Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.61 – GOGGLES OF REVEALING!!! (Modded Roleplay)

Video Information

Was your guys to dois fajir and welcome back to some more blight fall down last I left off we did a little bit more of this thaumcraft stuff we started to delve a bit more into it and now we did a lot of researching and stuff really connected literally connected the dots

But we don’t want two different things and so what blue yes don’t need to do this one for the silver wood potions strong golems and when you do that later let’s just feed these research notes into our hungry chests nom-nom-nom-nom-nom but i add to the episode by trying to try to make some

Some ethereal blooms out of silver whatever they’re called shimmer Leafs yeahsure leaves and I couldn’t figure out how apparently we need to use this mousse crucible over here and if we go over here to ethereal blue when you somehow put urbe and break and TCO camp

Pretty can’t a CEO say no and video inside there now wondering how I do that do I like right-click it with a wand or I like to send out my wand but apparently we just need to throw in items that like have the respective stuff like for urbe we just throw like

Yes like seeds and stuff aside there and for like pray pray can t show or whatever I don’t know we can throw is high there for that but I guess we can use our little scanty doodle over here to kind of figure out what can do that

So uh I don’t know I don’t know we could do it and we all should scan it crucible I don’t know but oh yeah we have a break until we just throw some crucibles in this crucible will get yo anyways I guess so the first thing we need to do

Is like heat up this crucible and the best way I know to do that is just you know get a little bit of a little bit of netherrack and a little bit of Flint steel and we’ll be good to go so let’s get some nether act netherrack it Roo

Gravid you I had a little bit of flint and steel there we go and we could just light it up under internet’ apparently I’ll start like bubbling and stuff and something else that we need to do is actually I think it’s like required if you’re trying to use this crucible is

Get those goggles of like revealing or whatever they’re called so I guess we’re gonna be making those here pretty soon so there we go lighting that thing up now it’s on fire we need to go make those goggles of revealing or whatever I don’t know if I have that already discovered I guess

What you look at our book real quick see if that’s already been scoured for us maybe it’s not I don’t know he was in the essentials solitaire gee you’re like different wand caps and stuff oh yeah and apparently we’re trying to make the street what WOD core thing I think let’s

Go back to that dead body let’s go back to that dead body terribly going back to a dead body over an obelisk island I see was this gonna have is the inert silver caps and the integrate would want clean okay and there’s the LGI and I thought Madonna

John and bronze coins gold coins blah blah blah deep iron chestplate blah blah blah yeah I’ll take his armor I think my armors going pretty low on oh wow look at that completely new dead body or by don’t alpha and uh yeah I’ll leave that my

Armors burned much dead roof man and I’m gonna be replacing my uh you didn’t have a thing of revealing on it you did what he had leather boots they’re just right there hardened leather boots for strength 4 stam a leather belt deep iron chestplate not bad let’s take a look at

Us swag it out not bad anyway so let’s see yeah we need to look at it we need to look up how we get the goggles off revealing there it is right there god is revealing and we have to have this research note apparently we can’t just

Straight up make it so let’s go over to our a research table do a little only nice bowling just like I said don’t over to hear it you the research thing okay that’s small we can do that let’s see you have to connect the owl to the Sun

And the Sun is made out of magic and air the owl was made out of air and ghosts so hmm maybe we can use air to our advantage and then connect them up using something I don’t know we’ll see let’s go get air there’s right there air air and what has

Air that we could connect those two together with so we can use our bure and there we go they’re connected alright so now if we connect magic to mmm how are we going to connect to those this thing doesn’t require yeah it don’t require air but it

Does require fire so what if we do that and then because it requires fire we can use the light thing right requires fire so it’s going to connect the fire and then use Lux so we need to make fire and air to get more luxe and oh there it is right there

That connect there we go all right nice you know I’m sorry to get pretty good at this not bad at all so we’re the guys are really a stuff and I think that unlocks the ability to craft them so let’s go back to our Theo is your arcade

Ear do you hear something I click to get a research note since their lodestone do you dare allow it for the knowledge miner we’re bidding knowledge I wonder what that’s for either way we need to get four leather two gold and two thermometers and then it requires air Ignace so uh five five

