Ars Nouveau (Minecraft Mod Showcase) Magic Spells

Video Information

Wingardium leviosa dude nice good day everyone and welcome back to another minecraft mod showcase and in this showcase we are checking out the ours novu mod and this mod is basically a magical mod it adds in a whole assortment of magical items including spells rituals and familiars you can

Summon in so uh yeah let’s get into it and if you guys have any suggestions from odd showcases i should do in the future please do let me know down in the comment section and this is also the first time i’m checking out a 1.18 mod

So that’s kind of exciting it’s for the latest version of minecraft which is fantastic so first thing you’ll see when you spawn into your world is this book right here the worn notebook and this will actually explain everything for you honestly it explains everything you need

To know in the mod uh but if for whatever reason you lose the notebook you can then craft it using a regular book and a lapis lazuli um and this is your guide to like absolutely everything in the mod honestly it just explains it all perfectly so you get this introduction page right

Here and you have the category section and it shows you literally everything you need to know so what you want to do is you want to click on the getting started section and it will just have all of these little chapters here and you can just go through all these and

You’ll learn everything like straight away it’s just very straightforward but i’m going to go through the basics for you right now just so you get a visual idea of what you’re doing so the first thing you want to do in this mod is craft yourself a spell book and it’s

Going to be to craft it for iron tool so you’ve got an iron shovel an iron pickaxe iron sword and iron axe combined with a book and that will give you your novice spell book and you can combine this with a die to change the color uh to whatever you want

It to be so this is the novice spell book there’s also the mages spell book and the archmage spell book but those cost a lot more ingredients so you’ll have to play a bit more of the mod in order to obtain some of this stuff we’re

Going to grab the nova spellbook for now anyway and basically you can select your spells uh using the arrow keys and you can also so i’ll just uh demonstrate that so you can see in the bottom left corner i’m scrolling through my uh spells this key the keyboards are

Different for everyone i think it’s like c or v or something by default uh but i changed mine to arrow keys just so i know um and you can also use v to go into your quick select one minus v anyway you probably have a different

Keybind i’m not sure uh to go into your quick select and it’ll bring up this interface and you can select the different spells uh this way as well and for me it is c to bring up the interface and that will show you basically the the

Book itself and how you can select the different spells so when you bring up the interface you’ll be created with three tabs you’ve got your documentation tab so this is basically like the actual book the actual war notebook but it’s built into your spellbook as well which

Is really convenient actually so you can use this as well in the spell book if you want to and there’s also the color picker tab and there’s also the familiars tab so the color picker will allow you to change the color of your spell obviously and so we can make this

A totally green spell if we want to so we’re going to save that there so this is in our eighth slot right here and and there’s also the familiars tab down here but we will get to that later because you have to get familiar first so on to

The actual spell customization when you first open this you’ll only have these three tabs right here you’ll see there’s three sections there’s form there’s augment and there’s effect so for form form is the one you start with so you have your three basic forms you have touch self and projectile so touch is

Basically when you interact with something a self is an effect that it gives to you and then projectile is like you you shoot it out basically and it can affect uh entities when you hit them or blocks when you hit them with the projectile and then you got the effects tab down

Here and each spell can have up to nine effects so you’ve got the former shakes up one slot and then there’ll also be nine available slots so you can fill this up with whatever you want i can just throw in a bunch of random effects

If you want to and you can take them out clicking them by clicking them again and if you want to you can also name your spell so i’m going to call this a test spell one i’m going to put like uh something basic like break on this one right here and

When you’re ready you can just click create and that will then make your spell and you can access each one uh through the tabs on the right side here so you have 10 available slots in your spell book so if we press our key button to open the

Spells we can see the first one here actually has an icon so it means there’s a spell there and this is called our test spell one so we can then turn this one on and now you can see in the bottom left corner we are using our first test

Spell and if we right click we will use our spell and that spell actually broke a block because it’s called break so what that one does is just break blocks as you can imagine and so that’s basically how that works and you can of course if you want to add a

Second effect like so i can click create and i did say you can change the color which you can you can change this to whatever you want using the color wheel here and and we can see that the effect is now green the particles come off for green so some spells are actually

Incompatible uh for example i think freeze and ignite probably are incompatible because they’re ice and fire but basically i want to demonstrate this by putting on brake and harm into this spell so this means because i have break i can break blocks with the spell

And i can also use harm to harm entities so we’re gonna get a husk in here i’m gonna right click the husk and as you can see there’s the harm effect so i’m just right clicking on him and it’s doing the harm uh spell and we can also

