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Ladies and gentlemen this is the isle of berk it’s a pretty normal town filled with tons of vikings there is one thing different about the isle of berk you see they don’t have ordinary pets instead they have dragons and in this series i’ll be taming them all as the chief of

Dragons why hello there hiccup and toothless uh this is berk it’s 12 days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death but there’s something that we have but that makes it all worth it dragons i’m hiccup horrendous haddock the third leader of burke’s dragon training academy before

You’re ready to take a care for dragons you’ll have to pass the exam ain’t that right bud please don’t eat me head inside the dragon arena and i’ll introduce you to the first task honestly ladies and gentlemen personally if i had to say uh you know a little bit about

Myself um yeah i don’t think i need dragon training like literally i’ve been training dragons for i want to say the past three years and actually wait i don’t know if you guys can see right up there next to my head it looks like we might have a deadly nadder now i’m not

Gonna claim to be an expert on the how to train your world dragons uh but i’m gonna become one in this series so i guess hiccup is the dragon training expert and who knows maybe i’ll learn something new please select what device you’re playing on by interacting with

The icon wait a second there’s actually a lot of different things you can play on there’s playstation switch xbox touch screen or keyboard and mouse comment down below what you guys actually play on i’m a little bit curious i’m guessing most of you guys play on touchscreen but probably there’s

Some xbox people out there switch people maybe even some playstation people i’m personally an xbox person but we’re gonna be playing this on keyboard and mouse i did it hiccup first you’ll have to tame a dragon found in the wild this is pebbles a gronckle hey pebbles gronckles

Love to eat rocks grab some from the ground and feed them to pebbles when they approach you steady now pebbles daddy daddy it’s okay hiccup said that i need to sneak while approaching them so that i don’t accidentally scare them okay let’s go ahead and pick up some

Rocks i had no idea that grongos ate rugs i guess it’s like cookies to them okay we gotta make sure that we’re approaching super sneakily there’s sneaky like just gonna be a double-oh-seven sneaky agent call me big bro sneaky ladies and gentlemen i’m not gonna disturb pebbles one bit oh what’s

Up you handsome beautiful creature we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna try to feed you a pebble do i need to throw them down maybe let’s see oh are you sniffing it no oh oh wait did did it eat it i’m gonna shower you pebbles with those

Smaller pebbles i think i may need to gain pebbles trust so we’re gonna try to lure pebbles out of her cage that’s a good girl come on look at this look look stop stop turn back around look look i got i got rocks it’s okay pebbles it just sounds really scary

But i need to tame it oh wait is it working okay she seems to be gaining my trust oh pebbles is approaching come on pebbles i know you want a couple pieces of juicy rocks maybe you actually don’t come on pebbles just eat the rocks okay we’re gonna be really gentle this time

I’m gonna come in and you’re gonna eat the really crunchy rocks that’s a good little pebbles there you go good one come on yes veggies eating them yes pebbles yes pebbles yes munch on the rocks she literally ate them like they were cookies that’s exactly how i eat

Cookies in one singular bite looks like pebbles is really starting to like you try approaching the dragon and interacting to see if pebbles will let you ride them pebbles i have a lot more rocks where that came from plus i’ve been told by other dragons even though they can’t

Speak english that i’m really really good at uh at fly let’s try it out ladies and gentlemen in three two one that was insane so every single dragon mod or map that i played on is a little bit different and this one is definitely really different than the others so it

Seems like to take off i need to press space i can attack with left click and it seems like in order to tame the dragon you actually need to ride on it and gain its trust you did it pebbles will now listen to your commands i’ll hand it over to our so-called experts

Ruffnut and toughnut we’ll teach you how to fly Well ladies and gentlemen i am somewhat of an expert so this should be a walk in the park okay so let’s see we’re gonna hit space to take off there we go okay dude the grunkle is actually really slow okay so i can press space again to dive

Oh okay okay this is gonna take a little bit of getting used to so i can look up to fly up i can look down to fly down but spacebar dives and then i can hit space again to stop the diving process i just realized too bro they’re dragons

Out here it’s barf and belch i feel like i need to show off quite a bit so that they know i really don’t need dragon training school let’s try to complete this as fast as possible there we go we have another ring here okay this is actually this is pretty darn easy there

We go ladies and gentlemen now okay i need to go left a little bit got that one easy enough looks like they want me to fly all around the the entire city the dragon animations are super cool too it reminds me of the other dragon map

That i played a little bit ago okay yeah we’re definitely flying through the city okay all right i need to make sure not to accidentally land did we make it we did Burke’s lead only dragon researcher these are the dragon fables if your dragon gets lost it will return here but there’s a pen for each type of dragon sneaking all the team dragon to sit there if you want to learn more about a dragon check out the book of dragons study up before

Approaching a dragon in the wild you done fish pants i suppose once you’re ready for the combat trial go talk to snotlout okay snotlout’s right up there that was a lot of information ladies and gentlemen so let’s make sure that i got all of that so we’ve met fishlegs we’ve

Met hiccup we have toughnut and ruffnut and we’re meeting all of their dragons this is amazing ladies and gentlemen i don’t know about you guys but i’m a big fan of the how to train your dragon movies i haven’t watched the tv show yet but if you guys want me to leave a

Comment down below and i’ll definitely start watching it so my first dragon is going to be pebbles let’s make sure that we’re able to do all the different commands so if i shift right click it looks like pebbles will sit we also have meatlug meatlug is resting on the ground

She rolls onto her side and fishleg scratches her belly well it looks like meat luck and pebbles are uh i guess twins oh we have a naming station over here so if we do get another dragon we can name it i was gonna say we could get

A new name for pebbles but i really do like pebbles well i think we’re ready to figure out how to start attacking with our brand new dragons so let’s check out snotlout name snotlout master of awesome and official weapons tester punch to direct your dragon’s fire prove to me

You’re reflecting this by destroying these targets all right easy enough so all we have to do is left-click in order to attack what bro nobody told me pebbles had a massive fireball let’s go ahead we’re gonna attack oh wait we have a moving target we have a couple moving

Targets easy enough that just exploded in my face aim a little bit up now okay all right all right we might actually need to go up here for these oh there we go i nailed the one inside of this and then for the next one i probably need to

Just uh maybe flat my wings up here does that hit it it’s exploding in my face let’s try to get really close there we go oh i nailed it there’s a target up there stop exploding target up there okay got that one too so wherever i look it seems that’s exactly where pebbles

Will attack and just like that we nailed all of them up okay you’re finally finished that’s not how i would have done it but i suppose you’re new to this pickup is waiting for you outside of the great hall that’s the big building at the back of work wait what happens if i

Attack another dragon okay good good i’m not able to attack friendly dragons like hookfang so far we’ve seen a lot of different types of dragons ladies and gentlemen and i’m guessing if everybody else is able to tame them i’ll be able to get them too i’ll be like ash ketchum

And i’m definitely going to capture them all i’m guessing some are probably more rare than others supposedly i was supposed to get like some sort of dragon book so let me see if i can find that oh wait a second okay so there’s a bunch of different information in here this

Actually has the dragon book okay so it gives me the location of the dragons the diet and also their different attacks so the gronckles lack speed agility stamina and energy obviously they make four in defense and overall cuteness i mean pebbles is pretty darn cute i can’t even

Lie but in this book we have every single dragon that i believe we can get and there’s some sort of unknown dragon i want you guys to comment down below which dragon you would like to see me get in the next episode but let’s go

Ahead and take off back to the main city of burke and then we can find the great hall where hiccup is waiting i’m not sure if this is it but if i were to have a great hall it would probably be here hello amba home is anybody here

Baking cookies oh well we have a map so here we have the isle of berk not entirely sure if the other areas just aren’t mapped yet or if there’s nothing else out here oh there’s hiccup what’s up toothless toothless and i have been all over the place trying to get a

Proper map of the islands around burke we’ve been to a lot of places but it would be great to get another set of eyes on the isles hold on tight to your map and visit every island in the archaea pegalo for those of you guys out there that didn’t know archaeopegalo is

A grouping of islands hiccup also wants me to help his friends in order to get special tokens but also if i want to earn a hiccup token i gotta do something but he didn’t really say uh so i guess i’m just gonna have to start going around and uh finding the different

Aisles oh i guess that’s his quest for me he wants me to map out the entire barbarian archaea pegalo so this is the world map and we’ve barely explored and every single one of his friends supposedly has their very own quest for me so we have a lot of work to do

Apparently there is a trapper ship that is coming to steal our dragons eric said i was just scouting out the perimeter and i’m afraid to report that we spotted a trapper ship could you go take care of it consult the big map to transcribe the location on your little map all right

You didn’t have to make fun of my little tiny map bro we gotta act fast ladies and gentlemen okay so we have a trapper ship let’s go ahead and we’re gonna locate the trapper ship i only have one dragon so not entirely sure if we’re

Gonna be able to take it out but we’re gonna have to try nobody else is gonna do it and supposedly i’m the only person that can take out the trapper ship okay so it looks like that’s the location and it’s popping up on my map so we’re gonna

Take out pebbles who is literally my only dragon right now and we’re gonna go risk our lives to try and save every person on burke but don’t worry ladies and gentlemen as i do these missions and also do more quests supposedly i will unlock brand new things to help me in

The world of dragons all right pebbles yip yip let’s go ahead we’re going to consult our map here so it looks like the trapper ship is rover yonder also in today’s episode i really want to explore supposedly there are other islands that i can find a lot of different dragons

What is that i need to explore that that looks sick in the last episode i asked you guys for some name suggestions uh kind of sort of maybe but a lot of you guys just wanted to keep my gronkle’s name as pebbles and i mean i agree pebbles is an absolutely fantastic name

For this beautiful little cute dragon all right so we have our our trapper ship coming in hot and heavy ladies and gentlemen we need to make sure we take them out quickly the first episode i learned basically everything there is to know about the dragons in the world of

How to train your dragons so this should be a walk in the park what’s up butt nuggets okay trapper ship it looks like it’s like a boss battle okay i accidentally just landed no not what i wanted to do at all there’s a lot of trappers here okay we’re just gonna

Start attacking i don’t see any dragons so oh they have cannonballs i gotta be careful lady dominant it looks like the gronckle can’t really shoot its fireballs too far the closer i get the more vulnerable i am we need to make sure we go back and forth here this is

Unreal though oh my gosh dude i almost just got nailed no no no no okay okay it looks like the the groggles health shows up on my screen pebbles hasn’t gotten hit yet but it looks like they’re shooting nets so i need to make sure

That i don’t get hit by one of the nets or else my entire dragon is going to get captured me along with it all right it looks like we are just unleashing fireballs wait a second wait a second okay we got hit a little bit i think we’re getting okay we’re getting we’re

