BdoubleO100 – Minecraft :: Modern Mountain House 2 :: Inspiration w/ Keralis

Video Information

All right so do you know my countdowns five four seven five four three two three two five and go one one yo guys boys and girls it is corrales and i’m here with b double o dedede rodo hobo bobo welcome back guys to the inspiration series and we got a glorious house in

Front of us ain’t that right buddy it’s glorious if you just move that leaf block out of my face which lift black the one in your hand i’m trying to show the house oh sorry there you go now like now you can see it there we are haha perfect

In your face dude there’s so much traffic around here yeah this is you just you just put the video up of this house and there it is it’s uh it’s like a flock of birds just came swooping in and they kept terrorizing yeah they’re blocking a view but that doesn’t matter doesn’t matter

So dude if you would describe this house with one word what would you choose i would say uh layers layers yeah were you gonna say the same thing yeah yep i knew it i knew it layers great minds think alike i’m just going to go through the front just look at the inside

No no no peeking no no builder welcome to shadow corpse minecraft buddy this is the same guy who built the library i showcased a couple of episodes ago there’s the one that just a couple days ago that you aha and he’s a combination i don’t know pain

And an emo guy yeah if you ever if bane was a 17 year old sad child sad shot this is his skin that’s him don’t check out the shadow dm unplanned minecraft guys yes i think it’s the same name unplanned minecraft taster pack flow hd check it

Check check i got it we got it we got it so dude i know you’re gonna stop here so let’s just go to this lawn and check it out yeah if you don’t mind i’d like to tell you it’s the daily lawn review with bwo look at this great grass with

Let’s see what we got here lime green stained clay outstanding the special feature of today grammar why not spice up your lawn with a little gravel i can’t i dude to be honest i kind of like it all right i’m just i just love how you love all the lawns

You are lost in real life do you get a build lawn at home i don’t even mow it i don’t i let somebody else mow it i don’t care about my lawn look at mr fancy pants oh yeah come on i got people doing work i got people plunging my toilets when i

Clog it does that happen often every day it does you gotta make it a man rich off of it somebody’s fishing out oh my god yeah they’re going to continue the two house tour yeah resume so we got a lot of layers we get

I do i i love that like i love this little gap here in the snow blocks snow layers yeah i know it’s not totally doable this is this this is is this a full block though it’s a full black on top it is a full block on top i didn’t

Know that i think it was the ears yeah yeah yeah so yep doable totally somebody actually wrote that we should do a series which is called doable it’s doable it’s doable that would be pretty awesome oh we’d have to use everybody else’s ideas it’s doable look at the people inside of this house

I mean there’s this house we showcased come on guys come out again get over to the other place yeah no sneaky peaky on this one uh and we got it dude i’m already in the garage i’m here the open garage so we got a shadow dm motorbike bought

Bikeboard it from bike bought it from ft industries oh you nailed it yep ft industries let me let me just read it again mike but it’s from ft industries got it bellissimo and we got this with a just kind of burning car i don’t know if it’s supposed to be burning or

Not but let it burn car on fire yeah let it burn we’re not gonna mess with it because last time it crashed us crashed people recycle a glass recycle this is this is awesome like just stuff like this i mean it doesn’t do much it don’t

You know but it kind of adds it adds a lot yeah yeah and here we got some plastic recycle as well no glass screw the glass perfect yeah yeah yeah no glasses here okay yeah there’s yes yes no brushes though well it doesn’t matter that’s enough food bush recycling which recycling

I gotta put the below in my face there we go sorry dude what do you call those things this is just a decoration like this little shelf thingy that’s a good question it feels like uh some kind of it’s just decoration yeah yeah decoration it’s just called decoration yeah this is though not

Doable you burn your house down it burns it burns right so not doable not doable that’s a serious idea dude those episodes would be amazing like 10 seconds not doable done mid-roll and carpet design this is the shadow’s house look at this he’s even got an s oh that’s cool

This is a snake snakey this is how oh my god is this a string this is stringing the string string all around oh okay i think we’ve seen this before but not a lot of people use it anymore because they use usually you just use carp like science like signs over the

Yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s how it goes but this guy took it to the whole new level because he’s using that string and some carpet on top that’s pretty good just just to make the essence yeah that’s pretty cool that is cool and we got a nice bookshelf design another bookshelf a shelf

Yeah yeah this is shelf design i kind of like these room dividers and we’ve seen some houses by shadow before and he’s got those awesome room dividers it’s cool right it’s not a full wall that closes you in it’s open it is open you can see and he implements uh some some cabinet

