Aphmau – 5 Kitten Pranks for a NEW FRIEND in Minecraft!

Video Information

My friend kim moves into our minecraft server and i’ve left her my adorable pet kitty to watch over but what she doesn’t know is that this kitten is actually watching over her as i’m secretly that pet kitty and i’m going to protect her from everything and everyone and give her the

Best minecraft experience ever and she won’t even know i was there oh who’s a cute baby isn’t she cute kim alright so look i’m trusting you to take care of my precious little kitten okay oh you don’t have to worry at all i’ll take care of her

I already love her so much i’ll die for her oh uh i i don’t think you have to do that don’t worry you you’re fine hey new girl are you home okay maybe there’s like two dangers on the server cam but don’t worry my kitty is here

Her name is tim jeez have some class bart hey cam damn come on hey hey welcome to the server thank you so much i’m so excited yeah yeah yeah yeah i hope you i hope you’ve been doing pretty well in your new house so far and

All that we figured we’d just be kind of the welcoming committee yeah yeah uh anything you need you know us uh pierce and i were just totally pros at minecraft you know all the best sure they are all the best treasures yeah yeah you want anything you want some

Food use some mutton for it for you too there you go i got i got some wood for you you can build some stuff it’s a bit overwhelming oh well speaking of overwhelming here’s some garden for you i built this too that’s right well you all you were getting

Yourself situated i figured hey you need some place to go grow some food and all that and make sure everything’s good right look at all wait a minute is that a cat oh is that cute kitty is that kitty oh yeah so just so you know i actually left my kitty with kim

Uh you know since she’s new to the server and she’s you know responsible not like some other people so this is bathmouse titty why aren’t you saying about ian that’s not very nice i’m out i’m out mining right now sheesh kim is completely new to playing

Minecraft so i thought she could use a cute pet kitty on her first day isn’t that right kim yeah plus i love her so much okay how can how can you never let us watch that kid you guys you guys just be super nice

Okay uh kim has a lot of items on her some new items you know i helped her with her house uh if you guys made a garden that’s super nice but uh just be nice okay okay fine i guess we’ll we’ll be we’ll be nice anyway so okay i have lots of cookies

And some diamonds diamonds oh where’d you get those um i’m sure you like the number of cookies you have right now but what if i could tell you there was a way to get more cookies i mean i have 64. but sure i could use more yeah 64. such a

For breakfast on this server there are you can actually make cookie trees here let me let me let me show you it works yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh here we go i’m gonna put a a cookie tree plant holder thing i’m gonna put it right

Yes here and then what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna take one of your cookies your right click right on that spot right there and then you get yourself uh the the cookie tree planted there you go now you got it there oh this is so exciting yup yup yup and

Uh you know you can always ask us for more advice because we are minecraft experts yeah absolutely we’re doing this for free they’re okay you guys are so nice thank you oh my god oh welcome i i think for the newbie right yeah yeah totally totally here yeah

How long will it take the cookie trees to grow oh not long uh just just long enough for you to go in the house and be distracted by something for a bit oh yay okay [Laughter] oh we get you know we we got it we gotta hand somebody to come say we gotta prank at least a little bit right oh yeah you know you need to go away uh don’t tell on us because uh take some meat you’re a kitty there you go just take

Some of that yeah cookies and meat and then you could leave us maybe she shouldn’t eat the meat uh maybe she shouldn’t eat the cookies oh yeah that’s true that’s not you give a cat a cookie and then they’ll well what is that what is it no no no no no

No no no no no oh no no no oh my goodness what’s going on here oh my stairs what happened to my stairs uh sometimes that happens uh you know things weird happen on minecraft especially our servers they’re just who are these hello um they’re the guardians of the

Garden yes that’s exactly exactly what they are yes exactly they’re super friendly the rights of the garden uh right pierce right in you should go talk to what yeah a guardian’s what are you yeah no it’s oh they’re the ones that helped you make the garden for me

Is that it yeah that’s actually what happens when you when you plant the cookies in like a 45 degree angle they they actually turn into guardians will protect you and also delicious totally sing yep they will protect you 100 wait right there hey guys no we’re friends right

And sometimes that happens okay are they all right uh yeah they should be all they’ll respond they’re fine why aren’t they growing they said it would take seconds she’s sleeping wrongs i think she’s still trying to grow cookies i didn’t think she’d take it this far hey kim uh you know sometimes the

Someone some people say things that don’t come true that people might be dubbed you know i don’t have to step on the cookies no no no you don’t grow faster no that’s not how it works i gotta do something uh how about this yeah the cookie thing totally worked

