CHEAP Minecraft Server Computer | Step by Step Guide 2020

Video Information

Hey what’s up guys Jack and Matt here with the toaster Grizz and today we’re gonna be showing you how to build a cheap minecraft server this is a second version of a video we did last year and this one it’s gonna be a lot better but

Before we dive into it let’s hear more from today’s sponsor Squarespace Squarespace is an all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and also help you run your business so to stay tuned to the end of this video to see a Squarespace could help you so let’s go ahead and talk about these

Parts and how it makes up this beautiful minecraft server so the total price for this computer was about three hundred and fifty dollars – a little bit because we decided to actually go with 3rd gen risin on this which we’ll talk about the parts in just a minute but the main

Reason we did that was because we wanted this to be something that someone can just order all the parts for right now and it is a hundred percent ready to go to make your minecraft server and honestly be able to play minecraft while hosting a service so this computer could

Actually play games as well and has a really good upgrade path and this also is gonna be a full tutorial video what we’re gonna do is put the system together if you do want a full PC build guide hit the I in the top right corner

That is our full pc build guide pretty self-explanatory if you follow through that the only thing you’re not gonna do with this is adding a graphics card and then we’re gonna be going through installing a mine OS which is a linux distro which basically has all the minecraft server properties baked into

One install so we’ll be doing that at the end of this video but if you’re ready to build a minecraft server let’s talk about each part and exactly how it makes up this minecraft server so for the process where we decided to go with the rise in 32 energy this is 3rd gen

Rise and the reason we went for it is because the cores really don’t matter a ton you don’t need like a ton of cores or anything these days for a minecraft server so we wanted something that had good integrated graphics that could actually well play a little bit of

Minecraft along with running the server well 3200 G is probably one of the best bang for bucks right now in that category and another thing that we decided needed to be pretty good was going with good Ram so we got ddr4 2666 16 gigs that’s important to have a large

Capacity for really anything that’s server based you’ve probably heard that Ram is like one of the most important parts you need a lot of it because servers well they like to use up a lot of memory so we went with 16 gigs for this for the motherboard with the

Gigabyte 8 320 M this is really the cheapest am4 motherboard you can get that’s what we want with it there’s really nothing good about it’s an eight through 20 and dozenal up to Rison v which is you know good enough you ever did want to upgrade it could go 1600 AF for

Around the same prices it’s actually a little bit cheaper if you can’t get your hands on ones so we do recommend going with an a320 if you’re just on a really tight budget which you were but if you can get a be 450 go with that just

Because it’s overall a better board and now for storage we just went with this a data in bad to SSD it’s not even nvme it’s just a standard 256 gigabyte SSD this system could be used to run multiple game servers if you’re wanting to host different kinds of games that

Actually allow you to run a dedicated server so having it more storage might be more important to you if you plan on running multiple servers but this is more than enough for mine OS which is the main thing we’re using this for and it’s gonna be fast now these two

Products right here are the kind of cheap products that we went with to make this really cost-effective first up the power supply we went with this a PBA Astro 450 watt power supply now it’s a PBA it’s not a brand you normally go with if you’re getting a power supply

But the reviews are pretty solid it is really cheap at $22 and I rather spend $22 right onto power supply than overpay and you know have it well you know just good value but if you do want to offer something that is a little bit more mainstream you could with thermal tape

But the prices are pretty expensive right now with just situations going on in the world but just keep that in mind when building this there are a lot of power supply options you can go with we decided to up for the Astro power so before you comment down below this a

Crap power supply we’re gonna find out and now for the case it’s a server it doesn’t need to be pretty but you know here at the toaster rods we’d like to make things look pretty and we have the raid backs neon which is basically a RGB

Case with just like a acrylic side panel nothing special but it does come with RGB fans 3 to be exact and it comes with a power supply basement so we can cable man just thing to look really nice if you were going to double this as a

Gaming PC on the side and have it like dual boot with Windows and Minow s what you could do this would be a good option because it could actually be use as a gaming PC or a spare computer that you can actually use then it won’t look like

A total piece of crap but this is a really awesome case to add some RGB and around 40 bucks really can’t go wrong so how about we quickly put this thing together because it’s an APU system doesn’t take too long and then we’ll be diving into the tutorial part of this

Video let’s do it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] Alright guys so now that we have this pc all put together let’s go to the tutorial section of this guide now we’re gonna be installing what is known as mine OS more specifically mine OS turnkey which is basically a bootable Linux distro that allows you to make a remote accessible minecraft server so

What we can do is set this thing up in the other room over there here’s Jackson by the way we can set this thing up in the other room and when we do set it up we can remotely access it from another computer without having any issues and

It could just kind of stay in a closet or wherever you want to put it so you know got the distraction behind but anyways here is mine os this is the website for mine OS all you have to do to install my no wes is a couple of

Things one you need a USB flash drive super simple then you need to download mine OS from right here it is an ISO file so all you’re going to need to do is download this get a flash drive that can support for under 50 megabytes and

Then download a bootable USB tool I just use Rufus it’s the easiest way to do it download Rufus and then what you’ll need to do is open up a Rufus throw the ISO on there which we’ll go ahead and do again real quick just so we have an

