There are five joke languages that can be used in the language menu pirate speak Wildcat Shakespearean English English and upside down English if a player types excited Ze into the search bar in the recipe book the language is automatically switched to Pirate speak more Minecraft Easter eggs can be found In my latest video the link is in the comments Video Information
This video, titled ‘Secret Joke Languages in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CheezyChez on 2023-02-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 3653 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds.
There are a few secret joke languages in Minecraft! 10 secret easter eggs in Minecraft! Easter Eggs, or hidden messages and features, are a part of almost every video game, including Minecraft. From custom names to references to other video games, here are my top 10 favorite Easter Eggs in Minecraft.
For more Minecraft easter eggs, check out my latest video:
#minecraft #shorts #secret #easteregg