Getting trapped we need to dive that was a close call ladies gentlemen i’m pretty sure that i can heal pebbles by using these rocks so whatever the dragon eats you can actually feed it to them in order to heal them back up to full health alright pirates i’ve had enough

Of you unleash fireballs pebbles this will teach you let’s go okay i’ve almost taken down all of their net cannons looks like there’s one more right there that should be the last of them did i do it i’m not sure lady gentlemen i’m gonna go down for a landing wait a second i

Think i might see a dragon over there i mean this is a trapper’s ship so if i had to guess they probably already trapped a couple dragons okay i think wait is this is this literally there’s another cannon right here i’m so sorry bro everybody else is dead you’re also

Dead too did i do it the trapper ship has been defeated land and free the trapped dragon from their clutches i think this might be a monstrous terror wait a second it said to tame a wild dragon need to hold their favorite food sneak and wait for them to approach well

I don’t know exactly what type of food this dude likes so we’re going to go check the chest maybe there’s food inside of the chest so don’t worry big guy stay right there if grunkle iron i don’t know if you like gronckle i’m gonna try to feed it to you but yeah

Probably not all right we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna return back to burke whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on here okay i’m alive fishlegs i do not have time for you right now i gotta go ahead and save a dragon all right so in

Here we have lead so we could leave the dragon around but i need to figure out what type of dragon it was and also what it eats so i’m pretty sure it was a monstrous nightmare their diet is just meat so i can find any sort of meat bro

Fishlegs okay pebbles has been returned to the stable nice okay pebbles you have to probably stay there for just a second at least until i’m able to find some meat i haven’t seen any normal minecraft mobs spawning around so i’m not entirely sure where i’m supposed to be finding

Meat i did not i just got a new mission fishlegs bro i did not want a new mission about about doing dragon research aim seven different species of dragons okay well i guess i’m gonna do that anyway so i might as well accept it do we have me somebody tell me where the

Flipping meat is bro i’m gonna beat somebody up if they don’t give me some meat this is bad ladies and gentlemen this is really really really really really bad i’m not entirely sure where that monstrous terror is gonna go monstrous nightmare uh is really good like said gronckle’s

My favorite i mean that in the most unbiased way possible unbiased favoritism i honestly i don’t know which is my favorite comment down below your guys like i want to say the night fury but also there’s a mystery dragon in this world that i haven’t seen yet

Alright pebbles we have to go out into the world and we need to find some meat it looks like the ship is still on my map so we could always go back and we just need to hope that the monstrous nightmare is still there oh piggies

We got another dragon oh wait a second look look look i can get some meat i don’t know exactly what that eats but i do know that we’re gonna just attack this goat or the sheep thank you oh we got a little tiny baby dragon wait what

This is amazing wait is this the little tiny terrible terror i’m not sure ladies and gentlemen we’re gonna have to consult with our book but it seems like most of the dragons here are pretty peaceful nothing has attacked me yet some of the dragons might be more aggressive than others

But we do have four pieces of meat so that should hopefully be enough in order to tame the monstrous nightmare let’s go pebbles flap those little tiny baby wings we gotta move there’s the ship ladies and gentlemen hopefully the dragon is still there and hopefully four meat is enough again slightly worried

Ladies gentlemen no no we’re good we’re good we’re good pebbles you wait here just in case this gets a little bit aggressive this thing is slightly bigger than pebbles i wouldn’t want anything bad to happen all right we’re gonna slowly approach with the meats that’s

Right buddy i know you want to eat the meat there you go there you go oh it lied to me can i ride it threw me off we’re getting back on okay okay we need to gain his trust this is literally like riding a bull that can

Fly but we did it we did it ladies and gentlemen we got the monstrous nightmare this is easily one of my favorite dragons let’s test out the attack oh my gosh it has a flamethrower this is a beautiful day ladies and gentlemen this is a monumental day for me i’m not sure

If i’ve ever tamed a monstrous nightmare before like i’ve played with other how to train your dragon mods in the past but i don’t remember getting one of these it looks like we also picked up a dragon scale i’m guessing i can either use this or maybe i can trade it there

Has to be some other things in here yeah the entire ship is filled up with gronckle iron i’m thinking maybe i can use this in order to make armor for my different dragons i remember from watching the movies that eventually they started making dragon armor so i’m

Really hoping that i could do that too let’s go ahead and check below deck to see if we can find anything else useful it’s really empty down here ladies and gentlemen uh if you do play this map just don’t come below deck it’s not worth it don’t worry your giant cute

Terrible terror of a dragon we’re gonna get ourselves out of here actually you’re going to get me out of here because i don’t think i can do it myself pebbles help me pebbles pebbles come on pebbles lift me out of here oh my gosh pebbles is so useless hey take that

Pebbles alright we should be able to use pebbles to fly out of here pebbles is slightly smaller than our giant monstrous nightmare oh i also completely forgot to mention we need name suggestions for our monstrous nightmare go ahead and comment down below and also while you’re down there if you haven’t

Already hit that big red subscribe button i’m pretty sure over 70 percent of people watching this video right now are not subscribed even though you might think you’re subscribed just be sure to double check and while i’m doing shameless plugs we just got a brand new shipment of backproject cookie plushies

Available only at monstrous nightmare has been returned to the stable very nice let’s go head back to my guy eric and see if maybe i got some rewards for taking out the ship he said you’re really moving your weight around here kid i don’t have much but

Take this token and don’t spend it all in one place hey what is this is this like a like a chuck e cheese token can i can i only use this with you is this it did i just get scammed but he wants me to place the token on display wait a

Second okay so that looks like i can always fight more trapper ships that could honestly be a good way to get brand new dragons okay so it looks like there’s different shrines for each person that i could do a mission for so this one’s eric’s let’s see what i got

Do i get anything okay no i think something cool will happen probably when i fill them all up also what is this its name is skullcrusher and i’m not surprised in the slightest this thing is amazing skull crusher grunts i’m not surprised what the what what what what

Am i are these fish oh my gosh wait i’m getting fish this is great okay i maybe stole all the fish but um don’t tell anybody i’m sure i could probably use this to tame a different dragon wait wait is this thing just like a like a fake dragon oh hello hi gobber

Blacksmith and legendary warrior every rider should know ins and outs of their arsenal first bring me some broccoli and some dragon scales and i’ll help you craft some gear well funny enough gobber i actually have both of those so um we’re gonna go ahead and oh yeah look

She said that looks like enough supplies all right gabber let’s do this whoa what is this thing that’s a pretty cool looking dragon all right so we have this can i place it down somewhere oh there we go oh wait a second i can craft armor myself we can craft monstrous nightmare

Armor deadly nadder armor and i can get gronckle armor so it looks like it does take quite a bit of dragon scales which i really don’t know how to get yet so you guys have to let me know in the comments down below how i actually got

It well let’s go ahead and trade and we can get our first piece of armor we got the gronckle chest plate whoa so you’re welcome to use my forge and craft armor whenever you want and take this gobbler token as evidence that you are master of

The forge well that was pretty easy i’m now a master of the forge apparently what is this little dude this little dude’s really funny looking oh before i forget it we should probably go put the copper token up in its place in the great hall uh gabber no that’s a

Gobber let’s plop that down and there we go well ladies gentlemen i think today was a pretty successful day in the world of how to train your dragons we got ourselves some monstrous nightmare which we’re gonna name in the next episode using your guys suggestions let me give

You guys a quick description that might help you with your name no dragon is more ferocious or feared than the monstrous nightmare in sanitarian temperament and short on patience these dragons will incinerate first and think second see that’s why i was a little bit confused when i rescued it why it wasn’t

Attacking me because i’m pretty sure you know if i remember correctly from the movies these things yeah they’re pretty deadly luckily though i think it was pretty excited that i actually defeated all the trappers and it let me tame it that is just one of many dragons that

We’ll be getting in this series ladies and gentlemen and it looks like fishlegs actually kept track of that so we have one of the seven dragon species tamed in the next episode i’ll be oh hey pebbles how you doing what am i doing okay ladies and gentlemen in the last

Episode i asked for your guys name suggestions since we got ourselves a brand new monstrous nightmare he should be around here somewhere there he is there he is look at this big beast i’ve also started to realize too that the dragons will eventually just start dropping scales i think that like

Reptiles they sort of just like shed the scales so that’s how i’m able to get a ton of them and the cool thing is if you guys remember from the previous episode we’re actually able to use them in order to get dragon armor but uh he said oh

Man that thing is scary monstrous nightmares are scarily cute oh sweet now i have two out of the seven dragons tamed so it looks like fishlegs wants me to go ahead and get the rest of the five dragon species that is part of my plan today ladies gentlemen but first things

First we need to get the name suggestion it came from joseph t and he wanted our monstrous nightmare to be named fire nut joseph you just get me okay there we go we actually have our own dedicated naming station i thought we’d go over here and name it fire nut

Welcome to the squad fire nut so now we have pebbles and fire nut as our two dragons oh my gosh i love it in today’s episode i’m gonna leave pebbles behind and we’re actually gonna take fire nut out and test him in battle hiccup also asked me to sort of explore

The entire area and i’ve done a really bad job of that so in today’s episode we’re going to be exploring at least one other brand new biome come here fire nut three two one take off fire nuts diet consists literally of just meat so while i’m flying around i’m

Gonna be on the lookout for maybe some goats that i could just absolutely destroy using fire nuts fire flame thrower but also i want to go ahead and spend my dragon scales so last time i was at gobber he said that i could always use

His dragon forge so as you guys can see over here i already have some gronckle iron and i can use some of this in order to get monstrous nightmare helmets uh i can get chest plates the paints and the boots i really don’t have enough so far

So i think i’m gonna go for the gronckle suit first i already have the chest plates we’re gonna trade for the helmet we’re also gonna get the gronckle paints and also the gronckle boots this thing sounds really scary oh i didn’t even realize the dragon powers it that was

Sick careful fire now don’t get too close to that thing it’s deadly okay but now we have a full set of dragon scale armor that is sick all right fire nut let’s go see what we can find let’s go back up to the great hall i remember there was another person

Here that might have a quest for me hello there those blasted dragon trappers were up to our beards in them i just received a report broke into our emergency storehouse and stole our treasure it’s being stored at the ocean fortress due east from here i’ll mark it on your map new mission

Treasure take back don’t worry sir stoic i will go and i will defeat the trappers in one-on-one combat and also steal all of their cookies don’t worry but i’m not bringing them back for you they’re for me all right let’s go ahead and check our map to see exactly where this is

Looks like it’s at the edge of the aisle while i’m out there too i might as well locate another trapper ship maybe if i take out enough ships then i can actually take them all out and then we’ll no longer have to worry about random trappers coming to kill us okay