Extra demo and then right now as you can tell you would find your device which would be your flash drive you’ll pick which ISO file you want what you hit select which right here is our ISO file mine o s and then you just hit start

Make sure you know that you will be erasing this flash drive so if you do this you were going to lose any files on the flash drive and then once you’ve run that you should have a bootable Drive that allow you to throw it in the computer that you just built go into

Your boot order settings and boot to that drive and then it’s pretty much self-explanatory you set a password to free to be able to access the online interface which will show you after we get everything set up we’re gonna go ahead and move over to the computer and walk you through the

Installation process just to make sure you don’t get lost along the way and to be fair this is my first time doing this so we’re gonna go ahead and do it alright guys now that we have this PC all put together and the bootable USB ready to go we’re gonna go ahead and

Boot to it now if you do have Windows installed or anything install there any on the computers are gonna be using this on keep in mind you ready to change the boot order to make sure it actually boots to the usb but because we don’t have anything installed well before we

Actually forced it to boot to the usb we’re it’s gonna go ahead and do this now you can’t do it one of two ways you could try it live on the USB stick first if you do have Windows installed in your computer you just want to see how this

Works you can most definitely just install without it or you can install directly to the hard disk which is we’re gonna be doing so we’re gonna click on install the hard disk and pretty much the install is self explanatory and as I mentioned in the beginning after we do

This we’ll be able to promote indirectly to this computer and manage all our minecraft server stuff so what we’ll do is go ahead and use the guided entire disk we’re gonna go ahead and do that or you can just do guided use a larger continue it’s free space where you don’t

Make up where you don’t take up any other space on the drive but we’re gonna go ahead and use the entire thing because why not let’s see did you do that’s fine yes okay cool okay continue yes so our drive wasn’t totally wiped so it’s asking us to do a

Bunch of partitioning to the drive to make sure it’s good for this Linux distro so we’re gonna go ahead and let it do that so we can get rid of everything that’s on there we’re gonna copy the data to the disk then from here we’re just gonna basically make the root

Password in the other pass where we need to access our minecraft server and everything should be pretty easy from the web interface so we’ll dive into that after everything installs here but pretty simple we will leave a link to the forum down below for mine OS it will give you more step-by-step instructions

If you do want to check that out it seems that the new installation is only on the operating system of the computer if so would be safe to install the grub bootloader yes we’ll do that so we’re install a bootloader to make sure we can actually boot to the thing

When it’s installed and then when that’s done we should continue through the installation process if restart the computer in order to use the new installation would you like to restart now yes and then we might need to go back into the BIOS and turn on the SSD because I think the installation

Will probably finish from the SSD save and exit and we’ll see if this actually will post properly that is fingers crossed okay we’re moving I see a lot of numbers on the screen it’s kind of scary cool okay please enter a new password for the root account must be 8 characters long

We’ll just go ahead and type in a password for that search for the Minecraft account must be at least eight characters long will do okay so turn key backup migration stays follow the changes the database it can be on like restored from here turn key you can start using service immediately

If you initialize now or you can manually later let’s widen hit apply enable locals as notifications to be forwarded to your regular inbox and no games include security updates the system message is I’m not gonna do that for right now we’ll just actually kind of skip it yeah I’ll just skip that we

Don’t really need a manual updates enter our email but if the system is figure to automatically install security updates I will do yes that’s fine make sure we have all the security updates we need this is based on Linux in theory the concept of going the extra route to do

This as opposed to installing Windows and having just the server launcher running on Windows is you have much better stability and now it says welcome to mine OS this will be all blurred out but basically everything else should be good to go please note it out of the box

Only these ports are open and service run manually this way and then we’ll go into the advanced menu and pretty much everything is golden here you should have everything ready to go all you have to do is then go into your I’ll see I don’t want to quit awesome now we’re

Gonna go ahead and see and make sure everything’s up and running properly which should be other remote into this alright guys now we are back to the computer that we started this whole thing on we have the computer running in the other room and all you’re gonna do

Is go to the IP address display it on the screen once you finish the install and then you will get the Sign In screen right here the username is M C and the password is whatever the password is that you set in the other room so be

Sure you remember that password and then once you sign in you’ll be greeted with you will be greeted with this this is your minecraft server dashboard through mine OS so all you have to do from here is go to create a server you can basically decide whatever you want to

Call this server you can call it towstee server whatever server you want to call it and then go through everything you leave the fault settings you can set the difficulty the game-mode out sort of fun stuff then we can do is hit create server now I’ve already created a server

It’s called toasty server and we’re gonna go into the actual server settings so under server status here’s our server right now it currently down so what you need to do society exactly what you’re gonna run on your server so to do that you go under profiles and under profiles you can do

Numerous amounts of things you do a forge serving you do a spigot server you can do a lot of different types of servers and you can find different ways to important different ones if you’re interested like feed the beast and what you can do is go through and download

Whatever version you want which I downloaded the latest version one 15.2 and then we’re gonna do is go back to server status pick that profile right here which we mean to server needs to know what profile to run on click that we’re going to broadcast it to the land

