Albino Sword Demon With No Magic Becomes The Strongest Wizard Of Them All (1-15)

Video Information

The Story begins with our two main protagonists called a Stan you know who were abandoned as infants in the distant Village of Hage in a world where everyone can use magic yuno grows up with tremendous magical ability while a stag grows up with none a trait he is

Often mocked for one afternoon a stabeg sister Lily to marry him but she flatly rejects him as usual yuno also points out that as a nun Lily cannot marry him the church children are huge fans of yuno and his magical ability but makastas lack of them in return feudo

Similarly dismisses a stat when he acts out of hand and Lily remarks that the two were once Inseparable but an incident caused yuno to become rather cold and distant after being humiliated at having no magic of stat trains his heart out in a nearby Forest confident in his physical abilities and he swears

To be the next wizard King the following day you know alongside some other kids go to their Town’s grimoire Tower where once a year individuals their age receive their own grimoires which gives a stat hope that he too could one day use magic everyone receives their grimoires one by one but everyone’s

Attention turns to you know when he receives the fabled four-leaf clover grimoire known to be used by the first wizard King famous for its luck-giving properties however a stat is devastated when a grimoire is not assigned to him and is once again mocked by everyone around him undeterred he continues to

Train hard swearing that he will catch up to yuno in no time meanwhile yuno comes face to face with two Nobles who were also present at the ceremony jealous that they were upstaged they attack him but their blasts are effortlessly repelled by his win magic suddenly a man who introduces himself as

Richie the chain magician attacks all of them restricting them with his namesake chains he steals yunos grimoire as four-leaf clover grimoires fetch obscenely high prices in the black market Asta appears to yuno’s rescue but despite his physical training he is unable to keep up with Rift chai’s

Chains so in turn he is captured and richai openly mocks and insults a style once more and when he reveals that he senses absolutely no magic in him Asta is majorly disheartened right before esta gives up completely yuno speaks up declaring a stat to be his greatest rival or revitalizes gets up into

Everyone’s surprise a black grimoire bearing the mark of a five-leaf clover appears out of thin air where a three-leaf Clover represents faith hope and love and a four-leaf clover represents home within the five-leaf Clover resides a demon from depths of the black grimoire a Black Blade comes

Forth ten years ago a stand you know were inseparable though a stat is the same as he always was Yuna was quite a crybaby the one thing they have in common is that they both admire the wizard King whom they hear about from the stories that sister Lily would tell

Them even as a child established to be the wizard King so he can raise funds for their church he struggles to be of help to those around him so he can be worthy of the title failing to find anything he can do yudo is tasked by their father to deliver an important

Letter the next town over much to estas annoyance however after yuno delivers the letter he is beaten by a drunkard who steals his pendant yuno begins to cry but a stab appears and relentlessly attacks the much larger man frightened by his persistence he gives up and leaves and you know remarks that esta

Always seems to do the impossible back in the present you know watches is a staz Black Blade nullifies with chai’s chains leaving the latter in a State of Shock Asta then declares that he will be the wizard King even without magic he ends up defeating riftyan afterward he

Excitedly shows yuno his own grimoire remembering their promise from when they were younger Yuna once again declares a stat as his rival and to prove to everyone that anyone can become the wizard King even if they are an orphan from a Backwater town as the sun sets

The two bump fists as they begin their rivalry to become the next wizard King we then come to discover that centuries earlier a great evil that threatened to wipe out the world was defeated at the hands of a great Mage who has come to be known as the first wizard King this

Title would be passed down through the generations and assisted by the magic Knights who continued to keep the peace the magic Knights are comprised of nine squads and to become a magic Knight or the wizard King is an aspiration of all after the events of rivchai Botha Stan

You know are training hard to participate in the upcoming magic Knights exam to join one of the nine squads although father orsi is against to stop participating the wizard of the grimoire Tower reasons that it is okay for him to go and sister Lily agrees the

Next day esta is joined by Nash one of the kids from the orphanage who says that his goal of becoming a wizard King is pointless as in his words poor orphans like us aren’t allowed to dream unfazed by his pessimistic attitude astat tells him that anything can be

Done if you don’t give up which he seems to prove after reducing a giant boulder to Rubble with nothing but his sword the night before they are set to leave the orphanage has a huge potato themed Feast to send them off father orsi jokes that he’ll soon see a star again regardless

Which infuriates him the two leave early the next day and Nash says that he’ll join the magic Knights one day too sister Lily is overcome with emotion at seeing two beloved members of her family leave the two begin their long and arduous Journey towards the Clover Kingdom’s Capital using their magic to

Survive and racing along the way and after several days they arrive ready to take the magic Knight’s exam and to take their first steps to become the wizard King a style and you know under the castle town of Kika and make their way to the magic Knights examination site do

You know what tracks attention for being a wielder of the four-leaf clover while stat track’s attention for being loud much to yuno’s exasperation once there the examinees are swarmed by anti-birds which flock to those with weak magical energy while yuno has an area feather on him a stat is hilariously bogged down by

An entire flock to everyone’s Amusement he runs head first into Yami the captain of the black Bull’s night Squad a squad famous for its reputation of collateral damage and is regarded as the worst among all the squads Yami threatens to kill him after a stock calls him old

Which amuses SEC another examinee who introduces himself to a staff soon fireworks signal the start of the ceremony proper in the various captains of the magic Knight squads enter the arena and SEC explains them one by one to a staff captain of the Golden Dawn called William has been touted as the

Strongest among all the captains and is the man closest to becoming the wizard King Yami also arrives fashionably late William Begins the exam by giving all the examinees a wooden broomstick but because a stat has no magical ability he is unable to get it to fly similarly several of the exams require magic

Control which the staff fails one by one however the final exam is announced to be a combat round and SEC volunteers to fight him thinking a stat is easy pickings esta wishes him a good match but sex shows his true colors by calling a stad dirty peasant enraging him second

Cases himself in a magical barrier meant to protect against outside attacks while simultaneously firing off barrages of magic bolts which he brags is a great offensive and defensive spell the fight begins in a stat defeat second a single Rush cutting through his barrier with his Black Blade startling everyone who

Had expected a stat to lose as estas stands over the unconscious SEC he declares that he isn’t here to play around but to become the next wizard King the interests of the various captains are peaked especially Yami who senses that astat has no magical ability

At all and his feet was purely due to his physical prowess the fight’s progress smoothly until yuno is challenged by Salim a noble who sees him as an inferior peasant however despite Salam using his so-called greatest attack you no easily defeats him with his way magic afterwards the examinees

Are called forward one by one and the captains will raise their hands to indicate their interest in having them join their squad the examinee can then pick from among the captains who raise their hands however if none of the captains do so then the examinee is

Deemed to have failed and is forced to retire home the selection process is surprisingly strict with few getting any offers at all however once it is eunos turn every single Captain raises their hands stunning everyone as it is thought only Nobles could join the Golden Dawn and silver eagles wanting the shortest

Path to be the wizard King you know Alex to join the Golden Dawn it is now a stas turn but to his horror none of the captains raise their hands astai is heartbroken is soon heckled to leave the selection area but Yami comes down to

Face him he tells him such is the cruel reality of not having any magical power and asks him if he still intends to be the wizard King when the starry affirms his goal Yami is impressed and extends him an invitation to join the black bulls and tells him that maybe someday

He can be the wizard King Astan you know meat and say their goodbyes as they now go their separate ways xiaomi grabs a stat and throws him through a portal created by funeral into the black Bull’s base where he welcomes him to the Kingdom’s worst magic Squad a stat

Watches an audit chaotic scene unfolding before him at the black Bull’s base Yami tells the squad to stop destroying the base but he smashes a wall demolishing it in the process Yami introduces them to a Statin the members are surprised he hails from Hage Village he and his

Funeral introduce him to the members one by one with the introductions concluded Magna who is skeptical over astaz ability gives him a trial to see if he is worthy of a black Bull’s robe fortunately all the trials are a test of estas physical abilities which he easily

Clears however for the final trial he challenges his stat to either absorb or deflect his fire magic head on and only then will he recognize him as a black bull Asta then brings out his Black Blade peaking the interest of the other black Bulls magnifiers off a giant ball

Of flame which is that is narrowly able to deflect back at him a star is afraid he killed his own teammate but he is relieved when he sees Magna come out unscathed having nullified his own magic at the last second he runs over to a staff greatly impressed at how he sent

His own magic back at him but he is even more impressed when he learns a stat has no magic whatsoever calling him a true man the other black Bulls join in congratulating him and his promise they give estaya’s black Bulls cloak which he proudly accepts his membership Now

Official he’s warmly welcomed into the black Bulls while the group celebrates a girl that’s also a new recruit to the black Bull’s looks on thinking of a saz nothing more than an insect astai is shown to his room and although it is shabby and run down he is happy to have

A room to his own for the first time in his life Magna then reminds him to write a letter back to his family in h likewise yuno is shown to his far more lavish room in the Golden Dawn where his instructor Klaus treats disrespects him

Because you know is not a noble back in Hage or see Lily and the rest of the orphanage receive news of a staff and yuno’s acceptance into the magic Knights and they are thrilled Morsi goes to spread the news throughout the village while Lily silently Wishes the two good

Luck the next day while Magna gives a style Grand Tour of the black Bulls base they run into null a staz fellow recruit and a member of the royal family sensing no magic in a staff she dismisses him calling him an insect to show them the difference in their power she fires off

An orb of water towards him but it inexplicably curves and hits Magna instead an Irate Knoll abandons her black Bull’s cloak calling it the worst Squad in the Kingdom before leaving Estelle later encounters Noel in the forest practicing her water magic he then sees the issue with Noel although

Blessed with great latent magical power her spells somehow do not hit their mark this is a trait for which she is scorned by her family including her brother the captain of the silver eagles when Noel sees a statue is embarrassed and tries to blow him away with magic but it goes

Out of control and she ends up trapped in a Vortex of water since the style is the only one able to safely extract her Yami throws a stat towards it nullifying it with his Black Blade fearing she will be mocked once more Knoll is instead surprised when a stat Praises her

Magical abilities saying that if she practiced she’d be Invincible the rest of the black Bulls reassure her that her failure to control her magic is no big deal all of them have flaws and one or two flaws does not make you any less of a person Knoll accepts a staz hand in

Camaraderie learning that this squad will accept her for who she truly is a style wakes up early to perform daily chores around the base but realizes this is no different from when he was at the orphanage over breakfast he asks the other members what it means to be a

Magic Knight and they each give their own personal selfish answers which worries null as she wonders if she truly is a fit in the black Bulls the Army arrives at the cafeteria and calls Magna to go with him on a very important Mission esta asks if he can go but Magna

Says they’re not allowed to bring kids along with them it turns out that their important mission is a game of poker with the mayor of Saucy Village say hi after losing everything to his Royal flesh they return home they inform a Statin null of their first mission as

Punishment for losing against the mayor they are tasked with dealing with a pack of wild boars roaming Saucy Village esta points out that they should have nothing to do with this as it was Yami who lost but he threatens to kill them if they don’t go Noel is worried she might not

Be of much help due to her lack of magical control but Magna reassures her that he’ll be there to clean up if things go awry with funeral unable to create a portal to places he’s never been before and a Statin Knowles inability to ride Magic brooms Magna is

Forced to bring them to Saucy on his customized broom the Crimson Cyclone they experience a turbulent ride but meanwhile several mysterious individuals have also arrived at Saucy to search for a Magic Stone among them is a man with a scar across his face talented in ice magic after dealing with several Bulls

At the outskirts of Saucy Magna tells the two of them of how in his youth he was a troublemaking delinquent but he was set straight by the mayor say hi it was he who encouraged him to become a magic Knight despite his peasant background when they arrive near the

Village Magna is horrified to see a Mist enveloping the entire town he tells USA to use his Black Blade to cut through the mist and the three make their way into the city center where they see rescue the villagers from being impaled by icicle shards here they see a scarred

Man named Heath accompanied by three other Mages who threatened to eradicate them when Heath says that the peasants in the village are nothing more than lowly beasts both astai and Magnus Pride at coming from Villages are hurt and they swear to defend them with their lives although he is surprised at estas

Ability to cut through his magic he begins targeting the villagers instead astounded Magna frantically attempt to defend the villagers but they soon begin to be overwhelmed at the onslaught of Heath Magna running dangerously low on magical energy throws everything he has but the ice keeps coming Heath tells

Them he is willing to let them go if they abandon the villagers which Noel considers for a moment as she feels she is holding back a stab and Magna however when a girl grabs the Hem of her skirt asking her to save them she has Newfound

Resolve and a new magic appears in her grimoire the sea dragons Lair she casts a huge swirling Vortex of water that defends herself and the villagers around her as Heath is astounded at the sheer power of her magic Heath is surprised at knoll’s Magic and despite his repeated

Icicle volleys they fail to penetrate her barrier a static the opportunity to mount a counter-attack but Heath cleverly makes him slip on a strip of ice he then calmly walks towards knoll’s barrier and begins freezing it bit by bit Magnum aware of his natural advantage against Heath grits his teeth

As he knows Heath’s magical capacity far eclipses hiss however a stat returns and tries once again to take down Heath but to know fruition Magna inspired by estas Relentless attacks emerges from the barrier once more he fires off his final attack the prison death scatter shot a

Massive Valley of flame bolts but he successfully repels it just when all hope seems lost a stat appears behind Heath and uses his Black Blade to reflect the scattered Flames back towards Heath and his cronies he finds that the Flames don’t go out on their own and he desperately tries to

Extinguish it with his ice but estad delivers the finishing blow knocking out Heath Magner restrains the remaining members but one of them manages to escape a stack collapses from his injuries but no looks on remarking that even though he’s loud and annoying he is a little cool they later try to

Interrogate Heath but realizing he has been captured he kills himself and his cronies this shocks the three Bulls especially estao who is disgusted at their blatant disregard for life they then bury say hi while a tearful orphan declares he will be a magic Knight one day too despite being a commoner Magna

And as they encourage him to follow his dreams and an anti-bird suddenly swoops down and pecks at a staff they notice that in its beak it is holding a Magic Stone presumably the target of Heath the orphan boy says that it was sehi’s old charm and offers it to them as a reward

Meanwhile a cloaked man learns of Heath’s demise and concedes ownership of the magic stone for now he touches a large gravestone remarking that the resurrection of their Lord is close at hand on the collar of his robe rests the symbol of the Golden Dawn the free return to the black Bull’s base and

Despite the death of say hi Yami commends them for defending the villagers for their efforts the wizard King has awarded them a gold star bringing the black Bulls grand total to negative 30 Stars compared to the Golden Dawn 70. he hands them their paycheck of 200 000 coins on amount of stat has

Scarcely seen in his entire life he plans to send a portion back to Hage but Vanessa invites him and null out shopping the next day they head out on Vanessa’s magic broom to Kika the same menu as the magic Knight’s exam weeks prior they see funeral gauche and Charmy

All spending their salaries in their own way after Vanessa purchases some medicinal herbs she brings a stat and null into a hidden alley where the black market is located Knoll is initially hesitant to partake in possibly illegal dealings but she is convinced to participate when Vanessa says that

Certain artifacts could help her control her powers meanwhile SEC is also in the alley losing in a game of cards against an old lady he trudges back to complete his mission but he remains bitter about being in the praying mantises he sees Noel and Vanessa and enamored by their

Beauty tries to hit on them but he is rebuffed a star returns from buying Novelties and he reunites with SEC who is jealous that astaggets to spend time with two beautiful women suddenly an old lady cries out for help as her card winnings were stolen in response a stat

Jumps into to action a stat chases the thief throughout the Alleyways while SEC follows closely behind him riding atop a magic Cloud the thief is shocked by astaz persistence and is puzzled at how he can keep up despite him riding on a cloud knowing the cloud is made of magic

A stath throws his sword at it to disable it the thief crashes to the ground where seclai is waiting to capture him however he is stabbed with a poison dagger and fears he will soon die but a Stang encourages him to live on Vanessa arrives and treats the poison

And sick leaves with the thief bidding a staff Knoll and Vanessa farewell the black Bulls return the stolen money to the old lady and they warn her to be more careful in the future as they leave it is revealed the old lady is not an

Old lady at all as the disguise is shed revealing it was the magic King Julius himself all alone he is impressed by astaz anti-magic blade and when he looks to the sky he sees another interesting Prodigy you know you know alongside his co-recruit mimosa and his instructor

Klaus are tasked with a squirting Salon towards the heart Kingdom salom nuno’s opponent during the magic Knight’s exam inquires to his beginnings and yuno speaks of his hometown of H suddenly a black cloud covers the sky and when yuno goes closer to investigate it he is attacked by Magic Bandits although

Caught off guard yuno eventually defeats the band but Klaus is skeptical as the bandits somehow targeted only you know and not Salim Salim intrigued by Hage elects to visit the village despite close protests when they arrive sister Lily father Orson and the rest of the orphans happily go out and greet yuno as

Well as their esteemed guests they invite them to stay the night and although Klaus objects salom insists on staying Klaus is annoyed that he a noble must be subjected to being in such a rundown Village they enter the church as Lily prepares a potato themed dinner as everyone dines on hage’s best potato

Dishes Yuna learns from Lily that both he and the staff have been sending back money to his annoyance astat has been sending back more than him so he promises Lily to send his entire paycheck next month when Solem asks for more water lily goes out to fetch some

From a nearby well before she leaves Salon drapes her in his cloak saying that it is chilly outside however you know here’s a struggle and races outside and finds that Lily has been taken away presumably by the bandits Klaus orders him in Mimosa to leave with him in Salem

At once despite Klaus orders yuno goes by himself to look for Lily defeating the bandits one by one until he finds her underneath the skull of the giant demon the Bandit leader orders yuno to surrender his grimoire threatening to burn off Lily’s face if he refuses you

Know feigns a retreat only for Klaus to reveal himself attacking the Bandit squarely in the head with a magic spear Klaus explains that using mimosa’s magic truth flower they were able to ascertain Salem’s true intentions he specifically asked for yuno to escort him so that he could lure him and have his revenge

Klaus says he will Overlook yuno’s insolence for now since Salim was the one responsible for the incident although he Praises him he says he has yet to acknowledge Him Mimosa laughs knowing that Klaus simply isn’t being honest with himself they elect to release salom and his men but when Salim

Attempts another attack on yuno Lily uses her Waterman magic to wash him away leading Klaus to remark he’d like to recruit Lily into the magic Knights as well meanwhile the last missing Bandit was taken care of by Julius who had followed yuno all the way there he is

Finally found by his advisor Marx who demands that he returned to do his work immediately when you know mimosa and Klaus return to the Golden Dawn base they learn they have also received a star from the emperor when they question how such a simple Mission would have warranted a star William explains that

When Salem was captured he ended up confessing to several corruption charges against his father when Julius learns of the appearance of a dungeon he decides to leave its exploration to certain individuals meanwhile at the black Bulls base the group tries to decide on a name for the anti-bird that constantly

Follows a star around and they settle on Luck’s suggestion Nero Yami arrives and informs them that the wizard King himself has asked for a stat to explore a nearby dungeon esta isolated that the wizard King asked for him personally and he is pumped up to explore the Dungeon

Yami has null accompanied his stat and luck to serve as their squad leader they travel via funeral’s portal and they make a short trip towards the dungeon after exploring for a while luck senses a powerful enemy using his magic sense and he casts his magic Thunder boots to

Travel towards it leaving a stand null defend for themselves much to their dismay Knoll is self-conscious that she is alone with a staff and hurriedly makes her way throughout the room but she is caught unaware by a man-eating plant a staff reads her momentarily but

He too is soon caught in its Vines and they are brought to the monster’s gaping mod to be eaten suddenly magical needles strike out at the monster releasing them both Noel comments on the extraordinary control of magic and they turn to see you know alongside mimosa and Klaus of

The Golden Dawn euno smiles remarking to a star that he has finally repaid his debt and this brings the anime to an end comment for part two don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until

Next time take care we last Saw Austin yuno reunite inside a mysterious dungeon after the latter save both him and Noel from a man-eating plant the two groups make their introductions and Klaus becomes annoyed at Austin’s rudeness while Knoll is off put by the unintended rudeness of her cousin Mimosa Klaus then

Asks about the whereabouts of the black Bull’s third member but neither Austin nor Noel can admit that luck ditched them Klaus then insults the black Bulls calling them incompetent so Austin declares that they will be the first to conquer the dungeon the two digress into a shouting match while yuno and the

Others look on an amusement that Klaus was caught up in Austin’s flow as the Golden Dawn leaves to explore the Dungeon the black Bulls chase after them both Austin and yuno are thinking the same thing who can reach the treasure room of dungeon first meanwhile King Julius is informed that the

Investigation of the dungeon is progressing smoothly but is warned that the aggressive Diamond Kingdom has sent a battle mage who goes by lotus of the Abyss to investigate the dungeon as well however his court is concerned Julius is confident that he can be handled luck has defeated the entire Diamond Kingdom

Regiment but now he eagerly faces lotus lotus initially tries to escape but luck quickly catches up to him realizing that He commands the power of smoke luck appears to be overwhelming Lotus but his knees suddenly Buckle Lotus then explains that the entire time he was casting a weakening smoke on him an

Attack that is invisible to the naked eye meanwhile the Golden Dawn is the first to arrive at the treasure door and Mimosa wonders where the black Bulls are she is suddenly struck by shards of crystals Gravely injuring her Klaus and yuno look at their attacker a mysterious white-haired man from The Diamond

Kingdom who demands that they move shaking off the effects of the magic luck begins feeling the thrill of battle even more he begins fighting seriously having electrified his arms Lotus observes that his revitalized opponent and remarks that he’d rather not pluck a bud that is still young in his youth as

A commoner luck was scorned by his mother for his Twisted personality after he defeats a noble with his magic his mother suddenly Embraces him and convinces him he must keep on winning back in the present luck unleashes a vicious rush but Lotus restrains him with solidified smoke at the cost of a

Significant bit of his magic however the payoff is well worth it as Luxe power continues to slip away from him meanwhile Mimosa casts a cradle of healing on herself while Klaus immuno deal with their attacker however Klaus senses that their opponent has such immense magic even without a grimoire

Realizing that they are outmatched he orders yuno to head to the treasure room Austin Noel led by Nero stop when Noel senses dense her Mana in the air and identifies it as Lux osta suggests that they help him out but Noel reasons him to focus on the mission at hand that the

Diamond Kingdom May reach the treasure room first simultaneously as Klaus is overwhelmed and his Lotus reaches out to luck yuno and Austin arrive to the rescue of their respective teammates having remembered their conversation years ago they both declare they have come to rescue their friends luck initially refuses to cooperate and goes

After Lotus by himself but Oster reminds him that he has come to have friends he can rely on Lotus is forced to get serious and uses a deadly Vortex of smoke trapping the black Bulls luck hypothesizes that Lotus can sense their magic through the fog so he uses

Lightning bolts to herd him into an area where Austin is waiting he slices him in the air sending him crashing into a wall meanwhile you know simultaneously summons wind blades and a wind Eagle to fight their attacker a feat which impresses Klaus but to his horror yuno

Is easily beaten regardless and the Gap in their abilities is as clear as day lotus’s injuries forces him to retreat in a smoke car the black Bulls give Chase but they end up losing him luck suggests they get a move on to the treasure room irritating Knoll as that

Was supposed to be their aim from the beginning however Luck’s sensory magic acts up and informs them that someone far stronger is here while Lotus regretfully Retreats he leaves the mission to Mars The Diamond Kingdom’s secret weapon Klaus is horrified at the difference in levels between them and

Mars and recognizes him as a specially designed battle mage yuno continues to fight on in vain as his win-based attacks appear to have no effect on the mineralized Mars Mars tells him to give up but you know knowing that osta would never do such a thing as galvanized and

Continues his assault Mars drops a giant sword on him but he is saved by Austin who slices it clean in half after austa exchanges banter with yuno he turns his attention to Mars who he quickly puts on the ropes Klaus is astounded that a peasant with no magic could put up a

Fight when the Golden Dawn struggled so much soon luck and Knoll arrive to support them against Mars Diamond clones Oster relentlessly attacks Mars smashing apart every attack that is thrown at him Klaus is in disbelief and Noel explains that osta’s power is Magic negation Klaus thinks that Austin was just lucky

To be blessed with such a power but Noel tells him to just sit back and watch when Austin is crushed by Mars Diamond giant Klaus is shocked to see austa’s muscular body making him Wonder just what kind of training he put himself through Mars calls also an insignificant

Pebble and Oster retorts that he is a pebble that shatters diamonds leaping and destroying Mars giant in the process with this Victory Oster raises his sword in Triumph Klaus restrains the fainted Mars with his steel magic and confiscates his grimoire Austin wonders if it is enough and he reassures him

That it is after a brief yelling argument between Asta and Klaus Austin cuts through the door leading into the treasure room they find themselves among massive piles of gold treasures and magical Oddities you you know is drawn to a certain scroll and after he opens it a strange light engulfs him the words

On the scroll disappear soon after and Klaus tells him to put it back Austin is then led by Nero to a strange button but just as he is about to press it Lux sensory magic activates and he warns the others to get down the grimoire flies

Out of klaus’s hands as it returns to its rightful owner Mars who has returned with a Vengeance he summons a wave of diamonds restraining Klaus luck and yuno Klaus is shocked at how easily Mars Broke Free from his anti-magic restraints he is further shocked when he notices Mars using fire recovery magic a

Trait he knows is impossible as Mages can only use Magic from under their main element be it fire water wind or Earth Mars begins his assault mortally wounding Knoll in the process and osta screams in horror while Mimosa tends to Knowles wounds Oster rushes to fight

Mars but now he is aware of osta’s powers he instead overwhelms him with speed sending him crashing through a wall Mimosa then begins using the strongest magic she possibly can acknowledging Noel’s efforts and hard work all these these years when Austin comes two Nero flies towards a smaller

More Nimble sword which osta picks up he uses it to attack Mars into great effect as it also has anti-magic properties but it is light enough that he can use successive strikes null reawakens and gives us the words of encouragement saying you are the first peasant I have

Ever acknowledged lost his new sword glows blue which allows him to unleash a water slash on Mars negating his fire recovery and knocking him unconscious however Austin is Gravely injured in the process and he collapses Mimosa rushes to tend to Asta but she is worried that her magic may not be enough an

Unconscious Mars recalls his time in the diamond Kingdom’s experimental Labs where he was forced to kill his only friend called fauna as the sole survivor of their forced Battle Royale the scientists decide to implant him with magic stones and fauna’s Fire magic meanwhile Mars regains Consciousness and

In a fit of rage against Austin he prepares to deliver a fatal blow yuno finally breaks free using his magic but his four-leaf clover grimoire suddenly activates on its own freezing time for the this around him however a small fairy appears which unleashes magic that instantly defeats Mars and time begins

To flow normally unaware of what just happened yuno notices that the words from the scroll have appeared on his grimoire and likewise the grimoire of Asta absorbs the sword he had picked up into its Pages Klaus is confident that Mars is defeated for good but the dungeon begins to fall apart around them

Judo uses his wind magic to carry them out but Asta pleads to rescue Mars reasoning they came to conquer the dungeon but not to kill however they are unable to do so as the destruction of the dungeon makes it far too dangerous using Luck’s sensory Powers he safely

Guides them out of the dungeon while the rest of the Mages use their magic to defend themselves in Asta against falling debris they make it out of the dungeon alive meanwhile Lotus who was trailing them the entire time manages to save Mars alongside heaps of treasure finally remembering that fauna told him

To go out and see the world Mars shows gratitude to Lotus for saving his life Asta finally awakens and Klaus Embraces both him and yuno apologizing for his behavior towards them so far acknowledging them as wonderful magic Knights of the Kingdom Oster wakes up after sleeping for an entire week and

The other black Bulls tease Knoll for checking up on him so often after eating his fill austa and Noel are instructed by Yami to visit the magic Knight headquarters as they were requesting a report along the way they bump into yuno mimosa and Klaus who were also on their

Way to give a report Klaus has become more friendly towards Asta while Mimosa is visibly flustered at the sight of him having developed a crush since their dungeon operation when Noel sees her acting bashful she wonders if she herself has feelings for him too but quickly convinces herself that there’s

No way they arrive at the headquarters where the wizard King Julius has come out to greet them this is Asta and yuno’s first personal encounter with the man they admire he is intrigued by yuno’s Newfound magic which he identifies as Silph one of the four great spirits he is equally fascinated

By asta’s new anti-magic sword internally remarking that absorbs a great deal of magic austin yuno asked him how to become the wizard King and he replies that it is through Merit accumulate enough Merit and you will have the respect of the people he then invites them to an awarding and

Promotion ceremony of magic Knights for those who have accrued a significant amount of stars in attendance are several notable Mages including the Silva siblings nozzle solid and nebra also attending are the magic Knights Leopold electora Sandler as well as several captains after the ceremony Julian excuses himself but invites them

To enjoy a simple reception which hasta yuno Knoll Klaus and Mimosa also attend however once there the Nobles in attendance scorn their very presence especially ostas do rough behavior however when the Silva siblings begin bullying Noel calling her a failure an angry Oster criticizes them who once

Thought so highly of great magic Knights causing electora to envelop him in his Sand magic to silence him Oster cuts out of the prison with ease declaring that he will one day be wizard King and silence all those who doubt him the Nobles are in Shock at such an

Outrageous claim the Nobles are shocked at his insolence and the Silva’s unleash a barrage of magic against osta but he cuts them down one by one recognizing his sword can erase magic elector restrains him using a Sans Soldier solid fires off a water snake attack but osta summons his great sword deflecting it

