Video Information

Hai kira-kira Kitty Naswa kira-kira Hai kawan bertemu lagi dengan kubikin krim YouTube Rewind Minecraft Animation Indonesia 2020 udah keluar agak telat ya Hah Wow Tapi itu bukan masalah tau ga apa yang lucu tau ga apa yg bikin aku marah di trailernya nggak ada aku sama sekali Woi maksudku lihat ini aku aku

Boleh kau di sini nih di kanan nih enggak masalah atau atau LED ini mereka baris bolehlah masyarakat trailer di kanan sini nih atau atau di kiri sini Boleh juga sedih-sedih padahal aku udah jogog dia lewat karya Karsa lihat bikin krim sogokan kurang banyak Hah janda ia janda kita langsung aja yuk lihat

YouTube riwan Minecraft ya ini minimal shinku horou 10 menit nih disini kalau aku nggak 10 menit ndak papa sih tahun-tahun kemarin main ke slime-nya keren kita lihat tahun ini ya ya minimal aku harus 10 menit lalu videonya Kalau sebelum Ninja keren canda canda canda Oh ada wider tapi belum

Kesan witirnya ya Siapa yang tersedikit piston disana aku ingin kekacauan ini Oh adenoid di dalam situ kita mengintip Indonesia ngapain OC ngaku sendiri disini ngapain hah genit ya kamu ya Ngaku Buset dah mainin command block nge-cheat cheater Oh essence essence Aku suka oke oke ini Ini udah keren hahaha

Lebih keren lagi kalau saya SMS video ini kasih ke aku Oh ya sebelum menonton jangan lupa tinggalkan like di video ini sekarang juga ya guys ya please like like dan coba cek di bawah kalau udah selesai apa belum Kalau belum bolekale kamu pertimbangin buat subscribe ya Gratis kok bergabung edan kentir yang

Udah terima kasih ya Mas yang kita lanjutin nonton video yang wajib ditonton oleh main Minecraft Let’s go Oke ini ada Advance like komentar oh youtuber youtuber youtuber Bang pakai bikin-bikin nih lihat ini apa ini apa ini saudaraku bikin masuk video pemain krim please tambahin krim Ayo bertiga produktif pertama aku dingin protes

Hai ada Steve ada Creeper ada Alex acre pergi jadi nyamuk orang pacaran digangguin Ciecie Oh dipenjara Oh Herobrine yang terakhir kali kau tahun lalu ada kayak penjahatnya kayak Herobrine entity 303 guys nah dia udah dipenjara ya dan kelihatannya dia mau bangkit dong Oh my God download sekarang lagi bikin command block Kenapa Kenapa

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Hai not piano Charles tanggungjawab yang enak aja dia dan suaminya malam hari Gan What is this ini 1sim dimana aku bisa delete ya Hah berikan geng kepentingan geng dan dia terjebak di suatu tempat yang mencurigakan uh ini bayar Builder berapa duit nih oh my god nengok kiri celinguk kanan bingung kalo bingung

Allah misalnya SMP camping nih look siapa tuh widget-widget developernya temennya not work langsung ngelindungin setiakawan biaya dengan harapan dia bakal bayar utang ke notch uh kau tidak apa-apa Nokia ngomong ngomong jantan lagi Oh my God get kau tidak papa Iya terima kasih JP juga ngomong Oh my God oh

Hai qiroat aku nyalain subtitles biar mantap sip kau tidak apa-apa iya terima kasih Mantap kalau ada subtitle berasa nonton film bule Ya gimana ini apa yang terjadi [Musik] Hai bignot yang aja blokir nggak jawab ya takutnya sekitar disalahin gap ya Hah mampu saya berada di pohon waktu seseorang bermain dengan waktu dan

Menghancurkan masa lalu John di tahun ini semuanya berantakan jadi travel larutaj bisono seharusnya rewind blog diletakkan tetapi sudah hancur nggara lupa like comment blog kita sesuai bukanlah orang yang memegang comment Boh itu dan MIUI semuanya jadi kayaknya kita bakal normalin waktu gue pakai command block yang tadi dibuat sama si notch

Supaya kita dapetin blog riwayatnya lagi gitu loh bawah ini hanya ini yang tersisa blog Indonesia mantap Minecraft Rio Indonesia go Hai Wih keren keren keren keren keren keren setiap tahun yang Bikin merinding animasi ini ya cuman series s-series tahunan guys jadi aku enggak sabar banget buat nonton ya jiwa weh

