Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #6 [Full Stream]

Video Information

Scene went on first now facebook’s online Scene went on ah you ricardo is now online youtube and twitch just went online okay let’s give up that youtube chat and pop out chat here we go do I’m going to move over all these chats a little bit oh i have to refresh the stream chat or else i’m never going to be able to see what’s in it what i’m saying is it’s like these are constantly getting bigger and changing size and i’m not changing their size

It’s supposed to be identical to the way i had them last time but okay whatever whatever oh god these pop-out windows keep changing the size on me didn’t mean to be in that i forgot i was doing that okay close that let’s get into the game and invite okay oh that’s actually

Let’s teleport back up because i’m gonna be faster than climbing all the way back up i think i might do the robot game today because i haven’t had feelings a chance to do that yet and of course it’s raining ah what happened here i’m not so sure i like that

Cat thanks for liking the stream that kind of where the heck is this it’s also an extension of the plaza it looks terrible it’s like we wanted to view viewings how it was supposed to look from this house it’s really touching this house what is this and they’re viewing

Women’s review from my front door it doesn’t oh did you did you have to put this here i mean i don’t own this town guys other people live here and it’s like there’s no room to build anything what the heck is this it doesn’t have to be that close to my

House i don’t want that i don’t want to be mean what the heck the town doesn’t look nice anymore seriously who thought this was a good idea that looks terrible what the hell and what do i want i don’t want that so close to my house

But i can’t break it or else i’ll be mean a good start to the stream i’m gonna play the robot game actually i don’t think i checked my mail did i check my mail i probably did and there was probably nothing in there but i’m going to check again and nothing in there

It looks and that’s the band get out of here uh let’s just do the robot game so i don’t have to look at this all right the game was down here where is the game i think it’s over here look at my pretty face i mean too many packets there we go

Shot game howdy tester dave ferguson here and welcome to iris industries now i gotta be honest with you when you signed up for this here experiment we made you think it’d be real easy like truth is we got this whole thing built through some lab monkeys at the thing

And they never even made it through the first room we figured since you’re not a monkey and scored slightly better in the won’t poop on the floor section of your application you’d probably do a way better job at this that was enough to convince our shareholders anyway

Now i don’t know about you but i think it’s a pretty good sign now let’s solve this thing i wonder who did the voiceover so i’ll flip the lever okay okay forward forward block interact all right so you figured that one out a bit surprising considering this here entrance exam

Score so good job partner yay now this next one’s a real winner so we figured we’d work out a new bio-friendly way to cook monkey meat when a high-pressure lava pipe bust open and the whole room flooded really tragic so the burger was ruined but we figured out a new way to make

Cobblestone while cleaning it up now if you ask me that there made the whole experiment a success so move forward one two three four five oh so we have to win more than one shot rotate right move forward one two three keep this up and we’ll have bigger

Better and more exciting things to experiment you’ve been a wonderful subject okay so i got some good news for you here this next one is actually really easy or so i’ve been told the bad news is one of our former interns thought it would look great with a glass floor

Well that does look real great like i’ve been told a bridge made out of glass is not very strong at all so please don’t y’all go and jump walk or turn your head too fast but that there bridge might just fall apart hmm one two three forwards two three forwards rotate left

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten actually what’s the mind block interaction okay only mine cobblestone great now head around that corner there and you’ll get to our next challenge all right so that was a little misdirection on my part we couldn’t afford to keep building

Skyscrapers so the board all thought we ought to move stuff below ground problem is getting a monkey to jump down there is pretty tough don’t you worry none we tested that trick door quite thoroughly if i do say so myself figured out just the right way so you don’t die on the

Way down uh if you notice an odd smell down there i’ll just say that some of the tests did not go nearly as well for the control group so one two hey i see you there on youtube two three four five six seven so move forward seven times and press the switch

Certain times and block interact danger do not press what else am i supposed to do to get out of here okay one two three four rotate left block interact let’s see what this makes it do all right so now you have to tell this robot to move forwards

One two three four five six i really want to know what that button does left blocking tracked right right forwards defensive robot detective engaging character measures interesting okay okay let’s reset that six rotate right move forward what’s up with that guy which guy hello lilacs which i like to inform mr

