An Epic New Minecraft Adventure – 1.16 Survival Let’s Play | Episode 1

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to my minecraft 1.16 let’s play let’s get started i am so excited to be starting up this world with all of you this is going to be quite the adventure oh my gosh okay where have i spawned i appear to be on an island i see a

Pumpkin i see a dark oak forest oh i’m excited okay i’m actually gonna grab the pumpkin thank you now let’s let’s get some wood the very first step to every minecraft let’s play punch in some trees okay so let’s take a little look around this seed the first thing you’ll notice

Is all of my favorite biomes are within eye shot and that is why i picked this seed i don’t know everything about the seed all i know is the biomes that are around because i specifically wanted a jungle a darko chorus and a mega taga to build in and i got exactly that

Right now oh there’s baby cows oh my gosh okay i’m gonna go right up here and just grab some stone so that i can get some basic tools stone age heck yeah okay i got 14. that should do it for right now i don’t know i didn’t count oh my gosh they’re

So cute getting an upgrade oh yeah we’re minecraft pros over here chopping down a little bit more wood and then i think i’ll make my way over towards that mainland over there and get off of this little island i’m gonna leave the cows alone they’re vibing they can exist it’s

Adventure time ladies and gentlemen i’m excited oh my goodness look at the beauty that is minecraft and can i just say minecraft 1.16 runs so smoothly this is such an amazing update wowie let’s let’s park ourselves right over here got some sugar cane perfect wow okay

I love that we can get access to so many different wood types around us but the first thing we need to do is find food oh and sheep hi i’m going to need you i am going to need you oh and cows oh my gosh i don’t want to kill them right

Away because i’d love to farm them or get some shears if i can oh dear let me see if i can talk into a cave somewhere found a cave this was the easiest surface iron ever okay so with this series i have quite a lot of plans a lot

Is focused around building but of course a lot is also focused around actually exploring and being in the nether in this update and i’m so excited to share that with you guys i hope you are too for these seeds since i know you guys are asking i will release it i’m

Actually i’m gonna do something i’ve never done before i’m gonna release the seed if this video that you’re watching right now gets 5 000 likes i know that’s quite a lot for my channel but i don’t want to release until 5000 likes because i want to keep some of the things a

Secret in this kind of early game so i’m hoping we won’t get there right away but if we do that’s okay i’ll just release it in the next episode whenever we get there i’ll let you guys know okay there’s more surface iron down in this little ravine i’m gonna go collect

That gotta be careful about the lava though um yeah okay i’m fine super easy iron this is what i need to get me started for sure okay that was a super easy way to get some materials uh let’s go over on the shoreline over here where those animals

Were and uh start smelting that i need to get a bed otherwise it’s going to be a rough night and i have to start farming because my hunger is getting low crafting table and a furnace right back to the basics perfect i’ll put that much

In for now and wait for that to smelt speaking of food there’s actually some fish in here um thank you thank you for your sacrifice yep thank you this way i can farm fish which are easily like replenished and not the animals just in case there’s no more animals in

A radius i’d rather breed them okay and let’s actually make a smoker for our food just to have that go a little bit faster there we go it’s much better minecraft pro already oh acquire hardware yes please new recipes right okay sheep it’s your time to shine

One wool that was not what i needed okay your turn yes that’s much better that’s exactly what i needed and just like that we have a bed okay i can definitely rest now you know what let’s dye the bed i’d like a yellow bed there just for aesthetic purposes

Okay so next step is definitely a house you need to collect a lot of materials for that and the dark oak forest mega taga in the background and jungle make it really easy to get wood because those are some really big trees so i’ma get on that this early game is definitely one

Of the most relaxing stages of minecraft for me i absolutely love being in the early game doing some farming having these stone tools really nothing to my name at all and it’s really a fresh start i get to build up this world however i want and i’m so excited let me

Know what you guys think i should be doing on this seed just based off what you’ve seen already i’m excited and i definitely want to be sharing ideas with all of you it’s getting dark i think oh dear where’s the sun yep it’s setting okay um

Let me just back down here i we’re gonna have to sleep in the middle of nowhere tonight and you know what that’s okay because this is our starter house now that makes no sense it’s fine it’s fine okay let’s uh get that in you know what

We can make some iron gear as well let’s sleep sweet dreams ah perfect okay so what’s the best first iron gear to be making probably some tools maybe a chest plate to keep us safe since we have enough you know what let’s go with a chest plate