Lewat-lewat kita sampai di tempat belanjaan kita sampai di jaman milenial kah mantap guys Oke ada pohon ada bucin ada kepala Dream tadi oh oh Hai demo pada demo coy berdemo Wow turunkan harga BBM turun ke harga beras kasih aku cewek satu uh entar demonya deng salah sih aku ayam goreng bin mail

Oh Upin Ipin kah opini PIN Guys oke Ada mephos Adi guys addmefast aku lihat klarifikasi Waduh kamu yang banyak dosa esterifikasi buruan eh kapur valendika Burgess dicabut ini saha Halo Mutia Yoi mantap Erpan wah ini udah kami Minecraft lagi nih inot boleh sekali duduk disamping Erpan ini udah

Udah hampir menit belum ada aku lho please please Aku minta mengemis hahaha oh my god fearlessproduction24 ketawa ya pakai masker Iya lagi pandemi Age sex yang semua pakai masker Waduh Garut pantat hahaha oh my god lenzy hello kan alamnya Niko ini sampai-sampai kah Yoi keren coy nyebur stres memang suka

Stress ya kece nyebur aja udah wes pulsa Ya udahnya berpose lagi di pantai Hai Neng nyanyiannya animal crossing Woi mantap mancing ia ane browsing viral banget ya situ dan aku ada game wedding Nintendo Wii SD N Emang bagus gamenya Waduh nggak ngaji gmail.di gaming ada jatuh gitu dignitaries itu jatuh apa

Jodoh jadi seliter Iyo kok jadi semisterius dari mana guys Oh Ih kok Techno Blade guys udah bawa youtuber luar ya oke Nice natiruts noh Oke dipenjara malam main puter-puteran ca16 human Halo Ya kena hukuman panik panik panik woah disebelahnya Upin lagi apa ini What Abdi Preanger kukira yang beneran dia malah promosi karya

Karsa paket permainan yang bisa masuk 10 menit pertama aku mana guys aku bisa di pinggir review ya catat Oh udah mulai serius kami genshin impact Games in impact ya ini memang viral saya gamenya seru sigeme bagus sih aku baru streaming sekali doaku itu enggak aku waktu langsung ke Gaza aku merasakan gajahku

Itu tidak baik jadi enggak lanjutin main game ya Oke Langsung aja dulu tua Goan Minecraft versus bensin MPX sangat Crossover egc Buset susu Hai meskipun mana waifuku berikan aku wife Minecraft ku dimana no Kenapa yang cowok aku pilih karakter yang chewy noh noh rtx of dinyalain on Oh my God

Langsung pakai siders gila pakai etaxinvoiceupd ya Wih gila keren ya kalau dia Minecraft ini emang game legend cuy enak semuanya bagus rumahnya kelihatannya enak gitu loh keren-keren lagi blog teh yang jago makin keren aja acungan jempol dah gara-gara Nvidia keluarin VGA terbaru jadi bisa Bagus gini guys sayang Aku belum pakai VGA

Terbaru ya itu termasuk dalam wishlist gue Aku pengen bagus juga oke OST Anime season 3 ini to save kapas kayak saya Skyland itu oke yo di sini oke terus ya emang fans gila coy Emang detik banget emang udah gila semua ini ya bagi kalian yang pengen masuk saya

Bicara terus jadi orang gila guys nggak bohong hoax adamo enakky azrealon nice please please oke Nice Day gisan Woo masuk middle portal kah nice jangan disuruh jam ke pantai tinebih Woo masuk meder mainkan udah banyak update-nya dibandingin dulu coy kalo diliat-liat brewing ini memang banyak update Minecraft jadi fiturnya nambah mulu Jo

Ini jadi stopmotion dong Keren beut Woi ada Enderman Oh kok malah perang di sini oke Ya seperti biasa naik dibebani cuma nonton doang parah Oke joget baris-baris guys eh dia kaget depannya ada apa Waduh dikejar fight 5 terang dia wok wok Jadi dua dimensi dong ini dreamplay menhan Oh dia bawa

Youtuber luar ya emangnya kau nih keren keren keren Negeri memang keren sih Minecraft youtuber Dia jago banget yo pake pancingan gila animasinya kereta domain sini frame by frame ini kayaknya ini aksi buat ini ada bad boy Hello oh gila gila gila search akan lupa jadi karakter Minecraft lagi aku pengen masuk

