Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 KIRIN MUST BUILD

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Thank you Foreign I feel like I have to sneeze already I sneezed maybe I didn’t sneeze at all in the Minecraft stream but in the member stream I sneezed twice and it was at a watch along so it’s pure unfiltered raw sneezes hello welcome welcome back to Minecraft I streamed for seven hours yesterday

That’s a lot for me I don’t normally stream that long so I’m kind of slightly tired just a little bit so I might not stream well I won’t stream for seven hours today I’ll just tell you that right now it’s not gonna be a seven hour stream good afternoon for the membership

Maybe if you’re a sneeze fan which I know some of you might be a sneeze fan but yes look we’re here we’re on the new server isn’t it beautiful I do have to say like the new world generation is really nice it’s very nice to see

Um I was thinking about building a tree farm today but I really don’t think I don’t think I’m ready yet um we I don’t I simply think we don’t have the resources at the moment because I think we need some like scaffolding which means a lot of stringing and

Bamboo and like bamboo is not that hard to get but string is kind of hard to get so then I thought well we could make a mob grinder um like the server has to have a mob grinder right but I’ve tried to make mob Grinders in the past and I they have

Been very inefficient and I know they change like the mob spawning rules I don’t know what a good mob grinder is it has to have spiders oh my goodness there’s a strange man in my house Um um it looks like he has come to donate his llamas to me I think this is very frightening what do you have I mean I don’t have any emeralds that’s not even interesting anyway um he’s come to donate his llamas to me look look look can I have the leads

Where would the leads drop did they drop near the llamas or near him what the heck this guy really Said Knock Knock oh here they are um are his llamas loyal to him he is trespassing you’re right within my right to defend my home right They can’t see right they can’t see um don’t look don’t watch this oh she didn’t drop anything where’s my loot I’ve saved you llamas I’ve saved you from your captivity you are safe now you may live with me I will build you a sanctuary or I should tame them

Oh oh shoot I fed it my little precious wheat my precious weeds oh no Are they free well it seems like they have made their choice wait look oh he loves me already see they love me wait does this this is the one wait do they both love me already They both love me I think wait do they Oh no wait maybe neither of them loves me But they will you will love me you will love me yeah I’m hitting e I forgot that the hearts show up no matter what you will love me you will love your new home I feel like I’m just building oh see building like the same thing that I

Built in the other server I’m building a cottage and now I’m gonna have to build an alpaca Barn it happens it just keeps happening I don’t know they walked they literally walked right into my lap what am I supposed to do what do you expect me to do when the

World just gives me alpacas and new he knew that I needed these see they love me um well I’m kind of scared though this is It’s the Wild Wild West out here there’s like a bunch of drowns around I don’t want them to get attacked well I was going to go mining oh should I put them inside where it’s safe Let’s put them inside wait can they even come in are they too tall I’ll bring them in I’ll just demolish my whole house for them because I care okay oh shoot I have to figure out I have to remember how to do the the boat Where’s the boat hit box which is a lot so much the boat hitbox oh perfect no you and you come on let’s go let’s go everybody come on there you go bring the animals inside why not I’ll allow it also my house is really small I want to

Make it bigger also it’s not even done I did fill in the the holes in the walls at least there look already on my bed making themselves at home it is cozy but I feel like I should have a nice cool house like you know when people make big houses

In Minecraft it looks really cool Yay I have pets now I have pets okay well Should we mine I won’t like diamonds we need I don’t even know where what we mean where do we even start is someone else going to build a mob grinder did someone else build one already I feel like someone will build one at some point foreign We have an iron farm that’s pretty good um I don’t know who do we because a mob grinder is useful but it’s kind of early game but I mean I guess we are early game don’t feel like you have to skip to the late game I guess um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t have a

Good mom grinder for a plan Combining for spider dungeon yeah I don’t think we’ll find one though I feel like they’re very rare in in this world generation but maybe we should go mining but where do I want my mind to start maybe like not right in my house here wait I want to bring a door

We don’t even have what I need not really Let’s be smart let’s go find diamonds which might also be difficult this world generation bring this and this bring this I guess I can bring a boat I don’t know if I should bring all my food um I’ll bring well maybe I should it’s not like you

Can easily get food in a cave Okay this is probably good oh my shield This is probably good But what if I just go strip mining It’s getting the old door wait I wanted a door I wanted a door more food while you see food is a bit scarce these days and this is all I have except for these three apples but I mean that’s not going to keep me fed for very long

Make food fun what do you think this is Let’s do the mine here in this mountain foreign coal already maybe Cole is not actually rare I said it was but maybe I was thinking of iron someone maybe it’s oh should I do three tall on my staircase Um do this for now it is nicer but are we living such a luxurious life to have three tall mine you know We’re in the Stone Age this is not This is am I making a four at all foreign I don’t even know how to dig a staircase anymore oh iron although we do have an iron farm apparently maybe I should go look around too at some point I am just like being caveman right now Ooga booga fauna build Cottage in woods fauna kidnap alpacas what happened in yesterday’s stream um we fought the warden did we win I don’t know I mean who’s the one still standing here today I think that would be me Um we dug in the Earth I found no I didn’t find I built a house they found and jungle temple and many things did she make it back I saw that she didn’t um keep playing very long after I left is she still like 2 000 blocks away from home

Panda she found panda she’s going back next time good luck Bay this is what she wants though right Adventure foreign where are we 15. do we want to go all the way down to like minus 16 64. however close we can get for diamonds yeah oh shoot but we’re gonna have to mine

Through deep slate oh that’s gonna be so annoying okay I want to get gear I want Enchanted gear we have no choice we have to make sff I wanted the gear it’s so hard to build up from nothing you never realize how good you got it till it’s gone

I should have kept my 200 levels we could try to get diamond gear though at least some Diamond gear and then we could try to make an enchanting table oh but how am I gonna get leather for the books see this is when you start over in Minecraft it’s like oh

Is there a trade center cows I don’t have any cows goodbye I didn’t bring a craft table that’s okay I have not put any torches up it’s a little bit dark it’s okay um this is this is why need better gear can’t be going through a million iron pickaxes

Why go from zero again you know Times Like These I ask myself the same question the for the challenge for the spirit of things getting mending is the hard part no Phoenix sin so I would be down to do more um villager villager managing too

But then you have to go find a village to oh Does anyone have some village already here how far are we how far do we want to go to 60 Muna what’s she been up to with her her Village see this is another thing I never know wait what’s this huh oh tough tough luck there’s a villager spot or farm near spawn really

Can I borrow some or can I put some in a in a little a little cage oh mine is 58. is this deep enough oh that’s bedrock Bedrock always scares me for some reason I don’t know why It feels like I shouldn’t be here you know it feels like I’ve gone too far also because the texture like they have not updated the texture have they ever updated the texture so like we especially right like next to the Deep slate which looks so modern modern Minecraft

The Bedrock looks so old school Minecraft it makes me feel like I’m in the wrong the wrong universe gone too far so old they crushed his if I miss I don’t know I miss those days I mean I think Minecraft is a better game now there’s just way more to do in Minecraft

Now oh my goodness I forgot that this can happen um we’re not in the nether but this can still happen you know what if we just decide to go another way and I’m not streamlining ideally um because you can do that little boom boom thing where you just dig like this

And you go no no diamonds and then you go like this nope no diamonds but maybe I should dig that way one two oh do you do two or three apart though two if you want to be thorough it works oh but see this also pains me because I don’t have Fortune

How can you mine diamonds with no fortune you know can the strategy works it definitely works my diamonds thank you five diamonds how many do we need a lot that was pretty easy though oh is this the um most boring thing though streamlining this is what I do when I’m non-streaming

Minecraft which I rarely play Minecraft off stream but when I do I just do like this is what I could do for hours just sit check for diamonds there’s like no danger caving oops just sit and enjoy in the Zen you can hear the warden what did she say guac

I want to see crony one people in the morning just for the for the sake of it say it like she’s how did she say foreign which I’ve been eating so many avocados I’ve got so many avocados because I ran out and I was so sad and I was like I never

Want to run out of avocados ever again so I bought a ton of them and I oh I’ve been eating them Foreign toast should we get some obsidian we do need some this is why I’m green like a flamingo you are what you eat oh it’s the matcha and the avocado let’s see my hair is almost like avocado colored even it’s almost matcha latte colored not broccoli colored

Oh but this is probably gonna be a problem because there’s probably lava under it do you think Oh wait we’re like a bread Bedrock bread Rock Bedrock maybe not ah now when you just just when you thought then Minecraft could not get any more interesting now not only do we have strip mining

We have obsidian mining Red Rock sounds yummy it sounds like when you leave your bread out for too long and it gets stale I don’t know that doesn’t sound that yummy to me personally we might die here I told you look we made a cobblestone generator um

How much obsidian do we even want uh oh no fondness per second am I gonna have to get my sticker out foreign style bunker I think I might because I just feel like in general I just need resources I need everything Um The Tree Farm I want to build just making a cobblestone generator this is not what I want um The Tree Farm I want to build Also requires some obsidian what am I doing here it also enchantment table also requires obsidian and then of course another portal um okay hello hello lava yeah I could actually I could make a lava Farm really easily because I have drip Stone now another benefit of updating the world is

The new materials not Impossible to find thank you What do you need for a lava Farm do you literally just put lava on top of a drip Stone oh you need a cauldron too do you just need iron for a cauldron oh I don’t want to stand right on top of this lava on top of a cow don’t say that’s

And think that I will fall for it block I can put the drip Stone on it’s gonna kill my water no I recall doing this with mume call doing this obsidian thing with movie in the tunnel beneath our houses and I recall it being just as annoying as it is right now

The stalker tunnel shhh yeah the carpet kept catching on fire ruining our plans oh wait I should like take some of this lava instead of just turning all of it into obsidian oh do you think there’s any left we’ll find out there’s some my inventory is very sick and it will

Never get better because there’s no shulkers because we’re in the Stone Age foreign How much lava do I want see like I don’t even want to get rid of this stuff because I can use all of it I can use the cobblestone oh nice foreign But but I don’t I’m just gonna end up leaving okay let’s just go back with our haul it’s not it’s not really a haul but we can well maybe we should build like a giant Farm food farm we’re gonna make them an automatic one they’re not an automatic one but like an

Automatic Harvest automatically harvested one those are not that hard to make could make it underground we could just dig out under my house oh I don’t think using villagers although you’re right that that would be that would be good but I don’t want villagers to live in my house it’s my house

