BriannaPlayz – I Survived 100 Days of FUNNIEST Minecraft Animation!

Video Information

This is the funniest animated Minecraft movie ever can Stan figure out how to survive in his new world and can he find some help along the way wow so this is the world huh it’s beautiful literally horses in the sea all right oh oh hey there little buddy

A hey yeah I’m beating you with your own brother let that be a lesson why aren’t I mining down you got to use tools idiots so like in the side of the cff you take me up that mountain no a carrot I’m building things wait St kind

Of knows what he’s doing in Minecraft and it’s done just need to add my Birch door that’s a fine Birch door you’ve got there staniel I’m going to be honest with you your house is ugly well you just haven’t seen the inside yet chicken’s telling the truth it’s pretty

Dark in here good it makes it harder to see the ugliness why don’t you light a torch so you can see better good idea I don’t know I wouldn’t want to risk setting fire at all my stuff oh I didn’t think about that there we go now we can

See that gorgeous Birch door it’s the nicest thing I own and if I put this chest next to my other chest like the way right now oh man all that animal murder has really made me sleepy time to craft a bed uh you need three wool to

Make a bed you’ve only got two what he means you got to go out and kill one more sheep or you can’t sleep you have to kill them what the I hope it’s death just use here no really I’m ready to go this chicken’s kind of making me sad

It’s a zombie my Birch door oh uhoh guys just came in like you own the place we known each other for like 5 minutes a it’s sentimental oh FY Oops I meant to shoot you guys hold still please please we live here now all right it’s probably safe out

There now it’s been a long time I got an idea idea hey bony boy come check out this beautiful morning sun oh well I do love a good Sun there you go that’s a way to get rid of him you took care of that skeleton and that evil zombie looks like that

Evil zombie was just trying to feed his son oh it’s kind of sad oh and I’ve got this nice chest to put my rotten flesh into get it I get it I’m not going to lie survival did you see that stupid sheep’s stupid face when

I pushed him off the stupid Cliff then I push into that lava and we didn’t even have to cook tonight finally time to catch up on rest oh he has a bed now oh you got to be kidding me you can’t take naps in Minecraft seriously Stan this house is

Much better than your old one can’t beat waterfront property yeah but my neighbor’s a total witch Karen is a fine lady okay she’s crazy I’m pretty sure she cast a spell on pork chop dude for the last time she didn’t cast the spirits of Herobrine will consume your soul in an all-encompassing void

Darkness who look a wolf anybody still got that bone from that skeleton bone me beig face there you go Buddy o another one tame him good morning sir might I interest you in a trade yes I don’t really have that much stuff well you can have my pig you can turn them into bacon hey h i t some Sandstone to my llama perhaps that will

Interest you a oh the hearts are cute they’re I’ll take the sexy llama sir this llama has a family you adopted two dogs and now a llama this isn’t we b a zoo starring Matt it’s fine I’m going to build a boat and explore some new land

Well have a nice big farm for everyone to live on look at him he has a window now the wolves are attacking the Llama oh no not going well I just playing chick you hold down the fort while I’m gone what no dude I’m out of here there now you can’t

Leave there’s a lot of islands we could live on we just got to find one that works for the llama and both of the dogs uh looks like there’s three dogs now what oh he when did that Happ I don’t know I turned my head for 2 seconds and

Then boom baby dog baby puppy well let’s keep an eye on them stop it you guys jeez there’s twins wow a sunken ship you should swim down there and see if there’s any chest treasure there’s going to be some really good treasure what’d you get paper blank sheets of paper what

That’s it that’s really boring you get out of my waters before I stab you with my Trident that’s not the voice I would thought that it’s a merman what no I’m not a merman I’m a drowned I’m like a water zombie yeah aha it’s my try now

Really bad aim good luck mastering the skill of trianing I’ve working the ocean for years crafting the art all right let’s head back home and put all this a n and a pro in one person about time you’re back I’ve been eating rotten baby zombie flesh got you a special gift for

Being good and holding down the fort it’s a shell with the freshest cleanest ocean water you’ve ever drank that’s kind right thanks I got you you idiot you just drank a whole bunch of llama spit oh po chicken that was mean that was not called for wake up Stan beautiful day in

The biome I think you should get some windows you know every day I wake up and think about eating you since we’re cramped inside this house why don’t we mind into the side of the cliffs and just make it a huge baller cave house not a bad idea cave house no house cave

I don’t know which name I like better bad idea let’s do it all right this place is going to be a mansion oh my god spider Rel dude they’re more afraid of you than you are of them hey I ain’t afraid of you what that was the weirdest

Transition going oh yeah the full of diamonds really big house staying together chickens are not normally rude yep exactly wow we really dug way down into those mines we even found diamond you know I bet we could use that diamond to make an enchantment table it

Would really go to good use or and hear me out on this diamond boo okay B I need you to go down that shaft and set up a whole new furnace and chest down there that way we to keep walking all the way back up smart Pig if he’s able to do pig

Parkour these are dangerous working conditions in fact I think I see an Enderman down there you’re fine just don’t make eye contact why won’t anybody talk to me oh that’s so sad nope I am done with this have fun with your stupid diamond boots These Boots are not stupid

Okay you’re stupid my house is awesome it’s huge I could literally fall off a cliff inside my house and die flex but okay D I understand and and I spent weeks digging in a dark hole building a house that nobody ever sees so I can walk around in it with my stupid diamond

Boots you this whole man to impress who the duck I’m a chicken but okay I hope a monster breaks in and kills you if a monster broken he could walk around my entire house for 6 years and not even run into me because it’s so big and so

Cool don’t think it’s that big I’m just going to head out too they’re about to get eaten by zombies I feel like fine I don’t need them I have a huge house diamond Bo creep not being nice wait creeper buddy get away no that’s not

Going to end well oh no oh no bigger house he totally ruined my hallway well I’ll just chip away at this Stone to make it a little wider bigger yeah oh okay s was being mean and this is karma hey idiot wake up what happened a bunch of dirt blocks

Fell on you and you started suffocating you bre okay calm down ASAP blocky you guys saved my life I’m so lucky you forgave me and came back oh I didn’t forgive you I just wanted to use the lava jacuzzi I like the honesty wait what ah yeah that shouldn’t relaxation on a bacon

Vacation he’s going to literally turn into bacon God this biome has nothing in it I swear this is the same field we’ve run through over and over again these are the same Hills in fact I’m convinced all the pigs in this biome are the same too do you guys have the same question

About where the llama and the dogs plat hole you say something uh bees are dying at a an alarming rate see that’s just you this world is a mess pork chop is unique okay Stan remember when he was cursed by that witch yes I remember he

Went on a crazy Rampage and murdered all those pillagers at that Outpost making up these lies about me I swear once I learn how to craft weapons I’m going to kill hey check it out it’s a village pork chop is very sweet and not at the same time wow crops houses kitties these

Houses don’t look like garbage like ours does greetings Welcome to our village friendly Travelers I’m getting a bad Omen from this pig perhaps it’s the bad Omen sign above his head hey mind your own business you inow carots carrots hey you’re stealing if you’d like we can

Arrange a large carrot feast in your honor there you go not really much of a carrot guy what you just stole him just emeralds iron leggings ooh potatoes baby pretty good solid chest oh hi what you doing there oh nothing just admiring the interior design the yellow bed great for

Covering up wait I totally forgot that is in a village and he’s stealing people’s things I just thought he was back at home this is bad s you’re not being my great-grandfather planted that grass when he founded this land let me guess he’s As Dead As this grass you

Know what I like the village I can see myself settling down here you got a lot of food cute cats incoming pillagers incoming pillagers oh that’s not good a raid your cursed Omen has spawned a mob of pillagers quickly get was it P’s fault I don’t think so oh God we are

Defenseless throw our Cuts what don’t worry I’ve got a bat what of defense is that oh whoops oh man I can only move my arms like this you idiotic stranger I have just read from our library that milk will combat this evil curse drink up smart you heard him drink up boys

Chug chug chug wait I feel like the Pig needs milk that was gross The Omen is fading away aren’t spawning one more arrow to the face should do it one shot we did it and I don’t think I’m cursed anymore I’ll never kill another cow again unless I’m really

Hungry or if he looks at me the wrong way in honor of saving our village I’d like to give you all the emeralds in our chest give me one second to go in and grab them he already took them all right let’s get out of here before those idiots realized I robbed

Them that’s messed up great job Stan we dug so far down we don’t know which way is up will you relax we’re going to get home safe okay excuse me Mr Bat how do we get out of here to reach the land in which you’ve saved follow the light that

Leaves the cave oh wow you’re a rhyming bat can you help us out of here Mr Bat I’ve got a tamed llama at home I need to get back to he’s not tamed he’s trapped it’s true I am a bat who rindes to help us through these trying times okay this dude is

Annoying hey uh guys gosh I think I found a way out I didn’t expect that how are we going to get around that Lava River uh we could build over it like on idiots would be gone lava dude that’s the stupidest what the heck the water in

Lava is turning into obsidian look let’s mine it wait why wouldn’t you go over we appreciate you sticking with us a stand mines one block of obsidian for 7 and 1/2 hours I feel that very relatable all right guys let’s build another portal I’m shocked Stan knows how to do

This they shouldn’t go in there this is not going to go well uh should we go in we need to remember the nether is an extremely dangerous underworld it’s an extremely unsafe realm and not anybody can just enter wait was that his llv well we’re probably ready all

Right they’re friends on the other side uh guys I’m scared that weird looking Feels Like Home to me look at all these fires very dangerous and this ground block What’s it made of M cinnamon yo bro welcome to the nether I’m Blaze let me show you around my

Dudes they’re following Blaze but I feel I’ll use it to make a potion to cure me of this curse we already cured you man well then I’ll make other potions it’s science Daniel understand now to our left we’ve got a zombie pig B he’s actually pretty cool as long as you

Don’t mess with him uh you guys I’m getting worried my map’s not working I’ve got an idea let’s Place Stones along our path path so we can trace our way back to the portal the Torches will point us in the right direction that ended well whoops sorry watch it you

Overworld Cloud a dude man they didn’t mean any H dude you idiots are next go back to the Overworld oh no this is not going well well we’re not getting back to the Overworld anytime soon so you guys enjoy the oh jeez it sucks there’s nothing but Malon Rock and

This quote unquote nether fortress is literally just one long dark hallway I’m actually really liking it I’ve summoned a small army of magma cubes and they’ve really taken a liking to me I’ve tried my best okay I’d like to turn this place into a decent location for people to

Live well maybe if there weren’t so they’ve really turned a new Leaf this zombie pigman is like really enjoying their company now and wants them to stay earlier he wanted to impale them so many evil mobs and so many ways to instantly die I don’t know people might want to

Live here yes but what difference can one man I mean zombie pigman make well you know maybe you should run for some sort of position of power you know like president of the nether that sounds cool one second the bow tie sells it excuse me I’d like to announce my run

For public office I believe that if we work hard and if we work together make this a good place to live so if there’s anything that’s on your mind about what change you want to see please let me know uh the lava what about the lava I

Don’t know there’s like a lot of it can you get rid of it or something you want me to get rid of the lava the sky like we never see it are we underground or wait wait wait so all of the mobs in the nether are sad because they want to be

Happy and above ground wow this is a big dis did I kill you oh no sorry that must have been a different Blaze yeah and there’s nothing to eat down here Soul Stone really slows us down can we make it so it doesn’t do that um your ideas

Have been hurt and we’re going to work on them so you let us go right what uh no I don’t know how to get back what get back where what life’s not worth living zombie pigman save him don’t do this man come on on you had to have had

Some other goal besides being president right well I always wanted to be a famous singer oh my god of course well come on man be famous singer Fly Me to the Moon oh let me play a the stop I think we’ve heard enough that was good

That was great Stan tell him he’s good he’s good tell him he’s good Stan that was uh you know really sang the words uh tell him he was good St make this man happy Terrible saniel Danel he’s not good at singing you know what Stan you weren’t very nice this will teach you a lesson he’ll respawn okay he is a ceman now going fall more like inventive human genius human woohoo s needs a better attitude beans I don’t need no stinking beans I need

Nourishment that’s like chocolate that’s great nourishment no don’t eat the cat ocelot right don’t eat him I have you out human Ingenuity allat is get him at least I found some diamonds in that death tra there’s got to be something to eat nearby another arrow to

