CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 37

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of every single one of the mods if you want to play with every single one of the mods with your friends you should check out our server hosting sponsor the hostess server that we’re playing on they can host one for you

Apex hosting nearly 25 off your first month of Hosting when you go through our links in the description use our code so make sure to check them out play some ATM with your friends play some Vanilla Minecraft with your prep your your friends um whatever floats you’re going thanks

To them for sponsoring blood playing every single mod ever I do too with our with our friends yeah why did my silicon not freaking generate Lots I got a lot of quartz I got a million but what happened to my silicon it’s only a 98 000. that doesn’t even make sense though

Because the Silicon literally is generating in Mass here but then it’s just not materializing ozin did it cap the Silicon did it have a cap on it probably oh yeah you will 98.3 K of like all the other stuff but the Silicon yup oh it’s fine we have a lot of Courts I’m

Sure that everything is good let’s do two and do we have it we have it we have we have it let’s go baby I’m queuing up the big boy the big one a bigger one are we talking about yeah Infinity it doesn’t get much bigger than that oh my God

All right that’s so cool that is so cool and then we don’t have an exploding reactor right no reactor seems to be good and stable that is so very cool I love that about it by the way make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkles too and to follow on cabin

Sparkles let us reach our lofty like goal of five why did you Frick ball care to elaborate I I wanna do one dups I won dups I’ve heard of an oops and I’ve heard of one but I’ve never heard of windups yep that’s cool oh you know you can do the undo though

So it’s all good yeah there isn’t one that I could oh yeah there isn’t one because one did not the building Gadget yeah yeah yeah yeah Um did you do a surface instead of an edge yeah I’ve done 34. I’ve done that before yeah yeah yeah sure did yeah that’s uh that’s that’s what happened yeah um okay so let’s see people were telling me that for one of the um super duper thingamadongers I should do fluid

Discs fluid storage absolute storage is pretty simple yeah apparently it is easier than the other ones like it’s less tears to go through is it yeah interesting interesting are you interested potentially hey guys so is it is it this one that we’re talking about like this

Is the one that I should look into and it’s cheaper um are we is that what we’re talking about here because they could do one 256 maybe 48 56 million one million 48 1 million 48 sort oh it’s a million 48 fluid store it is a million 48 fluids fluid

Same tier but cheaper in materials okay got it um Jessa I’m leaving are you okay Jessa why don’t we just do this and then it’s fine there we go that’s all we have to do is a little bit of that see I guess it just breaks and then it’s no problem coming

Over Pete it’s September anyway dude that’s all it’s September anyway and we love our hair and our forehead there is no need to be upset Jessa it’s all good bring it back to the mayanite days because almost everyone is subbed well at that point you can time them out you know people

Can’t behave they can appreciate it they can get the timeout schedules easy easy Toby Turtle thanks for the 200 bits sub cap how we doing mate we’re doing we’re doing great we’re doing so great we’re living in our element not needing a haircut we love it so

Um speaking of not needing here oh oh oh it’s already on a it’s already like okay so what does this require oh this is economical as Frick where’s talking to me cool yeah hahaha you talking to me there we go are you talking to me look into me I was this

Guy talking to me you must be I’m the only one here I don’t have enough muscle mass of my body to be making this voice right now pardon it’s got enough muscle mass for both of us no dude I’m actually down weight bro you know what my Max Muscle I was in

Like the 168 range now I’m in like the 152 range so I am a I am a small boy a very small boy indeed well you could probably still bench four of me though my bench press is still the the most reliable of of the things that

I can do well but other than that you know um 152 pounds at four feet tall is crazy I know right oh Jesus that’s how tall I am though I think you’re selling himself a little short there King but that’s me exactly short um okay so why are the Nitro batteries just

Really freaking annoying I don’t understand like I can craft these but they’re dumb I don’t even know what that means I don’t get it is that thing brooming foreign that thing’s rooming so I’m just curious why when I make one of the batteries right why would I make

