Ako – FTB Infinity #21 – T5 Altar and Orb

Video Information

Hello ako here again welcome back to feed the beast infinity why am i naked i’m naked because last episode was a world download and almost often here so i’ll just get it all back i left all my stuff in this chest i reset the spawn point to here so you should if you

Download the world i’ve spawned in here we’ve lost nick cage’s face we’re back to normal thank god for that and as you see i’ve done a little bit of building in here before i did the world download up a little bit so i don’t know what i’m wearing that thing

For that v stone i don’t think i’m actually making use of it there we go i’ve got a lot of stuff so that’s my uh chest for when i do all the weld downloads i’m going to chuck that down there there’s a room in there for it there is

Cool let me get all my gear back on i want my reconic yes axe shovel as far as i should at least upgrade the shovel shouldn’t i and then they’re gonna be in there i don’t want to be on there which one’s my commander that one okay

That goes there that goes there they go there that goes there and we’re about sorted yes yes okay all i need to do is put my hats on you can also see that i did as i said i would i made all the yellow hats because that was helping me with the

Blood magic which is what we’re going to carry on with so last time i did yeah just done this pattern these look kind of weird just floating in me there so i have put blocks around them i made it in the back i do want walkways around here at

Some point so i’m not exactly decided how i want to do it i think i’m going to go across two slope of one come across and then back down around each one and i don’t want it i want a normal waistband to get up and down without having to fly

I think that kind of works this pattern kind of makes the room look a little bit closer in a little bit sick yeah what we’ve got 1.2 trillion we’re getting there so what i want to do then is i’m going to before i do really quick if you watch ifo’s videos is

Set up for this is brilliant he’s done a setup that uses all nearly all a uses a extra utilities item node to pull the finished product out uses the formation plane at the top to put things in and it uses a crafting card in level emitters to turn the toggle button off

Which i think is really cool so i may change out to be a more ae one rather than a sticker’s factory manager because i like the look of it and i think my mic is touching my face balls that was my face not my first balls i don’t have face balls

Right um okay let’s jump into here did a quick cut and make sure my mic wasn’t touching so there’s an issue when i come in here i get a little bit of damage you may have noticed if you are keen of eye that i had these placed wrong last

Time i had a too high gap in between two of these as you can see i have done the full seconds here and i have done so on its own the tier one this around it if you remember ts2 this surrounded with the glowstone makes it

Tier three and this is nearly a tier four we’ve got all our sacrifice rules in place what we need now are the caps for these and that does require something a bit different something we’ve not done before and what i’ve done before we’re not done yet on this playthrough but what we need

To do is we need to get into rituals now so i made a lot more slits because we’re going to need them and uh what we’re going to do is first of all we’re going to call these things into our altar one more time and we’ll do that one as well there’s no

Cat use the code just yet these are all going to go in here so we’ll start off no not all these and all these let’s start off with a guest here and the guest here is going to become for us a elemental inscription air here we don’t want the diamonds or the emeralds

That is going to become a water the magma cream i predicted will become fire and the obsidian is going to become earth and then there’s what we’re going to make with this is what’s called a ritual diviner so if you put in the ritual only a couple of things involved in

Actually making rituals and i just realized i forgot one of them one of them is an activation crystal for which i need to make a lava crystal which i have not done yet so i’m going to cut admit that before i do anything um ritual wise we’ve got only a couple of

Things so the blood magic stuff goes up to this point that’s extra utility witchery which way oh that’s witchery so there’s these things here we’ve got imperfect ritual storms it’s pretty useful you can use it to make it nighttime uh i shall probably get one of them set up just

Just to show you what the crack is with that we’ve got ritual stone and mast ritual stones this is what you make rituals out of we have got a weak activation crystal and then an awaken that’s a higher level one so some of the higher rituals require this not this that’s a creative

One so i can ignore that and then we’ve got these ritual demanders that help you build your rituals and we’ve got two types and the uh the buff things get in the way a bit this one cannot place dusk runes that’s a tier three one this one can place just ones we need

