Building a 1.20 Starter House! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [S3 Ep.5]

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Hello everyone my name is pixelriffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide take a good long look at our starter house because it’s not going to stay there for much longer now we’ve brought back all of those materials from the previous episode and we’ve got all

Of these different wood types I’m going to be farming some of these wood types together a whole lot more of them and then we are going to embark on our first proper house build of the materials we brought home the major things we’re going to need are Oakwood Spruce Wood

Dark oak wood and bamboo I’m going to make sure the trees are nice and evenly spaced out so that we can grab a lot of saplings as they drop especially with the spruce and the dark oak trees the bamboo I’m gonna plant in a large patch

Over here just so a lot of it can grow and then we can basically multiply the amount of bamboo we’re able to harvest bamboo grows really fast so we don’t need to worry about that each of these trees will naturally grow on their own or alternatively you can use bone meal

To help them along a little bit but in the meantime we’re going to grab a couple of iron ingots we’re going to make an iron hoe and we’re going to go on an adventure in the previous video we took down an azalea tree right here and I mentioned that that signpost that

There is a lush cave under the surface we’re going to try and find that Lush cave right now and we’re going to row into this kind of spooky looking cave in order to do that and that splooshing sound we just heard was a magma block under the surface whoa hello and

Creepers are dropping from above already this is a little dangerous if you row a boat over a magma block it’ll start to rock back and forth like this because the magma block has a set of bubbles that will actually drag you down it doesn’t look like the Lush cave is in

That direction though which leads me to believe it could be found somewhere over here and Lush cave biomes can generate far below the surface but I’m curious to see if any of it has made it up to slightly more accessible layers and I believe right there we are looking at a

Patch of moss just behind the zombie anyway there we go as we light our way up into this cave we can see that there is some moss on the floor right here and that’s why we’ve brought the hoe because we are going to harvest this and the hoe

Is the best tool for Gathering Moss we can also grab a little bit of clay if we want to that will break down into clay balls but we can always reform those into clay blocks in our crafting grip and as we get deeper in we start to

Encounter some of the foliage you can find in Lush caves like these glow berries which will provide a natural light to the area we’re going to right click to harvest those once again I’m going to grab some of the Moss from the nearby walls and ceilings that’s really

What we’re here for since we’re going to make the roof of our house out of a combination of moss and bamboo there we go we have a little over two stacks of moss I think that will be fine to take home with us it might not be enough to

Complete our roof but we can always Farm a little bit more Moss while we are there on our way back we’re going to stop by one of these larger beach biomes and gather some sand blocks from the surface I’m going to aim to bring back a stack of sand although my shovel does

Look like it’s about to break so we’ll punch the rest for now and upgrade to an iron shovel once we get home back at the house one of our spruce trees grew as I was making my Approach and we can actually start taking down the leaves

Here with a hoe unlike the shears which give you the leaf blocks a hoe will simply break the blocks a lot faster than punching them allows you to and this tree has already been kind enough to give us four Spruce saplings plus a few extra that I see dropping so we are

Going to plant these in a 2×2 as well but we’re going to do that away from the area where I plan to build because growing a two by two spruce tree generates a lot of podzel a variant of dirt or grass that’s meant to look like

A pine needle carpet in an Old Forest it is unfortunately kinda Brown and muddy so I’m not planning on using it to decorate this area we’ll craft the bamboo we brought home into blocks and that’s only 25 blocks we’re gonna need a lot more than that my iron ax is getting

Really low on durability but instead of wearing this one out I am just going to craft another one and the dark oak tree has grown which means we can start to take this down with our brand new X and having shot down that entire tree I’m

Left with 42 dark oak logs and 42 less durability on this INX by placing the two of those iron axes in at the crafting interface here I can combine the them repairing the durability and also adding a little extra this is on 208 this is on eight so that should be

216. we actually get 228 back so the game will throw a little extra durability in there since you’re combining two different tools so if you’re low on iron that’s actually a really good way of stretching your tools out to last a little bit longer there’s