One of these does it end up with a little bit of power in it wait they have to be fully charged for the craft I’m not sure about that I they can probably be whatever but the thing oh wait wait wait wait I need to just make it not an

Exact match no it’s not on exact match what the frick kind of fun so if you speed up the laser oh does it actually have to oh it does have to be the energy distribution that also speeds up the killing that the laser does if you step

In front oh there you get messed up yeah set it up to 64 times and then clipped in front of it and popped my totem immediately oops just like you don’t want to play Here Boy forgot I had one of those on me kind of glad you did now

Yeah I genuinely have no idea how promises Auto Craft the thing so I don’t know how much I need oh hey by the way did we um and by we I mean Zine did you set up the double flux Network thing or did you want me to do that

I have not set that up now okay um I can work on it no no no it’s okay I can do it I can do it um it’s fine it’s fine so um what uh I mean I feel like in order to do this some stuff is going to be taken offline probably

For a little bit I don’t know so I’m going to should I keep the existing Network as power uh consumers or power suppliers what do you think consumers for sure okay so basically uh uh you want to convert the existing Network to basically just be power

Consumers and then you set up a new network power providers and you set up a way for power consumers to pull from Power providers right and then over time you know as you go to anywhere where we’re generating power you change those over to be the provider so that then

Literally nothing has to go offline okay um but we are generating very little power because unfortunately our urine at night is do we not have a year hearing at night auto crash should be generating good power now um I guess we don’t have a year and at night autographed huh what the frick

The Rick what the hey okay so that’s just yeah that’s just all smelterino huh okay 43 43 it’s true um let’s see look at that now will it call okay it’s Colin yeah it’s calling some let’s go okay six is this is a sick what should we call me Call Me Maybe man

Do we have uh a year in at night generating from seeds at all should be at least one but we might have gotten dug up okay uh in all the I want to move to this I want to move to that I want more of this

It’s okay because even if it is the case I’m gonna go ahead and uh swap some stiff out over at my new I like that you know I I made my new field and now I can do whatever with it you know as long as it works

I mean unless there’s a cap on it well the that that particular Ender uh has to be configured for the seats you’re adding but most of them should be configured in that one I think they are yeah yeah fingers crossed fingers big thingies crossed okay we’re generating power again from those

Um so that is a good it is very good do we have the oh we do oh my God this is crazy there’s a refined storage section right there it is as a refined storage section oh no oh no that is very not good what is wrong ah freaking the

Freaking things the challenges are wrong it’s all wrong whatever I’m not gonna worry about it at least it it recollects that I’ve held a 1 million 48 so that when we get the one below it it’ll auto fill so it is what it is yeah not an unfamiliar problem

No I’m not an unfamiliar problem okay we can do that then that’ll get that’ll get checked off at least manipulator that’s interesting all right boys we don’t need to make any more storage other than to do the few that need to complete the challenge why does it still say 77 million that’s that’s

Cap in sparkles I don’t know why it’s saying that but okay what about oh because that’s a fluid storage see that’s an infinite fluid storage got it okay I need to make another Drive wait actually can you have a fluid storage disk and uh an infinite storage

Disk in the same thing sure oh okay cool cool quite cool yeah I got it if it was cool quite cool indeed quite cool nice to crafting feeling crafty today I’m glad that we finally got those Okay so I’m going to do the thing now all right keep us posted

Uh you’ll know when things go offline even though you told me a way to not make it go offline you’ll know when things go offline shouldn’t have to take anything offline oh but you’ll know so Captain peen is going to be that’s good you name it

Captain peen is just that’s gonna be the power consumer Network right now I’m gonna create power suppliers and the security is going to be public and it’s going to be yellow and we’re gonna create this will be on power suppliers and now you will be on a power supplier used any pliers lately

Um not super recently but probably wait why is our turbine just being a little idiot what happened oh we have no fuel huh a sec well we should probably scan this before it gets bad somehow not bad yet did I catch it just in the nick of time

