Alpine1 – Minecraft City/Building Critique – Jun 2022

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Okay so this condo highrise is actually in game so let’s go check it out all right let’s see what we got here so first impressions i i like the colors i like the orange and then it kind of matches with this sandstone here and then you have the grays

So good work on that i’m guessing here you’re going to put a parking garage but this is in the flat world so there’s nothing under here this is just the bottom of the world i like that you use these patterns here i think this looks really nice

I’d like to do this all the time so these are actually doors right so you have the oak doors here and essentially what you do is you just kind of like place one on this side so you stand like this place it here and then these ones

Are kind of hanging off the edge and then you just use world edit to cut out the bottom half of the door so yeah just a little trick with the balconies here if you do have world edits uh i think it’s a really good addition to any

Skyscraper so i’m too close let me fly back here a little bit okay cool so you can see that they have a distinct base a distinct middle and a distinct top section so that’s very good i always advocate for that so good work on that i like that you have these parapets here

That kind of hang out a little bit over the top uh it makes it more distinct i think that’s really nice something you could do here is um okay so i see you have a little bit of hvac up here uh maybe if you wanted to you

Could put some on top of here or even down here on this gravel here maybe i’d also try and make the parapets a little bit taller too because if you do have gravel up here uh typically you’re going to see it more in like low or mid-rise buildings

But if you do have it on top of here i’d probably recommend bringing your your parapets up a little bit higher parapets are just these things that uh just sorry there was a car going by parapets are just these things on the edge of your roof here and they’re used mostly for

Water control uh but also if you have people up here which i’m assuming it’s just going to be people from maintenance but it’s it’s always good for safety too so it kind of acts like a railing i appreciate that this window and these ones up top are bigger than the other

Ones it signifies that you are at the top of the builds uh it’s very interesting it’s uh it’s a nice blend of kind of these styles here typically like you’re not going to see this normally on skyscrapers i like this kind of curve right there but honestly i think it works

It’s kind of a cool addition if i’m being honest and then you play with it down here too which is really nice so yeah this is uh this is good work it flows together quite well it’s it’s nice it’s not super disruptive with these things going up on the side here

Um yeah no it’s it’s a good build i’m loving this landscaping down here and you have this green roof uh maybe try and stick with more consistent uh greenery colors here i see you have like yellow and then you have blue and then you have pink here then white

And then it goes back to pink and then a little bit of orange uh probably just stick with green and then maybe one or two other colors but try not to go too crazy with that i think the green here is kind of impacting the the feel of this area down

Here it doesn’t look bad i just don’t know how well it fits with this uh but that’s up to you uh personally i might go with um i don’t know maybe like a darker color like a gray or a black okay next up we have some townhouses by

Rainy and comrade potates so we’ll go right here so oh yes okay i have seen these um i’m actually a really big fan of these pitched roofs here um a lot of the builds that uh i make in particular i i noticed this recently i don’t really use

Pitched roofs that often and honestly i should work because they they actually add quite a bit but yeah i think it’s really nice that you have this spot right here see how this part’s a little bit different than the rest of it so this is all very consistent sorry for my frames they’re

Dropping a little bit here but see how they have this roof line right here and it kind of connects to this spot that’s it’s a different material it kind of pokes out a little bit um but it’s on the corner and did they do it over here too no they did not

Um so one thing that you could do if you wanted to uh you will see this quite often on mid-rises is you’ll have some sort of design like this and then you’ll have like the glass on the corner here and then what they’ll do is they’ll actually take

This and then they’ll basically just copy it on this side obviously like you don’t have to but it’s just kind of a common thing that i see it still looks good like this i’m a big fan of it i like that you’re using this glass trick here

So what they’re doing is they’re taking light grey stained glass and just regular gray glass here right and they’re just putting them side by side so it gives the illusion of these like lines here where it looks like it’s like two blocks tall but just a little trick

I use this sometimes in my skyscrapers but anyway let’s keep looking at this build so these windows here i i like them i’m wondering what’s going on here because you have a window overlapping with the floor and then it not here i guess i feel like you could