Theee and bone meal are we never going to see pork chop and chick again nether portal that is not a nether portal what what are you doing Oh okay we’re fine what a precious Widow Angel are you lost abandoned looks like we’re in the same boat then I will name you bam bam and I will hug you and squeeze you and Pat you forever and ever oh the mom is going to

Eat to save off W all right first I need to mine some Stone find and mine coal and iron build a furnace make iron ingots build a bucket find water do you have a house mine the obsidian build the portal light it up and then Traverse the nether easy

Easy maybe not so easy peasy can you eat you to know where I might be able to find some food this project may take a while and with my energy already depleted I’m running out of options attitude I can be strong this is for chicken pork chop what are you doing

They need me goodbye dear one your sacrifice will be much appreciated no don’t you dare this vicious thing was about to I can’t explain was starving he was about to hurt a panda this isn’t a good look yeah St get out of here are you done sure that it’s safe for you to

Care for a baby panda our village would be honored to raise him here near his ancestral home where other pandas yep I’m sure thanks no no save the panda please Bam Bam if you’re going to roll do it somewhere safe no you put him in

Danger that should do it come on Bam Bam time to rescue our friend another and then I said to the guest now that smells like sulfur do they remember him uh hi Stan they don’t love him anymore I don’t think they ever congratulations Stan somehow you’ve managed to make a house

Worse than the old one would you stop complaining you should be thankful for the things we have like uh this bone meal and since when have you act he’s thankful and grateful I’m going to throw all this stuff in here for safekeeping while we go on our next adventure see

That Woodland Mansion ooh fancy well y’all are in luck because we’re going to go greet our new neighbors seeing as our house was built in 4 minutes and theirs is a luxurious mansion I think technically we’re the new neighbors well we’re going to show them who boss we’re

The tough guys in this don’t run into the berries God who’s attacking me standing in pricker bushes idiot stupid Cobblestone wall things that can stop me from breaking and entering so where’s your Panda actually it is pretty protruding uh why do we hang out the world is infinitely

Expanding why would you do that to enter a house as the neighbor this place is huge oh boy a red carpet please please no flash photography sweet free torches wow really what they’re free going to get murdered we’ve got company I’ll lay my life on the line for

These stupid generic easy to make torches head up he’s going to explod run away oh well never mind I’ve never seen seen that happen before wa dudes check this out bigat the a cat statue it’s made of wool pretty cozy actually weird let’s keep exploring ooh a spider room

No no oh a dude a jail cell who are they keeping prisoner no one oh oh hey guys oh hey Mr zombie what did you do to end up in here I did the unthinkable what I Min wood with a pickaxe books plant what kind of Hipp lives in this room oh

My God a witch oh my God I’m he C like fres air get out of my way it’s not going well stand pick up that to it’ll keep you from dying don’t can’t breathe who would rather just died no just take the to what is wrong with you

Stan okay that was close Bessie hey how’d that zombie get out of itself what why is he smiling while he’s on fire I definitely didn’t let him out eat my dirt blocks losers I wish you could eat dirt blocks zie yeah they’re dirt all right just normal floating dirt do you know what

This means the mountain was poorly generated sky base sky base aren’t those kind of dangerous and time consuming and somewhat pointless sky base okay he can’t even build a regular house but they’re going to make a sky base I’m excited for this chick are you

Still alive yeah okay this is and I say this with complete honesty the greatest thing I’ve ever created let’s see it great yeah this is definitely practical it’s the same about the staircase every time you want to get down what are you going to do exactly you know what would

Be really great a water elevator just pour a bucket over the side and use the waterfall to get up and Downy that would be a good idea if I brought my bucket when was the last time you slept this house has been my passion for I don’t

Know 3 days straight 3 days w we got to get you inside and get you to bed have those jerks on the ground to stop me I think I can keep building for another day or S Anthony don’t you get it if you don’t s bad things can happen

I’ll take my chances I’ve never looked out upon a valley like this at night without fear without the presence of Doom or some sense of impending destruction that’s because it’s very poorly animated out there yes the power to do anything I am reborn In This Moment no longer do I question meaning

Deep oh my God Stan look out guys I’m having a moment Stan you okay Phantoms are just not good can’t you fly down yeah poorly I’d rather not have to he’s embarrassed okay great please he landed in water oh no Stanley this is not looking good he’s

Dead and let’s freeze and talk about the fact that he kicked a totem of undying away he could have a get out of jail free card and’ be totally fine if he died but nope he chose to play it Invincible now to rebuild that staircase he’s trying to outsmart the creeper

Yum is he seriously not going to find him you’re literally looking at him in the eye what are you doing oh well that paid off kind of adorable too it’s helpful he’s so tall a dang having an Enderman as a friend would come and clutch

A oh boy a couple of friends exploring I wonder what we’ll find next a Mesa a beach oh boy another grassy plane yeah where’s B best he’s totally radical would be nice to build on the foundation we’ve built instead of just abandoning all our homes the day after we’ve built them it’s good

This place is is great there’s lots of trees and I saw a huge Ravine down there with lava and water flowing into it Stan was right the Ravine was big but what was even bigger was The Dark Secret that had lived inside of it for decades all right let’s build a

House okay one more block to goir oh God a be relax he’s friendly really what’s he dropping it’s just pollen we’ll finally have a stable food source the bees aren’t guys a white horse the first animal just going to relax friend here’s an apple okay now let’s well now you’re

Just being difficult I know you’re becoming a farmer now and I wanted to give you a gift oh that’s so kind oh it’s a diamond hoe thank you how looks like a the diamonds you were storing in the chest to make it you don’t say all right some wheat some melons and some

Sugar cane now while these grow I’m going to go down and explore that dangerous Ravine hey bird butt you want to come down to the Ravine and explore with us no I’ll hang back and watch Bam Bam I’m going to listen to some old records dis 11’s the best H the

Classics okay so theoretically I should just be able to jump straight down and just land in the water yes uh I don’t know dude why don’t you try to build down I feel like jumping is the better option to be honest there’s tons of water there’s a lot of caves in the side

Of these walls imagine the entire land beneath our feet waiting to be explored careful San you’re dangerously close to the edge and it’s a long way down where’s the water St oh man that really hurt wow I’m shocked you survived that watch yourself off and let’s get out of here wait a

Second I see a villager over there who that that’s funny I didn’t know villagers even lived in this part of the biome it’s a witch excuse me Mr villager would you happen to have any it’s a witch oh my God what of zombie villager zombie villager witch what uh-oh might be it for

Us I don’t remember those things this might be the end no way man we will survive this put on your iron helmet no dude I look stupid in that thing put it on stanthony you like the sparkly boots don’t you this looks so stupid we can

Lure them up out of the shade burst in the Flames or we can tell them there’s a delicious chicken just on top of the cliffs don’t do that we melons I’d say we’ve got a pretty nice eat him you know I’m going to be honest it’s pretty boring watching you don’t

You on the other hand just kind of uh sit there he’s so cute hey you get away from there oh God uh yes Panda came in clutch wow maybe you’re not so lame after all all right I’m just going to run and hide maybe under that waterfall to see wait a

Minute that’s it Stan Ascend up the waterfall yeah smart blow up Ascend my idiotic brether oh God what’s going on process he know how to fly I believe we’re stuck down here forever and now there’s no point of even getting up there the sun you mine while floating up probably not

Right well that was a successful day wow usually stann and that stupid Pig would be back by now missing a meal is not like sound concerned really though wait where are you going careful on the edge what the hey idiot help us please they’re still fighting gone for half a day and about

To become zombie food would you please just help us I used all my Cobblestone and that stupid statue of myself oh well it’s worth it you made a statue of yourself lower Bam Bam down and the zombies will end up chasing him up there we can cure the zombies with the apples

On the farm hey that’s my fault your own app all right fine stop it don’t touch the P keeping that string little dude okay great job the villagers are chasing it they don’t protect we’re going to there hey zombie folk y’all want some apples St the apples have to be golden

If they’re going to cure the villagers you’re going to have to smelt Stan’s golden leggings down to make the apples golden ruin my golden slacks Over My Dead Body hold them down oh these are delicious that thanks for saving my family and I you owe me a pair

Of golden pants those designer 24 carats I’ve got 24 carat for you right here carot magic in the air wait we’re really going to end on that stupid way to go idiots we’re officially lost at sea uh ter pretty sure we need to head that way wait no maybe that way

Let’s just stay calm and keep rowing land will generate eventually hey look at that it’s some sort of ancient ocean Monument I bet that could be our next adventure let’s go explore turn around now you be cursed with eternal fatigue it’s not the voice I expected let’s just

See what’s over this way yeah it let them just go peacefully andal Reef look at all those delicious tropical fish last one in an unborn chicken I take offense to that that’s a weird statement let me just drink this water breathing potion oh like a rotten egg makes sense

Okay I admit he’s oral reefs are kind of pretty oh yeah take a potion I’ll come back for you oh my cloudy land folk wow you dolphin the dolphin yes sir interesting fact we dolphin are one of the smartest species on the planet that’s true in real life language welcome to the coral

Where we ocean mobs live in harmony and friendship wow peaceful coexistence you know I love to see we all peaceful and kind to each other he just killed a fish um is there anything else to do besides swim around and look at Coral why yes there’s an underwater ruin made of

Sandstone nearby follow us cool is this a trap also their potion’s definitely going toar ruin careful there’s a giant squid swimming around it Dy while Stam brutally murders that squid here’s a fun fact for you did you know that in Minecraft there were over 2700 different random combinations of tropical fish no

I didn’t oh my God you guys it’s a treasure map oh boy across the entire biome to find it let’s just cut to that part now Stan dug for the entire day that day even though the chest was only three blocks deep in fact the only reason it took so long was

Because he was using his axe instead of his shovel makes sense I’ve done that before uh kind of looks just like a normal chest no way dude it’s a treasure chest treasure what’s inside everything ball and a cake throw the ball throw it not bad now uh what should we do with

The cake eat it I I have an idea eat it eat it he’s in love with coral they’re kind of cute together it’s okay what do you see up there h i see a mountain with some dirt and some Stone another mountain with some dirt and some

Stone inter and a mountain with some dirt and some Stone ooh sounds like we’ve got some options why did we spawn in the worst seed wait a second I see a beach just off the north side I’m found baby did he just fall to his death the

Beach life is a life for me just laying back catching a tan well to be fair you really weren’t doing much before so this is great free drinking water and all of our friends can swim we can finally get rid of that dangerous pond that’s stand built in front of the old

Place no yeah that llama’s going to die in that pond all right we should probably build a house or something again y building here play with this ooh hey fishy fish so cute in there all right better normal you did literally nothing to help didn’t I though there’s a

Bookshelf and everything now back outside to enjoy the beach this is something’s B are you actually putting that fish inside of Mega chest yeah dude I don’t want anything to happen to it no matter what kind of trouble we get into this chest goes nowhere it’s great I

Don’t know that the fish is going to survive sometimes I wish I could be free oh my in a world I’ve so much yet to see like this but here is where I am best oh he’s a little pitchy now the life of a mega chest oh the chest is singing I thought

It was the fish I lie awake and stare these walls never felt so be uhhuh someday I will chest AR left hey look at that sea turtles must have given birth baby turtles like to take a plastic straw to him uh-oh that one’s having trouble making it to the

Shore pick him up it’s the sun you morons the turtles need hydration he’s not going to make it I’ve got just a thing wait careful Stan if you dump that bucket the fish will fall on land and die but she’s going to die sorry little fella you’re going

Airborne put him in the water please put him in the water okay he’s good it worked now run to the ocean my reptilian child the only thoughtful thing Stan has done this whole time there we save the day I don’t think you’re supposed to move Turtles like

Starving oh man we have’t eaten all day you two rock paper scissors to see who we kill and eat you can’t kill me I’m the only one who remembers the coordinates to get home he’s right I wish I had dropped my map hey maybe this guy knows where we can find some

Food oh oh my God it’s a stray well those it’s been fun you guys I can’t lie to you it actually hasn’t that’s right I forgot we had a tamed wolf Mr Wolf how can we ever repay you y’all got emeralds uh yeah but give me your emeralds what are you using them

For hey I’m a rich wolf he’s happy wa it’s a frozen ocean AR thank you we have eyes yes but what we don’t have is food wait a sec who are you killing oh oh who wants a fres car this the fish is s we’re going have a feast tonight but better

Than killing one of the Buddies you know and so they realized that in order for all of them to play together they were going to need to buy a realm but none of them had any money so they were going to have to ask for their mom’s

Credit card to cover the monthly fee that’s never good they had finally built the ultimate Fortress they found out that one of their little brothers had accessed the world and reefed it no that’s it I’m not sleeping tonight as a leader of our group I too will stay up