Drawers into it it’s pretty fancy just like this like this little feature here you know with the little sticks and walls coming down yeah yeah yeah shaquille o’neal would have such a hard time but very clearly give some some credits for this because this is nice

And what else dude we got a rubik’s cube of those player heads god i wish i had them i got my lawns you got your player heads yeah look at this look at the clock and the player hand which is a rubik’s cube and this might be i

Don’t think this is a tv area maybe it is but although those brushes are kind of blocking the view they’re in the way of the tv if that is a tv i don’t know to be honest this tv might be because i cannot get this this feeling of this side thing the green

Ones are speakers yeah it feels like it doesn’t it yeah i think it is we got a leaky ceiling it’s leaking on the speakers and those this is this is a new room divider design right here guys simple this is sushi corral is approved this is scary as approved for of course

For chisel look at this bushes and i love how we use the fences like you know there’s a little elevation fence like yeah we got to do that in our builds man that’s a very cool idea it is it is really simple and it looks really awesome i love it p time

Noon for kiralis it’s changing the p time there we go perfecto albundo what you got there buddy a little just a little display case with uh some just display some things you know i know i never think of those things but that actually adds display your first

Torch that you’ve ever made in a world yeah in a bush and stuff but you know you know you know what it is like the thing about this is usually i just have a wall which is like one in width and don’t kinda would suck you know because

That kinda requires two at least oh yeah yeah yeah yeah free to be honest including the glass and the wall outside um you’re right but you gotta plan ahead nice nice nice look at this aquarium i love i love those fishes ah that’s cool and not quite yeah this is

This is to some the people out there i think there’s a way if you line the bottom of this aquarium with hoppers and dispensers there’s a way that you could like have a system to where it recycles the fish every five minutes before they despawn you could make something somebody make

Something like that okay in the next one we tour we want to see that that would be so the fish is just popping up and down right yeah yeah yeah you take a little nemo fish and it just pops up and every well it just comes

Down and pops back up you never see it huh yeah guys that is doable cut and great what you got there leaky leaking kitchen i can’t work in any of these conditions just wondering what’s above this i have no idea is this the pool mate flooded bathroom you know

What toaster clearance oh that’s pretty cool hey dude this is pretty smexy this little pizza oven oh that is a cool idea it is right little iron block little thing and bam this might be a microwave no it’s not this is a microwave i like that yeah that’s microwave oh

Look at this yeah this is a nice microwave design we got a start stop thingy and we got the microwave wave which is like a glass block wow okay this is this is a very very cool kitchen i like this kitchen it is it just it just fits the theme

Yeah yeah for sure well done shadow diem oh my god this is big i’m in here are you behind all right we got the doesn’t get this nice carpet designs we get those shelving units with the you know the drawers being out right right right laptop what is this this is a

Is this a gamecube i’ve been asking myself dude that’s game cube yes totally gamecube yeah it’s a game called cube you’re the one that can’t speak english we’ve got this hit again before you know what that is what people said it was something i don’t know yeah

Let’s call it a sandwich it’s a sandwich until for a notice yeah i don’t know yeah it’s a delicious subway sandwich yep let’s call it that and the floating bed yeah very cool very nice very cool and here we got the bathroom dude this guy has spent some time on

Doing stuff in here oh is this water right here well that explains the leaking roof but this is the shower running this is the same floor though look at this sink oh we’re on the same floor that’s right yeah we’re upstairs i don’t know if you’ve seen this design before it’s simple

It’s awesome looking i like that and you got the toilet here which is open view to the sandwich you know what oh dude here uh hopefully he doesn’t mind i’m gonna do this oh no dang it which one is uh bone meal there it is watch this corrales you’re watching oh

Now it blocks the view yeah i can still see a little bit but not as much it’s not a bad idea right no no it’s a good idea it’s not updated in my texture pack but i bet you it looks amazing it looks amazing yeah it works it works

Okay i did it this is oh this is a little shelving you need i guess right yeah this guy is good with the uh he he makes these s shapes and everything man let me see where was it it was the staircase right oh yeah oops

Down you go yep up again there we go yeah the staircases guys we saw them on the cinema as well and i gotta say they look all right it’s a bit of jumpy jump right yeah like jump jump jump jump jump but otherwise than that i mean jump around yeah it’s good

It worries mm-hmm so you pick up or down up app we’re going to find the source of the lakes i know i knew it nice sitting area uh-huh we love it nice floating bed he’s got a thing for those floating beds and we got birch wood side cabinets on the bed fancy

You like the birch battery i love mr birch when i hate it all right please don’t tell people why do you hate bridgewood so much i don’t you do i uh oh they’re watching some stuff on the t on the computer there um i listen the birchwood logs i’m not a big fan

