take out the two by two blocks here

That gives you a good starting point so yeah finish off this dome do the other three domes and then make sure you’ve got this just little entrance way dome is done and now to connect up each of them to the center portion now we’re going to do this

By going diagonally out from the sea lanterns in a direct line to this center section and we’re going to do that firstly by placing three quarts on each side like so we’re then going to place a c lantern on each side and then some cyan terracotta now if

You’re using a different color scheme than cyan terracotta i am going to be using cyan glass cyan terracotta cyan concrete but you can use any color scheme you like it will still look fantastic um but anyway yet place your terracotta here and then simply fill this in with two

More of the quartz like so so we’re going to build that out and that is going to be done on each of those sides as well with those replicated we’re going to come back down here and firstly we’re going to place a sea lantern on each of these blocks here

And then we’re going to place a smooth quartz on top of those then next to those we’re going to place a terracotta and a smooth quartz and then we’re going to place two more smooth quartz like this so that is going to then create this increasing pathway that we we’re going

To follow with the flooring in a second but it also brings us to this point here on each of these sections and what we’re going to do is we’re simply going to fall some lighting inside add some sea lanterns right the way around until we get to the next

Portion here so then it would be just here because again we’d have our sea lantern here and our quartz and then our terracotta our quartz and our two quarts so yeah fill in these little extra blocks and then fill in this line of the sea lanterns all the way around this

You should just have some entrance way in between the sea lanterns each of the corners with all of the sea lanterns in place now we’re going to start adding the detail around the edge of this bottom section of this large circle so the first thing

We’re going to do is we’re going to run a line of the terracotta right the way along and so this is going to stick out an entire full block from what we’ve got and we’re just going to bring this all the way across and once we get to the end we’re going

To add some sea lanterns into this and we’re going to have it on every third every 4 sorry visible block so you’ve got one visible block here so we’ve got sea lantern here one two three and then on this one then we’ve got one two three and then on this corner one two

Three and then in exactly the middle of the build and then going back the other way here three one two three and then here and then you’ve got three blocks there so that basically means that you’ve got the right number of sea lanterns here and you’ve got a full line

Coming in front of this now we’re going to switch to the smooth quartz stairs and first of all we’re going to place a block here and then this is the slightly fiddly job of and we’re going to do this on the top and the bottom of placing some stairs so that we

Wrap around this and what i mean by that is we’ve got an upside down stair on the bottom and a right way upstairs on the top and as we go along here with the stairs in the right orientation you might need to crouch to get the right angles here

They wrap around the actual edge of the build itself like this just on the underside and we’re going to run this all the way around here and then of course on the other sides of the build as well to make sure that it all matches up so do that round here just

Carry on to the center and on this at the top we just have the right way upstairs it’s much easier to place on the top of course like so just connect those up and as you can see you’ve got this now uh sticking out curvy bit that just goes

On the side of this so carry that on with the stairs right the way around and fill that in on each of these other three sides too once we’ve finished this detailing around the large circle we’re going to start connecting up the walkways from the main section to the domes and

The first thing that we’re going to do is we are going to build out the flooring so we’re going to do this by coming to the edge here and building this up diagonally for those three blocks by one so it’ll just be the other side of the sea lanterns

Next what we’re gonna do is we are going to place a w of these and then another w of these uh the smooth quartz blocks like so then getting our slabs we’re gonna go on top of this first w and then next we’re gonna go next to

This one here so as you can see we’ve got some a half slab increase going down through this area we’re also then going to do what we did before and take our quartz here or whatever our flooring material is and just fill this section in and then coming inside so it’s easier to

See we’ve just got this bit here these two blocks and then the two blocks next to it that we’re actually going to take out because those get in the way for us then doing the next stage which is going to be connecting this up with the glass

So the first thing we’ll do for that connection is just adding these in so let’s fill this in first do that on the other side and then start filling in the glass on the sides and we’re going to do this first of all by coming up by three blocks here

Filling in this block on the corner so i’ll show you again on this side three blocks here block on the corner then we’re going to go up three blocks again next to that on both sides this one just before we step up we’re going to come up four blocks

Just like so and then four blocks here as well then three blocks on this and this four blocks here again on the the one that again just before it steps up and then three blocks to bring that level and we’re going to keep these three blocks going like this

On both the sides and we’re actually going to carry this right the way around the build on top of all the sea lanterns so we’re going to create this big glass wall that’s going to come up from our domes go right the way around the build back down to the domes and so

On and so forth which will give you something that looks like this coming right the way around now what we’re going to do is we’re going to need some temporary blocks again we’re going to place a temporary block on each of these so that we can place

A glass block here and this is going to be the start of the the ceiling that we’re going to add to this in a second but before we do that we are going to on top of the glass block and right the way around we are going to mirror

