Can I Beat Minecraft In A 100% Ocean Biome World?

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And today I wanted to try a fun challenge which is to have an ocean biome only world and see if I can beat Minecraft to be totally honest I did try this before and it went not so well uh but yeah also to be totally honest of

You a lot of people think the ocean biome is just where the ocean is and logically this is how I would assume it works too but Minecraft actually sees the ocean biome as also containing all of the land you can tell this is an ocean biome because it has nothing but

Flowers there’s no trees no seeds it’s it’s very very much dark and boring and uh yeah I’ll be doing this without using the bonus chest despite me having one this is just to make my this just remind me of how much better things can be and

So instead we have to jump into the ocean head first and see what we can find so uh this makes it a very interesting challenge because without tree from Woods and indeed without easy access to you know like major wood and major resources like that how are we

Going to be Minecraft also because the ocean can’t spawn in villages finding a stronghold is a real pain finding any structures can be a real pain um and so yeah what do you do you jump in the ocean and you look for a treasure ship or a sunken ship or just a

Shipwreck if you feel like calling it by its real name it’s full name there um but yeah this is going to be one of those fun challenges and I’m not going to be re-referencing over and over again the fact that this is an ocean biome and

Ocean biomes have land because um I it’s one of those things I I learned from the last stream like I think when people get like defensive off that it’s it’s like uh it’s kind of boring to watch someone like come into a stream and question it

Like you know if you want to be confused feel free to so there’s nothing in these chests right here and apparently breaking this block is not going to go well for me apparently looking in that chest breaks the world this happened last time too interestingly um but yeah let’s hope that the next

Chest has something a little better inside of it for us except the next chest does not exist because that was the end of the Shipwreck that’s still kind of fine I think that gives me two sets of planks which is enough for me again we’re gonna need a third set of

Planks because then we can make a boat and then we can maybe oh god oh Jesus I’m dead Okay Okay Okay so so um I’m gonna swim out real fast real fast okay I’m not gonna get any more wood after this instead I’m gonna just get in

A boat and start traveling I guess okay so the crafting table has to go somewhere might as well be somewhere that I can easily access like on top of uh this grass right here and then we need to get just in a boat and going as

As fast as we can I I really would like to get more wood first you know but he’s he’s blocking it there is a trident round so I’ll use my the clever technique called Minecraft Mobs like to despawn and then I’ll come right back yeah that is that is crazy how fast we

Came that close to death there but thankfully big salmon is here to help me out and uh heal me out so um yeah I I think the challenges of being Minecraft in a single biome is something I’ve been really really into recently um I figured it could be fun to see how

Many single biomes we can do I beat Minecraft at Basalt Delta which to me felt like the hardest but some people have said like well actually it wouldn’t it might be harder on this this that so I think it’d be fun to go through what viewers think is the hardest single

Biome and see if we can beat all of them or at least a few of them some of the ones that sound hardest because let’s be honest a single buying planes sounds like a very easy challenge even even single biome desert feels like it’s entirely doable uh it’s the more Niche

And weird ones where it sounds like how are you gonna beat Minecraft in a single biome uh I don’t know like uh as a fun example how would you beat Minecraft in a single biome if that single biome was a warp forest and uh the answers get really interesting so with that said

Um single biome series oh single biome series just it it rolls off the tongue and therefore you’ve got to do it those are the rules so yeah my new plan is to get myself some Stone from this mountain over here and then once we have something Stone you know something a bit

More actually there’s no stone over there there’s Stone over back at the thing I should have just made a second one of these but instead said what we’ll do is we’ll make a wooden ax never make a wooden ax it’s just not worth doing instead we’ll stand on this punch the

Crafting table always try to be in the air when you punch things like this and then go right back at it because I want a stone sword I want to get some food really as fast as I can because the night time might be quite brutal for me

So off we go into the cave let’s mine ourselves some blocks so you should do the every challenge biome challenge where you try to beat Minecraft in a world with every biome whoa hexater on that’s that sounds like a real challenge I don’t know if I’d be able to do that

Can you imagine chat having every biome in a world would be would be too impossible you who you you wouldn’t know where to start which biome would you go to to look for diamonds I don’t know what biome has done I’m just kidding of course anyway with that said I have to

Have to say or I’ll get one comment three years from now like go a toy cat you can actually find uh or most Wilds have all of the biomes which is which is fine but I don’t want that one comment for years from now so I’m doing myself the favor speaking of

Doing myself favors I am now going to also mostly focus on getting some real serious stuff here also that’d be a world record in itself also howdy hey good to see you epic squirrel battle epic squirrel battle I I don’t know why you’d want an epic squirrel battle but

Apparently you’re involved in one um good to see you I now have myself a lovely set of things and oh actually this is my my default map I need to open this put it in my off hand just so I can see where I’m going roughly and then we

Need to go find ourselves some iron I was hoping we’d find some coal or something over here but nope we’re going out onto the Open Sea and seeing what we can find for me all right see I’m a pirate Captain that’s what you have to

Do when you’re going on the on the ocean you speak like a pirate you live longer that’s uh that’s it’s weird to me because pirate accidents just sound like people from Bristol but apparently it’s the other way around it’s that people who live in that one region of the UK

Happen to get on boats more often anyway yeah so uh being like uh the bristolian I am uh as I’m on a boat you need an eye patch oh I can’t afford me an eye patch because I’m a real pirate I spend it on rum and rum and limes or not limes I

Guess I spend it on rum and guns guns and rum uh like a real pirate wood there we go let’s I’m gonna stop the accent I’m gonna speak like a Texan pirate hell dear hey all the folks I love me so rum and I love me my chips cat I can’t do

The mixture of a team army army fellas uh I I can’t do it howdy our howdy I can’t I can’t do it it just doesn’t work internet um single buying Crimson Forest is so chaotic yeah Crimson Forest sounds like it could be one of the harder ones uh

Which might make it one of the more fun ones so yeah I’m trying to look around for anywhere we could find some iron and down there might be a solid bet if we could so I’m not not so sure at it yet but we’ll see for now let’s go down break this and

Maybe you also get a little bit of this going on what’s in see the chest breaks the world every time look at that everything is Frozen in place which actually I can use my favor I can kill myself some salmon uh or do that without the salmon part but I can kill the

Salmon Nikon I have to wait until the the world comes back to life after the chest there has got to be some very fascinating bug causing that because uh this is a single band World these do not exist by default in Minecraft Bedrock you have to use the crack magnet world

Generator because it’s found in the game code but there’s no uh like client-side access to it but uh yeah why is it like that I do not know what is down there I also I don’t know either I I think getting my hands on iron is going to be

Harder than I thought because if we don’t have I guess we can just start a cave from some of the land I think that might be the easiest way uh honestly yeah I think that’s what we’ll do we’ll look a little bit longer and then we’ll

Go for a cave speaking of looking for a cave Ela uh gal galiastos galiasatos thank you so much for becoming a channel member welcome to the club what made you decide to join tell me about it give me a you know I’m doing a survey in chat right now and only your

Answer matters um it was a nice bit of face to the name of crack magnet awesome podcast I’m glad you liked it I um I thought it was good too I uh it might be the last episode of deep in the mind uh ever maybe but uh I

Thought it was like a good I I’m glad I did that before I ended the series um there’s probably stuff I’d have to guess uh that spots at the bottom it’s a real Dangerous Game to go to the bottom and then try and find this stuff I guess I

Could just use some sand and build myself something down like that uh it’s it’s not a terrible terrible option but um yeah we’ll see what we do man it’s okay has to love being a YouTuber playing Minecraft because if I was him after how long he had done it I’d be burned out

I think most people who do things a lot um forget to add variety to make themselves interested because when you’re not interested in something um you find it harder to do and also in the case of YouTube I think you get it’s less interesting to watch you do things

That you aren’t enjoying like chat would you like to come up to a stream with me where we work out how to pay how to pay an electricity bill um like that sounds like it’d be fun oh yeah I’ve got this really fun idea for a

Stream chat I’m gonna also I think that costs I gained one block of gravel at the cost of everything so going down to the bottom just does not work as a strategy if we could find water down there oh we’re going backwards and we found water down there it might be a

Valid strategy but otherwise yeah I think land is going to be the way so we can go to that land yeah we’ll go to this land so um sounds like a great ideal stream same time tomorrow yeah I um it’s gonna be really great oh I’ve got this stream

Um where I uh okay what’s what’s the task I have to do I have to call my Builder who’s been deliberately avoiding me um and I have to say hey tell me specifically what time you’re coming around and then he’s gonna say something like yeah yeah like this this week I’m

Like no no give me a date and a time specifically because you’ve said this week for five weeks in a row and then you know you’re like let’s have like awkward uh interactions like that together I think that’d be fun that’d be a bonding experience

Um we get we could do something like uh you know like uh we go to a I know like a a restaurant together but one where it’s not very clear if it’s one where you go up to the counter uh and like Serve Yourself or if it’s like one where

Someone comes and sits at you and then we can like stand at the postal awkwardly together and uh that that would be a fun IRL stream right uh it’d be great it’d be great streaming plumbers um I uh who is William and why do I have to

Give him money someone please answer me quickly I’m getting very mean letters in the mail oh man you know this bill guy he’s been he’s been sending me mean letters as well um I’m actually oh wait yeah that’s a reminder okay wait here’s his fun one

Chat um tomorrow what we could do a live stream for I’ve been getting uh letters because a an energy Company claims I owe them money and then the Energy company went bankrupt and so they can’t actually because they don’t exist anymore there’s no one there to re you know to repeat

Look at my evidence because the company doesn’t exist but they’re still trying to come after me for the debt because you know like why would a company just claim someone as the money it was the people who lived in the house before me and so there’s there’s no easy way to

Explain that to people uh indeed to uh to a big thing and so instead what’s just been happening is uh a very fun time of uh get it I’ve been getting very threatening letters and even worse I’ve been calling them up and their phone line doesn’t work so we could sit on

Hold for 15 minutes and the phone line could like hang up on me I could call them again um I have to you have to you have to be really specific um in what you say when someone claims you owe the money but you don’t you’re not allowed to claim if you

Claim ownership of the debt it becomes your debt so you have to say I would like to talk about this misunder you know like this there’s a lot of really really really ridiculously dumb rules you have to follow um anyway um it’s it’s a what it actually

Is if you’re curious is like I think I owe them a very small amount of money and they have stacked that with all the other money that is owed to them from someone who has at some point lived at this house by the way look at this what

The heck okay you don’t need to go on the water to find structures they’re right here on land apparently so now they’ve got some coal I can finally have some big big salmon and hopefully soon uh something a bit more substantial for my tools and then once we’ve got some

Big big big cooked salmon we can get some uh real progress made with the or we could just start mining underground from here and just call that the strategy because uh I made a bed last time but I don’t think it really works out as being worth killing all the

Spiders although you know the game is just giving me spiders so maybe we should at least try um sounds like a scam very aggressive e-mugging on their path um yeah it’s it’s funny though like um the the negative implications if someone keeps claiming you are the money is you

Have to keep like you know in contact with them or they get like a default it’s there’s a really it’s it’s really messed up like and I understand why because if the if draws didn’t exist you could just stop talking someone who owed you something you know okay it’s it’s a

I understand the rules somewhat but it also is very frustrating as someone who is on the on the receiving end of the bad side of those rules um why isn’t iron farm from ship chest the strategy um yeah you know honestly if we can find some iron in these the problem is is

When we go into ship chest we kind of break Minecraft um but yeah let’s open the chest wait for Minecraft to Unbreak itself maybe place our block over there there we go works great in the meantime we can also uh place a block up here and then just like okay just like that

Here we go that was wonderful oh we got some Coast armor trims that is really unnecessary right now but I I love the energy Minecraft and so then we’ll just place two blocks but over here jump up top see what’s happening that’s a spider make sure we

Get him killed nice and dead and there we go okay yeah that is a much better strategy boom sorted I I was literally sitting around it and it didn’t it didn’t come to me anyway so yeah I’m going to now use this iron to make a

Bucket and then all I need is lava and we can go do the never thankfully so with that said um if it’s under 5K it’s generally not financially uh foreseeable to pursue through the courts oh is that true are they going to ignore me forever oh

That’d be great uh or they’re gonna just keep sending threading letters forever that’d be nice if so um I uh quotes are expensive yeah that’s that’s when like the polite way possible is like you know I I rather than having to call people and be like oh I think I owe

You some small amount of money and you’re claiming I owe you a lot just be like well you know um you you have to work out that you are you know that might be a more interesting thing right like I but I I I’m a Believer in like even though uh

Like because they’re bankrupt the odds of them ever like yeah I I would like to actually pay the small part of the debt I do oh just on like a you know like I use their their energy level like uh it’s it’s a weird thing I think like I

Most most people are honest and that they would like to actually pay back money if you find out about it um anyway um so with that said uh oh come on come on what’s What’s Happening Here block their number block the email for the best see right that’s that’s why

That’s why there has to be like a win by default also thank you Eva galastos um if you’re watching PS had a couple of interactions you think it made sense but my money where my mouth is thank you Evo um I hope you’re having a wonderful day

Oh man when when the name rhymes with day you know it’s gonna be great with that said I am now going to go underground from the easiest Point possible and I think although that can end up being here on the surface I think it almost always is better when we go

Underground for it so with that said let’s put on this diamond shovel you know if we have a free Diamond we might as well make a diamond shovel because then we have a sword for life too it’s only four attack damage but you know it’s too good not to

Um and then we can make a shield and we’re covered like for that sort of end of things and then we can also make a bucket and there we go wow look look at this we are and now I can throw away this map no longer needed I know where I

Am put on my shield I’ve got a I’ve got a diamond shovel and a shield what more do I need in my life um if you have the agency or brought the house from they may be up to have the previous owner sporting information uh funnily enough there’s a there’s a

Fun thing with that too there’s a there’s a lot of very dumb dumb uh dumb things that happened in relationship basically and uh I guess I guess that’s something we need to dive into you don’t yeah you don’t need a map you have us you know thank you Dasher so all I need

To hear so that said now I’ve got um lots and lots of garbage I’m gonna take my sand and I’m gonna make some I’m gonna make like an air bubble underwater so I can start my mine with just a little bit less effort honestly it’s

Easier to swim than it is to climb down a staircase and we can find a big Ravine down here that would be even nicer I don’t know if we will find a big Ravine but it would be nice right so I don’t see one yet I guess we’ll keep going this way

And just see what we find it’s in the positive direction towards the center of the map and so here’s the fun thing because this is a single biome World there are the three closest Village the three closest strongholds to you try to spawn under a village and if they can’t

Spawn under a village they just don’t spawn as best they can tell on bedrock and so that means we’re gonna have to travel at least a thousand plus blocks unless we’re already going in the right direction in which case nailed it um so um yeah I uh how is a diamond

Shovel useful for a speedrun toy cat well I mean a diamond shovel I’m not saying for a speed run necessarily although you know it could very much be that way um the precious Raymond says Beth and Alan you know that is the way I pronounce it I mean if uh if you

Actually if yacht is not acceptable um then clearly Raymond’s must be acceptable that’s the that’s the rules you have to live under oh god let’s get out of here okay this is not not the way I want to do things okay I’ve got to wait till I’m on the surface then eat

And then really much really very much avoid those Trident dudes really avoid those with all of my heart and maybe grab some water just in case we need it but um yeah diamond shovel is uh it’s it’s a really bad like valuable tool it’s gonna get me both sand which is

Nice by itself but also it’s going to get me a for you know like a stone sword is only slightly better than a diamond shovel except the diamond shovel can hit for way longer so it’s gonna be nice um so what do I see I see is that an