Dunia anime juga dong Waduh ohdep sama God Joy sama kambing ada Mio Yoi Adriana yang dan lain-lain ya teman-teman Sebanyak bikin emang huwoo Hai dari tempat ke tempat Oh iya loh Minecraft diperhatikan perhatikan cantik juga ini keep update guys ini mencret update 1.17 nanti jadi kalau saya dalam gua ntar ada word 6yyy

Ini op banget ya boleh enggak main ke sini Nggak tahu aku wes tak di masa lalu aja aku takut nah jemput aku oke nggak kan kan kan kan datengin kan Oke ada kambing lagi Waduh meninggal Meme astronomi away that that aku oke sekarang Minecraft YouTube Rewind ini menjadi keren guys Kenapa karena aku

Masuk sebelum 10 menit itu syarate itu syaratnya itu siapa aku masuk ya gan ini harus listrik direply dikit ya Oke siap Sudah siap-siap guys ini Thailand apa by Hai 10001000 terima juta subscribers utama sudah 16 kita subscriber Hai suara indah gimana kalau kita ulang lagi segala udah lama riwayat Got Talent hai hai

Ini memang banyak talenta Ya apalagi aku di sini ya hai hahaha The Black kontestan silakan makhluk Joe ada than dan The Dream Craft tenang Aku orang dalam Aku bakal lusin kalian slow slow kau tunggu apa tuh Nah ini nih Stand Up Comedy nih baru menunggu temannya bayam

Goyeng kadang aku malu masuk for berada bro Hahaha ngomong uh thank you Hai jalah dakwah-dakwah kasih dia satu juta subscribers with orang dalam next kwini guys cewek modul cewek nih lantai diperlihatkan bakatnya rantai udah itu nevin banteng er Oh my God real Thailand guys copyright woi woi

Hai ini walaupun lima detik nyanyi pun sekarang bisa kena copyright Oh my God milikku youtuber keluar-keluar keluar kalau nggak bisa bangun aku headset ga usah ya enggak usah Teguh Sugianto apaan Iman Nah ini nih lucu nih Apa sih lucu-lucunya dulu juga Mulai Kenapa diem diperlihatkan dong bakatnya gila penuh bakat ini tunggu-tunggu nih

Jangan-jangan ngobrol 5 juta kurang itu Bro sini wujud aku kasih Iyo let’s go iya ya Hai saya terkena kencing lingkungan Wow gaib dong Oh my God misal satu gamer WC yang pengen mainin org Yoi versi Minecraft tentunya ya lari uh cobaan hidupnya banyak ya langsung Ninja Warrior ambil mahkotanya lucu-lucu

Sumbayak karakternya Woi cheater cheater paramecium parah guys schooling Pembina Jepang Yes buku lajer parasitis Anyer e-book the Waduh mental udah langsung finish langsung finish ambil ambil mahkotanya gold buruan Joe Epic gaming epicgames Oh my God Among Us besok jadi ya karakter mirip sih imposter Kiss The imposter iya ya keren sejauh ini Masukin

Masukin training-training di 2020 sih Waduh ketahuan kita myposter Oh my God emergency pura-pura gila noh Kasihan anaknya no white no kejepit lucu-lucu traveler pisau Oke siapa yang ngambil mahkotanya siapa gelut gara-gara mahkota dong Hai bohong ngopi-ngopi imut banget sumpah imut banget Hit hat ikut hatiku hatiku letak

Sampai kayak gini ya HPAI Leon Lalu siapa BTW gue punya Mimih pacaran tidak perlu speedfan nomor satu hahaha Yang penting spectre Minecraft dulu Bos Yoi ih ketawa ajaib para ngomong Anjay dipenjara dia imposter ya guys dia in posternya guys Hahaha iya bener kan trend tidak dilarang omongan yang berlangsung dibuang langsung

Dibuang hahaha nice cara ini masih ada imposter lagi Eh iya lah kalau udah Habisin posternya ya menang lah kok mahkotanya bercahaya guys Hai Noah jadi meteor fallo fallo gasri guys valgas Oh my God valoran typer template Uh langsung berperang yakni masuk medan perang gila gila gila tembak

