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Other wonderful episode of all the mods I hope you don’t mind that I’m introing Pete has requested another day but Pete will be here to intro it’s not a real issue near future I just know I just know that he will and then everyone will be really happy that Pete is here

Introing in the meantime we’re fighting demons in your head you’ve got to check out our sponsor for the server in the series the stream or the YouTube video you can grab yourself 25 off your first month of Hosting on a server you play all the mods with your friends or vanilla

Minecraft you could you could peepo head and have a great time and thanks to them for sponsoring is that a statement Pete I think that was fantastic but thank you argument the advancement yeah I only I only got I don’t know half of that but that’s cool what do you got to hide

What are you only got half of what the intro what we just hadn’t confirmed that we were ready to go and so I was like but it’s it’s I got enough the people can with the people are are are bright and beautiful I was so ready to prove that

He’s still on top you’re just like I’m rolling right into it yeah I was like oh sit back boys I thought we were good to go I I do apologize it’s all good it’s all good uh transgressions it’s all good you’re still the king you’re still the captain

You know you’re still yeah I’m not the kid when when when did this whole Kings you’ve been my king for a long time what I’m a king you are a king we have a lot of games Pete is the king um cool now I’m just trying to remember

What it was I was doing right right I wanted to press oh God I gotta make these freaking cable dongers I caramba freaking cable dunkers I have to create like a just a brand new power source and just everything is from the ground up right now man everything’s from the

Sounding pretty rough is it is it as rough as it sounds it’s rough it sounds pretty roughly of course is I’d offer to help but I ain’t gonna um I see I see so that’s how it’s gonna be well kind of you got your thing you got your demons

I’ve got mine you know My Demons we’re each working on our own I don’t think it worked I don’t think by the way you know were you speaking of plays on on Words With Zine were you ever think did you ever look at that you know when when they first rebranded to X

And then there was that fake tweet where it was like a help page screenshot of like this is how you write your first zits and did you ever think like man my brand how could they uh they’re gonna have some trouble because this is my

Brand you know well I think Zane was too busy quarreling with the streaming service to care about Twitter’s move the X what do you mean there’s a there’s a streaming service called Xenon now but it’s just like uh uh is this is this a different thing than like that crypto

Thing or the no that is that’s that one is that one yeah it’s just the it’s just the scam crypto one that it’s you know like I’m you know would not would not actually encourage anybody to to viably use but um please please do not legally go after Zine because he’s got ammo

Um but uh regardless yeah I haven’t really felt attack on my brand because I don’t really own the letter x per se um is a different thing yeah I just I just haven’t yet mostly to be honest I’ve I’ve just kind of tried to do everything I can to

Tune that platform out at this point like I’m just over it like uh it the only the only reason I think a lot of us are still there is we haven’t quite like landed on where the alternative is yet like which one um but like initially it’s that you know

But we everyone’s mad and they you know but they they’re not actually they’re not actually gonna leave or do anything you know they’re not actually because it’s habit they’re they’re used to being there you know and so it’s like we will we’ll whine but then we all just go back

Onto it and go back but I like as it’s kind of continued it seems like people are genuinely hitting that like okay this is getting stupid like you know but unfortunately we just don’t have a established alternative yet to be like this is this is what come on everybody

Over here so Red’s lasted for all of three days what yeah three not even that much threads was uh interest like I like the threads interface but I but uh I didn’t like that it was you know zucky and and all that so um I think it was just lacking a decent

Amount of features and it was like back to hey here’s a fully algorithmically sorted feed you can’t sort by people you’re following you have no messaging um so it was missing a lot of kind of crucial features that that can get you to like stay longer yeah I mean a lot of

That’s been added since then but you know oh has it actually oh yeah oh yeah oh uh yeah but uh you know and and I think that people be interested in Blue Sky except blue skies like no we’re not actually going to open our service to anybody until I don’t know what they’re

Waiting for but um so that hasn’t been available anyway blinking is I don’t really care that much about exit I’m just we’re just on hold until we figure out what’s next yeah so um but if that even applies to us though right because we’re speaking from people

Who have been on this platform for years and like we’ve cultivated an audience and following on this platform for a while and you know we’re comfortable with that we don’t want to just like go to a different platform and rebuild an entire following just because one platform is becoming less optimal to use

