Composter and the Mage “Tower” : Valhelsia 3 Minecraft 1.16.4 LP EP #13

Video Information

Hello again welcome back to asgard and welcome back to valhesia 3. uh so since the last episode a bit of time has passed um i’ve actually started building what are you complaining about oh they’re sick okay i’ve started building the town over or the create area a bit and i’ve

Started working on that and i’m about to actually after this episode be recording another uh segment of that but at this point i really have to go farm clay and i really don’t want to do it right now so i was like well i’m gonna do a bit of work over the mo

Over in the colony i mean i have been upgrading upgrading some buildings so you will notice a little bit has changed i did manage to get a guard tower built here and bring out our borders a bit and added a little uh house here and i’ve also since i’ve set um

Hiring and uh you know setting citizens and stuff i’ve set this to automatic for now and the reason being is because with the schools and stuff i just find it to be a bit easier at this point uh you can see that our kids are going to school now and they have been

Learning uh some of these are quite educated some of these are more educated than our adults are at the moment and over here at the library she has been diligently working in the library i don’t feel like her stats are that high i actually don’t have the footage anymore

Because i’ve just been like mouse recording at this point due to uh upload speed being slow and i cleaned out my recordings the other day because they were basically getting filled up um what i had edited and uh it just so happens last the last episode was one of those things

Uh but i don’t think that it’s actually increased that much and quite a bit of time has passed and i actually made a bunch of paper and brought it over to her and i still don’t feel like her stats have went up that much i think knowledge and intelligence maybe

Maybe maybe creativity but still really really low so i don’t know if this is really doing a whole lot but it looks cool so we’re going to leave it and let’s see i did i did a little bit of research and stuff and i did expand our town hall to a

Level three at this point i’m actually kind of getting antsy to push on for uh stage fours before too long uh and go find a guardian temple but that’s something we may start looking at before too long but i would really like to get neptunian armor before we do that

So anyways uh one thing i did discover when i was doing research and of course you if you recall last episode i wanted to make a plantation however if we take a look here somewhere you’ll notice that to get a plantation we actually need 16 compost for that so

We’re going to have to actually make the compost so we’re going to do that today and it shouldn’t be too big of a deal um and then we’re going to get 16 compost then get the plantation to get that up and going uh so that it that is on our to-do list

Day we’re going to be adding some uh some new buildings and stuff like that and i think after this episode i think we might spend an episode actually upgrading gear because this is kind of dingy um and actually building on top of that mountain

There’s tends to be a lot of mobs so far they haven’t been too dangerous so they’re mostly zombies but um it would just make my life a little bit easier if i kill things faster when i do have to fight so we’re probably going to be looking into that but anyways

Let’s go ahead uh let’s look at the composter first let’s go ahead and get this underway the composter is hot uh we are going to need a compost barrel okay and one thing i will say is that i’m really starting to appreciate more and more our wood cutter um because of course it

Was quite nice before but now building over in the crit area i’m using a lot of dark oak for that and having just massive amounts of it has been amazing it has been absolutely amazing all right let’s check out this building in our normal spot here

And of course we’ll just kind of tab through and see what we’ve got to look forward to level one looking fancy that’s going to be a very cheap building to build it seems um but let’s go ahead acacia level five oh that is horrendous that is absolutely horrendous i was

Expecting it to be like bigger or something like that but i guess it does make sense they’re just making compost so uh the asian composter looking even worse i do not like these walls whatsoever but luckily we can get rid of them once we get

It to a rank five we can just toss those walls i’m not digging those uh the birch also not looking too great i mean i guess not every building should be like big and super elaborate uh the cave okay uh dark oak up in the tree house uh fortress okay

That looks pretty good actually uh probably one of the best of the composters i’ve seen i think it’s the one i like the most i like all these plants kind of set up on the walls back there now we got the jungle which okay has a big like flower down there medieval birch

Okay um medieval dark oak looks like these are just going to be color changes oak spruce mesa oh wow that’s actually a mesa building that i’m not that totally turned off by it’s still just a box but i do like kind of the carpet sticking out and

Stuff i like it i like it more than the other mesa buildings we’ll put it that way now the nordic one actually looks pretty good i like that kind of heel and stuff going on there that big compost pile i actually do a lot of composting in real life so