I was just thinking like um like a normal one where you have to plant it But you can use water buckets two Harvest it at least um I don’t really want this to love in my hot bar t okay in my storage is oh leaves a bit to be desired I really like the Deep slate blocks actually for building um okay

What should we do should we go look around should we take the lava buckets out of my inventory maybe put away this stuff goes here um I need more coal let’s have a survey of the land Boats don’t despawn right could I leave my boat over here like a fairy it’s like a fairy and I can just leave it there and then I can go back to my hat look how cute oh cute that’s my house it’s pretty cute foreign Bay is a mountain pass all right I am I wouldn’t be interested in doing a villager stuff the Enderman left that here oh Andy um because um they’re very useful for getting all sorts of things like bookshelves it really is like Animal Crossing coming in who’s doing what

Let’s look because I haven’t looked around at all can I go in Oh okay never mind I don’t want it I don’t want to cuss problems I don’t want to let the alley out I like how everyone’s building with wood too because it’s it’s all too new this is botan photon’s house oh was ahead her new shop it’s very cute very modern

Oh here’s the tree farm oh here’s dark oak two oh there’s Spruce over here wait I want some spruce I’ll collect a little bit little oh a donkey a little bit of spruce because it’s my favorite type of wood to build with Nerd Falls is this this is a nice house this one looks really nice there’s a layer of defensive berries you know that’s a nice house man people have nice oh she’s a farm too oh it’s a really free mummy said it was free do you think I can borrow just one of each

I will replant it just so I can have a farm of my own And cute scarecrow oh free lava when for smelting oh is that pecula’s Tower oh there’s another portal over here these spruce trees are looking kind of sad what has happened oh saplings oh we may said this would work wait it did I see one oh What’s up where’d you go did you get stuck in the tree oh right there I have I don’t want to destroy all the trees though It already looks like this um these trees should be Replanted Can I have more saplings I have three saplings that’s two saplings can I have three so I can replant and then keep one for myself we have donkeys around Okay and then one for me my prize your volunteer to be kept only so that I can grow you and then chop you down and turn you into my house what is this what is happening There’s not even a tree here This is unnatural I see I see the culprit or I’ll replant Right here right here what oh that was a block of snow oh You can’t keep in trees now one floating block of wood is not a tree I’m sorry but I will destroy the leaves and then create a tree that’s the beauty of nature sometimes you need a little destruction in order to progress what is what is this Who has done this probably one of my beloved Senpai but I cannot abide by this this tree chopping Behavior this is Minecraft Madness this cannot be all of this this is all Minecraft Madness who chopped almost a whole tree and then just left the top And then replant so that it will be beautiful mm-hmm Very good yes you’re good you’re a good tree who’s a good tree you’re a good tree you’re a good tree okay well I have some Spruce now oh these flowers are really pretty The nether portal looks pretty cool too What’s this I can’t read it I can’t read the fun house it makes me scared because it’s written in red glowing red ink like a blood I Like okay looks like the start of something The Sun is setting Movie said I should go inside but I don’t know should I okay I guess I’m in why didn’t Mommy say I should go in here Should I go up don’t go in here Touch the bed um um um I don’t trust it I don’t trust it mm-hmm What is it just thank you oh daibu am I what do they what does it mean dive is it is it like oh now you can’t get down now you’re stuck but from where just from here oh is it because there’s water there Is water do I need water This is the answer that would have been cool if I made it though I picked up my water I spammed too much okay where are the legend villagers It was the lag that’s what you say it’s not what I’m supposed to say you guys are supposed to go haha you missed and I’m supposed to go it was the p EP villager near spawn following dirt and Bridge Yeah you are you’re flipping the script on me I’m supposed to be the one making excuses for my my gaming inadequacy I mean normally I would But in this case what is there to say um this is a farm oh this is the iron farm oh works well wow oh hello I see them do they I oh wait is this what the wait are they being bred and then brought here or are they not being bred um

If I take them will more ones show up will they be replenished Because they don’t have beds or anything yeah I have to breed them with potatoes but don’t they need beds yeah is it like the tracks are the tracks bringing them here um Does this go to a village do I want to go there are there villagers left there um I do want villagers but I don’t know if it’s okay to take them um all right who’s counting do that will they breed here without any beds though don’t they need beds um

Yeah I guess I could replenish later should we do some villager management I feel like it would be useful but where should I build it um oh wait right I don’t have beds I forgot do we can we get sheep maybe we need sheep oh it says don’t open does it oh

Yeah we could try to get to wool Farm perhaps What is this where are you hiding there see I’m still I’m still nervous even to like do this because I’m like oh what if I’m what if I’m what if someone built this purposefully what if someone was going to make a tree house out of this and I just ruined it you know

What if that was intentional yeah contemporary art piece you know um oh I think I left my crafting table I was going to um oh wait there’s one right here oh never mind I’m just going to do this because I think it’s full so is my inventory though whoa it’s very full Wait I’m not wearing my armor because I died I’ll take some too but um might as well do this oh I see well we’re all thinking it’s there to make sure the poppies do not overflow oh Pop there’s even poppy bear rules To make perfect sense maybe I’ll put these oh should I put these in here I don’t know if that’s how it goes um I don’t want to ruin the Sorting but I do want to convert everything into blocks just so we’ll eat that way that it can fill up again you know

I’ll fix it though I’ll put it back the way it was just oops let’s do this first so there’s more space in the chest come on oops oh and binding I need some ingots don’t ruin things final tries desperately not to ruin things but perhaps ruins them anyway ah

I don’t know if I should put them in here but we put them in here then there’s more space should there be one poppy though but do I want any poppies like that I don’t think it was like that before foreign without overthinking it it’s not possible too many senpais too much fear

Wait yeah is it gonna clog The Hoppers if I don’t leave any puppies though is that a thing foreign Ed it I almost ruined everything I have a million miles away that’s what I want to do but I want to build things that will be useful for everyone else too you know okay

I don’t have a sign for the iron Barrel I mean people will find it right this will fill up and then people will be like oh I should put my poppies away and then they’ll go Boop and they’ll go wow iron it’s not that far away

See if I had an Elijah it would be easy to go to go fly around and find stuff find a village this looks very modern wow whose house is this where’s the entrance Mud City’s house looks really good very modern okay um free sapling ooh

Should I find like a villain of my own and just steal those villagers oh no I need sheep though where am I gonna find sheep why are you a donkey why are you not a sheep didn’t they kill all of the Sheep are there any left

Yeah I guess it’d be good to find um a village and sheep no reason you can’t have both and every time I see the donkey I just think I’m Gordon Ramsay you donkey donkey oh home sweet home how cute that’s pretty cute House Oh no not the rain um maybe I can borrow the leads from the alpacas because that’ll be easier than luring them with wheat am I gonna get lost Let’s write down the coordinates of my house mine is 270. minus 1700. okay and we’re off looking for sheep oh a sheep wait that was easy that was surprisingly easy oh come on I like sheep because you don’t have to kill them to get the wool

Okay we don’t have a place to put the Sheep though we just put it inside this is a barn oh I mean what do you really expect but then the alpacas might get out come on come on because I want to take the lead with me um wait it won’t despawn will it

Will it despawn now I’ll move it outside eventually but I want to get a second sheep at least surely not surely not should I sometimes I feel like I should start saying surely instead of Shirley because you always write surely the name every time I say that

But if I’m so sorry so say surely you’ll probably just write s-h-o-r-e-l-y instead there’s no winning I’ll just say certainly certainly this sounds smarter anyways how eloquent what’s this what is this flat oh that’s a chicken I mean that’s good too should I take some

Do I want eggs oh is this the ocean a sheep you come with me come on come on yes and now that we have two sheep now we can have infinite shape and then we can have oh there’s another one we can have so many beds yes you too come on chicken

I don’t know if I really need you come on and then once we have beds we can make villagers and then we can get like actually almost everything in the game once you have villagers oh it’s right there but we’re already back easy peasy okay we do need to make

A pen for them foreign stay there for now oh they’re spinning they’re spinning okay and shears snip snip snip snip look one bed already okay I don’t want to bring them but will the baby just run away it doesn’t really matter if the baby runs away oh shoot it’s already running away

We don’t lose anything really that’s kind of a dark way of looking at it if the baby runs away maybe we can lure the baby inside come on cute baby cute lamb let’s go inside if you can stay in my house when things warm while your parents are sheered and

Cold outside in the rain okay the only problem with this area is that it’s very it’s very hilly not flat at all um I would like to expand my house eventually I buy foot right here we could put the pen up here we can just flatten this a little bit um and then

Put the pen here we could even build a little Barn Maybe because I feel bad if they have no shelter even though they don’t really need shelter I still feel bad they don’t have it at all okay and then mind chop a few trees thanks for your service

They’re really and not flat much like myself what do you mean I’m hilly trying to say that I’m chubby but um my arms are so full my stomach is so flat you believe me right um I don’t want to chop down too many trees but just so we can build first it’s so

Dark can we sleep I know it’s the day but oh it’s not a Thunders oh I know it is night never mind it’s not even day I have tea too I didn’t even drink it yet I got distracted playing Minecraft look you already Drew your wool back oh it’s very good

Oh and it’s so beautiful here with the shaders on always good my Cottage core lifestyle okay um I need to look at pictures for inspiration this is the slow life you know the slow Minecraft life yeah my Cottage is facing the sunrise isn’t that nice my old house is facing the sunset wait

Where was it the sunrise as well I don’t even remember um Minecraft Barn the barn or like Stables more like Stables I guess oh this one is cute and simple oh wait this one’s really cute and simple okay I’m gonna try to build something similar it’s kind of big though the one I’m looking at um my next house should face an oblique

Direction building on diagonals is like the trick to making Advanced Minecraft Builds I think I don’t know if I’m there yet I do want to get better at building um which I think I have gotten better at building Um and half blocks but when will they add the half a vertical slab never probably but what if they did can you imagine oh do I have no for a second oh I’m about to I’m about to put my sign on I’m about to put my funny sticker on

Even though after I put it on yesterday I feel like I did have frames See now I’m smooth you can’t sleep to my forehead lucky charm I just have to look like a dummy with this taped to my my forehead okay oh look look there now I have just for a second just for a sec I do need to get my I

Know I was about to get a new computer and then I went to Japan and I didn’t get it I need to I was gonna get like a custom one but I need to get back into figuring out exactly where I’m gonna get it’s been too long okay