I gotta say depends on what it is but nah depends on maybe what texture pack but i yeah i gotta admit it like it looks it looks weird we still love you shadow shadow hug to the side hug minecraft design everything just don’t ever do that again

That’s a nice sunken little city oh that’s very cool there’s a bar area maybe oh he’s even got a disco thing oh this is cool dad’s booty even says in comes the base now that’s my ears yeah i know does it the dubstep that’s the the only dj thing i know how

To do you did it amazing dude thank you guys give beat ups credits for that shut up follow me ellie bead maker will make a beat of it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get out the whole place is going up what did you press buddy i didn’t press nothing man i

Have found the source of the leaking butter it’s here it’s a pond which is kind of kind of unaccounted for oh minecraft legend kerala’s one oh this is us yeah look shifty shift is even here awesome victorian architect and beat apollo what a hero and a heart that rhymes

This is great we picked the right guy corrales yeah minecraft i couldn’t hug myself minecraft hug to us you know what go ahead and use the birch wood it’s fine yeah burgers are nice this is a nice material it’s like one of the best blocks in the game yeah and i’m

Glad that the rough’s leaking it’s good because now we found that area though yeah it’s freezing yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s totally fine but don’t worry about it what you get here dude he got the noted pictures of every single computer yeah yeah that was perfect somebody actually told me that

This is like an album cover of some band i can’t remember which band it was though oh for real mm-hmm kiss you might think it’s kiss but i don’t think it’s kiss okay i mean i think that maybe some i don’t know guys do help us

Out in a comment which album art is that yeah please tell somebody told me like you know in an episode where i couldn’t figure it out and he was like this is album cover for this and this band and this is this album and i was like holy snapper only

Didn’t know that that makes sense then look at this bed little sunken situation here sunken situation that’s the name of the band dude dude yeah like name of what band oh i’m just like album cover i’m kidding you nailed it buddy you got it sunken situation

I i like those you know i know like who else does them i don’t know if those flexi flex for example no maybe not flexi flex but flexi flex you know what he actually left his beds on a little elevation he does yeah yeah he hits him up a little

Bit we’ve seen that but mostly like his interiors are made out of slabs yes right so it’s kind of slab floor which is something to keep in mind you make your whole thing out of slabs and you get to do some tricky tricky stuff with your furniture and it looks pretty bananas

Okay so what else what else do we get we got this outside area here which is overlooking another house this is so pretty i miss the shadows mod can you just imagine walking out here with the shaders mod how that would look oh it would be so nice it would be nice

It would be nice but this is maybe maybe one day this is a heated pool heated pool look at the smoke coming out can you see this what the hell i can see the smoke where is the smoke coming from though from underneath there’s nothing underneath here i don’t know and dude

We’re running yeah we’re running short on time but we got to show this basement real quick yeah come come come come on come on come on come on come on come on where did you go i’m behind you it’s a race oh wow oh bam made it made it first man

Dude this is this is this is pretty big wow wow shadow come on baby look at the bushes hanging from the ceiling i know right damn all right you know what this is the point in the video where we say you want to see all the specifics you come and get them

Uh oh yeah dude guys i mean we’ve been talking a lot of crap that’s why we couldn’t show the basement but if you want to check this place out dude it’s never ending oh man it is absolutely beautiful it’s scary a lot of push like we’re just we’re just flying about

Dude it just continues yes yeah no way yeah come to daddy come here okay this you gotta see i’m coming to daddy calling me daddy come on where are you i i’m uh i’m here i’m here dude check this out what claim your name on the seat sign well look at this what

Holy cow this is what i call a home cinema oh my gosh he’s even got those little popcorn things with the playerhead popcorn and people just put their heads down and say yeah this is where i’ve been here i’ve been here oh this is absolutely amazing

Damn guys you know what dude we can’t we can we can’t show everything because we’re running a long time i guess yeah but yeah this is a time where we say come do check it out there’s a link in the description or a warp to this bad boy

And come get some inspiration from shadow because this guy knows how to make stuff he knows what he’s doing that’s for sure holy good job shadow oh dude one thing i wish i love as well just before we end yeah is what he’s done here on the on the sides of the

Room entrances have you seen like he’s put those little fence nose fence gates uh trapdoors which from the side yeah like if we just come up here it kind of looks like it’s actually like you know little wooden dividers yes yeah um holding up things just trap doors

Flat out on the wall hi hello uh i know what you’re talking about uh no let’s go out of here and say oh no minecraft to the sign can’t forget that mm-hmm one final one for the road yep shadow buddy you’ve done a fantastic job great work we love it to bits and

Gets our minds poof blown that sounded kind of awkward right it was great no poof poof explode do comes you get out guys hopefully enjoyed share the love hit that like button if you did right buddy that’s the truth that is the truth and we will see you in

The inspiration series in a day or two again sounds great we’ll see you then boom boom bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft :: Modern Mountain House 2 :: Inspiration w/ Keralis’, was uploaded by BdoubleO100 on 2013-12-09 12:00:02. It has garnered 74637 views and 2648 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds.

