BeckBroJack – How to CRAFT *CUSTOM* Minecraft MOBS!

Video Information

Today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be mixing and matching a ton of mob parts in this chest that bessie decided to make in the next 10 minutes you are going to see some of the weirdest yet strongest minecraft mobs ever for each mob that we create we’re gonna need to

Give it a name and at the end of the 10 minutes we’re gonna have a mob army battle to see which mobs are actually the best be sure to drop a like if you think it’s going to be my mobs or go ahead and drop a comment if you think

Alex mobs are gonna be better without further ado let’s start creating the weirdest strongest craziest mobs in minecraft ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the timer starts now you have 10 minutes to create the 10 weirdest biggest smallest or the coolest looking mobs you can think of go

All right i am go go go i didn’t do that it was my finger bro what the heck that was crazy you got stung by my my security wire fence well they’re doing a great job i think though that would be really funny if we combine some of the biggest mobs with the

Smallest mops do whatever you got to do why is there a peacock in the ground okay i think i just came up with an amazing idea remember you need to name each and every one with a unique awesome name that is part of the rating system

Here you guys need to comment down below who had the best names who have the strongest mobs and who had the weirdest mobs those are the three trophies i forgot to get name tags well i have a lot for my first mob i don’t want to

Give anything away but it’s going to be a creeper chicken enderman that’s giving it all away what are you talking about is Okay i’m trying to picture that seems very very creepy moment of truth three two one mob number one how’s it look how’s it look it looks like a small baby has giant legs more importantly though what’s the name of this creature hell all right first one i’m going to name fluff

Another fluff the nutter okay all right so my first creation is a chicken mixed with an iron golem with squid legs and which arms oh it’s not letting me name it okay this one’s just fluffing up oh bro oh my god oh wait wait please be how i

Thought yes what did you mess i made basically an iron golem with the chicken head so it’s got a massive body yeah it’s good legs oh dude it’s literally oh wait what’s the name of yours um i will name him i’ll name him buffman22 that’ll be his name you’re going to put

Numbers in his name yes yes okay whatever that’s not weird at all and it’s weird all right let’s see we have fluff another fluff another is my weirdest creation and also my first creation so he’s very dear to my heart but i need something better and bigger

And stronger to go up against buff man 22. this is like our frankensteins frankenstein was not this ugly wait how do i name him because it’s like it doesn’t really let you name them just have a name tag with his name all right that seems a bit counterproductive but okay wait am i

Able to not give it a body is that legal no way hmm i’m putting some extra thought into this one let’s see squid torso yup that works yes shape yes golem squid pig all together combining the four elements you get oh god i i don’t know what to call this thing

His head is floating dude i feel like we can do some crazy things with this i’m so excited to see what we come up with oh i have like two extremes i have a super big guy and a super skinny tall guy oh my god i can’t wait to summon this thing what

What on earth my creative name is peanut boy jimmy was yo i have a witch head on top of a chicken body paint up a lot legs okay my two creations are beautiful they love each other already they’re bestest of friends this is so crazy they’re going to fight in the end right

Like that what’s going to happen to the death to see who the strongest is comment down below which army you think is going to win i came up so my next one has it’s got a giant witch head so i named it wart woman [Laughter]

Because like it’s got a wart on its nose or like a mole you know oh my gosh my next guy this is going to be the best one yet mine is not going to be the strongest army but dude that’s that’s honestly all i care about

I’m just trying to make him as weird as possible i’m gonna name this guy chicken nugget chicken nugget i like that name i don’t think we’re able to do like enderman or uh like ender dragon stuff i don’t know but my army just demolished that zombie that was sick nice i think

That these guys are actually really strong so well yeah peanut boy he has giant iron golem arms so i would expect him to be pretty strong also by the way timer is down to four minutes one more minute of time we’ll have to stop my third thing okay okay

I wanna add a couple more minutes this is so crazy i highly recommend bro that you put chicken legs on all of your guys it makes them so short it’s funny it’s chicken nugget chicken nuggets my guy oh my gosh dude this is literally so weird why is there zombies bloody out of

Nowhere i don’t even know what to call this guy um that’s right beast boy army go get him all right i need my third guy tank he’s got a really small torso and legs but his arms his arms are massive so oh dude it just looks like a tank i think i

Remember so i used to have when i used to make a ton of these videos one of my guys was insanely weird looking his name was beast boy and he was an absolute legend are you gonna bring him back i have to bring him back i forget what he was