I mean locking fuel is not going to do anything oh really that just means that it cools down oh we ran out of the um let me guess it just freaked up it probably just freaked up no we don’t have any yellow cake oh yeah we got no uranium oops oopsie

Actually impressive we’re pretty 63 uranium a whopping 60. well we do have some uranium dust why do we have a bunch of uranium dust what a 12 000 uranium dust in the system for some reason yes I understand is that is that unrelated to the pursuit of

You can you can put the you can put the uranium dust into your um your any Insta insta can you how hard is it to make that instant furnace ah I don’t remember if I put the whole thing on the craft or not but all right

Okay I’ll look into the uranium dust you do what you do okay plus four million attack that is all good there good good the unobtaining furnace okay so I think we’re actually I think we’re all set on power supplier and power consumers so I have power consumers flux points should exclusively

Just be on the the Giga storage and then um the all the power and all of the uh and and the turbine are feeding it in the power suppliers making a power supply you want to come see the fusion reactor yes because that can also feed into Power suppliers

This thing’s looking real good let’s see let’s see how’s it doing look in the front look in the front huh are you trying to get me lasered no oh my God why ow trick how would I didn’t know we could move this fast what I don’t know either what the frick

Wait so the max injection rate seems to be 98 considering it doesn’t take a three digit input and it goes by two at a time so spoiling wait you’re you’re hold on hold on you’re producing 16 million a tick yep wow that’s pretty good have you uh

Hooked it did you hooked this up to power suppliers yet uh Power suppliers no but it’s going into the uh that thing oh it is going into this thing oh okay huh hey so you don’t mind if I um uncheck the limit on this thing do you send her off

Also why is it a zero because the reactor is off wait what oh hold on I wish that the freaking oxygen things go away so I could see what’s inside of the God dang mechanism pipes um yeah we’re off we’re off that’s the problem but I will uncheck it anyway so

That when we’re back on we’re back on okay sounds good is the maximum power generation possible in the fusion way higher than the fission oh my God it’s going yeah it’s going I have no idea what the limits are I don’t remember what I got into the

Last time that I built this but it’s I don’t think it was that high injection rate pretty damn smoothly we never we never saw it spinning this big yeah I don’t really know where else is coming from because I mean it just takes two things the deuterium and the tritium

Uh the green is just from the lithium Tower and then the red is just from the hard water so I don’t know hard hard water you didn’t put a water filtration system in your house I have one I don’t know fusion power in my house

That’s sad that’d be cool if you did you could make a lot of money selling that power I’d probably just keep it to myself yeah just charge an electric car with it oh no I’d probably still drive a gas guzzler oh okay cool we got 23 million Fe particular

Going in it’s pretty good do you have output to Captain p n at all yeah yeah we have we have a flux plug um on the output of the induction Matrix going into Captain pin um are we good yep okay cool cool that is pretty pretty something I’ve had one

No notepad one doesn’t work must have rebound it but anyway alrighty that’s pretty exciting y’all oh wait are we buy or bypass limit on this right oh yeah okay cool cool good um you still working on that roof how goes it it’s just gone a little bit left she’s

Got a little bit left and then our oxygen tank woes will be sorted out forever okay literally it works without any problems surely surely the frick is wrong with our uranium though man in there the frick uranium I mean I’m assuming our uranium dust is not generating though right

No it is oh it is what the bees generate oh all right then I can I’ll wire that in at least I’m working on it oh you are oh I was just gonna Auto Craft recipe that it’s melting I’m working on it you’re doing it you’re

Doing it do you’re doing it he’s doing it okay I didn’t mean to step on your toes with the nuclear chemistry and stuff my toes are not stepped upon okay good good I was worried they were I am working on it be the it does have to be the full oh okay

Oh my God I can see a green line on the induction Matrix boys we’ve made it oh we’ve we’ve stored enough that it can actually like show there’s a pixel of green that’s sick you know be really nice is if in the same window that you can create the

