building a walmart in minecraft

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Yeah pretty much start start over start I’m I started hey VOD Watchers uh I didn’t have the game audio going for the first few minutes so now this is where the recording is starting there that’s my intro Luke is louder that was really good hello check one two one two there you go

No you didn’t miss Watchers from the top so about this bit rate uh yeah so why does the street why does no no I refuse to tell it again I refuse to sell it again someone told me how to change my skin and Ian’s uh stream or in my stream

I I think it’s a browser oh thank you thank you herbals I got I got a mod on my end helping me out thank the Lord I don’t want to show up in looking like basic Becky you are a basic Becky I always say this about you you’re such a basic Becky

I’m gonna be filling in some holes around our Island that I’m just worried about falling into it’s very alarming when the when this is shallow underneath is just one block and then lava yeah so fill those holes up okay thank you herbals there’s a skin section top left to change it

Okay okay well I guess I should restate my goal for today I want to work on a storage Depot for all of the lovely materials we are to acquire storage Depot storage Depot what inspired you to come up with the storage Depot you know I was just uh thinking

Everyone in the last stream just kept coming in and asking what our objective was and we kept being like Oh I’m just looking around so it just seemed like I needed to have an objective for this and uh it seemed like a a good starting

Point because if we if we stock up on supplies it’ll be way easier to build a bunch of [ __ ] later what is the um what’s the storage Depot look like in your brain uh like a hallway with a bunch of chests basically uh Um is this the monster nearby I can’t sleep because there’s a monster nearby get rid of that monster dead okay skins along the hallway with a series of doors yeah we could have like different rooms we could divide the materials up make a Walmart look at Walmart oh my God

I could style it to look like a department store oh that’s so funny I’ll do my best that’s a great idea that is like such a funny one-off comment yeah make a Walmart make a Walmart dude I cannot go to sleep there’s monsters somewhere I have no idea where I will be

There to help you in a second I promise I’m I’m I want to get my skin going yeah yeah you gotta you gotta I feel like it should be a Santa Claus again don’t you think yeah well sand it’s got at least be five Santa Claus skins

Five yeah well you’re Santa five right oh that is right God you’re sharp bro you’re you’re quick with it I actually feel like super sleepy I chugged my coffee but I’m still like Um that’s partially why I missed your calls because I was like reheating mine up oh man I should have got a second cup dude go get one I’ll entertain no no I’ve been drinking too much I’ve been having too many second cups I need to just break this what ain’t no such thing

There is such thing I I like to keep just the one holy [ __ ] did I not hear uh a donation alert whoo I got a fat donation I didn’t hear it hold on all my I guess all of my things yeah why can’t I hear that

Don’t you love it when you go live and everything is just broken I really streaming is just like oh my God alert box monitor only so I should I should be hearing it alerts haven’t had sound great good that’s what I like to hear what about sometimes I get the coffee jitters

No I still don’t hear oh my God I’m just gonna have to I’m just gonna have to sing it what I’m gonna make all the money now there it is okay I can’t hear it but they can hear it so that’s good Minecraft sound no it’s a donation

Uh I got a I got a 100 donation from Amex wolf who says well hello Ian and Luke I’ve been working like a dog and keep missing your streams unfortunately that goes for this one too uh but here’s some seriously backlogged cheddar and I’ll catch you guys in chat in the VOD

Toodles thanks so much Amex wolf that’s awesome dude big shout out to mix wolf oh my God Dan Jones Dan Jones in the chat hey Dan oh my God perfect thank you perfect skin how do I do the third person mode do you remember it’s got to be one of the F’s

It’s got to be like F5 or oh yeah it is F5 okay hello welcome to our Minecraft Let’s Play Minecraft let’s just play I feel like I have to say it when I see it when I hit the F5 angle hey everybody welcome back to our Minecraft let’s play we’re having such a

Fun time I’m here with brutal moose oh my God oh my God it’s a creeper oh can you imagine if that was if that was our energy all the time uh I think it would be great to try that once I think we could have a pretty great take on the

Hyper app is actually in Minecraft Let’s Plays how much coffee does that require I would need a lot I would need a lot of like a couple morning cups and then like a steady stream of g-fuel just uh directly into my veins uh a uh whatever those are

IV yes an IV line straight to the vein requires cocaine you know I caught it but I wasn’t gonna say it I thought it Christy but I was I was like let’s do it was I’ve never you know I’ve always wanted to try cocaine you

Know this about me I say it all the time yeah so very big cocaine this is the excuse I’ll tell my dealer you know I’m finally ready to try it because I want to record a badass Minecraft Let’s Play I don’t have enough energy I’m trying to just wow

Hey I need to find out where you went yeah oh I see you dude there’s like tons of monsters they love our house watch out there’s a creeper coming Cocaine is more like a Roblox drug frog says what’s like what’s like a Minecraft drug I’ll watch that behind you we should definitely consider once we accomplish all our Minecraft goals we should consider Roblox ruins days we absolutely should because something like that can we we totally missed out on that one

Idea that we were gonna oh yeah we were gonna play uh Survivor Roblox we still could we were waiting we were gonna do Harry Potter yeah I was gonna tour you on the Harry Potter server but it was it was like you won the Gmod server remember

But the Gmod server got closed yeah and the Harry Potter one and Roblox was like you have to have your account has to be like two yes or something we couldn’t we couldn’t do any of it it was awesome it was it was so freaking awful well we should definitely play uh

Survivor blocks because that one’s pretty fun man that would be a blast so how where do you imagine this um what is it the depot the storage Depot at well for the Walmart or you know somewhere over this is flat my house is over here I was filling in a space over

Here but I don’t know that I want to live right next oh can I see can I get a little tour of your house so far oh yeah it’s gonna take a while so but I haven’t seen I haven’t seen it though so here’s my house it’s uh you know when

You get that tour from like your friends and they just this is all they have to show because it’s like being built very spacious like yeah yeah I can imagine that this is gonna be a living space here and that’s what it would be like if you came

Over now I’d be like this is where my kitchen goes this is where the living room is supposed to be your kitchen is messed up right now yeah I think they have to pull up everything too so watch out behind you there’s a little baby zombie child now what the hell

You’re on fire too what the frick you can’t trust children all right I think I think I’m gonna help you build this Depot let me help you at least at the very least like collect material yeah where do you think it should go should it be like a central

Extra like here maybe yeah I think so because like all that’s the that’s the important part with all location it’s like locations like the spot of where they are yeah we can’t forget that the island is actually kind of big thanks for the soapovi

No it’s it is a it is a really big island yeah so what’s what is like a central location for the island we could just build one here since it’s where we’re at and if we need one in another part of the island later we can just build another one yeah like McDonald’s

And Starbucks where they just build like one across the street from each other okay let’s just flatten out let’s just flatten out this uh section here all right cool I need to I need to build like a shovel Lupine suggests an underground Walmart

But I want to be able to like I want I’m gonna make a Walmart sign I want it to look I want it to look like a Walmart yeah see like see the uh silhouette in the Horizon like there it is um Walmart oh I feel like every time I go to Walmart

Now I’m just being watched because of all the new like security yeah that they have set up I feel like I’m being watched like that freaking book uh like 19 . yeah yeah what was that book with the guy was like he put all the cameras in

The city and yeah it was definitely 19 something I think it was the 20. it’s no it’s not the 20s I think it took place in the 20s actually how they how they style the new Walmarts I’m like bro this is that book I haven’t

Been in a new Walmart it’s it is like it’s kind of it’s like night I guess it’s good for them because nothing’s getting stolen or whatever last time I went to a Walmart they they only had like the self-checkouts open and the line stretched through like the Frozen

Foods department and there was all the staff just like standing around I was like I’m not coming back here now they just like just like stand around and they like stare at their iPads because they’re like watching and watching you yeah no they are they’re watching like the cameras or they’re

Watching like the receipts or something like that because over every single self-checkout is like a is like a bird eye oh yeah that’s like Dude I hate when they play that for you like you go to check out and you have to watch like a fisheye lens of your [ __ ]

Billboard sized forehead you just gotta stare at it the target cams like on the self-checkout you’re like wow yeah you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of how I I would like wake up in the mornings to go to school check myself out go into the shower

And be like oh yeah like I look I look really I look I look good today I guess and it’s because like the lights in my room are like a lot warmer especially in the bathroom and then that go to those like bathroom lights at school and I’m

Like ah there’s no soul in my body yeah I am Edward Colon right now I hate I hate that it all the uh it’s not tungsten the the other kind of lighting it just makes me think of like being in a hospital yeah very very medical uh yes just completely

Designated just like keep you awake do not like yeah the fluorescence I’m so swag boy what’s up guys everybody’s like happy mine Monday Minecraft Monday dude can’t believe we’re the first to invent this I can’t it’s it’s so it’s such a catchy name and for it to have never

Been used before is uh shocking how has nobody thought of that alliteration I don’t know we should copyright it didn’t Minecraft just come out recently with like a bunch of rules about how you’re allowed to use the name Minecraft if you’re like making your own Minecraft shots I think they

Just came out with like a bunch of rules I thought you were about to say dinner Minecraft just come out so this is pretty new right I was laughing at that no but what are the rules that you’re talking about I don’t know I didn’t I didn’t care about it

Enough to read it even though I just started a Minecraft show I was like yeah I’m sure it’s fine they came out with a bunch of like how to use our branding what kind of what you can do with our games stuff like that

I want to read it I want to see like what they think they’re doing oh this is a nice Walmart sized space what else what are you gonna do with this game what what other things do they think they’re gonna people are gonna do with it with and in Minecraft

Rule number one no alliteration [Laughter] alliteration for your series Minecraft Tuesdays allowed shout out to trone bone trombone Tron Bon Tron Bon Tron Bond I knew that I didn’t so right now we’re collecting material for them for pretty much the storage Depot slash Walmart yeah I’ve got a nice

Little space here I think this is plenty big uh do we have a bunch of cobblestone oh God yeah we’re always like low on that stuff yeah we’re gonna have to just hit the mines and just like mine Cobblestone I mean oh here we go okay we got some I’m Not Gonna Wanna

Here we go make some smooth I need some smooth it’s not gonna be a big cobblestone block but the updated the to me they updated the e-u-l-a oh yeah the EULA do you uh Justin enforce a strict kids friendly content only for servers and they’re restricting stuff like swearing on servers too

In there am I allowed to swear on this server uh I don’t know wait no more Minecraft sex RPS come on I’m sure that’s a huge a huge Market oh no it’s probably what people do too I’ve never thought of it until now God dang it Ian

Why must I start my day with this this is what you signed up for when you signed up for Minecraft Mondays our uh Minecraft uh first day second days of the week no yeah servers are going to get asked what okay yo I’m gonna put your beds together we

Got a bunk bed right now we got a bunk bed that that is uh that complies with Minecraft’s new yulas they allow bunk beds I would assume bunk beds are pretty gangster okay I don’t want to make it like too big I feel like I’m maybe aiming a little too it seems not

That big but it’s gonna take a lot of stuff and then we also need resources to fill it yeah go with um maybe like a mini um mini Walmart oh yeah like those expresses is that what they’re no Walmart the neighborhood markets or whatever yeah that’s what they’re called

That’s where he’s just when I lived that year and my one year back in uh Texas I shopped at one of those so it was okay it was close and convenient yeah if it’s close then there’s one by us that’s like really nice it’s like

No I was gonna say you it used to be the nicer Walmart before they like you know they they uh went all out on this other one like they like revamped it with all the state of the art stuff are they watching you in the neighborhood market

Not as bad as the new one I feel like I get watched in every store I go into every time I go into a store I feel like I get followed and that’s probably just you do though that’s that’s true though that’s that’s that is the brutal moose Chris