Hey hey look at this oh man oh jeez i can’t believe it it finally got going huh you got your cookie trees all rolling yeah it’s amazing burger tree fried trees you got chicken trees it’s it’s oh yeah yeah yeah yeah of course they are yeah cause that’s what happens with the cookie

Trees actually grows into multiple foods that’s just how powerful they are that’s awesome thank you guys so much for helping me yeah no uh speaking of help uh i noticed that there’s there’s something going on with your roof do you mind if you come inside for a minute uh my roof

What’s wrong with my roof yeah no no no wait i i think i see something hold on i need to get inside there ian would you come help yeah yeah yeah we should totally check that out because you know absolutely in minecraft you don’t want anything bad happen to

Your house that’s where you live it’s your spawn point oh there’s a hole there that’s not good oh man yeah you know what we we should go up and check it out you know yeah yeah you’re right you’re right hold on uh he’s just gonna break he’s just gonna do this it’s dark

Up here let me let me get some light in here you know here we go oh hold on uh just just back away for a second we got this under control i’m just gonna use these as stepping stools don’t mind me just uh i used it as a stepping stool you know

It’s it’s uh it’s not actually tnt it’s just uh oh boy oh there is yeah this is uh this is not looking very well there’s a lot of space up here uh-huh that that’s gonna be a problem yeah yeah see the problem is that uh if you have

Big hollow spaces in your roof uh and it gets dark outside this is actually where a bunch of evil things will start spawning it’s not good it’s really not good like uh she you got all kinds of things like zombies and yeah and werewolves those are real empires oh my gosh

Yeah no and you really gotta watch out for the for those things snow snakes go get chips no snakes all day yeah okay kim sometimes things in minecraft that people say are lies um and snow stakes whatever they said doesn’t of course they exist how dare you f

Don’t go get finish your mining and get back here about your friends mining in the meantime we are going to solve this problem by feeling in the space all right kitty they’re going to fix the problem it’s fine yeah yeah yeah we’ll take care of this no problem yep

Yep we’re going to fill up we’re going to fill everything in so everything’s going to be good don’t you worry we’re just gonna fill it up here we go you make sure that you are snow snake proof oh that’s this song looks like a lot of tnt no no no no

Exactly part of the process this is part of the process it’s all right uh we will make sure that the roof no longer causes any sort of spotting it’s fine very basic minecraft knowledge anyone will tell you i mean of course yeah well i mean you guys know

Better than me so i guess i’ll trust you uh kim uh maybe you should do more down here hey ian pierce how about you take him outside away from your roof problem you are you are right you know this is something that uh needs to be observed

You know you know you’re new to minecraft so let let’s just show you exactly how it works and i filled up more of the roof the interior space here just yeah you should keep those snow snakes such a professional you should yeah absolutely i hope to break that house you can just

Ah okay and you know now she tries but she doesn’t know a whole lot about minecraft you know she’s out in the mines right now probably looking for useless things like i don’t know it’s just emerald or diamond you know come on who would need diamonds in fact

If you have any diamonds you should probably just throw them out maybe in the water in your garden so you don’t ever have to think about them again kim if you’ll look at your roof i have here the special anti-snow snake detonator right here oh okay and uh if

You can see they’re locked we are going to activate the security measures uh no go ahead there you go ian nothing’s happening explosion did you say explosion no no no uh explosion did you get the right seat oh you guys are celebrating kim being on the server for the first time

Yeah yeah of course uh hey ian uh yeah why don’t we go and uh celebrate by having a discussion in my house real quick thanks guys you’re welcome i don’t know what the stupid remote broken don’t hit me with the remote hit the remote with the remote those are pretty sparkles

Look at the remote for a second you’re supposed to hit the green button oh let me hit that button [Applause] okay so this is where we can get more diamonds yeah so i feel like you haven’t had a chance to really go mining before so this is a big part of

Minecraft yeah i guess that’s obviously i get it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s fine anyway uh yeah so welcome to the mines they pop up from time to time and you just kind of gotta walk in uh without looking around corners or anything oh oh oh

Actually hold on hold on hold on hold on back up for a sec back up real quick yeah so sometimes things pop up in minecraft you have to be ready for them and actually you know what it’s surprising but we got some really good luck today

That right there is called a creeper and you know what creepers are creeps i mean yeah yeah they definitely are kind of i mean have you have you seen these faces i mean yeah that’s a little scary here’s the seat the biggest secret of all minecraft they actually are really nice

On the inside they just have a very scary outside they actually become your friend if you go up and pet them you just gotta walk over there and and just say hello introduce yourself and if you give him three pets he’ll be your friend forever okay it won’t hurt me whatsoever no

