CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Championships The Fifth

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We’re jamming out here boys let’s go we win these welcome to minecraft championship everyone wow it’s so good to be here we’ve never done before never two million years this team is brand new for a screenshot we for our sweetie oh it’s too busy up here now do it we

Can do it in between rounds yeah we can wear the pink work again when we win I’m missing those oh wait there the pink birds still here nice or at least Jerome is one oh yeah I think they’ve still got their pink bird skin wait the elevator is open oh I

Didn’t have time it was quick alright so parkour or the new game first really well I mean let’s see what’s available to begin with after we after the park are ruined our game last time they went tweeted out a video of me struggling in me I think I think team cyan will be

Pretty good or aqua will be good at metal box as well we were good Oh sands of time we could vote for first okay so sands of time Parker token could come later yeah parkour would be in the second half the times first right probably everyone’s waiting to make sure their

Chickens are secured in a lot of Hunger Games votes not many see my aren’t confident in her game Wow survival games is really getting some votes dude alright sands of time female yeah look at that look at that synchronize stuff right and our chickens are leaving oh my

God I think we want to play a hole in the wall I think it’s Hunger Games yeah SSA and wait the builds build mark game-mode we’re all tied for first with the most builds in squash team right now or no we are yeah okay sure and somebody started

– me sad face it’s the music louder than usual just get ya know in the best music settings okay just a porter Dave nice nice okay alright so shot this is called survival games it’s what it’s like heard of it ya know if you heard of it you

Know it’s really cool 15 second grace period yeah we I mean we could go mid if we’re feeling crazy but I mean yeah it’s a 15 second I feel like every game we’ve played we we run to the back of the map and then we do do a little bit of loot

And then we different that’s fine what’s really different I mean we could I mean there is Luke there’s 15-second if we just gotta go quick you know it you guys know there’s one to do that oh man I’m up for it I don’t like we weren’t we weren’t

Lacking loot each time we just uh oh if I make that joke again you make fun of me Cara and I got a coupon sweater that embarrasses me okay what are we doing are we going here we go now let’s go out let’s go okay all right

Well gotta last longer this time guys come on we’re champ flamie on Twitter again all right we want to go into that big blue building back there that’s building yes of course is that the creamiest building I don’t think exactly this area now there’s a door yeah it looks like it’s

This area where first by default all true guys are first true a truth that is good chance right there like it like it locked what was in it iron sword and iron chestplate yeah we definitely don’t kill in here too long I entrust my rain boots no stone sword

Iron leggings fire aspect – if there’s an anvil that would be big ways oh yeah yeah so my huge actually any anvils my mom has already lost a teammate so that’s I guess piercing three oh my god – the lags anybody we should go right

Now yeah we should leave I have no food oh I have two pumpkin pie okay oh boy we need it we need anvils dude oh there’s an anvil there we go – yeah they’ve they’re blending in I’m here I’ll take it all right I don’t think I

Need to find food real badly yeah I’m trying to walk cuz I don’t want to lose my own Wheatley I’ll pull your car the pants Jordan oh there’s your goodies goodies I got I’ll take the iron axe oh I got an iron axe arrows i am i have another iron axe if anybody

Wants it oh please give me the sword oh hey yeah I Drive that and that there you go take a pic anybody have food there same attack yeah if anybody has food share the armor yeah okay I’ll take that too we all owe ya and I’ll give you

A helmet so we all have two pieces thank you nice beautiful all right I got a potion of swiftness splash potion on blue great over here you guys remember that’s T&T does it like automatically I can’t remember doesn’t this it gamma key lights yes cool cool cool

Also I actually I got some food I need some food that would be great I mean a super you got to oh and I’ll drop a pie as well no only here you go there is a team nearby I don’t know if they’re in this green building or not yep they’re

In here staff is it green do we want to go in on them arian wine team I feel like we played too passive and then we end up getting like one kill and then all right we’re going aggressive I got a lingering potion of harming I could

Throw in if we want to like stay back when I do that I have to be in LA don’t know how to get up yeah where’s this year stairs there sneak out no they don’t know we’re here yeah I don’t think if we sneak no this year we’re here

Definitely we’re here oh they’re coming down oh yes by a speck sure oh god he does here I’m gonna do lingering oh is that lava there that lava got him oh nice nice nice nice the lava snow coming down so don’t go up there gonna come up the front side there

You do on the front side so okay um let’s see I’m ed earning eight hearts actually second region let’s make sure we don’t get snuck up on I don’t have any food on me we got another team I think I see Vic over there let’s go wait

For them they’re gonna have to move I’m gonna go for loot I mean I’m okay yeah we need food yes salute yeah I mean we got we got good kills those are points that put us up we don’t want killing we know we got to I think I was

Too yeah yeah which team was that eco big that was the orange team okay oh then it was only one then yeah yeah I think they’re just abandoned their teammate well it seems like Tommy went down home oh I left a lob with her there’s no ground I think these chests

Are looted here if there are any these no kidding these are freaking Hunger Games dude there is no food anywhere oh it’s like the book yeah it’s super laggy this time the disk for now is the actual server it’s going this building maybe these can’t all be looted already I know

God I just need some food man Oh horses have been eliminated oh so the teams oh that’s yeah that’s the ones we thought were big oh it’s the stuff in it but there’s a staircase in this building there is over here hope we don’t get caught out the window to jump

Out actually all the big teams have killed each other already so like purple pandas has the most kills what there’s only two left Thomas we need we need more chests in here my god oh I got a singular cookie art that’s just BM alright I do not understand how

There can be oh there we go that’s a no food but more armor oh wooden sword let’s go yeah give me a curtsy alright thank you okay thanks I see you well you had both the things that I was got I got from the chest so

Oh I did oh I took it back here Oh God God dang it me down a hard time to play media center yeah he’s down at the bottom floor he’s being chased by another team by silent sneak god I need food so badly the only thing I can hope is getting someone in

Lava and TNT like combo here wombo combo you got all the stairs back down or drop-off brah freakin more loot on the map or put more food in the chest good lord you know one fighting you’re like oh man do I make done we can check out the building next to us

Yeah we can it yes you chests refiller now no I don’t think they do stuff but no food awesome a ladder well what a really what a really do you feel building oh that just goes in don’t go up the ladder hey just goes okay let’s go into the

Plaza maybe yeah I think we never had food issues like this Oh Tecna kill two of them oh we only killed her 13 13 13 gone now he soloed them oh yeah now that now they’re gone oh oh oh he went down though oh okay chest with a helmet and

That’s a chainmail helmet in here oh we’re actually we’re in first place now because of the placement points okay For the love of God honor is there any like a market in here maybe that’d be great just I’m going for it I don’t know seems nearby God please I’m with you I might have barriers there’s a teen years orange team is above us it’s a 3-2

Booths the team we fought earlier right on top of there on top of this Plaza Oh borders right next I do see Emily I don’t think they are seconds I think they see us they have to jump off the roof well the borders right here and it’s

About a shrink so I would be careful being out there yeah I have lava again give a bow I am going five arrows yeah oh there’s not a great deal that uh order of shrinking words making low on health okay well they’re gonna get pushed off the building them so you have

Enchanted stuff wherever they jump down I could try to throw a potion of harming yeah that’s okay yeah this is like near endgame but like if we can just get one of them two of them real quick cuz we’re the first place right now at placement I

Get yellow y-axis time to pick I see another player like down the road a bit yeah behind you cards borders not cut your blockers real close doing it oh it’s hot there till safe hey I might try to run across the other side maybe yeah I feel like they’re gonna eventually hop

Down they’ll have to on that next one jumps down we just got it we got a jump I have lava one person I do want to throw down the potion the harming but I don’t wanna get you guys they put lava under the lava down in front of me but I

Grab and take it from them oh they’re shootin got a hit wait just wait just wait just wait oh I got hit god dang it that was big punch holy crap that took out four hearts we got to move yeah I know they got a my ammo oh really over here

Breezie my team has been to mind us okay Oh God oh they jumped their second border oh we go through down the I throw down the potion right here right here get them got it behind the thighs nice careful of lava I’m so low I’m gonna die

From nabo tank I have no more oh god oh god water I have a heart oh I’m down oh whoa yeah yeah or I’ll take out the calenus go cheese please for the love of God to provide food in this game mode it’s so good yeah we didn’t do too badly

This this game mode needs food like holy crap yeah I gotta kill that man cops in that game poor guy got a lava kill you know that’s he actually did soak oh okay all right for the win in the game that we’ve never really gotten the top 5 in

I’ll take that’s great yeah that’s great all right not bad at all Hunger Games living up to its name everyone and it is oh please that’s what I’m talking about good for 20 points boys I think a couple kills that you know it’s not about individualism this we win we win me when

You win the H I don’t win these right oh yeah I don’t win these we win Neptune akin of them thank you for the to order bids guess who’s nothing back sorry being absent please update and I’m followed a lot of strangers been busy