Though i know he was a squid something okay i think i might have it we do the squid we do the spider we do the chickens let’s see here baseball it’s a piece flying down it didn’t work it’s not freezing oh it’s a shame i got some

Hopefully a really spicy coming out of this one let’s see oh this is weird okay okay okay oh my gosh what have i done what what is this i forgot what baseball was i’m so disappointed what did i make bro i have a good idea

What is bro you have to see this one you have to see this one i what is this oh bro i put a creeper iron golem squid and and a spider together it does not look right at all there’s too many combinations there dude hold on i’m just getting one over to you

Hopefully he follows me this thing is so creepy my next one’s gonna be wolfenstein oh i don’t have a name for it yet though so i’m not really looking look at him look at this guy hold on i need to name a wolf instead okay i so far have four beasts boy what

What what why are you guys so excited what is this he’s got like a head protruding out of the back of his neck and then he’s got extra legs like behind him dude tiny army it’s so funny oh you’re a wolf guy what bro i know he’s so buff wolfenstein

He’s like frankenstein with giant arms yo that is amazing okay wait so you have four right now right do you like chicken nugget so beautiful it’s so creepy bro i feel like you just about to explode on me no he can’t he can’t it’s illegal okay we still have

Six more to make i don’t know about you how many do you have thanks more to make or six minutes to make more uh you have six minutes to make six more okay well that’s not going to happen but i will try my best creative here and

Pickle juice is the name of the one guy i’m losing track at this point there’s so many ah let’s do the pig oh wait a second i just thought of the weirdest combination this next guy is going to be kind of normal but also super weird this this doesn’t look right this does

Not look right oh my gosh it doesn’t look right it doesn’t make sense oh my gosh none of these make sense but i have to do the opposite each one i make just gets weirder and weirder this is absolutely hilarious this will be nacho nacho cheese okay so now that i did that

One let’s do the complete opposite this is not gonna look right i have an idea oh no did i forget the head yes okay i have the head we have nacho now i need cheese yes wait no no what is this what did i just make

That’s okay good good good it looks so weird in like the draft thing oh i’m gonna have a nightmare or two tonight dude these things are so creepy i probably will as well to be honest okay so we have nacho we have she’s that that okay weird weird i don’t know why he

Doesn’t have front legs oh my gosh dude these are all so freaking weird i love i’m pretty sure i put like really short legs on every single one of my guys the world’s tiniest weirdest they’re all going to absolutely demolish me i know it it’s so funny i have to put

Ederman legs on one of them though just so that like i have one tall guy who can at least see a little bit i guess that’ll work ow yes dude i oh my gosh i think i just thought of something amazing yes okay this might be my favorite creation yet

If it comes out how i think it’s going to what am i looking for i need arms here yes come on please dude please oh no oh oh oh no oh no it’s got chicken wings bro i made the tallest mob yet this thing is easily two blocks tall dude mine’s super tall

Too oh my gosh this is absolutely hilarious okay i need a name for this i’m thinking cheeseburger this is just a group of misfits at this point like they’re all just staring at me so far i have fluff another peanut boy chicken nugget wolfenstein nacho cheese

And cheeseburger if you can’t tell i’m a little bit hungry okay i have to come up with two names so i’m gonna go with i’m actually not gonna tell you cause that was maniacal what’s about to happen should i be scared i’m not gonna lie i don’t remember which

Ones i’ve named and which ones i haven’t so i don’t really know which one still needs a name i think you need a name yeah that’s weird that’s that’s not natural oh gosh okay i i messed up i’m getting i’m getting too far ahead of myself here all right i think i’m done

Making these guys bro i don’t want to make any more oh i’m going to get like three nightmares okay i need two quick ones and then i have ten you’re making ten how many two two three four five so i only have seven okay make one more and then we will have

Eight all right sounds good in the meantime i’m going to try and figure out how to bring beast boy back to life because he’s my favorite and he’s my best friend ladies and gentlemen i officially figured out what beast boy is this dude is an absolute legend he was

One of my first ever creations with this mod i will not spoil what it is to alec though oh better to begin is so weird he’s got two faces beast oh boy he is the army squadron leader and for my last guy i’m going to make it super simple it’s going to be

Very very spooky bop oh this is weird for my last creation i will name him floating tater tot and i officially have all dead so dudes we are officially here after way more than 10 minutes with our 10 weirdest strongest strangest creatures we could come up with alec you want to