Johnson down in the cafeteria department that if i see another banana on my desk again well i would fire you but considering nobody’s been getting paid for the last four months i can’t afford to lose any of the voluntary labor we’ve still got mark my words though if i see another

One of those yellow varmints you will regret it it’s a jump button oh hang on okay so i have to time it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven wait you’re able to see that i thought i deleted it oh i couldn’t see it

I mean there was someone earlier but i thought i deleted it okay whatever maybe i was wrong so put the bot there how many spaces does he have to walk one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven

Chimp johnson place isn’t run by monkeys is it you made it buddy and you’re still in one piece hope the smell didn’t bother too much so fair warning the folks down at our legal department tell us we’re required to tell you that the room ahead may have been a location of a

Teensy radioactive explosion now if that were the case you’ll be completely fine and nothing bad will happen on a completely unrelated note if your arms start to go numb for whatever reason let us know so we can get the heck out of here so it goes up one two three one two three

Turns that way so he turns right one rotate right move forward one rotate back to the left one two three four five six seven eight eight and block interact let’s try it out we did it little girl showed up at the front office asking if we wanted to buy any apples

Cutest little thing bow in her hair and all no way i could say no to her so now we’ve got 400 pounds of apples only problem is we’re gonna have to delay everyone’s paycheck for another week good job apple bloom one two three rotate left block interact item pickup rotate right one two

Three drop items see if that works i’m good at this so you should be seeing a nice bat of liquid we found after that explosion there i mentioned just a bit ago lab folks dubbed it incineration plasma but i prefer iris industries industrial strength cleaning fluid kills everything touching your skin and

Sometimes your skin too but we can fix you up good as new go ahead and jump into the liquid there and continue on to the next test i mean that’s my head that’s not what i look like is it yeah that’s not what i look like staff only hey test subject

That there’s off limits turn around and go through the incentives anymore plasma just lost 29 emergency plasma decontamination room what’s that connected to okay i don’t think that’s connected to anything i think that’s just supposed to show me what happens when you put a place to block down

Oh shoot i wish i knew redstone oh wait a minute i think i get it walk three blocks forward mind block item pickup rotate left move forwards place block see if that works now what’s all the rest of this Okay i’m gonna have you rotate right twice move forwards once then turn left and move forward one two three four five six seven two three four six seven rotate left again move forward one space then interact with block store open oh i have to get another robot

Okay it doesn’t look too hard am i missing something one two three four five six seven eight nine nine blocks forwards then interact block interact i don’t know what the problem is here is that gonna try and push it yeah that was easy you’re doing great test subject we’re

Going to have to start making new rooms at this rate honestly these ones have just been sitting around gathering dust about time someone got to use them so what am i trying to do here spawn them about what do i need him to do to get the door open

So button you’re supposed to press i don’t see a button i’m still not sure what the little guy is supposed to do wait is there a purple block somewhere that teleports him what is the little fella supposed to do i can’t figure out the end goal oh

Can i get him to walk off the platform you get him to walk off the platform okay move forward too rotate right go up one two three four up four rotate right two three forwards three one block then go forwards one two three can’t see very well one two three four Five go forwards five five and if i’m facing this way i turn left rotate left and walk forwards one two three four five walk forwards five and block interact yeah i did it i did it entering advanced levels if any of you all are feeling a bit hot

That’s because the ac was using more energy than we could pay for that said if anyone’s in danger of passing out from heat exhaustion just flag down one of the folks from the lab and they’ll escort you to the nearest desk van okay seems like i need to flip all the some

Of these letters so i don’t know anything about redstone well these complete circuits so i gotta flip this okay start with this robot oh okay that will complete this sir part of the circuit so let’s start by making that happen he’s gotta walk forward one two four five six walk forward six

I never pick up that block we might no i don’t think we need that block oh this is a trap chest i think that’s a trap chest so he’s got to pick it up he’s walking he turns right we walk you rotate right mind block item pickup

Now forward one two three walk forward three clock interact does this need to turn off for this to work it might let’s try it so where did we stop stopped at the block interact okay so now he’s standing here facing this way so one more forwards words now rotate left

