Captive Minecraft Ep. 5

Video Information

Hello everybody and um welcome back to captive Minecraft um brought to you by chickens and um and and the like button and subscribe to Kevin Sparkles 2 and all that good stuff um what uh what what advancements were we gonna gonna get our itself into this time

What I uh I’m trying to remember what advancements we were getting ourselves into oh yeah we need to look at a gas that’s so true that we need to go look at a ghast hold on this is what just happened um this is why the introduction was interrupted for this episode of captive

Minecraft foreign yeah they’re kind of stupid honey honey can you back up if I bother him enough he might back up well well can he actually get himself like stuck stuck I I’ve never seen them get stuck stuck and they’ve squeezed through a lot of things watch your uh shirt

Do we need to angle the camera back up on a show anyway so I um uh that crisis stood up being averted let’s let’s continue to do some captive Minecraft huh yep yep yep everything is good nothing to worry about at all anymore we’re good to go

Let’s go to the Nether and see if we can look at a gas if aghast has spawned potentially oh God it’s these guys do we even gas please please stop please stop okay yeah go run elsewhere there’s no gas I swear dude as long as I’m looking for gas they’re not gonna spawn

The worst just the absolute worst okay well what am I gonna do instead what are some advancements that we can work towards uh today I may want to just check the AAA tool real real quick all right we wrote down a few we got sticky situation we could work towards

Bullseye obviously eventually we need to look at a ghast and um enchantment table doing enchantment and also I mean I know we were saying like let’s wait to slay the Pillager until uh we get to the point of actually being able to execute a raid but

I don’t think we can just conserve if we have an enchantment there were an advancement that we’re able to make happen I think we should probably just make it happen um you know all right we have so many chickens this is awesome this is so cool

This is so cool okay so Redstone we’re gonna need some whole Wheats I remember how you actually make the bullseye how do you make the target block again I mean we make the hay bale and what is it uh Target block is oh it’s the four Redstone around that cool nice Target

And okay so I have 24 arrows do we think that I can do I actually need more Redstone in order to make this work or wait wait wait do I no hold on no I might be able to make this work I’m gonna use one arrow and or I’m gonna do

This in a new way that I haven’t actually done before that’s kind of gonna be a sick way to do it okay are you ready this is gonna be cool this is gonna be the first time I’ve I’ve taken like a I’m taking a variation of the approach

Oh wait Frick hold on though does it have to be a sticky sin is it gonna have to be a sticky piston uh no no wait no it might oh no I’ll just have it quickly hit and retract and then it should be good will it

I don’t know we’re gonna find out we’re gonna find out you think you can be vertical blocks I’m just trying to figure out how without it being a sticky piston I can um do the thing but you know what word it’s fine okay so I actually need more

Redstone anyway because I need to make a piston um so hold on hold on let me go get this let me go get the Redstone that I need here oh hey Mr Endy man um we should just do this yeah yeah here we go here we go here we go

Yo let’s go oh bro we are getting the pearls that we need huge maneuvers all right that stone shouldn’t be like super duper hard to find I hope by the way make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkles too follow cabin sparkles in order to tune in to

Um captive Minecraft and um snakes getting stuck in my chair uh yeah that’s what you come here for um right on right on all right where’s the Redstone hello got any of that Redstone anywhere why actually this is like really hard to find um wow Rifkin you you subscribed we

Haven’t Sparkles too on YouTube and your crush texted you correlation does usually equal causation so that’s what they say so honestly probably the reason why uh they probably have uh notifications of who subscribes to my channel and so when you subscribed they’re like oh my God he actually has good taste that’s so

Cool not everybody has good taste the Rifkin does and that’s hot yo that’s two for two today on streamage with the Indie wait is there another Endy man here oh my God there is I just saw the purple particles I don’t even know where he is now

I’m gonna get fricked up in two seconds oh God okay no no no where is my man’s hello hello where what the frick I have no idea where he is oh my God this guy unbelievable wait how did I hit him where was this Enderman standing oh hello he was in the block

No wonder you’re angry holy three for three oh God the people are actually gonna start monstering me and they’re gonna be serious about it hey gold let’s go let’s go uh y’all got any of that redstone don’t people Pitchfork me I it’s sometimes you get on the lucky streak