Not quite to that degree i don’t have a huge pile um we actually do it in totes and if you basically drill holes into the tote um in these large totes and then you set them out so they can get water and stuff and have access

Uh you know have holes in the ground to drain and stuff the sandstone one has a spike pit okay are the space wars i mean the stone one okay uh true dwarven i actually like that that’s i still don’t like the doors on all four sides that drives me insane but

That building actually looks pretty good it’s got the mycelium and stuff there uh the warped one i actually like that too i just don’t like the asian one that much it’s kind of blue i love that like uh walkway across we’re actually doing that over in the create area or will be

Now but on a much larger scale than that but uh and the wooden one okay so what we’re gonna be going with of course just to fit the theme of our town is this little shack oh goodness okay that looks like a tier three to be honest but it’s gonna be a

Very cheap building for us so let me figure out where we’re gonna put this thing out it’s gonna be over in uh kind of the farming area also worth mentioning um there is an update or i think there’s two updates now for uh and it does remove this chunk loader because of issues

Personally i haven’t encountered any of those issues so i’m not going to remove it at the moment because without that chunk loader the alternatives for trunk loaders are actually not good it’s like mechanism and that’s about it somewhere somewhere about mechanism has one and i think that’s really the only other

Uh trunk loader really um so i’m not gonna be removing it at the moment i’m not having issues with it and until i get to the point where i can make other trunk loaders i’m just not going to take it out uh because like i said i’m not really

Having any issues uh with it at the moment uh by the way this is uh the tier two smith the tier two smithy um over here and then we also have the tier three blacksmith now there’s a huge issue with this blacksmith um at the moment and that is the fact that the

Villagers love to try to get out of this right here um which would not be the issue if we would fix our roads so we’re going to be doing that soon and actually giving the villagers some kind of logic when it comes to moving around the town

Um we’re going to be doing that here very very soon so naturally we’re going to come back behind these animals here and tuck it away back here uh does smell horrendous um we like in real life we only compost like vegetable matter like plant matter uh fruit vegetables that that sort of thing

But um i imagine they’re gonna be composting like manure and stuff so we’re going to set it back here and see where’s the entrance does it even have an entrance it’s really just a little shack so there’s technically that’s not really an entrance it’s got a barrel in front of it

And that’s not really even technically an entrance i’m gonna say that that’s the entrance all right so i don’t think we’re gonna enter it from this side so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna flip it over i don’t know slice doesn’t even have like an entrance it’s just like a shack

Uh we’re gonna flip it over like this and we’ll just make do maybe make some adjustments once we get it up to max rank i feel like that would be the time to really kind of bring everything together and then we’re going to drop it down like that i think

Let’s see i don’t want it completely butted up against these walls though because then the walls will connect um so i don’t want to do that but one block gap between them will be good all right we’re just gonna put it right in here which does mean we’re not gonna have to

Redo the walls for this so that’s good drop it down there we go so we’re going to build the composter right here somewhere and make another shovel who’s got a crafting table there we go having it tucked behind the animals here will kind of mask the smell i think so

It should work out for us there we go but i want to get into enchanting and stuff here soon so that is one thing that we’re gonna be uh starting on before too long builder mark um we’re gonna have to get podzol but the rest of this is all really easy

I have to see what i can do about some pods all i don’t know if i can craft it if so then that’s not going to be too big of an issue but i know if we had botania we could easily make it but i mean you know if we had advanced in

Batanya at all but he has begun building the combustor i’m just helping clear some of this crap out because there was a lot of dirt in here but i have noticed he’s been building really really quick i did get one research for i think it’s like 25 increase to block place speed

And it’s definitely been noticeable with the builder um a lot he can knock their buildings quite a bit faster at this point so and right now i don’t have any research queued up because i’m really waiting uh to get the compost required i don’t really know how this thing works

But we’re going to find out uh what it is that they’re going to be composting while i use that entire shuffle okay i’m just going to let him finish his tools last longer than mine anyways so we’ll just let him take over all right so while he’s doing that let me go get