One two three move three more forwards rotate to the right jump to chest turn back left one two three four move four forwards four forwards one two three four turn turn to the left let’s turn to the left move one two move one two and then flip lever

Block interact one two block interact then you fold one two more forward two more then turn left rotate left then move one two three more i think it’s three yeah one two three more and block interact let’s see if it works yeah i did it i did it is there anything in here

Nope around this test you might find a super intelligent monkey who will ask you if you want to join the primate rights union if you see such a monkey just walk on by do i have to flip these into specific order well i guess in order it doesn’t seem that hard

Oh he might have to circle back i mean it looks loop robot loop back to last check one from the robot’s current position forward oh i get it move forwards block interact then loop it once twice three times four times and then loop it four times nope

Try that again it needs to move forwards twice see if that works oh hang on i gotta loop it three more times there i’ll do it there we go so i’ve had the folks down at the lab trying to figure out what to do with the

400 pounds of apples we’ve now got lying around one of them thought of making an apple hand grenade but 20 failed attempts have kind of turned that idea to mush figuratively and literally what does that do oh i see one two three mind the block item pick up one two three four

I mean that should work right oh it needs more than one item okay item pick up one two move four two no move forward three okay left twice let’s turn around move forward one space mine block item pickup rotate right twice go forwards two and drop items see if this should do it

What am i stupid am i doing something wrong oh wait a minute okay do i have to throw more items into it i understand this is does the robot have to stand on the thing okay so one two three break block pick up block before one two three four

Drop items then turn around twice one two and move back two i feel like i’m missing something here am i stupid what the heck is going on what’s going on i i don’t see what the problem is i’m throwing stuff into that it’s not letting me through it’s like what

I don’t know about what red i don’t know anything about redstone what is i don’t understand why it’s not working maybe you have to make him loop it a few times hang on okay let’s just have a little bit three forwards mine block item pickup one two three dump four four forward four

Drop items standing here let’s put a checkpoint here code checkpoint now have him turn around walk two steps two steps mind block no rotate left twice two steps mind block steps wait item pick up that that that let’s see if this works and let’s just have him loop that a few times

I guess i just let that run for a while oh yeah ha okay what was that oh you finished the test great job finally really his heavy’s hard what are you grumbling about that’s what’s scary ah oh i only decided that lava what happened here soon as we press that button

Rotate right move forward one two three four uh block interact item pickup left twice then come back one two three four places so i can see what you got oh so he’s going to make a thing let’s try this again hang on one two three four five

Rotate right go forwards one two three four so how many spaces do we need one two three four five six i think oh i just wanted to figure out one two three four five six one two ah one two three four five six seven eight nine loop twice turn to the right

Have you tuned to the left why not right there one two three four rotate right and forward one two three four nice block move forwards and loop that eight more times see if this works now let’s see if this works come on buddy you can do it wait

Oh he’s gotta keep going one two three and and block interact yay due to the latest budget cuts we’ve had to shut down half the facility but to make up for that we’re going to do two tests at once so while you’re busy programming your little robot partners

We’re going to be blessing you with radiation that will hopefully make you grow wings only problem is it’ll probably take a while before you can fly very far without your wings giving out i i have wings let’s see what these do oh god i have to parkour arch backward while the robot holds

Stuff off for me great great okay can i have you wait like two seconds thank you let’s go with five seconds two three four three am i counting this right four weight five do you even have enough spaces for this move forward too oh tate left i’m running out of spaces

I’m kind of out of spaces this is weird oh let’s try it turn left one two three wait for five and i’m out of space i don’t need to wait on every stop so i can make the dang jump i can’t fight core man uh

I thought it was just gonna be a puzzle why is there parkour involved i can’t do this so they said i have to take away at least one of the weights um um there’s something i can look but luke takes a couple extra i fell see if you fall once it’s

All over you need like a ton more there’s nothing i can loop is there is there anything i can loop but i think there is and i need those weights to make the jumps i can’t just make one second jumps what am i supposed to do here like what i don’t understand