Ocean I don’t think you’re gonna find an ocean monument in regular ocean bomb I think they’re deep ocean only so if I want to find um actually if I want to find lava I don’t have to use a cave I could try and explore the land

Yeah that is a that is a huge landmass right there there’s a chance one of those landmasses has a cave in and that cave can find me lava it’s funny because normal normal biomes just have lava things found in there but uh not in this case also funniest bear you’re working on the

Super flat world or did you get bored of it I can come back to the super flat after an update comes out to give me access to my cherry cherry saplings that is what I am excited to say uh that is what I’m excited to do and that is what

I will in fact do okay so up we go up we go I think I will do the waiting for lightning parfet too just as a get things done so there’s coal over here which is real Handy but there’s no Lava there’s a lot of water

This is a very very very big land mass for an ocean I think this is one of the weird ways that Minecraft isn’t really doesn’t really know how to do a biome of a single World it has the options for it but it’s like yeah this land mass because they disconnected the the

Formation of land from the biome you get some very very weird things like look at that that is a I believe if I’m not mistaken that is a shipwreck in the middle of a is it yeah it’s shipwreck in the middle of a mountain uh or like what

Looks like a mountain it’s obviously not a mountain but whatever it’s a weird thing um so with that said um that should be a super lumpy world of no flat land at all I would I think that’s called Amplified I think that’s what you describe I think

Uh I think that might be that um anyway yeah that said uh I really really really need to get my hands a lava and I think unlike the normal world where looking around here is a good bet I think we are gonna have to go down uh

I I wanted to believe especially with a landmass this big but you can just see there’s no sign of lava and even if there was there’s no guarantee it’d be a lot so what we’re going to do is we’re gonna go down real low real fast I’m gonna grab the

Cobblestone out and just use it um okay so place the block down place the block down place the block down and place the block down and then underneath here on each of these oh God I did this slightly wrong um place that and then place that and

There we go that is an air bubble big enough for us to breathe um so now this saves me 30 blocks of tunneling and also because I have this diamond shovel it’s not even a particularly big pain and so just like that down we go this is going to be the

Only and that now what we can do is we can use trap doors so I’m gonna have to be very careful about using trap doors but we’ll just do it anyway um place the track play cell one of these right here make myself some Spruce

Trap doors place it like uh I guess go up here uh place a trapdoor here and then another trapdoor in what is going to I guess on top of here is where we want to do it and then mine those blocks there so now I don’t believe water should be

Able to oh God no why do you exist okay this is a reminder of the dangers of this trash cheek uh very dangerous strategy Okay so now we mine that block right there nice and easy and then we probably have to put like I don’t know like a sand

Block there or something we have to we have to have drained this correctly uh maybe we’ll also paste the trapdoor there um or maybe we’ll just move this existing one I haven’t I haven’t worked it out yet chat I’ve my my water logging knowledge is not not playing in my favor right now

So let me just play sand there and there and then remove the sand here and there it’s no still still no oxygen okay so it’s definitely this trapdoor over here that screw me up so watch out for this round does he have a trident okay he

Does not this is going poorly for me um it is weird because there’s no proper way to light up underwater I guess without a um without having a lantern which I probably could make with all the the iron iron nuggets I have okay let’s try that again we’re gonna move this up

A block so just break it real quick Breaky Breaky movie movie okay and then we’re gonna Place sand for all of this and then just place that on top of there and now that we’ve done that as intense as that is now it should be that no no what what is

How is that possible internet what have I done wrong what am I misunderstanding because it is killing me um why why is it that the trap doors aren’t stopping the water from getting through um there’s no I guess the I guess there’s water in the block that has the trap door

Because the trapdoor is above the hole um okay so now we’re gonna place blocks this way so you could see that right there it didn’t have something and then it did uh okay we’re gonna go back in oh no we’re gonna eat one more wrong

Flesh bear in mind I am one bad disaster a week you know if this worked immediately this would have been a good strategy at this point I’m being quirky and I’m trying something new oh there’s a oh God there’s a whole cave on the other side of it of course

So we’ll dig down a bunch of blocks first this this whole thing is a disaster internet what are the odds of that happening I mean if I’d have just looked out of known but I don’t want it to be my fault and so we’ll say it’s not my fault and then

We can all be happy with that please um yeah we’re gonna have to dig quite an interesting oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no drowning is bad perhaps there is a floor in your

Strategy nope definitely definitely the strategy is working perfectly if it’s not if it doesn’t look like it is that’s a floor in the game and not the way that I’m playing it pretty sure God okay I’m dead it’s over oh God I what do I just dig down at this

Point what am I meant if I don’t understand okay so we can make like a big box around us maybe yeah honestly I’ve got enough blocks to just do that I’ve got enough blocks to just okay this isn’t what I wanted to do okay [Laughter] okay so what we’ve learned from that

Mistake that was that was awful what I’ve learned from that mistake is ha why why was that what was I misunderstanding about water physics I stopped the water getting through there were trap doors but the water was just getting through regardless every time I was breaking a block it wasn’t just

Becoming flowing water it was becoming like why also is there lava right here there is there is a boat on land over here actually so I’m gonna go use that oh that’s the boat I already went to I think maybe no it can’t be I don’t think

I went on one with such high sales also is that lava right at spawn man the the technique for finding lava was to die wow chat that is see that’s so much faster than going underground just just die Pro tip if you want to find lava don’t deal with like looking

For you know there’s a lot of strategies you can use uh now good now we can die in lava too says David you know it’s uh that that might be true um makes sense being you you know sometimes you gotta realize that the easiest strategy is often the best stretch you

Know that’s got to be the same place by the way there’s lava right behind that too so if we could just find another shipwreck shouldn’t be impossible given this is all ocean we might be in for a treat okay in fact I could just probably uh

I’m not that far from no way we’re in we’re in the negative Direction I think I think I went positive positive right um I um I’m scared of creepers personally says aegon 1977. aren’t we all a little scatter creepers yeah this is a different shipwreck okay

Perfect so we get iron from this and then we can go straight there um that’s the plan easy go go go break the world it’s fine because it’s frozen we break some wood um what happened to the queer Cape says either galiatosis um wasn’t it first of all I think it’s the

Pride came I think uh oh you know I don’t think there’s anything you know technically speaking doesn’t whatever not gonna not gonna dive into the difference between that um oh no Me out no let me out I said I didn’t say Let Me In okay so what do I do about this chat what do I do about this uh specifically oh gosh okay well that boat didn’t have something for me oh um okay so now new flat new plan um

This is certified uh dead moment you know I am in fact dead it has happened um yeah it’s a little bit messy the way that it did I think I think like that’s the problem with committing too hard like once I’ve once I’ve hit a bit uh I

Feel like there’s a a hard thing to do on the Internet is to back down and be like I made a mistake I wanna one of the you know like it’s it’s way more fun to double down it’s more interesting because when you double down it works out more

Um it works out more interestingly at the very least but I think that results in a problem where I’m like I get a little trapped sometimes also um so yeah we got we got our we got our lava there’s so many sources of lava

Here by the way I have no idea how the spawn is surrounded by them all I have to do is thumb in something but yeah I went back to the vanilla Minecraft Cape is the simple answer I I I I I I I I feel like the the current

Cape situation is like I there you know there’s capes that can show a lot of things I I like to I like to mix things up I I was having fun with the controversy on the on the uh the pride one but I yeah I I

Moved back to actually using the cape I wanted to which is probably the way that you should do things uh you don’t have to you don’t have to disappoint people uh when you’re just being you will disappoint people just enough okay so we got we got things back on track I think

I’m going to get myself straight and by the way this is just my proof we’ve just uh where’s our Union Jack Cape you know that’s the annoying thing right is like the thing I met you know what what if I am proud of being British what if that

Is the thing that I I I I take significant pride in why am I not allowed to show that said uh thank you Katie Rubino oh God we broke something there uh thank you very much we’ve got a clock I’ll take that with me a treasure map and some paper that’ll be useful

Later um and so yeah now we’re going to take our wood I think I’m gonna want more of it uh take the wood and get out there yep seems like good strategy so here’s the fun thing even though I just died and you might think all of that has to be

Repeated just by sheer virtue of my spawn by being at spawn at night and that being a lucky spawn with free Lava Pits I have precisely no issues whatsoever so um yeah I am going to prioritize getting a shield above a lot of other things

That use iron and I should get some food right here too I think that should be a priority um so let’s do precisely that actually let’s make ourselves a bucket and then let’s make ourselves a shield those two things are gonna be much more important than other things and then let’s go

Ahead and make a wooden pickaxe or you go gold actually I go I gold will save me a little bit of pain uh right now uh so where’s the stone this is technically start is legally stand low it it sure will be and then we’re gonna go to make a like

Like a stone ax or something get some more wood yeah that’s the way we’re gonna do things and then we’ll use the stone ax also to kill some fish and then we’ll also get ourselves a uh thing so yeah let’s let’s go chop down more of that structure should it just did the

Crafting table there let’s kill some fishes I guess uh we want food and the only food in an ocean is is salmon and cot I needed a lot more salmon Cod than I made the Assumption for last time so let’s make that same assumption today um the stone is technically Stone that’s

That’s a crazy but true fact uh can you cast my Shields like you can customize banners yeah you can actually you know you already could make a pride Shield I wonder how much PRI I wonder like the the prettiest pride pride you could put on your Minecraft stuff that’s a interesting question right

Um again I uh I think uh I think this is one of those things where for the longest time my contrarian personality meant like uh I think a lot of people are making this whole thing uh I I think it’s weird when people make like anything like an entire

Thing in their personality like if you define if if you really really like climbing mountains and you make mountain climbing the only interesting thing about you I think that’s weird and so for a long time I was like I don’t know about this but now there’s a lot of

People out there like yeah my my identity is I do not like um I do not like people who uh have different political views than me and it’s like that can’t be your only identity you gotta you gotta have something else in there too friend I think that’s my I think that’s my

Current take on the matter if you want to have some some fun ones um like uh there’s a lot of people who are just like like there are people who are seeking out that video or I think realistically YouTube is sending it to them so maybe YouTube’s in the wrong for

That you ever consider how the YouTube algorithm like basically gets to decide what you’re watching like um the reason I mentioned the thing about it’s annoying when someone like has to keep explaining something that might be confusing to people um I watched a video where someone repeatedly said like oh yeah and then

Sort like they’re talking about the Saw movie franchise and I think the seventh installment of that franchise is called Saw 3D instead of Saw seven and the guy to completely say yes and I call it saw seven even though it’s technically Saw 3D and at first it’s like okay yeah

That’s funny glad glad you do what you want man but the third time it’s like I you know like you do you do we need to keep knowing you what are you being defensive about this one and um it was interesting because I have no interest in watching these saw videos

But the algorithm is just feeding them to me and I’m like okay I guess I’ll give a shot like I guess I should say I clearly have an interest um but it’s not one I would have ever like cultivated myself it’s not um it’s uh so how am I meant to get more

Stunned is this is this really the best way is the is there no easier I guess we’ll just Dig Down I think that’s gonna be faster than uh just goofing it here and there um but yeah I um I think the um it’s weird because I would have never

Like I I don’t even like the idea of being a person who’s watching these videos about movie like I don’t know like it’s it’s weird to me but yeah I’m watching them anyway so YouTube is able to make you know like by by sharing with me videos it kind of decides what you

Want to watch it kind of it finds you things that you want to watch even if you would like to not watch those things like I don’t know what’s a good example of that might be like um I know if you really you really hate trashy TV Austin would you get copper we

Did uh you might really hate trashy reality TV but actually whatever they’re doing on the Kardashians might actually be perfect for you but like do you want to know that if you would like to not be someone who watches that like you almost don’t want to know that you like it

Sometimes it’s a it’s a weird thing a weird part of human behavior right um and in the same way a lot of people like who are getting recommended these videos about things they don’t agree with in Minecraft clearly don’t actually would be happier if they just didn’t learn

Minecraft had it they they’re learning from watching this video and so they just didn’t learn it might just be better off right but um it’s an interesting thing that there are and in the same way there are things that I would love you know like if I was

Deciding my if I if I if you oh God if you see it as a uh a magical algorithm that just decides what you watch it’s like well can you decide to make me watch like healthy video like maybe like a videos about workouts or like you know healthy lifestyle stuff

Um all my recommendations now are HVAC technicians winning that’s funny that’s you know YouTube’s deciding for me like yeah you’re gonna watch this movie uh you’re gonna watch movie you’re gonna watch things about this movie from all this time ago and view it’s like yeah so here’s how you

Here’s how you repair this here’s how you repair that it is it is fun there the different Niche levels of uh YouTube that uh get recommended in there um wait use the bone to grow grass and collect seeds to make farms and you can make bread instead of paint stakingly

Killing fish I think it’s still gonna be faster to painstakingly kill fish oh God there’s a skeleton there oh there’s a lot of mobs here actually look at this um okay so this should be enough to like keep me alive at least uh for now so

We’ll go into the furnace I’ll make a portal while we do some of this smelting okay so in we go definitely need to get a better source of oh wait no wait wait why am I using wood I don’t I just I went for a lot of that if that would I

Have lava literally over here um throw it in the furnace now the furnace will last forever um speaking of lasting forever cooked salmon oh okay we’re good we’re going we need to get ourselves some oh I need that bucket back actually and now we’re going to make the portal and I’m gonna

Just kill fish whenever they get close by that is the way I’m gonna do things so yeah this is a bit of a tricky one to easily do but uh if I just have the yeah actually you know this should be really easy if I just stack up from here

And then have the water go off that stack no no no no no no no no how do I mess that up how do I say it’s easy in the oh God damn every time I say it’s easy I end up proving exactly why it’s not easy apparently

Okay so the good news is it’s probably more than one layer deep perfect yeah we’re great so um now we have to do is place our blocks alongside this it’s actually easier to no okay it’s fine just just really keep that safe from over there then we place that block there

And then I I definitely have enough lava to do this one over here and then also eat a cup of salmon It’s Gonna Keep The Machine alive and then take this cooked salmon out put the raw cod in we we need so much food by the way it’s gonna be quite wild and

Then we can just keep on placing our blocks this is I I always manage to do this messier than the last time I did it you know over time I think my portals get more and more deformed but it’s kind of a beautiful thing like

You know no matter how bad you think you are at some basic life task I assure you I’m worse at this I’m also also actual basic life task like you know again all I have to do is like call someone up and be like oh yeah so there’s this really

Big mistake that you guys keep making and I like it if you corrected it um but instead when they put me on hold it’s like okay I just that’s that’s that’s them telling me they don’t want to speak to me so I’m just going to accept that

Um in a way that maybe maybe things will be better for us like I feel like you’ve got to be the person who’s like yeah what I really enjoy is sitting there on hold for hours at a time I just you know you you need to be a person like that in

A way that I I need to optimize my personality for so now we need to place uh lava there and then we can just Place more water next to it I guess and then we can place the last lava there and then we can place another last lava over there boom

It took some doing but we’re we’re in so now we’re going to play some oh some of this uh wood over here in front of it it’s gonna be a little bit trickier because of the water I imagine but also Minecraft be Minecraft so who even knows

If that’s true place this there let it flow and I think that’s the portal lip that is not the portal left and so yeah the wood will burn it spreads onto the portal magic things happen this is a certified portal moment oh no yeah it’s happened or wrong again it never never

Goes the correct way but that’s fine um so now we’re gonna go kill some more of you guys fishes um lots and lots of little fishes I really want to I prefer to kill salmon over Cod not only do they drop the bones as well but also they come in three different