Introduce me to the addams family um so i don’t even really know what to call these guys i did come up with a list of 10 names yeah i i don’t really know who’s who at this point though this is wartwoman though if you want to say hi to a woman

I found it quick disgusting we got buff man 22 but what do we do in the house we got tang we got pickle juice we got bessie boy we got reaper we got ooga booga we got woofie we got toucan mctweedy and we got distorted penguin yes this is

It looks so weird it looks like it’s opening its mouth but it doesn’t all look so weird bro here’s bessie boy it’s bessie but she’s got like ginormous arms and chicken legs it’s pretty hilarious let me show you around my strange family okay let’s see it so you saw the first creation fluff

And utter very basic creation i forgot to give you arms though i was gonna say how does it i didn’t know that you didn’t have to put all the body parts on it that’s so cool okay next up peanut boy i don’t i don’t know because all you guys are i’m sorry

I’m sorry no no no no no what is this what is this one oh that’s my last guy that’s floating tater tot what dude what it’s literally just glitching around they can’t tell we can’t even really move that’s so crazy anyway let’s see over here we have wolfenstein he’s

Pretty cool he has wolf head this is nacho he’s a little bit broken i’ll fix him what the heck nacho likes to sit weird like a person you’re really dumb i i got stuck uh so that’s not joe this is my boy cheese jesus is a little bit different

Than the other zombie pigments he’s like he’s like you know the squidward meme when tuber like looks really manly that’s what he looks like a handsome yeah he’s a handsome peggy and the rest of my guys not really important let’s fight all right i guess to initiate battle we punch each other maybe

Oh my gosh hold on they’re staying still one sec okay i feel like my guys are really short but i think that they’re all really tanky so i’m hoping that they can win this battle oh wait one of my guys is like half hp what the heck i

Didn’t do it i swear all right ladies gentlemen it is officially time for the third round you’ve seen the mobs you can comment down below who had the weirdest mobs who had the you know strangest mobs and uh who do you think is going to have

The strongest mops yeah i i think it’s i think mine are going to be stronger to be honest i did put a lot of iron oh my god oh dead got him got him gotta run everybody out bro let’s go we gotta move there’s too many it was too many what’s up

Oh my god it’s dangerous stop wait why are you killing me i’m a savage dude i’m hiding under here they can’t find me wait a second wait a second correct nerd okay if we just both stand together maybe they’ll just fight each other and not us i don’t think that’s gonna happen

I’m getting very scared it’s working it didn’t work why’d they kill me not you i don’t know ow yes there we go it’s working oh are they fighting fight they really seem to like each other and they probably know that they’re misfits here you hit me you hit me i hate you ow

Ow come on tater tot they’re just all so nice we raised them so well that they don’t want to fight except they killed me ow yeah they’re fighting oh your boy just went down who they killed who they killed it was the i think it was your first creation

Okay oh they’re going at it boys oh my gosh oh gosh this guy’s right on me i’m just gonna get in i’m just gonna trigger i’ll punch it it’s raining i’m punching what is this you literally have a witch head and enderman legs bro i’m trying to come up with the most

Bizarre things possible all right fight it already boys come on oh we’re down over here no nacho not joking out of there poor nacho he looks so scared i don’t know if he has arms to swim nacho cheese is in there nacho cheese eat nacho eat him get

In boys oh my gosh it is just so many different mob parts in this pool you guys all have iron golem arms this is crazy i thought it was funny to give them small bodies with iron golem arms i can’t tell who’s winning or if anyone’s winning i don’t even know which

Ones are mine anymore look at look at your little tater tot or mcnugget or whatever you call this guy he’s floating alone he’s just hiding in the corner arms oh oh he’s going down he’s going oh no tater tot no rest in peace defense tater tot where i

Don’t even know which ones are your guys i don’t know either i’m just uh i’m just punching things to be honest with you and see what happened i’m not gonna lie though i think my guys are winning it seems like we’re all just swinging around the giant iron man and nacho

Nacho is my best guy please go come on one hit left someone hit him nacho what happened no nacho i i i waving the white flag quite flanked leave not too long okay okay we surrender he’s dead he’s on one hp you kill all my all my beautiful creations

Yeah i think all of mine are still left to be honest that was uh kind of a whitewash oh my gosh that’s okay rip fluff another peanut boy chicken nugget wolfenstein nacho cheese cheeseburger meatball beast boy and floating tater tot they tried they put up a yeah they

Put up a good fight at least they did not go down in vain whatever ladies gentlemen drop it like with a chicken nugget if you did enjoy if we get 10 000 likes we will definitely do a part two my name is bro nugget and my name is siren buffman22

Catch you all in the next one later guys peace out dudes [Applause] Oh

This video, titled ‘How to CRAFT *CUSTOM* Minecraft MOBS!’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2020-03-16 19:45:18. It has garnered 5109667 views and 148843 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds.