A tier 4 to upgrade to that if you look at that one that’s an upgraded one with tier 4 slits and two elemental dusks and that’s what our call blocks here are for the call blocks are for making the dusks so let’s put them in as well might as

Well make them now so they’re ready for us later come on so you see this is just using the alte blood not to put anymore in we’ve got to take a great deal you are not working because you’re not a tier four although i can’t make it yet of course

So we can’t actually make that until we’ve got tier 4 so if we looked at that see that flutter tier 4 so we can’t make that use 2000 lp each making them these ones used 1000 only so we should have used 8 000 we should have a thousand there 2000 left in there

If we check with our divination sigil boom four thousand we’ve got four all right i can’t do a mass ten minus five six not two uh right and if you look at this you’ll see i’ve got 150 000 i maxed out our magician’s blood over there

Oh mass fill this early in the episode right now what i want to do come to my crafting table and we are going to go i believe in fact the easiest way of doing it it’s just going to that bam and that’s going to get us our ritual divana wonderful

So there’s that thing what this does is if we hold it and if we shift right click it it decides to go through all the different rituals so if we stop at any one of these if you shift left click it goes backwards so we’re going to stop on ritual a band in

There because that’s what we’re going to be using that’s what we need to use now and uh there’s no if we mouse over it press shift it’ll tell us what we need for this let’s go away from that buff we’ve got three seconds so we can see it a bit better

There we go so there a ritual abandoned requires eight blank stones four air for water four five four f the colors don’t really matter if you’re using a ritual divider because they place all the stones for you and the coloring for you what we need is a total

So 8 12 16 20 24 we need 24 ritual stones so what we want to do now is we’ll grab a load of slats and we want to make some ritual stones so ritual stones uh i need my bob put them back ritual stones are obsidian and plates and you get four

So let’s put all that in there so we’re gonna want four eight twelve like i said 24 but we also need a master ritual stone and a master ritual stone takes four ritual stones we need an extra one like that and now what i want

To do is we want to take the rest of these out and we’re going to put those in in place of where they were and that makes our master so there we go got a master ritual stone wonderful know what i’m going to do you don’t want to

Get me all back because i don’t want to leave it in there for now and then what i’m going to do i’m going to make this thing the weak activation crystal for that we need a thing called a lava crystal these are really useful actually because you can use them for um

Fuel sources for furnaces and stuff and it’ll use your lp rather than using coal whatever so you don’t have to ever for example thermal phone craft the fairnesses in fan craft if you use these you never have to worry about feeding culture or anything like that so they’re really useful

I’m going to make probably a handful of these so i’ll get some buckets of lava sorted out i’ll get that med and while i’m at it i make this thing as well the imperfect ritual stone pretty straightforward and i’ll show you that in action as well i should be back very shortly

And there i am then back near my thing here what i need to do now is put a lava crystal into there i don’t think it needs banning to me not yet anyway and that’s going to start getting processed i made four of these and the other three i’m just going to

Right flick and bounce myself current on there so these are really useful for automating the farm craft stuff the furnaces and such like because you don’t have to worry about feeding as i said you don’t throw a feeding fuel into them they’ve got their own fuel source i’ve not got enough

Blood in there silly me let’s get that filled up so you see i’ve got three rows of hats now so i’ve got the ability to get loads of blood in there and there we go we’ve got a weak activation crystal which also needs right clicking to band to me wonderful

And uh what i can do now is i can jump and buckets can go in there i can jump back into the overworld now i could build this in a real nice place but i’m just going to put it down again anyway because i don’t need them

That often i often leave them up just as a decoration kind of thing but we don’t really need it what i want to show you really quick is this thing the perfect ritual stun there is four things that can go on top of this one of them

Is a lapis block what lapis plot does with his clock on there if i click it bam takes us to the ninth time so if you want to get nighttime for any reason if you’re a vampire for example and uh you don’t want to sleep the day it’s a