With but Neff nap has a lot of money to give you for being amazing now thanks mate appreciate you tuning in sorry being slow and reading notifications but you know it got a focus on the Hunger Games League Amman industries they give the two months of sub egde Neptune thank

You again for those 10 subs mummy TSR as I think of the 22 months Joe Palmer we thank you for the seven months grifter think of this of Neptune thank you for the two months I appreciate a lot much love back banana peachoid think

Of its do it a bits also meet my best friends in the cabin spark server mainly they have I I don’t know if I’ve actually know like connect them my victory booths mango man of doom thinking of the sub J ninja thank you for the 250 bits no problem glad you’re

Enjoying the sub server my dude crypto cam thing even three months glad you’re hyped for this that’s some of the name it fits I love the K team great watching guys compete together totally cool to see more content with Karan Kearney hose after SM Perth sure will end up doing

Something against some point so go for sands of time there’s no no parkour until second half that’s crazy awkward team is last place right now actually after that game Wow that won’t happen again we received dunk we receive dunk oh I got it I got it don’t get done

Sian I’m nice on you aqua you just want to add insult to injury huh let’s wait on it wait until the end on the wall oh we got okay well they’re gonna heavily wait something come on do sands of time we’re looking good except I don’t know

How heavily cvk is gonna he’s trying to get him into hole walk do that oh wow oh they’re going here they want sands of time dude looking sands of time when wall is good to do sands time stay still chick yeah we got sands of time okay

I am bringing up I’m bringing up the timer in case nobody is standing at the center to be able to monitor it who wants to be senator duty uh I’m happy to do it doesn’t happen on it I can do it I don’t know car you want

To do it okay okay so that means we don’t need to focus too much on lining Sankara focuses on that but if car goes down it means one of us might have to focus on it don’t get coins but I don’t remember where we put the coin also you

Want to collect the keys to the dungeons cuz you get more coins in there if you leave the the temple for like only one time then that and that’s it but if you dispense your coins into it there’s a bank that takes 20% it takes

20% you know so don’t put it in that I can get a hundred key right there by the way key right there yep yep arrows and there’s a key down on the floor same thief only bailout one time so that’s done that and then it’s done so but if

You die before he can leave then you don’t get any coins that you picked up also put your marker in your offhand and Mark where you’re going and where you’ve been oh yeah how do you get locked in if you if you leave Dave so you leave at

The end we get when you fail you have enough coins what but if you wanna just be safe deposit it in the bank I’m probably gonna do that okay so car you’re just gonna mine sand and be Center duty okay so do you have a timer

You should bring up a timer in case you’re running away so you can keep track of when you need to get into the middle in case it doesn’t have a timer on the right so car that’s gonna be your job is timing and if you die if you die

You don’t lose completely but someone has to pay ass and to get you out so I don’t know where that’s located it stands for 15 seconds so I still don’t know what happens every sand is locked out is every sand 15 yeah if the timer runs out before you can leave the

Temple then you lose all your coins yeah oh and if you die you lose all your coins as well right yeah you lose them but they’re at your spot and you can be freed and go back to them I’m not sure we’ll have to run around

And find it okay rusty key that dungeon probably sucks got a torch ooh ten arrows nice nice Oh careful oh so it looks like there is actually a timer on the top of the screen no buddy I’m assuming that there’s probably that where it says it’s starting that’s like

A terrifying oh it doesn’t okay so car you gotta you gotta track it oh my god there are a lot of monsters in here holy crap this thing is up here and up here I found one here take this and ring up on the gun can you mine a spawner yeah that’s okay

There’s someone using my chair for this game so you tell me that that’s the only use for pickaxes actually it’s responders okay I don’t don’t do spawn I haven’t been mining my sanity I have a mode or I have a blue key if anyone finds the hole god that’s a lot of

Zombies oh my god that’s a lot of zombies watch your food run out here there’s a lot of zombies down that way I went down to like half health and I killed all the way up so okay there’s no longer yeah I found a Korean and I’m Jenny’s guys they’re convinced they’re

Marching know if anyone gets a green key it early Ryan Ryan joint Oh break that break this minor rig this minor while I fight the zombie I’m coming back to you guys right here what color door go collect more how much time do we have

Left I have to say I’m gonna grab oh there’s a lot of the large I’m gonna cross this I do you want me to go with you Ryan oh my god this is sketchy there’s a lot of gold should I do it should do it wait no no I what you take

The sand back take the sand back that’s not good are you no I couldn’t I fell too far in someone has to free me pay us and and free me I am to the north of the center area Cara if you turn around you can pay a sand and come get me okay

Maybe let’s not do that area let’s not do that yeah that’s not worth I’m right here yeah I only lost school back you complain okay okay we need more sand holy crap yeah I missed I keep marking where I’m going otherwise I’m not gonna get lost yeah what about there’s like dispensers

With levers on one of the walls don’t know what it does Oh God silverfish in there should I go for it with coins I mean yeah there we go oh they keep down here I’m going for it I’m going for it I okay you’ve already gotten the rusty one though that’s the thing

Oh one key I assume so okay I’m getting some say on the door here for us the key Oh run back we got it we got to take different areas and get sand oh yeah we might as well get something kick some stuff yeah we’re screwed or screwed they’re saying up here that’s

In here Alright I’m banking sands to eat see in 15 seconds take this antics antics and just put the sand in when you get it the hell I did I didn’t I know is I fart I know is I close I’m sorry I thought we had sand duty yeah it’s not working out

That way alright Dave this way this way this way there is a very all right Cara you there’s a lot of sand that you’ve been missing around the edges just in the center area there’s a ton of sand that you were missing I got like three pieces coins I’m gonna speedrun

This I’m just gonna grab the coins to try to get out grabs and – yeah Oh God oh it’s a trap a trap there’s a lot a lot of water yeah these coins are good though hold on Ryan can you go get the coins a silverfish Iran me get the coins

So many yeah there’s so many coins all right I’m gonna bank these all right be careful just get the coins hey and I got the sand as well Ryan I think you picked it up I pick up two sand yeah yeah yeah we’re screwed thank you can i you can wear over I

Think oh car got it in just run into the right end of the portal I think that’s it for us I don’t unless you got more like you saying I had to sand Brian just run it I would say run in the hole we’re gonna leave leave probably I don’t have

Any more coins but I make zero coins oh wait alright okay I’m scared so we should have flipped those dispensers earlier they had a lot of gold I guess they were already out yeah okay okay Wow we we really we could have gotten a whole bunch if we flipped those those

Dispensers earlier oh they didn’t do anything so all those people got locked in so everyone who’s stuck in there that they ran out of time walked before leaving they probably Bank though I couldn’t get many coins I feel like no coins at all yeah I don’t we got two

Hundred fifty-four it’ll be interesting to see I bet we were middle of the pack I got I mean nothing the people get locked out – they do they lose all their coins if they bank then they don’t they you get what you bang it but if you have coins on you when you

Get locked out you don’t get any of them alright so I’ve learned that we should not do it there’s no should be no sane person yeah no I I didn’t realize that the sand was so sparse Wow so this means there are still people who were going this far out that’s why

I’m like there’s definitely time we could have bought more time like if we all got the keys and went to dungeons they all had sand and stuff parkour was maximum jumps so techno steam is still in there but Oh Team yellow just lasted a very long time yellow in techno steam

Is a nice walk no team are they as quick still in there oh quick still in there oh well would it no no quick is here you always yeah we kind of pointless it one left oh they got a waltz dude how do they figure out

The game dude wow yeah if only if only I could have found where that we’re at least it’s early on I’m saying they get a bowl they have to go all the way back so did they make it back man sixth wow we had six yeah how did orange get

Nothing oh I guess they all got caught out I wouldn’t thank them all right where are we at in the overall standing probably still in a similar spot oh my god he said increase their lead oh I didn’t expect that team to be doing good still second four nice games around

Second team Andy and we saw a good good lead and no worries see that’s I’m glad we got this beat two games that were iffy on we got done in the beginning so I’m glad yeah and we the only we get them done but we like we maintain

Like second place like that’s that’s pretty okay listen Chad the game was explained in a video three posts on Twitter a few days ago um but not right now was explained very much yeah watch that video I would have been totally okay no

I did I did no he said he didn’t like oh yeah text like explanation there’s a lot of information just I’m saying right now that when we heard the timer going down to like zero I got like my racing bye thank you for the 17 months of sub

Indefinitely not late I was here along boy 17 we’re pretty Swick who says commitments scary nervous laughter Oh minute scary but thank you very much brother hefty thank you for the three months in Royal Roman David 17 or the 7 rises up as your cell thank you for the 500 bits

Well I can’t think of the moment a bit screamed ever cross to thank you for the nine months scramble singing performance tire hail think it was 200 bits all right here we go battle box that makes a solid one rocket I have a crossbow what am I doing with

That chickens dead oh I see we do not want to play what the we won’t play right I don’t play Robin please we don’t do good Rockets cool really yeah oh battle box they made battle box sticky do we want to do battle box yeah you’ve done well in battle box but it’s

