ADVANCED Tower Building Guide Minecraft!

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to another video here with me lemon slice we’ve been going consistently guys we’ve been going good there’s the lemon on the back of my shirt gotta love it now guys today we are doing another topic that we have covered before but this time in a

Little different way today we are talking about Towers once again but this will be how you can construct interesting looking Towers not just normal Towers I’m not I’m going to talk about the basics such as how you make the tower shape and the roof and all

That but also how to add things like arches and smaller Towers onto it or double towers and things like that so I love Towers in this game if you want to make cool good looking Towers it’s a great way to start your world it’s a really resource efficient build so if

You want a good little starter house make a really cool fancy looking Tower so without further Ado guys let’s get into this so if you’ve watched my other Tower videos you will know that this is a little uh representation of the circles that you can use for Towers now

Obviously this isn’t all of them but this is some now for really really small Towers on say the side of another Tower we can use walls and we can just go with four walls and this is the smallest tower that you can go with right here

And then you can put like if we grab let’s get a slab here I’m just going to demonstrate real quick just so I can show you and then we can put like a little roof on it hit here and it’ll be a tower and then maybe it’ll go up like

That see it that’s like the smallest variation of a tower you can make and now obviously that was ugly but you can make it look better than that um and then next you can use your walls to go here and like that and then we get our

Classic three by three I love this for smaller towers and then this is the perfect medium-sized Tower three by three but um without the corners so bumped out one with no corners so more circular three with one in the middle and then you can progress to this this Square version

Circle and then a real large Circle right here just as an example so there’s many many shapes you can use for circles and if you need help with circles it’s this simple just do one side okay so just do one side let’s say we want to

Have a bigger one that’s five okay and now it needs to curve right so let’s do one and then maybe we want to do two right and then that’s where you’re done you’ve made the circle essentially because you just repeat this now you go back one two three four five

That’s five and then two again one two three four five having trouble placing the blocks today three four five and then the two and boom you made a circle so you really only have to do one corner of the circle right in order to be able

To do the rest now how high should the tower be well it depends what your build is like so this is a a small Tower right here and I would say this Tower is of average height this is pretty good right here maybe even on the smaller end but

This is a perfect example just a small compact little Tower good it’s got a little side tower on it so this height is pretty good if you want it to be a tower Tower then I would go maybe even double this but our next topic we’ll be

Talking about is how to actually make the top tower look interesting which may play a role in how tall you want it to be now we are going to hop into another world and I’m going to build a tower with you so I can show you exactly what

I mean by these things but just before we do that just an example over here in the Builders Academy world if you recognize this world let me know but this is an example of some detail that you might consider adding to your Tower if you’re having a really tall tower

Radiance here we go here’s the perfect creating example right here and this is one that we will actually use today in our Tower just so I can demonstrate to you just so I can show you what I mean when I talk about these towers and adding some detail and using a gradient

For the towers so there’s an example then over here we have one of my absolute favorites the blue example right here this is gorgeous and there are some variations of this so send your gradients to me go to the Discord and send your gradients and it is a great

Resource for everybody to have but that’s something to consider if you want a gradient in your Tower it might have to be on the taller side at like you can see right here but let’s hop into another world let’s go over the things we’ve talked about and let’s start a

Tower okay guys so right here is our little Hill that we’re going to be building our tower on a nice little view around so it’s gonna be right here so we have to think about the footprint what do we want to be we want to be decently

Tall so it’s taller than this mountain so that it stands out over the mountain but we don’t want to be super big so let’s try and get a medium sized Circle going here let’s go with a um three one one and then three I like that that’s that’s a little bit

Um more Compact and I’ll bring it back one so three one three perfect that’s a little bit smaller and more around the actual range that I want and you can start out smaller and you can always buff up the bottom and have it come in

As we go up so we’ll start with the stone bricks on the bottom and then transition to the Cobblestone up here right about there is probably where we will transition boom right there and so I’ll go around and make this transition all the way up but guys something to