And then what happens after that lucky streak you just never get any more ender pearls for as long as you live so hey there we go redstone I turned left when I should have turned right there we go perfect that’ll hold us ever for a little bit

Oh my God I’m now now that I mention being people pitchforked it just gets even more significant the amount that’s happening all right up we go dude up we go I have sugar cane in a chest with the wheat I mean that’s cool I don’t know how that helps with making

A piston though I gotta make a piston it would be helpful if it was a sticky piston but I’m trying to think like did we do it with a sticky piston usually when it was in the twitch Rivals events or not books I can enchant I mean

Yeah I need I need more diamonds don’t I or do I still have two diamonds left over hold on let me see oh I still have the two diamonds oh big sugar cane in a chat where’s the sugar cane that I have supposedly God I’ve just doubled my

Ender pearls that’s crazy oh there’s the sugar cane I really should plant that and get more shouldn’t I I don’t know why I haven’t that’s kind of a silly thing to not do and then do I have four more obviously I have four more I’ll be on me but I can

Make some real quick just do that where the frick is my button not here not here what the heck I don’t know if I’d water go down there um anyway all right let’s put this down there wait oh wait no wait I don’t what don’t go there

There we go all right let me get four more hobby I guess he left the cows die I didn’t let the cows die it is it’s bad game mechanic sweet berries are a failed game Edition I didn’t do anything wrong oh okay okay that’s what I get right now

I didn’t save them how was I supposed to know when I literally I was I was elsewhere when the Border expanded I should have not done the advancement I shouldn’t have done the advancements that’s what they’re gonna say they’re gonna be like oh you shouldn’t have done

It because of the fact that you did the advancements is what caused the moo cows to go jump into the freaking sweet berry bushes and die and it’s all your fault all your fault tracking really used to respect you and then you became the calculator I should you’re right I should have

Cleared the sweet berries before the Border expanded I didn’t think about that and that’s that’s on me good up and away we probably already a couple I’ll be honest and I just wasted a bit of time there but you know what then we have extra

Bonus wait did I have no we only didn’t have any cool okay cool we doing good let me make a a stone one two three four one two three I should just hold this on me and I’m going to need an iron actually more iron anyway uh piston boom boom

Okay now here comes the part where I’m just not entirely sure if this is going to work the way I want it to but we’re gonna see we’re gonna see okay I don’t think it’s gonna work because if I so I’m thinking like I have the pistonics like if I have it extended

No I could I would have to have it retracted first and then extend but then if I extend then the arrows are going to drop in onto the okay hold on quick question I guess we get test right so if I had here’s a quick test if I have this

And I say like shot an arrow here and then I drop the arrow will it fall through the center will it fall through the center of the Piston I gotta Target this correctly is that pretty centered yeah that’s pretty centered so if I did that

And do that no it sticks to the Piston frick that’s my problem that’s my problem I need it to be I need to retract the block I oh wait can we trapped oh freaking trap door oh my God oh my God am I dumb did I not need the piston I’m so stupid

I’m such a dumb dumb dude oh my God wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute come on and uh um you go like this do that right and then no that caused the arrow to go places that caused an arrow to go places that’s kind of weird

Whatever no I appreciate I appreciate when when the not back seating I do I appreciate being able to yeah yeah just shoot it directly on top anyway okay we’ll try trapdoor that’ll be good that’ll be good we’ll be we’ll be popping off or the arrows though at least

What do you think wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on so yeah what if we what if we didn’t do that oh no but that’s gonna have the freaking I think the issue with doing this is that the Redstone signal is probably gonna like

Go directly into the block but we’ll see um hold on a minute let’s just do yeah and then balls potentially works potentially potentially works but yeah okay we’ll give it a try we have 24 arrows to use here and um see how it goes we’ll see

How it goes so the idea the idea behind what I’m gonna do here right is that I’m actually gonna do a I’m going to use a button to activate the trap door and then that’s gonna be awesome so I just need to not accidentally hit anything else in the

