bRanN – Minecraft Mechanics (EP01) Unidentified & Anti-Potions

Video Information

Foreign episode one fade a little drop logo into place announce breaking minecraft so you don’t what what you you can’t just yell at me like that I’m not as young as I I used to be you’re just reading the whole script I’m sorry I’m just not used to you being right

There next to me it’s making me nervous I’ll I’ll get it right this time but I welcome to Minecraft mechanics episode one breaking minecraft so you don’t have to today we will be talking about potions they ran thanks professor uh potions that don’t say what’s in them potions that can erase other potion

Effects are we crazy Maybe let’s find out we’ll take a quick break and I’ll meet you over at our test World I’ll see you later sweet sweet sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep that tickles all right let’s get started shall we here we have our

Chest of items items for episode one with this beautiful lamp and uh for those of you not in the know it’s just a switch but uh don’t tell the Professor I told him that it’s a wireless antenna he’s off trying to uh improve on the design wireless electricity they’re working on it

But not in Minecraft alright so first we were talking about potions with hidden effects if you could imagine a chest full of potions of Leaping uh players are gonna take these and use them when they can especially if you can imagine make a map where jumping is essential to progress

And give them a chest full of these but then mixed in you got this poet C5 which is actually level six potency nine which is actually level 10. um this thing survival mode this thing will hurt you ouch creativity mode that’s not something that uh you want to do as a player

The problem is it says what the effect is what if you could have this jumpy potion now let’s clear our potion effects just to show you there’s no trickery involved we got no potion of x and we drink this guy now we have jump boost much lower level than the other one I

Believe this jump boost one that’s because this is a water bottle if you take the potion effects from a custom potion if you use the custom potion data tags and make a potion with that and then copy them over to a water bottle you get this that’s the default name it’s italicized

And it’s in white now if you want you can mess around you can add lower lower text just like you would you can change the colors this is uh the default colors if you don’t do anything and so now we got a description it’s lets you jump to unknown Heights

It’s a bad description because it’s misspelled but you get the point um and here’s just another example we’ve set the text to White and that’s just with well I’ll show you the details of how I did this after and you can use any uh any of the

Special effects that you could use for signs and I’ll have a link to a the reference sheet in my video description and so here we have the randomized letter so it’s jump boost level who knows it’s one minute it lets you jump to unknown Heights now you could have a chest full

Of these and all of them could be safe except for a couple that’d be very interesting you don’t want to overuse this because then you’re just going to be trolling the player and then the player’s not going to have a lot of fun now the other thing while messing around

With this I discovered is anti-potions and here we have Anti-Venom here we have potion of cleansing clear mind removes all negative potion effects you’ll notice I have the the title and effect which is actually just lower text formatted to look like a potion effect you could also make it red if you wanted

The player to know that there’s something negative and there’s a item description remove solve negative potion of X and then we hear here we have magic milk and that’s just showing you you can the formatting you can have any color combination you can mix it up

And this one says clear all the problem with these of course is it shows the effect now how these work is they all last one tick one tick is not enough for for these to really do anything to you okay well this one is obviously set up wrong

I probably uh didn’t set the durations as a matter of fact I know I didn’t set the durations because it’s sitting there saying one minute but what you do is you make a custom potion and you add whatever effects you want to clear you set them to a higher level

Than the effects they’re normally going to have because the rule is higher level effect takes precedence which means the higher level effect is going to take over the lower level effect and it’s going to reset the duration to the higher levels of duration in the case of this one which

Is set up correctly that duration is uh one tick and the instance of this one the duration of all those effects are one tick so this essentially has every potion effect on it and will work the same as milk let’s copy this let’s go into our inventory and get a bunch of

Potion effects we’ll get a poison night vision strength weakness speed survival all right let’s apply these quickly before I die let me see we got all these effects we take the magic milk and they’re gone creative we’re using up all our oh I made a copy of that good