Yeah I think I just look like I’m gonna try and steal something small like not something big but I think I look I must give off the vibe that I’m gonna try and take something no it’s because people know who you are no definitely I’m talking like I’m being like like

Followed watched you know oh like closely like hey we got to keep an eye on this yeah yeah he’s suspicious I think I do look suspicious I think so too chance I think Chance medley is right I think it’s the hair they see their hair oh this is this guy’s trouble

He’s up yeah he’s up to no good foreign or could they be too nervous to ask for an autograph oh well your favorite to ask uh do you have a YouTube channel I would much rather think like them think that I’m gonna steal something okay let’s let’s hit the bunk beds let’s

See if we can yeah trigger the next day before the monster spawn is this gonna be the eyes in my lengthy locks uh just the just the outside I think I might uh yeah I think I might use smooth stone for the oh going fancy seems a little uh walmart-esque

Manager this guy seems sus I think I have kind of like a filter hold up hold up yeah yeah like a voice filter oh live fire thank you for the 17 months my God you think they’re ever gonna like train an AI model enough to do like live like

Voice changing to where you could you could like sound like me and I could stream with myself that actually sounds amazing it sounds real and scary but also kind of funny hear me now I can it sounds like uh it sounds like I’m calling you on the phone

Yeah I can hear that like a Star Wars helmet it sounds like you’re in like a music break where you’re doing kind of a mini skit and you’re like hey I just left a message I you know I’ll call you later baby hey uh so I gotta go I promise I’m not

Cheating on you but uh yeah what’s that being suspicious isn’t there an Aaron Carter song where where he’s on the on the phone for a part of it oh yeah it starts and he’s like yeah her name’s candy yeah yeah it’s I want candy her name’s [Laughter] yeah it’s gonna be great

Oh my God rip I know why we’re doing Minecraft well I’m doing Minecraft Mondays uh Santa is not assisting right now Santa’s on the phone I was I was trying to entertain the kids okay here we go oh yeah we do have to be uh it’s got to be kid-friendly now because it’s

Minecraft you understand the thing the audience no they don’t need to be entertained [ __ ] the audience let them be bored oh my God everybody watch out for eating I’m kidding I’m kidding ah entertain me Ian I pay to be here This is why we get along it’s like it’s for some reason we had the exact same childhood and consumed all the same media you and me we could do live uh dcom reviews we could just watch a d-CON before we Minecraft Monday and we’d have a whole

Movie to talk about oh my God see that’s such that’s what I’m saying that would be such a stellar idea if we like if we joined it up together and we just knock it all out if we did that we could like people could watch it

Could be like a movie club dcom club I could watch some preparation oh how do you think like like if we if we talked about you know one movie during a Minecraft Monday and then said next week we’re gonna talk about this it’d be like a like a book club but with movies

And they could go watch and then they could understand all of our opinions oh so when they come in they had already seen it yeah D Club yeah [Laughter] okay why we talk about this I’m gonna work on my house since I don’t really

See I don’t know how to help you and I want to keep the conversation flowing I don’t want to like yeah yes work on whatever we could go on a resource I mean I’m gonna need I’m gonna need wood for chests I’m probably gonna need more Cobblestone

Because this is only going to last so long oh dude I finished um I finished had in time finally what did you think uh well you crushed it obviously and I screamed at your name when I saw it in the credits I was like I know it was so interesting because uh

We tried to play ukulele first and I remember ukulele kind of getting dunked on and I was like oh it’s probably fine but it was kind of boring and then hat in time was like way better it’s so fun so good yes great music great the level design is like packed

With stuff so good it’s crazy it’s so it’s like crazy to have gotten to play like a character in the game and then the game to to actually be good yeah yeah and you were also like one of the you know you were heavily featured yes yeah

Luke was snatcher in uh hat in time yeah I that’s man that makes that makes me feel uh makes me feel good so cool it took me forever to get around to to playing it but it was worth it I was so jealous of you who got like

Back in the day you were like the fur you were like one of the people to get like a key to that game and get like yeah access to the review copy and then I didn’t even like play it and I was just so I was just so jealous of

You in that moment I was like oh my freaking God you didn’t get an early code even though you were in the game no no no that was like so long ago no no like I’m talking about the Early Access like when the game like was first like

Yeah I think I did a video on it while it was still being kick-started I think yes no you absolutely you absolutely did and not everybody got those keys but it was a time when hat and time was like it was like the most talked about India yeah

Yeah it was it was really hot there and you you were the only one like among the six of us that like would that like ended up getting one of those like keys to like make early content and you’re like because I’m and then like you did like um yeah

Of course I wasn’t joking it is it is really loot it’s really cool doubt doubters what did you yeah why did you think it because I’m a liar because I’m just I lie about everything it’s good to Google and check uh what I say honestly Google it Google it

I was thinking about this the other day and dude okay okay I’m just gonna get this off my chest oh no I’m gonna get I’m gonna get this off my chest this was this was my this was like my big all right so like I auditioned I worked

My butt off to get snatcher like I auditioned for like four other characters I remember that actually including snatcher yeah like I was not given the role I was even even though like I have a presence online they did not give it to me because I’m quote unquote young town

Um like I had I had to work my butt off and so like when I uh I worked my butt off I auditioned for like uh The Noose the talking news and subcon for like the crows for the um you would have made a good uh a good

Crows guy thank you see I thought so too that’s why I auditioned for him but you know they didn’t they didn’t think so and so uh which is fine so you just keep you just keep auditioning and auditioning and then like snatcher was the last one I end up getting it and I’m

Like oh my God I can’t believe I got snatcher like this is insane and then the game comes out and all anybody can talk about is jontron’s like two lines in the game yeah I didn’t even like you’re kidding me I worked my ass off to

Get in this game and he’s got two lines and that’s all people are talking about and I was like pissed I was like you gotta be kidding me uh I definitely believe that oh [ __ ] I just made like a huge mistake down here uh all right

Uh yeah cause he had his drama going on around yeah right yeah so it was all people were talking about he John JonTron voiced like one it was it was the height you know if you want to research that John you can go research that drama but like I was like

God dang it what an overshadow you work your butt off you get in the thing and like it was just like yeah I feel like I remember seeing a bunch of uh like I think snatcher was like one of the more enjoyed characters at the very least I think so too

There there’s a there is a there’s a thing that like yeah there’s a lot of people posting stuff about snatching I’m just really thankful to have gotten to play him but dude I found a music disc I’ll see someone stole a little bit still on my thunder a music disc those are rare

Hell yeah well your role lives on did you get to do I haven’t done the DLC did you get to do extra uh lines I got to do DLC for seal the deal and then they did uh so then they did like a fan made content thing and then I didn’t do

Snatcher there’s a there’s a guy who does like an impersonation of snatcher I think his name is forgive me if I get this username wrong people but I think it’s bit b or bit B who does like an impression and because it was a fan oh okay they uh they asked somebody else

To do it since it wasn’t like official and that makes sense and that yeah there’s they said something like it didn’t feel right to ask you to do this or something I don’t you know I don’t know I don’t know but they were like if

They if if we get snatcher back on an official thing like we’ll get you back but it wasn’t an official gotcha thing but I think that dude killed it though like he crushed snatcher I’ll I’ll report back I we haven’t done the DLC just yet yeah it’s an impersonation of me and

When I heard it I was like God dang he’s like he sounds just like snatcher I was like you wanna uh hit the bunk beds real quick yes hit the monk beds just kind of mindlessly still working on my house Oh thanks bleakfu thank you guys appreciate that appreciate that love

I totally forgot I should have your chat open too yeah I got both of them it’s hard to get caught up sometimes I look at yours and I’m like wait this doesn’t make sense oh you’re playing a nice wide screen you can see so much I’ve got mine all like

Cropped and poor by threed there we go yeah I gotta eat something I’m gonna eat some uh this rotten flesh okay I’ve got a bunch of rotten flesh I found some apples I found uh uh I found a music disc I have a bunch

Of I’m just gonna go get a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone as my oh Dad are you doing the Smooth yeah you are doing the Smooth look at that that looks good yeah I need I also need more uh like coal oh dude I can share my anniversary in your chat

Oh sick do it brutal moose thank you for the 91 months you’re welcome it’s only been 91 months it went by so fast goes by in the blink of an eye blink of an eye Pokey 55 brutal moose is this really small time YouTuber really trying we’re

Trying to get him on the map yeah thank you thank you for that yeah any you know any kind of help brutal brutal moose does that brutal Foods guy uh yeah unfortunately he makes all the brutal Foods he recently killed a flying fish I did which was which is interesting what was

Your experience killing that flying fish uh way less eventful than killing the bald eagles and some people were not happy that I did I did that there were a few commenters that were uh a little uh upset about that one were you surprised that people were upset or were you anticipating you know

I was not I didn’t even think about it uh the funniest part was when someone called it like a really edgy joke I was like I did not even think that it would be a problem at all uh but I thought it was really funny it’s like

It’s kind of like when you kill a dog like a like a a dog in a video game that is that is heinous if I had followed the bald eagle up with killing a dog like a stuffed dog it just would have made people even even more mad oh yeah that

Would have been yeah that would have been terrible i’ve been hilarious from people but it’s like yeah it’s like a I I loved the punctuation of the bit how it goes bald eagle to fish we were talking a little bit about this before we were like streamed but like

The idea of just like doing more and more and more like past the fish it’s just so funny I really wanted to he before we before we streamed Ian was like he was like and then like a horse like would you say horse I have a yeah I got a deer oh it

Was a deer like a deer flies into the sky I got two things I got two other ones it was a deer and so funny something else that would have been great uh but now I guess I can just reuse it there’s this episode of American Dad

Oh shoot Tron Vaughn has Jordan thank you so much for the sub there’s this episode of American Dad where steep where like the kid goes hunting with his dad for the first time and he doesn’t want to kill the uh any of the deer because he’s like a

Sensitive guy and he’s like right I wanna I wanna kill these animals it’s like are you talking about King of the Hill you sure you’re not talking about King of the Hill no no no it’s American Dad but he closes Steve closes his eyes and he’s got he’s got the gun in his

Hand and uh he he Fires at the deer and he ends up missing the deer but they hear The Gunshot and they get spooked and so they you know they go away and so Steve opens up his eyes to see that they heard the gunshot and they flee and he

Like he he gives his big sigh relief he goes like I didn’t kill the deer and then it pans up to a tree revealing that a deer in a tree got shot where he aimed into the sky and then the deer falls off of the tree branch and it’s antlers puncture and

Kill another deer there you go and I was like yo this is this uh this could be an Ian bit are you still keeping up with uh American Dad I know that’s like that was one of the shows you used to really like yeah it

Sort of fell off for a while but like I picked back up watching it and it’s it’s like I feel like it’s got like a new slew of riders like in the in the writer’s room because it feels really fresh now okay I’ve been really I’ve been really enjoying it

I never uh I never really watched that one I think I probably watched it when it first came out it’s very silly it gives me so many ideas for just like random silly [ __ ] like sticks I should definitely be watching more like like inspirational stuff I haven’t

Watched but I keep just re-watching the same [ __ ] over and over again yeah especially if you watch like comedy stuff comedy will like you know you never know oh what the heck this wouldn’t whoa Birch planks are like so bright I’m not I’m not in love with the birch

Where is there a birch tree I don’t know like where did I get this could it have been on our uh Mountain Adventure we did go on our own adventure yeah probably I might have pulled it in like didn’t think twice oh black food that episode is legendary