Probably bump it up by one this one seems okay uh maybe what i would do so see how you have this it like connects to this uh this purple block down on the bottom here and then you have these other black blocks up here so maybe for the sake of

Consistency you might think about pulling this up by one and then pulling this up by one so basically you’re just taking the window and then shifting it up by one so you’re just taking out that block that way you can have this consistently across and then you can block out this

Right here i really like what you did with this window here so this is jungle trap doors here and on the side and then again these are glass panes with the alternating pattern here so it gives about a half of a block worth of depth here then on the bottom you just

Have a slab so yeah just a little trick so something i’m not quite sure about is this bottom part here when i’m walking along here typically i might want to see something that isn’t like a solid wall i guess i know you do have windows up here

Down here i’m guessing this is going to be a shop lots of cobwebs in here it must be an old shop it must be vacant for a while i like this this is pretty cool started this like green wall so you have vines and then i forget what

It is behind here sorry i don’t want to break it but uh yeah i’m sure you can find it in cube pack this cool graffiti back here and then all the posters here so this here uh if you take a i think it’s a painting you rename it to

Graffiti space one with an anvil and cube pack and then you put it in an item frame then it should give you this and then this one here same thing but just rename it to poster space environmental and it’ll give you those posters there sorry i’m getting off track i was

Talking about this and then i went around the other side uh yeah so these here typically you’re gonna see these windows when your foundation is kind of indented into the ground right and then these are the windows that you’d be in the basement and then you’re looking up

And then you would see this maybe like at ground level instead typically you’re not really going to see these uh up on this level for the first floor uh maybe if you wanted to i’m assuming these are living spaces yeah because you have kind of a back

Deck out there and then those stairs there maybe what you could do is you could make these windows a little bit bigger like if you wanted to make them from here down to here and then maybe keep the bottom one and then i don’t know just stick some

Greenery or something over top of it or like sort of a see-through fence like around here but i don’t know that that’s it’s a little bit difficult because you are right up against the sidewalk but uh a bigger window i think you could you could benefit from that i appreciate the

Greenery here though that’s uh that’s good uh so let’s have a look in here okay um a couple things start by doing this here right i think just that little detail just makes it a lot more consistent i’m not gonna change your build i’m gonna let you do what you want because it’s

Your build um but yeah just a little thing uh even though it will mess up this here it’s gonna make you take this out right there like these blocks but i think it’s going to be for the best another option too is you could have a

Wall that starts here and then goes to here and then you stack it up and down and then oh what’s going on here okay your stairs don’t align which is really interesting right because you have this one here i’m guessing this goes up another floor okay um something that i would recommend

Make your stairs align with each other right so the the top one should be right here where when in reality it’s right there right it’s off by one so i’d probably stack that back a little bit uh this is really interesting up here i kind of like this loft lots of skylights

That’s that’s pretty nice don’t forget to add your railings here too if you wanted to play around with maybe ceiling materials like i know you’re pretty tight on space here but if you wanted to put like upside down trap doors along this here i think it’s going

To help you a lot with your design i just noticed this uh this big open window here so you’re blocking it off with uh with this right here if you were to actually push instead of pushing this one this way if you push this staircase and

The one below to line up with this right so if this right here lines up with right about here i think it is then you can push this back by i think two blocks right and then it’ll be back here and then you can have well leave this right here but then when

You come up here this is going to be back to right here so then you can have one two and then if you wanted to you could just open this up right here right and then add a little railing so you can look down and i’m assuming this is all

The same unit right because there’s no walls or anything so i’m guessing it’s all part of the same townhouse but then it gives you this like nice open space with this big window and then you can kind of use this big window to your advantage on the outside and the inside

So yeah just some small things oh i see you have another one here you could probably do the same thing if you wanted to just be careful if you’re putting like bedrooms or bathrooms up here because it will mess with the privacy a little bit

Um another thing too if you wanted to go with that idea you could have it open from the bottom like take these six blocks at rates right here right and then on top of here you could pull a wall up to your next floor right and then this would be open

Right here like all this stuff put a railing right here and then in here you could have a wall and then maybe you could like stick a bathroom back here because the bathroom doesn’t have to have a window uh bedrooms do for fire safety but bathrooms do not so

