[Arcane] Hardcore Factions Let’s Play #5 – ALMOST LOSING $20 WORTH OF KEYS!! (Map 1)

Video Information

What is going on everybody welcome back to another arcane factions video today guys run episode 5 of course and I have some legend crate keys here but before anything guys I stress enough please hit that like button right now common your IGN down below and subscribe to this

Channel if you guys are new for one legend crate key guys I’m gonna be opening up to today but I must save one for one of you guys just because you guys have been given the constant support and I can’t thank you guys enough because of it we just need 35

Third third not 35 37 thousand subscribers so that’s absolutely insane guys and once again I can’t thank you guys enough we have a pretty good one sir I think I may go peepee with vents and moan later we’ll see what happens we’re just going to be doing a little

Bit of pvp here in there and have a little bit of fun today well that’s that’s what I think we need to do today but we need to most importantly make a spawn run now the one thing we do not have currently is glass so right now i

Think i’m going to store these keys in this chest and i think we’re gonna go make a glass run i also guys were very low on thoughts because we do not like legit I don’t even our faction I don’t even know what they did last night but

We lost for dubs of instant health and I have no clue where all them went these all these chests were filled with with pots like I was morally surprised to see that we had no potions left so we’re gonna go I guess um maybe try and make a

Spawn run and grab some glasses the same time for some instant halts then we will go PvP and hopefully we can get some good stuff out of these skis because we’ve been looking for some potion supplies here and there we’re getting a little low on glittering melons and

Gunpowder so maybe we can receive some of that and maybe some armor with that but that for you guys let me get to work and I’ll be right back alright guys so we got some sand not a lot but still at least a little bit to grab some pots so

We’re gonna start brewing that up and hopefully we can maybe just try make a spawn run to open up some of these crate keys but first of all we need to smell all this stuff but by the way while we’re down here we can show you a little

Bit of the renovations that I did I made the whole room kind of stone and cleaned it up a little bit we also have a Otto brewer now which I don’t know it looks pretty nice we’re just cleaning everything up trying to make everything look nice again and I think I think

We’re doing pretty good lots of stuff needs to still be improved on but um honestly it’ll come when it comes all right guys here goes nothing some pots have been brewed and we’re just gonna we’re just going to make a run to spawn screw it um it’s not that far from our

Nether portal i’m pretty sure so we shouldn’t have to worry too much mon is our nether portal broken right now i have no clue yes are you kidding you gotta go yeah well oh my god i sweared it I’m gonna kick my faction remember is if they freaking keep break-in the

Portal um alright yeah we don’t have a lot of stuff I sleep gifts would very much be appreciated but um I don’t know but let’s grab some food and then we’re gonna head over the end alright not the end the nether and then we’re gonna get

To spawn and open up some croakies guys so I’m really excited so here goes nothing um where’s worse the potatoes alright we do not have a lot potatoes looks like you’ve broken its broken are you kidding me Mona said to me that there’s actually another portal like

Behind her base so we’re actually gonna go to that instead because we do not have enough to get the others but I swear to God if somebody finds us while doing this I am it’s gonna be the biggest waste of $15 of my entire life but hopefully we can get to another safe

And stop you gotta be kidding they’re just guy over there okay just just keep going just keep going a little boy communications I don’t know who that guy is Elmer oh is it really ah there’s a port yeah I see it I see the portal dang

Dude I don’t know if I want to go through this with two keys I think communication just went through this though you should check check before i go in i don’t want to risk it I’m going sir sorry isn’t good oh come here all right we’re good we’re good good holy

Crap guys I’m kind of scared to be honest here goes nothing worse ball okay let’s go speed there oh no you got to be kidding me pearl why are you going back through I’m going back through screwin dude holy crap i’m in a freaking mind what you gotta be

Kidding me I’m / logging out oh my god why are you stalking ago dude there was a guy out there with I’m on it what don’t mind huh should I what should I do y’all are doing Oh what yeah where are you what am I I’m back through the

Portal I’m nope yo what this guy’s are Ray dab’ll and they have like actually good stuff than their chest prot one prot two tons of sugarcane what the heck dude I just got put through a portal and these guys turned it turns out these guys are rateable what the hell that is

So weird alright anyways let’s go oh jeez there’s tons of guys outside the space let’s just go back down here though I’m dead what the [ __ ] yeah let’s / log out real fast this guy oh my god I swear to god this guy’s gonna ruin my