Use the same spell to break blocks because there’s two of them applied and you’ll notice whenever i use a spell it uses our mana bar down the left side so this is the purple thing that’s your mana and every time you use a spell it will obviously go down and depending on

How strong the spell is the more mana will be used every time and you can actually get more mana by uh creating certain armor and you can also use like amulets and stuff there’s a lot of different ways to get more mana in the mod so we’ll just explore some of

Them but that’s the basics of spellcasting you kind of get the picture there’s kind of three slots augment is for later on uh it’s kind of more advanced um and it just kind of it literally enhances your uh existing effects down here so the form is the

Basic one that’s just kind of like the the way that your spell is transferred to the world and the effect of the spell is just like what it actually does and then augment is just like how strong it is so example for example you got accelerate here and fortune and but

We’ll get to those later anyway so now the basics have been covered we can go on to this here so we’ve set up these machines these machines are kind of essential for making some of the stuff in the mud so we will go over those this

Is the dowsing rod the dowsing rod can be crafted using two archwood and one gold ingot so archwood is from a very specific tree that is from the mod and they can generate an antibiotic so you have to look for an arch an archwood tree and then you can use that in order

To make the dowsing rod here and the dowsing rod is basically used as an easy way to find amethyst so if we right click here we can applied an effect and it’s called magic find and scrying and if you look down there you’ll see a bunch of like uh glowing

Little particles and if we go into game mode spectator and go down as you can see what those glowing particles are are actually amethyst it’s showing you the way to amethyst basically that’s what the effect does um so that’s a really easy way to locate it and you need amethyst

For a lot of recipes in the mod that’s the reason why they added something to help you find amethyst a lot easier so once you’ve located yourself some amethyst you will need to convert it into a source gem using this machine here called the imbuement chamber but

Butterbut but in order to use the imbuement chamber you must have source source is kind of like the fuel that every machine uses in the mod so you will need to get yourself some source if you want to use uh each of the different machines so this one is probably like

The way to start so the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to craft a soldier sorry a source jar a sorcerer not a soldier so we can craft this using our archwood uh slabs and two of any kind of glass and that will give

Us a source jar and it looks like this when you first get it uh it’s just gonna be empty like like so uh can you just not be here so what we need to do now is use to fill up our source jar with source and to obtain source there’s a

Few different ways two of the main ways are from animals animals fill up source and also by uh crops and different plants and stuff growing so i set this one up earlier these are now fully grown and this right here is a agronomic source link so you’ll need to make this

As well you need to make this and the source jar and as you can see it’s 11 full this uh source char right here you can see in the top left corner how full it is it says 11 and that’s from all of these growing so it doesn’t fill up very

Quickly as you can tell it takes quite a while for it to fill up so to craft the uh agronomic source link it’s going to be two source gems two gold ingots and one wheat so we will get to source gems in just a second because i know that

That’s an interesting recipe and but yeah basically the way that you can fill up source is by growing crops or like growing plants and stuff and having animals nearby that will fill up your source very slowly and i think it’s within a six block range of

The source jar and if stuff is around it will then be channeled from this into the source jar and it also comes in buckets so if you want to you can just right click to take the source out of the source jar and put it into a different source jar

Or something like that whatever you want to do with it so now that you have your source in this jar here and you also have your imbuement imbuement chamber you can then grab yourself either lapis lazuli or amethyst this is why the amethyst was important

So we can grab these two we can place our amethyst in here as you can see some particles are uh being like applied to it right now and this won’t work unless there’s source around it for it to actually be fueled so it’ll take a little while depending

On how many source dryers are around it like the the more and thorough showers that are around it quicker it’ll happen uh but this only has one so it’s going to take a little while i think and there we have it we got ourselves a source trim and that’s basically the

Kind of like um how would you say the material use to craft pretty much everything in the mod will like most of the machines anyway for sure um and that’s why you need the imbuement table it’s very important to get these source gems so you can do the stuff

Later on so once you’ve gotten your source gems you can then start crafting some other stuff so what we’ve got here is a scribes table and the scribes table is crafted using four sticks uh one uh log of any kind and three archwood slabs like so and that will give you this uh

Thing right here and what we can do with this is we can then apply um spells to uh parchments uh to casting ones and to our spellbooks as well that can unlock new spells so if we were to right-click uh the scribes table with our novelist spell book

As you can see it shows all the glyphs right here that you can unlock so we can go to tier one so this is a nava spellbook so we can only use tier one glyphs but if we had a mages spellbook we could use tier two