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  • Unleash AgentMindStorm on Minecraft Marketplace NOW!

    Unleash AgentMindStorm on Minecraft Marketplace NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Timeless Adventure OUT NOW on Minecraft Marketplace! – Legacy World + Console Aspects (ibxtoymaps)’, was uploaded by AgentMindStorm on 2024-08-20 17:15:02. It has garnered 1817 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. I’m proud to showcase Timeless Adventures, a new Marketplace map I made in collaboration with ibxtoycat and his team! This world has the limited style and classic look of Legacy Console Edition, but includes new features all the way up to Minecraft 1.21: Tricky Trials. Timeless Adventures also includes an optional Music Disc Hunt, featuring 30… Read More

  • Insane! Catch all 151 Pixelmon in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane! Catch all 151 Pixelmon in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching all 151 Pokemon in Minecraft Pixelmon! #shorts’, was uploaded by NintenPercent on 2024-07-07 17:38:59. It has garnered 12003 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 05:50:26 or 21026 seconds. I am going to try and catch all 151 Pokemon in Pixelmon ! 🟪​ Discord: 🟥​ Get yourself 25% off a Minecraft server using code ” Ninten ” 👉 #pokemon #minecraft #pixelmon #shorts #shortsvideo Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Koala Survival Madness! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Koala Survival Madness! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Survival :3’, was uploaded by Extra InsaneKoala on 2024-08-01 05:35:26. It has garnered 2181 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:06 or 8166 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock MCC Cape in Minecraft! FAST!

    Unlock MCC Cape in Minecraft! FAST!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fastest Way to Get the MCC Cape in Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Ponty on 2024-07-22 23:01:07. It has garnered 9395 views and 307 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:59 or 599 seconds. Mystery Cave Challenge #2 – Mystery Cave Challenge #3 – Mystery Cave Challenge #4 – Mystery Cave Challenge #5 – Mystery Cave Challenge #6 – Mystery Cave Challenge #7 – if you’re reading this you are cool and should subscribe! Memberships – Instagram – Twitter – Discord – Tik Tok… Read More

  • ASTROWAYED wipes out entire team in Minecraft Bedwars #shorts

    ASTROWAYED wipes out entire team in Minecraft Bedwars #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘rip #shorts #gaming #minecraft #bedwars #minecraft’, was uploaded by astrowayed on 2024-05-29 15:15:00. It has garnered 138 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. sub for netherite cookieeeeieieie and also song: Tourner Dans Le Vide #shorts #minecraft #gaming #trending #fyp #recommended #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftgameplay #bedwars #hypixel #hypixelbedwars hi how to make a youtube channel hypixel skywars tips and tricks hypixel bedwars tips and tricks how to pvp how to be famous on youtube how to get 1000 subscribers how to get 1k subscribers how to get 1k subscriber… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Reactions in Carbon Adventure!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Reactions in Carbon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shocked By This Mod in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Carbon Adventure on 2024-10-06 11:15:05. It has garnered 80 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:03 or 123 seconds. In this video, I show Jenny in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this uncensored Jenny Mod!This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more uncensored Minecraft gameplay! #minecraft #jenny #jennymod #modjenny #minecraftjennymod #howtodownlaodminecraftjenny #jennymodapk… Read More

  • Coffee Network: minigames, network, realms, smp, pvp

    Welcome to Coffee Network Website: Visit Coffee Network Discord: Join our Community Features: KitPvP – Battle it out in fast-paced, skill-based PvP. Survival – Explore, build, and thrive in our economy-driven world. Events – Join community events for special rewards and fun! More Game modes Coming Soon – Stay tuned for exciting new game experiences! Note: Staff applications are currently closed, but we are always looking for active community members. Join us today and become part of a growing community of dedicated players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Insane Minecraft Live screenshot leaked”

    Minecraft Memes - "Insane Minecraft Live screenshot leaked"I can’t believe they added a “Blocky Button” to the game, it’s game-changing stuff! Read More

  • Mine Rap: Guess Minecraft Voices, Ultimate Movie Quiz!