Looking like that’s gonna be it I’m gonna kill the ones that hole in the wall okay oh yeah I wonder one more now we think we’re good at home catch that chicken okay the sticky the sticky is like the most people p1 because you can just like guarantee a vote pretty much I

Feel like this we better later on the game but it maybe it’s good ever doing it now I feel like we usually win battle box but I don’t know I mean the first time we maybe we won every single one yeah but like that’s why it’s good to delay

On the games to get more points oh it’s this map again okay oh we’re doing over to repeat map this yeah this one this one is weird I’m much probably the trenches one because there’s I mean it’s not a lot of cover with the smaller socks yeah well

One thing I feel like is underused is under the like first floor there’s like a second floor you can go back there like you could maybe like it someone to go down there and hide wait there’s a there’s a basement like there’s this is three levels no it’s two floors but like

I feel like no one ever got the middle no I wish I want the kiss be better I’m like the kids lost fine they’re not that great we’ll see hopefully there’s more maybe like prioritize like oh yeah laughter maybe there’s only one guy with mailings yeah really oh they’re either

Right oh I hate that is on melee if so I’m running mainly I held it down I’m not losing weight are thee is it increased for your people alive if they’re capturing what that’s like you get 48 coins for each member of your team still alive after capturing yeah oh

Yeah I think that’s why um I think last time I don’t think we got first or I don’t know it’s better it’s better to fill in the wool if you can see the way to get the most points in matches if you eliminate every single player and then

Fill it in with everyone left alive on it right purple pandas alright still only one melee Megan may wait really I’ll get one next time I’m so I’m more blood aiming I’m better I’m mad at melee alright we dual wielding out here who are we playing first purple team right yeah

Baron tsaldari okay remember to keep an eye on mid of course of course ow well I got Dhingra to start oh I’m almost dead hey crap yeah we don’t know we’re not healing the healing Oh what what the how did I just get hit I was coming around angle got him all

Right unless I left that last side wait I can’t really right now what the heck I can’t do wheel oh I’m so low I’m so low I’m low to you actually already using someone go ahead now because every oh my god I’m down this is bad

I tried to go in just go Chris go legal ground okay oh no they’re gonna get it oh my god we even gonna kill well I guess early on them they were the last place team go for it I think I guess yeah no I really have like damn no one

On either team has pushed mid yet so we needs to run in and I would not have expected team yellow to be the dominant force no I mean quake in the first Scott always gets the best team I realized I know he won on the best team

Oh Scott I mean if you took melee again all right no you’re not I gotta play a little more aggro maybe they’re going right in got it I kind of tang oh they’re going right in oh I just realized there’s stairs on the left side Oh burn up right here they’re sore guys

The sword guy’s gone yeah no he’s here he’s here oh my god a nice job nice job oh look at he was so distracted by where understanding also oh we can get these uh harming splash potions that are laying down I forgot about those so like

I didn’t realize on the left side there stairs so you can go down like if we rushed that like not rushed there but like like I ran down listen I didn’t know one zombie coming with the sword and I was able just to get a full I want

To go to her Center with the sword don’t do it too early though because then you’re just a sitting duck getting shot well so we don’t go down there with me and then we can try and fend off I didn’t realize if you get the multi shot Kate you

Two crossbows you always start off with a crossbow that’s what it is yeah they’re going in I got Tommy with a bunch Tommy Tommy’s one hit Tommy’s one hit I’m dead hello good [ __ ] oh my god anyone oh my what the I swear to God I am getting hit through glass this is

Ridiculous you get – yeah you were alive but we got some points I think that’s goddamn it I swear to God like the first round in this crowd I am getting like I am getting hit through walls and crap Jesus oh this is nice well least it’s

Early on weird weird second and last place right now so good huh we went to in seven last time so we can we can go we can go to seven again Green Guardians yeah I think what we’re doing is we flooded I didn’t think the other group

With bows last time yeah I think our best bet is like focus on like it’s literally a two-shot so if we can just like call out people who are visible and just try to take them out one out of time you gotta focus on one person yeah

I think yeah Mike whoever goes down we need to just all shift our focus to the first tree oh yeah I mean I mean right side guys he’s the one with the sword target him oh god dang it I got hit yeah yeah one

Of them money has to be with me at all cuz I mean whoo nice one down got another one you have a lot down oh he’s slow he’s low can we just punch him yes yeah I’m getting uh where are they oh nice job dad the last one was hiding I don’t know

Where so all right there we go bring it back to five yeah yeah no we got this we keep winning we’ll be we’ll be good it’s gonna be all the kills first for me all right top team no problem they already lost the game it’s fine

They won last time they won last time before that I don’t know what happened before that one it’s all good it’s all good I believe I just think since we played the team that’s a number one right off of at it threw off her mojo

But we got it yeah yeah yeah yeah all right we should focus like if we go left side or something we get like shovels is peaking right now got her once get quick there’s really no healing is there no pique is if you’re low on the Left I

Killed him nice moulting shot you can just it’s like having a shotgun shovel shall we got hit again she is taking mad yeah dump yard some cards oh oh oh shoot yo twigs got Mele coming into the center careful boys oh you got my god I’m just gonna keep

Punching click got one quick got another oh god Scott Scott Scott that’s what I’m talking about right there did I get me everyone or did I get three I don’t think I got a kill there okay okay freakin he was just standing in there I

Could have I just ran up and I shot two people just point-blank it’s so I ground the shotty okay we’re good I think we need to like we need to at the start is just like target one person or two people and once you get the picks then

They split on the left side he has a sword he’s pushing he’s coming in coming in Ryan domes it yeah there you go in it yes see I miss about my multi-shadow that’s nice I got one another nice I go really close I can hit him with three at

Once I just know I discovered so it’s really just like a shotgun blast got him yeah fill it yes but just like that it’s just like that taken down three arounded there we go okay I got the strats I got the stress out stay with us chat you win these with a

Multi shot I just shoved the crossbow in their freaking face you just hit someone three at once he tried to vote he’s heard like engage was sort that was a big mistake I told someone that full help of one shots melee once someone jumps down there they should just start

Hammering target melee if I have sword and let’s identify who they are you know cuz they usually try to play I think it’s better to be opposite oh they’re sending someone right right in there strike a win or yeah I got him I’m staying down but what the heck was that

Oh okay oh yeah we should start early probably start going for the box now oh he’s like he’s one shot he’s one shot mag I’m going around I’m trying to sneak up on him oh nice job nice there we go taking it off dude I told he we’re gonna

Go back to seven and two it was just we got him we got him out of the way early the losses we saw you against blind team on this trail so team in Siam know they’re about to coin behind us at least it’s not a huge point gap like when we

Get to the later rounds 500 point difference is nothing all right here we go with lion bid let me know who needs healing I’ll start there feeling honor oh yeah Jeff healing healing I’m oh I thought oh there’s no healing which book is techno Phil’s coming Phil’s coming down I’m gonna go

Around left side Oh Technos coming in I got nice going in Wilbur’s down he Pete slow people oh he’s won he’s won he’s in mid wait wait one a minute nice that’s how we do it that’s how we do it clean sweep dang Wow all right taken down techno car Holly this game

Car swing just another day it’s just another day we’re used to this oh is that it oh no no no one more no one more you flying keepers and that’s it we pushed ourselves all the way from nine to the third so Michael and Sylvie see ya

See you later catching the Gulag wrong game alright well I’ll go and straight in Sylvie’s one hit I am it low or watch out I’m punching them on one hand one hit going all the way cars always like yourselves doing Walter yes yes yes they’re coming in you get over here

Got it here we go Ghana dubba and I was just I was just spam clicking almost like your knuckle went flawless no bueno oh hey that was not that was not too bad okay we did pretty good so much ass that I have so much you know but not here

Just screaming sword and I was like he killed Ryan and I was like I’m not let him kill anyone else no way there was a Michael oh Jesus blue just crushing it no we killed it we killed it nice job Jordan as we go I believe both purple

And aqua are below us and the main leaderboards so if this might push those pretty similar yeah Oh yellow still ahead god oh wow now what the heck oh we’re in third is this being okay we got it we got it don’t worry at least it’s close it’s a close margin

Yeah five hundred points like this but spotter we yet you should do bingo right now as the multiplies go up is nothing we can go was I don’t think bingo is on the board it’s on the word Otis oh okay airs be man cuz it’s like both goods get

Out now now is the best time to do it at or hole-in-the-wall we’re halfway through the game now oh the home looks going down and I haven’t been on an elevator in a really long time and I’m ok with that Oh wow we’re so God we found the sub-basement wait it’s just it was just an elevator back up multiplayer so okay so you want bingo huh we should do bingo yeah also though we don’t know for sure like this is the fourth game right we’re pretty good at big sales at build Mart

And that might not be in the file that might not be in the second place we’re all tied for first but no I think it rotates the game is after halfway through it does so it killing the built so build Mart might not be in the second

Half so we might want to do that no we we literally all because we are leaderboards we all like crushing it compared to everyone else as far as total builds go okay other than me cuz I got the hardest damn build last time I