And if we had an arch mages we could use a tier three so that’s why you have to upgrade your spell books over time right now it’s currently showing all the glyphs we don’t want that because we can’t use all of them at the moment so

We’re just going to go to tier one at the side here and as you can see these are the ones that we can actually get at the moment so what we can do is we can unlock these using um different ingredients as well as three enchantment levels so as you can see

Um each one of these requires three levels three enchantment levels and also a certain amount of ingredients and if you go to tier two it will acquire five enchantment levels and different ingredients and tier three is ten enchantment levels and different ingredients so if we were to for example

Go for aquatic what we want to do is we click this and we do select and the table will go kind of invisible and it will show you what ingredients you need to put onto it so i have the ingredients right here um and as you can see it shows this

Which is actually water essence this can be found uh or it can be got using the imbuement chamber and it also takes two of any kind of fish so we’re gonna toss our fish on here and also our water essence and that will then um create our

Uh glyph of aquatic so we can then take this right click it take it off the table and if we right click the clip clip of aquatic it will then say unlocked the glyph down here so this one was aquatic so it unlocked the aquatic glyph and what this basically means is

You can now use it in your spellbook so if we open our spells this will now be here because we just unlocked it so that’s the basically the way that you can unlock the different effect spells um using the scribes table and if you don’t feel like uh actually

Using the spell book what you can do is you can use a parchment instead so to craft a blank parchment it’s going to be eight mage bloom fibers and a paper to get major bloom we’ll get to that in just a second and but you can craft a

Blank part i’m using this and then to make a spell parchment you combine it with four source gems in a crafting table and that will give you this and then you can describe this with a spell at a parchment table as well if you want to but this works a little bit

Differently to the um to the spell book because you don’t right click the glyph to get it onto the paper you have to shift right click the scroll or the the parchment with a glyph and it will put that onto the scroll right so next what you want to do is you

Want to get yourself some of those fibers we were talking about because then you can make some of that armor over there and that armor will give you more mana and it will also um make your spells more powerful and give you um quicker mana regeneration and stuff so

Let’s get into it so what we want to do is we want to craft ourselves an enchanting apparatus an arcane core and eight arcane pedestals so to craft the enchanting apparatus it’s going to be three arcane stone for ironing it and one uh diamond to craft the arcane stone

It’s one source gem uh surrounded by eight of any kind of stone for the arcane core it’s going to be a six arcane stone and two gold ingots and for the arcane pedestals it’s going to be seven arcane stone in this pattern like so and you want to get eight of those

And once you’ve actually crafted your three um different uh blocks what you want to do is you want to place them in this pattern like so so you want to have your um arcane core at the bottom on top of that you want to have the enchanting apparatus and then

Surrounding um surrounded by your pedestals all eight of your pedestals but you can have up to eight but basically you need um for example some recipes will only need like four so you only need like one two three four these four pedestals right here but some of

The recipes will take eight so you need to have all the slots filled in to do some of the recipes so that’s just why i have them all filled in right now and this is basically kind of how you do crafting in the mud so you actually place your different items on these

Pedestals and it will then and craft them into certain items that you need so the first and probably most important recipe we’ll need is to make the mage bloom uh seed so this is the only way to get this plant here and this is basically how you get the fibers to

Craft the armor so you need to actually make a mage bloom seed and then you can harvest these to make the armor so i’ll show you what i mean when i say that you can craft using these over here so we’re going to grab our four source gems and

Our one wheat seed i’m going to place each one of these on a pedestal and then the wheat seed in the middle and then you’ll see some magic happening and it will then craft you it might take a while but it will craft you ta-da okay so it it glitched a bit it

Wouldn’t show the thing on the bed on the it wouldn’t show the finished um thing on the enchanting apparatus but basically this was honest the mage bloom seed so it turned our five ingredients into the mage bloom seed and now we can plant our mage bloom seed just like a

Normal crop um in some tilled soil and we can use bone meal if we want and just bone meal it up into our full version of this and this is our mage bloom and this is the finished crop right here and then we can put this in a crafting table so

Once you harvest this it will drop this plant right here you can put it in a crafting table and it will give you uh four mage bloom fibers and then you can use the mage bloom five mage bloom fl fibers well what a tongue twister to craft yourself this armor set right

Here which is the novice armor so you can use the fibers like so uh just like a regular armor set will be crafted and it’ll give you your novice armor and this will increase your mana and it’ll make your mana regenerate faster and it’s a little bit worse than