Pattern you could put the pattern into the crafting thing that’d be pretty cool I missed a little bit of what’s going on while working in the future writer but I agree with you could not agree more thank you thanks thank you thank you guys thank you so much

I was saying it’d be really cool if in the same menu the same device that you’re creating the patterns right inscribing them that you could then just automatically Chuck it into the crafting or the Crafter yeah that sounds pretty groovy yeah it’s full of grooves okay now let’s see how this do

I’m very confused about our power situation well I mean you are producing a lot of power what’s wrong there you go Jordan what’s taking all the power from Captain peen right now if the reactor has started again then it would probably be the um Whatchamacallit the SPs

I guess we don’t have anything for it to convert okay that makes sense I was wondering why it wasn’t running a lack of fuel would explain that yeah yeah there is now fuel um okay okay dude the improbable probability device is almost just about done ski well with

The first uh the first of them is almost just about done skied oh interesting just can’t keep up or we just have no power in our Network should be power your god-looking Oxford power only oh the SPs how’s it going again wait I want to see it I want to see

Where I don’t see it I turned it off for a second you can turn it back on if you want if only you could input a power cap instead of it just being All or Nothing all right oh we don’t even we don’t even have any uh input right now is the reactor

Fricked again I turned it off because I just turn it off it’s it’s running you can turn it back on wait when you say oh oh you just turn the reactor off I gotcha let me see this thing I want to see how fast it goes 120 wow

I mean that’s just that’s raining the buffer obviously of the uh thing oh we got three anti-matter induction Matrix yeah it’s raining the buffer all that clean power just evaporating that’s crazy I mean I can I yeah am I losing uh why am I losing power and

Then I realized oh that’s why yeah so the fusion reacts are at Max input is 19.35 million fee per tick crazy which apparently is Child’s Play compared to what the SPs can pull which is understandable that makes sense oh wait can I just put in the uh any

Transfer I can just put in any transfer limit hold on hold on hold on I’m gonna do what do we think we’re generating uh so we’re generating 20 million so if I what’s our input into the uh storage right now Pete input is 25 million a few percent

Although it’s going down slightly okay so I’ll do like I’ll do 15 million into the gsps there we go that’ll work beautiful we got at the moment uh four four yeah pretty good four I didn’t realize I thought I thought of maxed at 800 but you can anyway I feel

Very dumb right now but we’re all good we are all good how many antimatter do we need well a few a few a handful you know the usual not usual so I converted all your your raw your night to uranite and all of your uranium Dusty uranium ingots okay

And those will automatically that will automatically happen for now on it as well just realized we got to do some occultism well it’s good it’s good I know how to do this I know how to do this a bit Maybe remember this look at this look at it go look at

It go man it’s doing and if you see in the future I have not have you ever seen it have you ever seen a rotate like that dude isn’t it crazy that’s some good oscillation it’s got it oscillating that he do oh and we have one pixel in there nice nice

All right we got ourselves an improbable probability device one of them a single one all right oh man that’s only the that was the first of all these complex ones I thought I’d done more oh God oh geez I’m good Jiminy criminy Jiminy crimity hippity hoppity uh I

Gotta figure out how to do the ritual the forest and get gold Leafs and stuff like that and get the eye of Environmental oh boy as well as the rose of Oblivion I have no idea no idea how to do this a lot of soul steel though that’s pretty cool

We might be able to start doing these yes yes oh my God it’s three anti-matter a piece oh my God it’s three anti-matter a piece that’s fine it’s just fine oh we have rows of Oblivion that’s cool this is definitely working so it works as long as you stay in the bubbles uh-huh

Are the bubbles very big no oh so what does the SPs doing is it what creates the inner manner yeah yes okay converts to nuclear waste or the polonium can we uh add more Fusion reactors heat or whatever you want more I wasn’t saying can you I was like can I