All night to keep watch of he sounded kind of happy for like the first time ever and he missed the shooting star good morning e we shared a sleeping bag I was the big spoon hey what happened to all the salmon a big pile right here when we went to bed

Someone must have came along and stole it probably those red rabbits going well you guys relax I’m sure there’s a totally normal non-lethal explanation for this oh oh my God polar bear maybe not save me before I become pork sausage this is terrible this whole situation is just snowballed into a giant mess

Snowball snowball hit him with the snowball throw that snow take that not going to work okay no no it just made him angrier oh now he’s going to get jump in the water what no it’s cold but I can’t swim trust me oh my gosh great job now let’s get

Out of here that was so rude going to have to unfreeze him at least they got past the polar bear how come we never explored the desert biome before is it just me or have y’all noticed that the pandas randomly sometimes with him and sometimes not however they are supposed

To be taking care of him as their son so they’re not the best parents look at all these cactuses why don’t you give it a nice hug Cactus hey check it out rabbits he takes the ball up field pass the halfbacks he shoots he scores whoa

What’s that that was not very nice some sort of desert temple should we go inside come on you already know we’re going in this is not going to end well somebody’s going to fall down there Pur dirt mine it’s Stan I hope it’s Stan jeez that could have been painful hey

There’s a bunch of chest down there there you go I’m going to jump and land right on that stone trap looking thing yeah wait wait I’ll get us down there safely wow okay rotten flesh bones and string I’m noticing a pattern here what garbage oh my God guys guess what’s in

This one something good sand if we wanted sand we could have just mined this sand here got my hopes up oh somebody in this Temple wants us dead I can’t imagine well the responsible thing to do is climb back up and not touch any of these explosives agreed I’m allergic

To bombs just going to throw my flint all the way up out of the way there’s no chance it oh my God it’s going to land on the bombs that was close we’re fine yeah um guys um either that explosion killed me and I’m in heaven or we just stumbled

Upon a gold mine we’re going to be rich hey pork chop throw another golden ore in the furnace for me would you you got it boy I’m so excited to make a bunch of golden carrots ore goes in Gold comes out or goes in Gold comes out or goes in the killer

Bunny no pork chop 2.0 get the no please what do you want please said gold all I have is gold no stuffed face while I run away did they just respawn again you uh you didn’t set a respawn Point did you oh guess not we lost all that

Gold hey wait you can’t find the Gold without the map I’m going to jump off a cliff where’s the panda hey get back here and get in your fence I have apples he really likes why all these horses hate me everyone hates you come on let’s go find him he couldn’t have gone

Far ew what is this water it’s a swamp gross boy another biome we get to explore true hey let’s climb to the top of that giant mushroom we’ll be able to find the horse from up there cow hey that’s so fast my guys that looks like something I’d sneeze out of my nose

That’s a good voice for a slime and we ruled this swamp you hear me a slime that’s right tell them slime yeah that’s right we’re the Slime gang the Slime is Gang wait every slime is just named slime except little slime X tell him little that’s right our horse ran

Somewhere over want to look for him so that horse belongs to slime gang now now beat it we’ll turn you to a f like we did to that guy hey we’re tough too we’re a gang all on our own Brotherhood to the death Cal down hate both of these guys yeah well

If you’re so tough why don’t you go explore that witch hun then you can be in our game uh sure do you want to join their group okay I know I talked a really big game back there but I’m worried if there’s a witch in there we could get killed yeah

Really the chicken’s like yes ooh it’s rustic in here my thought thought is that the chicken wants to die in Minecraft so he can respawn and start all on its own without these guys happy there’s no witch oh wow a black cat and he brought us a gift it’s a lucky

Rabbit’s one yeah that is lucky rabbit’s oh wait it’s a raw chicken hide well we got lunch that’s disgusting don’t look at it all right there’s not really much to do in here so let’s just oh God a witch throat punch why would you do that

Uh this swamp water is hard to R throw that mushroom we’ll be safe up there he really wants to go in the Good luck killing us now witch you’ll never reach us all the way up that’s a glass bottle oh no the witch cursed you with slowness

Was pretty slow to begin with well guys safe to say we’re screwed I bet those slimes will be watching us and laughing while we die oh actually I killed them hey there’s our horse if you have their slime balls we can make and bounce to it

Safely but I don’t know how to make slime blocks dude this is bedrock it’s pretty easy we’re out of here now back to the oh never never mind I mean not the farm apple orchard please come back snow my favorite sir perhaps you’ve heard the news we were visited by a

Noble Steve last night a Steve yes no Steve Steve the one whom the world revolves around Slayer of evil mobs and Dragons my God and he’s here with us now he’s inside this Igloo house sleeping sleeping it’s almost noon hey what’s for breakfast well we hadn’t prepared any is

Stanley pretending to be Steve and using it to his Advantage because that is brilliant what about him uh sir that is my son look at the size of that head that thing could feed a whole village that’s so mean all right onwards so we were wondering since we

Have you here in our snow village we’ve heard Brave stories of you traversing the biome fighting off mobs we’ve watched on Twitch streams and DanTM man yeah so what’s your question we need your help skeleton Strays have been surrounding the village each night to strike we believe that tonight

They’re going to try and kill our village cartographer that’s really sad I’m in the process of mapping out a new world for us one that isn’t cold and miserable and covered in snow we ask your help in fighting off the Strays we know you have a deep history of combat

He really doesn’t might as well start crafting shovels to dig your Graves now so please sir just even for one night help us protect our village what’s in it for me huh we’ll give you three carrots we’ll do it my gosh all right we need to keep our eyes peeled for these Strays

Unfortunately since we lost all our stuff all I’ve got is this wooden sword seems like you’ve got this under control I’m going to go find an eggloo with a single torch in it to stay warm yep I don’t blame you for this friend I want to thank you for being our Defender our

Chicken tender Defender chicken tender Defender uh try to eat him I feel safer than ever with those bra adventurers I don’t know I would honestly rather have just been killed by these Strays than spend the whole day with him that was aggressive that uh that must be our friends who is

It do we have anything in here that will save us from Strays yes I have my maps will that live by the map die by the map oh God oh God the Strays are here uh they didn’t do anything they were too busy making a snowman there you go

Maybe we can save the map it’s no use it’s covered in snow no it’s fine well the good news is that these episodes always end in some sort of joke to lighten the mood true where’s the joke man we didn’t get a joke understand is making us throw all

Of our stuff away it’s about not being wasteful we’ve got too much stuff we don’t need to you being wasteful cuz throw stuff away what oh goodbye books hey I wanted to keep those you’ve never opened any of those books do you even know what they’re used for uh building

Bookshelves anyway Lunch is ready so take a seat mushroom stew mushroom stew give it a chance it’s healthy if I was concerned with going green I’d lick the Moss off that Cobblestone outside e you know it’s actually not that bad I feel like I can take on the world oh God my

Stomach is it poisoned ew what did you put in that stew that’s just some red mushrooms some brown mushrooms and some wither Rose wither rose that he’s contracted the swine clue he’s literally is going to turn my heart black okay uh let’s go out and explore we’re bound to find the flower

That’ll cure him in the forest please find a cure he’s cute I’ve grown to love pork chop any oxide daisies out here hey that fox probably knows his Forest like the back of his excuse me Mr Fox uh little help get get out of here

Wow that fox really had it out for me yeah gives me an idea oh gotcha now tell us where we can find some healing flowers never I will escape no you can’t if you tell him to let you to my cave oh he has some in his cave your

Friend is withering away all he needs is a healing potion to combat the Decay wow so you’re like some sort of magic Fox huh H hardly I just like potions and can we trust him yes Min and stuff I remember when I had books until my quote

Unquote friends threw them into the lava here take this one it’ll let you enchant your armor and your tools a book of Enchantment really giving this idiot a lot of power oh take a swig Mr Pig what if that’s the wrong potion oh no we’re good I’m going to create an

Enchantment table soon I will have the sharpest of Swords the strongest of armor and the most literally thre away your lap just like lungs to breathe underwater or whatever yes finally we won’t be noobs anymore we’ll be all power Gods we will rule the biome and we will live forever he’s definitely feeling Better this chicken really wants to respawn the house we can stay in 33rd times the charm huh we’re surrounded by water on three sides a nether portal with a lava pit and a small farm out front will you hurry up and get us out of here um maybe we should just let that

Cow fre the cow bound to over here someday now let’s just enjoy that beautiful sunset mhm now I would stay the mission let me guess you’re armoring up to Traverse the biome I feel like the mob should be allowed to have armor including chickens cows pigs thr eggs at

Innocent sheep you brave brave Warrior I’m trying to make ender pearls which means we need to stay up all night and Hunt Enderman now come on okay not a bad idea hey at least it’s a nice night of course it was Jinx there’s got to be an Enderman around here somewhere let’s

Split up I’ll check along the shore you hit the forest on that hill and pork chop you go searching those big shafts we up is a really bad idea I love big shafts I bet you Do okay Enderman let’s make this easier on both of us if you’re out there just stay hiding I don’t feel like gouging the eyeballs out of a hostile teleporting m going to be in fact I’m not even going to look just gazing straight up into space can’t find anything First Impressions not that

Great maybe try again oh here O Brien why did Herobrine just pop up is that normal I’m going to take this just in case smart wait that’s kind of a brilliant idea kind of hard to see with this pumpkin on My Head one step two step

Three step four oh watch out watch out watch out I’m looking for a Mr Man first name Ender I can’t really see but I’m sure there’s one down here forward it’s going to be tough getting back up the rain made my feet all slippery oh

No wait oh God he’s not doing too bad oh No my heart oh man this is taking longer than I thought those pigs look real confused maybe I’ll just sit down for a sec you’re going to fall into The Nether somehow oh get the Enderman hey you put that block down and get ready to die oh

Uhz I love what you done with the place just thought May trying to be ni would look better over there get back here run aha an ender pearl he did it uh that’s great yeah I killed like 12 but none of them dropped anything that has actually happened to me before and

That’s like stereotypically impossible statistically stereotypical and possibly yes all right I saw pork chop come down here with a jackal Lantern helmet um dude no God I can’t deal with this I’m sorry man he’s going to respond hold on say hello to pork chop 2.0 no it’s

Not the same it’s not the same this pig doesn’t what’s up guys thanks for letting me out of that pen now we can go on infinite they’re literally twins also I love him and I want him to be released it’s just it’s not the real pork chop

Ventes okay this will do is he literally just replaced forever is telling us to head this way how much farther is this stronghold is legs only the Eye of Ender knows that’s the beauty of it now toss that barl Stan oh wait well we thank him for his

Sacrifice does that mean it’s right there got another one doesn’t that mean they’re at the Str no okay oh my God you guys a pink sheep they say there’s only a 0.084 17332 65% chance you’ll ever find one y’all are lucky oh why oh man

Man the eye got stuck in that tree well let’s toss something up there to knock it down this is not going well F I don’t even have trouble with this fly Oh Daddy son it’s so cute gotcha oh man no meat behind us we’ve got to be close that was

Horrible all right the stronghold should be somewhere under this mountain let’s just dig straight down easy that’s what you’re supposed to rule number one of what want to do great I’ll just head back to the spawn point now I’ll see you after you die honestly not a bad idea

Aha a brick of Mossy Stone you just beyond this block is a hidden underground Fortress with a portal to a magical realm let’s see it oh God Sil fish oh chick came back all right that wasn’t too difficult let’s explore he’s got moves he just rolled on the ground a

Zombie cell uhoh hey zombie where’s the end portal you’re going to be quite disappointed yeah no hugs for you zombie man now onward to more exciting death defying Adventure a a library I wanted to kill things come on Library we can still kill these spider webs in there it looks like there’s an

End Portal yes wow the end portal I’m so excited I too cannot wait for the end pork chop will you kill these stupid bugs Please Die tiny bugs you go squish now bye-bye I cannot picture them surviving the end this final eye into the portal

We’re on our way to defeat the dragon oh no there’s no way they can oh uhoh oh my god oh no sometimes I forget how beautiful the world is I could see our house from here I never knew there was a village that close to us I’m sure you

Idiots will destroy it sooner or later Let’s Go destroy it coming in hot I call dibs on the carrot Farm I’m going to free all their animals I’m going to break open their lava pit causing all the villagers homes to catch fire and burn to the ground what and I can have