Iron i think but if you don’t want to settle for that you can then make the mage armor and the major armor is crafted using blaze fibers in those recipes instead of the um regular mage bloom fibers so to craft yourself blaze fibers instead what you

Want to do is you want to put two mage bloom fiber and a blaze powder into a crafting table and it’ll give you two every time so then you can craft them into uh your mage armor like so and then you can go one step further by making

The archmage armor and this can be crafted using the blaze fibers which we just created using the the blaze powder and the mage bloom in the crafting table you can then combine the blaze two blaze fiber and a popped chorus fruit to give you two end fiber

And with the end fiber you can then craft the armor like normal and that will give you the archmage armor and this is actually a little bit worse than netherride so it’s better than diamond and this is the best armor you can have uh in terms of magic because it’ll give

You the most mana regeneration and the most mana uh in general so we’re gonna throw on some of this lovely purple armor right now just so i can test it out yeah look at that looks beautiful um so yeah that’s basically how you get the armor and the armor is definitely

Something you want to have when you’re casting spells because manual runs out so quickly and so having the extra bit and extra mana regeneration really does help so yeah that’s that and i’m going to show off through the mobs now these are the three hostile knobs you can find in the world so

We got the wild and mobs um so these will i think only spawn at night time i i’m pretty sure they only spawn at nighttime but uh first up we got the walden stalker who is this guy and this guy will actually fly by the way he

Flies he like soars in the air uh but they do only spawn at nighttime then we got the welding guardian and he’s literally just like a polar bear crossed with a guardian he’s really weird looking um and he acts the exact same as a guardian actually he will just he has

The same spike attack and he also has the the laser beam that um that shoots you when you’re near him as well so that’s that guy he’s not really one that you want to mess with and then finally there’s the wild and hunter this guy’s like a wolf goat werewolf goat man

Looking dude he’s really weird looking but yeah these three are kind of crazy so just be careful if you’re gonna mess with them and this guy’s probably the easiest to kill even though he flies these guys do spawn in flocks by the way or like a

Couple of them at a time so be careful because they’re like there’ll be like three or four of them diving you probably so just keep that in mind and now we’re gonna move on to rituals and rituals are actually like a more powerful version of spells pretty much

Uh but they are a little bit harder to create sometimes because you can’t really like cast them you don’t have as much control over casting them as you would have with spells like they have to come from this uh altar right here or the ritual brazier so to craft this it’s

Going to be one block of source gen and uh three gold ingots as well as an arcane pedestal which we crafted over there and and when you’ve created this you just want to place it down and then you can use these things called tablets on the altar itself and it will then cast

The effect in the local area so to craft the tablets it’s a different recipe for all of them but the general idea is that you want to have an artwood log and then like four of whatever ingredient and like a block of lapis lazuli i think yeah these two ingredients are

Consistent but the rest can change so you want to go find a wild and spike for example you have to get by killing these guys uh wilden horns and wings you have to kill like these three guys to get those pretty much so we’re gonna grab um

One of these right here so this is actually a tablet of flight so this will allow creative mode flight in survival so i’m going to survival here but these guys might kill me i’m going to be honest yeah there we go oh my god okay what’s this is harm isn’t it i think

Yeah i hope so that is okay good good right so right now our um our once the color is coming in very useful our archmage armor because also i meant to say and it will regenerate the armor naturally at the cost of mana how are these still alive like his the

Master guy died i don’t know why they were still there um but these will regenerate naturally at the cost of mana so they will slowly the durability will slowly come back up to full and and it will use up your mana as you can see this guy is actually

Using the same attacks as guardians so he literally is the same as the guardian but he just walks around uh on the surface but anyway back to over here so this as i said will allow uh oh this one will allow creative mode flight and you

Can see what tablet is running um at the top left here so we can put um our tablet in here so as you can see it took it out of my hand and if we right click it will then apply the effect but because i already used

This earlier um i think it needs source in order to work oh yeah there we go okay cool so it applied it to the local area so now we’re in survival mode keep that in mind i can double tap and now i’m flying like it’s creative oh my god

Crazy as you can see i’m an effect here called flight and i’m literally flying around in survival and if i want to get the effect refilled refilled all i have to do is come back to the um the brazier thing here and um it should be oh yeah because of any

Source so source you will need like source um like these the the jar things over there you will need those in order to keep powering this because it runs out if you don’t uh power it after its first use but yeah these are all the tablets basically and there are some very very