Right so I’m wondering if it’s more less people are gonna start on X or Twitter it still feels weird even calling it that like the people who already have an account and following will just stay on it until forever pretty much right I don’t know

Like I my hope is is that it hits a a point where people do end up going like okay this is ridiculous and and moving on because I it it just feels that way it just feels like it’s ridiculous at this point um and maybe that’s what maybe that’s

Wishful thinking but uh I just can’t help but think he is like purposely trying but yeah I don’t know like what the why he’s trying to tank it what yeah what what is what is play is but at this point it’s like um something it’s just self-fulfillment

That’s all I’m getting from it because he wanted to rename PayPal to X back what at the beginning of the the oh yeah no tree SpaceX yes yeah he has he has a thing for x and and that’s fine like we all have our things um but uh

Anyway but yeah I I’ve wondered myself if it’s not like if the there isn’t some amount of like stock Play Sabotage or yeah like I I don’t even know like I don’t know why or or what and I don’t you know can’t I all of this is speculative and I’m not

Claiming to have any knowledge of the situation but you don’t know the inside of his mind it’s true it’s been a while I’ll try and peek into the mind of a billionaire huh what a thing literally what is going on in there one of the things that someone

Like just is what like stands out but someone’s like you know all right uh you know the uh he he spent 44 billion on on Twitter um if you were to take and and take all of your money and save and and you made a million dollars a year it would take

You a thousand years to get one billion so 44 000 years saving 1 million a year to get how about like you start like oh that’s a lot of money and it’s like they’re just you can’t even the the scales are are unfathomable fathomable but they’re they’re a lot

They’re they’re big there’s big numbers there’s big numbers so Nobody Does it it it’s I don’t know again it maybe there’s no rational thought to be applied to the situation um but it just it doesn’t seem like a lot of the decisions are being made in a rational fashion that you would expect

For the uh Health and Longevity of the service from a business perspective um it’s very interesting yeah I it is I think I think interesting is a a word to give it and uh it certainly isn’t that so does this work actually export here it’s just I have to actually export anything this

Is a thing okay this is cool this is cool but why can that not directly input in I guess ah okay what what hey oh that’s not the cable I was just confused for a second what was happening with a thing that was going on is all right

Just a wee bit of confusion here cool decided to opt for the lower tier generators and just make more of them because I don’t want to deal with setting up lava as a fluid export via crafting lava buckets with the essence and then turning that into fluid in the

Thing and it just easier this way sense makes sense I think I don’t know I think so oh Cole again import from the back the hand over the back oh good lord you can’t do it from the back okay all right now I don’t like this I’m I

Don’t like that we have to purposely bring ourselves back to the Stone Age here in order to be able to do this no I don’t like this part no I actually think it’s pretty cool foreign oh come on you ball it’s gonna be obnoxious foreign what is going on I don’t understand what

I’m doing wrong what’s troubling yeah I yeah Blacklist that is too smart for me I guess I don’t what’s up I’m just failing to put together a blacklist and it’s it’s like I I I’m hurting in my hearty Parts because it’s just I thought you were a programmer man that hence my

Complaints and and confusion and inability to perform uh in troubling situations hence your inability to perform in troubling situations yes as a programmer what the balls man sorry it’s not working for you bud it’s listening to my age it just doesn’t happen anymore but you just hit 100 guys cut him some slack

Oh I’ve got too much slack I need to tighten it up you know um got it got it got it okay this is Nazi able so I already did this so confused and then do this will we get big powered dongers yo yo we do we do this is big news Guys I have developed a new power source for us here in the world you’re very powerful truly truly okay that little lapse of brainyism is hopefully passed can I have the system is it a brass seed there it is I should make that post-haste Pete how is it going for you

He doesn’t want to talk about it apparently well I’m sorry for whatever I did I didn’t mean it I’m getting don’t know old men I don’t know what it did where did he go has he vanished I just got back oh hi Ohio

How is it going and then I was it was I was getting donut walled it’s going good how’s it going with you pretty pretty good yeah glad to hear that sorry about the tunnel that’s okay I just didn’t know what happened I didn’t know if it if I did

