Chapman – I Built the Fastest Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore (EOL)

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But the only real way to find out  if it’s working is if we do this… it was at this moment that he knew oh my god oh i want to do this fancy intro for you guys but i  don’t want to spoil anything and i don’t want to  

Give anything away because this is just over 17  hours of r d went into the creation of this thing   and we’ve done it it this is incredible so be  sure to leave a like don’t forget to subscribe  

Shop happy happy if you guys need anything the  discord is back link will be in the description   i’m literally spending the next 100 days  just farming grass that’s it i don’t even   care this is my biggest project yet by far  don’t forget to leave a like enjoy the video  

Previously but i’m cutting here to go grab some  sandstone thanks for watching i’ll see you guys so sandstone is a check look at this one two we got  almost six and then we’ve got sand i need all this  

For glass this is so resource hungry in all this  all this is only like half of it i still need to   make like 2 000 rails powered rails this is this  is gonna hurt my brain okay but are you guys ready  

I’ve got the tnt running here in order to try and  clean up the hole a little bit or finish cleaning   it up anyways but the rest of the stuff we’ve  got to clean up we’ve got to get all this out  

Of the way every single thing there is useful  to me and i i am gonna be so broke after this   like i don’t even think these are enough  amethyst shards how much charge do you need   in order to make some tinted glass because  i need six stacks of tinted glass at least

Oh my god we need so much we have a lot of exposed  amethyst though so i think we’re probably going   to be good okay but it is cleanup time i got  to get all this out of the air um excuse me

Okay we’re cleaned up we’re cleaned up look at  how nice and sh look at how nice and tidy it is   in there i clearly have some lava that i need to  hide but whatever because we’re clean look at how  

Oh my okay we got like 100 layouts to do right  now so and i’m not even joking we have we have   like 17 portals to put in and some of them  are huge some of them are tiny but they all  

Require a very specific location and for me  i need more i need more room a lot more room okay area is clear this little area right here  this is going to be this is for the bad form  

And i know what you guys are thinking  oh but just you wait just you wait and   see yeah this is this is all very specific  especially for a solo player and we’re not   we’re not we’re not touching that button we’re  not touching it we’re not spawning any steves  

We’re not spawning any extra player we’re not  even bringing in a secondary shut your mouth   up there okay but we got 7 000 portals to make  and the main one the first one this is madness   and how big can a portal be i  think it’s 21. well that’s one

Okay and this is where the bad farm portals are  going to be now believe it or not we don’t even   have to slice these ones and this is going  to be this is plenty we still have to do   we got to do the light update thing  though so we can’t light these yet  

But oh my god it feels good to just be able to  burn through obsidian and not have to care about   it whatsoever okay and that’s it right we can  yeah we can light these okay but like i said we we can’t light them yet we’ve  gotta suppress the light

So like i said that’s the bat form  right there that’s where it’s gonna be   but here’s what we need to do now i need  to grab because i wanna be able to see   what is going on on the inside of  this thing so we need a full stack  

Of tinted glass because we need it to be  pitch black in there thank goodness for this but this is what we need to do we need to  enclose all of this and make it absolutely   we need to make ourselves a batcave in here it  is light level just pitch black zero in here  

But this is going to be the bat cave we just  can’t we can’t light this yet this this one   this one needs to be light suppressed but now  looking out there looking out into the abyss  

I have three key portals that i need to set up  three of them and all of them are very important oh and you can hear you can see we’ve already  got bats in our little batcave this thing  

This thing works like a charm and we don’t  even have to portal slice it okay now there   is one portal we gotta slice so it’s gotta go  like right in the middle and we also need the   return for these guys too so i’ve got i’ve  grabbed my scaffolding we’ve gotta build up

So right here this is where the return portal   for those bats right there is gonna be we need to  make a three wide portal right here and then we   need to enclose it in some glass which should  be plenty oh yeah it’s plenty smelted by now  

Okay not only do we need some white glass and we need to build some sort of  small little runway right on top of   this little three by three here we don’t want  to go through i don’t want to mess anything up

Okay and that’s a little runway right there  so this is where we are going to well we’ll   explain it all after that’s the bat form we’ll  need to build something up there but now what  

I need is i need another portal above this one  way up in the sky and that is going gonna be for   a chunk loader but that portal way up there that  is gonna require us to have we need some shards okay then let’s just see how much glass let’s see

That’s actually not too bad that’s not too bad  okay but let’s set up the second portal here   i don’t know if it’s been a while  since i’ve slept but i don’t care okay   time to go up one more time and this  right here this is where we gotta build  

I think it’s a nine by nine platform that  i gotta make up here and i didn’t even have   enough materials but right here this is  where i need to build a nice little simple   chunk loader so we need a chunk loader to go  right about here and the redstone to go with it

