Bronzo – I Survived 100 DAYS as DEADPOOL in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as Deadpool sweet I also have regeneration Powers I was gonna need them because just then Thanos appeared before me you stole my woman now I’m gonna collect the Infinity Stones and kill you in 100 days well if you do that then I’ll be with

Death seems like a win-win then I’ll be sure your soul goes out of existence oh no I began fighting Thanos unleashing everything I had on him eat lead Barney unfortunately Thanos was bulletproof and my guns didn’t do any damage foreign but help was on the way we’ve got this

Doctor strange and some other Avengers came to Aid me in the battle Thanos then made quick work of the Avengers leaving only me you may be bulletproof but are you Katana proof I ran up and sliced Thanos into pieces ultimately killing him yes I did it on

Day one what else could possibly happen for the rest of the 99 days hey what gives idiot but also my clowns so I didn’t stop Thanos I really think it would have been that easy I thought it was a challenge super power beings anyone who tries to

Get in my way will die that’s not very 20 22 of you you’re not trying to stop me without a body get back here oh never mind he already told me his plans what a stereotypical villain my body began growing back on day two now I had a

Giant head with a baby body and a diaper yeah not embarrassing at all and I only have five Hearts now ah come on I vowed to take down Mr Sinister but how patience if you were watching this at home you’re just gonna have to watch until the end to find out anyways I

Can’t do this alone I decided I needed to form a team but first I needed a super cool base of operations or no one would take my baby self seriously I got started right away collecting wood and stone for a full stone set but minus a

Sword who needs Stone swords when I have super cool katanas oops sorry random sheep anyways I found a nice open field and started building a small cabin I worked for a few hours until I was done on day three I went out searching for seeds quick remember don’t

Skip to the end of the video that’s right you gotta keep watching to find out if I’m able to take down Mr Sinister and more importantly not be a baby anymore I tried my luck to find some seeds in the grass oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about where the seeds I

Obtained I decided to make a farm I planted the seeds and watched it for a few seconds why aren’t they growing how does this game work ah tartar sauce wait I can’t say bad words curse you YouTube okay I need to figure out how to form a

Team so that I can take down Mr Sinister oh I know the perfect person cue the narration I made my way to the tundra and came across two super villains having a chat gasp that’s Blockbuster in Malice they’re part of Mr sinister’s Marauders a group of mutant assassins

Who do evil things at least that’s what Wiki says says don’t judge me everything’s going to plan soon this planet will be rid of humans nbrs you mean it’ll be Mr sinisters whatever these victories are ours this dude looks so funny in that leotard who said that here was the red baby get

Him this is the part where I run away help me get back here it was day four and I was still being chased by Blockbuster although this guy’s big he sure has lots of stamina I gotta think fast if I want to get away thinking quick on my feet I noticed a small

Crevice in a Hillside and ducked into it I fit perfectly but Blockbuster was too big you’re too fat I mean big I mean too muscular to fit in here you think that’s gonna stop me he started smashing all the blocks around me getting closer and closer just then Wolverine landed behind him

All dramatic like pick on someone your own size Baba I watched as they started fighting dang I wish Minecraft had popcorn right now this is entertaining Wolverine used his claws to strike and slash while Blockbuster used his strength and threw heavy blows with his giant fists after a

While of watching I decided maybe I should help mostly because I was starting to get bored so I ran out and shot Blockbuster in the back of his head knocking him out whew that was a tough one here want to talk you barely helped whatever I was looking for you actually

I watched the 100 days as Venom video and saw you helped venom out so I was hoping you’d do the same for me what are you talking about never mind look I need help bringing down Mr Sinister he’s trying to take over this world or

Something like that oh what do I have to deal with your problem Bubba oh no it’s not my problem it’s our problem Wolverine obviously wasn’t listening and started walking away hey where are you going what about this guy are we just gonna leave him hey wait up during days

Five to six I followed Wolverine back to his place I’m not a kid I’m not the best one to help you but I can guide you to a few of my friends who maybe can ooh is it Professor X no what makes you think I would get the professor involved with

