BRICK 101 – How To Build LEGO Minecraft Ghast

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Today’s how to build is on a minecraft ghast let’s start by talking about this official lego um minecraft micro mob for the ghast um they did a nice job with this printed brick here making it the crying face of the ghast however if we compare it to their micro steve

Steve is just as tall as the ghast which if you’ve ever played minecraft you know that gas are much much bigger than steve steve is about two blocks tall and one block wide in minecraft gas are four blocks wide by four blocks tall so this guest is not

The right size for that steve it’s not even the right size for this steve that i made no this guest would be the right size for a steve like that tall maybe uh anyway let’s stop talking about this gas and start talking about the three gas that i built

So this is how tall a gas should be in relation to either the official micro steve or my super micro steve again uh four blocks tall by four blocks wide that’s about what this equals on their scale so now i’m going to show you how to build this awesome

Looking guest uh that is to their scale unlike that tiny thing it would eat it for breakfast so here are the parts you’re going to need for the first step of this ghast we’re going to use this as our starting point i’m going to put two

Of these 1 by 2 with handles on it facing this way i’m going to do a 1 by 4 plate below that above that we’re going to do 1 by 2 with handle take these 1 by 2 plates stick those on the side two 1 by 4 plates

1 by 2 with handle 1 by 2 with handle and a 1 by 4 tile to top it all off now all of these are going to build into the same exact structure here it’s a one by two tile one by one clip and a one by one plate

So this is going to be the tentacle of the gas so build eight of those voila now you hardcore minecraft players are probably going to be like but wait the ghast has nine tentacles um this was a sort of artistic decision i made to only use eight instead of nine

I think it looks better um but you could obviously always change that if you will so clip three of them onto the front part here you know you can clip them depending on how far apart you want them sort of i like to have them sort of spaced out like this

So one on the inside of that this one inward like so or actually since i like to i like to have it that way a little bit sometimes because i like to look at the gas from that angle in the middle here i’m going to do two do one that way

One that way or however you want those two to be just you know sort of offset from the other ones so that they’re more visible and then three on the back you can play around with this tell how you like it but then of course you want to angle them all back

Oh let’s switch that one to uh yeah but it’s just nice to have them be offset you could obviously fit nine in there if you want but i just thought it looked a little better with eight and uh he uses fewer pieces that way um here are the pieces for the next

Level take this two by four in gray this one by four in white one by two in black and two one by ones in white that’s going to be our bottom four by four there then to connect these we’re going to use um corner plate and white um you could also use a

Two by two and two one by ones there if you want something else uh then back here we’re gonna do um one by ones in light gray i’m gonna do two by four in white across the front in the back here we’re gonna do one by two tile and white two of those

One by two tile in gray and then a 1×1 tile in white very mysterious isn’t it then in the front we’re going to do a jumper plate one of my favorite pieces two of those in white this one i did in white but could be any color because

It’s not going to show up the outside same with that tile technically in white but i’ve got a lot of white 1 by 1 tiles and then 1 by 1 gray plates small step here i’m going to do some small steps just so i keep track of what

I’m doing and don’t forget how to put this thing together notice that some of my white plates are old and yellowed that’s what happens when you have legos that are 30 years old um so uh two stacks of white one by ones there do a

Gray one by one plate with a black one by one tile two of those take this one by two and put a one by one white tile on it now we’re going to use these jumper plates here so this is going to go in the center here

I’m going to put the eyes with the tears streaming under them right here and then these these 1×1 stacks will go right here next layer of the head here two by four white plate um one by four in gray and a one by two or that could be two corner plates

Two one by one in white and then for the top we’ll do uh one by four in white one by one one by one these are all tiles one by two gray so um putting this on the top this is supposed to be the sad eyebrows of the gast

So these pieces are lined up so i remember which order they go in so we’re going to use a corner plate and white down there with a 1 by 1 gray and then a corner plate in gray with a 1×1 white then we’re going to use this technic one by one brick

It doesn’t have to be gray can be any color we’re going to put a red one by one to indicate that this can be any color because it’ll be completely on the interior of the model then we’re gonna do um one by two in white and gray and white alternating like a little

Sandwich that goes on the back and then over here we’re going to do a gray a white and a white one by one plate stacked up like so and we’re halfway there then for the other half we’ll do a 2 by 2 plate in white alternating

White and gray 1 by 2 tiles for three levels so white and gray gray and white white and gray then the top here we’ll do a 1 by 2 in white 1 by 1 in gray and a 1 by 1 in white or you can switch those white pieces if you

Want it to connect a little better i’m going to connect these two pieces uh and then go here and stick this in here this is some fancy studs not on top technique taking advantage of lego geometry so basically um the ghast if you look at the top has some sort of hairlines in