Five three three I think they’re at the end and I think our wand over here has enough stuff inside button right ah almost I just need a little bit of that green and I guess we can just go around and see if we can find different or a

Notes and stuff and kind of we refill our wand over here you know we did see a lot of old or anodes around here but let’s actually walk around with this little thumb vomiter and dad try and actually you know fill up this wand so let’s actually see let’s walk around a

Bit see if there’s any nearby on I don’t know family over I don’t know forward use that sort of wood tree we’ll still to one of these symmetries it’s cut out here in the open actually I want let’s go to bed let’s go to bed because it is nighttime and I

Don’t want to get dude I see witches I see zombies I see skeletons all the minimap I don’t want to have to mess with any of those guys so let’s just go to bed real quick make it daytime but let all those zombies and skeletons burn

Outs I should and does grab ourselves an axe there you go so we easily cut into the tree do a little bit of tree surgery and try and see if we can suck any magic out of the part of the Soraa trio voice doesn’t kill it

Uh it’s not that big of a deal if this thing dies right there just right there so would log so it would log pure and this one’s just regular oh okay so stored logs have that magic thing so that’s what we’re gonna need to fuel the craft for our theater no blooms using

The shimmer themes let’s see oh and that’s filling up what what I have again so has heart an air okay so we can’t actually suck essence out of them so that’s good so I want to have heart and air which makes sense because you know trees and they make oxygen

I want to miss bus this real quick does this tree also do heart and air or is it like random water will sense just a complete coincidence because there’s a tree in it provides air and oxygen and all that and poor stuff let’s see our air and order oh wait

Air water and order okay so some of its different not bad all right well I guess that that’s you know it’s worth a shot let’s go around and scan all the different solar woods that we have we have one two three I think we have four five film that we

Could scan I don’t want to I still don’t want to cut into the main one no yep there’s another one over there another one I keep getting guys well you’re one person that has like it’s such a huge problem about that DJ Khaled me I don’t get what’s what’s a big deal

About that only happens like once every video right let’s see is this one uh where’s the hard oh wow the heart of this one it’s like all the way down here wow it’s kind of interesting let’s try and dig into it like so there you go

Scanner ooh and ya heart order and air but we already have those yeah not getting any essence from it let’s see can we get a essence from this this dark thing I think we tried it last time right yeah it’s a sinister or a thing so

It’s gonna get us air fire and death but I can’t suck any out of because I think I psyched about last episode so don’t they I can suck out any of that death and stuff from her but I think this wand is only able to get like you know the

The essential stuff well what does he call like guess we can actually look at it err Tara Agnes aqua order or doe and perdy she Oh looks like those are the only things that can be sucked out oh there’s an aura node right here sometimes we

Come across all Reds like this that our liked ain’t no yeah like this is a taint or a note to be that’s exactly something that we don’t want so I might as well grab that shimmer a leaf and down let’s see where’s the heart of this one that

One’s all the way up there I don’t know if I wanna I don’t know what a mess was that oh is that another that hit wait nothing to theory Oh bloom ah okay whoa I guess I’ll just try to roam around see if I hope there’s no one right here I

Hope this one’s not at aged one let’s see change I don’t think I think tainted just means that it’s like it like there’s taint all over the post I don’t they get spreads taint maybe maybe it was just a coincidence that both of these just happen to be

Tainted that one had to air inside I’m already full of error I just need to get urbe I don’t know where I’m gonna get her though we’re just kind of weird because he expects you to get urbe from pretty much any civil injury because that’s you know

Sort of wood and herbal and stuff oh there’s that one we just came across all right well I think what we will do is just kind of roam around and see if I can come in contact with any more of these aura notes and I can get more of

That irva then that will be fantastic oh I’m completely out of food now oh yeah well let’s see uh yeah this is one problem I have about this is that this is such a small little window you can’t really see everywhere if they kind of go

All over the place wow if we had those goggles of revealing those would be a million times better is what you just walk around and anything we actually look at will be as if we’re looking through this we won’t have to worry about like pointing this that stuff you

Know so I guess I’m just going to roam around hopefully find some stuff and I’ll see you guys here in a bit alright guys so I found an old over by the volcano somewhere over here there’s an aura no that had a not urbe I thought it was urbe because it was green