Powerful ones here like we’ve got restoration which is healing and you’ve got cloud shaping which changes the weather you’ve got moonfall changes the time of day tonight um and yeah there’s just a bunch of really really strong ones in there and one that we’re focusing on in particular is for the

Next part which is the familiars and this is the final thing we’ll take a look at in the showcase so the familiars one basically it’s the tablet of binding wait where is it i think i put it over here the tablet of binding basically will allow you to um actually like bind

Different mobs to you as you’re unfamiliar so there’s five mobs currently that you can have as you’re unfamiliar in the mod and they are the bookworm the drig meet the world sprig the starbuckle and the wixie and they also like pokemon to be honest but yeah

Um basically you can use them with a brazier um thingy what’s called the ritual brazier uh you can use the regular mob with the tablet of binding in order to turn them into a familiar so we’re going to get the first one here which is the bookworm and

They’re the way to actually get this guy in survival is found in the guide i won’t go over right now because the showcase is going on a while so uh yeah but anyway basically you want to summon this guy in and then once you summon him

In you can use the tablet of binding on your uh ritual brazier and it will then create the effect so we put it just ate our tablet right now if we right click it will do it and anything in the local area i think it’s within six blocks it’ll turn your

Mob into a script and if you right click with this script as you can see it says familiar unlocked down here and if we go into our spell book we can now see in the familiars tab we’ve unlocked ourselves a bookworm so each time you do that it’ll unlock each

Of the different familiars we’re going to do that with the drink me too and also the i think the wixie for some reason i was trying to do this earlier the wixie is dying instantly when i spawn her in so i can’t actually i can’t actually show her

Off and maybe it’s because i’m in this biome or something i have no idea but she’s just dying instantly so i can’t show it off unfortunately so spawn the drink me and we’re going to do the same ritual again so we’re going to use the tablet and we’re going to right click on

The alter again and it should now turn the drinkme into the glyph and if we right-click the or the script sorry if we right-click the script it will now unlock the familiar and we can go into our book as you can see we have these four now unlocked and i can’t unfortunately

Unlock the uh the wixie because she’s broken i don’t know why she’s dying instantly when she spawns in but yeah it’s whatever and then you can just use the the spellbook to go into your familiars tab and you can click on and whichever familiar you want to summon

And you’ll get an effect called familiar sickness and this just basically means you can summon in another familiar for a little while after you summon in one of them so i summon in the book worm here and basically each uh familiar has a different effect and they’re also very

Useful so the bookworm reduces the cost of spells casts and he increases spell damage so your spells will be more effective a little more damage and uh the cost so it’ll use less mana basically when you use the spell as well and the drag me increases the damage of

Earth spells by two and it also increases mob loot from enemies so you’ll get more drops from enemies when you kill them and the wireless sprig reduces the cost of elemental uh earth glyphs um by half so they’re actually a lot cheaper and give and you get more

Saturation when you eat food and when you have this familiar active so if you were to eat like a steak it would give you more than just the regular for saturation if you have this familiar active ah okay it works okay so um i actually went into creative or like into

The menu and i was able to get the glyphs um regularly so i got the wixie she’s working now but the wild wixie for some reason dies instantly i don’t know why that is but my familiar with wixy actually works so i’m going to take the

Effect away again and i can now summon in the um starbuckle to show this properly so the starbuckle will give you speed too like always so you just always have speed too as long as it’s familiar as active and what you can do with this guy

As well you can give him a gold nugget and then it will give the effect of glowing to wherever gold ore is so if it finds gold ore for you basically so if we look down you can see where all the gold ore is uh generating in the world

As well because we gave this guy our gold nugget so he is very good for finding gold and the wixie wherever she is i have her active but i don’t know where she went um anyway basically she will increase the duration of potions and she will apply harmful effects to enemies while

You’re in battle so if i could find her that would be incredible but i don’t know where she is okay it has just occurred to me you can only have one uh familiar active at a time that makes so much sense i was so confused why she

Just disappeared um but yeah anyway so i’m gonna summon in a husk for a second and i’m gonna do it’s gonna go into survival and i’m gonna punch this guy and she should now attack him with potions no are you just going to oh i didn’t mean

To punch her are you just going to sit there wait if he attacks me maybe what okay are you gonna are you gonna help or no you don’t no fine i’ll do it myself stupid wixie but yeah that’s basically uh all the different familiars and they

