Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 IT’S MINECRAFT MONDAY??? (open vc?)

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Legally distinct Animal Crossing music my beloved hello hello I know a proper Minecraft Monday can you believe it can you believe your eyes we are so bad I’m afraid to venture out it is oh 40 90. I forgot how beautiful it looks um this place is very dangerous also

We’re not alone on the server and soon we will not be alone in VC either but I wanted to say hello first so I don’t know if we can can sleep she might be starting her stream I want to check the Oh that’s pretty good people have been playing on the server I don’t even need to AFK if other people are playing I’m very scared there’s probably creepers like climbing this wall oops oops oops cheese blocks it’s not cheese you have my light Rod I haven’t played Minecraft in a while

But we’re here today wow it’s beautiful I should take a screenshot the tree at night to use it for my next thumbnail maybe I can do that don’t I don’t die don’t die don’t die I can never land on this thing hold on just just land gently on the stairs and then

I can walk hello comfort and I wanted to say hi to you guys first and also I want to check the audio is it okay I know the Sheep are allowed nerd fauna is back wash your wash your mouth actually no that’s fine nerd is not an insult

It looks like the Skyrim sky everything reminds me of Skyrim we need to play more star field too there’s so much to play and I just have Hitman brain rot I didn’t dream last night about Hitman I dreamed that there was a new Hitman map and it was like a college campus and

One of the interactions you could do there are some suspicious students who had perhaps Contraband perhaps illegal substances in the trunk of their car and if you convince them to let you like look in the trunk of their car which is an illegal action when I did it it like

Moused over like if we collection you can steal it and then you can turn it into the police to give Man coin and that was when my dream was about And then I it was one of those dreams that seemed so realistic that I was like wait is this is this a real Hitman map did I is this not a dream is this actually reality they should make a college campus Hitman map although maybe Agent 47

Would be too suspicious on the college campus 47 students it would be funny to watch him masquerade as a student if he has like a backpack grad student okay let me I’m gonna hop in the VC so I will be ready I don’t know what we’re gonna do today Bieber is incoming at some point

I don’t know if it’ll work on my tree or we could we could procrastinate the tree help her build her statue instead who knows what will take place hi oh no no no no no no I don’t want to fight I’m a pacifist I don’t want to fight

Not in the world tree the world tree represents peace it does not represent oh wait maybe we should give her a gift of emerald blocks The world tree represents peace and nothing more Nothing less is there nothing in this one there’s not the sin my inventory is very sick we could take this opportunity to fix it a bit One dirt block one oh sapling let me oh I have a lot of torches for once who is this Kieran reformed Kieran Um food arrows wheat sticks there you go that’s about as clean as my inventory will ever be get this Dome shape maybe my account got hat wait why do you say that what makes you think that now I’m worried it’s like oh because it’s somewhat clean okay okay

I get it you’re just being cheeky you know when people like say something and it’s totally baseless but then it makes you paranoid for no reason what if I let my Minecraft account get hacked and then it was my fault in the server got breached in the hackers stole

Everyone’s IP addresses and then Nothing Was the Same ever again but no that’s probably It’s probably not true How could I got the IP addresses is the if the hololizer team didn’t get them already How do I build this tree I don’t remember I guess I should just what was I doing was I working on the edges well there’s no torches I fell I’m gonna waste even more ouch even more Rockets there’s no torches over here the last time I oh my gosh there’s a

Creeper I should have my bow I don’t even know where my bow is maybe I should go get it do you guys know where my bow is it’s not good when you have to rely on chat to know where your belongings are my personal belongings somewhere in my house which house

Me casually bragging it’s in your house oh you’ll have to be more specific than that also did this get built more does the glass Taco is looking good You’re gonna have to be more specific I have many houses on This Server they’re all Shacks they’re all run-down Cottages ah I wanted to read that sign Um oh good the sun is coming up my bow it’s here All right you’re not ready for this skeleton where are you I’m using keyboard and mouse today I’m unstoppable oh get sniped it absolutely sniped that’s right I’ll collect your XP but not your items because they will only clog up my inventory more which I don’t need it’s looking beautiful I should more Rockets

Maybe I should do that in this this down time I know oh hello hello is that bee boo yeah it’s Speedy Woo is that funny this is this is fauna hello I’m so excited did you yes did you just start yeah I just started are you by your statue plot

No I am in the uh main area I think I’m where am I at I’m by the beetle yeah the beetle I know where but I can’t meet you at your tree yeah what do you want to work on we could work on the tree or I could help

You with your statue I want to help on your tree okay did you did you see what I put by your house I was gonna read the sign in the skeleton sniped me hold on let me go read it yeah read it let me see I thought there was I thought

I saw an extra sign over there was it was it left or right from the beetle um which which way are you facing I’m facing towards Kyla Temple um where I don’t know where Kyle’s Temple is did you did you sleep in my bed this is what I’m learning from this sign yeah

Yes it’s like it’s like Goldilocks and the Three Bears what oh there you are I didn’t oh hello I didn’t sniff it though people were telling me yeah and I was like that’s that’s I so I respectfully did not intentionally sniff it while I was sleeping yeah but I’m sure yeah you

Breathe through your nose yeah I mean I got a little whiff because you know just breathing but you know it wasn’t just like you know [Laughter] okay okay I guess I can let it slide this time you can sleep in my bed whenever you want where’s your bed you’re holding it right there

Well we can sleep oh I saw it here Do you have an elytra no are you here I guess you have only been on the server for a little bit yeah were you showered in gifts kylo wouldn’t give me one she was like you learned to walk I was like okay so do you have plans to go get one

Um I don’t know how to get one no one told me but yeah yeah see you have to go to the end do you know about the end yeah is that the thing with all the Enderman yes yeah I recommend it Advent fights the Ender Dragon together oh you have to get it um no well that’s how you get it if you’re playing like by yourself on a regular server but we’ve already fought the Ender Dragon on I guess on every server that’s how you unlock the end Dimensions by fighting

The Dragon but we’ve already done it but symbolically you could do it again If my tree is even accessible without elytra oh oh it might be it’s probably not I could parkour it maybe there’s scaffolding inside yeah I hope I recorded yeah um The water from here I’ll use a bucket of water wait that’s genius I can I can go up there and send a bucket of water down Good idea what’s that noise oh then sugarcane farm Minecart I think oh oh actually oh oh here oh thank you be free actually we should go this way I’ll have you is there inventory full of stuff I have free spaces okay well I have a shulker box so I can

Put stuff in there yeah I’ll have you fill up your inventory with wool I’m working on the canopy my world tree the general idea is it’s gonna have like four sections that correspond to the Four Seasons so this is the Autumn section that’s why it’s orange but the wool is just the base

And then this section it’s like glowing is how the whole thing will look when it’s done hopefully wow but I have over here A wool Farm they’ve it’s been called The Spaghetti Tree it’s been called the Dorito tree it looked more spaghetti in one of its forms I think they’ve been calling it The Pizza tree now oh I can see it a little bit of pizza orange color also you have to be careful down here

And because of the shadow that the tree casts the plane of Darkness across the land there’s so many monsters so you can take wool from here oh oh no So cute you can fill up and then actually I’ll go up oh okay I’ll fill up do I have a water bucket up here I hope so we’ll find out oh I should get more Rockets I had one at one point a water bucket the bucket of axolotl

I don’t want to free the Axolotl though it’s my prisoner yeah if I had one I would keep it in my pocket forever too yeah yeah so should I just feel as much as I can with the orange okay got it so hello someone is someone lurking here hello hello [Laughter] hi darling

[Laughter] wait can we can we hear can we have a higher darling I’m sure one sec I need to get myself together hiya darling yes no no no no I’m just uh in in the presence of two cute girls so you know me I see spelling your spaghetti exactly yeah you should have

Seen me five minutes ago I was spilling my spaghetti over the fact that I was listening hello don’t expose me I’ve I’ve been I’ve been here you’ve been lurking like a little weirdo what I do best okay I’m in good company many weirdos here should we go pick up narissa first yes wait I’ll find my way to you just keep keep uh game in Gamers okay okay I have failed my inventory

Okay I’m gonna send down water so you can climb this very tall stream of water okay Even more guests yeah hello see you working on your your wonderful tree we are I could use the help yes she’s recruited out of that now I have oh do you need anything in particular just just your physical labor As you put a way to put it just your strong arms I think I’m going the right way I hope I’m going the right way it’s a big tree it’s really hard to miss it is yeah but there’s a lot of big stuff in this server that everything doesn’t load

You know plus I’m like uh all the way across the other side oh are you still your house yeah my my homeless house if you need help with directions let me know it’s okay it’s pretty easy to get to from your house Jordan so it should

Be fine as long as you go through the rail to get to like the main part I’ll travel in the morning I don’t want to go in night time oh do you want to sleep uh I am without a bed uh where are you

Wait I found it I found a bed I found a bed laying around okay let’s sleep oh I’ll be oh I’ll get there in just a just a jiffy Jiffy I’m sleeping yeah slumber party all right except none of us are together we’re all separated we’re just sleeping across

Like voice chats you know I heard him been right next to me but you didn’t sleep in it so oh no I didn’t know we need to reject you I just flew away oh no forgive me you’re such a bully I didn’t expect it a little bit the dense hair of them

Oh yeah please know I don’t wanna be um I’m back at the bug yeah oh at the bug you’re close then yeah where do I turn right um uh which way are you facing the bug like what are I’m facing the bug or are you facing the other way I see if I look behind me Neo is to the right now is to the right the Neo sign then I think you go left right right you go left right now yeah okay the question is is it her left or your left

Wait I go if if Neo is to her right then she goes laugh yeah yeah okay so Kyla’s Temple I go right to then You have to show your PC specs to reveal the coordinates I’ve been exposed already yes Sam okay I’m pretty sure I see it a waterfall that you should go up although first you should pick up some wool from the wool Farm you see the waterfall yes okay

I can mean to you at the bottom assuming I don’t kill myself just jumping It’s like a water park yeah oh my God And we have this fun Dark Forest filled with secrets My base is somewhere around here too I don’t remember where I didn’t know where the wool Farm was so I’m just by the waterfall yes hello I’m behind you we’re into this way okay oh something hit me yeah it’s just the denizens of the forest or it’s just baby

Like I said I am a dinner before yeah exactly okay we grab it we grow up And she already I’ll head there someday someday okay let me know when you’re close okay we’ll do not come meet you and then just up up the tree yes then we climb the waterfall thank you thank you for this cat up the world tree very safe OSHA approved um the cheese

The casualties ever made there have there been any cat probably my own several times in the construction of the tree I haven’t been having people falling into your death at all maybe I haven’t oh nice I’m actually surprised to be the first Maybe oh now I’m excited hello hello

All right where do I start fauna Senpai um so this is like the the outline basically this orange hell that I’ve constructed yes should we fill in the ground or do you want to fill in the top um the ground anything really I was I think I was working on filling

In the sides you can see there’s like the framework kind of yeah you’ve done a lot and you’ve done a lot of work yeah I may helped a lot with the frame I was feeling on the orange part for a long time yes I think months I don’t know when I started

It’s been a long time on the the trunk though when will you finish when are you projecting whenever I tuned in I always saw orange yeah same I don’t know but yeah if I mention friend that there’s oh it’s gonna have like four seasons that’s why this part is the Autumn section