Back to him suddenly nozzle releases an immense amount of Magic pressure which sends a cold shiver down everyone’s spines he tells solid to cease at once lest he embarrassed the Silva family name afterwards Leopold who is a cousin of mimosa happily greets osta who is impressed by his boldness he declares

Him to be his rival and challenges him to an arm wrestling match nozzle turns to fugolian who finds it absurd that a noble would declare a peasant to be a rival they both unleash their magical pressure but a guard bursts into the room with news that the capital is under

Attack led by a crazed white-haired man swarms of Undead attack the city with the crazed man calling out the magic Knights to come and stop him electora creates a stone model of the city far more advanced than mimosa’s flower model creation he identifies key areas but before he can give them their orders

Oster runs out of the room saying he’ll go where it’s the noisiest finding this interest Leopold follows him soon after an exasperated electora splits the group into several teams and assigns them an area to respond to despite the reluctance of some Nobles to take orders they split up an electoral grabs Knoll

So they can catch up to Austin Leopold the Silva siblings respond to the central district Saul the blue rose captain and Charlotte respond to the east district yuno electora and Mimosa respond to the Northwest District Hammond siren and Klaus of the Golden Dawn respond to the West District while

Electora and Noel make it to the North District in search of austa and Leopold a girl is surrounded by the crazed man and hordes of Undead the man desires the complete destruction of the Clover Kingdom and as he moves to kill the girl Asta makes a hero’s entrance the crazed

Man summons a wave of Zombies against osta who mows them down one by one meanwhile the other magic Knights that responded to the other areas realized that the zombies keep coming all at once they simply decide to just crush them with all their might in all districts the responding magic Knights unleash an

Overwhelming Display of Power against the Mindless hordes killing huge swaths of them and earning the knights the renewed admiration of the people meanwhile the crazed man finds Austin’s anti-magic abilities to be Troublesome as his zombies are controlled by his magic a simple slash undoes the entire

Spell when Austin asks him why he is hurting innocent people he merely laughs calling everyone who doesn’t understand his magic a sinner he summons a giant zombie nicknamed Jimmy which appears far more dangerous than the others it fires off deadly bolts of Cursed Magic causing even the slight scratch to become a

Mortal wound the crazed man begins targeting the little girl instead and us to desperately tries to defend her but he is soon bogged down by an onslaught of magic bolts null arrives but her self-continence is shattered when she remembers the harsh words of her siblings fugolian appears smacks her on

The head and imparts on her wise words that being weak is nothing to be ashamed of but staying weakest with a newfound resolved Knoll defends the little girl with her magic just in time Leopold appears too burning a wave of zombies to a crisp he tells Austin to go for it and

Also begins spinning with his two blades eviscerating Jimmy now driven to a corner the crazed man summons another zombie called Alfred which fires off a lightning bolt on osta the king of clover the self-centered Augustus Kira Clover 13 wonders why Julius is not here to defend him meanwhile Charmy wanders

Into the castle kitchen and finds that a chef is preparing a magnificent dish she asks if she could possibly taste his cooking and after sensing she is no ordinary person he agrees austu is unable to keep up with Alfred’s speed in the crazed man mocks him for it fugolian

Assists osta by burning Alfred to a crisp and apologizes to Asta for interrupting his fight he remarks to Asta that if he wishes to be the wizard King then that makes them Rivals austa tries to fight again and although fugolian admires his Spirit he tells him

To stand down fugolian asks the man for his name and motive and he finally reveals to be raids he explains he was once a top pick during the magic night exams and after joining the purple orcas he was soon expelled due to the nature of his corpse magic he wishes to take

Revenge on the Clover Kingdom using his magic a motive that fugolian calls Petty and childish an infuriated raid summons his strongest zombie called Carl a supreme defensive and offensive weapon although it looks like fugolian is on the ropes he calmly picks apart a weak point in Carl’s defense killing

Instantly with a concentrated burst of fire Saul Linea he galvanizes hasta Leopold and Knoll lecturing them that every magic has a weak spot with raids weakened the various zombies and corpses around the city Begin to Fall one by one as the magic Knights wonder what the

Purpose of the attack was while you know resolves to become stronger a witch looks on at the recovering City who remarks that it is too early for them to be celebrating raids is further driven into a corner after his last zombie is defeated by Noel and Leopold fugolian

Restrains raids with fire Claws and confiscates his grimoire despite his protests when he opens it he is surprised to see that it only has one spell raising a corpse also admonishes raids for going down this path even when his magic was so powerful he was able to become a high-ranking magic Knight a

Voice receiver in raid’s ear tells him that he was too weak to fight a captain and tells him to follow the plan suddenly across the city the various captains fall into a black hole and are sent several kilometers away from the city Catherine the witch then begins

Sucking out the life force of the citizens to retain her youthful appearance however she is surprised to see you know who managed to avoid being sucked into the black hole yuno engages her in battle and asks what their goal is she obliges and says that they are after a certain someone likewise

Fugolian interrogates raids for the target of their attack and he reveals that their target is none other than the captain of the Crimson Lions him fugolian is surrounded by a spatial magic transporting him to a strange Place meanwhile yuno gradually succumbs to Catherine’s curse bolts and he gradually loses his five senses he

Laments that his power is not enough and that even silph’s magic does not come out willingly however he suddenly gains a sharp Mana sensory ability and remembering that Austin never gives up neither does he he is finally able to summon Silph willingly and blows away Catherine with a mighty hurricane a

Bewildered fugolian explores the strange white room he has been teleported into where he is surprised to see a familiar face Catherine is sent blasting into the castle where she ends up in the same kitchen as Charmy now old and withered she attempts to absorb charmy’s magic

But the latter thinks that she is after her food she angrily summons a giant sheep which sucks up Catherine’s magic and beats the Daylights out of her now defeated the H citizens turned back to normal Charmy scrambles to catch her plate of food but it is saved by yunohum

Charmy is infatuated with naming him as her food Prince as they interrogate raids where fugolian has been taken Nolan infers that the spatial magic Caster must be nearby Austin instinctively attacks a pile of corpses where a magician named vados is hiding who commends him for finding him regardless their mission is complete as

He summons a portal where the body of fugolian falls through bleeding profusely and missing an arm this brings shock’s Knoll and Oster while Leopold is Frozen in grief unable to act Noel rushes to stop fugolians bleeding his grimoire is still intact which means that he is still alive she screams at

Leopold to help her but he remains catatonic with their mission complete raids begins to escape through vat’s portal but Asta throws his sword canceling it he proceeds to lay a beat down on raids returning to him tenfold the pain he inflicted on the city that’s finds Austin’s anti-magic blades

Troublesome and admits that they might be in trouble that’s attack on Austin is canceled by a now revitalized Leopold who has snapped out of his state of grief the cornered bats and raids are saved by the arrival of their five allies who surround the exhausted and injured Asta Knoll and Leopold Oster

Grits his teeth and slices his own wounds to cancel out the effects of the curses allowing him to recover someone this astonishes raids who cannot believe someone can be so reckless Asta stares down his adversaries and readies his blades declaring that his whole life he has known nothing but adversity and

Difficulty and no matter what comes his way he will overcome it he howls at his enemies and in a badass manner tells them to come and get some and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 3 don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the

Notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care we last Saw Asta surrounded by raids allies they unleash a barrage of magic attacks but Austin manages to deflect it with his crazy movement abilities Leopold joins The Fray while Noel summons a water wall to defend

Themselves in the dying few Golian however The Shield is absorbed by tree magic while Asta and Leon are impaled by wind needles before they can do any further damage the magic Knights return after they reluctantly pulled their magic together Mimosa immediately Works to heal fugolian while nozil unleashes a

Barrage of mercury but it is absorbed by specially enhanced salamander Magic The Magicians managed to kidnap Austin before they escape through one of volto’s portals they introduce themselves as the eye of the Midnight Sun and declare that one day they will destroy the Clover Kingdom unable to

Spare resources to find Asta they leave them to his fate voltos is scolded by his allies for his recklessness while Sally the magician who kidnapped Austin is told that they must kill him despite her desire to dissect him when they descend into a tunnel they find the

Wizard King Julius waiting for for them he instantly kills two of The Magicians while effortlessly avoiding the attacks of the remaining five he traps them in time stasis magic while a bewildered also looks on and awe at his sheer power Julius turns to him and says that if he

Wants to be the wizard King this level of magic is something he will have to surpass Julius then walks over to a slab of stone with strange symbols he had never seen before and intends to interrogate The Magicians once they return to Clover Kingdom suddenly a bright flash of light swallows them all

And a braided member of the eye of the Midnight Sun appears the braided man is able to escape with several of the Midnight Sun members but Julius was able to retain one he suspects that the man was their leader based on how powerful his magic was he is called back to the

Capital by Marx where he learns that fugolian is in a precarious state after the magic Knights perform a full sweep around the city he orders the strengthening of the defenses of the Clover Kingdom nosal excuses himself swearing Revenge upon those who hurt fugolian Leopold reawakens and declares

That he will one day surpass his brother burning a mark onto his forehead head to remind him of this elf the Reconstruction of the city proceeds smoothly but Julius suspects a traitor among the magic Knight’s ranks meanwhile in the midnight Sun’s base raid swears to exact revenge on austa while Sally

Curious about his anti-magic properties says that she should be allowed to experiment on him alive the leader of the Midnight Sun was struck by a smidgen of julius’s power shriveling one of his arms and while acknowledging julius’s phenomenal magic back in the Kingdom Asta and Noel receive muffins from the

Girl they had saved which are immediately swiped away charmi she is in a good mood due to seeing you know whom she calls her food Prince Mimosa Klaus and yuno passed by into her surprise Austin you know are acquainted yuno suddenly unleashes when Magic on Oster

Who cuts it down in the nick of time he then sees letters written by the magic which says see you later shrimpsta basically meaning shrimp Asta which absolutely infuriates him the two go their separate ways both eager to become stronger than the other Austin null returned to the black Bull’s base where

Magna and luck have returned from their mission earning a star for their efforts to their surprise Austin was made a third class Junior Magic night for his efforts while Charmy was made of first class for her capture of Catherine who immediately brags to the others Magna and luck are despondent as they are

Still fifth class however osta worries about the state of fugolian but Yami reassures him saying that it would take more than that to kill him as osteus put on a rest break fineral invites him to a mixer fineral has trouble deciding on who else to take with him to a mixer

Crossing out the black Bulls members one by one until he decides to take luck they leave behind Gordon who wanted to go the whole time the three are transported to the city of need where Noel has sneakily followed them worried and flustered that Asta is going to a

Mixer they arrive at the DB Rinker a bar where they meet and introduce themselves to the girls while funeral and luck show off their magic abilities while osta proudly proclaims he will be the wizard King the girls internally monologue that they find them Troublesome especially since they are black Bulls they then

Introduce themselves as Rebecca Helene and Erica funeral tries to get a conversation going but luck and off star hopelessly useless and he begins to despair at his failure of a mixer disguised as a barmaid Knoll is glad it isn’t going well SEC also happens to be

At a nearby mixer but the girls are also put off by his eccentric behavior when he yells at Knoll to get him another drink she fires a water bolt at him earning her the respect of the girls who give an enthusiastic Thumbs Up by some miracle the black Bulls mixer begins to

Go well Helene becomes enamored with luck and the two go outside to Showcase their magic to each other while Erica decides to go along with finral despite his gaudiness oste is left alone with Rebecca who appears to want nothing to do with him however the two soon Bond

Over their mutual love of their siblings and they start to get along a drunken man begins to bother and insult Rebecca but Austin flings him across the room into sex mixer causing the girls to leave Rebecca grabs Austin they run into an Alleyway while Noel follows them closely Rebecca becomes somewhat

Infatuated with Austin asks him if there’s a girl he likes to which Oster replies he does although disappointed she does not plan to give up while Noel assumes that the girl also likes is her name fineral and luck are both rejected by the girls and they sadly go home

Alsta continues to train hard to be the wizard King while various characters recall their memories of him climbing the wrecks in Hage sister Lily and father orsi are proud of Austin after hearing of his exploits at the Capitol with the funds he and yuno send back they now live quite comfortably

Alongside the master of the grimoire Tower they recall Austin’s struggle and pain at not receiving a grimoire during the initiation ceremony but they are relieved that everything has turned out well for the boy without magic in the black Bull’s base Gordon keeps a diary recording The Adventures of his best

Friend Asta he recalls Austin’s impressive display during the magic Knight ceremony and his first few days of doing chores at the black Bull’s base still flustered at the misunderstanding the aosto likes her Noel cannot accept that she could have feelings for a commoner but concedes that on certain

Occasions he has acted quite cool including the battles of Saucy Village and Mars Oster returns to the base where an embarrassed Knoll sends him flying with a burst of water meanwhile you know mimosa and Klaus prepare to leave on a mission but the former are embarrassed that the Chariot Klaus has prepared for

Them as they leave separately on their brooms yuno remembers his promise with Asta from a young age the two were already sworn Rivals to become the wizard King he admires him as the one who gave him hope in Hage sister Lily and father orsi are delighted to hear

That yuno has been made a first-class Junior Magic Knight but are surprised to also learn that Asta has been made a third class with Yami giving the black Bulls a day off gauche visits his sister Maria need to celebrate her birthday likewise Austin asks Magna to take him

To need having promised to play with Rebecca’s siblings curious about how it will go Knoll secretly follows him gauche buys out the entire gift shop for Marie where he recalls as a former convict she is his only joy and reason for living when he arrives near the

Church he is horrified to see Marie playing with Asta he angrily starts kicking him but when Marie says that she will marry Asta one day he starts firing mirror bolts at him gosh is stopped by sister Teresa in charge of the local orphanage and takes Marie away with her

Distraught that Marie is taken away from him he once again again turns to Stone Rebecca invites them to her restaurant and to stay the night where she prepares A Feast for Asta he Praises her cooking skills saying she would make a good wife someday Rebecca’s siblings who have

Taken a liking to us to encourage her to jump him tonight causing her to be flustered overhearing everything Noel becomes greatly annoyed that night Rebecca is conscious of her siblings suggestion to jump off stay in his sleep and she gets up to check on her siblings

At the same time ghost jumps off stay in his sleep attacking him and launching him out into the street where it is strangely snowing Rebecca rushes out of the house and tells Austin that her siblings are missing across the city distressed parents exit their homes calling out to their missing children

Meanwhile a white-haired magician leads flocks of children away calling them his new best friends sister Teresa informs ghosts that even Marie has been taken away and they immediately leave to find her using a one of gosha’s mirrors that Marie always has on her Noel is told to

Stay behind to defend the city and contact magic Knight headquarters to inform them of what is happening when she does she finds that SEC has been assigned to help out much to her dismay Marie awakens having snapped out of the hypnosis due to the mirror she finds two

Men niece who uses snow magic and Barrel a large Burly man the Pair worked to kidnap children and drain them of their magic Barrow uses his special glasses and sees that Marie has a wealth of magic inside her he throws one of Rebecca’s siblings called Marco into the

Snow after detecting him with little magic when Asta Teresa and go see Marco out in the snow Austin Teresa dropped down to tend to him while gauche goes on ahead alsta Taps Marco with his sword canceling out the hypnosis and Teresa casts soothing Fire magic to heal his

Wounds meanwhile gauche enters the cave just in time to see Marie being dragged to have her magic power sucked out of her to his horror he sees scratches on Marie and he flies into a rage kneegee and Barrow are unnerved at having to fight a magic Knight and when needs is

Unable to keep him at Bay for long Barrow takes Marie hostage forcing ghost to stop however Marie is saved by the arrival of Asta and Teresa Marie runs and hugs Austin instead of gauche and the latter is crestfallen Teresa begins inspecting the chill children and finds

That many of them have had their magic sucked out and are unlikely to ever use magic again in the future Legion Barrow are cornered but using his special glasses Barrow identifies that Asta has no magical power whatsoever and volunteers to fight him himself but to his shock he is blasted away austa says

He will never forgive them for hurting the children SEC arrives at the black Bull’s base to find reinforcements for Neen but finds the place trashed he is frightened by Gordon and gray when I write Yami thinking SEC is a debt collector grabs him by the head meanwhile me just defeated by ghost

While Teresa restrains Barrow osta becomes enraged by Barrow who shows No Remorse for his actions while Teresa begins healing the other children Barrow secretly sends out a mud minion to call for help Teresa calls out to Asta and tells him that sister Lily once trained at their Church in Neen he excitedly

Asks her what Lily says about him and she replies that she knows him to be short and noisy but has an indomitable spirit that never gives up a trait which sister Lily tries to emulate suddenly Sally appears responding to Barrow’s distressed signal ghost fires off a

Volley of beams in a frenzy but they are all repelled by her salamander also attempts to cut her but she easily avoids his strikes and captures him before she can do any more damage Teresa frees him using fire magic revealing that she was once a magic Knight of the

Crimson Lions carrying the epithet of the she leopard and a mentor to fugolian Sally contemplates that a three-on-one fight may be disadvantageous to her however Barrow asks her to heal him so he can help but he secretly plots to escape at a moment’s notice she then injects him with a dangerous drug

Radically transforming him into a giant mud Abomination to their shock ghost not wanting to expose Marie to even more danger grabs her and makes a run for it leaving osta Teresa and the other children to fend for themselves despite Marie’s protests now the mud monster Barrow begins to go on a rampage and

Teresa summons a flame cheetah to get the children to safety but it will take time for all of them to get out Barrow tries to crush niece but also deflects the blow telling needs that he has yet to pay for his crimes meanwhile gauche continues to escape as he doesn’t care

What happens to others as long as Marie is safe in a flashback it is revealed that they were once part of the wealthy Adlai family but when their parents were killed their Fortune was swindled Away by their Rivals now left to fend for themselves ghost stole and robbed from

Others until he was finally arrested and sent to prison while Marie was sent to an orphanage with Theresa back in the present he snaps out of it when Marie tells him that he hates him for being so pathetic ghost drops her off with the others and Desiring to have his sister

Be proud of him returns to austa and Teresa but expects them to have runaway as he feels that in the end people only care about themselves through his surprise Asta and Teresa are still there valiantly defending the children as they escape he arrives in time to Austin’s

Aide but his mirror magic has little effect on Barrel he is Struck from out of the sky by Barrow and also defends him again deciding for the first time to work with someone else ghost creates a new spell in his grimoire and tells osta to look into his eye he summons a whole

Brigade of hostas with swords empowered by gauche’s mirror magic and they successfully kill Barrow while incapacitating Sally while needs except responsibility for his and his brother’s actions a bright light suddenly envelops the cave but kneegee and gosh are suddenly attacked by light Spears while Teresa is mortally injured while

Defending Asta they look on in Horrors the leader of the eye of the Midnight Sun appears introducing himself as licked Austin is shocked to see that Licht also has a four-leaf clover grimoire like you know as Teresa begins to bleed out Asta considers a suicide charge against Licht angered that Asta

Has the five-leaf Clover grimoire licked attempts to take it from him using funeral’s magic Yami appears just in time to save Asta he instructs fennel to take home the injured but expects him to return which scares finral as he had planned to just stay out Harm’s Way

Eager to see his captain in action also likes to stay behind while Licht is curious to fight yami’s dark magic during their duel lick tells Yami of his story he once hailed from a village filled with talented magicians but they were slaughtered and their magic was

Stolen from them Yami who says his story sucks tells his own he was a fisherman from a land of the sun where he washed ashore in the Clover Kingdom and after beating up a bunch of guys he was made Captain when yummy learns Licht was the one responsible for injuring fugolian he

Explodes into a flurry and manages to injure Licht with a dark magic slash greatly impressing Asta Yami says that there’s no waylik could have beaten fugolian without doing anything underhanded and invites him to face the true power of a magic Knight Captain Yami tells austa to help him and teaches

Him about the power of Kai a kind of Sixth Sense which allows him to predict and counter Lick’s attacks Asta says it is impossible for him to do it so suddenly and Yami replies that if he plans to be the wizard King then he must surpass his limits right here right now

He tells him to practice it on voltos not just by relying on his ears but by honing all five senses to act as one also concentrates deeply and manages to deflect one of volto’s curse bolts back at him which enraged Licht who uses impossible to predict light whips to

Counter their use of Kai the onslaught causes the cave to collapse in on them he thinks he is Victorious but to his surprise Yami and also burst out from under the rubble Yami and licked Kim continue their duel with his black magic being a natural enemy to his enemies

Light magic Licht grows to respect yami’s ability recognizing him as a worthy foe Yami asks him for his intentions in the Clover Kingdom and he replies that he wishes to establish a new kingdom one free of the corruption and discrimination that commoners and non-magic people face Austin is

Astounded at his Captain’s power and Yami instructs him to deal with voltos in his own way Austin charges but is held back by a barrage of curse bolts that come from strange angles he decides to discard his weapon and instead go through a portal that voltos made

Punching him in the face amusing Yami who finds the fact that he just punched a guy hilarious lick tries to sneak up on Yami but his sword absorbs his magic and he finds himself unable to move the Army slashes him with black magic seriously enduring Licht badly wounded

Licht acknowledges Yami as the second person to ever fight him as an equal he begins preparing a massive spell with a range so large in power so devastating that it would be impossible to defend against meanwhile ghost looks over at A Dying Teresa who gives gifts him with

What little magic she has left and tells him to go and save Asta fearing she has died he is relieved when she was just pretending to die he asks funeral for his assistance in returning to the cave Yami prepares a defensive measure but remarks that they will likely die even

Osta would die before he can try to slash the beam funeral and gauche arrive just in time for lick to fire his magic the Holy Ray of Light dosha’s funeral swap him with Asta and Yami using his magic he reflects the beam right back at him remarking that mirrors always

Reflect light meanwhile several members of the midnight sun look on at Sally’s injured body and decide now is the time for them to come out as the children start returning to Neen Knoll and Rebecca go out in search of Marco and the rest they follow Nero back to the

Church where they find an injured Teresa Noel learns that they are still in the cave fighting Yami and the others approach Licht who regains Consciousness long enough to recognize gauche as a friend from long ago despite gauche himself having no recollection of who he is Yami restrains both Licht and voltos

With a dark binding while they wait for funeral space magic to recover much to his and gauche’s annoyance suddenly three members of The Midnight Sun emerged from a portal one of whom Raya uses light magic to touch yami’s grimoire another fauna begins to heal licked with fire-based healing magic

Licht identifies as his strongest members even stronger than he the third eye the three leap into battle and Yami is startled that Raya copied his dark magic saying that he’ll sue him for copyright infringement the third member called Beto uses his monstrous Beast magic to pressure Yami even destroying

His prized Katana things look dire for the black Bulls as both funeral and gauche are dangerously low on Magic while Asta and Yami have been pushed back things take a turn for the worse when fauna spiteful that they harmed licked wields one of the four great spirits salamander in battle Yami just

Barely defends himself against her fire blast and must now defend against the third eye’s Onslaught with a broken Katana funeral recognizes that Yami is outmatched with Licht even claiming that each of the third eye is stronger than a magic Squad Captain as the third eye prepared to finish off a defenseless

Yami a flash of light appears before him as the dust settles three magic Knight captains emerged to his rescue nozzle of the silver eagles Charlotte of the blue roses and Jack the Ripper of the green praying mantises Jack takes offense that the third eye claims to be stronger than

A captain and wants to put that theory to the test the two sides stare each other down on the cataclysmic battle awaits bringing the anime to an end comment for part 4. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss

Out on another video until next time take care we last saw Jack take offense that the third eye claims to be stronger than a captain and he wanted to put that theory to the test the two sides stared each other down in a cataclysmic battle awaited us now needs tells Noel he

Intends to turn himself over to the magic Knights as thanks for us to saving his life meanwhile Knowles worrying if Rebecca is the girl Asta has his eyes on meanwhile nozzle of the silver eagles Charlotte of the blue roses and Jack the Ripper of the green praying mantises

Make a hero’s entrance Jack threatens to cut Yami up on the spa Spot while Charlotte insults Yami for being defeated but in truth she cannot bring herself to admit her feelings for him Yami makes fun of nosel’s hair and the rest of the black Bulls wonder how he

Styles his middle braid and nozzle threatens to kill them instead after their not so friendly banter the three night captains engaged the third eye but they are evenly matched Charlotte’s Briar Thorn magic is cut down by raya’s stolen dark magic Jack’s severing magic has little effect on veto and nozzle’s

Mercury magic is melted in fauna’s Flames Yami asks fennel to teleport him to lick to deal the finishing blow predicting this would happen Licht has already readied a second light Ray to everyone’s surprise auste emerges from the dust undetected due to his lack of magic he strikes licked into the ground

Causing Jack to remark that Asta stole the show suddenly an unbelievable amount of Magic Begins spilling out of Licht in the seal placed on him is dispelled due to asta’s attack Licht identifies asta’s blades as the demo Slayer Sword and the demon dweller sword and angrily tells

Him to return it to its rightful owner their Master as the magic Knight sphere that the magic will soon kill them all the third I hastily perform a sealing ritual to restrain Licht realizing the Battle Is Lost the third eye Retreats but swear that they will always be

Watching the magic Knights consider this a victory and also collapses from exhaustion while the other captains squabble nozzle takes note of Austin as he realizes there is more than meets the eye back in the midnight Sun’s base the members are worried that the Clover Kingdom will soon double their efforts

To investigate their activities also awakens to see himself being healed by mimosa and sees both Klaus and yuno he learns that he was unconscious for a whole day and that Niche has been taken into custody gauche Pays His respects to Teresa and although they are both

Hostile to one another he is glad that she is alive causing her to remark that he has matured a little Asta arrives to greet Teresa as well and Marie excitedly swings on his arm causing ghosts to revert to his old self Noel calls Austin to leave but they first make a stop at

Rebecca’s house where he eats prepared a wonderful meal she had prepared for him she gives him a kiss on the cheek which embarrasses Asta and Noel is frantic when they are arrive back at the black Bulls base they have a potato pie eating contest to celebrate their return about

From which Charmy emerges on top to the surprise of no one Yami then receives a letter from the capital asking him and Austin to attend a captain’s meeting the next day Yami and Austin arrive at the castle and Austin meets King julius’s advisor called Marx for the first time

He leads them down into the dungeons where they keep two of the Midnight Sun members prisoner suspecting a traitor among the magic Knight Captain’s ranks he has asked to undo the protective spell on the prisoners allowing him to read their minds meanwhile the squad captains are gathered in a conference

Room squabbling over Minor Details while real constantly tries to lighten the mood however the captain of the Golden Dawn van jeans arrives late citing the business matters he had to attend to but nozil is suspicious that van jeans was not present during the earlier awards ceremony however he doesn’t answer Marx

Then calls the captains into the dungeons where he reveals that thanks to Austin’s help he knows there is a traitor amongst their ranks the traitor is revealed to be gelder poisot the captain of the purple orcas although he stammers that he was merely framed Mark says his magic is absolute they suggest

Peering into gelder’s memories to confirm his innocence but he casts his invisibility magic and escapes the captain’s remark that his magic leaves him impervious to Magic but Yami says there is no need to worry austi uses his Kai to track gelder down rill arrives and uses his magic to restrain the

Traitor and happily greets Oster who finds his anti-magic abilities interesting the other magic Knight captains and Julian arrive and they interrogate gelder they learn of his secret dealings from abusing his Squad mates making deals with the Midnight Sun and crucially kidnapping the barrier Mages that allowed the attack on the

Capital to happen Julius dismisses the captains and tells them that he plans to make this matter of betrayal private to prevent a panic as the captains leave one of them changes back into Ryan who he was is a mystery Julia says Yami and us to stay behind and explains to them

Another key piece of information from their interrogations the eye of the Midnight Sun is gathering several magic Stones they mean to place these stones into a stone tablet that once complete needed will grant them immense power for this purpose they attacked fugolian for his possession of such a Magic Stone

There are three stones left and Julius identifies one location the underwater temple as holding one of these Stones he charges the black bulls with the task of retrieving it ostas anti-magic key and eliminating the magic barriers present in the temple remembering the kindness that Julius once showed to an outsider

Like him yamion characteristically salutes and swears to prove to everyone that Julius did not make a mistake in choosing him when the Black Bulls learn that they are going to beach they are ecstatic but Yami angrily reminds them that they are going there for work while coming home from a mission Klaus yuno

And Mimosa respond to a shriek coming from below but it was only null embarrassed at having been stripped nude by Vanessa Noel has trouble picking out a swimsuit and a store clerk suggests a gaudy looking bikini with gold embellishments which she buys the following day the black Bulls prepare to

Leave but find that Yami had already left hours before them they head to the seaside town of rack and for the first time Austin nulsi gray showing off her shapes shifting Powers however they soon realized they left behind Gordon at their base they arrive at the beach and

Play around bolt and Magna Chase each other finral tries to flirt with girls ghost shows off the beach to Marie using his mirror Charmy tries to smash a watermelon while Knoll tries to show off her swimsuit to Asta SEC also happens to be in the area and is unknowingly

Trampled by the black Bulls Yami arrives and scolds them for playing around and the black Bulls are surprised that he was actually doing work he explains that the underwater temple is located deep in the ocean the magic barrier surrounding it ordinarily prevents even first-rate Mages from breaking through but they

Have a chance when it weakens during a full moon with the next full moon a week away he orders null to gain control over her magic within that time lest they be crushed underwater that night Noll trains to improve her only spell sea Dragon’s Lair but she makes no progress

