C W G – This UPGRADES your VAULT GEAR! – Minecraft Vault Hunters SMP 1.18 eps5

Video Information

What’s going on guys cwg here welcome to episode 5 on the Vault Hunters SMP did you know it takes five purple wool to craft the soul Shard bag interesting and wait you guys are telling me you can craft it without any research oh my gosh yeah you could just craft the soul Shard

Pouch required an inventory for soul sharks to drop why have we not done that yet let me go ahead and get together the stuff that we need all right I got the materials together let us craft a soul Shard pouch nice so apparently you don’t really have to do anything else next

Time we enter the Vault we should be getting Soul shards so it looks like Hellfire Mages online right now and he said he wants to run a vault so let’s get into the vaults right away hello hell it’s a nice rainy evening in the park of spod hopefully the uh the rain

Will will bless us rather than those blessing the rain and then we’ll get some actual good gear I need I need some volt gear I do I’ve got like the chest plate but it’s it’s not enough I need full gear oh you got a chest plate that’s the only thing that I’ve been

Okay so I have a potential Strat which is that we try and Tackle as many runes as possible yeah I’ll go in the basement you go in the ceiling bit okay and then we try and sort of rush through them as fast as we can and see how much

Xp we can get I mean I’m down I’ll I’ll go up I got okay okay let’s try that again all right off we go keep forgetting I actually have to jump in now it doesn’t just drag weird yeah I have my trusty Netherrack to Mark the way though so we’re good nice oh

There’s five obelai I have no idea how strong like the bosses are I have no idea I’ve not even seen one spawn in they’re like really hard to find now yeah oh oh what you got I got my first Soul shard oh nice how do you how do you get let me

Just you need the pouch yeah apparently you literally just have to craft the pouch which is all vanilla items is it is it as good as it used to be sounds like we need to do some tests I don’t know you’re the guide guy you should be

Told me yeah these are these are these are new mechanics though give me time I got a mystery box a nice that’s so weird being excited for mystery boxes now dude what do we get a bit of chromatic steel I started using breader’s food because you know you get

So much bread yeah it’s like as well Omega I got a ball helmet hey nice let’s go all right we got look at all these coins dude this is a big boy pile of coins it’s got silver bronze cash money I gotta say it’s pretty satisfying by these coins though [Applause]

I do like that hey don’t seven Hearts oh heal run I would but it’s on cooldown hell I got too much good stuff for you to die now it’s the ghosts they slow you down yeah they do oh I didn’t see these chests before whoa scaffold King what’d I do oh

I got a stack of scaffolding yeah the scaffold King many of them oh beggar another Vault Diamond oh a blast there’s an obelisk oh I mean we would need four more but yeah all right we gotta click anyway maybe you guys people this is actually the

Yeah this is the first Obelisk I’ve seen in the update I just found a couple of the 18 chests well but I’m leaving just in case hell dies 2 000 XP huh ah you’re probably right to leave actually because I’m almost dying okay what if you do I actually died

There level five baby and there’s still a Hell in that Vault oh oh oh oh oh bad things are happening I see you about 12. oh gosh I I’m wondering if I should leave your phone leave your power I’m just I’m just I’m just getting out I’m

Just leaving it’s not worth it will hell make it out alive put your guesses in the comments section and it’s kind of funny just watching the lit portal just waiting to see if someone comes out I guess so I like that a lot more hey he made it out hey levels up level

Four congratulations right should we roll our uh our vault pieces I do we can roll it together are you ready I got a helmet oh I’m rolling it apparently here we go Rusty night helmet five armor five great resistance five Rarity oh it’s got more armor than my other one 12 attack damage

And it’s Soul bound ooh forever all right well thanks for riding the Vault with me hell yeah no problemo we got actually quite lucky in that one didn’t we I think the Strat was a success concluding it’s a success big success and just before I leave yeah um you know

We have a new Overlord oh yeah our overload our Overlord code overload overload overload sounds good so um uh what’s your your thoughts about him uh giving us rules to do yeah I don’t know I don’t know what kind of rules codes could come up with is it