Sizes it’s a more it’s a more variety based killing experience it’s being a variety based killing oh do not like these um I believe everyone should become a monkey enthusiast yeah I think um isn’t that fun that like yeah the basically like an algorithm is like a

It’s like a friend in a weird way if you if the only time you hang out with your friends is uh or like the only time you give people attention is when they say that like there’s this like big disaster going on right now and how terrible

Things are and you go like oh yeah that’s the worst let me come help like you’re if you do that I think you’re like in effect encouraging um that behavior I I think like you know it’s the same thing for like basically anything the if you if you seek it it

Will come to you um we are we just we just now have digital versions where it’s a bit more direct uh but it’s been it’s you know it’s it’s a part of human activity forever Though when you when you really really uh specifically put a lot of work into something kind of come to you um this is a certified fish genocide moment I’m glad it is certified and it’s not unofficial or anything that would be crazy so I’m gonna try putting this on

The other side now I don’t know if that will necessarily help I just feel like it might so these two blocks are the ones they feel like have the best chance of success to place our lava down oh no let’s get rid of that uh hope that the

Lava is not in the portal when it’s trying to burn yay okay it works well better from one side 100 notion so you’re gonna call yourself Kevin Costner I don’t understand the Kevin Costner joke but yes I’m gonna call myself Kevin Costner not because I am Kevin Costner

Or because I believe there’s something about me that is like him but instead because I like the idea of committing fraud and I bet Kevin Costner has enough money to commit fraud for you know I’ve learned you can just you can just say someone else owes money

Uh you don’t even have to have a good claim that they owe money you shouldn’t be like yep I think this person owes me money and it’s their job to cool me up and say they don’t so Kevin Costner you owe me money I will send debt collectors just a warning

Um we’ll ruin your credit if you don’t you don’t at least make good faith engagement Uh Kevin Costner was in a crap movie called Waterworld ah now I know also I think I kill a lot of Sam a lot of animals but didn’t get any fish right oh they’re all over there

Okay so let’s uh let’s use the gold pickaxe now I guess oh Christ yeah let’s go gold pickaxe some enemies Goldberg ax is probably not best used in this particular scenario um but you know you do what you got to do sometimes and what I’ve got to do is pick up raw

Cod while avoiding drowns we could probably use the drowns if we could kill that we find a trident holding one we kill him be going to a good place um I think you need to watch that movie is that is that a good idea if the stream tomorrow just watch uh watch a

Full movie I hear that’s okay on YouTube now I mean if you just say it as it is at least okay so now we’re gonna go make ourselves a stone sword or maybe a stunt pickaxe I guess yeah we’ll make a stunt pickaxe so that we don’t have to

Be at the mercy of this gold pickaxe anymore you know the girl pickaxes where where is the recipe oh it’s that’s why um stunt pickaxe no longer unless if the gold one uh we do have to eat this though actually so make sure we do that first

And then use the stun pickaxe to mine two more blocks to make a stone sword because we’re going to want at least one of those right and then kill way more fish this is like you know getting getting cooked pork chops is great but being at the point

Where we just don’t need the pork chops would be just as great in my opinion as long as we don’t get tried and drowned Jesus Christ why do you exist no I don’t agree of your very nature so Todd get out of that situation stand on still land

Just recover some health while we fuel the furnace with raw salmon so yeah we’ve now got 24 fish we’re about to be at 29 fish it’ll be a little bit higher by the time we collect everything so honestly I think that’s probably fine uh is it fine is a question you only

Find out by getting to the never and not having enough food but I think it’s fine enough how are you dying so that was meant to be doing but auto corrected something more appropriate um Dad just great today thank you for asking for axing um I think I might die again actually

You know if you die before going to the never it’s a great way to replenish your your health and hunger so much easier than eating food in my opinion but yeah now we just have to load the last of the food in there eat the loss of food too maybe could be

A good idea and that will be wonderful so I can also lay down a chest here just to dunk my garbage in a little garbage chest everyone needs one Emerald’s not gonna come up arrows not gonna come up copper fun not gonna come up bones might

Come up lap is not gonna come up dandelion I’m gonna come up easy and then we can also make ourselves uh we’re gonna need a lot of blocks right and so a shovel is a good way to get a lot of blocks I’ve got some gold should I use

It to make a shovel probably not let’s do it anyway though so let’s destroy a lot of sand oh he’s got a fishing rod he’s gonna fish me to death oh no he’s seen my strategy for the oceans and he’s using it against me um but yeah having having some gold

Tools is fun making them yourself even more subtle it’s not often that this is a scenario you get yourself into but today is one of those moments um so now it gives me 18 sand I could have a little bit more than 18 honestly just so I have some blocks uh I probably

Will do a lot of Mining and they never don’t get me wrong but that should give me a good start so switch out the salmon for the cot and hello by the way trility fun fact the term TWIC has just takes back as far as 2012. now pay your twig attacks or both

Sides for your pillow will be warm tonight you know I’m gonna be honest with you it’s summer so both sides of your pillow might be warm um the only claim I can make is that if you if you gave me money I would have slightly more money you know I would uh

I’d go from having medium money to maybe also medium money um okay sorted now we are good to go let’s go to the never we have fish we have other fish what more do you need in your life I have a clock actually that’s fun okay so

Uh probably could just okay so this is by the way perfect spawn we’re gonna get our ender pearls right away not often you get to say that one um I think that’s what I will do as well I think there’s no point going through yeah yeah let’s let’s just do it

The it we might get really lucky but would having a few ender pearls hurt me no it might help me at least we’ll kill a few oh wait we’ll get them on the way back I guess yeah we we will have more stuff on the way back I’ll get one ender pearl and

I’ll get some twisting Vines Now uh you know there’s an element here he’s just begging me to do what I’m here to do let’s go okay in we come let’s fight oh yeah he’s gonna take a lot of pets this is why you get a good sword and

Then you do this by the way wanna come get me does he want to come get me yes he does he doesn’t want to die and give me a power so I do want to get myself one of those pearls so we’re gonna literally look at as many enemies as it takes

Okay so I think that block wasn’t there when I was that before I worry that it has happened because of me so that’s just fine we’ve got plenty of food by the way if you look at the time it’s daytime it’s night time it’s daytime it’s night time you know the clock

Cannot make up its mind you know I’m starting to think the clocks here work differently anyone anyone think there’s any basis to that or what first is the only never bond that doesn’t try to kill you every five seconds yeah you basically have to try and kill yourself in this biome

Um which hasn’t stopped me just uh just to be clear but um yeah I think uh that is basically the trick okay so oh we got we got lots of I missed an Enderman because I was checking chat shouldn’t have been doing that you know chat are

You more important than anyone be honest with me you know be honest with me about your your real assessment of yourself are you more important than an Enderman sounds like are you smarter than a 10 year old um I learned something recently are you smarter than a 10 year old is called are

You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader in the United States and so the rhythm is like instead of are you smarter than a 10 year old it’s like are You Smarter Than A Fifth you know they have to like stretch the words weirdly because it’s got a different name it just does not work

Um come on guys how am I not killing all these Enderman okay so you you two probably okay are you gonna come over here it’s I would love to know what is wrong with the Bedrock code to do their numbers because they just feel like a buggy mob

It’s never never works how you think it would it could be the console was bugged and I’m just used to a different type of bugs that I’m being with but it does feel very very broken oh oh thanks very by the way very much Tracy clatter for the five gifted

Memberships I hope the five by the way Diamond cat wow all right it is always interesting when there’s a when there’s a long time member that you don’t see often in chat they’re just always like yeah appreciate this here’s the here’s the show of that appreciation I think that’s fun

Um but yeah now okay come on I’m gonna have to kill an Enderman eventually right I can’t just keep not killing enemies if you clear the Leafs you might see better yeah I think that’s probably a good Pro tip right there oh come on just it’s so slow why is it so slow

Are they above me or something okay so you come here come here yeah we finally did it we got an ender pearl so that just goes to show why having a better sword is more important sometimes you can spend all day oh okay we’re gonna look at their feet

Really closely it’s not even that wait the first one works so well okay so we got two dead end I’m about to have a third it looks like um there is another one dead nearby so we might have an end apart from that um yeah as soon as we’re good with this

We’re getting out there we got we don’t need all the ender pearls from this necessarily but yeah thank you so much um it’s nice to see you if you could leave a message in chat if you can’t that’s cool too if you if you’re on a

Device where it’s hard to uh chat Tracy that’s all good thank you welcome welcome to the uh the cool Club coolest of cool clubs oh yeah okay so all of the new Tracy members you know or Tracy wives really you know you have recruited new people

To the ham I hope that you enjoy that um okay so with that said I I think the person must have died in lava right or fire oh which means if they died from fire I’m not gonna find their pearls so free enterprise is pretty good before leaving this place

Um we will probably find more if we stuck to it but you better believe the exact that’s the exact opposite of what I’m doing right now I’m gonna mine a few blocks of this just to get rid of the gold pickaxe then I’m gonna move that over there

And put my block of choice just for you know safety reasons and your blocker Choice obviously being the one that I’m gonna use to Bridge and to save myself so when it comes to finding a never Fortress this is something that’s been known like in speedrunning forever but basically

Towards the towards the zero zero it’s really hard to find structures instead you have to go out towards the edges there’s like four major opportunities it’s very weird that it works that way and it like feels like it’s worked but I didn’t I didn’t know until Craig magnet mentioned the

Exact reason that like Minecraft takes two sets of coordinates averages them which has a bias towards the middle of a range um which is a really weird mathematical principle but we just basically have to go towards precisely that I hate the End soundtrack in Minecraft so in the newest let’s play I recorded

It today I’m trying to get in the habit of like recording in advance again um but um I uh I went to the end and it was just kind of eerie to me how there was no music like uh I I like the idea of an End soundtrack after my end experience

So I do not see never Fortress and so I will turn and I’ll go another way is what I have to say end update when I think I I would like an inventory update more than an end update if I am being entirely Frank with you um

Yeah I I think we I think we really could do with a inventory update personally that’s what I would like okay so what are we gonna find over here not a lot of very much but that’s fine what if we cross this yeah that’s what we’ll do we’ll go now

We’ll go across into the positive Zed and if we don’t find something there we’ll kind of go back towards our spawn and go out the other way we’ve got four opportunities to find four structures um and I’ll make the most of them so now we want to oh

Now we want to just go through down jump I don’t even know well so the size of this warp Forest this is a this is a really cool seat apparently this is this is the never you want this is absolutely the never you want um I’m pretty well organized when it comes

To Minecraft I’ll take the end update you know I just I just I would love to say same here Dasher but I would be lying if I said same here that is absolutely not not the situation with me oh okay so now we’ll head back this way

Kind of head vaguely towards the middle of this a little grid chunk thing see where things end up also nice lava full yeah the uh but we’re good to see you frog Angel 666 hope you’re doing wonderfully this is such a huge warp Forest this is this is like usually it’s the

Smallest biome you get a little bit of fit and then this is what I want really we need new biomes for the inventory exactly what I I’m saying that we’re now in the chaos biome also known as uh Crimson Forest nothing but bad things happen here in the best way possible of course

Um keep jumping around it with my my fish being my primary food source we could probably try and get some cooked pork chops as a backup but right now I think this is as much proof as I need that I’m not okay let’s let’s go over the pork chops let’s do it

Okay so we’re going to make sure we finish him off without him really caring too much about us that is two spare pork chops and oh the game is gonna give me some more very very handy okay maybe not so as long as he doesn’t get pushed into

The lava he got pushed into lava um that’s as good as I really need right now okay flow that over there and now put it over there okay so that is all of the piglet assailants dead I have to go back their way thankfully for me killing them

And so no never Fortress yet but what we’re just gonna do is we’re gonna go right back across sometimes I think it’s makes sense to just keep heading in a Direction uh but I think for the sake of this we’ve got a long end journey ahead of us

I think the faster we get this done the better our life will be oh god um okay so we light them on fire that’s easy step one oh no I’m dead it’s dead it’s okay so I’m gonna have to climb one of these Vines

Oh no and then I’m gonna have to no it’s not all right toolbine no piglet got me ah it’s fine um man yeah see you you stack one wrong look at an Enderman with any other ailment and your life is over it’s over it’s done so the death

Loop is beginning says that bubble you know not today not today no death loop I said that last time but uh this time I mean it and so my plan just go right back in pick up the stuff get out as if nothing ever happened there’s gonna be no no nothing getting in

Between me and that it’ll be wonderful oh yeah that was that was brutal but manageable we can we can we can come back from this how do you dine a walk Forest I die because the piglens chased me from the prey Forest it was uh it’s it’s a reminder that I have no

Armor right it’s an important reminder I have no armor even one I should be taking so I’m gonna get myself one fish just so I can I can survive this just fine one fish will prevent the death Loop and it’s all it takes oh it takes one little fishy um

I believe the answer the positive question of the stream is no no we got it we also whoa okay so I’ve got emeralds and that’s a Wandering Trader I knew okay look at this this is gonna be amazing chat look at it look at it look at it oh have

I got myself Spruce saplings and melon seeds and wheat seeds and should I just buy the spruce sapling you know it’ll be interesting if nothing else I can now grow trees hitch that’ll be fun I’ll come back and there might be a tree so yeah let’s go into The Nether

And we have to just get back to my coordinates which of course Dasha has got covered queen of cool um minus 160 minus one two four so um yeah also known as this way and around this love or this way I’m gonna pick up I’m gonna make a bridge over this first

Uh will be maybe useful later I’m gonna wait to eat this cooked Cod until it really comes in handy okay so like I said there’s just a real real benefit okay so we are way further this way than I expected which is good now I know where I am in the never

Relative to my portal never should be 100 laboration I think that is a much more interesting never do you think we should set up a world see what we do if like it’s super flat but it’s a hundred percent water in the Overworld and then it’s 100 lava in the nether um

Oceanic survival Maybe um I think it’s a fun idea Okay so took some bad hits there but that’s just fine um yeah sound like a super flat challenge yeah the the 100 lava super flat does sound like it would be it sounds like it’s missing some legs

Um because what would the never be I guess if the never still has biomes but it wouldn’t be all one biome what biome would you want it to be would there still be structures in the ocean yeah you’d have to without without the Fortress the whole thing doesn’t work so

You’d have to take and never cover it in lava build structures um yeah that could be interesting enough I guess uh how would you make this yeah I guess um then also like still have like the layer of blocks below the lava so there’s reason to go down there too also um

Minus 124 160 something there we go here’s my stuff oh you monster give that back please oh he’s got my stuff he’s got my he’s got okay so this is the death Loop moment internet and I I brought one two few fish to be able to

Prevent it I can’t let the shield guy despawn I didn’t know piglens could pick up Shields wait I had a shield that whole time does he have a shield am I imagining a shield I definitely imagined a shield pickling right there’s no way there’s a piglet with a shield out there so I’m

Gonna eat a couple of cooked Cod just a couple and we’re going into combat okay so that’s my clock oh my God okay yeah he has a shield I didn’t have a shield how does he have a shield I made a shield and forgot about it man what what did what

That’s fun that’s fine I mean my shield will be handy for this precise situation and indeed the one that killed me but I love that he has it that’s just great with me um sorry we just want to do a loop on this guy attack him from behind well at

Least expects it there you go go oh he doesn’t use the shield perfect so oh he doesn’t drop the shield either where did he get it okay no it’s in my inventory I’m dumb I’m dumb ignore me he dropped it I’ve got a shield in that slot it

Goes and now we just have to get out of here alive death Loop averted oh maybe not yet death Loop mostly averted we got the most important stuff back we just have to find a fortress this is a good never I can make the most of it today oh oh