Are all very useful except for the wixie the pixie just sucks i think but anyway yeah that’s basically all there is to the mod uh it’s really interesting it’s really really really cool magic mod i don’t see many mods like magic based mods that are like super in depth and

Have a lot to them there is so much more to this mod by the way but i don’t want to bore you with the details so i will let you go explore it if you want to check it out for yourself you can go to the documentation book and it will

Literally give you all the information you need right here so uh yeah but yeah that’s the iris novo mod and it adds a lot of very cool features to your minecraft world and that will do it for this mod showcase i would like to thank you so much for watching and if you

Would like to check out the mod there is a link down in the description of the video you can go to as well as a link to a playlist with all the other mod showcases i’ve done if you enjoyed the video please do drop it a like to show

Some love also if you are new to the channel i would really appreciate it if you would subscribe and turn on notifications that’ll be amazing thank you again so much for watching and i will see you in the next video take care

This video, titled ‘Ars Nouveau (Minecraft Mod Showcase) Magic Spells’, was uploaded by Eccentric Emerald on 2022-02-04 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Ars Nouveau mod adds magic spells, rituals and familiar pets to your Minecraft world Ars Nouveau 1.18.1 …

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    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Meme Madness The Chaos of Minecraft Redstone: A Hilarious Tale Imagine setting up a complex redstone contraption in Minecraft, ready to showcase its magical workings to your friend. You confidently press the lever, expecting a door to elegantly slide open. But instead, your friend decides to unleash chaos by destroying everything in sight…literally! 😂 Friendship Tested by Iron Blocks As the lever is pulled, you watch in horror as your friend gleefully smashes the iron blocks that were meant to form the door. The carefully planned redstone circuitry is now in shambles, and all you can do is laugh at the… Read More

  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

    Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans Exploring the Depths of Space in Minecraft Calling all Minecraft and science fiction enthusiasts! In this exciting adventure, inspired by Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece Interstellar, we delve into a space-themed journey within the Minecraft world. From fields to spaceships to black holes, it’s all here! As we explore the depths of space in Minecraft, we also recreate the enchanting atmosphere of Interstellar. Creating a Space Odyssey Embark on a journey like never before as you navigate through the vast expanse of space in Minecraft. Build your own spacecraft, cultivate fields, and encounter the mysteries of black holes. The possibilities are… Read More

  • Secret Storage Shenanigans | HC Survival Ep 9

    Secret Storage Shenanigans | HC Survival Ep 9 Welcome to Minecraft Hardcore Season Two Episode Nine! In this exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore, the player embarks on the task of building a storage room to organize all their blocks efficiently. Alongside this project, they also focus on enchanting their diamond tools and armor to enhance their survival skills in the game. Building a Storage Room The construction of a storage room is a crucial aspect of any Minecraft player’s journey. It provides a designated space to store and categorize various blocks, items, and resources collected throughout the game. With a well-organized storage room, players can easily access… Read More

  • Dino Invasion at Bear Hill – Minecraft Mobile Game

    Dino Invasion at Bear Hill - Minecraft Mobile Game Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales and the Legion of Tyrannosaurus Rex Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and creativity collide in a pixelated wonderland. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. The Enigmatic Bear Ridge One of the latest updates in Minecraft introduces players to Bear Ridge, a mysterious location shrouded in legends and myths. As players venture into this treacherous terrain, they will encounter new challenges, creatures, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Key Features of Bear Ridge: Unique biomes… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-22 01:19:33. It has garnered 62 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:21 or 2301 seconds. Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!

    🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hardcore (Stream 1)’, was uploaded by DeputyUSMarshall on 2024-03-22 02:15:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Group:!/about Join me … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live w malik and friends smp’, was uploaded by Just will cool playz on 2024-03-06 04:15:05. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:00 or 1560 seconds. Hi! I’m will cool playz For those who are new to my channel welcome! I make gaming videos, mostly Minecraft, and will do play through of other games such as FNAF hello neighbor. I post daily, and will occasionally post other content like reactions, but for the most part i focus on Minecraft and other games. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!

    Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by More Bubbles on 2024-04-10 23:00:05. It has garnered 9584 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Will Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON? Watch Till The End To Find Out! Make Sure To Like And Subscribe!❤️ The Game “Who’s Your Daddy” is Rated for Teens This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content (This video is not made for kids) #bubbles #gummy #bubblesandgummy #whosyourdaddy Read More

  • Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYT

    Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Experience the Vibrant Virtual World A Journ’, was uploaded by BungamingYT on 2024-08-13 02:56:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Join Discord: #minecraft, #Game #minecraftbuild. #explorepage. #roblox. #jokes. #minecrafters. #edgy. #tiktok. #laugh. #minecraftpe. #twitch. #anime.#mlbb #100dayschallenge #cute. #minecraftpc. #edgymemes. #game. #minecraftideas. #followforfollowback. … #spicymemes. #minecrafthouse. #likeforlikes. #videogames. #minecraftdaily. #xbox. … #offensivememes. #minecrafttutorial. #streamer. #fortnite #minecraftmemes #gamer #memes #gaming Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hack – Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!