All of the sea lanterns that we have beneath so we’ll take that line all the way around again adding in the temporary blocks and the glass blocks over the top of these these walkways and then come back to you when that’s done next for the roofs

On these we are going to start placing some glass on some of the overhanging uh on the overhanging bit here so we’re gonna head out and bring this completely until we get to the point where we are level diagonally with this overhang here so with with this bit here

We’re then going to start bringing this through to the next level so taking it back and forth again just touching against the glass itself and like this and then again once we reach this next overhang and again that’s diagonally level we are going to bring this last level round

And this should then connect up to the building that we’ve got the dome at the end now we’re not quite done on this yet we also have some more things that we’re going to do so we’re going to add some quartz now and we’re going to do that first of all by

Filling in a arrow head on the blocks here so it comes to a point just where this next level comes down and we’re then going to add another second arrow head right beneath it so we’ve got the two arrow heads like so now we’re going to switch to our quartz

Slabs and bring out a triangle of the quartz slabs like this going up to the next level we’re going to bring out another triangle of the quartz slabs like this then we’re going to come here and bring out a another triangle of the quartz slab so as you can see that’s stepping

Up by half a half a slab each time once we get to the end we’re then going to use some full blocks to just fill this in so you’ve got another arrowhead here and then just fill in these extra five blocks like so and we’re obviously then gonna do that

All the way around stepping down into the build now we are going to add some lighting into this passageway that we’ve just brought in place so what we’re going to do is we’re going to come to the first of the glass blocks that is here um basically on the first

Overhang and we’re going to take that out and we’re going to place ourselves a sea lantern here we’re then going to do the same on the next block down so again when it changes direction so this then fits under the uh the area here we’re going to leave

One block and place a sea lantern here uh just coming out of the build and then the final sea lantern that we’re gonna do is leave that one diagonal block and place the final sea lantern here so again we’ve got a nice walkway with some sea lanterns leading us down

Into the dome next we’re going to start working on the towers that sit on each of these small domes in the corners and we’re going to do this firstly by coming to the sea lantern and going on the far side of the sea lantern and placing two of the concrete whichever color you’re

Using so for me that’ll be the cyan and what we’re going to do is we’re going to take each of these two up to a total of 14 blocks Next in front of that we are going to have a line of concrete going through here and this is going to be taken up to 13 blocks so just one block beneath that and then these two here are going to come up to 12 so i’ll fill that in for you

Next on either side of this we are going to go to this section where the block is one lower and then we are going to build that up and this is going to come level with four beneath the second one which is gonna be nine total so i’ll

I’ll show you where that will go that will come all the way up to one two three four and then the fifth block so you’ll still you’ll see four of these blocks just coming directly above it so fill that in and then we’ll do the same on the other side Next to the pillar we’ve just placed we are going to come down one two three four and on the fifth block we’re going to place a two wide strip that goes right the way down to the bottom and then offset from that just on this piece of glass that drops down one lower

We’re just going to place a two by two and so we’re also going to do that on the uh on the same on the other side with the two by two so now we’re going to do something a little bit different on this side because it does involve taking some of the glass

Blocks out so the first thing we’re going to do is we are going to place a concrete here and a concrete here then stepping across to the side we’re going to place a concrete here and here and then we’re going to place one here so we’ve got an l shape and then we’re

Going to fill in the rest of these three by taking out the glass and having it so we’ve got then a three by two of concrete now on this block just down here we’re gonna have a sea lantern and then we’re gonna replace this glass block with some of the concrete as well

Then we’re gonna go up two and up two like this on this side and then we’re gonna repeat the same on the other side now we’ll show you again so we’re gonna have the two concrete there taking out one of the glass then we’re gonna have the concrete

Coming down here for a three by two like this then sea lantern here take out this glass with the concrete so this line is going straight up like this and then we’re gonna have this eight block chunk next we’re gonna have a two block high section here and then

We are gonna have an l shape section like so with a sea lantern just in this space and that will be one block further along than the sea lantern that we’ve got here and then we’ll just again repeat that mirrored on the other side so two blocks

And then an l shape like so with a sea lantern here now we’re going to replace some of the ground with some of the concrete so what we’re going to do is we are going to dig out one two three four five six blocks here and we’re gonna place the concrete in

We’re then gonna place two blocks of concrete here and then on level with the fourth block so one two three four next to this we’re going to place a sea lantern take out two blocks this side and three blocks this side so it goes one block past the other side

And is also a six long trench so we’ve got three blocks sea lantern and then the two blocks and now we’re going to replace the same on the other side so coming around here what we’re going to do is go one two three four five six and put in the concrete here