Process because that would be unfortunate to say the least do I have enough real estate here because what does it have to be 30 30 blocks or something like that so um let’s let’s go end to end here end to end I’m thinking start actually maybe I shoot from here and

Then all right what do we have what do we have so we’re at 129 you got to just figure out where we need to be at for this okay right here is good this is fine so we do like this trap door on top might as well sniper duel too I uh don’t

Have the ability to do sniper duel at the moment because I don’t think we have it do we have enough distance oh no sniper tools 50 blocks isn’t it yeah we’ll see um okay so I’ll do that and then we’re gonna put a wooden button here right and then if I shoot this

Open strap door cool open sesame great okay now here we go surely one of these will count as a bullseye I’m gonna need to leave a few arrows to myself so that I can actually uh hit the button even if I can’t do in the first shot

Okay there we go go for vertical sniper duel that literally doesn’t work we’ve um we’ve been bamboozled before and I will not be we won’t be freaked again God dang it dude um sniper tool has to be horizontal okay so that was at 95 I think so if we do it from here

All right here we go here we go here we go come on a little higher Frick you what yo let’s go big freaking plays come on all right and then grab every arrow back up and we’re good to I lost some arrows there unfortunately but

Dude I first try not like I hit the shot first try but like it worked first try so that counts for something right I was kind of sick that was kind of sick who needs Pistons after all people who are like speedrunners who are watching this who am I kidding they’re probably not

Watching this but people who are familiar with speedrunning who are watching this and I was like he just didn’t he went and looked for Redstone he didn’t need that he could have just used the trapdoor from the get-go why why didn’t he realize this you know and I know for next time no

All right no you know me maybe there’s some people who uh use me for Speed running tips and tricks it’s uh crazier things have happened in the history of the universe so what you know it could it could be the case yeah they do they do you guys heard okay sick

No I had a feeling I had a feeling let me let me really quick though let me just grab some wheat seeds cool um oh we about to get chicken Singularity action up in here I’m probably about to get some chicken empty framing after this one so we may need to

Thin out the field a bit hey this is gonna get me to level 30 though we have any sugar cane bro I gotta monitor the sugarcane breath and keep replanting it whenever we get any big progress come on we’re almost there we’re almost there level 30 level 30.

Let’s go let’s go make it all the more painful when I die before being able to do a full enchant because we know that’s bound to happen hey there we go nice nice nice very nice various noise yo you you appreciate this sugar again look it’s pretty cool Taste

Of Home taste a home right oh my God that’s so many eggs holy heck okay we’re getting to that point where you just like you’re like okay I was excited for eggs at first because we didn’t have too many chickens and it may you know what maybe more chickens now though um

Not so much not so much [Applause] all right we turned down massive mob sounds okay fine uh maybe it’s getting a little bit crazy okay and bring it down just a little bit okay so had a sick 50 50 pole in in twitch chat uh for stuff is good it’s good it’s you

Know looks good it’s good when it’s for a significant thing having to do it then it goes 50 50. anyway um I’m gonna get more chicken man I think it’s time I think it’s time we hit Level 30. I slayed a baby chick in there that is on

Me and I am the worst I’m a terrible person oh my God I can’t believe he would do this but hey I did also turn down the mob sounds the friendly mob sound so while I might be the worst person in the world of chickens

I am at least being empathetic to you as a viewer because if you don’t like long sounds you’re really not gonna like having 50 000 chickens squawking in your ear at all times are you um anyway oh yeah we have more glass there boom boom I’m kind of wasting the

Whole by doing it that way but I simply can’t be bothered okay there we go cool cool and then um what else what else we got um yeah that’s kind of I mean that’s that’s food that’s mob drops that’s misc that’s mob drops I need to go sheer shimoshi

We’re getting close to where I can probably go and explore the ancient city without like huge massive risk of Doom although with level 30 on me is that the best idea there should be a little bit more conservative and try not to like immediately die as soon as I get to

Level 30 or I can actually kind of do something useful go in the water go in the water let’s go let’s go there you go good job bud all right so here’s the thing as much as I think that it would probably be good to wait to

Slay the Pillager in order to initiate a raid when we actually have villagers and we can do a raid I I think hopefully we’ll run into another one I just want to get the advancement though I don’t think we can if we have the ability to