She runs into Asta who is also training and she reluctantly agrees to train together Austin notices a beautiful voice and accompanied by Knoll they find a girl singing atop a boulder Julius wonders how the black Bulls are doing wishing he could have gone with them to the temple however the black Bulls are

Currently being Rowdy beasts destroying the Villa they are staying in meanwhile Austin null meet the singing girl Kahuna whose dream is to become an idol she is friendly and outgoing and upon noticing that asta’s body is fatigued she uses her song recovery magic to heal him Knoll is impressed when she notices that

Kahona’s magic control is sharp and precise the three become quick friends and Noel is secretly Overjoyed to have made a friend close to her age when kahona learns that the two are training for a secret mission she asks Noel to show off her magic Kahuna then suggests

That Noel find a calm memory to work with as a steady heart is necessary for astute magic control however Knoll only recalls her troubled past of being bullied by her siblings and she walks away Noel struggles to train over the next few days and as the day of the

Mission draws near she is still unable to control her magic properly osta suggests that she let out all her magic at once like she did when they first met and he promises to deal with the Fallout Noel unleashes all her magic at once but is expected it runs wild she slowly

Begins to accept her fate as she has no happy memories with which to fall back on to control her magic however the black Bulls suddenly arrive and give her words of encouragement reminding her that while she never had any happy memories with her family she has made countless happy memories with her new

Ones knowing that they put their trust in her she puts her trust in herself and creates a new spell the sea dragon’s cradle everyone celebrates her success however she soon collapses due exhaustion osta catches her and she slaps him for touching her so casually she turns to thank Kahuna for her help

But she is nowhere to be seen kohana remarks that Noel has some good friends and says that she will be waiting for her at the bottom and she dives into the sea Noel is nervous at first but she calms herself after seeing how much her teammates trust her she successfully

Performs the sea dragon’s cradle and they begin their perilous descent Beneath the Sea they are rocked by the turbulent undersea currents in the equally dangerous threat of Vanessa vomiting all over them they finally reached the magic barrier in Yami orders osta to cut through it but he replies

That he cannot swim Yami impatiently grabbed ABS Austin hurls him into it they find themselves in an underwater city filled with houses carved into the coral they use charmy’s cotton magic to float towards the underwater temple they meet the citizens of the underwater city who are surprisingly friendly they lead

The black Bulls towards the temple and once there they meet the high priest an eccentric old man knowing that they have come for the Magic Stone he jokingly proposes a game of chest squishing which instantly earns him a beating from Noel as the rest of the black Bulls consider

Just beating up the high priest for the stone he proposes a battle royale between the black bulls and his very own Temple Mages all of whom are wearing strange fish masks he sends them down various water tunnels across the temple and explains the rules each member will

Fight the other one-on-one but they are allowed to seek out allies to turn it into a group battle Noel is the first to realize that the black Bulls are down a member but does not recall they left behind Gordon Austin’s opponent a large octopus-faced man belittles him for

Being a weakling with no magic osta draws his sword and invites the octopus face to find out for himself if he really is weak Yami and the head priest called gifso sit down and enjoy watching the fights together when jifso learns that the black Bulls are Junior Magic

Knights he comments that his Temple Mages outclass them but to his surprise the black Bulls are far stronger than their rank suggests luck Magna gauche and also all instantly win their first fights although and since his Mage is lost so quickly gifso says that the battle is not over yet gypso sends a

Giant fish against fineral for doing nothing but try to escape while Charmy has spent the past few minutes eating a temple Mage appears that laws her to sleep with magic which gifso considers a victory Magna and luck arrive in the same cave and meet Geo gifso’s son luck

Attacks first but his Thunder magic is deflected by Geo sea God’s Shield despite luck having a type advantage meanwhile Austin encounters kaito who begins to show off his sword dance and Austin’s Star Struck kayato shares his dream about one day being able to go to the surface to become a famous dancer

But he says they are forbidden from going beyond the shorelines he then explains that if they win this battle royale Jeff so promised they could go as far as the capital and for the sake of his dream he will cut us to down osta shares his own dream of becoming the

Wizard king and the two enter a deadly melee worried she has yet to master any offensive moves Noel encounters kahono although reluctant to fight a friend she is forced to defend herself against kahano’s lullaby magic with her sea dragon’s cradle when kahano notices null spells go off Target she tells her that

She has a subconscious fear of hurting others meanwhile Asta has trouble reading kayato’s moves despite using Kai he tries to calm down and empty his mind and he finally slashes kayato Vanessa has also shown promising success surprising Yami and he regrets that he didn’t bet more he then warns jifso that

The midnight sun or after the Magic Stone as well and asks him to hand it over just in case but just On Cue a giant whale crashes into a cave crushing Geo underneath the eye of the Midnight Sun have arrived and they have come for the stone minutes earlier vetto killed

Several magic Knights alerting SEC he conjures a giant magic whale and descends into the ocean below Magna and luck stare down vetto the Beast of the Midnight Sun Geo regains Consciousness and asks what vetto is after he replies he is also after the Magic Stone and he

Sends forth his allies to terrorize the City Geo tries smashing him with sea God’s Hammer but it falls flat against vetto’s rhinoceros armor in the blink of an eye veto defeats all three Mages present realizing the danger his Squad is in Yami asks to be let out but gifso

Says it is impossible for him to until his magic game is done Yami tries escaping himself but one of the Midnight Sun Mages has erected a spatial magic Dome over their building preventing him from leaving using gifso’s magic Yami announces to his Squad that veto in the

Midnight Sun have invaded and tasks them with the almost impossible feat of defeating him telling them to surpass their limits Here and Now gifso adjusts the rules of his game instructing his Temple Mages to cooperate with the black bulls and assigning them a new condition for victory take down vetto as vetto

Turns to leave Magna and Luck get up spurred on by the words of their Captain luck asks veto to charge at him and he obliges but to his surprise luck manages to die Lodge and return fire luck is miraculously able to keep up with vetto who is touted to have magic power

Exceeding even that of a magic Knight Captain as Magna recalls his tumultuous relationship with luck he admits that he is his best friend likewise luck recalls his own friendship with Magna and recognizes him as his first ever friend having set aside their fight for later Asta and kayato race towards the battle

Against veto Asta has great confidence in the abilities of his two seniors and in a pinch they can be reliable luck and Magna refused to surrender despite the difference in power as they’d never be able to look Austin in the eye if they do they perform a fusion of their two

Magics a flame lightning explosive Cannon which hits vetto at point-blank Range Austin Kyoto arrived just in time to see veto take the full brunt of their attack the force of their combined magic is a sight to behold but to the horror of Asta and everyone watching the attack

Does nothing to veto who truly is a wild force of nature before vetto can deal the finishing blow austa jumps to his squad’s defense recognizing him as the one who mortally wounded licked vetto promises to give osta a thorough beating Austin Kyoto joined forces and attacked

Vetto but he is far too fast and they are barely able to keep up as Vanessa senses the battle raging above her a mage appears behind her charmi remains asleep but a crab tugs at her meanwhile gauche faces off against saric a chain magic user who can instantaneously

Destroy offensive magic as soon as it is cast dose tries several other tricks but he is forced to retreat by zaric’s giant chain balls while he recovers from his wounds a crab tugs away at his pants ghost returns to battles Eric who seemingly destroys his mirror double but

The real ghost appears behind him again blasting him with a large reflect Ray the crab and body double was gray in Disguise all along the two of them find charmie still asleep much to gauche’s annoyance when they walk over to her they are caught in a vine trap set up by

Zuda a midnight sun Mage their magic is slowly being drained away from them and gauche comes up with a plan he tells gray to transform a nearby Boulder into a slab of meat which successfully Rouses Charmy from her Slumber she summons is a giant sheep that pummels zuda into the

Wall before happily leaping onto the meat but is disappointed when it was nothing but a rock all along with the last of Gray’s magic used up he is no longer able to maintain his magic but much to Charming shock Gray’s real appearance is that of a girl ignoring

Her in favor of his sister Marie ghost wonders how Asta is faring against vetto Austin vayato continue their assault but vetto easily swats them like flies Oster refuses to give up and tries again but vetto finds his resilience irritating and begins instilling into us to the feeling of Despair Beto begins to crush

His wrist but he is saved by Noel and kohana who have come to his rescue Noel and kahano arrive to see their comrades broken and beaten Asta attempts another attack but he is repelled once more tajono sees her brother kayato and screams at him reminding him of their

Dream to go to the surface he is reinvigorated and the two begin a song dance combo spell and engage veto bioto’s win slashes manage to damage vetto bit by bit but he is unable to inflict major damage vetto becomes irritated with the sibling spouting of dreams and claims that it is there the

Midnight Sun that have true dreams in sick active cruelty veto crushes one of vayato’s legs forever robbing him of his ability to dance and he crushes kahono’s windpipe silencing her songs Forever and to veto’s dismay kahono’s eyes are still full of spirit as vetto begins crushing

Kahono to death Knoll calls him out to let her friend go but better just ignores her words and all suddenly hears kahono’s voice in her head encouraging her and says that she is ready to fight for those she loves Knoll begins amassing a huge amount of magic before remembering fugolian’s words being weak

Is nothing to be ashamed of but staying weakest vetto recognizes Nola’s royalty and she introduces herself as hailing from the Silva family Noel unleashes her new attack magic the sea dragons Roar vetto attempts to Parry it with his Beast claws but the force proves to be

Too much for him to handle he is blown away with the attack even penetrating the magic barriers surrounding the island when the dust settles veto has lost an arm Yami is astounded at knoll’s magical power recalling a painful past vetto grows a third eye on his forehead

And commends Knoll for forcing him to this point he miraculously regrows his arm a feat that stuns gifso as even the best recovery magic cannot regrow lost limbs vetto begins preparing his magic and Yami yells at Knoll to run away however Knoll holds her ground and as

The magic blast strikes her she realizes that the last of her magic was used up in her last attack Yami looks on anxiously and sees that Asta has regained Consciousness and blocked the attack with his blade he cannot help but feel proud of his young pupil austa

Picks up his blade and proclaims that they haven’t given up yet Vanessa is distracted by the vast amount of magic above and her opponent twike tells her she does not have the luxury of looking away Austin and all stare at the frighteningly powerful veto with Noel remarking he looks just like the fiends

From her mother’s fairy tales Yami tries to force his way out and yells at the Midnight Sun Mage that he’s going to beat him up when he gets out Vanessa struggles against the combination of twik sound and needle magic however she successfully lures him into a position

Where her threads restrain him and he forces him to orb his own magic defeating him Knoll is astounded that Asta is somehow still standing and he explains that kohana healed him little by little which moves Noel hiding in the shadows funeral is terrified of veto and

Chooses to escape instead he hears us to give a speech about not giving up being his only weapon but this only causes funeral to grow even more frantic as he thinks the fight is impossible vetto targets the Fallen around him with a barrage of Beast magic but Vanessa

Arrives just in time to carry them to safety restraining vetto in the process she remarks that she finally understands why the black Bulls like hosta so much he never surrenders she loudly asks her Captain to confirm her reasoning and he agrees because of Asta everyone in the black bulls have gone beyond their

Limits including him Breaking Free from his bonds Beto says that no matter how many of them come they are all in significant insects compared to him he fires a blast of energy but it is redirected back at him by funeral who had finally worked up the courage to

Come forward Vanessa instructs null to protect the injured members while the three of them face vetto they beautifully conduct Hit and Run tactics against him teleporting and manipulating austa’s movements using funeral’s portals and Vanessa’s puppet strings the movements confuse vetto who cannot keep up with the pace austa finally lands a

Decisive strike on Beto and he declares that with his blades and courage he will defeat him and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 5. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until

Next time take care we last Saw Austin manage to land a blow on veto who inspects his wound and realizes he cannot heal his injuries as his healing magic is being negated by Austin’s demon dweller sword funeral and Vanessa’s masterful manipulation of Austin throughout the air proves to be a

Difficult hurdle for veto who seemingly cannot keep up although Austin manages to inflict another wound it is too shallow and the pair realize that they must bring him closer to do any real damage meanwhile gosh and gray have yet to recover their magic meanwhile Charmy

Prepares a meal and tells them to eat as the black Bulls facing vetto continue their assault vetto has gotten used to their attack patterns and manages to scratch austa the Army warns them that the same attack won’t work anymore they all must surpass their limits here and now and after hearing their Captain’s

Words they reply with a resounding yes sir Vanessa and funeral amp up their magic casting and they both reflect on how far they’ve come Vanessa was once trapped in a cage by the queen of witches and although she resigned herself to her fate she realizes that all along she just lacked Courage the

Same courage Asta is showing her now she yells at Austin telling him she’s about to go even faster we then discover that fineral was the firstborn son of the illustrious Vaude family a clan of spatial magic users however due to his poor magical ability his father favored his younger brother called langris who

Was his better ostracized by his own family funeral ran away to join the black Bulls lacking confidence in his own abilities Yami reminds him that he has his own way of fighting and funeral yells at Austin to trust him as he quickens his Pace despite their bravado

Both veto and the black Bulls know they are approaching the limits of their magical output as vetto tries to strike back he’s hit by a gray and Charmy have come to their rescue Dosh uses a volley of reflect Rays to kick up dirt Charmy summons her giant sheep and gray summons several

Clones of Asta all to distract vetto vetto grows irritated at their resistance but osta bursts through a portal stabbing Meadow ostas strike Finds Its Mark and they think they’ve won but vetto reveals this was all part of his plan he proceeds to crush Asta breaking one of his arms in the process

The black bulls look on in horror as their greatest chance at beating Meadow falls to his knees Vettel laughs and tells them to despair but Oster remains defiant the black Bulls are galvanized by his display of courage and they regain their fighting Spirit Vanessa pulls him out of Harm’s Way and vetto

Gives Chase but he is struck by a reflect Ray and a water blast Vanessa supports austa’s broken limb with her threads and they prepare for another counter-attack as they begin their assault Anew vetto realizes he cannot track his movements due to the Demon Slayer sword still inside him he pulls

It out swatting Austin out of the air he moves to finish the job but is unnerved when he sees a dark energy in bellop Asta which he recognizes as that of a demon Asta unleashes a barrage of slashes with Vanessa and funeral’s help before dealing the final decisive strike

Knocking Beto out the black Bulls celebrate their Victory as Vanessa and finroll embrace the exhausted osta Nola is complimented as well and when Austin Pats her on the head she becomes flustered and shoves him away an unconscious veto recalls a memory of him and licked regarding an injured bird and

Had considered him the personification of hope he then remembers their suffering at the hands of humans and he regains his magic vetto means to self-destruct destroying the temple and killing everyone within the black Bulls realize this was the same blast that the magic captains once desperately tried to

Stop also encourages them to fight back reigniting their will then suddenly Yami appears having gone beyond his limits in destroying the spatial magic he Praises his Squad mates for their hard work and reassures them that he will take care of this he unleashes his dark cloak Dimension slash piercing through the

Very Dimension itself taking out vetto for good the black Bulls rush to praise their Captain except for gauche who just just wants to see Marie gifs O’Neills and thanks them for saving the underwater temple Yami asks for the stone but gifso is unaware what he is referring to Nero returns with the magic

Stone in his Beacon Yami retrieves it Yami praises the squad once more who begin falling one by one as they are exhausted the Midnight Sun mourn vetto’s death and fauna swears that she will never forgive them the black Bulls recuperate in a hospital bed where after exchanging some friendly banter they

Notice a crowd has gathered outside cheering them on meanwhile Noel visits kahono and kaito apologizing that she was unable to protect her voice using her magic she tells Noel that her voice will eventually heal and null pinky promises to attend her concert one day as she leaves kayato has fallen for Noel

And asks his sister to introduce him osta who has now broken both his arms runs into Yami paying respects to the Fallen veto also lays down some flowers he had found and reflects that even though vetta was undeniably evil he can’t help but think that They too had

Something important to fight for Oster remembers his promise with yuno and resolves to be even stronger the the following day the black Bulls bid farewell to the underwater temple and to their surprise kahono begins singing and the rest of the citizens join in the black Bulls depart with the song of the

Sea ringing true behind them bringing this chapter of their journey to a close the black Bulls settle in their base where they realize that they’d forgotten to bring Gordon along who is sulking at being left behind Yami brings funeral osta and charmi who has four of the Midnight Sun prisoners to report to

Julius as they leave Oster remarks that a stone Nero found at Saucy Village is similar to a Magic Stone they teleport near the castle while funeral to stay behind in town Julius is impressed with their work and informs them that he has sent veto to be autopsied while the

Other prisoners will soon be interrogated while Julius Praises charmi for her powerful restraining magic Yami hands over the Magic Stone suddenly Marx communicates that chitin a city on the border with the diamond kingdom is under attack troubled by this news Julius notices that this is no ordinary border

Skirmish the attack is being led by lagus Brocks and Diego’s 3 three of the eight shining generals the equivalent of the Clover Kingdom’s magic captains the General’s remark hat chitin is in a strategic location and capturing it will prove to be advantageous in the future ragus uses his lightning magic and

Disables the city’s magic barrier and brox mounts his clay bore smashing through the walls and Chaos erupts in the city as the Defenders are slain in droves although the situation is dire the Golden Dawn arrives with Van jeans himself making an appearance Brocks is amused that they would only send a

Single Squad to defend the city but yuno blows him away Silph remarks that Yuna will never make friends if he never Smiles Julius has no reinforcements to spare and Yami volunteers to go although he denies Austin’s request to join on account of his injuries Charmy says he

Will keep an eye on him but in truth she just wants to see you know they go off in search of funeral who is still flirting with girls van jeans tells languorous that they will make the diamond Kingdom regret ever attacking their country Yami interrupts funeral

While he tries to flirt with girls and strong arms him into creating a portal to chitin yuno faces off against Brocks who is surprised at his power ragus arrives a few moments later to offer his assistance but Brocks has none of it ragus fires off a volley of lightning

Bolts but yuno uses silph’s wind magic to not only fire back his own arrows however he manages to penetrate ragus defensive barrier hiding in the shadows Lotus cannot believe yuno has gotten even stronger the Golden Dawn continues their desperate defense of the city but jagos uses his slime magic to keep them

At Bay lingras arrives and uses his spatial magic to rip out jaego’s magic and his arm causing immense collateral damage in the process Lotus notices van jeans casting a powerful spell and notices that it is sucking up the magic of those in the city he tries to warn

The generals but they are too busy bickering over who gets to fight yuno Vengeance activates his magic world tree nostaltine summoning an enormous tree whose branches capture nearly the entire Diamond Kingdom Army the black Bulls arrive at chitin and also is awestruck by the massive tree which Yami

Identifies as van jeans’s magic he instructs Austin Charming to tend to the townsfolk while he has a chat with with the Golden Dawn Captain Brocks is enraged that the Army was annihilated and he leaves to seek out Vengeance while ragus is Left Behind to engage yuno ragus is in disbelief that he a

Shining General is being pushed back he attempts to fight back but yuno finishes him off with a single strike Buna lands next to Austrian comments on his injuries but says he doesn’t plan to lose to him Klaus and Mimosa soon arrive and exchange greetings with Asta but

They soon leave to tend to continue their operations Brock’s finally finds vanjians and attempts to crush him but he is defeated with a single spell Lotus arrives and attempts a sneak attack however Yami comes to his defense and Lotus is forced to retreat the Army turns to Vengeance and asks him to

Remove his mask suspecting him of being licked in Disguise Austin yuno chat happily together and Silph angrily asks who this shrimp is yuno replies that they used to live sleep and bathe together Charmy appears and gives yuno a snack which attracts the ire of Silph the two begin fighting over yuno’s

Affections and Charmy chases Silph around funeral teleports next to them and introduced to yuno language Sun arrives mockingly calling out to his younger brother he begins insulting the black Bulls themselves but fineral does not take kindly to having his friends insulted langris is suddenly attacked by a slime from jagos who survived however

This time jagos has littered his slime body with civilians preventing languish from using his spatial magic however languas decides to use his magic anyway writing off the civilians as unfortunate sacrifices Oster protests and says that they will handle it themselves but langris laughs at austa and wonders what

He can do in his condition osta calls for his Squad mate’s assistance bouncing off of Charmy sheep and using funeral’s portals to close the gap against Diego’s he emerges from the portal with the Demon Slayer sword firmly in his teeth and defeats the general meanwhile Yami

Asks vanjins to take off his mask noting that his Kai frame and voice are all too similar to licks banjin’s obliges and removes his mask revealing horrific scars on his face which he says he was born with he explains that he was the bastard son of a noble and was adopted

By another family he grew up born for his appearance however Julius judged him not by his scars but by the strength of his magic it was Julius who gave Vengeance his signature mask Yami senses that he is not lying nor is he masking his face with a disguise he apologizes

To Van jeans for prying they receive a call that the diamond Kingdom has retreated in Van jeans orders the Golden Dawn to tend to the wounded funeral osta and charmi depart to find Yami meanwhile langris warns yuno against associating with peasants but he replies that Asta is his rival simultaneously both he and

Osta affirm their dream of becoming the wizard King and yuno says that being the captain of the Golden Dawn is the first step Julius is suspicious about the diamond Kingdom’s true intentions meanwhile Lotus reports to an unseen figure regarding the Spells and Magic used during the battle the figure

Remarks that The Shining generals they sent were relics of the past the time has come for their new Battle Mages to come to the fore Yami brings osta to Owen a doctor working directly under the wizard King to get his arms healed he then excuses himself citing he has

Business to attend to Owen uses his water magic and discovers something that leaves Austin devastated and after overhearing them finroll is also Disturbed Foster returns to finroll just as Yami arrives with a large sack they return to the black Bull’s base where Yami reveals that because of their recent successes they have finally

Gotten out of their star deficit he throws an elaborate feast in celebration much to the Delight of the squad after much mirror making auste excuses himself which worries everyone as he never gets tired finral calls the attention of the bulls and breaks the terrible news Austin’s arms are affected by an ancient

Curse and they are impossible to heal therefore osta will never swing his sword again this leaves them distraught and they lament austa’s cruel fate he had overcome his lack of magic through sheer hard work but his arms were robbed from him they follow osta to a Cliffside

Where they see him sitting on a rock he suddenly jumps up and loudly declares he will not give up and the black Bulls are moved by his determination the next morning Austin finds that the base is empty save for Yami he notices funeral and null chatting outside and overhear

That the members have all all gone out of their way to try and find a cure for austa’s arms Magna and luck delve into a dungeon gauche and Gordon scour the Royal Library for Clues and Charmy and Grace searched the jungles for ingredients they remark that they want

To do everything they can for Asta who they commend for always being the first on the scene osta walks out of the base and is brought to tears despite not being blessed with magic he was blessed with great friends meanwhile Nolan funeral note Vanessa’s absence having

Left much earlier than the rest the two step into a magic portal to visit a strange man in Shack Noel and funeral visit fansel Krueger a man who had mentored Austin the past five months ago right after Oster receives his grimoire he meets the naked fansil after saving

Him from a rampaging boar fans all thanks him for his help and fill the food as thanks he invites him to his house after they settle in Asta asks what fanzil is doing out in the forest alone and he replies that he is waiting for a certain someone when he learns

That Asta is training he invites him to stay at his house for the duration fansel begins training Austin’s swordplay revealing that is when magic also takes the form of a sword the training proceeds well and fansil remarks that out of all his students in the past Austin could probably be in the

Top two one day a woman named Mariella arrives one of fansel’s old students he explains she is helping him search for his fiancee damina he reveals that they were once part of the diamond Army but fed up with their cruel ways they deserted after being hunted by assassins

They were separated Mariella brings news that Domino might be dead producing her bloodied wand fanso is inconsolable and asks to be left alone while mourning his wife he is suddenly attacked by Mariella who has betrayed him several Diamond Kingdom Mages emerge and take him prisoner lost a bursts in to rescue him

But fansil has lost the will to live and asks that he leave instead Asta ignores this and Strikes down several Mages and encourages fans all but a reason to live is not something you have it is something you search for fans all spirit is reinvigorated and he takes up arms

Against the remaining Mages however Marielle citing fanzel’s old teachings signals a retreat Austin in fans all part ways and the latter says that he will do his best to search for Domino who he believes is still alive however he soon returns being chased by a giant

Boar and asks him to defeat it as his final lesson after the events of the underground dungeon Knoll flees from a naked fanzel he chases her into the black Bull’s base where he is promptly beaten and tied up alsta soon arrives to clear up the misunderstanding fans all

Then asks about Noel’s wand which he recognizes as being the handiwork of his fiancee realizing that Domino is still alive he is Overjoyed suddenly a loud rumbling rocks to Black Bull’s base fansil’s assassins have arrived Mariella and her commander galio oversee the assault from afar Mariella asks to be

Sent through a portal for insurance and galio obliges the attack continues but Noel’s water barrier Shields the base fans all emerges from the field alongside Magna and luck who wreak havoc on the Enemy Lines gauche appears behind galio and blasts him with his mirror magic sending him crashing below where

Fanzel is waiting galio points out that he had already he sent assassins after his fiancee but they were prepared for that all along and fansil suddenly transforms into gray meanwhile Domino reunites with fanzel but beats him up for taking so long Mariella suddenly appears and explains that this entire

Assault was orchestrated by her to take revenge on the Assassin’s Squad with her Squad wiped out the organization will take months to reorganize she plans to turn herself over to the Clover Kingdom as Penance for her actions thus far galio appears having realized that Mariela has turned traitor he traps osta

Fanzel and Mariela inside his spatial magic but he is no match for their combined might meanwhile Yami finally recognizes Faisal as an old Diamond commander and gets the gist of the situation he asks ghost to keep this incident a secret later fansil damina and Mariella bid farewell to the black

Bulls thanking them for their help back in the present Noel asks fanzel and Domino about a way to heal asta’s arms and Domino remarks that there might be a way in her Homeland The Witch’s Forest right on cue Vanessa enters the witch’s Forest damina explained claims that the

Witch’s Forest is made up solely of witches specializing in curse and familiar magic finral puts two and two together and realizes that this is the reason Vanessa went off on her own Domino suspects that Vanessa mustered up a great deal of determination as leaving the forest makes one a fugitive Vanessa

May never return Noel insists that they be taken to the forest despite dominoes warnings they pick up also on the way and intentionally keep him in the dark about their destination meanwhile Vanessa tries to bargain with her Queen if she can be taught the ancient dispelling magic she will stay behind of

Her own volition the group soon arrive at the outskirts of the forest and Domino produces two cloaks that hide one’s magical power to prevent detection by the queen shittin a member of the eye of the Midnight Sun informs Fauna of the Bull’s destination her thirst for revenge against them has grown even

Stronger they enter the forest where funeral narrowly gives themselves away when he overhears a magic potion a security Golem flies nearby the girls and they pass by undetected however the boy’s cloak get caught in a branch causing them to spiral into the girls the thus losing their cloaks they are

Immediately attacked by the golems and after funeral tries to flirt with some girls they rush headfirst into the queen’s castle there they find Vanessa severely damaged on the ground she proclaims that both Vanessa and Domino are her children and she is free to treat them as she wishes angering Asta

He tries rushing her with funerals help but the queen subduce him with a magic flock fansel saves Asta from her clutches and when they mean to attack the queen she shows a crystal ball showing them their fate absolute defeat however she senses another threat appear

On her ball an army of the eye of the Midnight Sun approaches with fauna leading the charge while the queen set aside her differences and cooperate or will it turn into an all-out Battle Royale and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 6. don’t forget to

Like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care the eye of the Midnight Sun led by fauna advances on the witch’s Forest fauna sets the forest Ablaze using her salamander’s flame and the witch Queen is surprised expecting

It to be so powerful but what greatly worries her is that the diamond Kingdom led by ladros and Mars are also attacking with the intent of capturing her upon seeing Mars Asta is relieved he is alive and fans will likewise recognizes him as one of his former

Students despite not having the use of his arms Asta declares he is going to defeat them both Vanessa finally awakens to see her friends surrounding her and she remembers that she came here to negotiate with the queen esta declines her help and attempts to cancel out the

Curse himself with his swords but to no effect Vanessa chastises him for his recklessness but he insists that this is the only thing he can do Mel turns to the witch Queen and says that if astaz arms are healed then he and the rest of them will prove to be worthy allies in

The coming battle the queen considers this for a moment and concedes that the forest lacks the forces necessary to deal with two attacks at once she heals astaz arms with her magic while Vanessa and Domina praise Noll for her handling of the queen while the black Bulls deal

With the invading Midnight Sun fanzel Domina and Mariella will deal with the diamond Kingdom as the midnight sun to destroys a giant security Golem and sends his men to capture witches to sell into slavery a staff saves a witch but she ungratefully attacks him before flying off so Vanessa apologizes on her

Behalf as witches believe men to be inferior beings meanwhile Dominus suggests to fansil that they split up to engage the diamond forces and he reluctantly agrees acknowledging that there is no other way using Vanessa’s thread magic a star closes the gap between him and shin taking out several

Of his Mages in the process fauna blasts a ball of fire towards him but he deflects it back to her she unleashes a second fire blast in response causing an explosion that sends a stat tumbling down but he is saved by funeral Faun all ears at a staff infuriated that he keeps

Getting in their way while esta says he’ll keep doing it as many times as it takes fauna’s attack forces the Bulls back in Vanessa comments on the salamander’s great power Asta rallies his comrades saying that vetto was far more dangerous meanwhile Noel tries to put out several forest fires but they