Gonna be a good leader or is he gonna be a my my guess is a tyrant because I asked one of the AIS to make a poem about code and it didn’t paint him in the most positive light I will say that so much yeah yeah I’m uh well well we’ll just

Have to uh we’ll have to see but there may be opportunities to uh minimize his impact well you’ll have to keep me updated on the situation but for now if y’all want to see the AI generated poem go check out hell’s Channel it sounds interesting why is everyone just talking

To the sky this season it’s really weird okay bye wow guys that bolt with the hell ended up going pretty well we even got a new helmet now sadly I don’t think I’m gonna use this helmet even though it has more protection because this one gives us

Extra Health in its Soul band which is kind of nice oh but this has Ida Rarity tough choice let me know in the comments which helmet you guys think we should use all right everything of the shulker and in our inventories what we got in that Vault two Vault diamonds eleven

Burger patties and a mystery box let’s see if this mystery box is any better we also got four netherite ingots which is really good they’ve given another right ingots a lot of uses in Vault Hunters which is pretty cool actually we also got 22 knowledge Essence how much

Knowledge Essence are we up to now total a stack of three we almost have enough for our first Dodge star although the recipe for dollar star has changed in order to make the Dodge star core you’d need eight Vault diamonds and an extraordinary Benny a type means we’re

Gonna need 16 Betty a tight and we still haven’t found a single bedia type not to mention in our Bounty table I picked up the Quest for mining beniota or still haven’t found a single one all right let’s pop this Mystery Box see what we get payday gems yes we could combine these

Paid out gems with the Vault dust to get red Vault Essence and put it into our tool Vice nice means we can upgrade one of our tools I’ll leave that alone for now so last episode I asked y’all to come up with a name for the vault gear

That we have right now and let’s see what you guys came up with for the pants we got hippopotus because they’re uh the hippopotamus model that’s hilarious for the helmet we got the health mitt because it gives plus three Health pretty funny and for the boots we got

The best boots forever we’ll see how long they’re the best boots forever for oh yeah we ended up getting 14 Soul shards inside that Vault let’s see if we could afford to buy anything uh no we are too poor but it looks like they added a bunch of the new items into the

Soul Shard shop like chromatic iron wild Focus Cadillac fragments I wonder how good the gambling of the Soul Shard menu is going to be this season I’m excited all right let’s see if we have anything to add to the board of inspiration first of all we got a fan art here by awful

Look at that cwg wearing the rusty helmet that’s just awesome next up we got a dank meme cwg by stash cwg barely uses Dash hey I’m getting used to using Dash again all right at the end of last season we were using the tanyas double and triple jump so I didn’t really need

To use it I’m getting back in the swing of Dash it again as I mentioned in last episode every piece of armor has prefixes suffocuses and implicits just think of them as like three different categories of attributes for your armor but there’s something we can build that can help modify that it’s

Called The Vault Artisan station now we have everything we need except for a few chromatic steel but luckily we can craft it with chromatic iron and carbon like so and then there we go fault Artisan station nice let’s go ahead and set that down next to our tool Vice so in order

To use this thing you need plating and coins again so let’s grab our coins and plating from our other guy and slap it in next you have to put your boots or whatever armor you want to modify in the center and in here is where you put your

Different focuses or I guess Foci and if we look at our vault stuffs and things we do have some Foci that we’ve been getting from the vaults specifically the wild focuses and the amplifying focuses and as you can see these boots have a missing prefix slot so what the wild

Focuses do is they re-roll all for prefixes and suffixes which you can see are the bottom two things but we’re actually missing a prefix and for that you could use the amplifying focus which will add a new random modifier and since we have a random new modifier slot let’s

Go ahead and use it and that gave us plus one armor nice and what’s cool about it is that it puts a little new next to it so you know what you actually added now the question is do we want to try to re-roll it and get something

Better honestly the extra matter armor and soul battle I’m kind of fine with because if volunteers 118 since you can’t use totems of undying anymore the chance of death is pretty real so having soulbound is actually pretty nice now now our hippopotter pants also has an