Get an advancement I think we just do it so um sorry about this Bud wow all right who’s the Pillager now and voluntary it’s a freaking double whammy by the way so yeah it’s kind of a good one that’s kind of good because that’s gonna hopefully get us closer to being able to

Hit up the nether fortress and like once we can hit up the Nether Fortress then we just have to figure out where the frick the um you know we we should probably build a wall now I’m I’m getting to the point where I think our safety is gonna be hard to guarantee

It’s gonna be a hard one to guarantee if we are just continuing to try to light things up so I’m gonna build a wall I’m gonna build the Great Wall of jardunk around our base here you know the chest guys I hit that chest up ages ago my goodness

People thinking that I would just ignore a chest like that that I would ignore that oh my god dude have you no faith in my ability to see things probably not probably probably don’t have much faith in my ability to see things I do get it um

I’m gonna have to do like some way to get in and out of my walled City that for now um I guess I’ll do spiders will be able to get in that’s the only thing but you know as long as like creepers aren’t getting in then we’re fine right

All right we need more hey um when villagers fun will raid start automatically now wouldn’t that have actually been really funny if the like that was the amount of advancements that actually triggered the villagers to spawn in that would have been kind of poetic but it wasn’t

Um anyway let’s get another set of walls here I do think it would have been funny and it should have happened it would have been content dude we love content we’re fans of content oh all right we’ll just get rid of this you only need one Village for a raid

I always thought you needed at least several Villages but you know when they say it takes a village they mean it takes several for a raid to happen I mean why are they even bother to raid unless you had several Villages seems like a waste of resources and

You know I think it’d be cool if walls could connect diagonally don’t you do we want to do we want to just connect to uh maybe I should kind of wrap around are you getting in you’re trying to hear if you want to enter the city it’s a

Safe place okay don’t get caught don’t get caught slacking go go into this go if you want in all right trying to help you okay you don’t want it your loss your loss I tried to give you access this is high profile high profile live

In here but it was just like not into it I guess I don’t know why um hold on let’s see it’s gonna be so frustrating I might need to get more uh cobley Stone I am going to get more cobblestone this looks good dude this is a great great wall of Jar dunk

It is a great wall of Jar dog I really kind of my wrap around is a little bit a little bit iffy here but anyway let me go get some more why didn’t I just do a square around the spawn because I might as well have a little bit more real estate right

We can’t just we can’t just settle we gotta have a big city we built this city wait so I remember actually somebody said something recently did something happen to that uh that song is the one trillion views like Minecraft video or something like that I remember seeing was it a tweet from

Somebody a few months ago saying that something happened to the upload um but I never I didn’t remember to actually go look it up is it still there does that be kind of sad if it was not there some sort of Licensing problem it was a YouTube like an actual YouTube

Internal project so I have to imagine that it was like completely all good but um okay um how am I going to do this Prius wall yeah but I feel like just having a continuous wall around the place even though it seems pretty silly and inefficient and redundant so I’m doing it

Yeah yeah I’m Walling in the fence because why wouldn’t you my dad is an architect so I know what I’m doing there we go perfect perfect we did it this is the safest city ever built in history it’s so safe in fact that I actually don’t know how to get back inside

That’s how safe it is um um don’t worry I’m gonna figure this out I got it I got it I figured it out let’s go okay cool now yeah see like I I I had to test it it’s always good to do a test because you never know if you’re actually going to

Be defending against a breach until it happens so sometimes you have to pretend to be the breach it’s like sometimes company a company like Google a company like Google might hire uh like a hacker to actually try to compromise their systems right and not let the employees know and then the employees

Will be like holy frick somebody got into our system how do they do it and then Google can be like well thank goodness thank goodness in this case we actually hired this person but in the future it might not be a white hat it could be a black a black hat and

Then and then you would be fricked but in this case you know you’re good so fix your vulnerabilities exactly uh ee Ryan ee thank you for the six sub gifts pretty cool so in this case right I was the white hat testing the defenses of my city and it was impregnable

Perfect Flawless setup let’s try going back into the uh nether by the way and see if they’re any gas there definitely won’t be because I’m trying to see them it could get pregnant they are no I said it’s in IM pregnantable which means it can’t it can’t get pregnant