Day if he finds me down here crap we gotta / law out guys come on let’s go 20 seconds let’s go come on come on come on please don’t find me please don’t find me no no no no no no no or you gotta be

Kidding me no no no no no no no oh no oh my god you got it you got to be kidding me wait what happened oh my god this guy found me how did this and find me he’s running for a reason he’s running for a reason why is he running

Why is this man running nope i’m probably i’m probably come on alright cheese no no no no all right where am i where am I my painful space I recognize this okay holy crap guys what is going on all right we got we got to get away

From that guy what the heck is going on right now oh man oh man we’re getting kite all right we gotta cut back to base we just pearled we all I well I’d holy crap how did we get out of there oh man oh man that was a close one my god we

Almost just lost to legend Creek ease on the way to freakin spawn oh my god why is it so hard to get the spot for some reason that makes no sense all right we got we got to reevaluate our our tactics of getting this bond grabbing a little

Bit of pearls and we’re gonna we’re gonna just go have some fun for a little bit uh go peepee with moans gonna bart for me and unfortunately I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to make that a legendary creaky spin today because there’s a lot of people at the portals

And in the nether so that kind of sucks but um yeah we’re just gonna go have some fun and play around a little bit around so outside the base um we do not have a lot of pearls left holy crap guys we really need like don’t if you guys

Want to give us some donations that be very much appreciate it cuz we are scraping the end of the barrel at this point holy crap all right so that should make Nothing bros a lot of fun we should be able to speak you have to run there

Like we have we can’t look another running gray would have been way safer in the first right you know what we’ll do it again screw it Mon you ready for this we’re not going to another this time you want to go through running yeah we’re running there I want to be all

Right here goes nothing um Mona I don’t know where we’re going but like I guess you’re leading the way guys I’m a time lapses I’m not too sure we’ll see we’ll see what happens but hopefully we can make this spawn run without any altercations but overall I

Think when Mon takes charge I think we’re gonna be fine guys so Oh back up back up going or how much you get one whose work on this way okay okay he’s my East Jesus diseases all right where are we going where we going all right let’s

Just keep heading this one the spawn is in sight and just like that we have made it to spawn holy cow that was some scary business moan here come here I’m gonna drop you some of my pots and then I’m gonna open up these keys a good work

Today with barding I got to give you that but um here goes nothing I this was so unexpected I did not think I was actually going to be able to open up these keys today but thanks to moan we are able to so I’ve never opened up

Denny legend keys before but here it goes nothing first one coming in right now boom we just got ten ten gold blocks ten iron blocks 64 magma cream efficiency five book and 16 blaze rods not too freaking bad here’s the second one and I’m breaking for protection to

Leggings we got an affinity one efficiency five some slime balls nothing too amazing that no that’s kind of that was a little anti-climactic there I thought we were really hoping for some um I guess some glycerin melons the kind of sucks that we rain will get anything

Writing for okay exactly we couldn’t get any of that all right well we’re gonna go back to the base guys we’re gonna have some pvp actually let’s just let’s just hop right into a Mon um let me just store this real fast in my sub claim

Chest and we’re just going to hop right into some pvp have a little bit of fun like always i know there’s quite a bit of pvp around painful and Finn up space so we’re gonna get head over there and see what exactly we can do so here we go

Here goes nothing and let’s have some fun found a guy here we go here goes nothing God doesn’t even those all right let’s take them on oh yeah you get my hommies gonna break my homies gonna break oh geez there’s a lot of people here oh my helmet broke my

Was gonna break my was gonna break oh no no no I you know what head back head back to base affected a a lot of it all right you know my helmet on 10 this guy just slowness me are you there come come come come come oh my god you know I

Speed 33 alright dude I’m vain blank wall do it pearl pearl I don’t want bro cool down oh jeez I just fell in the trap know what what what was that oh my god that dude these guys man what you’re kidding me you know what I’m using

Freaking life all right that’s it boy all right we’re all geared up this is gonna be our last time trying to PvP because honestly if we keep getting dropped because we don’t have like enough numbers right now um it’s just me and mon everybody else is like either

Sleeping or busy with christmas because obviously the holidays so i’m just trying to get this out to you guys before the holiday starts so Mon are you are you ready Rico I guess what oh ok well I guess uh guess we just killed a

Fan f deposit also sorry my man I mean I I didn’t mean to uh like killing in a bad way but uh if you’re if they’re chasing us cool Barry look old Becker right let’s oh yeah no this trap is dope dude we ain’t it but we should probably