Our 2×2 spruce tree and I think that was worth the wait that’s going to give us a lot of wood and as I’ve chopped down this tree the wandering Trader has showed up with his pair of llamas well this is an interesting opportunity because the trader can often give you

Blocks or items that you have not even seen in the game yet especially in the early stages of the world unfortunately he wants to trade emeralds for these different items and I haven’t got any emeralds to trade quite yet if you didn’t find a Cherry Grove nearby he

Could trade you a cherry sapling but these six items will be different every time he visits he also brings a pair of llamas on leads and sometimes p people kill the wandering Trader so that he will be Unleashed from the llamas and the leads will drop separately or alternatively they kill the llamas

Llamas will drop leather but no meat and in this case they will drop the lead since the wandering trailer isn’t using them anymore what I prefer to do is a slightly more Humane thing I put one of the llamas into a boat just then if you

Place a boat in front of an animal whilst they are walking there’s a chance they can get into the boat and that time a lead just dropped without us having to harm any of these creatures this llama will still follow the other llama around because they’re kind of programmed to

Follow one that is being led but once again we can place this boat down behind the wandering Trader that llama will pop off the lead we get to pick up the lead and we can grab our boat again no harm done to any of them now both the

Wandering Trader and the llamas will kind of roam around freely and they’ll disappear after about 40 minutes but uh in this case he’s going to disappear a little faster because that tree just grew right where he was standing honestly they’re a danger to themselves sometimes we’re going to ignore the

Wandering Trader for now because we don’t have anything that we can use to pay him but for the moment we’re just going to keep farming trees then we’re going to drop off some of these other materials in this chest make sure we have a backup iron pickaxe and a new

Shovel and we’re going to return to this cave that we explored in a previous episode we’ll gather up a little bit more coal but what we are really here for is the stone I think I’ll go to the back of this cave somewhere around here and I’ll start digging a tunnel into the

Wall every 10 blocks or so we’re going to place a torch to make sure this area stays lit up and that monsters don’t end up spawning right behind us but by digging in a straight line at around y28 we can expect to find a reasonable amount of iron or even some offshoots

Into other caves we’ve also uncovered some lapis lazuli ore so let’s grab some of that that breaks down into lapis lazuli which can be broken down further into blue dye or is a mineral used for enchanting we’ll get onto that topic in a future episode but for now we’re going

To continue digging in a straight line every so often we can also make tunnels to either side of us making sure that we keep those nice and lit up as well this is a technique known as Branch mining where you start a central stem and then you dig in branches to either side

Hoping to uncover some rare resources but one of the other advantages that this has right now is it’s acquiring us a lot of stone for our house build don’t worry in the next part of the video I’m going to provide a full list of the materials you will need to build this

House along with me we just have a couple more things to prepare before we get started back at the house we’re going to use one of my old stone pickaxes to break this furnace and using some of the Cobblestone we gathered we’re going to make three more we can

Put these four furnaces out here in the open for now we’ll divide our coal evenly between each one and we’ll cook the raw iron in this one and in each of the other ones we’re going to place a stack of cobblestone that will start smelting the Cobblestone until it

Becomes the Natural Stone that you see in the walls of caves when you break this Stone it turns into Cobblestone but you can always revert it back by cooking it in a furnace three blocks of Natural Stone and one Iron Ingot on top of those will get you this stone cutter which can

Be used to convert stone blocks into other types of stone block if you just put cobblestone in here it can cut the Cobblestone into slabs stairs and even walls in a one-to-one ratio so you can end up with two slabs you can end up

With a stair or you can end up with a wall this will save you resources when crafting stairs since six blocks of cobblestone typically makes four Cobblestone stairs but six blocks in a stone cutter will make you six stairs however once we’ve gathered a bit more of the Natural Stone that’s where the

True power of this block comes in because now we can turn this into stone bricks which can also be crafted in a 2×2 crafting interface you can turn it directly into chiseled stone bricks stone brick stairs and walls and even slabs and stairs of Natural Stone unfortunately the stone cutter cannot