Do I want to use like Spruce though I do but I don’t have any spruce trees oh I should make like the Giga spruce I need to make the Giga sapling can I do it above the above the lake will it ruin it if I do it above the water

Like in the middle of the water and then just delete it I know maybe I should move into um I could put it on that that like rock over here because if I put the island I know I’m not going to delete it for a while

And then I’ll be it’ll just be there ruining the view uh where was The Rock that strange Rock here I could just put it here right make use of it somehow oh buddy bone meal oh how do what’s a good like bone meal maker usually people use seeds right yeah like a composter

Will it grow eventually though if I leave it here Auto compost what do I put in the composter though like scenes or is there Oh poppies look at you my beautiful sheep didn’t the baby grow up yet no oh and if I share you you’ll you won’t grow back because because there’s no grass to eat are you guys hungry again oh A baby a baby come here baby Come on in yes Yes my sheep oh look look very nice see we should make like a big Underground Farm because then we’ll have a lot of stuff to put in the composter But I want to build a barn I could build I’ll just like start it maybe Um but I have one Spruce I think hold on let me remember what it looks like yeah I like spruce Spruce best Oh woke so ugly sorry Oak sorry Oak So maybe we should build the the farm food farm Spruce is just so nice I mean I would like to even replace my house with spruce to be honest I mean my house is pretty cute but Look at them my house is the barn it’s not my house okay Um I think I do want to build like a giant farm under my house a la bunkeroni um I haven’t really thought about the interior of my house yet oh I don’t want the animals to go down there either But they’re going to all right you gotta start somewhere said that she was um she was just gonna be preparing for her stream a little bit um so I don’t think she’s going to join the voice yet I think she’s working on her or preparing stuff right now

They’ve all went into the hole Come out please okay It was made for them it was not made from them it was not made for you please okay I want to dig it deep enough that we could have even like a double layer floor and then still have it be quite spacious under my house this is like the exact

Same thing I did before two I’m just doing the same thing this is what I know this is all I know how to do in Minecraft Just build your house and then put everything you need in the basement ah that way you don’t have to worry about how it looks on the outside don’t come down here don’t come down here baby If it ain’t broke don’t fix it I’m glad you understand let’s have the game right there so we’ll have like nicest storage area and I’ll try to make it look pretty like I really like um the overgrown look It won’t look like this forever but just for now it will be sad scary basement Okay um This is not nearly big enough I wish I had a good pickaxe I wish I had one so I wanted to be I don’t know how I wanted to be though my basement will my basement have multiple levels maybe the first level will have like crafting stuff and Storage

And then maybe you’ll go down one more level to get to the Farms the wheat farm I think that would be good um so this is probably tall enough right oh wait everyone’s coming down why why is everyone coming down the stairs oh my goodness please please don’t come on now back up

Don’t you want to see the sunlight don’t you want to see yeah I should steal the top maybe I can make um trapdoor I want Spruce though I want Spruce I think Spruce trap doors are the best ones um but I possibly overused them a little bit later it’s just for now um

Just for now okay Now we dig now we are Minecraft But once you get into like the Zen of Minecraft it really is addictive though like there’s so much to do so you just get trapped in the cycle of like oh I need this to do this oh and then I need this so I should just go do this and then I’ll do

This and I’ll just dig out my basement oh and it’s looking very cute oh that makes me encouraged to do even more okay um this is the floor and I want the floor to be too thick that’s like a fancy trick for you in Minecraft that way you can have

The ceiling and the floor be different blocks Into a thick no it’s smart it’s smart two is good Sometimes I watch like Minecraft building videos there’s some amazing channels out there to make incredible Minecraft builds I want to make something incredible well I guess that’s the goal that’s my goal of this server is to build my world tree away that’s the floor um um

But I don’t know how I’m gonna do it I have a dated I’m a little scared it will look bad but I think that the resource is needed at least for the you know the tree itself the exterior of the tree shouldn’t be that bad like it’s mostly just wood so that’s why

I want to make the automatic wood Farm let’s dig down so we can have nice high ceilings it might be a basement but it doesn’t have to be a lifeless dungeon with cramped ceilings mmm how tall do we want the ceilings to be I might go one more for this layer

This will be the farm layer um how tall is this one two three four five I think that’s probably good it’ll be tall enough for stuff like sugar cane and then to have lights hanging from the ceiling too if I want such a thing for the guardian of nature I sure love machines

What’s in my gonna go about this perhaps you mean the automatic Tree Farm do I have any excuse for that I say it’s um you know trees are like my domain so it’s kind of like a my house my rules situation I can do whatever I want with the trees

I have been I’ve been I don’t know for me though Minecraft really is about keeping things natural though that’s why I like to work with the normal landscape and they’re just like flattening everything and why I like to fix things like floating blocks floating random trees It’s gotta be in harmony with nature

Oh I really don’t have a lot of coal um how do I want this I mean to be honest I really am just like thinking about the bunkeroni modeling it after the bunkeroni because it works well it’s like you come down the stairs we might make it we will probably make

The stairs bigger maybe even like three wide stairs like maybe at the first row it’s not that wide but then maybe the stairs go three wide and then there can be stuff on this side too Oh my gosh that scared me I saw my life flash before my eyes I was just in comfy building mode I’m not in fight mode please no um but for now I just like want to make just like any kind of farm you know not worry too much

Because I’ll face it later for now I just need uh food and bone meal oh I don’t want to use my diamond pick yet it’s too good to use syndrome it definitely is but can you blame me we’re not living in luxury down here we are back in the the Iron Age

Oh yeah no diamond pick until mending them’s the rules I might look up Farm Minecraft farm see if I can make something that looks somewhat nice um okay these don’t really look most of these are more about um about the efficiency oh we should alternate the crops right um so how

Oh this one is really cute but it’s probably not that efficient but it’s really cute um wait maybe it is efficient this Farm is it built so that you can put a water bucket down well I think it might be Um it’s three three tall though so we might have to move dig more no bodies per second please um I don’t know if I need it to be like this oh it’s pretty cute though it has like a cute bridge on it thank you um

I’m not a robot I don’t want to be a robot no robot and blame the Shader pack but like is it even going to be cute down here to begin with you know like cute is great and all but we are like building in a basement under my house like is it

Really going to be cute Maybe this Farm is big though and it takes up a lot of space I don’t think it actually has that much space for crops I think I might just make something simple for now How far does water reach is it four um all right like how fast are how far does it reach to water crops I mean for but would it look nice or if it’s too maybe don’t worry so much about that okay so my thought is um

And I might make it look better later I mean I should put the Farm here and then put down the water and then I might use Spruce trap doors to cover up the water because I think that would look pretty nice oh let’s build let’s just oh oh let’s just do this foreign

Just put everything in because who knows when we might need three stacks of granite you never know slabs do work but I think this trapdoor might look better for me I don’t take it for granted haha that’s a good one Um okay I’m gonna hope that my spruce grows Spruce trap doors though I do I should eat Lily Pad those would look good too that would be a very cute and natural no don’t go down there you want to trample my crops I just know it did I leave all my iron oh

Why have I done such a thing Oh whatever if you want to come down here then oh wait I have a water bucket already oh never mind it’s fine is fine oh okay you can can you make infinite water it doesn’t have to be two by two right can you do it like swear you can do it like this

Did that work is it flowing um is it flowing okay is it okay I think it’s okay um and then we can plant I don’t know I might do like carrots and potatoes on one and then wheat on the other or should I do all of them

I’ll do it like this I guess it will grow faster this way right wait why huh wait why can I not place it Hanya what oh it’s dark foreign don’t be picky I want glowstone too but okay good thing I took a bunch of iron canning to make more

We’re not finding coal so I need to make more on charcoal this is very annoying foreign yeah we can do kelp Farm we should do lava Farm too or I was gonna make torches and lanterns is what I was going to do I will make oh and

Oh wait a chain that’s not how you make a chain like this yes okay I want I want signs I don’t have enough I have barely enough for one one light well I mean I don’t have to I was gonna do what I did here with a chain

So that it looks somewhat nice oh but if it’s four If it’s four how do I make it look nice this is the the question oh this is also the question of how do I make it look nice obviously we’ll want to change the floor as well I think it would be cute to like walk on this you know

It’s like a cute bridge and I don’t need a whole row but I think I think it’s more cute this way Um I should make it go one more though by the way that it can that way it can be even the ceiling light and then do I have dirt only three oh the stair of course the stair can’t even open this chest oh don’t trample them well you get the idea anyway

So then the middle well we could do one more if we do another row of water here actually like this and then foreign And then this will be the exact center is this a good life it’s not low but that will make it brighter right not e no e it looks kind of funny Um Let me get my buckets and then I will place this not like that though oh my inventory management is still the same look we can swim in here oh there’s a coal here and I was just ignoring it this whole time this is precious precious coal oh there’s a lot of it okay

Um precious coal I will use you fuel my furnaces and create campfires that I use decoratively as lattices on my house instead of as their intended purpose there’s a lot of cool too very nice I know I can make charcoal I you’ll never guess what I’m making in my furnace right upstairs

You will never guess I’m guessing you did not see me put it in there earlier oops okay is this enough light still um let’s get more dirt all right wait I place it wrong I did wait I placed it wrong wait what have I done I placed it wrong

That was kind of satisfying though one two three one two three one two three should I place it oh wait that’s not higher Oops Boop no I can send her usually you guys just don’t see my vision yet you just don’t see my vision I’ve planned for this I just need more dirt Trust the process no don’t worry about it I got it under control see we go like this then we go like this and then all of this is also a farm and then centered there you go um I don’t know if it’s annoying that the crops are just kind of random though

It grows faster that way right Then we don’t need this one foreign a functional form of sorts are these ready how do I know when they’re ready yeah I don’t know if it’s light enough it does feel a bit dark down here oh Yeah I’ll make a composter too um for auto composter you need just a chest a hopper and a composter right or two Hoppers and two chests or 100 more times to be sure yeah you’re not wrong if we really want to Live up to the bunkeroni Legacy oh here lost my torches A lot of iron from the iron farm which works very well it’s very nice and it’s in well actually I don’t know if it’s in like spawn chunks so it would be always running but it seems like there’s always people around close enough anyway so they runs often Oh yeah barrels are a good idea instead of chest for the composter the walls are also annoying me but but I really need like Spruce I need like a billion spruce longs for my dream for my vision to work we’re just not ready yet we’re just stuck Pining for research resources pining for pine trees to decorate with oh we have Spruce sapling already it’s upstairs we just need see it’s so circular we need Spruce to decorate our house and we need bone meal to grow our spruce and we need a farm

