Aphmau Has Been KIDNAPPED from Minecraft!

Video Information

Has been kidnapped and my friends are on a mission to save me one thing though is that i’m not really kidnapped i’m only making it look like i am to get out of trouble but don’t tell my friends that because they’re the ones on the hunt to find my kidnapper who is me

My job is to watch them try to piece together all the clues to try to find me and maybe cause some missions for them along the way let’s see if they can solve the case oh by the way you can always find me by hitting that subscribe button

Thanks i’m so excited to be having like a little minecraft dinner with you guys it’s going to be the i know it’s going to be great and zayn’s inviting us boy what’s what’s going on with his windows i’m not exactly sure uh but it’s fine it’s fine

Dinner party yeah yeah yeah oh hey guys how you doing hey zayn we’re here oh yeah yeah good to see you come on in come on in oh wow look real snazzy well of course i did so what’d you guys bring oh my god zayn i brought cookies

We’re gonna eat all these cookies look at that okay okay well that’s nice well we can have that for dessert then wait what for dessert well yeah yeah these can be for dessert but you gotta see the main course though i have made a delicious meal of broccoli what broccoli

Hey that’s what i’m talking about broccoli here today because on account of i also brought broccoli yeah broccoli [Applause] i thought i thought you said we’re gonna have dinner cookies no no no no we’re gonna have a full course meal made entirely out of broccoli this is my theme today

Everybody knows you gotta eat cha veggies before you eat your dessert rules i can’t believe oh traders hello yeah okay just wait until we get to the broccoli rob that’s the good stuff okay all right i’m gonna go in here guys they are trying to make me eat broccoli

Oh my god i cannot believe this look at this look at this right here do they think we wrote in the server rules that we weren’t gonna have any no no no no no there we go i’m throwing that in there i am not going to eat that all right i am

Actually going to duel something else okay i gotta get out of this i gotta find oh wait a minute this is a great idea i just happen to have a drawing for this occasion Now i can escape here without them ever knowing that i didn’t want to eat the broccoli because i just really want to cut this was a cookie party i was tricked bam just make it look like this is the coolest sauce you’ve got going on for this one it turns out it works

Wow cheese and broccoli go so well together i know all right so i’m surprised they didn’t hear that they must have been too busy with the broccoli in their ears all right so i’m going to show you guys my super secret face all right basically i just made it look like somebody took

Me right so here here is my secret base and it’s right here i can put a sign over there and as you can see i have a doorbell here because if my other food gets here then i need i need to make sure i get it so

So it’s you know it’s nobody’s gonna notice this it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine all right perfect this is oh there we go just gotta wait to see if things yeah you guys keep working i’m gonna go check yeah yeah you say why don’t we go check out

Half bow here yeah she’s been gone for a long time i’m wondering what’s going on what half mile which is just working wait what what guys your house is also gone yeah what is happening okay just just calm down i found one how are you what happened did you leave like

Were some creepers coming over like what is this what everyone calm down what is something we have now one attempt to dig straight down later that can’t be it pierce you’re the one that has to have done it you told me that the rug done it to

Throw me off it was you i was here with you the whole time i was weird you remember we roasted and sauteing and pan fries come on you know i can’t see anything with this hair over my eye how about you hey hey hey hi hi let’s all be happy

Pierce how could you take aphmau all right you slabs now i know i can’t trust any of you it could have been any of you broccoli mac and cheese all right i’m going to weed out whoever did this oh okay okay but look see now everyone thinks i’ve been kidnapped

This is gonna be exciting [Laughter] all right so all is going according to my plan zane thinks that i’ve been kidnapped i don’t have to eat broccoli and you know things are going a little interesting i’m actually going to set a few people up to see what

Happens here so as you can see i’ve already put down some signs we have half mouth or think i’m kidnapped and i’m going to just kind of sneak around using this potion of invisibility perfect let’s see maybe if i put some more posters down make sure

I know where could she be every second she’s gone could mean she’s in danger there’s gotta be wait wait what that’s the same sign and there’s another oh wait a minute noi hey zane what what’s going on what are all these signs doing here every one of these signs all around your

House what are they doing here ira marketing maybe of course they did you know what else just showed up here you did you just showed up here your house just showed up here barn just showed up here your sheep just showed out here the sheep i’m gonna interrogate them

It’s not normal to have orange sheep i’m going to see what they know no no no no please please don’t end it not cheering season yet where are you on the night of the 15th what do you know athbar are you one of the sheep just answer me if you haven’t

Wait what was that huh what was that did you hear something it came from your barn noy why do you have a barn all of a sudden noy i’ve had that barn for a long time but i don’t know why i know it’s been coming from there it’s been

Empty since i made dinner the other night since you made dinner okay now then we’re gonna get in there and see what’s in there right now i am opening this door is that you i don’t know are you sure that that felt that that valve that very

This is a little weird noi i don’t know how they got there that’s how you were in there say something she would have said something right now she was in there okay you’re off the hook for now noise gee thanks i’ll check in when i respond yeah yeah yeah but

