BMFVR – FINALLY Minecraft VR On The Oculus Quest 2?…Sort Of | Minecraft VR Clone

Video Information

What you’re seeing on the screen right now is not minecraft but it is running natively on the quest and it’s pretty freaking awesome hey what’s up questors today we are checking out a game that’s currently on sidequest but going to be on app lab in the near future so don’t

Run away just yet this is discovery originally a flat game it’s making its transition over to vr on the quest platform and it is a creative building game in the vein of minecraft this is not a survival game although the developer has mentioned looking into the potential of doing that

In the future right now it’s all about creating stuff building stuff and it even has a multiplayer coming in the near future so you’ll be able to jump in and play with friends and build to your heart’s content it has a ton of materials and even has

Electrical systems so you can hook up some electronics it’s just really cool so let’s jump in and check out discovery on the oculus quest 2. all right here we are inside of discovery on the quest too it’s running natively as you can tell very minecraft-esque in this game look at

That even the plants are moving over there there’s a bunny hopping over there i don’t usually show um the menu system in games but i wanted to show this because i think there’s some important things to talk about really quick before we jump into the actual

Game when you go to start the game you can have different worlds so you create worlds you can put in a seed number just like you would with like minecraft you can name the world you could do the terrain type flat basic extended environment mode static and animals what the coolest thing though

Is you can actually upload your world and let other people play it you can also go to the gallery and you can choose a world these are all worlds so you can go to play world you can create another one this game well let me just jump into the

World then we’ll talk about it all right so here we go so this world look at those little teeny bunnies this world is about building uh this is not a survival game although the creator of this did say they’d like to look into doing some sort of survival thing not

Necessarily like minecraft though more like um valhallam or however you say it they said it was it was their way of thinking but overall i mean it is a very minecraft-esque world and one thing you’re going to notice is there’s no jumping yet in this game

It is coming it’s just a smooth walk up it walks up there’s also when you walk off a cliff it slowly brings you down look at that there’s water you can go in the water and i think that that has to do with uh vr options for what they’re offering for the game

My hope that is that look how beautiful though it looks the lighting in this game um looks like minecraft but with shaders on see the lighting in this game i think that with the shadows and the lighting it looks really good it reminds me of playing minecraft with mods

Without any mods on it which is pretty cool and then when you go up let me just show you guys on top of a cliff and jumping off that way you can see what i’m talking about um here we go so when you go off you can actually float down which is a

Little bit disappointing i kinda wanted to jump off but uh that’s something that that is being worked on i believe um and uh yeah the stuff that has been worked on it’s still a work in progress but this shows a lot of potential this game actually was originally um

A flat game and i think it’s on the switch it might be on uh i think it’s on playstation i know that um it’s not in vr anywhere at the moment but right here i think it’s i think in early going to get in early access on steam and all that kind

Of stuff but look there’s a fox right there uh but look there’s a planet up there there’s i mean it’s cool it’s about building though so if you’re looking for a survival minecraft style game this is not the game yet now let’s talk about controls since it’s all about building you got

All your building stuff here right now it’s just got the controllers look there’s a shadow you can’t see my body uh also it’s gonna be multiplayer by the way so uh that’s pretty cool all right so when it comes to the game it is really all about building

And that’s why you have this menu system here you can turn on and off the fact that you can go up and down um and uh there you go so there’s also another view you can actually jump out to a third person type of view which is a little unique we’re looking

Dude there i’m not sure i uh what to think about that except for you can more easily build stuff i suppose if you want to i prefer the first person view but i guess if you wanted to build something really quickly you could jump to third person view and build with your

Touch controllers and stuff like that this changes the time of day you can actually fast forward the time of day by clicking on it and uh look at there’s like some sort of a end of day dusk kind of look and then you can go to night time

And you got full night time there and there’s the moon up there gets pretty freaking dark in this world at night look at that it’s like northern lights going on or something like that now let’s uh fast forward to morning this morning and now we’re in 7 44.