Your small little problem anyways I was talking about Captain America you can find him in the big city okay can you at least Aid me in some kind of way Wolverine then walked over to a chest and came back with some Goods here’s some food and some tools do what you can

With them awesome you saved me a lot of time mining say can I stay here for the night yeah whatever you can stay for the night but you better be gone by morning sleepover with Wolves first wolvey and I jumped on the bed and it was awesome

Then Wolfie read me a bedtime story then I read wolvey a bedtime story and then no where we’re not doing any of those things follow me this is the room it’s all yours do me a favor and don’t poop in your pants while you sleep would you

No promises night night I found myself in a dream at the start of days seven through eight I’m dreaming about my past aren’t I I was lying on a table and could see Dr killbrew doing experiments on me he was using a knife no need to

Worry it’ll all be over soon suddenly I turned from bronzo into Deadpool it was super freaky and I ended up jolting from my sleep and panic that was no fun oh I feel weird I realized that I’d grown into a teenager overnight heck yeah I have eight hearts now too awesome

Congrats you need to leave still what but I had a nightmare I’m gonna need at least 93 more days to recover okay I sadly left and made it back to the base I know it’ll make me feel better an arts and craft project I decided to make an incredibly handsome

Deadpool statue I went and collected red flowers and slaughtered some squid for ink it’s okay viewer those squid volunteered themselves for the greater good I then gathered sheep and dyed them sheared them read them blah blah blah you know the drill after that I made the legs for my amazing statue it’s gonna

Look amazing watch to the end to see it finished and no skipping you cheaters from Days nine through ten I made it to the big city cap where are you as I was looking for cap I came across a park and got distracted after playing for so long

Day turned into night that was fun oh man I lost track of time totally worth it though suddenly there was a mysterious voice behind me well well well look what we have here I turned around and it was huh who the heck are you what do you mean I’m scalp Hunter

How do you not know me why doesn’t anyone know me hold on just a second okay okay oh wow I see you’re a bad bad guy yeah let me show you what I’m capable of the freak began blasting at me with his guns I had no choice but to

Try and get up close eventually after lots of punching I was able to best him and knock him out you’re lucky I can’t kill you because we have to stay PG ooh guns I decided it would be a smart idea to take scalp Hunter’s guns for myself oh this is bad

News for anyone who gets in my way now what was I doing again oh yeah I gotta find Captain America I spent days 11 through 13 searching for Captain America after looking in multiple places I finally found him just chilling in a park cap I’ve been looking all over for

You the captain didn’t seem interested in me or what I said at all cap I need your help I’m forming a team to take down Mr Sinister and the Marauders you know there’s so much more to life than fighting I mean just think about sunsets Steve Rogers went on an entire rant

About life and fighting and something about love and blah blah blah boring oh I have an idea I used the power of fast forwarding so you guys and more importantly myself wouldn’t have to suffer through Captain America’s rant right right totally caught all of that

So can you help me or were you not listening I’m retired now I’m sorry but I can’t help I wish you luck I laughed and was trying to figure out someone else to help me when suddenly a large Terminator ball appeared in front of me

Uh was this in the budget no it was not we’ll change it quick before they notice the bubble faded away and cable appeared in front of me I’ve seen the future and it’s not good oh no is it because only 17.4 the viewers are subscribed not even no it’s

It’s time to get the band back together X-Force assemble I returned to the base from Days 14 to 17 with cable well this is it wait right here for a second I wanted to impress the X-Force members so I began adding some features to my base

Just need some torches a few chests and furnaces I also began making a room for cable I even gave him a bed so what do you think looks awesome when did you have time to make this don’t worry about it I did some building off screen don’t

Think about it too hard hey do me a solid and help me build this statue of me it’s really important for the sake of the future and all that ah whatever let’s do it my buddy cable here actually started helping me build the Torso of my

Statue we mostly just use red and black wool and with that it was really starting to look good that’s a masterpiece wouldn’t you say don’t answer of course it is it’s me hey can you watch the base while I gather some precious materials sure and so I went

Off Mining and guess what I found diamonds enough for me to make diamond tools such as an ax pickaxe shovel and a hoe alright let’s get out of here after a while I was still in the cave and couldn’t find the exit how do I get out