Yeah these jump boosts weren’t really important so it doesn’t matter that I use that one up um so there’s magic milk now you take this you do the same thing you take everything here only you copy it to uh this magic guy water bottle then you got anti-venom cure poison

Potion of cleansing clear mind removes all negative potion of X magic milk clear all like milk only Magic and that’s just I don’t know I haven’t seen this utilized a lot it’s really awesome I discovered a long time ago I’ve had it on my website for a while I I just I

Haven’t seen it used so really wanted to get the information about that out there um there it is just the water bottle that’s the magic now you can do the same thing well you can’t do the same thing to splash potions for that not showing the actual original effect

I’ve tried adding this to the mundane I’ve tried asking adding this to copying the potion effects to some of the other splash potions that you can’t normally get it just it always shows the effects um but the clear effects can be used on splash potions and maybe you’d have these in a spawner

Dropping down on the player’s head clearing their effects the thing with splash potions however is when you have a splash potion this is two and two minutes and 15 seconds and you’re hit with it you’re only applied with a percentage now if you shoot it straight down

You get most of it if you hit yourself in the head by shooting it directly up you get uh I think that’s the the way to get the most um tripping over my own words here sorry the shortest duration in ticks for something that’s going to hit the

Player’s head is 21. anything less than that and it’s not going to affect them 20 might affect the most that’s some of the time but it’s not it’s not reliable and then the shortest duration for the feet is 24. the shortest duration you can use on

A splash potion is 21 if it hits the player’s head or 24 if it hits their feet so that’s very important to remember if you want to clear the effects the problem with uh this using the splash potions to reset things is it hits you long enough to

Actually apply some of the effect it doesn’t apply it long enough for it to actually be usable for the player useful for the player but it applies it long enough to do something to the player so if this was for example a spawner that was hitting

You with splash potions to cure to to clear uh regeneration for example they’re gonna be regenerating while it’s hitting them and so that might not work as well but there should still be some some usages and this is my reset movement speed for our next test which will be involving speed potions um

So yeah that’s the basics I know a lot of talking for just some Basics let’s get into the details welcome to my item world if I get requests to do so I can kind of walk around here and show you what this is about but the short end of it is this

Is where I store all my custom-made items before I turn them into schematics so that they can be easily downloaded from my website here’s the potion Hut we’ll take a quick tour in there as well and here’s the same chest essentially from uh from the other world um

And the reason we’re in this world is because this is going to let us use the mod and BT edit now you can also do this with an external program as a matter of fact you could download the schematic straight from my website and then open them up

With MBT Explorer and you can find links to all of these programs and mods on my website so I have a key bound to type in slash NBT edit for me so I just point to the chest and this is how you have to edit items because they’re not tile entities

And this is going to edit a tile entity which is the chest and here we are in nbtedit and this can look a little confusing but basically this is the chest these are the items in the chest each one of these is an item and uh for each item it’s got the information

And it’s got the data tags uh and on this one the datatex custom potion effects and uh it’s got the ID which is potion id8 don’t ask me I I make the potions outside and put them in the chest amplifier zero this is where you could

Modify this to pump it up to a level that’s higher than allowed you could put it to I think as high as 127 something ridiculous and duration and this is where you can modify and edit it to a super tiny duration so let’s take for example let’s take a water bottle

And let’s make a potion with my uh too many items and we’ll make a strength potion level one make and then we could even come in here give it a name sample click make and so now it’s got a name and the easiest thing is just use a new chest

And the order you put them in here one two three Etc it’s going to be the order there on the list so sometimes you just organize them that way so it’s uh easier to find and so I know this is the first item so that’s a water bottle you notice it

Doesn’t have any extra data just got that it’s one it’s positioned in the chest a damage value which is something for like wood what type of wood it is and the item id which is water bottle here’s the potion with the custom potion data as well as the display data

And then under display if you were to add a list rename this lore and underneath that add some strings and then type whatever you want no world that’s your display data and your custom potion effects duration this is what you’d want to set to one