Keep reigniting the stat tries to talk to fauna but she ignores him and attacks him with another Fireball however he continues to insist on talking things through and fauna recalls her past at licks village where he had a human friend during a wedding they are slaughtered by humans and blamed Lick’s

Friend as he was the only one who knew of their location in the present fauna flies into a rage reminded of why she fights a third eye grows on her forehead and her salamander grows larger which warns the black Bulls of the dangers to come Mary Ellen Domino try to lead the

Witches out to safety while they think of a way to handle a security Golem still prowling the area the intense heat knocks back the black Bulls the very magic field preventing funeral and Vanessa from properly casting their spells fauna attacks them once more but they are saved by a sea dragon’s cradle

Knoll has arrived the four escape on hastily assembled brooms while fauna harasses them with even more fire strikes Knoll decides she alone can defeat the salamander and after shaking off voices of doubt in her head she unleashes a sea dragon’s Roar fauna recognizing the danger blocks and Dodges

The blast but Noel redirects her spell and the water dragon sinks its teeth into the salamander weakening it greatly they observe in shock as fauna casts Crystal and restoration magic which a Stan notices is the same magic Mars uses he asks her if she has any siblings to

Which she replies she has none but licked in the village with Vanessa and funeral’s magic restored they launch a stat towards fauna with his special move bull first cutting right through the salamander the witch Queen is impressed by astaz power remarking that he wasn’t bragging at all she peers into her

Second orb and sees the invasion of the diamond Kingdom fansel tries to negotiate with his old students Mars and ladros but both reject his calls to retreat ladros explains that their King old and withered wants to know the witch Queen’s secret to Nai immortality fanso rushes towards their Mage Army taking

Out multiple at once Mohawk the commander tries to keep his units in formation Mariella sneaks in several witches for an attack and later assassinates Mohawk meanwhile damana’s work on the Golem soon bear fruit she has turned them into suicide attackers blowing up droves of diamond Mages ladros tries to intervene but he is

Stopped by fans cell Mars approaches to support his comrade but fans all knowing he is no match for him in close quarters blows him away seeing his former pupil become a crazed bloodthirsty lunatic he feels he has no choice but to kill him with his most powerful spell Gail the

Attack appears to ravage him but to fansel’s horror Ladro simply absorbs the magic then warns him to save those dear to him fans all rushes to protect damina as ladros unleashes his million lasers across the battlefield indiscriminately killing friend and foe alike when the dust settles ladros picks up Domino and

Tries to kill her but she is saved by Mars who has remembered his old teachings of protecting the innocent with Mars choosing to defect ladro’s relishes in an opportunity to kill his hated friend after Mariella’s failed attempt at assassinating ladros Mars carries her Domino and fansil away from

Him Mars remarks that the only way to beat ladros is either to overload him with magic or to use anti-magic fansel remarks that they have the latter and Mars reacts with surprise meanwhile a stand the Bulls stare down and injured yet still power whose Flames Begin to

Burn brighter fansil and Mars fly near a stat and as fauna unleashes a fireball they have a stat deflected towards them and they send it straight into ladros salamander’s magic proves to be too much for him to handle and he burns into a crisp when they land the Bulls are wary

Of Mars presence but fanzel and Mars reassure them that he is there to help Mars looks towards fauna and realizes that it is the same fauna he was with all those years ago at the diamond Kingdom’s training grounds it was he who was tragically forced to kill her unable

To fulfill their promise of seeing the world together Mars tries reaching out to her but she refuses to acknowledge them with most of her magic spent she resorts to activating her self-destruct magic with an exasperated funeral wondering if all Midnight Sun members have some form of self-destruct built in

Fireballs begin shooting out of fauna but Mars refuses to defend himself saying he has no right to a Stan knocks him sense into him pointing out that dying here would solve nothing with funeral and Vanessa’s magic useless against salamander’s Flames Mars and a style like to charge in but they begin

To burn up due to the intense heat Mars casts his Phoenix robe on a stat to heal him and the two reflect on their mutual respect Mars looks upon us as the epitome of the magic Knight while studmires Mars unwavering desire to protect esta manages to slice through

Her magical barrier with his sword but the spell continues Mars throws himself at fauna and Embraces her reminding her of who she truly is as memories flood back into her she happily Embraces Mars back moving him to tears her third eye has disappeared and everyone breathes a

Huge sigh of relief Mars and fauna reunite and they thank a staff fauna is also happy that Mars has made a friend which is that happily reinforces however they learn that fauna has lost her memories Beyond being killed by Mars She manages to remember like finding her discarded after failing to materialize

Anything with a Magic Stone given to her fauna continues to have a desire to obtain a Magic Stone in the witch’s forest and the group decided to retrieve it but fans all suddenly warns everyone to get down as a million lasers obliterate the battlefield ladros has survived having earlier Fame defeat

While and fineral lie unconscious while Mars is knocked out while defending fauna Asta moves to face ladros but he backs away knowing his anti-magic capabilities he toys with the staff from afar battering him with several lasers knowing he has no means to close the gap without the help of his comrades he

Believes that there are only two kinds of people in the world users and the used and he plans to use Mars and fauna as stepping stones to climb even higher however suddenly the demon dweller sword slices through the air and stabs ladros in the shoulder crippling his ability to

Use magic sending him crashing into the ground he struggles to remove the sword and tries to trick a stand to removing it but to no avail he uses the last of his magic remove the sword and Escape taking fauna hostage he threatens her to release her salamander lest he kill Mars

Once she does he attempts to consume it gifting him with power even greater than that of a spirit according to fanzel lydro’s remarks he could take on the entire Diamond Kingdom and begins peppering a style with a barrage of lasers observing from afar the witch Queen uses her magic to reveal asta’s

True nature and the dark malevolent energy begins swirling in his arm after a battle with his inner demon astai emerge is radically transformed his right arm has been enveloped by black magic and he has grown a wing critically he is now able to keep up with an exceed

Lateral speed now forced on the defensive ladros begins to flee meanwhile the witch Queen observes a stab battle with great interest and remarks that no one but a stack could wield the demon swords as they drain the user’s magic instead the anti-magic has been flowing into him which he had been

Unconsciously putting a lid on through the witch’s magic that Lit is gone and the status made its vessel ladros continues to run away but a stat easily closes the Gap deflecting and parrying everything that is thrown his way in a desperate move ladro’s attempts to use a

Powerful beam but estat defeats him with his new black meteorite ladros is defeated and his Mage Stone shatters Knoll is worried that esta may have become more Sinister but is relieved to see him behave like his old self as he lectures ladro’s on taking responsibility for his actions the

Demonic energy leaves estas body and he is suddenly overcome come by pain all over the witch Queen teleports to their location Asta eagerly tells her that they defeated both the diamond Army and eye of the midnight sun which the queen Praises him for he asks her to heal his

Friends but she instead casts her blood magic restraining everyone except him on a bloody cross using her magic she controls a style like a puppet forcing him to draw his sword and healing him with her blood cocoon she then gives a style an opportunity to Rampage and

Orders him to kill everyone present to everyone’s horror a stab begins advancing on null first for the Queen’s orders to the Queen’s shock a stat manages to regain some semblance of control over himself but the queen reinforces her blood magic in a staff and forces him forward Vanessa begs for

Mercy but the queen refuses she had allowed Vanessa to run free as her divinations foretold that she would eventually return with something she desired but did not expect it to be two anti-magic weapons she reasserts herself as Vanessa’s mother and her only family Vanessa recalls her past in being

Trapped in cage prevented from seeing the outside world Yami one day intrudes on the Forest going toe-to-toe with the queen but unable to defeat her he punches a hole into Vanessa’s room and says that she is free to go Vanessa hesitates but decides to take flight a

Bird now given the chance to fly and joins the black Bulls crying out to protect her family she wishes for the power to change fate itself and a new spell is recorded in her grimoire the red thread of Fate taking on the form of a playful cat the queen curious tries to

Have a stack kill null but when the cat touches him he miraculously misses even though it looked like she had died the Queen instead instructs a star to cut down fineral instead but the cat once again twists fate in Vanessa’s favor the cat then causes a stat to hit himself

Canceling out the effects of the blood magic freeing him from the Queen’s control excited that Vanessa now has the power to control fate the queen tries taking it for herself activating the blood magic within Vanessa however the cat jumps and touches her canceling her magic Vanessa approaches the queen still

In disbelief that her magic could be overcome and says that her power to change fate will only be shared by those with whom she she has a bond with and she has no bond with her the queen recalls a memory of Vanessa and she realizes that she had forgotten

Something far more important than Perfection admitting defeat she tells Vanessa she is free to do as she wishes she then casts her blood recovery magic healing everyone in the witch’s Forest as the group miraculously recover astai excitedly begins exercising again and Noel bashfully tells him to put on some

Clothes as the queen walks away Nero lands on her shoulder pecking at her earring and she curiously wonders about the bird they later asked the queen about the Magic Stone the Midnight Sun we’re searching for and she removes her earring and gives it to them saying she

Has no use for it she explains that the magic Stones enhances the user’s Powers but only those of the elf tribe could use them several centuries ago she remarks that fauna’s third eye was a forbidden spell cast by someone else upon her and hypothesizes that the Midnight Sun are made up of descendants

Of those elves funeral readily writes all this information down lastly the queen remarks that estas swords were once owned by the leader of those elves which is the nail in the coffin different information overload and he faints outside everyone prepares to bait each other farewell Mars and ladros will

Return to the diamond Kingdom fanzel Domino and Mariella will take care of fauna Mars promises to fauna that they will see the world together one day eliciting Hoots from the crowd and jealous Cries From funeral as they prepare to leave the queen says that Vanessa is free to visit anytime and she

Walks away without a word Mars bids a staggered by reaffirming their bond as friends a staff funeral and Vanessa returned to their base where Yami greets the mon enthusiastically they present him with a Magic Stone and he excitedly tells Asta to get him some alcohol Upon returning he is instructed to rest the

Other black Bulls return one by one having radically transformed personalities but they revert to normal upon seeing astaz arms are healed using the food Charming brought back Yami prepares a feast but boss is a stand to performing several household chores Vanessa recalls the Queen’s words to visit her Homeland anytime she wants but

She strips down to her underwear and declares that the black Bulls is where she feels the most home at the Golden Dawn base Klaus mimosa and yuno read the reports regarding the black Bulls exploits in the witch’s Forest Klaus and Mimosa are glad that estas arms are okay

But yuno is quite indifferent Klaus has called his Protege over to study the reports about The Midnight Sun to prepare for any eventual battle against the group their first appearance was during their attack on the capitol where the magic Knights battled fiercely to contain the droves of Undead it was here

That they isolated and nearly killed fugolian taking his pendant in the process reading another report the black Bulls once again encountered their presence in Neen when Yami was narrowly saved by three Squad captains against the third eye it was here that the kingdom first discovered the midnight

Sun’s aim to collect the magic stones to place into a certain Stone tablet likewise the black Bulls faced off against vetto in the underwater temple where they defeated him and prevented another magic Stone from falling into the midnight Sun’s hands lastly Klaus reads the latest report detailing the

Events of the witch’s Forest revealing that the elves of old are involved with the magic Stones which mimosa and you know were led to believe were only myths after finishing reading they reaffirmed their mission to defend the king for many and all threats meanwhile Yami delivers the Queen’s Magic Stone to

Julius and he latter praises the black bulls for once again for achieving Stellar Feats in Yami dryly remarks that they could use some more golden stars Julius does his best to ignore the comment and says that they were able to find the midnight Sun’s base but warns

That they have made preparations to make their next move dressed in a traditional happy coat Yami tells the black Bulls of an upcoming Festival the star is excited and Noel has funeral explain what the festival is funeral says that the magic squads compete for the most stars every

Year and the winner is announced during the festival Noel remarks that they’d be fighting for last place anyway but Yami proudly corrects her they are dead last without a contest the black Bulls head out to the festival and go about their own way astatus funeral bring over

Kahono and kaito estas Kyoto if he brought his leg and upon confirming that he did opens a flask filled with the witch Queen’s magic it pours out healing kaito’s leg and restoring kahanos voice the song and dance of the sea is alive once more they thank a staff profusely

For healing them and kahono immediately sings a song which enchanting those around them Magna arrives and invites esta to help him with his fireworks but assumes that their group is out on a double date wanting to go to Knoll into admitting her feelings for a stack

Kahono decides to make it one she links arms with a stat-driving null insane while kayato assumes that the double date is for him to get closer with Noel after a while kahono is irritated that Noel is so indecisive and decides to bring them into a haunted house together

Planning to use his cronies to scare girls his way SEC instead causes Noel and a stat of panic thinking the zombies have returned after leaving the haunted house kahono realizes that a stat is far too dense and asks him what he feels about Noel but just then a crying child

Begins annoying Festival goers and they assume it must be a peasant child Bill tries to calm her down and with a small performance set up by her and the others the child stops crying kahono uses her voice to call out the child’s parent and a mother comes to claim her child

Thanking them for watching over her however the mother sees that Noel is royalty causing her to Bow her head but Noel reassures her that the festival is for anyone and everyone to enjoy recalling kohana’s question astas says that he likes Noel quite a bit an answer

That turns Noel beat red she blasts to stay away with her magic making him wonder what he did wrong while kahono laments that if a stat is too dense then Noel is not honest when a style lands he sees Yami and Jack the Ripper in a showdown and wonders what they could

Possibly be fighting over and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 7. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care kayato and kahono entertain the crowd with their performance while Noel

Wonders where Austin is before realizing she sent him flying she encounters austa their stall desperately trying to sell yami’s grilled squid and likewise SEC is trying to sell Jack the Ripper’s meat but neither have any luck they explained to null that Yami and Jack are trying to

Compete over whose stall can sell more Yami then blames Austin for not selling anything while Jack Black same second the others for poor sales the two then decide to settle the score in other ways in a series of childish games including thumb and arm wrestling but eventually

Yami decides to call funeral to settle the score with their fists they’re teleported to the same cave where they once fought licked in the third eye while Julius disguised as an old woman curiously follows them the two start fighting while an excited second off to cheer on their respective captains

Although Noel is annoyed by their liveliness when she notices Yami about to perform his Dimension slash she urges funeral to put a stop to the fight if they knock each other out the Kingdom’s forces would be weakened leaving them vulnerable to attack finral tries to stop his captain but he is effortlessly

Brushed off as the two captains unleash their magic Julius uses his Chrono magic to put everyone into stasis recognizing the danger their moves May pose to their surroundings and to themselves Marx contacts him to return in time for the awarding ceremony before Julius leaves he cuts Yami in Jack’s pants as everyone

Exits their stasis Yami and Jack laugh at each other for having their pants down and they decide to stop fighting they later share food from their respective stalls and they surprisingly get along however they begin to argue over their respective scores and disaster tries to intervene he is thrown

Out once more as he lands he sees a beautiful woman whom he finds familiar therein bombing approaches the woman inviting her out to enjoy the festivities however she suddenly casts briarthorne magic to restrain the drunken Baron the trademark magic of Charlotte captain of the blue roses Saul

Arrives with a dress for Charlotte to wear and his osta tries to save bombing he accidentally trips and finds himself in Saul’s bosom she recognizes him as the runt from the awards ceremony then tosses him aside as she flirtatiously dresses Charlotte up much to the excitement of those around them everyone

Is dazzled by Charlotte’s beautiful dress but they are quickly shut down by Saul and Charlotte herself as only the blue roses are allowed to admire her suddenly Yami arrives to investigate the commotion and Charlotte is inwardly embarrassed at having him see her all dressed up the Nessa arrives and the two

Girls instinctively recognize that they are both Rivals for yami’s affections Vanessa challenges her to account test which Charlotte turns down but Saul eagerly accepts on her behalf much to Charlotte’s Chagrin finrel organizes a cosplay contest and after much taunting from Vanessa Charlotte agrees Charlotte dresses up as a witch earning approval

From the crowd but she is conscious of Yami seeing her Vanessa’s nun outfit also manages to impress and the votes end up in a tie after hearing Yami voice his approval over a woman who can hold her liquor Vanessa proposes a drinking contest to Charlotte and once again Saul

Accepts on her behalf however Vanessa instantly loses after one drink as she has already been drinking the entire night Charlotte not wanting to lose tries to drink as well but she Is tragically weak to alcohol Charlotte recalls that a curse was placed on her that will activate on her 18th birthday

And has lived her life relying on no one but herself on the fateful day the curse activates but she is saved by Yami who remarks that it is okay to ask for help once in a while the curse breaks the cure being Charlotte Falling In Love With Another Man Yami drinks Charlotte’s

Mug and seeing the indirect kiss passes out finral declares the match a draw suddenly the crowd starts moving talking about the new captains for Crimson lion and purple Orca Yami realizes that they are late for the ceremony Julius begins to announce the ranking of the magic Knight squads the various magic captains

Make their appearance including Mario Leona and Kaiser the new captains of the Crimson lions and purple orcas several people noticed the absence of two captains and even Julius is incensed Julius announces that the Golden Dawn has once again placed first with a record 125 Stars smashing their previous

Record of 96. yuno is introduced as the squad’s greatest contributor to thunderous Applause many people then expect the silver eagles to be next but to everyone’s shock Julius announces that the black bulls with a whopping 101 stars is in second place everyone is astonished but none more so than the

Black Bulls themselves who had expected to be in last place as a result none of the members are anywhere near the stage when Julius calls for them Yami grabs Austin and hurls him towards the stage where he lands right next to yuno murmurs begin forming in the crowd when

Set out the two is peasants but you know brandishes his powerful wind magic while Austin easily erases it along with any doubts to their abilities the crowd begins to cheer once more calling on for greater cooperation status and nobility be damned Julius announces the rest of the rankings silver eagles blue rose

Crimson Lions green mantis Coral peacock pirupal Orca and in last place the aqua deer King August is Kira Clover 13 then makes his appearance expecting similar Applause however the crowd is remarkably lukewarm infuriating him Augustus blames Julius for hogging the spotlight and in a desperate attempt to elicit attention

For himself announces that the eye of the midnight Sun’s base has been located and he plans to form a squadron of Royal Knights to storm The Hideout one week from now a royal exam will be held which will decide its members the exam had been Julia’s idea but Augustus leveraged

It to his Advantage however osta points out that the king hasn’t really done anything and angered the king who orders him and you know executed Julius manages to defuse the situation and oscillator apology this Austin you know then descend the staircase only to see Mario Leona in a fiery tirade against her

Squad for only securing fifth place Mario Leona berates her squad for placing Fifth and begins insulting the previous captain and her younger brother fugolian when Lee pulled protester she strikes him and tells the squad to prove to her that fugolian raised a proper Squad she proposes a trip to the hot

Springs and upon seeing Austin yuno grabs them and forces them to come along as well in a bar Yami gloats to the other captains about his black Bulls being in second place nosel Kaiser and Jack the Ripper all try to give him a piece of their mind but each time the

Bartender appeases them with a complimentary drink the three soonly while Yami continues to make fun of them but he stops when he sees marioliona Enter he is suddenly grabbed as well meaning to instill discipline in him after failing to show up at the awards ceremony and she grabs Charlotte and

Saul looking for Austin to say goodbye to kayato and kahono Knoll is also grabbed despite her wishes once they leave the bartender reveals himself to be Julius in Disguise and remark marks that things will soon get interesting Mario Leona brings them all to the all-time volcano Mountain Trail an

Inhospitable region that orders everyone to reach the top where a magnificent hot spring resides by Nightfall Saul is excited that the prospect of seeing Charlotte naked and she is fired up although the intense heat bogs everyone else down Yami and Charlotte effortlessly rushed through the course demonstrating the Mana skin ability

Which protects a magic Knight with a layer of Defense the other night soon Forge ahead including Noel whom Mario Leona encourages to press on reminding her of her mother’s tenacity however Asta struggles to advance due to an inability to use Mana skin and collapses Mario Leona advises him to just go home

Remarking that his Feats were nothing but luck Austin manages to stand back up and says to become the wizard King it is not achieved by luck but by Merit despite talking big Austin still has no idea how to bridge the gap between him and the others we’re calling Mary

Oleona’s words he decides to look Inward and using his Kai to sense the dark energy of the sword and manages to manifest its power once more transforming into his black form he is suddenly pulled forward by an unknown Force blazing through the course slicing through a lava Beast Leopold and null

Are facing before hurtling towards Mario Leona he warns her to get out of the way but she bravely stands her ground and slams him into a wall as the last members of the Crimson lion makes it to the summit she scolds them for being late however she does give everyone

Permission to jump into the hot springs which causes obvious problems for the girls Saul uses her mud magic to create a giant barrier splitting the hot spring bath into two the girls soak into the hot spring and is solidmeyer’s Charlotte’s figure marioliona offers the blue rose Captain a drink but she

Declines due to the Past day’s events Saul washes Noel’s hair and biting her to the blue roses but she turns her down saying the black Bulls is her home Mario Leona later speaks to Noel regarding her mother asir whom she admired as a strong and capable woman and that in comparison

Noel is nothing like her Knoll is dejected but marioliona encourages her to overcome her weaknesses and surpass her mother on the men’s side Leupold is angered by Uno’s cool personality and they begin to squabble Yami calls their attention and tells them of a better way to enjoy the hot springs peeping on the

Women’s side he reasons that if they are true men and if they are here to get stronger then they should not fear death a line of reasoning that Leopold accepts you know his refuses and Yami clutches him by the head also infuriated by his cool persona as the Mana rallied to peep

On the women Saul senses them charging and raises the mud wall even higher but the men are undeterred Yami tells Asta to go as well but he adamantly refuses remembering that sister Lily is the only woman for him stunning everyone the vice captain of the purple orcas xerx lugner

Encounters a man who provokes him xerx angrily casts his ice magic but ends up being easily defeated and his robe is stolen magic mites begin to gather at the arena Austin greets mimosa and Klaus and yuno and they talk about their earlier trip to the hot springs and

Mimosa is frustrated that nobody will tell her about it finrel then appears with a brand new hairstyle earning him jeers from his fellow black Bulls peers Noel runs into Silva who ridicules her as usual but null is not the same as before and she has Newfound confidence and resolve Julius welcomes the knights

To the selection exam and King Augustus begins explaining the exam two teams will compete in A Team Battle protecting their Crystal while trying to attack the opposing sides after the 30-minute time limit the team with the most damage Crystal loses Julius then elaborates that this format was chosen as several

Squads will have to cooperate in the fight against the midnight eye he then announces the teams in Austin finds himself alongside mimosa and zerks xerx arrives and although Marx and Julius are aware this circus is not the real one Julius convinces him to see how it will

Go the rest of the magic Knights are incensed to xerx’s rudeness to the wizard King xerx goes and greets Austin with stink bugs and says he is not here to compete he is here to ridicule the other teams consist of Saul Magna Kirsch and Noel yuno pilly luck Klaus F mineral

Leopold Hammond and Dimitri solid and electora alongside several other nameless teams Julius then has cobbed transport everyone using spatial magic in the first round is announced to include asta’s team the rest of the black Bulls arrive to cheer on their squad mates Charmy makes herself at home

On Julia’s lap as the first round begins Austin is pumped up for the match and Mimosa suggests that they tell each other their magic Specialties to formulate a strategy before xerx can reply a magic attack hits their Crystal surprising Mimosa as the match has just started to their frustrations xerx

Simply lies down and begins to sleep across the battlefield Rick uses his Crystal scope to locate Austin’s tea while Forte uses his fire magic in conjunction with Curtis Rock magic to form a Ballista Rick notices xerx sleeping infuriating them further Mimosa uses her plant magic to locate their

Opponents and with xerx refusing to cooperate she tells osta that they should go on the offensive instead they approach the enemy team within range and Mimosa unleashes her Cannon flower surprising those watching as Mimosa had always specialized in just defensive magic recognizing asta’s ability in close quarters combat Forte and Curtis

Split up but Mimosa knows the magic crystal is with Curtis Austin gives Chase but he steps over a magic trap that paralyzes him and Mimosa realizes they are on open ground about to be struck by three massive spells as osta drops to the ground the three unleash

Their magic and his Mimosa laments the end of their tournament run a magic circle suddenly appears sending the magic back to the casters xerx appears revealing that this was his plan all along he taunts Curtis honor telling him that anyone who loses to him does not deserve to be a magic Knight Mimosa

Recognizes xerx’s magic as Ash magic and the trap that immobilized austa was set by him she wonders when he had the time to prepare such massive spells xerx destroys the Crystal but his Oster recovers he angrily confronts him for his terrible attitude Saul and Magna arrive telling them to clear the stages

Does mimosa’s older brother Kirsch a flamboyant man obsessed with elegance and Beauty whom Mimosa views as an annoyance Saul and Magna are unnerved at kirsch’s insistence on beauty above all things however Kirsch openly shows disdain towards Asta a peasant without magic to him is an unsightly and ugly

Thing angered that Asta was insult Mimosa promises to slaughter her brother in the next round the match starts and Magna rushes in bats blazing he soon struggles against cesc’s Jackal spell but Kirsch arrives and gives Magna surprisingly good advice teaching him the proper timing to use close and long-range attacks Magna eventually

Defeats Jackal meanwhile Saul uses her giant Earth Golem to Traverse the battlefield but it is caught in Willy’s bog magic Kirsch appears to her advising her to split up her Golem into smaller units she follows his advice and defeats Willy Adrian has snuck behind Kirsch and attacks it with his water magic but

Kirsch uses his cherry blossom blizzard to drive him back while giving Saul and Magna a clear path to the enemy Crystal the pair Smash It To Pieces giving them the Victory and they end up being caught up in curses flow copying his mannerisms for the next match funeral volunteers to

Take charge of the offense using Leopold and Hammond’s magic using the offensive style he learned through experience he launches Leopold and Hammond around the battlefield confusing and confounding the enemy the three manage to overwhelm and defeat Kyle borja and next SEK worries that he is out of his

Element with how powerful the other Mages are Flagyl reassures him saying that he must be strong as the other Junior Knights from the black Bulls thus far have been he summons his tacky Magic Ride and langris says that he has a good idea the two rides straight for Gareth

Simon and medio’s Crystal and although they think they have the pair cornered langris simply uses his spatial magic to erase their Crystal from existence a dominant show of force as languorous returns to the sidelines he taunts funeral that his magic will never hope to match his calling him nothing more

Than a luggage boy facing each other in the next round he warns funeral that he might die but funeral replies that he intends to win the next round begins but one team consisting of Nils and Ruben point out that their last member called X has yet to appear the referee calls

Out for x and a masked man appears who reveals himself as real the captain of the blue deers rill’s Butler called Walter arrives a few moments later to cheer him on and presents Asta with a cup of tea thanking him for being Real’s friend the match begins but Nils and

Reuben are unnerved at rill’s can staring into the sky prattling on about art he goes forward by himself but he ends up caught in the plant magic of Roland his allies Wayne slay and Nyx are surprised he was caught so easily but they unleash their magic at the trapped

Captain real remarks that the battlefield truly is the greatest canvas four years earlier rill’s mother is driven to near Insanity at Real’s incessant use of his magic causing great damage to the family’s estate frustrated that nobody understands his art real lashes out at everyone around him slapping some sense into him Walter

Encourages him to join the magic Knights where he is free to show the world his art since then he has proven himself capable enough to be the youngest magic Knight Captain ever real activates his magic allowing him to use any magical attribute and he uses it to eliminate

Wayne sleep and nicks with the magic they are weak against Nils Cuts real free while Reuben eliminates Roland with his Rock magic and watching from afar Walter is deeply proud of his young Master will continues to loiter and observe the art he has created exasperating Mills and Reuben they are

Forced to drag him away when the next match is announced luck Klaus and purely greet each other although Klaus is off put by the upbeat personalities of his two teammates Klaus warns them that their greatest problem is Rob a skilled user of wind magic the next match soon

Begins the battle rages on with both teams clashing in the center Klaus defends the crystal with his steel magic against Francis water magic but luck arrives just in time to carry the crystal to safety he then returns fire against the enemy’s Crystal and people comment on his staggering Display of

Power Klaus has not slacked off either having trained his body under osta’s suggestion he attacks Winston with his steel magic earning him the mutual respect of luck Rob appears but so does pulley who takes charge of defending the crystal Klaus launches luck straight at Rob into everyone’s shock he shatters

Both him and the Crystal in one blow the team celebrates their Victory as all eyes now look with anticipation to the next match Knoll and yuno meet at their elderly teammate Nolan you know have mutual doubts over each other’s fighting ability solid arrives to torment his little sister recalling all the pain and

Suffering he put her through the match begin but yuno is taken aback by the speed with which Dimitri electora and solid have rushed to their location Dimitri assaults them with Fire magic which Noel hastily defends with a sea Dragon’s Nest but it is soon absorbed by electorate Sand magic yuno escapes with

Knoll and the Crystal but Noel asks to be let down knowing solid is sure to chase after her while yuno defends the crystal by himself against electora incense that van jeans has been paying more attention to yuno electora is further angered by what he perceives to be sheer insolence on euno’s part

Meanwhile solid attacks null with a flurry of water bolts but Dimitri tells him that they are supposed to act as a unit suddenly he drops to the ground being rendered helpless by ends mushroom magic another mushroom appears on Noel’s shoulder encouraging her to destroy solid with all her might solid taunts

Null but she says that she used to fear his magic but she now only sees it as weak and flimsy infuriating solid meanwhile Elektra unleashes his most powerful sand golem and dares yuno to oppose it without his self you know effortlessly destroys it using his tornado and Elektra falls to his knees