Keep in mind when you’re doing a gradient is you want it to look natural so don’t just start spamming blocks in there and make it look weird so make sure you have some kind of spot where you know what you’re going to have it come up to like right here that’s

Probably the highest part that I’ll have the stone bricks at and then transition to the Cobblestone now with this base it’s fairly large it’s kind of on the medium side I would say but we because we want a gradient too we can’t have it just be here so it’ll probably be maybe

Four times that height and we’ll just go straight up with it you don’t have to worry about odd numbers for the height it really doesn’t matter so you get your circle on the bottom or your square if you’re doing a square Tower you figure out if you want gradient or what your

Block palette is going to be and then you build it up to a height that looks pretty nice and don’t forget you are going to have a roof on it so this isn’t the final height it’s just the tower height boom just like that we have the gradient

Put in place so let me know what you guys think of that let me know if it’s uh if it looks decent I need some feedback from you guys too I don’t know everything so if ever in my videos there’s something that isn’t right or you have some feedback politely correct

It and let me know I’m always trying to learn and get better too so if you have any tips let me know um but here we go this is our Tower right here now this is the problem we can go ahead and put the roof on but it

Is so Bland looking right here the first step we need to put some windows in here so let’s see what what blocks do we want to use for the details well I love my trusty Spruce so let’s go in here with the spruce let’s grab some fences some

Stairs some trap doors those are not Spruce that’s trapdoor right there three tall maybe and we’re gonna actually break out all of this now you’re probably thinking what the heck is that that’s gonna look ridiculous which yeah it does it looks absolutely ridiculous right now but you gotta frame it you got

To make it look nice so put a stair right there and there and put a slab on top and then the same in the bottom open up and there we go we have a nice circular window right there and that looks really cool so what you can also

Do I like to do is add a little bit of height to this sometimes so they’ll go there and maybe one more and then two fences boom look at that that is absolutely beautiful beautiful now guys at the bottom let’s add a little bit of detail down here so with the roof I’m

Thinking we’ll continue with the spruce we’ll do like a little outline of spruce and we’ll have like some really cool like really colorful um looking roof up there we’ll try and pick a color I’ll show you how we do that but at the bottom down here what we

Want to do is we want to put some beef around the sides just bear with me when I say that I just mean we’re gonna beef it up a little bit right so let’s just go here let’s go two all the way around now this is not gonna be the final

Um thing I’m not going to go all the way around just so we can demonstrate here you kind of can just go and Beef It Up and I know it doesn’t really make a lot of sense but if you take a step back boom it looks a lot better when you go

And do something like that just kind of brings the tower together and you could even have an entrance and like a Stairway and stuff right down here I actually see a nice little natural path right there so maybe we’ll tuck a little door in right there or something but now

It does blend in a little too much though so maybe we need to replace the stone for something else I don’t know let me know what you think I think it looks okay if we just add in a little detail so this is what I want to do

Walls grab some stone walls right here boom and then boom some walls oop I missed get rid of that beautiful that looks a little better and then actually let’s get rid of these walls in the corners and let’s do this instead a little fence I think that’ll bring out that’ll add some contrast

Because the stone is so uh it Blends in so much there boom yeah I like that I like that that helps a lot beautiful okay and then so up towards the top here it’s time to add in the roof so whatever detail I use for the windows

And things like that in this case it’s Spruce I also like to use that for the roof so let’s kind of do a little bit of a design here now you can steal these designs if you want guys if you want to give credit when you build go for it if

You’re posting this somewhere but let’s go here and then we’ll do a wall an offense on all sides all right so we’ll get that around and then I’ll show you how to actually make the top of the tower so there we have it right there guys and for the actual roof I decided

To go with the yellow try and contrast this a little bit some bright yellow so I picked a gradient we’re also going to use on the roof so we’ll come up here and you can see I always have this ledge that comes out around the outside and

The first thing I do I’ll pick if I am doing a gradient you don’t have to you can just do a plain color I just like to play around with gradients I just think it’s fun and adds uh you know some different colors to it so what we need