But whatever this this rau stuff is the mountain stuff Terra or whatever so now my iron cap wouldn’t want any dammit truth but now my own cap would wand it should be pretty much full it’s not form per DCO but what are you gonna do right

But what were you want oh yeah we’re you’re trying to make that the whatever it’s called I believe we’ve got already but we’re trying to make carrot is right there is law when I’m calm we’re trying to make young these goggles are revealing so we need two of these

Thermometers so we need to get more gold more glass and any one of these shards and I think we can make that in a crafting table I think we need anything special as far as I know so still heroes grab a little bit of gold and we have a

Whole 154 pull friends go all the casuals back okay what dole up in there and I just might as well empty a little bit of stuff out of my inventory empty I’m sure some of this trash I don’t need the other your paper we use these earth

Shards I suppose we lost or need some glass I can last Rou put you there and glass should be done yep there you go all right well let’s try and make the second a thermometer actually well so much two of them just apparently you’re not able to scan things with the goggles of

Revealing so let’s just let’s just have two of those and I don’t think we’re gonna do yeah we need leather real leather I think we need like four or so I think we might need a little bit more gold I’m not a hundred percent sure what

I’m just gonna take this gold just in case we need it I could just check my book but yeah we need a little bit of gold – Gold for leather and two of those a thumb thinks so it was like this right like that or I think gold like that and

Leather on the top and or a leather on the sides right there it is I think and then we need to put our Juan there ah dog is too revealing and we get this vist discount of 5% so apparently this I got one one is it

Like the best one one in the universe so it costs 110% this to like it makes it tough so like you’re right now you see that it says like three Ordo right there and this is 3.3 or to–now so it costs a little bit more than usual so if we wear this

Well should we grab it oh we didn’t grab it there it is so if we wear this then we’ll get a little bit of a discount and we’ll be able to see aura nose and stuff we’re just found unfortunate that we can’t use our crown casual crown anymore

But I guess we can just put that up believe this we don’t have to hold this garbage anymore to see the other aura nose and stuff which is fantastic well we’re also gonna need these as a reveal got these goggles ever really get to like see like something about that

Crucible or something I don’t know a speed of the crucible we need to find out what we’re gonna fill inside of it to kind of turn shimmer Leafs into ethereal blooms so what can we do the taint balls those those take goo balls we can use those take goo balls it’s

Flora our lunch box up with some food yeah look at that we can see an aura noted over there I think that’s the obsidian obelisk say yeah I think all right and we have another lunch box right there and I’ll fill that up with some feeding a little bit of food cuz

I’m pretty hungry I didn’t fill up my thing up some food before uh starting the recording again so it’s just a little bit of food and then I guess we can kind of figure out what we’re gonna use to try and make those shimmer lease or actually you know what we do have

Those was it called in silver cap and they great with things so I think we might need to unlock interests of what cap do we have that somewhere here wan cap sir it is right there gold want cap copper there’s some great wood wand core so I

Already have that how do i unlock this missing research why would a I already have the great wood wad cap and I just put it inside the table does not require anything else but our higher cap wand back and great would want caps like so I

Guess not huh that’s kind of weird so get a book I don’t know where is the equal trade shock focus pouch wand caps gold Wonka is that the last one there you need scribing tools in paper okay so we need to get scribing tools add paper got

Kind of upset now I just put the paper up and I have to get a little bit ascribing to IRAs grab tools be Peru let’s grab some of the paper Rupa our gold leather bowls casual brain file of essentia let’s put that up I guess we can throw those shimmer leaves inside

The hungry chest here in a second but tell where we gonna do I completely literally just oh yeah is awful so we have a gold capped wand so now we have that research now I suppose we could try and uh that shouldn’t be too hard alright let’s see how do you make that

Ingot it’s made out of Terra and then a diamond thing is so Terra and diamond was that that hand made out of and it’s made out of people and evil faced hunger which is that and that this might be a tough one why that one’s made out of

People to write so instrumentum that at least has the Ordo things so there’s that and this one is Terra so I suppose we could try and put Terra next to it see if that’ll help where in the world is it that’s all the way over here there

Is there’s Terra and was that fisting yet this was people officials two people one yeah and looks like fists and people is for instrumentum now you’re pretty good one oh okay maybe I can move the order one later I think it’s just wasting it I