Of here I guess I should keep going on days 18 through 21 I finally found my way out of the cave outside the exit was a building that looked like some sort of evil headquarters hmm what could this be suddenly I saw Mr Sinister outside the base with a mysterious lady hey I

Thought I got rid of you well so did my ex-girlfriend but I still bother her all the time hey who’s that lovely lady there next to you oh this is vertigo she’s care of you like in a good way or a bad way just then she charged at me ah bad

Way bad way she was so agile and fast that she started making me really dizzy does this mean there’s no chance you’ll go on a date with me what is wrong with you so you’re saying there’s a chance I was so dizzy I fell to the ground hello

Talk about vertigo the last thing I saw was Vertigo standing over me then everything went black on days 22-25 I had another Vision I was bronzo not Wade Wilson and I saw myself in some kind of glass containment receptacle and that’s how I became Deadpool I don’t

I don’t do this but to be honest it’s not really that important to the story so I’m just gonna dream about cool stuff instead blowing up buildings is so much fun wait how did I get here I found you in the woods unconscious I guess I was just

Lucky to find you when I did having the luck enchantment doesn’t count as a super power what yeah I don’t know what that means whatever it’s time for me to grow full size again regeneration powers activate yeah with that I grew back into an adult with

10 Hearts nice now it’s time to get to business and recruit the rest of the X-Force on days 26 through 29 I went to ask cable and Domino if they knew where psylocke might be I have no idea I haven’t seen psylocke in forever I could always tag along maybe with my luck

We’ll be able to find her luck is always nice to have even if it’s not a superpower plus having some extra company would be useful I think I might know where psylock could be I asked her how she could be so sure lucky guess follow me I followed Domino into a swamp

And to be honest I wasn’t feeling the luck okay but seriously are you sure you know where you’re going I’m just following my intuition not to be mean but your intuition just got us into a hot mess Harpoon and Sabretooth they had some guy held hostage somebody please we have to

Help him he’s so plain and inoffensive like Ryan Reynolds and free guy he’s like the human equivalent of an empty room painted eggshell he’s like Deadpool right hey Cat man why don’t you just stop what you’re doing and let that tub of vanilla ice cream go huh

You think you can stop us you’re just a little boy in a suit running around with your mommy oh no uh I think you’re a little confused I’m not his mother but I wish she was what I think she said something else but I couldn’t hear it I’d already started fighting just sit

Still and let me tell you the French now how do you expect me to do that when you look like you’ve never sat still in a dentist office you can’t keep this up forever all I will take is one lucky shot you’re done for I couldn’t pay too much attention

But I saw the tail end of the fight where Domino finished off Harpoon with a devastating punch nice Sabretooth had sucker punched me knocking me out but he looked like he was trying to leave I don’t like my odds right now but I will be cool and I will have my revenge as

Sabertooth escaped to lick his wounds the hostage guy thanked me for saving him and told us his name was Bob well Bob what kind of powers or special abilities do you have we could use Someone Like You on the X-Force no sir I don’t have any powers or training sorry

Uh are you sure about this I like him let’s get him back to HQ oh so you don’t believe luck is a superpower but you take Bob he’s gonna get himself killed don’t listen to the haters sugar bear I think you’ve got Moxie kid really thank

You Mr pool and we all walked off into the sunset X-Force on days 30 through 33 we made it back cable came up to see how things went hey did you have any luck finding psylocke no but we found Bob instead who the heck is Bob

Some agent of Hydra dude but I think he could make a good friend oh brother any other news Well we did fight off Harpoon and Sabretooth they were no match Sabretooth ran off spouting something about revenge or whatever that’s bad news Sabertooth will come back with more

Backup next time maybe you can recruit More Heroes to join us in this fight cool cool but I gotta build a room for my guy Bob here that’s how these videos work I got to work adding a new room for my best bud Bob when I was done I took a

Step back and looked over my job well done hold on hold on this base is lame I want something cooler and more X-Men themed luckily my base somehow magically transformed into a new cooler one Yahoo oh that’s what I’m talking about now that that’s done Bob let’s go find some