That is literally it’s that is nowhere near the aisle all right we might have to save that for later ladies and gentlemen but let’s go ahead and check out the trapper base come here fire nut let’s get it three two one take off okay

So it looks like we gotta go all the way over here to the east side of the map i think i see it ladies and gentlemen it is directly ahead to the east now because this is a trapper fortress i’m guessing that they may have a ton of

Different dragon species so maybe i can actually find my brand new dragon here let’s scope it out before we actually land the last trappers that i fought had so many cannons and nets that it was really difficult to dodge fire nut is a pretty big target comparatively to

Pebbles so we may have to be a little bit careful look at it look at it already shoot at me lift all fired up let’s go all right let’s try to see if we can hit them with our fireballs oh my gosh okay so it looks like this attack

The flamethrower attack does not really go super far so i’m gonna have to get a little bit uh close to these really really angry trappers and we’re gonna have to splunk them to death ladies and gentlemen there we go we took out one okay okay let’s actually try to get

Close here we go oh my gosh we’re taking damage i’m not super worried though ladies and gentlemen what is it yo i just threw that dude into the ocean okay it looks like fire not taking a little bit of damage ladies and gentlemen but i

Think i still do have some extra meat so i could always feed it to get it back to full health also i’m gonna be on the lookout for some dragons if you guys notice any that are trapped let me know in the comments down below so that i can

Get them it looks like right now the rest of the dragon trappers are up here let’s try to fly really really high up and then we’ll dive on top of them they’ll have no idea what hit them three two one dive okay there we go worked

Right for the face oh my gosh dude okay we took them off guard that was really good now we gotta take out this dude okay fire now’s taking a lot of damage here let it jump let’s go ahead i only have two more meat left fire not okay

Eat the last of the meat let’s go let’s go we gotta get close here ladies and gentlemen the cannons are what do the most most damage out of everything here you’re not taking a lot too much damage too much damage we gotta retreat i should have brought pebbles ladies and

Gentlemen all right well that did not go as planned i’m not sure if i want to get too close but i also don’t want them to be able to rebuild so that when i come back they’re at full capacity and strength again dude look at this place

They have so many cannons i should have guessed it ladies and gentlemen we may need to come back later with a little bit more firepower i’ll keep trying to do my best to bring down their defenses but i don’t know if this is gonna work

Fire nut can only take a little bit more damage here it looks like there’s only one more cannon on this side let’s try to take it out and then we can actually land looks like we’re halfway through fighting the trapper fortress all right well we took down that side and we’re

Only halfway through or i guess a little bit over halfway i cannot get too close ladies and gentlemen i can’t afford to lose any dragons yet this is literally just it’s my third day here seems like my evasiveness is working ladies and gentlemen oh no no no no i got too close

Let’s dive in fire nut let’s do this we got this ladies and gentlemen okay there’s another cannon directly right there let’s just keep going back and forth back and forth come on there we go we took that one out oh there’s one up there i gotta fly i really could use

Some extra meat now ladies and gentlemen fire nut has like two and a half hearts the last cannons are right here behind back we took out another cannon let’s go merry little canoodle doodle get that giggly wiggly butt out of my face come on come on come on come on dude okay so

They shoot really slow as long as i keep going back left and right we should be able to keep dodging them yes another cannon’s down where’s the last one ladies and gentlemen we gotta sniff it out i don’t see it anywhere i see a couple guards so i guess we’ll just

Flamethrow them to death that’s right what you doing what you doing you you trying to trap dragons bro that’s not cool that’s not cool oh i think i see the last cannon it’s right behind this building unleash fire come on come on let’s go come on we’re so close oh did i

Do it the trap report has been defeated dude for a second there i thought fired note was going down fire not is too powerful though ladies and gentlemen nobody can defeat fire nut all right well we’ve officially arrived that was definitely the most difficult thing i’ve done yet

Oh i ran out of breath there i’m so excited i’m not sure ladies and gentlemen but i think that is a night fury or not not a night fury it’s a light fury i didn’t even know that was a dragon is this maybe the mystery dragon i don’t i

Don’t really have any information on it what do they eat i if i had to guess it would be fish come here yes yes it’s fish dude look at it tell you they did their tongues out that means they liked it come on yes let’s go no way this is amazing

Wait okay okay so it likes me now i just need to get on its back and then gain its trust come on come on no not you fire not i don’t i don’t even care about you firing up not right now anyway come on come on

Let’s flip and go let’s flip and go oh my gosh i’m so hype this has to be one of the rarest dragons uh i don’t even know if they have any other dragons here i guess yeah i should probably look around but i’m just i’m like my brain is

Trying to process exactly what just happened okay let’s try to take off so this is i believe like the fastest dragon oh my gosh yes it is and we could dive down super quick too and then it should be one of the strongest too oh oh oh

My goodness this is the best day this is just the best day okay ladies and gentlemen um i’m gonna look around the trapper fortress just to see if maybe there’s other dragons also because we got a brand new dragon the light fury i need name suggestions asap ladies and

Gentlemen down below in the comments right now leave some names it’s just so cute it’s so cute i just want to feed you fish looking out and everything i can’t believe it i’m like i’m like literally i’m speaking gibberish at this point okay let’s look around and see if

We can find anything useful from the looks of it it seemed like that was the only cage so if i had to guess that’s probably the only dragon that they had it makes sense though why they had so many people guarding it because it was a light fury there’s probably some loot

Around oh yes there is wait they had so much there was just a stack of gronckle iron bet ladies and gentlemen big bets here we got meats we have everything that we need in order to tame even more dragons this was like a boss battle and i had no

Clue i just looked around at the entire base and i couldn’t find any other loot or dragon so i think i got it all let’s go ahead and take our brand new light fury back to the main castle once we get to the great hall we can go ahead and

Tell everybody about our brand new dragon it is literally so quick i’m zooming i’m like the flash out here why hello there everybody i got some good news i got a flippin light fury babe incredible work hiccup you hearing this wow that’s great news uh dad the uh

Token oh yes here take this stoic tolkien and place it onto one of those displays over there we did it ladies and gentlemen we got treasure take back all right we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna plop down the token inside of this little display and before i do end off

The episode i want to go ahead and try out our brand new light fury by taking down one of the other ships now in the ship i believe there should be another dragon i don’t know if it’s gonna be another monstrous terror or what but we’re gonna find out i have a feeling

This is gonna be pretty darn easy there it is ladies and gentlemen let’s light it up this is gonna be so easy so these things can only travel so far that’s the only downside other than that though ladies and gentlemen everybody is about to die

No no no no this is not fair this is not fair look at it look at it dude the explosion size is unreal it damages everything in the in the area look at this dude he’s about to die he’s about he about me dead he lit i just exploded

His face his face just got melted by light fury tags well i might as well go around back and make sure that everybody has been exploded but did it and the trapper ship has been defeated they stood no chads that i’m basically a bully and i think i just stole all their

Lunch money let’s see what it is ladies and gentlemen i’m actually i’m recording this right after the last episode i could not wait so in the next episode i will be picking out name suggestions for our light fury and also this new dragon uh oh ho ho wait a second this thing looks

Deadly for whatever reason like its name is it’s on the tip of my tongue but i can’t remember it okay okay okay it looks like it’s a little bit scared of me um if i had to guess this is probably a meat-eating dragon just by the way it

Looks and moves and it just seems like it’ll probably eat me if i don’t feed it meat first so we’re gonna go ahead and try no wait a second okay so it it’s not a meat-eating dragon it’s a little bit confusing what about fish do you like

Fish or likes fish it def okay wait does it like fish did wait did it work oh my gosh it took one fish to try to tame it oh it does not like it ladies okay okay it’s trying to throw me off but i think

We got this just be my friend thank you it is not my friend we got it ladies and gentlemen okay now we need to get it back to the great hall so i can see exactly what type of dragon it is this is the most beautiful dragon i have ever

Seen it almost looks like it’s wearing a mask but before we do head out i wanna make sure that i collect everything from here so we’re gonna go ahead and steal all of the gronckle iron that this place has gonna bleed them dry ladies and gentlemen that’s what they get we’re

Trying to trap all of my beautiful dragons it looks like they have some some extra broccoli iron they had an extra two let’s see what sort of attack this dude has whoa it’s like a vortex of flames uh that is cool ladies and gentlemen and by the

Health it looks like it’s around the same power level as the monstrous nightmare aka fire nut all right let’s go ahead and fly back on the light fury which is the fastest and strongest dragon that i have by far i don’t know if you guys missed out on the last

Episode when we attacked the trapper ship but our life fury it just destroyed them all it was like a mega death every time i shot a fireball like 16 people died let’s go under the great hall all the way back down here what’s up fishlegs okay fishlegs oh it’s a storm

Cutter let’s go that is amazing okay let’s get uh fishlegs to acknowledge that i have tamed a light fury do you like my light fury do you are you gonna look at them because you’re not really looking at them so um if you guys didn’t know i’m supposed to

Be bringing fish legs all of the different dragon species that’s why on the screen it says two out of seven dragon species tamed but for whatever reason he’s not really acknowledging that uh the light fury is one of those seven dragon species so maybe it’s not

But i know for a fact that the storm cutter is so let’s go try to find the storm cutter in its little tiny area and then we can also get some more information about it here it is ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh it gets a really big stable let’s go get some

Information so no wait what that’s that says monstrous nightmare that’s that’s not that’s a that’s a storm cutter we’re gonna have to flip a couple pages here storm cutter flying on four wings storm cutters carve spirals in the sky when aggravated they can unleash their mighty blazing taurus attack causing

Devastating destruction uh it’s located on something called valka’s mountain its diet is fish and the attack is the blazing taurus that is sick i need name suggestions from you guys be sure to leave tons of comments down below it almost kind of appears to be a bat like

Look it kind of has like bat wings and it stands and kind of has like the face of a bat it’s the bat dragon what is our light fury doing who’s jumping up and down like like a weirdo before i venture out and try to find other dragons and explore new areas and

Maybe do another quest i want to go back down to the dragon forge we have so many dragon scales and gronckle iron that i should be able to craft a full set of monstrous nightmare armor let’s see so we can definitely get the helmet we can definitely get the chest plate we could

Definitely get the pants and we could definitely get the boots thank you little baby dragon oh do it again do it again i don’t even need anything but i’m going to get something let’s go let’s let’s get another helmet here so i can see him do

The thing do it do it do it i don’t know why but it’s so satisfying all right but we gotta focus up ladies there’s a lot to do so we’re gonna go ahead we’re gonna save that armor but we’re gonna upgrade to the monstrous nightmare armor which i think is