Something wrong or if you just vanity you know I may or may not have ordered some food I got here a little early before knowing we were doing a double no the question was doing a double well I’m not gonna call off a double I

Can I can multitask oh hang out with my boys for the night oh you’re supposed to eat you’re gonna like stream and talk and eat all at the same time only two of those you’re gonna like talk and eat at the same time there you go yes wow my man

I feel like I choke that’s a lot of multitasking to do what eating and talking yeah huh it’s tough no I mean I don’t blame you I personally hate eating on shrimp oh I I turn off my camera oh did I turn off my camera and take

Like an hour and a half see I I actually have to go the other direction with that because it’s like I turn off my camera um because I eat like a freaking Heathen and I’m just like and I don’t want people being like Oh my God man like stop to taste it or

Whatever and I’m just like I’m just trying to get through it so I can get back to whatever it is I want to do not for the taste what was here for what it was worth Pete so I was just saying that some people probably pay to see that but maybe but

That’s on the only zines so uh it’s it’s uh it’s fine oh man gotta get that bag where you can get that bag you know is that a new thing it’s not an actual new thing no ah I’d be here for it would you would you be my first subscriber because I

Don’t I never mind that’s fine never mind continue no no no no no no no no no no no no this is a place of Solace okay say what’s on your mind oh because it’s just it’s just a Zinger at Jordan and I don’t he doesn’t need it

And I don’t need to be mean and and it’s gonna be mean to me I would never why was he gonna be mean to me no I was just gonna say wow you’re going that’d be the first time you consumed some of my content bro hey bro oh my God you

You bullied me out of it don’t oh my God me now I feel bad I’m sorry um well anyway [Laughter] so am I oh fair enough I always call it even I think there was a talk of being vulnerable at the beginning of this session I think we’re there yeah we’re

Definitely there we reached vulnerability I yeah I’m feeling very emotionally vulnerable right now probably links to Speedy oh my God how do I make a small cool and sell oh that’s how I do it all right we gotta speed these bad boy I feel like I’m gonna go through all this infrastructure

And it’s going to be completely unnecessary to end up doing it but at least we get to make Kabooms are you doing it for a quest right I mean it’s for one of the ATM Star ingredients but I’m just trying to um automate it ish so that we can make

More because the people say like actually you need more than one star like the final thing isn’t just a star it’s lots of stars so that’s what’s uh for what it’s worth also I checked on it I could only see one item of focus of summoning from ours nouveau

Okay is needed for one of the items for the ATM Star I don’t know how difficult that is to get okay cool I mean I I could be could be work on a bowl working chili pork then chili work on a bowl dude also holy frick do the netherright Crafters

When you craft another egg crafter it’s just it’s just freaking goes what’s the idea that could just flies dude that’s the idea my friend okay let’s see can we craft a few of these now bless your king thank you uh why can’t I start a craft huh huh huh okay

Missing fluid oh they gotta be fluid cells of water how do I do that how do I do that nuts your pistachio kind of guy almond yeah neither uh peanuts cashew um I uh peanuts are okay I I’m not I’m not big on uh most of the the nuttage though

Very specific type of nutting that I’m enjoying that I enjoy but okay oh my God I need to hear what like I’m talking about peanuts which are actually typically when you open up a can of Planters peanuts you say oh I’m nutting right now ain’t nothing wrong with nothing that’s all I’m saying

I’m over here getting judged by Jordan no reason no reason at all I am not judging at all I’m anyway you’re anyway I’m anyway hello anyway Okay so here’s the Earth read the news to me what’s up um claim this in the name of Spain does it have to be it has to be stripped logs you okay yes I think technically I could unobtainium that’s a wackadoodle I guess hey we’re free whoa Everybody’s Free

Good old oh Pete that’s some that’s some real dedication Peter got it done I had to give Twilight four I still love that it needed you really didn’t yes I did and I’m happy I did it all right so we are down to move base here nope thank you for checking

Please call again did I not make that did I just think I I think I did more than just think about making it didn’t I okay how do I do this how do I do this I’m sorry my bad I I no no no no it’s

Not your fault I just actually I don’t know how to I made the mistake of trying to use that pattern thing and then coming back and it was all deleted and unpiked I’ll be down here if you need me oh there we go okay oh there we go