Bit quicker than getting any coughing i guess uh there is one that produces a storm one that produces a strong zombie and one that produces a resistance effect for that sort of bedrock on it so you need to have some way of finagling bedrock on top of the

Imperfect ritual store and these days a lot of packs have flat bedrock so i guess that’s a bit harder there we go that makes it nighttime pretty useful if it’s raining there is a thing from our tools that someone mentioned by the way that i should make environment no not

The environmental one we’ve got that there’s a weather controller that i uh should look at i do need to create a dimension at some point because i want the infusion stuff to lower the power use of all my stuff because when to get a real lot of power use

When we add all this together mata beamer converts that into a beam of energy um right so there’s that that’s your imperfect ritual stone so that’s like the baby rituals now do i actually want to be nighttime i’m not probably going to get in my way so let’s make it there time

Thank you very much and we’ll drop down here so yeah i’m not going to keep this together i’m just going to use it and then pull it back up so i’m going to because i’m going to reuse the ritual stones so we are on the ritual binding

As it says there above my bar all i need to do now is hold the right button down it will place all the stones for me when the green things stop happening then you’ve got more place and there we go hello just slightly waiting there was you didn’t want to wear

Don’t want to ruin my floor on camera today so now all you need to do is actually get a sword because i didn’t make one oh this might take so long to fly up here so we also needed a diamond sword which i forgot to make blur diamond and the stick

Not a diamond stick just a stick this is a diamond sword gun hold it go in there and then down there again let me start to be on okay now control that again so we want to do is we want to click that as you can see there we are fully aware

That our ritual is activated because we’ve got this awesome pentacle thing going on and now what i want to do is want to drop our down and sword in there and get ready for lightning show and we also want to clip that just so your sword is not sitting fire but it

Comes back and there we go we have got a bomb blade this is a very important part of phone of blood magic because this thing first thing we need to do right click it make it bound towards so it’s using lp from my network and then we want to shift right click it

To activate it use i believe it uses a small amount of lp while it’s active what this does for us is the first hit you’re doing something it debuffs it that was a bad thing to test on no one’s looking for me the first thing we hit

See it’s got a debuff on it it’s got a little grey bubble things coming off it when you kill stuff that’s got that debuff on it you get a chance of what is called a blue chad this guy bloodshad is very important once we’ve got some imbued slits

We can actually make more blood charge once we’ve got one but you need one to start with you have to have one to start so one is all you actually need so you can use it to multiply but um with a weight wheelchair what we can do is we can make numerous things

One of the things we can make is large bloodstone bricks which are what we need to make our altec into a tier 4 so it does help if you have looting on this so i’m probably going to go cut then go into somewhere where i can kill the mobs

I’ve not been putting grass therefore look at this mess everywhere look at it you can see where endermen have been all over the place just bits of random grass where there shouldn’t be early yeah so i’ll get this i’ll get lu in three part on this because it’s gonna help

And um i shall go kill a few things get myself a at least one bloodshed and carry on i jumped into the nether give some blazes a bit more tickling in my little never mob farm thing there case death mob fam and i got two of these i

Actually needed two of these not just one i’ll show you for one in just a minute so let’s dump the rest of this junk in there you can go in there as well and that’s all i need so i picked up my ritual stones back up you will notice i

Did skip over it but uh you will notice that when i placed these with the ritual diviner it did actually paint these for me so you’d have to paint them you’d have to find out from the forum thread what order they’re going so this ritual design is really really useful now what

I’m going to do now is jump back in here that also took some lp i think it’s maybe about 16k for that different for different rituals we’ll have a look using our ritual our divination sigil and see how much he’s left in our network so it’s 831 so i’ve used about 20k total

I think i think it’s 16k for that ritual activation so i activate the ritual and yeah right what i need to do i said i can duplicate these but if you look at it i can in fact duplicate these but there’s an issue i don’t know and can i find this

There we go if you see there it’s if you slip which is tier three we can do that but it’s see it’s cycling through here i think it needs a minimum of a master blood orb so i’ve stopped on the master one there which our tier four one doesn’t show the