Equivalent to netherrite armor now in today’s episode i really wanted to go and explore this giant icicle land i’ve never seen anything quite like it before and i’m guessing there has to be something valuable around the area like it doesn’t make sense to have this really cool looking structure out in the

Middle of nowhere so we’re going to come over here willy nilly and look for some twerps to blow up oh region found volca’s mountain so this is where the storm cutters spawn let’s go up to the top ladies and gentlemen and see if maybe there’s wait wait there is i was

Gonna say maybe there’s something inside of this we’re gonna venture down whoa wait this is cool wait are the dragon spawning what is this guy oh it’s another little grunkle wait this is like an oasis for dragons look at that we got a deadly matter over here too and

There’s a storm cutter this place is crazy so it’s like freezing from the outside but then on the inside it’s super warm and it has grass growing everywhere i don’t know exactly what i need in order to get a deadly nadder so we should probably head back to figure

It out looks like we also have a little is this just like a camp can i blow it up oh oh okay probably shouldn’t do that let’s make sure we have our map out too while we’re exploring so that we can actually map the area like we were told

To do by hiccup oh by the way guys if you know of any secrets let me know because i know a lot of you guys have probably already played through this map so if there’s anything that i should find let me know in the comment section

Down below and then maybe leave a time stamp too of like the the area and then you could sort of like describe where i need to go okay so i went ahead and basically uncovered the entire top right section of the map there’s still four

Other areas to uncover but i want to go head back and see if there’s any other quest for me to do i think i’ve found something interesting ladies and gentlemen so it looks like there’s four cages here and it looks like each one is meant for a different

Dragon oh and i found some people we have rough nut and tuffnut we share a dragon what makes you think you’re a better rider than me our races are always neck and neck isn’t that obvious do i need to spell it out well i can’t spell hey look it’s the newbie how about

You shut my brother up by beating our score on the flight course new mission flight course challenger well i mean i guess i’ll do it looks like on the right side of the screen they have all the different high scores hiccup easily has just demolished them probably because he

Has the fastest dragon the knight fury well i have a light fury so i’m thinking i could definitely beat rough nut and toughnut but beating hiccup might be a little bit of a challenge alright let’s try this out ladies gentlemen in three two one okay here we go here we go here

We go here we go here we go here we go here we go don’t need to fly through anything or do i just go okay i’m just going i’m gonna follow i’m gonna follow the arrows where am i going does anybody know where i go where do i go uh i’m

Severely lost ladies and gentlemen nobody told me where to go or what to do or like how to think or what do i where am i supposed to go can i start over oh i have to fly through these things okay okay okay just a little bit of a rough

Start but that’s okay okay so we’re looking for these things in the sky if i somehow still beat all of their high scores then they owe me tons and tons of cookies all right there we go okay we got we gotta lefty do i go through here i don’t know

Where to go and nobody’s telling me things do i have to go through here is this okay yeah i do i do i do okay somebody probably should explain this to me i’m literally i’m stuck why am i getting stuck oh my gosh okay this is a little more difficult than i thought

It’d be there we go there we go there we go come on come on come on come on okay so we’ve already lost a hiccup that’s so that’s okay i’m not i’m not really super worried about that i also had no idea where to go for like half of this okay

Do i go down okay no i gotta go through here next and then i hang a lefty and then we go through the mountains come on turn light fury yes okay okay there we go and another one and we gotta dash through here where do i do i do i dive

Oh wait no i go i go over okay to the right so i’m kind of like hugging around the mountain and then now do i dive oh no okay okay dude these things are a little bit difficult to see this is my first arm lady gentlemen do not worry

I’m trying this again and i’m gonna make sure that i win okay so we gotta go down here just a little bit there we go and then we gotta go like really far down so we might as well dive oh my gosh we’re doing terribly okay we gotta go under

The bridge and then we gotta finish it off by coming up here is that it okay i mean that wasn’t terrible right i got fourth place out of everybody so i did not beat roughnut and duffnut which honestly i don’t think i can live with myself if i can’t beat them light fury

We’re doing this again three two one go there we go great star ladies domain fantastic start here i still haven’t figured out if it’s better to fly in first person or third person but we’re gonna try it in first person okay so i know now i gotta go through

Here this is where it gets a little bit difficult because i get stuck on the ceilings and i don’t wanna accidentally land as well because then you kind of get caught on the floor and it’s really difficult but you kind of gotta do it too okay there we go there we go okay

Down down and then up okay now we gotta go up and around to the mountain get it get it yes okay nailed it come on come on live here okay now we gotta go through this little mountain region there we go we did it i think we just

Passed the gronckle okay now we gotta go through the mountains left and then we hang right up here right again dude how are you supposed to do this in 60 seconds that is unreal that might be actually impossible okay guys we go down here and

Then i think we gotta dive down here no we don’t die we don’t dive i forgot where to go this is hard i think i could still be rough not a tough nut come on jack focus focus focus i have 30 seconds left now we gotta dive down right there

It is then we’ll go this way okay as long as i get the diving feature under wraps and i could kind of just do that over and over again then we should be able to complete this super quickly next time okay around and then up come on

Flap your way slap your face yes okay i’m in second i’ll take it wow you beat our score you cheated well anyone who pulls the wool over our eyes has earned my respect here take this rough and tough nut token i found it on the ground over there we did it flight course

Challenger complete did you beat hiccup’s time either way take the token to the great hall and place it on display i feel like i’ve been challenged to take out hiccup’s time i mean don’t get me wrong ladies and gentlemen he is the original chief and master of all

Things dragons related but at the same time i think i could do it we already got the token but my competitive nature is starting to come out and we just need to shave off uh like you know to do just 28 seconds it’s not that difficult right

Here we go let it jump in three two one start take off okay we literally cannot mess up here lady gentlemen i have to basically memorize where all of these different rings are spawning in okay this is where i can mess up here we’re gonna we gotta go directly down we gotta

Kind of stay down and we gotta go right up take off oh take off take off take off i thought i know i thought i was on the ground and then i didn’t take off and then now we’re stuck i think we can still do it though late gentlemen come

On come on come on come on take off we literally have only 30 seconds left at least i know i could shave off some time by not messing up on the indoor section the indoor section is really difficult also if you guys have your own high scores please comment them down below if

Any of you guys have gotten below 60 seconds that is impressive and i need to know about it actually doing decently well this time though okay i completely missed a turn never mind i take back everything and anything that i just said okay we were able to shave a good amount

Of time off our uh off our last run but still it’s uh yeah we’re not really close to hiccup like at all come on come on come on go this is gonna be a flawless round here ladies and gentlemen we’re doing pretty good here okay i shaved off like eight seconds there we

Go we gotta get up we gotta get up okay i got it you don’t necessarily have to go like through the rings you kind of just have to touch the ring which is super helpful there we go come on right come on come on come on we’re making

Great time yes we got the boost no i missed one that’s killing me no no so i’m not sure if you guys do this but when you go straight in a line for like a long period of time you kind of get like this extra boost which really

Really helps you but it also makes it really difficult to control your dragon we’re so close no come on i can’t believe it this that’s like that’s really hard we were three seconds away rough nut toughnut i’m sorry i’m breaking the record i’m actually not sorry at all because this

Is like my seventh attempt 62 come on that one hurt that one hurt i got 61. all right did i get it hold on hold on hold on everybody sure yes yes let’s go by one second we did it all right all right it only took 12 tries

But we managed to beat hiccup before i forget about it let’s go ahead and put the rough and toughnut token in its totem is it this one no is it this one no this one no not that one it’s the last one that i checked rough and tough

Well ladies gentlemen that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode be sure to go ahead and comment down below name suggestions for our brand new storm cutter dragon also in the next episode i will definitely be picking a name for our brand new light fury as well it’s just so cute

Now i’m not entirely sure but this could potentially be the strongest dragon in the entire world on how to train your dragons a lot of you guys were saying in the comment section that you think that the light fury is actually one of the mystery dragons that that we can find

And also a lot of you dudes left some name suggestions so let’s go ahead down to the dragon cave and we can give out the name you are light fury come on there we go she’s coming down yes okay all right yeah you didn’t have to

Just like tell whip fish likes let’s go head over to our naming station and grab ourselves one name tag for our brand new light fury which sam frost wanted to name luna in today’s episode we’re going to be trying to find another one of the mystery dragons in this world of dragons

So be sure to watch until the end to find out which dragon we actually get and then you guys can leave tons of name suggestions down below in the comments also i forgot to mention you guys have been crushing the support on this series

So i need you to go ahead grab your vw your pinky knuckle and smash the like button it has to be the pinky knuckle though you can’t do it with any other body part let’s go check up on our other dragons we have fire nut over here a lot

Of you guys were also commenting that when the dragons are sitting they’ll actually scratch themselves all over and that’s when they start releasing their dragon scales so if i go over to pebbles he should have a lot of dragon scales too because he’s been sitting here a

Long time pebbles okay cool he had like some dragon skills let’s go hop on luna’s back and then we can go find one of hiccup’s friends he was telling me that somebody around here needs my help on a quest i think this is her ladies and gentlemen this is one of my favorite

Characters astrid hey you’re the new dragon rider we have a dragon race coming up soon and i could use a sheep wrangler if you see a sheep fly over to pick it up then use the jump button to drop it capture sheep and drop them in

The colored nets back here i need 4 sheep new mission dragon racing preparations bring four sheep to astrid alright well that should be easy enough so i don’t know if we need to like have color cheap there’s yellow there’s green there’s blue and then there’s a reddish orange color over here

All right luna let’s go see if we can find some of these dragons and they’re not even dragons i completely forgot we’re finding sheep not dragons we’re finding sheep but supposedly if i do this we might actually unlock something i think i see some of the sheep okay

There we go so do we need to fly next to it do i have it do i picked it up no way yes okay ladies gentlemen now we can go over and we can drop it in so i don’t know if this is like a colored sheep or

If they’re all the same but we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna drop the sheep down there we did it we actually captured one suck on that sheep i wonder what we’re gonna do with these sheep oh it looks like we have another one right over here

Let’s go grab it did we pick it up no i i think i dropped it okay so i need to like fly over it without landing there we go now we fly straight up into the air and then we can go and drop it off

Let’s go see if i can snipe this one all right three two one drop don’t die i got it yes all in one baby all right we need to go ahead and we need to fly around just a little bit faster here i feel like i’m taking a long flipping time

Doing this all right so we got that you got the dragon it’s not a dragon it’s a shape jack think with your brain sorry ladies gentlemen it is very early in the morning i just got out of the shower my brain doesn’t start working until past 2

P.m okay we’re gonna go down here looks like i collected that one so we’re gonna drop it in this blue one please tell me i scored yes dude i’m so good at this wait did i just pick one up i just dude i just sniped another one let’s go all