So it’s gonna force me to because i’m gonna have one second to do the starting one one two three four five one two three four five six i think that’s the only shot i have i only have like one second ah oh no stop see i can’t there wasn’t enough spaces

For this stop looks like i can still have one more weight let’s do it on the first one right no i can’t fit that in technically if i do one technically it’s two because i have to split this is there like a cheat i can do like this isn’t possible

Because that jump is impossible you have to kind of be an expert for that it should be off and on really getting stuck here what is the single block one’s supposed to do fast like jump jump that’s a two block jump i gotta sprint jump that oh this doesn’t seem possible

There’s not a help button what am i supposed to do see that’s not possible none of these are possible without the wait times but i don’t have enough spaces to create wait time for all them i might and there’s nothing it’s none of these are the same so

There’s nowhere i can loop it what the hell am i supposed to do it’s really stressing me because i’m having fun in this game but i don’t know the answer i can’t believe they’re making me park forward too they’re supposed to be so evil not test my parkour skills i can’t parkour

I’m getting really upset because i don’t know what to do and there’s no help buttons either and if i leave this place it’ll be sent me all the way back to beginning and i’ll never get this done am i looking at this wrong i don’t understand

And i can’t reach the robot to send it back once i’m across so there’s no way to reach the robot from here i i don’t know there’s no one to help me because there’s nobody in chat my luck’s just disappeared so i don’t think they’re in chat

Maybe there’s the help section in the disk record hang on Hmm Ah come on there’s got to be something There’s nothing about that come on how do i do this this i’m on my own here literally there’s nobody in the chat to help me if i leave this game it’ll send me back to the beginning ah i don’t gotta look at it from like a different angle

Okay is there anything that isn’t a sprint jump literally all over the spring trophy ah see there’s nobody in the chat to help give me ideas i guess i could ask for help on the discord see if i can ask for help on the discord suggestion voice text chat

See if anyone knows information desk come on come on come on it’s got to be away announcement server update server events so like a help general server help let’s try this trying to i’m really stuck on okay let’s see if anybody gives me help i just put a message in the discord like

I don’t understand at all seriously at least there’s nobody watching nobody’s getting bored by the fact they don’t know how to complete this i wish i could try the jump again there’s literally not enough time seriously what am i what else am i supposed to do those jail windows

I can probably stand on some of those now that’s not any help like i feel like i’m stupid how how am i supposed to do this everything else i was able to figure out a little problem this is stumping me i’m kind of not having fun right now but

I don’t want to give up oh man nobody in the discord yet ah well i guess it’s early on uh tuesday morning not gonna be too many people wait a minute what’s this doesn’t help me at all nobody’s replying how am i supposed to do this and the robot disappeared great

Wait a minute can i have it start there how long does it take to boot up let’s try this no it doesn’t work come on let’s practice that a few times just keep practicing that you kind of have to be aiming for it before it starts

Oh oh i almost had that that might be possible oh i’m getting close i just can’t keep the sprints i did it i guess i just have to be good at parkour and make the next one in theory i guess if you were super good at parkour you could like do all the

Jumps but i’m just not good enough i mean i guess i could do it eventually but that would take hours and hours i think i’m gonna have to give up guys this is really upsetting if i really have to just i mean it’s only two jumps three four five six seven eight nine

Ah come on i can no um has to be exact like i don’t i wanted to be tested sweepingly i didn’t want to have to deal with parkour almost nope not that time oh i’m getting so frustrated i’m not having fun but i don’t want to give up because all of a

Sudden from the beginning oh i’m sorry guys i can’t do this i’m not having fun no one online who’s gonna help me i’m not having fun we can explore the hub a little bit i haven’t been here yet hmm i was oh they recognize me about my videos that’s nice oui

Oh hang on gotta turn off the resource packs let me get back in there we go that’s better that’s right i was cooking these wasn’t i let’s check on all this cool let’s harvest this more relax i wasn’t really enjoying that robot game i’m super disappointed i wasn’t able to

Do more of it just ended up being super hard on that level you know i didn’t do that game just to you know i didn’t do that game to do parkour i did it to test my brain and because i’m not good at parkour you have to like