Waduh kok jadi adegan simpeg Parah ini Crossover yang tidak terduga guys tapi aku butuhkan Crossover ini Yoi pasar asing pasang udah nggak peduli disampaikan dan perang bodo amat yang penting Pasang dulu uh Waduh ada pinix guys eh tak kenapa-kenapa novini paragas bisa enggak wow pakai dinding Hai langsung device

Ya udah Terus the wall udah-udah para ini kowe nembak yang bener woi woi ada yang nge-cheat nge-cheat wadaw meletup dah langsung black hole di Minecraft guys sudah besar mau pindah aja dia lagi reaksi jadi aku reaksi in orang reaksi ya Bocil kematian join the game ya guys ya keren keren keren keren

The project kita kembali lagi ke konteks kembali lagi ke laptop uh sepi ya Oh ini date AUG Hai drive out woi rendernya keren sumpah Minecraft Hai Minecraft edition nya juga keren coy smooth Ah ya sekarang ini kawaiifu Minecraft uh masih pengen denot lanjut lah oh my god sayuran head sae-ron head

Guys Oh my God ngeri ngeri ngeri ngeri paste airnet gila jeruk telolet om om kaya itu salah salah salah ini salah tahun naik go-jek naik ojek online guys yo yo a Supreme clean odading Line eh oh my god odading Mao Hai wow kagetkan pocong genderuwo Kenapa bonggan Jeep kabur lari nyeting sampai

Rumah selamat Oh dipukul palanya perlu pocong dipukul Emang kantor di Indonesia kadar Kediri ya guys Ya sebentar kos perempuan PS5 diumur webmin buat aku pakai slime-nya Woi ntar aku catet nomor dulu sedot WC Waduh Mama kosan ditungguin my Dread Out ini eh jangan deh Teh jadi latihan apa

Enggak jadi latih Hei Ibu mulai aktif transitif tokek dibawa ya Aduh weh Ona apa Kanojo emas prado hololive waifuku muda dan lain-lain Waduh demi Downhill kedamaian Iyo jaminan yo yo langsung set goyang er aku nggak nyangka main TV One bakal segera mati suri mie goreng dan teh Hai sudah langsung bergalau bersama ya

Kyuhyun kemana hai membohonginya Hai Mbak kami Time I gile nyanyi siapa ini ada cover nih keren-keren merdu oh hai oke balik laptopwts beneran kwak mereka dimana Oh ada ada yang terlindungi guys sama orang mencurigakan gunakan command block itu untuk mengembalikan semua ini wo ada orde baru kita juga bisa hancurin hancurin aja

Towernya aku setuju Waduh Steve sama Alexa Bakrie per jadi jahat guys gara-gara dikasih apa Arai Apa ya Allah jahat coy dari comment bloknya Panggil bantuan wadaw Woi aku ngecat apa ya neng demokreatif adalah Jalan Ninjaku let’s go let’s go go Oh iya aku donge cecak u2q terbang nice

Hai lu pikir kita nyerangnya 11 bahwa share kau nih Gua cuma satu kota satu negara di bawah langsung hancurin aja keempat ori tuh gunung 1gunung 21 diatas gedung S3 di bawah sungai dan terakhir di depan kita uh untuk itu serahkan kepada Oh jadi ngajar bakal not sama javaja Coy kita nah Anin yang

Ganggu-ganggu in Yoi lupa daya jalan kaki gua terbang hahaha gua game kreatif mi-ho jalan di atas air pakai Cakra proses Walker ancurin azurin Oh maksudnya yang diberikan itu Ino samaji Pangkalan Brandan depan kita sisanya kita ngancurin uh Aduh mulai yang ngalangin dateng galut udah yo peta

Oke kita Nyalakan guest mode on ini wow tertabrak pukulin udah tuh wis gila [Musik] pusat River juga ngeri cuy Waduh d’flash jadi The Flash dia Oh di momen ini albumnya dan paling polytan persatu guys dan Black bandot juga bersatu guys ini let’s go perang-perang telah transfer Kok tidak kenal keren sih

Kekuatan-kekuatan-nya uh pakai Pokemon tangkap-tangkap kok keluar Pak Presiden ajak ke para presiden dipilihnya pokebola jeruk presiden gaming presiden gaming developernya lawan entity 303 guys bisa tinted Gila keren banget anjir Hai buah uwak-uwak Hai langsung pasang bener ya tuh kenapa naik ke Hai wo angin terbang juga karya konka