The back sort of go down and they do weird stuff at the bottom and they’ve got lines on the side in gray so that’s what i’m trying to replicate here that’s why we’re doing all this rather than just making a big white box but obviously you could just make sort

Of a four by four box in white if that’s what you want but that’s uh the micro scale gas here for micro mob steve or super micro steve to run away from oh now let me show you how to make its face angry so when guests shoot fireballs they have

A slightly different face so let’s take off that 1 by 4 tile put a black jumper plate there and put some white 1 by 1 tiles there and put a red one by one tile to be its sort of mouth that’s shooting fireballs i think it looks best if it’s rotated that way

Um the fireball itself is just a black one by one round and a red one by round round that’s about the size of the mouth hole it’s about the size of a fireball in relation to steve right color scheme and its eyes also get angry um

So for this i just think it makes most sense to take out the crying eye so the gray there and replace it with a red it’s not exactly how the gas eye change but at this scale you can’t be too precise so i thought that was a pretty good approximation of the angry

Fireball shooting gas man those things are evil uh but yeah i like that this uses uh lego pieces going in three different directions these pieces are facing forward those pieces are facing up and those pieces are facing that way so all the z-axis action happening here

This is the only part i don’t really like that you see the bottom of the lego bricks over here but that was just sort of what i had to live with to get these lines on the back the way i wanted them so yeah so that’s the micro scale gas so

Let’s move on to minifigure scale so first things first here let’s talk about the gas tentacle it’s just gonna be four one by one bricks in white stacked on top of each other with a one by one clippy plate on the top so go ahead and build eight of those

And put them to the side so first part of the bottom of the ghast 1 by 8 brick some 1 by 2s with handles on them interspersed then we’re going to take some 1 by 4 bricks with studs on them and make the studs face the other direction from the handles

At the bottom if you’ve got 1 by 8 plates that’s great or if like me you’d run out just use a bunch of one by fours to fill in the back so that’s four one by fours at the bottom there moving up to the next layer let’s take some one by one bricks

Put them on the sides here some 1 by 2 jumpers put them there some 1 by 2 with handles offset them in a little bit you could put a 1 by 2 tile there if you really want it to be nice and even for you then put some jumpers on the top again

And then take these 1×4 bricks with studs and fit them across i’m not going to worry about these holes because this will be on the bottom of the gas so nobody will see it for the next layer i’m going to take more 1 by 4 plates put them across the top here again

Two 1 by 8s would serve this purpose equally well perhaps even better top we’re gonna do um these 1 by 2 with handles again one more layer of 1 by 4 plates and then a 1 by 8 tile across the top and careful not to break it like i just did there we

Go good as new so this is going to be our gas base now i’m going to connect these tentacles that we built earlier see all the center of the handles because they’re already sort of equally spaced out where i want the eight tentacles to be that’s why we offset those ones in the

Middle so then you might want to lean them all back or push some of them forward so it can actually stand you know depends what you want to do this is usually a good compromise position for me i find but uh your gas preferences may be different here’s some pieces to get

All right so if you have an eight by eight plate in white that’d be awesome i didn’t so i’m using a six by eight and a two by eight added together their powers combined yada yada i’m gonna turn them like that real quick use a two by eight along the back here

In white to connect them one by eight in gray one by four and one by four because i didn’t have another one by eight in gray i mean white and a two by eight in white then in the front here one by two in gray

A 1 by 4 in white 1 by 2 in gray 1 by 2s in white and a 1 by 4 tile in white so let’s start with this 2 2×6 brick and put it right there for no good reason no there’s a good reason you just don’t know it yet

Let’s stack these corner plates on top of each other stack this 1 by 2 in gray on this 1 by 3 in white 1 by 1 white plate on the end there at the top we’ll do a 1 by 1 gray 1 by 3 white 1 by 1 gray

One by one white then we’ll do a mirror image of that same thing so corner plates one by two and one by one on the one by three one by one one by three one by one one by one you know what’s going on all right so then take these chunks

And put them on either side of the face here do 1 by 2 bricks back here start with a corner plate in white white gray one by one connect those with a 1 by 2 in white to a 1 by 2 gray over there

In the back here we’ll do a 1 by 2 and a 1 by 1 in white and one by one in gray and then alternate with a 1 by 1 in gray and a 1 by 3 in white these pieces will go on here and then we’ll do the reverse

On the other side so corner plate and white one by one in gray one by two in white connecting one by two in gray alternating one by threes and one by ones and then connect onto the next layer so you can see we’re building up those things on the side of the gas

Space i’m gonna do a little bit of the face now start with this uh 1×3 in black plate one by one tile one by one jumper plate in black center that in the bottom of a 1 by 4 white brick like so fit that on the front here and

Connect it with a 1 by 6 plate across the top i’m also going to put a 1 by 6 brick in here right now just for some stability there so let’s do a 1 by 2 in white 1 by 1 in gray 1 by 2 in white