Oh there’s gotta poison this potato that makes the day a little bit better it really does poison potatoes make the day a little bit bigger um Harvesting all of my oh shoot i didn’t mean to break that right now it’s a girl over again one wrong click and yeah hello munich good to see you thanks for tuning in Hmm you like the cocoa bean farm i definitely like a lot more than this berry farm that keeps poking me i don’t know why this isn’t spreading further into the room because i think it really should be like you know that just looks weird um let’s really look into where exactly

Those sounds always are coming from okay let’s head back up top mostly toasted more potatoes oh that just looks so bad like who did this like who thought this was a good idea expanding it out that far like this looks terrible it’s supposed to be a town plaza not a giant brick wall

Oh it’s ruining the entire place look at that before i stepped out my look before i stepped on my front door there was you know a nice view now i step on my front door and there’s a wall there’s literally a wall somebody added way too much stone and it looks awful oh

And sapphire added a tardis as well which is nice but like i wasn’t really expecting one somewhere close to my house like i kind of liked when it was just all grass around here but i can’t oh there’s more hey they’ve got the full tardis here it’s kind of cute

Now this isn’t as bad this is okay this is okay it has like a you can go inside it and the view for my front door is ruined uh hello horsey not sure if they’re on fabric okay your moon chills and your gen mobs are actual hmm that’s interesting

I finished this house which looks nice i guess i’ll just have to deal with looking at this for the rest of my life i’ll just have to look at this ugly thing for the rest of my life unless i make a house somewhere else like a second house

Actually i need eggs i need sugar cane i need eggs eggs eggs eggs are really the only things the lack of eggs is one of the only things stopping me from making a ton of pumpkin pies the mods add stuff like golden lanterns as an example oh that does sound pretty

This one egg does it get rid of giant view blocking walls that totally seem to only be constructed just to ruin the view from my front door what a lovely day oh immediately my day has ruined because the view from my front door is terrible and i’ll survive

Not to be happy about it though now no one can put anything in your mailbox like it’s it’s on your property so nobody can get anything in your mailbox oh look at the bee so where’s the beehive this house looks great though i think i’m going to go get more wool to

Make more carpets that feels like something i’d want to do let’s go and hunt for some sheepsies if that land isn’t claimed you should make a nice looking border around the edges of that courtyard hmm true it looks a little funky now but yeah it’s definitely not claimed i know

That much because it’s like public lands for the town we could kind of like make like a slope heading down to like kind of make it look a little prettier maybe like a little wall there’s some stuff that i can work with however i want to wait until

Because i don’t um see who is big pp castle owned by so the kinds of brick on the sides of the trim at the top it’s not a bad idea oh i want to talk to the mayor of this town first i don’t know when they’re coming back

But i probably want to talk to them first because this is you know their town so i that’s not a bad idea i think i’m gonna want to talk to the town mayor first make sure it’s okay with them now let’s find some sheepsies oh a beehive

Are there any bees in that i might come back and get that later not a little sheep around here can’t take those sheep there within their borders so i can’t even cheer them my house looks so nice though sheepsie come here you oh three pieces from that

You can fire all the bees out before you collect honey got it I mean it’s not like i’m killing this sheep so that’s well that’s fine there’s plenty of grass for them to eat Hmm oh there’s a nice house over there how did the lower versions work they don’t have near the right etc i think lower versions they jus it’s similar to anything that isn’t in the lower versions is replaced by by some other visual thing in the lower versions

Like for example uh seaweed is replaced by grass that for some reason is just underwater and it looks a little funky so in lower versions anything that it doesn’t exist is replaced visually by something else and somehow they use code to make it work i don’t really know the specifics but

That’s how it usually worked on other servers that that had cross that had um compatibility downwards it might be easier to have compatibility upwards than downwards because like hypixel you know ones are 1.8 is compatible with things above that while this server is like 1.16 is compatible with things lower

So i feel like it’s like a different situation in pending for both of them i just wanted a circle okay Sheepsie really hypixel is 1.12 not possible hold on nope 1.8 because they still i thought as far as i knew yeah they still used the old um pvp people would get really mad if they changed it you’re allowed to use box 1.12 oh uh they must have just uh