Minecraft :: Modern Mountain House 2 :: Inspiration w/ Keralis

Today we get to join Keralis on one of his inspiration series episodes. Buckle up for some inspiration, inspiration, inspiration!

Keralis: Server IP:

How to get here? /warp Delfino then /tppos -4509 116 -3185

LINKS YOU NEED: ————————————————————————– Inspiration Playlist: G+ Page: Livestream: Twitter: ————————————————————————–

Resource Pack: Flows HD

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    Crafty Cramming: Minecraft Exam Eve! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, making animations his home. With humor and fun, he crafts each tale, Bringing happiness to all, without fail. From the state of the day before the exam, To the chaos of classroom antics, he’s the jam. With rhymes and laughter, he paints a scene, Where Minecraft facts and fun reign supreme. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Fangkuaixuan’s world is where joy begins. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, He’s the favorite news reporter, shining bright. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY CREEPER! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days!

    Unlocking All Achievements in Minecraft 1.20 in 100 Days! Minecraft 1.20 Update: Exploring Achievements in 100 Days (Part 1) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Dreaky as he sets out to conquer all achievements in the latest 1.20 update within 100 days. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of Minecraft, facing challenges and triumphs along the way. Setting the Stage With only 100 subscribers away from a milestone, Dreaky invites viewers to join him on this epic adventure. The anticipation is high as he gears up to showcase his skills and determination in mastering every achievement the game has to offer. Exploring New Features… Read More

  • Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21

    Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21Video Information coucou les mu comment va 9e et dernier épisode de l’aventure hardcore 1.21 alors oui de base j’avais prévu tous épisodes mais je me suis dit autant repasser sur la grosse série avec la code Island parce que je vais clairement pas les faire ici ça sera un peu dommage parce que bah j’ai prévu d’arrêter après cet épisode mais on va quand même étudier une bonne Farme à faire avec un crafter aujourd’hui le programme est simple réaliser un maximum de défits possibles dans les commentaires et d’ailleurs là mon armée de chien commence vraiment à grandir… Read More

  • The Untold Story of Billie Goose

    The Untold Story of Billie GooseVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hi oh why am I like tilted beird look forward hold on I had everything set up oh Minecraft just like loaded into hi hi how’s it going how’s everyone doing hope everyone’s having a good night surprise um kind of decided last minute that I want to play some Minecraft and uh late night’s SCU yeah it’s um you know almost midnight where I’m at and Mr Goose just had to head into work so you know I’m going to be like home alone for a… Read More

  • Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network – INSANE Chaos!

    Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network - INSANE Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy SMP – Anicrad Network’, was uploaded by theautiscoder on 2024-06-19 05:25:45. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds. This is a Public Minecraft Anarchy SMP for Java & Bedrock players. Anyone is free to join! ___________ Discord Invite: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 2716 ___________ Hashtags: #minecraft #smp #anarchy ___________ Tags: anarchy,anarchy server,anarchy base hunting,minecraft anarchy 1.18,minecraft anarchy server,minecraft no hack anarchy,anarchy smp,minecraft anarchy server ip,minecraft anarchy server ep 1,anarchy spawn,1.18 minecraft anarchy episode 1,minecraft anarchy server no hacks,horizon anarchy,rizen anarchy smp,minecraft… Read More


    LOYAL GAMER BOY HITS 2K SUBS! JOIN SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍NO VOICE STREAM |ROAD TO 2K | JOIN MY💫SMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-05-02 02:06:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:11:01 or 33061 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button IP = PORT = 27831 For support UPI = 8302842234 Discord link = Instagram link = For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Build the Best Castle ZOMESMP Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by RonaldPh Vlog & Stream Channel on 2024-04-19 13:12:36. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. Subscriber Goal 3699 / 5000 Welcome to My World If You want join Discord server #discord I’d ronaldgamingph423 #minecraft #livestream Visit YouTube Gaming Channel: Visit TikTok Channel: Visit Facebook Page: Visit Instagram: Join to my fb group Thank You For Watching My Precious Video Spam 💓💓💓 Thank You For Supporting My Channel Don’t… Read More

  • Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!

    Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!Video Information マイクラ豆知識2000ドキリつき最近 追加されたアイテムの豆知識を紹介実は 風力チャージにはいろんな使い方があるん だよまず適当に封印したモルモットを設置 モルモットなんそれあミスった木を 取り直していきましょうまず剣を着火して いきますそしたら風力チャージをけけに 向かって打ちましょうそうするとけが前に 押し出されて飛んでいきますこれで友達の 家を爆破してみましょうなあ自分が惨めだ とは思わんのかそれではやっていき ましょう友達に建築をしてといて建築して もらっています私に任ロ最強な家作ったる からな最強な 家 ええあ次の教える前にもう2だ見れないか もしれないから高評価で保存してあと今 心臓が動いていたらチャンネル登録 よろしくトラップドアに風力チャージを 当てると当たった分開くもっと他の豆知識 あるよって人はコメントで教えてたくさん くれば次回使います This video, titled ‘マイクラ豆知識!「ドッキリ付き!」 コメント採用するかもしれない! #マイクラ #shorts #minecraft #ゆっくり実況 #マインクラフト #youtubeshorts #まいくら’, was uploaded by ギニュー盗撮隊年内10万人目標 on 2024-06-16 06:02:16. It has garnered 10951 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Become a member of this channel to access perks: Edited by ymm4 Sound source: Override Please subscribe to my channel! You can cut out without permission “But you can add #GinyuPeepingSquad” I appreciate the promotion from my partner “OchiteruOmochi”… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4k

    Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4kVideo Information а домик какой-то давай там поселился Я говорю у меня не лагает говор а у меня чу сейчас подлая когда Тото что ты хост б твою мать ты можешь литься А тыз меня [ __ ] ебаная он плавать не умеет но плавать не умеет This video, titled ‘Twitch/телега ник: Mels4k #майнкрафт #хорор #Minecraft #horror #твитчмоменты’, was uploaded by Нарезки Mels4k on 2024-01-07 12:48:56. It has garnered 2323 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Click follow on twitch and subscribe to the tg channel 😉 Stirmy- Telegram- The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!

    Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!Video Information this is the easiest base to build because you don’t really need to build a whole lot a dirt frame with a bucket of lava and water will give you this Temple it’s not the nicest looking Temple but it doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn it into something that’s half appealing expanding this base into a mini Fortress isn’t too difficult either just use the same technique to create some temples in the corners surrounding the base you can add some details to these ones too before connecting them with a wall on the inside… Read More

  • The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!

    The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARCE IN MINECRAFT (Minecraft Animation Parody Video)’, was uploaded by Futuristichub Archive on 2024-02-16 15:25:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • GoldenSMP

    GoldenSMPGoldenSMP Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.8 – 1.20.4 [PLUGINS] Featuring in-game **Shop, Auctions, Jobs, Quests, and Clans** adding flavour but without ruining the traditional SMP experience! [COMMUNITY] We have an old community, mostly veterans who’ve made a mark on our past server. Full of lore and epic clan battles ranging for years. We also have a very active staff team participating in the survival aspect themselves! [RULES] Our rules are designed to be fun, not authoritative. We have very tolerable rules lightweight to the point of semi-anarchy standards. Griefing & stealing is allowed (to a degree), and Cheating isn’t allowed. A more… Read More

  • Project:Creators SMP {whitelist} {semi-vanilla} {hermitcraft}

    Welcome to Season 7! 16+ seasonal, vanilla 1.21 Minecraft Java server Join a drama-free community dedicated to providing an authentic survival experience inspired by Hermitcraft. Features include a Shopping District, mini games, and a protected environment against griefing/stealing. Join our discord to get whitelisted TODAY!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Am I the Villager in this Scenario?

    Minecraft Memes - Am I the Villager in this Scenario?I guess you could say this meme was a real block-buster with a score of 48! Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan’s Brotherly Joke

    24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan's Brotherly Joke In the world of Minecraft, a prank was played, Efekan and Ali, in a game they strayed. Jokes and laughter, hair cut to zero, A tale of mischief, in a world so narrow. Ali, the bald one, seeking revenge, Efekan, the joker, on the edge. A wedding dress, a funny sight, In a women’s store, what a delight. The teacher, unamused, in the school they roam, No holiday for them, no time to roam. Bald heads and laughter, in the classroom they sit, A lesson learned, in a prank-filled skit. So ends the tale of Efekan and Ali, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

BdoubleO100 – Minecraft :: Modern Mountain House 2 :: Inspiration w/ Keralis