Heroes to join us on days 34 through 37. Bob and I traveled a long ways away making it all the way to a jungle biome after another couple hundred Paces Bob and I came across the camp after a bit of scouting we found a few bad guys vertigo Sabretooth and psylocke what’s

She doing here with them maybe she’s just trying to be one of those double agents or something good call why don’t we check it out soon enough vertigo and Sabretooth left leaving psylocke all alone now was my chance yo psylocke I’ve been looking all over for you really and

Why might that be uh cause you’re part of the X-Force why else I’m sorry Deadpool but I’ve changed my mind consider this my resignation psylocke then lashed out at me with her psychic blades ow those hurt when they hit and give me a migraine Bob was watching and

Sharing me on from a safe distance let’s go Bud you got this just shake it off champ I don’t really know what’s going on but I dig it finally I got a good hit on psylocke she fell to the ground and then turned into Mystique ah shirt I

Should have seen that coming to be honest come on Sugar Bear help me carry her back inside the cave I’ll grab her arms you grab the legs between days 38 and 41 Bob and I took Mystique to the back of her base which had a cage

Already set up I then started her day with a splash where is she where’s Rachel um sorry about that got a little carried away when I get out of here I’ll spell your gut sounds like a fish and feed them to you Kitty’s Got Claws all right

Misty where’s the real psylocke huh did you kill her imprison her here in some remote Mountainside answer me pretty pleased with the sugar on top psylocke is off enjoying her vacation in the Badlands sweetheart getting some much needed R and R Badlands that’s a Minecraft biome right uh what anyway

Thanks for the information Smurf I got up to leave and she struggled to get out of her cage what no you can’t just leave me here sorry bad reception when I left the cave Bob was waiting outside hey honey bun let’s get back to the base and do you think you can help

Me out with that statue sure thing Bob didn’t hesitate to help with a little bit of hard work and elbow grease we made the arms of the statue with katanas as well oh now that’s what I call a masterpiece let’s rest up kitty cat I think we deserve it but it’s three in

The afternoon resting on days 42-45 I woke up to Bob looking really excited what is it what is it boy is little Timmy stuck in the well I’ve got this teleportation device for you it runs on ender pearls where’d you get this from Mystique had it on her huh okay so it

Needs ender pearls you say I stayed up all night farming Enderman for their pearls okay time to try out this doohickey I turned it on and teleported to a big cave with a giant Beast uh oh I then teleported away to a random Village well I don’t know Harold you tell me

What you want to eat for once yikes I tried to use the teleporter again but it glitched and sent me to a weird floating Dimension oh hey Nightcrawler what’s up I then teleported one final time hey the Badlands this must be where psylocke is I searched around the Badlands until I

Eventually found psylocke battling against Magneto oh this is good this is real good I sat down and watched the show for a while wait what am I doing I need to save her I ran up to psylocke and teleported her away with me back to

The base yeah I did it no Deadpool I was about to defeat Magneto until you ruined it oh oopsie hey no harm no foul right what’s so important that you needed to pull me out of there I need your help taking down my main villain Mr Sinister

So let me get this right you pulled me out of my battle with Magneto just to fight in your disgusting she went into the base and I decided it was time to take things into my own hands on days 46 through 49 I teleported to a village being terrorized by Mr Sinister

Hey hold on only I can terrorize villagers Listen viewers be sure to watch until the end to see if I’m able to stop this clown from turning everyone into a mutant okay go on right as I was saying genetics are my life’s work I used to be a scientist but that was before when I

Was weak I began researching all kinds of ways to make Humanity into the perfect race of superhumans and finally I did it I began creating great ones such as Gambit who was basically a clone of me with some Cyclops DNA wait what look that story is cool and all but

You’re wrong humans are perfect the way they are and they have the power of friendship is that too cheesy yeah you’re not listening to me I’m gonna start by turning these villagers All around me the villagers turned into mutant freaks good luck all the mutants attacked me I had no choice but to kill them so for more chaos would ensue I busted out my weapons and began unloading on the monsters after all that battling I figured Gambit