Let you do that I kind of cuz we were having vc problems right as we started no yeah alright big sales and they just up to it two times multipliers yeah this is our chance to bring it to number one is just yeah and I wonder what her team’s doing wrong or

People just like trying to collectively do it together and set it up I think they might be honestly think I’m like I think we all just choose one and that seems to work best cuz well hand each other the resources we also aware that work we all strive each other like sorry

Interrupted you I can’t hear you okay if everyone is just like think extra of this would then like I think we’ll be fine yes that’s great we have to do that a lot like it’s communicate I think yeah I think last thing we were like oh it’s

Good wool like was one in a blue wall someone was looking wool for themselves to get wool for the other person as well so we just crush this game if we crush this game we get first so let’s crush it you think we’ll get the first whose game i yeah it just

Doubled so the multiplier is double and I think the coins are like three thousand two thousand three thousand a game so we’re only down by 500 what do we do chat we win these exactly right exactly okay I’ll take this one I’ll take right again ooh

Okay I just got a rainbow made out of glass holding craniosacral and there’s a blue okay only red orange yellow ok just ran behind this lazy one and blue play like polka hence iron acacia this is a mistake here we go courts I also lineup I line up my cart to be like

I just find a straight line I can go and I’m gonna try to riff falling off cuz that’s just old massive waste of time okay its courts and ORS or them son we be [ __ ] here okay okay I can just an extra would you help us out please help

Us out please yes we have to yet yeah I grab some extra wood for folks anyone anyone need colored concrete blue concrete concrete Ryan Keegan iron is all Dave I need blue concreting any glazed black terracotta okay my needs I need stone I met stone not currently I don’t think

So you need iron Jordan yeah just an iron blocky of each okay give each alright I just got a I got a little variety of wood over here so should I head back or should I go and get iron or anything else myself head back I need I need four blue concrete

Dave I got a guy of 32 of that cuz I need okay both I’m gonna wait for you to come back with ya I have to get every color of glass as well so I modal oh should I just go get some myself in I might get

Myself yeah yeah well I mean it’s in the same area but yeah maybe it will be more time-efficient okay I don’t you black glass for the rainbow I know that’s outside outdoors mmm maybe outdoors maybe uh yellow oh god I have to just talk to myself the entire time reassure

That I have everything orange maybe take it word and where it’s and do we need sand would be in Lakewood for nature or something like that maybe shower what I need wood for I need a white concrete I need would do any wood I have wood it

Depends what kind you need but I do have some wood no I don’t need I’m not making a Banerjee I don’t need what okay here we go all right zoomin oh you’re heading back all right I’m on my way back to finish my first build more than Oh any okay every slice let

The color there you know I’m already back Oh what do you need to need a boom or glazed terracotta one more black clay so I okay I’ll just go get it I’ll turn around and do it thank you thank you thinking dad I’m away you said one more

Black glaze terracotta yes so it’s like right oh my god I didn’t need the blue the floor was blue by default oh my god well it didn’t it didn’t show blue before I swear okay you guys need anything more at colored area nice to be good okay

Wait I got we’ve deployed a blue concrete blue concrete yeah I have a bunch now because I thought I needed it but I really didn’t it’s right my island I just take a stack of 32 where’s prismarine Jordan arrow you back girl girl I’m on my way

Thank you so much god frickin so many people so much traffic I know I’m just saying if edge shopping oh we know I need light blue Bravo well I was literally there and I thought we were good lively country no I got mine done beautiful all right

So there iron who had iron alright Anna for okay I don’t actually need to get the floor we’re good I’m walking around cool Endocyte quartz in that okay cool cool cool cool cool gotta get like oh my god yeah yeah I thought I said blue did

You have the drug ironed what it was that yeah I did okay lumbers right I need one oh my god you’ll be clear chat it looked more like prettiest blue copyright TM oh no no no it’s all you okay I was just doing branding it’s fine this right here it’s right

– wait don’t just don’t have it yes don’t has its own area under saying I’m gonna maintain my record for the most builds in this I don’t want to hear it what actually I do here tied we’re tied for the most bills right now so yeah

I’ll keep on pace what I’m I’m out finished what the heck Oh what wait it’s just whoops what is a shout out chat oh it’s a stair it’s a stair how dare you join the cliffs ricotta where is it okay it’s in my inventory I let me give it to you

There hey yes yes yes yes yes and okay here we go all right Oh anyway of cobblestone on them in the stone area right now yeah feel free to get some that would be awesome quartz isn’t in the stone section it snores oh I need to get more Oh plugs anyway what

That wasn’t okay I can grab cotton what’s called enjoyed like green imposter and iron Paula Stern anybody need wood okay now I need nobody needs wood I don’t need what right now no well I mean okay and quartz how long are you gonna be with cobble I already got a

Head back in a second here okay I have 22 cabo I hope that is good I think it will be okay just need some that’s about it being on my way back I need I need like a couple iron blocks iron okay I’ll get some for you thank you also I think

We do we get extra points for being like the first ones that complete builds yeah so maybe that’s actually why we get so many points is because we’re all doing them individually that maybe we’re yeah okay I got cobble are you here yeah yeah thank you I’m not

Okay I gotta get some some polished quartz okay it’s 2:00 in I might get myself done oh did I miss it it it’s it’s NORs well you may call it don’t you make polish poor it’s like I can eat like an ax Karthi mean it’s an

Aura quartz is annoying what is in the second block who puts the door that way oh no I don’t have enough time right no anymore diary no no I need iron your daughter in our head okay I’ll get it myself boom kind another one done beaut I am

I’ll just keep this crap in my inventory by nine I might need it oh I already got one okay is it O’Connor back it is alright alright I can’t get by right I got that right okay got it everyone’s like your door your door is wrong oh I’ve done this one before

Does anyone still have some black a terracotta and black concrete no okay allow me see okay okay I’m gonna get this third one done really quick someone going to wood anytime soon um I know okay maybe wait I need diamonds it’s almost pushed me off oh my god any

One of diamonds I need that one I need this one black concrete black terracotta and or diamonds and redstone no one right okay here wait here let me give you this there you go and there you go and I don’t have any I need I need some coal

For making up some coal I don’t have any oh I’ll go get it yeah okay conquer and hold diamonds redstone oh yeah I need you put a smooth stone concrete cold diamonds redstone oh my god is that was back there oh she could just punch people shopping carts

But then if someone did it to me I’d be so oh my god they like almost out of iron you just like to pleat all the resources a little respawn okay okay I jean-luc coal and stone okay I can get the stone if you can get coal from

Jordan I I don’t need stone I need glazed terracotta yes concrete black Blackie Lumbergh Bert baby I’m gonna get my third one done for sure how much time’s left minute Scott only five minutes left being dude that’s not bad oh no that’s good I thought we had way way less time

Where’s all right I’m getting the concrete I know it’s what I’m sorry guys whatever I’ll do with it well L live so I need I need I need it’s coal Forge wait North Col torches on them that’s not an answer Okay thanks tone again I might games coming closer right now it’s like um there’s like gas between like blocks like one pixel gas steam blocks anti-aliasing thing so I can’t see what’s ahead of me I can’t tell there’s a guy before me most I know yes sounds like a problem enough I think

I think is an issue with didn’t video said anything effects but I didn’t get before the game started sounds like way too late to fix it now well I didn’t scam so does the breakout this camp huh I guess I can fix it then it’s like five minutes

Well yeah I don’t know how long it takes to load oh maybe all right nice that there I do which kind do you need I’ve seen awkward for first step oh yeah Oakwood I I gave you all my Oakwood I’m gonna Joe sticks I give you

Steps Bruce wood on the ground in front of the table Aria I need no man back briefs would I need gold I mean dime I guess yeah I’ll just leave sticks next to the wood okay so what do we need oh just a bunch of concrete oh this is

So easy guys are my yellow blue red green white blue I have the Ellie Ryan the the sticks are here okay I’ll grab my second where are the flowers oh they’re there where the six they’re over in the middle and beautiful okay okay hours okay I came so under these

Blocks they can’t see you so I need oh it’s like a hanging thing I need birch and acacia wood and sand and red what’s [Laughter] nice oh I made a boo-boo big ones okay my chat was hyping me up too much it was bound to happen

Lime red blue is that way don’t know or in second place by the way nice place just go just keep going for this right now money baby is it lime okay lion I have a copying that walks me in my chat like in my listing thanks so much

You’re helping us out a lot yeah without Chad I don’t even know what I write at least terracotta birch and acacia wood I’m saying I need but it’s enough that’s enough I’m a little gold diamond so in case you wouldn’t birch what acacia wood brushwood ok I can’t remember how much

Of each I need so I just get way more than I need every time I get way more than you like 10 a couple times it’s helped me out where it actually yeah the next round you get to use it I doubt that I’m gonna do another one but I

Think I can get this done I hope can you guys hear me what about flowers I’m so I’m so sorry I’m not I can’t get flowers I gotta build this thing boys it’s coming out Cara yeah you’re you’re having issues with your audio leave the valley regardless okay fine I’ll get it