That’ll be good and then we’ll also get we’ll use these six pieces to make a pickaxe and an axe since i’m going to be building probably a good idea and i have even more coming so no worries at all let’s use up these stone ones first

Though all right i’m gonna do a little exploring it’s it’s about that time i need some spruce wood anyway so i figure we’ll just wander this way a little bit see what we can see so far just more pumpkins oh my gosh i love the seed

Just having all of my favorite biomes in one area is so important it’s going to be so inspiring for me to build all throughout this series hello doggy oh you’re cute and a bee oh you’re adorable oh my gosh i love the right okay don’t mind me i’m just

Deforesting what a beautiful view oh my goodness this is going to be a fantastic place to build at some point look at all of this oh excuse me hello it’s a i haven’t seen a jungle temple in like years oh my goodness we gotta go

Find it i’m going on an adventure oh i’m excited oh i can make cookies thank you don’t mind if i do oh i’m bamboo yes please haha i am here okay now oh god um excuse me excuse me sorry yeah apologies oh my i’ve been fired at i can’t oh

Is it a monster is that part i have a heart i have half a heart i have half a heart oh my gosh yeah um pair of pants sure oh okay but a brave warrior never backs down should have made a shield so should have made a shield

I don’t know what that does i’ve played minecraft for seven years i still don’t know what that does okay horse armor hey that’s gonna be useful ah i see you oh i see you too hey hey your friend blew me up who blew you up too

Yes oh my goodness okay what can i get rid of wow i i have so much so much stuff yes please oh my gosh what a turn of events okay you know as fun as this exploring thing is i i think i need a home base i

Gotta i gotta go get a starter house this is dangerous i don’t feel safe and i want to go home but i don’t have a home so let’s work on it first off chest because how have i acquired this much junk i just started ha okay

Okay so for a minecraft house there are a few things that we most definitely need kind of right off the bat definitely a storage system i have so much crap and i need somewhere to put it it doesn’t have to be fancy right now but you know it’s got to be something

What a place to put our bed somewhere safe where we can always respawn i need farms to actually have food that isn’t fish luckily i got a good start on the seeds though and uh lastly but not least i’m going to need somewhere to actually

Smelt and craft all of my stuff so i need a good spot that kind of has all of those things and i’m thinking right here along the coast is actually kind of perfect you know what what if i used this it’s like already kind of built i could live in here Let’s do it i’m going to start by putting some pillars up on each side i’m going to make an extension of this mushroom because well there’s not quite enough room in there but you know almost and we’ll just get some stairs going and get a simple roof on it

You know what this is not looking bad i like it i love all of the options for building that we have oh my gosh there’s actually more than you would think in the early game and this is going to be lovely to live inside we are going to have to dig

It out a little bit maybe but wow definitely need a little bit more space so maybe we’ll add a little section off here as well i really like how tucked into the forest this is gives me really good uh foresty vibes i like it especially with the pop of color in the mushroom

Okay now i just fill in the walls i’m not gonna go for depth just flush because this is such a small house if i go for depth i won’t have interior so we’ll find depth in other ways doorway right here definitely necessary oh maybe even one down i have to figure

Out the terrain all right now i’m just filling the roof easy enough i like all these connections they’re very simple and it lets us have this nice bright mushroom right on top i’m literally gonna end up dying from fall damage from jumping off my own house like a dummy

All right okay i like this this is definitely a home and this definitely has quite enough room for my interior although i mean it’s not much but i can make it work i’ll make it work oh it’s nighttime it’s night time it’s night time it’s night time panic got it

All right house established i like it but it’s missing something and also i’m never gonna be able to pen my animals if i don’t start a farm so how about i start a farm because uh that way it can grow while i’m building and naturally when i say start a farm i

Don’t mean just chuck down some wheat in the middle of nowhere i mean we are going to properly really build up a nice area for me to start farming okay so for my plan i would love to do these different tiered sort of farms i think that would look great and this looks

Like a great place to do that all i gotta do is fill this with dirt oh and i need a i need a bucket i don’t have any iron okay so we have to go mining before we plant that’s okay we can totally swing that how did i literally already forget that

I just went and almost died for this iron i’m oh dear all right well i have a bucket and i didn’t have to go mining but i do have to go mining this episode just not yet excuse me cow yeah it’s fine just push me sure what do you want dude what hey