Cuy whose sharing Gan eh Rasengan keluarkan hajar tahan Kalian pasti bisa Waduh Ayo kambek Israel guys kali nih Waduh diserang komentar netizen enggak tahu kalau soal ini Waduh analitik kena noh Itulah kenapa kalian review like comment dan subscribe guys kalian harus dukung kami guys dengan like comment dan

Subscribe Dukung aku guys sekarang juga oke kita menang ya Aduh kalau netizen dah susah guys kuah gulai sering pun ga nembus aja weh tidak kena tidak kena Wah parah Hai muset pakai kapal kalau uh sumpah kreatif kreatif loh kreatif kreatif kekuatan ngecek keren-keren ya lainnya berlindung doang nyerang nafau adukan

Ngamukan dia different doang Bu gila bo Ender Dragon dia gnrjkt.con yang udah dimodifikasi no kita mulai kalah guys buruan cash like comment dan subscribe Guys kita capek Israel guys yo Nyalakan Indonesia blog guys let’s go kita isi dan kekuatan kita yang esnya Wiwi Aku di Princess Carry with aku digendong sama

Erpan Wiwik ini sosok tapi G cepet-cepet [Musik] blog padi dan kapas blog lantai dan Mas woah logo Pancasila C dibawa kerenceng lama-lama casila serai sang pendataan ceplus Iya udah tajam semua guys let’s go Oh dirantai kalau bener kan pakai jangan genit kerantek anu langsung aja ancurin Berea pakai

Kekuatan pohon beringin brokoli guys Wow brokoli nya super yang ini guys let’s go towards Serang paket banteng woah let’s go ini Epic chest kemenangan selalu efeknya GC blog bintang tunggal let’s go bo Om Tum lepas semua C pengaruh buruk lepas nah is lu bisa apa loh wejangan

Kabur weh weh mulai mulai mulai enggak bosen apa udah-udah dicuri dong diancurin sama dia Hai rusak-rusakan tanggungjawab Loa tanggungjawab lengah terkontrol kan lu nggak terkontrol lagi semuanya udah kok Hai mulai tambah lagi masalah mulai kan Hai mp303 emang nyusahin udah pukul ini udah lemparin oh oh Hai disatuin aja satuin jadi trending

Blog rewind blog jadi blog Wiwin lagi tapi emang bisa Hai apakah ampuh apa kamu guys uh uh Hai betina ampuh ya Hai Waduh tapi adjustable Kliwon ya ntar ntar jangan bilang nggak ada nggak ada Minecraft you next tahun-tahun selanjutnya Kadek Minecraft main lagi dong atau atau gimana hai noob kenapa clevenger kenapa bikin

Penasaran Oh aku harus menunggu satu tahun lagi buat episode selanjutnya ya Ino tapi minimalis ini aku keren kessaku pencitraan nih Mi aku pencitraan nih guys aku nolongin temen-temen guys lihat ini guys lihat aku baik guys jadi kayak harus subscribe aku benlate Nia aku takutin dominikan blog kliwonnya ancur

Cuy Berarti enggak hanya mencret saja Tedong ataupun sehingga ini atau berkelanjutan maka hai oh my god tapi sumpah ini FF baca ini keren banget animasinya Terima kasih telah menonton subscribe bener tuh subscribe gratis loh minta maaf karena telat ya nggak papalah santuy biasalah lettermen siadapari sayap keren sih kali

Ini directories romansyah ya terakhir kali tahun lalu Kalau enggak salah Faris kan romansyah sama-sama keren cuy Emang Andi m di Indonesia itu banyak banget yang berbakat Hai aku suka Ce Aku suka aku ngarepin mereka banget bangetnya bisa berkembang ya Terus semangat coy Ini Mitra ini meternya ya blemmyes dan lain-lain

Hai romansyah ia animation Hai ciuman nih lagi diabsen description kentang Creation Navy Zaki Brian Nur Ken Hai besok Dev Hai Fariz sayyaf Hai Polres starhome dah nggak bisa baca sih cocok ah conicon Hai abang Gibran Hai Uraikan Faiz the skin Craft XZ hahaha Surya aku ya [Musik] Hai Dinda absit beler official mantap