There’s no estimate completion date though I know that it’s done I’m just being a cute little bully it’s okay it’ll be fine now it’s with Advent it’s true you have hired help now my Senpai tags yeah but yeah it’s not it doesn’t have to be perfect any part of it really is like

Just the outline anyway so just fill it in however you see fit really okay don’t worry too much oh man I love fauna yeah man I love my cute kohai I would say there’s a note for that man I love cohai oh you’re right man I love milk milk

I was saying the visual that I think you guys should fight the Ender Dragon together yeah I think we should do I need to be able to fly him we’re the only ones who don’t have wings I know we have water buckets I mean speedrunners do it with just some

Beds so wait wait wait how do you smack them in a bed um beds explode in the end oh nice I like bombs I hope you don’t mind me doing that so we don’t fall off the edge on accident oh yeah yeah go ahead okay I’m not too picky with this tree the beauty of nature is that it doesn’t have to be perfect yeah exactly it can be asymmetric it can be it’s real nightmares it can be random it could be Pizza it could be Pizza yeah it could be McDonald’s play place

I like that I like that before I built the wool Farm I was just using any wool that I had which is why there’s a section somewhere in here and it’s like yellow and red and when I filled with the yellow and red all I could think of was McDonald’s The McDonald’s play place Take me to a McDonald’s play place please I heard they’re like shutting them down yeah I don’t think I’ve seen one ever yeah it’s because people don’t plan them as much anymore They’re kind of I don’t know did they ever get cleaned though is that part of the charm you might contract a disease that’s part of the fun do you guys remember when McDonald’s Had Nintendo 64s in them yes no absolutely yes I missed those times me too

They had it was like the communal N64 I don’t even remember what games they had on it but the controllers were like stuck to the machine yeah so you couldn’t steal them beautifully disgusting what kind of toys do they have uh they had BTS once we really oh my God

Yeah they didn’t know the BTS meal that was actually pretty good well I never got it one one day there was the Pokemon movie they had Pokemon movie promotional cards like like the actual Pokemon cards I always go get the Happy Meal when they do like Pokemon stuff that’s so cute

I buy Pokemon cards and then I never open them so I just have like Pokemon cards sitting in my closet wait how do you resist pack like after you buy what if one day it becomes worth a lot because it’s unopened and then maybe I can sell it and become like a Pokemon

Card billionaire I think the Charizard thing yeah except like unopened packs because you know people like people like the excitement you know that’s true that’s true um then I’ll just gift it to someone who likes Pokemon cards the more expensive it’ll become right um yeah yeah so if you forget that’s good

Yeah exactly I forget it and then in 20 years I find it Beanie Babies that worked out great for everybody God don’t remind me did you collect them no my grandma did though she had so many Beanie Babies I had so many Beanie Babies isn’t it like squishmallows oh yeah I love squishmallow they’re so soft yeah I still don’t own one yet you should go for under Cube yeah

Oh that’s true that’s true yeah they have like Pikachu and Gengar yes I have the Gengar one in the Snorlax one they’re very cute and round and egg-shaped and Squishy should I just go along your border yes okay I don’t know if I have enough beds for everyone oh wait there are a few beds around we should probably sleep because it’s not that safe in my chickens okay selfie where are you yeah show me where some of these beds are um there’s one on the lower level

Wait I’m on my way I’m just holding my bucket to fall asleep okay I’m in the bed okay I’ll go upstairs let me know when you’re ready okay one second take your time oh let me sleep I won’t lose my opportunity this time sleepover Maybe I am the dense hair and protective like that Um when did I start the tree did I started in March was it earlier than that so I started in January Has it been nine months oh my God of this tree oh March 6th ah the saplings no better than I do I started in March look at you finished it will be pretty cool yeah big if no no I I believe yeah probably where we can start like a

City around it yeah building I do want to keep the surrounding Forest though because it’s really pretty with the like surrounding Oh no zero days since the last accident hey I gotta go find my wall hopefully I can find where I died wish me luck Good Luck Good Luck do you need do you need help yeah probably do you have any idea where you fell

Um I was at the edge I was at the border line um and then I just spawned um where I just slept so ah narrator oh no I’m getting attacked game menu use mouse cursor or tab button to select element how do I turn off this narrator I turned on the Minecraft

Game menu options Minecraft use mouse cursor or tab button to select element oh no oh man accessibility settings narrator please narrator narrator oh my God uh I was trying to turn on hitboxes I actually turned on the narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator off

It’s so dark why is it so dark here why is there so much It’s the dark evil Forest come here protect you thank you oh no second casualties zero days since last incident okay my stuff is near you can you guys pick it up it’s important my stuff I’m sorry I’m I’m running I’ll let fauna and her protection do it there is some wool over here

In the tree oh no Four is so dark and scary oh no it’s increasing cream Romance [Laughter] Um let’s see did I find it I do not have room in my inventory to pick things up oh is the problem oh I didn’t even get all my stuff I don’t even wow okay I’ll come back down but let me like refix my health so I don’t get murdered yeah okay maybe

Kieran Coe can provide some safety equipment for its workers please we can at least provide you with a bucket of water yes so that you can try okay where do you see our stuff is it over by where you are now um I think I picked up all of your stuff okay

I don’t know where Bijou stuff is me neither um a minecart that takes me closer to fauna or did you walk there Lisa oh I walked there oh you took the long way okay okay I had a diamond sword yes here you go thank you now I can help in the battle

I do a lot of monsters yeah how did it get so bad Um you can turn on if you push f3b I will show you hit boxes it might help you find your stuff some gamer tip yeah Do you know where you fell I fell near the waterfall I think you’re the waterfall I will look poor people for your stuff my stuff Karen Co can reimburse you on top of a tree I think they said yeah rely on your chat they should tell you where you where you film yeah

Maybe if I go off the waterfall I can see yeah especially if you have hitboxes on you might be able to see your stuff I hope I’m going the right way I’m just following the the reels um sir are you on the joint server um I think so

Which I remember I saw your tree here at some point yeah okay so just go back to that main area that we started in is that oh no I think I already I went past oh and there’s a cow it’s my sister um no not this I don’t think it’s been five

Minutes yet yeah good luck bee boo what are some landmarks you see shioneem uh there’s a big pointy thing uh would you like cord and I’m still coming towards it no no it’s okay I’m gonna wing it I’m gonna win it okay here how can I’m not streaming so tell

Me how I can pull up the coordinates I think it’s off three isn’t it oh you have so much stuff people oh you found it I found it yeah a lot of sun nice videos I’ll try to get the important stuff thank you thank you so

Much it’s the bed the bed is important and there’s some signing I think this is the ID section this is a Ruma I don’t know what it says I think I went the way off um I don’t know if this I’m pretty sure this is the coordinates so it says

Targeted fluid so I think that’s it oh gosh now I had to look at numbers to get there yeah uh let’s see Oh yeah you better smell like Google map Google Maps your mind oh no did it despawn oh I’m just gonna maybe not I don’t know where are you Bijou um I am by the tree somewhere in the forest do you know where to see me no I where in the direction of

The farm oh turn around behind you oh over here your stuff’s up here and I have some of it too Over here and I’ll give you your stuff milk chest yeah milk chest milkshake milk chest My bed that’s all I cared about um I don’t remember what exactly is yours is yours I have I have the floors Diamond set anything that says milk in it is mine Oh no I think I want the complete office attraction oh no Advent is lost they can’t this anymore would you like coordinates oh no it’s okay I got them by the way I was just going uh the opposite direction already yeah ah it’s got no pants on

Um we love that I lose my milk pants that’s okay I can make new milk hold on hold on wait here and go can can pay you for your Gloss come here one sec here you go oh thank you if you head on over to my

Shop on the other server you can buy yourself some new pants Thank you Um wait wait I’m gonna get you some safety precautions I have water I heard huh cat Oh I thought it was one of your cats I guess it’s some cat near me oh I have cats in my room maybe oh okay I want to hear cats

People take this bucket and if you fall just try to place the bucket on the ground yeah before you wait oh I see cat now hello cat yeah real cat or Minecraft cat they’re both built that’s true Minecraft is real life exactly okay I think I’m heading towards the right direction someday

We Believe for saving my stuff oh I’m sorry about your pants no it’s not okay I’m gonna I’m gonna uh be a better manager I’m gonna provide for my employees just just wait boys I thought you were just exerting your Senpai tax on us well now that you’ve you’ve used okay

Yeah we get Workers Comp it’s great yeah don’t you want some employee benefits yeah yeah I mean I’d do anything for you but yeah yeah I’ll take I’ll take benefits if I’m we’re gonna get them huh okay we should sleep if we can yeah oh I’m still like a roller coaster looking

Thing okay it’ll be a while oh okay I think I can sleep now are you I’m uh building your tree I’m getting down now I’m so surely I have something for you for me here is here’s the your compensation your workers comp and a little safety precaution if you’re fine thank you I

Think this is yours Oh ah thank you that is mine I wondered what happened to it okay my breastplate’s just missing but that’s that’s fine don’t worry don’t worry no more provide just wait till tomorrow and I’m gonna I will be back like have my bed back no [Laughter] there you go

This chair the same bed yeah sleep together with me boo [Laughter] laughs okay you guys want to get to work okay I’ll be back okay I’m gonna go get the milk now I’ll come back one day oh okay oh she’s gonna get the milk she’s never coming back I’ll be back one day

For 10 years to this day shiori Novella is still lost you’ll find your way eventually that’s you I’m following DDX coordinates right now closer I I hope so oh oh I need some bam oh I see it I see it you see it yeah and I practically went around a world at

This point oh my gosh I gotta swim through there I’m a swim then are you are you walking mostly because you’re taking a rail too oh there was a real near there well I’m about to swim to your tree if I wish I could fly uh I’m struggling

Because I have no wings you know we have we need to earn we need to we need to go destroy yeah fight the dragon I want to see you guys do it so are you um all the way at the top yeah you gotta climb the waterfall okay

And you can pull up the water first you should get some um wool first from the wool Farm oh where’s the wolf Farm um do I have to get lost again no it’s close by okay I’ll get there then eventually I’m gonna let um that’s like the lake nearby

Okay it’s near the tree trunk by the waterfall okay Is a bunch of sheep you can just take the wool and then Bijou you are now promoted to to senior employee and yeah you can be in charge of onboarding shiori yeah yeah oh I see the wolf Farm oh man poor sheep I will I will be a good employee and

Pick story up thank you thank you I take my job very seriously thank you I knew I could count on you my most senior employee by a few minutes by like 10 minutes I will be back okay okay I will get you guys set up properly what kind of employer are you ready I’m climbing up the waterfall now nice it’s so it’s so sketchy the world tree was mostly a solo project before so it looks nice I like it must have taken like oh you said uh

Since March yeah but I’ve been pretty consistent where do I where do I put the wool because everything’s so cool pick a spot see and start going and just start filling it in yeah okay so you don’t want this as like a little Bridge you want it like this yeah put the cheese

The pizza tree yeah Mamma Mia oh is one of them gonna be pink for like the cherry blossoms oh that’ll be so cute you can call that the cakes flight I made like a little tiny mock-up um of it in a creative world server it’s like a bonsai tree version thank you hopefully