Hey i’m gonna make a home for you don’t even worry okay so in order to hide this water source but still have everything be hydrated gonna plop that under there place that back there we go and bam it’s hidden oh excuse you all right and just like

That we can get planting perfect oh ran out of seed okay that’s right i’m sure you’re wondering but jen the composters what of course of course we’re gonna place composters look at this this is gonna create such a cool little border along here and we have so much wood

Available i mean why wouldn’t we decorate with some composters oh i’m in a composter okay and of course gonna cap those off with some trapdoors pretty cool huh i like it it has some work though so yeah pretty much for every layer we do just add another room of composters i

Do need something to plant though uh hang on yep absolutely also don’t mind me just literally starving to death for the sake of building a house hello let’s eat oh my gosh progress update i like it i like it a lot however i do think that this one

House doesn’t quite have enough room for me the interior is looking good there’s our mushroom we’ll have a second floor up here maybe that’s where i’ll put my bed i’m not sure we’ll put something up in the mushroom and then we have a little bit of room

Down here for working but it’s kind of tiny so i figure in order to combat that maybe we can have a little shed off to the side i think right here would be a great area just looks good overall i think it would look great filled in with something so

Uh what do you say let’s get to work it’s challenge time i’m going to build this one on a diagonal just for fun is this too close oh yeah that’s way too close what am i doing whereas i wish i had shears i could really use some shears to get rid of

These leaves because then i could replace them in a better spot oh well soon enough okay is that gonna be better yeah that’s perfect so it’s gonna be on a diagonal like this yes i’m so excited about the placement of this oh my gosh this is gonna help so much and i think

The fact that it’s on an angle is helping out a lot because these are pretty simple builds they’re just starter houses but adding little bits of detail like this really can make a big difference diagonal roofs aren’t too bad especially if you do them out of slabs when you’re

Drinking out of stairs it’s a little harder but this is not bad oh i need one more block that’s unfortunate all right mission accomplished there’s our little shed in between all of these little structures i am going to be using some coarse dirt here i got this core start by mining

Some gravel from right here super simple easy to get easy to make looks great once we dig this out it’ll be the perfect spot for some storage perfect and to top it all off a little crafting table right in the center and of course we do need some doors for all

Of these structures on the diagonal one i’m gonna do two doors just makes sense and this one gets one i also need some windows huh let’s get some glass i don’t want to destroy my whole beach so i’m just gonna get eight pieces there we go on small belts like this it’s really

Really nice to just add as many details as possible i think i might change that up with a different overhang actually maybe we can get some campfires let me see okay what do you think quick overhang just right here um let’s put this out thank you very much and then

Right like that and then a little part that’s not bad right cute little front detail i love working on these small houses there’s so many little details that we can add here while i’m here i do think it’s a good idea to get even more of these farms

Going so i’m gonna make another circle one right here maybe this is a sort of theme that we can get going in this little area turning into some sort of village and having these be the source of food they certainly are quite fun to make i’m really enjoying this entire process of

Building up this little area look at it oh my gosh we can totally live here i think it’s about time to start moving in oh and we have our first wheat harvest perfect two weeks that’s exactly what i need in order to actually breed some cows so how

About i go do that now it’s never a bad idea to keep your pens away from where you actually live a little bit because let’s be honest these guys are loud and some gates perfect okay cows yep it’s your time to shine my friend into the pen come on come on

I’m gonna get you a friend as well so i just need yep you just stay there i’m hoping i can do this without getting any sheep um i hope i didn’t say that too loudly just so that we can keep those animals in separate pens i do want

Sheep i just i don’t want sheep with my calves come on come on we’re almost there it’s the home stretch you stay in come come you two are gonna be friends yay friendship okay goodbye i do think i’ll go sheer a sheep right now so i can get some carpet to hop over

That fence there we go perfect you know i just realized i said that i wanted cheers earlier i made shears at the beginning of this episode i’ve had shears this whole time i i can’t explain it i don’t know guys i i really truly i don’t know

But good news bushes let’s get lots and lots of this lovely greenery all sprinkled around yes indeed on top of the bushes i think i’d like to decorate with these lilacs that i picked up right from the spot island but like a nice little memory to have

Around and a bright pop of color perfect okay i will admit i am a little sick of jumping over this as well so how about we build a little bridge yeah little bridge never hurt anybody right about here should do it perfect there we go that is super cute i will