Yeah just some ideas for you a couple small things uh overall it looks pretty good uh just uh yeah just a couple things for you oh and one last thing i probably make this three tall i know my craft doors are two blocks tall but uh

Since we are kind of building in more of a 1.5 to one scale i’d recommend scaling it up a little bit yeah overall really good work uh nice job with the depth on this too i really like that you use the walls and the glass panes right for this

Like tiny bit of depth i think it looks really nice the pitched roofs here you did a really good job with this both of you and yeah i i really like these windows but i i really think that you should use them to your advantage now i do see that

You have a bit of an interior here so let’s check this out okay yeah okay so you have it a little bit more consistent okay yeah yeah that’s not bad what’s what’s going on here is there supposed to be a there’s supposed to be another floor how do i

Get up there oh it’s over here oh they changed it okay there we go okay so you have your railings okay yeah that’s better this is better yeah okay i like this a nice cozy room up here this would be a cool spot yeah okay this looks better uh but

Again i i would probably maybe try something with this up to you but uh yeah just a couple suggestions okay next we have a 1970s office block uh yeah i mean style-wise you nailed it a couple of things maybe just down here uh try working with glass

Panes instead of full blocks here just to give you a little bit of depth uh it’s gonna go a long ways up here i like the depth here that’s one block i think that’s a good amount of depth uh it works pretty well then let’s see one two

Three four floors one two three four five six okay that’s good uh so you see what they did here so it’s basically like two sections of the building so you have this main square part here so you have the first floor and then six floors above whereas here you have the first floor

And then four but this area back here it’s a lot more rectangular so it kind of attaches to it so it’s a distinct section between the two uh but clearly it’s the same building which is really well done nice job with your trees here too it gives a nice scale to the building

One thing i might recommend with your trees try make them a little bit more fluffy i guess uh maybe play around with some materials but uh yeah they’re not too bad i’m not sure if you’re the one working on the city around it too but

Over here maybe i would add curbs or if you wanted to you could lower this entire pavement area by one block you could add some trees along here and along this here it’s going to give you a lot more shade for your park cars and

Also for the people that get in and out of those cars but yeah nice work i really like the logo up here i think it fits really well and mies van der rock inspired office tower oh i love this i built so many of these too i love this

Is that the same logo as the uh the other one ots i think so if we go back to this one i think it might be and yes it makes sense because that is by the same person but yeah really well done with this um you can see that

They have this block up here where the floors don’t continue all the way to the top so you have all your hvac equipment up here so if you were to look down you’re going to see all these little like spinning things and all this mechanical equipment it’s kind of it looks pretty complicated

And a lot of it is so it’s it’s kind of hard to dissect but yeah so that’s why you kind of leave this spot at the top you have a division right here which is very nice it helps even up the skyscraper makes it easier to look at

And you have this nice area on the bottom here lots of glass down here with this glass lobby these big pillars this looks awesome yeah you nailed this this looks incredible we have some insurance offices right beside that other one that we just checked out uh this is nice i

Like this it’s pretty similar to this one it looks like a handful of material changes and just some slight edits here so you have this one here this one here in terms of your brakes this one down here and then this nice open area at the bottom i don’t know why

But i love these towers then here’s a second one here by the same person yeah that’s really cool oh this looks like it’s uh build the earth maybe i’m not sure but yeah that’s pretty cool beautiful buildings look at that oh i love the arches oh it feel it feels very

New york i love it the new york world building the new york tribune building and the new york press club building that’s really cool i love that i love when you’re making buildings and instead of just having a flat facade right here what you can do is actually you can

Indent it and then you can have these cool bars going across the scale is really cool i love it it’s these nice little row homes down here first floor shops it’s very inviting for the people walking along here and it sort of builds up as you go backwards and gets taller

And taller really cool shot at night here too yeah no that looks awesome we have this cool futuristic city that’s pretty cool i like that i’m not super into futuristic cities so i i can’t comment too much on this but uh yeah no i like it it looks uh nice and complex

Which uh it makes it a lot more fun to explore so that’s good you have lots of decorations uh it’s not too bland it’s uh yeah no i like it nice color coordination too right it’s mostly white and then you have this sort of teal or a cyan and