Now we’re in the day you can see as the sun comes up the lighting changes which is pretty awesome uh but let’s talk about building with the building system there’s a whole bunch of materials in this and there is a um electronics system i don’t know what they call it there’s some lock

Stuff here i’m not sure what it means that it’s locked if it’s just not available in this version if i have to unlock it somehow but you’ve got steps they’ve got door pieces um what is this thing red brick slope okay uh there’s torches just like in minecraft

Tnt i haven’t tried that yet there’s switches though see there’s a whole bunch of switches there’s um barrel tatami mat stone sphere coin there’s a whole bunch of letters there’s all this animals you can place there’s a beach ball and there’s a laser gun look watch us

This is kind of cool it’s a little weird but select it and boom boom boom that’s one way to clear stuff out all right so let’s build something see it’s really easy to dig into the ground in this there’s no like in minecraft there’s no in creative mode anyways sorry i’m

Getting distracted here and the scale of this feels really good too by the way it feels very good but like in creative mode in minecraft you aren’t going to need to like use a pickaxe or anything in fact there isn’t any pickaxes or anything um there we’ve built a

Little area here let’s grab a torch or two just to make it so that we can actually see something what’s this red container there’s a whole bunch of things i have not explored yet this is a fire which i wish we could unlock and it’s not sure how to unlock it

Let’s take the torch we’re going to drag it down and we’ll put it in here and place a torch there there we go late going on in here and you can see there’s a flicker too um to the light which is kind of cool and there’s some shadow

As the sun’s coming in here let’s put a door on this sucker and i had a building somewhere i’d show it to you but i have no idea where it is let’s put some uh dirt here and we’re gonna create a door i might as well keep this consistent with some grass here

Oops that looks kind of funny there nope there we go now let’s place a door here now this obviously is something that you would probably more do if you were in a cr in a Survival mode not a creative mode but i’m just kind of illustrating the building abilities of this game you can open and close the door just like in minecraft by using the trigger and activating it and then you can just dig to your heart’s content here and make this awesome cool place

I’m gonna let me dig for a second i’m gonna build some stuff and i’ll be right back all right here we go again i’ve spent a little bit of time building welcome to my humble abode it didn’t take me too too long to do this but uh actually took me less time

That would have taken for probably minecraft because the way you can point and click at things i could stand in the middle of the room and pretty much just build everything but here we go see i’ve uh got some wood planks everywhere some shiplap on the ceiling

A little room going on here down here we’ve got the library and that’s about as far as i made it but uh but it’s pretty cool actually it’s very intuitive to build very easy just point and click you just point and oh that’s a torch and click just like that very simple

Very easy almost like a you’re like a palette here where you set your paints and then you’re painting the whole thing let’s go explore a little bit well i don’t know if i should explore or if i should just let’s fast forward the time move

There we go all right that’s good i like the daytime light i just like the sun so time does pass i’m not sure how fast it does one second per minute okay good to know all right let’s go see what’s going on in this place there is normally music but i’ve turned

It off just because i’m not sure what the copyright is on it and i don’t want it i’m getting into trouble so let’s go explore over here and see what’s over here explore a little bit find out what kind of terrain this place has there’s some more animals over here looks like

Some sort of a cherry tree or something look at that all right i know i have a building around here somewhere that i built but i can’t figure out where the heck it would be i’ve lost my building and you can delete stuff there’s no mining in this one because it

Isn’t minecraft so you’re not going to mine like different items and stuff you just have a menu system with all your creative items there’s a lot more being added to the game like i said before so it’s possible we can unlock new stuff maybe at some point in

Time i don’t know it’ll look like a desert area see oop there’s a lamb right there the cactus oh i can hear the lamb it’s a big desert area look you can actually see the controllers waving let’s let ourselves down slowly going down hi there

What the i didn’t mean to do that i’m sorry i was just testing to see if you could remove it i was going to actually remove it jeez there’s also you can actually use i have not messed around with it you can do a whole bunch of materials in here