Empty prefix go ahead and slap it in and use the amplifying focus oh and we get plus two armor let’s go oh I didn’t even know you can roll plus two armor you’ll love to see it now just to show you guys how the wild Focus works I’ll use it on

The health mitt which is funny because we might re-roll the health and it I guess it won’t be the health bit anymore oh well let’s do it use a wild Focus oh I didn’t know if you re-roll it it could actually get rid of a prefix it’d give

Us knockback resistance okay that kind of sucks let’s use another wild focus on it we got plus what Arbor and no suffix I’m gonna keep using this okay this time we got plus nine man I’m not bad oh I forgot the more you use the foci the

More broads it’s gonna cost all right we’ll use it one more time just to see what happens one more wild Focus let’s go all right we got plus what our bread plus five percent item quantity okay I’m five of that I mean it’s called the health bit it no longer gives extra

Health but I think that’s okay and look at that with all our extra armor we have we now have 21 total armor nice I’m starting to feel like we’re decently protected now so yeah Vault Artisan stationed really good really important get it early as well as your soul Shard

Pouch oh and we have one unspent skill point what I’m thinking is that we save up one more and pick up a permanent level of strength your first level you pick up in strength is such a huge power Spike so we’ll save up one more skill

Point and pick it up alright so let’s go ahead and try to upgrade our brand new Vault pickaxe we made last episode and one of the upgrades I want to give it is copiously this will make it so when you mine ores there’s a chance that we’ll

Drop double the oars that sounds super dope but by adding copiously it’s good to use one of each of the materials and for bronze also you can see here there’s a hundred percent chance this will work so let’s do it we got plus point five percent copiously that’s a minimum Roll

But whatevs we can go ahead and apply another now there’s a 95 chance that it won’t break but a five percent chance that it will break but that’s a low chance right there we go that was a decent roll so we have a pickaxe with 1.3 percent copiously so next time we’re

The vaults and we’ve run across some Vault ores we can switch to this pickaxe and mine it how cool is that what’s interesting if we upgrade this pickaxe to the point where reaches this star we can add a socket and if we look at jei here there’s all kinds of different

Sockets and they all do different things like shoveling can make it act like a shovel there’s an Excavating socket that can mine a three by three area yeah all kinds of cool different sockets but we do not have the materials for that yet we got more Vault runs to do but it’s

Nice to have a copiously copious pickaxe we can use in the vaults speaking of that we need to get into the Vault so let’s go ahead and craft another Crystal I found out that you guys actually really like watching the crystal crafting process so that’s kind of cool

I’ll slap it in see what we get gold Granite glow ink and seeds we already got plenty of seeds three gold is easy I still have some glow ink left over from caving although I’m gonna have to get more glowing soon 13 Granite we have one

Granite wow to the desert and that’s why we come to the desert you see that tons of granite Granite only spawns in hot biomes in the vault Hunters mod pack so if you’re looking for granted go the hot biomes if you’re looking for diorite go to the neutral biomes if you’re looking

For andersite go to the cold biomes all right here we go see it’s gold glow ink and granite give me my crystal nice ah just chilling on a bench oh why hello there Evan also chili on a bench what you doing hi fancy meeting you here

Oh very fancy so fancy I brought a level five that’s a healing potion a level five Vault Crystal wow what are you gonna do with that I don’t know I was just gonna like throw it into here you want to run it oh sure why not we’re both here all right let’s

Hop in we’ll do more talking in there all right so while I need like stuffs and things because I’m broke I need more Vault diamonds I need more more everything I need five benia type or I don’t know okay so keep your eyes I have a bounty for it oh neat I haven’t

Used the Bounty table yet which ah oh wow wow that was sketchy I’m okay oh it’s the ghost that sounds like a witch it’s not actually a witch you got uh 10 HP there how’s it going real real great a little sketchy great it’s okay to have a little bit of sketchy

A little bit sketchy keeps it spicy I got coids let’s go they’re so satisfying yes does the copious pickaxe work on coins I don’t know did you take on this one yet oh it looks like it oh no no I’ll protect you thank you where’s the spouse up there