Blend it in a little bit better with the dirt i think all right friends i think it is about that time or i finally am packing up and moving into my house oh my gosh it’s about time huh home sweet home i’ve built a little loft here and i

Think for now this is where i’m going to put my bed if it gets annoying to keep coming up here i may move it down to the main floor we shall see and of course we need a little cooking area over here this could almost be like

The kitchen oh it’s so cute okay let’s turn it into a kitchen then a little chimney there oh let’s get some flower pots little bits of clay don’t mind if i do and that is my last piece of coal so that means i officially need to go

Mining i think it would be very appropriate if i use this room the next door room to store some stuff in barrels like maybe something like that some quick bulk storage yeah i think that’ll be good oh flower pots oh gosh i’m overflowing with stuff that’s okay um one there one there perfect

And i think i’d like a little table and chairs let’s put a pressure plate and some chairs i don’t know if that looks silly or not maybe it does but for now that’ll do you can always adjust it a little bit later we do have this one awkward extra piece

Of wool you know i could i could use that let’s make a painting every little decoration counts right right as we enter right there oh that’s cute what are our other options oh i like that one yeah that’s perfect all right there we have it i think my 1.16 starter house area

Is about complete it’s ready to go it’s ready to be used it’s ready to farm all of the things i’m excited at this point the main thing i need to do is go mining for a lot of resources like diamonds and full iron gear and

Full iron tools and i also need to farm up all of this wheat when it’s ready so that we can keep breeding our cows to get leather to get bookshelves sounds like some pretty easy missions to me i should have no problem at all with that

Hey cows are you ready to be fed again oh you are there you go yeah babies perfect i’ve gotten the itch to go exploring so i’m leaving my home and venturing out i have food i should be fine i want to see if i can find a quick

Shipwreck or something to get some easy loot also a really good chance to admire this jungle oh my heck turtle awesome this is so cute this might be a really good area to set up a base at some point i would love to have multiple little villages and stuff dotted around in here

With trails connecting them that would be awesome oh god what did i just hey dolphin what are we doing what’s there’s something there’s bubbles oh oh oh i see you oh my gosh what have we got cold care oh no dolphin no stay away from it stay away from it

No no no no no no no no no no come this way come this way oh my goodness this is traumatic wow okay i don’t think i’m ready i don’t think i’m ready for that this seems like a really great place to end episode one on a cliffhanger perfect

We are definitely going to do something with that ruined portal i am so pleased that it is underwater that is going to be so cool it’s also in this like little cove oh my gosh give me ideas guys down in the comments what do you want to see me

Do with this portal with this area any area that you’ve seen in this episode let me know i’m so excited to hear from you thank you so much for watching everyone as usual if you would like to see more stuff like this definitely subscribe so that you can follow my

Series and support my channel i appreciate every single one of you and i am going to be reading all of the comments as soon as this episode comes out so definitely get talking down there and give me your ideas thank you so much for watching i hope i’ll see you in the

Next video goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘An Epic New Minecraft Adventure – 1.16 Survival Let’s Play | Episode 1’, was uploaded by GeminiTay on 2020-06-23 13:19:09. It has garnered 3825179 views and 122847 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:07 or 1387 seconds.

Welcome to my brand new Minecraft 1.16 Let’s Play series! We start on an epic seed, mega taiga, jungle and dark oak forest all around us. A simple starter house and farm is built and we are ready to take on this adventure!

Let me know all your ideas and thoughts for this series in the comments, I can’t wait to hear from you!!

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Recorded with OBS #Minecraft version 1.16 #NetherUpdate #LetsPlay

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    Join Our Public Minecraft SMP Live! Hunger Event TonightVideo Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC MINECRAFT BEDROCK SMP LIVE (YOU CAN JOIN) | Hunger is turning on tonight 😨’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-06-13 15:20:57. It has garnered 252 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:15 or 4695 seconds. I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Steve PowerBOOST!