Right let’s go over to the reddish orange basket and we’re gonna drop it down did i do it well i got all four that should be it ladies and gentlemen let’s go check it out wait what’s over here um okay we’re gonna hop off and it

Says leave team wait why would i leave the team oh now i can join different teams i see comment down below which is your guys favorite color and which team you would join personally mine is green so i’m joining the green team now let’s go ahead and walk up here to this check

And i guess we’re gonna start the game what the yo what’s going on okay okay let’s go luna oh what do i do what do i do okay okay i need to go and collect as many sheep as i possibly can go go go go go where’d the sheep go where’d the

Sheep go dude okay there’s one there’s one there’s one we gotta collect it okay okay come on come on i picked up i picked it up i picked it up go go go go go okay we gotta fly all the way back and we can’t drop it in anything else

Other than the green ones we’re gonna drop it in please tell me i scored that got one point one point on the on the back that totally did not make any sense but we’re gonna we’re gonna stick to it and we’re gonna stick with it where are

These sheep hiding okay i don’t see any i really i need to find some just a little bit quicker here i feel like i’m taking way too long here’s another sheep we’re gonna just go scoop it no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re gonna

We’re gonna scoop it scooped it yes okay now we need to fly really really fast luna is the perfect dragon for this i just need to make sure that i’m actually right above it i think i am too poor i missed i missed it no way it’s right on

The edge okay okay okay oh no no no no okay okay i need to take off right next to it there we go okay i picked it up and now drop i missed again this is my first time ladies gentlemen so please do not roast me down in the comment section

For being really terrible at this okay okay we got two points let’s go i have no idea if there’s a time limit or if the score means anything but i’m gonna go for the highest score in history that is if i can find any more sheep can i

Pick up people no oh i see another sheep down here i got it okay we’re gonna go right over here drop it in yes okay i got it i got it i got it i see another one right down here go go go

Go go go go go yes pick it up pick it up pick a pick yes picked it up picked it up that’s our little sheep of your mind now all right we’re gonna go fly directly above the green drop it in that’s buckets yes money no sheep is

Safe ladies and gentlemen these sheeps are getting picked up and dropped oh wait did i do it did i win i don’t think i did let you down we need to find more sheep oh there’s one hiding right over here there’s no survivors i wonder what we’re gonna be doing with

All these sheep hopefully we’re turning them into cookies somehow i don’t know how that would work exactly but hopefully we are oh i see another one this one’s like on top of a building nice try little by sheepy down we go drop it in the three-pointer yes nailed it

And bopped chicken fingers in macaroni oink i did it winter green team let’s go there was no other teams even playing they were too scared ladies and gentlemen they want to challenge me and wait i just realized too luna has like a green team you know outfit on that is sick oh wait

She lost it dang it hey thanks a bunch it’s not much but take this token oh and hey do you want to compete in dragon racing select a team started the game and drop sheep in your team’s neck it’s best played with friends well yes i kind

Of realized that especially because i um yeah just did that by myself and there was no other friends to play with so ladies gentlemen i’ll make a deal with you if today’s video hits 10 000 likes i will bring on all of my friends and we

Will dragon race and i will destroy them or maybe they’ll actually do good that was a little bit more difficult than i thought it would be but ladies and gentlemen look at that we got the astra token let’s go take this all the way back up to the main city hall let’s see

Astrid token that’s volca fish legs over here we have astrid perfect we did it don’t worry hiccup i’m almost done helping all of your friends and then i’m pretty sure hiccup has a quest for me too but ladies and gentlemen while i was flying around i actually noticed there

Was some other dragons in the wilderness so what i’m thinking is that i can take luna out and maybe we can get a deadly nadder i remember seeing one over here i was just checking to see if maybe there were any goats or sheep that i could

Pick up and add to my team score and i think i remember seeing one yeah okay i think is this a deadly nadder it looks like it is ladies and gentlemen so i’m gonna go ahead and we’re gonna try to tame it most of the dragons in the world

Of how to train your dragons aren’t really super aggressive so let’s see yeah it doesn’t doesn’t really appear like it’s going to try to eat me which is a good thing we’re just gonna we’re gonna sneak up on it i’m gonna try to feed it meat do you like meat what about

Fish no fish what do you eat hey hey chill chill oh oh oh it does eat me it does okay let’s try to hop on its back yes let’s go oh my gosh it’s trying to throw me no no no no no okay okay we’re

Safe we’re gonna be fine no we got it we actually got it let’s go oh my gosh that is sick ladies and gentlemen let’s see who this attack is what what bro that is sick it does like like it literally does a tail whip and it just

Shoots out like porcupine is that what it’s doing yeah okay yeah it’s like shooting out porcupine quills from its tail that is sick i also love the color of it ladies and gentlemen it has like blue green and yellow spots let’s go ahead and see how fast it flies okay that’s actually not

Super bad well wait wait this is quick wait no wait there’s no way this is faster than luna right it’s going so fast i don’t know ladies and gentlemen you’ll have to let me know in the comment section down below which dragon is faster i’m gonna have to guess the

Life fury but this deadly nadder was pretty agile well ladies gentlemen let’s take it back down to the dragon cave and there we go fishlegs said oh a natter attack 10 jaw strength five more info on them in the book of dragons but it actually has like all of their stats in

The book of dragons okay let’s have you sit there ladies and gentlemen i need name suggestions down below in the comment section so that next time i can actually pick out some names for this beautiful rainbow dragon and i’m also really curious where did fishlegs decide

To stable luna oh here’s luna look at that most of the other dragons have their different areas sort of uh labeled off like as you can see they have their own dragon heads above them but for whatever reason luna doesn’t so this could be the mystery dragon right here

And i think it actually is it says an unknown dragon was spotted east of burke it looked to have a similar build to the knight fury but in the blink of an eye it vanished into the sky that has to be luna the attack is unknown the diet’s

Unknown the location is unknown so we might actually never know exactly how much damage it does but it has to be pretty similar to the night fury i also completely forgot ladies and gentlemen to pick out a name for our storm cutter dragon so in the next episode i’ll go

Back and i’ll pick one i think there were over like 500 different name suggestions so thank you guys so much for all of the support but obviously there can only be one name for this beautiful rainbow rhino beast so let’s go ahead and grab two name tags

Because in the last episode i also forgot to name our storm cutter dragon the storm cutter dragon is going to be named odin and our deadly nadder is going to be named malachite for those of you guys that don’t know definitely look up malachite it is this beautiful

Gemstone that kind of matches the colors of our deadly nadder i now w malachite the beautiful rhino rainbow dragon and then if we go over here we have the giant bat-faced odin the storm cutter dragon i’m pretty sure there’s still four other dragons that i have yet to

See or tame malachite stop scratching yourself we got things to do places to be and people to help so if we fly out of this hole and then if we go over into the right direction that’s where snout loud should be i was talking with hiccup

And he said that snotlout needs my help but he wouldn’t tell me exactly what it was oh we also have volca here too i didn’t even realize i am vulka friend of dragons i am a little busy taking care of the dragon babies but could you go

And grab some dragon nip for me i hear that it grows on dragon’s edge it would be a huge help new mission dragon nip napper all right well i guess snout loud’s gonna have to wait yo look at this dragon what’s up cloud jumper that’s a great name we should have named

It that i do like the odin name it looks as a cloud jumper appears deeply into your soul holding your gaze until you are forced to look away alright stop staring at me bro you’re creeping me out by the way ladies gentlemen the name suggestions came from william g and adam

M in today’s episode i’m definitely going to be getting another dragon so i’m going to need your guys name suggestions be sure to stick around for that ladies and gentlemen you’re not going to want to miss it and i need the name suggestion so you should definitely

Comment them down below once we see the dragon that we get but it looks like we are on the lookout for dragon’s edge now i haven’t really explored the map too much we’ve discovered the giant icelands in the top right of the map but i haven’t found dragon’s edge if i had to

Guess it would probably be over there while we’re flying over there it’s probably a good opportunity to let you guys know if you haven’t already go ahead and hit the subscribe button with your channel it’s a lot more difficult than you think ladies and gentlemen if

You’re able to do it you are 100 my brand new best friend i will also talk to rodney and bessie about sending you 10 000 cookies wait region found dragon island dude this place is destroyed the entire thing is just made up of different like stone hedges stone

Pillars and a giant stone pillar in the center well it’s not dragon’s edge so i don’t really want to explore it too much especially because i feel like there’s going to be some weird dragons trying to fight me let’s go ahead over here this looks like the dragon’s edge i don’t

Know exactly what makes it look like that but if i had to put money on it it’s probably going to be dragon’s edge nope never mind this is vanaheim it actually looks like there might be some people living here i’m not sure if you guys can see but there’s like already

Fire here and it seems like there’s some little base up there it has a monstrous nightmare head but i don’t really see anybody we do have a brand new dragon but it’s not dragon’s edge which i need to find today over in this corner of the map there’s a tiny little island let’s

Go check it out it actually looks pretty cool we found the rookery whoa oh my gosh wait a second is this a gronckle no i don’t think it’s a gronckle it’s it’s like a like a steeple butt or something i forget the name of it honestly but i think that’s the

Dragon that fishlegs might have alright ladies and gentlemen we’ll definitely be back here in the future but we still need to find dragon’s edge i would hate for the baby dragons to go without their dragon nip what is this place this is called the itchy armpit what the heck

I have no idea why it’s called that ladies and gentlemen it looks so weird it has so many orange trees i do not want to land at a place called the itchy armpit so we will be working our way towards this giant icicle thing it looks

Like the thing in the top right hand of the map but it’s a little bit smaller this is eric’s fort oh no no no no no no no no no i do not want to come to eric’s fort that does not seem like a place that i want to be the music just

Completely changed up are there bad guys here there might yeah look look look look there’s cannons there’s cannons here trapper’s fortress no no i gotta get out of here i did not sign up to fight a trapper today the last time i tried to do that it was the hardest

Battle of my entire life but we did however get luna the light fury so i’m guessing if i do defeat that in a future episode ladies and gentlemen we’re going to get something pretty impressive this has to be it though this is like the last place that i haven’t been to yet

This is it dragon’s edge of course it’s the last place you’ve discovered all the regions return to hiccup to complete the mission sweet ladies and gentlemen i guess i completed the map well ladies and gentlemen that’s not why we came here we came here to find the dragon nip

All right let’s fly around if i had to guess there’s probably some dragon nip around the area there’s also some dragons too and look at all these sheep ladies and gentlemen oh yeah oh whoa okay we have some dragons around hello lady oh yeah lady do you have dragon nip

Oh hi i don’t get many visitors here at dragon’s edge i’m heather just figured i’d settle down around here for some time you’re friends with hiccup right well you better be taking good care of your dragons if your dragon is weak feed them their favorite food and it’ll help