Yeah it’s like up there you slightly nudged me off of course don’t die whoa healing potion oh whoa they’re chasing me I thought they were on you oh no I didn’t realize they were on me the entire time I wasn’t wearing my helmet oh hey that would have helped neither was I

Oh YouTuber problems we’re getting to put your helmet back on try number two yeah my goal is to do a co-op with each person on the server one at a time this is your turn perfect such a good goal um then we’re not gonna die this time baby yes but we haven’t be

What is this oh no the factory room oh the factory room’s not fun anymore you just have to run through it full speed okay Full Speed Ahead all right full speed healing speed oh wait I don’t have any blocks the Mark just put a scaffolding oh

That was uh sketchy I’m not gonna make it oh my gosh they’re so fast just keep running keep running uh keep running keep healing get ready to heal it oh there they’re coming where do we go uh scaffolding up up are you following me where are you oh no they’re following

You yeah I’m gonna take them out now wow did they throw a brick at me oh my God there’s so many spiders bring it on Bob’s I’m going down there’s water down here it’ll protect us get in the water I like that there are more mobs in this level one Vault than

There were in the level five yeah the factory rooms the ridiculous apparently Factory Rubes aren’t good anymore they’re uh challenging yeah that’s disappointing ah what back of my day the factory rooms were good dude all the mobs they’re just dropping from above oh you’re still coming so many

There’s still leftover Bobs of the factory room it’s red and mobs Hallelujah all right could we finally loot these freaking chests nope no we can nope nope how many are there it’s a limited Supply from the seat there’s more get that out of here oh my gosh I think we’re good

Okay I can finally break this bookcase nope they’re still covered no there’s only three bottles we could go bottle up hundred yeah the bottle of crates are usually pretty good from what I found or the singular one that I got ah oh my gosh I just scaffolded clutched nine and a

Half minutes left I have no idea where I am oh no so I think if it works like 116 I just have to find one of the quarters and then headed a straight line it should take me back to the center all right I found a quarter now I head straight line

Nice wait is that you oh hi hi fancy you here do you know how to get back yeah uh Straight Ahead yep oh that’s exactly where I was gonna go yeah perfect so I voiced all my time looking for zero bottle let’s just go to zero monolith I’ve got a full circle around

The vault what the heck that’s crazy oh man give me the carbon that was a bit aggressive aggressed with this carpet you need carbon hello hello up here yes I gotta break the spawner still I don’t think I’m gonna be if it’ll be so bedia type for the quest all right so do

I just let’s go pick it up and then I don’t have a thing that should be one better tight or down I just need four four oh we have five minutes I guess we should head back probably though they’re still so obviously oh yeah that’s right we’re

Gonna be heading back to them no we have to run back through we gotta run back through the factory room okay we just ran straight right yeah okay if I wish with like a straight path the entire way and then I did a full rotation around the vault found no monoliths

Yeah bring it on Factory group I still don’t know what the secret is of this room like if there’s anything actually good in here yeah I’m gonna investigate no what’s in this giant mechanical arm I gotta know also don’t die yeah oh crap okay yeah let’s just get

Out of here this is not where it’s rude oh I see a compressed lighter the heck away from me all right let’s go my comment section says I don’t Dash enough so stash okay nice we’re free ice 1000 XP which apparently isn’t a lot anymore 51 mobs I’m alive you you leveled up

Yay let’s go you level three now uh level two level two nice level two speed running well thanks for riding the Vault with me Evan if you guys want to check out our Channel link is in the description of course you know it is there a crazy couple of alt runs but

They were a lot of fun thanks so much for running this vaults with me yep bye all right what a fun Vault with Ebbitt that was yeah I want to do a co-op ball with everyone at least Once on This Server I’m convinced that everyone that

Plays on this s p are all underrated YouTubers so they should all get the attention they deserve also I just made a trade deal with Chris here Chris really wants our empty flask because apparently he picked up the cleanse where is it yeah he picked up the clan