Lily of the valley um no we’re not there you’re saying you’re cutting it in out a whole bunch yeah your your audios messed up oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude oh no I’m nothing not gonna get my in time Lily the valley what what’s wrong Oh lime over there outdoors wait oh my

God oh my god I’m choking it what so what is wrong oh the yellow there’s nothing brah what is wrong with the damn build oh my god god dammit god dammit no really good oh there’s a white over there I didn’t even see I that just blended right over the floor I didn’t

Even see it god damnit oh I had the same build last time and it messed me up as sorry sorry guys they cycle the builds car we can’t we can’t hear a damn thing hello your your voices it’s like you’ve got a noise gate that keeps cutting in

Or something it times a desperate I’m in the other day audience take us there blue you dang it hello yeah I know is it working now seems okay sometimes if someone’s talking or you’re talking at once it like cuts one person out oh I’m sorry everyone I choked hard my block

Wasn’t breaking I couldn’t break the [ __ ] block it wouldn’t drop anything you might you might have been having some latency issues that were associated with the voice thing all right guys go to @mc championship underscore to vote for the next game okay I’m gonna go pee and then we’ll catch up on notifications

Lock up bingo raucous we caught one the way if we get to get to the other side I choked last time but I’m great at again I think they’re outside right now tap over to get the other thing we killed it we all did good last time are we what’s

The place are we overall were still third okay yeah the only problem is every it’s I mean Wayne you know what I mean god I just needed one more flower and we would have won that one [ __ ] oh good oh is this a break should we I

Think right I got I got I guess we just now I guess we just now saying auctioneers are unmc champions this week no no I meant the stairs let’s take it somewhere else moves to get the stairs oh wow okay um Hall of Fame actually I want to look at placing

So far individual player placing I’m not gonna crime I don’t think I will be oh I am Number ten ok ok sheesh Jordan is number nine the one that I can knock down okay I got a knock down all right sick my plays old number nine last time unfortunate Oh No

Technically I won’t vote for hole-in-the-wall I think so now it’s whole family chat to come to Hall of Fame for a picture what oh okay Jordan Hall of Fame all right looks like it’s gonna be a hole in the wall according in my chat I don’t know Oh

Lady I don’t know it’s not bad ya know I’ll do all right we can do all right so somebody just directed their whole audience to spam it because apparently it was super I’m sure it’s just somebody aka techno all right we good their car I’m doing some funny okay Jordan go back

Oh my god my god what are we doing Oh lofty I get closer Jordan oh okay sorry I was in I was in third person I’m trying to get like a really cool pic which cover yeah exactly [Laughter] you look at those points here and red team everything right now are you items

I’m own 10th that’s all oh it i i’ve not not placed on the top ten in any of these games so i need to step it up if i want i hope uh let’s see where did I leave off on letting the audience decide can it’s just Technos viewers deciding lastly

Less later in my sure I could fear left from right and then again just not gonna feel afraid green pepper pasta thank you behind one scrambles think even four months diary linked to an electro actions day of 3:00 p.m. your time we also we shall see my dude we shall see a

White pan or white pink ragnerok maybe with two months BS tres thank you for the two months seven miles hanger the two months like you it’s simple thunder think either the sub soda pop think of the seven months every sorry to bother you been trying to contact you see

Customers for two months for wrong days not gotten back to me tweet me or order number and i will talk to them tiffy crypt thank you for the three months how nine thousand thank you for the five months MACT if you’re thinking for the two months will Everett thank

You for the sub nightfly thank you for the five months ivory rose think of the eight months of savage Mongoose sac P and unicorn Kitty sparkles thank you for the sub and we are back into the game all right all right so uh whole wall huh

I am take over I’ve never done bad in it but never I’ve never won I think I’ve won one round once skies my morass what’s he doing guys like sky does MINECRAFT is in here yeah it’s him where’s he at yeah Like even the admin says it was rigged okay Technol only has like 900 times of yours I do okay it’s all good didn’t he has it all I’ve always been friends been playing third person like when it gets close I switched at first but then like

I go in third and I kind of like look around take you Bennet we should not be able to see each other I don’t know why he thinks we can see each other we should this is the one where all four of us are gonna win the first because if

Anything we actually block each other making it make it to the worse for each of us for all alive like it’s weird so what do you want what what’s the plan what are you hoping to do about I’m gonna choke on purpose chat okay gotcha yeah just jump off its make it easier

For all of us to take one for the team I throw for content something like that oh I have never gotten a 200 point bonus on this I don’t think I didn’t first week I ever played and then everyone learned how to play it mm-hmm oh boy yeah this is kinda just a

Middle of the pack game for me yeah this will help us maintain our spot but I don’t know if it’ll about sigh hey you know what no we’re gonna we’re gonna dominate this trap I feel it I believe it feel the music there you go south / peddler oh I didn’t

Realize that was hot I thought that was on the ground I thought it was on the ground usually like the entire thing isn’t floating south again what be out here alright don’t the south join the South right then oh wait so as Wow – delayed West okay

Follow us north or south north or south just building north north once again I felt that one when it went north I felt that East its jumper let’s go through the jumper it’s a double jumper it’s a triple jumper span okay there we go oh my god come on jump over Jesus man

We’re still in it I don’t know North alright we in it oh yeah we go he’s West West West West West West I feel like I’ll get the timing down for two in a row all right Oh God come on come on there we go

Oh what the wait what oh here here here oh so many people discover another in the middle no what I thought it was in it oh my god I can’t believe this has happened that was trash oh wow Rask your plays does technology third-person I don’t

Know okay you always check in P dude oh come on man come on we got all drops all the different teams represented here Oh hop 4 is represented right now do the fences yeah you got this dude United Nations over here man ghost triple nine thank you very much

For the 5000 bit student appreciate it appreciate it oh just just gotta stay alive till the end that’s it oh wait gonna look lots of thing I think oh no oh no there was only one gap there oh you were so close good job though oh there’s this swimmer taken away and

They’re both in it to the yellow or bah-bah-bah dang it’s like I don’t even understand it dude I’ve asked God’s back after him like I’m like what how is yellow doing this how is yellow doing this crap dude squid God dang like it’s like wait that’s so good and I’m C

Champs but like I don’t know I’ve never thought and no offense he’s my friend oh he’s thought he suck oh wow he’s doing okay well we are like for that for that If there’s much floor up you play the last round I know how embarrassed he still pee I totally understood first off we got there late oh I almost just throw that every bad a lot of people actually got caught out by that I almost just died they’re excited by a save myself

One going fast enough where I didn’t oh no easy easy speeding up did I say West I meant he’s Darth the south north to south south south jump something like a bigger jump there we go in West watch them edges north uh-oh here we go there we got and let’s go how

Do you know I spoke too soon listen to my body current Oh East again try and trick me East again is it a jumper okay come on Kaufman you’re gonna walk off I don’t I don’t know I don’t oh I got it okay double jump just keep spamming a little jumper again

No no no oh my god that was trash what the short was that the first one it just was like you’re gonna get pinged to the backside GetGo face nicole directions i know that was trash north i was going for the edge jump over the one block and

Then it just was like oh my god okay I’ll take that over nothing is that it oh you may oh you’re still a nice women boy oh my god oh my god not Pete again God dang it’s one wall from winning come on no it was like he said get the heck out

Of this tournament God dang it we get to the weird ones I just just spam and it just puts you in swim mode for some reason and yeah you just BAM random muscle spamming it so Jesus all right we’re good women through everything was crazy I don’t know how

People have time to think they do anything a jumper to start almost took that my god you guys are so fat Wow my fat dot night I know let’s say in the gym clothes East you good watch the West again once again I’m going to the hole man I ain’t

Jumping north south north it’s a jumper hey I feel like there’s been a lot more jumpers this round so far you can wait what the oh okay that one’s gonna take some people out I think yes it turf you out chillin north ok West find you West

Team go jump ring oh I don’t get it I do like 12 in a row and then they do one I can’t do the double jump it’s so weird mhm okay North I’m sorry I don’t even know no overshot my run are you kidding me I’m doing this was the worst round this

Was just the worst round Paulo directions guy called Reston’s called Ruxin’s all right it’s Stowe from the West we can only we only have a hell-like half vantage point so it’s gonna be north and if there’s better than nothing last last thank you love you guys North

East there’s still a lot of people yellow is still in it he’s still in it oh my god get him out of here like it’s nothing like it’s just no no I don’t understand just use gets there what do we okay it could be worse

Oh yeah we got third in the end okay yeah but we’re in third so we’re like I said we’re probably just gonna maintain our spot goes also thank you for t3 sub much appreciated that on that consumed by the game there oh my god brought it

Around I did much worse than the game so Matt be with this but yeah just yeah third play I’m scared by lockout bingo if we got the tooth out he got 2,000 points it’s actually not that bad we can bring that back 2,000 points any wins