Okay that’s the basics of the spitter system right  there now we just need some repeaters running   out from that torch and with that  we are all set up and ready to go   now all we have to do is  just put some items in here

But for now we can just leave this empty um   yeah we can light it okay but with the bad  farm done that portal down there in place and   the chunk loader in place now it’s time for us to  just move on over to the nether because we gotta  

Get the nether side in place no okay over here  in the nether it is important that i now remove   this portal completely and get it out of the way  and now we need to go down and we are going to  

Get a couple of these boring portals out of the  ray especially before we have to start doing all   all of the suppression this is the area  that i need to build the return system for  

The bat farm it needs to be high up enough that  it’s not going to interfere with the other one   but it can’t be too high that it’s going  to interfere with the chunk loader so   okay the two nether portals are a check we’ve  got them in place now we just need to make  

Sure for all of the linking we gotta  make sure that everything is linked up   and another thing i’ve done because  this bad farm it’s a little ridiculous   so we’ve gone ahead and done something a little  ridiculous this took an entire minecraft day  

And so many emeralds look at that though this  is all for flint and steel’s unbreaking threes oh my so many so many levels going but this should   be plenty there should be plenty  for the bat farm i’ll show you guys

You’re trying to push me to my death  what a net what what a jerk did you   guys just see that he tried to push me to my death oh he hit so hard okay here it is we need to load  these up right here with all of  

These unbreaking flint and steels we want  these i’ll try and last as long as we can okay with a little removal of that  block now what we should get is we   should get a back and forwards  motion here on these portals

Wonderful okay now we need to go back to the  overworld one more time okay so what’s supposed   to happen here is we need to before we light  suppress this we need to go down and into our  

Little bat cave here and we need to just light  one for now and test and see if it brings us   into our little bat farm thing flip flop whatever  this is okay and we’re here this is perfect and  

Now instead of waiting 30 seconds here’s what  i’m going to do let’s see if it brings us back okay and we are in we are in the perfect position   so now all i need to do is i need to just i need  to get down there and i need to close that portal  

And this portal now once we activate the bat farm  is where all of the bats are going to come through   so they will spawn in there you guys are going  to love how this works especially you nerds who  

Have been telling me that this is impossible on  solo player why are you blowing up all my stuff yes fall to your death please okay but i gotta  break this portal and now what we need to do is  

We need to get rid of these go away okay we  need to close that in to make sure that it   is completely pitch black in there and now what we  need to do is we need to go and turn on our simple  

Little light suppressor okay so here’s how  we’re gonna get this here’s how we’re gonna   light suppress this we have to turn our timer on  first thing that i need to do is i need to load up  

This bottom one here with like six stacks and then  turn it off and then i need to put four in here   turn it off one more time and go to the nether  quick we gotta go we gotta go it doesn’t take long  

For the system to burn through four stacks now  all we need to do is we just need to wait until   some lag picks up which will be a good  indicator that it turns on and then we can  

Start to fly out and see if any more chunks  load but for now we need to just stay here   right here okay i just felt a lag spike   let’s go okay the chunks have stopped loading we  don’t want to go that far though because we don’t  

Want to despawn this but now here is what we are  going to do now as long as this we shut this right okay yeah good okay we need to open this and sorry boys but you’re going to the nether  close this i don’t care how ugly that is for now  

And then all we need to do now is log out  okay i’m logged back in i can’t open that now   and actually i wish i i wish i had a way to show  you guys but i can tell from the color of that  

That that is a light level zero in there now  those four portals have been light suppressed   and it should be pitch black in there  let’s just actually see if we go like this let’s see if we see anybody spawn in there oh oh

Oh okay so it is a light level  zero in there because we have mobs   there and we have mobs here so that is officially  a light level zero enclosed mob farm and when we  

Turn the mob switch on that is officially a  bat farm now what i need to do is we need to   i don’t know we got the bathroom which one do  you guys want to do first you want to do the  

Boring layout or do you want to go do the portal  of death let’s do the portal of death okay but the   part of the portal of death i am going to need  redstone i need to make a whole bunch of rails

Oh i need more gold oh no i’m  only halfway there i need oh no okay so uh yeah spend some quality time at the  gold farm there we can now definitely make a rails okay that’s all our powered rails  and i have to just keep remembering  

I have to keep smelting glass we’re  almost we’re gonna fill all these hoppers   but we have our rails we have all the sandstone  we need and we have the regular redstone we need   the only thing we need now is i need to get some  target blocks i completely forgot that i need  

200 we need some hay bales which means  we’re going to every single i need my hoe give me it all that’s a half stack  already this might not take so long oh we got some here hiding underneath the snow  you can’t hide from me okay now for every target  

Block we need four pieces of redstone which  is ridiculous so this means we’re gonna be   burning through a lot of our redstone reserves  too well let’s see how many we can make oh

