Belgie – Minecraft Snapshot Survival | BROKEN ENCHANTMENTS | EP17

Video Information

[Applause] Hey guys welcome back to another video on my channel we are back in the 1.17 let us help the world and today we are oh wait no this is now called the snapshot survival um minecraft snapchat survival i changed the name of the series just to make it consistent with the bedrock

Beta um the minecraft beta survival so this is now called a snapdragon 5 on our old world it’s called the 1.17 survival so that’s the difference between two this one is a temporary series because we can no longer load old worlds in this version which i still don’t think is possible

So a snapshot released yesterday and in that snapshot we got some new features we got lush caves but they don’t spawn naturally in the world just yet they are a single biome world or single biome feature at the moment they will come to worlds like this world

At a later date but at the moment they are only available if you make a new world and make it a single biome so we cannot get none of them new features yet i have been sitting there waiting for a wandering trader for ages

And i can’t get to get i can’t seem to find one because you can buy drip leaves off of wandering traders another thing i think is a bug they added a resource pack um shader so you can now activate a resource pack here and if i activate

That this is by a minecraft dev i will link it in the description you can actually um install that as a resource pack and as you can see the water will like flow as if it’s waving and also leaves will flow let me know if

You guys think i should keep this it is a 1.17 feature technically because it was added in yesterday’s snapshot and anyone can use the resource pack it’s a resource pack and nothing else and as you can see i am in the most recent snapshot 21w10a so anyone can use this obviously and let

Me know if you guys want me to keep it it just makes trees flow and water pop up and down a little bit but there is a bug and if i remove the resource pack just so you guys know it’s not the resource pack that’s doing the bug

And if i wait for it to unload itself and i go into the water we no longer have the water overlay like the blue tinted overlay if i can find a uh image of what it should look like i will show that but it’s completely see-through underwater there’s no

Overlay at all which is cool but it’s a bug it will most likely be fixed in yesterday’s snapshot we got a new iron ore texture as you can see the iron ore is no longer stripes it is now like the old iron ore just a bit more

Thicker as you can see up there it looks a lot better um it’s obviously a good texture now i think all textures are now pretty decent also we got deep slate uh we’ve got some texture changes deep uh this texture has been changed this is deep slate as you can see it’s now

Directional and this is a cobble deep slate cobble deep slate has also been changed so it now stands out between the two wears before it didn’t so i’m gonna have to go through and like change up these as it is quite weird um as couple cobble deepsea got a new texture

And so did the top surface of that as you can see down there and that is now directional you can have that texture on the side or above by just placing it the way you’re looking they also added um they added emerald coal and emerald coal and copper

Deep slave versions but they are only found in creative mode because they don’t generate in the world naturally they are for map makers and some people like that so once again guys let me know if you want me to use this resource pack in videos it don’t change much it don’t change how

The game looks or nothing all textures are the same it just makes water have a bit more bobbing to it and it also makes uh leaves have a bit more bobbing to them um as you can see our chicken farm is working i am actually going to change this chicken farm in

Just a second i’m just showing you guys everything that is new i also done some work in here as you can see i’ve made some grassy path just to give it the floor a bit more detail i have added some string to stop the vines from growing

Um all the way to the floor and as you can see here are the leaves popping like when they’re in the ground you can’t like fall down it it’s still the block being there it’s just got a bit of animation to it and there is also the leaves that like

On a little tiny tree popping back and forth we are also going to quickly harvest some of the uh honeycomb while we’re here so let’s light all these campfires and how much honeycomb do we have we have a stack and 14 which is pretty cool so we can make a lot more

Uh what they’re called now candles that is exactly what they’re called so let’s quickly take all of this i think we can also breed the bees again so let’s try and do that as we want to fill all the uh what is it called all the beehives

Up completely with that now being done we can ditch all that back in there we can ditch that honeycomb in there and we can now head out and we can also now there’s a new iron over a closer look at a deep slate version we can now look at some of the new