I finish it one day baby with with your help possible you’ve got quite a few extra hands just for a bit today so I know thank you guys yeah Phil by the way which layer like the the layer with the McDonald’s blocks in it um no that doesn’t need to be fun what

Not here oh okay okay Should I should I break this then ah no yeah oh yeah you don’t need to break it it’s fine all right I’ma follow your boss oh okay my boss people you live okay trust me he just hurt yourself I know no wait wait you’re smart so you’re smart so I mean Sorry it was on Instinct that’s shiori Vibes all the way Herman I forgot how to use my own store yeah you can fill the edge the edges okay let me let me watch you demonstrate really quick just in case you struggling you took short here just get on there Nope I’ll have to fix that Oops it’s all okay like that okay okay I believe probably I’ll follow you random yeah your demonstration and then and then just go for it all right So are we we’re doing it up then yeah that’s what I’ve been doing I think it needs to be like a dome domey shape right uh okay I’ll just fill in the the holes then you know just connect the spaghetti line yeah yeah connect them with the best explanation ha huh [Applause] My inventory is very sick very sick how is it sick it’s very sick my inventory is not getting better it’s getting worse because it’s so full it’s so full of stuff Um you need to make more chests I need more shulkers maybe take some medicine for digestion so you can flush out the stuff you don’t need Good Um All over here I’ll get you guys set up all nice for Halloween yeah oh my God I’m already almost out of wool yeah we might run out pretty fast because you can place it pretty fast the farm is decently fast yeah it’s not going to generate wool faster than anything places yeah foreign S totems I think my Farm has no totems in it were this sorted hotels oh you know what I have what idea I can put my stuff in my chest and then in case I fall yeah that’s smart I don’t eat armor right now right let’s do and can help

But fall damage y’all can die true oh we do have totems oops oh but I have no my inventory is very sick laughs I don’t think it’s gonna make it okay I made this look tree like don’t worry too much lucky mistakes will make it look more natural

All right I started filling in part of the ceiling oh hi Risa hi I’m out of wool uh I have 25 left we should sleep probably um oh yeah probably a good idea mm-hmm she already you should come lay your bed by ours okay oh where did the where’s your Bloods I’m

I’m leading you okay oops ow that did not help me Alrissa I lost you already oh there you are I’m with all the beds oh what are all these totem what do the totems do um they let you respawn once if you die oh how do you make them um you get them from raids villager raids their drop oh never

Raid Farms I will bring you some you can hold in your hands so you won’t die see Arisa okay goodbye hi hey look like more wool I see yeah I don’t remember where it is I’m lost uh oh dear by the trunk tree like between the chunky monster okay

Maybe I should go back to the uh to the water thing yeah yeah and then you can look from there yeah it’s just a spider oh no there’s a skeleton too feather falling I must go to the rescue I take my job seriously it’s okay I’m just gonna leave

A bunch of Lights here I never got better that’s fine all right hopefully this place will be a little bit safer now yeah Is there another chest that they’re gonna bring all the wool up distribute it I can go get mine if you need an Ender Chest Um oh there’s not one hello it should be I think uh Lisa took all the wool yeah from the from the bottom one I don’t know if there’s ones in the top no I didn’t see any going back up wait do you want me to I’ll I’ll go bring my Ender Chest actually

Wait there might is there not one at the bottom of the tree I don’t remember you need to touch to move it right yes okay One there isn’t one I never build ender chests I should I have no reason not to it’s because for the longest time I didn’t have a silk touch pickaxe uh I’m just like I don’t need one Um thank you what do you need for Ender Chest again yeah you think a lot do you need an Ender plural or an Eye of Ender I have a good question yeah you need obsidian and and I okay well I don’t have an eye uh okay can you buy eyes vendors from villagers

I think you can I should have bought one foreign With the milk welcome she came back I can’t believe that she came back with the milk you’ve always wanted [Laughter] um here go boo boo some pants for you thank you and take this oh thank you and take some food oh thank you you can put the totem in

Your other hand you’re offhand so if you fall you will ah able to respawn okay I’m gonna go get the chest and underneath for you have a few things okay oh [Laughter] yeah here you go and take this okay and take this and this thank you

Okay okay and put the totem in your off hand hello I’ll come down okay please here you go oh thank you oh pants Yay wow I’m being so spoiled it’s what you get for working with me stick around Well having a job is great oh wow totems Kieran Coe is not a black company no not at all I don’t care about the health of our employees we we appreciate it should be so slightly safer now slightly just slightly still a better watch out better not lose a diamond armor yeah but

Don’t don’t worry if you lose it’s okay work will replace it good if Kieran Coe has anything it’s a big budget good so I like to fall off of things and lose all my stuff yeah gravity gravity a rock you know that makes sense yeah are you good at swimming

Swimming sink to the bottom um that’s a good question may I help you Risa I know how a dog where’s the supposed to extend I have no idea I’m just guessing I don’t actually know if it’s supposed to cut off but I imagine I see the green starts

Over there so I imagine we can go all the way to the base all right that seems correct right yeah I don’t know I’m just gonna Place random blocks essentially what I’m doing is just placing band oh yeah don’t worry are there any villagers in the big place that would

Sell an Ender eye or anything um I think there are some at my training haul question mark or they only sell pearls is that true you need the blaze dust I might have some place dust in my house how about how about people you can

Get back to work and I as the the manager fool will take care of it I will procure okay an Ender Chest okay I’ll come back in a second um wait I shouldn’t take the whole with me I’m going on my 30 minute allocated lunch break okay take your time

I might take longer if I don’t remember where home is but that’s fine take all the breaks you need I like I like beer yeah tell your friends tell your friends leave a good review on Glassdoor I left a review on your wool Farm oh did you another review I did

People has all the reviews There’s like do not yell shooting yeah come here yeah what’s up Sorry you could tell your story oh okay yeah well it has like Kendrick become like a super reviewer on Yelp reviews And then get like Yelp credit I hope they don’t like get the food for free and they actually pay for it I’m sure they do I don’t think it’s like a real thing or by now because I’ve been leaving signs everywhere I know that’s what I’m saying you’re basically like

Yeah you’re like the Yelp super yeah I forgot what it’s called there’s like a name for it a yelper a yelper that is what you call people who use Yelp it’s true I’ve never used it I only use it because things refuse to open on my phone unless I use uh

I know exactly what you mean I’ve still refuse to download it though I think it came pre-loaded on my phone yum I just go well I guess I’m not going there Yelp yeah because you can clearly Use this like a shortcut or something yeah um understandable Oh I did forget the blaze rods that’s fine Why not just use Google Maps I use Google Maps so I’m wondering the same thing actually I use Apple Maps and I feel like it’s led me astray so many times yum I feel like it’s not as updated as Google Maps like oftentimes I like places just don’t exist but I’m too lazy

To download Google Maps because it’s just already on my phone I like to be prepared when I go because I don’t like making decisions and I want to and when the server is like are you ready I get stressed out oh I do that too what I want to eat I

Always look at the menu yeah so I like looking at the pictures of food in Yelp to be like oh that looks like something I want to eat so I have something in my head already yeah no arguing with that logic Man you guys are making me hungry right did you guys eat today yeah Before your streams yeah this one of your tummy Rumble and then chat is like OMG I heard it it takes the monster under my bed but my rumbles have been quiet so far so I don’t think oh it’s been caught but I bought Dino doggies Live Your Truth bee boo sometimes you gotta sometimes it’s a dino 90 type of day do you eat them with like fries or just on their own nah just on their own you did something ketchup yeah ketchup is that your sauce of choice nah Maya’s awesome choice is usually a spicy mayo

But good choice Dino nuggies and ketchup go together that’s true What’s the best sauce for fries spicy mayo Mayo with mustard mayo interesting it sounds weird but it’s good you gotta try it before it’s fine I could if I wanted to make my journey back from my lunch break okay come on shielding oh wait hold up I gotta look for the bed right here oh Where’s the way down I forget I mean you just fall off that’s where down is no ladder what’s wrong oh I’m just gonna use my bucket Thank you yep uh you still feel This place I will take longer to be back I have to get more milk oh okay okay you guys what’s the milk for hmm that’s this this is a manager business you guys don’t need to know what the milk is for Secrets fun and need to know basis

Hold me you’re still an understood I’m Gonna Leave a double at your shocker I gotta I should eat something before I work later yeah did you have like you have the carrots the carrots oh actually I’m gonna make you a chest because uh the choker the Shocker is wait I’m

Bringing I’m bringing two more shulkers so oh don’t worry about it we have a chest here anyway you guys are so self-sufficient yeah I could just log out and you guys will finish the treatment I don’t know about all that I don’t know about that all right bye bye bye

Thanks for stopping bye she’s gone just like that I miss her I know same Are you ever afraid your tree is gonna like catch on fire yes what would you do um I I quit the game forever no I wouldn’t I would I would probably become the server villain and I would just divide everything on fire do you like my tree is on fire then

Everyone else’s creations With me yes yeah I like that sinking yeah I can’t even blame you Ah I’ve thought about it in actuality I would try to maintain a positive attitude and rebuild it yeah that’s a good perspective to have but I don’t know if I could be so optimistic if it actually happens I’d go scorched your mode it’d be too uh crazed

Your tree catches on fire and you’ll need like to bend your anger feel free to blow up my house see I’m sorry it sounds great too to go on a rampage and blow stuff up until you realize that it’s just a fellow Hollow memes stuff that you’re blowing up yeah oh

I’m on a roll I’m filling in your ceiling oh thank you I’ll find my way back eventually two coordinates once I find a landmark I recognize where is the beetle okay I made one that’s your chest after all this time amazing oh on the bottom and I’ll put one on the

Top so okay you can oh I have one in the house oh you have a spare yeah where did you get all of your Kyle yeah well we also have lava outside of the Advent house we were building an advent house it’s nothing remarkable do you guys want to come to Alvin house

Later I have something I do I wanna see I feel like I should wait until our collab to see whatever you’ve built with the rest of Advent oh yeah yeah yeah I’ll wait for my surprise when are you guys this Friday oh Minecraft are you gonna find the dresses we’re too young

Let’s try your baby but senpai’s keep giving us pretty cool stuff so actually you know maybe maybe you probably could with the armor mm-hmm is this way right this way to the tree or to the Advent to the tree oh did you want to see it wait wait wait

Actually come with me yeah come with me okay And follow yeah I remember when I joined and first came on the server I was like I don’t want help from anyone I’m gonna do everything myself that lasted like I think like two streams yeah uh where was I know where our house is it’s from the

Holocs tower yeah so um we gotta find holik’s Tower yeah no one explained this server to us so we just kind of came in and we just kind of went somewhere where there was room and then build a house it’s not in a proper tour yet yeah I Gotta Serve the

End server though from Kiara Senpai have you guys seen the ID server no um is that different from ID Village yes I think you guys should see it you should get a tour I recommend it’s insane right poor guy it is insane there’s a lot of insane stuff on this server too though um variety Village and it’s pretty crazy Server is like it’s like Disney World it’s amazing yeah I feel like the joy of the servers all the collaboration that happens so yeah I think don’t feel too bad about taking stuff if you want um you should fight the dragon though I think please fight the dragons