Got it got it got it thank you Kilroy is being a uh a great help at this very moment right now good well done Kilroy why or do you sound so upset I’m not upset are you upset no all right then okay does this work oh Gilroy is so smart

Also the rest of Chad and everybody who suggested the same thing is very smart um you’re all smart you’re all so smart oh that’s what I did I made a pattern to make the not the actual thing got it that’s so cool got it okay so

If I were to put this in here is anywhere yet I’m out by create stuff go hello go on all right out make this oh my God this like this does this solves everything this is crazy what fun just the ability to do this automatic water thing is gonna it’s a lifesaver

What else I savers very tasty they can be pretty good they can be pretty good I like the gummy ones dude you found the gummy ones oh they could be pretty good they can be pretty good so Everything Changes if there was a time when I was younger

Where I thought that Lifesavers were a medicine or like something you would actually it may it kind of makes sense that they would be for sure actually got that and then that stuff oh that’s right I forgot ah remember how I was saying that there’s a bug in the current uh

Um create that we didn’t need to worry about because we haven’t encountered it but there we weren’t doing anything but that will mean that it will automatically Munch up any tool that we try and use with a deployer um I had to make a a deploy a tool with a deployer and yeah

Yeah oh did you Frick up your thing of value no no no no I mean it was in all the modem ax there’s nothing about you like oh it wasn’t like yours no no no no no no I just I just was like here

I’ll just do this and I was like no I won’t um okay now we need to go to plan d this is nuts blandy’s nuts man I’ll walk right into that hey there’s that boy there are a lot of steps to one-ninth of one 12th of all the mod star

Balls am I gonna do this um okay so yeah why is there worm on everything ask Pete yeah worms stop worm is this where the stop worm comes from from uh panamaticraft I’m not familiar you’ll remember stop worm no I don’t no was this something that we had done it’s an item

Oh yeah I wasn’t really too into pneumatic craft when you guys were doing it she got against new mattercraft apparently a lot how it works dang did everything about it wow there is a lot that goes into this here all right all right man there is like a lot that

Goes into this holy Heckman sounded like there’s a lot that goes into it I don’t know what do you think Pete I think there’s a lot inside and outside man excuse me I’m getting the Yanni’s I hate it when I get the yummy constantan you just use the seeds that I’ve already

Provided you oh you literally already have Constantine yo you do have Constantine how convenient is that wait why would the oh that’s annoying the mechanism Crusher will not Crush Constantine do we have a pulverizer set up we do yo you know why because you were aware of this because

The mechanism at Crusher will not Crush it will not Crush certain things yeah where is that right here behind the fullness that’s the multi-servo the furnace oh okay cool Where’s the auto I don’t think I have it automated though there’s only so much I can do oh okay yeah well you know

Automated dish I will next time I will be sure to provide better for you it’s all good it’s all good I think there’s a way that I can just circumvent this by being lazy you know what I respect the the openness of it you know like I like at a normal

Circumstance I’d be like come on man but like you were just this is how it is and that I can get behind okay there we go and then once we got all that then the constantan becomes easy peasy lemon squeezy that’s more like it right there

Okay oh my gosh there’s so many steps to make a nuke who ever knew that nukes were gonna be so difficult to make I mean not me that’s for sure and then let me just it’s just that now you bongolding oh yeah no it’s just furnace frick

Oh I guess it doesn’t matter it doesn’t actually matter yeah it doesn’t matter that’s dumb frick can I automates the nuke my balls okay everybody this is my Oppenheimer moment where are you setting it off I mean I I haven’t even I haven’t built

It yet this is this is uh you don’t need to go to the theaters anymore okay you’ve been here you’ve watched it happen come on make it happen make it happen we’re waiting we’re waiting for the plutonium and the uranium and the and the stuff to do right you’re gonna work right

Right yeah yeah you’re working it is doing it’s in the process it’s in the mail there’s just a little bit of waiting involved you know with all the mods that add just TNT blocks that are just nukes right different variants or whatever I like that there’s mods that keep that but