May know a thing or two about Sinister I’m outta here somewhere between days 50 and 53 I don’t know you figure out what day I decided to throw away my teleportation device sorry old sport you make things too easy and that makes for bad storytelling I hope you understand

Now for a different plot device I found Domino and asked her to take me to the next plot point oh what makes you think I can do that well you’re lucky so that way we can move the story along faster and maybe go home earlier fine poggers Domino and I traveled back

To the city but once we got there everything was quiet too quiet hmm my Deadpool senses are tingling they’re telling me we have to be here just then a giant mutant skeleton popped out and started causing Havoc everywhere huh yeah that might have been it all the people escape you keep that monster

Occupied got it oh come on why did I get the hard job what you’re whining and just do it so I charged toward the Beast with my super awesome katanas but the massive creature started hitting me with its giant blades which did a lot of damage ow huh you’re a tough one aren’t

You oh yeah yeah this fight was incredibly tough I couldn’t do it alone um if only there was a nearby superhero who could conveniently come and Aid me in this battle then from the Minecraft city skyline the web slinging Spider-Man arrived on the scene need a hand you

Know it with Spider-Man’s help we were able to destroy the mutant skeleton making it explode well if it isn’t my favorite neighborhood spider boy thanks for the help back there what’s this about Deadpool Heck if I know it probably has something to do with Mr Sinister he’s

Been making mutants in his off time then Sinister has to be stopped I asked if Spider-Man could join the X-Force but the director told me that that wasn’t in our budget I mean that he was already part of the Avengers I’m sorry Deadpool I’ll still protect this city as best I

Can hey Deadpool think I’ve got a lead on sinister’s location come on well looks like that’s my cue see you Spidey love ya what call me we continued following the lead on days 54-57 Domino managed to find an inn I have a feeling someone important is in there let’s go

We started to approach and wait hold on Domino stop what what’s wrong we don’t have enough body actors for you to join this one whatever Domino had to go do her own thing or something so I approached the Inn on my own as I entered I found

Gambit and Rogue inside Rogue looked at me with disgust gross I’m not dealing with this Rogue went upstairs so I went up to Gambit well that was rude don’t mind her there Deadpool anyway what can I do for you wait I just remembered you’re a clone of sinister which is what

He told me and I looked it up on the wiki which is totally a fine source of information and don’t let any teacher tell you otherwise kids also I want nothing to do with Sinister hey just because you have Daddy Issues doesn’t mean you can’t help me Daddy what I need

You to train me on how to fight against Sinister you should suppose I can help you there all right then let’s get started we walked out and got to work work right away time for a classic bronzo training montage complete with target practice acrobatics meditation ah so boring and explosions well the

Explosions weren’t a part of the training but they were fun finally the training was complete you’re now ready man don’t leave before Rogue gets even more annoyed with me for helping you I laughed just as he asked but I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I saw Gambit

And Rogue I knew because it’s on the outline I got back to the base on days 58 through 61. I feel ready to take on the world but first I went back to my statue and worked on making the incredibly handsome head with that the majority of my statue was complete it’s beautiful

But not quite finished it still needs more details so make sure you watch till the end to see it completed my thoughts were interrupted by Spider-Man swinging onto my statue gasp OMG it’s my second favorite person other than myself and Wolverine so third actually hey Deadpool

I was sent by Captain America to help you since now there’s a lead on where Sinister is well look who came crawling and back oh can I borrow a web shooter so we can get there faster uh I don’t know you know what sure here you go oh heck yeah

Lead the way Spidey we swung around looking super epic oh don’t show that don’t show that we swung until we made our way to a military base it had a huge Watchtower and there were mutant freaks everywhere gross these must be his experiments gone wrong guess we gotta

Find our way through I took out my pistol and prepared myself for the fight where’d you get those oh you don’t want to know we jumped into battle and I started blasting all the mutant freaks take that you lizard creeps with my incredible skills oh and I guess spideys

Too we managed to kill them all easy peasy we gotta get up to the top of that Watchtower we both looked towards the Watchtower and tried to use the web shooters but they didn’t work oh man guess we gotta do it the old-fashioned way we took the stairs up to the top but