I mean we can fight it on Friday maybe I don’t know about all that yeah I feel like we’re gonna get there we haven’t done anything yeah you have to respawn it I forget what you need you have to make these crystals to respawn it it’s not too hard to fight the dragon

Not as hard really it might seem yeah but aren’t you just like a top tier gamer Maybe I can foreign Oh they have bunk beds that’s so cute because really does sleep with them I heard it’s not just the cutest thing you’ve ever heard yes have you guys ever thought about having a twin have you ever like wanted to have yes yeah every day well I have two

You have two as in you are a set of triplets there are three other faunas somewhere or you’ve also thought about it maybe that would be mysterious if I had a secret secret twins out there and I never mentioned them but no okay noissa yes can you please deafen for like

Two minutes or so okay okay goodbye I miss her go in there go in here yeah what is this hold on hold on hold on I’m afraid suddenly I’m afraid it’s it’s just my oh I don’t have the sign it’s my uh my sandbox but look read

I’m afraid I saw it I saw a clip of you no are you are you are you I lived I lived you’re you’re supposed to live okay you’re supposed to live yeah that’s supposed to die it’s not that cruel but now you have to ladder of Shame up that’s the joke oh [Laughter]

Okay don’t tell no ladder of Shame for me I refused how did you do that how did you set that up um basically you put signs and then you put uh the sand on top of the signs and then you break the original sign that

You put down and it all falls down yeah oh but don’t tell don’t tell okay I want to get arrested I Got the ladder of Shame it’s pretty good show you something nervous about it yes uh I can DM we’ve done hello welcome hello so what would you how would you reveal the my build huh I like it I want I’m intrigued by your hole [Laughter] okay well I’ll look forward to seeing it

This Friday baby yeah is it it reminds me of do you know do you know junji Ito I do is that is it like that The Faults at omegara oh no it’s just I like small spaces because I’m a rock so I feel safe in a hole yeah is that

Perfectly your shape the only you can fit in there I love Uzumaki wait that’s not it was Maki um is that the one with the spiral yeah yeah it made me afraid of spirals permanently really yeah I find them to be a creepy shape now hmm I like them they’re Pleasant they like

Spirals I like how how they’re common in nature right like the simple geometric shape that repeats itself infinitely spirals in your ears um oh yeah Okay shall we go to sleep before we head back no teleport I’m not moving and I don’t have a bed wait where are you what happened I’m on top of the tree I don’t feel like getting down I mean I could fight my way back we could I believe okay we’ll be able to leave yeah it’s not that farm yeah you just have to make it through the Dark Forest yeah the forest of creepers watch out oh no okay that’s fine you alive people yeah

Yeah let’s just let’s just run okay if we if we go fast the monsters won’t be able to see us that is how it works oh you do have lava inside of your house yeah Which which way is it to get back home I lost bibu oh there she is oh no she’s fine there’s a baby zombie yeah they’re so cute right baby fight baby fight baby Are you sure are you sure you’re not a baby I’m not sure sounds like something a baby would say If I’m a baby will you be my mother I’ll let you call me a baby under those conditions I guess that’s only fair yeah bee boo you say you’re an introvert and then you just ask people to be your mom what’s wrong with that maybe that’s how an introvert makes friends yeah oh

Are you are you safe up there yes the tree is not very safe at night how am I already out of stuff I know it goes so fast you’re too efficient a lot of people yeah like just picked up so much and I was like oh I

Guess I’ll just go through till I finish this off and then I’ll be done and then I’m like that was like two minutes what I know I probably need to expand my wool Farm yeah foreign Over here there’s another wolf arm yeah I don’t know how much it would be in there we can look where they had a lot I stole from them before I I put a sign I left a review in there too you are a yelper you’re always leaving reviews

I’m a good girl bee boo it leads yellow for a bee boo yeah you know thank you oh yeah I see it’s still here okay I had to climb down so I’m going to bed so if you guys have them on you can steal some more um there’s probably beds we could sleep

But Louie’s house Maybe some take it all people are welcome to join the wool from my farm too if they need it oh her house is nice it’s fancy wow oh fish I’m getting distracted to get upstairs there’s a water elevator oh find the entrance check out her bedroom it’s so fancy Why is it random hi okay oh Wow oh well wow it’s a huge TV luxury apartment Um oh I should have left a review over but never mind I’ll do it a review for bed I’m starting to wonder how shy you are too if you’re leaving reviews of people I know well it’s just being polite you know I would want to know someone slept in my bed so I’m just doing what would you want to know or is it better to just

Live in Blissful ignorance I never know I’ll sleep in your bed bee boo yeah I mean you already technically have yeah but that you know that’s different I heard about that I saw your stream but I didn’t get to hear the full contest oh we just stayed in a hotel together yeah

Oh and and there were two beds but we decided to sleep in the same way yeah for comfort What were you up to if you can say we’re just having a good time hanging out bonding yeah hang out so yeah very indeed very fortunate for that opportunity Now it looks just a little less spaghetti chest up here oh my God I lived yeah I didn’t even use my totem yeah that’s great I just wow I’m a Survivor here Bieber do you want another totem oh thank you pick that one I’ll put an Ender Chest at the bottom

Yeah that way you can like transfer the wool up back and forth yeah you’re so smart just genius technology like um a dumb waiter why are they called that it’s brain dead waiter I guess so we’re good Strat it sounds kind of mean though doesn’t it yeah

Maybe it implies that all other waiters are not dumb though positively oh probably the same person who invented the Lazy Susan that’s a good point why is it called or Susan yeah poor lady thumb is a common term for systems that are not complex I I suppose

Are there other examples of of that usage dumbbell what is a dumbbell why is it called I don’t know what is it called dumbbell dumbbell because it doesn’t ring it’s just heavy kettlebell I don’t know I feel like I don’t speak English anymore it’s like when you say a word too many times and it loses all of its meaning they started as bell-shaped ah dumbbells but still why the dumb uh because it’s bell-shaped but it doesn’t make any sound I guess relax autonomy

How much of wool do you guys have I have Stacks a few Stacks a few Stacks ow I have two and a half stacks left and I think after I finish with them I will I will let you guys go back to whatever you were doing and stop bugging you without holding it I think the hired help is good it is I really appreciate it’ll get the two yeah I’ve been here harassing your tree roof I appreciate it I’m gonna try to do I was doing like Minecraft Mondays for a while I’m gonna try to do more regularly again now that

Things will hopefully be less busy for me yeah well if you want company you have done Minecraft fun days two days in a row now wait two days in a row or two weeks in a row oh yeah yeah yeah yes please oh scary Thunder we should go to sleep oh

Can we sleep is it thunderstorm yes we should go to sleep oh okay uh lightning strikes oh so it doesn’t set the tree on fire it shouldn’t though I have a bunch of them uh lightning rods yeah I think that’s what I saw floating in the sky yeah You should be adequately adequately widening proof um but I’m still paranoid Okay okay Beautiful Have you guys played much Minecraft before not not much Yeah I think I have watched a lot of Minecraft videos I guess I’d have played it a lot like before even before a Minecraft fan yeah I see I started watching like build videos for ideas the reason yeah there’s so many yeah people make crazy things foreign

But I once accidentally lied and claimed that I did even though I only played since the beta so I’m not super OG Minecraft that’s okay it doesn’t matter when you start a game as long as you enjoy it yeah it’s true and Minecraft has changed a lot over the years yeah

Old Minecraft it has like a very eerie feel I really like it but it’s quite like lonely I played Minecraft like the first time ever when there were only squids in the water and I thought it was so gross so I stopped that was enough to make you stop

But now who hates squids well I love squids but there’s like when when during that time of Minecraft right it was like only squids and there would be so many squids in the water and I would get freaked out because there were so many and I would kill them but they would

Just come back oh no yeah I see poor squids yeah right If the squids were cuter dude are cute but I don’t think Minecraft squids that’s Fallen I guess real squids are cuter yeah They do have like a lot of legs and they have that creepy mouth but I like the creepy mouth yeah it’s like a cute creepy yeah like a lamprey you know like a sea lamprey yes how you doing hi run run run why oh what’s going on oh I was threatening bee boo

Do we need again I don’t have anything to lose I’m not scared employee on employee violence hostile workplace foreign There you go some kohai help on your ceiling yes thank you so much so much Thanks for letting me stop by I really wanted to help and I hope I’ll get to help more yes yes I’m gonna try to do this more regularly I want to join Terraria yeah I think we’re doing it again um this Sunday Sunday the first um so I mean if you’re free you should stop by yeah I will stop by but I also know you’re a busy body so no problem if not yes I know how it is all right you guys

Have lots of fun playing Minecraft I’ll keep watching from the Shadows Your react PNG just got really big on my screen ah it grew in size this is you have one for you and do I should I think what’s the what’s the link to the group one again oh let me on DM it’s you okay Should be this okay thank you Am I there am I PNG You guys have the Keen biscuit ones yeah and they all match it’s very cute mine is just normal I like it though I like that outfit very much thank you I like it too I like how it looks with you it matches the purple and the green purple and

Green is a good color yeah they’re like complementary colors right I think so yeah that’s why the Hulk is green and purple I yeah it is and Barney and the Joker oh my gosh there’s so many green and purple Ava unit one ah you’re right I feel like there should be more

Cute examples I guess fauna and bibu oh they’re so cute some are like dark purple and dark green yeah there’s not really that many light purple and like wait yeah yeah light purple light green looks really good together too Grimace Grimace is just purple you have green is he

Did you get to try the shake no I have a I have a grudge against the Grimace oh why because he celebrated his birthday for like way too long he celebrated it for like a whole month yeah and I just think that’s absurd we can’t get to celebrate his birthday for

That long his birthday is one day I’ll give him one week at most but it was like two months of grimace’s birthday every day I would celebrate your birthday for a month foreign people who have March birthdays uh when are we being considerate yeah and Grimace is not considerate at all of

Everyone else who is ever born and it was in June right how do I even remember it wasn’t June but there was like this really sad art because people kept dying from drinking a shake and it was like oh why is everybody dying on my birthday doesn’t this seem a little self-centered

Why is everyone dying on my birthday rather than oh no it’s my shape stealing people he’s just mad that his birthday is ruined Do not believe his lies okay I will not fall for it the Grimace is the Menace he’s he’s evil Justice for grimace foreign man I love grimace milk sounds good it doesn’t milk no one would wear that on a hat yeah I was reading the Grimace Wiki article yeah I love reading wikis hold on I have to remember do you I do I read it for like Elden

Ring and Kingdom Hearts yes I like random shows like after I played Resident Evil like five or seven and eight I read the wiki to like make sure I had all the lore yeah yes I love what you gotta there’s a McDonald’s Wiki McDonald’s fan for the McDonald’s lore

And there’s one about grimace and it says he’s 450 pounds character description shows No Remorse for his actions oh did you know that he was originally a villain I think he’s still a villain yeah he’s pretending to not be a villain anymore but I think he still is yeah

Right well he had his Shake take over the world and it was yeah well that’s pretty it was killing people Behavior to me do not believe his lies even even the the McDonald’s DFO or something like that did a video so I killed one of the higher ups at McDonald’s too oh