No i swear i still had a few stacks they’ve got to  be somewhere because i don’t want to dip into this   this is we need this okay but that’s enough target  blocks that’s more than enough target blocks   okay and over in the nether this right here  right underneath these two blocks this is  

Where i’ve got to put the death portal  and all of this behind me is in the way what did i do to you what did i do to you to deserve this wait a minute what what is going on why  am i being double attacked right now  

Get away from me what did i  do deserve this bring it on i’m glad that happened though because look at my  pickaxe i didn’t even realize i almost blew hey will you stop it all this area for an  update suppressor and if i was smart  

I would have carved the update suppressor  out of the netherrack why didn’t i oh god okay the update suppressor is complete this  thing is nuts the rails okay last little bit   of redstone to put in though and we are good  um i think we’re good let’s test it let’s see

Oh it looks like it’s working i’m pretty sure it’s working but there’s  only one way to test it i got my obsidian   where’s my flint please don’t tell me i forgot my  flint and steel there it is now what i also need  

Is i need a couple of those right  there i need two magma blocks and that’s it i just need to build myself a tiny  little floor right here to just kind of sit from okay and that is our layout right there now i  need to go around i’m just gonna go and double  

Check before we try this because i probably  screwed something up i have a lot of i have   so many i’ve slime blocks left over and i  brought in an exact amount what did i miss i don’t know what i missed though oh that’s what i missed

Okay those are fixed in place now we should be  able to see hold on let me go do a wrong you   just leave me alone will you get away from me yeah  okay let’s give this a try let’s give this a try  

Here’s how we have to do this this is death  portal time it did a double flick okay it’s   working but the only real way to find  out if it’s working is if we do this oh it’s working we have officially we have  not quite sliced the portal yet we’re not  

There yet we’re just doing a little test  right now okay but i need to put that back   because that is the wrong one to break we  actually need to break this one down here and then we need to break  this one here this one here

Magma block break that one take that out magma  block and we’re done we’re officially done all   of that right there for that just then one of  the meanest portals you’ve ever seen anything   that goes in there is gonna die suffocate and then  the items are coming right back to the overworld  

I know isn’t this amazing you guys were  expecting me to put some fancy giant   storage system here nope everything’s in the  overworld for this farm boys everything what   but now it’s time for me i have to know enclose  this and we should be able to do that safely  

Even without the update suppressor so if we take  that off look like this close that in right there and now the only thing i’m worried about is this  right here actually i think we’re actually going  

To leave that obsidian you guys know how mobs and  glass work but that’s it right there that’s the   most dangerous portal in minecraft okay but all  that for this right there now i have to tear this  

Down and rebuild it in the overworld i’m really  tempted to do that to the bat farm portal because   that would allow us we wouldn’t even need the  mob switch anymore we could just run this farm   no mob switch um okay but will you just  shut up please because it’s tear down time

But it’s also build a floor time because  i am not i’m not losing all these items   remind me never to do this again what a nightmare  it is to try and weave in and out of all those oh this is a nightmare

Hey we’re having a moment here we’re having a  moment here we’re having a moment here hang on just having a moment having another moment oh my goodness remind me to do a base  plate under the next one because this  

Was a nightmare to try and clean up  just a simple base plate would have   made this clean up literally like five  minutes and it’s taken 30 30 minutes run run for your life that  guy’s got one of my things

I don’t appreciate that sir anyways we need  to now go back to the overworld and we need   to rebuild that thing for the return  portal for this for that right there   but that is it right there that is our  death portal oh god let me clean it up

I literally just but there we go that is all three  portals in the nether done so we now have the   bat switch which is below us the double thing that  we built the chunk loader for everything too and  

Now the only thing we have left to do is complete  the overworld side we have two portals to do and a   sorting system i’m literally just dumping half of  the items into cacti or lavalo because yeah i am a  

Solo player this is a lot of gunpowder okay but  we’re back here and now i have the debate to do   i have a big debate to do do i slice this portal  and put magma blocks on the bottom or do i leave  

It slice it or leave it slicing it means that we  can just get rid of the mob switch and leaving   it means we need the mob switch what do we do what  do we do god dude just get away why do you guys do  

This to me every time slicing it also means that  we might have to do the update suppressor twice   but we might be able to get away without it i  don’t know we’re gonna see um we’re slicing it   so i gotta rebuild that silly little and  now you guys just watched me build those  

Ones already so let’s just do this now  what i need is some signs or some banners   okay but now that we got everything i need  to now i gotta twist this portal see ya   oh my god okay portal is a check  now we just need to come down here  

Flop this machine on and hopefully as  long as we’ve got this correct let’s see nope i screwed something up what did i screw up never mind i just removed the wrong block it was at this moment that he knew oh they crashed the game i can’t do anything oh boy