Top that off with a 1 by 4 and a 1 by 1 in white do the same thing over here then up here we’re going to do a um 1 by 2 in white we’ll actually take this 1 by 8 in gray put 1 by 2 in whites either side 1 by 2

In whites and let’s go ahead and put 1 by 1 tiles up here even though we won’t know what they’re for yet so this piece goes on the front like so each of these goes on the back side that one by eight goes nicely across the one by six

Let’s just go ahead and do this face part now so one by one gray plate and tile together two of those 1 by 2 white plate plus a jumper plate let’s go there gray on either side of that and then a 1 by 1 plate plus tile and white

That goes on the center of the jumper plate all right moving on so for the next level let’s take this 1 by 3 brick in white put a 1 by 1 white plate on the bottom 1 by 1 gray 1 by 2 white and stack up some

One by ones in gray on top of that do two of those per usual here our symmetrical gas face those are going to go on the backs here and then in this area here i’m gonna do a gray and then a white and a white and a gray with white and a white

And then a 1 by 2 brick 1 by 6 brick down the center and a 1 by 2 brick for the next level looking at the face here i’m gonna put some red one by two plates inside just for kicks uh blue one by two and a blue jumper

Color really doesn’t matter there um then we’re going to take 1 by 2 brick in black sorry plate with jumper on top two of those these are gonna be our eyes here center them uh one by eight in white is the perfect piece here i was about to use two one by

Fours and then i saw one by eight standing all on the side so that perfectly fits across the front keeps things in place and on the side here we’re going to do two 1 by 3 bricks so at this point if you haven’t already run out of 1×1 plates in gray you’re

Probably getting close even i did as i was building this so that’s when you’re going to want to start to get creative so here for instance this is a 1 by 2 plate in white this would be a one by one in gray

But i ran out so i used a 1 by 2 and just stuck it inward i could also use a 1 by 8 let’s take it across the whole thing works on both sides or i could do a 1 by 1 tile and just on the next level cover it up with white

Or i could do a 1×8 tile if i really got crazy these are some of the techniques i i used when i was building this the first time myself then i ordered one more one by one gray plates so i could do most of it

But i’m going to keep this as a 1 by 2 as a reminder of how it used to be um all right i just totally messed up my set over here let’s hope i still remember how to do this so 1 by 2 white 1 by 1 gray or 1 by 2.

Same thing right above that so this is going to go on the other side over here and then over here we’ll do the same thing facing in now let’s look at the front of our gas again one by six plate in the front here one by one brick on either side

Gray jumper plate gray jumper plate white jumper plate 1 by 3 plate here white one by one tiles over these eyebrows here then we’re gonna do a gray one by two sneaking in from the back here connect these with a white one by two so this gives us that upturned eyebrow look

We’ve got the tears on the face it’s looking pretty ghastly so it is big plate time on the back here i’m going to do a four move this all forward a little bit uh then i’m gonna do two by two so it fills in the space right behind that hole

From the offset another one by four two by two across the back here one by eight in gray two by eight in white one by eight in gray ran out of one by eights in white so we’re going to do a one by four and a one by four

And then a 2 by 8 in white across the front looking pretty solid hey the back is all empty so now it’s time to give this gas some long greasy hair ideally these are um 1 by 1 by 5 bricks 4 in white 2 in gray and then a 1 by

2 by 5 brick in gray but you could also do just a stack of five 1 by 1 bricks or whatever you’re missing so two white ones then gray ones and white ones then that gray one by two in the center this was how i felt to best do its greasy hair thing

I guess the hair line technically stops about here and then weird stuff happens on the back but i didn’t feel like that was a necessary detail but i do like all the detailing we did on the side here look at those cool lines all right now let’s move on to the top

Of the ghast head so lots of fun tiles going on here so here’s the guests head so um front is here i’m going to work on the bottom side here it’s a 1 by 8 tile all the way across the side do the same thing on the other side

1 by 6 tile across the front um those were in white now we’re going to do some gray hair lines here so that’s a 1 by 4 gray 1 by 3 white 2 by 4 tile in gray if you have it 1 by 3 in white or again that could be a

1 by 2 plus a 1 by 1 1 by 4 in gray now we’re going to alternate so that’s 1 by 3 in white 1 by 3 in white 1 by 4 in gray 1 by 4 in gray let’s do a 2 by 2 in white and a 1 by 2 in gray

Now let’s combine it with its tentacle bits i find pushing down this way is nice and easy so this is what the gas looks like when it’s all said and done again depending on how you want the tentacles you might want them all back you might want them to be swinging back

And forth it’s kind of creepy and crazy um this is towers over a mini-fig size steve which is what a guest should do again uh at this scale a lego or a minecraft block is two studs wide so that’s why this is eight studs wide apply a bait about eight studs tall nice