Is there is it easily upgradable like what are we talking here it’s got to build it all over again um how many like what is your fuel ability right now I don’t actually know apparently a lot more than uh Max one will pull for some reason I really don’t know why but

What the what does it use for fuel that I need to provide you uh so it just takes hard water and then that goes into electric separator for determ so just water sources and pumps and then the uh tritium is just off of the uh what’s it called lithium from the evaporation Towers

Can’t you just uh use the sinks to pull in infinite water instead of having to do the pumps and stuff oh the pumps need the filter upgrade specifically to pull the hard water ah interesting okay cool yeah it’s very like minimal resources it doesn’t take a

Lot but yeah I can make more well that’s that’s the idea of fusion I mean I don’t want you to sit there and like I can I can do some offline I can add more to it I do uh you’re pretty so it has to go evolve past just like

Basically do something fancier I guess all right well the uh we are encased in a glass case of emotions are not anymore breathable particularly than previous right so what I’m wondering is uh we take an oxygen distributor which takes annoying things to make oh okay okay wet oh huh

Are you about to put everything on the infinity no oh okay cool oh I see I see I see I see okay what the frick what the frick why are you balsing me thank you thank you balls Unite all right it’s in uh come over to the top of the space station

So this is the radius of one of them uh-huh 3000 blocks in a spherical quote unquote diamond isn’t it oh yeah close enough to a sphere I guess I don’t know it’s pyramidal it’s terroidal it’s uh closer to a diamond then yeah um we’re just gonna need a lot of these everywhere

I don’t arena is this is this just gonna be the bubble the bubble Zone this place uh alternatively we just deal with the O2 tanks to continue with our lives after all this have you decided against this uh I mean how clicking a button that button he doesn’t know what button

I click the button oh oh okay I thought you meant like on our client you weren’t yeah like oh no no it’s just the button on the top right when you click the auction distributor so okay so if that was what was holding you back then everything’s actually fine

No what was holding me back was the idea of having to place those everywhere of everything gotcha um what I suppose we could do is place them in the floor so the ground level would be oxygenated and then as soon as we fly we just start dying well what’s interesting and obnoxious is

I believe even if you’re in the O2 your O2 still goes down if we had it in the ground then you know and we we maintain our suits then we our O2 just goes down a lot slower so with that with that regard we could even just put it around areas we’re working

Um and uh that can be Gucci yeah that works too but also you built this whole giant glass Down for What I mean it doesn’t look terrible as a glass Dome I guess but it’s not it was an experiment the experiment failed sometimes that happens you learn

As you go you know I don’t think the experiment failed I mean the box is still here guys I gotta actually go touch grass right now I actually have to go touch grass anyway give me a task I can either make multiple Fusion reactors or I can

Put a bunch of these on the floor as far as the creative items they could be worked on like let’s think for a moment about all the possibilities like um you could work on occultism but I know how to do occultism a little bit so maybe that’s not as good um

You could work on getting bottled Darkness do you want to figure out how to get bottled Darkness got a little bit of the side of them already that’s why I thought you’d be a good task for you oh thank you for recording wow help me huh huh uh-huh so anyway yeah

How’s it going I need a homie to check up on me like that every once in a while you know give you a reality check are you feeling a little bit dark right now oh that doesn’t feel lesser so soon why doesn’t it take oak leaves this freaking thing is picky freaking way

Oh my God nuts no but seriously if you want to figure out bottle Darkness like that’s something that we need to figure out oh okay cool no but really I mean yeah really yeah yeah but really I wasn’t messing with you you know oh nice nice it spreads huh okay

I’m gonna guess that your book of natural Aura is a little bit more filled up in mine no not really not considering that I just made it there’s so I got some locked stuff in mind don’t you worry I don’t want the difference between a Wireless grid and a portable grid is

Portal grid like Wireless but you can slap it down what block is that the portable grid oh I think I’ve ever used that before I haven’t either it’s kind of funky looking I mean it’s a grid at the end of the day but kind of looks like a uh server like