Cut wood stairs for you so you’re gonna have to still do that in the crafting table now that we’ve smelted some more iron I’m going to craft myself another iron pickaxe maybe a fresh iron ax to do a bit more tree chopping and if you stick around for the rest of the video

We will finally be doing a step-by-step tutorial for how to build our first proper house hey folks welcome back so we are just about ready to build this house I’ve got a bunch of materials stored in this build chest here that should hopefully be everything we need and I will also

Put a bunch of materials on screen right now which will give you an approximate idea of what you will need and for the majority of the bulk materials I’ve rounded it up to the nearest stack or Half Stack just in case you lose a little bit on the way if anything falls

On the floor or despawns or anything like that you should have more than enough to build what we want to build one thing I will briefly cover since we mentioned it earlier in the episode but I didn’t really follow through is how to get more Moss really all you need is a

Single Moss block and some bone meal we’re going to do that to the podzol over here since I don’t really feel like keeping the puzzle around here we’re going to bury this Moss Block in the ground and we’re going to bone meal at the top of the block like so and it will

Convert a large area surrounding it into Moss blocks which you can then dig up with a hoe this only really works on natural blocks and there are some exceptions to that so it’ll work on graph and stone and the Decorative Stone types like granite and diorite but it

Won’t necessarily work on something like sand it won’t convert anything that already has a block over the top of it though and that includes where something like grass has grown here you’ll notice those blocks got preserved even when we bone wield the Moss nearby but when we

Bone Miller the second time with all the grass removed there we go and it looks like our furnaces are done smelting all the stones so I’m going to remove a bunch of that and I think the next thing we’re going to do is take down our

Starter house sad though I am to see it go we would need to expand sooner or later and I’m not going to continue to build in this style nor am I going to continue to build on this scale so sooner or later as we built up more stuff around here this tiny little

Wooden tent would start to feel out of place we are going to preserve one aspect of this though and that’s the floor I don’t really want to move all of these chests since they’ve got a bunch of other stuff in so right now we’re going to leave those as is and we’re

Actually going to build the bottom floor of this house around the existing floor of our old starter house so let’s begin the first thing we’re going to do is grab some of the stone and stone bricks we’ve already crafted I’m also going to grab close to a stack of moss and we’re

Going to combine that with some stone bricks to make mossy stone bricks we’re going to Pepper those in here and there as we start to build a 7 by 15 box at seven blocks along this end and 15 blocks long in that direction once we make sure we’ve got all of those

Measurements right we’re going to build it up so that this lower half of the build right here comes up to five blocks high if you want some guidelines about where to put the mossy stone brick put it close to the ground where the build is going to interact with the grass and

Put it in patches if you can as though the Moss is kind of spread from one location then build up the rest of the box so it matches the height of this end with that stone box built it’s looking pretty good so far we’re going to pop

The rest of the stone in here and grab the spruce logs we can use some dirt blocks to pillar up to get back on top of this wall and we’re going to build a kind of frame around the house in five block wide sections this is going to

Overhang the stone box we built by one block so we’re going to come along three Spruce logs here we’re going to place some dirt so that we can actually get a log vertically on this corner and we’re going to pillar up five blocks we’re also going to place a block as we fall

So we don’t take too much fall damage from that we can remove the helper dirt blocks and we’ve started to frame out the windows and walls of the first floor of this house and while it was raining I framed out the rest of the border of this house just connecting each section

With a three block long log and a five block High pillar and you should know you’ve measured the stone box right because the pillars will perfectly overhang each of the four corners the one area I’ve left open is this section here where we’re gonna have a three block wide section which will actually

Be the porch we’re going to build a stone staircase leading up to that so that’s actually the floor by which you enter the main house but for now we’re going to do something about this overhang to make it look a little less awkward so I’m going to grab these dark