What’s this metal grid huh and apparently you can use electronics stuff stuff maybe where is it what’s this a light a light sensor and a switch all right we’re going to go down here and we’re going to test out these electronic stuff you can build electrical circuits in this kind of like

Redstone and minecraft i’m guessing but a little more straightforward it sounds like actual electrical switches and stuff let’s try it so i could have put lights in my house not torches all right here we go let’s go over here so oops we got switch right here

Oops let’s pop it down into the spot here you got a light is there a power you’re supposed to barrel maybe it’s just all right let’s try and see what happens oh okay there’s a light there switch there oh you can turn it on and off okay so it’s just about having a

Switch oops hold on there we go on off on off so it does work now let me figure out how far away can the switch be let’s use a switch here okay so can you run electrical wiring too let me find out let’s find out let’s see what we got here torch

Um switch sensor flagpole barrel light red carpet um what’s this wire there we go wire okay if you can run wiring that’s a little easy oh look at that wiring you can wire a light switch you can actually wire a light can you put it on walls too you can put

It on walls cool so you can actually really wire stuff in this there we go now i turn that on look at that that’s pretty freaking cool i wonder what happens if i put it put a tnt there will it explode do we think it’ll explode let’s find out shall we

Okay how do you explode a tnt maybe with a torch that doesn’t look good all right let’s go back to the tnt and see if there’s any activation things for it a lighter i bet you can light tnt let’s light some tnt and see what it looks like

So great let’s do it oh boy that really blew a hole in there didn’t it so we got the lighter on what else can we light i’m gonna set up some tnt here and cause a good size explosion what do you think should we try it gonna end up breaking the game

Are we ready kids all right here we go it just got to do the same thing blew one whole i wonder if you can do a line of it ready if it’ll blow up oops let’s try that stop placing it there all right let’s light it down here see what happens

Oh okay it just kind of explodes what’s around it doesn’t cause a chain reaction that’s too bad whoa what happens if i’m on it and it explodes can i do that oh i just float down okay anyways we’ve been playing enough with some dynamite what else we got in this sucker here

Hellstone okay what the heck is that that’s creepy looking isn’t it does that mean there’s like another type of place in this how do we get there i wonder i wonder how many what does it take to go build another it’s more than that right it’s like this

How happens if i build a portal what do you think hellstone would be like netherstone right here let’s go up here like this like that and then that’s the size of another portal right wouldn’t that work as another portal i can’t remember can’t light it okay well let me light it

No portals in this apparently i was wrong cursed dirt cursed dirt cursed i wonder if that is the portal i can’t remember how to make another portal my son would remember in a heartbeat can you light curse dirt no can’t light it okay anyways moving on can you light oh okay i forgot

That does that have to get it jumped can you light bunnies on fire get light bunnies on fire all right what else can we do here uh let me see what we got going on here we got wood blocks red leaves looks like sushi it is

Tuna and seaweed it’s sushi is that a burger hamburger are you joking grab a hamburger that is a freaking big hamburger holy heck i want that hamburger doesn’t look like there’s any cheese on it though we need some cheese like the hamburger on fire all right

Let’s put a light on top of the hamburger i’m curious about something you can actually do that all right so one thing that i’ve that’s driven me nuts about minecraft and the way you do redstone is the way that you have to wire stuff you can actually oh i just created like a

Oops ding hold on a second i gotta try something really quick can you make this light up multiple lights like watch i have to put another light here right it does so you can put a switch you flip the switch in both lights light you don’t need a power source you just

Need a switch well that makes wiring stuff way easier so you could literally alright oops you could literally wire a house all right let’s see how far away it’ll go oops that’s all i want to do come on keep going all right now let’s put another light

Yep it works i’m going to enjoy this game i’m actually about to wire a full house and you can do letters too light up letters if i think let’s check it out and see right here like an a let’s take an a really quick what are these coin okay