Them heal also all dragons love dragon nip there’s some growing around here it’s a long grass with white flowers perfect thank you heather now do you have anything that i could maybe steal maybe cookies nope she has absolutely nothing i was hoping maybe she had some dragon nip or cookies lying

Around okay let’s see is this the dragon nip okay let’s try to collect it um yeah okay it’s dragon nip it looks like i can collect it by right clicking on it there we go you have found dragon nip return to volca to complete the mission i don’t

Know exactly how much i want but let’s try to feed some the malachite do you like it oh he got super happy nice okay i’m gonna need a lot of this stuff i guess dragon nip is like cookies but for dragons yank bap splunk dab doodle ding dong ditch

A cookie eat it before she has to lookie i’m like dr seuss we also have a hideous zippleback right in front of me ladies and gentlemen this is one of the most unique looking dragons it has two heads and two massive tails if i don’t get anything good

From this dragon nip i might head back here and try to tame one we can also go talk to hiccup because we completed every single location on the map so we might actually be able to get his token as well [Applause] and we’re back what’s up vodka thank you

So much baby dragons are such rascals and i can’t wait to have more of them oh you didn’t know that dragon nip makes dragons love sick give it a try wait what okay i got the volca token but wait can we can we breed the dragons use

Dragon nip to breed dragons take the token to the great hall and place it on the display oh my gosh i had no idea you could actually make baby dragons so i’m guessing that they need to be the same species so if i had another deadly nadder we could breed it together with

Malachite and get a baby deadly nadder we’re doing that a million thousand times in the future ladies and gentlemen oh i wonder if i can maybe breed a night fury and a light fury together that means we have a lot more dragons to tame but in the meantime let’s go find velka

Token place that there and while we’re up here we might as well go find hiccup well hello there hiccup these drawings are incredible take this hiccup tokina and place it on the display behind me sweet we did it we mastered the map all right cool we’ve explored the entire

Archipelago place the token on the display and it looks like the map has officially updated so now we have all the locations in a future episode we’re going to have to head back to eric’s hold over here and we’re going to have to see what the trappers have i haven’t

Really explored a lot of the other locations like the volcano i kind of just went right past this i went past and this i went past so we’re gonna have to head back to them in the future malachite come on we have a dragon to

Tame now we might be able to find the hideous zippleback somewhere over in the jungles right behind the giant city i’m not entirely sure but let’s go ahead down and see oh i knew it ladies and gentlemen i thought i saw some here okay i have no idea what they eat but we’re

Gonna find out if i had to guess it would be fish okay we’re gonna use our sneaky sneaky methods and look at it look at it look at his face okay we’re gonna try to tame it in three two one yes yes yes yes it’s working yes okay

Okay i get on it’s back don’t throw me off come on come on come on you bitty your big old hideous nipple back there we go come on come on just a little bit more a little more we got it we got it we did it ladies we actually did it oh

My gosh okay i need to try out the attack what does it do oh what yo yo that is amazing so one of them shoots out the gas and the other one lights it on fire that is so effective this has to be one of the stronger dragons now let’s

See how it flies okay all right it is so massive it looks so cool though its entire wings and skin is kind of just like camouflaged but ladies and gentlemen let’s go ahead and take it back to fishlegs so that we can add another dragon to our collection let’s

Go ahead and dive all the way down there we go what’s up fishlegs two heads are better than one that’s what they say two deadly deadly heads yes yes they are do not look at them funny or they will eat you you’ll be zippy and you’ll be zappy

We’ll call them zip zap for short let’s go get ourselves a name tag from the name tag naming station and we’ll do zippy and zappy That works out great let’s go test out zippy and zappy by flying all the way up to snout loud so i was actually going to help him in the last episode but for whatever reason volca wanted me to go get dragon nip it was actually a good

Thing though because i found out i can use the dragon nip in order to breed new dragons if you guys want to see me do that smash like with your pinky toe on your foot it can’t be anything else ladies and gentlemen if you leave a like with anything else you might as

Well just not even leave a like but if you want to subscribe you got to do it with your entire list but anyway okay let’s go head over to snout loud hey you you think you’re so good huh well i mean yes i do but you know bet you can’t beat

My ultimate challenge of vikingness i’ve flown far and wide and set up jorgensen flags all around the archaea pegalo shoot the targets at each flag and then i’ll be impressed new mission challenge of vikingliness does this dude really think he’s about to beat me look at my

Face look at it i have dragon skills surrounding my entire flipping body alright so we need to find the uh five jorgensen flags that should honestly be easy enough for whatever reason hiccup wants me to absolutely just wreck this dude he does have a pretty cool looking monstrous nightmare named hookfanga when

You step close to him hookfang’s body suddenly sets a light and he smirks at you i’m gonna step away before i get eaten alive i honestly think the perfect dragon for the job would not be zippy and zappy it would probably be luna our light fairy but we’re gonna try it with

Zip zap i don’t really remember seeing these flags scattered around the archipelago of different islands but i have to find them so then i’ll get his token and then i can complete everybody’s mission after that i think we’ll only have one more to go all right

Let’s see do you have like a flag that maybe i could uh see before i do it like maybe like just like a rough draft or something is there like a flag maybe over here behind your your monstrous nightmare is this that’s not a flag

That’s a poll all right zip zap it looks like we’re gonna have to venture out into the viking world and figure out exactly what these flags are this dude’s being a real pleb by not showing me what to look for is this one wait that has to

Be one right let’s go test it out um sorry sorry grandma you just got sorry so sorry grandma you gotta step aside grandma oh gosh grandma i’m so sorry uh grandma you probably shouldn’t be up here that’s probably that that’s not a flag is it okay all

Right i’m gonna all right we just we’re setting flames and gas we’re parting everywhere i’m so sorry uh i feel bad kathy looks at you for a long time and then nuts thank you kathy for understanding that i am stupid do you have any cookies that i could borrow why

Does nobody have any cookies all right zip zap we’re gonna have to keep searching for these stinking flags are there any flags over here any flags no i don’t see any flags what if the flags are just really tiny and i have no idea where they could be wait this is a

Viking that looks sick still no flags on the viking statues though ladies and gentlemen we’re out of luck wait a second let’s look at the map i’m pretty sure yeah there’s like a little bit over five different islands to check out so maybe there’s a secret flag on each one

Of the major islands let’s go fly over to the volcano and see if i can find one if there’s one over here then there’s probably going to be one at least in every single island around the archipelago flippy flappy flippy flippy flappy zippy zappy are we there yet oh

We made it nice all right we’re at the top i don’t see the flag though where could these flags be wait wait wait wait um there’s a flag that’s a flag right i’m i’m my uh i’m so confused i’m gonna attack it i’m attacking gentlemen did i get it come on

Come on come on oh did i get it did i get it got get it get it get it get it get it get it get it okay let’s try to take off and let’s maybe hit it from a distance that has to go on the flag come

On come on please please please please please please please work please work i’m hitting it there’s literally a target right next to it what do i do wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what am i doing what did i do oh wait a

Second what is happening oh in order to get each flag i gotta get all the different targets did i do it do i do it um hold on hold on hold on okay okay i hit that target we’re gonna hit this target come on zippy and zappy zip zip

Zap zip zap clap there we go zip zip zip zip zip zap zap zap zap please zap it zap it zap it okay okay we’re gonna do a lot of more training ladies gentlemen zippy and zappy are they’re not working together even though they have basically the same body they’re not they’re not

Using their brains do we get all of them i don’t see any more wait there’s one down here we did it success did i get the flag let’s go ladies and gentlemen we got one of the flags uh i guess while i’m here let’s go see what’s down inside of the volcano

Any cookies whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get out of there get out of there okay note to self do not jump in the lava we do have a monstrous nightmare just kind of chilling right there it’s a little bit intimidating i also just realized

There’s there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things going on look look there’s like there’s like dust and stuff and i don’t really like it ladies and gentlemen i’m gonna get out of here before i burn all right so we found one out of the five flags let’s go ahead

Over here and see if maybe we can find another one oh i see it ladies and gentlemen there we go what’s going on starts now lounge trial let’s do this okay let’s take off and let let’s do this a little bit quicker than we did last time speed let’s let’s uh let’s

Speed run it oh there we go we got one right there right there attack zippy zappy through thing okay i think i got that one we have one right down there come on come on i think i nailed it no i didn’t i completely missed it all right

All right no never mind got it got it got it we gotta get this one there we go got that one okay let’s get this one come on come on pop it pop it pop it polka dot there we go there we go i’m looking i don’t see another one come on

Oh it’s hiding look at this balloon there we go we got the balloon right down here let’s go ahead and let’s go and pop it can we pop it success that one was way easier than the last one let’s go fly over to dragon’s edge and see if maybe there’s another one of

Snotlout’s trials on top of this giant mountain come on there’s gotta be yes i knew it i knew it’d be right there so it seems like it’s in like the high up areas on each of the tiny islands all right let’s go fly down and let’s start

The trial let’s see ladies and gentlemen where are these balloons going to spawn go go go go go uh okay we got one a couple over here actually come on zippy zappy come on zippy zappy yes yes if he’s happy why okay do not land do not

Land we do not need to land we need to pop flipping balloons hippity poppity go for the scoppity i have no idea what i’m saying it’s gonna help me pop the balloons we need to focus popped it and let’s go ahead and zoink this one come on i’m gonna bonk you lock

It there we go we bonked it i think there’s only two more we gotta bonk this one come on you’re gonna it’s right from your face what are we doing okay let’s just let’s just actually let’s just bite the balloon the fighting the balloons is probably the more effective way to do

This success take that balloons okay we only have three more or two more to go i’m not sure if there’ll be one over here in the giant ice spikes mountain but we have to check it out all right i see a couple different areas with the fire braziers going i don’t see

Anything that looks like the snout loud trial though i thought for sure it would be right there but i guess not oh i see it okay it looks like the fire leads up to this ice spike that’s sort of just it’s you know just out in the middle of

Nowhere honestly all right let’s start it in three two one and go okay we should be able to find them all from here looks like they go into the ice bikes not a problem let’s pop this one i’m starting to get the hang of this ladies and gentlemen i missed it never

Mind what am i saying it looks like though if i kind of just like fly directly through them it kind of works in my favor okay cool we have another one directly up here at this ice spike let’s make sure we pop this one do a dab

Pop it it’s really difficult to see like when i pop it but i did it okay i see what four more there we go they’re on the top of every single one of these spikes there we go another one’s right here come on did i get it did i get it

No i missed it balloon balloon work with me balloon balloon i will invite you to my birthday party if you pop there you go cool now you’re dead wait wait there’s a timer no no no no no time’s up what i had no idea i had a timer all right