Just add a ton of technicality to it I’m always a fan of the setting off the nukes in Minecraft I hope that it’s I hope it’s a good one is there anything okay there’s nothing you can’t upgrade you can’t upgrade it into any additional levels I I think

This might actually take a little bit of time which is sad because I did maximum speed upgrades on the machines Time in a Bottle um you know I don’t think that I have the power gen necessary in order to make that happen but I could try also wow it

Took Hopper to make that thing happen holy frick I have a speed upgrade in there okay all right okay all right okay all right okay okay all right all right wait yeah it wait do we are we making them are we not yet not yet making them right

I was hoping it would be ready to go you wanted to blow up the Base today no but I do think it’ll be ready like before we’re concluding here I just don’t know that it’s going to be ready in the next two minutes do we only have two minutes left

No I was just watching it and it was a bit like watching paint dry and I realized I should probably move on to other things so that I yeah anyway you get the idea it takes two to one I mean yeah it is going it is doing

So it’s just the copper it’s a lot of copper that needs doing here you know what would make a really good testing site for a nuke Mars do they honestly should have thought of that before why does this take a long time why does this take a long time huh ow

It’s uh that help it no that doesn’t do it oh it has to craft the plates first oh how are our copper plates being crafted uh copper plates are being crafted by way of currently multiple multi-servo but I am setting up a way that might or may not be faster is the

Multi-servo on Full Speed yeah that’s about as good as it’s gonna get okay I see well now I’m gonna make it gooder than it can get oh God uh import no the Importer frick I’m wasting my 256. speed speed speed go I got you it’s stuck oh did you do it already

Okay good good good good I Got You Babe you just have those on hand at all if it’s like on your tool belt you always gotta stack up right I mean I’m setting up crafters and auto crafting over here so I had them in hand yes got it got it

Um I had to figure out and get really creative to make it automatically stripped wood now I’ve got to get creative to make unstripped wood yeah I just said I have the patience of a guppy who chat chat come on I’m just trying to get us to

Nukes quicker okay because I feel like that would be a point of interest for the majority of us oh look at Mr Pizza Ram the song of my people your people are beautiful song of my people dude were you able to reforge this by the way

You think I’d try to reforge a trophy yeah I did that didn’t work I really wish I did uh all right let me see let me see let me see okay so have we have we got it have we got it yet yo we got one one is manufactured I’ll slide her up

Um yeah dude yeah dude but hold on hold on one moment I’m gonna just should we wait for two or should we yeah I guess no I guess we just do it do you want to do it boom and then import all right Zen you let us know when you

Want to do it oh dear um hang on let me just get this last now the pressure no no there’s no pressure I mean there’s a little pressure nah nah uh that’s okay I don’t need to stack Okay so what happened okay that actually seems pretty darn easy I

Ought to be density why are you not don’t make like four of those there you go easy okay cool it’s got a crazy sound it’s uh stripping the logs that I need we got some good good solid steps towards the improbable probability device here it didn’t seem to work very

Good solid steps before we get all the mechanism fanciness going on wow okay we gotta do not go well at all okay let’s let’s try this again see guys you guys do wanna you wanna go to Mars or do you want to do it somewhere nearby here uh we can go to Mars

Don’t forget to put our air suits on and stuff do you think do nukes need oxygen is that important component uh probably in Minecraft I think not do they in real life do they need oxygen no they do they do big boom regardless yeah it’s it’s based off of fusion not of combustion

Well fission infusion Vision Vision well both it depends the basic the basic Atomic weapon like what you think of it like uh of what we use like Hiroshima Nagasaki that was a fission bomb but uh thermonuclear weapons and that’s your typical nuclear weapon but a thermonuclear weapon

Actually uh uses Fusion for its expanded uh yield and the way that it does that which is just crazy and is just the most human thing ever is that we actually you create a fission reaction so we set off a nuclear bomb and we direct all that energy into forcing the fusion reaction

That then goes into an even bigger bomb so thermonuclear means that we use a fission bomb in the microsecond to uh the energy from that to Force Fusion to create the actual big big big boom huh this guy was listening during the movie you I’ve never seen it was ever oh no

But he didn’t see the movie um also they’re impressive how much you know about that yeah they didn’t they hadn’t gotten to that but yeah that’s uh um but at any rate it’s not about combustion you don’t need the uh the cat the oxidizer um so uh let’s see what do I have