Build battle maybe maybe they migrated just build battle like they might it’s possible like non-pvp games they could have they could have like part of the server running on 1.8 for pvp and things that use blocks they might have migrated it up to 1.12 and that’s possible i haven’t really

Been keeping up with on the forums within the last uh six months to a year haven’t really been been keeping up so it’s entirely possible they might have moved like just like a housing and or like build battle or something up to 1.12 but kept everything else 1.8 for pvp

Is this a house looks a little like a house that’s interesting i guess something with like silk touch it would be cool to make a house just out of those blocks oh Hmm looking for sheep looking i just i keep going in circles oh what’s over here this looks nice a nice little farm oh a sheep but i want to keep my apples i’m i’m trying to fill a barrel full of apples for storage what do you mean you

Need my apples what are you trying to do with all those apples are you trying to make golden apples and if you’re making golden apples what do you need all those golden apples for what are you doing with all those apples i spent a lot of money on my apples

Sheep sheepsie come here you oh normal apples give the most hunger for bats interesting look at this man this server is filled with amazing builds like like it’s not even believable oh there’s a train station i’m gonna take a look at that after i get this wool come here

Oh it’s not real wait this side looks real oh it’s still kind of in progress no it keeps going and it ends there okay great sheep i’ll take the wool anyway i’ve already been here and shared that am i still going in circles i feel like i might be

Yeah this is no no i don’t know where i am why do they have all those wither roses there i know you don’t look like wizard roses but those definitely wither roses if they even managed to get them out out out i does not like the way i was sitting

Out out there we go a little better even the weird beginner shacks look good what the heck okay ah i feel like if this was a nancy server there would be one person in total that actually griefs anything and everyone else just using hacks to build stuff like the bases on 2b2t honestly

Everything on the server is just super nice everyone like there’s a lot of great builds on the server like i know there’s a texture pack but even the kind of weird looking builds look good it’s probably the texture pack banners what is this stars home look at all those heads

Looking for sheepsies for sheep seed for sheepsies oh isn’t this pretty take a look at this landing pad this is such a sick server Hmm Weird that they put that in that’s kind of a funny thing to do with leaves funky beacon colors i feel like this isn’t supposed to look like this you’re enjoying arc i think my boyfriend played art i think troy played our custom a bit i’m glad you’re enjoying it

Oh yeah he definitely play doc i remember it was a few years ago i think though sheepsies can i have nope ow i think my helmet just broke 19 wool how much carpet can i get out of that oh that was a close one i gotta pay attention to this kind of thing

I’m actually pretty close to home sheepy come here sheepsie yep this home it’s right there but the game is not easy oh okay that by sparkle i can see you under the you’re in the tardis area aren’t you i see you under the ground there hello my mailbox let’s make more carpet

Now let’s get to placing said carpets and you still need more carpets man some of this stuff goes fast the player turn the first setting to max for single player files easier that normal and the max is normal and always start with the south region noted duly noted

Somebody be using my under chest hello i see you up there hello i see you nothing in my mailbox nothing in my mailbox what i really need is eggs eggs eggs to make a whole bunch of pumpkin pies it’s one pumpkin pie more cookies oh carrots carrots carrots carrots

Thought you smelled like an attempt at four-way splits true though it does look a little funky doesn’t it oh i need ceiling to replace my helmet i need more more i need more aims i need more of a lot of things and melons grow super fast melons and pumpkins just bagels so fast

It’s actually astounding just how fast they grow everything goes so fast oh didn’t mean to break that put that back and look at all that look how fast everything’s going we literally just harvested these find some soul soil pretty sure you can go another one on it doesn’t slow you down

Really can you go nether ward on sewer soil i’m gonna i’m gonna have to look that up that’s what the minecraft wiki is for okay so why hasn’t that spread over there yet it’s weird looks like it seems like it should have spread over here by now but it hasn’t

It’s just not spreading dig up a source and place it near the chest where did i get another gold ore oh right i picked it up somewhere it was just hanging out there i should go make a new helmet oh i want to fill this up with dried kelp

I should try and go find some kelp then go diving for kelp pick up a source and place it near the chest using silk touch good idea i don’t have any silk touch yet so i’m gonna have to look into that yeah cause like you know what i mean i

