ChosenArchitect – All of Fabric 3 Minecraft Modpack Ep18 Cursed Mob Farm

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Hey guys and welcome back this is chosen arctic and today well we’re putting together a mob farm so i hope you guys are ready so i was kind of thinking about doing a little bit more mining in this dimension and i’m i’m thinking instead of torches why don’t we just actually make

Something that generates infinite light like why haven’t i done that already and i i have no idea so uh let’s go ahead and do that and that ring it’s actually gonna be this light ring places infinite light sources or places infinite sources of light all of this should be easily obtainable

Bam we have a ring and then we just need to make a little bit of glowstone now it’s saying i don’t have glowstone oh that’s right because um i did i did use it to all my i used it all to make all these lamps so

Well i guess i’m going to the nether and just a quick trip and then of course i’ll be back well i i don’t think i’ve ever seen this before b i think you were in the wrong spot um good luck in here you know what good good luck

Wow that is uh that is very unfortunate for that bee it’ll never be back where it’s uh where it belongs all right so we’re gonna head back get that done and i’ll see ya down back in the mine there’s our ring and to use this i think

We can keep it in our offhand at least i hope so and uh we can use it to place light sources and uh they’re just kind of these little particle effect-y little things and yeah they don’t look bad at all by the way to mine well let’s just say it doesn’t take very

Long to do that uh this pick is or this hammer is just absolutely ridiculous so getting getting resources it it doesn’t take but at that long anymore let’s just let’s just put it that way so i’m actually pleasantly surprised to find this little like mini biome this mini mushroom biome down here where

We’ve got mycelium and i i needed some of this so this stuff will spread but we have to find it first and i’m pretty sure a mushroom biome is just not a thing we’re gonna find so yeah it was it’s kind of neat to find this actually in a

Cave it’s like a little mini biome down here and just happened to stumble upon it so i went ahead and dug out a little bit of a room here and this is going to be for one of our micro farms now this micro farm in particular is made for 116 it is very

Small in combat or compact for an automated farm for farming things like wheat potatoes beet roots any any of the minecraft seeds um it should be able to do and it’s it’s very weird uh it feels like these microfarms get weirder and weirder every time i uh i play an updated version of

Minecraft it really does but right here all we need is a dirt block some water loggable block doesn’t really matter we’ll grab ourself a bucket and we’ll go ahead and place that in here and of course we can hoe this block if we go ahead and grab

Our hoe out of here and there we go we have a farm block i’m going to go ahead and just add that there we’re actually going to have something right here anyways so to get this to work we are going to of course need dispensers that’s going to bone mill

Our crops at a really fast rate and then we need to set up the redstone for it so the redstone for it is just one redstone right here and then we just need solid blocks i’m actually going to try and use some better looking solid blocks the black stone i really like

So we’ll go with black stone so i’m going to need some black stone right here and black stone right here doesn’t have to be black stone but that’s what i’m going with and then we’re going to have an observer that is facing into this dispenser and then right here we’re going to uh

Put some redstone and line the entire top and including on top of the observer so now that that’s done like i said this farm is super simple we’re going to place a piston and i know it’s weird it’s very weird that that’s a thing but it is

And we just need a lever really and another block and we’re just about ready to go um let’s see let’s actually use some black stone why why not um if i have enough polished black stone is there a polished blackstone stair of course there is

So i need to take this with a lever and our farm is pretty much complete so we place a lever here place ourself a stair and we activate this oh there we go and you can see right there i know it’s really loud but we should be able to plant

Seeds and it actually collect right there now you could go a step further with this by having a hopper cart down there and that hopper cart um basically suck the items out that could work that could easily be a thing you could do so let’s go ahead and put this into practice

I know it’s really weird so let’s go ahead and put this bad boy to the test so we just turn it on and we just hold down right click right here and oh i by the way uh you do need to put bone mail in this farm

Um it might work if we had bone mail that was in it that that might help um also i do need to break this in order to get to this hopper that is the only downside but we could set up pipes on the back to fill these no problem

With the chest so that’s probably what i’m going to end up doing let’s go ahead and get bone mill in here i should have enough of that i’m glad that i have all these uses for bone milk because sometimes bone meal just kind of sits in your chest and

You’re like what do i do with it like i i don’t need it for anything but minecraft really has come a long way um with the the inclusion of villagers and stuff that’ll trade you emeralds and emeralds are actually worth like stuff like they’re worth things for like food

Golden carrots like they’re really important um so having them around is not a bad idea all right so let’s go ahead and do this and i’ll fix this back up because really i guess all you need to do is just break this block here and i guess you gain access to it

Um now the reason it’s blocked here let me kind of explain what this is doing the reason this block’s here is to keep it dark in there because you can place things on the ground but as soon as it’s too dark the it technically will break but because this is bone milling it