Then you blend it in with the purples and pinks okay next we have a modern high-rise by margin 29m so we’ll check this out interesting okay so what they’re doing is they’re kind of playing off of like these older styles that are kind of like part of the building envelope which is

Really interesting so i think this was zoned just for like an alleyway but you see what they did so they actually built over top of it which is a really good use of space so it’s a it’s a really interesting build see how they kind of like played off the the pitched roofs

Down there and used it up here it’s really cool i like this double line that’s really interesting yeah this is a it’s a really interesting concept i think it looks pretty cool so okay let’s start at the bottom and then we’ll work our way back up

So see how they have a different color here at the bottom compared to the rest of it so this kind of signifies that hey you’re at the bottom and then when you look up you can see this like the white part of the tower so you can clearly differentiate between like the base

And like kind of the midsection um you can tell that it is the top because of these things here um i’ve i don’t know it’s throwing me off a little bit because i’ve never seen anything like it i think it’s an interesting concept um

Okay i see okay i was going to make a comment about how i think the top should be a little bit more different but i see you stop the balconies going up uh so that’s good that does differentiate a little bit and then you have these lines going all the way

Across so that’s also really good nice size balcony here this is a good size i like the concept i like that the material color is relatively consistent right you have these darker colors down here and then it kind of swaps going up and i like that the windows are the same

Material basically going all the way up right you’re using this orange stained glass here but yeah it’s it’s not a bad build it’s just something i typically wouldn’t see oh whoops okay so that was actually this one that makes sense okay cottage style right okay that makes more sense because

Modern it didn’t really look super modern but yeah okay i see i see where you’re coming from now i just wrote in the wrong coordinates so yeah okay it does meet the more you know cottage style okay that makes sense so i believe i checked this building outs in the

Other video but we’re gonna have a quick look at it again uh so nice designs here it’s very subtle it’s a cool logo on here too looks great very nice i love these shader shots being able to see right through it this is using cube pack which you can get using

The link in the description you need optifine version 1.14.4 for java otherwise it will not work so this is an office building and you can see they divided the space with this glass here which is really well done uh they have a little bit of depth in the ceiling with

These lights here so that’s very well done nice spot here you have these bookshelves back here and then sort of this office or meeting area little break spot for lunch here and then maybe another meeting room back here yeah i know that looks great i also really like

That they sketched out like this this is very helpful when you’re trying to plan complex builds like this uh so i’m guessing that this solid blue here are solid walls and then you can see they have the furniture and then the little green here is like chairs stuff like that

Uh you can see they have a staircase here which is very nice your elevators yeah no that’s really well done and along the edge here you can see that they have these glass panes that are sticky notes uh the purpose of this is just to have it go up the side so it

Gives you a lot more verticality in your design it’s a nice touch and it makes it so that if you’re on the ground and you’re looking at the building it’s gonna draw your eyes up okay so that was the first tower and the second tower is

This one so i think i showed this in my first video it’s very cool i love this triangular design i think we’ve seen this screenshot it looks very cool and then here’s the inside so very nicely decorated uh cubepack you can do quite a bit with it if you are on java

And coffee maker nice plates little spot for seating nice job with the lighting here it’s not super bland so it works pretty well and you have your cubicles kind of in here maybe not cubicles just kind of workstations very nice the occasional plants to liven the place up yeah no it

Looks great and then here is the full version yeah i think it looks great yeah it’s some really good work okay we have this building here i’m not super familiar with the style but it does look really cool i really do like that one thing i do notice with these

Buildings is that they have this down here so they have these horizontal elements on the bottom floor here and it tends to be quite a bit larger very nice i like the arches that looks very good and then up here it tends to be a lot more vertical so for these top two

Floors see you have these columns going up here right whereas down here they do not continue down it’s very side to side and then even with these windows here you can see they have the vertical elements going up here it emphasizes a horizontal line going across here right with these

Ones same thing here and then it’s very symmetrical i really like that the nice pitched roofs are a nice touch i really like this colors are spot on i wouldn’t change a thing and i love the little details up here it adds so much to it