    Mine Rap: Guess Minecraft Voices, Ultimate Movie Quiz! In the world of Minecraft, characters galore, Iron Golem, Herobrine, and so much more. Can you guess them all by their voice in a rap? Join the ultimate quiz, don’t take a nap. Subscribe to my channel, join the fun, With CupCat App, the quiz has begun. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating content that’s beyond compare. Unique audio and video, a sight to behold, In the world of Minecraft, stories untold. So come along, join the game, Guess the characters, it’s not the same. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Pumpkin Light Minecraft Build Guide

    Pumpkin Light Minecraft Build Guide Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas: Creating a Pumpkin Light When it comes to Minecraft building ideas, the possibilities are endless. One popular creation that has caught the attention of many players is the Pumpkin Light. This unique and charming addition to your Minecraft world adds a touch of whimsy and warmth to any setting. Let’s dive into how you can bring this delightful creation to life in your own game! Materials Needed: Pumpkin: The main ingredient for this build, pumpkins can be found in the game world or grown from pumpkin seeds. Torch: To provide the light source for your… Read More

  • 🧚‍♀️ Brookella’s Epic Fairycore Minecraft Kingdom Tour! 🌸

    🧚‍♀️ Brookella's Epic Fairycore Minecraft Kingdom Tour! 🌸Video Information This video, titled ‘I spent 1500 Days Building a Fairycore Minecraft Kingdom (With Lore) 🌸 Ruby Hollow World Tour’, was uploaded by Brookella on 2024-10-05 13:15:00. It has garnered 4093 views and 340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:16 or 1216 seconds. Welcome to my Ruby Hollow world tour! This was a survival let’s play series where I incorporated some elements of story as I built a cherry grove kingdom. I don’t explain the story/lore aspect super well in this video, but definitely check out the series on my channel for that if you want to!… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Myths Uncovered!

    Ultimate Minecraft Myths Uncovered!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wir lösen die größten MYTHEN in MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Bobby, Max & Freunde on 2024-03-06 15:00:28. It has garnered 190484 views and 1939 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:25 or 4945 seconds. Bobby and Max solve the biggest myths in Minecraft in this video! Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft YouTubers Fake Hardcore Videos

    Exposed: Minecraft YouTubers Fake Hardcore VideosVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Minecraft YouTubers Fake Their Hardcore Videos’, was uploaded by Viscer’s void on 2024-07-14 16:55:23. It has garnered 3388 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. Today I will show you all the tricks youtubers usually use to fake their videos or a small portion of their videos. 0:00-0:35 Intro 0:36-1:50 Finding structures 1:51-2:45 Finding diamonds 2:46-4:45 Avoiding death 4:46-5:10 Clearing chat logs 5:11-6:00 Thumbnails 6:01-7:00 Collecting materials 7:01-8:01 Examples and conclusion Read More


    EPIC 24/7 MINECRAFT INDIA SERVER - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT INDIA LIVE | 24/7 ACTIVE | PUBLIC | JAVA + BEDROCK | | !ip | JOIN NOW !!!’, was uploaded by NerdySid on 2024-04-15 20:07:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title – MINECRAFT INDIA LIVE | 24/7 ACTIVE | PUBLIC | JAVA + BEDROCK | | !ip | JOIN NOW !!! Welcome to … Read More

  • FREE Music Paint Challenge – Sheep Art #shorts

    FREE Music Paint Challenge - Sheep Art #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Paint with all the colors of the sheep #shorts’, was uploaded by Music Free Gaming on 2024-08-07 12:01:09. It has garnered 3987 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Music Free Gaming is a family friendly channel! I mostly play Minecraft. 💖 Support Me 💖 — Tips & subs: — Merch: — Wishlist: 🔗 Links 🔗 Web: Discord: 📜 Channel Rules 📜 — Be excellent to each other — No swearing — No politics — Respect the mods — No self promotion –… Read More

  • Become a Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft! Insane Mobs!

    Become a Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft! Insane Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Venomous Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-09-17 01:15:04. It has garnered 12535 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:10 or 13630 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Mutant Poison Dragon! I’ll meet all kinds of different mutants and dragons along the way, and fight to save everyone from the evil villains in the land! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a POISON DRAGON 0:43:26 100 DAYS as a VENOM DRAGON 1:19:17… Read More

BeckBroJack – How to CRAFT *CUSTOM* Minecraft MOBS!