Blocks that was added so some of the new blocks we have got deep slate tiles you may be wondering they’ve always been in the game yes but you can now actually get them in survival mode they added the crafting recipe finally the crafting recipe for the bricks is for polished

And it gives you four deepsea bricks and then the crafting recipe for the tiles is four bricks gives you four tiles so here is what the tiles look like they’re a lot darker um and a lot more they’re actually like the brick block um not i’m what i mean by that is

Actual bricks the ones you make with clay they actually look like them and you can also now smelt both of these into if i quickly just throw them both in there so let’s throw the brick in there and now let’s throw the tiles in there and as you can see you

Get cracked bricks if i place the normal bricks down just so you can see the difference it’s a brick with cracks in it just like crack stone bricks and i think that’s it actually there might be cracked black stone bricks but i don’t know so

Yeah it just has a crack in it basically and you can now get all these in survival mode which is pretty cool and another look at cracked deep slate or not another look a look at crack deep slate you can see like faded lines i don’t think they’re dark enough i need to

I think they need to make the contrast of the cracks a bit darker just so they stand out more because looking at that if you’re like walking down a mine shaft or down like a room you can’t really see the difference between these two blocks

So i think that’s a change they need to make and just make them a little bit darker so with that being said that is all the changes in this snapshot it’s mainly just uh lush caves but they’re not available as of like in survival mode as of this snapshot

Or they are survival mode just like you have to make a single biome world which is just like plains biome you can’t get any other biomes so we’re not going to be making a new world just for lush caves yet anyway so as you can see i’ve done a lot digging

In the past sadly this is not um digging i have just done i’ve literally just dug this down a bit got just over a stack uh just over two stacks because i don’t actually have time i am not currently well um i have a sore throat and my throat my voice is slowly

Going so i have limited time to record this video before my voice goes my plan is to try and get some efficiency on my pickaxe we have efficiency three i want to try and get that to efficiency five so i have a lightning rod and now if i

Just get my silt touch pickaxe and try and get boomer into a hole that is like note that is water down there i definitely don’t want to get him into the water because then it will be uh impossible to get him out so maybe if we get

Boomer into there that might be good so maybe if i do that and there’s a block there maybe if i break this block he might come towards me let’s maybe get a trap door and then we can actually know let’s put a lightning rod and let’s quickly just put blocks there and also

Blocks there and now let’s do a lightning rod and let’s just put some blocks here and now let’s put a lightning rod there i think how far is that down that’s uh one block right so this should work if i just stand here stand a bit away just so boomer can

Get to me boomer should fall into that hole no are you not gonna go let’s maybe break that no let’s try and get boomer into that hole um let’s maybe place a block this is difficult because i don’t want boomer blowing up let’s maybe place a block there so boomer can’t move

And now let’s see if we can maybe if i put a block there women might try and get towards me i might fall no boomer hasn’t come this way boomer there we go boomer is now in that hole so if i quickly just flap that trapdoor shut

There we go right so can boomer now explode through that trapdoor boomer cannot which is good so now what we need to do is we need to dig a hole going straight up to the surface and hopefully uh what they called it uh lightning rods can work from this far

I don’t know if they can or not this is just a test right so guys i have dug the hole all the way up the surface and what i am now doing is digging out all this one thing i am i doubt this is going to work for the pure fact

Of this lightning rod would have to strike down about 110 100 to 100 to 110 blocks and i don’t think lightning rods will work that distance down into the ground anyway it’s something we’re going to try and while we are working on the next ring we can see if that works

So we’ll come back here in a minute and just see if it’s a charged creeper i doubt it will be but we never know okay we now have the fox here let’s quickly just hooking hook hook the fox up there and now what we can do

Is we can actually head in here and do some changes to this so first of all let’s block up the lava i need to remove the lava actually so let’s jump up here break a hole there let’s pick up the bucket let’s actually ditch some inventory space

First so let’s ditch and let’s get some gravel some flynn an egg the fox is still holding the potato which is a good thing so we now just need it to like drop that potato so let’s put that block back let’s now dig this way again