To you KVM server do I need to have the aura generating around here in order for this ritual to go through because I suppose it would make sense if that is the case so in which case I need to go to the into the wild wait the rows of Oblivion

Does that provide the aura well let’s just see what happens if we do a bit of that a bit of that so we put them on the dongers and then we see what happens yeah no that is not doing that is not doing what we need to do

A lot going on up there and not a lot at the same time well so what weird oh I just love like when I suddenly but I want to craft and it’s like oh I need this thing oh it’s called a rail to overall and I click on it it’s just nine

Items that I’ve never seen before you’re like how to make this all right um that is another step towards the the thing that is needed yeah okay so we just need to do that again and then we need some bottled Darkness uh tournament maybe awesome bottle

Darkness is a little bit far out from my mental capacity is it I don’t know how to get it nor do I know really how to get anything from the spot um but the book of natural Aura is there for you it is and there’s a lot of question

Marks because I don’t think bottle darkness is step one um but I I believe in you you just made it you just made nuclear fusion happen when the world’s greatest scientists couldn’t so you need to believe in you like I believe in you that was anybody bottled their darkness before

I think one might be a little harder than the other bottle of Darkness where are we at lingering potion of Darkness potion of Darkness bottled darkness is that what we’re looking for yeah from nature from the sures aura doesn’t even have a grid crafting Does that cause the infection to spread quicker it doesn’t seem to be the case dang what’s the what what what’s the what what is the book that I should be looking at the book of natural Remora it’s like instead of order it’s Aura you know yeah although geez for every single one of

These eyes it’s like a whole freaking thing isn’t it wait oh you idiot oh balls you’re right it does sound like the Adam family when you do the time of the bottle dude yeah I didn’t get it the first time it was slightly off when I say slightly it was

Very off but you got the idea the second time around so anyway uh Cork and bottle in the o hey Pete I am being told that if you take a cork and bottle in the end that’s all you must do oh it’s so cool I’m glad I was told that

Right click on the air in the end that’s what I’m getting as well would it be so hard to just like put that in the book for me like I agree it would be hard all right I was bald artists you need um do you it doesn’t seem that expensive to get

Which one was this again oh dear this one yes the Oblivion shod okay and then yeah yeah oh you got it you bottled some darkness my man I knew that you had it in you wow that’s a few bottles of Darkness thank you you just poured your soul all over me

Uh there’s two things I’m good at it’s pouring and you’re so trauma dumping are you good at making pasta why laugh it’s not like you’ve served me pasta before but if you’re good at it I’m looking forward to it now all right there we go that’s the least I

Would do for you you would make pasta that is so exciting you seven of these nuclear reactor we can make those and oh goodness on you oh okay that seems pretty straightforward what’s your favorite kind of pasta to make um Pentagon very simple okay with uh marinara

With pastel like what’s your what’s your go-to there garlic and olive oil I’m going with it okay okay um do you have any add-ons you put like basil in you put meatballs in or anything like that basil sometimes yeah uh shrimp is delicious I think it’s probably my favorite protein with

Okay olive oil chicken’s good too though have you ever thought about how like shrimp is basically like ocean insect but like we are kind of weird about eating insects but then when it comes to shrimp we’re just like yeah shrimp that’s cool you know I haven’t thought ever thought of that we’re like

Hypocrites kind of okay have I changed your perspective or are you done who calls shrimp the insects of the ocean I don’t know they kind of are though are they not I don’t know I was just wondering like is this a thing that people say have you ever never heard the

Equation of oh if you like shrimp then you know but you might like cockroaches yeah shrimps are the bugs of the sea it could be a new uh mantra for a shirt or something like that so what insects would you say that I should go out and try if I like shrimp

I don’t like grasshoppers crickets things like that what no no I mean yeah you know a little bit of grasshopper with my garlic and olive oil I mean yeah you know there probably isn’t really much of a difference like shrimp has a little bit more like meatiness to it I’m sure if