Are we close how close are we oh we must be getting close over there why are there no gas bro did we did we kill the only gas that spawned did we kill the only gas that’s spawned like I don’t know how what happened to the gas seems like do Bros keep spawning

Uh what the oh I might have too many mobs oh that would be unfortunate that would be most important I need that Oh um hmm mind for ancient debris is that is that what we want to do here is that the best use of our time this very moment I think that oop s see they heard that you said the mob cap might be too high for gas and they’re

Like let me help you with that that’s very nice of them actually it has to be close has to be close right it’s raining pigs hallelujah it’s raining pigs yeah we are pretty close there well I don’t know man I don’t know that one just doesn’t want to happen so uh

How about sticky situation we could do we could do that we could do that well we wish was our potion shafts I know that we set one up didn’t we right there God we only have one honey bottle though where did all my arrows go excuse me anyway are we good here

That’s two all right two down two to go and then we will be able to do sticky situation cool have I tried pretending I don’t want gas that may be the only way to make it work actually they want to be contrarian and bothersome so I should do that

Um but let me I guess uh let me let me see let me see oh I gotta make a fence gate so that I can get back in here God dang it I actually have a fence gate but yeah because I I need to be able to

Get in and out for the sugar cane all right all right what if I take three of these and I actually do just go and make some paper oh wait Frick I don’t have any leather do I oh god um fish for leather mine for ancient debris trade for crying Obby uh

Uh yeah trade trade God dang it dude that really that really did Freak Me Up that really did freak me up those stupid stupid mushroom the stupid mooshrooms why did they have to do that I can’t even enchant this thing to be better is leather considered junk because we are not qualifying

We’re not qualifying for treasure at the moment okay leather’s junk good freaking I’m getting a zit or an ingrown hair right below my lip and it is all of a sudden getting very painful why would my body do this to me why are people telling me to bake a cake

When I don’t have malt you think that actually you know what there has to be a spawn in for normal cows right because supposedly the breeding advancement is completable so at some point cows are gonna spawn and I’m gonna not lose them because they’re gonna spawn in my walled City

And they are gonna get a a pen oh so big big big big I just use water to bake the cake yeah come on come on bro I’m gonna be at this forever do you guys tell me what the odds of a leather catch is like overall not just the odds of

Leather when catching junk but the odds of junk combined with the odds of leather within junk what are we looking at here how long is this gonna take me oh God one percent we just throw numbers out or is it actually like mathematically one percent uh this is Frick dude

You don’t know Matt I literally just showed you the value of mathematics with how sick we did on that triangulation of the end portal in the Rando okay come on man come on it’s the worst it’s ten percent in its category okay um oh wait oh okay wait wait wait

Hoglands hoglands hoglands that was John coughlin’s oh wait a minute wait a minute we might be able to yeah yeah honestly hoglands let’s go I like this way more I like this way more as a strategy heck yeah oh man it’s actually getting late yeah I’m gonna order a pizza tonight because

I can order a big pizza and then I’ll have leftover pizza and I can eat that leftover pizza tomorrow while it’s very very storming and I’m not going to be able to really order food because it’s going to be not a good time to order

Food so all right here we go here we go there he is I didn’t come in thinking about the gas so he’s alive he’s there he’s there yo summoned new parrots wow that’s awesome get freaked up ow balls ah what the what the oh oh frick oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh frick Jesus Christ I’m dead I’m fricked oh my God oh my God oh my God I am not fricked I am did I say I was fricked I didn’t mean it it was just to get the suspense up in here boy oh my God where are the parrots

Where have they gone they probably flew away uh hey so there was a hog one there I’m gonna go do that again except this time with more health oh my God that was sick I was sick oh there they are hey guys oh there’s three of them they’re safe

They’re never going to get shot by a skeleton or anything like that would never happen definitely not all right let’s try this again it’s Hoggle in time oh wait wait oh right spyglass look look at them look at them I totally forgot everyone’s like look at

The parrots I’m like yeah I mean I’m I’m looking I’m looking they’re there they are they are there in fact they spawned they saw that it said it’s fine and now look look with your spy glass and your specialized I forgot I forgot that was an advancement are we are we