Yeah that’s such a good episode what is Ian build Ian’s just collecting cobblestone is currently building Walmart or the storage center I would love to find a uh vein of coal while I’m in here oh yeah I’m building a Walmart I forgot about that I should put my uh

I should put my objective on screen just as just build a Walmart the uh I think that’s a good idea so anybody tuning in can see and the episode is called rapture’s Delight who was asking in the chat Rapture is Delight it’s got It’s got a lot of like religious puns in the

Episode it’s it’s really sharp you’re like uh you’re a hip-hop guy so I I’ve got to ask you a question because I have something in my head and I feel like I feel like it’s a real thing um was was bees in the trap a saying for

Yes okay okay I I set up wasp traps the other day and so I’ve I’ve had the phrase bees in the trap where the [ __ ] did that come from yeah I think it was a Nicki Minaj song called uh bees in the trap I was like and they can’t say nothing a hundred

[ __ ] can’t tell me all right he’s in the trap bees in the truck what does that mean I get the implication no you shouldn’t be like trapping bees right bees in the trap I you I don’t know is it like like yeah it kind of sounds like a Honeypot isn’t

That what a trap is like they want to get you into a home so that they can get you like wasted on drugs I have no idea is that is that what bees is that what bees are yeah these want to trap me in a home and get me on drugs Maybe I didn’t know this about bees a Trap full of bees that what beads dude have you have you watched Lego Masters oh my God I tried to I watched the first I watched the first season some of the first season I thought that show was gonna be actual

Like Lego Masters not like random people who are like okay at Legos I thought they were gonna get like the people that work on Legoland to build oh I see yeah no they you should you should give it another shot some of the back and forth is like really cheesy but

There’s there’s like there’s this one episode um um there’s this one episode like they each have to do like themed competitions and one of them has to do like a b related some if someone does like a flower like they do a flower and there’s

Like bees that are part of the story of their piece okay so they’re like they’re talking to willarnette who’s the host and they’re like they’re like and then the bees show up and he’s like bees and he does it and he and then the guy doesn’t catch on it

Of course he doesn’t and then like he’s like yeah B so he goes bees and then he looks at the camera like he knows what he’s doing and then he like rolls his eyes and kind of like laughs and I’m like oh my God I can’t believe they

Edited like they literally did a hardcore nod to arrest the development straight up in the episode it was great that’s like the biggest thing he’s been in I wouldn’t be surprised if he references it a lot there’s a I’ve watched all like three or four seasons or whatever and like that

Was like the only episode he did really yeah I was kind of yeah I was like I hope he references at every episode but he does he doesn’t he’s a rabbit he just can’t stop referencing Arrested Development [Laughter] just thinks this is like an extended uh Joe Bluth uh bit hey everyone [Laughter]

That would actually be hilarious that would actually be so funny mom don’t let me give you another one of these forgive me now he’s in the Trap means I’m around drug dealers and a drug dealer neighborhood okay bees in the trap hmm Illusions Michael that bit when like she walks on the

Water like that’s your trick isn’t it oh Michael I didn’t do that next time on Arrested Development it was my illusion classic yep I saw him I’ve been watching re-watching 30 Rock lately so I’ve been seeing him in 30 Rock oh I found some coal

How good is 30 Rock oh 30 Rock is awesome it’s that’s some of the the best uh like sitcom writing I gotta watch it for real it’s definitely got I mean it’s weird to say but it’s probably edgier and some people might be comfortable with nowadays I don’t know

It’s it’s hard to know any anytime I feel like I hear a joke that could be a little offensive I’m like oh is this edgy now yeah like should I be recommending this yeah I mean I’ll recommend it because I love the show but you know the humor is

Um uh I guess some would say dated occasionally um but I love it yeah that show was like popping off like 2000 and I’m about to die rest in peace dude no I don’t want to die 2009 did that show come out I don’t know was it like popping around that time probably I don’t know what year anything happened I know what YouTube videos I was working on and that’s how I judge time yeah yeah I know how what videos were you working on

When I was watching 30 Rock uh uh the era in your life dude I’ve watched 30 Rock so many times Um when did I first watch it it had to be like call it late College oh College Lake College so 2013 14. I don’t know I don’t know man is definitely around that’s a rock I know that it was going on the I think the second season was happening during the

The writers strike okay yeah it started in 06 and went to 2013. and then I was reading about it they did a special in 2020 uh that people didn’t like because they were it was apparently made to to heavily push the peacock streaming service and so

Apparently it’s got a lot of uh watch this on peacock and people were like I don’t like this not a great way to uh you know yeah not a good romance to a great show yeah so not at all I gotta watch it though I gotta see it

It sounds terrible because they did do like they used to do like nods you know they made fun of getting a Snapple sponsorship by having a guy dress up and Snapple you know and have fun with it but if they’re just actually trying to push peacock it I will probably find it

Funny for the wrong reasons I’ll probably just crack up at how blatant it is I love it when people like make sticks out of the joke having to do this brand yeah I mean just brand sponsorships American Dad did like a random scene change in the middle of an episode where

He has to like Stan has to tell his son Steve like some important information he’s like I won’t tell it’s like I’ll tell you this but uh he’s like yes but there’s more we have to know and then it switches to a Burger King and then he like finishes telling

Him and then he’s like why did you have to wait to tell me until we ended up at Burger King Stan goes because the economics of Television have changed son and he looks right into the camera and goes have it your way it takes a sip I’m like I love

That it’s like like I love the gym Carl Weathers go to a Burger King development yeah that’s why I wanted to talk to you about a script idea here at Burger King Burger King hey get get back to get back to bed let’s uh yeah yeah let’s get out of this foreign

Episode something different they’re actually going to name it after a sandwich that the they were promoting at Burger King they were going to call it like the super Whopper that’s pretty good like the the triple Whopper actually I don’t know I read it on the Wikipedia page spiders

Do you have to rate these uh like tears you know like at least the worst enemies or the the strongest the worst enemy is definitely the the one that attacks you in your sleep it attacks you if you don’t you haven’t slept I mean it uh if you don’t sleep

For three days it it’s like this thing that flies around and like dive bombs you it’s so [ __ ] annoying I think it was a player voted mob I think players actually voted that [ __ ] in uh awful that sounds very evasive it’s it’s the one thing that I’ve I thought about turning off for

This sir I’m gonna leave it on but it’s we haven’t seen it right no we haven’t because we’ve been going to bed but it’s like especially if you’re in the mines and you can’t really tell and then you come up from the mines and then something’s just circling you attacking you it’s so

Annoying I I remember uh building like rails across the ocean like for uh Minecarts yeah and just out of nowhere it’ll just like Bonk you out off of the off the track into the water and it’s just so oh it pisses me off no thanks okay I’ve got a decent amount of cobblestone Start working on the floor Maybe have you been playing anything good have you been playing uh everyone’s playing Baldur’s Gate right now I had some friends that like bought it for me just like out of the freaking blue and so I haven’t played it yet but

I uh I want to see what it’s about have you played it yet no it’s not really my uh style I’d play it if I think it’s got multiplayer if if someone wanted to play it with me I might play it but I it’s too like medieval fantasy ish uh it’s not your

Thing yeah not not really my zone but I just I see everybody playing it it is the new hotness right now it does have multiplayer well if it’s good we could maybe play something we could maybe play I have no idea what the game is even about I’m

Assuming it’s like you gotta get the the one ring or the sword there’s got to be some type of mystical McGuffin that you’re you’re after it’s D and D yeah okay heck yeah it has steamy sex scenes hey there’s a traitor like a like a der Trader kill him wait he’s got stuff

We don’t have anything to to buy with you have to have those like emeralds yeah you do emeralds I know these were things in the game what the heck I usually just murder him off for fish he’s cool oh yeah even Google bears and Ballers what you can sleep with bears

Oh well I gotta play now what kind of game is this well if you’ve got friends that think you’ll like it apparently so the Druid turns into a bear that’s why it’s a man who turns into a bear oh no wonder it’s so popular this is great now now whenever anyone

Talks to me about this game oh [ __ ] we’ve got evil guys dude we’ve got uh what are they called evil illagers because they’re so ill I think villagers anytime anyone brings up Baldur’s Gate three now I’m gonna just be like oh that’s the one where you can [ __ ] the

Bear right and just see how they respond to that like yeah you can then they’ll probably villagers bear killagers there’s three of them do you want to like attack these should we kill them I think we should kill him hold up I’m I’m with you I’m with you

Oh my God they got crossbows what the heck okay yeah let’s go we’re so screwed now we’re good we’re good we can just run away if it’s I’ve never seen these guys oh oh yep yep yep yeah I’m gonna yeah I’m gonna take a little run go for a little run

I got no food oh why’d you why’d you do this without any food uh you know I’m not you know we’re talking we’re talking about so many different things I don’t really think distracted by the bear sex scene at Ballers yeah there’s someone’s having sex with a bear and we’re getting shot

By crossbow so that’s that’s what’s happening just keep them busy I’m getting my health uh slowly regenerate you wanna you wanna meal if you run over you can toss you a cook come there’s there’s cooked pork in the Walmart how’s that all right all right yeah exile food die

Oh my hero thank you okay so now I have a little evil symbol on my screen I don’t know look at me is there something evil on you no I don’t know but I can put an ominous Banner on the on the Walmart oh cool come shop here this is some evil eyes

I watch you this is beautiful thank you God I was in the car for too long yesterday bro oh yeah how long was that drive what is that drive like eight or nine what’d you do it like in the drive yeah or did you have to drive were you driving I I drove

For a bulk of it to um like trade off and you know like give the other person who’s driving a break and then I ended up just driving the majority but before that I tried with my new laptop I got some uh I was just like whoa I got this laptop I

Might as well try like some creative riding I guess yeah Flex that so that’s what I did I wrote like three pages very nice three pages more than I normally write I have been trying to write more I’ve been trying to like block out times and force myself to

Write even if I don’t have anything in mind to write like I just need to do it more yes just the just the pure practice of the thing it’s just like with a great fan fiction yes I guess technically yeah but like I don’t publish any of it

But it’s we it’s weird to have to be like yeah I do well you know but it’s like it’s it’s for my own enjoyment it’s like oh it’s always it’s always really ridiculous and like I still think you could I still think you could like rework some of that into an interesting uh

Absurdist narrative you do like uh you do like um uh was it 50 Shades of Gray was it Twilight yeah yeah you just you just pulled 50 shades yo that’s actually not a bad idea yeah if you if you end up with something interesting just change all the the

Characters and then uh yeah and then just flip and then flip it yeah huh no it’s not Baldur’s Gate fanfic it’s just not yet you got to play it first and then then the ball there’s fan fiction starts the only fanfic that I actually dabble in is this feels embarrassing as

Hell to admit but you don’t have surprising I’ll just admit it it’s it’s here it’s Harry Potter because it’s like my favorite stuff I thought it was gonna be uh American Dad um I’ve kind of messed around with that only with like yeah only lightly though like

I try to get like AI to generate some stuff I’m like generate a script where Roger and Steve do blank mm-hmm I bet they do I’m playing with that I bet they do a lot of blame I mean if that’s what you want to think that I’m doing

I know you Luke I know exactly [Laughter] Roger and Steve have blanked before pretty sure they do have a weird sexual tension in the show that is so true though I can’t follow any of the American I just don’t know anything about that show and we don’t we don’t

Have to talk about it either I don’t know why I keep whack keeps coming back what do you like to do to write when you go in and you like experiment or like try to get you know like just exercise I’m just trying to write more like scripts I’ll just pick a

New topic and um I’m trying to get better at uh like my my Bass Pro Shop video had a lot of uh like interesting transitions that I I wrote ahead of time like I I was filming no way you wrote those that’s brilliant yeah I mean I wrote it I storyboarded a