You if you cook a grasshopper it’s probably not gonna have that same exact texture it’s probably just gonna be a little bit crunchy like you’re eating Just Wings but yeah tell me more tell me more about the meatiness I wanna I wanna hear more about the

Meatiness I I mean you can do farm raised meaty grasshoppers or something like that yeah I’m sure yeah certification on mm-hmm a minute oh you just get ogged that way that is so easy just some nice OG in this system a little bug that’s so simple what do you know

Okay so that’s OG easy yeah anti-matter insanium coal you’re loving the slick back hair yeah that’s exactly what it is I I slicked it back 100 percent thank you thank you okay so we just need we we can make the nuclear reactors right what were we waiting on why was

That not allowing itself to be made because I I did think I set that up so let’s see dude I’m making actually though some pretty sick progress today on I’m making some good progress on the creative items I mean right right and then hold on where are we at what was it

What was that an ingredient into what was that an ingredient into though uh that that no that’s oh yeah yeah what am I talking about that’s that’s the ingredient of that and then and then and then all we have to do is the fire right which oh that’s that freaking thing okay so

That’s still a ways away because I have no idea how to do that which is really messed up um and then the rejuvenated flesh I thought we had with those we had garbanzo beans and then I thought we had I thought I made one of these didn’t I what’s the hold up here

Oh it’s that stuff downstairs cool ah good to know that that exists I thought I had oh I do have a rejuvenated okay it just won’t Auto pick it up in the recipe there are three tiers above importer and exporter in this that are progressively faster that we haven’t been using

We’ve been adding speed upgrades and stuff to our exporters but uh the actual exporters themselves can be faster yes quite a bit huh are you talking about like the creative exporters and imported yeah yeah that’s what I had cranking on the furnace um hacking Hackman

So the only thing left to make one of the Philosopher’s fuels is the fire right and that is a pain in the butt to ski unfortunately batuski yeah yep yep yep and guys I would totally order food but we’re gonna go into Rando crafting after this so all right there’s all those

All right well uh oh frick we’re gonna have to read some of the Dragon again um well time for some strigurors higher binding yeah whatever that is oh yeah I got a trip balls yes yes yes yes yes I must trip some balls of what he’s having you’re welcome to it

Wait what is that what is the fortune upgrade do entirely sure uh it’s it’s an add-on for Destructor planes so that uh though they can destruct with Fortune as a Oh okay that’s cool all right that rounds that out that out that out that out that out that out this out

This leaves us down here okay what was it again um what was it what was it again with the did I eat the fruit I ate the fruit and then I and then I grew the thing or did I grow first and then eat I’m having a hard time remembering the

Proper timing of the tripping and then I grow was that it then that’s like a dark tree no that isn’t right that is not right or is it right is it right and I’m wrong foreign hello there we go I thought that I got the chop the tree down while you’re tripping

Right I thought that I would get the the proper sample oh wait is the sapling is it I grow a sapling well I’m tripping what one was it what are we going for here um oh other world sapling oh interesting you can just like make it with Alchemy do that Echo shard

Yo wait this is actually cool I want to do it a different way let’s utilize the options hey you’re filling in the gaps where I messed up true that’s so cool what a guy um doing my best if only I could find what I’m looking for still hasn’t found what he’s looking for

A heaven but I’m trying and that’s what’s importante there it is that was a sound I don’t know I may have just done it wrong but anyway we can just do we can do some of this stuff over here you know we’ve got a nice area opened up for us

All right so we’ll do we can do some binding rituals and stuff right right around here we’re probably gonna have to do more than just stricky really is something good Lord it is the thing of beauty he do move I like the way you move wait what did I do wrong there

That’s what I did wrong there we go dang look at us what ah it’s just huge there we go there we go there we go hold on King I mean Jordan helped with the end points but just needed to tie it all together and put a bow on it