Materializing the we’re still not materializing the Fortress God dang hold on there he is there he is there he is there he is who oh freaking back the frick off man God dang oh no oh god I’ve really I’ve really got it done it now oh God Okay okay okay um um Okay so so I’ve I have made a mistake I should always carry blocks on me I have in fact made a mistake Oh here goes nothing I’m just really hoping nobody else spawns right now they keep spawning guys this is it actually it’s just a farm now because they keep spawning and they keep coming in like this is a problem this is actually a problem because as soon as I kill one it releases the mob cap it spawns

Another one in and I’m fricked You’re right you’re right I do need to I need to lure them to a ledge but I have no more blocks Yeah uh okay okay here’s the deal I’m gonna make a run for it I’m gonna get blocks and then and then I’m gonna lure him right oh no actually what I do is I hit the bridge I hit the bridge and I spliff them right all right I hit the bridge

And I um he’s a okay he’s a melee man he’s a melee man that’s good that’s good miss this freaking jump Come on come on let’s go let’s go one by one one by one all right there we go that’s so much better and now they’re not gonna be now the new ones aren’t gonna be angry right yeah now come on often go go go go go go go

Go oh my God we had an alarm the alarm was sent to the new ones come on go off walk walk off the edge you guys don’t tell me I need a trapdoor this freaking thing don’t tell me I needed a trapdoor this thing holy frick calm down for like

Two seconds and walk off the edge the one went through the portal okay well I can handle one I can handle one this guy is being an idiot though he won’t he’s gonna he’s gonna single-handedly alarm the other ones that spawn this one guy is ruining my life

Bo him I have no arrows I don’t know where my arrows went oh I have an idea I have an idea hey hey hey I have to get back now it’s good oh they’re they’re actually loud down there okay but we’re fine we’re fine forget this freaking guy though foreign in the future

Bring blocks bring blocks bring blocks with me we’re gonna be much better shape as a result of that fishing rod Strat fishing rod strats where’s that God I’m staying alive Somehow Here never felt so alive in my life never felt so alive in my life let’s freaking go

All right all right got him at 31 levels now let’s hope that we can get a uh oh shoot I should make wait are they still mad they’re not still mad right no they they aren’t even here they don’t even exist I took all of the Penguins out of the

Nether the nether is a safe place to be yeah they’re still mad why are they still mad why are they still mad pardon me but why are they still upset they’re still angry I don’t know why they’re still angry why are we are we serious right now are we serious right now again

Again really really again okay all right um this was not actually the way that I had hoped for it to go down and yet here we are having it go down again hey don’t burn in lava they’re just angry down there yeah um Great I’m gonna run my fishing rod down probably oh my God they’re still angry over there they’re everywhere they’re all Angry how do I make it stop I just have to go and I have to exit the nether for a while and then yeah I gotta just

Exit the nether for a while huh oh oh oh oh no no no he’s about to pick me up he’s about to freak me up I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go and just stay out for a bit um

I am surviving today the wall was a mistake yeah nah we’re good we’re good we’re good they ain’t sending their message back to the portal I can I can take them down dude I can take them down they will not make it back coming into the Overworld was your final mistake done

Yeah why would you do that don’t be a sheep sheeps get led to the slaughter anyway so a little bit of gold a little bit of gold pretty cool pretty cool right got another Ingot love to see it love to see it for us so hey how about

We do a little bit of um breeding the chickens once again wait just reloading the world just like simply reset the aggro because that’s kind of huge make more chickens I swear man I’ve been playing this for 13 years learned something new or learned something for the second time

Having forgotten the first every day yeah yeah no definitely didn’t just uh reload things and let’s see are they still mad or was I baited we’re about to find out they’re mad they’re still men they’re still upset they’re still upset I was lied to I was lied to I don’t like

It when I’m lied to like oh he’s on the other side of the portal okay cool reloading the world did not reset the aggro they didn’t reset the aggro wait did it wait he’s not he’s not mad at me he’s not mad at me wait he was just mad