Fun too hey uh not very guys what’s that a poorly made portal looks like there’s magma under it wait a second that’s nether rack this is Obsidian then what is that brighter looking obsidian obsidian light less calories also quicker to mine is that is that true okay I don’t

Think so much quicker to mine all right this is creepy let’s get out of here correction let’s take all that gold and get out of here there’s more gold in here golden sword ooh a golden apple take it you armor up good buddy because whatever built that portal will likely

Come back and if you’re not ready it’s going to kill all of us how POS let’s just see then shall we yes we shall oh he knows how to build it nothing to worry about and now we’ve got a portal to the nether we can use oh God something’s this is it sweet

Death chicken take that mysterious nether monster you literally wasted your golden apple just now oh an apple iy zombie pig man you’re the one who built this B great we’ve released a monster from the underworld in our realm you did I’m not here to start any trouble though is nice up here

Actually I’ve come to ask for your help help with what exactly yeah last time we all hung out you toss stand into a a lava Good Times wonderful time the never it’s changed how I need you to come with me they’re they look so scared they didn’t ask any questions

They just went with them what the when did this happen the nether is under new leadership now and you’re not going to like them oh never mind it’s like the nether in a cool new blue raspberry I like it yes but it is much more dangerous why well God are way

More Angry hit your long lost cousin e luckily the good looks come from my part of the family well no harm in taking some nether pork to grill up later and get back here come on we need to get to the basan remnant I am a big fan of not

Attacking non-hostile mobs just let them be like The Beetles did just chill calm down you could be friends the Bastion Remnant what gold gold I love gold it’s the one thing that won’t get old look in the chest and where do I see g o l d e e my multiple users from

The Overworld have entered the nether they’ve teamed up with that zombie what an intelligent Pig they’re not coming from my gold are they no uh no hey hey brute I appreciate you giving us these housing units to stay in but that’s a lie just cracks all in the walls reason

Into the lava Mitchell fell in a hole in the floor and died yesterday tell Mitchell he has to submit a maintenance request to the leing office yeah he’s dead now so it’s fine I guess all right hoglin as Hostile Mobs it’s our duty to protect the nether totally get ready for

A battle but he seems chill right all right the Bastian is just over there to of The Strider so you guys visiting I like him pretty crazy place the nether I’ve lived here a long time how old are you just kidding I was added last update

Look sorry if you could just focus on getting us there really trying to have a conversation God yep totally fine Sam is not thinking smart right now if you are in a hostile environment be nice even if you don’t like this guy I mean look at his smile it’s kind of handsome needless

To say I keep her check crashed at my place baby you’re a wreck wow all right all right let’s get up top so we get a clear view of how this place is laid out how are you going to get up there oh they did it oh God a zombie pig man we

Don’t want to hurt you where’s the BR with the sword check it out there’s some crazy stuff in this chest Magma Cream Blackstone trying obsidian I’m just going through a lot right now okay okay okay he’s in the treasure Room Treasure hey ugly what yeah sorry

The Brute so this is it huh why don’t you come down here so I can snatch that gold off your dead body maybe they’d be open to a nonviolent trade we’ve got netherite it’s strong and super uncommon in the Overworld You’ been eting too much Crimson fungus what happened to you

You used to be so hostile I can’t go on hold on moment of silence for the pig I don’t even remember his name but he meant a lot to me now you’re going to come down here or am I coming up there attack him big F losers is that a

Toothbrush oh it’s you know I actually could go for a quick power nap don’t do it respawn point oh no you know what you guys enjoy it down here I’m going to take your portal to the Overworld and mine the Gold myself no you don’t want that dude in the

Overworld to trap you forever wait hold on if he’s a hostile mob isn’t he supposed to burn in the Sun or not dude calm down you know what I might be doing something wrong here you’re a little lazy he destroyed the portal great now we’re stuck down here forever yep hey I

Can still get my nether port there were some golden carrots in that chest maybe they can heal them pork chop did you eat all the golden carrots have a problem okay give him to me I have an idea hug him to to life bring him back now this is the

Overworld huh I wonder where all the gold is hello gold oh he deserved it uhoh don’t move pig face what the heck I’ve never seen a mob like that before oh they’re bullying him wait I’m a hostile mob like you guys I don’t promot buling lead of HTI scre you boy hostile

Mobs are led by evil alone that’s cool and all but what you Overworld mobs really need is a soundtrack all right let’s hear it what what is this the Rhythm it’s controlling me I can feel it in my bones everybody who learned it here Hostile Mobs Can Dance

No don’t help him he’s brainwashing you wow that is gorgeous wow all right never mind all right new plan I use that crying obsidian to build a new portal and then I go defeat that stupid I don’t think you can make a portal out of crying

Obsidian I don’t think so E I have some good news it’s not pretty but I was able to bring back the hogland except now he’s a zlin oh oh he’s not nice anymore sad I’m glad he’s back though it feels good to rule the Overworld and I went

All to my mind controlling big step music Mind controlling little zombie how are my chemical weapons coming along oh no little zombies making them now just got a throw in a rabbit’s foot puff of fish Magma Cream turtle shell and some blaze powder all right oh how is it

Drink it little zombie going to die excuse me pig Lord You’ve assembled a a great Army here but we haven’t seen any sign of the Steve the pig or the chicken trapped in another they’ll be back which reminds me little zombie you’re in charge of searching for Steve’s bed

Destroy it so he can’t respawn little zombie is on it wait okay did little zombie pretend he died to make the piglin happy but now he’s back to life I think that he was faking it all right we need to figure out a way to get back to

The Overworld our best bet might be to kill Stan and have him respond that’s a good I like that hey how’s I going to help you chicken huh by the way I love CHI with a giant head running through the forest trying to find a he’s so

Happy oh that didn’t work I don’t think did it attention my blocky Brethren all good things must come to an end I think my XP level was at like 12 so that’s a record I’ll leave you all my belongings so as to not have them engulf in lava

Smart what a true friend wow actually this is kind of high up maybe I’ll slowly just walk in the lava a little lower down yep we’ll see you on the other side oh wow that was he fell fast probably heavy from all that golden armor he

Should have taken that off dang it yeah he should have my bed must have been destroyed H something tells me that Mansion belongs to that piglin brute you would be correct hey they’re back it’s me Stan look buddy I don’t know you you got some seeds oh no anytime one of his

Buddies dies he just grabs another chicken or a pig and pretends it’s his friend Maybe I’m Wrong maybe this is the OG maybe this is the real chicken but I think he literally just got another chicken and made him part of his group and what a gorgeous day in the biome or

As I call it our by home check it out a skeleton survived at night he’s just chilling in that pond like it’s a Jacuzzi let’s take him home and study him for science is he he’s alive ouch let him burn oh can we please go down

And mine in the caves what no we got to explore we need to make NE portal you can make a nether portal in a cave well we’re going to need to find a stronghold too literally it will be in a cave fine we’ll go down in your stupid cave stupid

Cave they’re actually doing something productive right now all right we’re in the cave time to start exploring you brought the sticks to make torches right so excited right not a problem we could just dig straight down and pray you don’t land in lava I don’t think this we’re not going to be

Down here very long are we wa oh God baby zombie fire box release your baby terrible zombie parents little wooden sword oh okay wow sand diamond horse armor let’s go back up so I can craft the horse hey there’s a name tag in here too your name Craig

Now what chick is any better all right boys we found diamond just in time too my iron pickaxe is on its last leg just m some Stone so we can cover up this lava and build over there here shut up Craig all right well we can’t mine the diamonds with a stone

Pickaxe but we can dig a nice tunnel out that would be fantastic if you had brought any sticks oh man why didn’t I grab wood dang it that’s what you get for punching me all the time all right whatever happens juste promise you won’t eat us I have a feeling we’ll find some

Cave cows eventually there’s no such thing as cave cows Stan doesn’t know that you want to be turned into partan I suppose the only thing to do is punch our way up my bare hands will be a bloody mess after this I just want to make sure our house is safe yeah hey

Welcome skeleton party yeah we’ll hop in the jacuzzi Creer make yourself at home dude he’s going to explode yep I knew it rip stand stand they made a new one time to wake up five more minutes pretty sure this villager wants his bed back oh oh they didn’t make a

New house man I don’t even remember arriving at this Savannah Village it’s so exotic can you believe their beds are orange they had all this weird stuff in their chest like an acacia sapling and grass where’s all the good stuff please be respectful of our culture we are

Different than your kind we wear these silly hats eat melons almost exclusively and H up these poo colored banners we love melons you know I could go for some melons they’re right there take them boom perfect slice you know one thing Remains the Same even in this weird backward Society is the Iron

Golem prepare to become a bucket wait bro you’ll never reach me all the way up please Place some melons in my mouth I don’t think anybody in this Village likes us no I don’t either I’m sorry Steve or Stan or whatever your name is we’re going to have to ask you to leave

Oh uh he said it politely I understand I guess hey would you mind helping me put my boat in the water I suppose I could do that now please be gone wait a minute ah you’ve been kidnapped oh just let me get to okay he can hop out just shift

Right little vill right now this is your home now the open ocean with our newly acquired hostage we’ll have enough emeralds to buy anything our hearts desire forget about the prearm labor oh boy this guy’s a pro how sick would it be if my inecraft created emerald armor

And swords I feel like they would be so aesthetically pleasing armor he’ll make our place so legit excuse me you do not know what my occupation was back in my Village well what was it farmer all right our house is this way but we got to keep him in the boat

While we dig him a nice prison hole to live in prison hole po relax it’ll be a nice prison Hall no it’s getting dark we should sleep we’re easy targets looking this slow guy around I’m only slow because you put me in a boat on land okay okay just sit tight through the

Night you see any mobs don’t try to fight I’m going to name him Charlie and I am on Charlie’s side he was taken from his village all he wants to do is eat melons leave him be okay and I’m a vegetarian in Minecraft so I am really

Excited that he’s a farmer so he’s not going to eat pork chop when morning comes we shall see you in time and that concludes my hostage rhyme good good one he’s not going to stay there did they tie him to the boat seriously you can leave right that was so

Unexpected oh no you know what I love most about survival we get to explore all sorts of different biomes true look at this luscious forest and a lava pit hey watch this why dides you do it that way I don’t know how to do this hey Che was

Not the man what the heck it’s island of crap trees there’s no trees where the cows mushrooms not a problem I brought some Oak saplings uh those are just seeds give me those D this is our wood now helping craft some fungus sticks e what are we supposed to eat there’s no

Animals in this biome going to toss pork chop in the furnace no sounds like there’s a cow behind us Mr Cow oh my God it’s a mushroom cow so cute oh my gosh there’s a ton of them they want to say hi kind of cute Hello my little

Mushroom okay we came we saw the freaks let’s dip wait a second this is an island free of mobs we’re living here now what are we going to make our house out of imagine a mushroom zombie a dirt Shack we can live off the milk from

These cows come on Moosh time for some milk in good idea e oh it’s mushroom stew I’m going to be sick it’s actually pretty good yeah it’s good but will it be enough to sustain us we get hungry like every 5 minutes what if we use these shears to clip some of

The mushrooms off stand still mushroom Mo cow just going to give you a little you’re going to hurt him oh wow we cured him so you’re telling all these cows just have severe fungal infections H does that actually gu so let’s cure all of them yes save them three sleepless

Nights later well three full days with no sleep we cured every cow in the island only 12 honestly I don’t think we could have survived all those nights in a regular biome luckily no mobs can spawn here I think musy fungus Island we are the rulers of the night uhoh oh God

Good for nothing they’re one of the worst moms in my something about these Tall Tree Forest Sparks a sense of adventure you got to be careful an enemy could be hiding behind any one of these trees valid ah my arch nemesis we meet again I don’t like that I can’t see

Through these trees and we we’ve already passed like three foxes beautiful hello friendly villagers they don’t look so friendly rud think they’ve heard of you well let’s just continue the adventure I don’t know I kind of like it here tucked away in the woods and cozy so what you

Just want to live here no way dude all they have on the farm is beetroot oh it’s well then explain this okay so there’s one piece of pumpkin pie delicious hold on I’ll trade with this guy I will offer you bread for six emeralds sex emeralds I just took

Bread out of your chest for free see it’s lame here hold on hold kind of lame take a pumpkin so you’re a villager now huh unemployed villager I might add I think an opening for Fletcher just opened up since I killed him o why did you kill

Fler well that was a long day of work I don’t feel like you did scoot over far Jo he’s not being very nice to the villagers in this video sleep you weirdo you’re in his house good idea time to start the day maybe they think Jer about