Where’d my seat some space suits here do we have a Way Stone on Mars yeah cool I don’t think I’ve clicked all of them that’s probably the the reason I was asking nothing nothing against anything you did a great job with the way stones thanks do I eat okay I can’t breathe cool

I’m on Mars all right let’s go Mars yeah someone didn’t put on their helmet are they gear I’m wearing it you need you need your your everything else too I’m not an oxygen man wait do you just have everything hidden do I no Zine like Zine is somehow naked

On Mars and just chilling yeah I think he’s he’s hiding it well I’m hiding it I just want my boots and nothing else my bunny slippers so the question is how big is this gonna be I think many like over is this far enough sure okay sure that question’s been asked in

Minion nightclub I got a h screen either go to screen you know can’t spoil the explosion they gotta screening the the thing you know all right here we go everybody hopefully the flint and steel Works otherwise this is going to be highly anticlimactic oh it’s activated all right is it making noise

Uh I wasn’t hearing anything I wonder if we’re strong enough that we could just like stand in it and be fine you should oh actually no that’s the wrong oh oh that’s freaking crazy whoa that was kind of an interesting effect is the why do I still see the block though

You still see it yeah it’s still it’s an active nuke it’s calling it is there a second part of the explosion Squad this is like when I was in second grade and I picked up a firecracker off the ground and just like held in my hand for a

Couple minutes before someone yelled at me did not do things are still deleting I see I see slight block updates here and there Um X fluid oh that just disappeared I’m just like super ready for it to like Kaboom have a second stage and just demolish us or something like that there wasn’t as much of like a loud noise explosion yeah you know it kind of spoiled the radius before it even

Happened too yeah I was like here’s the outline at least we get to observe this nice pretty block here forever forever and ever it’s a breakable no doesn’t seem to be nice so is this how we uh do the finale in the final episode we just put this in the spaceship I don’t

Even think this would detonate the entire spaceship no I probably wouldn’t didn’t quite do but we could do several of them but we can always stack them up you know it’s if one’s not enough you’d do more yeah are you putting something over here teleported in teleported out Block’s still there so

There is still like slight Decay I see on occasion but I don’t know what it’s like these fluid blocks are like leaves that like evaporate every now and then but otherwise kind of just seems like it’s done um I want to try something I wish to try something and I I shall be

Right back he’s gonna try something remember last time we tried something we ended up dead Pete remember that you were so tired so tired boy the last time I was tired was because of you what now I remember it differently um where am I going wait wrong thing there wait oh wait oh

Brick Zane what did you do to me what did he do to you what did you do to me what did he do to you I hope you find your dad hey I’m coming back to Mars what did he do to you there’s no cigarettes up here are you coming back down yeah

No it’s permanent it’s not permanent it’s not going down I’m at why level 400 still going up I can still see you you’re just you’re just a DOT off in the distance but I can still see you a little Shimmer in the in the distance

Why do you why do you think that it’s like um just raising you up so high like I don’t know is this death well Jordan just shot me and tried to kill me I think no you shot me you should be able to you should be able to

Like a lighter or Angel ring down right I’m choosing not to because I’m wondering how it’s gonna last for me I don’t think this is ever gonna stop I wonder if something about the uh uh uh like effects of the nuke somehow made it so it didn’t like because it’s a two

Second levitation like come on you know oh yeah that was not two seconds the active nuke and as it turns out doesn’t work I can still see your specs actually that’s actually how they took took the uh I’m coming back down they took the

Nuke to the test site in the movie is in a cardboard box that’s true to history that makes sense gotta keep it low profile I’m warping back to base actually that’s a good question what if we what if we nuke the nuke oh my God it’s still not made another one never

Mind we can’t afford this wait why is the crafting monitor done it stopped making them my man my they’re not Manufacturing what is there’s a warping got rid of the levitation nice there’s some possibility that I might have clicked the wrong button and canceled all crafting instead of just the one I wanted

To go you just pushed me less than 10 a bridge on you fair enough okay so we can now make that we’re getting more broths and uh so I can teach it how to make a brass casing you going invisible now is very interesting because you actually kind of go