Magician’s one there so even if i had an imbued slit so let me quickly make an imbued slate and just double check this i think i’m correct so if i put that in there it’s gonna get sucked straight out in there yes turn that off turn off please thank you try that again

Get one of them guys in there and then we’ll start wanting to fill this up so now i’ve i’ve used my sword there and you can see it’s got the three on it i’ve just deactivated it so it doesn’t keep using lp for no reason

So i’ll fill that back up and see that’s now a tier three so in theory that where’s my i’ve gone well i think i’ve been there again so in theory if this doesn’t need a master i can put that in there with that one of them and it’ll give me five and

It is not so there we go so what we need to do is make a master and just so happens that we make a master stone using this so if we look through this again we will see that in this 40 000 lp so our ritual our alternative is ten thousand

Of course this is where the the um regen is really gonna become useful why are you working yeah no graphic coming off it’s not taking blood because it’s a tier three idiot ah yeah so i actually need three in total hmm it has had me over right

I need to do if i do anything else he’d make it to a tier four tier four although i so i need to get a stone combine one of them with a stone give me some bloodstone bricks they go on the corners one two three and four

Should now be if we look at it with a divination sigil it’s here for water and it is there tier four so now when we place that in there it’s going to start working red graphic coming off there and the blood’s going out there really quick so i’m going to try and

Keep up with it because of our awesome regen and the amount of hats we’ve got shouldn’t be a big issue so we’re taking 40 thousand lp from the last episode thank you very much the on resonant razz there is a mod called i am looking at blood which is

The mod that shows you on wheeler so what am i looking at i am looking at blood uh it shows you on where the contents of the altar so that’s something i’ve got in residence but it’s not in this pack which is why he doesn’t show it on this

Some cats fighting outside my house or facing off i can hear him going wow right there we go we’ve got a master blood orb wonderful so now if i add another thing i could start duplicating them i need to go killer things first before we can get

That so i can’t i still cannot do that yet what we can do now is we can put these in here and they’re going to become upgraded there’s one and there’s two and then what we can also do is make some tier four slits so start with this tier three one first that’ll

This quicker as you go through because it’s uh using more i always get confused with the buffers and stuff like that that the other ads load my mind the there’s a transfer rate and there’s a buffer and there’s a buffer transfer rate i can never remember where it goes but um some things

Transferred from the buffer quicker than others which is why i don’t know what i’m saying i’m probably best off just not seeing it we will find out when when i take this to tier 6 you’ll see what i mean about buffers because we will do something that increases the

Transfer rate from the buffers massively because we need it for cs6 so yeah that’ll do it for them great let’s go second one of these come on guy become the second one of these thank you we can now upgrade our ritual divana so that we’ve i think they went sideways in

These two of them two of them this is the upgraded one which can now place dusk runes wonderful and what we’re going to want is a new ritual now which i’m not going to stones for but i’m going to place it i’m gonna go one two three

Four there’s gonna be five blocks above my eye just gonna start there and there we need a lot more stones than 24 for this i think we need double 40 something so i shall get some made in a moment i’ll go get another bloodshot as well and

What we’re going to do here is we’re going to get it which you’re called we’ll keep going through here let’s come back to the beginning again we’re going to go through until we get the uh feathered knife ritual of the feathered knife is when we’re after so it’s going to start placing these

Hopefully that’s high enough that it won’t get in the way yeah it looks okay so i’ve used a 24 but it’s not done yet so i’ll get some more of these made from all these rituals done let’s just use that 64. so now i can that bounce me is

Put my magician’s one back i use these ones so let’s go to ritual again there we go and let’s have this full 64 of these into ritual stones because even if they’re not needed for this right now they shall certainly come in handy for other rituals let’s hold that down

Well that stops and i’ve got some left so that’s just to me we’ve got enough so that’s all good so what we can do now is activate this guy with our weak activation crystal and now you should see my energy is going down slightly because we have not automated