Apparently not things get messy so now the best thing to do is to like sit there in a corner somewhere and just heal Bedrock healing is so disastrously slow use the freaking Shield um you know what am I gonna use the shield for am I gonna I’m gonna avoid

Full damage of The Shield you should be able to like place down like this full damage avoided see I’m doing great I mean I’m nailing it so far into that I just have to get to the positive positive now pause pause if you will oh um

Yeah I uh I’ve watched someone do a lava inside what are you in creative world only the bunch just to start on a endless lava so what do you do with that you use wood and then how do you get blocks I don’t I felt like I’m missing a step

In how you would make a lava survival work you’d have to have blocks below the lava Maybe yeah quickly get dirt and then you know what there’s a lot of I guess if you get water you get water from Trading with a a Wandering trailer so you just need

Emeralds how do you get emeralds um besides string with villagers I’m not sure um The Shield more like move like in tears of the Kingdom my biggest regret is not streaming More Tears of the Kingdom love that game it’s uh definitely one of those like suffers from like also thank you

Interstate 80 for becoming a uh a member on the channel uh appreciate it a lot stop giving yourself sprained ankles toy cat it is funny to imagine the character just being like Oh I’m just really bad at all this all this parkour stuff thank you so much IAT you know I I for

One think that I-80 is a road that goes through the United States of America linking it from Mexico to Canada but yeah no thank you very much uh it’s a it’s nice to see a name like that become a member uh weird is looking ocean by him I’ve ever seen says Audrey Bella

100 True look how weird it looks I mean it is blue to give it credit yeah I do like the idea of seeing if you set the never to be pure lava super flat with structures and the Overworld would be pure um grass super flat sorry pure water super flat

But with structures I guess how that would go it’s a very interesting idea so now we’re going to positive negative and then we’re going to go positive positive last um we go all the way to about 200 blocks in each Direction and we don’t find a

Fortress we turn around we go to the other one if we do all four directions we don’t find anything we give up and uh I don’t know start we start becoming a pay your bills you YouTube channel um right I I do fun things like oh

Here’s how you calculate the tax code on your uh should we go into you know like it should be that level of conversation listen to Cat uh also check out um I have to go message Big Sam on Twitter uh I gotcha okay um yeah I’ll uh yeah it’ll be good I’m

Sure they’re there um um yeah I you’re good um also uh we got Mega vs Prime here too we’re all good good to see glad you’re here uh glad you’re here man um okay so I’d love a channel like that LOL I think I think that the

I I think that is an important thing to hear but also I think you’d still want it made interesting but it’s hard to make stuff like that a level of interesting like I don’t know like I think it is really cool for example that like payment of bills is basically

A voluntary thing because most bills are considered a human right like you can’t take away someone’s electricity till they really really mess up right at least in the UK your your rights may vary based on where you live um and so like you pay you pay your bills

Out of like being nice and then if you don’t pay your bills long enough they they work out a way that you have to pay for your bills in advance because they can’t take away your electricity for not paying but they can force you to pay before you get electricity which is the

Exact same thing if you ask me like but it’s a it’s a clever distinction that they have to go for a legal process to do um and so yeah so Sam Valley uh uh love this biome it’s the best biome in Minecraft wish I could hang out in here

More often with the with the bug where too many never mops spawn it’s just such a good biome it’s so improved by the large number of mobs that you find here absolutely love my time in a Soul Sand Valley the men okay that’s nice oh yeah okay so I think going positive

Positive has not worked out for me I’m gonna make that assumption right now wait actually that that’s a fortress right it might be a Bastion is that a fortress okay can someone someone who’s got better can you see this is why you need the OptiFine Zone I guess we just get closer

To it um uh I I think that’s a fortress it’s got the shape of a fortress oh God I hate that bug I hate that bug so much um you know this is this is the thing if you don’t um I think uh a lot of people who play Minecraft

As part of like a thing like don’t try to make it interesting themselves they’re just like oh God what is the content and it’s kind of scary to go the other way because like you know I I had a realization recently um like I was looking for my most

Popular videos and also there it was okay it’s so high up I should have just not gone all this way down but it’s fine I had a realization receipt like my last um video that was like in my top like 20 um like there’s nobody in my top 20 from

The last three years meaning like of the videos that caught people’s attention most I have made one in three years and you know there’s a there’s something interesting that’s been happening over the last four years that you know we can partially blame that on but it’s also

Like a reminder like okay I am my my understanding of what is a good video has varied more from the audience’s understanding over those past three years um some people might like it more so you might like it less but the audience isn’t aggregate has a different opinion

And that’s really scary to admit as a YouTuber like oh yeah I I have gotten worse at my job I’ve gotten better at maybe what might seem like it’s my job you know like oh yeah what you do is a job is you you play mind Dragon actually

I’m worse for that part of the job too right definitely I’m having a terrible time in here I need blocks I need blocks I need I need non-flammable blocks preferably uh please don’t burn me to death I can’t deal with that right now um

Um okay so I have lots of choice in here somewhere I had dirt but it’s gone apparently I don’t want to use sand so we’re gonna break some Fortress and we’re gonna use that instead okay great uh let’s break down some more blocks I’m actually causing myself more problems

Not solving any that’s a chest that’s gonna oh yeah diamonds I mean Raymond’s as we clearly call them um so I’ve now got myself a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe and I’ve got myself a game is Just game is throwing it to me man RNG oh

This is the never seed there is no Never As Good As this never for uh for a random survival run oh yeah um I okay shouldn’t have shouldn’t have got I I flew too close to the Sun that’s on me I’ll admit that right now that’s 100

On me so now we’re gonna craft ourselves a table we’re gonna stay eaten well eaten and we’re just gonna uh craft ourselves a sword and a pickaxe a number one right do you need to pickaxe yeah I’m gonna want the pickaxe at least sword and pickaxe is number one and then

We still have diamonds left over we could go for a a helmet right now but I think there’s there’s legs and weighing that one out so perfect timing on that we’re also moving out to cook salmon as my new source of food and um yeah we just need to kill enough

Blazers to get out there and we’ve got our we got our never sorted perfect stay eaten clear kittens that’s why it’s cool you know stay well eaten you know you know you know it’s like oh wow seven yeah I’ve got leggings now honestly every chest in this place is

Insane I I don’t want it to end so I maybe should just cash it in while I can but it’s going incredibly Um why did he out run okay this is bad so this part The Fortress is where the where the blaze says are going to spawn um oh man this is where the Blazer’s gonna be and it’s just fine to be okay we’re gonna make ourselves a little one of these

Something you know something so we can sit here safely in peace oh so this is a reminder I brought when I said I have enough fish and then I got a little bit more probably a good idea that I got some more um yeah uh carefully holding death looping

By uh healing yeah if I if I make those diamond leggings too yeah I’m gonna make the diamond leggings I’m gonna be in a real nice situation okay so we have to avoid the river Skeleton on my left he’s gonna be that no he’s not I have no idea where he went

Did you spawn maybe um so that means we have to watch out for with skeletons that don’t exist yet oh Blaze perfect I was looking for you okay and a skeleton too okay perfect perfect this is exactly what I want right now um so that’s some leggings I’m gonna put

Them on and then Crouch my Crouch it seems he changed his mind and murder oh a little bit worse than I thought so we’re gonna sit in a hit Corner we’re gonna heal and we’re gonna appreciate that my protection just went from like 12 up to like 40 that

Effectively you know multiplies my health bar by it gives me an extra four or five hearts of effective damage that I can take that is a big big big big big win um also all the chests are facing the wrong way are they still facing the same way actually they are they’re not

Rotated properly um an interesting bug for sure um but yeah I think uh Money Network sound I’ve switched like 100 switches at the time time I see that you know I see it like okay you know I got you you know that that’s sometimes people say things and they

Just there’s just no sense being made like it’s like I don’t know you know I guess everyone there are some things which are very relatable to people like oh wow yeah isn’t it relatable when you when you go into the bathroom and you forget to turn

On the light and you’re in the dark but now now you don’t know if you should commit to just pooping in the dark or if you should go turn on the light very everyone does that every day but then there are like unrelatable things like

Um I don’t know like you ever just go to the Home Depot and then you forget what you’re there for so you come home with a with a power saw instead and it’s like I’m gonna be honesty with you I only there are some stores I only go to

Because I desperately need an item um it’s not really a browsing store is it okay so we go to the lava we got four Blazers on me right now I can survive all of them I’m gonna get out there actually it’s too dangerous too dangerous for me four Blazers would be

Great but with the amount of just garbage I have to get through I don’t think it’s worth it I think we go find one of those spawn is this another chest by the way no this is the one from earlier so that’s a saddle actually not gonna

Help me at all there’s no horses on as well you get a Strider but I know where I am I’m where I want to be already so we’ll hide over here Bonk Bonk Shields of fun so let me get close up and let’s go just a reminder Minecraft

Is a third person game when you want it to be we’ve got three blaze rods we’re gonna need more than six like I’m gonna say seven or eight because we might go genuinely we might go 10 000 blocks I I don’t imagine that’s likely but it’s possible and that’s not scary oh

Okay so that’s a lot of XP that’s so he’s literally chilling in some lava right now very nice to see except the opposite I’m gonna make a little wall down here uh make a little thing over there just make sure this lava can’t get me and we’re good to go

Oh eat the salmon of course switch out to the sword now let’s go give me some give me some Blaze I got four rods can we do better um I um I’m definitely not turning on the light in the middle of the night for a poop yeah it’s hard though okay but when

You’re peeing turning on the light is like adjusting your eyes both ways right um but uh wait you want to know a pro tip that I definitely learned myself I this is my this is my level of knowledge that I have so when when it’s late at night and you’re not you don’t

Want to like you know you know what like the the adjustment of dark to light hurts so bad and then it even hurts the other way you go blind when you go from light to dark it’s just use one eye um have one eye that’s a dark eye one

Eye that’s a light eye so when you’re in the bathroom and it’s light one eye hurts when you go back you switch high and now you’ve got a dark eye that’s ready and prepared that hasn’t adjusted I didn’t know it was even done per ride but it works yeah it works

Um how does one aim in the dark um I think you know I think some people have like a big issue of like sitting to people in the dark that’s what you do speaking of singing The Doctor P um I felt like I was in some real dicey

Situations but I finally got out them this is a uh deep political statement he’s currently in a post global warming ocean bambo you know the funny thing is uh oh God implying that that is a political statement is itself a political statement right like um the implying the climate change is a

Political statement is quite a political statement that you’re making uh one that I wouldn’t expect for sure so I’m just gonna mine some blocks because I need them anyway I guess um and then we’re gonna eat some more salmon I am gonna make it out of this

Alive but how alive is the interesting question oh again we’re getting ruined here something in in no small part so I’m gonna make myself a little with a skeleton barrier um just like that I think and then I’m gonna mine some more of these blocks all right shoes never rack no he’s never

Break because like I make a a big thing um yeah we’ll go okay there we go this should be getting like eight and nine I hope yeah eight and nine we’re out there we’re done it’s over no more so to get out of here I just need to get

Back towards zero zero and what I’m going to do against all better judgment is I’m gonna mine through this okay that was that was a poor decision um what I’m going to do again still better judgment because I’m just gonna mine upwards because I know we’re not far from a

Surface and I know that the portal is back at like it’s not that far from here so if I just mine upwards I’m at 75. if I mine This Way long enough I will eventually reach my portal I don’t know where I don’t know what but and hopefully I’ll skip the bad biomes

Look at all this bass up I don’t want this base all in my life why is there so much bass out here is there base salt below me yeah it’s below me um so this is my level way past here oh okay that’s good also celebrate the first chat from Jenkin

That’s interesting have you ever seen that before chat has anyone in chat ever seen that message for any other Super Chat chinkin how did you do that um I uh you know I I’m very curious you can end up out of the roof then just look

Out above the porcelain spawn in it uh yeah you’re speaking with a Java privilege right here also Shinken thank you for the two dollar tip I uh the the first Super Chat from Shinken which we will all celebrate because it says that yes I’ve seen this message

Have you ever seen it I’ve never seen it you know everyone we have to celebrate put the party pooping Emoji the the what is it call he Papa maybe no party pooping party pooping sounds like the opposite put it in the chat you gotta do it um

I uh what if I don’t want to celebrate it’s this flame okay so yeah put a Paul super in chat if you want to celebrate it or if you don’t want to celebrate it put a um put an emoji off the uh I don’t know the the Dutch black and chat and

Then I’ll know that you really don’t want to celebrate it because you’ll get the correct Dutch flag and not accidentally put the luxembourgish flag or the French flag in there speaking of French flags Zayn did you find any books in the Never you know it’s funny there’s not a lot of

Reading going on in the never if you’re a Believer but yeah look at that I went all the way around that it actually would have been faster obviously I didn’t know it was there but yeah that wasn’t that was an incredible never um I absolutely love this never

Uh Dutch flag you know I’m not seeing any Dutch Flags although I guess they’re just it’s not an emoji on the PC I see a lot of NLS be careful the emotes um thank you for everyone to celebrating Zayn and chicken for their first chance that’s fun uh neveract kind of looks

Like a real oh we don’t actually have enough Okay so we technically I you know I’m gonna come back I’m gonna get a little bit more food I think that makes sense I’ve got I’ve got the sword to do it and everything um but we don’t technically have

Everything that we need to go fully back so let’s just kill all the card oh yeah this is oh no okay kill the kill the dolphin kill all the dolphins that’s what you gotta do don’t don’t kill me dolphins I can’t survive the never and then die to dolphins I don’t

Know if I’d be able to live that one down okay thankfully that’s not the situation we’re in instead we have all the bones in the world um yeah I think it’d be really interesting to survive in like uh an ocean only Wild um for the for the Overworld and then

Lava ocean for the never what would the end be though chat would it be endless void with just random floating with the floating things and then uh think like what what should the end be okay so now let’s grab the raw Cod and let’s get the rest of it

Also um dolphins are the zombified piglet dolphins are the zombified piglets of the sea they really are they get they have they’re very very very fussy about what they’re doing it’s been a while I’m not sure if I’m from years ago I hope you’re well I remember you

Sarah Burke I remember you well I uh I I want to say somewhere in the that upper area and also you know I want to do that thing where I like pretend to know now actually oh yeah I remember you said I I would remember anyone named Sarah which

Is your name of course which I remember um I also remember that your name is Burke and that you have been on live streams around a few years ago no it hasn’t been that long Sarah Burke in my mind but maybe that’s a sign that my brain function isn’t working not that

Yours is okay so kill the salmon or kill the cut well we’ll kill a bit of both go really wild on this one I think and then that should be food lockdown for the end of the Run sorted so the the reason we need a little bit of extra

Food is obviously we are going to uh kill some Enderman now and that gets a little scary and spicy so want to be protected from scary spicy also wondering Trader I’m sure you need him for somewhere it’s it sounds like you’d want the wandering Trader but you just you just ultimately do not

And then cook salmon grab one more cook salmon then we’ll just throw raw cut on there when we’re back later okay and we go let’s get myself some ender pearls I need to get uh 10 more I’m gonna say because then we can find the rest in the Fortress and

The stronghold we need them actually let’s go for 11 more like we we are looking for thousands of blocks internet I really can’t stress enough how ridiculously far we’re gonna have to go so let’s do even need to yeah we just build like a single single block roof to this

And that’ll be good okay so now build a little awning and now we just have to look at look at an Enderman in the eyes so that’s one there okay we’ve got free Enderman let’s go one two three under we go okay so they’re all coming from different

Angles but if we go at the front yeah there we go look at this absolute mess but in a good way absolute mess in the good way is the goal and that is two more pearls so now we have to look at at least three more Enderman I think three