Please don’t be blown up please don’t be blown up  please don’t be blown up please don’t be blowed up okay let’s just redo this let’s try to  be quick about it because i can’t believe   nope never mind some stuff broke  i don’t know what it is but  

Was it just that it might have  just been that yep we’re all fixed like a charm okay there’s a two high portal good enough for  all the mobs now we are going to go magma magma   surround this in glass and that should be  perfectly fine i think that’s going to be  

Okay for now but now what i need to do is i need  to set up another portal oh my god that’s scared   that is exactly what we want right there just pure death and see the bats  will now survive so we don’t even  

I’m giving too much away we’re spoiling too  much before the farm is even near complete get out of here and now this next part of this next  part is down a little bit so what i’m   gonna do i’m gonna make a few more  i’m gonna make some more banners  

And now what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna grab  some water because the other portal needs to go   exactly in line with this one right there but  it needs to be down so it needs to be like  

Around this area right here so i need to grab  some water and we’re going to do this the easy   way instead of building up actually no it’s  probably just going to be easier to build up i don’t know that’s going to be high enough  we’re gonna have to see no definitely not  

And you need to be careful flying around  here i don’t know if i said this last video   but if you accidentally fly down into one of  those little one by one spaces under bedrock   that is the end of your hardcore  world so if you’re doing this  

Be absolutely careful you don’t fly into a little  two by one area like that that’s the death of your   series okay and this yeah we are in line this is  right where the okay so maybe my layout before  

Maybe i was off on my layout before because this  is actually the dead center of the farm right here   this one piece of obsidian and we are in line  with that and that looks like we’re pretty much  

In line with the center of the bat farm too  so i may have accidentally got this right okay but now i am definitely i’m definitely  gonna need more banners let’s light this and   let’s take some banners and let’s run them  out from that block right there turn turn one more

And we need to run a row of banners that  goes up and touches that rail up there oh i need to be careful okay one and two right everything updated   all right now we can drop down here and i gotta  make sure that i get the right one oh i did it

I don’t have to build that thing up there  because that takes half an hour to tear down   and one hour to build i am so i am we just nerd  it out okay now the next one one two three four that scared me that doesn’t go we’re so close we’re so close  

Okay i had to make a few more banners but with  this we should now be able to just jump one two okay there’s our update we’re now gonna jump down  and bingo we have two sliced portals ready to go  

This one right here you wait till you guys see  what comes out of this one this is this is crazy   okay i’m gonna leave the update suppressor on  or up for now just in case i screw anything up  

Because i have to now build absolutely everything  on the receiving end right down here with this okay and pickaxe please don’t die  on me now because i need some shards okay now under this portal what i need to do is  we need to create a water trap that comes over  

Into a corner right over here we also need a sign right there water  flowing that direction and now the rest   of it we should probably change that to packed  ice maybe but this is it right here this is the   water elevator that’s going to be  leading into our storage system  

I’ve got to put all of these shulker loaders in  place now i think these are by a guy named borgen   i still have no idea how many of them i’m gonna  put in but i’m just gonna throw a bunch of them in

Okay and here are the shulker loaders  these are like i said these are by borkin   i’ve already gone ahead and torn everything down  too so now all we need to do well i stopped here   because i need the redstone for below me this  is enough though this like i said this farm rips  

We’re gonna have the cacti or the garbage chute  here at the end um yeah everything’s been torn   down now what we need to do is we need to take  everything and we need to build it on the bedrock  

Below us because with these portals sliced and  this all set up and ready to go where it is time okay we’re jumping in here real  quickly before i finish the roof   because that’s really the only last thing i  have left to do but this is insane this is  

This is almost five hours worth of  placing blocks right here look at this but we’re pretty much ready i just gotta  put a roof on this thing and then oh   we can start suppressing absolutely everything  and i won’t be able to do a time lapse for  

Slicing the portals because yeah i have to crash  so much so we’re gonna be doing this whole thing   pretty much together but this is bananas i have  had to make so many so many extra but we are set  

And right look at the platform look at this solo  player eol form this thing’s gonna be insane okay   but i gotta stop talking because i have so much  left to do i have to put the roof on this thing  

And then we’ve gotta slice the portals and then  i’ve gotta replace all of these here with glass   that’s right some glass and then we might even  have to start chopping we’re gonna see i have to   turn all of these into slabs now because i need  multiple shulker boxes full of slabs okay the  

Shulker box plus my inventory that might that’ll  probably do if not i’ve got more we’ve got more   we can cut and i’ll admit it okay it’s kind of  nice having the mob switch i’m not gonna lie  

It’s look at freedom freedom nothing but bats okay  here we are the roof is done i don’t know if i’m   gonna hit you guys with another time-lapse or not  because this is gonna be like number probably 19.  