Feel it seems like weird that it isn’t going out smell the gold right right that’s a good idea smell the gold because if you smelt it you’ll get more look at this it just grows so fast do crops have accelerated growth on this server it’s weird caps locks on

Ah now i won’t bother to ask but like the pumpkins and melons always go that fast or do they just have accelerated growth on oh no they’re never getting harvested okay i’ll harvest the netherwart okay i will harvest the nether wart just for you runic excel you really can regret another brick out

Of it hmm because like i don’t know it feels like it feels like things don’t normally grow as fast but they are growing this fast so i don’t know what’s happening because you know stuff just goes so fast on this server oop wrong one i mean look at all this you can’t keep

Up with all the stuff that grows somebody made me a new helmet we never break another arch somebody got me a new helmet thank you i think that was sapphire sparkle did you just throw my new helmet at me i thought it might have been you because you were right here

You can’t roast beetroot if you like make soup out of it i don’t think the soup is stackable we got to close most of these doors oh well yay stuff in my mailbox i have one wheat seed two spider eyes and two sticks All right i wanted to smelt these make another bricks and another one’s going to get red nether brick oh hey you should get something like j e i ji okay jj but it’s really nice client side mod okay what does it do tell me about it allows you to look up recipes

I think i’ve heard of that before i’ve seen people use it on youtube before perms and i’m creative you can cheat items from it i’m always seemed to be i always seem to be in uh what’s it called caps lock i’m always encapsulated all right let’s go find some kelp

Because dried kelp is vegetarian so i should be able to eat it just fine good Nope up up ask away for everything to float to the surface don’t play with that i want to pick it up i destroyed a whole bunch of it where is it all it’s floating up very slowly there’s some let’s go find some kelp resource over world is entirely water exactly it’s awesome

Let’s go finally that isn’t kelp huh uh it’d be interesting if there was a sea pony class that could like live underwater it’s an ocean monument right by the point of it looks like two b2ts spawn yeah it was um yeah it definitely was probably like it was rated for blocks

Everybody loves to build with those blocks just add some llama cass and you got to be duty oh there’s a trident thrower coming at me there’s a drowned attacking me leave me alone did you drop it no i don’t think he dropped just tried it dang it i wanted to try it

Nobody cares because it will be reset at the end of the month exactly should have healed first give me a second to regen you have a grudge against drowned really i have a grudge against the entire nether every time i go to an ancient moon i die

Every time i go to the nether i die sounds like we’re having similar problems foreign so never played subnautica orcas like that but on land hmm interesting yes especially interesting scenes i think one of the big points of survivor is that it is in water so i’m wondering how that translates to land

Are they like dinosaurs or something in that game i think i heard something about dinosaurs once was that a different game foreign pretty much anything you find is a dinosaur i think that’s enough kelp for now let’s get back over here oh where’s my caps lock on again and those

Are dragons and rock collars and giant spiders doesn’t that sound like fun i think that’s enough california well my inventory was almost full you know i’m trying to fill a whole barrel nope trying to fill a whole barrel with dried kelp so that’s going to be our kelp chest

More cookies in there i’m trying to fill all of these up do Hmm um hey sebby good to see you haven’t seen you in a few days uh i should smelt that that’s it later and now i’d be cooking kelp much faster to go up than go down i’m gonna go buy more apples i have a home set here to get a whole bunch of

Apples trying to fill up a bucket full over me and trying to find them myself is so tedious where’s my caps lock always on i’m not trying to turn it on hmm look at this place isn’t this cute uh ah hmm Hmm Making dried kelp making dried kelp how you doing Hmm three bones bones bones bone so i guess they’re making like a house here that’s what the tardis was they’re making like a little house underground next to mine Um hey seriously some of this stuff just goes so fast i don’t think i need to keep harvesting cocoa beans after this i have a ton we up we go up we go up we go let’s just teleport there home where’s caps lock always on Hmm uh what’s it gonna do i feel like i was gonna use them and then i forgot whatever forgot it can’t be that important i’m going to borrow my next-door neighbor’s weed again and be planted of course i’m not a jerk and they will likely stay loaded because

