Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.18 – (NOT SO) BIG REACTOR!!! (Modded Roleplay)

Video Information

Whoa whoa whoa untranslated alien grub grimoire tattered notes Ilia need anymore these uh these alien language things right I don’t think so I guess I can translate some of these if I get rid of these yeah these are a stricken manuscript out and just translate those into mate these things

And what do you use these for tea can you like I don’t know you use us for I guess we can go to the xenobiologist see what they have to say do we have all the notes that we need for the xenobiologist endless likely lick that up

I don’t we we did or not oh wait whoa holes that untie ooh repeatable quest refreshes was that for drawing oh yeah yeah okay stop dying and you died again blah blah blah unclaimed unclaimed reward for stop dying you’ve died three times mission outlook claim reward I guess I’ll take

That reward free stuff right might as well dietary thing oh yeah we started you the apple pie fish sticks and breaded pork chops sexily leave the xenobiologist see what they have to say about this whole alien language thing yeah we still have to send more may just

Submit more and there we go alright so is that is that all you needed oh wait translation device repeatable quest ah more alien language ooh Lane reward wait I already delivered a bunch of language samples you really need more I gave you pretty good amount I don’t think I yeah

I’m not seeing more I can wait what I just put up their oath quest book untranslated alien thing so I guess we might have to read this right I know submit yeah okay 31 out of 50 and I’ll give us a translation device we’re nearly there only a few more written materials and

The Jaden will produce a translation device this will probably be useful later this item will be used at future quests the only only need one a perfectionist well what about six of them ooh okay so we’re getting pretty close to being Oh what was that thing silver belt book shape

Bookcase what’s that thing is that is that a what is that a quill an Inc thing I don’t know I kind of want to take all this stuff you know like what is all this it was this table here go do something here can I combine life

With say no which is steal huh so what I’ll say no in life so I gonna get me oh that just gets me some more say no what about Ordo and fire it’s like gonna get us something I don’t know fire in auto oh that got me some potentia which is

Energy what about what about urbe urbe and waters at life I don’t know what I just did right there I don’t know if it did anything I thought it would give us some more of this Invictus stuff / / DCO I don’t know what that is what about

These blue flowers can i scan those I need to understand you need to study spirits cat well I’ll take these blue flowers either way don’t mind if I do sky of the beginning ooh what does that interesting stuff going on here well there you get really slow

Right now oh I’ll take that coal I need that for torches oh man we have such hardcore mining fatigue and slowness and all the billion other things for not eating if only this guy had like pork chops and sandwiches and stuff and you’re waiting for me whoever this guy

Is I want to find out in this guy’s maybe this is ancient alien ruin who knows what for coal should be more than enough we need a head back huh we need to travel up that wall actually yeah we don’t have enough room to get that stuff

Just yet well we can come back here later and I guess we could leave that research table here and let’s just continue upwards so we can use that teleportation a wall drowning what no I’m well I’m starving right now I’m sorry this isn’t good come on go go go

Go I need to eat I need food hardcore right no whoa we stop men wine ways go to bed God hey it looks like s we can just do more investigating in the morning John get out of your Pig I don’t know why we don’t have any cares

Because I don’t want to kill the pigs cuz we’ll have any carriage right now Cara was with what she’s little glowing bits that mean they’re Oh a vitreous crystal glass and clear Taran vitreous ooh at got me met Matt Allen ask interesting what about metallo man fires

I gonna be smelted nope that didn’t do anything aqua and fire that I don’t know that dad didn’t do anything didn’t do anything at all anyway oh wait yeah I can put a paper up here right you put paper up there is that do anything I guess not huh

Scribing tools what goes up there like some sort of script I don’t know I guess we can look at the Thal Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna and now tell us the next thing it wants to tell us is research expertise knowledge is power nore have this research note your

Inventory ooh research note yeah yeah there young man or even tour is completely full see what it says I guess we put up here right oh it was this Tara say no was that what what is all this stuff why is it like in a honeycomb pattern

I don’t know Tara in life such I don’t know that did I don’t know that did or no and Tara that Yale is that yeah that diamond looking thing I can get some more of those gained one research point for vitreous nice so what is that do I

Need like a lot of what about too old Oh was I get me something not I’m doing they just wastes it as assume potential and err I done do anything either not discovering anything Neil I assume huh well what are these things that it wants me to do research knowledge is power ik

Research expertise we’re gonna thumb a nominal robert robert aumann again oh there’s another one research notes huh i guess that’s just what we put at the job there maybe I don’t know I have no idea but we have a gigantic Lea full inventory right now and you get rid of