Is a good number one there one up there can I get him and then one down there can I get YouTube eat the cooked salmon there’s one over there I need to get as well thank God we look to him just right so you can see Enderman have like a weird

Pathfinding logic that we’re gonna use the max here am I standing just a little bit further forward you can do good stuff with that um yeah finding uh Enderman via the Bastion is like it’s preferred by a lot of speedrunners but like ignore the strategy but when you when you spawn in

A warp for us there’s like no no reason not to do this it’s easier it’s got better success rates in my opinion it’s got low lower fewer vectors that can go wrong um yeah I like it I like it a lot um there any other Enderman

We’re gonna have a lot of warp millium to it seems like just you know there’s okay no no random and there we go so that’s two there’s one up there I think I saw keep on eating keep on recovering and then if we do look like we’re gonna be attacked

Okay so that’s seven pearls real fast seven pounds by the way there you go oh God how is how is he getting me each of these times we have to be really close to the precipice it seems maybe we’ll Place one more block under that and now eat the cooked salmon while

We find random so there’s one down there one up there one over there they’re already here okay here we go and then we need to look for other ones that we can also see over here okay perfect so you again keep looking animal in the eyes but also

Keep killing the ones that come I’ve got so much Soldier ability we don’t have to worry about that now just worrying about will they give me ender pearls and will there be any more for me to kill Brenda Pals oh um they will hit you through blocks they

Will it’s a uh annoying truth of the way that collisions are done okay so that’s one Enderman that’s the second Enderman is that a third Enderman yeah um oh yeah there we go that’s that’s that’s a horde of Enderman right there and then another one okay this this

Should be enough Enderman for certain at this number Pals once we get 12 we can technically just start going but because it’s a much harder time getting past we’re gonna get 14. and then if the if we have a lucky stronghold then we have a lucky stronghold but we really can’t assume on

A seed like this that you’re gonna get lucky strong it’s like you’d have to be really really lucky to get a bad stronghold but we’re likely gonna get a really that makes any sense I don’t think that makes sense oh I’m upseting you through blocks is a perfectly exclusive you know it really

Is it’s um mobs also hit you so weirdly like they have like a timing to them it never feels right the way mobs hit you it always feels like you’re being teased like how did that mob not hit me he was so close he was like right next to me

It’s uh it’s weird but you don’t question it when it benefits you and you only question it when it doesn’t benefit you how did that Enderman not see me I stared him in the face right in the face so a big bunch of kills including you this

Should get me up to my 13 not 14. fan click everywhere oh yeah that was good that was good ah that was real good 13 pearls is that enough or do we go for one more oh you believe we go for one more 14. okay we’re out there I’m done

It’s over for me so now we go to the oh cute it’s a it’s a straighter family he’s got three children oh do I have my saddle I didn’t bring this oh is that not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in Minecraft it’s a straighter walking around with three little children

He’s showing them around the biome he’s on a Academy um you know every for every time that Minecraft is killing you through blocks unfairly Minecraft is is doing something cute by pure randomness and I love that okay so now we just have to work out which way we’re going and

Then we have to go that way um how long does night last all night okay perfect um so we have enough to make a boat oh an Enderman came through that’s interesting Australia came through too which gonna make uh like five of them now we’d have to worry

About how many and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna stand the middle of this and use it as my perfect barometer I’m gonna have to kill anything near me first obviously there’s a lot of Enderman that came through okay so right here is a great place we’re gonna stand on

The middle of the block and we’re gonna throw directly up oh God why would you mess me up like that okay but it’s that way at the very least we can work out that it’s more positive Zed than it is negative X there’s very there’s not that much

Negative X there’s a lot of positive Z like two to one maybe is the ratio um that’s the best I got and then the second best I got is a bunch of cook card okay so we’ll let the creepers kill each other problem solved um and then we go on a journey

Let’s go back to the never and grab some wood yeah that’s funny actually there never is the place to be to get wood huh yeah honestly um why wouldn’t I I’ll grab this as well I’ll grow this in the end with me like um I might as well

And then I’ll combine these Stone swords together and that’s Inventory management right there inventory is officially managed let’s go on a journey now okay so we can we can start this back up wherever we go we got a full thing we’re going on a voyage chat we’re going on a voyage um I

I think that um the the challenge in getting the strongholders it’s going to be underwater almost mathematically right like there is a fair amount of land on this seat because ocean biomes have a surprising amount of land but the challenge is oh actually looking at this journey

So there’s gonna be a fair amount of uh um fair amount of uh water land on this seed but I think we can be sure it’s under the water although saying that we found us an ocean Mountain so who knows how any of this works honestly who knows

Um if only you could employ a special person to manage your inventory an inventory manager I I I think that Minecraft has too many different items that just don’t stack together and logically can’t stack together like I know different types of planks for example obviously can’t stack together but they all do the

Same thing and crafting with them is a real nightmare um these are the new 1.20 world record I need to saw some Steve I’ll check it out and check it out um I play chords offline mode the Japanese speedrun Community um do it like that as well

The uh I do love the idea of um like blind blind as an idea is a fun category of like mild handicap to yourself but to me like playing Minecraft in the fun way is like walnuts are a really a really interesting piece of information that just tell you where roughly is something

Especially like a single buying World there just isn’t enough like terrain features to tell me if that look at that there’s like a clam sticking out over there also we’ve we’ve barely been doing any ocean it’s apparently going to be all over the world so we’re gonna throw another eye offender right now

So it’s still very much the same proportions full Z no X um easy for me to do um we’re gonna stop mostly Z know X it’s like two to one something like that so we are going to cross this with a bow just because we’re here anyway

Jump into the boat I don’t know how I took damage from that we won’t question it um the Fun Run mode is that a ship in the mountain Oh I thought it was like a weird lip but it probably is a ship you’re right oh that is the ship wait

I’ve been here before then unless there’s just lots of ships and buildings on this seat that’s that’s fun fun if so um but yeah I uh I now just have to get myself uh loads of ships yeah the world is really dead um it’s weird because that’s what oceans

Are kind of meant to be like yeah it’s the dead biome it’s it’s all ocean mobs in the sea and then nothing on the land to kind of simulate how it’s nothingness um but yeah I uh what’s the highest why level you think you can get to on this

Seed I bet you can get up as high as like y128 the old world height Max for terrain is now the max for anything besides mountains if I’m not mistaken post case on cliffs so I think I’m gonna go all the way across that yeah let’s let’s do it

Um ocean is the dead biome ocean is the most life filled no but the ocean ocean biome is the most life-filled for the for the water right this is the weird thing is the distinction between the blocks that make up a biome and the biome itself

Oceans have a lot of unique things that spawn in one particular part of it but then the Land part of it which can be substantial sometimes is dead um I wonder how big your chat window is like how far back you can see in chat let’s find out free deaths so far oh

That’s fun um okay so we are about to to be fair we’re now at about 1600 blocks I could see there being a stronghold down here so we’re gonna throw an eye offender it’s closer to one to one now don’t break on me okay it’s closer to one to one now

Also look at that cave oh please don’t knock me in the cave I can’t afford to die this far away um we need to stay on track the further the faster you run the slower stuff can mess you up life Pro tip right there um so now we go full diagonally

Um I meant stream chat but okay oh you know that makes way more sense I I thought it was like a Bedrock Java thing because you know one of the things that took so long to adjust to is better off when you have the chat open it’s the

Whole screen first of all and when you have a message it used to take up like two-thirds of your screen it’s like is it do we just have to accept this as a reality and the answer was yes we did um but yeah I think um

The ocean biome wasn’t meant to be a land biome so they didn’t program anything smaller land well I mean it is designed to have land in it right they put land in ocean biomes but I think they design it to be like barely land like it’s meant to be like just above

The so like you know if you look at um rocker or like any like if you look at barely land places islands that are just above the ocean they can’t support life you need like more more to it than just a beach basically also why they’re pumpkins in the ocean LOL

That is weird huh I guess pumpkins don’t care about the biome they just spawn wherever they spawn that’d be my best guess I really I’d love to know otherwise if there’s a good uh reason Minecraft Survival but you stand on uh everything they’ve locked you stand on there’s players like split

That sounds like a form of Chaos uh that I’m in um so yeah I um like little Survival Island but like the opposite of survivaling on an island Okay so we’ve now gone 2800 blocks from Spawn no 2900 blocks from Spawn let’s throw an eye offender okay still going

This direction though it’s gone but that’s fine we have spares specifically for this reason so we’re gonna Row in this direction and like I said we could be going for a while oceans have no Villages Villages are needed for stronghold generation so it’s a whole thing

Um I uh old enough for me to cry as a line 35. you know beautiful that’s uh that’s what that’s what being old enough to be able to cry is also um yeah I think uh you should do a challenge where you beat Minecraft but you can only sneak the

Challenge is to get Swift sneak as soon as possible that would just be yeah it would be a form of torture until you can sneak you right but yeah you’d want to you definitely would like to do that um also uh Spud byra Spud Spyro thank you very much for the tip

It’s not shown up on screen is it I it’s meant to be text-to-speech I’m pretty sure wait for it it’ll shut there we go yeah another interesting challenge here’s some money to help with your mortgage it’s a funny thing right because oh money is um is inherently like fungible

Like you you know like if I if I buy a cinnamon roll for ten dollars and I spend ten dollars on my mortgage those my only two expenses this month you can believe that you supported either of those things you can believe you gave me five dollars for a cinnamon

Roll and five dollars for a for my mortgage or you can believe that you know you gave me ten dollars um and I spent any other combination of the two because that’s that’s the weird weird kind of like trick that money has right and so also whoa look at this

Okay now oh no we’re still we might we might have to travel genuinely ten thousand blocks chat it might we might never find a stronghold I did a check forever ago last time I did this world haven’t checked since then so we just have to wait until the game

Reorganizes itself who pays ten dollars for a cinnamon roll look they’re very expensive cinnamon rolls and they taste it’s a very big cinnamon roll maybe um it’s uh oh lots of coal by the way lots of wheat might be handy uh I’ll keep I’ll keep it for now we can throw it

Away later uh there’s also a lot of suspicious gravel if I’d have kept that copper yeah killing drowns till you get copper that could be a that could be a live pro tip that could be or a terrible Pro tip um but yeah I um it’s a it’s a weird ancient debris roll

It’s a weird thing the money’s SpongeBob that way and I think that the one thing that people usually feel the worst about helping someone with is like you know I’m not you know they’re like you know like I said they’ve got this uh I’ve got this deck collection agency they’re like

They’re really lazy about the debt too they’re just every like year or so they’re like please pay us and they’re gonna rely on me uh doing something um yeah maybe um it could be um ocean without water what ocean with lots of water but also lots of not water

Um yeah usually people hate the idea of like helping out some of their like essential expenses you wanna because if you think about it like if uh you know like what is rent to you everyone everyone makes rent regardless of everything right like eventually having a place to stay is so essential

That we all assume it’s something that happens it can be very expensive but it just happens whereas if I gave you ten dollars new to something incredible with it like you use that money to buy a 10 cinnamon roll and you realize why you should spend

Dental I’ve never spent ten dollars on a cinnamon roll I spent I think I think I spent like four yesterday um was a very good cinnamon roll it was very good I spent I think I think I spent eight dollars on dessert at uh at

A place in Vegas once that was a that that was a delicious uh sticky toffee pudding it must be more than eight dollars there’s no way you get dessert for eight um but yeah I uh I I feel like people you know like I

Would love if you know if I I would like to you know encourage people to try something new like almost like put my Essence in the world okay so let’s try this one more time come on we’re 4 500 blocks from world origin okay so I’m just I’m not gonna try again

Until we’re 5500. every thousand blocks we try um I can kind of tell from the angles that I can’t be that far like I’m probably like a couple thousand blocks Max slightly to the left though yeah it’s a sign we’re getting closer um oh look at that terrain how is that

An ocean chat what the is this is the world breaking as we get further from the origin like it is an ocean biome like in terms of the grass but look at that Terrain you would never find that in an ocean right yeah something is very weird I

Didn’t I do not understand what I’m looking at I’m looking at it and I’m not understanding it I it’s it’s breaking it’s breaking my understanding of my understanding that’s what’s happening right now um must be a mountain biome in the real seed so it’s replacing the mountain

Biome with a ocean biome just in terms of the decoration um took out when he calculates Distance by adding up two differences instead of using Pythagorean ethereum I I real I’m emotionally and not believing in pipe background theorem but yeah I know like um I think it’s

More fun like uh all of my uh like I have a second channel the whole thing is like yeah I I feel like it’s uh more acceptable in the education space to do that whole thing I don’t think it’s like a fair thing to do on a Minecraft

Channel for various reasons but I I have patreon the second Channel um uh and it’s like uh one of the things in that is like uh yeah just buy me something fun I would like that that’s that’s what I would like to like because I think a lot of people do appreciate

Something they’re like yeah I’d like to show my support okay so it’s way more this way now um we are getting close we are getting close I’m having to climb a mountain don’t know how I feel about that um so I can’t do favor uh we need your accents

Um if you could just speak in a Russian accent than a Texan accent like you get two lines on my bingo card ah you’ll see I have been doing my lesson this is not a relationship uh my my cat is is not very pleased with me

Today I go I go on internet I tell lie is not okay is is very bad um I go I I go to internet and I am not honorable person there we go also if there’s an end update we need a better way to find the end portal

Yeah honestly they can now this is one of those struggles though I don’t think they could ever change it but also they really need to change it right like it’s such a fundamental mechanic of Minecraft there’d be riots in the streets like they changed villager trading three percent I would say

And it’s it’s uproar right think about the Uproar if they changed the fundamental way that you complete the game by 20 percent okay so I really shouldn’t be throwing so many of these fortunately it’s still working out for me so um ocean ruin in the middle of a big

Huge island it’s just it’s this is a very weird world and the end is not at strong point it’s not a strong point um yeah I um geometry is so stupid I do not care for mathematicians I think Maps is uh okay so I think one

Of the best things about Maps is not thinking about it in terms of like you learn all these dumb formulas it’s in thinking of the fact that basically everything in the world is formulaic on some level there is a I think problems that look really complicated to solve can be

Really really quite simple underneath all of that well so how far do you think I’ll be heading chat do you think it’s like 160 000 blocks no it wouldn’t have changed that much if so we are we are on the right track we can’t be that far off

Um so that’s that’s the positive news negative news is I have no idea how far on or off the track we are um at all no clue so if I throw I’m gonna throw a pile from over here or an eye offender from over here we’re gonna see what it does for me

Oh there’s a big hole down there be nice if it led to the stronghold okay so throw it up here so it’s basically straightforwards now so using Pythagorean theorem we can just guess that it’s like 300 blocks once we get to 4300 4350 maybe we’ll throw another one um

Yeah let’s just go straight in a straight line now see how much the thing changes also you need to set your spawn somehow you’re gonna walk all the way back it hasn’t been night in a really long time I feel like I’ve been running for days like years of my life

And it hasn’t been night for a lot of that so something interesting um Okay so we’ve got a big old thing to jump down honestly at this point just jump to the bottom place the boat get in the boat and I guess we could throw it from Mike over here

Just to see right okay no it’s still straight ahead um I don’t know what that tells me it tells me I’m close though I’m pretty sure that tells me unplugged try again another like hundred blocks maybe it doesn’t tell me anything you’re just so fast you’re running with the Sun

That’s a fun thing to me right is that if you if you take enough flights you can have a day that lasts for like a day in almost two days and if you take enough lights you can have a you cannot have daytime for

Longer I guess all you have to do is go to the Arctic Circle and you don’t have days but you can have like Tuesday can last for 38 hours or 30 47 hours if you want um but yeah um you look like Pythagoras thank you your your mum looks like Pythagoras too