Lot of it because it the like the ideas were getting kind of complex and so I needed to I had to board it uh but it was a lot of fun and so I need to write more I’m trying to get more ideas for how to get maybe fun narratives into

Videos or just unexpected [ __ ] but it’s usually stuff for YouTube that’s awesome so do you pick like a thing that you know and kind of write a script about or like something that you just watched or like what’s your yeah I’ll think of something like

Practice oh this would be a fun thing to talk about and just start writing it uh but I honestly I should do more like story based stuff because I’d love to come up with a game story at some point but it’s so hard it is so hard it’s hard to

Get in a like to make an idea that doesn’t balloon I have a yes a really bad habit of getting a cool idea and then letting it get out of control and being like this is impossible I can’t do this yeah or like it’s for me it’s it’s less

That and it’s more like there’s too many abstract ideas that are not connecting that I want to incorporate and I I just can’t organize my ideas and I as I say it I know what I need to do I need to just physically storyboard it out pretty much yeah like

I just need to get it out on something storyboarding’s fun it also makes filmings like so much easier it’s so nice to sit down and be like okay I need these six shots I don’t have to stand around be like what do I do what is this gonna look

Like I’ve already thought about it yeah do you when you storyboard it out do you have like a software do you do it like tangent like physically physically cards I just print out I just print out like a a blank I should get some store oh [ __ ] creeper in the Walmart typical uh

Let’s hit the bunk beds all right yeah let’s do it yeah I just print out little uh little storyboard guides and just just doodle on them I kept one of them I I show it but it’s not in this room yeah can you can you send it to me

Actually because I like I would love to see like a reference and it’s not impressive it’s like little stick figures I I kept the storyboard idea for the the eagle scene whereas uh waving the gun around that’s so good were you holding an actual gun in that

Shot like a prop or was it it was a prop was it a JPEG or something I don’t remember no it was a it was a toy shotgun that I actually did get at Bass Pro and while I was observing this awesome the toy gun rack this kid this

Kid comes up and he’s like dude that’s the blah blah blah blah it’s got a blah blah blah blah it’s got a pump action blah blah blah and this is the what he like knew all the he was like 10 and he knew like all the gun makers all the

Features and just like cool cool dude you knew you were getting you knew you were getting the right one yeah knew a lot about guns scary kid this is he doesn’t necessarily have to be scary I was obsessed he might go hunting a lot but it had nothing my

Obsession with guns had nothing to do with uh like owning guns it had it had to do with like filmmaking yeah their television cool to have like the different you know there’s different fun different types I can definitely see that I I was always like God dang like all

The guns and shows and movies look really cool and I was like how do I how do I get a cool gun like on camera to look real I got this like little green thing or something or this thing with the you know giant Pink tip yeah yeah you go to

Bass Pro those things look sick though what a Hamburg those little toy guns you’re like oh yeah this could translate on camera I don’t want to get a crossbow I’ll be so sick I would love to fire a crossbow what’s Luke’s favorite I have no idea

Have you done like archery I did a bunch of archery and Scouts oh see that’s so see I wanted to do Scouts just to do archery archery was definitely the best comment they would come in and they would like paint this adventure like you were gonna be Link in the forest like

Just shooting bow and arrows and like slaying dragons and all sorts of stuff and I’m like I want to be a scout yeah that’s not how it went for me someone did show me his balls that was you know I don’t know if that ever happened on a Legend of Zelda Adventure

Oh boy I shouldn’t laugh at this I shouldn’t laugh this is not right but you’ve delivered it like a bro that’s awful that’s all did that really happen yeah oh my God you know it’s just uh Scouts flashing their balls I just assume that’s just something that happens occasionally okay

So it was a it was a it was a fellow Scout yeah it was a fellow Scout it was good it was not an adult oh good oh man I was thinking like what the hell all right yeah that makes it better okay all right yeah that sounds that sounds

More you know like uh you know just kids figuring stuff out yeah figuring out how to flash your balls you gotta learn some point that’s good oh my God this kid’s uh being kids and you know just like you know I I did not like that was at the point I

Mean not that I needed more uh to dislike being a scout but I was I was so miserable around that time I just wanted out so bad I liked I liked Cub Scouts because it was all like let’s pretend to be in the outdoors and we’ll build this

This paper mache campfire should go outside I mean you did a little bit but it’s when you got to you know you were you were little it was more honestly it was more like a after school kind of a program and then older you and I don’t

Know that you can’t go outside I mean you can but it’s that’s not all like Cub Scouts you’d get you could get they were like belt loops you’d earn and you could get like a computer skills belt loop like there was a bunch of different [ __ ]

You could do and then the second you got to Scouts it’s like you are going to die in the wilderness uh we need to prepare you for when you’re in a plane and it crashes and you have to survive it’s pretty badass no it was not fun

I mean when you pose it like that it sounds like it’s that I mean that sounds really badass but it was it was not like that no I mean I I was there for a while and I don’t think that I could uh survive

Even a little bit in the wild I I think I just hit the point where I was like I’m just gonna die like if I get in the situation I’ll just die okay just let me let me quit this so I can play Call of Duty I don’t want to do this anymore

Do you remember having to read that book and like hamburger yeah I used to love happy actually oh my gosh dude I thought Hatchet was a fire book and then like and then like we had to watch the they like they did we did everything

Hatchet it was like we read the book and then we did the audio we did we did like we did it depending on the day we would like listen to the tape or the CD or whatever it was at the time and when the guy would read it I would hate that guy

That’s another guy you’re like that’s not that guy F this I was like this is so boring and then we watched the movie oh I didn’t see the movie there’s a freaking Hatchet movie he’s got like a mullet in it I feel like I read isn’t there a sequel

Yes there is does he like get in another like does he get in another plane crash or something like he’s such a dumbass he’s just always getting in plane crashes just stop getting on planes dude didn’t yo it didn’t happen good for you the first time like stop getting in these different planes

Yeah like because he’s visiting he’s visiting like his I think his parents are divorced this goes the story and then he has to hop on this really small plane and yeah then it crashes and he has to he has to survive all I remember from that from having to

Listen is like realizing how often that guy uh like when he writes the book like how I’m trying to think how to like say this perspective how often the main character thinks about the divorce of his mom and dad it sure sucks being out here but I wish my parents were together it

He’s like he’s like these flies are killing me like I’m barely out here living he’s like I’m about to die I’m about to die like my mom my dad the secret the play and it goes and it goes into a flashback of his divorce I’m like

Oh F this just like can we just get to the good bits where like you’re like out there like Tom Hanks in it up like trying to live and every time every time he would do like the way like the author like the tape on book would read it he’d be like

The plague The secret F me if he says the secret one more effing goddamn time like I’m gonna I’m getting out of here too many Secrets not enough ball flashing how are you gonna survive [Laughter] this is so funny you had never shared that story before I just want everybody to know this is my

First time hearing that story from Ian I could have sworn I would have uh mentioned my why I quit I mean it’s not it’s not why I quit Scouts but it’s such a standout moment that it I usually include it in my why I quit Scouts I

Feel like it sounds like based on the story in the context that you had to we’re like forced in the Scouts and then you finally weaseld your way out or is it yeah you actually want to do it I think I wanted to do Cub Scouts but I

Hated Scouts but my parents really wanted me to be an eagle scout because I guess they thought that would really improve my life somehow but I really didn’t want to do it so after it was really a camping trip we went on it was like a two-week uh

Uh big camping trip with a bunch of different troops and a few days in over half of our troop got food poisoning because the they couldn’t they didn’t cook the burgers enough so I’m just like no yeah I’m just we we had a like a hammock area that all the Sickies

Were at and we were just like laying in these hammocks I was puking everywhere and then after the first week is Family Day so my my parents and my sister show up to visit for a week and I’m like get me out of here get me out of here they show up

To a whole freaking Place yeah and but they they leave me there they’re like nah actually because I think my dad didn’t want to be embarrassed by taking his yeah so they left me and they then they mailed me a letter that was like uh hey um

Uh sorry we left you there I I my mom wrote me one sorry I left you there I really wanted to take you home but uh we left you there and that was that was I came home oh I also got covered in uh I got covered in

[ __ ] bites too and so I come home sick covered in sugars and I’m just like I quit I [ __ ] quit I’m and they tried to bribe me they’re like we’ll give you 500 bucks to stay in another year I’m like no I’m no what your parents are crazy

Why are they trying to really make you do that who who [ __ ] knows because I needed to be an eagle scout obviously you went from being an eagle scout to shooting Eagles out the sky yeah pretty much that was my revenge send them that clip because and

Be like hey I became an eagle scout after all look at me scouting down this Eagle it’s in the gym your dad probably get a laugh out of that probably that’s such a funny freaking bit oh and then the fish and then and then after he says like LOL

Or hahaha be like yeah I’m also a fish Scout damn that’s funny do you know how you came up with that idea it was just did you see the animals in the store I knew that I wanted to get a gun and and like open up uh stuffed animals to like transition scenes

Because I was I was thinking of it as a sequel to the the one where I became a flower man um but I just went around and I found like oh hey that’s a plush animal that I could rip open and it was one of them was an eagle very patriotic

Yeah I didn’t even think about it like even though I made it all like americany I didn’t even think oh yeah it’s a it’s a crime to do this for real [Laughter] then you like salute the eagle yes I sure did I sure did didn’t even cross my mind that it would

Some people might have a problem with my favorite comments or that video was like this is the most Texan we’ve ever seen and I’m like yes it’s so true I don’t know that’s so great Texans wouldn’t do that Texans wouldn’t shoot an eagle down no

No of course no no of course not of course not but you know what I mean like gun Toten I was gun saluting oh God got his Eagle Hunting Fishing Bass Pro batches all in one video we gotta hit bed and then I wanna I wanna see what you’ve been working on

It’s not too fleshed out it’s kind of like I’m gonna judge it a lot oh yeah I need to get some from I need to get sand I get I’m getting so hung up on these yes stories of betrayal and flashing unfortunate well I guess Fortune I was

Gonna say unfortunately it’s my only flashing story but I guess that is uh fortunate uh no well yeah hold on one second didn’t think I was starting my day with that story What time is it for me 207 it’s 12 for me we did this we got together at this time because we just get doing the early doing the early bird special tour tour oh tour sorry about that all right yeah tour all right so come on over to the crib

I need to build like a front porch and like a ladder and some stuff you need to place some torches around because you’re getting creepers spawning over here yeah I really I I’ve got a bunch just place them down whenever wherever you see like a dead spot

Think you can parkour your way up I’m here and then this is kind of oh oh dude this this looks sick and this is what I got going on are you gonna do like another level is this like gonna be a basement kind of yeah I want I want this to be like

Really tall and then like if you’re standing on top of the uh this like see I see you can see the view I’m gonna put like I’m gonna make this whole front part here like glass so that I can see like here so I can see the first town

And I can see or like the first house and the uh the storage Depot or Walmart this is like the highest point of the island you could do a good like observation deck oh that’s a great oh that’s a great idea yes like if I build it like a

Three-story thing and then like a big old desk on the top that’d be sick yeah I’ve never really built vertically I’ve just kind of build like a really basic one story or two story I mean like usually when I build it it’s it depends on like where like I’ll build it into

The side of a mountain or something like where the location is dictates a lot I love that too what I what I make with a it’s always the most exciting part in Minecraft is like scouting out and seeing like the potential of a build yeah I could build it there in that cave

I could build it over there on the mountain by the river by where the guy flashed me should I have multiple entrances to this I feel like if I want it to be a Walmart it can just have the front entrance with like no windows it’s gonna have to look like a box