You think that was intentional yeah yeah toppled the structure from the inside But now that it’s not his birthday anymore He has no power yeah maybe that’s it he only has power during his birthday which is a month long maybe even two months long foreign yes I you know how I like me was right and the the Shake thing was a really big meme if I had debuted a month earlier I

May have wanted to at and and my debut with drinking a purple Shake because I’m dying I was like oh the meme’s too old by the time I debuted I trust the next time a meme like that comes around you’ll take take advantage of it yeah I loved your debut PowerPoint you really got me when you edited it very good what do you mean that wasn’t

That wasn’t intentional that was that was totally not intentional yeah right because it’s kind of kind of embarrassing yeah I was so embarrassing yeah all they know I was using not even PowerPoint I was using Google Slides oh how embarrassing I don’t know I think it’s more embarrassing to use PowerPoint these days

Foreign Yeah I don’t have any of them in there anymore they’re expensive ah and it’s like a monthly subscription oh no what what uh That’s why we should sleep yeah I didn’t realize how late it had gone as many torches as I place it’s never enough maybe I should bring torches with probably how do I get down from here um where are you I’ll figure it out oh if I fall into the water down wow I

Have no it’s okay I didn’t I didn’t I did this I didn’t miss I didn’t miss intentional yeah Good morning good morning maybe I’ll just take one bed with me so I don’t have to come down if I’m up there you should set your spawn though just in case yeah I’ll keep this one In case you fall which you won’t because you’re a Pro Gamer yeah Power of the shift button it’s true one of my Inspirations for like doing a big build like this was hachima I loved watching her Minecraft streams where she’s like just building these giant builds and she’s like up in the

Air just shift clicking and chatting that’s kind of funny because that’s kind of you for me really yeah because I would watch you put down your cheese blocks and and talk and stuff I was like that looks so fun it is I recommend it like having a big

Project to work on over multiple streams people make some really cool things and it it’s fun I think for people to watch how it evolves yeah although I don’t know it’s like walking around the server and just like seeing how much cool stuff people have made sometimes it’s overwhelming it is it is

Very overwhelming can I make something that cool I don’t know right but but yeah I’ll help you too if you want if you want help I want to help with your your Moana statue I want it to be pretty big yeah I think you should make it pretty big so you can

Have like the face details so you can capture the expression yeah Yeah oh yeah if you have suggestions for that because I wasn’t sure I was just thinking maybe just stolen because it’s gray already but yeah I think I wonder if there’s no Medics of stones to give it like texture can a lot of times when people do

Minecraft Builds they get like a palette like a block palette oh and then they use like a variety of similar colored blocks to add texture you could use it to add like shading if there’s not really shading yeah so you could use a mix of blocks like concrete stone gray wool

There’s a lot of types of stone too now like andesite and stuff did you have that I know you have the the sheep farm for like the wool did you have to like chop down a bunch of saplings for the I did I was I built a farm a wood Farm

But it doesn’t work on the server because it uses TNT duplication and it’s turned off on the server I didn’t realize it until I built it it was not allowed so I had to chop the trees why you can use like the mega Spruce and they’re like big

And I used those and chopped a bunch down or just like planted them to build the trunk how did the saplings feel about I think they they are happy to become part of something bigger than themselves and be immortalized on the server as the world tree yeah exactly

I’m trying to convince Pebbles to think of it like that too come around I’m sure but maybe it just depends on how the Pebbles think in general maybe you’re too nice to them maybe you need to get them used to being treated I’ll try to treat them worse okay yeah yeah tough love

Well I don’t know about tough love you know for me it’s like saplings they just give themselves completely to me because they know I’ll take good care of them I have their best interests in mind all the time they know I wouldn’t betray them I will use their their tree bodies to

Create something beautiful on the server Pebbles trust me you want to you know become oh yeah technically if they become my armor they get to touch never mind don’t get stuff don’t get them too excited yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don’t you want to be immortalized as a

Meme Pebble yeah yeah don’t you want to be immortalized as a moist statue that’s like the greatest honor that a pebble could be yeah if you’re just living your Pebble life you don’t know what the future holds for you you could be kicked around you could be thrown into a lake

Or you can take the guaranteed option of getting turned into a statue yeah that overlooks a nice tree forever nice view you want to be stuck in like a dark cave right yeah that’s boring don’t get me started on caves foreign caves oh you don’t like caves

I’m kind of obsessed with caves but they terrify me they are very spooky yeah there’s just like certain caving incidents that I like reading about oh they’re very scary And I read the there’s a creepypasta about caving head the caver I read it had the caver is it scary pretty scary it was okay it wasn’t all it was all right I think the real stories are creepier though I can’t read like scary things before I go to bed or I can’t go I played like horror games you mentioned you played yeah but I’m very bad without me too but I love horror though I don’t know it’s scary but I love it I I’m trying to build my resistance to

Spooky things but like jump scares get me so bad yeah me too I’m sure you can build your tolerance though I definitely have since I started streaming I’m playing more horror games do you have a favorite horror game Um I think oh it’s fun I like the Resident Evil games I like six and seven um I really like Soma Somas yeah so one of my favorite games ever yeah it’s it’s a good story yeah but I played it where you couldn’t die oh yeah in safe mode

Yes but um it was still terrifying yeah it is it is yes the atmosphere is so scary foreign so good I love I love Resident Evil 7. I haven’t played six I look like six have you played eight I have played eight yeah I like to eat a

Lot too I like eight more than seven because seven was scarier I think I like seven more than eight because seven was scarier Four was really fun two before it wasn’t that scary um is that when it became more like action focused I saw I’ve only played seven and then I watched Bay play through eight That have you seen the DLC for eight yeah oh okay you lived do you need another totem now I have one okay so that’s what it does yeah see that was that was intentional I just wanted to see what it did yeah you gotta get all the achievements right yeah I

Got an achievement it’s fine foreign I have not played the DLC for eight me and Bay were gonna play it and then there was a bug and we couldn’t yeah there’s like a save bug where the saves were not working I think so we should revisit it if you you know the baby part

Uh-huh and that’s pretty much the scariest part of eight yeah it’s scarier than the baby part oh yeah well Bay is the one who’s gonna play it so oh oh no yeah they hated the baby part but she made it through she did it yeah sure take DLC though oh no sorry bae

Are you planning on playing any horror games for spooky months yes I’m gonna play a bunch hopefully I haven’t thought about which ones yet but I love Halloween I love and hate it because I love it because it’s you know spooky I like the aesthetic but I hate it because

I have to play horror game yeah I’m going to sleep yeah okay I also love the aesthetic like pumpkins and ghosts yeah and candy and vampires I love Halloween I like watching other people play horror games yeah But I will play it I will play them Maybe maybe if they doesn’t join you too hard maybe I’ll join you for one or two yes I would be happy to yeah yay have you played any of the chiller games I have I’ve played um I played night delivery the closing shift in the convenience store

I think those are the only ones I played I haven’t tried it any of them yet they’re not too scary yeah I might start with those because they’re kind of silly oh they’re silly oh that’s good well they’re they’re scary but they’re all so silly it’s hard to take them super seriously

But they do have like jump scares sometimes oh oh no I couldn’t get to security breach because it was just jump scares enough yeah yeah Five Nights at Freddy’s has always been just jump scares though right yeah I played the first one and I couldn’t

Beat it and it was very scary to me I haven’t tried any of them since the first one though honest security breach is supposedly not as bad as the first one because it has more stuff than jump scares but it was still too too extreme for me that’s fair I knocked out of it pretty

Quick because if I get too scared I get a headache oh so I can’t play horror games for too long hmm I get motion sick from games I have and I do get motion sick in VR sometimes it just depends though I play for just a little bit it’s usually okay is like oops oh go ahead it’s for me it is like more of a headache than like nausea ah I don’t know I think it’s still motion sickness

What are you gonna say It’s like uh what did I say oh yeah I tried I know you like Skyrim I tried Skyrim and VR I passed out you passed out I did after like one hour Skyrim is so bad in terms of motion sickness yeah I remember I watched Guru play it

On stream and I think she also got really bad motion sickness you passed out though I did oh no does that happen to you often no no not is it like just Skyrim is this Skyrim it’s just that like intense laughs a scary It was Todd Todd how could you do this I heard there’s Hitman VR ah yeah I’m kind of curious because whenever I open uh Hitman is like you want to do Hitman and VR and I like maybe I’ll try it I know I want to try it I have I haven’t played like anything in VR I

Haven’t I just have used it for like the VR chat collabs ah I like Rhythm games so I work out in VR with Beats saver oh yeah they have like custom song maps too yeah I have like a bunch of hollow life yeah that I dance to I saw

That you didn’t want me to see oh when I was playing very badly don’t learn from my Hitman techniques it was pretty much the bathroom scene it’s true yeah it’s a valid way of getting back from Strat yeah Bradley was Chad I have terminal Hitman brain rot to the

Point where I had a dream about it last night Hitman about something too did you ever dream about I’ll think about it do you dream a lot I do I have weird dreams me too oh I remember now so during my streams you know how like

We always gotta watch out for like dmca uh-huh um but I have a weakness of like singing songs randomly on Stream So my this is actually what I dreamed I dreamed last night that I was singing a song on stream and then I got a Discord DM being boxed by I know

A higher up in um like horror live saying that the company claimed DMC because you hum this song it was a very bad a dream I can’t believe was it a scary dream it was like they were like you’re you’re in trouble You can’t stream for a while because you sang a song and for humming bam for humming what like just to get around dmca I just try to sing it really badly yeah that’s me all the time I’ve never had any problems with me hummings so it must work if you just sing it off keys and it will be yeah just singing hockey they love to get you for Ave Maria in Hitman though oh but I just accept it just for me it’s worth it I will sacrifice

The ad Revenue yeah so that I can listen and Maria I could never mute it wait but you had it you have a Maria in your 3D debut right yeah so obvious it’s like a classical song yeah right so it should be like copyright free but sometimes

Performances of it are claimed uh so it depends on the performance and the performance they use in Hitman is probably licensed only for like the game and not for like anyone else That wasn’t why the my Vlad was deleted briefly it was a different different song not Ave Maria I’m glad it’s back now yeah me too I loved it I wanted to tell you I you picked songs that were perfect like the comedy summer kiss one perfect thank you do you know

That anime I love that anime oh you did a Toradora one perfect oh thank you and then you did fukushigi no that one was perfect for your voice too and then what’s up like you picked all the songs that I liked I was like oh she has amazing things thank

You yeah I wanted to pick like soft sounding songs I don’t know yeah I feel like for the 3D showcase it’s like a chance to almost do like a mini live so yeah I wanted to sing a bunch of songs that I like I didn’t know if anyone would know about

The Kamisama cute one but I love that opening I love the other one too I love the first one too yeah I also loved all the endings yeah the endings too all the trees it’s almost filled in yeah the orange part is going so much faster with more people thank you for the help of course Maybe the tree can be finished after all he yeah somehow someday Although after I do the Um the base with the wool I need like a bunch of special blocks oh are you planning on something for the inside for the inside I maybe one day for the outside it’s gonna be glowy like um over on the other side there’s a little section that’s complete