Our way so if i put that in there now that is going to start using blood at the altar and you can see it’s refilling because this guy is doing the clicking for us so we know we no longer need that we could use that to help speed things up

So we could do that and then if we’re clicking on that as well it’s taken from us and it’s taken from that but that now has automated this so that’s that’s wonderful what we can do if we wanted to we could set up a comparator on this

Redstone signal to that so turn it on only when it’s needed what we should see now in our divination sigil if we look we have gone we are going up so 111 565 i believe our maximum now is a million so i’m going to afk a bit let that fill

Up and then see where we’re going to go next i guess i’ll start making the stuff for the next here i might as well go straight up and i there we go there’s our automated ritual what we can also make now is what i want to make in the first

Place i’ve got some ender pearls and i’ll grab four to start with and come up here let’s just take that out for a second so as you see that’s draining quicker the blood was draining quicker than we can go in and let’s put a underpail in there

And what we’re going to get for an end of hell is a teleposition focus wonderful what we can do with these gold and the pills do the katella poses so we need at least two of these because we need two telephotos to teleport something so there we go

And then we need at least one focus because you have to use a focus to tell which one you want looking at if you know what i mean so there’s a second one of them another third one so those two are going to actually make let’s make some let’s just make some

Quicker easier to explain so teleport i’ve got two of you please once and so i’m going to leave it never never leave us stick and cobble someone kindly told me that the switches mod has been remade makes one i hope it gets added to the packs i try to keep

The pack standard as possible because i have well downloads right what i’ve done with this one i’ve let it go to the next here which is useful so i want to do it anyway one of them well you can see that one looks different than the ones we did

Because that one’s been processed twice so let’s make sure i grab this one and it’s only been done once there we go but what we’ve got here is two teleporters one and two and what we can do is with this focus we can click on one like that clicked on that

Click in the air to make sure it’s bound to me it bounced me anywhere clicked on that you can see there current owner is me coordinates uh bound in dimension four to six sixty nine ten what can do now is if we click on this without not using

That we can then put that in there and now this teleporter is bound to that one yeah so if i have something on this one such as a brick and then if i apply redstone lever to it with some signal but until it pauses that’s what teleporter does so that’s with the

Tier one focus that’s that one this is a tier two focus what this does it does a three by three by three cube so with this i can actually go they do transfer that teleport players as well well i’m still here i should have that in there

I could i suppose increase the range of my thing a bit so it’s actually getting me over here as well if i so desired so there’s a three by three by three cube if i try teleporting that will just the little one in it’s not done anything

It’s actually it might teleport that we can’t really tell i’m not talking out huh so we’ll swap that block for that block that’s all it’s done but look both the same so you can’t tell if we instead use this one so if i right click on that phone to me yeah

Swap that for that one and now try what we’re gonna get is boom it moved on the next tier up after that so there’s two more tiers of this the next one is with a bloodshed that makes it into a five by five by five and then the next one after that

Is using a demon bloodshad which you get from killing demons and that makes it into a seven by seven by seven right then okay i am about as far as i can go for now we’ll let this fill up i’m gonna get the next tier of these made we’ve got loads of nether

Stars so i’m gonna make four beacons so we can go straight to a tier five voter here and uh we’ve got a nice tier five automated all there you know only about at one last time it’s about maybe an hour’s worth of play probably yeah so yeah right i shall be back when

I am tff check this out how cool is this clipboard’s not going walls a couple of people told me someone saw me this a few days ago and i don’t think i was gonna i don’t know enough version for it but um someone reminded me again yesterday

Thank you very much look at that you just grab your clipboard shift right click stick to a wall you can still change pages by right clicking and you can do the ticks all right clicking you can’t add more to it vote to come to the wall there we go

So my p2p tunnels one can go next to where the ptp tunnels are and my to-do list user over here so we can actually look at it so what we’re working on then is blood magic of course which was on the list so we can tick that processing cell is the only thing

In our tools region check that as well cool uh i think processing cell osmotic says dublin yeah the processing zone was the only thing we could actually work towards that was on the list as it was not gonna do that just yet though uh shall i carry my blood magic let me know

