All the Mods Expert: #7 Alchemy and Ashen Armor!

Video Information

Mm-hm hello everybody and welcome back to a new single-player world of all the mods thanks for about yeah so the last one I’ll talk about how I was kind of confused as to why my ember a thing weren’t working and I had figured out like oh it’s because it’s not in the

Right chunks I have to move it to a different chunk so I moved into different chunks on that server and it didn’t really fix anything like it worked but then it died after five minutes I couldn’t figure out why so then I said okay I’m going to start up a

Single-player I’m gonna build one a little quick and see how that works and we’re fine I left the chunk I did everything else and still doing what it’s supposed to do so I don’t know why I was doing things wrong on the server but well it was doing things wrong so I

Decided you know what I’ll just kind of restart and rush back to where I was and actually have the world or the single-player world built in a biomes of Plenty generation which is too dark to see so you can only see but this world is now biomes of Plenty yeah there’s

Plenty of new different types of biomes look out so I guess that’s that’s alright and didn’t take too long to get this new little area set up and back to where I was by the end of the last episode hello zombie so the last one I had

They’re so last one I had just finished getting a thing to do I’ve been getting the centrifuge thing done I made dawn stone so what I ended up doing here was I kind of made this thing out of sight so it’s like an out of sight out

Of mind they don’t have more of the embers of odd stuff to get it’s a kind of automated use more of the item types out of pumps these are actually really good to use like really good I think I might use them more often in things but

I kind of do like what I did with it so all I have to do really is i preserves in here to power the Ember activator I put any or I would want to be like singularly melted into here so let’s see I want to make some led place

For a future build I’ll be doing today there so since I want to make the plates I want to take the bar stamp out of there put the plate stamp in there cuz that’s the Stamper then good the letting gets in there and then in a couple

Seconds I should start seeing some lead plates up here should and there we go their very first lead plate has been made so it’s pretty good works pretty good and we have our dawn stone thing here where I just put gold in here put copper in there and then dawn stone pops into

They’re not the most clean not the best but egg Worth’s it works and then down here I have a nearly depleted or a depleted ember chunk right here but it’s still pulling out member shard pretty slowly but heck it works it works so much better than it did in the

Single-player this isn’t and the server so yeah I have no idea why I was doing that but here we are alright so anyway the next thing I need to do is I want to do this beyond the basics part of this book one of the things I wanted to do before

Going to nether because I want to get the thing for ashes and stones I was like okay how do we get ashen stone just to get this coke oven going because I need the creosote oil so I can make a bed so I can finally sleep out the night

This rain has been going on for multiple days now I don’t know why it will not go away but let’s see to make that ashes stone there is something I need and that’s going to be the ash pile which is made in a cinder plinth have no idea

What that is what is used for more than getting this ash pile stuff but whatever so to get to the cinder plinth I’ve been working on getting some of the stuff together I like the lead plate I got the silver ingots I got the furnace I think

I think I got enough to make this count a brick so let’s see if I can do this thing so it’s gonna be in here so I’m gonna walk two of you I got all the flip plates I’m gonna need a forgot the stuffer I’m gonna want four more you furnace check

Check so should be and that no let me doing wrong cam and I bricks tribe breaks oops not the right bricks I need you nuts get out of here you there we go that’s my needed now should be iPad then that and this will bring its and there we go

Cinder plinth it’s actually drab but if we’re working will use this for something in this this needs Emperor so I’m gonna put it down here some place just for the sake of be able to use it and then I’m assuming to need gonna need a receptor do we have a recipe I am

Missing receptor so I’m gonna cannibalize one of the receptors from the dawn stone thing because I’m not going to make any more dogs don’t for a little bit so see your receptor and then let’s do that that one so it should be I just throw an

Item into it so it’s throw piece of gravel I guess and see if that gives me ash whew that was quick actually it’s really cool that’s actually really easy oh you can put stacks in oh that’s really cool so I’m assuming I’m gonna want to bin on top to collect this stuff

Cuz it’s uh you know kind of spewing it everywhere at this point ah so I have sort of automated my ability to make – pile stuff which is actually not too difficult all I really did was have an input chest same way as did with

Melter and just have it all go in here then works pretty good and it’s actually a lot quicker and all the other stuff whoa that’s trippy okay I think it’s already gonna start filling up probably like right now ah so let me have a stuff so now that we can