Oak slabs we’ll grab all three stacks of those we’re going to place three slabs on each of the exposed ends of the pillars like so and then we’re going to connect these with two slabs either side and a slab in the middle to make it look

Like an Archway we’ve now done that all the way around the outside except for this area here where the stone is going to connect to the porch That’s all we’ll need to do with the slabs so we’ll put those away and top up our Spruce logs and before I forget one more quick

Minecraft mechanics thing to show you I’ve already smelted a stack of glass which is pretty simple all you need to do is put some sand in a furnace with some fuel the sand will slowly turn into a block of glass and I’ve got 64 of that ready to make the windows we’re also

Going to grab these oak logs and the oak trap doors that I crafted in the crafting table you just need Oak planks for those and on the inside of the frames here anywhere we want to make a window we’re going to lay three oak logs along there we’re going to place six

Glass like so and then we’re going to add three logs along the top there and then we’re going to take our ax and right click on each of those logs to strip them which completely changes the texture like it’s removed the bark and just left a smooth piece of wood beneath

It you might occasionally strip a piece of the spruce wood in the process of that and if you don’t want to leave that you can always break it replace it with another the log and the stripped Spruce log can be broken down into planks just like regular Spruce Wood can I do want

To leave a couple of these walls plain without Windows it kind of increases the sense of privacy that you might have in a house like this so I’m also going to leave a couple of flat walls of just stripped oak logs and on the back of the house here we’ll make those symmetrical

We’ll have two windows in the middle and a flat wall on either side at this end we’ll do one flat wall and one window but the front side is going to be all windows since I’ve decided I always want a view of this mountain now it’s time to

Add the trap doors on the outside and those are going to serve as window shutters when you place them against the Block they’ll be closed like this but if you open them they actually go flat against the side of the blocks here and they’ll provide some nice window

Decoration trapdoors can be placed on either the top or the bottom of a block but they close up just the same either way we’re also going to craft some Spruce trap doors really quickly just so we can add a top row to each of these window sections and even the flat walls

Placing those along the top there we just need to close each of them and these provide a nice border for where the roof is going to begin at this point I’ve grabbed some more of the stone and stone bricks and we’re just going to extend this wall outwards by one block

So we can start to build the porch the door to our house is going to be right here and so we’re going to extend a little area of Natural Stone in front of that as though the amount of time we’ve been in and out of this house has worn

Down some of the flagstones that would be placed outside next to these dark oak planks right here and on either side of the door we’re going to place some stone bricks that’s going to create a little border around this area and we’ll widen that Natural Stone area out here

Actually because there’s going to be a three block wide staircase down made of slabs we’re going to widen this out by one more block creating a kind of lip along here and we’re going to string some fences between these to make it look like there’s a guard rail right

Here then using the stone cutter we’re going to turn a lot of the stone and stone bricks we still have into slabs so we can use those to create the staircase right now this all looks like it’s floating so underneath we’re going to place some wooden supports once again

Leaving a three block Gap in between them like so we’re going to count one two three and leave another support there I prefer to remove dirt blocks underneath these so it looks like the pillar goes straight down into the ground it looks a bit better supported

That way I might even remove these lower Spruce logs and replace those with oak logs because they’re a little bit lighter kind of feels like the sun is hitting them and it’s not overshadowed by the rest of the house anyway for now we’re going to leave all of that stone

Stuff in here because that staircase is going to take a little while to build instead we’re going to move on to the area outlining the roof for that we’re going to need the remainder of the spruce logs we’re going to bring a ton of these Spruce slabs with us and we’re

Also going to bring if we have room in the inventory all of the Moss and all of the bamboo I might bring these Spruce planks as well since in some cases they’re going to do better than the slabs will so pillaring up so that we’re level with those Spruce trap doors we’re

Going to jump to here and on each of these Corners we’re going to place a log facing outwards we’re going to do that on every pillar around the outside of the build so that each section next to these Spruce trap doors has a log facing outwards then we’re going to add one