Think this is the waste yes so I should probably not do stuff like that unless I know what’s gonna happen so there’s humerus which is this man thing then we put that here to kind of connect those two together and I don’t know what we’re doing to connect together that that is a

Terra and people only there’s anything that’s tearing at people as far as I can remember but let’s though wait oh that was close sounds really close there’s people in urbe huh actually in a one what is urbe Orville oh yeah that’s perfect so let’s put the may cease with

That there nice are those two are connected then we put herb up there perfect so that’s all connected now perfect all right let’s get the other discovery of the gold wad caps so let’s read about that and see if that unless missing required research huh wonder why that’s missing what would be missing

There I don’t know I always go on caps so there’s that and I guess we just put that on a regular stick maybe let’s go get some gold nuggets let’s go see how much better this is and uh and then the iron cap so you’ll see let’s see gold a

Rule cat can I not what is happening to me there you go gold nuggets and I think this should be enough to make a little helmet shape that we need for the caps I don’t know if that’s one chapter two or what let’s grab that I don’t know if we

Have to make it inside here yeah we do all right so it’s just one cap so it’s just one catch let’s go back over there instead grass or more ingots and gold or ooh oh wow I got it completely right that first time but I grab the gold

Helmet instead of the of actual gold jeez ah anyways now you can make the second gold cap and I don’t know if we need sticks or if we need that great wood block thing let’s find out so if we do that but we would like that okay yeah

What’s the great what long gold banded great would wand with 50 capacity takes nine point five for five of everything and I have enough to yeah I have enough to make it hmm you’ll see can we make it out of a stick or do we need this great

Wood thing great or wait us stick Aroo just can’t seem to be able to like talk and think and type I don’t know it’s happening okay yeah the old man and wooden was that’s only 25 capacity so there’s no real purpose flag this is the same

Capacity as a gold or a uh an iron one so police knows with inner things great wood okay so I what is this group in there silver cap was that for I don’t know blah blah blah not tell me anything advance no tapping ooh I don’t know if

That is what was that for get that textile boy taking it all I guess we didn’t figure that out later research mastery power is knowledge deconstruction table who I heard things about the destruction table so maybe will you try and figure these out so let’s figure out the advance no to tappero

Ooh that one looks a little bit hard let’s see that was a little bit as hard oh this will should be easier which one’s this one Oh a deconstruction table alright well there’s Ordo and then now if you get these uh there you go okay well let’s connect it so what do you

Have the deconstruction table now which is I guess pretty useful I’ve heard about it I don’t know quite what it does not probably have to do a little bit of research on it there comes a point in any thought matter its career or he is unable to progressed with a research to

Us due to its a lack of knowledge now that’s gonna be definitely us isn’t it one possible recourse is the deconstruction table the table allows you to break down objects into their most simplest parts which you can examine and there are limits however the table breaks compound aspects and their

Component aspects until only primal aspects remain okay that’s it sounds good I guess but during this process much knowledge is lost and at best a thought can hope for a single piece of primal knowledge for example iron but alum will only be simplified into Tara

And Ordo only one of which will have a chance of being discovered it is also fairly slow in the fewer aspects to the object has the lower chance of discovering something okay well yeah I think it’s going to be a pretty important piece of our puzzle to try and

Figure done things out with the sole found stuff so let’s try and make it what do we need again we’ll use a yeah gold axe the old pickaxe I think we might have to request those then a table and then an extra thumb vomiter and I guess we’re just about to make another

Thermometer real quick let’s try to do that let’s grab a little bit of gold aru there just is right there gold and we’re going to eat glass alas right there get some shards yeah just use shards I guess and there we go we have another monitor alright perfect

See gold I don’t think we’re able to make tools right and sticks yeah we can’t make jewels so we have to request them cat well we do have a lot of uh yeah lay that which is superb 210 oh that’s fantastic you’re assured it’s 250 hoof that is really good

Karelian stuff supplier you got to supply one or some stuffs of gold’s you only need your max it’s going to native six I’ll take it what do we want to eat golden axe and golden pink okay we’ll request I’ll go and pick was they cool down on this six hours all