He’s in those clothes morning and Fletch Andy’s grumpy what’s going on the village hates you what do you think oh man I thought this could be a cool place to camp out and pass the days I didn’t steal anything I didn’t destroy any houses maybe you forgot you killed that

One villager time for a formal apology Fletcher rip they enjoyed my time here but it reminds us all good things must come to an end it is an inevitable part of the cycle of existence All Things Must conclude take the analogy of the tree that grows in this forest with all

Its glorious branches and leaves one day it too will pass on its Legacy through the seeds it drops to the ground and as the wind carries these seeds throughout wherever they may move a new life will begin for each and every one of them as

They stand as a monument to the one that came before wow Stan jeez what was in that pumpkin pie let’s get moving and just to make sure we really can never come back was that necessary closure all right they have a house and he has diamond armor get it

Stan be quiet don’t wake them you woke them at least it was the pig not the chicken good morning friends you were up pretty late last night weren’t you what oh yeah just doing some late night Landscaping cutting the grass with your diamond sword and a full set of armor

Huh yep you know it’s okay let’s go explore he’s trying to keep a secret something is going on with Stan didn’t ask don’t care as his friends it’s our responsibility to figure out what it is true not going to help well if you’re not his friend that just means you’re

Using him to live inside of this nice house a nice house this place is a dump look there’s just one random block of dirt in the middle of the room made not even grass dirt wait wait a second that dirt block wasn’t there before he buried

Something I’m just going to break it and replace it with a grass block there’s a mob under there oh my God what’s going on here okay that’s kind of weird what’s he hiding standrew we know you’ve been sneaking out at night we know you’re hiding something and whatever it is is

Most likely inside this chest I can only hope it’s not uncooked pork chop from okay I can explain you don’t need to open the chest too late let’s tear this family apart what the nether quartz you’ve got some explaining to do buddy I don’t know what you do with nether

Quartz but literally the chicken just said let’s tear this family apart wow that was deep because uh well I don’t really know what nether quarts is used for look will you guys just relax the truth is I’ve been trying to get my XP up staying out late slaying mobs and

Going into The Nether mining courts well you could have just told us that right yeah pork chop thought you were some evil psycle with a dark secret I think I’m just getting my levels up CRA well good now we can carry on with our day

Wait what the heck is that W oh yeah just a small project I’ve been working on is the man don’t you ever ever go inside that structure what I thought they’re going to there what’s in there that’s it what is that evil psycho up seriously check it out probably mob so

He gets his XP my God it’s a spider spawner an XP Farm he’s down below us slaying tons of spiders right now I can’t believe he’d keep this kind of secret from us I’m going to jump down there and give him a piece of don’t do it bad idea oh s this

Through I don’t like seeing him sit like that 30 get me out of here help him chop I told you guys not to go in that structure did congratulations you evil Psychopathic genius XP farmer you win okay now get me out of here help him you

Got to learn your lesson don’t kill kill me for X what are you going to do don’t why would you do that to him actually I changed my mind please kill me take me away from this terrible spider P say that poor j here sheepy sheep okay that

Sheep has the most volumptuous lips I have ever seen what is your secret girl I thought you hated sheep with a passion I do I do but I figure if I lure them into this pen why would they won’t be able to annoy me and I can do this

Pretty chill please don’t throw my unborn children at sheep Dan hey stop showing my grass wow dude sure survive yep and once I feed them a bit more wheat one for you yep one for you here you are make more and more babies who will grow into delicious adults we’ll

Never have to look for food again I want to feed one sorry bud putting our last piece of wheat in the ground to make more without it we can’t control them a but that one looks hungry dud dude what you do everything Stan says you’re another Cog in the machine another sheep

Might as well hop in that pen right there save them let them out all right now it’s getting dark and we need to sleep it’s been at least three days don’t know how you’re going to sleep with that witch on the roof what the hey witch stay off of my

Roof here you go little guy he’s distracting him oh no solid kill before bed I can sleep good right pork chop did you feed that sheep no uh of course not looks like we’re about to have bigger problems no the Sheep okay okay just don’t let

Him blow up the fence over here Mr creeper come on that’s it you could have told me there was another creeper behind me I’m sorry sir but we’re going to have to kindly ask you to leave no not near the fence there’s also live sheep over there but sure let’s worry about the

Fence no come back come on right inside the pen please R run come on dude we’re free oh didn’t realize we could talk yep only a secret language us sheep can understand finally I am free I can’t wait to explore the world oh and I guess that one speaks Japanese that’s so cool

Probably be a good time to have some wheat huh I’m not talking to you you flooded my living space with dozens of annoying sheeps it’s sheep is the plural St it’s still sunny outside sh gold armor so piglins don’t kill me check diamond sword because the pig are

Going to try to kill the anyway check why in the world would we go back to the nether it’s the worst I for one I’m beyond excited to see my hogl and friends we’re blind traveling if we build a portal in the nether we can spawn in all sorts of different biomes

And unexplored parts of the Overworld that sounds like a great way to get stranded thousands of blocks from home you guys do what you want I’m going to go get the chicken out climbing to the top of this mountain range why there’s not really much to what are you doing

Don’t know what I’m going to do for food great that’s what I needed no stand wait that’s not s that’s Craig oh that’s right I’m a chicken no fall damage yeah you can fly kind of okay let’s see what destination lies ahead I hope it’s a

Mesle full of gold every time I try and mine some here the piglins just shoot at me see you should all be friends you’re kind of a pig they’re kind of a pig but you’re a full oh a swamp biome all right back in the nether the worst all right new day another

Exploration in the Extreme Hills what’s your plan survival might be tougher than I thought well you’re a strange looking llama that’s a bird idiot a chicken what brings a chicken like yourself all the way up to the extreme Hills is a chicken technically a bird it is right see I’m

Asking because some animals aren’t like you know like a dolphin is a mammal not a fish okay right should we spit or Stomp Them wait wait don’t do either as a token of friendship you think you can win us over with a raggedy carpet I don’t know kind

Of like it you’re part of the gang now chicken boy yeah is he in love with the Llama theault biomes don’t worry once I build this portal will be in an exciting new location um maybe oh or back at our spawn point respawn time man it’s great not having to use my

Chicken legs to get around he does have chicken legs oh great Look Who’s Back you a steeve that IDI is about to go into The Nether with no armor yeah he does stuff like that not a good idea all right this time I am staying out of the

Bassal biomes agreed my legs are too stubby for piggy parkour piggy your legs is overrated where the heck have you been in the mountains with my llama friends this is my lifestyle now why did you do that he’s Lally just I love being a dolphin same just swimming in the ocean

No worries or responsibilities hey do it means no worries for the rest of your that’s not little mermaid is it Lion King wrong movie I need a ride Chop Chop this is an Uber looks so weird did he say I need an Uber hold on

I have to go back did he just call the dolphin who’s Uber hey dolphin I need a ride Chop Chop this is an Uber I mean I would take a dolphin Uber I won’t lie be pretty cool you know exploring is great but exploring is great exploring is great but we pretty

Much checked out everything around us does this mean we get to stop running around like idiots stuffing our faces with bread every 10 seconds yeah well it’s a good way to burn off carbs as you’re eating them hold on I know it’s kind of cheating but I’m going to sign

Into creative mode and try something here we go just get all the materials you need wow let me know what you see up there oh boy it’s a jungle let’s make sure to never go over there because jungles are annoying and impossible to escape from you know I think I’ll release our

Iron Golem oh he looks when pigs fly a pig is flying look look look at Pig’s flying should we should we release him now I’d still prefer not no all right back to survival you went into creative and didn’t even come back with any cool items I down in Black

Palace or maybe I did bring something back what was that it’s a wolf egg wolves don’t like eggs idiot well what we really could have used is a saddle there’s a ton of horses running around but a saddle is one of the few items you can’t grab I know for

Fact we have a saddle in our chest at home yeah it’s a lot of chest the one near the crafting table is rare items the one next to is everyday resources the third one is wood this chest is just full of food I’ll be in charge of this

One this is just 54 stacks of gravel don’t got to travel when we got the gravel that rhyme made literally zero sense that was a bad one ah here it is finding the saddle is just half the battle please shut up he’s into Rhymes right

Now that horse is so cute say hello to my new horse friend his name is Jello pudding hello jell jell PD say the whole thing hi there Jello pudding PUD in Pudding so now what we’re just going to walk around all slow while you zoom around on Jello pudding exactly

Nothing’s going to stop me now I love Jello oh stupid trees just going to punch him did the just hold on creep it’s a did it K be able to get by that tree Now did jello he didn’t explode did he he could have ran away so fast why did that happen so uh we’re really going to enter this Bastion huh Yep this is a great place to trade great idea yeah and a great place to be killed just imagine

How many piglins are inside that how many times has he you wear this and you wear this I’ll put on my good old golden leggings fion now before we go in up here we’re going to get murdered yeah not a good idea you triggered them bacon Why internally conflicted one pork chop should not eat that two do they actually make bacon y’all I’m having so many Minecraft questions because of this animation it’s not going to be that easy I just don’t think it will that’s right right over here come on he’s baiting them did we

Get anything good there we go string don’t be shy my friend hop in that hole and ouch that piglin hit me for no reason cing on oh God the zombie pigman ising the pig no stop he needs them doing what they love snorting loudly in

A hole looks like we’ve got a potion and some pearls ooh delicious potion yummy stand back since we’re in the nether we might as well look for a nether fortress in fact I think I see one over there was it you wasted it did he just teleport saved it God for this seriously

Dude if you had kept that in your inventory you could have teleported fire oh well now that all the pigs we’ve got all day to go through their chest ow I thought you were all dead fine your crappy bone blocks I’m not hanging out in this death trap any longer I don’t

Blame him you’ve been chosen to be a zombie pigman jockey look at that cute little guy nope sorry this adventure’s over I love it oh jeez that was dark all right right just going to build up hey what do you think you’re doing prach

The okay as long as I land in the lava with my Fire Res I’ll be okay I don’t think you will that man is about to land as lav rer to the rescue yeah superhero oh what are you doing you’re making a mess of the house we need more stuff

Maybe if we set up a couple Animal Farms we’d have enough resources to actually get things done around here instead of wandering around all the time looking for things to use are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting if what you think I’m suggesting is four small

Pens containing more animals than we can count all of them crammed into an inhuman living space farms just build a farm eat some hay and you’ll be fine such is the nature of anthropomorphic animal friends existing hierarchy structures remain the same so everybody I I don’t like stand

Anymore how are we going to round up that many animals anyways I mean look around it’s not like there’s many here to choose we just they’re literally like I know something’s coming where is it it’s Stan breathe them until we have enough we’ll try not to go overboard

Then we still want to make sure that the animals have a good quality of life forget their quality of life what about ours what was that oh I’m sure they’re enjoying this just as much as we are let him go we got to move this form nonsense

That made 12:00 a.m. first night oh they do not look like they’re doing so well it’s so loud it’s fine it’ll all work out you look horrible that’s so sad the 10th night we need to move the stor yo like I’m actually not kidding that bothers me

I’m not even being funny like legit I hate it we need to move this far you’re making a mess of the house again didn’t you say once we had all this crap that you’d actually start doing stuff besides getting us into trouble all the time that was before I realized how useless

All of this was what am I supposed to do with 1,000 eggs Yum Cake is great what a beautiful day for a walk especially when you’re broken have nowhere else to go that’s the spirit what about over there there’s bound to be treasure in that thing you

Are not so how are you planning to get the treasure then this place is swarming with villagers easy I’ll just take him out with my Superior PVP skills uhoh guys you got to like this video to help it all despawns or we could just get new stuff we barely had anything on

Us no it’s the principle of the thing we’re getting back my stuff if we have to Die Trying back a horrible idea got it how am I supposed to get past them to get my stuff what about this this could work we use this piece of wood as a sled

And slide right past them it’s a shield idiot just deflect the arrows oh he can’t I guess that could work too he’s got a train for this oh bet they weren’t expecting that what attempt is this like 25 okay we can deal with those guys on the way out hopefully they forget we’re

Even here let’s just find the treasure for now run run this is just a bunch of junk it’s not complete junk look oh nice shot wait what the guy I just killed any quest for self-improvement he could have possibly achieved no next to that that

Can you get me out of here get out but what are you doing here the villagers were trying to replicate me for their own purposes got to let him out realize I was guys that Iron Golem sounds exactly like crunk from The Emperor’s New Groove I don’t know if you’ve seen