Builds and yeah no i think it looks awesome here’s another angle you can see they have maybe little planters down here maybe they’re gonna add some greenery um yeah no it looks great okay so we have a city here this looks really cool wow i love buildings that

Incorporate domes on them that looks awesome i like when you include little gardens like this here too and then you have kind of the stairs going up to the main floor i think that looks great so as a part of the same city we have this skyscraper oh i really like that that’s

Actually really clean the proportions on this are fantastic see you have the bottom third here which is more of the mid-rise height so it lines up with this one here and then you have the rest of it that goes up here which is the other two thirds

You have your vertical elements going up here you have your brakes here here and here and then you have this really big parapet up here which i really appreciate you can hide your hvac equipment kind of back in here and then instead of just having the same design

On this side what they did is they added these floors here which i think is a really nice addition to it and it also matches this right here so it feels like it’s being pulled through and then pushed up which is a very nice touch a couple more builds here this looks very

Very nice i like it you can distinctly tell that this is the top of the building which i very much appreciate and then same thing with this here you can clearly tell that this is the top of the building and you have sort of these minor setbacks as you go up but it

Actually adds quite a bit to your build so you have these builds by the same person i’m presuming in the same city but it’s very very nice i like the bay windows that’s very west coast it’s a very nice addition and occasionally with these builds you will

See stuff like this where the design pretty much completely changes for the top couple of floors and then you will have this part here that kind of goes out here so the purpose of this is to protect the facade from rain i know it’s pretty hard to do

It for the whole thing but if you can protect a little bit it’s gonna help you quite a bit and then another view down here i love this down here this is very very nice i like how this matches sort of the style at the top that’s a very nice touch

Shops down here you have seating yeah that looks great then one last shot here of the whole thing yeah i love this build this is yeah no i love it oh also another little thing that i saw it’s not on this build it’s on this one here i

Love doing this see what they did with their windows so they have this flat facade and then they have a full block here they have one two and then they use trapdoors they pull them down and then this one here uh this is either

A stair or a slab i think it’s a stair so it looks like you have sort of an edge here and then it goes inwards and then you put your glass one block back so then these walls are actually too thick it’s a nice touch it gives it a

Little bit more depth and it makes your city overall a little bit more complex which is you know a good thing it makes it more interesting to explore okay next up we have another city this is very cool i like that uh your roads are very

Wide um maybe i would try and add some bike lanes but in terms of the buildings they look pretty cool i can see that you have sort of the mid-rise area here and then this is more of the high-rise even though the overall feel of the buildings is a little bit

Lower compared to the last city that we just saw but of course it’s all dependence on your city so this here is perfect i like the use of vertical elements here very nice draw the eye upwards you have your horizontal elements so it adds some consistency and

By adding this top part on here you can clearly tell that this is the top of the building i like the use of trees that’s very nice maybe in here i’m not sure what’s in here but maybe you could add more trees here i like these bushy trees

It would be nice if you added more of them like maybe in these green spaces here these big bushy trees it’s going to give you a lot more of a green feeling to your city and it’s just going to make it a little bit nicer parking garage back

Here that looks good you have these little areas in here a little water fountain nice decorations with the sidewalk i’d probably lowered this by one so yeah i think overall it looks pretty good i’d probably add some bike lanes in here and then if you wanted to

Change maybe this outside lane on either side to a bus lane you don’t have to do it on every street but maybe once every couple blocks it’s going to give you a lot more access to public transportation so that’s the first picture we have three pictures here’s another one recreation of the

Metlife building in new york city that’s pretty cool i like these builds very cool and then this last one here you know you have a bit of action going on in your city that’s always a fun thing to add so i guess it caught on fire here so good

Thing you have a fire truck to put it up okay so here’s another city so so far there’s only two buildings uh two high-rises so this is cool i like that i like the balconies balconies are always a nice touch for cities to make them a little bit more complicated especially in

Residential buildings if you live in a condo you’re probably going to want a balcony so that you don’t feel trapped inside all the time i might suggest maybe adding more vertical elements just kind of on this glass maybe like one two three and then just bring it all the way

Up uh but other than that your shape is good the colors are good yeah it doesn’t look too bad next one here this one’s a little bit harder to see um i can’t comment too much on it just a tip for your next screenshots uh try getting in