Not tell anybody about it just yet cuz the cases alright whatever now they probably know them back there to run back there right yeah well we’ll see what happens we’ll try and get somebody within that I don’t think really anybody’s gonna fall for that though we’ve trapped to a fed-up and rejected

Oh really ok alright let’s see is there anybody down here that we can kill I think this guy is actually no he’s not as few pizza are you you know me I like to I like to kill Nick it’s I who’s this piece buddy I’ll go after him

Real fast oh yeah oh there’s more guys all right let’s let’s weigh hold on they’re probably gonna play each other let’s see actually let’s got it we got this guy oh he doesn’t know what he’s up he’s gonna pearl oh no this guy’s after me antonyo it’s anton look it I think I

Recognize isn’t this guy in pain train yeah that sounds of pain tray oh I don’t speed on speed I’m getting ganked need to come back calm down road all right yeah he got so many hearts all right yeah I’m here I’m here trying I don’t

Know where you are or its oh yes yes DJ me hey back up back up mp3 p turn around bend now I’m taking this guy out are you gonna do it okay I have no pot all right I’m coming back goes deep speed three speed something I don’t even like that

Can’t be oh this doesn’t like seem like i have speed sometime it’s kind of weird all right um here you want me to drop you some pots i have some plots April take that that should be just a number we’re running on the bare minimum right now guys likely [ __ ] we have nothing

Right now so when I see what we can potentially do we need to start actually getting some kills we need to put some more work into this and hopefully it’ll pay off this guy this guy this guy yes we gotta we gotta we go pick it pick up

Pete upset I runner all right go yes we gotta kill nice we are out of here boys let’s a frickin go oh my god that was so sketchy alright Momo get out of there dude yeah I’m okay alright sweet let’s freaking go guys oh my god I will take

That any freakin dude easy pot load out let’s go give me that harbor uh yeah no problem I only got like the I think at the element I was down all right y’all set it free oh that’s yo yo a diluting three start he had a looting three

Sharpness to sword cold busting nuts all right sweet dude actually all right now that we have more pots I think we’re gonna go PvP some more so it turns out the guy that we actually killed it BF boom he’s a fin ups fact he’s the co-leader so we just killed the

Co-leader of pinups faction obviously wasn’t the best kill it was in chain i’m not saying like I’m I’m great or anything because I got that kill but um I’m a little happy because i usually don’t get kills but guys I also rename this sword subdue been mask on YT of

Course if you guys aren’t subscribed be sure to subscribe it really appreciate it no like thirty-seven percent of my viewers like aren’t sub which kind of crazy but um yeah Mon are you ready because like I didn’t realize this Mon like I i know i’m a noob guys i know-

But like looting three actually gives you more XP which like I really did not know that like that’s kind of that’s kind of insane but i’ll give you a lot more yeah i also wait let me do /f home again i want to show off like where we

Put our art gift box now because i think a lot of people were asking about like where we put our gift box it’s more accessible I know last one we made was like oh you had to like run through all of our traps and stuff we now put it

Right here so if you want to drop any gifts or anything you just drop it in simply like that and then if we run all the way over here we will see that our instant health pots are in fact down here so if we go down here we’re going

To be renovating this room very very soon so it kind of looks bad for now but a bear with us and then just like that you can see that that on the instant Health’s are in there but bone actually I just found the chain boots just now in

This Jess so yeah it’s a protection to on breaking three feather falling for so it was a god a pair of Leo the god she wrote it yeah I don’t know how people got like I don’t like I honestly don’t have the time to like grind out some of

This stuff so like I don’t know I wish I had time to do more of this stuff but unfortunately I’m not able to but Mon are you ready to hit some more pvp this guy named women the– message me kid on the roof on the women Thea’s but he

Sounds familiar team green always Team Green interesting all right we’re gonna pot speed um and we’re gonna drop this man you ready for this all right yo yo he’s right up there all right login first let me login oh no I have no clue love it all right sign of pearl on top

Of the roof this man is going down um oh Jesus are you kidding me i just fell off the freaking roof um all right we got this man we got this man we’re cricket kilims them out all right um here goes nothing guys we’re having a battle on

Top of the roof here we go you can’t use the trap remember that if you get I know yeah I tried I back here low all right come on do not click drop head I’m gonna give you strength it’s the oh that man almost just dropped he’s Berlin away no

Way I’m gonna chase him yeah he’s running into a strap or something right now yeah he’s yeah he ran into strap dude that man got wrecked you used get in the hand by me I would think but thank you women efore uh shotting that out for me I appreciate it women the–