Some of this stuff alien thing when you put that inside there that’s no problem scribing tools and the paper we need to keep that oh oh I think it yeah terms from our paper in the research nest yet look at that huh well put some of the extra stuff that we’re

Not going to be use and put that up in their blood with tool rod blood wood planks untranslated ale ancient alien groom grimoire that tool binding pattern up there the wood one has a lot of stuff right uh yeah it has a lot I don’t even

Know how to use the site essentially its 410 viscose I don’t know that means huh I guess I learned later do a little bit more research you know almond I can eat this almond if I oh man that we have this emergency almond hashtag emergency almond for quite a while let’s actually

Get some more of that emergency food just games right the instructor the supplier there you oh yeah y’all so got accounts and I should get my might my this thing huh let’s get some of the allure iam and mission outlooks at 65 right now it’s gonna cost us 20 Oh

Down down quite a bit alright what bills I’d sales worth it I’d sales worth it I’ll do a little bit more research on this on this thaumcraft stuffs we can actually you know get some progress done with it but for right now I guess when you make ourselves a giant reactor so

Let’s see reactor power tap and control rod and reactor controller and access port okay and of course the actual fuel rod weight only gave us one fuel rod okay so what our reactors not gonna be gigantic just yet and one reactor glass hmm how are we gonna yeah okay yeah I

Guess I’ll just be small for right now okay well let’s see uh reactor casing I don’t know if I remember out how it made these mmm guess I’ll make them down here make my giant reactor I’ll just start building it from down here right so so let’s get rid of those a veterinary

Veterinary station $40,000 F power thing we get rid of that as well reactor casing uh I guess we can do this it could be a three by three and then we could have the access ports here control rod I think that goes in the middle right I don’t I don’t remember Howard a

That goes here of course and then the controller a goes here as well so there you go and the casings I think the case it goes there control rod Rose echo name reactor control rod I don’t remember how to make a big reactor gat so fuel rod uh I think

The controller is at the top I don’t remember exactly so here’s a fuel rod troll rod more casing like so and I should probably get real scare that do this and do that and one glass hmm I don’t know if I’m able to actually uh

Put a glass like here right yep there we go and with the power tap there actually put the power tap like down do this and actually put it like here-ish yeah we’re getting touched by that iron ore berry bush with that like that that like that

And that like that okay and is that working it only casing may be used as a part of the reactors frame huh I guess I can’t get rid of the get rid of this or oh okay so I can’t have all this stuff on same side so I need to have one side

As the access port one side of something else blah blah blah I guess the mainframe has to be like that access port power tap we put the power tap over here access port controller and yeah I don’t know I don’t know what I want uh access port we could put that there

And get rid of this is I can get my glass I don’t know if it is I’m gonna keep that letter just in case doesn’t so let’s put this over here access pour and then we put this like so we’ll work there’s that and there’s that

But it were I think it did I think it did work right oh it did look at that what do you know auto eject waste so we need to go to the accessport to put the actual you lower you inside there let’s go over here you’d like to dig all around this thing

Real quick I never made a big reactor is small so it’s kind of weird to me then we could put the you Laurium up inside there but we don’t we don’t need a like we already have this thing completely full this thing’s completely full of power so we don’t need any power right

Now so I don’t want to turn it on to waste a bunch of power just gonna be already complete actually I think there’s a a built-in uh like reserved like a you can store stuff in slight uh energy buffer yeah yeah was that ten million is it ten million

Let me check yeah it’s ten million ten million RF energy reserve geez alright well I guess that’s the case I don’t throw you Lori Lynn Siler right and uh there’s nothing to cool it down so this is actually a bad idea hmm now there’s nothing to cool it down

Just I guess we just turn it on activate to reactor it’s not gonna be very efficient right now huh and I assume we can’t the others the reactor itself right there how’s it doing heat wise producing a lot of heat 878 Celsius 699 Celsius 132 RF per tick not bad

I assume if we go mining a lot more then of course we’ll uh fuel status fuel run wastes okay alright but I see if we go mining of course we gets more you lowering no problem but I I suppose for right now we’re getting eighty thousand getting close to a hundred thousand RF

It’s getting really hot cider cheese but you know this is really good a energy source I don’t know if we’re able to let’s make like check I’m if we’re able to request another big reactor or not unclean reward yeah it looks like we can but it’s just for really expensive I

Don’t want to do it well uh at the same time a power plant oh yeah we can’t get another one okay but the actual machine itself should I do that ooh but we do have emergency food I kind of want to take that you know just sometimes you know you never know that