A little bit closer and to be able to see the details through the glass i might recommend turning off shaders it’s a really cool building here that looks awesome i love the roof these are really cool um so i see these occasionally on similar builds so this thing up here it looks

Like a railing i don’t actually know what it is uh if you guys know can you tell me in the comments yeah i love the arches i love these uh little spires here those look really cool uh yeah no it’s an awesome build so it’s it’s based

On this place and budapest alpine this is a 1.5 to 1 scale recreation of a street in forest hill queens new york near the long island railroad station nice oh this is cool yeah i like this not sure what’s going on with your tree back here but i’m assuming that’s a work

In progress i love bridges like this this is really awesome you have the little pedestrian area in here going through here nice textured roads that looks awesome cool trees and i love that you have these nice shops down here it’s really engaging for the people walking and exploring your city here’s another

Picture you have this cool car out fronts and then all these crazy shops that’s really cool i love this area back here where you have these stairs going up here it’s always nice to add little pockets in your city i appreciate that you have the parapets up top that’s very

Important and cool signs lots of little details it’s a fun city to explore okay next up we have st peter’s basilica and square this is crazy that’s really cool wow i love the dome up top it honestly looks like three separate builds that were kind of put together so you have

This part down here which is the darker sandstone color you have this part up here with the domes well this big dome and then the two small ones and then you have these sort of arches that kind of curve around this way this looks really cool i love the reflections

Too this is really well done here’s a second view of it this looks really cool i love the textures down here yeah that looks awesome this must have taken forever that’s a lot of work then here’s the last view here it’s extremely impressive i am very impressed okay so

We have some towers here so i’m assuming these are condo towers and then these might look a little more like office towers uh so i see you’re going more for the design style the designs look pretty cool i might suggest maybe trying to add a little bit more realism in there so i

See that they’re blank right now i’m assuming they’re unfinished but if you wanted to you could add a shear wall in the middle for your elevators and stairs a shear wall is just a concrete box basically where you have your elevators your stairs and your mechanical and electrical equipment that has to go

Between floors and then maybe you could add some columns going through floors where they would connect and of course don’t forget to make it look like there’s a distinct base middle and top section so you definitely have the main pattern down just make sure that the top

Is distinct and the bottom is as well but i like the design i like that there’s little greenery on the edges here this one’s cool that’s a very interesting build same comments as the last one but in terms of the design i like it and this build here i feel like

You could probably cut it in about half because these seem to be more of the builds that would want to stick out i guess and then this is just kind of a supporting build so probably cut it maybe about here or a little bit lower make sure you have the top section so

You know maybe cut out the top floor if this was your top floor cut it out and then extend this up make some parapets and add your mechanical equipment on top and again for the bottom just change this up a little bit so that it fits

More into the context of your city okay i want to check out this one because i’ve seen pictures of it so it’s just right down the street that’s the other one that we were looking at and this is the new one so this was built by the

Same person uh i think i’ve seen some screenshots i think i took a couple of them myself just for some promotional images but i i really do like this tower i’m just gonna back up here a little bit okay so big thing when you’re making a skyscraper you need three things right

You need to be able to differentiate between the base of your tower the middle section and your top right so down here we can see that we have these three floors and then there’s kind of a cut and a setback going inwards and then we have a divider that’s kind

Of in the middle here with this you know big open space which is nice these columns here which are walls and then you have this middle section which is relatively consistent going up with a couple minor changes so you have this wall right here that comes down and then it switches to glass

So it creates this kind of like snake pattern going down the side it’s very subtle right it’s going from like here and then it goes all the way down here it stops it goes across see and then the wall continues on this side on that edge there and then goes down

And then just cuts back across and then yeah it just kind of stops right there and then just keeps going back down to the bottom so within a lot of modern buildings you will notice that it may not look consistent uh but the more you look at it the more patterns

You will notice and that’s especially true for this tower and i think that’s really interesting and i think he did a really good job with this i really like the material choice i think the sort of brown reddish bricks work very very well it works really well with this shade of