Right well let’s just go to bed and wait in the morning it’ll be nice and done god I completely forgot that it doesn’t like carry overnight yeah well I guess we might as well uh what’s the order we have to put that like a crafting table

Or yeah or can workbench and we want to eat twenty Aparicio and we don’t have that much per DCO produce you know is like the one that we don’t have that much of yeah we’re at eighteen point four though that’s pretty close we won’t need twenty so I don’t none of the or

Notes I came in contact with had that Purdy show stuff so that’s kind of unfortunate mmm but yes for now we can just put the recipe there so golden axe thermometer what else we all need a table and then a pickaxe okay so this table is just slabs and place okay

That’s cheap cheap cheap cheap ah let’s go downstairs and let’s say let’s get this research table pretty much made I sent for that pickaxe that we’re gonna need here in a second so what are we gonna do what is this okay dear we already have what the wait do we already

We searched it okay we don’t have a research area was a something called deconstruct oh we already have a deconstruction table where do we get this huh so we have the arcade here and we already have a deconstruction table that is good stuff alright well put that

There and I think we can just put I don’t know I did see that putting crafting tables in there was like a really good thing so let’s see crafting table crafting station I don’t know if that’s gonna work the same way as crafting tables let’s get ourselves

Planks link a room grabbing you and Amerika planks oh wow there’s another craft table it’s gotta be a weird red one it kind of looks cool but I don’t know is it gonna process is it it’ll work uh would you get anything there it’s gonna get us nothing big boat load enough and

Well at least I already know that we already have a deconstruction table and if everyone we already have an arcade ear to which we didn’t I don’t know where do we get these ok dear let’s go set this thing down and see what it does it will right-click it see if there’s

Any options oh it’s just no block oh well that’s kind of cool tells you what note it’s on three four you like that sound huh doggie it’s kind of weird was the point of that

This video, titled ‘Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.61 – GOGGLES OF REVEALING!!! (Modded Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2016-04-02 17:00:00. It has garnered 12846 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:57 or 1437 seconds.

Minecraft Roleplay in an epic Modded Minecraft Adventure Map?! Blightfall is a Minecraft Adventure Map with its own Minecraft Modpack to help make for an exciting roleplay! ▶︎ Let’s try to hit 200 LIKES! :^D

Blightfall is a Modded Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Map series using the Blightfall Technic Modpack full of awesome Minecraft Mods! In this series, Waffle must roleplay and explore the mysterious, tainted, purple planet for the promised paradise! Will he be able to survive such a treacherous planet and establish a successful colony?

▶︎ Blightfall Roleplay series playlist –

▶︎ Minecraft Modpack: Blightfall Technic Modpack (1.7.10) –

▶︎ Minecraft Mods List –

▶︎ Another Music: Raider – “Future” –


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    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: My sister’s channel: Tweet me! Follow me! Read with me: Reddit: Pinterest: Spotify: Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: Instagram- Discord- Facebook- Twitter – Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide - EP. 3 - Making EPIC Progress!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lets Play – DRP’s Flat World Survival Guide Episode 3 – Making Progress!!’, was uploaded by Gobspitt on 2024-01-08 17:00:03. It has garnered 86 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:33 or 1533 seconds. Welcome to the Flat World Survival Guide! A MineCraft series using a modpack created by DanRobzProbz. This is a Java Modpack. Visit DanRobzProbz’s showcase at: Download DRP’s modpack here; Find me at: Facebook – Gobspitt Games Twitter – @gobspitt Instagram – @gobspitt Twitch – Discord – Support me by becoming a Patreon… Read More

  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Experience a blend of RLCraft survival challenges with faction-based gameplay on RLFactions! Immerse yourself in a world where you can fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon-riding players the next. Join us for a competitive and challenging survival experience. DISCORD: Enhance your survival skills and engage in faction warfare to ensure your survival in this vibrant and competitive environment. Building and strategizing are key to success on RLFactions. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Join now and test your survival skills! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This ain’t the full Minecraft update!

    Minecraft Memes - This ain't the full Minecraft update!Well, looks like this meme is mining for upvotes in the update department! Read More

Blightfall: Minecraft Modded Adventure Ep.61 – GOGGLES OF REVEALING!!! (Modded Roleplay)