To get our bone meal and then we need our Spruce to decorate our farm It is this is the true Minecraft experience really we should be like automating everything I guess I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet I don’t mind an old-fashioned Farm I don’t mind planting by hand we’re living the relaxed comfy Cottage core life in Minecraft we can plant it ourselves

It is the farmer lifestyle have our farm we have our animals It’s Cottage core still popular I don’t know I feel like Cottage core really had a moment I’m a fan still was not too to love about Cottage core it’s your first time hearing about it well I don’t know I guess I shouldn’t really say some moment because I feel like Cottage core

Is just the same aesthetic recycled throughout the years like in Japan there’s like mordike like Forest fashion and I think that’s like similar to Cottage core And then I feel like even stuff like um like hippies you know hippies are basically Cottage core maybe not quite exactly but our values of reconnecting with nature growing your own food maybe they’re not peace and love Cottage core doesn’t care about peace and love I feel like it’s the same values

Just recycled throughout time Cottage core is only the aesthetic they don’t care about actually planting their own growing their own food they just want to wear pretty dresses I mean that’s understandable The hardest part about Cottage core is affording the cottage do you have to have a cottage to participate you can’t just like put plants in your apartment that’s not enough and bake your own bread It’s not an apartment core is it really just about the cottage I don’t think so is this ready oh I think it was okay and then I will need another light put it in the center one two three one two that’s not the center how does this keep happening I cannot count Place it directly above you do you still trust the process I don’t know you tell me I think it’s coming together in one way or another um it’s a little bit claustrophobic down here still where are my glasses why does everyone ask this every time I don’t wear my

Glasses I don’t normally wear glasses I wear contacts in my default outfit I don’t wear my glasses then will you ask me where are your glasses Because I’m having trouble counting on this that’s when you ask where is your brain but I guess maybe that’s too rude so I guess I understand why maybe you wouldn’t want to ask that you’ll get banned from chat but that’s the real question you should be asking I don’t know if it’s a problem with the eyes If I wear my glasses too much I’ll have that effect I don’t know I was always afraid of this I shouldn’t be it’s like you know when people wear glasses a lot and then you see them without their glasses and you’re like oh that’s weird this is not

This is not right you know you have that reaction you’re like you should wear glasses I was always afraid of that like I didn’t want people to think that I I look weird without glasses because I didn’t want to commit to wearing glasses 24 7 you know I wasn’t ready to commit it happens to you too see it’s like I don’t know people should just mind their own business who cares if you look different without glasses that’s how you feel when you wear your glasses I don’t know I always wanted to keep it like

It’s like glasses when you put them on it’s like oh wow you’re wearing glasses today like wow a special treat rather than it being like whoa you’re not wearing glasses today and you look so weird oh but some people really do like suit glasses you know I actually think that I might suit

Glasses but I don’t I don’t I don’t want permanent glasses I I can’t commit I like being able to have glasses and no glasses but some people really do like they suit glasses a lot looks very flattering for some people’s faces um yeah and they hide eye bags it’s very true But maybe that’s what I’m afraid of you know like I don’t want I don’t want it to be like wow you look so good in your glasses because it’s hiding the fact that you got no sleep and you have eye bags well actually I think most people have eye

Bags whether or not they sleep I think everyone has eye bags and you just don’t notice it on other people you just only notice your own eye bags I think that is how it works it’s I also feel like that’s the way about like your skin you know like if you have a

Pimple like do you really notice when other people have a pimple like I don’t notice I don’t notice that like when I see other people I don’t see like oh you have a pimple on your chin it’s the first thing I see when I look at you it’s not like that at all

Like I don’t I like cannot even remember like noticing pimples on people but it’s when it’s your own face it’s like all you can see but I don’t think other people notice your pimples either or your eye bags or your other insecurities most likely you see it in more

I mean even if you do see it do people really care I don’t know not really eye bags are pretty normal Pretty Natural Some really do care but do you care what they think it sounds like those people are judgmental and do you really care what I don’t know like when people like if someone was like said something about someone else was saying oh and this person yeah their skin is awful

Do you wanna do you wanna be friends with that person probably not I wouldn’t want to be friends with that person that person sounds judgmental and rude and I don’t I would be afraid of what they think about me if they’re saying that about other people

I would be afraid of what they’re saying about me and my eye bags Um more pickaxe so try not to worry I mean this is the moral of the story as much easier said than done everybody has insecurities even the most beautiful people have insecurities but I’m sure you would never you would never judge others for their insecurities at least I hope you would

If you do I don’t know I don’t understand that perspective because like I can’t judge others because I also have insecurities so like who am I to judge you know I don’t know um what are they I’m not telling keep my secrets have you ever had something where like

You’re insecure about something but you never speak a word of it because you think that other people won’t notice but as soon as you like say it people will start to notice it whereas it might have gotten unnoticed before and it probably would go unnoticed before it’s like that

Is there bgm there is can you hear it that’s true they might have already noticed and not cared I don’t know maybe I like don’t pay that much attention to people’s faces like to notice something specific in particular I feel like I only look at people’s faces like an overview General overview

I don’t notice like I don’t know I don’t notice the details bgm low really was it low the whole time how embarrassing I’m more of a name than a face person no I’m really bad with names no I like look at faces but I just take like um it was fine was it

I just take like a general overview of a face you know I don’t know foreign things I don’t know like you know okay this is another thing a lot of people are insecure about their noses like people who have like a bump on their nose but like I

I don’t think I ever like I’m looking at someone’s nose and being like Oh what an ugly nose because it has a bump in it you know she’s like oh it’s just a nose I feel like most of the time people’s nose is like balance their faces in some

Way or another you know like even if someone is insecure about their nose I feel like naturally people’s faces tend to balance like their features tend to balance each other out so even if they don’t like their nose personally like it probably suits their face well and it probably helps balance their

Other features and makes their face look you know balanced overall so I don’t know foreign then I suppose their face would be inherently unbalanced Maybe you know there are more important things in life than having a balanced face or even then having a nose maybe I mean

Well it’s more about the function of the nose and the appearance of the nose there are more important things and then the appearance of your nose the function for one yeah because then you can’t taste I think well actually this this YouTuber I watch which you might watch her too

Emmy she makes the food videos a lot of food videos I feel like she’s pretty popular um she lost her sense of taste recently and is getting it back now but it’s interesting because really what you lose is your sense of smell not your sense of taste

But your sense of smell is your sense of taste and you’re able to um I’m getting so distracted you people you’re able to detect like the not normal or like the the stuff like bitter or Umami or salty or sweet you’re able to detect those tastes

But you won’t be able to taste stuff like more Nuance like chocolate for example you won’t be able to taste the flavor of chocolate you would if you ate a chocolate bar you would just be able to taste it sweet maybe a bit bitter as well if it’s like

Dark chocolate but you wouldn’t be able to taste it it’s chocolate which is very unfortunate hello everyone oh no I didn’t mean to do that bring the dirt down if I’m recreating my home from the previous third now it’s very different it’s very different you see

Yeah I think it’s it’s really I really feel for anyone who’s lost their sense of smell especially if they are someone who really enjoys the food I really like food food is yummy and you have to eat it every day so you might as well enjoy it you know um

Oh that is true a lot of smells are like bad In your day-to-day life a lot of the things you smell are more well there’s a lot of bad smell I guess it’s more that you don’t notice the good smells but you can easily encounter many bad smells in your day-to-day life um but nature smells good the fresh air of nature always smells

Good foreign Did I tell you about my new deodorant that might be like TMI I got a new deodorant and it smells so good it’s vanilla marshmallow scent it smells so good I never knew that such a delicious smelling deodorant could exist you know vanilla is like my favorite scent

I don’t want to tell you what brand it is though because like you probably heard about it because they sponsor every YouTuber and that is the reason that I heard of it is because a YouTuber was sponsored by them and I was like oh my God vanilla

Marshmallow deodorant I have to try that and um I did try it and I do like it but they should sponsor me they should sponsor me too these dang YouTube sponsorships I know it always works on me why do I get mad when sponsorships work on me but

I mean I have no qualms with this deodorant I guess it smells really good and they have other flavors too actually not flavors not flavors it’s not flavors they have other scents too I’m going to Lincoln a strawberry shortcake one and I think I have a gingerbread one

I’ve been using the other ones though because I was traveling I only brought one with me and then since I got back I only used that one too I won’t eat them they probably don’t taste nearly as good as they smell Um but vanilla is like my favorite scent I think I was by Vanilla candles and stuff I don’t know I like like autumnal candles too like a pumpkin spice candle is done you’re done and you oh I also have my um what is this

Is there a way to tell if it’s a potato or a carrot potatoes Carrots you like pine tree oh this one just grew oh playing Harvest Moon now foreign I really like why I talked about it already my peony scented laundry detergent that also smells really good and look these are all natural scents you see I feel like all the good smells come from nature

Even marshmallow is natural it’s a plant oh yeah I like lavender a lot too actually I don’t think I like lavender that much I always buy lavender because I think I like lavender which it’s like not bad but I actually don’t think I like it that much

I just always buy it also because it’s purple and I like purple so I buy it but then I smell and I’m like yeah yeah I’m okay with it it smells okay but I don’t like it as much as some other scents marshmallow flavor comes from a plant I

Think it’s like a root Scent to your list that’s a good idea oh I kind of like linen too you know like linen candles Oh wrong one I don’t mind the linen candle um fresh rain that one is weird because I feel like it doesn’t actually smell like fresh rain it seems like a lie to me

Because rain definitely does have a smell okay they’re just going down there and that’s that’s fine whatever maybe I can read them um I do like the smell of rain it also smells fresh can clear away the the bad air yeah like wet soil petrichor is that it is that wet soil

Wood smoke is one of your favorites too I think a lot of people do not like the smell of wood smoke but when I was little oh it grew when I was little um Papa Kieran would always make fires like wood fires in the fireplace and he would always smell like smoke so

It reminds me of my dad so I like the smell of wood smoke too but I know a lot of people don’t like it but it’s a comfy smell for me reminds me of my childhood yeah it smells like they oh I knew this was gonna happen I’m gonna

Chop it with my hand I’m just gonna punch this whole tree down 1v1 me sampling Smells really take you back music too like if I listen to like a certain album a lot at a certain time of my life and I don’t listen to it much anymore we haven’t just one song and I listen to it again like years later I’m like instantly transported