More log to the top of each of these pillars and then add two logs facing outwards attached to those the same goes for each of the four corners like so then if we have enough Spruce logs left we’re going to connect each of these logs above the spruce trap doors with

Another three block long row of spruce logs once again the only one we’re not going to do that with is the one directly above the door now switching to our Spruce slabs we’re going to place a row of those in between each of the extended log sections here one on this

Corner as well in fact we’re going to go back remove those Corner slabs and put a plank on each of those because we’re actually going to place a slab either side of each of those corners and then around the entire thing we’re going to lay a long row of spruce slabs once

Again we will leave a gap above our entrance for the moment but we’ll come back to that in a second this is where we’re going to start laying our roof material beginning at one corner with a block of bamboo then two blocks of moss and a block of bamboo and then two

Blocks of moss this is going to be our roof pattern extending from all of the four corners inwards on the front of the house we are still leaving a gap there but for now we’re going to fill up the back wall with this pattern of bamboo and two Moss blocks once again this

Pattern should perfectly repeat all the way along the back wall with bamboo every couple of blocks we’re actually going to make that section of the roof two blocks high so we’re going to build up with some Spruce slabs in order to support the next block we’ll do the same

On this side with two blocks of moss one block of bamboo two blocks of moss and finally on the back wall and if you’ve done that right you shouldn’t see the end texture of the bamboo at all you shouldn’t see this kind of waffle texture here at all it should just be

Horizontal blocks of bamboo like so now we’re going to outline the remainder of this section of the roof with moss we’ll do the same on the opposite end over here and we’ll return to our entrance over here we’re actually going to step up one slab on each side bring those in

With a double slab and then connect them with a single slab in the center switching to the planks for a second we’re going to add another Plank and a slab on each side we’ll add some planks to the inside of both of those slabs pillar up with one more plank connect

Those with a slab and add a plank and a slab on top of that this will create this nice little aperture this sort of opening at the front of the house which we’re going to fill in the corners of here with a couple of moss blocks we’re

Also going to add a moss block behind that slab and this middle space here is going to be filled up with two Oak trap doors in a moment in the meantime we can build up on the inside here pillaring up four blocks with the moss on these sides

And a couple of blocks higher than that in the center now we’re going to fill in the corners of each end of the roof with a couple of moss blocks stepping inwards like so we can pillar up four blocks for this next one then we’ll come in by one

Block on each side finish the top of that with three Moss blocks and add one final Moss block to the top of there from a distance this should now look like this kind of a triangle with an aperture in the center three by three with one block missing from the top I’m

Going to hop over to these planks here we’re going to add one slab to the top of this and then we’re going to come inwards by one slab and continue building up the frame around the roof moving inwards we’ll put a double slab here we’ll add add a plank on top of

That and a slab on top of that we’ll add three slabs on the next section in then another double slab a plank and a slab and now I’ve just realized we need one more Moss block on those three middle sections there that should be fine now

We can come in with another slab a double slab on top of that and we’ve reached the center of the roof we can come on down and build the same frame on this side now the end of the roof should look like this and we’re going to add

Some framing elements in here around a central window made of oak trap doors we’re going to place the oak trap doors flat on the ground facing outwards so that as they open they end up on the very edge of these blocks here filling in the window with those we’re going to

Use some more slabs to frame out this area we’re going to put one here and one there the same on the opposite side one in the center and leaving a gap either side one either side there then we can build up the edge of the window frame with planks stopping right there we’ll

Put another slab either side of that and one up there and then we’ll put Planks on top of each of those leaving us with this really nice ornate to end to the roof now pillaring back up here this might be a little easier to see from this angle because what we’re doing is

Putting bamboo blocks alongside each of these and that Spruce slab frame for the roof always comes up one slab higher than the bamboo blocks just inside along this back wall we’re going to continue the same pattern of two Moss blocks and one bamboo block and if you’re wondering

How I’m able to get these blocks out of my inventory without opening it it’s the pick Block action which you can usually do with middle click on a mouse so anytime I look at a block and I click the middle Mouse button if I have that