But the roof is done and as well i’ve already  gone ahead and tested yeah so the the compressor   works i haven’t screwed anything up but we  are slowly slowly running out of days here oh  

So we need to get slicing now what i need  to do we need to absolutely we need to test   this let’s go over the light suppressor  actually no first i got my gold hold on i’m surrounding myself with haste beacons

Because that is going to help significantly  with trying to get rid of some of this obsidian   because this is the slowest thing about this  is removing obsidian oh my god almost forgot   i also need to dye all this glass so now  these ones right here these ones give us

Okay so we need one of these and that one  flower is going to cover us for the red   dye but now we need blue which i’m pretty sure  we can get from lapis and i have so much lapis   okay and it turns out we are  going to need so much more  

Blue dye and red dye in order to make purple dye  so we’re just going to set this up right here   okay we’ve got a shuffle box full  and almost two so we are almost   we actually might have enough in order to do  this so we might we’re before i think we can get  

Started i think it’s time first thing we need to  do is load up this suppressor and then turn it off okay now we need to go because we don’t got a  lot of time before that light suppressor turns on  

We made it light suppressor is on first round  of glass obsidian we can start to build this   first portal while we wait for the light  suppressor to turn on and now let’s just do this and let’s go for a little fly  and see if anything is loading

Which it looks like they have stopped okay  so let’s go back and light this portal okay that is one portal successfully sliced  the leg is starting to build though so we might   this is going to be insane so now we need glass glass oh and we gotta get this right oh

Oh it came back i don’t know what just happened  there but it just you guys seen it do that again   one more time and then we  got to fill these with glass   now we just need to put some glass over  top of these portals right here because  

What this is going to do this is going to stop any  enderman from spawning turn the update suppressor   off give this no block right here a  flick everything should move oh no that’s okay because we can now replace these  anyways that is no effect to how we do this  

And we are good to do the next one but the thing  is is that i didn’t wait very long in order to do   this portal so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna  crash here just to see if it actually worked  

Okay we’re logging back in let’s see what  happens it worked look at this everybody   we have successfully sliced the portals and light  suppress them too as well okay now if all is well   yes the light suppressor is still working so that  means we can log out log back in we have about 20  

Minutes time of the light suppressor and we just  repeat that over and over again portal is lit portal is sliced portal is nicely cleanly cut  and in place and ready to go   and believe it or not that’s all that row needs  other than the roof so now we flick this off

Move the entire structure one more time   we need to finish covering this entire portal  right here all the way down to the end oh glass at the end and now we can  do the other half of this portal

But now what i got to do let’s go and  see if we do have some chunks loading   because if we do that means i gotta go turn  the lights presser on again i just got afraid   because my timer my timer went off oh yeah  we got chunks loading okay we gotta go turn  

The light suppressor on one more time and then  we can continue that this is going a lot more   smoothly than i thought okay i’m back here at the  light suppressor i can’t decide look at what i’ve  

Done over there do i extend the timer or do  i just run the hoppers around and let it go   indefinitely and i’ve changed my mind already i  am just going to reroute absolutely everything   right back into the system we’re just going to  leave this running and we’re just going to get  

This done we’ll just leave these here as backups  just in case the entire system somehow starts to   despawn items i have a system in a way of getting  back here with the light suppressor on but it does  

It’s going to take like 20 minutes of loading  chunks okay but now what we need to do is i need   to take five chunks from here and what we’re gonna  do is we’re gonna give ourselves turn that on okay light suppressor’s off i  don’t even know why those guys  

Are spawning because the mob switch is  on i don’t care because it is time to go now we just gotta wait i have everything  right i grabbed my fireworks box   okay light suppressor is on  cause we have nothing oh no  

No i forgot i turned down the chunks oh  okay good that scared me there for a second and bingo there’s our third row done okay i  have been just concentrating so hard right   now i probably sound so monotone while i’m  doing that because yeah i literally i don’t  

Want to screw this up but that is three rows  done pretty smoothly um we’ve only had to   crash twice let’s just keep this going this one  this is where it gets a little scary and tricky because you got to make sure  that you press the right one

Lava i am so nervous doing this i am like  i am it is incredible how i don’t want to   screw anything up lava one two lava one two lava i  don’t even have lava and it’s working look at this the things you find out when you start doing these  

This this farm is just okay that’s a lot of  work right there that i did and i did that   extremely slowly so what i’m going to do is  i’m going to turn this off and we’re crashing i’m still here we might have  to legitimately crash the game  

Okay and everything so far is looking absolutely  wonderful now what is that three okay i gotta pick   up the pace here because if i don’t i’m gonna have  to do literally over 100 and something crashes   i don’t want to do that because yeah so  enough with my jibber jabber okay everybody

Buddy we don’t got time for your crap right now   he’s selling a mini enchanted table though  and i’m in a cartography table those are   one of the nicest blocks why i gotta come  around at a time like this hey oh my god i did the wrong one