Okay we want to be accurate or do I want to have a back door make it um however however it makes sense I don’t know the front I mean I don’t go through who goes through a store through the back door yeah that’s what I’m saying there’s not oh okay

You’re killing it yeah I’m killing it so actually also killing it thanks I just keep the front door if that’s the thing that makes the most sense I mean I like that I’ll keep it uh uh I feel like you only go through houses to the back the back doors or the

Side doors what other establishments true um there’s a uh I’ve been to uh a Jimmy John’s that had a front and a back door it was a weird one but it it did exist I asked chippy house oh that would be cool actually Justin are you gonna build a food court I don’t

Think so oh my God I could I could make it more like a Costco and do like an outdoor food area and that’s where we store our food oh that’s cool God I love those areas get them pizzas Jimmy John’s bread does not sucks Jimmy John’s bread sucks does not

Which do you have a favorite sandwich place what’s your like sandwich of choice I used to be like super into like um Subway because it’s like there’s a Subway in every corner and then Subway like started to get really bad to me and then like I was like I don’t know where

To find a place and I ended on do you guys have Firehouse Subs yeah I’ve only had them once I didn’t like it and that I just need to try them again I’m sure that was actually like really close to my experience I remember like not liking

Them or like being like ah these are okay but they’re not like I had them again I was like oh my God Firehouse slaps what do you what do you get I get the turkey bacon ranch okay that sounds pretty good always like my it’s pretty much always my go-to it’s

Just I feel like you can never get that combo wrong the bacon love bacon God dang I like a BLT I always get BLTs I love BLTs God I love them they’re so like light and refreshing they’re like the perfect meal if like you’re hungry but you’re not starving yeah

A meal and a sandwich is somebody just bad in America or something I don’t know Subway like might be good now I don’t I think Subway’s Hit or Miss I’ve had Subway recently semi recently and it’s just like fine it’s just not as good as some of the other

It doesn’t feel as upscale as a as a Jimmy John’s not that that’s an upscale uh sub yeah Jimmy John’s is better though like it’s definitely yeah like how I that’s weird I don’t know how to describe that either Subway’s just feels Subway’s got like some weirdo sandwiches that are like

People like the tuna I really like the meatball but it’s like I wouldn’t say that it’s a high quality meatball sub it’s just I don’t know it’s I kind of like how shitty it is you know yeah I that used to be my go-to I do like how

Quick they are at um Jimmy John’s it’s so crazy like they basically like Pride themselves on like making them sandwiches so fast I remember when I first ordered it in college and be like holy [ __ ] someone will bring me a sandwich it’s like game changer foreign did you have

I might have had Jimmy John’s with you probably very first time when I visited probably you haven’t at that college town that you when you used to definitely remember when I visit definitely that dude that happened I had Jimmy John’s with you the very first time that was my experience Jimmy

John’s Awakening that was it because it was not a it was not a chain that had spread to where I’m at yet we got a Jimmy John’s right across the corner but I haven’t had a pot belly in forever and you like Potbelly I’m getting hungry it’s like lunch time

So I mean it kind of makes sense pot belly is that a is that a type of sandwich is that a it’s a sandwich place yeah they do like toasted I usually don’t like toasted sandwiches but I do like Potbelly’s uh toasted sandwiches toasted sandwiches no I’ve I’ve never like been to a

Potbelly’s I’ve never even heard of that store or the restaurant interesting I wonder we must not just have we might not have it here in the Midwest yeah there were there were a number of them in Texas and I’ve seen some of them up here not not a ton like Texas years ago

You’re reading that I just remember watching us a stream y’all did together in Texas 10 years ago hyped about Arrested Development season four yeah cause that’s when it came out that’s when I bought my bananas and then I was horribly disappointed it was certainly around that time the

Luke and Ian like friend stream it was like our very first yeah that was like the launch of Luke and Ian that was the beginning that was it okay we knew I’ve built a pathway over uh for you to connect to whenever you’d like it connects to the Walmart sick oh

Sick that looks awesome so we’ve got a little bit of structure going I love it I it was it’s so cool just to like look up for a second and see like this huge change oh how did you do this you uh use a shovel right click with the

Shovel on um I think it has to be grass I don’t think you can do it on the oh wait no they let you do it on the dirt now so you just get a shovel and right click yeah what the heck how do you reverse it

And then just oh yeah put it in you can do the same thing with logs now and an ax you can uh here uh you can strip the Bark for like a different decorative dang that looks cool can you do it like to the tree like yeah

While the tree is there yep oh whoa yeah holy crap we should we should consider a a tree farm in fact I should just be planting I got yeah I got so many trees they’re just like sitting in my chest hmm it’s so walmarty it’s perfect stripped okay I gotta hit bed heard

I’m on my way it’s gonna take forever to make this Walmart I thought it would be done actually you let me work on it for like an hour and 30. I thought I’d be done hey what’s the best G fuel flavor I like the lemonade ones I like the blueberry

Lemonade and the I think it’s raspberry lemonade mmm definitely my favorites I’m out of both actually and it makes me sad I love lemonade I will not say the names the names are are too cringy to say but those are the flavors yeah those are the flavors I don’t think the blueberry

Lemonade has a weird or does it have a weird raspberry lemonade is called hype sauce and the blueberry oh it’s called shiny splash I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that means hype sauce that’s that is uh not the best give me another big drink gulp of that

Hype sauce someone’s asking if I if I drank the the ant did I talk to you about the anime booby version of G fuel called gamer sups no I don’t know anything about that it’s just G fuel but all their branding is like waifu titty milk uh they sent me a box

To my P.O box and I’m like refusing to drink it I need my G fuel I need my Jeep I had one I I did have one recently and I didn’t like it as much because it’s not lemonade yeah I’m huge on those like Monsters came out with like these monster rehabs and

They’re like they got like a bunch of lemonade flavors I’ve been drinking the crap out of those what’s rehab about it I I don’t know this is it rehydrates it rehabs you it is it like a powdered thing or is it like a no end

It’s a can it’s a it’s a can but it’s uh the I I only buy the lemonade flavors the I don’t even I’m not like huge on Arnold Palmer’s I don’t know like I don’t know I don’t like them but very much either I’m not yeah I’m not super

Big but like I have gotten accustomed to drinking that monster Arnold Palmer and then it’s like the yellow can and then when the yellow cans I only get that if I can’t find the uh strawberry lemonade I like the the monsters that are uh it’s got like kind of a pirate I think

It’s like a tropical punch it’s got kind of a pirate theme yes super good yes the free like ah okay I have too many wooden pickaxes I went on a mining Mission and now I just have you got too much how do people how did people like stay Minecraft streamers and like

Keep it interesting for as long as they did for like years like a decade you know I mean maybe mods I think I I’ve seen a lot because I when we decided to do this I started to look into some more Minecraft like creators just to see what

People are doing and it seems like a lot of people are doing hardcore really long builds like I’ve survived in this world for a thousand days and I’ve built this giant base kind of a thing which which seems fun dang in hardcore mode too yeah wow that’s impressive

We would not make it we would not make it oh my God hardcore mode you screwed it’d be it would be bad I just like Building New Towns like like fill up this town and then when we’re done just pick a new plot and just do it all over again

No I love that I wonder if they’re still good like Minecraft mods I don’t know what the modding scene is like right now yeah what’s what are some cool mods out there folks you know like really unique stuff I hope they’re like easier to incorporate it seems like every it seems like things

Have become streamlined it would be easier if I didn’t pick the host that I picked for the server it’s so complicated to do anything it’s really that bad I’m sure it’s not but I don’t know what I’m doing so it is foreign I see there’s like I see some that are

Like Quest mods seem interesting if we could get the game would actually send us off on a quest oh it’s a break up some of the building did you ever did you ever beat like did you ever go to the end and fight the dragon or

Whatever I would like get there but I never like beat him you know I’ve never even been there I don’t think the Ender Dragon is that what it is the pretty much the like the big black dragon and like you climb up on the pillars yeah yeah that’s that sounds familiar I

Don’t think I’ve ever even been there yeah I’ve I’ve never beaten it so I mean that might be something for us to do would you like to like do that for the first time we’ll see it sounds uh difficult but how do you do it like how do you even get there

It’s like a whole bunch of farm like like killing hard mobs to get crap to craft other crap to find the spot okay so like I know we need a lot of blaze rods and you know we got to fight them things in the the uh hell where whatever that’s called

And right my uh like my nether experience is is pretty much just from the hardcore like I didn’t I still haven’t even I don’t really even go to the nether that much because there’s no blocks I want to get there to build with yeah you know who wants to build with

Them ugly like yeah they’re so ugly the ugly weird looking flesh colored blocks oh there’s a bro there’s a battle going on there’s some pillagers that are fighting the trader dude what the [ __ ] come check out this battle why are we getting all these pillagers you see this it’s by my house

Well I wonder who’s gonna win who you got your money on oh are that are the llamas defending are they spitting at him oh yo they freaking are there’s dude this guy’s a terrible shot oh he got one llama this is 3v1 and we kind of got this horse that’s just sort of

Meandering get out of here horse they’re fighting I didn’t realize the llamas spit actually like hurt you does it hurt or do you think it just does push back I don’t know I guess we’ll see the trader oh I think it hurts them because the trader doesn’t fight oh

Oh no don’t hit me I don’t want to get in this I’m just a vice oh no he sees you no he sees you fine Santa wins that’s right Santa always wins Santa always wins what is this a lead what is this what’s this do

I think you can I think you can like lead horses and stuff around maybe can you could you can you did you leash the llama what oh my God I’m leading this bro you can lead a horse around with the Rope oh okay I was gonna say what’s the

Advantage there but I guess you could like set up a farm or a a barn yeah I wonder if you can lead is it any animal uh chat do you guys know oh it’d be awesome if you could uh rope other players and I could just drag you to

Wherever I wanted you to be let’s hold up let’s see if it works that way I will attack man is it this is gonna this is gonna be the most anticlimactic thing because uh there’s there’s no way yeah there’s just no way oh wait I lost it what

Did I use it oh is it like a one-time oh yeah maybe it is maybe it has like limited uses because I was able to use it maybe like four times before and I was just kind of like attaching it detaching it mindlessly oh no no here it is here it is my

Building’s looking more like a medieval times than uh than a Walmart throw up the windows I think we need the windows yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna open operation you know I think you got the foundation down yeah I need like I don’t have blue but I

Could use orange as like a color for now I need the top of the building to have a color feature oh okay I know what I’m gonna do let’s see if we can use this no you can’t you can’t use it on people but here’s here’s what it looks like if

You want to uh look in your I just threw it at you I did I did I pick it up yeah I think so yeah I don’t have to see it it’s a weird loopy Road oh now I have it oh yeah have you ever seen that I think so I

Don’t know I don’t know that I’ve ever used it you right click on animals that would be pretty useful for like there wait wait let’s hit bed I know I know I’m gonna fix Walmart I know I’m gonna make it all right I gotta go to the bathroom so

All right we won’t talk about you too much please don’t please don’t say anything bad we won’t BRB it’d be funny if I like set the house on fire while he’s he’s still in there uh so what’s up guys I was just fixating my camera so they see better all right BRB

Luke is a swell guy well I’ll agree with that okay I need to like make this part come out yeah I do remember when fires didn’t stop our our first Minecraft server uh like with my friends it was a I think we just hosted it on someone’s laptop

Totally broke because a fire started someone tried to stop a skeleton by dumping lava on the ground and it just started this huge forest fire and anytime you got anywhere close to it it would just completely crash the server uh so we had to start over again but it was

Still it was still pretty funny I can’t I can pay attention to you guys now have you been behaving no that’s fine I probably wouldn’t wouldn’t be either oh my God I need more cobblestone See we need like this where you can uh there’s a bit of an entryway maybe I can take this wall out fires were more realistic yeah they really really nerfed the realism uh when they took out never-ending fires how do I make a uh do I need a diamond

To make a jukebox because I would really like to listen to that the CD that I got yes okay well that will take me a little while what are you guys doing is anybody is anybody multitasking working quilt stuff I gotta get out of here in about 30.