Park oh I don’t know there’s no Park where thankfully well there is it always they’re not in this section I don’t think so okay I think lockout bingo was last game where there’s just not there yeah yeah they cycle it out so I guess there’s

Just no work or anymore huh you can go down there I don’t miss it god I just hate Rockets belief that’s one where I routinely have done bad I’ve done fine and rockets please I’m either do bad or I’ll win it just seems like that’s what happens I don’t know

Why I I have the second most kills in Rockets belief yet I feel like I died at the start every time so I don’t know but granted I just found a way to get like kills that aren’t really your kills it just shoots someone while they’re falling already and that’s a pretty kill

Cuz it gives it to you oh right yeah as long enough are concealing you’re fine okay what are we thinking then games arriving oh he always taught me on doing please tell me it’s not please tell me no that’s good oh wait no please no oh

Okay okay please no that’s I mean we could we could overtake yellow in parkour or something though right so it’s not a race target footrace we’ll hope the guys that don’t goes to prefer for parkour okay yeah I’d be done with foot race get to the other side is also a good one

I’m a fan of yeah we just need to be yellow ones they’re not and you keep a parkour I’m I’m happy oh and look who’s voting right and I wonder why wait yeah lose voting for parkour which is kind of surprising interesting I think foot races I have the second most all right

You’re ready to go you’re ready to go wait- votes they’re all negative votes oh oh well somewhere positive Oh throw negative votes shoot interesting it might be footrace we’ll see now there are a couple negatives inside ours police we partner police my parkour okay okay wait it was

It was the one with wow okay one with one vote not a reg by the way I don’t like to punch people I’m too nice what baby sure Jordan his baby every one of my chats like punch everybody punch their teeth out Jordans check can we get

Jordan his baby in the chat mean what is Jordan his baby is that a meme your baby this is the one map and I choked on heavy I choked doing so hopefully away from my previous mistakes of way oh now we have snowballs oh god oh god

That wasn’t there last time okay no easy dubs cuz the toilet xD XD XD ones like what’s the objective it gets their side xD oh I’m gonna wait I’m gonna wait like one second to push I mean I’m just gonna go jump just save me yeah no kidding oh

Wait oh no oh boy you serious I hate Scott I hate Scott I hate Scott okay frickin ass double wait Oh broke under me hello no no no stinky man he is us think him out here to the shower ever I was doing so good he just came up one

Mmm hit me in the head and everyone’s using a beautiful bridge ID bill okay I don’t know it twelve myself at serious are you serious yeah not the very end Wow not bad everybody not bad annually everyone walked on my bridge when you when you’re doing good

In this game if someone catches up to you they just I built the best you made it okay it’s fine all right right just jump it jump it you got it okay punch punch punch punch I got a brain and you put Ryan punch hundreds oh my god well

No we win these Dave he’s just standing there how’d you find a view took last time no it’s fine I took a sign no we got our roster Ryan review I’m gonna stop the coach and see Ya just go it will just heal in the water I’m just I was just chillin man I Can’t even do that I’m getting my o built on the cobwebs I see how it is it was building so high up oh my god I hate this person hey take no off theirs Maria’s though I’m next to you Dave I’m again got a second place dude I like

No no no thank you than me place all right I’ll take it come on Cara thirty seconds we believe in you you can do it just run across the preset path oh my god build build a climate climate come on hold it there’s a bridge they run across blue in here

All the way there they go to trade across right there yeah yeah and then punch yet it you were not last it’s okay yeah oh this one I’ve actually done pretty well on this map for some reason what yeah I forgot they got a build up

At the start for these ones to actually work the last ones riptide where you have like the yeah I like that one oh yeah I did that well there’s one part of the negatives kind of hard to it Fricken hack somebody’s snow balled me no I hate this game oh my god I hate Electress I don’t know how to use these no god damn I hate this crap I hate to get to the other side of a stupid game mode brings out the worst in everybody I’m coming I’m coming

This is the tallest tower ever who built this oh my god I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad xx terrible yeah I thought I did I fell in someone’s tower that was in the middle that just went up to the top and I could get Ryan you’re good you can

Make it all the way from there just don’t come hit I can hit just don’t hit things all right you’re good okay we were in first yeah usually I I did well the first couple times that this happened in this particular map but not this time score scores are pretty close that’s

Going straight ahead yep this one’s good the way they think yeah I hate building because I always build like a bridge all the way and then someone goes okay I’ll just snowball people like a dick not quit off I hit the start Oh Dave you know one hit you there oh no

No no no no I hit my R enough thank you [ __ ] first place we win these oh damn my bridge first atl 18th place fantastic and you have first solid solid work car you got it just run across goes triple nine or the ten sub gifts maybe

Much appreciated I punched you Ryan but you didn’t fall thanks for tuning in can I punch her to go up cuz what what happened there’s one more there’s one more to punch look at my beautiful red bridges I built okay third place it’s pretty close though I just wish that the standings were

Changing but they’re not at all I hate this hit me off this one I got so mad but he’s not here now fine this one’s all part cooler you have this one does suck oh there’s no building blocks right or snowballs Oh I just hear punching what’s up can we get on dang it I don’t even know what I’m trying to do I’ll get you back I’m gonna get him back I’m gonna get him back last time oh no I thought I was gonna get him back ninth place just so

We just made a 180 and start punching hello Sylvie oh my god what is wrong with you I was trying to get a line guys I was trying to get a line so you know but he was in and I was like oh no we’re doing okay we’re doing okay

Oh purple just caught it back it’s so close though if everyone’s score 90 no yeah because I’m oh no oh no yes after us and then they zoomed past the ceiling oh man we’re doing great for some reason they score so much later no pool it’s techno blade Dead Pool combo

Literally it was in third place and then at the very last jump I get boosted and just like that my toes stub on the top of the block and I fall down oh oh here we go I do I do have fun with this one even if

I do terribly I just you know it’s like shooting a bow just with you you were the Arab you are the bow and the arrow Oh wait I’m going we hit you will hit you yeah what the heck okay this is just obnoxious I can’t I can’t go anywhere no booze just annoying well I didn’t have this problem okay what the heck is happening no no you missed the god dang God dang it

Come on there we go everything out of the way pan bella god damn it I’m so mad at everything you still like this game no I hate it it really just worst out of all its gonna top right when you aim for a hole just think you’re aiming an arrow

Through shooting an arrow be the arrow be the arrow got it just glide patron you showed you from Herrera I got if it works their 25th trash oh wait can you oh you can just go down the other side and go through one of the big holes oh

But then you have to make it all the way I see okay it was really close that didn’t change standings at all I just hate the leaderboards it just mirrored the hours hey nice job Dave let’s go forth I’ll take it quick damn you quick

Oh man I’m so stressed I only think I let’s play together if we don’t win this I mean if we win they won’t let us fight yeah by the aiming that the flow Dennis put us off even after this note that blue team has been together for like everything

Go on hey can we separate Vic and Pete please I know oh you mean aqua good yeah they can have like the most Finals appearance they’ve appeared in three out of four someone from Orange awesome we gotta convince them that were dead weren’t on a dog story man to keep playing together like

A like we had otherwise otherwise the four line is affected that this is a this is a this is a story argument to complete it I mean I’m far off the point differential is gigantic but we are out here we are most definitely out here

Dude no it’s look at how close it is for everybody else and then oak are you rejoin again your voice cutting onion All right foot race race or bingo we have chances at have wait last time we didn’t do super great we didn’t win no is that not the one we want no it was two two ago that we didn’t really well we do a lot of kills read it like that

Second I believe but I only go for Rockets please I’m just gonna hope anyone putting really hardcore warrior Omega you can I eat so it I’m voting but can I get chicken no no no take out the get rid of the parkour oh no dude okay

Vote for whatever is second most then we need sky block well I guess they are I think it’s sky block whole parkour is the worst Right hate this one not if we we want bingo next time we just don’t want parkour otherwise it’s remember and you’re falling in Rockets leaf if you’re like just gliding down to your death look around try to shoot someone right many times I’ve been dying with people

And just getting a free kill out of it because I just happen to shoot them right before they die even though I’m not the reason they died you’d you’re janitor you clean up the only reason I don’t mind this one is because Phil’s ax is the one who usually cleans cleans the

Floor in this game and they’re not taught to that’s like you do well hey this is fine it’s like no I don’t do that best here I don’t even know how I win the rounds I don’t like this map maybe I’ll be able to find if we do one

Of the ones we did last time I can just hide in one of the areas shoots himself in the air and then flies around the top then goes to land and then shoot like right when he touches it and he’s won with like all his viroid well I guess we

Only have one this time right so he just he rocket jumps and then slowly ylides and then rocket jumps slowly guy collides spot gland and notice again when I do that though I’m just so bad at the electro fills it’s got like you know ten years on me and hardcore motor in

The nitrous and the Electress been around for like five years the way it not knew it someone already fell Okay and then yeah seats like I’m already at the bottom of the marketing it’s not targets me I’m calling right now alright already have to use my firearm no sooner given scale tonight and y’all [Laughter] know what happened I don’t know my my electric didn’t deploy and then I