It but they are literally voice Twins and we can get you safely out of here we got a new weapon careful with that thing don’t worry that won’t be necessary what yes coming in clut he’s got to do what he’s got to do they locked him in the game never cross

That guy yeah I wouldn’t another wonderful day in our wonderful biome what do you guys want to do next I feel like they always get positive really negative die and then they respawn and they’re happy again there’s like a a NeverEnding cycle here unless you’re Craig and he’s always upset ooh there’s

A cool cave hey there’s another cool cave I don’t trust those W another cool cave well I can tell what pork chop wants to do when the last time you fed your animals they just been starving in that overcrowded pth I agree set all of the animals free it’s an animal land

Arade wait a sec I don’t remember catching any llamas I can’t remember can we eat llama meat hold on these llamas belong to a Wandering villager yeah I’m right here invisible cursed with invisibility by a witch what who said that it’s not murder if I can’t see you yes it is there are

Llamas now stock up on food wood all that good stuff let’s go search for a village they’ll have Oak planks crops all sorts of stuff we can use keep to steal from vill not using it stealing it yeah exactly je finally they’re gone those idiots will never defeat the

Dragon just going to stock up on food sorry buddy all right off we go guys he literally left the food forgot the meat bro oh right here’s a nice looking Village they still got their Halloween decorations up and look I can just grab some Cobblestone from this blacksmith

Building not a good idea I don’t think H you know D that’s going to be a problem should have thought it through you’re literally burn bread more bread this is not going to be good for my low carb diet you need oh my God it’s a zombie

Villager he’s trapped in a spider web who’s tough now huh kick his head I feel kind of bad for this Village who knows what happened here in the past we should restore it and make it shiny and brand new uh I don’t know seems like a lot of

Work you can do what you want but I should probably keep kicking this zombie but no you shouldn’t oh they’re cleaning up the village because they’re so nice this take it is he eventually going to kill the Villager just kicking his head all right it looks pretty good we’re just

Not going to put out the fire you started now we just got to wait until the villagers come back to their beautiful about to burn what are you thinking hey welcome back Mr zombie v is it still burning oh another beautiful day in the village um I don’t remember

Everything being on fire he never put out the fire No Doubt this is the work of the evil Arch iller and his minions this Village needs a hero we’re not going to have to run around a whole bunch we way running around is all we’re going to be doing now let’s go sounded

Like Lord of the Rings don’t worry villagers I’ll save you save them wait what the I can’t even get inside Villers are you in there oh man I wanted to loot their stuff well you know what it’s already burning in the daytime that’s here what h okay I guess let’s go

That way how’ that happen this is where your journey ends human now turn around and oh wow you sho like that that’s terrifying what the what for it is is this a real creature in Minecraft because if it’s not make this this is so

Cool I’m not going to lie he can be like a tooth fairy or something I’m sorry who the oscillator you know all power full corrupt leader of the land now bow to me fools yeah what makes you so special for I possess the orb of dominance once

Outcasted by my people for my wide skull I yeah hold on can we talk about that thing for a sec like how do you even get through doorways quiet you will p and are you like a baby that’s weird that’s SI oh what you get for making fun of him

Honestly wait why’ you stop I don’t know just thought maybe you’d slay us real quick nice work what ooh Weir got firework arrows great enough fires already okay literally the fires are not burning anything down let’s set up camp here just outside of town you were too late

To save the villagers bro who is this voice it sounds like Lord of the Rings or like Hunger Games or something but don’t fret they still await your heroic arrival what that’s bogus I sprinted through that whole map and they’re just dead well this must be what we’re saying

He wants to fight oh no there’s a nice mansion right there I’m going inside not a bad idea anyone in here I don’t think well it’s ours now wao check out this chest there’s got to be something cool inside open it it’s a fishing rod Our Heroes returned to their Camp outside to

Brave the night what no we’re staying here whose voice is that the voice literally just told them they were leaving the house it’s got to be her house and she she just kicked him out I guess we’re just homeless bums no bro that was unnecessary did you

Really drag us out to the creeper Woods in the middle of the night we need to free the villagers being held captive plus I wanted to show off my new threads jeez look how many zombies there are scare do he get a helmet excuse me coming through pardon where’ the helmet

Go you need it there’s one of the villagers let’s free him he’s just sitting in that wooden box can he not just get out they’re heavily guarded look at all those SK we’re going to have to sneak up on him Andis really loud no oh

God well I don’t know if you knew this but you’ve had a huge block of TNT floating over your head for about 25 minutes oh what woo thank you Brave Heroes now I will fight along your side with honor so sweet psych oh boy emeralds ow did you just headbutt me yes

Yeah dude was that all right something tells me we’re going to have a long night in creeper get the emeralds well that lasted about 5 minutes can we just free the last few villagers and get out of here oh God another skeleton your days of causing pain are over

Skeleton my face oh no I’m in a sticky web of emotion spiders well like all insects they’re actually helpful to our ecosystem let’s let them live and move on wait can’t you free me sorry you’re not a villager hey mobs catch oh man what a nice night you know I’m glad I

Came out for a walk in fresh air this is a new beginning Michael you are you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just can’t there have been so many animal moments in this video that have made me sad moment of silence

For the Sheep he was talking to Michael doing great then coded all right the last few villagers should be right up here what the pork chop yep I freed the villagers I’m the hero now yeah you are about that one oh yeah I uh didn’t want to get near

That one the ey patch I don’t know I thought maybe you TR to touch me or something well we’re out of TNT I don’t think there’s any way we’re getting through there alive yeah you I’m just going to drink this Shadow potion you guys have a good time I’ll see you

Seriously don’t worry my time with those spiders will finally pay off spider pig you see is this really how we’re ending the episode spider pig does ever spider pig does he’s got the chicken he’s defeating the villain soggy swamp that’s you that’s what you sound like all the time

Come we need to destroy all the Brew these witches are making I hate witches heads up baby zombie Angry zombie pork I’m as confused as you are that’s weird all right be on the lookout for witches brew or any SEC foot like we haven’t found any we haven’t found any

All we ever do is run through slashing at mobs maybe it’s time we stop and smell the mushrooms can you eat them I’ve never seen a purple mushroom before I’m keeping this poisonous oh uh give it back to up on is not happy we’re going to

Have a lot more to clean up in a minute goodbye slime say hello to my poison blades at least they give you something right I seem to be creating more enemies a they’re so cute no they’re not those are there’s a brew destroy it stanthony ah yes brings me back to my

College days I really destroyed a lot of Brew back then if you know what I’m me oh come on another stronger than he looks way to go Craig there should be one more cauldron we need to destroy you’re terrible at throwing things you know also guys did he have blue spots on

His shirt before or are those new like I feel like he’s like making a fashion statement and he’s just he’s like totally giving fashion right now you get out of my dungeon this is your dungeon well no but I hang out in here a lot okay now let’s see

What swamp hey that must be the final cauldron oh finally I can k something that won’t hit me back maybe oh God I’m going to need a miracle to destroy this cauldron those are pretty maybe this mushroom will heal me you have a specific potion for healing idiot think that

Oh wa that mushroom turned him into a Mania mushro we did it we destroyed The Cauldron great we can get out of here why did they want to destroy the cauldron like didn’t he want to brew some potions first I don’t think he did and also I paused at a really bad time

Because Craig does not know he’s about to be attacked what the get off me or just like a horse he likes kicking the baby zombies we made it the pumpkin past in pastures this ruin was once a lush land of farming and agriculture only one Village in this universe remains

Unspoiled you must warn the villagers there of the battle to come jeez she’s right this place is devastating it looks like hallowen they burnt my home took my wife and kids to make pumpkin spice lattes that does sound good right about now we’ve got to get to the final

Village to ring the bell to warn the Villers ring a bell what is this 2006 no no I’m just going to post a tweeted skeletons 5:00 I don’t think they have cell phones here over there let’s slowly walk that way to see what’s going on nothing my Venom glaive can’t handle

Yeah what the what the heck is that it’s the souls of the skeletons we have the Harvester book we’re harvesting their souls that’s dark I like that this is like a hallowen that’s a cute little Monument no what what is it doing turning into magar kind of looks

Like Preston am I right I I kind of think this is maybe where Preston got the inspiration for his Minecraft skin right here something oops does this look like a library to you there’s the drawbridge The Village should be just on the other side we need to lower that

Bridge so I can jump off of it guys the boy said to save the village and warned them about what was to come and he just literally came in and killed everyone can we talk about that really fast oh God vindicators that would be a problem if I didn’t have my trusty Golem

Kit defeat them hey l number one and L number two he did it so easily man this side of the village looks much better even the pumpkins are healthier hey you guys like CrossFit hey that’s the Bell what was the pumpkin saying about CrossFit that makes no

Sense don’t worry villagers once I ring this bell all of your problems will be what oh God they’re closing in on us stand use the Harvester book no this isn’t a library remember I’ll handle it what wow that was some sort of deadly Soul sneeze Satan deadly Soul sneeze

Just in case they didn’t hear that I’ll blow my wind horn that reminds me of Tarzan the you know that song It’s a Banger if you haven’t heard it just saying it’s Times Like These I’m glad I don’t have ears you did it you if you don’t have

Ears how do you respond to anything and how do you hear us chicken he’s confused bravery and Swift action means the villagers will live to die on another day what I guess no we don’t know they’re going to die at a later time the villagers will be brutally murdered

Tortured for information you not funny oh boy the red Stone mines this is like our first what is this wolf helmet I don’t like it we’re one step closer to the arch iller I’m going to steal the orb of dominoes just think of all the pizza oh great I really want pizza right

Now thank you pork chop I appreciate we get to free more villagers here you go you’re free thank you Heroes but I’m actually just working here to pay off my student loans how are you farming down here and if you can keep a secret we cannot there are

Whispered rumors the arch iller is building something Dreadful jeez that just talking go apparently don’t reveal secret ever if you’re in the nether or you will be xnap hold on to your emeralds boys we’re in for a long night oh that reminds me need you to hold on

To our emeralds and stuff you’re our own personal piggy bank my back oh a piggy bank that’s now let’s see where did I put my fishing rod aha think fast creeper um that was a horrible idea s Something tells me we’re not going to make it out of here have some Faith

We’ve escaped death countless times it’s going to take something pretty tough to take us down stupid mine cart heads up we’ve got gun stub your toe oh God my bones a bear trap no all right I think this is the way out oh oh there’s an earthquake

Happening oh God it’s a redstone Golem oh God oh God oh God oh God kind of cool told you we should have gone the caus Canyon first well we’re dead just going to hide in here and hope I’m not Crush to death when he steps on you wait

That’s it postivity let me just aha My Bullets of swiftness great we can Sprint to our death even faster but the P doesn’t Big Boy Rapid Fire get him get him get him it’s doing nothing oh huh I guess he was just a bunch of emeralds we

Did it hey you defeated were true the elers are building something Dreadful in these mines it’s safe to come out now let’s keep moving forward we’ve still got a long way to go just going to put these emeralds in here come on oh the piggy bank is

Tired oh all right guys the desert Temple’s got to be around here somewhere remind me why we need to find this stupid Temple is using in the army of the Undead yeah just how I like my zombies nice and slow nice and deserty oh he’s strong this one’s a

Tough one hey get here old it’s like a cactus you never have to water it and it still stays alive that’s why these guys are tough you never have to water them and they still stay alive I’m the Gingerbread Man freaking Boomers man run whoa check it out it’s a beacon H I

Wonder how we activate it you press a stand I wonder thank you sorry Mr Cow but I need health and I don’t want to waste a cool with my potion I understand have your way with me Apple cow I think it’s pretty obvious that was an apple cow yes an apple cow

You didn’t he didn’t pick up the Apple he’s done this numerous times he has killed animals and then left them on the ground come on man Open this gate uh judging by what’s on the other side of that thing want to might just want to keep that gate closed I agree aha the

Golden key what name golden walks he’s gold and he opens locks he’s so cute what what did he say about the key did he say something hurtful about the key let’s name him Goldilocks since he’s gold and he opens locks Goldilocks I love that you guys just

Don’t know good humor come on hey good to see you goodbye you know I’m not sure how much longer this killing is going to be fun for G defeating everything oh man that was so impressed his XP farm did end up helping him that’s all I’m saying prepare for of

My deadliest mobs well you just warned oh man I can’t believe it I’m part of the group oh he’s happy what is he doing here be nice to stand well that was help you know I really expected that to be a bit more climactic anyway I’ll see