    Unleash Ultimate Minecraft Steve PowerBOOST!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Minecraft Steve Gets Stronger 7’, was uploaded by ReidBoehm on 2024-04-20 20:43:34. It has garnered 2489200 views and 197408 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Village Gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft Village Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft village game play’, was uploaded by @ M. Azlan Bajwa on 2024-01-12 19:14:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! The Untold Story of Hypixel (Part 1)

    Unbelievable! The Untold Story of Hypixel (Part 1)Video Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL – ИСТОРИЯ САМОГО УСПЕШНОГО СЕРВЕРА MINECRAFT (часть 1)’, was uploaded by LOLOG on 2024-02-27 14:00:42. It has garnered 111661 views and 5656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:07 or 847 seconds. My discord server – My BUSTI – My Telegram channel – My tik tok – I’m in VK – My discord – lolog_ Donate – Donut 2 – Twitch – Hypixel – The largest and most popular game server in Minecraft at the moment. Every day more than 50 thousand people from all… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft secrets only legends know! 😱🔥 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft secrets only legends know! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘only legends understand#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HMR__PLAYZ on 2024-07-30 08:33:19. It has garnered 491 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. only legends understand#minecraft #shorts hello guys tap subscribe like aim 50 join Discord #games #minecraft shorts #gaming #viral ‎@HMR__PLAYZ  @TechnoGamerzOfficial @DeadZilla @dream @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @minecraft @TotalGaming093 @GAMESPACEHIGHLIGHT Minecraft shorts Minecraft herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine smp,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game,hherobrine vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine ender dragon IGNORE ALL… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP ZIOKASS MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFFT SMP ZIOKASS’, was uploaded by SoiGamingTGYTB on 2024-05-24 03:12:29. It has garnered 626 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:11 or 6371 seconds. Wish everyone have fun watching the video :))) MINECRAFT SERVER: Server address: Version: 1.20.1 – 1.20.4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📩 Contact me at: ✅ Personal Facebook: / nguyenvoductoan ✅ Discord: ✅ Gmail: [email protected] ✅ Donate : ►CHÚC CÁC BẠN XEM VIDEO VUI VẺ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▶️Music by: Music: TheFatRat & Shiah Maisel – Out Of The Rain Watch the official music video: • TheFatRat & Shiah Maisel… Read More

  • Savage Slender Master – Game Broken!? || Minecraft Legends

    Savage Slender Master - Game Broken!? || Minecraft LegendsVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay well let’s um let’s try this [Music] again nothing I found about this uh online I’m a keep searching all right uh man this game is kind of disappointing so far not going to lie at least it was free so I can’t complain too [Music] much all right I to go back onto story mode I [Music] guess if it happens again try turning down Graphics all right and if that doesn’t work I’m just going to forget this game ever existed which is kind of a shame because I really wanted… Read More

  • “Insane Cat Gaming Builds! What’s Your Favorite Game?” 🐱🎮 #epic

    "Insane Cat Gaming Builds! What's Your Favorite Game?" 🐱🎮 #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘what’s your favorite game🧐 #music #song #love #minecraft.’, was uploaded by builds_cat_gaming on 2024-07-11 23:12:43. It has garnered 421 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Toro League RP

    Toro League RPWe’re a whitelisted, Pixelmon roleplaying server based in the world of Pokemon that has been running since 2013! We use Pixelmon and various other mods to create a unique and pure RP experience. We focus on characters, storytelling, worldbuilding and all that fun stuff you expect out of a text RP server. This isn’t a RPG – or Survival based server, we’re not even truly a Pixelmon server – you can have a completely fun time without even focusing on any battling or catching sort of mechanics. So if you’re interested in our little slice of life, please check us… Read More

  • Murk world Smp Mcmmo Custom enchants Custom pets Custom plugins Player Auctions AUS/NZ

    Welcome to MurkPVP – A Classic Factions Minecraft Server! Server IP: Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: BEDROCK IP: BEDROCK PORT: 19132 Server Features: This server offers a classic factions experience without claims. Spawn spawners can be stacked and upgraded, player-based auctions, and economy. Combat pets to collect, proximity voice chat, and no lag for Oceanic players. Join and Start Playing: All players start with an iron kit and a custom item. Only spawn is protected, everything else can be broken. No pay to win, old combat system, and a friendly community. We’re Hiring! We are looking for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Lava-hot Minecraft Memes”

    I guess you could say this meme really “mined” its way to the top of the charts! Read More

  • Insane Minewind Weapon Lore Exposed!