Gray here and i really like that you’re using this alternating glass here just to give it some vertical elements so it kind of draws the eyes upwards because you have quite a bit of side to side going on with the the balconies there so it’s going to draw the eye back and forth

But once you start to introduce that glass see uh it kind of starts to draw your eyes upwards if you kind of read between the lines nice work with these walls here it’s a good spot for them uh brings the eye upwards which is nice

I like this greenery up top and i love all the setbacks that you’ve done right you have these ones down here and it comes up and then you pull it out a little bit and then you keep going up um see how he kind of uses the let’s see um more of a

Three three quarters rule i guess you’d probably call it so from here to here is about 75 percent of the height all this and then this is the last 25 up top so for this for this section i decided to pull this out cut these windows off

Here which was a good choice right so notice how this line lines up with this so the pattern with these two is consistent going all the way up here so that’s a good place to cut it great choice bringing this glass around here and then using that to kind of mirror

This up top and this and this is the same size i really like bats this is a really nice addition up top too this would be a really nice penthouse i would love to live up here nice greenery this nice wraparound balcony all these nice windows and then of course can’t forget your

Over runs can’t forget all your hvac and then your light up top yeah this is a really nice build i’m not going to go inside because i don’t want to spend too much time but here’s a sneak peek that’s what it looks like but yeah this is a really nice build i

Really like this build here’s a cool build i really like this one i love builds like this i was recently in vancouver and they have a lot of ones that look somewhat similar to this uh maybe with more balconies oh i guess we have balconies back here i really like

This so you have these nice windows they’re not super overwhelming or anything they’re a good size you can see the splits between the floors and then occasionally you have these areas here that kind of jet out or indent inwards so it adds some complexity to your build

You have a distinct top section and then you have a distinct shop down here which tells me that this is the base of the building you’re not going too crazy with the depth or anything so yeah now this is a really good build and then continuing on from that it’s a part of

This city so here’s some more builds in it the styles are definitely different compared to the other one but it’s cool of course i mean it’s minecraft you can do whatever you want cool statue i like that oh everything has full interior oh it’s mobile yes aha i actually started

On pocket edition back in 2012. i played it for two years because i couldn’t afford my own pc i eventually saved up like 450 dollars by the time i was 14 and i spent it on my first desktop computer where i could get java and from there i started building on world of

Corrales and then i switched over to cubed about two years later and i’ve been building there ever since so when i hear people talk about pocket edition or i guess it’s called bedrock now i don’t know what it’s called anymore but trust me i know how annoying it is i know how

Frustrating it is not to have world edit or the textures or any of the tools that any of the java players have but i have serious respect for people who do this on mobile but yeah now that i know that this is built on mobile this is honestly

Even more impressive i love the color coordination in here this looks awesome yeah you guys did a great job seriously all right we have a hospital it’s very cool i like the night shot the night sky that’s kind of nice uh maybe i’d try and incorporate maybe some like handicapped

Parking or something like that if you wanted to this is a pretty big parking lot you could probably change maybe about a quarter of it or like a third of it into like a bus loop that way other people that live in your city that don’t

Have cars can take the bus and then it kind of becomes a major stop here’s the shot in the day i like that you textured the pavement here that’s a very nice addition nice hvac up top here nice sized trees that looks good it really does look like a hospital you did a

Really good job shot from above you have the helipad very nice you have your stair overrun very very nice and i really like that you have different wings of this hospital i think it’s pretty cool if you wanted to you have quite a bit of parking um and then i see

That you have this other spot down here if you wanted to you could honestly probably take all of this out and then just turn it into like a little green space or something but it’s your build it’s up to you so next up we have this neighborhood and we have a couple of

Hoses here and i think this one is the only complete one so far uh so you have this back area here nice spot for nature it’s always nice to have these kind of grass strips little stream running through that’s a nice addition it’s nice that people are able to walk on the edge

Here um i don’t know if you have any down here but if you wanted to add maybe a little arched bridge like a very shallow arch over top of here i think that’d be nice some more angles of the greenery here and then there’s this nice

Uh fence here it’s kind of ruins here but uh no i i actually think that’s really cool then kind of an overview of this neighborhood a nice park in here i see maybe you’re gonna do some trails or something in here um i like this lake an