Edwin Leonardo the rich snowfall lafiza Afif dustine snow snow krik krik blemish Hai Iza kraisart ending animation Hermansyah Oke ending romance cover saya pria ini kredit kredit cash ya keren guys musiknya dibuat kwkw nyam icymi hisap keren coy Ini episode musiknya masuk banget ke animasinya di Korea juga nih kontaf FX

Hai dan musiknya banyak sih masuk voice externo CB blemish dan lain-lain Factor Ada bikin krim jadi secara langsung aku berperan dalam pembuatannya map Golder ya ya ya Tadi ada website juga coy dan ini dia guys banyak pendukungnya di sini Kawan breadcrumbs suporter lihat ini siapa ini biken cream worked platini aku

Buat dukung mereka Sholeh yang pada berbakat coy in Memory of ranelsi sumarta Oh ya sedihlah di flashback kah di flash coy Oh iya timer Iwan coy tarikan kita harus nyari blog klien supaya waktunya ke balik lagi kan Iya tertarik lagi nih langsung terundo semua yang telah terjadi Kau termasuk rewind

Tahun lalu ke ulang semua C ketarik pulang ke tarik balik Hai mulai lagi dari awal Hai kalau kaca ini 2017 ya rewind 2017 kalau masalah ini dan Muncul lagi bloknya Ya udah ngomong soltem travel sih keren lho sumpah ini keren jadi aku suka Ce Aku suka weh muna muna comment Oh my God

Terima kasih masukkan alveoli fade disini Aceh disebut nah mudah Maimunah Hai ini menjijikkan tapi menjijikan sedikit dan Hai hehehe Keren banget sumpah lanjutin Bleach Sen aku 10 menit sendiri ya ya yang jajan kejang-kejang kalian semua berbakat trendingkan guess love it man edit Banyakin waived Uber Oke kawan kalian bisa coba nonton sendiri videonya

Link-nya aku taruh deskripsi ya guys ya saya terima kasih udah nemenin aku buat nonton bareng main kafein Iya aku nggak sabar nunggu Minecraft dewan tahun-tahun selanjutnya satu Makasih sudah menonton aku bikin krentege watching See you next time Bye bye [Musik]

This video, titled ‘YANG MAIN MINECRAFT HARUS NONTON INI!!!’, was uploaded by BeaconCream on 2021-03-22 03:00:15. It has garnered 3005144 views and 151028 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:41 or 2141 seconds.

The video:

Hi, friend! Today I will be reacting to Minecraft Animation Rewind 2020!!! There was one last year too, here’s the continuation… AWESOME I hope you enjoy the video! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FOLLOW INSTAGRAM: Facebook: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= intro Music: Michino Timothy Outro Music By Halee Royal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tags : Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Parkour Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Indonesia Minecraft Puzzle Indonesia Minecraft Survival Indonesia Roblox Roblox Indonesia BeaconCream #CreamTeam

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Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek ฤฐลŸรงi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek ฤฐลŸรงi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek ฤฐลŸรงi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

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    Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft Peppa Pig’s Adventure in the World of Minecraft Peppa Pig, known for her love of jumping in puddles and playing in the mud, found herself in a whirlwind of unexpected adventures when she fell into a particularly deep puddle. Suddenly, she was transported to the blocky world of Minecraft, where she had to navigate through challenges and dangers to survive. Meeting a Dinosaur Friend As Peppa explored the Minecraft world, she encountered a friendly dinosaur. Together, they formed an unlikely friendship and embarked on exciting quests. Peppa’s new dinosaur friend quickly became a valuable ally in her adventures, helping… Read More

  • EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3

    EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3 Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and survival skills are put to the test. In this episode, players will discover new challenges, exciting features, and endless possibilities. Exploring New Horizons As players venture into uncharted territories, they will encounter a myriad of biomes, each with its own unique characteristics. From lush forests to scorching deserts, the world of Minecraft is teeming with life and surprises. Keep an eye out for rare resources and hidden treasures as you navigate… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails

    Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails In Minecraft Day 5, trails we explore, Trials we face, and rage quitting we abhor. Kiwi takes on the challenge, with skill and might, In honor of Minecraft’s anniversary, shining bright. From the start at 00:00, the adventure begins, With gameplay at 00:37, the excitement never dims. Exploring new trails, facing challenges with glee, Kiwi’s determination, for all to see. But beware of rage quitting, a foe to fight, With perseverance and skill, Kiwi takes flight. In Minecraft Day 5, the journey unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. So join us in celebrating, this milestone grand, With… Read More

  • Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos

    Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos How To Put Custom Seed In Aternos – Full Guide Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by using a custom seed on your Aternos server? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to input a custom seed and create a unique world for your gameplay. Step 1: Find Your Desired Seed Start by going to your browser and searching for “Minecraft custom seed.” Explore different websites to find a seed that interests you and suits your gameplay style. Once you have found the perfect seed, copy it for later use. Step… Read More

  • Steve’s Meme Prank

    Steve's Meme Prank A Mischievous Prank from Steve in Minecraft Steve, the iconic character in Minecraft, is known for his adventurous spirit and mischievous antics. In a recent gameplay session, Steve pulled off a hilarious prank that left players in stitches. The Setup Steve decided to prank his fellow players by setting up a fake treasure chest filled with random items. The chest was placed in a hidden location, tempting unsuspecting players to discover its contents. The Prank Unfolds As players stumbled upon the treasure chest, excitement filled the air. Expecting valuable loot, they eagerly opened the chest only to find a… Read More

  • 100 Days in Badlands Minecraft: Hindi Edition

    100 Days in Badlands Minecraft: Hindi Edition The Thrilling Adventure of Surviving 100 Days in Badlands Minecraft Embark on a journey filled with excitement and challenges as you witness the survival of 100 days in Badlands Minecraft. Join the protagonist as they navigate through this unique biome, building their world and overcoming obstacles along the way. Day 1-50: Building the Foundation As the adventure begins, the protagonist sets out to establish their base and gather essential resources for survival. From crafting tools to constructing shelters, each day brings new tasks and discoveries. The Badlands biome presents its own set of challenges, with its rugged terrain and… Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐะผ – ๐Ÿ˜‚Watch ’til the end๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hot Minecraft Meme: ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐะผ - ๐Ÿ˜‚Watch 'til the end๐Ÿ˜‚ When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they start singing “ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐั€ะฐ-ะŸะฐะผ” as their revenge anthem ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #meme #ะฐะฝะธะผะฐั†ะธั Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2

    Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2Video Information This video, titled ‘JOB CHANGE QUEST IS HARD! Minecraft Solo Leveling VOD #2’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-23 19:00:03. It has garnered 228 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:43 or 8263 seconds. Main Channel – Discord – Twitter – ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – —————————————————————————- Read More

  • Minecraft CATNAP Hospital Exploration

    Minecraft CATNAP Hospital ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Je vais ร  l’hopital de CATNAP sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-02-25 09:30:01. It has garnered 199686 views and 3857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:47 or 1247 seconds. I’m going to the CATNAP hospital on Minecraft! ๐Ÿ’ฒ Become a member of the channel: ๐Ÿ‘š Clothing TheCheeseNaan: ๐Ÿ‘ป SNAPCHAT : thecheesenaan ๐Ÿ“ธ INSTAGRAM : thecheesenaan ๐Ÿฆ„ Mon serveur discord : ๐Ÿ’œMon Twitch : ————————————————– —————— ๐Ÿ”ด My main channel: ๐Ÿ”ด My secondary channel: ๐Ÿ”ด My 3rd channel: ————————————————– —————— Professional contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHA

    Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MWAHAHAHHA’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 12:43:44. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Discord: Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!

    NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dog House Tutorial #shorts’, was uploaded by natzplayzminecraft on 2023-12-22 08:48:46. It has garnered 2428 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftTutorial How To Build Minecraft Build Hacks, Minecraft Build Ideas, Simple Minecraft Builds, Easy Minecraft Builds. If you enjoy my Video’s/Short’s please make sure to like,comment,share and subscribe. Thanks! Read More

  • “Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition” #Minecraft #Hypixel

    "Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition" #Minecraft #HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel server In bedrock edition #minecraft #hypixel #technogamerz’, was uploaded by MAGICAL EARTH GAMING on 2024-01-05 04:59:46. It has garnered 82 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TNT Mod Review – LANCOK GmG!

    EPIC TNT Mod Review - LANCOK GmG!Video Information This video, titled ‘review TNT mod minecraft’, was uploaded by LANCOK GmG on 2024-02-28 23:29:05. It has garnered 1533 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:51 or 471 seconds. @ #indonesia @TopTrending @minecraft @Gameplayrj #funny #fyp #viral @ #8ballpool @gaming #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #funnyvideo #minecraftpe Read More

  • Egg-san’s Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!