Do that I was looking at the coke coke brick recipe again saying Amaya the hardest part is probably at the ashen stone and then have to go to another get some magma slime that’s difficult then I realize this is block of concrete and not concrete concrete’s pretty easy to

Make block of concrete still requires me to adventure through the nether are quite a bit so I think I’m gonna need actually prepare prepare prepare for the nether so to do that I was thinking I’m gonna want to get some good armor and I was thinking you know what since you’re

Playing with embers might as well go all the way and get some of this action armor stuff so I have all the dawn stone I need but I would need this stuff called the ashen fabric which I get using ash piles whatever these are and an alchemy recipe alchemy table exchange

Tablet I have no idea what this is I’m assuming that has to do with what I learned about the beam cannon where it’s as it starts out chemical chemical reactions so this could be something I have to figure out but should be interesting I guess but since we’re

Doing this I would do want to see if I have the right stuff to make the ashen stones so I’m assuming should just be just stone and that right yeah okay yeah pretty easy good ash and stone is already known all right so let’s see what we’re gonna do

I’m gonna want to do that so I’m gonna need this exchange table or x-games tablets exchanged don’ts don’t play to count I bricks do I have enough stuff to make more I have some blends okay so I think I have everything I need to make what I want so the exchange table

Johnson played copper plate Johnson ingot some of the camera I break stuff so I should have that already made the beam cannon got charged up use it I’ve started making these aspectus stuff which is actually kind of neat and also really easy I was like looking at like

How what does this recipe mean it’s like Oh duh it means just throw an ember shard one of these broken things these things into the Stamper when you have one pink it’s like I threw that tallest Onegin in there it’s long enough pop there’s the dawn stone aspectus go okay

I still have no idea what these are used for but I think I’ll learn maybe I’m kind of bad at learning without mods work yeah yeah look at that also inspect this right there let’s grab some you good to me you and I want you you grab a

Lot of it okay so over here and let’s do this exchange table and then I also think I’m gonna need this alchemy table which I think I should have all the stuff where it’s let’s make a copper block then just do that what am I missing I am not missing anything okay good

That’s done so what else I really don’t know what this aspectus stuff wants me to do I know it runs off of ash so question mark change table okay let’s pull out I have ancients exchange table Dahle stone tablet the core of an energetic alchemy items can be placed on

Top of the table by inserting items into the blocks faces using a right-click or a pipe when they blow struck by a beam for a beam cannon if sufficient ash unnecessary elements of necessary elements for recipe as present and there are pedestals alchemy process will begin Dawson pestle forensic alchemy purposes a function

Must contain – which can be placed in the side with a right-click or an item pipe as well as a metal aspectus to it’s elemental attunement and placed around an exchange table okay so I didn’t need this then fry – tuna processor blah blah blah so if I want to

Make this Ashton cloth Mario what’s the stuff I need I need what is this do I have one like that one what’s the aspectus is a lot higher n– lead silver I’m missing a silver one do you need silver at all let’s put all have to make

100 it does need a silver one okay let’s just throw it in there and I’ll make it real quick okay so let’s see how this works so I just have to do okay it’s charged I’m gonna probably want another one of these pedestals hon do I

Have the stuff to make one more of them one more I think yeah I do I just need to make copper copper plenty of copper chef chickens okay so I’m gonna need what two of these doesn’t matter like where you set them up so I’m gonna want

Silver aspectus and an iron aspectus it look like put there in there like that grab some ash house a lot of ash okay maybe a little too much ash whatever okay and then what’s the recipe for this stuff – string – ash piles and some wool

And plenty of string we need to start doing some harvesting again so let’s turn this is do this once okay that’s more you so it was – wait ok just click on it me know hash string am I being dumb ah I am quite slow as usual at first without I need more

Pedestal so I mean we’re pedestals and as like ok that didn’t work and then I realized oh wait you can interact with the with the sides oh oh well hmm hmm let’s see if I’m done I have cost uh from there I have stuff there so let’s give this a shot and see

If it works I think I think this is charged oh oh oh oh that looks cool it also looks like I’m summoning something I really shouldn’t be summoning that whoopsies hi I should have turned that off no I got out chemical waste 0% excuse me also my heads floating huh I think that