To get the fox up here the box is now up let’s place some blocks get the fox back up let’s now place some blocks there and let’s try and pull it this way a little bit more to place a block there we need to put it this way a

Little bit more and quickly place it there right now what we need to do is try and push it into that hole again which we have done and we now have to farm completely done i think let’s quickly just fill all this back in just so nothing can spawn or ruin

The farm from behind here and we should now have the farm completely working so with the wall now completely filled back in if i discharge this lead the farmer should pick up the lead before the fox can which stops the fox from obviously picking up the chicken

And the stuff can go into the hopper minecart because it either gets dropped on the carpet which is under it or it gets dropped on a slab which is in it so either way it will get picked up by the hopper minecart it will go down

Here and the eggs still get fired and the chicken still spawn all we need to do now is try and get that potato out of its mouth to give it our sword which i don’t think it’s going to take our sword while it has the potato in its mouth

So i now have the stuff down here and i’m just going to get some emeralds okay that bug has existed for quite some time now where you can’t like shift click after shift clicking okay so it only works some of the time so

What i want to do is i want to get as many emeralds as i possibly can for bookshelves and if i go here i can now get one bookshelf for four envelopes because obviously we need bookshelves to make this work so now we have a few bookshelves let’s quickly go

And get some blocks we need to make this work so we need the deep state to be in the roof uh yeah the normal deep slate to be in the roof so the ceiling is matching the rest so let’s quickly just do that up to there

And now let’s pick block it and because this is now directional we have to actually be looking straight up when placing it otherwise it might place like that and we don’t want it to place like that we want it to place with this wicky looking texture as the

Bottom surface block i now want to make some white dye so if we make some bone meal and some white dye let’s also dip some of this one flesh away just until the village has restocked itself i also now want to get some string and make some candles and we’re gonna have white

Candles i also need a flint and steel which i don’t have or fire charges so i’m going to put that there and then i might also what level is this now do i have something that’s not enchanted that i can put in there i don’t okay so let’s put three candles there

And let’s also light them let’s put three candles there no that’s four let’s put three candles there and light them and i also want free candles there and like them but i don’t think that is 15 so we might have to add a bookshelf or two somewhere else

So let’s maybe do that maybe we could add like one more there and one more there that should then be 15 that should then be 16 i think or 15. um so 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 fifteen yeah and that should then make it level thirty so this room is

Now completely done as you can see it looks pretty cool when you come right up and it should now give us it don’t give us any level enchantments why is that why is that is that because of the candles surely it can’t be let’s break the candles real quick

And it’s not is he his enchantment is enchanting just broken in his snapshot let’s break down place that back down and now let’s try that again obviously it won’t enchant that i’m gonna move the enchantment table into a big open area just to see if i’m doing something

Wrong and i’m not okay let me quickly jump into a creative test world so i’m now in a creative test world and if i quickly put the enchantment table there it seems like enchanting is broken enjoying tables don’t work okay does it work with 15 bookshelves around it so let’s do

Bookshelves how they should be um that is correct let’s make sure there’s no like dud bookshelves there we go so and let’s also put two on the corners and let’s do that there we go and is it working now okay enchanting is broken that is a bug

Um so with enchanting being broken i am going to end the episode there if you did enjoy leave a like and subscribe but next episode i would say we was enchanting but we’re not as it won’t be fixed until next snapshot now but next episode we might do some more

Work on the room so we can get up and down to the surface better so i’ll see you guys next time bye you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Snapshot Survival | BROKEN ENCHANTMENTS | EP17’, was uploaded by Belgie on 2021-03-11 17:00:03. It has garnered 262 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:57 or 1017 seconds.

Today we are playing in a temp 1.17 survival world, Today we explore what’s new in 21w10a and then we find a bug with enchantments!!

SEED | 7345065811065863064

World Download |

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21w10a patch notes |

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  • Medieval Realms

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  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

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  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

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  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

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Belgie – Minecraft Snapshot Survival | BROKEN ENCHANTMENTS | EP17