Specialization it did not realize that this gets rid of heel so he needs a empty flask so that way he can craft a flask of regret for heal oh heal oh this that was the timing ask it to shower Steve so I have a I have the flask I have the diamond

All right ready three two one go one flask for two Vault diamonds let’s go I’m I am okay with that yeah I learned that lesson real quick that you kind of need heal in the freaking Vault yeah like it’s beautiful kinda well you can’t you can’t heal that’s

Unfortunate okay you can’t cleanse oh oh it has the old sound effect too I kind of missed the clean sound effect you want to trade you can take cleanse and I’ll just take your heel I’m good all right that puts me up to five Vault diamonds I need four more for a

Knowledge star also guess who got his first Benny a tight or I’m gonna guess you you wanna watch me place it apparently Betty it’s height is very rare this season than this pack it’s not like last season where it was coming out the yin yang now it’s like rare well

Thank you for the trades uh if you need anything else let me know I’m always down to I I shall also speaking of people that are online peopleps online I finally gonna use the bridge let’s go say hi to him and by use the bridge I

Mean use my elytra Cause I’m lazy oh my gosh it’s such a ridiculously Long Bridge has people noticed yet oh he’s right there oh hello oh hi there I just wanted to see if you noticed uh the the the bridge I made the bridge friendship the bridge of friendship oh I see you’re

Extending the bridge of Friendship with dirt well what’s Happening Here is this bridge of friendship is gonna grow it’s gonna grow as our friendship grows so will the bridge whoa that’s gonna be a metaphor for the season it’s it it’s held up biased it is held

Up by One Singular stick if anyone chops that stick out this whole Bridge collapses exactly just like our friendship in real life yeah one mistake and it’s over so I’m gonna build the bridge and it’s gonna be strong yes like our uh like our dual Hills yes like right now

Ah Ah that’s sweet all right I’ll leave you to it just let us see what’s going on here looks like you’re building cool things spoilers all right see you friend bye I’m sorry for not using the bridge thank you guys for hanging out with me today make sure you’re subscribed do it

Right now make sure you leave a comment for fact number six catch you guys in the next one cwg ow

This video, titled ‘This UPGRADES your VAULT GEAR! – Minecraft Vault Hunters SMP 1.18 eps5’, was uploaded by C W G on 2022-12-06 22:38:51. It has garnered 19255 views and 846 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:39 or 1479 seconds.

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Want to host a Modded Minecraft Server? use www.bisecthosting.com/CWG with the promo code CWG to get 25% off your first month to host a MC server!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/MasterCWG

Welcome to episode 5 of Season 2 on the Vault Hunters SMP, a server in which myself and other youtube minecrafters play together using the Vault Hunters Mod. The main aim is to run vaults, find loot, get better gear and complete the vault artifact puzzle. The mod was developed by @iskall85 and his team. However, this is also a fun server, so expect a lot of usual Minecraft shenanigans, such as pranks, traps, megabases, minigames etc.

Other players on the server: CWG: @MasterCWG Code: @CodeMC1 Fuzzycub_ : @Fuzzycub_ Rob: @RobPlaysMinecraft Styrkat: @styrkatMC Hellfirem4ge: @Hellfirem4ge Korey: @KoreyKeipe Flynnrider: @Flynnrite Evat Leigh: @EvatLeigh Peeporp: @Peeporp Ardeilys: @ardeilys

Music: Flare by @Vexento

Server details: Vault hunters is a Minecraft 1.18.2 server with a whole lot of mods.

Merch are done by Bitby and Stormrider: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtrpLzu4Im4XNc63rKCnkng (Bitby) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9WjMv0jCTA24uJFjLkJ8YA (Storm)

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    ULTIMATE AXE GAMER DOMINATES MINECRAFT #MLGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AXE GAMER on 2024-04-19 14:22:00. It has garnered 660 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Best MLG In Minecraft Of All Time #shorts #minecraft Minecraft is an amazing open-world sandbox where players build, create, and explore their very unique world. Whether it is in creative, survival, or adventure mode, each experience is sure to be a blast. #minecraft #shorts Tags: minecraft, magixmc, magixmc tiktok, magix tiktok,tic toc,ticktock,gaming, build, building,minecraft buildings, short, shorts, youtubeshorts, youtube short,… Read More