You seem like a very nice man all right um all right I feel like I’m getting better at PvP as I do this series more like I I don’t know I’m proud of myself he’s back on top of a roof with his friend now his name is e pink I don’t

Know why these guys are hiding on top of our base but uh we’re gonna actually play it a little bit safe now maybe we can try and actually get them off the roof and then maybe like on a whole team owner of us um Godspeed yeah I want them

To jump so badly so we can use this trap right here I don’t even know how to use it first of all but uh all right why these guys just sitting on top of a roof it’s kind of creepy all right this minute all right I don’t know where this

Guy’s going yeah he’s going back in this trap I’m not too sure like why these guys doing it all right we’re parole on this guy oh oh Mountain speed me speaking to me member you have beat you have it all right don’t let this I don’t want to let

This guy back to his base we gotta we gotta we gotta nice uh not he didn’t have a good set sharp one still still decent all right we got at least we still gotta kill though all right not too bad not too bad guys we’re picking up kills which is absolutely really

Surprising like I I’m not too sure like I don’t know like I I don’t know what’s up with my peepee obviously there’s so many people on this server that are very very good so I don’t know what I really want to do about that but bone let’s uh

Let’s head down this road real fast and uh do you want a donation uh yes yes man but kids on top of our base again why is he on top for big all right we’re problem oh we missed a pearl or you gotta be kidding me oh well me fit I

Thought I hit him done I’m trying hit him down trying to better yeah if he hits it if you hit him down I don’t know what we’ll see what happens all right let me pot speed real fast just for this and yeah let me head over to you real

Fast I don’t know why I think this texture pack doesn’t like show whether its speed or not uh-uh all right this man just keeps trying I’m like debating on jumping in his strap at this point but we’re gonna call I don’t get shot yeah we’re gonna make sure he doesn’t

Get back in this trap oh yo oh my god dude what the heck all right yeah he must not have pots no way I see what a part of it yeah I want to jump magic me is like a full team of guys if we were

Able to like actually jump into I don’t know I don’t want his water here like what yeah I don’t know where this water came from this guys coming outside of his base again all right we got parole on him oh man dude come on do you have a

Boma no oh man dude this guy why is he playing like that I’ll go inside of his base don’t mind if I did way f uu f food Charmander um yeah they’re at 3d TR I’m like I’m not really gonna mess with them

And I am gonna pot of fire us so he can stop doing this all right you know what I’m not gonna mess with them guys that’s going to be the end of today’s hcf video hopefully I’ll do enjoy hit that like button if you guys did and

Sub if you’re new it really appreciate when grown a lot lately we just hit 37,000 subs and yeah see you guys in the next one have a great day guys and be sure to I guess look out for another upload at eight o’clock tonight so see you guys in the next

This video, titled ‘[Arcane] Hardcore Factions Let’s Play #5 – ALMOST LOSING $20 WORTH OF KEYS!! (Map 1)’, was uploaded by BenMascott on 2016-12-24 22:30:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Arcane Map 1 – Minecraft HCF Let’s Play #5 – ALMOST LOSING $20 WORTH OF KEYS!! – Hardcore factions is a gamemode …

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    Adding Blood Sheep to Hardcore WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added the BLOOD SHEEP to his Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2024-05-14 21:00:00. It has garnered 227468 views and 8505 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:58 or 3358 seconds. If you see a Blood Sheep… Delete your Minecraft World w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure! In this thrilling episode, my friends and I face off against the terrifying Blood Sheep! 🐑💉 Join us as we explore the eerie landscapes infested with these menacing mobs, strategize and build epic defenses to keep ourselves safe, and… Read More

  • EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!

    EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Ambience ASMR’, was uploaded by Danley Tonkin on 2024-05-08 11:12:02. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:45 or 6345 seconds. playing some minecraft in 1.20.4, Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft Madness

    Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-03-06 08:03:00. It has garnered 191832 views and 3181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:34 or 3574 seconds. Maizen,cash,nico Parody Maizen Tagalog Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Omocraft Minecraft Tagalog Oneblock Minecraft but Minecraft Pinoy Minecraft Java Minecraft Filipino Minecraft RP Minecraft SMP Minecraft hardcore Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #omocraft #mcpe #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!

    Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 23:45:29. It has garnered 107 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

    Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind - Episode 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] GRINDING!!!!! – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #6’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-20 12:04:40. It has garnered 327 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:58 or 7318 seconds. Here’s the link: https://saweria.co/NikoHite – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This channel… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Man -_- | Koseki Bijou’, was uploaded by Mathech on 2024-03-21 10:00:31. It has garnered 122 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Stream source: 【MINECRAFT】Is Minecraft a horror game? https://www.youtube.com/live/EDUVSrotmJ0?si=j9x50YE9wmrv6nYk Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN / @KosekiBijou Thanks for watching! Please Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed the clip! #holoAdvent #Hololive #ホロライブ #Vtuber #hololiveenS Read More

  • Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shorts

    Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SECRET Minecraft Feature 👀 #shorts’, was uploaded by robbehy on 2024-05-19 20:30:03. It has garnered 23399 views and 1189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. hey, i make videos ============================= discord: https://discord.gg/JfPb9hnZ37 tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@robbehy ============================= skywars & bedwars are minigames on the hypixel minecraft server played by many youtubers like wallibear, technoblade, im a squid kid, & purpled. #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcormode #bedwars #skywars Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!

    EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Treasure Island (Mini Story 4) #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by NotCheeku on 2024-03-25 09:13:00. It has garnered 327 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. Subscribe For More 😎 Instagram 😀- https://www.instagram.com/not_cheeku05?igsh=OWpyZDhiYXYzOWRz ⚠️Note: These Background Sounds Don’t Belong To Me, Credits To Rightful Users keywords #firemc #psd1 #minecraft firemc loyalmc lapatasmp stormsmp firemcpsd1 psd1 notcheeku herobrinesmp story mini story Minecraft story poor to rich rich to poor noob to pro pro to noob money dollars Minecraft city huge city funny horror story haunted house ghost horror haunted creepy… Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused 1 Week Old Nations

    NEW SEASON LAUNCHED MAY 5TH! Server Info Inspired by Hermitcraft, Morven is a private vanilla SMP server with a nation/district system. Our goal is to establish an active, long-term community focused on artistic and creative builds. Image Gallery from Morven 1 Nations Spawn: Link Dwarf: Link Medieval: Link Modern: Link Oriental: Link Viking: Link Wild: Link Morven 2 Nations Starting nations in Morven 2: Artoira – Medieval and magic styles Hanami – Japanese and Asian style with nature elements Vvardenfell – Steampunk fusion with Dwarven and Nordic builds Unique Features Events: PvP tournaments, court sessions, weddings, elections, races, and treasure… Read More

  • MavenMC

    MavenMCWelcome to MavenMC! 🌟 The Ultimate Minecraft Experience!Dive into a vast universe of creativity and adventure on MavenMC, the newly launched Minecraft server that promises endless excitement! With over **20 unique game modes**, there’s always something new to explore. Whether you’re battling it out in intense PvP encounters, mastering intricate puzzles, or embarking on expansive quests, MavenMC has it all!Why Join MavenMC?- 🎮 Over 20 Game Modes: From classic Survival and Skyblock to unique custom modes, MavenMC offers a diverse range of gameplay to keep even the most seasoned players engaged.- 📹 Streamers and YouTubers Onboard: Play and interact with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “oh sh*t!”

    Looks like this meme is breaking the high score record in the meme world! Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥

    Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Guess I’ll just have to teleport in and out like a pro.” 😂🏰 #minecraftproblems #minecraftbuilderstruggles #gamerlife Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft servers! If you’re looking for a new adventure filled with mystery and challenges, then Minewind is the place for you. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world, where every corner holds a new surprise and every decision you make shapes your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all who are brave enough to embark on this thrilling adventure. Join us at Minewind and discover a world where creativity knows no bounds… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide

    Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide Exploring the World of Minecraft: Beekeeping and Honey Collection Embark on a sweet adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the world of beekeeping and honey collection. Discover the intricate process of obtaining honey, crafting beehives, and acquiring honeycombs with the help of enchanted shears. Let’s dive into the buzzing world of Minecraft bees! Planting the Seeds of Success Before you can start collecting honey in Minecraft, you’ll need to create the perfect environment for your bees. Planting flowers around your bee nests or beehives will attract these busy pollinators, encouraging them to produce honey. Make sure to provide… Read More

  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/thestorypainter 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshoChannel 📹 VODS ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHkJpz_cgLtj5I9lvsAtWKw 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► https://discord.gg/thestorypainter ⏰ TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@thestorypainter?lang=en 🐦TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/TheStoryPainter… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

[Arcane] Hardcore Factions Let’s Play #5 – ALMOST LOSING $20 WORTH OF KEYS!! (Map 1)