Ah but I don’t know I don’t know I’ll answer the inside maybe I’ll put stuff in it eventually but for now I just wouldn’t at least finish the general shape you wanna go to sleep okay oh wait I’m in your bed you can smells good sleep in it yeah yeah

I Feel Like a Rock wouldn’t smell like very much hi you you can’t smell yourself right that’s true yeah so I don’t know what I actually smell like but I have to ask narissa doesn’t smell good this is good and I have a big memory of

Hearing her sniff sniff so I think in the night I don’t remember I did have a vague memory of of a sniff sniff so interesting I will keep that in mind in case I ever Smell me okay yeah you have my permission what a rock would smell like I mean no smell is also good oh I don’t sweat much really okay so because you know I’m a rock so rocks don’t really sweat uh-huh so I don’t think I really have feel No smell is for sure better than bad smell yeah I guess everything is relative though I didn’t smell good you probably smell good since you’re like nature hopefully sometimes nature smells good sometimes it smells really bad I imagine you either smell like flowers or fruit or like Decay fungus oh yeah Hey flowers probably flowers do you know about corpse flowers like from Animal Crossing yeah yeah those don’t smell good I like how you said from Animal Crossing and I instantly know what you were talking about flowers from real life but the I’m like hey it’s that fish hey I caught that fishing

Oh my God is that a zebra tigerfish oh my gosh I know what that is some Animal Crossing I can’t believe Animal Crossing invented fish yeah and bugs and bugs oh and dinosaurs yeah but only the bones Who knows if they ever existed what’s your favorite animal crossing game New Leaf I think I don’t know I have a fun place in my heart for noon me too I’ve played all of them though literally all of them I’ve played did you play the one

That was only released in Japan oh no okay maybe not all I didn’t put that one either but I did play the the first one yeah yeah that one I also played I thought it has a very lonely atmosphere I think like if you look back at it now yeah also like

Your favorite villager can just move out for no reason and it’ll make you sad uh-huh And really study was super mean I feel like everyone was mean yeah they were they were a lot meaner back then they were I kind of missed it though yeah it should be a little I liked making him rage at me I would just keep resetting on purpose just to make a mat did you you’re kind of Brave

Two because if you reset him enough he’ll be like okay I’m gonna delete your game and then the green would go all black for like five seconds and The reason he’s gone now is because he kept making kids cry why I think this is like pretty filled in yeah yeah I think we can leave the signs for now because they might join up with the other sections this happened so fast oh yeah the power of friendship yeah it’s magic it is like My Little Pony

Yeah are you a fan I am are you ready you I heard I saw a clip you were like I wonder do you like you like friendship is Magic I do I think I have two I watched the new movie though hi yeah it was cute 3D one yeah I liked

How fuzzy the ponies looked yeah the animation was nice narissa also loves My Little Pony oh noisa doesn’t just love friendship is Magic she watches the 80s one oh yeah I like the aesthetic of that one a lot I like how they look I used to collect them as a kid ones

I had like a hot air balloon Castle My Little Pony said it was cute I actually didn’t get into My Little Pony until I was already an adult that’s fair understandable the Friendship is Magic is like genuinely a good cartoon but I I like watching cartoons that are you know and

You know to kids because it’s just wholesome and cute like I like Adventure Time and Gumball and yeah do you have a favorite cartoon did you mention Over the Garden Wall oh that one’s my favorite oh it’s perfect for fall too exactly season We should do a re-watching yeah yeah I would it’s so good I already watched it like a month ago but I’m watching again it’s so good foreign it’s pretty short too like you can watch that whole thing in one sitting okay boss what are we doing

Um do you want to come up here follow me can work on the exterior a little bit see over here oh this is like how is it gonna look ah oh pretty yeah kind of just randomly placed the blocks um I might need like way more though

I might be we might not have an oh there was a hole there be careful okay being careful yeah I still have one okay foreign take something and start randomly placing um are all of the blocks in there I don’t think they are I think they’re all in here you could take like

Half of each stack in here okay except for the glass I think are these all the blocks I was using I think oh wait not the ones in there sorry oh the ones in the green box I think are the the palette it’s the palette except for our stained glass right

Um including stained glass oh okay oh not the regular glass sorry that’s confusing Foreign maybe I should go get more materials do you know how to quickly take half of a sack yeah right click right okay yeah okay I’ll try to get dangerous it’s dangerous you can um actually I think it would be better if you start over here oh okay and go this direction

To be less dangerous laughs the honey blocks and you should probably sleep I’m gonna go to the other server okay more blocks I will be back if I get more milk okay mom’s getting the milk she’ll be back I believe I always come back yeah Have you watched Gravity Falls yeah that one’s good too that one too I love cats in my house in the Ian server I we went I want a little adventure with Kyla Senpai um to the resource server I found a cat and um I tamed it uh-huh and but I couldn’t bring it back with me so I built it a

House and stuff but then I learned that the resource server gets reset oh no Did the cats they can’t travel between servers I don’t know I don’t think so oh no oh no poor Kitty we have to believe that kitty will live on yeah in another another land another life ah yeah is there really no way to cancer animals between servers my kitty

Sometimes I like don’t even want to have animals in video games because it’s like too stressful yeah to lose them the pain of losing them is too much I do appreciate any video game that lets you pet the animal yes those are always 10 of 10. I agree I

Appreciate any game that has immortal animals too yeah I think they should all be immortal all the universities should be immortal um ah all right stained glass I just have to dye it I think my stained glass is the I’m gonna be the hardest thing to get Oh some of you guys have a glass oh they have a lot of glass My animals in Planet zoo kept dying Ah I I thought you were shooting that yeah have you played it no but it looks fun it is fun it’s very in-depth very in-depth simulator I’ve never really played too many Simulator games before like I have I still have never played Samus either wait really but you

Like like farms and games right like I like Farm sales I never like got play Sim Sim that’s interesting I would have expected that you would have I love Sims Oh but truck Sim yeah you play trucks Pro SIM is amazing yeah I’m not very good at it being good at it is overrated yeah it’s more fun to be bad at it I want to try playing it with like an actual wheel and like petals oh yeah Um I wanna I wanna try it and I want to try using 3D with it so oh yeah yeah put myself in the car and use the wheel doesn’t ChalkZone have multiplayer or something does it I heard maybe that there is I don’t how would multiplayer work

You can drive with people question mark hey question mark they will ask fauna about DotA I I think we talked about it I think so I don’t know if I would say I like DotA I’ve played DotA this I want to do a I really want to do a five stack though

Yeah I mean I’m totally I’ve never played it before but I would learn you’ll join yeah yeah or was it League do you like something she likes both right yeah or has played both anyway I don’t know like is a strong one to use when you’re talking about MOBA does anyone

Really like mobas I like Pokemon Unite me too we should play that obviously I’m getting dye to make more stained glass I’m really being calculative about these random block placements uh-huh It has to look random but it has to look good it’s true it’s hard to strike a balance yeah have you heard the music that I use for yes Minecraft Animal Crossing My discount Animal Crossing playlist audio stock is a treasure Trove of of goodies the legally distinct animal uh-huh to sound like actual animal crossing the longer you listen to it like the more I forget what actual Animal Crossing music sounds like there’s like there’s one that you play

And it sounds exactly like the Able Sisters but it’s not exactly yes it’s like slightly off it’s kind of cursed but I love it um okay I gotta feel more blocks oh the honey I should go to my honey farm oh my God didn’t achievement sticky

Situation I don’t know what I did you I think that happens when you fall down two blocks of Honey or three blocks honey ouch um I’m gonna go back first and drop off the blocks I collected yeah I’m gonna need more soup okay thank you for your help yeah

I will refill the chest oh it looks good to be a part of like big projects like like I’m glad you think so you can leave your mark yeah so you can see the corner over there I put that one corner oh the frog lights I forgot about the Frog lights

Oh wait there’s some more um A knee yeah and if I help you you have to help me with the more eyes it’s true I will I will help you I realized I took your signs from your trap oh that’s okay do you want them back here let me give them yeah sure I always can use sign

Here you go thank you Um I will go to the Honey Farm I guess I don’t know if it has honey in it though because I haven’t been there haven’t been able but you still just don’t make it um they don’t if they’re not loaded in ah only work when they feel observed when somebody’s watching and

Then once they slack off Like real life work yeah yeah wait hold on a second you’re kind of my employee right now what do you mean I’m working though do I need to go observe you no okay I trust you oh my God well let’s see there’s no no progress then you know I

Would be slacking so I have to make progress that’s true because you’re the only one on the job you can’t be like I get rid of someone else’s words exactly I think I remember we’re built at the bee farm but not really it was kind of a fever dream building the bee farm it was a happy birthday yeah the bees were very very hard to work with they kept escaping and then dying and I was very

Concerned with them but it all turned out okay in the end at least the bees are cute and not scary they are cute they’re not like squids they’re just scary what about the glow squids do you like the glow squids yeah you know how like when there’s too much of one thing it

Gets creepy looking yeah or even like humans if you look at humans from above and it’s just like too many humans it’s just looking creepy so that was me with the squid situation there were just too many squids in the water and it looked creepy that’s reasonable

At least we have cute axolotls and other aquatic creatures I don’t think aquatic creatures don’t count in the creepy scale except for squids oh wait never mind we’re just squids not count as aquatic creatures you but like I was thinking like school’s a fish right I don’t think school’s

Official that’s true yeah yeah candy you know have you ever like been to a pier and you like go to the edge of the pier and the fish are used to being fed so you just see like a ton of fish Mounds like all like mine at you

Have you ever seen that I haven’t but I I could see how that’d be scary yeah that one is really scary to me in that that counts is the the creepy Factor have you ever had fish nibble on your feet no like at a spa yeah I want to experience that

I don’t like like when things I don’t know I don’t want to be touched but fish there I don’t know they kind of creep me out a little bit sometimes they’re kind of slimy oh and like I don’t know when you’re swimming in like a lake and you feel

Something brush your leg that’s like the worst feeling but usually it’s just like seaweed you know yeah I kind of kind of the feeling of slime I like the feeling of like squishy things so I don’t think I would mind fish too let’s try do like slime I like slime ASMR a

Lot yeah me too the aesthetic cute slimes yeah yeah I don’t like like slime though that like pretends to be food because I always think it’s food and then it’s not and then I get mad that it isn’t food I like those I like like cakes and they’re made of

Clay but I always get bamboozled every time that’s true do you see it like in person or just like in a video in the video but if it’s in the video you can’t eat it anyway yeah yeah that’s true if it’s in front of you I understand if

Someone served me like slime on a plate that looks like food I would be pretty upset I would probably take a bite for realizing but I want it I want to eat it anyway even if it’s not shaped like food it just looks so good yeah did you ever eat Play-Doh

I might have the Play-Doh tastes good oh yeah it’s very salty it smells good Play-Doh tasting Street I guess now I’m curious I don’t know it doesn’t actually taste good it’s really salty it’s like super salty but I like the way it smells but it’s edible right it is like non-toxic it’s

Like made of like flour yeah yeah because you have to because all the kids play with it yeah and they like eat everything have you ever linked a switch cards yes you have what did you think I have two it’s not that bad I agree it’s not that bad yeah

Yeah but I heard that they made them less bitter over time the certain games are really bad like apparently breath of the wild tastes really bad so I’m kind of curious to try breath well brother well the one was one of the first switch games to come