Wait wow mack was another suspect oh this would never have happened if i just didn’t make half valley broccoli mac open this door mac are you in here oh hi what are you doing here you didn’t want to uh i see floor in a sunflower and a window

Don’t you play smart with me did you do it mac but i’m really implying i’m just making sunflower ice cream good you’re making something what what that’s it it’s just a cold freezer just for ice cream that’s see see nothing crazy going i don’t understand spend your entire

Time making sunflower ice cream in your basement do you expect me to believe that hey i heard those yelling around here anybody around what’s going on bears wait oh hey how’s it going hey hi wait what are you doing down there where you got where are you guys hanging out one is

Accusing me of doing unspeakable things to affmouth just hackable secret ice cream parlor that’s a secret ice cream house while i’m going in here well you have to admit it’s pretty suspicious now it’s still missing then i find this trap door in your house what are you hiding

What are you hiding hey wait oh writing hiding is the wrong word that’s not suspicious so how do we get out of here i don’t know i don’t like your ice cream things are just getting super chaotic on the server and it’s super crazy okay all right so let’s see uh what’s

Going on in everyone’s houses who’s that at my house oh no oh no this is bad oh no this is better alright someone’s in my house someone’s in my house upstairs they’re not in my secret base they’re in my actual house come on come on saying zane zane

Someone’s in my head okay okay let’s just go through this one more time and cause is broccoli now so we have a party there’s nothing but broccoli half milk goes missing because of broccoli and could it be broccoli people no uh maybe potatoes uh no no grouping besides broccoli

Both vegetables but still different setup ice cream with mac and then wait wow my house someone doesn’t want me to find half now wait a minute wait a minute her lights are on wait a minute now i’m coming okay who’s in here what is it

Oh mack oh okay so uh aphmau said that she was gonna destroy some broccoli and i needed some more broccoli for my broccoli ice cream and so i was just looking at apple’s house for the broccoli oh okay okay all that chicks out but you know what those chucks out

Me catching you here in this house i knew it you’re the one that stole laughmaul away no no no no admit it no well how did you get in her house then huh through the door i walked the door she doesn’t leave her door just like you walked through the door the window’s

Unlocked so how did you break in all of a sudden like this i’m going to prove this if it’s the last thing i do hey guys what is what’s up going on here what’s what’s happening they walked right in that’s exactly how this happened yeah of course the fbi leaves her doors unlocked

All the time i walk in here no i am her bff of course i know how she runs her security in her house okay but but you know we’re all okay we’re all concerned what’s going on oh hey zane uh what are you guys all doing here no i can’t

Bow is being kidnapped she is gone and none of you seem to care of course we care i’ve been working so hard to try and fight like almost a day now right uh-huh uh yeah and the the person who seems to be screaming and shouting and blowing stuff

Up around a lot is this fella right here in front of me yeah what are you people looking at me doc protest too much sir it seems it’s been him all along how dare you it’s not me you don’t that’s about to be being eaten by broccoli people right now for all we

Know i can’t take this anymore i am leaving and i am going to figure this mystery out without your help but i am the only one that has the brain capacity to figure this out baby if you’re the one who took her in the first place

Man i really need some like energy to think like this good thing i ordered some food it should be here pretty soon hmm let’s see anything going on at any of the houses uh nope zayn’s house is so exploded uh my house i think is perfectly fine

And then my secret face is wait what zayn oh no oh no this is bad oh no this is really bad oh no no no no wait a minute wait a minute i called i called my door dash he can’t stay work wait wait wait first off say is anyone for doing

Okay whatever whatever whatever oh my god there we go i’m coming sonny just calm down calm down i’m gonna open the door hello ah uh hello ma’am your uh meat lover’s pizza is here for you cursey of doordash thank you very much food here can’t you read with your young eyes

Young eye specifically but i figured that you’d rather me hand it to you personally instead of just sitting it on the ground and the dirt and everything so would you like me to come in and sit this down for you no no no it’s actually part of the dirt is

Actually a part of my diet ma’am wait hold hold hold on no no no if you can’t go in no ma’am no okay nope hey hang on a second can i have my pizza please are you gonna steal from it old okay but now back to the important thing what was that thing

Name listed on your wall on the inside there it sounds like a friend of mine have you ever heard of that yes she’s my uh she’s i’m her grandma i’m great grandma f maggots grandma shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo say these days grandma shark

Okay then well i’m sorry about grandma yeah sorry to bother you ma’am minute halfmouth doesn’t have a grandma who are you answer my questions hello what is going on what are you doing uh what have you done with that now what is this place yeah you’re gonna let me know right now Oh no how dare you get back here i should have known the elderly were evil you’re working with the broccoli people you’re trying to let them eater aren’t you I knew it the broccoli people were what is this how did this get here i didn’t know he had waterfalls like this next time on the case hello i am no longer just pierce i am detective pierce and i am here to figure out both where i found may have disappeared to