Then just outside of that on the fourth block one two three four we’re gonna place the block here two blocks on this side and so that should be a sea lantern uh then two blocks on this side of the sea lantern the three blocks here with all of that color concrete in place

The last bits of color concrete for this that we’re going to do are we’re actually going to go inside the build and anywhere that we can look up and we can see a glass block then we’re going to replace it with some colored concrete so underneath you will have the line of colored

Concrete that will be running through the build and that will then go right the way through to the outside as well but we’re only going to do it for the ones when when we look up you can see a concrete above you so i’ve done it on this side and show you what

It looks like and yeah everything else we’re just going to leave as the glass for now and you can do it with that block as well there you go and so there you’ll see that you’ve got a nice swathe of the the concrete running through

And do the same down this side and then repeat this tower bit for all of the other sides starting with the quartz decoration on the outside of the towers now we’re gonna take out some of these glass blocks like we did with the cyan concrete and we’re gonna replace them with quartz

So we’re gonna replace the middle block first of all and then the two blocks next to the cyan concrete on either side on the middle block we’re going to place a quartz and next to that we are going to place a stair facing towards the center like this

On the outside for now we’ll just place one quartz but we’ll fill those in later and then back into the middle we’re gonna place seven end rods now at this point Once we get the seven end rods in place we’re then going to play six quartz which will bring us level with the top and then we’re going to place a sea lantern and two more quartz coming down to level with the the end rods now

We are on either side gonna fill in two blocks like so we’re then gonna fill in two blocks beneath that as well and then on the underside of this first block we’ll place an upside down stair now we’re gonna fill in the quartz just going down either side of that

And now we’re getting towards the top so what we’re going to do is we’re going to fill in three more quarts on each side like this um sorry two more quarts on this side and then we are going to place a sea lantern on the third one

So the sea lantern is one block beneath this block here so we’ll fill in the quartz on the other side as well this interior pillar so this first one comes up just one shy at the top like this and the other one comes up level with this sea lantern and

It finishes off like so moving across now and further out we’re going to start by placing some sea lanterns so we are going to place a sea lantern here level with the top of this cyan concrete i’m going to place one here as well level with this cyan concrete and one

Here just above the the step from that cyan concrete next we’re going to take our smooth quartz again and again replacing these two glass blocks we’re gonna replace a block there and there we’re just gonna fill in the smooth quartz right the way up to one block above this sea lantern just

Here first once we’ve done that we continue this pillar up and this pillar will come up level with this cyan concrete so one block above this sea lantern like so and we will do that on the other side as well quickly so firstly we’ve got sea lanterns Moving further out the first thing we’re going to do is actually take some of the quartz stairs now so we’ve got a quartz stair facing this way we’re going to add an additional quartz stair here and then another quartz stair just on this corner then we are going to replace these two

Blocks here and here with some of the uh the smooth quartz like so and this one actually we can build up like that uh so that we’ve got the quartz base that we can see from underneath on top of this we’re going to place a sea lantern here and then

Three blocks of concrete and not concrete or quartz rather and then this next pillar we’re going to take up one block past this sea lantern so we’re going to come up all the way like this when you filled in both of the sides the next step that we’re going to do

Is firstly to take out these two uh glass blocks and replace them with some quartz i’m going to take this quartz all the way up to one block past this sea lantern here next we’re gonna bring these up for two blocks and we’re gonna place a sea lantern and then come

Up another three blocks and then we are gonna take this one up one block past the sea lantern so that’s gonna go a total of four blocks we’re also then at this stage going to add in a stair just here and then we are going to repeat that on

The other side as well the final set of steps for this side of the uh the detail on the towers we are going to come here and first things first we are going to place ourselves a sea lantern parallel and level with that sea lantern here now next to this

On this side we are going to come up three blocks high and have two uh two wide of the quartz we’re then going to come up two blocks high on this side so we’ve got stepping down here then we’re going to place three of the quartz blocks till we’re level with this

Sea lantern here now we’re going to get some stairs we’re going to place a stair here a stair here and a stair just here and then finally we’re going to finish off with three of the slabs and then we’re going to do exactly the same

On the other side as well with the sides done on the back we’re now moving to the front of the tower and we’re going to take out some of these glass blocks and replace them with the smooth quartz so we’re going to take out these three that go diagonally across just in front

And we’re also going to take out the two first of all that are just one step deeper now the first thing we’re going to do is including this block we are going to take this up to a total of 15 blocks so that’s what

One and we will go to a total of 15. once we’ve done that coming back down what we’re going to do is we’re going to use some stairs so we’re going to come in here and place a stair here and a stair here on these blocks