Block in my inventory it gets moved onto my Hotbar I’m not sure if there’s a corresponding control on Console or mobile devices but it’s really useful on PC oh that’s why I didn’t put the Moss blocks there it’s because they’re actually bamboo blocks or at least that

One is and the one on the opposite side here is as well I’ll also talk about the roof pitch here because this is actually kind of important to the build it’s not a straightforward angled roof it actually has a slightly different angle to it where it comes up two blocks and

Then up one block and then up two blocks and then up one block and then up two blocks and the final roof Ridge in the center is up one block and you might think that’d look curvy and disjointed but like this it really just looks like

The roof has a steeper angle and I’m really liking the way this house is starting to look before we go any further though we’d better hop in and make sure that this area down here is lit up because we’re about to close off the roof and the light coming in from

The windows is not going to be enough to prevent mob spawning so I will put a couple of torches down here just to make sure there is adequate light and it’s worth putting torches on each of these two pillars as well just to make sure that the blocks around the perimeter of

The roof there are not going to spawn mobs either there’s nothing worse than spending a bunch of time on a build only to have a creeper spawn and blow it up from the inside now once the line of the roof reaches this Arch we’ve made at the

Front of the house we’re just going to add a single block there to make it look like the roof curves a little bit but from there we’re not going to worry about it too much we’re simply going to continue our pattern of moss and bamboo along until we reach this point we’re

Going to put another block on the corners right here just to blend it in with the roof and then this can come in and meet the top of this roof Ridge that’s reaching out towards the window know that well Phil moss in these Corners as well and we’re actually going

To be using bone meal to grow a bunch of grass and flowers up here on the mossy section of the roof but for now the roof is almost done all we need to do is fill in the sections of moss on this side to mirror that window on the opposite side

And already he can start to see it getting a little darker in here from this angle hopefully it’s a little bit easier to see the area where we’re placing in these trap doors we’re just going to place those on here jump up and place the next row put to either side

Like this place one above us open that one so we step down place that other one above us and we can close them all up we can even open this one so it pushes us down into a crawling position and we can crawl out onto the roof ledge to close

Up the rest of the trapdoors now we make sure there are slabs on either side bringing us up above the line of the rest of the roof then we come in with a slab and continue that pattern this time I’m going to build the details in from

Right here and if you need to just take a screenshot of the other side of the building and just reproduce What You Did over there there we go our roof is complete and doesn’t that feel absolutely Grand the only thing we have left to do there is as I mentioned break

Down some bone meal and use that on the roof to grow a bunch of grass and Moss and Azalea up there we can even throw some of the local flowers up there if we wanted to we’ll throw some corn flowers maybe one of these Ox eye daisies have a

Sunflower or two growing up there if we wanted to just gotta break all of these by hand and plant them up there manually so we’re gonna hop around up here right clicking with bone meal it’s growing a couple of Azalea shrubs around here which we can actually use as a little

Staircase to get to the other half of the roof then reaching back into my inventory we can grab a bunch of these flowers put them on the hot bar and let’s have a sunflower right here and maybe one up here so they’re not right next to each other we’ll put a corn

Flour right there one of the orange tulips over in this direction and then we’ll go to the front of the build and we’ll add the rest of the flowers there now we’re going to grab a few of these other ingredients because we are gonna build the porch I also grab some dark

Oak wood in case I need to break that down into any more sticks but we’ve got some of those from farming the trees we’re gonna to make a couple of spruce fences and we’ll need to return to our wood chest in here to grab the mangrove we’re going to have some Cobblestone

Walls on either side there supporting this kind of canopy that we’re going to build but in the center I want to place a mangrove slab that’s going to act as a doorstep up to a mangrove door I think Mangrove doors look really nice so we’re going to throw one of those in here

We’ll put a double slab behind that instead of using planks and we’ll add the mangrove door on top of that we’re going to be surrounding this with Spruce planks but we’re going to continue a stripe of Mangrove upwards so we will leave these planks above the door and