Just so you guys know about to play some Skyrim why not uh why not balder’s gate isn’t isn’t Baldur’s gay like Skyrim kind of in my head they’re the same game making hammocks for your rats do do rats use hammocks I didn’t know this about rats cooking some chili

Oh my God so my kitchen’s still like totally [ __ ] up right so we haven’t been able to make real food and I’ve gotten real tired uh eating out because it’s oh man it’s so expensive so I ended up investing in a new R the the Toaster Oven broke

So I I got one of those foodie toaster oven air fryer things and so now I’m cook I bought a bunch of Costco frozen foods and I’m cooking up Gourmet Costco frozen Delights uh it’s been pretty nice so far I didn’t like the first air fryer that I

Had but this one uh this one’s been pretty good so far I reheated some dominoes I did get Domino’s after that stream where I talked about Domino’s uh and then I reheated it in the in the fancy air fryer oh so good you know second Costco brutal Foods I could do that

Air fryer vid incoming maybe I I hadn’t even considered it I was just so hungry oh you ordered an indoor grill indoor grill is really cool okay okay yeah I used I used my first air fryer in that Wing video but we never really used

It too much we used it a couple times and weren’t too impressed and then I think I got rid of it during one of one of the moves okay boom salmon is the best thing to cook I don’t really like fish really a fish guy Salman is the only fish I like

I think shrimp’s okay when it’s frozen or fried I like I like fried fish I like most things if they’re fried I didn’t grow up you know I grew up in Texas so separated from good fish I think that’s probably why I like I prefer the steak okay where’s my shovel

Gulf Shrimp Gulf Fish can be good it’s not something that we ever I mean my mom would fry fish sometimes I don’t think she went to the gulf for it hold fish crackers uh yeah well I do love Goldfish crackers I don’t think I’ve had catfish now foreign

It’s just not good it’s like if fish was better I would probably eat it more but it’s just not you know I think even people that like fish can admit that it sucks and it’s terrible I’ve I have not had uh alligator I haven’t had any weird I don’t think any

Weird Meats any uh unique Meats this thing was better I’m sure it would be better exactly I need alligator if it was for I mean I’d try it and then I’d eat it fried I’ve not ever had human it doesn’t seem like it would be that good

Not that I sit around and think about what it would taste like uh but it just doesn’t seem like it would be that good had bore before I’ve had Boar’s Head ham uh if that counts see now you can go in through the sides here this is a little more walmarty

Put some uh some windows here what do we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve that look uh maybe one moreover never had rabbit no like I don’t think that I’ve had anything unique like that no Luke didn’t fall in he probably

Actually washes his hands that’s why it takes him so long yo what’s up we were just talking about how long you were gone [Laughter] actually yes but I was just I was just joking around I have a garden center yeah yeah for sure because we got to

Have like plants and trees and stuff for sure it’s gonna have a garden center I think it’s a great idea thank you guys I missed all of you thank you sorry dude can I share something that I watched on this trip to Texas that I thought it was

Amazing I thought you were gonna share something that happened in the bathroom but I I would prefer to hear about the Texas trip well I think you would because I mean are you a fan of uh sport documentaries at all I think all the sport documentaries I’ve watched have been about like

Athletes that became murderers but I would I would uh that sounds awesome I want to watch those yeah I would uh I don’t dislike the idea I’ve always wanted to watch whatever whatever the football documentary is they follow a team around for a season I want to say It’s Hard Knocks I’m not

Sure if that’s what it’s called though I’m I’ve never heard of that that sounds amazing I there’s something about sport documentaries that are just so freaking inspiring and so good and I had forgotten that I watched uh 2000 it was like a documentary that came out last year

About the 2008 Olympics basketball team okay and how uh how they uh came on top and like their four-year journey and oh my freaking God I was just like I don’t know there’s something about it that’s just like so inspiring when you see you know like them overcoming odds and

Like working really hard together yeah for sure I I saw uh king of Kong if you consider Donkey Kong a sport how how is that documentary oh I love it especially in light of the more like recent it’s probably it probably makes it better I haven’t been I know that Billy

Mitchell has been making headlines again for I’m assuming cheating yeah but that can that can only make it better because he is presented as like the villain of of the movie really yeah he’s not like the uh hero okay I’m in bed by the way I’m coming yeah it’s um so it’s like you know so the Olympics they get like the best of the best obviously for the NBA team so you got like the all-star cast like all you know playing together and uh it just like explores the

Um you know like when you’re the best of the best like overcoming ego and like the different challenges that um um that they that they went through and it kind of made me think of like YouTube a little bit like content creators I’m like who who would be like the NBA of YouTube

Like you know what I’m saying because there’s not there’s the only really way to like rank professionalism is all based on like numbers and you pretty much can have numbers for being like good or bad right you know you know like really low effort content that sucks there should be like

I guess there’s this but is there is there there shouldn’t be an official like YouTube Awards like best video but you know most whatever but it would I’m sure it would get clouded with stuff that I wouldn’t like yeah no definitely YouTube is NBA I was like who would be like who would you consider to be in the NBA of uh like YouTubers like the basically the uh performing at the highest level it’s so hard to say now because like if you log out of YouTube and you just uh

Like see what’s out there there’s so many people on YouTube now it’s so big and I know that we you know it’s not based on views but it kind of is and people are getting like mad view so I don’t based on mine all my knowledge are of older YouTubers you

Know I would put I mean PewDiePie would have to go in there uh I would put AVG in classic oh I’d like toss Nostalgia Critic in there why not yeah like PewDiePie maybe like Ray William Johnson yeah like Rhett and Link red and Link yeah Rhett and Link would have to be there

Oh they uh Smosh they just got their Channel Smosh is definitely a YouTube NBA yeah do they still have to be active or is it just like yeah no no no no they definitely don’t because not all NBA is active like you know they have these

They’re seeing you know what I mean like and then they I’d have to put Balloon Shop in there I still think about balloon shops holy crap you just like unlocked a core memory that’s crazy I had a guy I had a roommate that told me he was like you know the Balloon Shop

Guys I was like yeah he was like yeah I used to go to the same church as them I’m like get out of here I might get the heck out because he was from Tennessee and like we were at school in Tennessee and that’s where they’re from too the Balloon Shop guys

But I man I completely forgot about their content that pepper video like one of my favorite ones ahead of the time on some of that comedy honestly it’s so freaking funny I loved the really like skinny friend with the kind of like longish hair was that the one that always yelled Derek

Maybe he was like always on the ground yeah was he on the ground I’m trying to read my book Derek something like that yeah yeah that was him hey Alex should we should we watch some Balloon Shop react to Balloon Shop I would I would watch some Balloon Shop with you

I probably wouldn’t react I wouldn’t react react to it yeah I’m feeding a drink Derek It’s definitely that guy yeah we definitely should watch some old Balloon Shop I completely forgot um yeah YouTubers react would probably be NBA content I would cut I would cut it cut that but see that’s the thing though it’s like they they definitely perform at the highest level and it’s like so that

Means all these little kid channels are too though it depends on what I guess I guess it depends you have to Define what highest level is you know it’s gotta we gotta figure out is it is it just the people that dominate their genres like if if you divided YouTube up into genres

And take the top performing channel from each one or something like that yeah maybe that’s a good way of doing it that and that’s what makes it weird because it’s like when you think of people performing at the highest level and they’re like you know they’re like

Freaking athletes grown huge all of them you know fully fully grown athletes not like you don’t have the debate of like Junior League which is not like kids content watch Mojo I don’t know I’m getting I’m getting lost in the uh analogy here that’s where that’s where it gets lost

Yeah that’s where it falls apart but I don’t know it’s just like a small thought that I thought I was like I was like wonder how you would think about this we could do uh we could do like a a YouTuber fantasy league where you draft a team and then

At the end of the season you basically compare like where they’re their views win like did their Channel go up did they tank did they have any con did they get canceled that you know that’s an idea holy crap do you get bonus points if your YouTuber gets canceled or do you do

You lose points I don’t know how does you that’s like your world especially like you like the fantasy like uh yeah that’d be interesting what happens if you know if they get injured and they’re out isn’t that kind of the equivalent of that yeah like well yeah I guess if you’re explaining

Yeah I guess it would depend on what happened to the Views if they get canceled but it ends up driving more traffic to their Channel I mean you could argue that they’re you know succeeded yeah that’s a good point yeah no no no yeah because that doesn’t put them out of the game

It’s gonna put them out of the game eventually long term but yeah for That season I’m actually kind of in surely someone has done a YouTuber fantasy league shortly that’s it’s too good of an idea to have not to not exist already it sounds like it

Sounds like one of those ideas that are like really really good but it sounds too high concept so I would be surprised if honestly someone had done it I’m working on the the color portion of the uh the Walmart uh front coat yeah unfortunately it’s facing away from your

House so you won’t get to see the front of the Walmart but uh you know I get to but I’m in distance of it so that’s all that matters I can look out in a be like oh man I’m just like a few blocks away I need to go get blank

You just you could just pick a YouTuber and be like I think he’s really gonna pop off this year you know We should do a YouTuber draft let’s draft a couple uh a YouTuber Dragon a couple of teams some of these thank you for the sub yeah something like this are you sending me something are you doing no no I’m I’m just I’m uh looking at my Walmart entryway

It’s looking more like a store oh my God man that’s so hot today the uh I think that if we would have to embrace ourselves for like I’m just do we are we allowed to draft ourselves or draft friends I mean if they’re YouTubers it’d be you know

It seems like it should be in play I think Young town is gonna do great this year and uh it would have to be people we know otherwise it’s too many people we would just find random YouTubers that you know that’s getting a bunch of views but we don’t know that’s

Not fun no it would kind of yeah kind of have to be within our realm a little a realm a little bit yeah draft caddy dibs on caddy dude that I mean that’d be like first round pick right there yeah yeah coyote I mean that that’s that’s a strong start

I stuck in Youngtown police man if only really difficult on myself yeah what are you doing oh I’m just trying to build this uh thing and I don’t I don’t have ladders I should have made some ladders or I know you can make scaffolding now but I don’t

Know how to do that oh crap I didn’t know that and I got like the saddest Minecraft song playing right now I got nothing it just I wish it was playing some like shopping bossa nova or something there we go it kind of vaguely reminds me of a cigarette but uh

Maybe you can buy those you can buy those here somebody’s asks are you still with hidden Blog How do you how do you answer that Ian when people ask that people never ask that never have to answer people don’t remember hidden blocks that’s funny people come in they’re like

You used to do game reviews you used to talk about games it’s like yeah people will ask me like someone asked me if I knew in the full perspective Kid Icarus and it’s like I can’t tell if you’re joking or not like I literally I don’t know if you’re joking

I swear I was in there the other day when that was asked no hidden block is not still around it it petered out but uh you know we we know each other are you coming are you coming yeah I’m coming I’m coming I wonder what it would look like to have

Hidden block beer like what is a I know there are YouTubers that like have networks of people they collab with but are there I mean I know Rooster Teeth is still around I’m trying to think of are there but they’re they’re not separate channels that’s like a company that’s kind of different

I feel like the only way that it would make sense it would have to fit in the world of what makes sense for like content today because like is have does having a hub really make sense I feel like we I feel like it would have to be content together like a lot