Definitely still look cool doing it on days 62-65 we made it to the top of the tower where Mr Sinister was waiting for us this ends here and now whoa that made you sound really cool you’re my second favorite person now we charged in and started fighting Mr Sinister seemed

Strangely weak you eat your greens today buddy with one final blow Spidey and I killed Sinister too easy yeah it was too easy just then a portal popped up and cable stepped out of it Deadpool that wasn’t the real Mr Sinister it was just a clone oh brother

This guy’s got major plot armor you gotta go try to recruit more members since you couldn’t even find psylocke ah fine I then set off to ask every superhero team I could think of starting with Marvel’s first family the Fantastic Four sorry Deadpool Doctor Doom is

Really keeping us busy right now dang it okay thanks anyway I then went and talked to Ant-Man and the WASP sorry my dude Kang is coming and we gotta prepare boo I even went to space to talk to the Guardians of the Galaxy sorry dead guy we gotta fight Adam Warlock right now

Everyone’s busy good luck whatever I then asked the last people I could think of so what do you say guys help a brother out no no no no no no I wasn’t having any luck and this whole Adventure was feeling pretty hopeless this is hopeless I only have 35 days before the

Video ends and don’t even think about skipping to the end I spent days 66 to 70 traveling until I stumbled upon a house in the middle of nowhere hmm I wonder what’s in here I opened the door to see a bunch of people enjoying themselves in a bar wow it’s like one of

Those fantasy taverns that you see in DND campaigns I walked forward finally making my way to the counter where a worker waited behind it for me hey guy give me something that’s gonna knock me out would you yeah something that you’d give to a recently divorced dad Oh you

Mean like a potion of blindness yeah sure whatever give me one of those he filled up the bottle and handed it over what brings you into town eh well where do I start and now no one wants to join my team I mean how are you supposed to

Fight bad guys without a superhero team really that’s so hey you wouldn’t happen to have a secret arsenal of weapons for sale would ya matter of fact I do follow me I followed him upstairs and before me was a massive Armory it was filled to the brim with all kinds of guns bombs

Swords you name it this this is heaven I was like a little kid in a candy store I’ll take one of everything no I’ll take it all day 71-74 with my new toys were the best I was blowing things up left and right with my beautiful boom booms

This is awesome oh wait what was I supposed to be doing again all right I gotta stop Sinister man I should really check up on everyone I made it back and went and found Bob Bobby boy how have things been going actually not too great basically everyone is losing hope and

Sinister hasn’t stopped at all what no no I’m Deadpool things should be going great for me right now what should we do I know exactly who would know what to do in my situation BRB I made my way through the Wilderness until I found a

Dirt house and went to knock on the door Alex did you finally accept my wait you’re not Alex just the guy I was looking for uh who are you look Steve I’m not the best at Minecraft but I know you’re like a legend so do you think you

Can teach me your ways I I don’t even hold on you’re some kind of new hostile Minecraft mob trying to trick me aren’t you what no you’re not fooling me Steve wasn’t listening and started attacking me with a diamond sword hey stop whoa there down Steve Fat Steve I was in a

Complete depressive spiral from day 75 to 78. well that was a total failure that’s because your life is a failure failure wait that’s it psylocke still needs help cut two I hate to say it but I do need your help wow really well I can’t find cable or Domino I told her I

Would be happy to help as long as she helped out ster in return deal I’m ready to teleport to magnetos makes when you are yeah about that I don’t know how to break this to you but well I’ll just go out and say it I kind of threw the

Teleportation device away what why why would you do that because it makes for lazy writing you are Beyond useless I I can’t believe you psylocke wait we may not be able to do lazy writing right now but we can do lazy editing I’m not sure

I follow go ahead do the cut great now that we skipped all the boring stuff between days 79 and 82 we arrived at Magneto’s base of operations that was easy hey psylocke I have absolutely no idea how I got here but as long as it worked just then Magneto emerged from

His dwelling to taunt us there is nothing you can do psylocke my plan is already in motion what plan might that be old man I will turn everyone into mutants soon my brothers and sisters will never have to suffer in a world that sees them as lesser hey that’s