Then from there we’re actually going to come inwards one block adding a couple more Mangrove planks up here now that we’ve piled up three blocks we’re level with this area we’re going to put in some Spruce slabs just behind each of those and we’re going to put two Oak

Trap doors here as a window kind of like we’ve done in the rest of the build on the inside of the house of course we now need a floor so we’re going to be placing a floor of spruce planks in here you could also use slabs if you’re short

On materials at this point we’re going to be filling the floor on the inside of this area with Spruce planks we are just going to leave one small area open to the left of the door right here so we can use a spiral staircase to get down

To the storage area from our old starter house which we’re going to turn into a basement that will be full of storage for whatever we end up finding in the near future but let’s quickly craft ourselves some Spruce stairs so that we can make some steps down to the basement

Obviously we’re gonna have to turn a corner here so we’ll put some planks right there continue the staircase down oh we should probably put a a log there to make sure that looks like a decent pillar if we wanted to we could have some steps down here like so just to

Make it feel like we can get back up to that staircase and oh we need to remove that block so that we can at least walk up there reaching up here we’re going to put a couple of spruce slabs in there just to create an archway underneath

That window and then we’re going to add the porch canopy on top of these pillars here first of all we’re going to put some planks either side like so we’re going to build out an arch above that with slabs and then we’re going to come

Out one more block so the next set of slabs starts connected to the top half of that Cobblestone wall then we’re going to build out another Archway over the top of that using slabs and that feels like a nice supported porch roof one final touch before we build the

Staircase since we’re not always going to want to go up the stairs to get into our storage basement we can probably knock through this wall here and put an extra door in here I think we’ll put some Spruce planks above that we can make a spruce door so this one feels a

Little bit more like the door to a seller then we’ll build a similar sort of canopy over the top of this just using some simple Spruce slabs there is our house and I’m kind of in love with it to be honest I drafted this in creative mode before I built it in

Survival which is why it’s a little bit more complex than the average starter house might be but I think it’s packed full of detail and actually not too bad of a build all of the resources you need can fit into a double chest it needs a few stacks of various things but

Hopefully if you’re building this along with me you’ve enjoyed the process at this point I’m going to throw all of the wood blocks and stuff back into the chest leave the glass in there as well and we’re just going to grab the remainder of the stone and stone bricks

And we’re going to start building that staircase up to the front door well I’m putting some finishing touches to the staircase I might leave this part open just so we can easily get around the corner to the cellar in case I’ve forgotten anything but honestly I didn’t include the tutorial for the staircase

Because it’s a fairly simple pattern and I’m not actually that crazy about it I might end up revisiting this at some point to see if I can do something different but the house is on such a slope that the staircase just ends up being kind of really long because so I

Might end up doing something a bit different with it or I might just end up building a secondary staircase off the side here but really the staircase felt like it needed to come down on the longest part of the side of the house so

They kind of made sense to put it here I have some pillagers watching me but that’s fine we can run away from them they’re not gonna cause me too much harm but I wanted to show you one last quick thing because it’s a really neat little

Detail that I’ve decided to cook up to make this staircase a little bit more visually interesting since it’s just a lot of stone right now or stone brick at least so what we’re gonna do is dig up these three blocks in here we’re going to place some stone bricks at the bottom

Of that we’re going to put some stairs here and then we’re going to waterlog it non-full blocks like this can often be waterlogged you know so water can be tipped into the same block space and they will actually retain water in a really interesting way I’m going to put

A stone brick stair other way around kind of facing this way so that the curve of the stair faces inwards we’re going to waterlog that and what that’s going to do is cause a waterfall down here that’s not going to spill out because there’s a water source down

There that this water is flowing into and this turned into a really nice way of getting a bit more color and a bit more nature into this area it helped it feel like it had some more watery elements when the roof is so kind of earthy and mossy and stuff so I figured