Back to how I felt at the time kind of amazing smelled something oh I know it’s like the smell of summer school did you guys go to summer school I didn’t have to go because I like failed or anything it’s just that my parents are working

I have to go somewhere during the day foreign but summer school has like a certain smell to it I couldn’t stay home not when I was younger I guess it was it was more like daycare I guess but it was also kind of like it was out of school and we did

Know we did that much school work actually but I remember doing like some fun stuff fun school work type of stuff I guess it’s not really summer school then I guess it’s more like daycare summer daycare but yeah that like has a certain smell The smell of a new school year or something I don’t know if I’m just making it up I feel like that is the thing though do you know what I’m talking about the smell of new school here oh there’s gonna be monsters around I just want to get the saplings and go

Oh no it’s like the smell like after they cleaned the school over the summer and it smells like new school supplies and like cleaning products I don’t know before all the stinky kids come back you know oh we have a lot of saplings How much space do they need to grow I mean really I should just like do it like this probably um but also yeah like the smell of fall also does I remember like in in college the start of every year like the smell of fall and it would instantly oh my goodness oh

My goodness I gotta go I gotta get out of here give us walking down Nostalgia Street I’m just a nostalgic person in general I’m always reminiscing it’s kind of like a bad habit well I don’t know it’s just the way I am I always look back fondly at things

And then I’m like oh things were so good back then but then it’s like things are all so good now and I know I’m going to look back at these times also extremely fondly with tons of nostalgia it’s just I feel like I’m always thinking like back on things and being like things

Were so good back then it’s like a style like even right now I know in the future I’m gonna look back and be like things were so good back then and it’s not like things are getting worse either you know it’s just I don’t know it’s it’s easy to be nostalgic about the

Past maybe it’s hard to appreciate the present but I am very appreciative I guess Nostalgia just adds like another layer I think it’s because you’re removed from the situation so you don’t have to feel any of the negatives you know because there will always be negatives no matter when or where you are

But when you’re removed from the situation it’s easier to forget about them maybe like even when I look back it’s like oh it was so good back then but I had problems back then too there’s always gonna be something Even like when I was in Japan I found it hard to like Fully live in the moment it like fully appreciate it you know like it kind of felt like almost like a dream like I wasn’t really there like I was experiencing it in like the third person almost does that make sense

Yeah like a bit detached from the moment But it’s it’s hard it’s hard to live in the moment I don’t even know how to do that fully you know like I was looking around me at like you know the the beautiful scenery and I was like I need to I need to be taking this in

More but how can you take it in more It’s like I need to be appreciating this beautiful view more yeah I did take lots of pictures and I have been looking at them it does it feeds the Nostalgia the neck oh it was so much fun and it was fun not to say that I like wasn’t living in the

Moment at all but I don’t know it’s just like one of those things you know like I had I think like a lot of the the really fun and a lot of the fun of it all was um being with with my friends you know and spending time with them

Because that I felt very grounded with my friends you know but it’s more like like the touristy stuff I feel like it’s hard it’s hard to like fully enjoy it and be in the moment because I would be like oh wow look I’m in Tokyo I can see Tokyo

Tower that’s amazing that’s incredible but it’s like what do I how do I how am I supposed to feel about this I don’t know do you guys know what I how what I mean yeah like it feels like surreal like it doesn’t feel real almost

Like I’m just looking at it and I’m like I see it I see it but I don’t feel more much more than like wow that’s beautiful I don’t know what I expect maybe my expectations are too high like I’m gonna be like I’m gonna be moved to Tears by saying Tokyo Tower

That’s probably not gonna happen but I don’t know I don’t know I must Vibe harder exactly I don’t know I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel Um maybe it is that I’m old because man because I do remember when I was in Paris and like seeing the Eiffel Tower and I was like that’s the Eiffel Tower wait what am I doing I meant to make an ax um I was but that was also I was younger

And it was my first time traveling overseas ever so everything was very new and crazy Back then And I don’t know it’s like I I also just feel like I’ve watched so much like so many travel Vlogs and just like media about Japan in general that is like it it was what I expected you know like I’ve when you look at those pictures of like

Japanese suburbs you’re like this is so beautiful and it is beautiful um but then it’s like yeah it looks just like the pictures how many countries have I been to I’ve been to North America that’s a country Um I know it’s not a country but I’ve been to North America uh I’ve been to um France and Italy I went in one trip and then I’ve been to Japan no spoilers about North America you went to Iceland oh I really want to go to Iceland or like Alaska I’ve never

Been to Alaska I want to see the Northern Lights because I heard that they’re disappearing well I think that there’s like a cycle with the Northern Lights and they do disappear but then they’ll come back eventually but it might be like a few years or several years before they come back you know

Yeah I want to see The Northern Lights yeah like the solar 11 year solar activity cycle oh we’re in the high high end right now is that true Oh I want to see I love to go to Iceland Alaska is probably easier no I saw like a video of this guy walking onto his front porch and he lives in Alaska and he could see the Aurora from his house and just so beautiful and it’s like man but then you

Have to remember that it’s like dark for like I like 20 hours a day Maybe not that long I don’t know oh I do wonder about that is he numb to it because I was like the other thing that like sucks about being a human or even a cure into it’s like you get used to things because humans are so adaptable

They just get used to it you know like you can have a beautiful view but if you see it every day eventually you just like you get used to it I don’t know but there are many different types of beautiful natural views so like maybe your everyday view is like

The ocean and that’s beautiful maybe you see a forest maybe you see the aurora borealis maybe you see a river maybe you see a mountain or maybe I mean that’s if you’re lucky enough to have a good view which is very is very lucky but even if you get used to one

There are still other types of beautiful views you can see you see a parking lot man come to Nature nature is beautiful Um yeah I used to live somewhere where my view was like a wall it’s just a wall What am I doing I feel like I’m just been rambling now I mean that is also like the Minecraft experience my farm I have so many carrots is this ready I’m just micromanaging the farm I don’t think it was ready um maybe we are spruce trees grew again um do I have Oak

So now I want Oak to finish the these lights because I don’t like how they’re mismatched now it doesn’t look that beautiful down here but it’s not done yet it will look beautiful one day Maybe oh it’s my oh no no way leave they’re in my butthole it’s a boat that’s my boat

How do I make an owl face is that an owl or you can’t see it here here is this an owl is this an owl is this an owl oh my goodness what the heck I don’t even have a cow what is that what is that what is that it moving

What is that was that an owl those are two eyes right two two two okay okay I understand you just said just a nice face mm-hmm what the heck will they leave they come to my own home oh and shoot me there’s so many I just love I don’t want to knock down

My whole house I mean I could kill these guys I don’t have a cow oh maybe I can get them to kill each other actually don’t come any closer don’t come closer as long as oh whoa a drowned Battlefield this is horrible that guy is shooting him how many shots can he take

Now you must die this is way too much I’m gonna die after a treat I hate them they’re gonna kill my sheep I know my Shield’s gonna break this is my own home my own ding home look at me oh covered in arrows Oh wait my leads oh no will this guy shoot his friend this is horrible ouch Thanks for the copper I guess uh aha no no no no no no no my Shield’s gonna break oh well it’s about to break don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me my sheep my sheep oh oh because it might cause a raid though

Because I don’t want there to be a raid all right maybe I just put them in a dirt prison ouch you guys are the worst doors and corners pouch ouch so aggressive how could they even shoot me how ouch I don’t have a cow though there’s no milk no moo

Wait they won’t do you spawn because of the boat though right foreign them in jail you’re in jail now now I could drown them This is insulting the insolence foreign [Applause] a horrible mistake was made sure box them in oh my God look at them they’re harassing me foreign maybe they’ll leave are they fighting a skeleton wait who died oh the skeleton died oh my goodness ow ow you’re camping me what where where

We’re on my roof I mean the problem is modeling I could kill them but I I’m scared because of the uh how did you catch on fire from the Sun I’m just afraid because of the bad Omen and because of the villagers I don’t know if there’s a village nearby

I would be devastated if I caused a raid I ate all my food Where’s your leader oh there he is my shield yeah come get me ouch come get me oh shoot I don’t know if this plan is gonna work oh I need a trap again I have my food even my food is outside this is a fiasco How can this happen my sheep are leaving oh goodness No food half a heart two bread Foreign Maybe he’ll just leave I really want to go outside oh oh I I’m okay maybe she’s listening Now quickly replant and maybe he just left maybe he got tired wow that’s cute one that’s like a lucky cat I waste a whole day of Minecraft doing this house no no solicitors oh my goodness

No solicitors oh can’t you read the sign clearly states no soliciting okay foreign Did I accomplish anything in today in this stream I probably won’t stream for too much longer um because I do want to read super chats I survived sometimes that’s all you can hope to do is just survive I mean I have this This far I have a plan do I have a plan get Spruce is my plan get Spruce and then make things beautiful this is my plan give me the carrots Java flowchart what if my flow chart is a circle is that bad Um get spruce known good bone meal and then get spruce foreign Farm and then grow crops and then get a bone meal repeat there’s so many carrots my carrots are flourishing I don’t know about everything else I do want does a fortune hoe work I will sleep oh yeah and then

Breed sheep oh wait because all of this was so that we could build a nice looking Barn I forgot it was all to get a nice looking Barn oh should I get rid of my lead instead throw them down here all of this was to get a nice looking Barn

So that we can breed more sheep and then get beds you think they ran away oh they’re still still happy with their lives um oh oh I should start just start or dumb no no no they’re happy look how happy they are the Sheep inside I do want them to leave

Oh we need to build a barn I was supposed to build a barn I’d failed to build a barn Um potatoes that’s true we’ll just there’s always another day another day another Minecraft stream probably not tomorrow though but we will build more um why don’t you accept that this is the barn but they need grass to eat so I’m I’ll send them outside they will live outside peacefully do not worry

They will have a good life I will make sure of it Um it’s cold outside that’s why they’re gonna get a good Barn they’ll have inside and outside they won’t be living in luxury um oh I feel like I was going to do something and I completely forgot oh I was gonna chop down the spruce trees I can do that

Might be in the maybe that’ll be the last thing oh you have already regrown your wool Snip snip oh my gosh there’s a creeper ah How many hours are planned for this stream three and then Super Tower reading because I do need to catch up the Giga sapling only one oh do you think these are too close together Maybe put them here This is my Giga sapling Farm I mean instead of making oh nice nice movie instead of making a um an automatic Tree Farm I could just spend countless hours doing this by hand instead but I think automatic tree farm would would really probably save time when we’re aiming to create a giant tree