Exactly what Mr Sinister is going to do y’all should team up Deadpool don’t give him any ideas right I mean don’t do that surely you jest I would never work with such a low life well if you teamed up with me and stopped Mr Sinister we would

Both benefit I’d finish my mission and you wouldn’t have any competition or anything stealing your thunder what do you say you know now that you mention it that might not be such a bad idea really you think so just then psylocke appeared behind Magneto Landing a critical hit

And knocking him out I should do it thanks for distracting him for me Deadpool good plan I don’t know I think getting him to help us would have been an even better plan that consider us even you did ruin my first fight with him after all what are you promised

You’d help with Mr Sinister oh did I hmm well would you look at the time I’ve drawn to my cat for the laundry in the oven or uh just do literally anything else okay hey hey you know you weren’t even wearing a watch Days 83 through 86 were

Spent finishing up the final details of the statue and it looked great let me know what you think of it down in the comments below Over the Horizon I saw a mysterious figure it was Gambit yo Gambit over here do you like my statue ah yes that’s a bomb but I got more

Important issues at hand what do you mean by that rogue’s been kidnapped by kill Brew gonna use her DNA to make more clones but I can’t stop him alone say no more Chum let’s ride so uh where’s your car oh I don’t have one of those I just thought

It sounded cool so I said it now now there’s Lord of the Rings sounding music but we had to use knockoff music because we couldn’t get the rights finally we made it to a large facility where they were probably keeping Rogue she must be in there how long is he for

Sure let’s ride can you please stop saying that but it’s so fun sivu play you’re giving me a headache okay let’s ride from Days 87 through 90 I found an entrapped Rogue shoot what’s the plan I got malice she’s getting away don’t get possessed by her I’m a clone of sinister

Her powers won’t work on me be careful I guess it’s just me and you big guy rematch time Netflix I mean Blockbuster came prepared this time he seemed bulletproof and also had quite a punch he had a ground pound ability and he seemed to be bulletproof so you want to

Play dirty huh I got more up my sleeves shut up and fight luckily my regeneration came in clutch cause the big dude was hitting hard hold on hold on time out yeah timeout you idiot you fell for the oldest trick in the book oh yeah

Gambits I ran off to go find Gambit on days 91 through 93 I made it to where malice and Gambit had gone Gambit was sitting on the floor mumbling to himself but why would you too scary yikes he’s got it bad guess he could have been

Possessed by me my mind is definitely stronger you can’t possess me actually I would never possess your mind it’s way too crazy I have a better way to get rid of you malice pulled out a vial from her inventory see this this will take away your regeneration no thanks I quickly

Shot the vial making her drop it I then ran forward to take it from her but she pushed me out of the way oh no I’m not letting you go that easily dang wish my ex was that adamant shut up I fought hard but she was strong and I ended up

Falling on the ground next to the vial I was about to quickly grab it but she picked it up before I could uh oh I’m glad I’m lucky enough to be the one who finally kills you a lot of people are gonna be mad at you for that one

There’s a ton of people that want the pleasure of killing me Shut up creep she threw the potion at me started feeling weird uh I don’t feel so good malice then pulled out a gun and aimed it at me good evidence she pulled the trigger and my vision faded to black

As I actually died between days 94 and 96 I woke up in a strange Dimension everything around me was red huh is this what dying and Hardcore Minecraft is like I thought it would be just me spectating wolvey forever like a shirtless Patrick Swayze and ghost you

Kids are probably too young to know what that is go show your parents this they’ll think it’s hilarious a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness why don’t you stop thinking about Wolverine and focus on me boy am I happy to see you here death and I frolicked through a field of flowers

For hours on end then we had a cute little picnic as we ate apples until our tummies felt full finally we ended the day with a little campfire while holding hands this is just perfect then I started to feel funny like I was beginning to wake

Up and then distant voice rang in my ears dude wake up Deadpool apparently we need you no I don’t want to go Mr Stark but it seems up go Deadpool you have a universe safe okay this definitely feels like cheating from Days 97 and 98 I awoke to cable and