To consider here is with a lot of towers what type of tower do you want do you want to be a shorter more Dome type roof because this is a tall tower no we probably want it to be a tall roof as well so we want it to probably be as

Tall as from right here down to the top of that window there so we want to have it slope up and what we really wanted to do is have like a very sharp slope so we’ll start out low and it’ll start getting taller taller taller and then

Slope in so the way we’re going to do that is we just have this base right here and then we’re just going to add a block on each side there and then we’re going to bring up behind it again just a small increase here we’ll

Go here boom and then this one will go a little bit taller go maybe three on this one like that and then we’ll bring it in again we’ll go with the brighter color right here boom three four and then oh is this brighter let’s see I didn’t I couldn’t really tell

Uh not really is the gold brighter yes it is okay okay so we’ve we’ll finish off with the gold here we’ll have it come down to there and then we’ll also have this kind of go this maybe like that um nope that’s that’s not good and then

We’ll finish off the gold this will be real tall right about to there now let’s take a look does it achieve what we want it to achieve boom I think it does it actually looks pretty good I think what we could do is maybe beef up this bottom

Just I keep seeing beef up and you guys are probably weirded out by that but we’ll do two walls two fences and then we’ll grab get rid of that uh let’s grab a lightning rod is what I actually like to use so we’ll go um with just two of these or just one

Let’s just go with one so we’ll just place it downwards like that and to finish it off we’ll grab ourselves an iron Rod really bring it to a point boom look at that isn’t that a nice little combo up there and we’ll take a step back boom isn’t that beautiful absolutely beautiful now

What you came to the video for how do I make it even fancier than this so the last thing I’m going to be teaching you is how to make those arches that’ll hold up another Tower or just a small little swing here to hold a miniature Tower how to build those I

Don’t know if I’ve ever talked about that but this is going to show you how right here right now now we’ll pop out this window right here so we will literally just boom slice that right down the middle slice that right off okay we’ll keep the trap doors there

Maybe and we’ll fill this in with some blocks boom boom boom boom boom boom we’ll take our block that’s here so our block here is looks like andesite and diorite combination but I’m going to use the andesite and the stone because we need some uh some stairs and uh slabs

Here so what we want to do is let’s get a general shape first so we want to come out here probably come up to about there invisible block and then we’ll have it slope for a little bit and then we’ll have it come down again probably right about there okay that

Looks like a decent little Arch okay that looks nice and we’ll have to add some of this to it right to make it slope down a little more something like that and then we’ll add a stare at the bottom of each of these here so that looks pretty that looks

Pretty good now this side will be a little bit shorter um and we’ll just add in maybe just a stair right there instead boom and we’ll just add in some slabs on that side right there perfect uh get rid of that one beautiful all right and

Then maybe we’ll even add in a couple slabs up there is it too thick now no that looks pretty good still nice okay so we got that arch in that’s how you make an arch super simple guys don’t over complicate it don’t overthink these these simple things okay I know it’s not

That simple but then what you also can do if you want is add some trapdoors in um just to make it look kind of like a walkway uh it adds a little bit more detail makes it look less 2D which you can end up with with these types of

Builds so there we go we got some trapdoors on there make it look a little bit better and then we will grab and we will make a tower so we’re gonna do with the tower here is we’re just gonna do like a small three by three right here

Like I talked about in the beginning wall fence and Rod we want to flip it upside down though boom just like that and there we go guys that is how you build the arch with a tower on it and if we don’t have a window on this bad boy

So let’s pop a window in it can’t be anything too big perfect now let’s see how that looks boom there’s our Tower right there guys I’m really happy with the way that that came out super happy with the way that came out now what do you think about this Tower guys what do

We think I hope this helped uh hopefully this Arch and all that the miniature Tower stuff helps and you can make it even smaller than that guys like I said if your Tower wasn’t this big and you need to do it you wanted to have a little additional Tower do it this big

That’s this is the smallest you can make a tower you can literally make it that small and go up with it I’ve done that many times so hopefully this was helpful guys hopefully this will add to your building repertoire and you will be able to help yourself and uh get better at

Building some Towers let’s zoom in here boom beautiful gotta love it guys so thank you guys for watching the video I know we talked about Towers a lot I love building Towers I love giving some tips on building Towers so build some cool Towers use these tips send them in the

Discord link is in the description guys and let me know what we should talk about next video I hope you enjoyed it’s been lemon slice peace out foreign

This video, titled ‘ADVANCED Tower Building Guide Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lemonslice on 2023-03-13 13:00:32. It has garnered 9672 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:43 or 883 seconds.