Cubular gas to terrify steve by shooting fireballs from afar hey if only it had a fireball shooting face that’d be pretty cool right so let’s build the mouth 1 by 4 plate 1 by 2 brick and red 1 by 1 bricks in black 1 by 4 black plate

That’s a angry fireball breathing mouth one by two jumper plate black one by one in black and a one by one in red same thing for the other eye the fireball itself take two um two by two circular plates one in red and one black put a one by one black

Plate in the bottom and then stick a fire piece in the top that’s about the size of the fireball that it shoots relative again to steve and the ghast and you can get the flame effect coming off the top you could use the smaller flame here too but i kind of

Like the giant flaminess of this all right now let’s put this into our gas gas is laying on the side here because it’s a little incapacitated tear off the bottom tear off the bottom layer here and then hey remember i made that a tile so this would be easy to take out

Pull out the actual mouth plus the 1×4 brick in top of it and then stick that in oh man look at that um now i’m gonna pull out the eyes from the other direction see how easily that comes off totally planned it um the eyes now go here

Push it all together it’s a little cross eyed this way but uh oh and then of course we’ll want to reconnect the uh tentacle bit eyes are a little cross-eyed here which is less terrifying but i think the fact that it’s shooting giant fireballs at you and blowing up

The space all around you should be properly terrifying because ghasts are terrifying so now let’s work on the three times scale gas that is to uh scale with this three times scale steve it’s gigantic so the first step for this ghast is to build an area that is 12 by 12 bricks

So i’m using two two by sixes five two by tens a two by six and a two by four for this task um now i’m going to connect them a little better better let’s use a two by four here and two by four here and two by fours back there

And a two by four in the middle there um for this guest i decided rather than using lots of little plates to make it perfectly detailed i was just only going to use bricks because uh after making the minifig scale one i was kind of sick of plates

And also out of them so um here are the bricks you need across the front i’m going to arbitrarily say this side is the front 1 by 10 long brick along the side 1 by 2 gray 1 by 6 white 1 by 2 gray 1 by 1 white hey we’re leaving the back

Empty again i wonder what we’re going to do back there 1 by 2 gray 1 by 6 white 1 by 2 gray 1 by 1 white so along the side here 1 by 4 white 1 by 1 white 2 by 3 gray 1 by 2 white going in 2 by 4 white

Filling in that space 1 by 4 in black 2 by 4 in white one by two in white one by three in gray and a one by four and one by one in white i don’t necessarily need to fill those things in but i just thought it added a

Nice little stability to the front of this cast all right 1 by 2 gray 1 by 1 white 1 by 2 gray 1 by 1 and 1 by 4 white round to the front 1 by 2 in gray a 1 by 8 in white a 1 by 2 in gray

Move around to the side 1 by 4 white 1 by 1 white 1 by 2 gray 1 by 2 gray 1 by one white i’m gonna stop saying everything as i put it on okay one by one one by six in white oh i was gonna stop saying these words okay gray

Does anyone else think it’s weird that i’m not saying all the names of the bricks anymore that one is really dirty let’s do some on the back one by two by fives in white uh this is a one by one by five plus a one by one that’s what these six things are

Very white gray gray white gray sounds like the chorus of a song my dog is scratching at the door gray white gray um this is a 1 by 2 by 5 with a 1 by 2 on top i’m gonna have to start zooming out a little bit okay so let’s start

Take this two by three one by two one by one one by four two by two turn around here’s the big black eyes one by two maybe i should do it this way so you can actually see what’s happening from an angle voila okay i’m gonna skip the shots where i

Show you all the bricks ahead of time because it’s getting too hard to do at this height um this is a 1 by 10 in white on the back here it’s going to be a 1 by 2 and then a corner brick then a 1 by 3 in white here

Then this 1 by 12 going all the way across to provide some much needed stability for the back hair pieces 1 by 2 2 1 by 12’s all the way across wow this is less stable than i’d hoped um and a one by one white here here so we’re looking like that

Then on the other side 1 by 1 in white 1 by 12 all the way back push that out a little 1 by a corner brick there and gray 1 by 2 in white 1 by 10 in white 1 by 3 and we left a little hole back

Here for 1 by 2 in gray uh next level two by two two by two um let’s do this one by eight one level grow back here 1 by 2 gray 1 by 2 gray 1 by 1 white so that looks like that so then a 2 by six

In white two of those two by six in gray two of those two by six in white two by six one by twelve only a few spots at the back here two by six in gray two by six in gray we’re gonna have a bunch of small pieces back here so

Just keeping with the existing hair lines here pretty nice the top level i’m going to do a 2 by 10 all the way back there and 2 by 2. then a 1 by 6 in gray 1 by 6 in white 2 by 6 in white 2 gray 1 by 6’s