Zippy and zappy we gotta be a little bit more zippy and zappy this time okay i know that some spawn over here we’re gonna go directly for them go go go go go go okay okay we gotta go to the next one real quick okay i’m just gonna i’m

Gonna spam the attack one there we go that seems to work a little bit better spam the attack come on come on we have no time for dilly dallying keep attacking go ahead zippy go ahead zappy i can’t see a thing actually stop it stop it stop it stop it they’re going

Too fast for me why are we going so fast okay is that it no there’s gotta be one more right one more down there i see it i’m spamming it i’ve never spammed more in my entire life ladies and gentlemen okay come on come on come on did i get

This one i’m running out of time i’m just gonna have to assume that i got it i got it okay cool that was a close call okay we can stop attacking they got so confused well ladies gentlemen i think that means that there

Is only one more trial to do if i had to guess it’s going to be straight back in this corner or maybe in that corner let’s go fly and check it out we’re venturing into the itchy armpit i’m starting to realize why it’s called the itchy armpit if you fly from above it

Looks like somebody with red hair’s armpit this place is massive though ladies and gentlemen so i’m gonna need to be on the lookout to see if maybe the flag is on one of these giant stone pillars so far throughout today’s video it’s been at like the highest point in

Each part of the map so i’m gonna go ahead and guess that if it is here it’s going to be all the way on top of this mountain oh i think i’m right ladies gentlemen look look at that we got a little stone thing cooking come on where’s the flag at

Where’s the flat oh no wait wait hold up where’s the flag where’s the flippin flag up i guess i was wrong and i don’t think it’s going to be over here this is a dragon nappers fort so i don’t think they would like having flags over here and me doing challenges

But i’m gonna go check it out just to double check nope nope nope i don’t see anything like that okay i’m getting the heck out of here oh i found it i found it okay it’s a good thing i didn’t leave this one was actually kind of hidden i’m

Like inside the itchy armpit all right here we go this one’s gonna be the most difficult one i can feel it um okay wait a second no they’re just like all around the area nice that’ll make this super easy okay we’re gonna fly through this one fly through that one fly through

This one come on attack it come on okay there we go we popped that one they’re like literally all right next to me this is just chaos i can’t even really see what’s happening but we’re doing it come on we got this one success that was so easy you’ve completed the

Challenge of viking venus return to snout mount to brag about it i would definitely be bragging about it because that was way easier than i thought it’d be while i’m out here though i do want to see what sort of dragon spawn okay i see a big old buffalo buffalo get zip

Zapped let’s do the gas come on fire activate fire abilities the dude just got sent to a different dimension whoa okay this place is crawling with deadly nadders it’s very possible that’s the only dragon that spawns over here because i haven’t really seen any else oh wait is this

Just a gronckle well hello there little grunkle man i do not need a ground club i already have one well eventually i guess i will need another gronckle but i don’t want to do that right now i want to wait until i do all the challenges that before i start breeding tons of

Dragons i saw a few deadly natters but while i’m here we might as well go wrap around and brag a little bit to snout loud about how trashy is and how good i am what’s up scrub how you doing what you found all of my flags wow that’s

Kinda impressive take this snot token it’s proof to anyone that you’re the second most vikingly viking on berk next to me of course well i mean i guess i’ll take it let’s go head up back to the great hall and place it in its token holder

Not token there we go snout loud and i think ladies and gentlemen we have pretty much every token except for one we just need to get fish legs and in order to do that i need to tame more dragons now i could just go ahead and go

Out on a little mission over here or over there to damn dragon but i wanted to do it with a trapper ship so we’re gonna locate this looks like it is directly back and we’re gonna test out zippy and zappy to see how they are against trappers i’ve located the

Trapper ship ladies and gentlemen we’re moving in hot and heavy let’s do a quick little landing here so that i can scout a little bit and we also need to speed up zippy and zappy there we go okay they’re at max elf let’s do this ladies

And gentlemen i think this will be like my third trapper ship that i take out okay let’s just spam the attacks whoa okay zippy and zappy are not super agile but they are extremely effective at shooting out gas and flames oh my gosh we are lighting them up ladies and

Gentlemen oh we’re taking a couple hits though i’m not super worried look at them look at the ball again floating back they don’t stand a chance this is great okay it looks like there’s only a couple more cannons to take out that cannon should go down shortly and it

Looks like there’s actually another one to the left we can’t really take that much more damage though ladies gentlemen it looks like a zippy and zapier about at half health okay i see one more dude kind of just chilling at the front of the ship we should be able to take him

Down super easily there we go and i think there should be just one more cannon right up there come on zip zap oh this guy’s got a crossbow though now we can take him out we can take him out just in case i’m gonna hop off and i’m

Gonna just feed up zippy and zappy i cannot afford to lose any dragons i haven’t yet and i’m not gonna start now and looks like we do have a brand new dragon in there okay okay we’re gonna just break this thing i feel really bad

But at the same time i do not because you did trap the dragon that makes you an absolute skim well we did it and inside it looks like whoa this looks like a rumble horn ladies and gentlemen but you’ll have to let me know in the comments down below okay looks

Like i’m scaring a little bit if i had to guess yes it definitely eats meat this thing is massive okay so it looks like it likes me now we’re gonna hop on and do our little dance where we try to ride it like a bull come on love me love

Me love me come on we got it we did it oh this thing is massive look how much health it has it’s a little bit slow but at the same time it definitely packs a punch and while we’re here we might as well go collect all of our gronckle iron

Oh my gosh let’s try one of its attacks whoa it shoots out just a cannonball of flames that’s sick and then let’s try to take off with it oh my gosh this thing is like a flying boulder well ladies and gentlemen let’s go ahead and bring it

Back to fishlegs also you guys know the drill at this point i’d need name suggestions down below in the comments it’s actually kind of fast once it gets going it’s really slow to accelerate but now it’s actually moving out at a pretty good speed zip zap has been returned to

The stable luckily that’s exactly where we’re going hopefully we can fit down in this little hole can i fit okay i could like just barely fit welcome back to the isle of work in today’s episode we’re hopefully going to be getting another dragon for fishlegs right now we have five out of

The seven dragon species tamed you guys were saying that once we collect all seven we’ll get fishlegs token and then i think that’s the last token that we need in order to have all of them together now once we have every single token supposedly i will unlock hiccup’s

Night fury toothless i don’t know if that’s actually gonna happen leave a like if you guys think it is and comment down below if there’s anything else that i should do in this series in the last episode we got this ginormous shrek themed dragon it literally looks like

Shrek and a rhino combined together to make a dragon in the last episode i asked for name suggestions sarahjoy12 decided to give us the name meatball honestly this dude looks like a giant green and red meatball he also smells like one too we will be using meatball today ladies and

Gentlemen in order to fight a giant trapper fortress that we found a few episodes ago i don’t know if you guys remember but the last time we fought a trapper’s fortress we actually were able to rescue luna our light fury so in today’s episode i’m not entirely sure

What we’re gonna find but hopefully another dragon so that i can unlock another dragon species and then we’ll only need one more i was looking through the book and it looks like there’s only two that we haven’t gotten the hot burple and also the night fury and i’ve

Also figured out that the mystery dragon is definitely the light fury all right meatball we have a long way to travel meatball is also not necessarily the fastest dragon but it is definitely one of the strongest dragons if it doesn’t work out i’ll have to come back and

We’ll try again with luna okay but if i look on my map you’ll notice that i believe in the bottom right hand of the screen we have a giant island i believe it’s called the viking armpits but right past the itchy armpit part there is a fortress covered in ice

And that is exactly what we’re going to be fighting against today yeah go meatball yes meatball meatball is actually pretty darn fast he does have giant wings so i’m not super surprised and he also has an insane attack look at it it’s literally like a little tiny

Missile but it explodes when it hits anything yeah we’ve made it to the itchy armpit all we have to do is travel all the way past the itsy armpit to the secret trapper fortress i honestly had no idea that this was here until a couple episodes ago we got to move in

Super carefully people there’s a lot of trappers here the last time i flew by i saw at least 12 cannons that they had let’s see if we can get a little sneak peek on them so i don’t think they can see me quite yet oh look at them down

There oh there’s one oh they see me they’re shooting let’s go meatball they mean business the only problem with meatballs attacks is that they are powerful but they do not go very far oh my gosh look at that it just flew the trapper right back look at it he

Just flew off the map let’s go oh this is gonna be a piece of cake ladies and gentlemen meatball is definitely the man for the job oh my gosh bro they can’t handle the meatballs the the flaming meatball attacks are actually super effective don’t stop meatball you’re doing great

It looks like there’s a couple ones over here i don’t see that many more cannons it looks like there might be another giant cannon over there in the corner we’re doing great though we’ve barely taken any damage meatball is a giant target though so i’m really not sure how

They’re not able to hit him okay let’s try to use this building for cover and we can come around and do a little sneak attack let’s go ahead and we’re going to dive down to provide some cover and then we could fly right back up in front of

Them and explode yes come on meatball come on meatball it’s right in front of your face yo okay it’s almost dead one more hit yes we got it whoa we exploded it i see one more trapper down there did we get it i think we did that was too easy all right well

Meatball you go ahead and take a little uh meat load off that totally made sense have yourself some meat meatball now we can walk around and see exactly what the trappers had here let’s check out this chest we have flight suits wait a second

I can fly wait i can put this on is this like an elytra oh we’re gonna be testing this out soon ladies and gentlemen what i’m really curious about is if they were able to successfully trap any dragons the last rapper fortress that we were able to defeat they had like a secret

Cage right in the center and that’s where we found luna our light fury it kind of looked like this but i don’t really see any dragons down there let’s dig down a little bit yeah it looks like this is just some ice so i just got done

Looking around for a couple of minutes and i don’t see any dragons here maybe these are just the world’s worst dragon trappers in the history of everything let’s do another quick little flyby on meatball meatball i need you to sniff out any trapped dragons here we’re not

Going away unless i find one it looks like they have a little a tiny area up here so let’s go check it out maybe there’s a dragon so far i don’t see anything there was kind of a weird area that i noticed back at the start of the

Trapper fortress let’s go check that out right there it looks like they put up a random wall you see at first when i got here i thought that maybe the dragon would be hidden down here because in the last trapper uh area that i took over there was the

Light fury underneath of the cave but for some reason underneath this it’s literally just ice so maybe they’ve trapped the dragon behind this giant wall of stone wait a second i definitely heard something it could have been meatball but it sounded like it was coming from the inside hold on wait yeah

I i definitely i hear fire in there too and wait there’s something walking around in there hold up hold up no way oh we gotta open this up come on come on is there anything inside and uh okay we broke it dude wait wait i see something