In defeat meanwhile Knoll summons her sea dragons Roar while solid stares in disbelief refusing to acknowledge that Noel could Muster Such magic still believing that the spell will miss he dares her to cast it Noel unleashes her spell completely wiping out solid in his Crystal and securing the win for her

Team Knoll looks at her defeated brother and declares that she is no longer weak and this brings the anime to an end common for part 8. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time

Take care we last Saw Noel proving to solid that she is no longer weak silencing him with a devastating sea dragon’s Roar solid and electora are in disbelief at their defeat Knowles group returns triumphant and her Squad mates congratulate them on their Victory Charmy gives you Noah pastry and becomes

Jittery when he accepts the second round soon begins signaled by the shifting of the battlefield austa’s group now faces off against Kirsch who still voices his disdain of the peasant Asta however Austin xerx begin arguing when they learn the latter Place traps before the exam began the battle begins and Kirsch

Unleashes his cherry blossom hurricane completely obscuring their Vision both mimosa and zerks are helpless but Asta enters his demon form and performs his black hurricane obliterating both kirsch’s spells and Xerxes traps both sides are astounded especially xerx zerks angrily scolds osta for dispelling his traps but ostas simply tells him to

Think of a new plan for them as a team osta tells him that as strong as he is a magic Knight cannot hope to accomplish everything by himself serks is reminded of someone telling him something similar a memory that reveals his true name is Zora Zora reluctantly agrees to

Cooperate he tells them that his signature Ash attribute trap magic takes time to set up and because also ruined them all he can only make three simple spells a binding spell a pitfall trap and an attack trap with this he formulates a plan upon learning Magna is

A peasant Kirsch decides to attack by himself leaving the defense of their Crystal to Magna and Saul an old-fashioned Aristocrat Kirsch firmly believes in the royalty’s superiority over commoners both in status and in magical power he finds Austin a cave and triggers Zora’s traps with his clones he

Taunts osta for thinking he would fall for such crude traps but as he lands he suddenly falls into a trap hole physically dug out by Austin Zora osta then knocks him out and remarks to Zora that it finally feels like they are a team after kirsch’s defeat Mimosa tries

To combat Saul but she is captured by a mud spell meanwhile Zora taunts the defeated Kirsch burying him alive Magna arrives in learning from his experience with Austin he decides to fight him from afar to osta’s surprise Magna has devised a new spell that allows him to

Make his Fireball disappear at will Saul slaps Kirsch awake and upon hearing him insist that he is beautiful she replies that the only real beautiful people are those like Charlotte four years ago in the great city of hecario Saul sees her father off and she promises to look

After the town while he is gone one afternoon Bandits arrive to raid the town she is taken hostage but when one of her male friends refused to come to her Aid her confidence in Men In general is shaken it was Charlotte who inspired her to join the blue roses back in the

Present Saul stresses to curse the need to cooperate meanwhile Austin begins to keep up with Magnus barrage prompting the head-headed bull to step up his attacks Kirsch arrives once more and Zora tells osta to deal with him his trap activates on their Crystal sending one of magna’s spell back at him

Knocking him out Kirsch flies in the air safely out of range for austa’s attacks but he is trapped by a spells or a cast mid-air allowing Austin to knock him out for the second time this match Saul emerges from the ground but she loses control of her Golem due to mimosa’s

Magic she forces it to expose their Crystal allowing Austin to destroy it advancing them to the next round Zora approaches the defeated Squad and rudely tells them their shortcomings but Asta tells him he is going too far Mimosa tells her brother that she is proud of the progress he made in fighting

Alongside a peasant the next match soon begins a long-awaited showdown between finral and his brother langris despite his bravado funeral is plagued by feelings of self-doubt not once having beaten his brother at anything but Vanessa manages to encourage him the match begins and funeral asks that he be

Allowed to face his brother head on understanding his passion Leopold and Hammond agree meanwhile langris and SEC perform the same strategy as last round racing towards the enemy Crystal for languorous to eliminate in one Fell Swoop Year’s earlier languas prided himself over being funerals better in all matters of magic academics and

Physical ability one day they are introduced to Lady Finns the fiance of the next House of VOD although dismissive of her he is enraged when he overhears her call funeral the better Mage due to his kindness back in the present language conducts his frontal assault but is shocked when his spatial

Magic is canceled out by funeral he declares that it is a who will win Leopold and Hammond are teleported to the enemy Crystal’s location solely defended by fragile she casts a sleeping Snow spell but Leopold manages to keep himself awake using the Mana skin technique fragile is caught off guard

And realizes she is on the losing end meanwhile funeral manages to Stave off langerous assault to everyone’s surprise funeral uses his new spell the fallen angel’s Wing beat a homing spell that teleports its Target to to another location when it hits SEC it sends him to the black Bulls base where he meets

An angry Yami fighting a certain Battle of his own on the toilet to everyone’s shock langris reveals he can use a similar spell but on a much more powerful scale observers notice that the aura he is exuding is similar to that release by vetto the Beast funeral

Responds to langerous magic with his own but the difference in power is too great finral is badly injured his body shredded like swiss cheese envious over his brother’s ability to make friends with ease langris goes insane and decides to kill him with his spatial magic however the black Bulls arrive to

The defense of their comrade and threatened to kill langris the black Bulls threatened to take out langris right here and now but they stop short when Julius arrives Owen rushes to heal funeral but his injuries are severe an Irate languish wants to fight right away and also obliges observing from afar

Klaus has always known langerous as belligerent but he and many others sense that something is wrong with the heir of house Vaughn Julius traps them all in a stasis spell and after recalling their teammates decides to start their semi a final match also apologizes to his team

And asks for their assistance Zora finds the whole thing ridiculous but acknowledges that something is Twisted about languorous and agrees to cooperate in contrast langris declares his teammates dead weight and resolves to settle the score by himself Marx we’re calling Julia’s suspicions of an unconscious traitor among the magic

Knight ranks wonders if language is a traitor the battle begins with Asta and his Squad charging straight at langris however his spatial rending spell barrage soon overwhelmaster but he manages to endure it thanks to mimosa’s Healing magic realizing he needs to enter his demon form he begins focusing

His energy to transform and Trust Zoro with his defense who is only cooperating due to his disdain towards languorous Zora’s father Zara was a peasant magic Knight fondly remembered as a good-hearted man with a penchant for practical jokes Zora was proud that his father defended the weak and innocent

And aspired to be a magic Knight like him his father’s death would crush his Spirit observing his father’s comrades disrespect his father’s grave and the magic Knights abusing their power he dedicated his life to punishing them as a vigilante as defense against langris assault he declares that languish is

Nothing like the magic Knights his father spoke so highly of languorous assault slips past Zora’s magic barrier but to everyone’s shock Zora has drawn a magic circle on himself he sends the attack now twice as powerful back to langris despite this he manages to erase the attack completely an exhausted Zora

Collapses but he has bought enough time for osta to enter his demon form Ulster respects langris power but his attitude and cruelty prove that he is no true Knight hearkening back to langrous willingness to sacrifice civilians as collateral damage Austin’s words ring true touching all the magic knights in attendance including Zora however

Languas refuses to listen so Asta performs a black meteorite crashing langris straight through their own Crystal at the same time austa’s Team Crystal also shatters from the accumulated damage and the match is declared a draw as the match ends Zora goes on a tirade against all the match participants criticizing Austin’s

Short-sightedness mimosas May naivete and sex overconfidence after declaring no one will respect langris again he criticizes himself for not believing in his comrades more Oster is disappointed that the match is a draw and as he collapses from exhaustion he he is caught by his Squad mates meanwhile

Funeral’s injuries are far too severe so Owen brings him to the hospital concerned for funeral Vanessa decides to go with him the next match begins between The Eccentric rill and the Cherry Berserker luck luck devises a giant crossbow inspired by the combination spell he witnessed earlier his team unleashes the lightning bolt

Touted as Unstoppable however real draws up Zeus and returns fire with Luck’s own bolt destroying their Crystal and an instant rill has claimed victory in the next match a startlingly intense Yuna wipes out the enemy team in one Fell Swoop knowing that Austin is constantly improving the next match is the final

Match between you know and Real’s teams the final match between real and yuno’s teams is soon underway Real’s teammates Nils and Ruben lament that they have not stood out due to rill’s dominance on the other hand yuno has decided to go full strength revealing he has yet to show

All his cards osta awakens disappointed that he failed to reach the finals to face yuno but he is comforted in the knowledge that fineral is being healed the battle begins and is expected yuno goes straight for real but his wind daggers are effortlessly blown away by rill’s painted God Nils and Ruben sneak

Behind to try and strike at Knoll but they face stubborn resistance from the sea Dragon’s Lair yuno throws everything in the kitchen sink at rill but every spell from his wind sickle to his self-empowered Swift white bow is met with an appropriate answer from real who

Has proven his status as a magic Knight Captain is not just for show with none of his attacks working yuno decides to use his ultimate spell which he planned to reserve for Asta he unites his Mana with silphs which he dubbed Spirit dive yuno’s appearance changes now bearing a

Halo and a fairy wing on his back a change which mirrors austa’s demon form still recuperating from his injuries Asta watches on yuno’s sheer volume of magic is staggering impressing even Julius himself yuno’s Spirit storm and Real’s Phantom dragon shout clash in a battle of wills although their magic

Appears even Real’s magic Crystal can no longer bear the stress of the battle and it self-destructs yuno’s team is declared the winner although rill is depressed Walter reassures him that he is sure to craft his Masterpiece of Art and with the tournament concluded Joe Julius and the King see off the magic

Knights intending to announce the selected knights in a few days time meanwhile Mimosa finds herself unsure of how to comfort a depressed osta who has grown depressed yuno enters the room but upon seeing him in a sorry State he decides to leave Austin declares that he

Will catch up to him eventually and yuno tells him to try meanwhile Julius catches Zora trying to leave and Praises him for pointing out the flaws in his magic Knights he tells him of how he met his father on a battlefield long ago impressed by Zora’s tactical prowess and

Magical abilities he encourages him to join the magic Knights however Zora says that he is a nobody just a guy passing through that couldn’t become a mage Austin is still depressed over how the selection exam ended and despite the best efforts of the black Bulls they

Fail to cheer him up luck remarks that the results of the exam are will soon arrive and Magna reassures Austin that he will pass Yami appears and drags everyone into the baths he shares a story of how he was once a member of the grade year back when it was led by the

Future wizard King Julius while fishing for his lunch he is a approached by several villagers who offer him food they ask for his help in quelling a local Bandit group that have been assaulting their Village and stealing their crops Yami agrees on the condition that he takes a nap first that evening

The Bandit leader orders an attack on the village but Yami is prepared and begins taking them out one by one he eventually finds the Bandit leader but Yami is overwhelmed by the Bandit’s numbers van jeans arrives to his rescue and with his help they eliminate the remaining Bandits however the leader

Manages to escape van jeans introduces himself as a fellow gray deer member in Yami comments on his strange mask the villagers thank Yami for his help later Yami meets vandians along the riverbank and upon learning the two have similar goals they declare to be each other’s Rivals back in the present Yami remarks

That the battle was his first encounter with the future Golden Dawn Captain sometime after their initial encounter Yami and vanjins currently Vice captains of gray deer are called by the wizard King Julius to investigate a string of banded attacks occurring throughout common realm towns they suspect a magic

Knight is aiding them judging from how well prepared they are as though they have prior knowledge of their movements with vengeance’s clever reasoning and in seductions they narrow down the attacks to two locations Aimee or zakadani Yami visits zakadani which has recently found a magical artifact of significant power

While van jeans watches over imeo which has been blessed with a Bountiful Harvest regardless of which town gets attacked the two agree to wait until reinforcements arrive when Yami awakens he sees the bandits flying to attack zokodini he tries to contact Vengeance but his communication device is jammed

By a magical field forcing him to engage the enemy alone to his surprise he finds the same Bandit leader he encountered several years ago now armed with a dangerous staff despite this Yami makes quick work of him as he tries to interrogate him he manages to shake free

And take an old woman hostage when suddenly Yami is restrained by Magic courtesy of mole of the silver eagles and goat of the Crimson Lions the two traitors in their ranks while the Bandit Captain goes off to search for the magical artifact Yami starts being crushed by a mad goal he begins

Struggling free but is saved when vangience arrives together they eliminate the traitors meanwhile Julius himself confronts and eliminates the Bandit leader when they return Julius decides to make the two captains of their very own squads the future black bulls and Golden Dawn back in the present Yami encourages osta even if he

Loses 99 times he should simply win the next asta’s spirit is restored realizing that sulking won’t get him anywhere while anticipating the results of the selection exam the black Bulls base begins to tremble suddenly a wall caves in the fiery marioliona has arrived upon seeing marioliona Yami signals for his

Squad to retreat but she grabs him by the head and Gifts him a bottle of alcohol she then picks up luck Knoll and Asta although Magna initially makes fun of them she reveals that the three were chosen to be part of the royal Knights a stun Magna realizes he has been passed

Over but resolves to train even harder to surpass luck Mario Leona notes that one other black bull passed but sees they are not present they are brought to a castle tower to be sworn into the Royal Knights among among the other passers are Nils Kirsch Puli and real

Fragile Hammond Klaus Mimosa yuno luck Knoll and Asta mariolian introduces herself as their acting Royal Knights Captain until the eye of the Midnight Sun is annihilated and to their shock the last bull is revealed to be Zora Zora explains that long ago during his hunt of magic nights he encountered a

Man he could not beat Yami he was then given a black Bull’s robe and made an official member this means that Zora is Austin Knoll senior Mario Leona tells them to change into their special Royal Knights robes specially woven uniforms that boast High magical resistance asta’s robe is much smaller than the

Rest due to the addition of three more members crucial to their success Cobb a spatial magic specialist and Tim whose Earth Magic is invaluable in assessing the enemy’s base and forces nozil the captain of the silver eagles will also join them in their Crusade the king appears but he is overshadowed by Mario

Leona’s presence she galvanizes the Royal knights in raiding The Hideout of the eye of the Midnight Sun warning them that Raya and lichter are expected to be their biggest threats Austin asks about the location of their Hideout and the King reveals it is in a floating stronghold in the region known as the

Gravito stones Rye awakens from a Dream from his time with the elves and remarks that the Awakening is close at hand Austin and Noel visit fugolian still in a coma after the earlier attack on the capital the two bulls owe much to the Fallen Captain who left an impression on

The young Mages and encouraged them to grow Leopold by his brother’s bedside says that he will continue to train and catch up to them the pair meet up with Klaus yuno and Mimosa after exchanging pleasantries Klaus warns them that a spy might be in their midst as they return

To the Royal might base a mysterious Shadow attaches to Austin at a dinner reception asta’s poor table manners attract the ire of yuno and Klaus real tries to include Zora in the festivities but he is forced Away by a stink bug as the Ruckus grows the Spy abandons Austin

Heads to the roof however marioliona and nozil immediately sense his presence and capture him Mario Leona declares that they will commence the operation immediately not in three days as previously planned using Cobb’s magic they arrive at the outskirts of the floating Fortress with team’s Earth Magic they surmise that there are

Multiple points of entry and several magic Captain Level Threats are present she takes charge of Austin and Zora and splits the remaining Knights into four groups Group 1 composed of n Nils nozzle and Tim will infiltrate the base from the upper left portion group 2 composed

Of Ben Luck Knoll and Kish will attack from the lower left section group 3 composed of Reuben real fragile and peely will assault the base from the upper right portion and group four composed of Klaus mimosa yuno and Hammond will attack from the lower right area lastly marioliona Asta and Zoro

Will attack front and center meanwhile Cobb will remain outside for emergency extraction all five units infiltrate the base nosal and marioliona are eager to avenge fugolian nozil’s sworn rival and marioliona’s dear brother as they begin to wreak havoc on Enemy Lines Rye awakens his third eye and remarks that

It is about time for him to to make an appearance the decisive raid on the eye of the Midnight Sun begins will the Royal Knights Triumph or are they blindly walking into a trap and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 9. don’t forget to like And

Subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care while the Royal Knights Infiltrate The Midnight Sun’s base Yami visits the Golden Dawn as vanjin’s wishes to apologize for language actions Vanessa goes off to visit fineral Magna leaves

To train while Charmy embarks on a search for more ingredients and Yami tells them not to trash the base while they are away gosh is left alone with Gordon and gray but he wishes to carve his Marie figurine in peace he tells them to go to their rooms but they

Refuse as both Gordon and gray are trying to be friendlier with their fellow Squad mates Gordon shows them his doll collection of the black Bulls but gray points out they look like voodoo dolls and ghost calls it creepy he asks Gordon where the bathroom is in wonders why the black base keeps shifting

Recalling rumors of ghosts haunting the walls suddenly hordes of zombies break into to their base after blasting them with a reflect Ray the Bulls find they are under attack by raids Sally and voltos of the Midnight Sun who are searching for something in their base Sally sends a steroid enhanced zombie

Towards them and for the first time Gordon fires off his magic the poison curse attribute off question Dash which manages to take down the zombie Sally tries to intervene atop her salamander but gray has a new trick up her sleeve transforming her salamander into solid ice allowing ghosts to smash it with a

Reflect Ray however voltos summons number zero Mikhail Caesar a powerful zombie created by combining the corpses of two former magic Knight captains it blasts them away allowing baltos and several zombies to infiltrate the base Gordon and gray struggle to get up Borden recalls being isolated due to the

Nature of his magic while gray remembers struggling being able to show her true self but now they have a reason to fight for their beloved Squad the black Bulls gauche stands with them and together they stand against the Midnight Sun suddenly their base violently shifts and trembles and a strange white-haired man

Emerges from 4. the white-haired man tries to introduce himself but everyone is exasperated by how slowly he talks raids tries attacking him however he Dodges it by Shifting the entire base in a flashback the man is shown to have a disease that keeps him bedridden Yami recently made a magic Knight captain and

Asks if his base can be used as a hideout abandoned by his parents and with Nothing Left to Lose he agrees but only when he dies Yami refuses this condition and when the Black Bulls move in he manages to secretly borrow their magical power to keep on living they do

Not know him but he knows the black Bulls all too well and has always been a member of the family he introduces himself as Henry the secret member of the black Bulls an overconfident raid sends Mikhail Caesar to attack him but Henry transforms the base into a raging black bull which effortlessly pummels

Mikhail Caesar into the ground Henry’s magic slowly drains the magic of those nearby which he uses to cast his spells he isolates himself so that the effects are lessened lest he seriously harm his teammates as the Raging black bull smashes raid zombie Sally activates her magic item that increase increases her

Power tenfold and she summons a giant gel salamander to combat the bull her gel monster is more than a match for the bull pinning it down using his cloning ability ghost summons multiples of gray that transforms the salamander into vegetation allowing Gordon’s poison magic to quickly Decay it raid sends his

Zombie to attack them but for the third time Henry knocks it away voltos has retrieved ostas Magic Stone and signals a retreat raids reluctantly complies but says that their business is not finished the Bulls are victorious but they are horrified to learn that Henry is unable to immediately fix the base meanwhile

Voltos Returns the Magic Stone to Lake to affixes it onto the stone tablet the Army alongside other characters sense a strange shift in the air the Midnight Sun need two more stones to fulfill their plans and the stakes are even higher nosal attacks the midnight Mages relentlessly and his companions are

Surprised at his ferocity knowing that voltos is currently absent from their base and with Cobb jamming any spatial magic he intends to finish off licked and his forces Noel and the others make Swift progress but Mimosa is unsettled by the the strange patterns on the walls especially after a midnight Mage says

They will soon be reborn elsewhere marioliona and Zora are perplexed when there are suddenly two ostas marioliona simply burns them both revealing Ray of the disloyal’s disguise Reya attempts to attack marioliona using one of yami’s spells but she simply brushes it off calling it a pale imitation of the real

Deal before Reya can react she pummels him through a wall Mary oleona chases after Rhea who tries using super fast light magic expecting her to be unable to keep up but to his shock she effortlessly parries every single bolt Reya soon learns how outclassed he is as Mary oliona smashes through every spell

Rayek and muster burning through even water attribute spells with ease Austin Zora watch in all at her sheer combat strength Zora surmises that although Reya can copy any spell attribute he wishes he can only use one spell at a time left with no other choice Reya suddenly cop his austa’s Demon Slayer

Sword much to the surprise of Austin Zora rare recalls licked calling him and his magic kind but he knows he is the complete opposite regardless he’s wears revenge on those who betrayed Licht without hesitation Mario Leona smashes through Rey’s copy of Austin’s sword and Reya begins to realize that marioliona

Not only has the Abundant magic of a royal but uncanny human strength as well she unleashes her Mana Zone kalidis brachium barrage an overwhelming all-out pummeling using the surrounding Mana Raya has no answer to the onslaught and he slowly Burns to a crisp elsewhere yuno crushes a group of midnight Mages

While Mimosa notices yuno can also use mana’s own techniques they slowly and carefully approach a source of powerful magic meanwhile the Bulls Left Behind lament the state of their base although gauche finds his treasured Marie collection unharmed a blemish one is Marie doll leads him to blame both Henry

And the midnight eye elsewhere Yami grows impatient that vanjins has yet to arrive when Golden Dawn members reassure him that he will be there soon he replies that the damage languages did to funeral warrants and apology Bay insists that he would never knowingly insult Yami to which he replies that he knows

Bandians meets with Julius who begins to talk about how he owes much to the wizard King for looking past his appearance but the hour has come for him to decide between him and another precious person he made a promise to he sheds his mask and his hair grows out

Julius had hoped this was not the case but as it is Van jeans is none other than Licht the leader of the eye of the Midnight Sun as Julius comes to grips with the implications of this Revelation he realizes that fugolian was likely distracted by his appearance when he was

Attacked he thought it to be impossible but licked his living proof of two souls in one body Yami had not noticed the deception because the scar on his face is not caused by Magic but by a curse Licht attacks Julius intending to retake the magic Stones he has in his

Possession but his time magic manages to stop his attack lick recognizes that Julius can sense the future using mana’s own however he manages to outspeed him and land a blow but to his shock he simply heals his wounds by reversing time on himself he renews his attacks

But Julius has sped up stopping lick dead in his tracks he has seen the future and lick cannot win although their battle is too fast to follow Marx’s senses is that Julius is battling licked he sends out a message to all available magic Knight captains regarding the events unfolding at the

Castle Yami responds to the alert and he hopes that his suspicions are wrong Licht is frustrated that none of his attacks seem to stop Julius who has increasingly become accustomed to his speed he realizes that Julius isn’t even trying to fight back as he does not want

To harm vandiance’s body he tries to find his grimoire in Julius points above to a swirling mass of pages a coverless grimoire Julius had always wondered what his purpose was in life for acquiring such a rare kind of magic and throughout his journey he has come to an answer he

Is the wizard King sworn to protect the Clover Kingdom and her people A desperate Licht instead decides to target the people themselves and begins amassing a powerful barrage of light swords across the entire Kingdom emulating the same attack that killed his people on that fateful day Julius

Recalls his experience as a magic Knight and the vast Injustice he observed between the arrogant and self-serving Nobles and the oppressed lethargic peasants he observed a magic Knight Zora whom he held great respect for as a Model Magic Knight however upon hearing his former comrades girzora’s death his

Outrage at this Injustice grew thus he strove to become the wizard King to mend the differences between the classes and hope that through great effort gradual change would follow Julius activates a massive time reversal spell over the entire Kingdom completely stopping Lick’s attack tragically his love for

The people is what led to his demise and lick takes the opportunity to stab him Yami arrives too late and he angrily draws his sword Julius is mortally wounded and Yami yells at a shaken marks to call for help Yami attacks licked with a dimensional slash but he manages

To escape through volto’s portal Yami rushes to his friend’s side as he enters his final moments he places his hopes into the next generation of magic Knights meanwhile marioliona begins to deal the finishing blow in a desperate Rhea attempts to self-destruct Oscar who has seen this spell before rushes in to

Stop it with his sword he wishes to come to an understanding with the Midnight Sun but Mario Leona insists on wiping them out Oscar reasons that the enemy 2 is fighting to protect something and although he is not smart enough now he hopes to create a world where everyone

Can understand each other regardless of who they are mariliona is impressed with his ambition which is strikingly similar to that of Julius Reya is also touched by his sincerity but remarks that is too late Licht returns with the last two magic Stones ready to enact the Final

Act of his plan meanwhile Yami tends to a dying Julius who regrets leaving behind unfinished business grateful for all that Julius has done Yami refuses to let him go however fate is cruel and Julius and trusts everything else to Yami as he draws his last breath he is

Thankful to have seen all sorts of magic Yami salutes him for the final time and on this day the wizard King Julius novocrono passes away his grimoire scatters throughout the Clover Kingdom the home he gave his life to protect Judo and his group arrive at the center

Of the midnight eyes Hideout where they find an elf in suspension at the same time lichta fixes the final two magic stones to the tablet while raid Sally and voltos celebrate his Triumph suddenly Licht reveals that everything up until this point has been lie and he had always detested the disgusting

Selfish and intolerant humans he tells them that they will serve as the foundation for their rebirth a flash of light envelops the small town of Hage and similar pillars of light erupt throughout the land Reya who was on the brink of death is suddenly reinvigorated as a strange tattoo strikes across his

Face strangest of all Mimosa notices that yuno is also enveloped in the light developing a similar tattoo centuries ago the elf patry is fond of Licht who recently received a four-leaf clover grimoire while lounging in a field licked rescues a princess named Tesha from being caught in a tornado her

Brother arrives bearing the same grimoire and Magic is licked they soon become fast friends and although some Elves look upon them with suspicion they generally look favorably upon them as they also wish to coexist peacefully with else a romance blooms between Licht and Tesha and they are soon with child

On their wedding day they are viciously attacked by light magic Exterminating them eventful Petri blames the human Mage in their final moments lick performs a forbidden spell reincarnating The Souls of the elves throughout the land Pat battery awakens finding himself in a human body with the features of

Licht realizing that he alone can bring about the resurrection of his kin he reclaims his four-leaf grimoire and dedicates his life to save his kin he amasses sufficient magic to resurrect Raya vetto and fauna but to bring back their entire race he plans to use the

Power of the magic stones and a great number of live sacrifices raids Sally and voltos are in disbelief if this betrayal is Licht and tends to use them as fuel to bring back his true comrades the three die as their souls are forcibly ripped out and the cogs begin

To turn in Lick’s grand scheme it is also revealed that you know is one of the many reincarnated elves the Royal Knights infiltrating the midnight Sun’s base are horrified and confused when their enemies begin to crumble away into dust across the Kingdom citizens watch with concern over the growing light at

The skull of H the light soon subsides but gray points out that gauche is glowing he too is a reincarnated elf alongside his sister Marie pillars of light being streaking across the kingdom several of the royal Knights are also reincarnated elves including Ruben luck purely fragile real Nils and Tim also

Looks on in confusion demanding an explanation from Reya but he simply replies that the end of humans has come elsewhere Mimosa looks on in fear and confusion as it is revealed that both Klaus and Hammond are also elves across the kingdom the reincarnated elves turn hostile toward their comrades and

Friends Lick’s final revenge is in motion Yami overhears several magic Knights being attacked and finds that both Marx and Owen are also reincarnated elves they reveal their intention to wipe out the human race and Yami realizes that the Midnight Sun members themselves are not being revived the

Pair attack him and Yami is forced to back off having noticed that their magic has powered up significantly but when they insult Julius corpse he becomes angered and attacks them knocking them unconscious suddenly the ground below him erupts his thorns and Roses burst out revealing that Charlotte the captain

Of the blue roses is also a reincarnate she no longer has memory of Yami but remarks he is skilled for a human as Yami faces off against Charlotte he notices that her roses are now red unlike the the blue roses she was cursed with as a child Saul soon arrives having

Been earlier attacked by Charlotte Yami orders her to escape with Julia’s body but she insists on trying to save Charlotte however Saul is unable to cast any magic at all due to the extremely dense magic forced to face her own helplessness she begs Yami to save her

Dear sister after sending her off Yami fires off a dimension slash against Charlotte’s Vine spear hoping to take her down alive their attacks appear evenly matched but Charlotte’s Vine spear overpowers yami’s Dimension slash however she does not emerge on scale than she is forced to retreat he

Instructs Saul to rescue whoever he can and reminds her to take care of the thing he entrusted her with meanwhile the destruction caused by the reincarnated elves has released gelder the former captain of the purple orcas out of prison he runs into her chai the chain magician a disgraced member of the

Purple orcas their hostile reunion is short-lived when they both realize they were both stopped by Asta suddenly a reincarnated elf arrives and the two work together to subdue him elsewhere Noel is attacked by the reincarnated luck forcing curse to defend send them from their assault Knoll is Frozen in

Place trying to comprehend why luck is attacking her she remains sluggish frustrating Kirsch austa Zora and marioliona now have to deal with a significantly powered up Raya although he was moved by Austin’s sincerity he has resolved never to trust a human again Reya is now able to use multiple

Spell attributes at once which spells trouble for the Royal Knights a reincarnated real soon arrives calling himself Lira who is Overjoyed to see Reya Asta Zora and Mary oliona are visibly confused unaware of the events that have transpired the pair attacked the Royal Knights however a clever smoke

Screen from Zora allows osta to slash real but to their surprise his anti-magic does not work Reya explains that it is not simple magic but a deeper reincarnation spell that binds a soul to a body soon even more reincarnated Royal Knights arrive Zora realizing they cannot hope to beat them signals a

Retreat Mario Leona blasts a hole in a wall and throws the two through it Raya asks if she is simply trying to buy time for them but Mario Leona is doing nothing of the sort she means to kill them all right there at the Crimson lions-based fugolian’s hand suddenly