Two white two by sixes two gray one by sixes i think you see the pattern one by six in white 1 by 6 gray 2 by 6 white 2 by 2 in the front here a 2 by 10 along the back and now let’s cover this whole thing up in some tiles so

1 by 8 1 by 8 some two by twos 1 by 6 in gray 1 by 6 in white 1 by 8 in gray a 1 by 4 in gray 1 by 4 in white 2 by 2 in white lots of white two by twos in the front here

Um let’s just go along the edge here so 1 by 8 in white some more 2 by 2s in white i’m just going to start looking at it this way that makes a little more sense 1 by 4 in white 1 by 4 in gray you can see i’ve got an

Old gray and a new gray because i ran out of new gray 1 by 6 in gray 1 by 6 in white 1 by and then fill this center in with white i’m using two by twos so we have again faithful we recreated the hairlines on the top of the ghast

Which carry down to the bottom um got some circular lines got the eyebrows the crying face uh pretty good looking gast um with i think just the right amount of detail final steps going to be again to build eight tentacles i’m using a 1 by 2 by 5 bricks two of those connected

You could also do a stack of five two by twos then putting one of these sort of bottom round tiles on the bottom and then a one by two cheese slope or two single cheese slopes and one of these old hinge bricks here um so making eight of those

And then sticking them all on the bottom of the gast so those three are one row back and they are a little off the side the next one is going to be another two back so like that and send oh i want it there yeah and same thing with the other one in

That row i can get it to connect yeah and then the last three will be again two back and then in line with the front row this pattern should be familiar from the other two guests again i’m using eight tentacles instead of nine because i think that’s what looks best

And it saves you a few pieces the nice thing about the way those hinge bricks and the cheese slopes work is it gives the tentacles a angle to which they will move back and stay at oh actually it does sort of stand on its tentacles even when they’re back imagine that um

So yeah so you can have it actually posed like that that’s pretty cool i didn’t even realize that until now um so yeah so that’s here to terrify this um three scale steve um appropriately gigantic in relation to him and now let’s give it an angry fireball shooting face

Okay so for the final step here we’re going to transform this face into angry fireball breathing face so this is going to be a little messy so we’re gonna take out the eye and replace it with a black one by one red one by one and a black

One by one do that on both sides here already looking creepy uh now let’s see where i’m put this back together momentarily and then pull off the bottom all right okay so i briefly de-tentacled the gas and now i’ve lifted its head apart um we’re going to take out this

1 by 10 down there replace it with a 1 by 4 in black two white 1 by 3s then on the next level we’re going to remove this 1 by 4 in black and these two two by fours in white put in this two by three and white on either side

In the center a black one by two red one by two black one by two and then the next level take out this one by eight put a one by four in black and two one by twos and whites and we’re going to reconnect the head here and you probably want to

Put the tentacles back on um for the fireball i’m using this uh red uh i think it’s a bionicle ball um and you could also just build something that’s red and black like we did for the other scale of gast just a little bit bigger but that i thought was the right

Size fireball for this gas to be shooting at our poor steve wow so as i mentioned in my enderman video uh now that i’ve done the nether i think uh the village mobs from minecraft will be one of the next things i focus on minecraft wise

As always let me know in the comments what you want to see me build next whether it’s minecraft or anything else i’ve got a new spreadsheet where i’m keeping track of everybody’s votes so you can see that um yeah so keep watching and keep building [Applause] Creeper creeping along this isn’t a creeper this is a guest my song is wrong

This video, titled ‘How To Build LEGO Minecraft Ghast’, was uploaded by BRICK 101 on 2013-12-14 15:30:01. It has garnered 2733086 views and 8863 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:33 or 2613 seconds.

See how to build a Ghast from the game Minecraft at multiple different scales using #LEGO pieces.

Table of Contents: 1:00 – Microscale Ghast 10:38 – Minifig scale Ghast 27:51 – 3-scale Ghast

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  • Pink Minecraft Build Ideas

    Pink Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Pink Builds in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything their imagination desires. If you’re looking to add a touch of pink to your creations, we’ve got you covered with some fantastic pink build ideas that will surely make your world stand out. Building Basics From pink-themed houses to intricate pink castles, the possibilities are endless. To get started, here are some basic crafting tips: – How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft: Smelt regular stone in a furnace. – How to Make a Map in Minecraft: Combine paper… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Iron Farm Survival

    Crafting Chaos: Iron Farm Survival The Exciting World of Minecraft Iron Farms Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in exciting projects like building iron farms. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of creating an iron farm in Minecraft Survival mode, as showcased by Devil369 Gaming. Setting the Stage As the video intro rolls, viewers are greeted with the promise of a thrilling gameplay experience. Devil369 Gaming, a popular YouTube channel known for its Hindi gaming content, takes players on a journey through the world of Minecraft Survival. The video promises to be both informative and… Read More

  • Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods

    Exploring Unpopular Minecraft Mods Minecraft Discoveries: Unpopular Mods Exploration Exploring the world of Minecraft mods can lead to exciting discoveries, even in the realm of lesser-known, unpopular mods. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to delve into mods with only up to 10 downloads to see what hidden gems could be found. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Among the unique finds in these unpopular mods were: New Currency: Introducing a new form of currency to the game, adding a fresh economic element to gameplay. Golden Potatoes: A quirky addition that brings a new twist to farming and cooking in Minecraft. Gamer Gear and… Read More

  • Revisiting Minecraft Nostalgia

    Revisiting Minecraft Nostalgia The Nostalgia of Minecraft For many, Minecraft holds a special place in their hearts, a game that has become synonymous with creativity, exploration, and endless possibilities. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, Minecraft has captured the imagination of players worldwide. Let’s delve into the nostalgia of Minecraft and explore what makes it such a beloved game. Exploring the Blocky Worlds One of the key elements of Minecraft is its vast, procedurally generated worlds made up of blocks. Players can explore, mine resources, and build anything their imagination desires. The freedom to create and shape the… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Diamond Find in Hardcore Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE Diamond Find in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TO NEJLEPŠÍ z Minecraft Hardcoru 3 Kamarádů…’, was uploaded by Diamond on 2024-05-20 11:00:00. It has garnered 3942 views and 482 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:43 or 643 seconds. 3 Friends: Diamond, Krulaks and AdamTheOne – decided to start a world in Minecraft Hardcore and survive in it for 100 days. Will they succeed? WARNING: This video is a chronological compilation of the best moments from (the first half of 200 Days) the adventure movie 3 Friends in Minecraft Hardcore… Instagram: Second YT channel: Shorts spoon: Krulaks’s YT channel:… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter: Ghost Yoshi in Modded Minecraft Ep. 2

    Terrifying Encounter: Ghost Yoshi in Modded Minecraft Ep. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles (Modded Minecraft) Ep. 2’, was uploaded by Ghost Yoshi on 2024-04-27 07:31:44. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:56 or 7856 seconds. Today Tyler and I will continue our journey into Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles. Hope you guys enjoy the second episode of this streaming series! Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT ADVENTURES WITH Raora Panthera!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Epic adventures today!’, was uploaded by Raora Panthera Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-07-07 14:21:08. It has garnered 108991 views and 11303 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. 『 X formely Twitter 』 『 Hashtags 』 ╰┈➤ Live #CiaoRaora ╰┈➤ Fanarts #RaorArt ╰┈➤ Clips #RaraWara ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ˗ˏˋ ꒰Merch ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 【Debut Celebration Merch】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: IN: 【Acrylic Stands】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ JP: IN: ▼Geek Jack▼ EN: CH: ◆Starting Voice JP: IN: ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ˗ˏˋ ꒰Underage Viewers ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Request from… Read More

  • INSANE glitch in Minecraft with ChickenZY!

    INSANE glitch in Minecraft with ChickenZY!Video Information This video, titled ‘good bug 😀 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ChickenZY on 2024-07-19 12:15:13. It has garnered 7261 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #pvp Read More

  • Insane Mobile MCPE Parkour! 😱 Watch Now!

    Insane Mobile MCPE Parkour! 😱 Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best Parkour in mobile mcpe 😈 #song #shorts’, was uploaded by perana gaming on 2024-03-18 09:39:37. It has garnered 918 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Hftg Survival

    Hftg SurvivalAre you bored of classic Minecraft? We present you Hftg Survival a server that brings a little color to the game. a unique configurations and a beautiful interface -TexturePack -Interactive NPCs -Survival Menu -Server Guide -Settings -Server Warps -Kits -Item Shop -Battlepass -The Rift And much more Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information: Server IP: Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game changing plugins or commands. We have a small community with many people from all around the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla… Read More

  • Feudal RP 1.20.4+

    FeudalRP: A Geopolitical Nations Server          Java ‎‎Edition 1.20.4⚔️ Military & Warfare Ships & Naval Combat Nations & Diplomacy 🔨 World Building Events & Activities 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Community for everyone`__** 📈 Fun Levelling System 💰 Simple but Great EconomyDISCORD: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Oops, made a Minecraft mixtape…hope they’re cool with it”

    Minecraft Memes - "Oops, made a Minecraft mixtape...hope they're cool with it"Well, with a score of 0, I think it’s safe to say that no one really minds! Just keep on building those political Minecraft memes, maybe you’ll hit a diamond in the rough eventually! Read More

  • Shade Your World: Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft – A How-To Glow

    Shade Your World: Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft - A How-To Glow In the world of Minecraft, shaders can make a big change, Enhancing the visuals, making everything rearrange. To download Sildurs Shaders, follow this guide with ease, Just open your browser, and let’s aim to please. Click on the link to install, it’s as simple as can be, Watch your Minecraft world transform, and let your eyes see. With Sildurs Shaders, your game will shine bright, Bringing new life to your world, like a beacon in the night. So follow this guide, and download with glee, Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft, the key to a new spree. And don’t forget to… Read More

  • Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥🔥

    Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans 🔥🔥 “Why did the Wither Storm break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😈💔 #minecrafthumor #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures!

    Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures! Exploring the Best Textures for FPS Boost in Bed Wars Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience in Bed Wars with improved performance and visuals? Look no further! Here are the top 3 textures that will give you that much-needed FPS boost: Miriz 16x One of the most popular texture packs for boosting FPS in Bed Wars is the Miriz 16x pack. With its sleek design and optimized performance, this texture pack will not only make your game run smoother but also add a touch of style to your gameplay. You can download the Miriz 16x pack here…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!

    EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE MEETING.. – Minecraft Fairy Tail |Ep. 4|’, was uploaded by The Myzero on 2024-07-07 20:30:06. It has garnered 256 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. Welcome to the world of Fairy Tail Eden!! {Arc 1 Episode 4} In this episode, Zendar and Roman discuss the results of the examination and the new members of the guild. Meanwhile, Angel and the leaders of Red Eye discuss what they plan to do next. [#FairyTailEden #MCRP #MinecraftRoleplay] More Episodes: Fan Discord: Thumbnail: Song: People in… Read More

  • Steph’s First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!

    Steph's First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!Video Information This video, titled ‘My FIRST EVER Time Playing Minecraft…ft. COOL◆DIA!’, was uploaded by Steph Sings! on 2024-06-22 14:28:07. It has garnered 74 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:36 or 4296 seconds. i am finally taking the plunge in this the year of our lord 2024. thumbnail art by eliot (TW: pweasyy) 😀 Read More

  • Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀

    Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘#Minecraft computers were invented in 1833 people in 1832💀☠️’, was uploaded by Incomplete Gaming on 2024-06-02 13:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The clips that I show you in my video that are not mine # Bro’s Real-Life Minecraft Adventure ## Introduction In a world where … Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, Slime

    Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, SlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #386’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-05-07 07:08:43. It has garnered 7121 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Itachi’s secret realm in Minecraft 🔥

    Unbelievable! Itachi's secret realm in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘@Mythpat build in Minecraft 🌚’, was uploaded by Itachizz domain on 2024-03-16 04:53:00. It has garnered 9917 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Thanks for watching 😍 hope you liked my videos and subscribed to my channel itachizz domain. If you enjoyed please share with your friends so they also can enjoy. Have a nice day ❤ (Secret description 🌚 ↓) Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Quick Builds Minecraft Speed Builds Minecraft Tips Minecraft Tricks Minecraft Tutorials Minecraft Redstone Shorts Minecraft Funny Moments Minecraft Challenges Minecraft Mini Games Minecraft… Read More

  • Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in Minecraft

    Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Funny Mikey on 2024-03-27 21:00:31. It has garnered 13841 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds. JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: Have a good day! subscribe to the channel and like the video Video Every Day! This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: Kiara’s Baby Alpaca Disaster!

    Shocking Encounter: Kiara's Baby Alpaca Disaster!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kiara’s Terrible IRL Baby Alpaca Experience [Hololive EN]’, was uploaded by Taiyaki Clips on 2024-06-16 03:15:05. It has garnered 1148 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Thank you for watching 🙂 Original Stream : 【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 1, whats our 1st Block!? #MythOneBlock Subscribe to : Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia —————————————————————————————— Thumbnail : —————————————————————————————— #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #kfp #takanashikiara #moricalliope #gawrgura #ninomaeinanis #ameliawatson #hololivemyth… Read More

  • Sxdico reveals shocking secrets of his server!

    Sxdico reveals shocking secrets of his server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Owner series haciendo mi server en DIRECTO!’, was uploaded by sxdico on 2024-07-14 09:39:40. It has garnered 120 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:25 or 4165 seconds. ───────────────────────────── IGNORAR: servidor hcf busca staff mi nuevo servidor de hcf NUEVO SERVIDOR DE MINECRAFT SEBUSCA STAFF PARA SERVIDOR SE BUSCA S SE BUSCA OWNERMinecraft Videogame,Minecraft: Pocket Edition,Download minecraft pe,español,minecraft pe,review,mcpe,apk,descarga,download,mejores servidores,servidor minecraft,pvp,survival games,skywars,servidor minecraft pe,servidor minecraft pocket edition,servidor mcpe,minecraft pocket edition server,minecraft pe hunger games,minecraft pe survival games,mejores servidores minecrfat pe,minecraft pe servidor,minecraft pe online,server 1.0 servers,Eystreem,Minecraft,Minecraft PE,Minecraft PocketEdition,seed,server,map,mod,0.15.0,MCPE,0.14.3,Fernanfloo10,lag,no,minigames,SG,survival games,hunger games,hide andseek,prison,KitPvP,pvp,spleef,capture… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Learn to Fly Elytra in Minecraft 🚀🎵#Shocking #Gameplay