Or 21 or 24 if you’re going to try to do something funky with a splash potion um and then you’d set this to a higher level than whatever they’re going to have and that’s going to clear any strength and then you would just take this whole thing tag

With all the sub whatevers and do your copy and then select this item that’s the water bottle paste now you got the same information you didn’t have to sit there and make most of it you made some of it um and it’s a little bit easier outside

Of the game because you can see what you’re doing you can open an example item and just copy it over then we got our our sample strength potion uh potency five hello world so this will give you strength for one second and it doesn’t have to be a clear

Potion of course that’s just the example to show you both things at once all you got to do is come back in here change the duration and this is great too if you make a potion and you decide oh it’s too powerful and you just do a quick tweak

20 ticks is a second so let’s say five seconds hopefully my math is right because that’s a very simple thing so if it’s wrong wow that’s embarrassing and you got this you got that strength for 10 seconds and the great thing about the drinkable potions as they apply the full effect

So you know with splash potions partial duration same level of effect though and then even if I had strength one on let’s see potion potion let’s do it this way if I had strength level one for two minutes which is quite significant now it’s 10 seconds it’s a higher

Strength level and actually this level of strength is way over powerful if I were to hit something with it it’d probably be dead in one hit but only 10 seconds so that’s not that great especially since the potion will be consumed let’s check out the potion Hut this was

Something I made a while the schematic for this is available on my website here’s a random selection of some of the potions I’ve made in my maps flash potion of vulnerability resistance 4 10 seconds Make It Count this practically makes you invisible but it’s very short duration

Same here flash potion I really like the idea of flash potions weak splash potion of lava swimming uh with her four like a rose wilting and dying so fills my heart you trampled the most fragile thing in my body and didn’t even know it aurelian poet yeah this is effective against the enemy

But you have to be careful not to get any of it splashed on you because wither effect sucks uh 10 seconds of regeneration jump boost two jumbos 3 jump boost four all with different little uh fun descriptions I really enjoy the custom name and the custom or text uh

Here are some of the other potions I have made I will last two are the I make more visit my site wow I should update this I don’t know what I’m trying to say there but uh here’s unlabeled potions and here’s the potion ID of what it is

Swiftness one and then here’s all the different potions of uh labeled unlabeled potion unknown effect it’s best to use these sparingly have a lot of good potions in a chest with a few nasty surprises all potions are Level fun with default duration and using MBT edit it won’t be hard to just

Go in there and make the tweaks you want um and here’s just a list of the potion ids and what they do this might be out of date there may have been one or two added by now I’m not sure tagged potions there’s a Code you can break to figure

These out these are more fair for the player for that reason the first four numbers are the cipher the last two are the duration and honestly I don’t even remember what these are except that there’s a tag here but if I were to see these in a map I wouldn’t be

Able to figure it out but you’re free to use these and modify them any way you see fit um and here’s the exact same thing except they say they have a small tag basically their duration is very short 10 seconds so it’s okay for them to experiment but then they have to

Memorize the number to know what the full one does of course what I would love is potions like in roguelike games where you have stuff like blue brown the problem is even though you can have different colored potions they’ll show the effects the only way to make it not

Show the effects is to have it on a water bottle so they’re always going to be blue with a purpley glow that’s just what we have to work with for now more features may be released in the future and here I’m repeating myself on in sign

Form feel free to use any items I made from any of my maps for your maps please just give me credit somewhere and include a link to my webpage mini ctm that’s all I ask any items I have in anywhere any building structures anything in any of

My maps if it can make your map better use it just give me credit okay well that’s all I got I hope you learned something if you have any further questions please post them below and I’ll be sure to answer them to the best of my ability um

Have a great day and I’ll see you in a few weeks so I just I just drink this potion right here yeah just give it a swig what does it do it it doesn’t it’s not labeled that’s the fun just try it oh okay but Iran where’d you go

I’m just gonna be over here where it’s safe safe from what just drink the potion okay ah ah they ran that’s not funny you’re gonna kill me one of these days why are you always do this I can’t stand it use the anti-venom potion it’s in the chest oh oh which

Chest I can’t find it I got it I got it I got it oh oh you have an anti-hum I’m I’m gonna have a oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mechanics (EP01) Unidentified & Anti-Potions’, was uploaded by bRanN on 2013-03-15 14:33:18. It has garnered 496 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds.