And then we’re going to put some end rods so we’re going to place six end rods on each side On top of the end rods we are going to place it’s probably easiest to skip a a block and then place this smooth corpse so this way we can come underneath and we can place ourselves a stair like so and we can do the same on the other side just like that

Once we’ve done that we are going to add some more smooth quartz to the top and we’re going to take this up so it is one block beneath what we have in the center and this will then line up as you look directly out across the blocks that we placed at the back

And that is also what we’re going to mirror on the front on these two sides as well so we’re just going to keep bringing these up past the end of the end rods and up to the point where it mirrors what we’ve got on the back of the build

Carrying on the same theme we are going to continue to step down in line with the blocks that we’ve got at the back here so what we’re going to do is firstly we’re going to take out this glass block next to the concrete and come up here and that is going to come

Up to this level just like so then we’re going to do the same on the one in front of it which comes up three blocks above this then again we step across here and we place the the block here we are also going to take out the glass beneath

It as well so we’ve got some of the smooth quartz in there and then that just comes up two and then this one again we’re going to take out those two blocks and come up again with the four blocks so it’s level here we’re going to take out this block

And come up just like so to finish off the front section we are going to place a block here and then we’re going to have a sea lantern and a block here with the quartz then inside we’re gonna have a three high blocks there then two high on both of these they’re

One high here here and here uh just so it lines up again with all of these are lining up with the outside and then we’re going to finish this off with three of the slabs here and then we’re going to get some stairs out so we’re going to have some stairs just there

And two sets of stairs on that side and we’re going to repeat those on the other side as well and that’s going to finish off the uh the details on the tower well with the towers now complete all the way around that is a very good point for us to stop for

This portion of the build so i hope you’ve enjoyed the first part of this make sure that you do hit that like button and leave me a comment if you have as it really really is appreciated and it does help with the youtube algorithm also make sure that you do hit that

Subscribe button so you don’t miss out on the second part of this and any other futuristic videos that we get on the channel as well so all that’s left to be said is thank you very very much for watching and i will see you next time on 80 craft bye you

This video, titled ‘TUTORIAL – Large Minecraft Futuristic Base PART 1 – Futuristic Minecraft Dome – Futuristic Mega Base’, was uploaded by AdieCraft on 2021-07-03 17:00:31. It has garnered 125393 views and 3214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:49 or 2149 seconds.

Here is Part one of this massive Sci-Fi Megabase the Large Futuristic Dome. Part 2 coming soon!

This awesome Large Futuristic Minecraft Dome Base has been a fan favourite on the channel since I showcased it before. This Megabase takes around a 71x71x50 space with a beacon at the centre. Due to the size and complexity i’ve broken this up into 2 videos rather than trying to fit it all into 1. The Large Futuristic Minecraft Base looks amazing and contains a breakdown of some interior ideas you can use in part 2.

If you like the video, make sure to subscribe, and leave a like.

If you want to learn to be a great builder then this channel will show you how. Building tutorials from basics like a Minecraft house to Epic bases. Minecraft terraforming, decorations, building basics, redsone builds and more. Before you know it you can be building with the likes of Grian, Keralis, Goodtiemswithscar, Mumbo Jumbo, EthosLab and Bdoubleo100.

Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any future Minecraft tutorial videos.

You can also get the world download by joining my Discord here:

Comment and let me know any future tutorials you’d like to see.

Check out Part 2 here: Original showcase timelapse:

Want to support the channel? Check out my Patreon:

Follow me on Twitter: @AdieCraft

Alternative titles Minecraft Futuristic Dome Base Minecraft Dome Base Minecraft Space Dome Futuristic Interior Futuristic Spire Alien Spire Cyber Spire Minecraft Futuristic Base Design Futuristic Minecraft Base Design Awesome Science Fiction base Awesome Science Fiction Build Hyper Futuristic Base Hyper Futuristic Build Simple Futuristic Starter House Minecraft Futuristic Starter House Easy Futuristic Starter House Minecraft Space Base Minecraft Sci Fi Base Cyber Base Epic Base Megabase Part 1 Easy Futuristic Base Epic Futuristic Base Simple Futuristic Base Simple Alien Base Easy Alien Base Easy Space Base Simple Space Base Easy Sci Fi Base Simple Sci Fi Base Futuristic Build How to Build in a Futuristic style How to make a Futuristic base Minecraft Futuristic Build Minecraft Alien Base Minecraft Space Base Minecraft Space Elevator How to build a Space Elevator in Minecraft Minecraft Dome Base How to build like a pro Noob, vs Expert vs Pro building Year 3000 build

Texture Pack: Vanilla BDCraft Shader: BSL & SEUS Renewed


Cinematics provided using:

#Minecraft #Futuristic #Future

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  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

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  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

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  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

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    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

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