Now what do we do about that do we  redo the whole portal or do we just   call it what it is and fill it in with glass  i say we just call it what it is but i have  

To remember to not do that again because if  we do that i’ve only got 2 287 spawn spaces   in here so we need and we need them all we need  them all all of them now we only got and 2 six you everything’s loaded and  we’re done we are officially

1903 light level zero standing right  beside a portal and because of the   way the roof is set up look at the light  level as soon as we step one block away one so the roof around this thing is the perfect  size the perfect size okay but before we can  

Showcase this farm i’ve got a bit of tear down  to do this is probably going to take three hours   no joke three hours in total so we are definitely  bleeding into 1900 days here and we got a little  

Bit of glass to do around this half of the thing  too but that doesn’t actually take very long   this tearing this down and tearing that down is  going to take longer than to put in this glass so

Okay everything is all torn down and looking  good we’re getting lots of lag from all the bats   but we’re having an issue here i do not want  this i don’t want this right here i didn’t  

Think about this i have to go i have to do my  little hop skip trick here and get all the way   back to the light suppressor and turn this sucker  off okay here’s the edge we just need to re-log

Okay and we’re back here but it’s gonna get  really laggy really quick and we had to quickly   make a second yeah we lost pick pick but i need  to try and see if i can correct that right there  

And we need to do it before it gets too laggy  so i’ve got some torches and now let’s see what   we can do about this because right now the game  still thinks that there’s a big yeah suppressor  

Here and there isn’t and it thinks it’s right  there and this is essentially all we have to   do to get rid of that we just gotta go along and  replace the light sources here where this once was

And this should hopefully give us all of our light  levels back here our normal light levels anyways   okay but now let’s see and let’s not try to do  too much okay that looks like it’s updating it

Okay but it’s time for us to remove the rest  of this floor and let’s try to do it without   sacrificing another nether right pickaxe because  yeah rip pick pick it died doing this right here   okay there goes the floor now the only thing  left to remove is the roof and the beacons  

But this is it and look at this we’ve got so  much lag that i could pretty much fly forever   this one block will not disappear i can’t stop i  can’t stop there’s we’re probably at like three gotta get to the light suppressor so i’m  turning why am i not turning oh gosh whoo

Okay we’re gonna have to log back and log back in   but the roof is done we are done okay  i had to shut this off though before   okay now to just turn this off for the final  time but now we just need to re-log to let all  

Of the chunks load back in and then it’s time  we’ve got two small systems to put in place   and the farm the eho farm is completely finished  we are completely we are completely finished all  

I need is a couple of timer systems one for that  down there which we probably don’t even need and   then we’ve got one more small one very small it  requires a dispenser and an arrow thank you light   suppressor for your service i will be taking  all these observers and pistons back though

So close feed me more please feed  me why are you always out of stock i know i could always count on you too and oh my  god this thing was so expensive for like books and  

Everything look at all we have like no emeralds  left from the raid farm we’re gonna have to spend   a hundred literally just farming just to recoup  on everything that we have used up and burned up  

Over 100 days of just grinding this out okay but  now what do we need now what did i come back here   okay this upper box this is going to hold  this is going to hold the update suppressor  

And any obsidian that might have to go along  with our next farm that we’re going to do   because i don’t know redstone is a big issue  what are you guys thinking do you think we  

Do an end of light witch farm i think so but  let’s get going all i need is a redstone box   i got arrows right but first before we go  back let’s set up the system here that we need   even though we’re probably not even gonna  need the mob switch anymore i’m still let’s  

Still set up the system and i’ll show you guys  how i originally intended to have this working   okay now one of the first things we need to do is  we need to just run some redstone out from here  

To a simple pressure plate with a dropper on  the back of it that’s it now we need to take   that same redstone signal and can i hit this  shot oh i hit it and now we need to take that  

Same redstone signal and we need to run it out  and down into another redstone torch right here   and this is where we are going to have one of  those minecart chunk loaders i don’t know who   came up with this minecart trunk loader but this  thing is like genius okay and that’s it right  

There so just a dropper system we’ll we’ll talk  about this in a second because now we need to go   back to the nether we need to rebuild the opposite  end of this genius little junk loader right here oh i don’t want to be here i don’t want to be here

What is going on i am under siege and we need to build it right  here somewhere around here anyways   this guy here is going to  ruin absolutely everything we need a simple redstone torch and  everything should be connected hopefully  

Oh the other side’s not powered so i wouldn’t  know yep but it is where it needs to be okay now all we need for this system is a simple  button on top or anywhere on this dispenser here  

What is this it’s a dropper with one single item  and that is that system done right there it was   gonna make it a little bit more complex but like  i said we probably don’t even need it anymore  