Minecraft Mechanics, “Breaking Minecraft So You Don’t Have To!” Episode 01

Topics Covered: Potions with Hidden Effects Anti-Potions

Reference Sheets & Schematic Files || My Website ||


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    Insane Earth Locations! @MrBeast Unbelievable Places On Earth! Explore the most extraordinary and mind-boggling locations on our planet that will leave you in awe. From underwater cities to gravity-defying waterfalls, these places are truly unbelievable. No Gravity Zone Imagine a place where gravity seems to have taken a vacation. This mysterious location challenges our understanding of physics and leaves visitors in a state of wonder. Underwater City Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover a hidden city beneath the waves. Explore the ruins of a forgotten civilization and unravel the secrets of the deep. Tree Inhabited by Goats Witness a tree… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Julian!Video Information I need that just doing a little something did you take the turkey out what did you take the turkey out no I didn’t take the turkey out what mhm you can go they can’t see you you want what you want to give me two chocolate balls for a crep I don’t have any more chocolate BS so unfortunate I only have one wow one chocolate BS not enough for that crepe that’s like three chocolate balls do crepe just chocolate on chocolate yeah I’m going to Robin Robin hello Jo what what happened what happened julan… Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AI

    Minecraft Cursed Images Transformed by AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Turned Minecraft Cursed Images Into AI Videos’, was uploaded by VoxSynth on 2024-07-04 19:42:46. It has garnered 370 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:18 or 78 seconds. Read More

  • Uncovering Gumball and Darwin’s Secret Base in Minecraft!

    Uncovering Gumball and Darwin's Secret Base in Minecraft!Video Information as I greeted everyone tuning into my new video I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement I was fully decked out in my chainmail armor ready to explore the vibrant world around me with a wide grin I shared how thrilled I was to embark on today’s adventure turning around I started my journey through the Lush pixelated landscape that makes Minecraft so special while wandering near a clump of trees I noticed a cow in the distance without hesitation I pulled out my bow and carefully aimed the arrows flew one after another towards the… Read More

  • NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀

    NUKE DESTROYS CITY?! Which Xmas House Wins? 👀Video Information ‏and one us for the [موسيقى] champions the [موسيقى] ro This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Which Christmas House looked the best? 🤔’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2023-12-25 11:50:54. It has garnered 2891 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Any of you remember these type of shorts? “which house looked the best?!?” with the INDUSTRY BABY song by Lil Nas. I made this video and haven’t posted it yet. Best for Christmas really. Subscribe: NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft… Read More

  • FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #live

    FREE JOIN Minecraft SMP Server 24/7! 😱🎮 | Navdeeep_playz #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK | FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Navdeeep_playz on 2024-01-07 07:01:04. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Hello GYS MY NAME IS NAVDEEP IM Making CONTENT FROM INDIA OF UP UTTAR PRADESH SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLE ————————————————————————- discord _ whatsup – Instagram – ——————————————————————————— #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Thanks for the Support thanks for watching and love… Read More

  • 🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!