There we go now we get wheat so this is how crazy this is look at this we are getting already had 30 and you basically just hold down right click and it’s going to constantly refill your seeds and you’re going to gain wheat at a really high rate

Now to make the sound not so loud you just turn your block sounds down or turn them off and then it’ll be a completely silent farm so to do that options sound settings turn your blocks all the way off and then you get no sound and i mean it’s it’s working like this

Yeah you can just have something hold down your mouse key or you can set something on your your key use an auto clicker that holds it honestly you can hit f3 and t and it will actually hold down like that’s actually a part of minecraft

It may be a bug of minecraft but it’s been in there since what 113 i think you can hold down your button hit f3t it will reload your textures now because this is a mod pack it will take a little bit longer to reload those textures but in this pack it actually doesn’t

Take very long at all and once it does that you can let off of your right click button and it should still be holding that button down and that is just you know built right into to minecraft um and it was definitely really useful when fishing farms were a thing

But unfortunately fishing farms and minecraft 116 are kind of not a thing anymore because now it requires like a certain amount of blocks underneath you and it’s a whole mess of things you can no longer fish out of a single block space like you used to be able to so let’s see

How much we’ve gotten just from this this so far oh my yeah um so yeah i think there’s even items that are yeah that were have built up but uh yeah so like carrots for example you can do this with carrots as well just to show you carrots work

And we just start building up carrots yep and it should be an exponential growth so you should be able to hold on to whatever carrot you have and if you really wanted to like i said you could set up a system that uh underneath here was a hopper car so you

Could push this this block into a hopper cart and then just hopper the items out if you really wanted to and it should collect the items very easily for you so once you run out of bone mill though it will no longer be working so like i said you do want to have

A consistent amount of bone meal going into this um in order for it to work and it does look like it uses quite a bit of bone meal and it uses it really quickly so that’s a good thing that’s a good thing in my opinion because it uses up your bone

Mill it gives you a reason to have bone mill and a reason to use your mob farm um now we don’t have a automated system to collect bone meals so we’re still using like just staying there at our mob farm and afk edit because the farm that we have currently

Doesn’t support that but eventually we might with a cursed farm i think we might be able to set that up and uh hmm that might be something to try out today so before we leave we can’t let anyone know about our secret farm that’s over there

Um i don’t want anybody finding out that we have that so to do this i’m gonna use a stone camo door and what this will do is if i place it here it just looks like a part of the wall but when i right click it we enter in

To our farming like farming domain we we have our secret farmer station over here and you would never even know it existed unless well of course you watched this episode so before we get started with this mob farm that i’m i’m really wanting to try out i

I want to see what some of these other tools can do to maybe help us with that so right here we have a fan and i’m assuming it’s going to take a redstone signal so all right so we have this fan and how far does it push us

And that’s really important because the block that it actually pushes us to it’s not technically the block that i want it to push on so we have one two so i’m gonna on account one two three four five six seven eight now that’s basically the same flow rate as water

Now its most powerful push point is probably between be between one and five so one two three four five right about here so with that knowledge um i should be able to set this up and have a mob i have a mob cage that’s right maybe right here

That is five blocks by five blocks and we could use fans to maneuver our mobs now i don’t know if these compete i would assume they do compete with the way everything else is working so if we have this fan for example set up and we have another fan blowing this way

And another fan that over here that’s blowing this way those two fans are probably going to cancel each other out um so it’s not going to be beneficial for us to have fans on the side so maybe just fans blowing one direction leaving us uh maybe or we can even have

It on both sides but i prefer to have the fan just pushing straight out and then right here we just have a row of spikes like those diamond ones over there that drop experience and everything and then what we would use to collect them is probably just a regular xp

Hopper like we’ve used for everything else and that would uh or not an xp hopper a um what is it called these hoppers the hopper that’s over here these guys uh the ender hoppers or whatever um we’ll use those because those not only do they pick up experience and we can

Bottle that experience up or pipe it out i think we can pipe it out um we can use that um and collect items as well and that should work great now the only problem is getting the items out so we’d have to set it up

So that way the items can make it to it which can tend to be a problem considering hoppers are not transparent or hoppers are not solid blocks so they’re transparent and they let light in and this farm is probably going to require it to be dark

That is going to be our only downside to using it this way so and there’s not a good item in here that can pull from the side of a block so i don’t know we’re we’ll figure it out i’m sure we’ll figure something out i’m so happy that this glass exists it’s called

Dark glass which is opaque to light which means even though it’s glass and you can see into it it doesn’t let light in it is completely dark technically um which makes this fantastic for mob farms it lets you see into the mob farm and but and the whole thing i mean this