Welcome to a new video highlighting my favorite things to building Minecraft… Towers! – Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed! (LINKS BELOW) – =Discord- =Instagram- =tiktok- = Start your OWN Server!- – #minecraft #minecraftbuilding

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    The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock GuideVideo Information okay so I think we’re live me slide this down looks like it’s going yep that girl is probably more entertaining than me how you doing tonight sir oh two viewers I am popular Pro streamer is not in my future I’m afraid there’s a lot of work involved in that that I do not want to be all right so can you hear me all right by the way I did have to just configure the mic for the Minecraft settings an OBS and so hopefully it’s doing okay my volume okay too quiet too loud too… Read More

  • Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1

    Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1Video Information This video, titled ‘PvPlegacy Battle 3×1’, was uploaded by Twicher on 2024-03-31 20:26:38. It has garnered 60 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:25 or 685 seconds. PvPlegacy Battle 3×1 TAGS – IGNORE Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server… Read More

  • Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!

    Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!Video Information and we’re back and we’re live and we’re back uh doing an early todayand early uh welcome everybody back to Minecraft we’re going to get some stuff done hopefully without any internet problems uh if you watching the V on YouTube than on the video hope you enjoy it if you do like comment subscribe check me out live right here on Twitch all of that fun stuff being said let’s get into this so we’re going to Adventure a bit we’re going to do some stuff and and so it will go so we’re on the constant… Read More

  • EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!

    EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!Video Information benino si offre a bar da guida per la città Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Petro Petro Petro Petro Fidati di me Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Pedro Pedro P This video, titled ‘So exited for #minecraft 1.21!! #calcitecube #minecraftserver #server #funny’, was uploaded by Calcite Cube on 2024-06-12 17:24:17. It has garnered 463 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!Video Information oh guys guys he’s he’s getting out of the cave come back to where we were I think it’s because we just outed hey man [Music] hi This video, titled ‘Full video on channel #minecraft #viral #gaming #manhunt #streamer #clutch’, was uploaded by HyperlinkLuna on 2024-03-19 04:38:22. It has garnered 446 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)

    Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 95 | Satisfying sand art (Ghost 4)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-12 14:00:42. It has garnered 7719 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viral

    SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack 😳💖 #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-02-15 12:02:32. It has garnered 2877 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #minecraftviralhack34 🙂🔥 #minecraftshorts #gaming #viralshort #ttanding #gamingshort #subscr VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25… Read More

  • Elidia

    ElidiaServeur skyblock en cours de développement, n’hésiter pas a envoyer un message sur discord pour venir aider. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Java & Bedrock Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map: Check out our online in-game map Features: Backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with leads Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes, player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market, tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Optifine Drama: Mayhem Unleashed”

    “May Optifine unrest in distress, but at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA.” Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

    Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I craft my tale in a rhythmic stream. From ocean depths to Badlands high, I seek adventure, reaching for the sky. In search of sponges, I dive deep, Through underwater fortresses, secrets to keep. Then to the Badlands, where terracotta stands tall, Building a home, trading for the ‘Star Trader’ call. With each achievement, my journey unfolds, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. So join me now, in this pixelated land, Where creativity thrives, and blocks are grand. From ocean to Badlands, my quest takes flight, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 “Why do Minecraft boys always have to show off their fancy builds to impress the girls? Meanwhile, the girls are just out here mining diamonds and slaying creepers like it’s no big deal. Who’s really winning in this game?” 😂 #minecraftgenderwars Read More

ADVANCED Tower Building Guide Minecraft!