Moves Leopold and the other Crimson Lions struggle to keep the now reincarnated Vice Captain Randall in check he desperately mounts an attack but it is effortlessly brushed off the Crimson Lions galvanized by Leopold’s Spirit try to back him up but they are hopelessly outmatched Randall’s air magic proves to be a frustrating

Endeavor to fight against even Leopold’s clever tricks and intuition fail to land a blow the Crimson Lions rally behind Leopold calling him their next Captain Leopold feels that the cusp of a breakthrough with his Mana but his body suffers a breakdown he desperately tries to get up and Randall prepares to

Execute him however he senses a familiar mana and an imposing figure emerges from the Crimson Lions base after a long Hiatus fugolian has returned he Praises his brother for putting up a good fight fugolian swears on his honor that he shall never lose again the Great Fire Spirit salamander once fighting

Alongside fauna takes its place by fugolian side Randall is incense that salamander chose a human and a royal at that as a partner confident that elves are unbeatable he foolishly stands in fugolian’s way but his Flames are far too powerful for him to blow away he is eventually knocked out and subdued in

The Crimson Lions hail the return of their beloved Captain however he is surprised to learn that marioliona is the current Captain making him the former knowing that Mary oliona finds the magic Knights a hassle he remarks that he made her do something out of character not wanting to reveal

Vangience’s true identity yet he orders the remaining Crimson Lions to defend the city elsewhere at the Golden Dawn several reincarnated members discuss their orders to slaughter humans a reincarnated langris emerges excited at the prospect of exacting their revenge fugolian is not the only member to return finral finally awakens from his

Injuries and after being briefed by Yami he resolves to go save his brother and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 10. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take

Care we last saw the brave magic Knight’s take on the newly reincarnated Elves and the cap is thrown into chaos fugolian has awakened from his coma a sorely needed boost for the Clover Kingdom meanwhile Mary oliona stands alone against the powered up elves but make no mistake she’s not trapped in

There with them they’re trapped in there with her however the five against one odds still favor her the elves think marioliona is overconfident however they become frustrated that their attacks seem to be easily repelled but Mary oliana begins to feel the pressure as their spells begin to take their toll on

Her ability to fight back left with no other choice she decides to use her strongest spell called Purgatory blasting the entire area in searing hot flames when the dust settles the five elves are still standing but have taken a great deal of damage in her typical badass fashion Mario Leona passes out

While standing even in her bad State she still tells them to come and get some Ryan the others oblige her but Austin Zora unexpectedly return using a Planos to cooked up earlier they gamble on all five of them firing an attack a gamble which pays off they fire back their own

Spells against them giving them a window to escape however Ray catches up to them and grabs Austin who reassures Zora that he will definitely make it back meanwhile Mimosa tries to escape from her comrades turned enemies but she is promptly captured and placed on a cross Austin drops from above who is reluctant

To fight his friends but to his horror he sees that Yuna 2 is an elf Yami tells funeral that a large number of their former allies have incarnated into elves and have now become their enemies elsewhere Vanessa visits Magna still training hard after being passed over

For the Royal Knights he continues to be plagued by feelings of inferiority and wants to set a good example for his juniors in the black Bulls meanwhile Austin fights against Klaus and Hammond and asks yuno to come to his senses as Klaus and Hammond attack him yuno is

Reminded of his promise with Asta and regains control of his mind and body he defends Oster with a gust of wind and prepares to fight alongside his rival Raya is surprised that Yuna was able to rest control from the elf spell and murmurs that the Awakening is not yet

Complete Klaus and Hammond are unfazed and combine their spells into a massive moving Fortress but osta enters his demon mode while yuno uses his Spirit dive and they smash through the spell destroying it in one go Licht lifts his defeated comrades to safety and personally enters the bowel lick picks

Up the demon Destroyer sword and before Austin can react Licht instantly closes the Gap and steals the demon dweller sword from him lick speed is blinding giving yuno and Austin little breathing room as they desperately try to withstand the onslaught Austin is eventually overwhelmed and is blasted

Through several Cavern walls and into an underground Lake leaving yuno defend for himself he blasts licked with Spirit storm but he simply absorbs it using the demon dweller sword firing it right back at him all the while Mimosa contemplates her own uselessness yuno finally finds an opening using Mana Zone that pins

Down licked in the sky allowing osta who has once again broken past his limits to Ram straight into him they unleash a combined attack that even leaves Raya impressed H however it is still not enough lick simply blocks it with the sword and unleashes a powerful Nova blasting everything around him Lick’s

Devastating attack leaves a giant crater in its wake they are soon joined by the other elf incarnates and after exchanging pleasantries they head for the Royal capital on their Flying Fortress fortunately hasta yuno and Mimosa survived the attack and regroup with Zora along with a still unconscious

Marie oleona and nozzle Knoll and curse soon arrive one after the other and all report having encountered the elves they cautiously eye you know but he is just built different as he’s able to resist the ancient reincarnation magic nosal uses a magic tool that slowly heals the injured magic Knights nosel receives an

Alert from one of his Squad members that the Royal capital is also Up in Flames at the hands of the elf incarnates Lowell points out that lux lightning spells did not hit her and that she managed to escape him despite luck being famed for his speed she hypothesizes

That if yuno is able to resist the spell the others can too with the goal of rescuing their friends they make plans to head to the Capitol at once meanwhile Hage Village observes the elf Castle Float by above them and they are attacked by one of the elf incarnate

Magic Knights who begin slowly poisoning them Austin and yuno notice Hage being attacked and nozzle allows them to defend Mill wants to go as well but nosel says he needs her with him a far cry from when he told Noel she was useless as the villagers are dying

Sister Lily puts up a desperate last stand against the far superior elf Knight wanting to emulate Austin’s courage Nash performs a Banzai attack just as all hope seems lost osta and yuno descend from the heavens prepared to defend their Hometown also in yuno defend against the elfmaites plant magic

But significant damage has been done to the village and many have been poisoned or impaled on Vines sister Lily and the children watch as the two of them defend their Village they reminisce about how they would always look forward to Austin yuno’s letters and their exploits are

Proud to see them grow Austin notices that father orsi continues to writhe in pain and leaves yuno to fight on his own for now but to Austin’s surprise not even his Demon Slayer sword can dispel the magic as the effects are no longer from the spell but from the poison

Itself as he recalls all the time father orsi has been there for him a new sword emerges from his grimoire which he recognizes as the same one licked used in their earlier battle and with nothing to lose he grabs it A Rush of magic streams through Austin Yelps out in pain

He manages to compose himself and begins undoing all the poison throughout Town including father orsi the magic elf is confused as ever as oste is using a sword that only licked should have while you know who is supposedly under the same reincarnation spell as him is still

Bound to a human will he remembers the Injustice committed against the Elvish race and is filled with hatred Austin yuno realize he is suffering deep inside and decide to save him using yuno’s wins as a springboard austa stabs him with his new sword negating The Reincarnation spell with this great power they can

Take the fight to the elves the children Lillian orsi rushed to thank Austin you know for their help Asta proposes to sister Lily once more but she promptly shuts him down with a water spell however their business is not yet finished and they resolve to protect the kingdom meanwhile King Augustus is

Informed about the chaos in the capital and upon learning that Julius is not present he plots to take the spotlight for himself however when he hears that the magic Knights and even several captains are are the ones attacking them he panics after Austin yuno explained the current situation to orsi and the

Others digit the magic Knight they were fighting earlier reveals that the elf who possessed him earlier was a gentle soul and had no intention of fighting they decide to return to defend the capital and they take digit with them as they leave orsi and Lily bid them

Farewell and looked to them as the hope of the Clover Kingdom meanwhile Magna and Vanessa still oblivious to the state of the nation spot the floating Castle floating above them luck then decides to have some fun and descends upon a nearby Town likewise Austin you know sends two

Areas with high concentrations of mana and digit suspects a magic Knight attacking civilians is the cause they decide to split up to help both at once and agree to meet later at the Royal Capital luck descends on the town and begins to cause Mayhem Magna and Vanessa

Respond to the chaos and are surprised to find luck laying waste to the town the elf possessing luck introduces himself as lufilu and tells them that luck is no more Vanessa quickly gets a grasp of the situation and surmises that luck is under the effects of Incarnation magic while Magna realizes that the

Assault on the midnight sunbase failed lufilu tries to attack Magna but he ends up hitting nothing but air thanks to rogue’s Powers over fate Magna and Vanessa worked together to try and stop luffaloo Magnus fire scatter shots failed to find their Mark but they are successful in pressuring luffulu despite

The difference in their speed Magna finally gets up close and personal with lufilu grabbing onto him to ensure he doesn’t escape in a completely nuts move Magna blows himself up alongside luffulu greatly injuring them both Magna binds lupulu and talks at length about his bonds with luck lufulu simply laughs as

A lightning bolt descends from the sky exponentially increasing his power but this burst catches Austin’s attention luffaloos speed has increased a hundredfold and Magna only narrowly avoids being instantly killed thanks to Rogue however the two are soon overwhelmed with Lou falu correctly guessing that using Rogue takes an

Enormous amount of magic as he prepares to deliver the final blow Rogue uses the last of its power to carry osta to the battle Luther lose confidence and his speed is shaken when Austin miraculously keeps up with him aided by his Kai senses and the demon Destroyer sword his

Lightning bolts are effortlessly swatted away but he eventually gets a beat on Austin’s speed and the fight soon becomes one-sided with Vanessa and Magnus support a huge dust cloud kicks up obscuring lufilu’s Vision he simply extends the range of his magic and pinpoints lost his location in the Smoke

However thanks to Vanessa’s strings luffaloo messes up the timing and also lands the first blow of the fight with Vanessa and Magnus help Austin pins down lufulu to undo The Reincarnation spell but he resists with all his Midas Thunder crackles around them luffaloos hatred is overwhelming and he threatens

To blow himself up just as digit did earlier deep inside luck Soul speaks with his mother and although he wishes to be with her forever he has unfinished business in the real world as The Reincarnation spell becomes undone luffulu suddenly smiles and wishes they could have been friends in another time

As luck returns to his old self he breaks down in tears and asks if he is still a black bull prompting Magna to embrace him ensuring him that he is still one of them Magna and Vanessa are horrified to learn that lux case is not an isolated incident but is happening

All over the Clover Kingdom they plan to return to the capital but decide to stop by the black Bulls base to regroup with the others luck who is able to recall and use luffaloos magic is now stronger than ever and personally carries everyone back to the base which they

Find in Ruins among the rubble they are relieved to see Gordon and gray unharmed Magna is puzzled to see Henry and after his magic is suddenly drained Asta explains that he is one of the black Bull’s oldest members however they are disheartened to learn that gauche has also become an elf incarnate Charmy

Returns who is seemingly also an elf however she is just very angry that her garden was destroyed and swears to eliminate the elves in Midnight Sun learning that their magic has been drained she uses her cotton magic to prepare A Feast for them to restore their powers while eating they get each

Other up to speed on other developments that they have missed since they separated Henry now recovered reassembles the black Bulls base into its Mecca form and the black Bulls March onto the capital ready to rescue the kingdom they charge toward the capital aboard the Raging black bull luck senses

That in the nearby town of hecario there are three magic Knights riseka xerx and protobe who have all been possessed by elves their Rush head first into hecario and not even a wall can stop them they breach the Earth wall and immediately Vanessa charmi and gray work to rescue

The civilians riseka and protobs attacks seem unable to touch the Bulls thanks to the Fate altering powers of Rogue Magna Gordon and luck use the Cannons mounted to fire off their magic against the enemy Mages before the enemy can fire off their spell they fire the Austin

Cannon sending him to cancel their magic and undoing The Reincarnation spell Oster raises his sword triumphantly and declares that the black Bulls are invincible elsewhere William recalls how patrie first reincarnated in his soul at 16. sympathetic with his pain and suffering he allowed him to reside within his body acknowledging the

Importance of his mission inevitably their twin goals would eventually come into conflict with one another as patali under the name of Licht came to lead the midnight sun and the ultimate death of Julius he begins to regret leading the double life which led to deaths of his friends cataly assumes complete control

Of William’s body and he says goodbye to his One and Only Human friend raids who was able to awaken his magic while at death’s door resurrects himself Sally and voltos using his magic he swears revenge on licked for using and betraying him he teleports the three of

Them to where the black Bulls are and attempts to strike a bargain in exchange for teleporting them to the capital they will assist him in exacting revenge on Licht Austin headbutts him and calls his whole idea of Revenge stupid while performing a variety of wrestling moves

On him Sally and voltos agree to help the former wishing to hear the truth from Licht while Sally just wants to perform experiments especially on austa Charmy restores their energy with her food and everyone starts eating again without any options left raids agrees to go to the Capitol with them and joins in

The feast King Augustus is fuming about languorous involvement in the attacks on the capital calling the Vaude family treasonous he then considers langris marriage to his daughter finesse Nolan void a guard tries to tell him about the situation in the capital but he ignores him meanwhile langris possessed by the L

Flattery and let oil possessed by the elf Kevin split up to and made the Royal House castles slaughtering the castle guards they leave behind a screening force of four Mages which face off against Yami and finrel the pair of great difficulties surmounting the massive magic power of the four elves

But unexpected reinforcements come in the form of Jack the Ripper Jack’s severing magic appears ineffective against one of the elves who has encased himself in Tough Armor Yami continues to be kept at Bay and it takes all that he has just to detect their Kai suddenly Jack’s severing magic finally cuts

Through the armor startling one of the elves and giving Yami a window to defeat them all in quick succession Jack Praises funeral portability but Yami tells him to back off as funeral is his convenient ride inside the castle Kevin Slaughters several maids and Nobles as she advances throughout the Silva Castle

Meanwhile solid is still frustrated that he was defeated by Noel while Nemer says she probably just got lucky Tiffin bursts into their room and promptly impales nebra with a compass needle outside nozzle and the other Royal Knights finally arrive where they are greeted by Yami Jack and finral Yami

Does not seem to recognize Zora at first but remarks that it is about time that he joined the black Bulls Jack and Yami joined forces and enter another Castle leaving nozil Noel and Zora to recapture the Silva Castle Zora soon leaves them reluctant to cooperate with the Nobles

He loathes they race to the top of the tower just in time to rescue solid whose spells fail to penetrate Kevin’s dense magic field to his surprise null sea dragons Roar manages to punch through the field forcing Kevin to redirect it with her magic never is likewise

Surprised that Noel was able to Muster Such a powerful spell but Kevin remains unfazed and casts another Atlas destabilizing the magic all around her causing their magic to become erratic however Kevin’s own magic is unaffected as her needles still find their mark on on nozzle’s arm no remarks that she can

Still fight and nosal invites her to fight alongside him now recognizing and acknowledging her power months prior nozzle tells Noel she will be assigned to the black bulls known as the worst of the worst stuck doing meaningless fetch quests back in the present Knoll and nose will show their bravado but neither

Are able to cast any meaningful magic in the erratic chaos of another Atlas Noel gets a reckless idea and with nozzle’s help she floods the entire chamber with water forcing Kevin to undo her spell as she does nozzle captures her and encases her in Mercury as the dust settles nozil

Acknowledges Noel’s power even if it was not befitting of a noble he reveals that he had always cared for her and because he was the spitting image of his mother he refused to lose her too he always meant to keep her as far away from danger as possible which is the reason

Why he assigned her to the black Bulls to begin with he admits he was wrong as she has grown to be a powerful young woman and he apologizes suddenly Compass needles stab him from behind as Kevin has yet to be defeated caught in another Vortex Knoll racks her rain for a spell

To cast and she is hit with a sudden Flash of Genius she covers herself in the valkyrie dress reminiscent of her mother’s old signature spell now granted new power she effortlessly Glides through the chaotic barrier deflecting Kevin’s barrage of needles she finally closes the Gap but as Kevin attempts to

Turn her magic erratic again Knoll explains that her magic allows her to control the Mana of anything it touches including Kevin’s with a drill that pierces the heavens and all defeats Kevin however Knoll is granted only a moment of rest as other elf Mages soon arrive as a fireball nearly hits her it

Is sent back by azora’s trap magic eliminating one of them right off the bat he accosts nozzle for failing to protect his own family prompting him to get back up filling the gaping holes in his body with his Mercury magic Zora gives them both the knowledge of where

His traps are allowing them to bait the enemies into them Zora keenly observes that the elves appear unaware of his trap magic and how it works he remarks that human magic was meticulously studied tested and experimented with over hundreds of years and the elves have no answer to its Ingenuity as they

Are systematically dismantled by their combined might as the humans begin their counter-attack against the elves this brings the anime to an end thanks for watching part 10. if you want a part 11 comment below and until next time guys take care while Noel and the others are

Busy laying the smackdown on the other elves Mimosa Kirsch and then work together to evacuate the Vermilion residents their execution is Flawless but David possessed by the elf Babel suddenly appears he has no intention of fighting an even stronger magic is approaching their Castle elsewhere languish forces his way through the

King’s chamber and is still ignorant of what is happening in the Kingdom King Augustus assumes langris is a traitor and activates his magic boasting about how powerful it is but langris simply erases it finesse tries to stop him from doing any more damage but when langerous turns to strike her finral arrives just

In time to rescue her alongside Yami and Jack the Ripper as the magic Knight captains mount a surprise attack on langris they are met with a stiff automatic defense finral evacuates his parents and finesse while Jack evacuates The King by attacking the ground around him langris is extremely dangerous as

Just one of his spatial orbs can instantly kill you although initially on the defensive Jack is eventually able to cut the orbs with his spatial magic the reason being that he really wants to cut things this gives himself and Yami an opening to simultaneously attack with their magic however langues destroys the

Ground beneath them causing them to plummet to the ground he soon unleashes a barrage of orbs against funeral who teleports Yami and Jack back to his side infuriated languish prepares a powerful magic spell in response funeral sends a fallen angel orb and delivers a punch-shaking languous back to his

Senses the two brothers collapse from their injuries and Yami Praises him for a job well done with langris defeated Yami wonders if the elves have something up their sleeve and he argues with Jack over who gets to kill more elves elsewhere Reya meets with gauche and

Marie who now go by droit iklat and patry they prepare to complete the reincarnation spell and erase any chances of the humans getting back their bodies Reya then greets vetto in fauna who were able to gain new bodies thanks to Sally’s research he tells them to be

On their way but vetta wants some clothes first especially for fauna rare remarks that fauna’s chest was bigger the last time she was 15 a comment that gets him slapped elsewhere 10 elves known as the Apostles of Saphira stand on a giant Stone tablet and open the gates of the underworld under Clover

Castle the shadow Palace Yami and the other magic Knights don’t like their chances in fighting several magic elves at once but a giant portal suddenly appears dropping the black Bulls right on the battlefield yummy brags to Jack about how great his Squad is and he

Replies that he wants to cut them up to which Yami says what the hell don’t their presence is sorely welcomed and they begin a Canon barrage against the elves Mimosa warns also that their reincarnations will soon complete causing an even greater urgency Dorothy now rivet uses her Dream Magic to wipe

Out the head of the Bulls base erasing Charmy Sally Vanessa Magna and luck from the equation with the bulls now vulnerable Patrice light spells reduce their base to rubble patrie and the other elves then enter through the gate of the underworld leaving Droid behind to deal with the bulls combining his

Mirror magic with the clat’s eye magic they immobilize and seal their opponent’s movements Austin manages to undo the spell for those around him with his demon Destroyer sword and they prepare a counter-attack to take back gauche even though they remember him to be annoying because that’s what friends

Are for some of the black Bulls find themselves in revez dream world where the impossible seems possible River attacks them with a giant stuffed animal but thanks to robe they narrowly escape being eaten Sally analyzes the situation and takes a great interest in Rogue charmy’s recovery magic and Rogue forms

The Cornerstone of the black Bull’s defenses but Vanessa knows they cannot keep this up forever revescens a wave filled with man eating fish at them but thanks to Charmy she cleverly uses Magna and Lux powers to dissipate the wave this leads Sally to conclude that in the dream world whatever rivet thinks of

Appears however those objects are still Bound by Real World Properties she takes advantage of this info and causes rivet to summon a pair of glasses and several doors that lead to the outside world they suddenly get drowsy a side effect of being inside revez dream world she

Says that those who fall asleep here never wake up elsewhere Jack and Yami remain trapped in a tunnel while Asta and the others are pinned down by droit’s Ray beams they struggle to make any progress and their magic reserves keep getting lower Droid identifies Austin as the biggest threat and singles

Him out and prepares to deliver a concentrated attack the other Bulls narrowly set up a defense in time to protect osta giving him time to enter his demon form Oster rushes Droid but it was all an elaborate ruse and once again he is caught in a clat’s eye spell he

Prepares to deliver another gigantic attack but Henry and the others rescue him just in time Henry recalls how he was essentially left for dead by his parents and how it was the black Bulls who gave him a second Leash On Life and he promises to protect his friends

Suddenly Asta breaks free from the spell and Promises to do the same as the Bulls trapped in the dream world try to escape through one of the doors Ravel locks them up in Chains dashing any hopes they have Sally comes up with a clever idea involving Magna and they create a

Silhouette of the real Dorothy for a moment rivet imagined Dorothy resulting in her being summoned in the dream world against popular perception Dorothy who’s always asleep is actually very friendly and energetic but fortunately for the Bulls she can also fight on equal footing with rivet Asta can’t seem to

Close the gap between him and Droid Henry recalls him back to their flying base with their magic getting lower and lower Henry decides to go for a Banzai attack falling straight towards Droid to drain his magic Henry closes his eyes and accepts his fate but also enters his

Demon mode once more and doesn’t intend on leaving any bull behind Henry suddenly wants to live again and the feeling is mutual Gordon and gray help us to close the gap sending him charging straight into Droid his binding spell is then lifted freeing the other Mages Droid recalls how they were betrayed by

Humans but recognizes that those before him are not the same people and are simply protecting their friends droidthan surrenders to Austin allows him to take back gauche as he disappears he gives them some words of caution actions without consequences do not exist go ocean Marie are back and the

Bulls jump on top of him in celebration although he is too shy to show it ghost thanks them for saving him at the same time rivet is unable to maintain dream world due to Dorothy’s presence and it begins to crumble as it collapses Dorothy tells her that not all humans

Are bad and wishes they could have met under different circumstances back in the real world Magna and luck perform their combination attack blasting river right out of the sky Austin dispels The Reincarnation Magic on Dorothy and the black Bulls reunite now that the gang is back together they plan to link up with

Yami Elder and richai stumble upon the shadow Palace a place rumored to be a treasure Trove of powerful magical items meanwhile the black Bulls continue to recover their strength with charmy’s magic Knoll notices that Sally is wearing austa’s shirt and she and Mimosa are mortified to learn that he promised

To let Sally do whatever she wants with his body luck senses two elves heading their way however they are both instantly defeated by fugoldian and Mario Leona fugolian comments that Asta has gotten stronger in his absence while Mario Leona who was supposed to be resting for one more day has already

Recovered they are interrupted by more elf Mages and with the portal to Shadow Palace getting even smaller they tell the magic Knight captains to go on ahead they also send Asta whose sword will be sorely needed Kirsch also volunteers for mimosa to join them while solid who now

Admits that Noel is stronger with the bulls as a screening Force Asta and the others Advance into the shadow Palace after a rocky rydas defines himself with Mimosa she uses her plant magic to get a layout of the labyrinth and detects lichten the farthest chamber they both

Enter the nearest room and find real possessed by the elf Lira waiting for them elsewhere Noel is left all alone to face off against fauna who also happens to be possessed by an elf called fauna Marie oleona stares down the reincarnated vetto and anticipated Battle of the beasts she Reigns fire but

Is surprised by how fast he is she has finally met her match and is thrilled to fight such a worthy foe fugolian faces Kaiser the current captain of the purple orcas possessed by a nameless elf fugolian knows Kaiser as a virtuous upstanding individual and swears to drag

Him back to his wife however his salamander’s flame fails to penetrate his defensive barrier as the siblings bear the brunt of their opponent’s attacks they both think of each other highly fugolian thinks of his sister as headstrong but powerful while Mario Leona thinks of her brother as overly

Serious but commands respect they both grit their teeth and fight back thinking of each other as the strongest in the Kingdom They smash to their enemies and roar like lions meanwhile null activates her Valkyrie armor and fights against fauna she unleashes a sea dragon’s Roar seemingly defeating her but to her shock

Fauna simply heals herself as though nothing happened elsewhere Austin mimosas struggle against lira’s Art attacks outside the besieged black Bulls are relieved by yuno who has gathered all able-bodied Mages in the Clover Kingdom Charmy gives him some recovery food and Falls Head Over Heels when he compliments her after learning that

Austin is inside the shadow Palace his necklace shines and creates another portal allowing him to go inside with Charmy in tow Charmy finds herself in the same room as Lyra and assumes that she is in hell she is chased Away by some of the monsters and runs into austa

And Mimosa telling them that yuno is also inside the palace she notices Lyra suffering from artists block and flies up to deliver him some food when Lyra smacks the bowl from her hand she grows angry and summons a giant sheep but Lyra blasts her into the Rocks below Austin

Mimosa raced to her side but they sense a powerful magic emanating from her suddenly charmy’s body transforms while the Sheep sheds its wool to reveal a ravenous wolf Mimosa realizes that Charmy is a hybrid a half human half dwarf Charming is the most surprised out

Of them all and is shock that the wolf can talk as Lira continues summoning Monsters the wolf pulls out a knife and fork and eats them faster than lyric and cook them up Charmy tells austa to go on ahead while she punches the importance of not wasting food into Lira using

Mimosa’s magic they find themselves in a chamber where they find David collapsed on the ground Mimosa senses that yuno is in another chamber fighting off against three elves yuno faces Patrick Reya and Ron patrion Rey attack him simultaneously but you know is after all all built different and effortlessly

Avoids their incoming attacks while firing back with his own however the other elf Ron manages to snatch the necklace around yuno’s neck which is the last Magic Stone they need Reya commends Ron on a job well done but senses something is wrong Ron opens his mouth

And a gaping hole is left in reya’s chest Reya had known all along that the humans did not betray them but for the sake of seeing licked again he kept his mouth shut Petry rushes to Reyes Aid and begins healing him while Ron Reveals His True Form he steps onto a pedestal and

Transforms into what can only be described as pure malice and evil the devil he thanks Patrick for being a useful Pawn all this time and reveals that the one who manipulated the humans into attacking the elves was him patri attacks him in a rage but all magic is

Useless against his world’s Soul magic which allows him to create whatever he wants with just words even yuno senses that the devil’s power is far beyond his own Austin Mimosa arrived just in time to help but Shivers run down their spines at the sight of their opponent

The devil teleports Patrick to him and impales him with iron iron Spears Austin you know are kept at Bay with a reign of swords and are subjected to a barrage of crushing spells while the devil explains that thanks to Petri he was he was finally able to reincarnate raids and

Voltos listening from afar learns that patrie too was used just like them the devil slowly warps Patrice grimoire into a five-leaf clover born out of Despair which will allow him to rule the world once again he transforms Petri into a dark elf and lets it Rampage while he

Makes his exit out of the Shadow Palace Austin you know now have to fight a powered up Petri who is stronger than ever even in their powered up forms they can barely keep up Austin cannot sense his Kai while it takes you know all he has just to avoid his attacks Petri

Begins to charge himself up which osta senses is the same spell they faced in the cave all those months ago it takes Austin you know all that they have to deflect Patrick’s attack this drains the remaining duration of austa’s demon mode and they feel comfortable that another

Attack of that scale can’t be used but there’s more Petri prepares another Divine Ray of punishment and death seems certain for austa and yuno but nozil arrives to save the day nozzle’s Mercury magic is a natural counter to patrie’s dark light and most of the attacks simply glance off of his Shields he

Traps Petri inside his silver star of execution a giant Birdcage structure intent on finishing him off Petri fights back like a cornered rat but nozzle’s Mercury magic slowly overwhelms him trapping him in metal a dying Raya wonders if things would have been different if he just told the truth to

His surprise he feels a strange warmth from Mimosa who has begun healing him regardless of their allegiances nozzle prepares to execute Petri but also asks for a chance to use his sword to try and bring manjeans back however asta’s sword produces an unbelievable amount of black anti-magic which swallows him whole also

Goes through the memories of patrie’s body including those evangences he is bombarded by feelings of hatred and hopelessness as a result of the devil’s earlier tormenting he finds the real Patrick cowering In Fear And Regret at his life choices as everyone eventually does Austin grabs him by the collar and

Yells at him for giving up so easily he reasons that even if he is weak he should stand and fight to fix the problems he caused Ulster returns with Patrick but not van jeans he thanks Asta for his help and although presumptuous of him he asks for his assistance

Elsewhere the devil makes it to Lick’s chamber where the only exit of the Shadow Palace lies even in his incomplete Awakening Licht instinctively knows to keep the devil at Bay Charlotte possessed by the elf Charla arrives to support Licht at the same time Yami arrives to Charla eyes with suspicion

But Yami points at the Devil and says there’s never been a more obvious bad guy in his life they form a temporary truce and together they face off against the Devil Himself to funeral shock Nero starts talking to him asking to be brought to the devil’s bones he is him

Remove the magic Stones inside the tablet and transfer it into the statue of the wizard King and it slowly cracks open elsewhere Yami Charla and Licht continue fighting against the devil Yami and Charla barely have enough in the tank to avoid the devil’s sword storm attacks which Yami remarks is completely