    🔴 Join the Mayhem! Sniper SoapMC on Cubecraft and Hive!Video Information and what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream let’s have a good day let’s have a good day welcome everybody shall we uh get into it give me a second shot still got to set just a little bit of things up huh d d all right should be good to go see if anybody wants to hop on oh I still to do that well we are in egg Wars so yeah oh my goodness hold on guys Where is the man welcome everybody to the stream hold on we’re gonna get going a second… Read More

  • “Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft” #shizoclickbait

    "Insane Collab: ZenMaster Plays GTA 6 in Minecraft" #shizoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘GTA 6 MİNECRAFT’I GEÇTİ #gta6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZenMaster on 2024-01-18 12:22:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gta 6, gta 6 trailer, gta 6 trailer reaction, gta 6 leak, gta 6 leaked gameplay, gta 6 trailer official, gta 6 trailer rockstar, gta 6 … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMC

    EPIC Minecraft Skybattle! Join NOW! 🔥| GreenMCVideo Information ये क्या हो गया चालू हु रा स्टार्ट हो गया अबे रुक जा देख चैनल का लिंक भेज मुझे मैं देखता हूं रुक जा मेरा फेस आ रहा है क्या रुक जा अबे तेरा गेम प्ले ऑन है ना हा तेरा गेम प्ले आ रहा है बढ़िया है पर दिख रहा है गेम प्ले रख अभी बंद मत करयो भाई मेरा वेबकम इसमें क्यों रिकॉर्ड हो रहा है कौन सा चैनल है मैं भी देखूंगा हां देख दिख रहा है अभी आवाज आवाज आ रहा है कहां आ य लिंक भज डिस्को प सेंड कर सच में चालू… Read More

  • TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies – must see!

    TheBritishRunner exposes shocking Minecraft lies - must see!Video Information just like my previous video on Mama Max I went into the making of this video with a desire a desire to know more about the serious allegations being made towards those who once surrounded or were a part of the Dream Team see too many times have we seen allegations being made with no evidence to suggest the claims were to be true and yet the public believed every word of the accusers with 8% of Americans report rep ing that they had been accused of false allegations of domestic abuse child abuse and or sexual assault… Read More

  • Seven Swords PvE main server

    Seven Swords PvE main serverA chill server with an owner who loves hanging out with players. if you like it here I hope you will share it with your friends and help us get big! Read More

  • Ironclad Vanilla SMP Whitelist 6YearOldMap HermitCraft Style No Resets No Spawned DynMap 1.20.4 ViaVersion+Backwards

    IP: Other Important Links Join our discord server Check out our Live Map Recent Updates Ironclad Vanilla has updated to 1.20.4 About Ironclad Vanilla Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server with a thriving community and dedicated staff providing support and prevention. Enjoy a trust-based trading system and maintain your progress worry-free! Server Rules 1. No Griefing/Stealing 2. No Cheating 3. No inappropriate Language 4. PvP guidelines 5. No Spamming/Advertising How to Join our Community To join our whitelist, complete the application and submit it through Discord or the comment section below. Whitelist Application Template: Username:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – spotted a Herobrine?

    Well, I guess you could say this meme is a solid 19 out of 10! Read More

  • BigB’s Childhood Blues: Evo Trio AU Tale

    BigB's Childhood Blues: Evo Trio AU Tale In the Evo Trio AU, BigB’s past is revealed, As a prison guard in the Sunshine Institute, he sealed. But now, with Martyn and Pearl by his side, They aim to revive Evo, with vengeance as their guide. As the story unfolds, with twists and turns, Their quest for justice fiercely burns. With animatics and art to bring it to life, Their journey through Minecraft, filled with strife. So stay tuned for updates, though they may be spaced, Content will come, not a moment wasted. In the world of gaming, where stories intertwine, Evo Trio AU, a tale that’s… Read More

  • “Summoning the Warden Golem: Hot Tips & Tricks!” #minecraftmemes

    "Summoning the Warden Golem: Hot Tips & Tricks!" #minecraftmemes “When you try to spawn a warden golem in Minecraft but end up accidentally summoning a horde of angry chickens instead. Looks like you’ve got some egg-stra trouble on your hands!” #minecraftfails #chickenarmy Read More

bRanN – Minecraft Mechanics (EP01) Unidentified & Anti-Potions