So we’re just gonna that’s what we’re doing okay  but i still need the mob switch for a quick second   here because i don’t want things to get laggy and  i don’t want to i don’t want to spoil the reveal  

Okay now for the perimeter the other  system that i need is way up here   and again i was going to make this a lot more  complicated than it needs to be so here’s just   what we’re going to set up for right now  i need a little bit of my tinted glass

Okay and these items right here these are all  we need in order to have this system work for us   dispenser facing up temporary block obsidian a button with a redstone torch we just need  a couple of arrows in here so this is going  

To give us 11 chances we can get more and  one more button and with this what we have   is a simple one minute timer that’s it that arrow  is going to despawn in one minute off of that  

Button and that’s literally all we’re doing for  up here so this was it this is the last system   right here check ready to go the eol farm is  complete all systems are now a complete go the  

Only thing i need to do we just need items in that  junk loader over there and i forgot to turn off   the bath arm so we should probably double check  and make sure that all those flint and steels  

Are good to go i have a feeling they’ve all been  burned through because i’m a dork and i forgot   to turn it off oh i still have a little bit of  shadows to try and get rid of you can see it there  

Oh you can really see them at nighttime  you know what whatever i don’t even care okay now one last thing before we can  i have to light up this cave right here   big time this is bat central in here i don’t  need this okay that might be that might be enough  

But what is going on in here we found more  cave okay it is nice and bright down there   now all we need to do is we just need to  go double check on the flint and steels nope i see lit portals how many  did i burn through oh my god if  

Unbreaking three flint steels last that long  that’s impressive okay we just need to put   some items in this chunk loader right  here because this one’s been empty oh crap wrong chunk loader i’m in that junk loader okay we have items coming to and from so  that means the perimeter is being loaded  

Okay jumping ahead here because i’m sure  you guys are like chapman just get to it   i’ve already put the cacti and the water over  at the form and now it’s time i’ve only got  

30. i got hardly any fireworks left but it’s farm  time what time of the day is it okay we’re midday   so we’re good it’s farm time boys and for this  barbaric system all we need is one item in here  

And we need to press the button with  one redstone torch yep now we need to   throw down our rail and hopefully it  comes back our minecart i should say okay we’re in business now we’ve got five minutes  we’ve got five minutes to activate the farm are  

You guys ready for this well are you guys ready  for this because this is insane now step one for   this farm is we need to fly up and activate the  bat farm which is as easy as this especially with  

The mob switch on we just gotta land here and  press this button and when that redstone torch   turns on it’s time to go right now all of the  bats are isolated into that farm ah oh we’ll  

Just press it again but all the bats are spawning  inside that farm right there and there should be   no mobs because the timer right now for the mob  switch should be on now we just wait for that it’s time to go

Okay and with our hitboxes on you can  see we’ve already got some bats in here   now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually  just wait until we get a second wave of those guys   which should be any second  now within 30 seconds anyways

And there they are okay there is definitely  enough bats in there for us to run the farm   and the beautiful thing about this bat farm is is  these guys won’t despawn because they’re within   a certain radius of us standing down  here and now let’s go down and see  

It hasn’t quite been five minutes so there  shouldn’t be any items coming through but are you   guys ready cactus is in place that’s all in there  hit boxes are off let’s just wait for the glory   any minute now all our bats are still  up there in the bat form any minute now

This is the longest five minutes of my life oh oh oh look at all of those items coming through   oh no we’ve already got a screw-up but look at  this it’s working look at all that gunpowder  

Look at all that rotten flesh look at all of that  bone look at all of oh my gosh what have i done idiot oh that’s why i didn’t put a block of  ice in there most of it we should probably  

Change that to packed ice maybe packed ice maybe  why did i not put a block of ice down in there   that’s okay and i need another one for underneath  there that’s what’s going on with those   but look at this everybody the  farm are you ready for this  

Can you see it already it looks like  our christmas tree down there look at it   oh no and it looks like i made my platform one too  low because those guys are not despawning they’re  

Not even going in the holes all the way so i’m  gonna have to add in some trapdoors but that’s   okay there it is everybody chapman solo player eol  farm you don’t need a mob switch you don’t need  

Anything all those bats are still there they’re  not going anywhere but this is it i’m gonna   have to make a backup of this world in order for  you guys to see the nether side of this because   it’s so simple and it’s so insane  what is happening over there right now  

But i can’t show you because i can’t open  to land yep i got my platform one too low   see how when i’m up too high here there’s nobody  spawning out at the edges it’s all kind of towards  

The inside and when i come down one block they’re  still out at the edges i made my entire platform   one block too low but that’s all right i can feel  the lag already starting to build up so we need  

Some blue ice two pieces all my bats are still  there but so are all these items so are every   single look at all the like look at just houston  we have a problem and this is why i made the roof  