Makes no sense sometimes you know you never know well leave me requests antique tool requests golden tool requests clone to shimmer leaf huh antique tool I’m not sure he’s angling why do you want these oh I guess this is just in case I need anything like any

Iron stuff it’ll give us this iron tools that are completely outdated but I guess these ones work just fine there they’re not like the same no you can’t use iron pickaxe or anything because these ones like work just fine I soon anyways skip some seeds what do we do we get two

Saplings all right now we got sapling bag and I guess we get a mob bag and might as well write our leaders anything else sugarcane I guess we’ll just wait on our farm from one sugar cane but you know we have emergency food we have seeds we have an animal bag you’ll see

What’s inside of this sapling bag eucalyptus sapling not bad could be better could be better sapling another almond tree okay and what was it there is an old bag grater an old bag that does of sheep I think it is right that is another sheep isn’t it at least now

We’ll be able to breed them right cuz we do have a ton of wheat yeah look at that we’re gonna get ourselves a ton of sheep ton a ton of wool they’re gonna be making sweet sweet lovin oh whoa that sheeps gonna grow up and we’re gonna be

Able to get ourselves lamb chops ah that’s gonna be fantastic I don’t think you can breed pigs yeah you can’t they don’t care about wheat you do need carrots for those so you can’t just like force breed them or anything uh well that’s unfortunate but at least we do

Have another almond tree we can get I guess we go check them out on apple trees if we can get anything from that I’ll think so yeah all the apples look like normal apples so yeah nobody’s gonna do anything and of course the blood wood tree itself carry us an absolute ton of

Stuff get away from here you dump a let’s place down this there all right and I got some comments saying that I can use the shimmer Leafs you know the little the little plants that are not quite ethereal blooms apparently I can make ethereal blooms out of the shimmer Leafs

So let’s go find some shimmer Leafs that we have uh shiny blondie there it is right there is there a recipe to turn it into a Quicksilver and get Quicksilver but what do i transport bow whoa yeah there’s a lot off as a lot of stuff then

I can get Quicksilver or whoa shapeless worktable terra aspect era okay so i’ll get me a lot of fire and earth why are these like switched fire has the Terra like I cannae then huh interesting styles of shimmer leaf in an alchemy kind of chemistry set with shimmer a

Silver wood leaves a Quicksilver will give us a transcendent blood orb which stores raw life essence or any of these blood orbs I guess any blood warm I guess it’s random maybe I assume huh oxide eh oh wow so what is alchemy how chemic chemistry said is that bond

Craft that’s I think it might be al chemic chemistry set uh where she said Oh blood magic alchemy and wizardry okay so we need oh so we do need the blood orb things already we can’t quite make them just yet as far as I know there might be another another book that

Hasn’t went to recipes inside speaking of books I have recipes look at this thing again I only just say the Apocrypha uh what yep about the apocalypse I assume blood magic schools of magic botany and that ancient alien language there’s a lot of stuff here gee energy mystics there’s

That thing again alchemy oh yeah we need to make a mega thing well how do you make that get an iron cap would one with the cauldron ooh we have enough iron to make you taller right yeah surely right then we have a casual block right there

A little bit of that now there you go there’s a cauldron and then I guess just right-click it with our magical wand of Harry Potter and I guess we can put the cauldron here in the middle of this right click and I go yeah I learn ourselves a little cool crucible and I

Remember something sets out something about a crucible it’s probably in the thumb bomb anomic rama nam nam itself so this yeah where was that night or yeah that night or stuff you already have the research note in your inventory what so I put the research note here now give me

The research note for night or which I have no idea what I’m doing here oh whoa I can drag and drop wait what uh what I just get a bunch of Ignace and connect them like this I guess not I don’t remember this being in that

Tutorial I watched I don’t know it was a lot different than that anyways I guess will you do a little bit more research on that stuff but for right now I guess I’ll end it since we got a little bit of decent stuff done today not too too much

Eisah loosely request work see if we have any more quests we can fulfill hopefully we do sample metamour let’s mail submit some of this garbage we have I feels a pretty good little quest through that we did sample silver simple LED mass loss stuff I can’t get all that

Oh Cole oh oh yeah redstone and oh gosh should have thrown that gold inside the smeltery because I needed that for the ah man I think you’re able to make gold ore by combining it with like gold ingot with I don’t know I know there’s a

Machine I he’s probably ender io that is it man that Ahmad has a lot of stuff see if there’s a recipe for gold or is it is it he right up there still over there I guess not gold or scissors a recipe for it ah nope seems like just smelting nether

Gold or is gonna get you gold or hug guess that Massa on this modpack anyways we got a big reactor up and running how much challenge powers I have still going at one point 1 million RF right now casually of course it’s gone down and heat though still going down