    Minecraft Build Hack - Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend’, was uploaded by Gamer boy2.0 on 2024-02-12 11:00:22. It has garnered 2287 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 update,1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 build ideas,minecraft 1.20 build,1.20 minecraft,build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 hacks,minecraft 1.20 builds,testing 1.20 minecraft,minecraft build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 builds hacks,minecraft 1.20 secret hacks,testing 1.20 minecraft hacks #short #shortfeed #trending #viral #youtube #trendingshorts #viralshort #gaming #minecraftshorts #build Read More

  • LangStride’s Epic Revenge for Kids!

    LangStride's Epic Revenge for Kids!Video Information This video, titled ‘LangStride мстит за детей #2’, was uploaded by LangStride on 2024-03-24 13:26:03. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Syfadles: Anarchy – No Mods

    1.21| Java No Mods: gives you the best survival Minecraft experience, prioritizing the open world aspect with no teleports, plot claims, or economy. No Permanent Bans: will not permanently ban you for hacking. You may receive a short temporary ban if caught. Play Right Now! IP: Website: Discord: Server Trailer: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – STEVE’S SAVAGE JOURNEY

    Minecraft Memes - STEVE'S SAVAGE JOURNEYWhy did Steve go to therapy? Because he had too many creeper encounters. Read More

  • Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter’s Quest

    Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter's Quest In the kingdom of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, The Hunter sets out, brave and bold. With sword in hand, and armor gleaming, Through forests and caves, he goes dreaming. Monsters lurk, in shadows deep, But the Hunter’s resolve, he will keep. With every swing, and every strike, He fights for his kingdom, with all his might. The viewers watch, with bated breath, As the Hunter faces life or death. Will he triumph, or will he fall? Only time will tell, in this Minecraft brawl. So join us now, in this epic quest, As the Hunter faces his greatest test…. Read More

  • Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥

    Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥 When you finally find a nether portal after hours of searching and it immediately spawns you in a pit of lava – that’s the true 1331% luck of Minecraft! #oops #shouldhavewornfireprotection Read More

  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

    Memory Challenges in Minecraft Minecraft: Memories from Different Eras Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks are the building blocks of imagination, and where adventures unfold in pixelated landscapes. Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, continues to evolve and enchant players of all ages. Exploring the World of Minecraft In the realm of Minecraft, players are free to explore vast landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle creatures. The game offers endless possibilities, from constructing elaborate castles to embarking on epic quests. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build

    LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration 21281: A Fun Build & Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for a delightful treat with the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set, LEGO Minecraft 21281. This set, containing 351 bricks of various shapes and colors, allows you to create a charming scene featuring a cake, fox, llama, Baby Zombie, ocelot, Creeper, and of course, the adorable Baby Pig sporting a birthday hat. Unboxing and Building Fun The parts in the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set are conveniently packaged into three groups, making the building process a breeze. While a Brick Separator is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!

    Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-09-09 22:02:15. It has garnered 41955 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:28 or 2488 seconds. Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft My Server: Thanks for supporting me with purchases on the server! Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Modpack: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram:… Read More

  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

    The Dame of Amel: Seeds of SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seeds of Survival ~Minecraft: The Dame Of Amel [S2 E2]’, was uploaded by Cover0fNight on 2024-09-06 22:34:43. It has garnered 327 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:23 or 983 seconds. 💛 Connect with me! 💛 ☆ Instagram- ☆ Twitch- ☆Tiktok- ❤️ SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Resourcepack: *The Dame of Amel is a roleplay Minecraft series that follows the journey of Cover, a mysterious traveler who arrives in the tranquil village of Amel, only to discover it shrouded in secrets and haunted by shadows of the past. As Cover… Read More