Um she would appreciate the compliment as much as I imagine there were time zones in Minecraft that’d be such a ridiculous gameplay mechanic with absolutely no benefit but I want it anyway damn it so in the stronghold you do find wool right there is whoa somewhere no I’m thinking of a village

Okay so we’re I’m gonna go down into this ocean and then from here I’m gonna throw another pile or eye offender I’ve been really lucky of them not breaking so let’s hope that streak continues it’s still forwards don’t break don’t break don’t break thank you okay I have I have no clue chat

Um new Minecraft session if you’re on fast enough it can always be day okay someone put that on the suggestion site we need to see it if his mum looks like Pythagoras and you look like Pythagoras maybe she is your mum too whoa Carlisle Victor you’re right wait maybe I’m his mum

Like you never know like um the modern the modern theory on the matter is you don’t actually know for sure what what you are you might be someone’s mother and never know it like how would I know maybe maybe that’s how I am um also lots of cobwebs in the library

Equals strength equals word yeah so we’ll use the cobwebs for the library although if we found yeah if we don’t have any string on us and we don’t that is the best way to do it I don’t know okay now it’s got to be the time okay it turns around Okay so 47.83

Okay that broke but that’s fine so 47.83 we now go to 46.83 oh it’s gonna get dark okay 46.83 now we throw one hit it’s 46.85 but it’s fine so now we’ll go to 45 oh two more so now we are genuinely short and pearls 45.85 right

I mean we’ll go a little bit further like 4 500 flat um okay so 45 that’s my plan okay so now it’s that way again okay so it’s more like kind of that way ish though okay so now when I was in that ocean just now it

Pointed me this way which means we dig down at the bottom of this yeah we dig down and then we hope we never have to dig back up that sounds like a plan to me so yeah having a a spawn would make this a lot nicer

I don’t think I can do it with that one in fact oh God I need to it’s okay so yeah what I’m gonna have to do is I’m just gonna do it below this this land here I think is I’ll dig down from that land I’ve learned how badly this can go the

Trapdoor trick is not the secret to success the secret to success is going down over here um okay so now we just stick down like this uh it sucks when we use our fist but eventually we hit Stone and we use our diamond pickaxe and then we’ll dig

Around until we find a stronghold there’s a real chance there is no stronghold I don’t know what Lair to even find it at the new update makes that a real nightmare but we gotta believe okay chat we’ve gotta believe and so believe is exactly what I will do

That’s probably why you want to use Pythagoras Theorem and do all that dumb stuff that uh that Chatter’s mother apparently would know about but not me I mean also me damn it I would know I’m Pythagoras too um if only you could craft torches or blaze powder

You know that’s a cool idea as long as I put that in the suggestion site okay so now we go down this way ignoring the water because it doesn’t help me and we live in the dark because okay I’ve got I’ve got enough of four torches we

Can live partially not in the dark chat if you if you don’t like the dark I got you covered temporarily so this dirt means that yep you should have seen that coming um so there was a trident I think that someone just threw at me so now we go down like this

Because we want to get like we’re not going to find a stronghold at layer 50 anyway so once we’re down below the ocean depths um yeah we’re down below the ocean depths hopefully by like 40ish um now we need to look for a stronghold where is Stronghold hard question

Uh doesn’t have an easy answer honestly the the process of looking for a stronghold when you don’t have a village is is hard okay that’s that’s bad not what I want so we dig down this way some more yep I guess we dig down this way some more

And then we’ll turn left as soon as it looks like we can I’m gonna guess now we can turn left we cannot turn left oh it’s so deep down there what the what is happening okay so we we don’t turn left we just go forwards a bunch

And then maybe are we going to turn back on ourselves Maybe yeah that sounds like a plan back on ourselves um get some light going in here there we go Okay so once we get down to like 20 we can turn right oh no once we get down to this lap

We just fly oh god of course he’s still here that trident drown’s been following me right how is he even known oh there’s just multiple tried and drilling drowns okay that’s great and I’ve lost my way out now okay so this is going great this is wonderful did you see how I could

Have saved all that pain and time we’re not having any of that happen oh that was terrible two Trident tryouts in a row not what I am looking for so we’re gonna make ourselves a little bit of a dirt pillow here this way don’t lose it um

And we’re gonna throw really I should have just used that side do you see how much easier it is on that side do you see this internet the mistakes you make sometimes the mistakes you make sometimes okay so we go all the way down here move that torch a little bit lower down

To like over there I’m gonna say uh and then we’re gonna what do we do just make a little staircase here I don’t want to do this okay but we’re going to do it I’m going to use navrack all the way around um Okay so the there we go just perfectly covered on

All sides no issues whatsoever okay so now we’ve got a low area we can just fill this with sand or at least enough of it with sand so like okay so that’s a lot of a lot of blocks covered in sand right and now we just do it a second time um

And just like that now we got blocks that we can make our staircase into easy just about easy at least so there and there and boom perfect no issues whatsoever we have to be very careful about where we mine down and getting rid of all the sand but I believe

Yeah that that was annoying so much easier it could have been done but we live the life that we live and that is what mine is apparently okay some more more coal that’s very handy I can actually start making torches in a decent level no I can’t I have no wood um

So we can oh God this is gonna go poorly um that um typing a video on Minecraft but isn’t going to be acceptable anymore is that what my title is I should have Minecraft but I tried to beat it and I’m 100 Minecraft world um yeah I think the Euler thing is like

It’s a very scary like I don’t know there’s there’s a lot of forms of discussion that like there’s something bad at the root of it but then people are good at making themselves think it’s worse I think it’s always important to like it’s still not good and it’s important

That people think it’s bad so that we get a better situation but also I think it’s like that’s not the not the terrible thing that’s happening that you might think okay so we’re gonna dig around here now oh God I hate it I hate ocean lonely

Worlds I can’t do it chat I’m I’m giving up on this whole tunnel I hate it I’m done with that I put so much work into this but no no no no no no no no I am not not having it okay so let’s pick up some iron I

Actually do you think it’s a good idea to take some of this uh don’t read the nine never rack I’ll take the raw iron and I’ll I’ll mine as much of it as I need I guess um it’s okay um okay we’re good we’re good we’re good

We’re getting this done how am I gonna get to the stronghold this is a real challenge right because I I do only have a limited number of high offenders actually not yeah well we’ll mine back into this uh and then mine this and then I think I need the torch back

Which I forgot to grab but it’s fine two torches so all I need oh the Dolphins here to help me so deep down here okay let’s start again let’s dig down from this instead it’s almost almost daytime now just what I want to hear um

So we dig down from here instead it’s at y64 already it’s very easy we can make like a skylight into it if we need light besides it’s got all the all the key things and most importantly we can just make a nice easy squarish staircase like cubish staircase whatever we’re

Just gonna dig down like this because I think we’re roughly in the right place I think we’ll just happen to find it if we do this actually I think you kind of have to go like down in a diagonal line like this I think being deliberately kind of tricky is a good idea

So yeah I’m gonna I’ll throw eye offenders if this doesn’t work but I really don’t get to the point where I just needed one more eye offender and if I hadn’t thrown it I would have got it because there is a chance we just find the stronghold it’s

Uh who knows where we find it but we might dig down straight to one hole um the only problem with that is we need to be able to like kind of look around otherwise that is not a terrible idea the torch I don’t I have not picked up

The torch there we go so Dig Down so I hear zombies for example they could be in the stronghold they could be in a cave they could be anywhere um so now we’ve probably gone too far this way we’re gonna dig right back do a little switch back around

And we’re gonna find out gonna find out for sure where are we gonna be oh okay so that’s okay the Cave used to give you really nice eyes on a stronghold I don’t think that’s true anymore maybe the tiny ones might um yeah enough nothing nothing happening

Here that’s for sure just some caves in a hole I mean some zombies in a hole okay this is this is still great I can come back to this if I stole these coordinates I’ll just write them down around and dig down too um like 20 28 4 500 2204

Write that down if you want uh that way okay I typed in the slash no you’re not I don’t want the slash I want that because then you can come back and you can find that so now we get out for and we’ll be good dig five blocks to the

Left and two blocks down to find iron that is very particular Jennifer Edis is that like a is that a pro tip you found or have you loaded up a copy of the seed or what um okay so I’m gonna get myself some iron now I think that’s I think that means boots

And a helmet maybe and also I’m gonna cook up the rest of the cob maybe the card should come first I’m not sure it’s daytime out here if there was a shipwreck nearby we would be able to find it okay so I have a furnace taking up an inventory slot so is this

Technically let’s put in the code first and then the iron so Inventory management means throw this away means for this away it just isn’t going to come up right and then everything else seems somewhat useful at least it’s got some potential value then we throw an eye offender from this

So it is under that water somewhere don’t break it’s at the very least Okay so we’re digging positive positive from 22 to 45 right that much we now know it’s definitely positive positive down there somewhere okay useful to see then what we’re going to do we don’t have a so we’re gonna

Have to just take from 4500 is just over here which you can dig straight down through the dirt while we get our cook cod cook cod is now finished which means it’s iron time and yeah down here we’ll just make a big straight open hole um the basic goal being of laying some

Light into that cave because I’m now out of torches and then finally let’s drop some more garbage four arrows seems good one lever I don’t think I’m gonna use two wrong flesh probably not going to use uh stone sword hope I don’t need to use stunt pickaxe same thing

Too diorite just for now okay so now if we can quickly find a shipwreck yeah I should have gone to the never for wood funnily enough hey thank you my favorite I love when sheeps are also subscribers um so yeah I don’t think we’re finding any wood near here

And so we’re gonna have a bunch of iron just sitting on us um sitting with us and we’re just gonna have to accept that’s how things are so we’ll make some boots later for now though let’s Dig Down to uh the room from before and then let’s start tunneling

That’s the plan tunnel down and it will be Gray um you can grow warp fungus and what nilium you have both wow okay can you believe that also took out your bones in your throat you can burn all the spruce sapling you’ve had oh you’re totally right yeah

You know that’ll be fun I’ll do it in the end though I want to do a little bit of a little bit of a science project in there um is Ball’s name in Cyrillic I can’t even mention them uh then it would be like van you know I don’t know the precise details

But I like to believe that it’s bar they are a sheep and I appreciate them being a subscriber thank you actually wait you’ll stay up here no it’s just bah like British Airways there we go that’s what it probably stands for okay so now we’re going to dig this way and that way

Although we need to have the light ideally swordig this way definitely no dire right here I guess we’ll just dig through this okay so now oh God there’s water everywhere this is a this is great this is my dream come true um this was gonna make a big mess through the water

And then and then what we’re gonna like uh just hope we find things that are good yeah I guess we really need that we really need the sticks how else can you find sticks bamboo how else can we get so we’re now at the layers but we could just about conceivably find the

Stronghold chat Um yeah I guess I’ll just grow a tree down here somewhere okay so this is not a stronghold this is a big underwater cave is that true that is true it’s got some dirt in it though could be handy for growing purposes but instead we’re going to now dig down to avoid

This cave and assume the stronghold is down there too um if we keep on going in this direction oh what do we found it’s dry okay I really needs some light sources please could you give me okay you know what when when the light source doesn’t

Come to you you come to the light source so we just dig a few blocks above my head make like a a big wide area in here and I’m gonna do something a little bit stupid sounding chat but I’m gonna it’s it’s definitely what you’ve got to do

I’m gonna take some bone milk take a lot of bone meal and I’m just gonna I’m just gonna grow one right here I’m just gonna grow me a tree uh remove all this dirt and then I can finally see if I grow me a tree I’ll be able to see

Um I don’t know if this is a big enough space it’s one of those things where you just kind of have to do it and find out that way it’s not enough space um yeah okay we’ll come back to that uh you know okay we gotta we gotta keep

Going we’ve committed this idea so how do you make a tree grow you need a big enough space which obviously means cutting out the blocks around it uh that is now a five by three space where we dig this side we can make it a five by four space it’s five by four

Gonna be enough we’ll find out now if they go the blocks below those blocks and these blocks as well and now we see that plot goes here is that the middle of this it’s close to the middle we’ll dig these blocks out as well as well as all of these

As well as all of these okay can we grow a treat no we can’t why not there’s so much space lava bucket for light do you think it actually cares about light what do you think it’s like uh okay let’s just okay so now you can see very clearly

I’ll just get all the bone milk I’ll remove my staircase I’ll move it higher up or whatever we gotta do come on this has got to be big enough this has got to be enough space for a tree what more could a tree need or want okay let’s try come on

Okay you need a wider area okay we’ll lower it a little bit um because the tree can go a little bit more weight Maybe okay now we place it there there’s a little bit of light in the area come on tree okay I give up we’re using we’re using the love bucket just

As a portable source of light now um and then we’re gonna find the the stronghold that’s the plan is it a good plan no is it a plan yes uh so we’re gonna drop some lava down there to kill the skeletons if we see a stronghold that’d be nice

I don’t see that though um yeah looking for a stronghold okay so actually I can use this to my advantage I know that the yeah I can use this area to my advantage I know my Pearl’s gonna go this way so I just have to go back this away a bunch

And then throw an eye offender every time I’ve tried this before it’s gone poorly chat but today will be the difference today things will be very different okay look at this it’s gonna work wonderfully place our lava in a bucket over there I’m gonna throw the ifender now

No it didn’t go differently it didn’t go differently I lost the block um I could probably find that on the surface okay 2218 45 20. I’m gonna go get that eye offender back um okay so I’m gonna go get it back right now don’t worry about it I’m just gonna I’m

Just gonna come right back out for her um but yeah uh I think the okay oh spooky I’m I’m gonna go back get my offender because that’s quite essential to me use your Blaze pound eye for ender pearls to make more you know what storm storage that’s an

Idea what if I just made more if everyone just made more things instead of being upset about the things they had maybe the world would be a better place or maybe it would be more unjust 2218 45 20. so in fairy ah there it is I’ve never actually successfully done this

That is my first time chat I’m very proud of myself very proud of myself okay we’re not gonna fumble this at the last minute not gonna fumble at the last minute but I do want to get down quickly so we’re gonna place a dirt block and place another

Dirt block and then Place Another dirt block and so on and so forth to get down it’s just a little bit easier than the alternative sometimes you know Okay so here we go down okay so uh keeping this plate lit is a little bit you know just

Like a good party keeping it lit can be a challenge um but yeah we’re just gonna keep looking oh if there was an entrance on this side the whole time okay well all of that was unnecessary you’ll be pleased to know um all of that was entirely unnecessary

Okay so this is the opening to the stronghold so we go we count five rooms from here and we’ll find the the Importer room so this is room two and it’s the end unless there’s something through here looks like there might be but there

Isn’t okay so this is a dead end we can mark it off with and uh the most plentiful block we have which is Cobblestone so not going to work like three blocks there okay so on the right it ends dead end so it’s not going to go

That way and up here it is also a dead end but it often goes through walls anyway not in this case so none of this works it has to go forwards once we go forwards we hit it oh God what if there’s no end portal I think that’s what’s happened here internet

You can tell oh God no [Laughter] no oh no I think it’s a stronghold of no end portal um it’s not guaranteed yet um it’s not guaranteed yet um Minecraft Bedrock moment how is okay it’s not over yet it’s Soul breaking what’s just happened it’s very soul-breaking but it’s not definitely

It’s not definitely a no portal place um Okay so um stairs on stairs is never a good sign for a portal uh we can look around we’re gonna look around every direction and try and just hope that it’s disconnected you didn’t test says Nathan Hewitt are you making me the bad guy for