Thank you for putting a bow on it I appreciate it greatly bow problem okay NBT and you what is that just a warning of not sticking the things that you put in uh the the storage system in the storage system um okie dokie you’re people typing me I know I know

It’s just shot tomorrow I’m going to the Porsche experience Center and I’m very verming and doing things with Xbox and Porsche and we’re from booming and I was just organizing arranging and stuff like that so I was I was people typing yeah people type Now we need to make all the different things oh boy you know this is going to be so much easier to do here than it was in create above and beyond pretty much everything is equal to then it wasn’t created above and beyond yeah did you did you delve into occultism at all

I haven’t gone there now oh okay because it is for storage it’s super it’s super duper um it is pretty super duper if we’re talking storage but it it does take a little bit of setting up to do I’ve moved rather slow on that one are you oh you’re still going

Yeah no I haven’t finished it gotcha gotcha gotcha I feel like you end up needing a little bit less than you probably think at the very beginning you’re like oh God is my factory just cranking out the gadgets left and right every few seconds and

Then you get to the end you’re like oh I didn’t actually need you know like 50 000 of every component so um okay and then what do we need oh yeah we need shark we need Jack let’s talk to Rudy what Rudy’s got the truck I’m missing the reference talk son another cartoon

No uh okay I’m sorry so what’s that it’s just a cartoon Nickelodeon oh okay when pretty good one when uh what was this run time air time 2002 to 2009 nope never never saw that one well don’t you feel silly I do Gene did you see that one

I I never had cables so Nickelodeon was out of the question for me got it oh he tripping oh he tripping he capping what I would like is a upgrade or something that uh um similar to control shift to have it automatically the stuff but where it’ll create the item it’ll automatically

Create it then hand you the item that you request um I feel like that would be neat that’d be nice um let’s see foreign I don’t know that’s gonna work well for the thumbnail and really convey what exactly is going on so I may I may veto

It but it was worth a try you know um by the way are we uh is there a particular thing that we are attempting to reach that um you know we want to create this I mean of course of course let’s try for that every day

Um but is there any any level of greatness that we’re trying to reach before we uh wrap it up with a Pete outro oh one of those today I need like two minutes basically okay one of those indeed is that okay it’s fine with me the founder

I think it’s more than fine with me and everybody I think everybody is actually like really thrilled about the prospect of you out trying I think I think that’s why soon to be included in that everybody I’m I I I am indeed are you okay by association apparently no you’re not all right

Kick over the set and leave because he’s out showing zine sorry I don’t know talk about it I want to talk about it uh well I think our responses Apex hosting for providing the server that we use to play on this series if you would

Like to get your own server uh in this would be oh no his client didn’t Crush you guys back never mind we will hold on I’m doing that for a little bit uh uh I got a I I I I had too big of a payload it couldn’t handle every

Everything that was in my payload what how do you have a too big of a payload I don’t know but I I figured it out okay um okay so my about to finish the um you can start go and Pete and I think I’m almost there I’m so close Pete go Let me just start again for the third time getting tired I want to thank our sponsors for this series just take it just go if you would like to get your own server buy them you can go down to the links in the description and get 25 off your

First month of Hosting you can play Minecraft all the mods a lot of mods other mod packs other games whatever they may offer they take care of us and I’m sure they take great care of you we also record these live if you’d like to come on over to Twitch Zine common

Sparkles or Pizza Hut whatever you’re feeling come by drop a follow say hey not mandatory but it would be pretty cool you’re watching on YouTube be sure to like comment about Zane’s big payload I’m sure he’d love to hear that and may ring the bell if you’re feeling like you

Want to watch a little bit more of these anything for you boys sounds good um doing doing super switch see you next time bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 37’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-09-09 17:00:24. It has garnered 17013 views and 802 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:47 or 4307 seconds.

Today I make nature eyeballs Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM 8 playlist:

X33N: Pete:

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  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

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  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

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  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 37