Like the world has never seen before but then I want to build like a base inside the tree you know so I have to move all my stuff over there I guess I don’t have to move I guess I can just put the important stuff in or I could just make

It look cool it doesn’t necessarily have to be functional oh what a nice view from up here the giant Spruce is very handy though Yeah I do want to I want to make a path to from here to my house paths are so cute in Minecraft I really like making cute little pads which is with the cute little fence okay we have to wait for it oh oh you just grew wow wow amazing wow

Maybe we don’t need bone meal if we can just have patience who needs bone meal just be patient and trees will grow these trees are really handy we probably have enough or almost enough to build a barn now we can worry about that I don’t want to stream for too long

Because I have I have stuff to do even though Minecraft it’s always it always calls always wants you to stream for six hours No save that for another day okay how many stacks two and a half not bad six this is very convenient random Rock here oh that’s a lot of kelp oh good fuel source this song this bgm song always comes in my brain it always is in my head

It’s always stuck in my head I don’t know why this one specifically I think I there was like a meme too they use this is bgm but it was sped up and now I hear that version too the sped up one and it’s like foreign okay is this enough saplings oh there’s there

Are more I do want to wait for them home to me saplings come down from there it’s dangerous don’t get hurt come on Come on yeah come on down come on did they always drop in pairs with the Giga saplings oh wait what okay this is where it’s getting out of hand Now That Grew really fast oh I think we have you have plenty of saplings well I might just make a few more

Because we’ll need a lot of spruce And then that’s probably good okay I know Minecraft doesn’t want me to stop to lures you in there’s always something to do you know There’s always something To keep going But Are we into Super chats let me go back to my house and then we’ll call it here for today I mean wait my boat really did sink wait can this happen is this new how did it sink I’ve never seen that That’s normal that’s old Should I take a screenshot of my house With my sheep what’s the screenshot button foreign yes Okay okay all right I’ll call it there for Minecraft for today oh I’ll sleep that way and then I will catch up on super chats um good luck mermaid wait let me go here first Oh we don’t need this music too Okay why am I over here I should be more like here Yes it’s so Christmas decorations do you have a problem with that do you have a problem and let me find Super chats thank you for watching this was very very relaxed stream I don’t know if we did anything I was kind of just surviving just surviving and and farming at least now I won’t starve probably my teeth Don’t call them wondering why but out of bed at all

The pillinger is outside my window I can’t see at all Dear fauna why did you kidnap me from my owner and lock me in your house with my brother please we just wanted to be free alpacas um Thank you for watching my brain is empty today it’s a little bit empty you can tell I think I poured I used my whole brain poured out my whole brain last time okay I didn’t read Pokemon either foreign I have not read let’s start with the ones from today though thank you thank you thank you thank you um tomorrow is ASMR I will catch I will catch I will check the k-100 check its pulse make sure it’s alive and then um if I just do we won’t I don’t think

We’ll do anything like too special but I do want to test since I got some new ASMR tools since the K100 was broken I want to test how they sound the new ones like the pipe cleaners Which I hope the pipe cleaners still sound magical on the out ouch I hid my elbow on my calendar and the Kalimba Keys went like into my elbow ow I hate that feeling I hate it when things go like in between my elbow into my elbow bones ouch laughs

That’s my weak point my weak point klimba got a critical hit Kalimba rolled the 20. ouch um but yes I hope the pipe cleaners still sound magical with the k-100 and it wasn’t some like 3DO trickery that makes them sound that way but we’ll figure it out I guess

I guess we will learn tomorrow okay let me read the super chassis for hanging out I think mermaids also playing Minecraft you you should watch her play too I would play more with her but I’m I’m would you tired and I need to catch up on super chats Must must read if I’m sure there will be more Minecraft collabs in the future too I hope so and then let me read snail wave it’s your tree Katie goes to Yak around the errands nip Kaiju Ranger Mrs bear songs and the coldest Evan dark eco-free Thomas is Musa Ramen lunar the links

Bulletin Paul LDN Jeffs Avi die die grubble dog use new null final Thomas winter man silly buns Speedway copper Chef cute anime girls ryona misery iguana guy Jonathan great to move annoying dogs from first sevens around the wind Bishop tracker listening Kevin CTR saying you know where we’re

Gone it’s happening World Palm Casual DK Sapphire High age mojindi rule step in my ninja king shark Poltergeist and Miss Robbie thank you for the snails lunar happy early birthday hi fun it’s my birthday tomorrow don’t worry I’ll definitely treat myself to some yummy food good

I hope you can treat yourself to some yummy food too I will thank you thank you already almost a year since I went from lurking to actively chatting even in pre-chat that makes me happy to hear I hope you’ve enjoyed it hope you’ve enjoyed your time here Let me wish you a happy early birthday been neglected lately happy happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday lunar oh you said you said a rainbow I just realized this hey thank you for the rainbow the salads are wonderful people truly

Child reflects the streamer thanks for all the hard work and all the amazing content you make excited for all the future content and great memories to come so shout out to the Sweet wholesome saplings again one sapling the cute Axel’s Arcana invited me into a smaller comedy Discord saplings were also nice

And wonderful people I love Fonda and the Seven let’s keep supporting each other and make more great memories um for this speech over here’s a little cut you know good snail thank you thank you thank you and happy birthday I’m so happy you could have a comfy time

Here and find some friends in this community that makes me happy because I feel like it’s hard to I don’t know like even it’s really hard to meet people in real life but it’s easy it’s even hard to meet people online these days like I used to be on like

You know back in the day in the olden days it felt like on the internet you could just make friends with someone like instantly like just anywhere it’s like hey do you want to be friends yeah let’s be friends you know but nowadays I don’t know the

Internet feels a lot bigger and like more isolating sometimes so it makes me happy that you could find some friends with saplings yeah um Bishop thank you oh no no oh sweet turtle thank you thank you it’s your birthday today happy birthday have fun and today’s my birthday and always gathered

I always gathered the fam for a nice home-cooked dinner so here’s a meal on me well thank you vlogging because cooking what are you cooking well if you’re vodking then you’re not here to answer me but I’m curious let me know what do you what you what you made

I just wanted to thank you for all the fun enjoy you bring us saplings there’s never been a doll stream with you personality changes gameplay just overall your streams have been a fun part of my day today for a little over seven months now really thank you because my cousin borrowed your sweater

And loved it she was so tiny hey are you trying to hook your cousin up with the sapling I don’t know shouldn’t you is that really how you should feel but thank you happy birthday let me know what you made I’m curious foreign happy birthday to you no happy birthday

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to your sapling happy birthday to you Thank you very much thank you Katie be good thank you like as well thank you thank you very much Covenant I have nothing to say nor any big event happening in the foreseeable future yeah nothing wrong with that I feel that way most of the time

Just a little guy who wants to support the roshi that’s you by the way thank you for supporting me thank you for being here We can have fun in the day today too even when there’s nothing that crazy happening but honestly I’m just like March is like looming March is looming Marge is like too big of a month I don’t know how this happened there’s like counselors birthdays there’s super Fists my birthday it’s like

It’s a lot it’s a lot for one month it’s a lot yeah my birthday it is it’s like days after the Fest it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot to happen all at the same time it’s a bit stressful but also very exciting very exciting but yes

Botan hey thank you again and lunar hey thank you again sneaky super chats thank you Majestic bear song thank you in South America there’s a group of three bee species known as carry on bees they have the same God microbes as vultures and hyenas they’re stingless but burrow into corpses Through The Eyes

Oh goodness oh goodness sounds familiar I saw a video on Twitter of a piece of meat one was it was time lapse one meat bitten by a human in one meat bitten by a Komodo dragon in the Komodo dragon one was like festering it was disgusting and frightening but also cool

Cool for the Komodo dragon Canada Goose thank you Stella thank you mine diamonds I did I mined a few diamonds never mind another Diamond until I have Fortune three arigato thank you if you find diamonds today can I borrow a couple to make rings for fun here he’s

Returning soon and I want to be prepared absolutely not I will not help you for the sake of fun these are my diamonds not to be given to the likes of him you really you still want to commit to this man this man who shows up once

Every year tries to woo your heart tries to win your heart makes all these Grand promises you still yeah you can fix him he’s so mysterious no no he’s unreliable is what he is what do you think happened to all the saplings that he made promises to he dumped them all on me

I was the one to take care of them he married them they wish they wish he probably left them at the altar do not trust this man don’t trust his lies thank you Evan thank you fun I I’m speechless Fawn he doesn’t even show up his silhouette shows up on Twitter and

That’s enough that’s enough for everyone start forgetting about fauna oh oh it’s all about fun now huh huh I know it’s just it’s just a regular old Minecraft streaming like whatever is not special but but but that doesn’t mean that you can just forget about me just because

I’m not having a host club is she’s gonna be here for one day and then he’s gonna leave again I’m just trying to protect you from getting your heart broken once again by this man who doesn’t even care no matter what he says can he really care

Acts all attached I saw oh oh let’s get married yes my family no who is the one who’s here who is the one who streams he did one stream one stream and then he pieced out forever it’s okay it’s okay I’ll still be here for you when he breaks your heart

I’ll still be here when he breaks your heart and leaves again I will be here he’s so handsome yeah who do you think I bet I bet he’s only handsome because he’s my twin yeah yeah yeah sevens thank you I’m sorry that you didn’t win fourth Fest tickets I saw that it’s really

I don’t think there are many tickets at all I think it’s really competitive also I’m sorry I’m feeling I’m going 180 like how I’m sorry I know that they’re yeah it’s really hard to get tickets I’m sorry about that luckily um the the online tickets should be really they should be

A good watch too they add like special effects and you get like the good camera angles and stuff if you watch it online what’s happening in a whole lot of fourth Fest is happening in March and I will be performing there oh goodness oh goodness me and counselors will be there soon soon

One is my mother thank you emergency thank you Alvin thank you acrada thank you I’ve sneezed 16 times not member streams that’s not that many times I sneeze a lot more when I’m not streaming as you thank you Robert gone thank you Flora Jean thank you thank you thank You The Chosen Slayer

Thank you I’ll try my best to be afani it’s all I can hope for in this world but congrats on your job Congress congrats storm watch Eagle thank you William thank you oh no this Super Chat it sounds somehow sinister is this the Dark Side of cottage core as you thank you

Grackle thank you Mal Justin platypus thank you Professor Keane thank you Bishop thank you Fun Center camel thank you zero thank you no thank you Inquisitor thank you I’m glad I’m glad it’s providing a good experience beta thank you lunar thank you anime ninja thank you it was your