At me but he’s not mad at me anymore I’m playing with fire here truly but oh my God you’re annoying Mr gas you’re annoying Mr Gast okay supposedly though there’s hoglands over here that’s a child hog one you don’t want to do that oh my god oh okay there’s multiple and aghast Hey okay you are just trying to freak me up now of course how has this happened dude it is literally as soon as I don’t want I got leather let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s literally as soon as I don’t want to have a gas freaking me up

There he is there he is he’s just ready to go just ready to rock and roll here we go we got more leather let’s go huge oh God there’s skeletons too you know what I’m just gonna do two leather to start off with foreign how does this happen though at least the

Pigs aren’t mad at me right good we’re good we’re good good I’m hiding I can assure you thank you for the nine months much appreciated and we’re chilling we’re chill oh my god there are so many that walk through the portal why have they done this yeah yeah yeah some nice tasty

Pre-cooked pork yum yum yummy in my tummy a little bit of food diversity we’re definitely gonna get that advancement done now all right man here we go and one book coming right up there we go diamonds coming right up ABI coming right up there we go boom boom

Enchantment table huge ready for a level 30 enchantment am I I’m not like what am I gonna do about this man what am I gonna do here like all I can do is just enchant a bunch of stuff with level one protection I don’t have the ability to make a bunch

Of bookshelves and get to level 30. I don’t know what the play is ah I mean I can keep expanding my sugar cane spot but find more diamonds yeah I mean yeah I don’t know dude I gotta just keep getting more sugar cane and it’s definitely one step

Oh yeah actually we have expanded the Border like a decent amount we should check we should check Library stronghold I do agree with that that’s a that’s a good idea yeah and yeah thingies crossed thingies crossed okay I don’t know I don’t know how many expansions we’ve had since we but also

Though should I just do a level one and I’ll at least get I’ll just do a level one even though it’s gonna bring me down to level 32 instead of uh having you know more by the time we actually are able to do level 30s we’ll be well

Beyond so let me let’s see let’s see what do we think we want like a sharpness one or do we want like a Protection One what do we think sharp one Protection One between the two or Infinity no it’s not gonna happen um but it’s already Enchanted um

I haven’t died so do sharpness a fishing rod enchant yeah I think I should do a fishing rod enchant huh that’s that’s the one Unbreaking cool um I also need some lapis so I actually oh no I have lapis yeah guys why would I don’t think a fishing

Rod is necessarily the way it’s just never gonna make it so that leather is a super sustainable cat I haven’t died yet so famous last words we’ll do sharpness heck yeah actually you know what you know what on second time we’ll just do both we’ll do both we’ll bring ourselves

Back to level 31 you know there we on on third thought you know what nothing like a little protection on the body all right protection one is actually pretty powerful so you know what bring us down to level 30. bring us down to level 30 while we’re at it it’ll be great

All right cool now we don’t feel like dying not that I’ve ever felt like dying really but now even more so perfect cool okay what about the pickaxe already fortuned up let’s go and check that stronghold here we go so how many have we done today we oh wait beehive behind beehive

I’ll be hive that’s what they should have called the enchantment yeah there we go okay three out of four perfect and then we will be almost there so we have done um look at the ghast look at the birds enchanter who’s the Pillager Bullseye we’re about to do sticky situation um

Actually not bad I mean it’s not the 11 or whatever we got last time but we also that was kind of an anomaly I think I am going to need more iron there is some iron up there God that gas tank or that zombie has a wide aggro but

Let me let me go down why did I grow happy new emote last achievement I should do how do we get here you actually can’t do how did we get here in this map that said I I just I still don’t understand how it is that you can’t do

How do we get here but you can do Subspace bubble I don’t know how you do Subspace bubble I got no idea we got more real estate to work with in here let’s see if we can do anything all right we new chest just dropped let’s go more Redstone more bread more bread

Stone even let’s get this breadstone um here well yes let’s freaking go let’s freaking go let’s freaking go just kidding we’re doing a level 30 enchantments now literally now I I had a feeling this was gonna happen like once I actually decided to do enchantments um ooh Fortune three