Actually doing this blind rather than rather than like having already done it and then just pretending I’m doing it for the first time do you want me to oh okay this is something right no this is the ceiling of that oh that’s interesting um you might as well talk about the lack

Of smooth Stone stairs in Minecraft I mean they exist just not in strongholds right oh no chat I’m I I okay you know so this is a this is a bug right um I’ll show you I’ll show you it just uh just so you understand what’s Happening Here

Um Minecraft will generate wait okay so I’m gonna feel really embarrassed if it turns out there’s something there but let me let me show you what happens we copy the world before we turn that crop in the world into creative um just so you can see something fun um I oh yeah um

You can technically find a second one maybe sometimes that’s what happens the stronghold spawns once tries to spawn again but it usually is just there’s nothing so I’ll show you what I mean by that because trying to explain it in survival is hard so um Minecraft Bedrock especially the ones that aren’t below

Villages sometimes the strongholds just don’t generate properly and they go missing um so I’ll show you I’ll show you I’ll show you the entirety of this stronghold right um so effects night vision uh s night vision and then game mode spectator so if you look at the stronghold here

This is the entire thing oh God yeah it happened it happened so um it’s a semi-common bug on Bedrock this is the entire stronghold is there another stronghold note this is this is what I spent so long going towards and it has no stronghold none okay here’s the here’s the deal

Here’s the deal um if we want to find another stronghold we have to go all the way back towards spawn far enough away in another direction that we start getting another end portal right um so we have to leave this place we went all this effort we went from this

Journey together and we have to go and find another stronghold and then hope the same bug hasn’t happened there um which is fine um which is entirely fine and we can do that I am being this challenge internet and it will drive me crazy but I am going to do it so I

Forgot the way up here was I think I have to stack up maybe so um snackly stackly stackity here we go we just took the scenic route says titling Larson I just like taking scenic routes to get places sometimes is that so wrong um okay so um

Yeah I um because it’s a bug we’d like to give yourself portal frame blocks I valid way to say like you know if you want to just like have a little like yep well I got the stronghold isn’t that most of it I one of the weird things is I a part of

Me feels like I would know I’m cheating myself even though Minecraft has cheated me and I’m cheating back I think something that’s important is like even when the world screws you you don’t have to screw the world back um you you’re you might have every right to uh people might find that understandable

But it doesn’t mean you need to damn it okay and so here is what we’re doing I’m gonna grow that tree I’m gonna get myself some Spruce uh things for me and then we’re gonna okay so I’m finally gonna have access to the iron boots

And we’re going to have to go about 10 000 blocks ten thousand blocks you travel about four meters a second in Minecraft so about 250 blocks a minute something like that uh we just have to go about what like 20 30 minutes away maybe less if we trying to go kind of go

Perpendicularly to our current thing um I’m actually not sure what’s the best way to try and find another stronghold I would guess it is to go that way a bunch but I I’m not I’m not smart enough to I mean I guess you just like you you chunk based

In there is Stronghold right isn’t this one actually yeah let’s let’s see if that works um the seed I just picked some random numbers you might enjoy it um so we just we’ll just type it in we’ll just uh and then we just make sure that we can

Go to the nearest one that isn’t this um so and then it’s still pure survival internet and then we will have beaten the challenge oh God oh God oh God bad timing so I’m gonna pick up some more saplings hopefully I got three more and I pick up the furnace alongside the

Goodies inside of it I’m gonna have to drop some base salt and drop they’re never they’re never Brick’s gonna have to go to and then there we go we can now make torches and live the night as it was meant to be done so um yeah I think we just um

All we have to do is check uh uh turn off everything there isn’t a stronghold turn on the stronghold uh Okay so the nearest strong oh god um just to make sure now saw stronghold was like 40 uh 2100 4100 also there are Phantoms oh

God how am I meant to deal with that right now right now is a bad time to hit me when I’m down Minecraft um have I not dealt with Phantoms yet actually do they have like a height maximum on them or something minimum Maybe okay if you’re sitting here where

Phantoms can’t hurt me okay so my current one is at uh uh 20 4400 okay so the current the seed I’m using has different chunk bases giving different numbers though oh no 2200 24 500. so there’s one at minus 1400 Min 3400 we don’t need to

Keep that in mind exactly it just means that yeah we go roughly this way and we’ll end up there so now we have to pretend that Minecraft has thrown it that way and now we can carry out the rest like that that’s all we need to

Know perfect speaking of all we need to know uh get yourself a good Bob toy cat can you can you explain to me why some Americans call them kebabs I I actually would like to know like is it is it one of those like common misspellings or is

It that a kebab is something else or is it that only some regions of is it like how some Americans call Coke pop or soda pop and because you know like is it one of those things I’d love to know it’s okay uh smooth Stone stairs and not a thing in Minecraft

Smooth Stone stairs are a thing in Minecraft right I’m wait you know can someone settle this am I crazy consultants for simply powered smooth like Stone stairs are a thing I guess not not made of that block where you get the slap you can’t get stairs out of that block but smooth

Stone is just the smelted Stone right cook stone if you will okay um there are no smooth Stone stats but like that smooth Stone refers to I guess smooth Stone in Minecraft actually has a name right I get what you’re saying it’s uh Mandara effect moment

Um bro bread needs to be banned Well Bread is so bad for us it’s literally poison we should ban it okay so we’re going for a real long wait by the way can I just say is Minecraft broken because why like I think this next stronghold is

Going to be closer to spawn than the one it actually sent me to so I would love to know why it sent me to that one um anyway with that said um I am just going on an adventure today you know I’d like I’d like to look at

More of the world I’m gonna see this as an opportunity internet this is what you do when life kicks you yeah you make it into an opportunity um and now we go oh all the way out this way so 3200 blocks will take us about uh 15 minutes but it’s not so bad

Uh travel Through the Never that’s not actually a bad idea since we have yeah and we we do have lava right so we just we make obsidian enough of both ends and then we do it yeah that’s that is the I I didn’t think that we could because you need a pickaxe

To like actually have the obsidian let’s go do it let’s go back for that and then let’s travel through the never because we’re going to a lot What minus 1600 is Minecraft broken you’re playing Bedrock my dude so minus 1400 is about minus 200 and the

Never and then we’ll go a little bit lower on the X2 and then we’ll be there yeah we can do that real fast and be using the Nether um yeah I like that idea um I like I like that idea a lot so we’re gonna grab 20 obsidian and we can make a

Portal then grab some obsidian Maybe yeah let’s do it that way um so make a big Cobblestone stack including breaking some blocks here place the water so it goes into those blocks I think I messed that up actually I think we gotta go like off the side here

Oh something like that there we go perfect okay that wasn’t what I wanted but ah it works it it works um so then we place our lava and our lava and then don’t forget our lava and also our lava and then more importantly we’ve got to make sure we get lava in here

Um so that we can also get our lava place there so that we can place our lava down on here so that we can place okay I’m gonna place like a cobblestone there so we can place some over here oh no I made it wrong I made it too short internet

I made a very short portal and I didn’t realize till just now but that’s okay short portals are fine too don’t let anyone tell you otherwise so we’ll just we’ll just put that there and move this away or something so now we mine these two blocks and place them one higher up

Oopsie oh God mining obsidian takes so long I’ll just do the walk ah I forgot how long it is and this is the increased Bedrock mining speed too right this is the how does anyone get anything done ever how does it ever happen bro make a shorter

You know what should I make a shuttle okay so I just need 12 of these blocks nice easy obtainable 12. and we can go okay I’m in I’m in I’m in chat so uh yeah about we need to get to about minus 1400 1460 I think it was right

Um anyway your Ender piles are divination but non-accurate science I found strongholds on the villagers that have no pulse staircases as an indicator only found by digging straight out 1000 block Village yeah it’s a it’s a really weird one uh never portals also you know thank you to

The concept of never portals for joining me on the stream today oh um shorter moment shorter moment shorter moment do you like my never shorter is that is that what that is um hiya president toy cat been watching pasta cat all day technically speaking you’re still watching Past toy cat because there’s a

Delay on live streams there’s never like Live Events are never truly live they’re just as close to live as you can make but um there is like YouTube has to process the video so you can see it because obviously I’m sending a lot of data they need to make that available in

All the different qualities there’s even subtitles on live streams now so in those three seconds or five seconds or whatever YouTube has I don’t know I don’t it seems like witchcraft to me but they managed to use those seconds um to add subtitles or like I guess it’s

Not actually witchcraft it’s the same as for a video but it’s it’s you know anything that it also as their normal lava left for my lighting there is perfect gonna need that as it so turns out um and now let’s light it and I think it’s better lit on this side

Based on my other portal to place the blocks place the lava get in the portal see it’s so weird that Minecraft I don’t understand Minecraft there’s so many bugs that just what even what even is it at this point this world is 100 ocean biome there’s still some land

Um yeah land land in an ocean biome is a weird concept for a lot of people that’s one of the things you there’s a lot of things you learn as a YouTuber just from like people’s reaction to a thing they’re like Ah that’s that’s the instinctual reaction people have to that

Huh so this is a really dangerous place to be cobblestoning so I could use an ender pearl and then get another one okay I’m gonna get the ender pearls out and that’s my backup chat if it comes to it I’ll end up Pearl um yeah I’m gonna Bridge way out this way

Where I can’t be hurt and then we’re gonna go dude Oh wait sorry that gets you copyright struck can you believe that okay so we want to get closer to 500. um okay so it’s a little bit scary actually being this high up I’m feeling like we have nothing but downside okay nothing’s following me um is this faster than walking eight blocks

Oh Lord is it worth jumping oh it might just be worth jumping should we jump before we push chat uh thank you very much Jake See shims on delay so they can cut it if toy cat gets assassinated you know sometimes you have to plan for the most likely risk and it’s been

Concluded that the most likely threat to these live streams is toy cat being assassinated um it’s just though the math says also there’s so much gold over there I could trade for so many pearls and then never care about them again um oh it’s tempting huh I can get a bow

At least right get a crossbow yeah you know just making you know let’s let’s do it let’s just you know chat sometimes it’s an unnecessary risk for sure but I’ve got a gold chest plate on so they’re not even gonna care about me till it’s too late for them to realize

They need to not care about me uh make a little staircase out here that’s a bit of lava in the sky a bit weird how the lava works but I’m not gonna question it and then we’re gonna stack up I’m gonna get so much gold make a lot of piglens quite upset

And then trade of them and then kill one with a crossbow I’m not sure what order will do for that I guess you can find a bow in the okay so that’s a lot of gold okay it’s a lot of gold um I’m gonna just grab a whole stack of

That and put it where the twisting Vines are right now uh we probably don’t need the eye fenders right now so we can be ready for that get the gold blocks out so we can do some fast Trading and um I think we’re just gonna stack up to the top of this place

Yep up to the top we go oh hello if he had a crossbow I’d kill him but he doesn’t so they have really nice crossbows up here right oh no different type of strongholders what I’m thinking about Fortress or whatever um so we’re gonna have to kill him but

That’s gonna upset other piglands but that’s okay not going to the lava ideally that’s what I want oh he’s knocking hard he’s knocking hard oh yeah Diane die please knock knock kill guy if you could if you could please listen if you could respect my my feelings on the matter

I guess that’s a crossbow guy um I do have a lava bucket right yes I do it was in the left slot so the easiest way to kill a lot of piglens is you just you just drop lava on them right and then they slowly die oh apparently not that one

Okay so murder murder time go oh no okay so those those jumpy crossbow shots they’re devious okay just just Mount all the all the big lens melt them all to dash slowly I want to crossbow um actually wait we need to try I need to trade with some of you I’ve just

Realized you are useful Okay so do some trading please ideally not into the lava if you could avoid the lava that would be appreciated let’s wear a bunch of them and check this for a crossbow there’s some there’s a nice helmet in here actually you could definitely take advantage of

One of those some nice arrows in there so now we just need any any bug literally not too fussed about the type of bow just do with a bar to make some lovely leather boots should I just kill him for his crossbow chat do you think uh you need to craft a

Crossbow only available never available resources sounds like a fun challenge um so we do have more guys around here um he looks like he might be fun to trade with right what do you reckon give me a good trade I I don’t think I’m gonna get a crossbow

From everything I’m gonna get string yeah I just have to kill them I mean that’s what you do I think I got enough arrows and a fire resistance potion that fire resistance potion might save my life actually so let’s let’s not knock that too bad now let’s just see if we

Can get a crossbow they get a crossbow I didn’t kill this guy maybe he drops his crossbow come on you always get crossbows when you don’t want them why am I not getting them now that I do also are there more chests than this or

Is it just the one do you get lots of gold and no a lot of Chess ouch ouch really ouch okay thank God he’s gone um yeah I want a crossbow I didn’t think it would take me this long I just didn’t I think there’s a whole

Strip thing down here that sometimes has stuff hello I always forget about it but it does exist nope we’re just going in for crossbow time then crossbow time crossbow time introduction to a new Village training SMB would be bringing Mass op villagers to sell effectively enabling human trafficking in Minecraft

You know you act as a human trafficking in Minecraft is a new thing for a lot of people but the um yeah that is the funny result okay you’ve got a crossbow therefore I want you dead oh no no not in the lava dead though please not in the lava dad

Please die this way if you’re going to die we’ve got two crossbar dudes free cross poker someone’s gonna drop a crossbow come on where’s my crossbow I get so many crossbows in survive like I have too many crossbows in my my regular let’s play and I just cannot find one now

That’s fine that’s fine we just just bypassed the whole thing it was just a good exercise and getting arrows we’ll get string from the stronghold and it will be just fine uh play it safe just for once oh speaking of save I run out of food

Okay we should get out there soon then um okay so we’re gonna have to mine through this or go around it I’m gonna choose go around uh because we’ve got too many blocks oh yeah maybe not go around actually maybe maybe go through gets the right move okay so through we go

Nice and easy just just tunnel through till we get to y200 it was X200 uh you could trade the string yeah I could have traded for it but like it was taking time I’m not I’m just I might my goal here is to get to that to that end

I don’t even need the string I just figured it would be a a quick one to hit the guy who has a over the head but it was more effort what about some more piles uh more pearls aren’t that needed right like I still have 11 and you can find

Some in the stronghold chests it could be the exact wrong plan but I don’t feel about that uh don’t forget Fire Res yeah fire resistance will be so handy if we have a never-based disaster but the plan is not to have a never-based disaster that is strategy number one

It is oh we’re gonna end up another Forest oh and there’s also a portal here wow okay everyone has gone exactly the way I want it so I will get an ender pearl here just because it’s like so easy um so I’ll loot these chests put my stuff in there if need be

Oh look what a nice portal this is too oh it is is amazing it is exactly what everyone should want in this world uh protection for leggings are probably technically better than my diamond ones but I don’t know I want to shovel anyway right so let’s get one of those I don’t

Really need these anymore there we go okay so oh actually crossbow time okay it’s crossbow time for me crossbow time yeah it’s crossbow time not for you but for me oh I’m at food I should not have done that that was an absolutely terrible decision while being this lone food

Um okay so I don’t want to look at an Enderman right now I want to back into a corner and I want to reassess so it is um I can make myself a crafting table real quick I can make myself some bread two breads is technically food

Um and then I’ll use the breads instead of the fire resistance at this point okay let’s kill one Enderman get out of here one Enderman and go uh we’re gonna need I guess technically speaking then we’re also going to want to get some uh we’re gonna wanna get some fish in the

Earth World sir okay let’s just be quiet like there was an Enderman there where’s he at now here you are where’d you go you’re over there come come get me friend you can’t can’t do it you think you can but you can’t there you are why do they teleport around so much like

That okay there’s my extra pole I’m out I’ve gone a little bit over over distance we have to come back now um maybe fire resistance would have been handy actually um I’m just gonna dig into the side here and we’re not gonna have to she’s gonna