We would go with that we’ll add a couple more stairs around the side here and I’ve already done that on this side oh the other thing I should point out is that infinite water sources are very easy to create and a lot of the time people will make them in these two by

Two formations you can in theory make one side by side like this but then you’ve always got to take the water from the middle of the this for it to reform otherwise if you take it from that end it starts flowing and then sooner or later with a couple of misclicks your

Infinite water source can dry out the reason everybody does a two by two is that you take the water from any corner and it automatically refills regardless so that can be a really useful way of making sure that you’ve always got water close by oh no the pillagers are

Attacking the latest wandering Trader to have made an appearance well I guess I’d better run away from these crossbows or I suppose I could show you what happens when you attack a Pillager Patrol just very briefly we’ll get into these mechanics a bit more in a future episode

But the pillagers will gang up on you they’ll attack you with their crossbows and this guy here with the banner on his head is a bit of a problem thankfully he’s distracted by killing the llamas but if we end up killing this guy we’re going to get a status Effect called bad

Omen and we get the achievement voluntary exile for that the bad Omen icon will appear on the screen and in our inventory it’s going to count down from 100 minutes and for the duration of this status effect if you end up walking into a village you will trigger a

Pillager raid where waves of enemies will start to spawn around the village and come in and attack the villagers so we need to stay well away from a village but luckily a simple bucket of milk can dispel the bad Omen effect and we get to keep that guy’s Banner as well maybe we

Should hang it from one of these pillars as a sign that those guys should stay away but anyway I’m going to finish up doing the rest of the water on these staircases and then it will be time to wrap up today’s episode also before the items just sit here too long and despawn

I’m going to grab the leather and the lead that were dropped by that llama the pillar just killed I think the Finishing Touch for this staircase could probably be some leaves of some kind maybe if we still have those azalea leaves I’ll add those around there and I didn’t have any

Here but I could just grow an azalea right here using a couple of bone meal we can end up shearing the leaves off to acquire them we’ll do do that until the shears break will take the logs out so the rest of the leaves Decay and we can

Use the remaining leaves to decorate this area so there we go we have our first house with tons of personality and a staircase with actually very little personality maybe we’ll refine it later but for now I have to have some way of getting into the house I can’t use the

Back door all the time and in future episodes we’ll do some interior design we’ll make sure this place feels nice and cozy on the inside we’ll set up storage so that we can store a ton of items here in this house but I think honestly given the state of my tools at

This point with my pickaxe and my shovel and having gone through a bunch of Swords chopping down all that bamboo I think it’s time for a materials upgrade so maybe how about in The Next Episode we go and find some diamonds for now that’s gonna be it from me thank you so

Much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixarivs don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now Thank you

This video, titled ‘Building a 1.20 Starter House! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [S3 Ep.5]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2023-06-14 10:00:43. It has garnered 157370 views and 8001 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:57 or 1977 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues! This tutorial will show you how to build a stylish starter house with a bamboo and moss roof, a storage basement, and enough room inside for interior decorations & functional features!

First, we gather some more resources, explore our first Lush Cave biome, discuss extra uses for the Hoe, and get familiar with the concept of branch mining. We smelt our first glass, discover why Spruce Wood should be grown away from your builds, and farm some moss using bonemeal. Then, once we’ve gathered enough materials, the build can begin!

For easy navigation, and folks who want to skip to the build tutorial, I’ve broken this video down into chapters:

0:00 Intro 0:59 Lush Cave 2:54 Tree Farming 3:36 How To Repair Basic Tools 4:24 Wandering Trader 6:15 Branch Mining 7:50 The Stonecutter 9:07 Build Tutorial: Resources 9:40 Moss Farming 10:55 Build Tutorial 28:05 Staircase 30:22 Pillager Attack! 31:54 Wrap-up

And if you want a closer look at the house by itself, I’ve uploaded a copy of the build in a creative flatworld:

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Music: Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #StarterHouse

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  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

Building a 1.20 Starter House! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [S3 Ep.5]