Unfair however they learn that even World Soul magic has its limitations such as its range or what it can do the devil thanks them for letting him play with his magic after so long and uses his grimoire for the first time he summons a writhing aberration From Another Dimension against which yami’s

Magic has no effect the devil’s aberration soon makes it into the chamber where Asta and the others are and it nearly swallows them whole miraculously osta is unharmed supposedly because it has no need to eat beings with no magic nozil orders Mimosa to join him in rescuing those in the other

Chambers and tells the others to go into the final room meanwhile funeral watches in awe as the statue crackles with life revealing the first wizard King Lumiere alive underneath Nero also transforms into a girl named sekker and even when the apocalypse is close at hand funeral

Asks her out on a date Lumiere activates his magic and they blast across the sky towards the shadow Palace he throws finrel off thanks him and tells him to wait there for his friends he grasped sekker’s hand and they resolve not to let that tragedy happen again 500 years

Ago sekker was brought as a servant to Prince Lumiere he shattered all her perceptions of nobility and assisted him in creating the magic tools and observed him mingling with the elves on the day of the wedding Lumiere is lured into the palace and trapped there by the devil

Who manipulated the other Royals to Massacre the elves with sekker’s help he races to the wedding and finds that all the elves have already been slaughtered with his arrival Licht regains partial control of his heart knowing it was not his friend who did all this however the

Magic within him is slowly turning black and it is only a matter of time before the devil takes over his body Licht uses forbidden magic and transforms into a giant demon and is a last request he asks Lumiere to kill him and this brings the anime to an end thanks for watching

Part 11 if you want a Part 12 comment below and until next time guys take care 500 years ago Lumiere was forced to slay lick to prevent his body from being possessed by the devil sekker is filled with guilt as it was her magic device that allowed the slaughter of the elves

To happen however now it can be used to save the world she hands it to Lumiere who manages to suck out a great portion of Lick’s magic allowing him to be slain secure seals the devil away but she knows it will eventually break as Lumiere bleeds out sekker uses the the

Remaining Magic from the stones to seal him inside a statue as a side effect she is transformed into a bird and spends the next half Millennium waiting for Lick’s five-leaf cover grimoire to resurface back in the present Lumiere and sucker burst in for round two against the devil as they didn’t hear

Any bells Pasto is understandably Starstruck but Lumiere and sucker waste no time in Breaking the remaining seal on licked bringing him back to his old self as the devil welcomes a second chance to face his old enemies licked reassures Petri that he could not have known that this would all happen and

Tells him that he did his best Lumiere and lick begin their assault on the devil who initially is overwhelmed and is left with no openings to attack he manages to slice lumiere’s arm in Tuba before he can deliver the finishing blow Asta is there to Parry his Trident

Sekker heals wilmier’s arm which the devil derives as worthless before his might Petri wonders if they can beat the devil as even with Lumiere and licked they are barely scraping by lick Begins amassing the combined power of the elves elsewhere Yami and Charla are still trapped inside his black sphere as the

Swarming aberration soon eats away at his defenses suddenly Charlo along with the other elves throughout the Labyrinth begin to Glow their power converges on Licht who uses it to unleash his Ultimate Sword magic sword conquering Eon the devil is seemingly vanquished but to their horror he simply regenerates himself back to full health

He cannot be killed with magic from this world so austa places all his hopes on his anti-magic gelder and Riv chai race to find an exit while Yami and Charla Escape unscathed thanks to Lick’s attack destroying most of the swarming mess austa’s sword begins overflowing with anti-magic which Lumiere recognizes to

Be licks sekker explains that in the 500 years since their last fight another devil placed its anti-magic powers into the sword Austin manages to destroy a piece of the devil’s Trident which causes him to retaliate with even more of the lovecraftian horse austa is unable to control the sword properly

Forcing the others to cover for him to escape Yuna shows again how he is built different by condensing the traces of light magic left by Licht and Lumiere creating a wind sword that can damage the devil Lumiere notes yuno’s use of wind and sword magic and realizes he

Must be a descendant of Licht and Tesha Asta soon does the same and Lumiere is astounded at their staggering rate of growth austa and yuno managed to land a fatal blow but even though Austin thinks he has stabbed the devil in the heart it does nothing but anger him and he begins

To get serious he summons another swirling massive tentacles and the Mages brace themselves for what is to come while Licht and Lumiere combine their magic to protect the other Mages throughout the Labyrinth Asta and eunor left on the attack elsewhere with Charla’s assistance Yami prepares a long-range dark dimension slash aim dead

Center at the Devil Austin yuno continue their assault but ostas demon mode nears its limit although they execute a perfectly timed combined attack Austin’s demon form wears off cutting his power significantly however Yami the absolute madman unleashes amana’s own empowered dark dimension slash Equinox the slash travels throughout the entire length of

The labyrinth cutting the devil in two the nature of yami’s magic prevents him from recovering instantly giving osta a crucial opening secker who has watched Asta grow from Zero to Hero places her hope in his strength she heals also allowing him to enter his demon mode once more Asta delivers the finishing

Blow cutting the devil’s heart cleanly in two the devil is slain but they have little time to celebrate as the swirling Mass continues to Devour the Labyrinth voltos uses his spatial magic to gather everyone in one place which he says is the first step towards his Rehabilitation they make it back to the

Clover Kingdom and find it still under attack by the elf incarnates Petri decides that William’s world tree magic is the only chance they have of calming them all down and he allows us to undo The Reincarnation spell on him patrie also says his final goodbyes to Reya and

Licht and William soon returns he uses his world tree magic to connect to all the elves throughout the kingdom and with ostas anti-magic he cancels out The Reincarnation spell on everyone at once they all say their goodbyes as they begin to pass on into the Afterlife Charla tells Yami she enjoyed fighting

Alongside him in remarks she isn’t as awkward as Charlotte is lick bids Ray and his friends farewell but promises to see them soon above all he is thankful to have fought alongside his son Austin tries to return the grimoire to him but Licht says it is his now and asks him to

Journey with it once more as their Spirits are laid to rest he thanks the Mages of the Clover Kingdom however still bitter at patrie’s betrayal vades uses his reincarnation magic to bind patri to Lick’s body he says he’ll dedicate his life to his Vengeance however he decides to retreat for now

William is happy to be able to meet Patrick again but he asks Yami to take him to Julia’s body also and the others accompany Lumiere whose body begins to break down Nola is shocked to learn that secure is actually Nero but is actually quite perturbed at how cute she is and

Wonders if she is also another love rival sekker wishes to accompany Lumiere into the Afterlife but he replies that she still has much to accomplish in this world he thanks her for giving him another chance to fight for this world and his body crumbles away thus ends a

Story 500 years in the making and his second joins the black Bulls their Adventures are just beginning Julius is still alive I’ll be it in a smaller body having stored some magic beforehand as a contingency plan although he cannot completely forgive William for his traitorous acts against the kingdom he

Asks him if he is willing to serve the kingdom once more William salutes and says that he will without fail later Julius and Yami gather Asta Mimosa Knoll and sucker together to inform them of three pressing problems first the wizard King is no more despite him being reincarnated his powers have all but

Dwindled and he is nothing more than a young boy regardless it was thanks to sekker’s swallowtail device that allowed him to return to life the second and third problems are related the Clover Kingdom may be destroyed Austin may be killed or both he explains that in their current state of weakness the Rival

Diamond heart and Spade kingdoms may look to expanding their influence towards their borders furthermore because the source of Austin’s magic is from a devil the magic Parliament which is the country’s highest judicial Authority may use him as a scapegoat for the attack on the kingdom elsewhere

August is thanks SEC for saving him even if it was through sheer luck anti monarchist assassins attempt to kill Augustus but he is saved by damnnatio who also heads the magic Parliament a few days later the Clover kingdom is slowly rebuilt thanks to the efforts of the magic Knights Austin sekker are

Summoned by the magic Parliament to be interrogated about their involvement in the recent battle Austin thinks they are reasonable but he ends up being placed in handcuffs as soon as he and secure enter they are accused of colluding with the devil and the Nobles look on at them

With distrust when Austin testifies that the magic Knights were only possessed into doing evil damnatio asks him to provide proof of the devil’s existence sekker keeps Austin from revealing his demon form but when damnatio threatens to execute Marie on the spot osta transforms to save her news of Austin’s

Arrest spreads throughout the kingdom and many are appalled vades gelder and rifchai who are currently doing community service are ecstatic and celebrate the occasion Jack attacks and tells them to get back to work Austin’s explanations fall on deaf ears and the gallery continues to be hostile on account of his demonic-like appearance

In peasant Heritage damn Nation threatens to go after the church in Hage if he does not give himself up and says that no matter what he does nobody will save him but to everyone’s surprise there’s one group both stupid and audacious enough to try it the black

Bulls they bust into the courtroom to rescue Asta but gosh attacks him because he was holding Marie secker has touched that Yami invites her into the black Bulls and the others are also in total agreement he throws a robe over her shoulders making her membership official Yami tries to go for damnnatio’s head

But he is fortunately prevented from killing him by nozil and fugolian who come bearing an order from The Wizard King Austin the black Bulls are to investigate the demons and until there is solid proof of his innocence he will be watched over by the magic Knights the

Crowd murmurs but are inclined to agree since two Royals have personally vouched for osta This brilliant politicking even catches demnacio off guard and he knows his hands are tied Austin’s execution is postponed and the black Bulls celebrate nosal attaches a tracking anklet on austa’s arm as they still have to keep

Up appearances with the other Nobles damnnatio later visits Julius who calls his judgment into question but he is eventually forced to respect his authority Marx rushes into the room shortly after and is greatly relieved to see him alive he comments that he used to act like a kid and now he really is

One as they embrace one another Marx says that Julius has a lot of paperwork to do while traveling with the black Bulls Seka reminisces about her time with Lumiere 500 years ago after sealing away the devil sekker travels in her bird formed throughout the Clover Kingdom and finds a baby in the small

Village of Hage while in Hage sekker observes the life of osta growing up with his big dreams of becoming the wizard King whose ideals remind her of lumiers eventually she sees him grow into a formidable force and plays a vital role in ensuring that lumiere’s

Visions did not go to waste as she is uncertain about life without him she is comforted in the knowledge that she is not alone as she now has a new family in the black Bulls after cleaning up the Clover Kingdom they returned to the spot where the black Bull’s base was but they

Have a problem Henry has no idea what the base looked like before they blame him for mixing up the floor plan all the time but it’s because these idiots keep breaking everything Austin suggests that they each give Henry a suggestion of what they want and the others agree

While Henry looks over their suggested floor plans Noel becomes jealous when she realizes that Asta and secker once shared a room together Yami hands austinette and tells him to go and catch the monsters that escape from The Dungeons he says that they’ve been out for weeks and they likely went feral

Again he tells the others to split up and find The Three Monsters while he goes to take a dump in true black Bulls fashion none of them get any actual work done Austin and Noel are left alone after sucker takes to the skies to search for the monsters while Magna and

Luck end up sparring with one another after so long the 3Gs gauche Borden and gray find the monsters in a corner of the forest but Gordon and gray coward behind gauche preventing him from casting any magic charmie and Vanessa end up having a picnic leaving only funeral wanting to get the job done

However they are picked off one by one by the monsters leaving them with slobber all over Austin the others worry about Young me but they find him being cuddled instead he explains that he first found them when they were babies right after their parents were killed

Having pity for them he decided to take them under his care the rest of the black Bulls arrive and Oster realizes that the monsters are part of the family too even if they still think of him as food Zora returns from his nap just in time for Henry to reassemble their base

In everyone’s image featuring A Hard Rock Cafe style facade courtesy of Magna as they tour the base featuring a little bit of everyone’s requests they find that their sleeping quarters were based on Gordon’s which is one big room with everyone in it Austin is open to sleeping with everyone just as he used

To at age but the others are not so receptive Henry then brings them to yami’s room which is the monsters requested is the same cage as theirs in the end they decide to go back to the classic black Bulls base and Yami reminds them of their mission to

Research the Devils everything is back to normal including Austin’s daily chores Yami drags him and sekker along to investigate their first lead of the Demon’s work Charlotte’s curse Charlotte is still in embarrassed after remembering how close her body was to yamis during their fight with the devil

Things are made worse when Yami himself appears and Charlotte’s brain goes into overdrive as she has neither the emotional nor mental capacity to deal with being in the same room as him she tries to Signal Saul to get him to leave but Saul misreads the situation and asks

Yami to stay longer Yami begins asking about Charlotte’s curse which she misinterprets as him remembering her earlier implied confession she ends up screaming and dashes out like roadrunner running away from Wily coyote in the process she prevents several crimes from taking place Charlotte wonders if Yami

Thinks she is a weirdo and hopes she can have a proper conversation with him Charlotte assembles the blue rose Knights to announce something very important and is prepared to resign as the captain because she likes Yami her announcement is initially met with silence and she fears that she has lost

All rights as a captain but to her surprise her members squeal with Glee revealing that several of them have boyfriends of their own Saul is left speechless they loudly Proclaim their support for their relationship which they remind work is totally like Beauty and the Beast they begin cheering her on

To confess her feelings and she meekly agrees at the worst possible moment Yami shows up and the other nights excitedly push her towards him however Yami interprets her earlier outbursts as her hating him and the rose Knights realize he is an oblivious idiot in her embarrassment Charlotte is unable to

Properly get her feelings across Yami invites her to talk that night which she assumes is for a romantic reason but since Yami is pretty based all he does is bring up her Rose curse and she secretly hates him for getting her hopes up she explains that the curse placed on

Her was the result of a mage dabbling in Forbidden magic but that is all she knows about it she mentions that someone on his own squad has experience with curses more so than anyone else Gordon Yami asks Gordon for information about his family’s Cursed Magic In Search of

Clues about the demons although Gordon earlier tried and failed in getting clues to heal austa’s arm when it was cursed by vetto he feels more confident with his friends now by his side they arrive at the Agrippa estate which looks more like Dracula’s cast they meet Gordon’s family complete with a

Wednesday atoms look-alike Gordon introduces them one by one his father Nathan his mother Jonna his grandmother nylenia his little sister Roxanne and their dog Nunnally over dinner gauche and the others are in discomfort at how awkward the dinner is valenia hands gray a small fleshy eyeball creature and her

Face contorts in fear and disgust when the rest of the Agrippa family leaves Gordon finally brings up what they came for the demons Nathan brings them to his Workshop which he warns them as a hive of curses poisons and forbidden Magics he suddenly uses his curse magic to

Attack Austin but all he does is take his temperature he reveals that he redirected the family’s inherent curse magic to heal and treat people atlo this only started with his generation Gordon had no idea because nobody in his family knows how to communicate gauche points

Out he should get rid of all the knives skeletons and creepy vials if people want to think of him as a Healer regardless Nathan is willing to help them out and wishes to hear the details elsewhere Noel visits Dorothy hoping to learn more more about her mother’s death

Which according to nozil was the work of a devil’s curse Dorothy transports them both into her dream world where she conjures an image of a very affectionate Oster from Noel’s thoughts after that embarrassing display Dorothy elaborates on the curse of Noel’s mother asir she explains that devils are ordinarily only

Contacted through Sinister deals or curse magic but nothing more but recently real Devils have been spilling into their world and the devil responsible for her mother’s death is meticula Nathan uses his curse oil magic to create a map of the Kingdom which pinpoints the locations of significant curses throughout the country the bigger

The flame the bigger the curse they notice that the flame over the black Bull’s base is burning quite brightly and they wonder if it’s because Yami is always constipated but it is more likely due to Henry they asked Nathan to expand the scope of his magic and they find an

Extremely large flame toward the west someone in the heart Kingdom has made an incredibly powerful deal with the Devil the black Bulls finally find some leads on the demons and it is a Race Against Time to clear austa’s name and this brings the anime me to an end common for

Part 13. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care last time the black Bulls were trying to find leads on demons and curses to clear Austin’s name they get a

Clear lead from Gordon’s father called Nathan who points them to the presence of a large curse in the heart Kingdom alsta asks xiaomi if they can go there to investigate but there are too many barriers in the way and if they are caught sneaking and it would cause an

International Scandal to circumvent this day visit the Golden Dawn to seek out Mimosa who has ties to a nobility student Exchange program and she agrees to put in an application for them meanwhile finroll visits his brother langris who has mellowed down since his defeat finral declares he will become a

Man worthy of Finns but langris pulls him aside as soon as funeral sees two girls he instantly hits on them langris points out that if he can’t keep it in his pants how is he supposed to be worthy of Finns the following day using yami’s personal boat Asta Noel funeral

And Mimosa set sail for the heart Kingdom when they arrive at the heart Kingdom they are greeted by gaja a spirit Guardian the heart kingdom is a 1 200 year old entity a land of twisting waterways and trees that coexist peacefully with the citizens who inhabit it the entire country is protected

Within the Queen’s Mana zone austu is suddenly kidnapped by the queen and Mimosa is shocked by this betrayal fineral helps them chase after him but when God just stands in their way Knoll equips her Valkyrie dress gaja remarks that they are first and third stage Mages and he brandishes his unique Rune

Lightning magic he blasts them with an orbital laser of lightning however funeral moves them out of Harm’s Way allowing Knoll to strike back with her water dragon meanwhile austa finds himself in a strange well surrounded by water Knights he meets the Queen of the heart Kingdom the water spirit undyne

She has a need for his power and she begins drowning him in the heart Kingdom Mages are assigned stages based on their magic power if Austin is a ninth stage fighter without magic then Fighters like her and gaja are zero stage but with Nero’s help Oster breaks free of the

Chains binding him and he goes back on the offensive Oster attacks using his Kai but instead of undyne he sees a girl named loropchika who is the princess and true ruler of the heart Kingdom meanwhile gaja apologizes to Noel and the others saying he only attacked them

To get a sense of their magical stages in magical battles between countries the strength of a mage matters more than the number osta asks lauro Chica and undyne about the curse they detected but undyne is confident that Laura chica won’t tell them anything however laurochika ends up telling them everything even showing

Them her curse which will kill her in a year’s time which is the reason why they brought Asta here to use his strength to fight the devil who cursed her called manjicula however before that she remembers she forgot to water some trees so she brings up a video feed of the

Entire country showing that all of it is under her constant watch and control undyne soon dresses her up in her proper garments befitting of a queen but she mulls over the devil magicala who is currently attacking the diamond Kingdom Vanessa luck and Magna witnessed him take out dozens of diamond captains all

At once for the first time luck doesn’t want to fight laurochika soon gathers the visiting black Bulls but clumsily Falls while addressing them undyne picks her up and focuses on the matter at hand she wishes to use the unique powers of clover Kingdom Mages to help them fight

Back against majicula she remarks that special cases like Asta and Nero are known as Arcane stages who defy the basic concept of magic categorization in exchange she will give them any information they desire meanwhile Asta attempts to contact Yami to accept the terms himself but he is taking the

Biggest dump of his life so Mimosa contacts Julius who agrees to lore of chica’s terms but manjicula is no ordinary devil and is far stronger than the one who attempted to revive the elves laurochika plans to invade the Spade Kingdom where majicular resides within six months before her power wanes

As such she wants to amass as much Firepower as possible and train them into a fearsome fighting force also and the others reconvene back at base and report to Yami luck reports the Mage they witness wipe out a diamond Kingdom Army whom they suspect to be majikula himself Yami decides they’ll just have

To train for six months until they can beat the devil the various captains of the Clover Kingdom gather to address the citizens regarding their victory over the Midnight Sun Owen disguises himself as Julius to fool both the citizens and the King into thinking that the wizard

King is still alive and definitely not a child Augustus then takes the stage with SEC now serving as his personal Lackey he gives his usual boring and megalomaniac address but it is interrupted by Yami and Jack once again fighting over Petty reasons the citizens murmur over their violence including

Rumors about Austin being possessed by a devil the captains gather into a meeting Hall where Charlotte is embarrassed to be sitting next to Yami but with his usual lack of tact he guesses she is simply constipated while Jack thinks she just needs to pee Julius finally arrives

Escorted by damn nacio whom Yami eyes uneasily Julius then debriefs the captains on what Asta and the others have learned regarding majicula including the concept of magic stages and the need to bolster their strength he plans to cooperate with lorov chica on her attack against the Spade Kingdom

Within six months and asks the captains to train their subordinates the best they can van jeans and the other captains guilty of their actions while possessed as elves wish to hand in their resignations but Julius reassures them that he trusts them all he then brings in gelder the former orcas Captain he

Offers to Pardon him in exchange for his astute business sense which will bring more money into the kingdom since repairs cost a lot in addition Julius wants to cut the salaries of the captains by half to help beef up their coffers everyone except Yami and Jack agree the two poor captains drink their

Sorrows away bitter that the salary cut doesn’t affect Nobles like fugolian at all they challenge van jeans to a game of cards in hopes of earning some money back but they are instead stripped of all they have Austin pays a visit back to Hage aboard knowlesbroom with her awful broom-handling skills along the

Way he has a childish race with yuno back into their Church where they are relieved to see father orsi has made a complete recovery he tells them that all the children at the orphanage are gone because they are all attending a new school that they built with sister Lily

Serving as an instructor the children are all excited to see them again and especially the wind spirit as one of them Yanks her out to play with when Austin sees sister Lily again he promptly proposes to her to which she responds with a water blast Noel is distracted by the sudden proposal and

Crash lands into him she alongside Nero was introduced by asta’s fellow comrades Lily then asks them if they’d be willing to serve as temporary instructors since she believes the children might learn a thing or two from actual magic knights in true Austin fashion he removes his shirt and gathers the boys outside for

Physical training leaving Yuna behind to play house with the girls along with Noel and Nero they are later shown to the new leaves room where those who have awakened their magic power are being instructed under the tutelage of two Nobles the same Nobles who made fun of Austin and yuno during their grimoire

Selection ceremony they felt bad about how they treated them and turned over a new Leaf dedicating themselves to teaching others the grimoire Tower Master called drowa greets Austin yuno and says he is proud of all the work they’ve done that evening Oster runs into Nash who appears to not be

Attending any classes at the school but as Nero and the others know he is not attending because he is religiously following asta’s old training regimen Austin you know meet each other on the same road they started their Journey on many months ago they still have to get stronger but for now they acknowledge

That they are still equals on the same starting line one afternoon austa and the black Bulls are kidnapped by Mario Leona who brings them back to the yulton volcano region where they will train like never before amid the sweltering heat Oster reunites with Leopold whom he notices has gotten taller but osta shows

Off that he has also become more jacked but Magna luck and the others are unaware of the concept of Mana skin so one of the Crimson Lions supplements them with a magic item they are not climbing the volcano this time they are going to Traverse the ultim underground

Caves whose Mana density is far more oppressive than the volcanoes Mario Leona warns them that if their Mana skin waivers they will burn to a crisp Charmy tries to sneak away unwilling to involve herself in anything that doesn’t involve food but mariolion attempts her with Tales of unique ingredients found only

Inside the caves which which is enough to motivate Charmy while Austin Lee pulled race to reach the hot springs first Magna and luck are scaling the sides of the wall where luck senses a strong opponent Gordon watches anxiously as charmie tries to fish something from a pool of lava but they instead find

Magna and luck fighting the Unseen Beast Knoll manages to overtake osta and Leopold but in her state of delirium she ends up imagining Asta in his swimming trunks after causing a steam explosion out of embarrassment Knoll finds herself attacked by a giant mutant spider but Austin leepled come rescue her and drive

Away the monster which slinks back into the darkness but Mario Leona arrives and explains that the spider they fought has been terrorizing the monsters in the area recently but it seems to camouflage itself every time a stronger opponent approaches thus she threw them into the cave as bait to lure it out fugolian

Uses the salamander’s fire breath to destroy a portion of a wall revealing an entrance to a dungeon after reporting the appearance of a dungeon to Julius investigations reveal that it contains a magical item of great power an advanced group consisting of Austin Noel Leopold Randall luck and Magnus sent to recover

It the dungeon is Laden with trap spells reminiscent of Zoras but Asta is able to cancel out their effects while Randall safely detonates them from afar lock and Magna Blaze on a head while Leopold feels the need to improve after Asta his rival not only fought a devil but

Defeated it he and Randall sense a strange magic and they set off to investigate meanwhile Asta and Noel punched through most of the Trap spells but he is forced to carry her to safety after a large lava wave comes their way Leopold and Randall find a mysterious Stone Gate surrounded by several dormant

Golems but the spider from earlier has returned activating the Golems to fight back Asta Noel Magna and luck return and report to Mario Leona their findings including the clearing of traps and the discovery of strange mimics but marioliona notices that Leopold and Randall have yet to return in suspects

That they’ve hit the jackpot but the pair of lions is being pushed back by the golems and their attacks seem to keep them only barely at Bay Randall reminds Leopold that he is is one day going to lead the Crimson Lions causing him to discover that he has far greater

Control of his magic than before Austin the others arrive to support him but Leopold finishes it himself harnessing the Mana around him he blasts all the golems in a fiery Inferno fugolian commends them for making it to the treasure room while the magic Knights have already begun to see the fruits of

Their training no in particular notices that the water spell she cast was far more powerful than before Austin Lee pulled present the magic item they were tasked to retrieve to Mariel Leona but she Bonks them for burning it to Cinders she sends them back into the dungeon to scour every corner for something

Worthwhile to bring back the others are allowed to relax in the hot springs where marioliona tells Noel that she is impressed with her progress but she is still far from the warrior her mother was the black Bulls return home the next day and complain about Mary oleona’s Spartan training and hope that they

Don’t have to see her for a while they joke that it would be funny if she were there waiting for them at their base when they opened their doors marioliona is waiting for them at their base Mario Leona brings them to the Crimson Lions base where they find that mimosa and

Curse were also invited fugolian says they have been summoned to perform a task that could decide the future of the Kingdom enter Theresa who is celebrating her 15th year as a sister their very important mission is to party for her sake Teresa would have preferred something more low-key but she could not

Turn fugolian and marioliona down when they also offered to feed the children among the children Austin spies out Marie but also sees a familiar looking face Teresa chastises a young boy a magically to age gauche for spying on Marie afterwards fugolian asks them to perform some party tricks for the

Occasion Kirsch looks forward to doing a party trick full of his Beauty but Mimosa says that his whole existence is one big party trick mimosa and Noel perform their own routines but surprisingly it is asta’s plate routine that draws the biggest reaction from the kids Teresa pressures fugolian into

Performing 1-2 and left with no choice he decides to pull an Ace from his sleeve boiling three separate eggs at different temperatures the kids find this boring so mariolona performs forms her trick picking them up by their heads and Swinging them around Austin curiously asks Theresa what fugolian and

Marioliona were like his children and she replies that the former was diligent and a quick study while the latter was a wild child that became overpowered on her own but all great Heroes Have humble beginnings as evidenced by how Mario Leona once set herself on fire by accident the two siblings then begin

Bickering about their past resulting in a full-on brawl Austin Knoll are forced to defend the children while mimosa and Kirsch also end up having a sibling brawl in an instant Teresa puts an end to all the fights and his punishment she Bonks her previous Protege is on the

Head as she leaves fugolian and marioliona apologetically offered to have another celebration which she gladly accepts despite their inexperience Finn will shares that he is also cursed to always flirt with women he asks austa to help him set his sights on only Finns and he agrees of course

They do it the only way they know how through a mixer they invite Rebecca Karen and Eliza to another mixer while Noel and Nero watch from a distance funeral pretends he has no interest in the party but this only irritates the girls especially Rebecca who remembers him as being obnoxious during the last

Mixer but deep down fineral is in deep pain because for once a girl is interested in him but he must stay loyal to Finns out of reflex he almost brings out a bouquet of flowers and he barely stops himself in time on the other side of the room SEK is also having another

Mixer and Noel feels seriously bad for the girls who agreed to see him when he asks for more drinks she blasts him with water Austin luck begin hitting it off and funeral is even more pained he can’t join in but for some reason Eliza thinks of him as her ideal partner meanwhile

Nero is actually getting work done as a bar maid causing the barkeep to tear up because he has an employee that works for once but Nero spies some curiously high-ranking magic Knights including a mixer between the black Bulls and the blue rose Knights purely of the blue

Roses is trying to help Charlotte make some romantic progress with Yami by organizing a mixer but when she sees how dense the man is she is forced to take drastic measures she give gives her advice to be more aggressive and forward and above all to initiate physical contact which Charlotte finds nearly

Impossible to do however over dinner Charlotte’s hand ends up touching yummies as they both reach for a pepper shaker so she freaks out and jumps out a window trying to resist Eliza’s charms funeral hears her in distress and rescues her but miraculously he manages to stop himself from flirting Finns who

Was watching in Disguise alongside lingerous remarks that funeral’s flirtatious attitude is just another part of his kindness Yami and the others arrive to join Asta and his friends for a party but the night is still young and pulley Works some of her magic to have Charlotte sit next to Yami the black

Bulls are back at the beach town of rack to train while Noel trains she hears a faint but familiar sound over lunch Noel is unable to ignore the sound any longer and seeks it out she follows the sound towards the beach where she meets kohono and kayato who humbly requests their

Help they bring the black Bulls to the underwater temple the last time they were here they absolutely clapped veto of the midnight eye here gifso requests their help been guiding kahono and kaito towards an undersea Beast responsible for recent attacks once there the pair will perform song and dance to appease

It Yami is hesitant to loan out his Squad as some simple security service but Noel personally offers her assistance suspecting that a devil might also be at work but because the Mana density is greater the deeper they go Knoll is only able to create a smaller and more condensed sea dragon’s cradle