The stuff that he’s gonna need make sure that he’s got that and then we’re gonna go ahead and start getting ready for another building i always take that path i gotta put flowers there but i’m waiting until i get to a maximum size building because i just don’t

I don’t feel like doing any building um on like anywhere within a range of these buildings right now is really productive because the builder’s just going to destroy it whenever they come through and do their stuff all right so the cauldron okay now we just need the two pods all

At this point so huh there is no way to make it wonderful so i’m gonna have to actually go out and get some uh using silk touch so that’s gonna be cool um okay i have an idea here’s what we’re gonna do i have a chisel somewhere i just don’t

Remember what i did with it but i’m just going to grab one here and let’s go out and find ourselves a bit of podzol first i was thinking well we might go with tetra but um i believe the only one with tetra tetra is one of those mods i’ve played

Around with it a little bit i’m not a big fan of it whatsoever um i don’t like just tool mods like that like tinkers and that’s pretty much what it is plus it sticks underground stuff everywhere and i hate that since you can’t break it or anything

But i believe the only way within tetra to get silk touches i actually have an enchanted book of it um because at first i was like well we might just go with like a you know uh what is it the ads um just the shovel and axe and then do a pickaxe head

Stick silk touch on uh like the odds and then uh go from there but it’s like i’d still need the silk touch book and i don’t have experience sorted away just yet we haven’t built the enchanting tower and so i think it’s just gonna be easier

Just go out and cheese this with a little bit of chisels and bits and just place the pods all ourselves i think that’s going to be the easiest way i’ve shown off like doing this in the past but with chisels and bits and you can pretty much and little tiles too for

That matter you can pretty much just silk touch anything you want in the game right out the gate it’s wonderful let’s see if we can find ourselves some pods all it’s not looking uh super promising at the moment but i did find another portal uh

Like ruin so we get some free loot out of that and i will definitely take the gold i’m always short on gold i feel like and does this one have a chest i don’t think that it does okay yeah i’m not really seeing any pods i’m probably gonna walk back home

Now is it uh see is it spurs trays that automatically make pods all around them i may actually have some up here i don’t know um well i didn’t plant two by two spruce i believe it’s spruce two by two spruce that automatically just makes pods also let’s just go get some spruce

And we’ll just make ourselves some pots on that’ll probably be the easiest way to go about it i think and we’ll just head a little ways out because i don’t really want the pods on the middle of my town um and we’ll just go make ourselves a 2×2 spruce tree

Actually i could put it right here because this is a lot of this can get ripped up so let’s put it here and go oh you know what though i wonder if yeah it’s fine um but it might be that they’ll place the well i don’t know okay like

I know with grass they don’t actually need grass blocks they just place it with dirt but i don’t know that podzol is going to be that way and that’s because podsole actually comes up as required whereas grass doesn’t so i don’t know we’ll find out

But right now we have the two pods also as soon as he gets down to where he needs the pods all we can place that ourselves uh to get him moving forward i don’t know where he’s at on the building if he would need it just yet or not but we’ll find out

Oh this is items to compost Okay um i wish there was a limit like for example seeds i wish i could say like all beyond you know so much you can do like wheat seeds but i think my farmer does have wheat seeds the only thing is i was i was wanting to keep like some on hand

He does keep a bit of them so i guess i’ll just tell them to like compost wheat seeds or something or saplings maybe uh for right now we’re just gonna compost like wheat seeds i think so you can compost that and that’s all for the time being

Okay i thought i had started recording and i didn’t um but it’s fine i didn’t really do anything i was just looking at some stuff but the composter is now running uh but she is well i’m assuming that she’s cranking away maybe not yeah she’s got seven compost so we are

Making some progress i’ve got to get up to 16 compost to get the research that i need for the plantation so that is going to take a little bit of time now i did go ahead and i made the enchantress tower and i thought i was recording whenever i

Made that but apparently i wasn’t and so we’re going to quickly go over unfortunately i’ve already seen them but uh i was i will say i was a little bit disappointed because it’s called enchanters tower most of these are not towers and the ones that are towers are not really like

A mage tower like i would have imagined um but that’s the acacia one not really crazy about this at all and then we’ve kind of got some multi-colored roofing going on which okay i don’t mind that but it just doesn’t look as a level five that just doesn’t look