Fortune two I can use the fortune too and save the fortune 3 for something for like a new pickaxe books papers oh let’s freaking go sorry Library you’re uh you’re going You’re Going bye-bye doesn’t it look dude doesn’t look pretty these bookshelves are so nice I actually um

I guess I should have conserved some levels maybe actually but yeah I would have been able to make it in I think still in the last uh the last level what are we looking at here I think we’ve got enough books I think we’re good it’s kind of dude it’s cool like being

Overrun with the skulk I think that the the next chest is gonna be um on the opposite side right you get that one okay I mean we might as well just explore a little bit more and see if we can get access to the portal room

Maybe maybe I could check the nether as well and see if we can like I don’t know if we have a block of The Fortress in frame yet we’re probably getting close but God knows how much farther we have to get to actually have the spawner uh exposed

Hmm by the way if you guys checked out our sponsor Apex hosting um because guess what they have huh well that gets us to 12. and that gives us a couple of shulker boxes and some chorus flowers oh oh I see it oh he’s right there oh

It’s right there let’s go anyway can we have sparkles Apex hosting Link in the description you play Captain Minecraft with your friends if you wanted to dude let’s freaking go I’m Gonna Leave the chorus flower and end stone in there but dang okay okay I gotta I gotta lead myself back so that

I know where it is that I’m going in order to get to the portal rim yeah let’s go let’s go so I mean yeah obviously some of the stuff is set up by the map grader like otherwise how would mobs be spawning every x amount of Border size increases

So I mean we know that so there’s just some custom chests as well there’s a chest sitting outside the Border earlier we knew that we knew that yeah we are not very far away from being able to get to the portal the problem is like once we’re through the

End portal though we don’t know how far away it is to actually get to where the dragon is so we got another predicament that we are gonna have to deal with there but that’s pretty cool um mcclass 200 bits you can play this on Java just move the saves

Move this into the saves file for a woman 19 through what do you what do you mean I’m I’m playing this one I’m playing this on Java uh yeah you know anyway dude we make shulker boxes that is so cool that is so big for us

Um let’s do we will do our first level 30 enchantment as the grand finale here but I do need more wood in order to do it probably yeah well no you just use our darker let’s see bookshelves how many we have oh plenty let’s make um what is it 15 or something

Like that all right where’s our enchantment setup gonna be the old open air Zine enchantment setup you know and I’ll do one more symmetry is always good and let’s go let’s go oh by the way you guys you ah they haven’t filled it back up dang it I wanted to get sticky situation

But hey if we save it for the next episode then you know gives us a little opportunity for some new stuff what should I do here um should I grind Stone I’m not grindstone the leggings Maybe and just see or you know what I could grindstone both or I could make a new

Sword let me just actually see what a sword shows Diamond doesn’t always match but we also need to make this down yeah this one’s sack where’s the uh where’s there’s the stone into that and that and grindstone cool thank you an anvil I wish you see what the bow does And also where’s the bow guy do we getting fit oh Infinity actually seems like a really that’s a good I’m into infinity infinity is a good pick up here put all that in there um and then let me see check the fishing guys want fishing rods so badly I don’t know why

You want fishing streams all day long all day long we love fishing here in this house we love fishing Infinity uh I’m getting Infinity come on Infinity pal Infinity pal four Infinity pal four oh that’s so big that is so big for us oh my God that’s so big for us

All right well on that delightful note we found the portal room we’re close to it um we’ve gotten a full enchantment setup we are Infinity pal forward on our bow doesn’t get much better than that out the gate I don’t know if you can pull an

Infinity power and break E3 at the gate which if that were the case would be slightly better we are still not quite at the nether fortress which is going to be probably our biggest problem but here we’re getting there we’re oh oh oh you freaking balls oh god oh wait

I um I forgot to bring a single arrow in so I was about to show the guest who was boss and then it was very anticlimactic uh so we’ll have to show the guest who’s boss next time but make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkles too

To stay uh tagged along and um fall on Twitch to catch them live and I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Captive Minecraft Ep. 5’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-08-22 17:00:12. It has garnered 20307 views and 1047 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds.

Every advancement expands the world border by 1 block. Can we beat the dragon? Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: Captive Minecraft Playlist:


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  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

Captive Minecraft Ep. 5