Out so that would make sense yeah maybe yeah yeah I tried um which one did I try was it Mario maker oh creeper I’m gonna run far away so it doesn’t Mario party I think Mario Party yeah I tried Mario Party can can we go to sleep oh I’m not on

Your server yes you can okay I have to go into an idol meeting I will be right back can we talk about how much we love fauna man I love fun don’t you yes what’s your favorite thing about fun I Wanna Know That’s a very valid point oh yeah the Ooze are actually very good too I’m very into the Ooze Blaze ah yes the Blaze Blaze might be one of mine I don’t think I can pick though but your bare feet oh the slap yeah I like how she has the best motherly

Qualities but can still be violent like you know how like you’re afraid of your mom like mothers can be terrifying but they can also be nurturing she has both of those energies which I feel is perfect games yeah Oh I should ask her how she feels about being bald but she asked it right whereas me I I do not encourage it she loves being bald I see hey what’s that about Love’s being bald but what are they trying to tell you well I don’t encourage being

Like me being bald but you apparently actively encouraged the bald thing well I mean how do you really Define actively encourage I guess I did pay money to have a emote of me being bald made and I guess I do put a ball cap on when I play hidden

But you you’re not you don’t want to embrace the the lifestyle um I like hair is nice you can always wear a wig though true but like hair is so soft and you can put it in so many different sensitive because my head if you see the

Top of my head it’s already pretty shiny yeah so it is it’s beautiful one of the benefits to being bald is the head shine but I don’t need to be bald because I already have the head shine you know that’s true that’s a good point yeah your head is miraculously shiny oh my

God thank you I want to touch the shiny head can touch it as much as you want is it smooth yeah it’s smooth I want to touch your horn do you let people do that I’ll let you do it hey people in general however maybe maybe not

I collected some more honey I’ll come back now I’m making good progress yeah yeah it looks very random oops oops I gotta remember I don’t have my silk touch so I can’t break any of these that I put down do you need a silk touch no I have one it’s in my okay

Are there any blocks that you’re running out of um I could use more of the glowy ones and honey I I still love them I I mostly only have the stained glass left ah you can look I put a few more in the chest the green one have a look see if

If you need anything if it has what you need oh yeah I’ll put it on my palette I need more frog lines too but those demand a sacrifice yeah cause it’s it’s that good as senpai’s Frog Light Farm uh what’s a frog like they’re like those glowing blocks they’re new they added them in a recent update there’s three colors It’s what the the beetle is made of Frog Light they’re pretty I really like them yeah they make the tray really done yeah oh it looks really good thank you thank you coming along great yeah I’ll play some more honey in here maybe I’ll go I forgot where the Frog Light farm is where is it again is this enough emeralds wait I probably have more somewhere oops I think I have some in my chest oh no those are your emeralds but that’s your payment that’s your

Employee compensation oh yeah my work is calm yeah you don’t sue us please don’t sue us safe work conditions I’ll just throw throw emeralds at you until you don’t feel like you need just sue me please don’t report the ocean violation it’s a good place to work I’m getting

Free food and a pretty house lodging you’re paying for my housing and yeah good I can go on lines whenever I I approve of Kieran Cole thank you your support means the world to us yeah here at Karen Cole oh like like you know we have business rivalry with the bunkeroni bunkeroni Incorporated Where are Fox fog light oh I saw the en sign the stop sign and there’s like everybody has a role like you’re the pro tag oh yeah we were gonna make an Ian Guild maybe we can do that now yeah what would I be with Advent you can be whatever you

Like oh okay I don’t think they were serious roles I think we just decided them on a win mostly I want to be I’ll be the mascot you know how there’s like a company mascot yeah you can be the mascot yeah our mascot with a very round head I think my head’s pretty round

All mascots should have a round head yeah what kind of mascot would have a square head yeah Steve he’s no mascot yeah wrong things are just generally either it’s true yeah I love round and yeah have you seen why are they called or forgetting what they’re called they’re like a type of

Wild cat they’re very round wild can’t wait there is they’re like a like a cold weather cat I’m looking it up yes that one yeah they’re pretty round right they’re so ruined Palace cat so cute yeah they’re kind of grumpy too yeah I love grumpy cat face it’s like why are you so grumpy yeah why do you have to be grumpy about are your cats Grumps uh my cat’s snail is not really grumpy he’s a very good boy OMSI is a little feisty but he’s not grumpy do you have pets um I have two cats but there was my parents actually I had I I had two we were down to one because one of them was an outdoor cat and she left one day and didn’t come back oh

Which is kind of sad yeah but the sadder part is they didn’t tell me about it oh no for like a year so she was missing for a year and I didn’t even know oh I’m sorry it’s okay though I I hope she’s doing well but I also heard that like

Cats are considerate and they don’t want uh anybody to witness them like passing away so they just hide which is so sad let’s think about I think cats are the best creatures yeah cats are the best would you get any of your own to live with you I want to mm-hmm

I want a ragdoll cat I think those are those are super cute yeah they’re very cute Um I like Maine Coons too oh yeah they’re big they’re huge yeah I love how huge they are foreign I also like the ones without skin or oh without skin Don’t Put It Down for uh the wrinkly they’re the wrinkly they are cute they’re kind of like ugly cute yeah I’m gonna make a scaffold Oh it’s a little bit treacherous it’s okay Construction in general is better that’s true maybe there are safety measures we could employ but who needs them ah what is the the more I die the more workers comp I get yeah Oh no [Applause] we do have a lot of emeralds but you know I prefer to a used company resources wisely yeah wouldn’t do on purpose yeah do you know if it happens when it happens my boss is treating me so well I’m glad you think so um you’re in the underside is gonna be very

Tricky oh do you wanna oh I’m gonna I’m working on it now but I don’t have much faith in myself foreign Well we’re making good progress yeah we really are it actually is kind of a game changer to have help you have been yelling at me to get help forever get some help but I’m too shy to ask people And now I have a kohai I can yeah use your Senpai Authority on totally fine I will Are you gonna do this for all the all the seasons to like the the decorations yeah they’re all gonna be like kind of glowy and I want to have like hanging bits too foreign Like blue eyes yeah Concrete too yeah that’s smart oh it’s it’s getting there Ah it’ll look cool once it’s all like glowing because you’ll be able to see it from the ground better yeah it won’t just be this like Dark Shadow But the trunk like as it is um I want to change it I want to add texture to it like different blocks um I might try to shape it better too but I’ll like finish the canopy first because then it will look more like a tree yeah

You have to worry about the other details later you want to sleep oh yeah we have to do Roots too I was working on the roots a long time ago but I never finished them because I got frustrated because I built one and it looked too much like a perfect Dome shape

And it made me mad so I just went and did the rest of the tree it reminds me of um I think there’s like a lot of trees like magical oops World trees in like media in mythology yeah Oh foreign My scaffolding is very treacherous Wait that doesn’t work with the J why not don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it is so weird no no You may wish to say it with a a g instead ah okay Disney okay Disney okay but it’s fine it’s fine I was just saying it for the meme thing oh Foreign I don’t have a totem I might be the next workplace casualty do you want mine no no no don’t worry I have more I just haven’t okay because you’re you’re doing more dangerous than I am right because you’re going under I don’t think I’ll fall maybe that’s true I have an elytra though

I’ll be okay even if I fall wait my water ouch Low Stone You do have to place it like perfectly randomly but not random yeah it’s calculated Randomness it is that’s why I like being very like hmm does this look random enough I keep just wanting to go look at it from a distance yeah I like place like two blocks and I’m like okay let’s go see I do that all the time I like you know do it like a tiny change and then I stand back does this look good you have to

Yeah I’ve heard what like the pro Minecrafters do is they have like a second account logged in and that’s like the camera account ah and that one will just be constantly looking from a distance oh it looks really good what you’ve done you’ve done a lot of it yeah thank you

Does it does it look random enough it does it looks great yeah yeah from the distance to you can’t tell that much like exactly what it is that’s why I love natural builds yeah versus like you know structure I’m better with like naturally looking thing and randomness

Yeah it doesn’t have to be perfect in fact it looks better if it’s not perfect yeah The royalty-free Animal Crossing music is infecting my brain Wawa I unironically listened to KK Slider covers of song do you yeah there’s some good ones yeah I like is the Bell covers of songs too there was one of Isabelle singing girl Put Your Records On it’s very good foreign so much progress yeah there is there’s a cake case my

Favorite KK Slider one I think he does a joji song oh it’s slow dancing in the dark KK does it and he goes like Oh and it’s so emotional you can hear the emotion and it’s oh it’s so good it’s so cute I don’t think I’ve heard it I want

To listen to it now yeah listen to it I wanna listen to it I think I will probably wrap my stream up soon are you gonna keep playing Um I might wrap up soon too actually well thank you for your help I have to record it oh goodness recording yes boarding Rock recording I’m so invested now please let me continue to help yes yes I appreciate your help I will try to play again every Monday or as many Mondays as I can thank you people well if you don’t mind me joining I might join you yes Monday yay Thank you all right I’m gonna take my leave things put down the rest of these blocks In progress time power of friendship is Magic it is Magic yeah okay bye bye Samplings you guys turned into golden apples I wasn’t prepared you may think that’s why I have a golden apple on my head foreign but it was unplanned we’ll do it we’ll do a member stream this week and hang out and we could talk about the golden apples wait hold on let me go Over here wait can you still hear the music yes you can wait is it really quiet maybe this one’s really quiet laughs I see the golden apples I have one on my head it’s quiet I feel like it’s just this song though If I skip it is it normal volume now it’s like you’re bald now too why how is it like being bald if you’re you’re Golden Apple it’s still low does that mean it’s been low the whole stream oh no oh no yes thank you guys for being here for

Two whole years it was fine in Minecraft interesting thank you thank you I appreciate you guys this was fun I will do more openvc Minecraft sometimes I’m too shy but but this was very fun it was great to talk to my Cohan is my Advent cool highs and

There was actually so much progress made on the tree it’s kind of incredible Let me read I will read the super chats because I got caught up And it’s time to develop good Super Chat habits once more I will be responsible foreign Start being responsible now It’s never too late To be responsible Right Thank you guys for hanging out and thank you to my Advent for hanging out too what a change I used to read the super chats we are we’re returning to normal back to normal things are finally calming down something special is happening on Wednesday and then it’s page 3D debut on uh Saturday

Question mark Um yeah Special counsel collab on Wednesday we’re doing a thing was it I don’t remember how much I don’t know how much has been has been said but it’s happening a thing not the not the 3D collab there is a special a special collab with counselors happening in October no details no time

You will have to wait a little bit and then there will be details is there merch no your wallets will be spared for the for the Wednesday collab there is no merch on Wednesday I’ll go ahead and spoil it there’s no merge for the Wednesday collab But It seems like I had 3D debut merch and crony and mume had 3D debut matches not gone on sale yet what have you won the merch There’s merch if you want it you can buy it on the website All right let me read the Super Chat thank you thank you guys for hanging out thank you Mr trees is mythical C Spirit red mortal Paul Matthews thank you Pete red knocks Katie Kaiju Ranger Bishop got somewhat Evan tracker or pojo Fest Thomas cavaliator copper Chef shrub in the mood die die