Yeah I think having a hub is gonna start making more sense I do I do feel like you know I’ve got a website that I push only like sometimes and it still gets decent traffic and you know it’s nice to have I think people do like when there’s an organized because

It’s hard to you know people on YouTube don’t know that I stream like it’s hard to get all of your content in one place but if you have a nice website for it I think that a hub could could definitely be viable you could do it through like a patreon or something maybe

That makes sense I gotta get more cobblestone what’s recommended it’s true recommended is like the uh it decides I heard yeah that it’s like recommended and that it’s like um like the auto play System yeah it’s like a really strong determining factor that people rely on now for like their viewing

Habits like just let the next thing play that’s pretty pertinent people don’t go to their sub box very much anymore they just kind of like wait for YouTube to recommend that video to them I know that’s what I do I don’t know about you

I go to my sub box all the time because I’m like old school but like I want to know I want to see what people are uploading in order like I still I still watch people’s like view count like when when new videos come out

I like to watch to see like how well they’re performing and whatnot and you got to kind of know the order of releases for that I do like doing that as well yeah just like I just stick to the home page I just don’t watch I don’t think I

Just watch enough I don’t know what channels to watch anymore so I I’m usually looking for something specific or I’m just getting it out of my I guess I don’t really let videos play into the next one very often um interesting yeah I might not even have auto play on

It might be turned off so you are it’s like you want to control what you are consuming yes yes and it’s nice but it does it’s hard to find new channels that way like I never know what people are watching wow oh we gotta start wrapping up it’s it’s almost one oh

And I got [ __ ] to do yeah yeah yeah I mean this is not the link we were going anyway ah well next week I’m gonna want to play more because I have I have a mission now and I’m it breaks my heart to not finish the Walmart today

Let me I want to take a look at it before yeah let me see what you think oh this is amazing this totally looks like it see it the front section the way you come in everything oh this is awesome dude if we ever get some blue

Stone I don’t know if you can do you could do blue like wool blocks there’s a guy I mean come on if you can strip wood from a thing and get that texture there’s got to be a way to get some blue in this place this looks amazing dude thank you thank you

All right so sign off and goodbyes and um yeah I’m gonna read my my donations and everything but sign off for now goodbye Santa goodbye um what are you again I’m a raccoon uh you you can call me uh what’s my username Moodle Bruce you can call me Ian goodbye Ian goodbye Santa

It was always a pleasure I I will talk to you probably more today but definitely Minecraft from yeah I’ll see you Monday Minecraft Monday see you Monday for more Minecraft peace okay I’ve left him I’ve left him and now I’m going to read these things I gotta go kind of quick

Because I got somewhere to be um so I am gonna try and start Sonic this week maybe Wednesday more likely Friday I don’t know what version to play I think I I can’t play the one that Sean gave me because it is all scratched up

So I think I must I think I gotta play the 360 version I think I gotta play the 360 version I’ve got a 360 to use though uh let’s see here Brett VA thank you for the 49 months hot dog sweet thank you for the eight months wood panel thank

You for the 22 months somewhere flying thank you for the two month John Ski twitch thank you for the prime sub never definitely work is there a PC version of o6 I actually don’t know is there a PC version of o6 that would actually be easier for me Steam surely it’s not on I doubt Sonic 06s on Steam you’re gonna join the Sonic sending spree what console were you gonna send it on Joy Mali thank you very much for the 28 months uttman 1988 thanks for gifting that sub there isn’t an official PC Port okay yeah that makes sense

I think the one that works for me is PS3 I could do that I got a PS3 not a Doc Martin thank you for the three months we all singing the all the money now song in our heads anyway I’m I’m upset that the alerts didn’t work but it’s just like

Stream Labs man it works sometimes uh dark react thank you for the seven months finally able to watch stream live and resub2 new baby keeps me busy but happy to watch some Mining and crafting pocket bear illustrator thank you for the 47 months hey moose Luke and chat I

Know I haven’t been here a while but hope all is well good to see you man thank you for the 90 months that is a lot of months Lupine was getting the Black Label 361. fancy I actually don’t know what Black Label I don’t know what black label is is that

The is that the Player’s Choice version or is that the not Player’s Choice bacon comes in a in a Black Label not Greatest Hits okay I got you I gotcha uh filthy ravioli thank you for the six months well that’s got to be an expensive I mean Sonic 06

Uh not Greatest Hits version that’s got to be expensive pokey55 thank you for the 32 months love this gameplay of a completely new game hanima thank you for the 55 months soft crisps thank you for the 49 months yutsubara thank you for the five months uh so if you guys haven’t

Noticed yet it’s not official but I am trying to warm up to a Monday Wednesday Friday stream schedule I wasn’t able to last week because I had I had people rebuilding the walls on Wednesday but I am going to try and be here three times a week

Once the house is rebuilt it’ll be more uh doable but I got stuff I want to do I want to do more Minecraft I gotta get through Sonic there’s stuff I want to play simpot thank you for the eight months I gotta I gotta get back to Nance

Trash boat in G thank you for the eight months please let me join the D Club we’ll see we’ll see about the D Club I’ll uh I don’t know it seemed like fun I wouldn’t hate to have a movie to talk uh with Luke about when we do these streams

Gloom Dragoon thank you for subscribing Jenny is Bean thank you for the 19 months uh filthy ravioli thanks for gifting that sub Gloom Dragoon thank you for the 200 bits yesterday one two thank you for the 26 months I Rod 2001. thank you for the five months hello moose just moved into

College dorms for the year and I’m glad to catch a craft stream as I’m still getting settled in keep up the good work Soldier hey enjoy dorms I kind of miss being in dorms oh dude when sailing comes to RuneScape I definitely gotta stream some sailing mad mad Angel con

Thank you for the five months Sprout stuff thank you for the 83 months tater tot 3 28 thank you for the six months uh Kev thank you for gifting that sub to cheesy nipples Joe budson thank you for the 10 months unlicensed morgue thank you for the six

Months and punk rock sock thanks for the five dollars hello Ian I’m a donation read me I did I’ve read the donation awesome well what are you guys doing today anything good oh what up Mike I’m wrapping up but it’s uh it’s good to see you play more games

I gotta play more uh I gotta play more play-date games gotta work clean all right well I must go I I hopefully we’ll do a longer one next week because I’m really enjoying playing with Luke we’re gonna start cork vegetarian tonight I might do that too

Uh I will try and be back on Wednesday where we will hopefully start Sonic if not I’ll find something else to do there’s always something to do uh so I’ll hopefully see you guys then all right a writer thanks as always for hanging out and uh I’m excited to stream some more because

I really I really enjoy it I give you guys a hard time but it’s fun okay I have to go now I can’t I can’t linger anymore I’ll see you guys in a couple days uh bye-bye can you even hear that now it’s time to say goodnight we sincerely appreciate your patronage and

Hope we’ve succeeded in bringing you an enjoyable evening of entertainment please drive home carefully and uh come back again soon good night

This video, titled ‘building a walmart in minecraft’, was uploaded by moose2 on 2023-08-15 17:24:41. It has garnered 8944 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:05 or 7865 seconds. | recorded live on 8.14.23

guest starring @yungtown

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    Upgrade to Rockstar Status in Bloons TD 6! Welcome, gamers, to our channel so grand, Where we explore worlds, both virtual and planned. From Roblox to Minecraft, we’ll show you the way, And in BTD6, we’ll make those bloons pay. Join Brother Ian and Ethan, a dynamic duo, With gameplay that’s sure to make you go woo-hoo! Subscribe to our channel, hit that notification bell, For gaming adventures that we love to tell. So come along, let’s rock and upgrade, In the gaming world, where we never fade. Together we’ll conquer, together we’ll win, So join us now, let the fun begin! Read More

  • Spot the Change in Mikeize’s Minecraft Maze! Aha Moments Await! #MinecraftMadness

    Spot the Change in Mikeize's Minecraft Maze! Aha Moments Await! #MinecraftMadness In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences, can you make them last? Mikeize is here, with updates galore, Each change, each shift, he’ll help you explore. From armor stands dancing to bugs that appear, Transparent urban legends, things that aren’t clear. Exit 8 style maps, elevators that rise, Endora’s secrets, hidden in disguise. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always something to be done. Spot the changes, solve the quiz, With Mikeize as your guide, you can’t miss. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the addition of layer editing functionality in JavaScript for Minecraft. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the endless possibilities and creativity that the Minecraft community brings to the table. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated player base and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an unparalleled gaming… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Diamonds Found While Mining!

    Unbelievable: Diamonds Found While Mining! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft: Unearthing Diamonds While Mining! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft, where players can delve into the depths of the earth in search of precious resources. One of the most coveted treasures in the game is diamonds, a rare and valuable gem that can be used to craft powerful tools and armor. The Excitement of Mining in Minecraft When players venture underground to mine for resources, they never know what they might uncover. From coal and iron to lapis lazuli and redstone, the possibilities are endless. However, stumbling upon diamonds… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Test Your Strength Against All Mobs in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Test Your Strength Against All Mobs in Minecraft! Welcome to! Are you a fan of epic battles in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind server right now. Just take a look at this intense video titled “Who is stronger? | Steve Vs All Mobs in Minecraft 😈” and imagine yourself in the midst of all the action. In this video, Steve faces off against all the mobs in Minecraft, showcasing his strength and skills. The adrenaline-pumping moments and thrilling encounters will make you want to jump into the game immediately. Experience the excitement and challenge of facing off against various mobs, just like… Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0 Secrets Exposed!

    Minecraft 2.0 Secrets Exposed! The Exciting World of Minecraft 2.0 Are you ready to dive into the fascinating realm of Minecraft 2.0? This latest version of the beloved game brings a host of new features and updates that are sure to delight both new and seasoned players alike. Let’s explore some of the highlights of Minecraft 2.0 and what sets it apart from its predecessors. Enhanced Gameplay Experience One of the most notable aspects of Minecraft 2.0 is the enhanced gameplay experience it offers. With improved graphics, smoother performance, and new mechanics, players can immerse themselves even further in the blocky world of… Read More

  • Revenge Remix: Minecraft Love Boy Strikes Back

    Revenge Remix: Minecraft Love Boy Strikes Back In the world of Minecraft, love and revenge intertwine, With animations that sparkle and shine. Crafting stories of boys, with twists and turns, Capturing hearts, as the fire burns. Creating content that’s truly unique, With flaws and imperfections, but still so chic. Seeking feedback to improve and grow, In the world of animation, you’re a pro. Using Prisma 3D to bring your vision to life, Crafting tales of love, amidst the strife. Each subscriber a sweet treat, a cookie to share, Spreading joy and creativity, with flair. With music that sets the mood just right, Adding depth and emotion,… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft Legacy Edition gameplay? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on an adventure like no other. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in thrilling PvP battles, epic build competitions, and so much more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey today. Don’t miss out on the excitement – join Minewind now and become a part of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft’s ARMADILLO now in Goutros!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft's ARMADILLO now in Goutros!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s ARMADILLO is finally here!’, was uploaded by goutros on 2024-04-23 17:44:05. It has garnered 18697 views and 1090 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftarmadillo #minecraftupdate The New Armadillo Mob, BRAND NEW wolf armor and 8 new wolves to inhabit your Minecraft worlds, the new Minecraft Update is LEGENDARY. 🐺⛑🌴 Like and Subscribe if you’re excited for Update 1.21! ————————————————————————————————————————– ⭐ Make sure to like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video! ————————————————————————————————————————– // SOCIALS ⬇ Want to follow me on other platforms? You’ll find them all here!… Read More

  • Insane cows attack in Minecraft!! #twitch

    Insane cows attack in Minecraft!! #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Vacas locas en minecraft #minecraft twitch xebastianur’, was uploaded by xebastianur short on 2024-01-03 06:09:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft House Build - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 House Building’, was uploaded by Kid Pik YT on 2024-03-25 17:35:29. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:18 or 1038 seconds. #viral #videos #minecraft #ytshorts Throw yourself into the void 250 miles above Earth in this award-winning VR spacewalk inspired by NASA’s training program and the astonishing experiences of its astronauts. Home puts you at the center of the story, taking you on an emotional and personal journey while delivering beautiful, heart-stopping, and memorable moments. Join our YouTube community and unlock exclusive perks!▶️    / @vicinity360   ▶️ Become… Read More

  • Epic Pranks and Kittens, NOT Minecraft!