Domino hovering over me oh man I failed the hardcore challenge you guys didn’t see anything leave a comment down below saying OMG wow I can’t believe he did The Impossible in this video enough of your nonsense time is of the essence and Mr Sinister is about to execute his

Final plan oh I didn’t get that far into the outline hold on hmm okay I see now he is about to fire a beam into the sky making all villagers and humans on this planet mutants hold up does that mean I get super super powers Jake Paul oh

Right sorry I guess this is the part when I go off to find his final base as I traveled I felt like something was missing oh this is boring can we get some zombies in here it worked the writers actually gave me some zombies to fight look out for this bomb you dumb

Zombies bullet time yeah awesome hey Riders can I get some hot babes in here now Really nothing whatever on day 99 I made it to the outside of Mr sinister’s base okay okay I know what you guys are thinking Deadpool how are you gonna infiltrate the base take on multiple super villains and stop Mr Sinister in time well I’ve got just one thing to say

To all those people plot armor the cool Montage began I was fighting the villains one by one first up was Vertigo she bested me last time but I came prepared this time around I was able to defeat her because she wasn’t even able to make me dizzy this time

Eon Sabertooth then came at me like a fierce kitten I had a simple solution for him rocket launcher oh sorry about that finally sinister’s main henchmen malice her powers are that she possesses people but she can’t possess me and she was all out of vials however malice got

Some decent punches on me but I’m Deadpool so I kicked her apples see guys it’s that easy just play some cool dmca compliant Music and start blasting hey now before I go in there and kill Mr Sinister could you do me a solid great if you made it this far do you

Think you could like the video subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you never miss any new videos did you do it because I’m not going in there unless you do it alright I don’t have time to wait let’s do this on day 100 I made it

To the final boss room in Mr sinister’s base he was already fighting Captain America oh so now you want to help Captain America folks be quiet when he wasn’t looking Mr Sinister knocked out cap and he pulled out a vial to take some of his DNA oopsies you don’t want

To do that Sinister I’m warning you well I’m going to do it anyway because I’m evil perhaps you should say Sinister what no why would I do that that sounds stupid witness I can now combine human DNA with you in DNA and spread it around the world whoever isn’t strong enough

Despite the transformation will die not if I can stop it Sinister would shoot energy blast last time I swung my katanas at him but it didn’t even phase him he would also use an Enderman Soul hand to pick up locks and toss him at me

Ow that one hurt it was a tough battle but I kept going you’re at the end of your rope Deadpool face it I won a bronzo video hasn’t ended with me dying in a long time and I’m not I’m not to go back to doing that not today what with

Sinister Dazed and Confused I had an opening to blast his Contraption with my rocket launcher no you fool what have you done hasta la vista baby and When the Smoke cleared Mr Sinister was no more Deadpool wait that’s not it bronzo much better

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as DEADPOOL in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2022-12-28 21:00:00. It has garnered 2831667 views and 64657 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:41 or 2621 seconds.

I SURVIVED 100 DAYS as DEADPOOL in HARDCORE Minecraft! As DEADPOOL, I get to meet the STRONGEST MARVEL HEROES and VILLAINS! My GOAL is to unite the X-FORCE, build the best HERO BASE, and then finally defeat anyone who stands in my way!

Mods Utilized: Astemir’s Forestcraft – Epic Fight Mod – Grappling Hook Mod – Mutant Beasts – Mutant More – Mutant Villager – Spider Man Mod – Super Suit Mod – Artifacts – CMD Cam – Citadel – Collective – Configure – CretiveCore – Curious API – Custom NPCs – Cyclic – Effortless Building – Geckolib – Just Enough Items – L Ender’s Cataclysm – Mahou Tsukai – Mo’ Guns – More Player Models – Mr Crayfish’s Gun Mod – Olympic God’s Attributes – Obfuscate – Maybe – Structure Gel API – Supplementaries – The Mighty Architect – The Warp Mod – XK’s Decorations –

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

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  • FantasyMC

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  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

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  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

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    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

Bronzo – I Survived 100 DAYS as DEADPOOL in HARDCORE Minecraft!