Birthday this past Tuesday so I was hoping I get a birthday hug from my orshi here you go happy belated birthday bad bad I need to remember to do hugs in the ASMR stream because it’s better but I always forget somehow it’s because I’m like I’m I’m focused on the ASMR

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you ssrv thank you great move thank you that’s a good point in order for us to have the features we do then someone had to love them for Generations so we should all stop worrying and learn to

Love ourselves that’s very wholesome I have heard before that like in general humans have been getting like more attractive throughout Generations just like as time continues people keep becoming more attractive something you can think about that too I mean I feel like a lot of that is just

Like a hygiene I mean this is also this should also be reassuring I feel like like at least 80 percent of being attractive is just like having good grooming and good hygiene so yeah and even stuff like that you can easily change I think affects it a lot like your hair

Your hair cut even if you’re bald I think bald is also a good haircut better than balding most of the time or stuff like facial hair or makeup or the way you style yourself your clothes yeah Health two is taking care of yourself I need to go to the gym

I need to go so I don’t wither away Yeah don’t forget to floss your teeth when’s the next Squad punishment stream I’ve thought about that I’ve thought of what if I just do like a hundred squats every stream but I don’t think that’s like the best workout that’s not the same as going to the gym Jeff s thank you I hope that you can still still enjoy food I think that’s most important thank you that’s cool thank you oh man Corbin thank you okay my new perfume my summer school first day of school and vanilla armpits if you don’t have to call it vanilla armpit armpit just call it vanilla right

Maybe the armpit part is what makes it sell though it’s like bear song thank you um that sounds very nice let me thank you I’m glad you hear it Mega zero thank you dumpster fire thank you oh it sounds beautiful I love mountains slip thank you I’ll run the wind thank you

Oh the solar cycle is ramping up faster than predicted if we’re lucky we should see auroras increasing the next few years oh oh I want to see them I’ve never seen Aurora Borealis I want to see Mr Veg thank you okay let me find some thumbnails because perhaps I don’t have them as

Usual hehe he okay let’s do Yesterdays we poop look at this cute thumbnail Kieran and then Pokemon let me download this one too okay okay oh no I do whatever can I read the super chess is it possible it’s not possible okay it’s possible it’s a good thumbnail thank you thank

You for looking respectfully viewing respectfully I like the pen the pen is like it it’s a golden apple pen wait I have a pen I have an apple Apple pen I never understood that meme I never understood it I don’t get it like I just simply don’t understand I don’t understand like what like why do people like it what is what is the appeal I don’t get it this is a funny song I don’t get the joke though what’s the punch line is there a punchline I don’t get it

Why pineapple why Apple why pen I don’t get it I don’t get it just feel it don’t think just feel okay thank you for the snail and read the snails so if you’re new on Kaiju Ranger is that fire anime ninja I go on to go see a sister tree okay Rose kill

Amanda dark Eagle freak Satya lunar tentacles casual or no Katie casual Vader Jose toranium zoinks candy good stuff Nevada around the wind CDR Spirit vet Sakura Lucifer RV resistance Slender Man fun dog king shark Paul granola sentient Luke Esther Evan iguana guy great move thank you thank you

Thank you whoa the Minecraft return Arc in now glad to see the funny Vlog game back in Action councilors Minecraft collabs hold a special place in my heart in mind Palace yeah it really it’s a really good collab game just like yeah it’s very easy to chat over

You know also there’s like infinite things to do and a lot of different things to do you can you can find things you can explore you can build you can have like everybody doing their own thing but still chatting in the VC it’s a good Thomas thank you sevens thank you oh

I don’t really have an opinion on spherical ice versus Square ice well I mean I don’t drink whiskey first of all however Papa Kieran is a bourbon fan oh I need to remember though but I think I think Mama Karen bought him the spherical ice maker but I think he just uses regular

Square ice instead maybe it’s like too much of a hassle to to use the sphere Maybe I have no thoughts I do like though if I were served a drink like at a fancy restaurant and it had a spherical Ice Cube I would be like wow I feel so fancy now wow so I think it would be I would appreciate it thank you thank you we’re just like bear

Song thank you majidi thank you Bishop thank you no yes I will Tommy thank you oh Kyla found a Pillager Outpost wait that seems kind of close it’s not that far anyway should I save these coordinates I probably should I have a whole Channel in my like private personal Discord that’s just me

For full of just Minecraft coordinates Yeah for new e E2 Electric Boogaloo ponytail names okay the worst part is like so the channel it was just a blank Channel so I have just like a blank Channel that I have my Discord opened to in case I accidentally show my screen I won’t like a week

I won’t leak my secret projects or anything um so I have just like a blank Channel but I started putting my Minecraft coordinates in it because that’s what would be open during my streams and I would just like I would just click on it and I would

Just like that’s where it would be open so that’s where I would just like jot my coordinates down from Minecraft so now it has become the Minecraft coordinate Channel so I have I ever leak my Discord accidentally you will see all of my Minecraft coordinates but that’s all you’ll see ideally

Not the one one one Um I thank you seven thank you I the zombie files there are two games um the first one is either Samuel files and the second one is is it called I the somnia files Nirvana initiative that’s the sequel uh so start with the the one that’s called I the same it is very important the order is very important don’t

Don’t go out of order They’re very good I recommend them Echolanda thank you oh yeah rainy did a playthrough of both because she’s also she’s ankush fan too me too That’s it I’m so sorry I’m about a pronunciation thank you very much oh I hope that you I hope that you got a ticket and happy birthday happy belated birthday thank you thank you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday and Good

Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Irish wrist watch thank you I hope so too I’m sure we will still go visit the old Ian server I don’t know I think maybe like once the server the new one like it’s gets started you know like once

Once we’re out of the like once we have way more resources I might bring resources over from the other server you know Yeah we need to do the weather fight yes yes we do And we will do that but then where do we put the beacon Event thank you newly thank you Evan thank you you want a snack of golden apple here I’ll let you have snack now it’s true I don’t bring it out very much because it’s like slightly annoying to bring it out and it gets in the way but that’s no excuse here you go

Have a bite it’s surprising to see it after someone did you forget about it did you forget here you go can I can I oh I could have a bite um delicious You forgot it don’t forget about it it’s important to my lore I guess in some way in some way is what I have I don’t know thank you good luck with work hope work went well Mega zero thank you thank you Brian thank you I don’t know when thank you pants thank you

Oh interesting the warden focus is on one player at a time if you have one person run him in circles you could take him down maybe that’s a good good tactic Thank you I thought I’ve been sleeping so late lately that I haven’t been able to follow your streams here’s a red envelope for you happy Lunar New Year big big munch I’m sorry that I streamed so early for your time zone I know I feel bad there’s no like good

Time zone though it like works for everybody you know wow But I’ve been streaming at this time for long enough and now I feel like I I should just stay I should just stay here because people who normally watch it have found a way to watch it somehow Fun Cindy camel thank you accurate thank you dark Eco freak thank you and Bob thank you thank you thank you And now we have Pokemon I’m really excited to play it again I’ve decided I’m gonna get a uh what’s his name but he has a real name that’s like Ina’s name foreign It’s not mud sire Claude sire I decided I want one I’ve been sleeping on him he’s so good and I ignored him I thought that he was just gonna be color swapped um like color swapped Quagsire but he’s not he’s much better so I won one so I’m gonna get one I’ve decided

Yeah it’s because of pooper is crusty and Dusty and moldy and muddy Claude sire is not he’s great and I like him and I want one so we’re gonna replace the Dragon it also gets um the thing that I saw it was like a psychic thing I don’t know

But then my team will be significantly weaker but maybe that’s fine Gelato I’m sorry gelato I’m sorry okay let me read the snails thank you thank you Katie voton Evans Avengers Kaiju Ranger LDN final Thomas Jefferson a great move copper Chef heavy Spirit events seriously no Sam and Remy but remember I’m in Bishop Diego attend the coldest misery Isha tree Zeke Mr

Hobbydog casual and opal I run the winix for the coffee sevens ago see Revel in crocodile tracker magic Bear Song Benjamin Kevin knowing dog Benjamin Isaac wolf TK blue robot casual elevator to uranium Benjamin Jose Slenderman original shirt Benjo Astor hi ageless men roll step Splinter Man king shark copper chef And Mr Avi thank you that was a lot of snails thank you for many snails they could thank you prevalence thank you Bishop thank you Skye will happily give feed cake no I don’t want to I don’t want to I don’t want to cupcake come back Savannah man thank you for the Thera mini fund thank you thank you I don’t know I’m still thinking about it it’s kind of a ridiculous purchase so I don’t know about there I don’t know I’m not thinking about it I’m thinking I should buy my new pc first It would be cool but how much would I use it I don’t know I don’t know Mr thank you I think tinkerton is for sure my favorite gen 9 Pokemon cupcake love I think me too I really love green beans though but I don’t know which green beans I love I think I just love like my green beans you know tinkerton is really great though great concept for Pokemon green beans one I mean green beans one is the cutest but I also can’t deny that green beans one is just like like of course it’s cute it’s just a green

Kitten like like of course it’s cute you know it’s not really that special like cupcake is so special tinkerton is so special and has more cuteness than just being like cute green cat Bishop thank you oh what aren’t Japanese words or phrases I found helpful so you have to know if you’re going

Shopping you have to know fukuro is bang and they’re always going to ask you if you want to bag anytime you buy something so just be prepared I had a hard time like hearing fukudo but apparently they say that but they probably will say it quickly

Um so you could try to listen to that but they’re gonna ask you if you want a bag they’ll either ask you if you want a bag or they’ll ask you if you have point card point card is easier though because they say so you can probably hear that if it’s

Not that then it’s probably they’re probably asking you about a bag um if they ask you if you if you want or if you have a point card and you don’t then you can say nine this very simple nice um I don’t know what you say if you don’t want a bag

I think if you do want to bang you could just say s oh I can’t call this that makes sense Probably already known by job booster yeah I think that will help you I don’t know I could buy really purely off of sumima said and onigashimasu so I think you’ll that’s like that’ll that’ll get you far honestly just like a little bit of that yeah that’s true I did have bae

But there are some there are a few times where I was out by myself and I did manage to buy things on my own but I don’t know it’s like if you want anything more complicated then you might need to like look it up find a translator was it scary no because everyone’s

Really nice I mean it was a little bit scary but like like there was a time when I bought something and I was by myself but there’s a girl at the counter she was so nice to me she she she was so nice and she was like