Is probably the clearest dark glass i’ve ever seen it’s super clear but you can see it’s actually still making it dark in here and i want this all to be nice and open that’s how i really like these farms to be so let’s go ahead before it gets too dark in here

Let’s place a couple light sources and uh then i’m going to go ahead and grab just dirt right this whole floor needs to be filled with dirt and we also will use our builder’s one why not so i have this set up five blocks like i said

But i did extend this six blocks because right here is actually going to be something other than dirt i really want to set up a chest here now i noticed that up here that this actually allowed items to pass through it so when the mobs fell

Items were actually a lot allowed to go through um now that they were actually on top so i’m wondering is if at five blocks will they actually drop down into a pit if i set up a little pit for them and so the pit will actually need to be

A few blocks now the only problem i’m i’m hoping doesn’t happen is going to be enderman by the way i need to sleep um an intermittent might actually pose a little bit of a problem you know what hold up on that before that even becomes a thing let’s make

Sure that the vacuum hopper will not work because i really want this vacuum hopper to do its thing and i think the best way to get that to work may be to have this just one layer down so have the spikes technically one layer down and

Place this hopper here and then have the of course the hopper underneath with the piping system there and then we’ll just surround that from this point so that way items and experience don’t really get trapped and we probably won’t be introducing a lot of light into the system let’s hope

That this block right here won’t put out a lot of light it it shouldn’t because the front will be blocked as well so that might be a really good solution for this so what we need to do now let’s go ahead and break these blocks and i’m gonna go

Ahead and build the spikes they do take a little bit of time to uh to make as i do need to make a bunch of iron spikes and then also diamond and i need to make sure that all of my tools are placed in my

Bag so i don’t make a big mistake and break my really nice sword that i really like so there we go diamond spikes made we also need to make the fans that is the other thing now there’s an analog fan i don’t know what the difference is on these fans is

Is one just like always on like what what’s the difference in a different is is it like the same speed i don’t know i guess the only way to find out is to test it right that’s something that i’m really good at okay i can’t really tell

Um maybe we’ll need another fan to be able to find out analog versus i mean analog is very different so lever that went in there So right about there i hope they don’t like fight against me but it does push them which uh actually maybe we’ll just do the analog that might be a better option yeah i’ll go ahead and make all of them analog why not so we need five analogs

And uh what i’m actually going to do back here is very simple i’m just going to uh mine this out and i think my axe is actually in here so you guys can be happy i actually have an axe on me look at that i’ve up my game a little bit

Um and back here is going to be just redstone blocks that’s going to be probably as simple as it gets redstone blocks just like that bam bam bam bam and bam man we’re doing a lot of redstone today oh you guys are you guys are getting lucky i guess

There we go and all of that is basically done so before i finish this whole thing off let me go ahead and place the glass in here and leave a single spot open because we’re gonna have to use that single spot to place some stuff in and that is going to be

The cursed seeds yes we need to make some cursed seeds i’m gonna go ahead and use two maybe that’ll help speed it up a little bit and do i need to break this i guess i do um is it not the cursed seeds that do it the droplets

Or does it have to be grass i thought that that should i thought curse seeds worked on here oh unless it has to be night time i think it has to be night time in order for these seeds to work okay that’s i think i remember that when i tested it out a

Lot like when i first started messing around with this pack so i guess until then i’m going to go ahead and see what i can do as far as uh making this uh fit in a little bit better i think maybe these obsidian bricks are just a little bit obtrusive

So yeah i’m probably going to mine out a bit of this and replace it with some different uh brick variants and maybe some cobblestone well at this point i i think it’s night time um so let’s go ahead and get seeds the cursed seeds and this should

Now work yeah there we go so this is going to spread now be careful because like i said it does spread and you don’t want to oh you know what we might need some raised spikes to fix that problem i didn’t even think about that

We do have some extras so maybe i can just place spikes here and that will help with our spider problem because yeah i i don’t care for spiders too much oh no no no that took a little bit all right we almost lost it to a creeper

So now that i have this closed in there we go once this spreads out hopefully this will be a lot better and hopefully these two will stop spiders from uh doing anything else but i i could also just place spikes along this wall here and that would really damage just about

Anything that spawns in there so yeah after watching this farm a little bit i’m already seeing these spider jockeys and i have a feeling this is going to be a persistent problem so to deal with this um and also i need to get the hopper set up i’m gonna go

Ahead and hop back in here i’m gonna place my light sources that should stop mobs from spawning if as long as they have some light and i guess fix this uh fix this problem right and do these guys guys have more health so these guys easily

Take damage and have no problem uh you know expiring but yeah we need to change how this whole system works and to do that i think i’m going to just place dirt here and let that spread even more so we’ll just go ahead and let that take its course [Applause]