  • VerixPvP | Revamped

    VerixPvP | RevampedVerixPvP is an established competitive minecraft network! Some of our features include – Premium cannoning jar – Custom F Fork Shields, Rosters, Missions, Upgrades – Free Upgradable Autosell Harvester Hoes – Printable gen buckets and Patch Buckets AND MUCH MORE! play.verixpvp.com Read More

  • The Dominion PvE RPG Dungeons Custom Items 1.20.2

    Welcome to The Dominion IP: play.thedominion.us Alternate IP: thedominion.us Embark on an epic Minecraft RPG adventure at The Dominion (est. 2013)! DUNGEONS: Conquer hand-crafted challenges, unveiling your dungeoneering prowess for exclusive loot and glory! WORLDS: Dive into a hybrid realm – an SMP haven for builders or a bespoke RPG world of dungeons and dangers! CUSTOMIZATION: Elevate your gameplay with unique items, bosses, and a leveling system tailored for immersive experiences. COMMUNITY DRIVEN: Crafted by a passionate, small team; we welcome all to aid in improving our server. CONSTANT EVOLUTION: Your feedback shapes the server as we unveil fresh content…. Read More

  • Double Helix

    Double HelixLooking for a server that puts the players first? How about we throw in… custom items.. now that sounds interesting. PvP? you betcha, there’s heaps of Arenas that you can get even with your friends.. or enemies :)Yeah, Discord seems to be the thing here’s our channel : discord.gg/2KEKQeQVhxTowny, Mini Games, Jobs ….That’s just a snippet of what we can offer you here at Double Helix! ..Got 10 minutes? .. Then don’t be shy, come on over and take a look for yourself . the only thing you have to lose is a couple of minutes, who knows, you might… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Inventory overload: Minecraft’s ancient luggage struggles

    Looks like Minecraft’s inventory is still stuck in the Stone Age! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids!

    Crafting Cash in 2024: Mine Money with Minecraft Vids! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Earning money without YouTube, where the story arrives. A course to guide you, with assets and clients in sight, Editing and teachers, to make your content bright. Contact for business, at [email protected], Options for courses, to help you earn a gem. DarkCity and DarkHeroes, series to explore, Challenges and entities, to keep you wanting more. Top 5 powerful entities, to test your might, Entertainment and fun, in every Minecraft night. Like and subscribe, for more content to see, In the world of Minecraft, where you can be free. Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️

    🔥Minecraft vs. Hot Sauce! 🌶️ I don’t know about you, but I think the real question is: which came first, the chicken or the creeper? 🤔 #minecraftlogic #shorts #meme #2023 Read More

  • Cheating My Way Through Minecraft’s Top Server

    Cheating My Way Through Minecraft's Top Server Minecraft Madness: Speedrunning Hypixel’s Biggest Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through Minecraft’s largest server, Hypixel, as our intrepid gamer takes on the ultimate challenge of conquering five different game modes in record time. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions! Skywars: The Battle Begins Our hero dives into the first challenge, Skywars, a fast-paced game of strategy and combat. With a unique approach of hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, the unexpected unfolds, leading to a surprising victory on the first try! TNT Run: Explosive Escapades Next up is TNT Run, a heart-pounding… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “🥰JOJO BIZZAR ADVENTURE PIXEL ART #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where creativity knows no bounds? Imagine bringing your pixel art skills to life in a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world where the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Pigs Turning into Creepers – Minecraft

    Pigs Turning into Creepers - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where pigs are turning into creepers in Minecraft! Dive into the captivating universe of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay possibilities, Minecraft offers a unique experience of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring. Building Your Dream World From humble cabins to grand castles, Minecraft allows you to construct your ideal home in a virtual realm. Let your creativity run wild as you design and build structures that reflect your imagination. Exploring the Unknown Embark on thrilling journeys… Read More

  • INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!