As well as of course why there’s a hole in this mountain now okay i’m here don’t worry everything is under control now excuse me sir uh yes what are you what are you wearing well i am wearing the latest fashion here sir what are you doing i’m wearing the latest fashion obviously

I wore a fuss before you did bucko no i wore it first here today no i did look my tie looks cooler in this detective uniform no my tie looks cooler and more unkempt that shows just how good of a detective i truly am it doesn’t even matter what

Matters is that we find half now when we try to find all the clues we need to get through here absolutely and that’s what i’m doing as a true detective sir i’m doing it because i can do it better well we’ll see about that it’s our race i’m going to find more

Clothes more than you sonny maybe we should follow them they seem to have clothes right now whoa wait what’s this thing pierce what’d you find i found a clue with my expert investigative skills of course it appears to be a small pig with a with a rainbow on its head wait there’s

Another one right here incomplete that’s a specialty rare unicorn only 15 of those are oh and there’s another one here there’s another one over here and another one here are you an expert on unicorns or something i don’t have one in this one to coll i

Mean i don’t know but things seem to be thickening here i mean this is well it seems that our detective work here is done for the day and no issues what oh nothing here go away it seems it’s a cold dead end friends we might have to find ourselves a new one

What how did you find that i mean good good i mean not that i have any traffic i don’t know anything about trap doors or anything about that for now all right all right i admit it it looks it’s exactly what it looks like i collect ponies i love limited edition

Ponies but listen if someone wanted to get close to me that means they would have wanted to kidnap athmou and steal my rarest collection of unicorn ponies the one in that case is named little aphmau it’s the rare one i have okay well this is utterly embarrassing

But it still gets the snow closer to where afbow is look look at this on my wall there’s an iron armor there’s diamond horse armor right gold horse armor correct it just hit me add vegetables yes do you know who i just realized we’ve never checked this entire time

We haven’t wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we haven’t checked out ian no i know that’s exactly what i just said oh wow what a really good idea i couldn’t believe you only came up with that just now oh wow you’re serious you should be a detective

Yeah you should be a detective get out of my room so i can find anyone thanks guys i can save my butt i know how to save my button get out of this all i have to do is get to ian’s house and i know exactly what to do

Who’s there hang on i’m watching my shows what ian i have a favor to ask you uh can you lie yeah i can’t wait no no no no i need you to lie for me okay uh okay wait what’s in it for me gold done

I’m in i’m in let’s do it all right all right uh well uh what what am i lying about look you need to say that i’ve been here for like the past day uh and we’ve been chilling out forever and we’re like best friends you have to say that best friend’s part

Just leave that actually okay yeah yeah yeah wait hang on when are you home bust the door down man i What did you do did you hurt her did i did you harbour no no no no no no no no no stop it no go away how dare you accuse me of such things now we haven’t seen you since since you mentioned roughly yeah the broccoli i saved some

Broccoli mac and cheese for you oh my god no i thought this that’s expired it’s a day old you can’t you can’t know wait you wanted to give her broccoli how dare you don’t you know that’ll destroy her she has to eat healthy she can’t just keep eating cookies for

Every single meal that’s not right now how about this how about i give you cookies and then broccoli that’s not how it works maybe i can make broccoli cookies why is she here with you ansel that much because we’re just hanging out you know we’re just uh we’re just friends

Sure what what that sounds suspicious we’re we’re friends we’ve always been like something you guys need to settle on your own there is only room in this town for one best friend zayn what are you doing what are you doing dang zayn put me down put me down i do not appreciate

Wait where did ian go zayn i’ll stop the investigation where are you in we swore you were kidnapped mal what happened you could have just called me on my phone i what yeah you could have just called me on my phone that’s where i was i you had but what about your grandma

She was evil dean i don’t have a grandma you don’t but um so how’s the broccoli guys i think i’m ready to eat my broccoli now let’s go it’s delicious but wait a minute we’re safe it’s roasted Broccoli ice cream for dessert right [Applause] fine i’ll do it

This video, titled ‘Aphmau Has Been KIDNAPPED from Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2021-02-23 20:44:58. It has garnered 19711953 views and 348553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:58 or 1258 seconds.

Someone has KIDNAPPED Aphmau From Minecraft! 😱 💜 Become a super awesome YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/aphmaugaming/join 💜 Come at a look at my merch! 💜 https://teespring.com/stores/shop-aphmau

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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Zane: https://www.youtube.com/KestinTheVoice ★ On: https://www.youtube.com/ChristopherEscalante ★ Kawaii~Chan: https://www.youtube.com/c/MegaMoeka ★ We: https://twitter.com/michaelazekas ★ Pierce: https://www.twitch.tv/shado_temple ★ MacNcheeseP1z: https://www.youtube.com/macncheesep1z

#Minecraft #Aphmau

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    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch Added Mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-villagers… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Go follow my kick – https://kick.com/gamerwolf-gaming Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

Aphmau Has Been KIDNAPPED from Minecraft!