Absolutely not when have i ever lied to you okay sorry that was just me clearing my throat hi there creeper oh it’s running away oh yeah you know all right you might have to go after it definitely make sure you go into a blind corner where you cannot escape i mean

Where you can’t uh where it can’t escape from these touches because because it gets real shy don’t be afraid creeper hi my name is kim wait i’m so glad you’re able to make a good friend huh wait a minute he’s a bit quiet yeah he’s really not so bad we think

About it i couldn’t help but overhear you in the minds of pierce you know my kitty sometimes carries around a pickaxe so if you see some diamonds you may want to just like mine oh yeah yeah cool uh yeah those are my blocks over there i’m gonna go check

I’m gonna go why did you explode come on hey what are you doing hey hey don’t okay don’t you get crossed with me sir pierce are you okay um pierce sometimes has this moment so kim you can grab the diamonds you know pierce won’t mind right pierce absolutely enjoy your new puzzle

All right oh so many diamonds you must be hungry kitty i’m gonna go in the kitchen and check if there’s something for you to eat let’s see ah thank you oh that’s Oh [Laughter] Oh my god they broke her door too oh i can’t wait you know what i i can’t wait [Laughter] oh that took me a long time to get that fish well here you go lots of fish you’re so cute serve them right look at her just taking

The initiative to make like her house and what are you doing up there i’m i’m fixing your house like you said because of the dumb tnt thing and i don’t have any wood so i’m using cobblestone i appreciate you helping me fix my house but what that cobble

If i you need one i’ll go get wood i’ll fire yeah okay you go do that she she sure is grumpy today i doubt mr oh i’m just gonna build everything on a cobble like a like a maroon hey hey who’s still got this house that’s standing look at that

Majestic tower over there oh we can change that later if you want we we can make that stop standing ah the trees are all over the way over there i don’t want to uh what is it oh it’s some really good window building there good job thanks i’ve been working

On it for like an hour good job close it’s getting real close i mean it’s looking fantastic thank you he’s so nice hey uh kim i if you’re building your house i know i’m still on mining but just a few tips maybe you should um no be be very vigilant

About creepers coming to take your house apart oh yeah creepers nice yeah they’re so nice they’re they’re the nicest of course they are hey what are you doing with that x i uh what axe i don’t know your ex this is ham i don’t know what you’re talking about yeah

That’s my house uh no i noticed that there was something wrong with the wood here and i decided to take it i mean the house was looking a little ugly over here and i just wanted to help out get rid of here i’ll just i’ll just get rid of a little

Bit of this over here and we’ll just we’ll start a new on this corner here and then we’ll make sure everything’s good there all right let’s make sure everything’s good and that’s it oh that’ll explain why it’s not very nice looking okay for you right there what are you gonna

Do i hear that my kitty is super lucky and if you see a uh you know a yellow like you know little block next to my kitty you should go take a look at it because it’s probably really useful what a special bluff hey there is a special

Block here what am i supposed to do with it uh you supposed to look away from it just a little bit you know just like a little bit look away from it oh what is okay what’s that one yes i’m done with your house cool get out of here meow

Meow meow meow what are you doing half mil the kitty keeps me yelling oh is she marrying a lot that means that if oh that’s so lucky that means that she’s standing on something that is probably super nice for you just so you know really what’s that about super nice stuff i

Like super nice stuff why is the cat getting so many Oh my god where’s she where she where she where she what’d you find yeah what’d you get there’s diamonds and emerald and gold oh my what what in there oh man you know uh such a good kitty yeah it was pretty nice thing that the track

Uh hang on yeah i’ll watch tell her about the thing kitty you and i are gonna come over here no yeah so you know what part of minecraft you know it’s really nice to have diamonds and things like that but it’s even better to share those things with other people that you like

Around the server oh sure actually uh uh makes you better at minecraft yeah you get a bunch of new skills and the extra powers to get super strong sure then take as much as you want okay don’t mind if we do okay my kitty will help guys don’t worry she’s your spirit animal

All right you got to do is just you know fire it up and share with them hey guys look at this wait what what is that no no no you don’t you don’t need to get it you know what you should rea oh kim you’re having fun you should [Applause]

Okay kim i think it’s time we learned more about minecraft and now holy everyone she’s sharing okay nice job kim you’re playing minecraft like a pro great at minecraft wait you know i’m gonna go up kill i’m gonna go blow up his house again no no

No kim i think you’re gonna fit in here just fine me too

This video, titled ‘5 Kitten Pranks for a NEW FRIEND in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2021-03-14 19:15:01. It has garnered 7684937 views and 129928 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds.