    INSANE Monky MODS 4 Minecraft! Unbelivable!!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel in today’s video we will be exploring some of the craziest Minecraft mods out there these mods will push the limits of Minecraft from enhancing The View distance to improving Graphics quality we will be covering everything from the most valuable mods to the most outstanding ones in their respective Fields I hope you will enjoy the video and support me by like And subscribe to the channel for more amazing content so without further Ado let’s dive into the video the video begins with the most highly rated realistic… Read More

  • Why I SWAPPED Mikey’s Body in Minecraft with a Girl’s – Maizen

    Why I SWAPPED Mikey's Body in Minecraft with a Girl's - MaizenVideo Information hey JJ are you ready for this meeting with the boss to hand over the cash absolutely Mikey handing over a pile of money always makes me anxious JJ did you see that the bridge is broken we almost went flying off I noticed Mikey what the heck happened to the bridge and why is there a police car tailing us Mikey JJ you’re under arrest you’ve been working for the mafia and you’re looking at 10 years behind bars officer you got it all wrong we’re just regular guys trying to make a living no Mafia business… Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱

    Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] tes [Musik] tes asamikumikumam kedua ni bang halo halo asalamaikum Waalaikumsalam rizan 2030 Kika Halo Bang 226 kilan yo Halo Bang Halo R R6 ketig ketig yang benar Siapa tuh Halo channel aku sat Bang Iya halo halo Kid 517 halo channel Halo Bang Halo semuanya Selamat malam ini adalah teraw terakhirh lah Ang I guys sekarang teraw terakhir guysa terakhir ya atau takbiran ya Halo Bang Halo channel7 Halo Mar 5000 juta Bang kamu kedua Bang ini bukan R yang kami kenal lihat rambutnya diakang Bang terakhir tanggal 9 kan lah tapi kan sekarang… Read More

  • Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft – INSANE POV! #minecraft

    Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft - INSANE POV! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HardShipYT on 2024-04-05 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE feat. BUTCHER OF BRIX & TUXEDO STEVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-30 11:23:21. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:42 or 2982 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft’s Creepiest Mod

    Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft's Creepiest ModVideo Information why is it doing thatai oh live yep ohie guys I’m live yay oh [ __ ] okay check check check okay check check check okay che check live hello hello hello hello hello yeah what’s up I’m back okay check if I’m live yeah you are live it’s fine live live live okay I’m I’m going to start my recording and we’ll do a proper intro oh [ __ ] wait wait wait hello everybody okay start it start it all right stand wait a wait stand here stand here and just do an FY you know yeah yeah yeah hello… Read More

  • EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #game

    EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #gameVideo Information вперёд к приключениям Ай не лагай не лагай А хотя Он скинет А как он это сделал тихо тихо Людвиг аристархович This video, titled ‘Чуть не закончились приключения #игры #стрим #bonny_craft #монтаж #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by BONNY_CRAFT on 2024-01-09 20:44:05. It has garnered 2121 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge – Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!

    HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge - Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!Video Information Alex vandaag moeten we een €1 versus 1 miljoen hotel bouwen en deze chesten gaan ons laten weten welke Wij moeten bouwen Kom op Ik wil de duurste hebben dan kan ik een mega zwembad bouwen en misschien ook een eigen butler nemen en die noem ik dan Frits wat Nee ik wil de duurste Ik kan niet wachten om een miljoen hotel gewoon te bouwen in plaats van een poep €1 hotel Maar zullen we kijken Dat is goed oké 3 2 1 Ja ik heb een miljoen Let’s Go Jee ik heb een eh Alex ik… Read More

  • Reedop’s Fortnite Anxiety Revealed – Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #Minecraft

    Reedop's Fortnite Anxiety Revealed - Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All High level anxiety’s 💀 But ( Wait for End😂 ) #Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-02-25 12:00:57. It has garnered 38775 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Share with your friends🙏 please Instagram link 👇 / https://instagram.com/reedop_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= my sacond channel channel link 👇 https://youtube.com/channel/UC771DphIWx4etC2b1gmO5sg IGNORE ALL HASHTAG 🙏 !! VIDEO RELATED HASTAGS ! #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • CozyCraving – Vanilla, No Whitelist, No Grief, Survival