They’re building their house there so hey who trampled all the sweet foreign Um I’m also going to grab some of that because a bunch of this is ready let’s see if they have any eggs eggs eggs and eggs do so crafting table over here there is not okay Hmm Um there you go you do let’s just cook up those potatoes real quick money money money money money money money like i see some eggs there we see more pumpkin pies three one two three and these just are so full and they’re mostly full of seeds clearly these are mostly full of seeds Eggs eggs more eggs get all the eggs berries berries berries berries berries berries berries berries Mm-hmm oh so many berries what’s going on why is it so stuck in it what happened there geez berries we need to do a number Hmm so bunker why is caps left always on i don’t mean to turn it on but it gets turned on anyway um hmm uh God i need to do that i have to go and get another piece of wood gotta go back up and fix that back down back down back down Um squirreling away food like a squirrel Hmm i use so much health so much i missed that one Hmm i didn’t mean to break that hanging with quark and all the ions for 1.16 and that would certainly be interesting Mm-hmm Sounds like somebody’s using an anvil i thought so i thought that was you come to your tardis okay give me just a minute oh nice huh Hmm Mm-hmm did you get any potatoes from that that was a lot of potatoes that came out of there i mean like a lot of taters surprising number of taters came out of that one thing there we go Hmm Hmm actually you know what you look cool i just had an idea something that can probably get done right quick hang on hang on i’m not there and then get three more regular lanterns oh that looks nice actually no way i’m trying to really have to be all these mobs here now

Go away go away Just hold that for a second hmm you had to pick it up really really give me that i know sparingly say okay okay oh so many mobs just go away and leave me this foreign oh teleporting consumes food that explains a lot um interesting i can’t do slash tags oh well

I mean i have the tag i want i was just getting curious hold still doing teleport for safety all right unfortunately i have to get ready for work now i know we don’t normally work on tuesdays but whoever did the schedules this week kind of screwed it up so i have to get

Off and get ready for work now so thank you guys for watching i’ll see you guys later nah it’s fine i don’t need to say bye yeah thank you guys for watching i’ll see you guys next time bye

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #6 [Full Stream]’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2021-02-23 16:11:49. It has garnered 95 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:52 or 9832 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with My Little Pony Mods on the My Little Pony themed server Bronytales, episode 6!


Pony Mod: Resource Pack: Pony Footstep Sounds from Settings in this Mod: HDSkins Mod: (Compatible with Mine Little Pony):

Non Pony Mods Used: Lamb Dynamic Lights: Lithium: Sodium: Phosphor: OK Zoom: Mod Menu:

Bronytales Playlist:

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  • Day 40: Epic Studio Kitchen Build!

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  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like “lmao”

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  • Minecraft plot twist: Steve’s midlife crisis! #lol

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  • Crafting Horse Armor in Minecraft

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  • JJ and Mikey’s Impossible Choice in Minecraft – Maizen

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes – Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMING

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  • Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex – LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!

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  • EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE Addon

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  • SCANDAL: Jamesy’s AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!

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  • Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viral

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  • Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!

    Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!Video Information हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो सभी को वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम दोस्तों आज थोड़ा सा मेरा दिमाग खराब हो गया था इसलिए थोड़ा और नेट भी चला गया था मेरा तो इसलिए बहुत ज्यादा लेट हो गया बहुत ही ज्यादा लेट हो गया दोस्तों माफ कर देना बस सिर्फ माफी मांग रहा हूं सिर्फ मेरे को आना था च बजे मगर डिले होते होते होते होते बहुत डिले हो सभी को सॉरी यार सभी को सॉरी दोस्तों सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी बहुत लेट हो गया बहुत ही लेट हो गया फिलहाल हम लोगों ने स्ट्रीम चालू कर दी… Read More

  • The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shorts

    The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shortsVideo Information la masa es tan bien un lente fluye bien Por eso hay que volverse un poco TR Mister trans TR trans te va a hacer bailar This video, titled ‘🤣КАЖДЫЙ ДЕЛАЛ ТАК😂#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-08 12:05:57. It has garnered 9521 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any… Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #6 [Full Stream]