    Epic Pranks and Kittens, NOT Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa Cat But Mincraft’, was uploaded by Jokers on 2024-01-13 06:24:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa Cat But Mincraft Tags: #minecraft #youtube #memes #meme #cat #funny #chipichipi #animation … Read More

  • Classic Prison Server, PVE, 1.20+

    Billionaire Prison Don’t like all that OP stuff in prison? Work hard for fortune instead of getting fortune 50 as soon as you join! Play this hardcore classic prison server! Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with the latest plugins. Custom builds and custom plugins are all over the place!! Features include: Auction House Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Custom Enchanting System Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates Much More! We focus on a player driven economy with a server wide auction house, player chest shops and much more! Join our Discord server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They never give a damn about the characters;-;

    It’s like they’re too busy mining for diamonds to notice the emotional turmoil of their pixelated friends! Read More

  • Pocket Edition Pro: Texture Pack Install Rap

    Pocket Edition Pro: Texture Pack Install Rap In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Texture packs add flair, like a vibrant dream. To install them in Pocket Edition, follow my lead, With steps so simple, you’ll succeed with speed. First, get the packs from a trusted source, Like the link provided, no need for remorse. Download them to your device, with a click, Then open the APK, it’s really quite slick. Choose the texture you fancy, with a keen eye, View it, download it, don’t be shy. Install it smoothly, with a few taps, Importing it successfully, no mishaps. To activate the pack, follow… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Minee Steve’s Epic Fail 😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Minee Steve's Epic Fail 😂 When you think you’re about to see an epic Minecraft battle but it’s just Steve dancing to “Baby Shark” at the end 😂 #plot twist #minecraftdancingqueen Read More

  • Warrior God Love Story: Minecraft Animation Part 3

    Warrior God Love Story: Minecraft Animation Part 3 The Love Story Continues in Minecraft Animation Exploring the Love Between a Warrior and a Cute God In the latest installment of the Minecraft Animation series, viewers are treated to the ongoing love story between a great warrior and a very cute god. The emotional journey of these characters unfolds in a visually stunning music video that captivates audiences of all ages. Emotional Depth and Visual Splendor The animation showcases the deep emotional connection between the warrior and the god, highlighting their bond amidst challenges and adventures in the Minecraft world. The vibrant colors and intricate details in the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the popular YouTube video “Wisk said WHATT #lifeseries #minecraft #grian,” then you’ll love the action-packed gameplay and camaraderie that awaits you at Minewind. With a focus on limited life gameplay, PvP battles, and epic building challenges, this server offers something for every type of Minecraft player. Join the fun today by entering the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client…. Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Raid Farm Fail?

    Hardcore Minecraft Raid Farm Fail? Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Raid Farm: A Challenging Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey in Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore as you attempt to build a raid farm. The challenge is set, the stakes are high, but can you succeed in this daring endeavor? Raid Farm Tutorial Watch the tutorial here to learn the ins and outs of creating a raid farm in Minecraft Bedrock. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle this formidable task. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Delve into the depths of Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore, where every decision counts and danger lurks around every corner. The hardcore… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 200 Days in Medieval Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 200 Days in Medieval Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in MEDIVAL MINECRAFT CISCOS ULTIMATE…’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-05-13 00:28:58. It has garnered 98087 views and 5025 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:23 or 5243 seconds. I Survived 100 Days of Hardcore in CISCOS MEDIEVAL MINECRAFT. Here’s What Happened… WATCH THE FIRST 100 DAYS: MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 Watch the Whole 200 Days Streams: | Chapters | 0:00 | Intro 0:45 | Day 100-110 17:30 | Day 111-120 24:19 | Day 121-130 34:25… Read More

  • Smashing Levels in Geometry Dash! Live Stream

    Smashing Levels in Geometry Dash! Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing your levels! (Geometry Dash Level Requests) Live!’, was uploaded by valisy on 2024-02-21 23:50:38. It has garnered 92 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:33 or 7653 seconds. bopl bopl battle balding_sonic balding_valisy vvalisy battle valisy Johan Grönvall Johan Grönvall @johangronvall9473 Minecraft Minecraft SMP SMP Minecraft Bedrock SMP Minecraft Bedrock Bedrock Bedrock SMP Geometry Dash Dash Geometry 2.2 Dash 2.2 2.2 Geometry 2.2 Geometry Dash 22 22 Geometry 22 Dash 22 Geometry Dash Decode Decode Geometry Dash Decode GD Decode gd Gd 2.2 2.2 Gd Geometry 2.2 Geometry Dash 2.2… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PVP Madness!! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Fireball PVP Madness!! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PVP in Fireball Fight #shorts’, was uploaded by RoyThePro111 on 2024-04-19 20:57:41. It has garnered 744 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Thanks for watching this funny Minecraft video. I make videos like this about pvp packs texture packs add-ons and more. I make videos about the bridge, skywars, and more mcpe games too. I make videos about clutches, traps, beatsync montages, montages etc. #minecraft #shorts #fyp Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saturday Night! EP #9 – LAVA Farm Upgrade

    Insane Minecraft Saturday Night! EP #9 - LAVA Farm UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Madness Saturday Night | EP #9 | Expanding the local village | Upgrading LAVA farm’, was uploaded by First generation gamer dude on 2024-05-12 16:14:54. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:59 or 7079 seconds. Starting a brand new #Minecraft adventure Every other saturday 9PM If you know me, message me for my xbox gamertag to join the stream! #live #streamer #streaming #mrbeast #castle Read More

  • Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 – Survival (Android,iOS)’, was uploaded by TopGameplay on 2024-03-11 13:00:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Check out the complete walkthrough in this playlist: Seed: 3257840388504963787 Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode…. Read More

  • Unleashing Hordes of Demons on Monster Island!

    Unleashing Hordes of Demons on Monster Island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summoning MILLIONS Of Demons In Minecraft Monster Island!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-03-19 19:00:01. It has garnered 2063 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:53 or 9893 seconds. Summoning MILLIONS Of Demons In Minecraft Monster Island! Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Story Mode Editor vs Wither Storm

    EPIC Minecraft Story Mode Editor vs Wither StormVideo Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 11 getting ready’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-25 03:02:03. It has garnered 43 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming #virtual #art #htcvive #mixedreality #oculusrift… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle – Yuta VS Duduzinho on Aternos Server!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle - Yuta VS Duduzinho on Aternos Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘240419 Live Minecraft – Build Battle no Servidor Aternos – Yuta VS Duduzinho Tema Construção Fantasy’, was uploaded by Bildo Minecraft on 2024-04-20 11:55:05. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:37 or 3937 seconds. Welcome Everyone and If You Like Our Content, Consider Becoming a Member. To play Build Battle, follow these 5 steps: Step 1: Read and understand the Rules and Objective of Build Battle Step 2: Understand the Objective of the Battle Step 3: Understand the Rules in Battle Step 4: Add the Server to… Read More

  • Unleash your skills on the smallest violin in Minecraft! #ClickbaitSkillz

    Unleash your skills on the smallest violin in Minecraft! #ClickbaitSkillzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tower at Different Times (World’s Smallest Violin) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SkillzUnleashed on 2024-03-25 16:37:12. It has garnered 10977 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft clutches #minecraft shorts #minecraft funny #minecraft memes #minecraft clutch #mlg clutch at every age in Minecraft (world’s smallest violin) #minecraft mod #minecraft challenge #minecraft but i mlg clutch every 30 seconds #minecraft survival #minecraft but I randomly clutch in every 30 seconds #minecraft hindi #minecraft mlg #minecraft #minecraft traps at different ages #escape traps in minecraft #minecraft traps #minecraft… Read More

  • PangaeaEarth – Semi-vanilla PVP Towny SMP 1.20+ Discord

    PangaeaEarth A work in progress geopolitical Minecraft server with a Pangaea map. The map will be approximately 4k by 4.5k, running on the towny claiming system. The server caters to casual players who enjoy building, but also has systems in place for those interested in PvP. Come join us in PangaeaEarth! Discord Link: Read More

  • We’re back, let’s play!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Off The Block

    Off The BlockWelcome to Off The Block!Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative.Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull.What are you waiting for? Join today!IP: play.offtheblock.usWEBSITE: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “First Minecraft Peepee”

    Looks like this Minecraft meme is number one in the pee category! Read More

  • Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust?

    Crafty Noob vs. Herobrine Hunters: Outsmart or Bust? In the world of Minecraft, a noob did appear, Chased by Herobrine, filled with fear. With three hunters on his tail, he must outsmart, Or face defeat, torn apart. Through forests and caves, he ran with might, Dodging arrows and swords, in the dead of night. His heart raced fast, his breath a gasp, But he knew he had to complete his task. With every jump and every block he placed, He raced against time, in this thrilling chase. But Herobrine’s eyes glowed with a sinister gleam, A nightmare come to life, not just a dream. But the noob… Read More

  • “Getting lost in Minecraft be like: Where the hell am I?!” #lost #funny

    "Getting lost in Minecraft be like: Where the hell am I?!" #lost #funny When you keep getting lost in Minecraft and end up with more rooms than a mansion, you know you’ve hit peak noob status. #lost #minecraftprobs #roomforimprovement Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a fantastic Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching the latest Minecraft animation video “My Favorite Demon Part 4,” you may have felt a surge of creativity and excitement. Imagine being able to bring that same level of creativity to life in a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server like Minewind. With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Console Wars in Minecraft

    Console Wars in Minecraft Minecraft: Xbox vs Playstation Minecraft is a wildly popular sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a virtual world filled with endless possibilities. One of the most debated topics among Minecraft players is which console is the best for playing the game: Xbox or Playstation. Xbox Experience On Xbox, players can enjoy seamless integration with Xbox Live, allowing for easy multiplayer gameplay and access to a wide range of community-created content. The controls are also smooth and responsive, making it easy to navigate the world and build intricate structures. Playstation Experience Playstation, on the other… Read More

  • 🔥Join Now! Lewis 0978 Building Epic Vault LIVE

    🔥Join Now! Lewis 0978 Building Epic Vault LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft Server Finishing Building the Vault | ?mc to join Server’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-05 18:04:37. It has garnered 71 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:53 or 16253 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s SCARIEST Island: Kiply’s Challenge

    Surviving Minecraft's SCARIEST Island: Kiply's ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s SCARIEST Island…’, was uploaded by Kiply on 2024-01-30 19:00:00. It has garnered 180305 views and 3329 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:02 or 2762 seconds. Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Island… ❤️ Subscribe and 👍 LIKE to support the channel and see more videos like this! ✔️ FOLLOW ME ON OTHER STUFF 😀 Twitch: Discord: Twitter: Edited by: @KillerCaRRoTopGaming In this scary simulation we survived the scariest minecraft seed on nightmare island on hardcore minecraft server. Minecraft’s best players simulate a MMO fantasy medieval civilization. WIth the scariest mods like… Read More

building a walmart in minecraft