Place our portal real quick live life on the edge right okay I’m gonna live life a little less on the edge okay I’ve gone way less way too underfar now I need to be somewhere in the middle of that we’re gonna have to be so fast on this

Chat and be very quick on the draw I use gold blocks as my corner blocks just okay let’s go let’s go let’s do this 180 is a little bit under um okay so let’s let’s go wake me up before I don’t go um oh Lord I am dying

And it is painful I looked at an Enderman no no why did I do the silly thing again always the silly thing let me in let me in let me in don’t let me get it okay we have a golden apple that should be on my hot pot probably

Um I’ll just need to go on Apple now yeah I just need to go on Apple now I think that’s just what I’ll do um okay so the good news is it’s got lots of saturation and regeneration and the uh absorption yeah three for one deal

With the golden apple it is a very handy type of food okay let’s finish our portal up um I think the gas is probably gone now um so we place our gold over here actually I guess we just play solid wood over here if you want to be okay

Over that and over here and then three more obsidian okay so now we just light this on fire nice and easy because we’re in the nether and then that because it’s on the right side of the portal I hope there we go we’re in let’s go no more concerns for me

I don’t see any problems immediately oh Okay so we’ve spawned it now oh God what what is this spawn location um let’s place the lava over there I guess I don’t know we need some torches we’re gonna place on the spawner this is a very very odd spawn location this is oh

Loyalty and piercing uh we got some bread that is going to be probably useful um and um yeah I I thought I placed it high enough up for this not be a problem I did not that is on me um Okay so I forgot where I needed to be exactly

But it was about -15 what was it what did I say it was like minus 15 90 35 I want to say was it 35 it was yeah 35 I’m like 400 blocks away this is gone so if I just mine 400 blocks that way it’ll be great

Um what a lovely lovely location to come back in theater world too so we want to mine this way anyway so we’ll just like find our way out of this cave the best way we can um should hopefully be nice and easy yeah that was a that was a great never

Experience uh 10 out of 10 would go again um but I would like to be out of here now so I’m just gonna just gonna slowly climb my way out of it you know I got to do it rather than doing it all in the other world I got to

Do summon the never and now I’m doing some Underground this is just a traveling experience in Minecraft I love to see it love to do a little bit of it so now we stack to the top that’ll keep you on your toes see if we’re lucky we’ll get under an ocean and

We’ll get to swim to the top and life will be good if we’re unlucky that won’t be true and everything will be painful um let’s hope it’s the first thing food before you fight the dragon now I was thinking of fighting the dragon with no hunger and just hoping we didn’t take

Damage that was my genius idea I considered Anna never on a 10 out of 10 when I don’t die says Caitlin Larson where’s the fun in that though I you gotta you gotta have a good time in the never or what’s the point of going is

That not is the point of life not to not to have a great time I think you’ll find it is so yeah that was a bit of a weird never portal spawn I do have to admit but uh you know enjoy join it regardless having a wonderful time

Oh yeah I think uh I think a bit of normalcy and just like chill survival in the other world probably what we need about now probably what we need um one heart dragon fight let’s do it one hot dragon fight is I know your skill but I don’t recommend a no food dragonfly

Many many years ago I did a uh a run of Minecraft where it didn’t take any damage like I had a half heart entire run and I remember like I want to get good enough with the Bedrock dragon that I feel like I could do that again here

Because it was a it was a big it was a big knock to my ego to realize that no different system doesn’t work that way anymore um but uh yeah it’s one of those weird things make sure to get poison arrows I know they’re useless but still thank you sweet one lover

You know sometimes it’s nice just to poison things that you you feel you feel strongly about um so yeah let’s get out of here um hello everyone says ex-king dark hey good to see you King duck hope you’re doing wonderfully today I am a little

Bit a little bit in danger right now but in the good type of danger you know so drop that so we can get some cobblestone we’re gonna have more Cobblestone by the end of this than we had that oh yeah I I do think I would have been better off

Just going in the Overworld though chat I think that’s the it’s the real lesson we should be learning from this whole thing is I could have just done that whole journey in the other world save myself a lot of risk now yes the good type of danger it’s a

Good type of anxiety like the anxiety you get when you’re waiting in line to do something really cool uh it’s way cool you know like a roller coaster good anxiety right the anxiety you get when you’re not sure if you’re gonna live or die bad anxiety

He never said hi to me how could you you know you will one day earn your hello and uh you know when you finally pay that alimony Bill Dasher it’s been racking up let me tell you it’s okay so um so we want to get over to what was it 3500

36 100. it was 1590 that’s that’s easy to remember um I guess we’ll I guess now we can uh for love a God you still didn’t find the stronghold like this is my second stronghold sometimes you don’t get it on the first go okay sometimes you just

Don’t get it on the first go so from 3550 we’ll throw another one of these it’s that way so it was 3600 I guess unless it’s just taking okay so then we’ll throw one at 36 like I don’t know 20. uh just to make sure

I want to have a really precise place to dig down from please oh it’s still further that way uh should we go a lot further this way um can confirm anxiety when you think you may die soon it’s not good says Miss Pat Ben travel lady I agree Pat you and you uh

Honestly though that’s the thing is you just got to realize you’re not gonna die soon and if you are gonna die soon it happens once it’s not like where did that go what is happening I’m so confused is it taking me back to the previous one okay I got those okay did I

Get the coordinates right no 34.60 um minus 1436 3460. it’s taking me back to the other stronghold wait that’s not the same one it is okay I forgot the first coordinate I thought it was 1590 and I don’t know thanks chat um I don’t have any food I’m gonna have

To get me some of that I reckon um so we’ll craft a couple crafting tables and and then we’ll kill some fish yeah that’s what we’ll do so I can’t single-handedly curing everything everyone’s fear of death if it happens it only happens once yeah like it’s it’s so dumb like how many

Times do you think you’re going to die and how many times do you die unless you’ve never thought you’re going to die that ratio is either like you know like if you’re thinking about death more than you’re dying you’re thinking about death too often you know like um can you beat Minecraft

In a deep dark biome next I think it’s surprisingly easy Dr Jedi Spartan I think so um I um but yeah I I think I think it’s one of those it’s one of those things that everyone is a bit too cautious of sometimes if uh there’s gonna be some benefits of

Being cautious sure but there’s also a lot of like real life harm from being too cautious of dying uh by the way I didn’t get any I didn’t get any uh ocean me I needed ocean meat but I didn’t get some okay so over here do

You see any I’m gonna just drop myself a furnace and then sit by the water where is it I feel like yeah the moment we need it now we’re not getting it I see bubbles okay that’s SIM card we just that amount of cards should be just fine uh we’ll

Craft ourselves like I don’t know like seven furnaces and now we can cook the Cod and a surprisingly fast I hope um put a piece of coal in this one oh hello there friends I’m doing good hope you are okay so now we can place a call in this one

And just kill some kill some oh there’s a lot to kill and I don’t have the swimming oh you can’t swim at all without hunger that’s that’s a bad rule for ocean world Okay so then we’ll kill you put you in a furnace oh I need to have

Inventory space so let’s get some of that um was that some more okay I need to get more inventory space clearly what fruits get rid of those and eat eat eat this just so we have temporary sprinting if nothing else um and then get real-time sprinting and

Now we can start killing some decent rate enough that we can actually start eating yet so all the Cod goes in one furnace all the salmon goes in another simple stuff um and then oh no we’ve been underwater too long and then we’re gonna start losing some of that hard gained hunger

And we go murder we go oh did we didn’t get him okay it’s fine so now we have some more fish I assume I do I assume incorrectly I definitely killed some fish I don’t have the fish that I killed I’m gonna pick up the wrong flesh eat it throw it

And then go kill some all okay so is this going to be enough question don’t know the answer okay in we go salmon goes in one the Cod goes in the other so that is my supplier fish so far it’s not looking very good honestly I’ll just kill more salmon just specifically salmon

God seems to be not working the Miracles for me right now I’ve got a random cooked salmon on me okay throw away the granite so we can pick up the salmon okay specifically just salmon salmon is better anyway that’s the plan now the main challenge of doing it is

Avoiding the sculpt shreekers but I don’t think you I don’t even know if you need to because when you’re exposed to air do they even work I guess they do yeah you’d be constantly in fear of sculpt shriekers I um I think I might do a thing I tell you

What the top upvoted comment on this live stream once it becomes a video like if you go back and leave a comment on it maybe maybe the whatever the top voted one is uh we might try and do I can be silly if you want it to be it can be

Challenging if you want it to be I think any of the biomes that are on the crack magnet generator should be possible so let’s try any of the biomes um okay so we’re gonna eat one more cup of cod and then we’re gonna go underground at 34.60 for this thing actually that

Looks like it’s down here I think we got some luck this time um yeah it’s down there I think oh yeah I love that okay it’s actually it’s working out in our favor there was a bank era and it is actually that is not ruined me

It’s what I love to be able to say so we’ll throw in um the boat can you I didn’t know you could cook boats I know they’re made of wood I know it makes sense but it still feels a bit weird to me and that’s fun that you can

So I’ll throw that in there alongside like another coal and so clip cod we’ll just eat this as soon as we can and cook salmon will go for soon um how much to cook salmon do you need it’s always less than you think well more than you think

How can you beat Minecraft using arrow keys for movement and mouse in the left hand do you know there’s a uh on uh on Bedrock there’s a it’s called keyboard movement mode where you use the arrows to move the camera and the wasted for the camera still it’s really weird I had

To do it when I was uh I built a lot of scorched on a laptop in an airport using that because I didn’t have my mouse with me it was terrible I would not recommend but also it’s kind of fun would recommend okay so we don’t have any sticks so we

Have free torches to go and find an entire stronghold and if there’s no stronghold there then we just assume because so this is the closest stronghold to spawn mathematically but the eye offenders won’t take us here so it’s kind of a fun game who do we trust more Minecraft itself and the eye

Offenders or chunk base because we have to use it because Minecraft broke um it’d be so funny if chunk bass knows Minecraft better than Minecraft knows Minecraft right we can all agree on that um so since I don’t know if the stronghold is going to be here it’s 3460 1436

So we just dig this way away we go this way a bit and then down we go see when we hit the stronghold hey thank you muddy Violet um I would love to see your Mortals play better together and teach him here we could do that he’s down uh it’s

One of those things like uh don’t know every other creators plan and uh schedule I’d love to it’s gonna be fun um did you see the Calico headset on the character editor editor it’s free toy cat merch I did not I clearly need to right now um

Yeah let’s let’s go see that okay so I don’t know where I’m at right now but I’m about where I need to be for the stronghold it could be above me to be fair I would assume not though okay is anything around here indicating stronghold chat

What do you reckon is who who do you uh 3460 minus also no it’s uh yeah it’s minus 1436 3460. um because there was one at 22 28 45 32 on 69 69 420 yeah that’s the right seed so this is um so four minus 14 36 40 3460 is the

Coordinates where Minecraft or a chunk base believes we’ll find something we dig up just on the off chance that it’s there and then we Dig Down because this is where the game this is where chunk base believes into the game doesn’t yeah I didn’t see that uh it

Sounds really fun by the way um I’m gonna have to find it I’m gonna have to get me some free toy cat merch okay let’s let’s get it right now you know who’s who’s to stop me getting micro transactions in the middle of uh okay so where is it like body

Has mouths arms legs I don’t know what any of this is okay I Creator item I don’t I don’t see it okay that’s that’s that’s the best I got for you gonna place a torch up there I should place it a little bit lower down really shouldn’t it

Let’s place it like as low down as we can um so there should be a stronghold down here chat this is where chunk bass believes there to be a stronghold if there’s not then what do you do at that point um he cooked his boat and he’s flipped his coordinates

You know it’s uh it’s a it’s a crazy world we live in but the world that we do oh that’s a good sign that was a cave noise right everyone loves a good cave noise okay um then we go for strongholds to zankley you know it’s midnight it’s a little

Past my bedtime let’s do it third stronghold time um no chat chat I I don’t know how to say this but Minecraft does know itself better than Chuck Bass noza to give him credit we did not find a stronghold here we I’m still gonna hold out hope because

Until we’re like minus 40 we can still maybe just maybe find it in the area um but yeah there is no stronghold here is The Logical conclusion beating Minecraft on an oceanally world is challenging if only because of the facts if only because of the fact that apparently

Finding a stronghold is uh is not a doable task you go where Minecraft wants you to go and you get a broken stronghold you go where chunk bass says is the best place to go and you get you get nothing why do I get nothing what what is the reasoning for this

I don’t know um we might still I mean what if it’s all the way down at Bedrock chat what if it’s down there we just don’t know until we go um no I’m gonna be honest with you chat I’m a little disappointed this this was three hours in this

Challenge and this time I did everything right besides the things I did wrong but here we are we’re at bedrock there is no stronghold um make sure you’re using Bedrock 1.20 generator yep bedrock 1.20 uh there is a stronghold stairway at -1436 3460. but in real life it is not here

Oh well the pickaxe is broken the game this was such a cool seat but just a meme set of characters this is good but this is uh just a reminder that today the real stronghold is the one we found along the way go into creative and find a stronghold

I do want to know actually okay just for just for curiosity I’m sure everyone else wants to know too was there a stronghold there and we missed it is there a stronghold nearby if there’s no stronghold whatsoever why is that what’s the deal you know I I just want to know okay so

Um slash TP minus 1436 uh 34.60 why does chunk base think there’s a strong help there I don’t know unless there isn’t just embarrassingly it’s a few blocks off nope okay so strongholds are not the strong suit of an ocean planetly World they don’t seem to work correctly and so maybe the

Challenge is beatable maybe if we try the third stronghold just for curiosity it’s a minus 8764. eight seven minus eight seven six four and then one four one two let’s see if there’s a stronghold over here underneath the ocean you know this would be more fitting right

Oh there is does it have an End Portal it does but it’s [Laughter] okay you know um you can’t win it’s impossible I hope you all that’s concluded I hope you all enjoyed have a good have a good day I just I did as good as you can do given the scenario laughs

Goodbye yeah that’s a win I won the challenge we did it look we got we got all the eye offenders we need we got Diamond gear I got Fire Resistance potion yeah I won I won chat oh wait wait one sec sorry um

Uh I did it I thank you very much uh By the way love Shacks calicuts is on headwear by Minecraft thank you I I appreciate it look we did it we um I looked the Minecraft the official you can tell I did it because the the end credits are rolling look here’s the

Official end credits if you don’t know them uh this is this is what they look like uh uh we we did it oh yeah look look it says I won so I did it okay thank you for showing up uh today despite the the disappointing outcome I think we win I think congratulations

To me woo we did it we got the message look that’s official um have a good have a good evening everyone and I’ll see you on Tuesday for some diamond mine I got a really silly idea I wanna get a lot of diamonds for and so if you want to come chill

Hang out that’d be a thing and if you have a good idea for a single biome let me know

This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft In A 100% Ocean Biome World?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-08-13 23:14:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The World is 100% ocean biome, and so no trees! Can I beat Minecraft? Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen …

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    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Secret Crush Revealed!

    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly ๐Ÿ’ Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip ๐Ÿ˜ฑ || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP ๐Ÿ˜จ || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Letโ€™s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ร–FFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: โ–บMain channel: @Amir1107 โ–บBecome a channel member: โ–บTwitch: โ–บDiscord: โ–บInstagram: โ–บTwitter: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Steve’s Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft

    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you โ€ข tik tok – โ€ข Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram:… ๐ŸŽฎ Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ–‡:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

Can I Beat Minecraft In A 100% Ocean Biome World?