My new friend joins our server and the BOYS are trying to take her stuff! Time to use one of my old tricks to stop them…

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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Kim: https://youtube.com/user/Megami36 ★ On: https://www.youtube.com/ChristopherEscalante ★ Pierce: https://www.twitch.tv/shado_temple

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    Katsura Dominates Valorant & Minecraft SMP on Day 9!Video Information हम हम हेलो हेलो एक प्लग इन लगाया मेरे को के लिए स्टेस्ट कर रहा ड दिखता है कि नहीं ड मन मेरे लिए इन गेम चट पढ़ने का मैंने लगाया आ ड नो वर्किंग लेट मी चेक ट बॉक्स र [संगीत] गया विजेट्स ओके सुना नहीं सुना नहीं क्या किया अरे मैंने फो में चैट पढ़ने से अच्छा ऑन स्क्रीन चैट पढ़ो इंतजाम कर रहा हूं बटक नहीं दिख रहा मुझे हेलो बली मेरेन य बेसिकली इसका फट बहुत बड़ा है स ल बी देर ऑन माय स्क्रीन आड नीड टू यूज फोनस थ आई कैन री… Read More

  • SUNNY vs MELON: EPIC Minecraft School Showdown!

    SUNNY vs MELON: EPIC Minecraft School Showdown!Video Information today in Minecraft Sunny’s a bully and melon’s a stupid nerd hey don’t say that melon was not having it so one thing led to another and now we’re going head to-head in the school challenges well there’s no chance you’ll beat me in this swimming race I’m literally a watermelon we’ll see about that one nerd we’ll see oh does it feel great being the number one student oh yes this place is my very own Empire the Kingdom of Sunny that’s what this school should be called oh look who it is if it isn’t the… Read More

  • EPIC SMP ADVENTURE! Playing with fans & friends | MINECRAFT

    EPIC SMP ADVENTURE! Playing with fans & friends | MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Smp playing with subscribers & friends (#onlinemincraft #minecraft #gameplay #viral)’, was uploaded by Udaas Gaming yt on 2024-03-07 20:01:32. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:02 or 8522 seconds. Naya Pay [ +92 3178909958 ] Bank name : Naya Pay Acount name : Salman Ahmed NayaPay ID: salmanahmed01@nayapay If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Share, Support, Subscribe!! Subscribe: Discord: https://discord.gg/YSBQhzUs FAQ: 1. Can cracked accounts join? A: Only premium accounts can join 2. Is it… Read More

  • Vivilly – Minecraft’s HORROR CREATURE Revealed!

    Vivilly - Minecraft's HORROR CREATURE Revealed!Video Information God did you hear that no no oh my God oh my God that is me oh no um I don’t even know where I’m going to go I can run to this water behind me um will you let me run to this water oh my God it’s all the way down [Music] there oh my God yes the title is real there is now a horror mod of me this is so crazy to see shout out to ziggs I linked his curse Forge page Below in the description he’s super talented and made this for… Read More

  • INSANE FIND in Minecraft! Ocean Monument Discovery – MikuAreytra

    INSANE FIND in Minecraft! Ocean Monument Discovery - MikuAreytraVideo Information Oke op maneh sudahah makan Bang tadi enak banget waduh makan apaun benben penghasilan Bang Halo guys Selamat malam Anjay absen Bang absen Bang ABS Dul guys abss ABS ABS [Musik] ABS ada ada er adaer ada Ung komen komen Halo Raffi wel Raffi selamat malam selamat datang semuanya jangan lupa paket lengkapnya cuy dipakai dulu cuy [Musik] Aduh mau ngapain Bang Mur manumen let’s go Wah kita lagi guys tapi masih servernya masih Jem ya mang rest jadwalnya restart coba santai kita kita santai-santai dulu Bang aku k ngjat di ngat Bojoku FF gaming Halo aku penjajah… Read More

  • Insane Cross Kingdom Raid Farm Build!

    Insane Cross Kingdom Raid Farm Build!Video Information यो गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अ गेम प्ले वी वापस से आपका स्वागत है हमारे चैनल क्रस गेमर में तो आज हम लोग वापस से खेलने जा रहे हैं मा और आज हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपना रेड फार्म जिससे हमको मिलेंगे टोटम क्योंकि हमारे पास अभी भी एक भी टोटम नहीं है तो लेट्स [संगीत] बिगन विदाउट वेस्टिंग एनी टाइम तो फटाफट से पहले चलते हैं विलेज से 150 ब्लॉक दूर तो यहां से 80 ब्लॉक ऊपर तक बिल्ड करना है जैसे मैं कर रहा हूं और 80 ब्लॉक ऊपर होने के बाद पहले ऊप जाना… Read More

  • Minecraft Marvel Motion Background – MUST WATCH!