Invisible except for your little bunny slippers perfect well we gotta do we’re gonna have to do some more Auto crafting for that one aren’t we boy oh boy oh I’m this is gonna this is gonna be really interesting to like just set up the auto crafting for the Omega storage drives

And just see how many of the items it calls for ah Buffy my toes When the toe Slayer attacks where will you be oh my God wait did you set this up already all the way okay did I do what or is that it looks like there was more uh setting up that had been done here and Wally zowie is that not right that’s right

I want to make one of these one of the crafting ingredients ended up needing itself huh that can happen sometimes what are you trying to make sending pattern iron ingot what happened to iron ingot means we’re low on iron no I don’t think so well basically iron ingot is trying to

Craft from either nuggets or blocks and then you’re trying to create blocks and it’s lit basically it creates a circular pattern but oh so there must be two recipes for iron basically or it’s just circular um there’s block of iron there I haven’t run into this problem before

I want to see can I just make iron oh I put the brass in the wrong spot that’s where it all went bad on me so we have the how are are we getting Hmm this is confusing don’t be confused be happy cause we had this set up to here it’s fine right

That’s fine that’s fine and then put this is not fine why aren’t you fine what happened to you why can’t you be fine it’s weird it’s like as soon as you get to the the 1048 million it just goes no we can’t do that anymore right so what are you trying to make

I’m just trying to get the auto crafting in for the 1048 million storage part all right and um because we have the fluid or on the not fluid no the not not the fluid um we have it automated up to 262 million as soon as you add that next one

Even though I don’t see where the iron is involved here it’s like no you can’t iron doesn’t work on the pattern you can throw it in there and that’s oh my God and then try to keep try to just sample q1 up all right

Let’s see so then do the 262 and the 262 is fine it’ll preview it will only do one two six two which uses 48 1262 uses 48 141 iron ingots yeah it uses a lot that’s for sure so if you were to try and do two six two two of

Them it won’t because we don’t have that much iron we don’t have the ability to make that much iron and so it’s running out of iron and it’s trying to create nuggets out of block like basically I think the system knows we just need more iron yeah okay yeah it

Really just comes down to it needs more iron um that that’s all it is all right and the iron is used to look it’s more seeds the iron is used in the quartz we’ve just got to get some more seeds um possibly well there’s the 5.4 000 blocks which it

Converts back down right Um but yeah I think I think I think you’ll figure it out I think you got this whoop we just gotta crank some seeds bro then makes it like like I’ve given you all the tools if you’re not patient enough then that’s on you let me see let me see iron seeds

Are we generating excess iron seeds at all from the Harvest station uh yes and no we are but they’re being converted back into iron essence so if you need more iron seeds then we can turn that off and then we would generate more iron seeds I mean it might just be worth

Doing another few more iron unless I guess we could just you know wait for uh a few more episodes while it just continues and then use it all because we are going to need one of those unless we do like a I don’t know a different different one

Of the the draw like we could do a 256 million Mega storage component rather than a you know with from a different mod rather than refined storage I don’t know um I’m just looking for that right now but uh I’m wondering my concern is less I I I I have concerns

I don’t know whether it’s it should be concerned or not let me just look for and I’ll just stop the iron seeds from being automatically exported and there they are right there and so now as iron seizure developed we will get we will they will stay here and I will be able

To plant more and I’ll plant a few more for you and hopefully that will all be everything you’re looking for and more Year all that I’ve ever looked for and more oh my God that word true I’d be so happy why wouldn’t it be true because I don’t allow myself to believe

You should Okay cool so now we have all of that so we can come up to here and let’s see three six twelve 21. and four 55 which 21.55 that’s a whole 34 situation on its widest it’s one two three four five six seven eight nine so nine by nine basically

Pete you’re getting kind of quiet bud I’m just looking down the farming quest line I figure if I’ve already taken out Twilight Force I might as well take out another section of the quest that I don’t see either of you wanting to do which part what’s the farming questline

Food and farming it doesn’t seem too complicated I think it just goes through like uh aquaculture and a couple other mods I don’t think I have done those before agriculture is neat it’s not super in-depth but it’s like one of the only mods that really expands on like the 113 ocean update