Oh my gosh wait wait yeah there is definitely a dragon inside of there i really don’t have a pickaxe oh wait wait okay we can look inside it’s a dragon we actually found it no way they were keeping it in here that’s like the worst place to keep a dragon dragons as i’m

Sure you guys know do not really like the cold too much especially because um this one i think is a hot purple and hot burples like hot places okay i’m not entirely sure what this thing eats if i had to guess probably meat let’s see no meat what about fish wait wait it

Already likes me wait a second i’ve already tamed it it literally loved me so much that as soon as i busted it out it started to like me um let’s see if it will teleport to me out here he’s too big to fit through the door

No he’s not how did he do that welcome to the team hot purple meatball meet your brand new brother hot purple i don’t know exactly what to call this thing yet so as i’m sure you guys know i need to ask what names should i give the

Hot purple be sure to comment down below i haven’t really read much about the hot purple so let’s see what kind of attacks it has let’s see whoa okay so it has a pretty similar attack to meatballs meatball flamethrower ability this one looks like it might be actually a little

Bit stronger or at least the explosion looks bigger okay okay hold on wait wait wait let’s go let’s go try meatballs ability i feel like meatballs should be bigger because he’s also bigger too wait they almost have like the same exact attack that’s crazy but meatball is so

Much bigger than the hot purple hey hey hey mr purple hey hey where where uh where are we where are you going he just ditched me i just realized the ladies and gentlemen that means that we have officially tamed six out of the seven types of dragons

The only one that i’ve seen in this series so far is toothless so there might be a wild one but i highly doubt it the hot purple is already flying back to the great city hall he’s on a mission and i also just remembered too that i

Got myself a wingsuit let’s try that lady gentleman in three two one yo okay so it acts just like elytras but this is so cool i remember when hiccup first made his ever uh flight suit and then yo i could fly to other dragons dude this dragon sounds like it’s

Struggling but look how much help it has it actually has more health than meatball but it might be the slowest dragon that i have if i look in one single straight line it definitely speeds up quite a bit but if i’m kind of just like looking around and flapping my wings

Yeah it’s going at light speed it’s so excited that’s kind of how my feet move every single time i realized that i got new cookies i just started doing a dance like he’s doing with his wings let’s go zoom on into fishlegs what’s up fish legs look at i got hot

Purple these guys love to sleep yeah i’m not really super surprised okay so it says now we have a six out of the seven dragon species tamed the only one left in my opinion is the night fury just to be certain though i’m gonna bring fishleg all of the different dragons

That i’ve tamed so far in the series so obviously we have luna okay you just don’t you really don’t care about luna no what is this hopper bull doing it’s taking a bath this thing is weird it reminds me of literally like like a puppy it just can’t stay still for like

Two seconds let’s also bring over fire nut okay it looks like fishlegs has definitely seen fire nut before what about malachite and zippy zappy what yo malachite you good bro she shook his head though zippy’s happy you guys come over too nope still six out of seven there’s only two more we

Have meatball who i’m 99 certain i’ve already showed to fishlegs and we also have odin our stormcutter dragon this is the only one that i think i maybe forgot to show to fishlegs oh we did it the four winged storm cutter extremely rare great find here let me sketch it

Somebody dragon so much potential research so many finite but delicious possibilities here take this fish talking we get it yes take it now i have work to do yo we got it we did it today we are going to be taking the last token up to hiccup and seeing exactly

What our hard work has paid off for but before i do that i do need to find our hot purple dragon that we tamed in the last episode which was our final addition in order to get this fish tokina i had a very special comment for a name suggestion it came from my

Brother dirt boy who wanted it to be named nurpleburp that is the most random name ever i have no idea why dirt boy decided that was going to be the name thank you guys all so much for the name suggestions of this series by the way so

Many of you guys commented hundreds and hundreds of different names but nerfelberg put one out don’t worry though because in the future we will indeed be doing more series where i will need your guys name suggestions so even if i didn’t pick you in this series do

Not worry in future series you have the chance of having your name featured on one of my pets just like nurpleburp to honor nurpleburp and his amazing purple nurpledness yup we’re going to take off nurple burp i said we’re going to take off nurple what nurble burp what are you

Doing there we go nurple burp is skyboard we’re in the air and we are going to fly to the great hall this has been a long time coming ladies and gentlemen a lot of work has gone into every single one of these challenges every coin you see on the wall has been

A challenge completed and this is the final one the fish token smash like if you haven’t already with your pointer finger it’ll only turn blue if you do it with your pointer finger well let’s do this in three two one that’s the last of the tokens you have exceeded my expectations recruit in

Fact i think you might be a true dragon master you think so bud well alright then i’ve been so busy in berk i haven’t taken toothless out flying in days he says he wants to go with you is that okay yes yes he says i hope you two enjoy exploring

The world you have earned a toothless respect he will now allow you to ride him is this real hold up i know that it might seem very strange that i am super super hyped right now but ladies and gentlemen you don’t understand i have been working for literal days to try and

See what the reward is for doing all of hiccup’s friends tasks what is nurple burp doing why i don’t even care i literally don’t even care toothless wait wait let’s try this oh we got it we did it no no way ho this is sick oh

My gosh wait it has like green wings so this is i believe the fastest and strongest of all of the dragons in the isle of berk this is unreal and the fact that it’s actually toothless too is amazing i wonder if maybe i could breed the dragons together like maybe i could

Have toothless and luna have a little baby night fury or it would be a light fairy or it would be like a midnight fury i don’t know that would be amazing though okay okay i’ll make a deal with you guys if this video can hit 12 likes

I’ll do it nurpleburp as much as i love you i’m gonna need you to just kind of pop a squad right there because i’m going to take down a trapper ship with toothless oh let’s go it is literally dead ahead oh my gosh bro this dragon is so fast i

Don’t know if it’s stronger than our light fury luna but we’re about to find out well here’s the trapper ship let’s try to use our first attack oh my gosh bro okay that is sick it’s very similar to our light fury’s attacks but i think

It might be a little bit stronger dude i can just unleash these and they have insane range too oh my god oh my gosh oh no we took a little bit of damage it doesn’t matter though it literally just doesn’t matter look at it dude they’re all dead there’s only

Like one more cannon okay i think there’s probably one more right here no wait it’s dead we did it that was the quickest traffic ship ever well i guess we might as well dive down on toothless and see what we got it looks like oh my gosh we have another giant shrek dragon

Don’t worry big guy it’s gonna be okay you’re gonna meet our buddy meatball real soon let’s hop on the back and make sure that we tame this and in future episodes if i have two of the same type of dragon i believe i should be able to breed them together let’s also collect

Ourselves the gronckle iron and because toothless is kind of just chilling up here what i’m gonna do is fly really really high and then i’m just gonna jump off and use my flying suit i’m gonna fly directly to toothless come on buddy come on yes it’ll work just like in the movie

Oh my gosh this is so sick toothless is so fast this is on real weight i have to introduce toothless to the rest of the dragons look at me go look at me go okay let’s see if we can perfectly dive down we kind of shanked it a little oh my gosh

Let’s go okay the rumble hormone that we just saved has been returned to the stable so now we have two rumblehorn dragons and all we have to do is collect one more of every other type of dragon but i think luna is the only light fury

In the world and toothless is the only night fury so in the future we will definitely have to test out trying to breed them together what is toothless doing he’s literally almost as weird as ours nurple burp now what does toothless even eat because he did lose some hearts i think it’s

Fish right let’s see okay yeah toothless loves fish and he sticks out his ginormous tongue i love it that is so cool i love how luna does the exact same thing look at them both just sticking out their tongues this is everything i could have ever dreamed for let’s get

Some information on the night fury formerly mysterious um cut cut cut cut out formerly mysterious famously adorable the knight fury is an extremely swift flyer no other dragons can match its raw power in the sky it eats fish and its attack is a plasma blast well

Now that we have toothless we might as well go out and try to tame one of every other type of dragon that way in the next episode everything is set up so we can start breeding them together well there’s definitely going to be some more hot burples over here i think this might

Be the hottest part of the map it’s literally like a hot spring yeah oh i see one but i wonder what happens if i shoot the dragon okay cool they can’t damage each other i got a little bit scared what’s up buddy no no it’s okay it’s okay here whoa look fish fish

Fish oh it doesn’t not eat fish it might actually eat rocks oh my gosh yeah it does wait is this a gronkle i am so confused wait the that yo wait is it a grocco i don’t know they look so similar yo that is so cool i didn’t see this

Last time they actually have like mini geysers toothless has been returned to the great hall wait how am i supposed to get back i was just i was testing out these geysers bro you gotta be kidding me okay i got back on toothless let’s go find the rest of the different species

Of dragons i remember in a previous episode we found some deadly nadders over here oh look a gronckle okay this is definitely a gronckle the other one was was it was a hot purple all right let’s make sure that we get this guy [Laughter] no he threw me off steady jack steady

Steady don’t don’t okay we got him we officially got him let’s make sure we get back on toothless before he leaves me again we’re gonna fly over to him he’s like stuck in this corner we got him okay we have a deadly nadder hey buddy yes okay let’s hop on his back

This is so easy hey hey chill ch yes we got the deadly nadder i remember there was a lot of dragons that spawned over near these ice spikes in the center there’s like a giant oasis where dragons spawn this is so cool okay we’re gonna fly directly inside we have another

Meatball dragon but i already have two and i don’t really need to tame another one oh nice okay we got another dragon i think these guys liked meat as well or maybe fish yes okay it was fish totally got that first try yup did not say meat

Please don’t turn me off no no no okay we hop back on oh did we do it yes we got it oh there’s another there’s a storm cutter down here see look at like every single type of dragon spawns nearby okay i think these guys might like fish too yes it’s working dude

We’re taming literally every type of dragon here come on come on come on did we get it yes we got okay we need to make sure we get back up to toothless so it doesn’t abandon me again look toothless is already trying to escape no

No no no why am i falling okay the two-headed dragon saved me let’s fly up super high and then we can hop off and fly directly back to toothless yes dude that is still it never gets old i just realized too when toothless is flying his tongue is out that is the cutest

Thing ever let’s dive back down to the dragon cave and we can see all the different dragons that we just tamed so we have another gronckle we have a hideous zippleback the two-headed dragon we also got another storm cutter we have another deadly nadder and i think the

Only other type of dragon that we need to get a second one of is the monstrous nightmare don’t worry fire nut will find the love of your life soon make sure you guys bop the subscribe button so that it turns to gray and in the next episode

You will not miss out on when i breed all of these dragons together i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON MINECRAFT MOVIE!’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2021-07-09 16:59:45. It has garnered 6973230 views and 130415 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:28 or 5668 seconds.



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    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More