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a great community to play with? Join our server with rollback plugin for griefing and looting protection. The server will never reset and will expand over time. Server IP: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Macho Craft ATM9

    Macho Craft ATM9Brand new community, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.Diverse Mod Selection: ATM9 boasts over 400 mods, ranging from well-known favorites to newer, lesser-known additions. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.Balanced Gameplay: The modpack strikes a balance between accessibility and depth. It includes all the basics found in other popular packs, but with a twist. Expect surprises, unique mechanics, and fresh content as you delve into the world of ATM9.Endgame Challenges: Can you craft the elusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Easy Choice”

    When it comes to choosing between studying and playing Minecraft, it’s a no-brainer…273 points to gaming! Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Sleepy Scheme

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Sleepy Scheme In the world of Minecraft, we find peace, Building, exploring, our stress release. So what if it makes us a bit sleepy, It’s a game that’s truly worth keeping. Let’s embrace the calm, the joy it brings, And let our imaginations take wings. Read More

  • Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme When you’re lagging in Minecraft and your friend asks why, just blame it on the Enderman stealing all the WiFi signals in the End dimension. #minecraftproblems #blametheenderman Read More

  • City Full of Villains! 😱 – Minecraft

    City Full of Villains! 😱 - Minecraft Minecraft Parody: The City Under Siege The Dark Monster’s Takeover In this Minecraft video, a mysterious dark monster seizes control of the entire city, turning everyone in the city evil just like itself. The monster’s black aura spreads, engulfing the city in darkness. Struggle for Survival As the dark virus infects the citizens, panic ensues. The monster approaches slowly, leaving no escape for the trapped residents. The tension rises as they realize the imminent danger. A Brave Stand Amidst the chaos, a brave individual steps up to protect their family and secure a safe haven within the city. With… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further! Dive into the world of Minewind and experience a unique gameplay experience like no other. With an active community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your inner builder. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a journey filled with adventure, challenges, and endless fun. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join now and let your imagination run wild in… Read More

  • Real Life FNF Character Showdown

    Real Life FNF Character Showdown FNF Character Test | Gameplay VS Minecraft Animation | All Characters In Real Life Exploring the exciting crossover between Friday Night Funkin’ (FNF) and Minecraft, players are treated to a unique experience where gameplay meets real-life animations. Let’s delve into the world where these two beloved universes collide! Gameplay Showdown In this thrilling matchup, players get to witness the characters from FNF being put to the test in the Minecraft world. The gameplay offers a fresh perspective on how these characters navigate through the blocky landscapes, bringing a whole new level of excitement to both fanbases. Real-Life Animation One… Read More

  • POMNI’s Secret Experiment: Undying Love or Digital Circus?

    POMNI's Secret Experiment: Undying Love or Digital Circus?Video Information hey hey guys just look where I am now I noticed this place very recently and I think there is something very interesting here that I can take for myself I am planning to go down there now and see what’s there it looks very big and it was hidden right under our Lake and just look at what’s here there’s a lot of cobwebs and look there’s some kind of chest apparently it’s locked and I need to find the key for it yes it has a combination lock and I can’t open it without it now… Read More

  • The Ultimate Gold Farm in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.5

    The Ultimate Gold Farm in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival; A working gold farm in bedrock edition 1.20.5 #minecraft’, was uploaded by ATF Throne on 2024-02-22 02:47:42. It has garnered 220 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. minecraft minecraft mod family friendly minecraft but maizen minecraft mods minecraft hardcore challenge cash cash and nico minecraft challenge nico minecraft shorts nico and cash canman funny aphmau minecraft update kory omz minecraft but challenge minecraft survival minecraft smp bionic kid friendly funny minecraft scary myths beating minecraft minecraft animation survival eyestreem minecraft funny gametoons stokestwins shorts mia… Read More

C W G – This UPGRADES your VAULT GEAR! – Minecraft Vault Hunters SMP 1.18 eps5