I could now i could do a demon invasion for that we need to get into a bit of reagent processing make some reagents do they do the thing uh what i need to do after this i need to do another cell and i need to do it all set with

Um sacrifice orbs and get mobs in it because the next tier up’s going to be 40 mil not in 30 mil 10 mil see if i have 10 mil 2 6 30 mil possibly so i don’t want to be standing here let it fill up 10 million filling up for millions all

Right but i don’t want to be doing that so i need to make a mob sacrifice all there so i’ll just do another cell basically a cabin copy of this but instead of self sacrifice runes it’ll have sacrifice runs and instead of me being in the air

I’ll have mobs trapped in here witches cause witches region and it’s it’s easiest way to do it so i need to know that once we do that we can get that so you can have 14 million lp in it by increasing the capacity using runes of the orb which you can

Then do a demon invasion because you need 40 million lp to kick off a demon invasion you also need a load of reagents and stuff so i could get towards that for the next episode or so that’ll let me get a t6 alter a knob which is we need a demon invasion for

That if i do it do the version i want to do it in a rf dimension specifically for it so i can make a nice flat dimension for the demon tone to spread out on and i also want an rf dimension because i want the dimensional shads

So i want it i want at least one of these anyway for these things dimensional shads only spawn in arif tools dimensions so we need to make one for this anyway so that two beds are one stone it’ll get me place the demon invasion a nice flat

Area for it and it’ll also give me a place so i can get them so i can so i can augment my stuff again so that’s that and then complex manning spells to get that now the only complex minor spell i know is one purple manta made and it’s it’s

All complicated stuff and i don’t really want to try and fully learn to do reinvent the wheel with it so i’ll probably just do a copy of purple mental spell there so but i’ll do that on camera just in case you have not seen that so i

Use a complex the blood magic compact spells for mining the dimensional shards hopefully so that is kind of like the plan for the next couple of episodes let me know what you think what i’ve been doing while i was waiting for this was i just um quickly made a dimly researcher

Various tools i’ll put it down here with power so i’ve got a spare power under there i’ll turn it up just say you know what i’m like thank you so i made that and i i had about 200 dimlets from somewhere from that uh enderman fam i think

So i processed all them the one i was really after the only one i was really after was that touring flat because i want to do the demon division on flat terrain so i’ll do a really basic one i’ve got some really nice ones here but i don’t want to use them uh

For example for example uh come on give me give me a good one material obsidian is pretty cool but it’s cool than that no liquid ones liquid biogas and liquid chocolate milk awesome liquid ethanol and molten and darium i could make a ocean wells just full of molten and dairy and 42 nuts

Molten shiny as well but you want to use shiny to make endearing anyway so you just want to go straight for that so i could make some crazy whales i’m not gonna bother but they are there but i will show how to make a well but a real

Basic one so i i’ll be getting some bit of that to make as because that right what i’ve done here is i’ve got miles more of these than i needed i’ve been watching a couple of videos while i was letting this process and uh

Made a cup of tea and stuff like that so i got a lot of shards what i need is another 13 of these one two three four five six twenty nineteen eleven twelve thirteen so i’ve actually got some spares so spares can go in there for now as you can see

Where’d you go okay as you can see i’ve done like two i brought two stacks of stone and made them all into reinforced slits all i need to do now with my equal trade is good that’s 13. don’t yet i’ve got four beacons they just go on the same level

In the corners there and what we should now have here is a wonderful tier five we’ve got tf5 so we’re up to tier 5 what we can do now is the next step the next logical step is make a tier 5 orb which is archmage hatch merge needs a demon so

What i’m going to do is make the bits for a demon summon so that is reagent so we actually do have to get into reagents here so um make a basic okay so what we need for a demon spawn is we need arcane pedestals and plunge so we need

Six of one of these one of them was six six of them around it all the way around yeah prince has a master rob on it and then we have six pedestals around it and on those pedestals we need to place some reagents and one another is the holy one which is sanctus