All that appealing i don’t think um now moving on i’m gonna do i’m gonna save the asian one for last because it is most of these are kind of bleh the asian one is like super impressive so there’s the birch which is more like a really colorful strange guard tower

Than uh mange tower i think but there is that um you know i was i was expecting something with like the little hat the little like rooms off the side and stuff like really kind of a wizard tower type feel but i don’t think any of these really hit it for me

Gabe is like that and dark oak is a tree or and it’s actually a segment of trees you can see not crazy about it but there is that uh the dark oak stuff i’m just generally not super fond of i like the jungle stuff because it’s big trees like tree houses

These are like small trees um which i’m not crazy about the fortress one um i’m also not really crazy about it’s like that um it’s kind of cluttery and you kind of have this floating island that’s just like shoved in here it would have been better i think if it

Had been floating up higher but uh not really crazy about that the jungle one i actually like this it’s really really plain but it’s like a jungle temple um to some degree and it would kind of fit you know being one of the few buildings that are on the ground

Um i think it’d be kind of cool just for variety i mean as far as a mage tower or enchantment tower it doesn’t really feel right but i mean it’s pretty cool now these i do like these the medieval ones now they don’t to me they don’t scream enchantments whatsoever but they would

Be cool to kind of mix up within a build because you have all these different tents i’d want to build like all of them and have them set up like you even got your slytherin tent there um what maybe hufflepuff or something and the oak and the

Dark oak are like the exact same but uh you do have the birch and you have the uh spruce and the oak so you really only have like three i guess but since these these the flags change is all uh mesa probably my least favorite mesa building to date

It’s just a big pile of it’s like it’s like a really badly designed multi-layer cake kind of thing the nordic one i do like this this is probably one of the closest to feeling like a magic tower to me um still kind of misses the mark but of

Course i’m thinking more like the fantasy mage towers um i think but it’s kind of cool because i actually built a building recently on enigmatica that’s kind of somewhat similar to this not really but kind of like really really tall and stuff and uh doesn’t have the stuff hanging off

It’s more of like victorian architecture i suppose the sandstone i do like this one because you kind of have like a pyramid going on which is kind of spiffy space wars is this big monstrosity thing um interesting but i don’t know that i’m like super crazy about

It but it’s more a lot of the space war stuff is more futuristic or modern design which i’m not crazy about you got the stone which is like a tower kind of but still not what i think of as a mage tower to be honest and then the wooden one of

Course is really really similar uh but being made of wood and then you have the true dwarven which i’m not super crazy about um once again has four doors for whatever reason and then there is the warped one which is extremely small but i do in a way i do like this one

And a lot of the reason being is if we take a look here you can see there’s kind of a soul sand patch that kind of runs through there and like a bridge connecting just kind of a little interesting thing there it’s all outdoors now for

The asian one this one is mind blowing it’s not really a tower but it does feel magical there is the asian building here which is quite spiffy and if you notice there is a big floating lotus flower up there so super super awesome i think i’m actually considered at first setting

It up near you know because i want some stuff over by that but at the same time i think that’s so big and so like spiffy that i think it’s going to detract from that building so i don’t want to do that because it would just take too much away

So i think i’m going to make this the focal point of kind of our educational higher learning kind of district of the town and we’re gonna have it set up over here because we’ll have the library we’ll have the school uh we have the university back behind that and then we’ll have the

Enchanters tower back here and that’s actually where i had started kind of setting up for and then i had to i realized that i wasn’t recording i was like oh no but we’re going to go ahead and just drop this down let’s bring it over something like

Something like this but up by one i think right yeah so right in there same elevation because it’s gonna be sitting on that raised platform anyways and then we’re gonna bring it in um i’m actually gonna have it just be up there uh which will leave it setting

At a pretty good spot it’s gonna be a few blocks away from this house here and then we’re gonna back it up uh we’re gonna move it forward to right there i think that’s where i had it and then i had started building out this wall here

So right in there and then that means we’ll have this big floating lotus flower thing there and it doesn’t really stick off the back or anything which is good for us so so we’ll go ahead and just accept that and let’s go all right so it takes five oak