    Insane Minewind Weapon Lore Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minewind Weapon/Item lore:’, was uploaded by Jojuz euzevel on 2024-07-31 14:44:26. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. dawgfish meme, lmao fuck! XD Read More

  • Squid Isle Pets: Bork’s Minecraft Mischief

    Squid Isle Pets: Bork's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where the adventures are grand, We dive into the tale of Slogo and his loyal wolf, Bork, hand in hand. On Squid Island, they roam and explore, Together they conquer, their bond they adore. Bork, the faithful companion, with a howl so strong, Protecting his master, they both belong. Through forests and caves, they journey with glee, In this Minecraft world, they are wild and free. So join us on this journey, as we uncover the story, Of Bork and Slogo, in all their glory. Stay tuned for more episodes, filled with fun and… Read More

  • “Villager Slaps Roof of House: This Bad Boy Can Fit So Many Oi Ois in It” #minecraftmemes

    "Villager Slaps Roof of House: This Bad Boy Can Fit So Many Oi Ois in It" #minecraftmemes Why does the Minecraft Villager always say “Oi Oi Oi”? Because he’s trying to start a village punk band! Read More

  • Golem Battle Royale: Ultimate Showdown

    Golem Battle Royale: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Iron Golem Farm: A Detailed Overview Farm Performance Farm Performance: +300 ~ +350 iron per hour! Farm Mode Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions Versions: 1.16 – 1.17 – 1.18 – 1.19 [1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4] – 1.20 – 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 – 1.20.3 – 1.20.4 – 1.20.5 – 1.20.6 – 1.21 Platforms Platforms: Java Edition ✅ | Bedrock Edition ❌ Original Design By Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary Resource Pack: Default Mods: Replay Mod: Replay Mod Optifine: Optifine Camera Mod: Camera Mod Downloads World Download, Schematic, and Material List: Discord Music massobeats – hillside: hillside… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Art Creations

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Art Creations Minecraft-Inspired Art Creations That Will Amaze You Unleash your inner artist as we delve into the realm of Minecraft-inspired art, where talented creators bring virtual landscapes to life with their unique vision and skill. Whether it’s a detailed recreation of iconic Minecraft structures or a whimsical interpretation of in-game characters, each piece tells a story and captures the essence of the game in a new and captivating way. Prepare to be amazed by the talent and dedication displayed in these awe-inspiring art creations that celebrate the beauty and creativity of the Minecraft universe. Celebrating Creativity in the Minecraft Universe… Read More

  • WildWestDan’s Epic Auto Storage System! 💥 #CharityStream

    WildWestDan's Epic Auto Storage System! 💥 #CharityStreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Mega Auto Sorting Storage | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-05 02:02:14. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:16 or 11836 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston… Read More

  • Last to Leave Circle Wins $100,000 Minecraft

    Last to Leave Circle Wins $100,000 MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Last to Leave the Circle Wins $100,000 in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Noah on 2024-02-16 00:00:02. It has garnered 4516 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:32 or 1532 seconds. Will Noah Be Able To Win This Challenge For $100,000?! Watch TILL THE END! Subscribe To Join The “NOAH NATION”. This was NOT an original idea, and was inspired by Nico, Cash, Omziscool, Dash, Jamesy, Maizen JJ and Mikey, Nico, GeVidsTV, Aphmau, Maizen, MongoTV, Wudo And Cobey! #MinecraftMod #MinecraftMeme #Noah #CashAndNico #NicoAndCash #NoahMinecraft #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duo Defeats Drills! 😱 #gaming

    EPIC Minecraft Duo Defeats Drills! 😱 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрафт Дрель Таймс #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-08 13:30:10. It has garnered 428 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ ➜ ➜ Buy… Read More


    EPIC NINJASON SURVIVAL JOURNEY WITH NEW FRIEND IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINE CRAFT NEW JOURNEY SURVIVAL SERIES EPISODE #1 | MY NEW FRIEND OF MINECRAFT | MINECRAFT DAY 1 |’, was uploaded by NINJASON GAMING on 2024-05-14 06:14:11. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:54 or 1974 seconds. 🏷️Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftlive #isurvived100daysinminecrafthindipocketedition #minecraftsurvivalseriesliveinsaan #minecraftfunnymythpat #herobrinesmpminecraft #minecraft #ninjasongaming #minecraftpe #minecraftinhindi #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftsurvival #minecraftjavaserver #minecraftsmp #mcpehindisurvival 📢Disclaimer:- Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news… Read More

An Epic New Minecraft Adventure – 1.16 Survival Let’s Play | Episode 1