Um a yep it does light up all right maybe it doesn’t yet oh maybe it’s just lighting up oh yeah they are they’re lights okay you change colors of these lights i think you can how do you change colors you can actually spell like bmf or something and light it up that’s cool

Get rid of these well this is the game anyways this this is discovery and uh i’ve got a lot of building to do i think this is uh this is going to be quite fun and with multiplayer coming to this game in the future i think it’s going to be

Pretty freaking awesome to build some cool stuff with friends look at that saturn is up there and uh hang out in this game and see what happens no uh my favorite part of minecraft has always been creative so that’s always been my favorite part see look it’s got like shaders almost

The water even moves to me if it if they added um not added but if they add multiplayer and they add the ability to jump then this is going to be a lot of fun look when you move your arms actually move i wonder what it looks like in

Multiplayer when you see each other i’m very curious about that you know exactly how that works but looks like it’s the end of the day now it is uh 1900 hours so it’s time for bed or at least for this dude to go to bed there’s no beds

But we’re gonna sign off here and uh if you want to play this game it’s not on app lab yet it’s on sidequest i’ll put a link in the description but they are submitting it to app lab so hopefully it’ll be super easy to jump into in the very very

Near future there you go there is some gameplay of discovery on the quest 2. it is running natively like i said it runs on both quest 1 and quest 2 and it works really well it actually runs at 90 hertz in my testing on my quest 2. it doesn’t

Have any glitches it doesn’t have any stuttering it just looks and plays really well this actually shows me that minecraft would play absolutely amazingly on the quest natively which we already know but we’re just waiting for them to actually do it in the meantime though discovery is a

Great option if you love creating stuff so make sure you go check it out at the link in the description on sidequest if you want to try it out and it will be coming to app lab in the future as the developer is just about ready to submit it to the

App lab store if you want to know more about the game like i said head to the link in the description and if you want to continue to get the most out of your quest and your quest to don’t forget to hit that subscribe button down there

And the bell icon for notifications plus you can check out even more of my videos right there thank you so much for watching stay safe and happy questing you

This video, titled ‘FINALLY Minecraft VR On The Oculus Quest 2?…Sort Of | Minecraft VR Clone’, was uploaded by BMFVR on 2021-04-20 13:42:31. It has garnered 85676 views and 1787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:57 or 1197 seconds.

Today on BMF VR we are checking out a Minecraft VR clone of sorts but is this close enough to having Minecraft VR on the Oculus Quest 2? Let’s check out Discovery on the Oculus Quest 2. Find more out about the game here –

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    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- Anarchy Free Kits- Get 6b6t tier tested- tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Norik’s Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure

    Norik's Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Norik as your guide. Witness the challenges, triumphs, and close calls as they navigate through this unforgiving game mode. Day 1: The Beginning As Norik spawns into the world, the adventure begins. With no prior knowledge of what lies ahead, they start exploring, gathering resources, and building shelter to survive the first night. Day 2: Progress and Exploration On the second day, Norik delves deeper into the world, uncovering hidden treasures, encountering hostile mobs, and expanding their base. Each… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: Trello to track upcoming releases: ••► All my networks: ••► Twitch : ••► Follow me on Twitter: The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: Saweria: Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods 10! #4 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack | LIVE |’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-09-30 19:06:47. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:32 or 6092 seconds. All the Mods 10! #3 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack 💀💀Subscribe💀💀: 🔵🔵Discord🔵🔵 🔴🔴Reddit🔴🔴 🟢🟢Shockbyte server Hosting🟢🟢 💵💵MAYBE DONATE IDK 💵💵 Other Videos You Might Like: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ Forcing People to Live in Garbage!?! – Cities: Skylines -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ I Kidnapped EVERYONE?! – The Sims 4 Challenge -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ why minecraft best video geam:… Read More

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BMFVR – FINALLY Minecraft VR On The Oculus Quest 2?…Sort Of | Minecraft VR Clone