We can fan sanctus there we go fox anxious we need the alchemical chemistry set some glossed on some gold nuggets some glass and some of this stuff simple catalyst which is also our chemical chemistry set so i guess that’s what i’m going to set up now for

The rest of the episode i believe since i last used these they have changed so i should be able to automate this with a2 more than i could before so that’s gonna be pretty cool right i’ll go get some stuff set up i don’t really want to set up

A cell just for that so i’ll probably see if i can do it here i’ll do a little setup down there so i’ll get some bits made and actually be back when we can make some sanctus fats let’s just get on with it let’s get on with it let’s make us a

Our chemical chemistry set first up in fact so it’s making william oh no what i need to do is go get that bloodshed i’m missing so i can start duplicating bloodsheds before i do anything else so i’m gonna have to cut what do i need if we can find it

Is that guy our chemical chemistry set ruin stand put me all up there come here rob i also want to do the forbidden magikarp as well because that’s even bigger than the tier 6 one well it gets me a chemical chemistry set i think i have two of these actually let’s

Have a second one of these that’s why i don’t like leaving the orb in there because it never brings it back because here it’s actually the one in there bound to you and it’s actually looking for just a blank one so there we go two of them i i cannot make that yet

Because i need okay it’s all good so i’ll come over here with this and one of these i’m gonna make simple catalysts and i might as well make a stack of them so let’s have a look at them again simple so what do we need redstone gunpowder glossed on sugar redstone

Two stacks one power a stack sugar probably not got any sugar form so a stack of sugar and a blue crosstalk stack of that wonderful this is the also the point where we’re going to start wanting duplicate orbs because things use more than one but what we should see down is a little

Graphic off there that’s going to start making those 64 of these simple catalysts so that’s our first thing and then sanctus we’ll go with sanctus this is probably going to kill me they normally do um so gloss on glossed on gold nuggets and glass easy enough glue two stacks gold stack glass stack

And we need an arb in there as well but i shall wait until i have got my simple catalysts getting all in there now it doesn’t have to be a master rob go through here see the print this one works okay that’s fine let’s just actually use my apprentice off

And then i have to wait so long so that means the magicians are probably work for that as well so let’s have a look let’s swap that for that oh not for that ain’t gonna work is it not for that and then swap put that in there we can always start getting

Some of these we actually need six of these to get going but you’re not guaranteed to what we’re doing it’s not in there in there no hold on get in there okay so we’re processing them as well now that’s going to start getting a sanctus

So six of them on them prince gets us a demon so a couple of things i’m gonna do one i’m gonna go put sharpness on that because if i fight in the demon i’m gonna do more damage than it’s doing it’s already doing 12 well i want more and i’m gonna

Go get some more blood shards duplicate some so i’ve got like a stack because we’re going to need them and i’ll get the plinths made i’m not going to do it in here but i’ll get all the stuff ready and we’ll come back we’ll kill a demon

And we’ll get our tears uh tfr bob before we finish the episode well some real weird went on then i was dead three times i’m up to nine deaths crazy uh i kept getting one shot hit by uh by players in my case air farm i was getting a couple of

Days i was doing all right then all of a sudden bam dead so i i went back and insta killed one shot i thought i must have been doing something wrong so i went back again and um yeah i turned the fans back on and stuff like that and i managed to get

It killed but yeah it killed me they killed me three times what a knob what’s an absolute knob i’m just picking another 64 of them because i thought why not and i’ve got 64 sanctus i’m going to need 64 hopefully i’ll just need six well i’ll take i’ll take 18 we’ll do three

Leave the rest there for now so you’re depending on how these are automatable i mean i may just have one for each thing we’re gonna want some of these for reagents into these things crystal bell jazz for them we need to make alternators get them pumped and get them transferred

Into there we’re not gonna do that just yet though what i want to do now is i want to make myself a i can plinth so i need several of these arcane pedestals before i can do that we need to make some more shads so with my arm and these