    Unbelievable: Learn to Fly Elytra in Minecraft 🚀🎵#Shocking #GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to fly elytra🚀 in Minecraft 😲#song #music #lyrics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by MrRM on 2024-04-08 07:19:55. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LavishSMP

    LavishSMPWelcome to LavishSMP, where the intricacies of survival and the dynamic realm of multiplayer gaming converge for an unparalleled Minecraft experience. Vibrant Community Dynamics: LavishSMP transcends the realm of mere server; it embodies a vibrant community of dedicated Minecraft enthusiasts. Forge alliances, partake in robust trade networks, and embark on collaborative adventures. Our attentive staff fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for players of all proficiencies. Economic Ingenuity: Dive into a player-driven economy where resourcefulness and trading prowess lead to prosperity. Establish market niches, engage in commerce, and emerge as a shrewd entrepreneur. The economic landscape is as expansive as… Read More

  • Tempest SMP Modded SMP 18+ 1.21 Whitelist

    WHAT IS TEMPEST SMP? Tempest SMP is a brand new modded 1.21 SMP that aims to create a vast, interconnected world with various environments and large projects. Featuring an impressive world, Tempest SMP will be connected via road networks, bridges, tunnels, and other types of infrastructure. ABOUT US The admin team on Tempest SMP believes in creating a safe and fun environment for everyone; all of our players are required to follow our four simple common sense rules and be respectful in every interaction. UNIQUE FEATURES: Tempest SMP has an official modpack on Modrinth, featuring decoration mods such as the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Craze #34

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Craze #34Wow, with a score of 390, this Minecraft meme has officially leveled up to meme royalty! Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 10 Build Hacks Unveiled!

    Minecraft Magic: 10 Build Hacks Unveiled! In Minecraft land, where creativity reigns, I bring you building ideas that will entertain. From parrot cages to excavators so grand, Each build hack will make you a master of the land. A grill for cooking, a bea for a friend, A printer for crafting, the fun never ends. A slot machine for luck, a smile for cheer, And a cart for exploring, have no fear. So grab your blocks and let your imagination soar, With these simple ideas, you’ll never be bored. Minecraft build hacks, a world of endless fun, Let’s dive in together, until the day is… Read More

  • || Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme || #minecraft #lol

    || Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme || #minecraft #lol Why did the Minecraft Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test

    Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test Minecraft Tembellik Testi – Parmak İndirme Testi Merhaba! Mert bugün Minecraft Tembellik Testi yapıyoruz!! Sosyal Medya: Discord: Abone Ol: Twitch: X: Telegram: Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın: TikTok: İş Birliği ve Sponsorluk (Business): [email protected] #minecraft #minecrafttürkçe #mertmn Explore the world of Minecraft with Mert as he takes on the Minecraft Tembellik Testi – Parmak İndirme Testi challenge! Join him on various social media platforms to stay updated on his gaming adventures. Don’t miss out on the fun – subscribe to Mert’s YouTube channel, follow him on Twitch for live streams, and… Read More

  • Uncovering the Grave of a Terrifying New Minecraft Nightmare

    Uncovering the Grave of a Terrifying New Minecraft NightmareVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Found the GRAVE of the NEW CATNAP NIGHTMARE ?- in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-14 17:00:51. It has garnered 28656 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:41 or 1841 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Found the GRAVE of the NEW CATNAP NIGHTMARE ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

  • VR Collaboration: First Time Minecraft-ing

    VR Collaboration: First Time Minecraft-ingVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME MINECRAFT-ING 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】’, was uploaded by Kamiko Rinona Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-24 16:44:12. It has garnered 402 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:50 or 8690 seconds. ☀️AWOOO☀️ ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა The cutest Wolf Demigod in the world is here!! BE BLESSED. FEEL BLESSED. ★ Shrine funds here: Collab Partner: @FuriFerntail !! ╔.★.═══╗ RULES ╚═══.★.╝ ★ Everyone should be nice to each other. No form of rudeness and/or discrimination is allowed! ★ Please do not bring up any unrelated and/or heavy topics here. This is meant to be… Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth About Vivilly!

    Discover the Shocking Truth About Vivilly!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE ORIGINAL VILLAGER NAME’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-06-12 18:00:27. It has garnered 187574 views and 30576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #mcyt #shorts this is the original villager name MINECRAFT SERVER IP: VIVILLY.NET STORE: TWITTER: 2ND CHANNEL: DISCORD: Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t… Read More

BRICK 101 – How To Build LEGO Minecraft Ghast