Also using English bit to help me so I I was very thankful I think mostly people are very nice and especially if you’re in like a big city like Tokyo a lot of Japanese people speak a little bit of English and they will probably help you of

Course it’s nice to try to try to speak Japanese and I think if you try they will appreciate it if you just try to be polite I think this is like politeness will extend across all language barriers so if you just try to be polite and apologetic I also bowed a lot

Hello Windows Defender I feel like that will you know people will treat you kindly if you’re polite to people you know that will get you far 17 times this time they only scanned it once I don’t know can I really trust it Zeke thank you happy birthday happy birthday happy belated birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you oh there’s another thing you need to

Know if you’re shopping in Japan sorry all my tips are about shopping but I mean you’re gonna buy stuff well you might not buy clothes actually this is about buying clothes so buying clothes in Japan is very different than North America which I had no idea

In Japan they have like you know I know in America they have pretty much all the merchandise is like out on the racks and they have like all sizes and stuff and all the colors and stuff but it’s not like that in Japan in Japan they have like one item of each

Or like one yeah one piece of each item um and sometimes I have multiple sizes but not always so if you want to try it on you well usually yeah you do usually try on the display model but if they don’t have your size you can ask them for a different size

And then you try that one on the display model and also when you go into the changing room sometimes you take off your shoes sometimes you don’t it depends but usually they give you a little bag that you put over your head so you don’t get your makeup on it maybe

You don’t wear makeup but if you do wear makeup they give you a bag to put over your head so you don’t get makeup on the display model which is also very thoughtful um and then if you want it you bring them the display model and they’ll ask

You what size you want you’ll tell them if it’s okay or not and then they will go to the back and they’ll bring out like a fresh a new one that hasn’t been tried on by anybody it’ll be like wrapped in plastic and stuff I thought that’s amazing because in

America sometimes like you get clothes it has like somebody else’s makeup on it you know somebody tried it on but no in Japan you get a new one you get a fresh one from the back yeah and then one time oh my gosh this is another time I was by myself buying clothes

And the girl was so nice and so sweet and so cute and so fashionable but um she could yeah she could tell that I didn’t speak Japanese but she was helping me so much and I was trying my best to ask for things but she was like

Uh this was my first time she brought out the clothes and she had me look at them to like make sure it was okay but I didn’t know what she was asking me at first because she like she like held up the clothes to me and she was

Speaking Japanese and I did not know what was happening and I was just like ah and then I like didn’t respond to her question because I was obviously confused so she just says like and then that I understood so I was like saw this casual with this

But yeah it was very I really appreciate it when she used she brought out the the baby Japanese and I think she even said like she was like like check it make sure it’s okay to make sure like that there that I was okay with that clothing item that I was

Buying which is also very thoughtful in Japan that you can like make sure there’s no faults or anything But yeah that was my experience so be aware of that if you go to Japan that’s how it works it’s a very good what did I bought I bought so many clothes I bought I bought a lot of clothes that look like my casual outfit because that’s the style of clothes I

Like to wear I didn’t do any thrifting but I wish I did I just didn’t have time really I wish I did I wish I didn’t oh Evan thank you I do have fun playing Pokemon this one is especially fun I think with all of its problems it’s very fun Senate thank you

Servants thank you thank you for the virtual hug thank you thank you Lorenzo thank you it’s been ill for the past year but your students will help me keep my head above water while waiting for treatment today I start my recovery in 2023 we we sapling shall grow strong

Healthy and beautiful thank you for taking care of us thank you very much I’m really hear that come back the net come out the net good luck I wish you the best of luck and I wish you good health I wish everyone good health and

I will always be here and I’m glad my streams could help you out great to move thank you cyano thank you yes I need to ask again about the forest too I’m totally down to play it to collab it I love the forest the first two I hope it’s scarier help

I don’t know how I feel about like all the guns though because guns usually make a game less scary it looks like you get like guns I hope it’s still like survival you know like a lot of survival stuff where you have to like build oh

Cause I loved building in the forest too yeah not early on at least I’ll be good I want to build that’d be so fun girls thank you Uncle rupee thank you have fun I love how you voiced all the NPCs you’re so good at it would it be

Okay to test your voice acting skills What is this reference to Smokey fires black flame and Heap Does Smokey the Bear say this or is it a tongue twister you guys don’t know either it’s a test sentence oh I see I don’t oh I don’t know how many I know I feel like I don’t have that many voices have out of voice Smokey fires lack flame and Heat

Smokey fires lack flame and Heat fires lack flame and Heat Smokey fires lack flame and Heat Smokey fires lack flame and Heat but that’s enough it’s just a few different ones casual or no thank you don’t don’t perceive do not perceive foreign thank you you would like one bundle please thank you Ashtray Ketchum you’re right Smokey fires lack flame and Heat every ashtray today Smokey fires lack flame and Heat Pride thank you whoopa thank you so thanks thank you I do need to play sun and moon I’ve heard nothing but good things Sandy and thank you guys sometimes

I have my two dead Sasuke’s pretend to fight each other with comic book noise and no I’ve never done that maybe I should though who would win chibi Sasuke or regular Sasuke oh no regular Sasuke’s foot fell off I think he’s at a disadvantage without a foot did I make them kiss no

They both have blue hair so they can’t kiss it’s not really blue it’s black probably but close enough Diego thank you no horror movie watch along other horror anime watch along fun Cindy camel thank you thank you thank you I’ve heard people talking about fire punch the chainsaw man author’s previous work is it really disturbing I guess I saw that or I heard that the chainsaw

Man author said that if he couldn’t get good at making manga he would kill every manga cop better than him or something like that he might be a little bit sick and twisted I hope that he wasn’t serious when he said that But I mean you can probably tell from Reading chainsaw man he just has to be a little bit sick and twisted thank you Bishop thank you thank you Grumble dog thank you seven thank you well thank you king of sauce thank you most compatible Hanya I do not recall

The no way I do recall the car I regret it I regret reading this but I do recall the context better if you don’t chase thank you we thank you Majestic bear song thank you Steve thank you Bubble Buster thank you Demi troll thank you Spirit vet thank you missing no thank you

Play around is no longer the only fully of our fire type Pokemon that cannot learn solar beam which is the other one is it my my Edge Board thank you Crusader Fox thank you oh thank you not cringe no cringe thank you thank you oh my goodness oh this insane

Plot twists which of course you better be taking notes Kellogg’s thank you moon dog thank you Jeff thank you that would be the real twist if Clive and director clava were actually separate people and just looked alike by coincidence that would be a huge twist can you

Imagine if you saw like you were talking to director clavel and the Clive just walks in that would be a huge twist bun said to cam well thank you oh no game thank you thank you hun Taco thank you stress thank you imagine thank you um happy Lunar New Year

Spring is coming I’m going to bloom a small flower a few days later let’s have fun for the coming year by the way here’s a red envelope for you thank you thank you happy Lunar New Year thank you so Lancelot thank you Venta black thank you fun said to camel thank you green fleas thank you and mg thank you Mr Veach thank you gentle bamboo thank you coconut and happy Lunar New Year mommy can I get a red envelope just kidding I’m here to give you your red envelope thank you thank you

Yeah it’s a little bit backwards isn’t it I don’t know if I can get red envelopes to every you want those I don’t know if I can get red envelopes to all the saplings though how much what’s the minimum amount that you can put into it a penny

That’s so sad that’s so sad There’s No Limit one yen my favorite turnout thank you zoings thank you casual Vader thank you Peter Lynn thank you thank you thank you happy Lunar New Year crumble dog thank you I just got you thank you Don thank you seven thank you oh mini dongle cute yummy

Evan thank you Ricky Tiki thank you Steve Cooper thank you thank you and third thank you equivalence thank you thank you Furious tree man thank you dark eco-free thank you William thank you congratulations to champion Green beat I mean Champion fauna also I forgot I was supposed to send a

Super Chat my birthday two weeks ago but I forgot myself sending one when you beat Victory Road seems more fun though hey it’s okay let me sing for you anyway Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you modernity thank you roll stuff thank you peckity thank you and those are the super challenge noise we’re caught up except for the member stream which I will read in another member’s tree

As to not leak the members super chats had to be there had to be there but thank you guys very much for hanging out today foreign I think she has it turned off I think she has redirects turned off um let me see rejected What A Silly Billy right what A Silly Billy um how do I do this again Boop Yes she does have it turned off But you know who we can redirect to is to bae So go say hi you can also say hi to mume yeah they is playing persona spoiler warning why not both yeah why don’t you have all three of our streams up right now all three all three But that’s all I have for you today tomorrow is ASMR so I will see you then we haven’t done it’s more in a while I’m kind of nervous I’m kind of nervous I hope I didn’t forget how stream I like Minecraft I like it I like comfy building in Minecraft and I think

Our new house is cute but I’ll see you soon thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you next time bye Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 KIRIN MUST BUILD’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-01-27 03:52:53. It has garnered 138778 views and 11489 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:23 or 14723 seconds.

✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/Eetere721/status/1615480962317516800 Thank you so much!! 💚

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Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

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【Kronii Gold】 [YouTube] https://t.co/P3BX2MUiCX?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ourokronii

[Nanashi Mumei] [YouTube] https://t.co/oO4kBazKMv?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nanashimumei_en

【Hakos Baelz】 [YouTube] https://t.co/X17xhp1Bty?amp=1 [Twitter] https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz

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► Be kind and respectful to everyone here! Don’t spam or troll. ► If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. ► Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. ► Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first. ► Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. ► Try your best not to backseat. I like to enjoy games at my own pace, and I think part of the fun is watching me struggle, so please refrain from offering advice unless I specifically ask for help!

As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.

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【CREDITS】 Stream Layouts: Melonturtle (https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_) Logo: Gogon (https://twitter.com/gogon_illust) Custom BGM: Arkhand (https://twitter.com/the_arkhand) Emotes: Maerie (https://twitter.com/maeriette) Stinger Transition: UWU Media (https://twitter.com/uwumedia) Birthday Stream Background: reNPC (https://twitter.com/reNPCarts) Bedroom Stream Background: 7MC (https://twitter.com/7MC_Official) Starting/Ending Screen: Shieriru (https://twitter.com/shieriru_55)

BGM used □DOVA-SYNDROME HP:https://dova-s.jp/ License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/ □AUDIOSTOCK HP:https://audiostock.jp/ License : https://audiostock.jp/help/usage

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  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 KIRIN MUST BUILD