    🔥  MINECRAFT 1.21 BEDROCK OP GLITCHES! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ALL OP GLITCHES IN 1.21 BEDROCK! DUPLICATION AND XRAY GLITCHES (WORKING)’, was uploaded by ItsTrey on 2024-07-18 06:03:55. It has garnered 16718 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftduplicationglich #minecraftbedrock I will show you a duplication glitch for the latest edition of Minecraft Bedrock being 1.21. To ensure this glitch works for you, please follow each step carefully. I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did a sub or a like will be greatly appreciated – sub to see more useful… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. Drehmal

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. DrehmalVideo Information This video, titled ‘The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Experience | Drehmal’, was uploaded by Primordial Team on 2024-04-05 19:00:21. It has garnered 24901 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:25 or 145 seconds. DOWNLOAD: DISCORD: PATREON: TWITTER: Trailer edited by Nicholas Fisher: Drehmal: APOTHEOSIS is a massive, one of a kind Minecraft survival/adventure map with a heavy emphasis on exploration. Originally released in 2020 by Keeko & Rift as Drehmal: PRIMORDIAL, the APOTHEOSIS update has been in development for more than 3 years with support from a team of more… Read More

  • Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we survive just ONE night in horror Minecraft?’, was uploaded by JNO on 2024-03-26 14:30:16. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:03 or 1023 seconds. To sum it up, this is HORROR Minecraft… Watch as we try and fight our fears of the night and at least survive. Watch the full video if you enjoy and don’t forget to try horror Minecraft sometime! Join our journey to getting to 1000 SUBSCRIBERS! SOCIALS: Linktree: Contact us at [email protected] Twitter: Instagram: ABOUT OUR CHANNEL: Our… Read More

  • Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!

    Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a stream server for people to join! | MInecraft Server’, was uploaded by Cable on 2024-07-08 22:52:51. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:20 or 15440 seconds. Feel free to subscribe if you enjoy the stream! just chilling and having fun! Read More

  • SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk News

    SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk NewsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Filme do Minecraft gera polêmica e mais Excelentes noticias para jogadores de video game | Rk News’, was uploaded by Rk Play on 2024-09-06 20:48:55. It has garnered 5426 views and 350 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:07 or 487 seconds. This week is full of news for video game fans! If you are a passionate player about PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, or even a fan of the universe of films inspired by games, this post will keep you up to date with everything that happened. From releases and rumors, to surprising news about… Read More

  • “Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack . #minecraft #shorts #gaming #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Abhay pro gaming on 2024-06-20 16:22:25. It has garnered 41 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #minecraftideas #minecraftart #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafts #minecraftxbox #minecrafthouses #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcake #minecraftuniverse #minecraftyoutuber #minecraftbuildings #minecraftcreations #minecraftforever #minecraftersonly #minecraftbuilding #minecraftdiaries Created by Inflact Hashtags Generatorminecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft tiktok,minecraft funny,minecraft mod,minecraft short,youtube shorts,minecraft parody,cash minecraft,minecraft sad story,minecraft sigma,minecraft challenges,help herobrine shorts,help shorts,minecraft meme,minecraft but challenge,alan becker… Read More

  • Insane! Kanye West’s Carnival in Minecraft!

    Insane! Kanye West's Carnival in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Carnival by Kanye West but it’s Minecraft’, was uploaded by Inso on 2024-09-02 01:55:34. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:24 or 264 seconds. Heavily inspired by @FortyeBest , @jaundoce , and @staticamour I had fun making this lmao it was made in Bandlab. “SURVIVAL” – CARNIVAL but its Minecraft Tags: #minecraft #minecraftmusic #minecraftmemes #music #bandlab #tiktok #tiktoktrending #tiktokvideo #tiktokviral #parody #viral #viralvideo #viralshort #kanye #kanyewest #ye #stronger #graduation #ys #everybody #tydollasign #vultures1 #vultures2 #vultures #carnival Read More

  • The Bob SMP

    The Bob SMP Welcome to The Bob SMP, a Bedrock Survival SMP with Kingdoms and more! Join us for a unique gameplay experience with mods like Farming, Furniture, and Gravestones. Our friendly staff is excited to have you on board. Don’t hesitate to join us today! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme: Jack Black dominates Minecraft

    I guess you could say Jack Black is really “rocking” the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar!

    Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero faces challenges, like a never-ending dream. Losing everything again, a common theme, But our gamer remains undeterred, like a laser beam. With each new episode, the stakes are high, But our hero never fails to give it a try. Crafting, building, exploring the sky, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity can fly. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we watch our hero’s adventures take flight. In the realm of gaming, shining so bright, Roohsclues, our favorite, always gets it right. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

Ars Nouveau (Minecraft Mod Showcase) Magic Spells