Eight imbued slates i’ve made we can multiply as you can see there we go so we’ve got a nice 33 i’ll do this for now 33 blood shads so i’m going to one uh seven of these one two three four five six seven and then i’m going to want some box fire in

One two three four five six and we’re gonna go like that one of them there this is the plinth which is the central area for this and uh if i call it be an ellen i’m going to need that with me yet i’ll take my arm with me and if it’s daytime

If it’s not actually make it their time let’s quickly make it daytime i need to be killing this demon with my my blood sword of course my um brown sword on blade so i’ll just put my one there for also to get mixed up in the panic that often in shoes

All right a couple of creepers to get rid of fast hello it’s round of duffy another creeper actually got a little shadow i think as well nice hat right okay seems to be clear of local wildlife so i can plinth like so and if remember this correctly i believe it’s there right there

There there and there and what i want to do here is in the middle we’ve got our massive lab and then on the outers we put our sanctit one two three four five six and that shows us that it’s working correctly this guy make this knack me i don’t usually do this with

A base gear poisoned me where’s he gone now he gets a little white graphic on him that means he reflects damage so that white graphic has got on him now he’s just oh what happened oh what the hell happened then hmm server’s still running and what is there he’s still here

I’m down oh yeah where am i region in what region where is he going come here oh christ are you nearly dead one of us is i’m sure oh i’m going down yay cool so there we go we have got a demon bloodshed and uh

Ah man that was close i was done so was that half a heart i was down so christ so demon bloodshed let’s say let’s just do one of them for now i think i need region portions of some can get some ambrosia made because i’ve got all the stuff for it

There’s no point in not using it i can’t believe how close that was so let’s now jump back into our b room so just one while you’re there get our region going again so our thing here should be full let’s have a look we uh yeah we’re full in there so let’s put

This demon bloodshad into here and then start filling this up where’s my um there it is it’s not getting that filled up so this ticks even more i should have actually looked how much it takes well this is a tier 5 bulb so as you might imagine this takes quite a bit

I think i should have got to full health first i might not have enough for this but i have got all all self-sacrifice runes so we should be getting quite a lot per click so the rituals taking off made plus i’m clicking i think it’s going to keep up possibly

There we go sweet so i’ve got myself a archmaged blob um so now we are a i believe a capacity of 10 million so this is really you don’t really want to be doing this uh self-sacrifice unless you don’t mind standing here for ages so right i’m gonna wrap up there

It’s a bit of a short one i think well we’re over about 50 minutes but i’ve been trying to do a bit longer than i am so it’s not really short short but not as long as i’d really like it but yeah between episodes i’m going to do a

Carbon copy of this room uh with sacrifice runes instead so that’s them guys uh them guys want to sacrifice pretty much the same but into the glow stone they use gold and uh i’ll get some mobs in that so we’ll get this up to 10 mil then i’ll

Show you how we can up that up to 40 mil and in the meantime we’ll also get the calculators and stuff made off-camera ready to make some readings next time so there we go i hope you enjoyed the episode thank you for joining me i’m i apologize for not getting the deaths on

Camera that i died well nearly died there to the sanctus thing luckily i managed to survive and i can now get to 10 million lp great stuff cheers bye

This video, titled ‘FTB Infinity #21 – T5 Altar and Orb’, was uploaded by Ako on 2015-04-05 18:03:17. It has garnered 4614 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:56 or 2936 seconds.

(FTB Infinity v1.3.4 for Minecraft 1.7.10)

Faithful32 Texture Pack(modded): http://www.magnificentbastards.net/faithful/

Thanks in advance for any new subscriptions or likes/favourites, your support is very much appreciated and they really help the channel. Please ask in comments, or by private message if you’d like to see me cover anything in particular!

Join me in the curse network: http://www.unionforgamers.com/apply?referral=do07zj42vizang

Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/

FTB Forum Thread (where my world downloads are available): http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/15111/

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ako_the_builder twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ako_the_builder

Music: Who Likes to Party – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

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    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

Ako – FTB Infinity #21 – T5 Altar and Orb