You a taxi what we could have flown away desert temple who knows the truths and treasures await us inside they’re going to exp it I’m going to miss the warm breeze palm trees the cactuses that is a creeper that’s a creeper uhoh uh-oh all right stay on high alert

There’s a lot of Undead enemies wandering this Temple oh what do you know there’s one L standing directly in our path that’s right and you’ll never destroy the enchanted staff of the nameless one hey uh should this guy be giving away all this information nameless one yes the the powerful ruler

Of the nameless Kingdom good luck getting to the secret tomb where he can be found he will okay I’m just going to go over here and pretend I’m not hearing this take me to your R huh expect him to die actually follow me the tomb’s got to be this way s looks cool

Right whoa that was too much for my eyes to take I need a moment even Craig looks D which is saying a lot check it out sliced ham never mind he’s going to make fun of it wow what could possibly go wrong prepare to die again you Undead uh dead people they trapped

You wa ooh check it out Grim armor um isn’t that kind of disrespectful you know wearing a corpse like that oh who am I going to upset a skeleton probably smells that dude’s wearing Kevin dude Kevin is gone let him go Got It Go all

Right we made it to the tomb let’s loot some ancient caskets finally I’ve never been in one of these he’s sleeping should we wake him up what are those other skeletons doing just watching him sleep creepy much that’s so creepy prepare to die at the hands of the

Nameless one ah so you’re the nameless one let’s name him Larry what no prepare for the most intense Battle of your lives no it’s not going to be I’m going move to the left and shoot my arrows he’s got this who he dropped his staff it he

Teleported what if you want to use it now to just escape the temple hey those guys are trying to escape the temple get them this one is for Kevin get him wait Stan to of regeneration we might need it oh man look how cute that thing is can I hold him of course A hey it works she ruined the moment the snowy mountains stick out your tongue and catch some snowflakes I bet they’re cold that’s not snow it’s Ash yes idiots we’re at fiery Forge it looks like this is where the arill builds his weapons of Destruction well that explains why it’s

Filled to the tea with skeletors no better option than battle through him okay there might have been some better options he surved though we’re about to run into some old friends the cave man hey Pillager long time no see man what you’ve been up to you know

Robbing killing the usual nice nice hey it’s those guys who’ve murdered hundreds of our family members oh no get him sorry Sunny hey it’s like a cool little house in here in fact staying here it’s safer what no dude come on we got to make it to the core

Get out of my room you’re not my real dad where did he get all those I don’t mind those skeletons and vindicators but what I really hate are Redstone Golems well there he is oh God there’s one behind me isn’t there you summoned him did you did you just backhand me yeah he

Did R run oh they rther there’s enemies everywhere where I don’t see them they’re way over there off screen good thing these arrows aim themselves oh that’s why he’s doing so good that’s a COR activator you need to overload it oh overload it oh not that

Way I don’t think God don’t look now but there’s a giant redstone monstrosity behind you yeah that’s not what monstrosity no it’s literally what you’re called You’re Redstone monstrosity get them CU hey Siri do redstone monstrosities belong in Minecraft oh they are real I I’ve never heard of them until

Now in my next life to don’t let me come back why did you do that Cube come here I’m going to squash you not so long as my totem of shielding oh you dropped it Stan used every single artifact that day the corrupted Beacon Arrow even the stinky Sho can you

Shoot a firework at someone like that cuz if you can that is absolutely brilliant and where did he get a stinky shoe an unlockable DLC weapon available in the game through micro transaction the monstrosity eventually was killed though it was not by the doings of our

Hero he slammed the ground so hard that he fell into a pool of scorching lava way to go guys defeated him the arch iller will just love this party we are throwing for him allow me to tenderize that meat for you now this is what I call he has an

Iron Man or Captain America or some somebody’s the hammer this is what I call crashing a party oh yeah hey this party is invite only guards get them get finally I get to help out as the royal guard I declare you an enemy hmer where’

My shield go I swear I just had it when I catch you I’m going to make damage as I thought I would he’s so buff and armored up he can barely walk uh-oh this place is filled with Mobs yeah loser mobs look at these basic zombies and non-threatening

Skeletons I mean they’re not even allowed inside they got to hang out tense like some homeless bums that’s messed up we’re not losers shut up loser no they’re not guys hey there’s a chest what could be inside bread and arrows like always it is bread and arrows hey that’s

Helpful all right your illager should be in here so you’ve made it to my room unfortunately for you there’s an army of what are you doing oh I thought maybe I could just kill you hasn’t attacked so far that’s not how this works he’s like not a hostile mob but he has hostility

In his voice I don’t think you should kill him you fight my mobs and I run away well that doesn’t seem we’ll have to defeat him another time no we’re following him the arch illiger’s reign of terror Ends Tonight how do you know where to go who knows where he ran off

To right outside on top of that Tower he’s tinier this game oh he’s not so this is it huh you found all my runes and finally tracked me down is this man actually I don’t think we found any runes time to use my Ultimate Weapon tiny P

Squares wow if his head was just a little less wide he would have survived that one well that was actually pretty easy oh my god what the heck is this run run run it’s an ender monster here’s the bread this better be good for something do Enderman have a gluten allergy you heard

It here folks they’re allergic to bread hey you know what what is that so evil Our Heroes had done it they had defeated the arch Iger and vanquished all evil good job never mind dude you heard him he wasn’t eil anymore he doesn’t have to

Be evil I still don’t like him Stan I am disappointed in you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days of FUNNIEST Minecraft Animation!’, was uploaded by BriannaPlayz on 2023-09-05 21:00:14. It has garnered 47258 views and 1109 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:27 or 6807 seconds.


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  • Counting in Minecraft Gone Wrong!

    Counting in Minecraft Gone Wrong! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩! 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft realm, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. With a focus on creating original and humorous Minecraft animations, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for spreading joy and laughter. Unique Content Offerings From daily original videos to a variety of series, 方块轩’s channel has something for every Minecraft enthusiast. Whether you’re in the mood for some hilarious MC animations, educational classroom series, song adaptations, or simply looking for a good laugh,… Read More

  • Unraveling Aether Event – TheGuill84

    Unraveling Aether Event - TheGuill84 The Aether Event in Minecraft: A Spectacular Adventure Exploring the Aether Realm The Minecraft community was recently treated to an extraordinary event known as the Aether Event, hosted by TheGuill84. This event took place in the mysterious Aether realm, a dimension filled with floating islands, mythical creatures, and unique challenges. Players were immersed in a world unlike any other, where the laws of physics seemed to bend and magic was at every corner. A Special Journey The Aether Event was a multi-part adventure, with the first part titled “CITE DES OMBRES – JOUR 5 | EVENT SPECIAL AETHER (1/3).”… Read More

  • Join Minewind: A LGBTQ+ Friendly Minecraft Server

    Join Minewind: A LGBTQ+ Friendly Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Who’s that oinking over my bridge? #minecraft #livestream #gaming #twitch #nonbinary #lgbt.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can experience thrilling adventures and exciting encounters just like the one in the video? Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a vibrant community of players… Read More

  • Love Struck: Bestie’s Crush in Minecraft (Part 24) | Music Vid

    Love Struck: Bestie's Crush in Minecraft (Part 24) | Music Vid In the world of Minecraft, love is in the air, My best friend’s heart is all aflutter, without a care. Part 24 of our tale, filled with emotion and glee, As the music plays, setting the mood for you and me. The animation boy, with eyes full of stars, Finds himself falling, for a boy from afar. Their love story unfolds, in pixels and light, A bond so strong, shining bright in the night. With each frame and each scene, emotions run deep, Capturing hearts, in a love story to keep. So follow along, as the story unfolds, In… Read More

  • Sneaky Slow Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience

    Sneaky Slow Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience Minecraft Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience Pembe Ev: Gece Ay Işığında Büyüleyici Manzara Bu video, geceleyin ay ışığının altında parlayan bir pembe evin görkemli manzarasını sunuyor. Sessiz ve huzurlu bir ortamda, gökyüzündeki yıldızların ışığıyla aydınlanan bu ev, büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip. Pembe rengiyle dikkat çeken ev, çevresindeki doğal güzelliklerle birleşerek benzersiz bir manzara oluşturuyor. İzleyicilere görsel bir şölen sunan bu video, doğanın ve mimarinin eşsiz uyumunu keşfetmeye davet ediyor. Keyifli seyirler! Kamp Ateşi, Doğa, Dalga Sesleri Rahatlama, pozitif düşünce, konsantrasyon, denge ve motivasyonda destekleyici olur. Bu huzurlu sakinleştirici terapi müziği, motivasyon müziği, ayrıca bu müzik rüya müziği, ders çalışma müziği,… Read More

  • Minecraft Parodies Clash with Ferited: A Blocky Battle Royale!

    Minecraft Parodies Clash with Ferited: A Blocky Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Minecraft Parodies and Ferited take the dives. With millions of subscribers, views, and fun, Their channels shine bright like the morning sun. Minecraft Parodies, with 6.29 million strong, Their videos and rhymes never go wrong. Ferited, with 5.44 million in their crew, Bringing laughter and joy, always true. In the battle of views and subscribers galore, Minecraft Parodies takes the lead, for sure. But when it comes to fun and videos to see, Ferited brings the score to a tie, with glee. So let’s celebrate friendship, in this gaming land, Supporting… Read More

  • Spooky Scoops: Tales from My Creepypasta’s Backstage

    Spooky Scoops: Tales from My Creepypasta's Backstage In the world of Minecraft, where creepypastas dwell, I craft my videos, each tale to tell. From history to script, and models so fine, Every detail in rhyme, in rhythm and line. Blocks and creatures, building and more, Filming and editing, all to explore. Thumbnail design, future plans in sight, In this behind the scenes, my process takes flight. With music by Kevin Macleod, setting the tone, Each step in the process, carefully shown. So come along, on this creative ride, In the world of Minecraft, where stories abide. #behindthescene #minecraftcreepypasta, In rhymes we share, the process of pasta. Read More

  • Discover Hidden Wonders on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Hidden Wonders on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “I Found A Secret Tank Under the Villager’s House in Minecraft.” The video showcases a thrilling discovery of a hidden tank beneath a villager’s house, sparking curiosity and excitement among viewers. Imagine the thrill of uncovering hidden secrets and embarking on epic adventures in the vast world of Minecraft. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is palpable. If you’re looking for a server that offers a unique and exhilarating gaming experience, look no… Read More

  • Nicee Creeper: Rhyme Time Keeper

    Nicee Creeper: Rhyme Time Keeper In the world of Minecraft, where creepers roam, I bring you news from my humble home. With rhymes and jokes, I’ll keep you entertained, In this pixelated world, where fun is ingrained. From NotVixios to Finilex, I take my cue, To bring you content that’s fresh and new. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, As I share Minecraft facts, with a playful flow. Assalamualaikum, my fellow gamers out there, Let’s dive into Minecraft, without a care. With a grin and a spin, I’ll keep you amused, In this world of blocks, where creativity is infused. So here’s… Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Oddities Unveiled!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Oddities Unveiled! In Minecraft, things can be quite absurd, Like floating trees and flying birds. The physics are wonky, the logic is loose, But that’s the charm, it’s the game’s sweet juice. Players build castles, farms, and more, Exploring caves, finding ores galore. With creepers that hiss and zombies that moan, Surviving the night, in a world all their own. Redstone contraptions, complex and grand, Automated farms, all made by hand. The creativity flows, the possibilities endless, In this blocky world, where fun never ceases. So embrace the quirks, the glitches, the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. With friends… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Trollface Madness!

    Hot Minecraft Trollface Madness! Why did the trollface go to Minecraft? To mine for memes, of course! Read More

  • Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin

    Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin Minecraft Portal Mail: A Fun Adventure with Upin & Ipin Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Upin & Ipin through the Portal Mail! Join the fun and explore the exciting world of Minecraft with these beloved characters. Donation and Community If you’re looking to support the creator, consider donating on Saweria. Join the Discord community to connect with fellow players and fans. Get involved and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to Minecraft and more. Character Skins and Channels Customize your Minecraft experience with the Skin UzeMing. Check out the various YouTube channels linked to discover more… Read More

  • SHOCKING! 20 CRAZY New Features Minecraft NEEDS now!

    SHOCKING! 20 CRAZY New Features Minecraft NEEDS now!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods !’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-06-23 11:00:39. It has garnered 25115 views and 840 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:26 or 1346 seconds. 20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods ! Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : It’s time to stop being overcharged for hosting! : 00:00 -TACZ: Plus (Timeless and Classics Feature Addon) 1.20.1 01:52 -Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks 1.20.1 (Forge) 03:39 -Cleann Arsenal 1.20.1 (Forge) 06:03 -Client Sort… Read More

  • Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!

    Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!Video Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an IMPOSSIBLE TRAP in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-05-21 19:59:01. It has garnered 2962953 views and 25520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. I’m just RUNNING with it! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Invincible in Minecraft?! New Immunity Hack #immocraft

    Invincible in Minecraft?! New Immunity Hack #immocraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴[LIVE] lah menkrep?! #immocraft #immonity | Minecraft Indonesia’, was uploaded by ArchTemp on 2024-06-14 14:45:10. It has garnered 283 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:19 or 10339 seconds. Thank You For Stopping By! Don’t forget to Like, Comment & Subscribe and click the Bell so you don’t miss other Live & Videos! Thx Guys! ———————————————————————————————– Donate me : (Via. Gopay/Dana/LinkAja/OVO/Qris) ———————————————————————————————– Social Media Instagram : @ihsannn18_ Discord : @archtemp ———————————————————————————————– Spek PC : Asrock B550M Pro-HDV (MotherBoard) Klevv CRAS XR RGB (RAM 16GB 2x8GB) AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (Processor)… Read More

  • Unlocking Epic Powers in Minecraft! #clutch #gaming

    Unlocking Epic Powers in Minecraft! #clutch #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I can’t step back because stepping up is my passion #shorts #clutch #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by EXCITED HUMAN on 2024-01-03 13:19:12. It has garnered 7124 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #love #instagood #fashion #photooftheday #instagram #art #photography #nature #beautiful #picoftheday #happy #follow #travel #cute #style #instadaily #tbt #followme #repost #summer #fitness #like4like #beauty #food #instalike #photo #selfie #me #friends #fun #smile #girl #family #life #music #explore #ootd #makeup #likeforlikes #dog #model #design #likeforlike #handmade #motivation #lifestyle #sunset #dogsofinstagram #foodporn #nofilter #artist #igers #drawing #cat #beach… Read More

  • 🎮 Insane Minecraft Adventure! Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria in Minecraft!

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  • PandaTV Minecraft #358: NO CHARCOAL = NO FUN

    PandaTV Minecraft #358: NO CHARCOAL = NO FUNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | #358 | Ohne Holzkohle läuft ihr nichts’, was uploaded by PandaTV on 2024-05-10 13:00:18. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:25 or 625 seconds. 💭 The main focus is on exploring and discovering the game world, which is full of caves and dungeons, and building your own buildings and devices. The player can mine raw materials (“Mine”), process them into other items (“Craft”) and fight monsters. 💭 Current playlists: Minecraft: 💭 Social Media ✔️ Discord Send FA FranzPandaTV #5864 ✔️ Discord: ​ ✔️ Facebook: Franz… Read More


    "INSANE FF ARMY SECRET IN MINECRAFT | UNBELIEVABLE!" #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is this Mojang ? | Ye kya hai ? #ytshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #mimecraftfacts’, was uploaded by OP FF ARMY on 2024-03-15 02:30:14. It has garnered 11840 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey Guy’s IF you like the video then Just Consider Subscribing To My channel And Enjoy The Journey😊 —What Is this Mojang ? | Ye kya hai ? #minecraft #shortsfeed #mcpeshorts #ytshorts #shorts #hindishorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #viral #trendingshorts #mojang #minecraftofficial For Business Enquiries and Collaboration [email protected] Read More

  • Insane Iron Golem Encounter in Minecraft 😱

    Insane Iron Golem Encounter in Minecraft 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Iron Golem Ne Nikal De Worden ki Tatti 😱 #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #trending #foryou’, was uploaded by Norok666 on 2024-05-29 03:12:07. It has garnered 179 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to GamePro Enterprises, your ultimate destination for expert gaming insights, tips, and reviews! Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore gamer, we’ve got you covered with the latest in PC, console, and mobile games. Delve into strategy guides, walkthroughs, and exclusive interviews with industry experts. Join our gaming community for updates on new… Read More

  • EPIC – IceMcFall dominating Hypixel Live Stream

    EPIC - IceMcFall dominating Hypixel Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Live Stream’, was uploaded by IceMcFall on 2024-04-10 15:44:27. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:31 or 4891 seconds. Welcome to the stream! I’m going to be playing Bedwars on the Hypixel Minecraft Server. Anyone is welcome to come and chat! Discord: Donate: Read More

  • MCPT minecraft portugal

    MCPT minecraft portugal▪ O Objetivo do servidor é conseguir com que pessoas principalmente portugueses de portugal ( mas não só ) tenham a possibilidade de jogar um servidor simples, um pouco anárquico mas mais organizado, um SMP, Survival Multiplayer Server sem formalidades fúteis. ▪ Discord –> ▪ IP –> Read More

  • Infinity Cube Server! – smp – 1.21

    Infinity Cube Server Interested in a forever server with an emphasis on builders and fresh updates? What is the Infinity Cube Server? A whitelisted vanilla server running on 1.21 Experienced builders preferred, but all player types welcomed What is the goal of the Infinity Cube Server? Have fun, enjoy the game, make friends, and keep the server running forever Updates and Mods Current version: 1.21, will update to newer versions Chunks will be reset before future updates to keep the world fresh Mods installed: TP to spawn, TP to home, TP back, and more (minimal restrictions) How to join? Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git Gud: Master Portforwarding in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Git Gud: Master Portforwarding in Minecraft"If you can’t figure out portforwarding, just blame it on the Creeper who keeps blowing up your router. Read More

  • Toycat’s Minecraft Xbox Quest: HARDEST Achievement Unlocked!

    Toycat's Minecraft Xbox Quest: HARDEST Achievement Unlocked! In Minecraft, Toycat’s skills are unmatched, Achieving the hardest feats, no challenge unattached. With editing skills improving, highlights in sight, Supporting Toycat’s stream, shining bright. Thumbnail quality assured, thanks to @livelaughseal9322, For making sure the visuals are top-notch, true. If you enjoyed this highlight, show some love, Like the video, subscribe, rise above. Thanks for reading the description, it means a lot, Stay tuned for more Minecraft facts, in rhymes we’ve got. Read More

  • Villager OI OI OI meme 🔥🔥🔥

    Villager OI OI OI meme 🔥🔥🔥 When the villager starts chanting “OI OI OI,” you know it’s about to go down in Minecraft. It’s like their way of saying, “Hold onto your pickaxes, things are about to get wild!” 🤣 #minecraftmayhem #villagerantics Read More

  • Meow-tastic Minecraft Fabric Dupe Trick

    Meow-tastic Minecraft Fabric Dupe Trick Minecraft Fabric Dupe Glitch Unveiled! Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can sometimes lead to unexpected discoveries. Recently, a player stumbled upon a fascinating glitch known as the Fabric Dupe Glitch. This glitch, showcased using mods on the Fabric client, allows players to duplicate items in the game. The Discovery It all started when the player’s game crashed, causing them to be set back in their progress. Upon returning to the game, they noticed that blocks they had previously placed were still present. This observation sparked their curiosity, leading them to experiment further. Executing the Dupe To replicate the… Read More

  • EPIC BUILDING IN MINECRAFT! | Project Architect 2

    EPIC BUILDING IN MINECRAFT! | Project Architect 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Project Architect 2 | CREATIVE FLIGHT & INFINITE EMC | Minecraft Project E Modpack | Ep2’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-07-25 15:15:07. It has garnered 3013 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:44 or 4064 seconds. Today we’re diving into an all around excellent experience by journeying into the Project Architect 2 Modpack! Focusing and centering around the mod Project E, This pack emphasizes automation, magic, and exploration! Project Architect 2 is a Brand New modpack so be sure to leave loads of support and constructive criticism to help improve… Read More

  • Threatened by Minecraft Player – Must Watch!

    Threatened by Minecraft Player - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Este USUARIO me AMENAZÓ con REPORTARME sin RAZON ALGUNA 💣 | Minecraft HCF’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-24 22:00:02. It has garnered 852 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. If you see this, give the video a like and subscribe 🔔 🔴 LIVE: SOCIAL NETWORKS ⬇️ ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Facebook: – IP: 🌩️ – Cliente: Lunar Client 🌑 – Texture Pack: Pídelo en los comentarios! 📩 – Canal de Lukitz ➡️: @Lukitzz – Contactos ⬇️ Gmail: [email protected] Discord:… Read More

  • Insane SkyBlock Buying & Selling – Watch Now!

    Insane SkyBlock Buying & Selling - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘SkyBlock Buy And Sell – Trailer 1/4 (Minecraft Map)’, was uploaded by Streak’s Creation on 2024-07-14 04:54:48. It has garnered 765 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:11 or 131 seconds. SkyBlock Buy And Sell – Trailer (Minecraft Map) Map Description: You Have Spawned On An Island Connecting You To Multiple Places Which Your Main Objective Is To Create A Monopoly Of Your Business And Takeover Everyone Becoming Powerful And Top Ranked On Scoreboard Buy Lands Buy Premium Weapons. Buy Item From Store And Sell Your Goods To Markets. + Addition… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft NeoForge Installation Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft NeoForge Installation GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Install NeoForge In Minecraft – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-06-07 05:00:05. It has garnered 1232 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Learn how to download and install neoforge in minecraft in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server: Apex has tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers, and instant setup. GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate links): Tubebuddy (YouTube… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Fighting the Best BuildUHC Player in MCPE

    Ultimate Showdown: Fighting the Best BuildUHC Player in MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Fought With The Best BuildUHC Player In MCPE’, was uploaded by Hindustani Gamer 2.0 on 2024-04-09 13:10:17. It has garnered 82 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. Fought With The Best BuildUHC Player In MCPE ________________________ techno gamerz anshu bisht SenpaiSpider NiwayOp #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gamer #minecraftlive #shortsbeta #anshu_bisht #minecraftshorts #dream #minecraftmemes #shortsfeed #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpvp #minecraft1v1 #mcpe #mcpepvp #mcpebedwars #mcpepvp1v1 epic killer epic bhai epic bhai ke agai koi bol skta hai kya nethergames nethergames bedwars hive hive bedwars hive bedwars in… Read More

  • Witch in Air without Broom?! 😱 Minecraft gaming!

    Witch in Air without Broom?! 😱 Minecraft gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘witch in air without broom 🧹🧹🧹🧹 and ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️#minecraft #gaming #shorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by C4 Gammerrz on 2024-07-28 05:19:02. It has garnered 484 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Smart Storage Guide! 1.20+

    Ultimate Minecraft Smart Storage Guide! 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How to make smart storage minecraft 1.20+’, was uploaded by MonoPolist on 2023-12-29 19:00:19. It has garnered 112 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Minecraft Tutorial: How to make smart storage Minecraft 1.20+ Read More

  • Shocking Revealed: What Did AnshuBisht Say? #gamerfleet

    Shocking Revealed: What Did AnshuBisht Say? #gamerfleetVideo Information This video, titled ‘@AnshuBisht Ne Kuch Galat Bola Kya ? #gamerfleet #jackbhaiya #minecraft #fleetsmp #anshubisht’, was uploaded by BenGaming on 2024-06-09 02:30:04. It has garnered 5987 views and 407 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Buy Me A Coffee Please : #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member🤣😂😂 Ballu Beta😄 @Gamerfleet hardest mlg 😍😯😳#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft 🔴 techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG… Read More

  • Unbelievable Lifesteal in 24/7 SMP Minecraft | KneX13

    Unbelievable Lifesteal in 24/7 SMP Minecraft | KneX13Video Information This video, titled ‘LIFESTEAL MINECRAFT PUBLIC 24/7 SMP | KNEX13’, was uploaded by Knex13 on 2024-05-06 06:35:10. It has garnered 292 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:47 or 3947 seconds. #minecrftpublicsmp #minecraftsmp #minecraftshorts #minecraftpocketedition ————————————————————– If you want to support or donate to the channel. UPI ID – salvikaran45@okicici ———————————————————————————- 🙏 Server IP – ————————————————————————– ☺️If you want to know something more about me follow me👇 Instagram- Discord- ————————————————————————– 🖥️► Streaming PC Specs ◄🎮 ———————- CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz GPU : Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 EAGLE… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted – Java 1.20.4 – Adult – Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted - Java 1.20.4 - Adult - Community-focusedSolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused} Welcome to Solarion SMP About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. We also just started a new season! Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Drop Heads -… Read More

BriannaPlayz – I Survived 100 Days of FUNNIEST Minecraft Animation!