Bookshelves which i’ve got those and then just a bunch of this stuff here um a lot of dirt but it’s gonna have to fix the ground so that’s fine we’re gonna go ahead and say oops mark and build the building oh it’s outside wait a second i was able to build it

Before i was able to start it up cue it out why can’t i this time give me a second i could have swore that i got it queued up last time i think i have to move it forward like one more block or something i kind of like i like the way that

The chunk claiming stuff works now but i also think it needs to give us maybe some more chunks at a time because one chunk for most buildings and three chunks for uh for like guard towers and stuff like that it’s it’s a little bit on the low side i think

Um so it is a little bit of a nuisance they are trying to like expand especially if you were building anything that had a lot of like dead zone stuff in it it would be such a nightmare i think not to try to do anything all right so

If i push it up like this we’ll have a bit more behind here which is fine and i’m betting we’ll be able to uh bring it back one more i’m betting we’ll be able to build it here so we’ll go ahead just accept that and build options there we go

That time it worked there’s somewhere in there like you don’t have to have the entire building i’ve discovered in these zones and in some cases like i know this guard tower like most of it was hanging out um but you also can’t have your workbenches right on the border so there’s some

There’s some kind of a sweet spot in there somewhere i just don’t know 100 percent exactly where that sweet spot is this is area too dark it looks yeah because i upgraded this he left it dark sometimes they’re so bad about lighting stuff up okay well i’m gonna get these dirt walls

Built out get this building built it’s not a ton of stuff that we need for it and then hopefully get the rest of the compost that we need so i can go ahead and cue up the plantation research and then i’ll be back here in just a bit

Don’t walk the walls i don’t want you to walk the walls i don’t because of that and you’re gonna get exploded or not okay is it because he’s inside the village maybe is that why maybe creepers don’t explode inside the village all right but i will be back here in just a bit

Okay he’s got all the materials that he needs at this point it’s really just oak a lot of oak um but we do have the compost that we need so i’m gonna go ahead and cue up the plantation research i think it’s like a couple hours on that one um

And i need to go farm clay i didn’t really get a chance to because i was doing a bit of landscaping uh but i do need to go farm up clay here soon and that’s for the build which like i said that episode will come out just once it’s done um yeah plantation

And that is yeah it’s just a two-hour one that’s not too bad probably won’t get to with this episode but there is another building that i would like to do and while he’s finishing that up let’s go ahead and let’s take a look at the barracks the barracks barracks tower place holder

Barracks tower or just barracks okay yeah let’s just do the basics this is one i’ve been wanting to get this made and i’m quite curious about how this is gonna look uh oh my town is steadily coming i wanna push to tier four stuff so bad

I really think we’re gonna have to go out and do that here soon um i think it’s all just oh this could be massive um oh wow wow this thing is huge okay let’s go to the acacia level five okay that’s kinda blur to be honest but it’s got pathways coming

This building it makes sense you know pathways coming in doors on all sides whatever this one’s not too bad i don’t mind it the asian one oh wow it’s so pretty i i was i would think there’d be walls though let’s shift it over because it’s kind of

Sticking through i would think there’d be walls running around we can always build walls like bring this out just around it you know um oh and it looks like this would be good to have on kind of a wall section like the back end there

Is that the kind of wall i do like those walls so if we had these running around the entire city that would be okay with me i think and another thing i was going to get researched actually was the mechanic i or did i let me see i can’t have already

Researched the mechanic or not yeah no i haven’t i think uh there was some reason that i hadn’t i think it was something i had to upgrade first but i do love that building though uh then we have the birch which has like a moat

Beyond that it’s just a big box the cave which looks like torch city over here torches everywhere just everywhere torches and like floating torches and all kinds of stuff oh that’s coming together uh then we have the dark oak once again a lot of these are like like one big

Structure i see there’s scale male there’s iron oh that’s leather there and then gold that’s kind of cool uh fortress okay this is actually just a huge tunnel it was like a drawbridge kind of thing okay um fortress alternative i like that more uh than the other one

It does have the floating painting thing but um i do like that one quite a bit more we have the jungle oh wow i love the jungle one i can’t wait to make a jungle city medieval birch okay medieval bart’s alternative okay then we have the medieval dark oak and the medieval oak