Looks kind of cool things really weird I swap Carnera Tori will not be all dude gave ions will be forcing today Rizzo slots sure I break you how do I I just break it oh okay so that’s weird what did I do wrong zero percent okay I guess I have to go look

At some more stuff then 73% much better than 70% so I’ve been reading and apparently someone was saying that the recipe was calling for the wrong aspect is it’s not iron and silver it’s iron and lead uh-huh so let’s yeah do that so before I tried 16 in each one so I’m

Actually just do the full 24 now oh my goodness it worked oh geez I took forever let’s see that was the first one that was the second one that was the third one for the fifth try fifth try to get it so it takes 22 for me for me

Anyway takes 20 to ash and the iron pedestal and the lead Pitts tool to make the ashen fabric okay so now I can look back on this video and remember that because I’m probably gonna forget and I’m not gonna write it down because I’m stupid dad and I just don’t have a piece

Of paper near me and I don’t have the stuff in the game to write a book do we have a such maker book so yeah that’s pretty good so now I just need quite a bit of this stuff actually that’s jetpack attachment I just have to do

This a couple times I guess I kind of want to move this into its own special little room though cuz it is kind of big and you know it’s kind of like come down like oh look at that yeah so it’s probably disable that waypoint hi the

Evidence but I’ll probably end up moving out later so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna spend some more time making a lot more of this ashen fabric then and then I’m gonna go away all right we were just about ready to go I made up all the

Ashen fabric I needed I actually made a cinder staff as well I have made a mantle jar filled it up with some ember made it was all free in for its iron sword so all that’s left is to make that armor so to grab what I got and then

There’s no crafting table over here so first recipe is pretty easy it’s like that for the boots and then see for the goggles I’m missing string of course I’m missing the string to do okay ajan goggles and then the cloak got all of you and then the leggings

Perfect now let’s put all of this on I look like a dork I I look like a bad superhero I look like a really bad superhero oh my goodness okay whatever it’ll have to do oh boy I thought I was gonna be like really cool-looking I am not happy with

Whatever let’s let’s go to the nether nothing too bad about this at all pretty bright now though there is a demon Pig over here so I’m wondering is he violence are you going to come attack me yes you are and you leave you Why’d you sound like a freaking gas you probably destroy any items that you make hmm so we’re here for what two things they s nether quartz which I will grab some of you right now and also after magma cream and soul sand mm-hmm and I am agreement soul sand I

Don’t think that should take too long to find the soul sand the magma cream not quite sure how that’s gonna be so let’s go out here and take a look see what out see what can see there’s a blaze already wonder if that’s know okay hold on let’s try let’s try this

Whoo I’m hitting him there’s a range on him it looks like I’m using a lot of my mantle already hmm hey buddy Oh yoo-hoo Howl’s loud yeah I think I should find just brought a bow for this just kind of thinking I should have brought a bow for

This Wow oh hi I did not see you coming hey buddy how are you doing so bad so I think I’m actually gonna leave it here for today I’m gonna click all this chord stuff get some foam oh wait hey buddy hey give me your blazer on yeah perfect

And now you Pilate are you coming after me I think he’s coming after me I can’t tell no no he’s not he was just passing somewhere else all right hmm so yeah I think I’m gonna want to look at maybe night vision because it’s just placing our torches everywhere is not gonna be

That easy so night vision is gonna be something I want to do in the future yeah that’s all the time I have for today my friends I would like to thank you all for doing and if you like the video please hit like if you like that’s

To subscribe please do I really enjoyed doing the alchemy thing I think that was the highlight of this whole episode because I kind of figured this whole nother thing wasn’t gonna be much and you know what I was right it’s not much yeah I’ll see you guys later bye bye

This video, titled ‘All the Mods Expert: #7 Alchemy and Ashen Armor!’, was uploaded by ChattyCamel on 2017-09-04 01:52:16. It has garnered 257 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:35 or 1355 seconds.

Hey all and welcome to All the Mods Expert! It’s been awhile since I played any type of Minecraft and a friend of mine was recommending this one. So far it looks pretty cool! Check it out if you haven’t already. Today I had to spend some time rebuilding where I was into a single player map but hey that wasnt too bad. I had some fun playing around with the Alchemy stuff in Embers! Really cool effects too

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    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

All the Mods Expert: #7 Alchemy and Ashen Armor!