Couldn’t do my fire word what I don’t know you have enough lag issues may be so frustrating I am being stream snape you’re right I’m being target they say sign the top player I am oppressed right what are you laughing it’s not a laughing matter

Alright I’m sure oh my god what the heck dang somebody just like went for me there I do not know who all the people who are following our shooting at me Oh God Oh I did awesome I just can’t use the light I just genuinely don’t know how to use

It properly my biggest problem is like I’ll be flying and I go to land on a platform and I like land but then I slide off the edge and use my firework rocket jumping and yeah I can rock it um I’ve tried many time you can do it

Michael oh you know what yellow joy you’re so alive Oh buddy I don’t know how they do it dude if you last see more points yes you do you get a bonus I just fly the fly what I’m trying God dang it god damn it that was one second laughs I

Was landing and they shot the floor out as I landed interesting even though both Pete and Vic were alive god damn it all right next I I think just I think some I got it we’re above red and we’re of yo I have a much better shot no no that was the

Unluckiest landing of all time right off the start I just fell and I had to use the fireworks oh I didn’t even have that It’s gonna fly around doing a someone’s shooting us in the air what point in that is that a heck thank you can like mess someone up if they’re trying to go for a land which can like yeah not see I’m still in this game mentally going people look so when

You’re in like a spot where you can think of shoots feed you but like moving midnight I don’t know I have had luck before by pings completely stationary but it just depends well for hiding and yeah dude I just punched in a little wood while he’s loose and I just sent

Him to a different planet how do you rocket jump you just shoot the rocket at your feet what what is it what is it when you both talk about things I got it that’s it look when we’re flying you jump look down shoot I did it actually no yes I was back up

Good I don’t like I keep landing on platforms and even when I hold sneak I go off the edge if my life is still like check and wait for what okay I am hitting my head somehow every time even though there’s no blocks above me Jesus Christ What oh my god damn it not even a light ring I’m just boosting myself all the way up just what’s up jumping oh my God my light rays but oh my Electra’s bugging I can’t land I can’t land I can’t land it’s I can’t

My fire work won’t work oh my god yeah I feel we got you that’s what my rocket jump got delayed there didn’t work for me they say sometimes if someone does it like near you it can mess up your own Wow wait what what’s wrong with Wilbur

He’s doing the thing oh I won without using a rocket Congrats Oh Oh both you guys were alive nice oh yeah big the you know points right down so what what happened with Wilbur he’s been using this delicious every time when he gets like it’s a client-side glitch where

It’s show it shows on the server that he’s just floating in the air and he does it he manages to recreate it every every round yeah huh all right well I’m just I’m so bummed I would have been able to survive until the end there

What is this one this is the map no III Jenna what’s the first go down oh I got two kills nice on the same team sorry machine okay I’m gonna kill that good either I got sick you see if you have your fireworks a from the last time

You’re like oh like you get to carry it over roll over that’d be nice remember that was the thing with cell phone plan minutes there’s like a big deal all right I died unfortunate oh I got a kill there all right well I got two kills Oh

Actually moved up kills I think our waited more than wins there is I got two kills in the first game and we did really good and then even though Cleo she was survived at the end it didn’t really went down we really didn’t do much there yeah just right Italy because

Both Scooby farewell Otto did survive that one yeah oh okay oh my god Ryan what was that boost holy [ __ ] firework firework oh no no no not that good there you go and just hold it so a bit I can’t like land on one blocks with the

Elijah I don’t know how people do it it’s tough oh my god what the hell no definitely not if it kills her big I got three killed it all has one person alive but we can be killed no God again oh is 20 there is

A lot of time left salt in the wounds cuz yellow is like above us just by five points stupid game I’m so upset I’m so upset about that bug oh you only get the win points if your team is the only one left alive apparently really okay and we

Know works with us at least we do better not I just hope I just hope this doesn’t boost like purple past us I don’t think it did they did really good damn like feeling techno that’s not five for this game oh [ __ ] I’ll get Ryan oh

Wow yeah one more game it better not be parkour I swear to God a chance buckle I know our luck it’s gonna be three parkour and then we honestly if I if that bug hadn’t happened and I survived until the end of the round we could have

Still been in third yeah I mean now they’re they’re beating us by all like like why why does why do the teams want it to be parkour admit why is the admin saying parkour that should be you should be unbiased there’s no way people actually like that

I think it’s the worst one to play because it’s not even like a team thing it’s just it’s just everyone for themselves that okay they don’t we have we can’t get more never continued apt Isola gated it’s this or nothing okay well everyone is voting parkour let’s

Just hope the chickens run then I think it sky block alors bingo are our only chances I don’t want even aim at sky block oh because it could go right over work so vote bingo then we vote parkour a skywalk although parkour votes can head over that is true none like You sky

Approved literally any game besides parkour in this entire it’s fun but the problem is that team is weighted so heavily to where there’s no point when every time they played they finish it and they’re the only people to finish it Oh negative votes oh oh so we got a vote for like footrace

Or something that will actually win because it has no negative oh oh all right I voted positive for sky block all and it’s walking away oh nice you knocked it back in come on come on sky block oh no more sky block hole oh it might be I got negative votes knowing

Parkour is negative votes though no god there’s no way they ended it on this one again unbelievable why does everybody wants aqua to win and it’s the same map every time – so yep they finish it every time I don’t think anyone’s ever actually finished the

Entire thing and it’s the same a compete again just makes the underdog story more intense next game we need shots a bag for us to go the same team again they computer both have their fourth finals I’m sorry guys it’s ok it’s ok we just we just gotta get our fans together

To help us get you a CT again that’s what math is all about next time all that moving forward I mean it can be on the same team every single time they just need to split up Pete and Vic and then it will change the entire dynamic

Of the voting at the top like they’ve literally they have the record of beating Pete and Vic have been in the finals three times so this will be their fourth time out of five making it to sudden death which is just fine they’re great people by man separate especially

Parkour alright maybe this is the one maybe you know it I can’t make it past that damn hopper strafe jump crap I hate it oh yeah that’s it for that we’re gonna be out there again towards you and I yeah every time I fly through and I’ll

Be in first place to like 30% of the way in and then oh it’s different the maps do changes fun they do subtle changes no not feeling not feeling few more all right now I’m feeling it I’m gonna win without losing once that’s a good way to win Yeah without losing is a pretty good way Oh Kipps how did I just fail that I am terrible feeling like the most frustrated you’re the most stressed out at the end yeah and it’s also like alas game is always just seem worth the most I just wish it was like team like this

Isn’t really much of a team game like at all no you know race you can at least can I punch b-boy wait we’re invisible to each other this game work we’re actually like like half our week why not do the whole in the wall yeah oh my God

If I could do my god I’m so bad I’m joking it’s like I have not failed once and there’s still seven people they don’t even have anything they just jump I mean holding W key oh this is the one this is the one that gets me every time

And I know how to do it too it’s just oh they only put one slime block on it this time bless Oh bless the devs yeah before it used to be like three slime blocks jumps in a row and it was the worst thing ever because you do too and then

You get to last one White’s I cannot believe I just failed that my bonds Gordon somebody cool oh wait nevermind I take back what I said about the deficit I really like the salmon they just put the slime blocks later on they debated my my happiness server next vacation the

Chapters are covering a lot of them friendly apart if you aren’t going oh my god I remember this Jesus are you serious Oh God dang it right off the edge literally walked off like an idiot god dammit dump again I hate everything yes oh it’s the same one

Every time I always beat it but after 12 dress manse like I’ve been here before I’m feeling deja vu so there’s are not we’re getting month ago slime in this ladder what how am I missing that dude the last one I don’t like this ladder one block the edge of a sidewalk it

Doesn’t bounce good Jared’s the very edge of a slime block is not bouncy like the very very yeah it’s it’s the worst so if you might make the jump that latter one is just the bane of my existence the last one you are it like makes me anxious I don’t

Know what it because if you go or even like a millet just a millimeter too far and you fall dude just go in front of me we go crazy there you go got it I cannot believe yellow is actually in the lead on this right now I’m I kind of

Account one purl pin is the one yeah well no then Michael will be the first one actually no I think everyone in this it’s yellow wins I don’t think so I can still have a shot at being the first person to win two and it will be burn

Yeah and I still they still give me the prize for having the most minecraft championship like a wins how do I first try that with you dude oh yeah let’s go we win these oh so good place right now I beat that one holy moly I’m here with

You right we are out here not this one I hate this one Oh momentum is unstoppable at this point I’m gonna I’m gonna choke here it’s this one in the hopper one terribly will just feel cover first place yeah Ryan this is where we where we win these I just got

It I just got it oh I hate this one so much can they get rid of this damn obstacle this specific one is just the worst strafe jump thing ever the yellow Oh yep they made a specific video on their Twitter on this specific jump because everyone was sorry for the ransom

Microphone happens oh my god how did I fail that that’s not even the hard part I didn’t I am on hate this so much I got it I got it I’m a Harbor them hoppers you know I might be here for I might not make it past this it’s such a