Up here out of tinted glass so that way we’re  able to see down and we can place items up here   without messing with the light level below us  because if this was just plain glass right now   even removing that block right there would  update the light level down there and would  

Ruin our farm so this is another reason why also  right here i’m actually just gonna confirm first yeah i put tinted glass underneath here so  i should be able to correct that without   messing up any light levels okay and  let’s jump in here and let’s just go

Okay that’s one ice put in place and yes if we  wanted to we could even run the farm down here   look at how insane this thing  is when we’re even down here   okay both of our ice are in place now so we’ve  got one and two i get so nervous placing stuff  

Around here why is it so laggy oh i fell  down yep all my bats are gone we need to go   we need to go we gotta restart the farm i fell  down and we now and i killed all my bats that’s  

One thing about this farm is you can’t fall down  to the bottom because if you do then all your   bats will despawn and the farm is why am i not  go oh my god it’s so laggy but that’s all right  

Because since it’s daytime again let’s see if we  can actually run this farm and start this farm   and see if it’s actually going to be a success  because i want to i want to run this farm i want  

To be able to use this farm without a mob switch  because if i can get away with this this is next   level this is seriously next level okay but right  now the mob switch is off so we should be good  

So now let’s see if we can run this farm without  the mob switch okay everything is good everything   is loading which means all the bats that were  in the nether have been despawned let’s see  

If we can get away let’s see if we can get away  with this let’s see if our little slice portals   let’s see if they actually work as  intended we’ll give you one minute   it should be a mob farm in there right now  spawning absolutely everything including  

Endermen including endermen which we don’t  want in any of our spawns okay it’s time to go there is our mobs i hear bats too as  well so that is absolutely perfect but now the moment of truth oh we’ve only got  two let’s see what we get on the second wave  

Okay in the second wave we have a bunch  of items that came through but it looks   like there’s a number of bats up there but i  don’t know if it’s gonna be enough so let’s  

Go up and run that one more time and just see  i don’t care if it takes a couple of tries in   order to try and get some stuff down there  here comes the torch let’s go down and see   okay there is our mobs we can also hear bass again  

But i can’t tell how many is there because  there’s actually items in the portal too so   we’re just gonna have to there’s gonna be another  wave coming through there it is right there i wonder if that’s gonna be enough it  looks like there is plenty in there  

Let’s drop down and see let’s see if it gets laggy okay items are coming through by the thousand  are we getting any hold up this time no hold   up because of the ice no hold up there because  of the ice i haven’t even started to arrange  

My items orders yet because i need so many we need  to fill all of these with shulker boxes so we’re   just letting it run and kill everything right now  we just had another wave come through up there  

Which means we have even more bats up there now  so it’s looking like we might not even need a mob   switch in order to run the eol farm we could just  simply run the bat farm kill all the mobs with our  

Little deadly portals right there and we are this  is fantastic but i’m cutting it here i still have   so much work that i need to do with this and i  want to do something over there too as well but we  

Gotta recoup on a whole bunch of materials so i’m  cutting it here 1918 days and we have ourselves   one of the silliest farms in minecraft does  it look like that input matches that output they look like they match don’t they you

This video, titled ‘I Built the Fastest Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore (EOL)’, was uploaded by Chapman on 2022-04-03 13:06:31. It has garnered 538276 views and 15225 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:59 or 3779 seconds.

King Sh*t! Solo player EOL Farm. No Alt accounts (You Cheaters) No Using Commands to Spawn in Cheater Bots! Just 100 Days building the Fastest Solo Player Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore.

⚡ Watch previous 100 days Here:

💖 Watch the Full Minecraft Hardcore Series –

In this video Chapman survives another 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Building the Fastest Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore & bringing his 1.18 Hardcore Minecraft World to 1900 days in total

100 DAYS Building The FASTEST MOB FARM In Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #100days #hardcore

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Minecraft Chapters 00:00 Intro Run Through/Clean Up 02:30 Bat Farm 13:24 Portal of Doom 22:22 Slicing 2 Portals at Once 29:18 Main Build 34:35 EOL Farm – Slicing Portal 47:13 Last 2 Timer Systems 53:33 EOL FARM – Testing

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  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 Survival Dynmap Build Competitions Events No-Reset Collaborative Wiki Brewery Discord Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game. Founded in January 2019, the server maintains the same world it started with, where everything is built in survival. With 30 player slots, it offers a tight-knit community feel without overcrowding. Community Projects are suggested and discussed on Discord, welcoming contributions from anyone. Server Details Address: Java edition: 1.20.6 Looking for 1.20 land? Go to /outpost. Community Features Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes Minimal enhancements to the core game, no pay-to-win 5 to 20 active players online most of the time Key… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: Follow me on Threads: Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

Chapman – I Built the Fastest Mob Farm in Minecraft Hardcore (EOL)