    Egg-san's Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Deaths Compilation in Hololive Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Just Egg-san on 2024-05-20 05:16:52. It has garnered 104691 views and 6126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. I compiled all of the clips to make this video. #HoloserverHardcoreMinecraftsource : Hololive Hardcore day 1 highlights Pekora POV Pekora React To Nene Dying First In Hardcore HoloServer Minecraft Pekora Stand Trial For Killing Subaru & Nene Iroha Perfectly Solves Ririka’s Death In Hardcore Minecraft Hololive Minecraft Hardcore – All Day 3 Deaths Compilation Close Call and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Part 3 ๐Ÿคฃ #shorts

    Insane Minecraft War - Part 3 ๐Ÿคฃ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War ๐Ÿคฃ – Part 3 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-10 09:00:43. It has garnered 4562 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. I make you Laugh! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ’01.Minecraft : Le commencement avec Krichney Junior !’, was uploaded by Krichney Gaming on 2024-04-15 16:29:07. It has garnered 181 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. I’m introducing my son to Minecraft, Minecraft for beginners ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • SoulForge SMP – smp pvp

    SOULFORGE SMP Are you tired of searching for the perfect SMP and feeling unlucky? Welcome to the SoulForge SMP! Here you’ll find everything you could ever ask for: Features: 1 – Lifesteal plugin: Experience the lifesteal plugin in action! 2 – Friendly Players and Staff: Our community is always friendly and ready to assist you! 3 – PVP: Sword PVP is allowed, while Crystal, Anchor, Minecart, Bed PVP are not allowed. 4 – Crossplay and cracked: All platforms, including cracked, are accepted at SoulForge. Don’t wait any longer – join now and start your incredible journey with SoulForge SMP! Recommended… Read More

  • VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]

    VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]VitalCraft Minecraft ServerIP: play.vitalcraft.orgBedrock Port: 25581Factions | Skyblock | SurvivalA little about us: We are a brand new server looking to grow in all areas of Minecraft! Our team has worked very hard to deliver a truly special server for all types of players to enjoy. Our team is active, we listen to our community, and we are always looking at ways to improve not only for ourselves, but for our community. Join VitalCraft and find out what it is like to be a part of a loving Minecraft family.================================================================================================Factions Description:Our factions server has what everyone wants… Cannon Raiding |… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

    Technoblade never dies, he just takes a quick respawn break! Read More

  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

    Survival Twist: Minecraft's Delightful Flight In this Minecraft world, survival is key, With a twist that will set you free. Watch till the end, our hard work you’ll see, Playing on mobile, editing with glee. Like and subscribe, show some love, Share with friends, rise above. Minecraft facts, in every rhyme, Survival with a twist, it’s our time. Read More

  • Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza!

    Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for your friend to come along and accidentally knock it down with one swift punch. RIP tower, you will be missed. #minecraftfails #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

    INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAXING OUT a New Class on Wynncraft!’, was uploaded by Olinus10 on 2024-05-18 23:55:19. It has garnered 3374 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:48 or 20148 seconds. Time to level up a new class because its DOUBLE XP on Wynncraft!! #wynncraft #minecraft #mmorpg #minecraftserver โžค IP: โžค DISCORD FOR COOL PEEPS โžค Check out my Official Wynncraft Content: & @WynncraftOfficial โžค Join Blue Builds โžค Check out our MODPACK: โžค Wynncraft LOFI: @WynnbeatsLOFI โžค Music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio Read More

  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. โ€‹โ€‹Server IP: Port : 42069 Discord: All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by ION GAMER YT on 2024-02-16 13:59:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ytshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort Watch this … Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in #shorts

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip:’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: ๐ŸŒ Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. ๐Ÿ™๏ธ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day ๐Ÿ™‚ I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใƒซใ‚คๅง‰ใฎ็ฌ‘ใ„ๅฃฐใŒใƒ‰ใƒฉใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฎใ‚ตใƒ–ใ‚ฟใ‚คใƒˆใƒซใซใ—ใ‹่ดใ“ใˆใชใ„’, was uploaded by ใ‚ซใƒฉใ‚ณใƒƒใƒˆ on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive]… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More


    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos ๐Ÿ˜‰ minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More