Okay four minutes left okay we got this guy’s all right right now oh my god hold on just on hoppers no okay I need to strafe what am i doing I’m gonna give up on this one don’t kill out dunk about thunk up you got this it’s like like flawless one

Fell in the last jump and now I can’t even get back to that jump even though I wonder if you can make it so he can like spend coins so like level I hate this well I don’t know because then I did it oh my god I’ve never got this far before

All right we got to even these where you I whisper to you about Oh the hopper one I’m just gonna do it I’m not gonna waste time I’m just gonna finish this one and not worry about it because okay so okay I get it I get it how do I do that how

Do I do that how I do it I know I never got never be this far before oh my god finally for the love of God I can’t do Stage five there we go Jesus that one gets me every damn time good if I get stuck on the last jump of

Another stage I’m gonna how am I missing this I hate this I’m just angry now and it’s not helping me get farther just just sit calm stay calm we’re doing very well yellow is yellow is just strafe jumps that is all it is we’re doing super well okay just keep going

That’s true we are in first place right now what I’d want that one’s super difficult strafing strafing strafing this one seems like my end but yes I just got shot with me and then get some points it’s like once I never get second all right is there a hint to blue getting through

I don’t know what part you’re at oh I can’t do this I can’t do it major choke äj– oh I clutched that I clutched that I hate I hate this I hate this so much I wish I could practice these I’ve lost on the last jump again god dammit I

Can’t do it I don’t know where you are when you’re talking chat oh I keep Tommy too far too far what am i doing did they change this slightly since last time like I do not remember it being this insane I’m this is the worst showing I have

Ever had oh I got points at the end we got aqua I mean there has to be no mathematician but I think it’s third place for us to me everyone yeah Ryan third place man nice job yeah I know in the corner say cotton it’s a

Six hey I think I’ll fly if you like helpful I feel like four flawlessly yeah there were there’s no point differences in that game I think we were doing like on the top and it’s parkour goddamn well honestly I want likes to you know win cuz I don’t actually I

Don’t know maybe a fixed are wins in it yeah maybe I’ll split the team so I vote aqua horses there’s a moral there’s a moral dilemma my brain voting for them we’re really good I mean will they not play in the tournament if they’re not on

The same team I mean I don’t know can we actually try to split them up it’s not fair it’s not fair I need to win so I can still have my most event wins fries on the table here and look at the look at the point difference between second

And third and then everyone else is like the same amount of points is is wins techno blade how do ya how did I do that yeah and defeat like that I think everyone that goes one once right why are they still on the same team I don’t

Know it’s G wasn’t the D was around Tommy is one hasn’t he yeah the Tommy and eret do you well we did alright guys I’m just mad at myself for that parkour I don’t even if I completed the course I don’t think it would have been enough to get us into second place

So like there’s nothing I specifically could have done but uh well I still I’m so stressed out on that one of the flank sound effect on myself goes triple 9 thank you another 5,000 bits you much appreciated my dear think you’re spamming that for uh that’s why I was

Raging was raging on that parkour dude oh mayority alright well anyway I’m released third place is not bad first place in points this is the second time we have 1st place in points and he still hasn’t wanted one yet in the time we won quake at first and points he’s the one

My number one title I wonder if we got skull is even showing on any of the accolades anymore quick as are you telling me both people on people on both teams have one that’s so my titles going away no I need to call for a recount points I still want quick to

Win ooh he landed that first shot oh and they didn’t know they’re aiming straight for quick Oh is the map just like going in way quicker is it because people are going down thank you for every time someone dies okay people are missing shots here I think I’m trade again is the question

Oh miss both it goes in for the shot they both miss oh they tried to both shoot at the same person and they both missed damn alright oh very v1 kind of just like he did a real soft lob there with that arrow all right can you watch it quick I think

And I think shovel has been shoveling that’s major win one on a team before they don’t compete if you shovel and major one with thick and Pete thanks maybe one I think 50% of this game is won before yep but quick is not very good I don’t think quickest is fast

No did I think the closing makes it when we played the first time it took way longer oh oh that’s a big cam Oh any missed Quig makes me at the arrow come on quick he’s gonna land us no I lied I’m still so mad that one time I got

Into the finals again I didn’t realize that they shrunk the whole thing in the belly oh yeah I do and then another time I ran to middle to get the arrows and didn’t realized oh oh trading rounds I think we might go to Sunday I was gonna pop off

Here oh oh oh gotta kill the music he had to do it there that was the only chance no oh but they missed a shovel girl come on oh I’m like clenching my teeth man these are so close oh god I’m clenching man eyes great out of the matrix

Oh everyone die in two seconds and then my boy oh my god I mean you got more calmly you got more open space versus people filling it in so I believe in shovel now come on ah check hard we need the two of them to miss IRET walked over the edge

And oh my god how how is it still going oh oh he’s got to though oh god he’s got two chances come on shovel the shooter oh she wasn’t yet over the wind Pete you’ve already won I mean so she says she but Wow heart poundin did she ended

Their careers dude oh my god they can’t walk onto that finals ever again [Laughter] congratulations yellow I’m happy day one let’s go they deserve that time I have a word with whoever made that parkour mat the admins even advocating for parkour out here with that you get your OFI here in the back in my day alright let’s let’s see the they don’t

Assign points for the final around right oh yes still three boys still three am i still yes battle box most wins yes now I was on nine plus I me I’m only ahead by one get away from my crown okay I’m gonna top in this is my fifth

We we need to get theme together we do the last thing I wanna see squig taking my number nine I will get this back because I persuade I don’t how do we persuade the ABA’s let’s play yeah last time I just put everyone’s name and then I point percentage parenthesis please

Put us together smile and it works in overall coins I’ll take that I’ll put our three names together oh did you suggested everybody okay alright well I’ll take it I’ll take it who’s gonna plead use the pleading emoji and we’ll try it together again and we well

It’s gonna be got for us we can play again together of your play play again a fourth yeah yeah we we we don’t seem too overpowered we’re just we’re just building up we’re the underdogs this could be a great let’s just vote for build big sales at big Mart every single

Round okay no what we need to do in the beginning next time is just hype up parkour me let’s do parkour no they won’t don’t know exactly what’s going on you want split again Chad right now you want us play together again I want you have to spam plenty of

They’re getting so we get so we can persuade them we want the chat vote to encourage us to play more together how do we see like the total points of everyone Hall of Fame oh yeah okay look at most coins and you’ll see where your rank is yeah all

Right guys that’s we’re gonna wind it down for the YouTube video if you’re watching the line we’re gonna keep going and hop on the sub server but if you’re watching on YouTube thanks for tuning in there’s a playlist in the description if you want to catch more MC champs these

Don’t happen on the set schedule so just stay tuned for announcements when the next one will be taking place and you can tune into slash CaptainSparklez they usually do take place on Saturdays at noon pacific time 3 p.m. Eastern Time a p.m. UK time and

That is where we’ll leave it off for now like if you like sub you cabin sparkles too as well and see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships The Fifth’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2020-05-17 17:00:13. It has garnered 116942 views and 2719 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:16 or 8296 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : Telegram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 Buy member products here 👉 #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : TW : TikTok : 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : TW :… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More

  • Better Towny – OP – PYRO Fishing – Towny – MCMMO – Jobs – RANKS

    Welcome to Better Towny!The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more!Server was launched on the 1st of June!Don’t start behind everyone, now is the best opportunity! Everyone is starting from the beginning, so if you love becoming the best player on survival, now is your chance to become… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager Baby outshines the competition

    “I guess even in Minecraft, kids will always find a way to annoy us with their questions and demands.” Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

    Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme “I’m Faded meme girl version Minecraft animation: When you’ve been mining for diamonds for hours and finally find some, but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all. #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More

  • Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!

    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

    Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Meine Hardcore Welt bald ersten 25 Tage vertical #gommehd #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Schweitzer Zockt on 2024-01-15 15:39:53. It has garnered 153 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10

    Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10Video Information This video, titled ‘Ore processing facility at scale. Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC), Ep10. Modded Minecraft experience’, was uploaded by Darkejon on 2024-02-24 14:30:12. It has garnered 1530 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:59 or 3239 seconds. Welcome back to another exciting episode of Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC)! 🏭 Join me in Episode 10 as we dive into the heart of modded Minecraft experience with a focus on ore processing at scale! 🔨 In this episode, we explore the fusion of TerrafirmaCraft and the Create mod in ATFC, showcasing the ultimate combination for a unique gameplay experience! 💪… Read More

  • Join Jack’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀

    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS The illustration used is by paum:… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft screenshot is meme gold!

    This meme is so powerful, it’s like finding a diamond in a sea of gravel. Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам – 😂Watch ’til the end😂

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам - 😂Watch 'til the end😂 When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they start singing “Пара-Пара-Пам” as their revenge anthem 😂 #minecraft #meme #анимация Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

CaptainSparklez 2 – Minecraft Championships The Fifth