Photon asterion snip Thomas TJ tentacles Thurman Avengers This is just a lot of saplings a lot of snails I mean it feels like more than normal or maybe I’m just out of practice Luke Mr Avi Katie I run the window in San Diego acronym Kaiju Viper Jeff has red knocks from personally and no feisty

Or a man hi Chester noveax using no candyman’s irrelevant sorry Echo sounds I’m gonna plant them all gotta plant them all softly wrapped thank you zoinks thank you I haven’t spaghetti for you that sounds good Bishop thank you oh shoot me shoot him go again this little guy’s already

Putting up the mini Christmas tree I’m kind of excited for like a cozy a cozy fall in winter season there have been a ton of events over the summer I’m looking forward to just like cozy fall and winter in inside playing video games LDN thank you thank you Wait shoot is it officially Autumn today did I miss why do I always miss the equinox Like a while ago it was on the 22nd oh my God what kind of keeper of nature am I I missed the equinox I’m supposed to celebrate the Equinox oh I know I am slacking I’m supposed to remind you guys about the equinox and the solstice so we can celebrate the changing seasons

Together we’ll get it next time it’s fall officially fall Happy fall it still looks like summer outside That’s why you have to remember the 21st night of September I guess so thank you I haven’t changed my seasonal equations if you’re not yet banjo thank you wait why is this kind of right how do you know Benjo how did you know prediction Kieran Coe has conscripted

Its first employee and the green lady has gone mad with power while her beloved kohai toils away building the world tree that’s like exactly what happened I like didn’t build it at all I just supervised Tyrion thank you oh I’m glad you liked the tgcc panel yeah being said to have matching outfits

I know I wanted to do a collab with her now wearing our outfits that matched Stella thank you thank you thank you McLaren feel better being for Trad Gore here go feel better be am I hope you feel better Mika surprise thank you FS thank you oh you made my peanut

Noodles it turned out great I’m glad you liked it it’s healthy too I grewanda thank you nature is healing and building I think I’m turning into less of a puddle I’m happy I was able to interact with some of my cool hives because I’ve been kind of an asocial puddling

I’m slowly regaining my my form puddle power Jack thank you sevens thank you how about at any point in history I wanted to see hey on Japan maybe because I’m a weeb but I like hey on the Halon period I wanna see um Murasaki shikibu and say shonagon’s rivalry

I want to read say shonogon’s the pillow book Spartan Packard thank you but 84 years since the last Minecraft Monday I believe you Jack Hill thank you oh no Luke thank you oh no these are cursed nature facts that’s disgusting I love it Heroes thank you or diesel thank you finally free from monthly Minecraft hopefully

Hopefully it will be weekly there’s so many games to play though akaranda thank you the tasseled Wobbegong shark is a funny silly looking little guy let me see let me have a look oh he is a funny silly looking little guy he’s got like branches I like this little guy

You are thank you LDN thank you Sonic Master thank you Pokemon and Miku are collabing really because fries thank you button blade user thank you Lumen and moon thank you lots of great artwork hold on let me look Miku Pokemon I don’t know if any of these are official

Is this one official oh this is cute this is a dream come true for a lot of people hope you’re College work has been going okay hang in there thank you Bishop thank you Mr Reeves thank you the narrator I didn’t even know about the narrator the Minecraft narrator I kind of want to do a stream with the narrator on it’s kind of funny okay thank you sorry go free thank you Rosa said thank you God thank you dear bird thank you oh nice oh nice about the seven plush I’m happy Matthew thank you and I thank you Thank you Oh that’s genius consider making tree roots across the server so if the tree burns the fire spreads across the world I should I should I could I could hold the whole world hostage that way if my tree burns the whole world’s going down with it the

Whole server is going down with us so you guys better protect this tree you better protect it Is then happy birthday Do you want me to buy you some golf clubs I can’t promise that but I will do ASMR soon I’ll try to do them this week I know I said I was gonna do one last week and then I didn’t I will try to do one this week I should be able to

I’m gonna sing you happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear stop playing happy birthday to you happy birthday great thank you pasta thank you what Toto dial thank you Aries thank you thank you see you with watama is a dream dream come true for me too

Alien thank you okay thank you thank you I appreciate it Thank you thank you why are you still here still claiming it’s your birthday Walking cats thank you sorry been over February five it doesn’t like month-long birthdays we can make an exception for Bae because her birthday doesn’t even exist so what are we gonna do she just has to have the whole the whole month it’s the only way plus she’s way cuter than grimace

Like a million times is cute Thank you fresh Browns thank you Grimace Island where his species lives there’s a whole species species of grimace this is my nightmare there’s some windows thank you cover yourself thank you that reminded me it’s my birthday tomorrow Happy Birthday early birthday thanks for two years of comfy tangents thanks to Griffis JK man

I love fun and PS can I get birthday book Bonk do I have a book in here I have a notebook oh did you hear that okay I should be careful I don’t want to actually destroy my microphone but this microphone it’s very sturdy it can take the abused

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday evil doctor catfish thank you so cute where does the Ghost with the stutter say bee boo that’s so cute if no thank you yes I have a two years of membership

Golden apples I see them now in even in uh hello lizard they are here they’re insane thank you oh that’s true that’s a good thought for you thank you laughter it reads thank you red delicious apples are gross but golden apples are excellent please accept this red super it’s a compromise since

YouTube does not offer golden and sofas thank you thank you after I really appreciate it every two years I can’t believe it’s been two years I still can’t believe it many Good Times thank you I have not heard of this show about a cloth cat that lives in a shop

Called is this real I almost don’t even want to say the name it’s a weird and creepy vibe I’m Googling it it’s of course is British definitely real I don’t want to say it it does look creepy I like it though I kind of like it Giorgio thank you Luke thank you Allison said thank you oh run the win thank you I know there’s so so many of you golden apples you’ve stuck around this whole

Time it really means a lot to me you’ve been here this whole time with me I don’t have to go at it alone maze thank you Speedy G thank you Evan thank you yeah right two years ago the golden apple seemed like a mirage on the horizon it’s like oh that’ll never

Happen that’s like so far in the future I don’t even have to think about and it’s already here Heroes thank you hobo cat thank you Bishop thank you Romeo thank you Jesus thank God no thank you snip thank you hello no thank you I will accept applications from current

And or former bunkeroni employees I will definitely maybe I can steal them I’m going to seeds thank you your favorite Palace cat fact is they’re so anti-social that they’re born hissing at each other they’re so grumpy they’re so grumpy This is it’s kind of cute they’re so grumpy why so grumpy don’t worry so much little Palace cat you’re so round you’re so cute why do you have to be grumpy Thank you what can cats thank you oh no foreign cats are very special I love cats forever I feel blessed that we can live with cats and share our lives with cats Yen way thank you What kind of Can the cats movie you totally got me I’m like what kind of cat is a angelical and I googled it it’s from the Cats musical I will not be adopting They’re really social but also really really vocal you’re totally gotta be I Googled it you made me Google it I felt so disgusted when the Cats the musical picture came up and I was like adopt this I will not be good fail thank you all right those are the super chats see

It’s not so bad when when we read them timely I’m sure everyone appreciates having their messages read time and entirely mannered I must maintain these good good habits thank you for hanging out today uh tomorrow I will not be streaming it’s a break day for me but on Wednesday it

Will be special counsel collab I’m really excited it’s it’s I’m excited that’s all I’ll say and there’s not much for the Wednesday collab I’m excited to guesstimate a time okay I’ll tell you a time it will be FST plus two is the time that’s when it starts and it will go for a while sounds good okay okay That’s all I will say we’re hanging out today in the YouTube for joining me Minecraft it’s fun I have a golden apple on my head it’s nice streaming I’m looking forward to a cozy season we’ll play more games we’ll do ASMR it would be good thank you for hanging out to you thank you for two years we’re gonna have a member stream what would you guys like

To do to celebrate I did want to play Fall Guys wait why don’t we don’t we do like a variety members stream we could do like a little gaming a little chatting a little reading maybe a little bit of everything might be fun a little yeah a little variety member stream The whole shebang a little Super Chat reading from a month ago Yeah sounds good can’t we not do variety shoes we just can’t play multiple games in the same stream but we would be able to do like reading and chatting and even like watch along although I don’t know if we do all of that and one game All right thank you guys for hanging out and take care tomorrow and I’ll see you on Wednesday appreciate you happy two years of members all right I’ll see you guys on Wednesday I’m excited should be excited too I’m pretty excited It’s like nothing to

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 IT’S MINECRAFT MONDAY??? (open vc?)’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-09-26 01:53:57. It has garnered 117553 views and 11001 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:41 or 12941 seconds.

It’s a christmas miracle

✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/SEBU_illust/status/1699348464746799182 Thank you so much!! 💚

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: https://optifine.net/downloads

Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

✿ Hashtags ✿ LIVE: #faunline ART: #FineFaunart

✿ Twitter ✿ https://twitter.com/ceresfauna @ceresfauna ༻━━━༺ .⋅ ✧ ⋅. ༻━━━༺ 【Tsukumo Sana】 [YouTube] https://t.co/rmtApAWdl3?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/tsukumosana

【Kronii Gold】 [YouTube] https://t.co/P3BX2MUiCX?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ourokronii

[Nanashi Mumei] [YouTube] https://t.co/oO4kBazKMv?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_en

【Hakos Baelz】 [YouTube] https://t.co/X17xhp1Bty?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz

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【 FauForest Rules! 】

► Be kind and respectful to everyone here! Don’t spam or troll. ► If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. ► Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. ► Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first. ► Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. ► Try your best not to backseat. I like to enjoy games at my own pace, and I think part of the fun is watching me struggle, so please refrain from offering advice unless I specifically ask for help!

As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.

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【CREDITS】 Stream Layouts: Melonturtle (https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_) Logo: Gogon (https://twitter.com/gogon_illust) Custom BGM: Arkhand (https://twitter.com/the_arkhand) Emotes: Maerie (https://twitter.com/maeriette) Stinger Transition: UWU Media (https://twitter.com/uwumedia) Birthday Stream Background: reNPC (https://twitter.com/reNPCarts) Bedroom Stream Background: 7MC (https://twitter.com/7MC_Official) Starting/Ending Screen: Shieriru (https://twitter.com/shieriru_55)

BGM used □DOVA-SYNDROME HP:https://dova-s.jp/ License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/ □AUDIOSTOCK HP:https://audiostock.jp/ License : https://audiostock.jp/help/usage

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[Hololive Production] ・Hololive English YouTube Channel: https://t.co/LcYDgFF9V0?amp=1 ・Hololive Production Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololivetv ・Hololive English Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololive_En ・Hololive English Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/

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  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

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  • Insomnia SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

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  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

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  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

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  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! https://www.patreon.com/fearsona 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 https://streamlabs.com/fearsona/tip ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/FEARSONAYT ✨INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/fearsona/ ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘mc.rajce.pro dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- https://discord.gg/hkAgVFZd #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yga84m78bJ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: https://sociabuzz.com/samsulch/tribe Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : https://discord.gg/jx7KwxGyX5 / discord Follow My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bagascipta_/?hl=id / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 IT’S MINECRAFT MONDAY??? (open vc?)