Then you can broadcast it to a network also in the future if you want be able to join from outside your room which is most likely what you want to do but we’re gonna do this on the land just for demonstration purposes and then you’re gonna hit start and then you have to

Actually hit the jar file which I forgot to do and hit start and then from here it says I need to accept the EULA which is required by the minecraft developers so accept the EULA and then hit start and then from here your server should be

Online so you can go to the dashboard real quick and you can see that the server is up you can see how much RAM you’re actually using on the server and then you can just connect to the server in theory so what we’re gonna do is go

Ahead and pull up minecraft which should be installed on this computer alright so now that we have minecraft open we’re gonna go to multiplayer proceed we should be able to add a server so as you can see right here our land server is actually up and running so we can go

Ahead and click on this and then in theory the server should be working encrypting joining world and boom look at that we’re on a minecraft server so we are running this through LAN you can configure it through opening your ports if you want to to actually open it up to

People to join on the outside world but you have to give out your IP address so keep that in mind if you do get all your IP address only give it to people that you trust but hey it’s working can’t seem to have any issues there let me get

Jackson real quick to come in and load it up on alright guys we are now testing out the minecraft server I got Matt right over here load up the LAN see what oh look at that smooth all right well where are you at where you at kids I

Found you why’d she spawn so far away yes so we got we got full bars and everything I mean obviously we’re we’re playing land so of course I’d work but basically we have all the essentials setup of a minecraft server the only thing is if you’re wanting it to

Actually be over a network rather than having to be you know in your house you are gonna have to do port forwarding and whatnot which I don’t believe we’re gonna go into this video because that’s a whole process and a lot of private information if you wanna see ways to

Port forwards check in the description down below and we can show you guys how to do it so of course as you guys might be wondering how could you double this as a gaming PC to actually better play minecraft well kind of be a little bit

Hard to do that if you’re running the Linux version on here because you’re literally booting into Linux and you don’t have windows but you could put Linux as a VM and then have windows alongside that the only downside is it would still be kind of hard to get into

One of the others so another option that you do have is just running the standard minecraft server in Windows 10 and then you can play it as well and honestly the standard one works almost just as well now if you have any problems installing mine OS throw be links in the

Description down below to some of the guides I use to make sure everything was up and running again I kind of did this learning as I went so some of the stuff may be a little bit back and forth so I would highly suggest if you want a step-by-step guide link in the

Description now below come back to this if you get stuck anywhere and I really do like the install – it’s really cool it’s super easy to set up if you are really really passionate about Minecraft and want to have a minecraft server this thing would be great to just put

Together and really not touch ever and have it in a closet or wherever you want to put it and then you can access it whenever you want via the web OS so pretty self-explanatory to put together and very excited with how it turned out you know what else I’m excited about our

Sponsor Squarespace learn more about that shall we if you have ever considered making a website but feel like you don’t have enough time to do it well today’s video sponsor Squarespace is the perfect option for you you know by now that Squarespace is the best and most effective way to

Build a website for your business or personal use we have used Squarespace long before they partnered up with us and I’ve recommended their services to numerous people no matter your skill level creating a website on Squarespace is simple I’m not just talking about building the website I’m talking about

SEO and other backing requirements that come along with making an effective website Squarespace makes it super simple I took some time to work on our own website on Squarespace and I absolutely loved how fast I was able to put something together using their beautiful built-in templates and how I’ve made our brand

Look even more modern head on over to slash toasty burrows to save ten percent in your first purchase of a website or domain by using code toasty browse at checkout guys now is the perfect time to head on over to Squarespace calm /oc browse and create

Your dream website today thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring today’s video now let’s wrap this video up shall we so if you guys want to make this really awesome minecraft server make sure you use our links in description down below they are affiliate links so they do help

Us out and also don’t forget to Like comment and subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next one peace good bye paste please

This video, titled ‘CHEAP Minecraft Server Computer | Step by Step Guide 2020’, was uploaded by Toasty Bros on 2020-04-17 19:00:02. It has garnered 96895 views and 2781 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:45 or 1125 seconds.

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code Toastybros

Minecraft is a great game to get some friends together to escape world events, and today we are going to show you how to set up a server for under $350 with the abilities to run all the mods you would want on your server using MineOS

Parts list (Affiliate Links) Ryzen 3200G – SP 16GB 2666Mhz – Gigabyte A320 – Adata SU800 M.2 256GB – Apevia 450W – Rosewill Neon Mid –

Cheaper Option (Affiliate Links) less than $100 Dell Optiplex 390 – DDR3 Ram (for upgrade to 16gb) – 20% coupon code for software: TB20 Windows10($15): Office 2016($27): Office 2019($47): 👉 Buy a PC from us! – 👉 Buy our Merch! – 👈 / 👈

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The Toastybros is comprised of Matt and Jackson, two tech heads with a passion for creating content. They have been creating content for years on YouTube and the Toastybros has become their most successful channel. Please consider subscribing to see more content like this! ✌👊

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  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

CHEAP Minecraft Server Computer | Step by Step Guide 2020