Hmm must be like passive cooling or something so how’s the housing going on fuel right now four point six of it is to clean yeah skin does a ton of energy G approach should just put one year Laurium in there ya know huh yeah well I don’t think I’m gonna get anymore you

Lower him right now where in the world do you get the blue blue Orion or whatever it’s called eject waste in that mode outlet mode Jo whoa yeah there you go oh thanks for you Laurie I’m back woof woof I will be gladly taking that back it hasn’t even eaten through all

That glory I’m right there so hey why I might as well say this right well anyways I’m gonna do even more research on thaumcraft her food and get some more progress done here in the future of right now that you guys all very much for watching if he hasn’t well my feet

Are broken I don’t have any I don’t have any boots I don’t think it’s all very much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure let me know my leavin like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to

Hit that subscribe button I put my latest videos on a YouTube home page as soon as I came out so you don’t miss an episode but until then they has all for watching and I’ll see you guys here next time with some more blight fall we’re going

To do some more magical stuff hopefully I can actually figure out how to do like spells if you can even do that that’d be pretty dank then maybe sacrifice some stuff like we do have goats over here lambs we sacrifice him to Satan himself for all this thaumcraft stuff I assume

Magical wizard tree that we got going on anyways that guy’s all very much for watching yeah see you guys next time by their

This video, titled ‘Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.18 – (NOT SO) BIG REACTOR!!! (Modded Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2015-12-08 20:00:01. It has garnered 34771 views and 631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:52 or 1252 seconds.

Minecraft Roleplay in an epic Modded Minecraft Adventure Map?! Blightfall is a Minecraft Adventure Map with its own Minecraft Modpack to help make for an exciting roleplay! ▶︎ Let’s try to hit 200 LIKES! :^D

Blightfall is a Modded Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Map series using the Blightfall Technic Modpack full of awesome Minecraft Mods! In this series, Waffle must roleplay and explore the mysterious, tainted, purple planet for the promised paradise! Will he be able to survive such a treacherous planet and establish a successful colony?

▶︎ Blightfall Roleplay series playlist –

▶︎ Minecraft Modpack: Blightfall Technic Modpack (1.7.10) –

▶︎ Minecraft Mods List –

▶︎ Outro Music: Medasin – “Coffee” –


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    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More

  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ Bedrock port :19132 Discord : #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Skills on Point

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Skills on PointWhy is Steve always yelling “CREEPER!” when he sees me trying to craft something? Oh wait, that’s just my terrible crafting skills. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More


    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information Join Saluran WA Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ► TikTok ► For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

    Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Do We Make ‘Horror’ Minecraft ACTUALLY Scary?’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-02-13 22:03:32. It has garnered 99634 views and 4739 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds. #cavedweller #fromthefog #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #kihec #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #scary Last time I made a video talking about the current state of horror Minecraft, and people asked me, how do we fix it. So today, I’m here to present some ideas. JOIN OUR DISCORD: #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #rlcraft #horrorgaming #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #herobrine #cavedweller #caves #minecraftcaves #scary Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

    Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by aGolemBoy on 2024-08-16 05:57:08. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore. Check out: Episode1: • The Perfect Start in Minecraft Hardco… Season1: • Minecraft Hardcore S1 I choose MUSHROOM ISLAND for my BASE, because HOSTILE MOBS can’t spawn in MUSHROOM BIOME and I don’t have to light-up every single corner, some builds look’s AWESOME IN DARKNESS. World name: Golem… Read More

  • Etho’s Minecraft Chaos Transformation!

    Etho's Minecraft Chaos Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 586: Chaos To Order’, was uploaded by EthosLab on 2024-05-22 19:08:06. It has garnered 543907 views and 34355 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:04 or 2464 seconds. We return from a 3 month break to take on the colossal task of finishing up the Endless Storage Room. Today we work out the shulker loaders, storage minecart controls, water streams, item locations, and then do a massive clean up around the world to fill the system up with items. Twitter: TwitchTV: World Download (550): Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE $$$ OP PICKAXE! GET RICH FAST! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING PICKAXE IS *OP* ($$$) | Minecraft OP Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-08-04 22:59:23. It has garnered 3844 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:35 or 1235 seconds. THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING IS PICKAXE IS OP! ———————————————————————————– Server | (Prison Neptune) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – Twitter – Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!

    Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends_A nice long stream’, was uploaded by SmokeyGames on 2024-04-09 15:16:37. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:26 or 18026 seconds. IF it doesntt crash Read More

Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.18 – (NOT SO) BIG REACTOR!!! (Modded Roleplay)