Uh what is it what does it do there’s a lot of fishing stuff okay wow so cool I want to make so peaceful Patrick Star I thought that was gonna be a finale occurrence but I guess we do need them for the I don’t know that Patrick Star Could Happen anytime really

Do you think if you make them and place him down that he turns into an actual 3D entity that walks around God I hope so otherwise I will be sorely disappointed oh that’s what Zine is making right now cancel cancel cancel [Laughter] abort mission abort Mission what are you doing I might

Have just no don’t worry about it what did you do nothing what did you do I didn’t do anything this feels suspect and I I can’t help but feel like that might not be the same were you in the middle of crafting all the stuff to make this Maybe

I I didn’t realize Zine was uh seeing scenes on it scenes on Patrick Star Zine is on Patrick Star he’s got that covered I’m not doing specifically Patrick Star as much as just the the mechanized shape to make it but I guess it’s the same for eight like I was building towards the

ATM Star so like sorry I didn’t mean to like steal your Thunders no you’re all good oh I see Patrick Star is the shape of the ATM Star yeah all making sense now yes I was just doing I was just doing what need doing you know mm-hmm

Uh God I will say I’m not like super looking forward to the whole pressure chamber situation oh my God wait I need a nuke for the pulsating black hole holy frick the one there’s the pulsating black hole which is part of the ATM Star requires oh my

God Infinity nuke it doesn’t even have a crafting recipe I don’t even know what this is hmm I don’t even know what I don’t know what it is all right so what mod is the black hole from um I think it’s just like ATM specific one achievement hmm Desperate Measures eh

Hey I’ve gotten that one before yeah turns out that’s important okay this sucker uh it takes some stress yeah I can imagine yeah we might need more interlocking windmill oh what happened to the interlocking windmills don’t you remember if we removed them because they were all you’re all like

Lag oh balls oh oh yeah that’s true but how are we gonna get stress I don’t hey you know what don’t stress about it okay I know what I am what I am stressed about is is there anything that we need to do before we wrap up the episode

Because my food is coming soon I’m sorry about your stress is there anything you can do to help where did my boots go oh I don’t want to play boots went there we go there we go um no the not for me they I I will get this

Back up and running and de-stressified in no time at all and then everything will be great and nothing will be wrong ever again I feel safe now cool oh my God excuse me gas thing with uh oh my God uh are you guys good for the exit

I’m good yeah indeed all right well uh we want to thank our sponsor for fighting sir we’ve been playing on apex hosting if you would like to play with your friends be sure to check out the links in our descriptions save 25 off on your first month and help supports when

We do and thank you for checking them out and thank you to them for sponsoring we do create these live Pizza Hut captainsparkles on scene throw some follows and see all the extra stuff and then if you have enjoyed then be sure to hit that

Like button leave a comment let us know what you liked and uh consider subscribing and turning on the Bell along the way anything for youth two before we go smooth operation I’m good can’t wait for the uh Pete intro all right good bye guys

This video, titled ‘ALL THE MODS 8 w/ CAPTAINSPARKLEZ & PETEZAHHUTT – MINECRAFT MODDED – Ep. 26’, was uploaded by X33N on 2023-08-29 20:00:00. It has garnered 1122 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:06 or 4326 seconds.


Special thanks to ApexHosting for helping sponsor the series. Use code X33N when reserving a server and you can save 25% on your first month.

Did you know I’m much more of a streamer than a YouTuber? I stream full-time with additional Minecraft as well as many other games and events! I would love to have you come by. I stream on both Twitch and YouTube!


CaptainSparklez: PeteZahHutt:

All The Mods 8 –

Music provided by Ninety9Lives Outro Song: Dohi – Distrion & Cediv X33N Channel Edit: vsbmeza3 – Video: Download:

#X33N #minecraft #gaming

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  • AfterBeyond Networks


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  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links Website Dynmap Gallery Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are considered, and decisions are transparent. Welcoming – A diverse and inclusive environment for all players. Stability – Top-quality hardware ensures a stable experience. Updates – Regular updates keep the experience fresh. Some of Our Features – User-friendly claims plugin for land protection – Vanilla Tweaks like Armor Stands and Mob Heads… Read More