    Minecraft Marvel Motion Background - MUST WATCH!Video Information वीडियो शुरू करने से पहले तुम लोग ये [संगीत] [संगीत] देखो [संगीत] डिस्क्रिप्शन पर टे ग्रा का चैनल मिल जाएगा यहां से जाकर डाउनलोड कर लो इस चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर देना This video, titled ‘Minecraft Marvel: Motion background for YouTubers @everyone’, was uploaded by Pixel Prowess official on 2024-02-13 11:42:09. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft Marvel: Motion background for YouTubers @everyone Telegram channel:- https://t.me/siddhant_lamsal tags:- minecraft minecraft mod minecraft animation minecraft shorts minecraft mods minecraft stop motion stop motion minecraft minecraft stop… Read More

  • COTO-server

    COTO-serverWillkommen auf unserem kleinen aber feinen COTO-Citybuild server. Dich erwarten viele eigene systeme, bald kommen auch noch Minigames dazu! coto-server.de Read More

  • The Pertarian – Vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist Hermit-Like 17+ SMP

    Welcome to The Pertarian! The Pertarian started as a small group of friends on a small server, but we are now inviting more people to join us this update. If you would like to apply, join our Discord server here. We are on version 1.20.4 and use SimpleVoiceChat (optional) along with basic datapacks for vanilla enjoyment. Join our Discord and apply to join the fun! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Diamonds: Level Expert”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Diamonds: Level Expert"Wow, I guess this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Amethyst Copper Drop: Minecraft’s Reverse Calcite #shorts

    Crafty Amethyst Copper Drop: Minecraft's Reverse Calcite #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I drop down a hole, in reverse, a surprise. With Calcite and Copper, Amethyst too, Crafting illusions, just for you. In the land of shorts, where content is king, I bring you a video, with a playful swing. Subscribe to my channel, for more to see, Minecraft dropper, in reverse, that’s me. With music from Uppbeat, a boardwalk breeze, Creating illusions, with such ease. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC)

    POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC) When your dog friend falls into a pit of lava in Minecraft and you swoop in like a hero to save the day, but then they just bark at you like “Thanks, but I could have totally handled that myself, bro.” #dogdrama Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Rizky Aulia Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players are constantly pushing the limits of what can be achieved within the game. One such example is the creation of the Rizky Aulia Portal, a unique and personalized portal crafted by the talented Minecraft player, UzeMing. The Rizky Aulia Character Rizky Aulia is a content creator known for their humorous videos and interactions with their audience. Often seen wearing traditional Muslim attire and a turban, Rizky Aulia has gained a massive following on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Their distinct style and… Read More

  • LAVA TSUNAMI CHALLENGE: Can NOOB build like PRO in Minecraft?

    LAVA TSUNAMI CHALLENGE: Can NOOB build like PRO in Minecraft?Video Information a huge lava tsunami is heading straight for us we need to build a secure tsunami house to survive I’m going to build the greatest house that’ll survive anything out of dirt woodo that’s not going to work I’m going to come over here to use SL slash paste and now we have a house we can edit this house looks amazing but it has wood on it your house is going to burn but since mine is made of dirt it’s Invincible well we can easily fix that voodo come on actually what we should do is… Read More

  • Turning Minecraft Ultra Realistic

    Turning Minecraft Ultra RealisticVideo Information this Minecraft world looks so realistic it’s hard to believe that this is actually a video game today I navigating all these beautiful landscapes and making strategic decisions to endure some of the forces of nature in this realistic Minecraft world make sure to watch till the end of the video to see how realistic my Minecraft game can actually become shark we are in the most realistic looking Minecraft world I have ever seen you know we’re starting a series called realistic Minecraft we are y you didn’t know you didn’t know that but you do now… Read More

  • VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?

    VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?Video Information [موسيقى] ا ا This video, titled ‘Is VipMC The New Best Public SMP? (2024)’, was uploaded by qlxc on 2024-02-29 03:17:55. It has garnered 104 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). #vipmc #vipmclifesteal Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/vipmc IP ➤ play.vipmc.fun Port ➤ 19132 Kindly, if you have any questions simply… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shortsVideo Information smoke with you cuz you turn me to to pass in your living room now This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack #shorts #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by AakashYT on 2024-02-04 12:59:38. It has garnered 5627 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYP

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clutch #minecraft#pvp#cubecraft#gamplay#clutch#shortsfeed#shorts#fyp’, was uploaded by Gtech on 2024-01-25 21:27:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Aphmau – 5 Kitten Pranks for a NEW FRIEND in Minecraft!