And by the way it shouldn’t hurt us to be here but we gotta be careful when we place the spikes in because yeah and oh these these can only go one direction huh so they can’t be placed against the wall uh but they can be placed against the

Floor now i don’t think that will change how these interact but this might actually be better than how we had it set up before where the where they fall because for some reason spiders just i mean they just cause problems and does walking into this hurt or is it only when you’re

On top of them hmm well for us it’s not we’re not taking any damage let’s test this out okay so we do get pushed on top of them but while we’re holding shift oddly enough we don’t take any damage that’s kind of cool and pull all this stuff out as you can see

We’re already collecting a lot of different things i’m gonna go ahead and break that i need to get my glass back in here so i definitely need to make more dark glass which i really like this stuff by the way there’s a few different types there’s like allows uh passage while

Sneaking which is kind of cool that this is even available so there we go and we might we might use that later on like to allow us to get into this farm if we need to but for right now we don’t really need to and then let’s see glass bottles

This is another thing that this uh lets you do is place glass bottles in here and pull out bottles of experience which works fine for me i have no problem with this because then we can just use that to spam levels on the ground and like undrain all this like and actually

Still store experience and it stores quite a bit of it so as far as storage goes for items why not just make the expanded chests right here and yeah create ourselves like diamond level chests i think obsidian chest aren’t they they go even larger than that and

Will these like double stack like all the other ones do giving you like a crazy amount of storage if not i’ll still be able to use it somewhere else but i did want to test that out like can we double stack this and make like a insanely large storage

System i have no idea um so to set up set this up i’m going to do the same piping system i’ve done before we’re gonna have just a standard item puller with our pipes and of course we need a hopper to get this to pull out now the only

Problem is i hope it doesn’t yeah i hope it doesn’t pull my glass bottles out and like pull out my bottles of enchanting that i think it probably will just pull out the bottles of enchanting no it pulls out everything including well no my glass bottles they actually when i release it actually

Oh so i have to put like oh man i was hoping the glass bottles would stay in there well they don’t oh well that’s not 100 that’s not a horrible thing though it’s not horrible um but yeah i i gotta get this piping system set up so pipes i think that will work

And then pipe down here and just pipe on up don’t want it to do that that would create some kind of weird looping thing but let’s see if these uh these chests stack interestingly they do how cool is that and we can actually just leave that like

That wow that is a large storage whoa okay and uh yeah i think that will uh that will do it right there that is huge and that’s gonna pull from here we just need to be able to access this and we can just let this

Just do its thing it’s just gonna run on its own now it probably will run better at night i i’m assuming because i haven’t seen as much come out of this but uh from what it looks like right now it’s doing a fantastic job even with it not running that often

Um it still grants us the occasional mob drops which i will take instead of having to afk over there so as always i want to give a huge thanks to one of my patreons and today i’m going to think two lulz thank you so much for your tremendous support i’m gonna slap that

With some lime dye i really appreciate it this farm is working fantastic and uh i thank all of my patrons for all my tremendous support and my twitch subscribers if you didn’t know i also live stream over at or slash chosen architect where you can find me there usually sometimes

Throughout the week i’m still working out a good schedule for that so bear with me and uh guys if you haven’t already check out our discord i recommend checking that out link down in the description below or it’s discord.gdport slash chosen architect we have an awesome community over there

Which i would love for you to join guys i will see you in the next episode you know how it goes and i hope you enjoyed today if you haven’t already click that subscribe button what are you doing i wish you’d do that i really do appreciate it

Guys i’ll see you in the next one as always thanks for watching You

This video, titled ‘All of Fabric 3 Minecraft Modpack Ep18 Cursed Mob Farm’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2020-09-05 18:00:10. It has garnered 47914 views and 1610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:09 or 1569 seconds.

►Time Stamp Chapters 00:00 – Intro 0:09 – Unlimited Light 2:17 – Fast Micro Farm 10:25 – Cursed Mob Farm Setup 24:57 – Sign & Outro ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►NEW Channel:

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All of Fabric 3 is a 1.16.1 modpack built on the Fabric Loader.

It offers the latest and best of Fabric, built to perform on even the lower-end computers. Features: -New tools (Hammers, Excavators, Paxels, Drills & Chainsaws). -New ways of storage (Backpacks, Shests & Networks). -New generation (Biomes, Structures, Events & more). -New ways to make food (Custom Sandwiches, Tacos, Pizzas & much more). -New beautiful ambient sounds. -3 new world types (Survival Island, Simplex & Ecotones). -Yes, we’ve got Tech (Grinders, Sawmills, Solar Panels & tons more). -Tons of new building blocks (like Furniture). -Space travels (Space mining, Asteroids & more).

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    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ Join the Discord Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: Discord: Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

ChosenArchitect – All of Fabric 3 Minecraft Modpack Ep18 Cursed Mob Farm