Idea would be maybe to have a bigger lake in here and then maybe like a little waterfall or a stream connecting them i think that’d be kind of cool but yeah so far so good just keep it up hello my name is matt i’m an upper year architectural engineering student

Unfortunately i’m gonna have to start picking and choosing the builds that i showcase and give feedback for it but if you don’t want me to potentially review your build go to this discord link and go to this channel so that’s all for this episode i’m going to try and record another one relatively

Soon although these videos take quite a long time to produce so if you don’t mind clicking like just for the effort i guess it helps boost it in the algorithm and then it just helps me be a little bit more motivated to make another one

So until the next video go to the link in the description to the cube community discord and then go to that channel that i showed you at the very start of the video and post your builds there or you can go on the cube website apply for

Builder one go to forward slash warp terra and then as a builder one rank after your application is accepted then you can build in terra just make sure to follow the theme of each area and once your build is complete i prefer complete builds go back to forward slash warp

Terra go up the stairs right behind the desk and then just place a sign with the coordinates and your name so that’s all for this video and i will see you next time You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft City/Building Critique – Jun 2022’, was uploaded by Alpine1 on 2022-06-11 21:59:13. It has garnered 40437 views and 1633 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:13 or 2293 seconds.

I review your Minecraft builds, giving lots of constructive feedback!

Join our Discord & submit your builds! Submit your builds in the #alpine-reviews-your-builds channel

Follow my Instagram. Do it. Do it now. No, don’t read further, click it ^ Do it. If you don’t, I’ll pelt you with Timbits. Try me. ——————————————————– Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:14 Build #1 – Realistic Residential Skyscraper 3:39 Build #2 – Townhouses w/Pitched Roof 12:43 Build #3 – 1970s Office Block 14:02 Build #4 – MVDR Office Tower 14:59 Build #5 – Office Tower Part II 15:24 Build #6 – NYC City Block 16:04 Build #7 – Futuristic City 16:30 Build #8 – Cottage High-Rise 18:43 Build #9 – Gray High-Rises 21:44 Build #10 – City with Domes 24:18 Build #11 – City with Mid-Rises 25:53 Build #12 – Twin High-Rises 26:37 Build #13 – Spooky Castle-ish 27:00 Build #14 – Queens, NY 27:48 Build #15 – St. Peter’s Basilica & Square 28:26 Build #16 – 3 Modern Towers 29:49 Build #17 – Fantastic Modern High-Rise 33:24 Build #18 – Bedrock or Java? A Great City 35:03 Build #19 – Giant Hospital 35:58 Build #20 – Work-in-Progress Neighbourhood 36:45 Build Submission Info 🙂 ——————————————————– CHAT WITH ME Cubed Discord: Ask me questions in the #alpine-videos chat, tag Alpine1 ——————————————————– ALPINE1 Hi! I’m an Architectural Engineering undergrad student that enjoys building cities in Minecraft. My degree concentrates on structural engineering, heritage conservation, sustainable building design, and architectural technology. ——————————————————– TEXTURES CubedPack Requires Java V1.14.4 & Optifine V1.14.4 Come build with us, or just use a personal plot to test out an idea! We provide common building tools to help you bring ideas to life.

Apply for an advanced rank w/Terra city building permissions: Terra city building requires Builder (I) Andea requires Specialist (I)

Guest – Builder (I-IV) – Specialist (I-II) Plots – Terra city, Large plots – Andea creators & talented individuals ——————————————————– PRODUCTION Created by Tarago of Cubed Community: – Alpine1 skin – Custom terrain & vegetation – CubedPack creator – Alpine1 channel logo Animations by Basti Designs: Cubed Community animation by Jodixx Music from Artlist ——————————————————– Business: [email protected]

Disclaimer: I do not hold a P. Eng. designation, I am in my fifth year of an Architectural Engineering undergraduate degree. Discussion topics on this channel are subject to errors.

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  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

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  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

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  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

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  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

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  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

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  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

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  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

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  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | ⥈ Discord ⇴

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

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  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

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  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

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  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

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  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

Alpine1 – Minecraft City/Building Critique – Jun 2022