So Yami assigns funeral to go with her and to bring everyone back in one piece if things go awry as they begin their descent down below they are attacked by fishmen which easily Pierce through Noel’s cradle kahono and kaito emerge from the bubble to fight back and finrel

Immediately opens a portal to send null back however another attack pops their bubble and they both begin to drown Lowell manages not to panic in taking a page from the heart Kingdom she harnesses the surrounding Mana to augment her own allowing her to form personal cradles for her allies far

Stronger than before they continue their Journey until they come across a Mighty Kraken but Knowles Valkyrie dress dispatches it with ease they eventually reach an underground ruin where they encounter the massive sea guardian kahono and kayato managed to comment revealing that it was nursing its young whose sound Knoll recognizes from before

When it touches her she is shown a memory of her mother who came to visit the same place many years ago as they returned to the surface kahono and kayato thanked them for their help while Yami reminds funeral that he trusts him since he has his own way of fighting as

They head off to prepare a barbecue with the meat they brought back Knoll silently resolves to become stronger and to surpass her mother training to defeat the Devil is hard work and eating grilled Kraken is also part of that training and this brings the anime to an

End don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care charmi tests out her new and improved magic food to replenish her teammate’s Mana but she is unsatisfied with the results and as a result she

Seeks out the head chef at the Royal Palace called jammo to study under him he takes her under his wing as a pupil and tells her to seek out three legendary ingredients even he has not seen the bulb of a mandarah a live coelacanth and the butt height of a Yeti

She returns with all these ingredients and prepares a special Feast design to make her Squad mates go Super Saiyan however all her dishes look unappetizing and only Asta has the stomach to try and eat it but before he can several of the dishes merge into one giant demon Meal

Which begins attacking them all funeral brings everyone to safety and Yami arrives to tell his Squad to kill the demon food but it begins to slowly drain them of their Mana leaving Austin as the sole combatant he is hesitant to kill something charmey worked so hard to

Create but she gives him her blessing he begins eating it and the others Mana slowly begins to recover and so they all join in eating it together Jomo then tells Charmy that they have forgotten the very essence of being chefs to make delicious food after losing a spar

Against osta Gordon realizes he has weakened he leaves a note behind for his Squad not to look for him and Ventures out into the poison Forest just outside the witch’s domain he decides to start training alone just as he did in the past to regain his strength but his pack

Is soon stolen by a gang of monkeys and after three days he has weakened even more he wonders if his friends are thinking about him when he encounters a giant wolf however his magic has lost its Edge and he is severely injured he gathers the wooden dolls of the black

Bulls and runs away meanwhile Yami sees a note on a table and tells the Bulls that they have to go as soon as possible the Wolves soon find Gordon and he attempts to fight back but he soon realizes that the wolf was only defending its young he apologizes and

The Wolves lead him out of the forest when he arrives back at the black Bull’s base he finds it empty and assumes everyone is out looking for him in reality Yami took everyone out to a restaurant running a 90 off sale they never even noticed he was gone in a

Flashback Zara is given Flowers by a florist who admires him for being a magic Knight back in the present Zora trains on his own after yami’s three magic beasts Escape when he returns to his hometown to pay his respects to his father he notices that someone else has

Prepared flowers he happens to see a young boy in a practicing his water magic but a nobleman’s son kaido and two of his flunkies begin bullying him for being a peasant they make fun of his ambition to become a magic Knight but in a proudly says that The Village’s very

Own Zara Was Won however the bullying continues and when it becomes too dangerous Zora intervenes with his stink bugs in A’s father arrives and apologizes for his son’s actions but when Ina wishes he wasn’t born a peasant Zora carries him back to his father’s grave and explains that there are some

Things only peasants can do that Nobles cannot if Ina wants to be a magic Knight Zora says he has to realize what that is after tending to his father’s flower Fields Ina begins practicing again but kaido returns with a Vengeance brandishing a powerful magic item to amplify his fire Zora intervenes again

Sending it back with his trap magic and burning a portion of kaido’s shoulder in the process that evening kaido’s father barges in and accuses enough of stealing the magic item but in A’s father unleashes frighteningly powerful water magic kaido’s father threatens to call the magic Knights just as Zora arrives

And points out that kaido is the thief and he tried to pin the blame on an instead afterwards in A’s father reveals that he once tried to become a magic Knight himself but he never stopped training in a finally realizes the lesson that Zora wanted to teach him one

Thing that peasants can do better persevere zorabids in a farewell using a stink bug and as he walks back to the black Bulls he thinks of yuno and Oscar who both have tall dreams Vanessa fears that her power is not enough to stand up to the Devils so she decides to visit

Her hometown Yami invites her for a drink but she takes a rain check on it for now upon reaching the witch’s Forest she asks the witch Queen to teach her some ancient magic to boost her strength and the witch Queen agrees on one condition that she drive out the magic

Beasts interfering with her security Golems the witch Queen assigns two other witches to help her Samantha who is Meek and quick to panic and Elvira who is prideful and stubborn when they encounter the magic beasts interfering with the security Golems Vanessa binds one of the beasts and asks her allies to

Attack it but she fails to confirm what kind of magic they have Samantha says she only has sound magic while Elvira can create Illusions both pessimistic about accomplishing their task Vanessa confronts the witch Queen again and accuses her of giving her an impossible task but she replies that she should

Reflect on why and how she uses magic to begin with Vanessa runs into dominante peddling her Goods since her husband fanzel cannot find a job due to being a wanted man she tries to sell Vanessa a magic washboard and says that anything is useful if you use it the right way

Which gives her an idea the following day Vanessa brings Samantha and Elvira with her to the forest and boosts their confidence by making a doll show for a few children she then reveals her plan to combine their magic and draw out the magic beasts in the area to another

Section of the forests after Conjuring life-like squirrel creatures they lure the magic beasts away but they encounter another group of actual squirrels with their mission threatened to fail Vanessa quickly conjures a giant monster and with Samantha and Elvira’s help the lifelike monster scares the beasts away

When they return they are praised by the other witches who have watched their exploits through the Queen’s Crystal Ball Vanessa meets with the queen again and thanks her for instilling in her are the realization that the power to change fate was never solely in rogue’s hands

But hers before she leaves she pays a visit to dominante who remarks that although the queen acts cold and aloof she always seems to look out for them Vanessa returns to the black Bull’s base where Yami is waiting for her with a drink but she takes another rain check

Intending to get stronger before getting wasted Austin null spar with one another but they feel they are still too weak Marx arrives with Sally and makusa a researcher from the magic tool research lab they explained that Sally was asked to help in developing a new tool to Aid

In the upcoming Invasion against the Spade Kingdom Austin does not hesitate and rips off his shirt ready to subject himself to any experiments Sally has but she saves him for last since he has no magic Sally escapes from her supervisors to experiment on the black bulls and

Marx asks Asta and Noel to chase her Sally traps Magna in salamander and administers a Mana enhancing drug but it is too powerful and makes him explode she attempts to do the same on the other members using various means to bait them Goshen air caught but he refuses to

Fight back because the salamander looks like Marie all her experiments fail and she sees the need for more adjustments Austin Noel finally find her and he gives himself up for her experiments but all she does is take a lock of his hair remembering her promise not to perform harmful experiments on people however

She is tempted to take a little more from his body makusa is satisfied with the research data and Sally begins to think that doing magic for the sake of others isn’t a bad idea Julia sends Marx fugolian and nozzle undercover to the Village of arendum after reports of

Bandits in the area when they arrive they find the village still in shambles after the attack of the Midnight Sun but the villagers are openly hostile to them and only upon mentioning the name chronovala Julius Alias when he visited the village do they open up giving them whatever gifts and Hospitality they can

Afford they are invited to stay the night but they are suddenly attacked by the bandits when they fight back nozzle’s swords undo their disguises revealing that the villagers were the bandits all along forced into thievery after not receiving aid for so long few goal and nosal reveal their disguises

The former promising Swift Aid and the latter reminding them that they still need to atone for their sins when they returned to Julius he hopes that they have learned a little more about the kingdom after witnessing the poverty and suffering firsthand first and foremost they are magic Knights who defend the

People years ago Asta tells you know that they are family even though they are not Bound by Blood back in the present you know mimosa and Klaus encounter another group of Golden Dawn Knights led by electora electora is still infuriated that you know a peasant is quickly Rising through the ranks

Especially for his accomplishments during the midnight eye incident vandians assigns them to another mission to Saucy Village to take care of some bus and bores when they arrive two children Nick and Anna wish it were osta and the black Bulls instead which catches yuno’s attention electora plans

To eliminate the boars outright but yuno suggests they investigate why the boars are going berserk in the first place elector rebuffs him and tells him to do it on his own just as he suspected yuno finds a clearing filled with purple fruits which the borers have been eating

He works with mimosa and Klaus to calm the boars down by clearing the fruit from all the trees in the area when they return the boars have become so docile that the villagers start keeping them as pets upon arriving back at the Golden Dawn van jeans quickly sends them out on

Another mission to investigate a dungeon occupied by Bandits electora is once again placed in command but when languorous questions vanjint’s judgment he explains that he wishes electoral would change just as they have electoral leads his team to raid the dungeon splitting themselves into two units as they Rampage through the dungeon they

Realize the bandits are enhanced by magic items but they are still no match for the Golden Dawn as the two groups reunite at the treasure room they find jeopard a former magic Knight standing in their way electora attacks him but Shepard’s Black Earth Magic is a natural

Counter to his sand the Golden Dawn take turns unleashing their strongest spells but Shepard’s magic base allows him to suck up their magic like it is nothing instead they target the floor underneath jeopard causing him to plummet down below while wolf recovers the magic item back at their base yuno Praises

Electora’s leadership is meticulous Elektra admits that several of the members of the Golden Dawn initially looked down on yuno for his peasant Heritage but he now sees the error of his ways and apologizes the next day yunu is invited out for lunch with several Golden Dawn members Klaus asks

Him if he is embarrassed but he denies it days before the midnight Sun’s attack on the Capitol in the town of tuliu dazu receives treatment from Beau the town doctor that night she makes dinner for her husband bide and her mother-in-law meshu she uses her Catalyst magic the

Power to borrow Magic from others to heat meshu soup when the Midnight Sun and several reincarnated elves attack their Village is caught in the crossfire and both vide and meshu die in the rubble as they begin rebuilding the town Beau approaches dazu and shows her a newspaper article about austa’s demonic

Powers naming him responsible for the destruction of their Village this turns dazu spiteful elsewhere cabway a member of the magic Parliament protests damnnatio’s decision to stay Austin his execution for six months but damnatio tells him there is a proper order to things and tells him to leave kawi is

Later approached by Bo and dazu who intend to kill the devil responsible with their own hands meanwhile Austin and Noel are training but Noel gets tired and goes indoors to get a drink meanwhile gigachad Austin decides to cool down by doing thousands of push-ups nol then meets gauche and finrel who are

Also returning from training belch plans to visit his sister and Neen but first decides to take a shower but in need Maria is kidnapped by the devil banishers a group dedicated to the destruction of the Devils niece the townspeople and the children all try to rescue Marie but they are overpowered

Ghost senses that an angel has called out to him and asks funeral to take him to need meanwhile Asta loses count of his 10 000 push-ups and decides to start from the beginning he is distracted by Beau who pretends to stumble out of the bushes he rushes to her aid but she uses

A sedative gas to knock him and Nero out however Austin’s gains aren’t just for show when he manages to put up a fight Lowell arrives to help him out but they manage to fight back and Escape Knoll equips her Valkyrie dress and chases after them and her water bolts

Successfully stop them from taking Asta however Nero is taken as she tends to Asta gauche is horrified to discover that Marie was taken kawi and his team returned to bowe’s house with both teams having secured Marie and Nero although they failed to retrieve Asta they know

He will not awaken for a long time Gordon and Noel bring osta to Owen who confirms that auste is alive but asleep due to the powerful effects of a sleeping potion xiaomi drags marks in to confirm austa’s condition and to peer into his memories of the attack meanwhile gauche angrily blames Theresa

For being absent when Marie is taken away he interrogates needs about what happened and upon his mentioning of scales gauche instantly suspects damnnatio Austin’s memories reveal little but they learn that the devil banishers have comparatively weak magic yami’s patience were as thin and he damages a part of the wall in anger but

He hears an even louder crash in the distance Goshen final invade damnnatio’s office demanding to know where Marie was taken but they have severely underestimated him and he forces them to kneel but before the Bulls are taken away Yami arrives to save his dear Squad mates Yami scolds goes for getting too

Heated and causing a ruckus but gauche insists that damnatio kidnapped Marie he offers to have his memories searched by Marx which confirms his innocence but the pressing matter at hand is that they do not know where Marie and Nero were taken Julius calls and tells them that

Nosal is on his way and shows them a signal from Austin’s tracking bracelet that has somehow ended up in Tulu Yami quickly deduces that Nero transferred it to herself so she could be tracked damnnatio wants to pass judgment on ghosts right away but Julius persuades him to let this incident slide nozil

Flies them to two Liu aboard his Mercury eagle and they land right on the outskirts of town they split up into groups using several pictures goshas of Marie to track her down they find two Liu in Ruins which causes Yami and fineral to Lament The destruction the Midnight Sun caused they then

Encountered Azu visiting her family’s Graves Yami and Finn will try to ask dazu for information regarding Marie but she he rebuffs them evidently resentful that no magic Knights came to their rescue during the attack on the Tulio Nolan nozle also have trouble finding information for the same reason while

Gauche and Gordon similarly alienate the villagers with their demeanor and appearance dazu returns to bowe’s house to inform them that the magic Knights are on their Trail and they wonder how they were tracked it is then that they discover the tracker within Nero they plan to destroy it but dazu has another

Idea the magic Knights were grouped outside of town to share their findings but they noticed the tracking signal moving at high speeds nozil Knoll and ghost take funeral to chase it while Yami and Gordon stay behind the devil banishers expressed their discontent with the magic Knights and consider

Executing Marie and Nero outright but dazu suggests that they keep them alive to lureau Asta their true Target when nosell’s group finds the tracker it is around the neck of a bird infuriating gauche meanwhile Beau Embraces dazu whom she considers her light and reason for living Asta finally wakes up and

Immediately tries to search for Nero but on the Army grabs him by the face to calm him down since they have no information at the moment they can do nothing but wait for now a meeting between Julius and the various night captains is held to plan their next

Course of action damnatio admits that his subordinates were involved with the kidnapping and offers to provide any assistance necessary he brings up files on the three involved cabway a user of transparency magic onobe who uses barrier magic and siona who can cast paper magic their magical abilities aren’t particularly strong Jack remarks

That they’re not even worth cutting up when they learn that a sleeping potion was used to take down an excellent fighter like Asta they suspect an excellent strategist is among them Jack asks why they haven’t executed Nero and Marie yet and damnnatio replies that they might attempt to use them to set an

Example for their dissatisfaction with the kingdom however Julius tells them to be careful as there is a piece of a puzzle they are not seeing meanwhile in the town of lahart a message from the Devil banishers is scrawled on a wall announcing the executions of Nero and

Marie their lives hang in the bounce and this brings the anime to an end comment for part 15 don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care Marie awakens to find herself in

Nero and chains while the devil banishers prepare to move their plan forward the following day in the town of lahart a large mob gathers to watch the executions of Marie and Nero a team consisting of several magic Knight squads is standing by ready to execute their rescue operation Goshen hosts are

Impatient and want to go right away but Yami holds them down crucially damnatio asks that Austin not use his devil powers to prevent further Panic Vanessa is approached by one of the devil banishers who threatens to kill their friends immediately if they do not follow them left with no choice she

Complies and is Led away as noon strikes the devil banishers appear out of thin air in present Marie and Nero to the Roaring mob they threaten to execute them if Austin does not give himself up also appears and approaches them but he is asked to give up his grimoire as they

Lower their guard the real Asta appears from above to destroy their magic barrier the other after having been gray in Disguise funeral attempts to rescue Marie and Nero but siona drives him off the other magic Knights join The Fray to capture the devil banishers the devil banishers Retreat and Austin chases

After them meanwhile Vanessa turns on the banishers but they have fulfilled their plan to lure her who has the power to control fate away from the stage Vanessa is horrified when they burn themselves alive boss defines the devil banishers but they threaten him to give up his grimoire or they will kill Marie

And Nero oscar complies but when cabway wants to kill him immediately the other cultists oppose him Asta fights back and when siona attempts to cut him down yuno comes to his rescue realizing they are fighting a losing battle the devil banishers Retreat yuno reminds Austin that he still has his magic never giving

Up Austin breaks free of his handcuffs with his brute strength Julius calls another meeting regarding their operation and Damnation apologizes for his subordinate’s actions memories retrieved from one of the members reveal that they were simply paid to be banishers a panicked messenger bursts in and gives them an audio recording from

Cowboy the devil banishers do not want to kill the Devils at all they want to harness their power they are the devil Believers hours earlier the devil banishers gathered at beau’s house to treat siona’s wounds cabbie wants to kill Nero right away but dazu stops him suddenly siona rides in pain and dies

And anoby follows suits soon after cabbie realizes he has been betrayed and dazu explains that they do not wish to kill the devil but take its power for themselves they believe that if also who has no magic can make a pact with the devil to gain more power than they too

Can become strong she explains that as a child she overheard her friends talking behind her back they were only pretending to be her friends to suck up to the adults but in truth they find her Catalyst magic weird and creepy cab we contact stamnacio in his final moments

To inform them of what has happened he apologizes for his actions and dies soon after the black Bulls are sent back to tuliu to investigate and they find the dead bodies of damnatio’s subordinates in the basement Gordon deduces that the house belongs to someone with acute medical knowledge they visit Maggie an

Old lady whom Gordon befriended and she says the house belongs to Bao the town doctor she reveals that she was also close friends with dazu when they inspect dazu’s ruined house Noel finds a photograph of dazu and her family despite Maggie saying their marriage was a happy one dazu’s face says something

Entirely different Yami wonders why a girl whose family died due to Devils would start worshiping one when they report this information to Julius they suspect that the Believers plan to hand Nero and Austin’s grimoire over to the Spade Kingdom and form a contract with majicula they are sent to investigate

The far reaches of The Forsaken realm to search for them however days pass without any solid leads and they find it strange that in every village they visit several villagers have disappeared Asta Knoll and Magna overhear a boy rushing to join the devil Believers in Hope of

Curing his leg throwing his mother off in the process austa Knoll and magnifying tracks left behind by the Believers and Yami says that they will be bogged down in the breed mountains which have dense Mana fields and harsh weather Austin the others eventually catch up to them but they are shocked to

See they have been joined by hundreds of faithful followers in a flashback dazu meets bobaya bridge dazu is fascinated by beau’s skill as an apothecary and begins visiting her regularly dazu Beau and the other believers lead their new followers through the mountains where they plan to cross to reach the Spade

Kingdom Nero warns them that trying to cross through the dense region between the two kingdoms is tantamount to Suicide but they reply that they will take any chance at all with their Communications down Magna takes his crazy Cyclone to call for reinforcements and he tells Asta and Noel to stay put

As soon as he leaves Asta climbs the side of the mountain eager to save Nero as soon as possible Noel asks what his plan is and he says that if he has a proper conversation with them they might be able to understand each other she then uses her Valkyrie dress and helps

Him Ascend the mountain gazu and bohold hands while overlooking the sunset remarking that it is just like the time they first met as they prepare to venture into the match magic region also drops in from above he is revered by the followers as an icon of the devil he

Confronts dazu and Beau and appeals for them to release Nero since they are unlikely to survive the journey through the magic Zone they know this but they want to try anyway dazu shares how she was ridiculed from the very beginning due to her low magic power and expects

Osta to know the same feeling he tries to remind her of her husband and mother-in-law as people who have accepted her but she replies that they are no different they’ll ask them what they plan to do in the Spade Kingdom and they reply that they intend to gain the

Devil’s powers and exact their revenge on the Clover Kingdom Austin says that even though he had no Mana he strove to serve the kingdom and never despised it gazu admires him for this but they are already hell-bent on their Revenge Asta offers himself in exchange for Nero’s

Freedom but they are betrayed as they believe having more gifts for the Spade Kingdom would reap greater rewards as they approached the border of the magic Zone a flaming star streaks across the Horizon Yami and Magna have arrived dazu continues to visit Bo’s Apothecary and after fighting in her domestic troubles

A romance between them blossoms Yami tries to talk with the Believers but they refuse to listen oste uses a lapse in their attention to escape taking Noel and Nero with him Yami frees them but the Believers continue anyway since the five-leaf grimoire is still in their possession nozzle fugolian and Cobb

Arrive to try and reason with the followers but the crowd desists and they send their magic to dazu a giant ice monster appears which nozel suspects was attracted by dazu’s Catalyst Magic Drawing Mana from the nearby region as it begins to cause destruction and Havoc the various magic Knights work together

To defend the civilians while the captains make snow cones out of the Beast the devil Believers and their followers are in awe of their power and they despair of any chance of making it out alive but they explain that they are not here to arrest them but to talk Cobb

Opens a portal which vanine’s and damnnatio walk through they try to ask for time to respond to their cries for help but they distrust his words since the magic Knights are made up of nobles Yami speaks up and shows that his Squad is made up nearly entirely of Misfits he

Himself is a foreigner so he understands what they are feeling the captain asks for time for them to bring Aid which pacifies the followers but the devil Believers are another story and damnatio prepares to execute his judgment for their crimes they are exiled from the Clover Kingdom they refuse Cobb’s portal

And insist on walking to Spade Kingdom on their own dazu returns ostas grimoire and he promises to change the Clover Kingdom’s ways once he becomes the wizard King she smiles and wishes she could have been more like him as the Believers begin venturing into the magic Zone dazu recalls the deaths of her

Husband and mother-in-law and how she purposefully left them to die at any cost they want to reach the Spade Kingdom and attain for themselves the powers of a devil Nero remembers that centuries ago Lumiere was hard at work creating a device that could end discrimination due to differences in

Magic power she laments that even after 500 years recent events have shown that little has changed the black Bulls report to Julius about their run-in with the devil Believers after hearing their report mark connects them to Laurel chica who says preparations for their training with their Spirit Guardians

Have been completed but before she can finish she suddenly collapses Yami takes Austin funeral with him to rush to her aid while Julius asks Nero to remain but when they enter the queen’s palace they are dismayed to learn that lorov chica collapsed because of a stomachache not a

Curse Yami feels stupid for worrying and forces funeral to make another portal for him to go home she tries to debrief them on their training but she realizes her glasses are missing she explains that due to her clumsiness she routinely breaks her glasses after searching for

It she learns it is in the hands of mubi a beaver who frequently visits her Palace the beaver rug that lorov chica sleeps on is actually alive which also happens to be the mother of Mugi she is aptly named big nugue also offers to find her glasses and return it to her

Funeral and Noel both fail to grab the beaver but Asta successfully captures it after he lures it in with fish which he exchanges lauro chica’s glasses for however when they return to the Palace laurop chica breaks the glasses again gaja arrives with a set of new glasses allowing her to finally make her

Announcement laurochika explains that the spirit Guardians took longer than expected to prepare because she wanted them to be in Peak condition and because they can only take on a few pupils at a time meanwhile Julius has Nero unlock a special room he lost the key to inside Nero recognizes lumiere’s old notebook

Which contains his designs for a magic transferable device Julius says he has already sent its design to the magic tool research lab and a prototype is on the way this Comforts Nero who remarks that someone is alive to carry on lumiere’s will gray wants to overcome her intense shyness so she turns to

Knoll for help but Gray’s shyness is worse than she possibly imagined because she can’t even look her in the eye Gordon tries to help by having her practice in front of his handmade dolls which works at first as she imitates Austin’s demeanor but even this proves

Too much for her gray instead goes to gauche who agrees to help only if gray transforms into Marie and says lines like I love you big brother ghost traps her inside a mirror cage full of his faces which fails to work instead he hypnotizes her to have a turtle’s

Demeanor unfazed by the people around her gray is miraculously able to look at gauche in the eye and walk through town like normal dosha’s gray make good on her promise but she reverts to her old self when he gets too close he asks why she can’t just transform since it

Doesn’t make her shy but she says that is not her true self gauche says that is ridiculous no matter what she is always gray meanwhile Charlotte and the blue roses have a break after a strenuous training session they take this opportunity to ask Charlotte if she’s

Been on any dates lately with Yami which she says she hasn’t pulley says that this current feeling of impending doom is the perfect time for romantic advances Charlotte refuses to entertain such thoughts any longer and goes right back to training but the other blue rose Knights have an idea and suggest that

They have a joint training session with the black Bulls Charlotte entertains the idea she is called to a meeting between the magic captains and she encounters Yami along the way she tries to ask him to agree to a joint training session but she ends up tripping and Yami he catches

Her as she falls she gets embarrassed and runs away again causing her to miss the meeting when Julius learns of her plans for a training session he gets a bright idea to raise the morale of both the knights and the Clover Kingdom he’ll have the magic captains fight each other

Julius organizes a match against two teams of magic Knight captains on one side Kaiser nozzle Yami and Jack on the other hand fugolian Charlotte vangians and Dorothy bandines pulls out all the stops and summons a gigantic world tree but yami’s team are ready to intercept it after an initial Clash fugolian’s

Flame separates the two teams foiling Jack’s attempt to attack Dorothy and Charlotte in the aftermath Yami and Jack decide to head into the forest leaving nozil and Kaiser to defend their Crystal soon after fugolian drops from salamander to assault them Jack senses Charlotte and Van jeans hiding behind a

Tree and a battle erupts between them but the two grow tired of being hit with cheap shots from out of their field of vision so they do the reasonable thing and destroy the forest around them fanzine summons another world tree and his Yami and Jack scale it to attack

Dorothy kidnaps Yami into her glamor World Yami tries to have Dorothy summon a hot spring and some sake but he is disappointed to learn she cannot imagine things she does not know about instead she creates a clone of him to attack but he is this made to learn that Dorothy’s

Cognition of him is some country bumpkin with a Texan accent meanwhile nozzle traps fugolian and his salamander within a silver star of execution augmented by Kaiser’s Vortex magic Kaiser wants to get back at fugolian since even when he was enhanced by the elves he could not

Beat him one on one fugolian turns up the heat slowly melting away at the cage he causes a steam explosion underneath them evaporating the entire Lake he manages to land a blow on their Crystal and nozil is forced to fall back nosel survives an attack by Van jeans thanks

To Kaiser’s help and with Jack’s help they attempt to mount a counter-attack against the remaining captains they combine their magic to crush fubolian but the Crimson Lions Captain announces to those watching that there is nothing his Flames cannot burn me meanwhile Yami defeats a clone of himself but Dorothy

Simply summons several more he is suddenly hit by the glamor world’s drowsiness effects but he manages to keep himself standing he decides to just exceed his limits and performs his dark cloak Dimension slash Equinox cutting through both the clones and the glamor World itself later Julius praises the

Captains for an excellent fight and finds it hilarious that yami’s attack destroyed both teams crystals ending the match in a draw he is confident that the match served to raise the morale of not only the citizens but also the magic Knights themselves who now know that their kingdom is being guarded by

Capable people Yami takes Austin null to kicker for the annual magic Knight’s entrance exam but they notice that there are few participants this year due to the attack by the Midnight Sun as Yami funeral and Gordon go off to join the other captains he tells Asta and null

Not to cause any trouble Asta and Noel reminisce about their own entrance exam and are excited at the prospect of having a new member join the black Bulls they can be seniors to just like before anti-birds flock to us making him a laughingstock no encounters nozzle and

She thanks him for putting her in the black Bulls a place where she has found a family of her own nozzle is proud of Noel’s growth and knows that she can become stronger the exams soon begin with vanjin’s presiding he uses is his world tree magic to create brooms for

The first test Noll remembers watching Asta fail this particular exam but acknowledges that he has grown stronger likewise Knoll Praises Noel’s gradual Improvement of her magic control Austin notices Yuna watching the exam as well suspecting that they both had the same idea of reigniting the reason they became magic Knights as the two

Reaffirmed their promise to each other they part ways when the exam concludes Asta and Noel eagerly ask if Yami recruited someone new he says that he found someone interesting but they chose to go somewhere else which means Asta and Noel are still at the bottom of the

Barrel they return back to base where they have prepared a celebration for Asta and Noel’s first anniversary of joining their squad as osta goes through the door he and yuno grasp at the sky although their paths have differed their promise has always been the same to become the wizard King and this brings

The anime to an end comment for part 16. don’t forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed and turn on the notification Bell so you never miss out on another video until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Albino Sword Demon With No Magic Becomes The Strongest Wizard Of Them All (1-15)’, was uploaded by AniCapped on 2023-06-07 14:35:38. It has garnered 894600 views and 12987 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:35 or 15395 seconds.

Asta and Yuno are orphans raised in the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom. In a world where people are born with magic, Asta was born without any. In comparison, Yuno was born a prodigy with above average magic power and the talent to control it. Additionally, in their coming of age ceremony, Yuno receives a rare four leaf clover grimoire. On the other hand, Asta received a tattered grimoire where a Devil lies within, a five leaf clover grimoire.

Anime : In Comment Section

Music By Scott Buckley

Track – Undertow

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

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  • Building Pizza in Minecraft

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  • Rhyme Time: Insane Quotes to Drop – Don’t Stop!

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  • Fortress Frenzy: Zombie Siege in Minecraft!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

Albino Sword Demon With No Magic Becomes The Strongest Wizard Of Them All (1-15)