Okay oak alternative spruce spruce alternative all right mesa what is this fiddly little thing like it’s just it’s hard to compare like if you look at mesa then you look like asian or even nordic you know it’s hard to really compare them i think that’s strange just one long

Line there that can be whatever uh sandstone not really crazy about that i feel like they could have done a lot of really cool stuff with the sandstone once again it’s just the same on all sides space wars yeah probably if i was gonna do a desert barracks i would probably do

The space wars ones it’s still not great but it’s still better than the sandstone maybe do both just for variety stone okay and of course the wooden is pretty much the same thing the true dwarven oh my god that’s awful i feel like i’m missing because everything’s floating i feel like

There’s something missing there uh and then we do have the warped which okay once again it suffers from that just being the same on all sides i’m not crazy about that but that’s okay we we get to go with the asian one which is by far the best one this is pretty nice

But i am gonna probably butt this up against an outer wall somewhere and out of curiosity ooh where am i going to put this thing at though that is the question the level one does it have the big wall on the back like let’s find where the walls at on the level five

Right there the level one does have a wall that runs a little back okay level three it just looks so good this looks so good oh my gosh and i think this is going to claim a lot of space it might be worth waiting for that to

Get done and stick it back here somewhere i do once again i do wish that it was easier to kind of boost out territory than it is but that’s okay but maybe having it back over here that should claim a good chunk of this and having it pushed back

And then running the walls out from that maybe so it’s such a monstrosity the only thing is i really don’t want it over in this area truth be told and that’s because it’s going to be noisy the barracks is natural it’s going to be a noisy place you know people uh

Sparring and stuff i would think it’s going to be a very you don’t have any dirt left over now you have to go grab some it’s going to be a very noisy place so i think i’m probably going to have to figure out something and i was also thinking i may actually

Change where the university entrance is so that it’s more maybe if i can get it set up to be right here that’s where i’d like to have it but i think it’s more centered with its plate no it’s actually okay yeah i’m probably going to rotate and get the university entrance to be

Right in here and that way we can have it more part of this like uh school area now in a perfect world what i would have liked to have done is built like a campus area that was kind of walled off and had all of this stuff

Kind of in there but the the big difficulty with that is the fact that you’re pretty much just nickel and diming territory um so much within mine colonies that uh it’s actually kind of tough to do that to be honest but i think what i’m gonna do with the barracks

Okay here’s my idea we’re gonna put this somewhere else we’re not gonna build it right this second um but i will hopefully start it up in the next like maybe between episodes or something like that since we have looked at it but what my plan is is building

A kind of a garrison not just having the barracks smack dab wherever but instead building a garrison out somewhere and doing four guard towers around it and then a wall and then having that kind of in the center um you know the back center because we are going to have this be

Part of the exterior wall there i think is what we’re going to do so but we did get that uh the mage tower um we’ll classify this as kind of our magicky area um so to speak back over in here kind of our education and magic area

I suppose but yeah we’ll get the barracks set up it’s just going to take a lo i’m not really ready on space to get it in place just yet um because i just don’t have the territory yet but i don’t i don’t want to stick it

Over here i don’t want to settle for it being over in the education area because it just doesn’t make much sense to be here but oh cool this doesn’t tell me gather targets what’s this dude okay one second let me google this okay so the way this is gonna have to work

Is we are going to have to basically put in ancient tomes and they can gather experience from workers um what i’m gonna have to do though is actually fire one of these people what is actually i know it’s mana it’s a big one so five or eight yeah we’re gonna fire milani

Real quick manage workers fire milani and then we’re gonna pop over and hire her as the enchanter um but this is something that i’m probably not going to use until it gets at least to a rank three and that’s because based on the rank of this

Okay it hired her good based on the rank of the us it’s going to affect um yeah i’m gonna do that um it’s gonna affect what level enchanted books they make and it only works with ancient tomes which is kind of dreadful um i’ve got some

I would prefer uh let’s just set them always to own yeah you could just drain from like everybody that’s close to this building we’ll say i’m not gonna let her drain from like too far because she’ll be out running around forever um but she’s gonna go around and she’s

Going to take some experience from the people working around the town she’ll get that she’ll collect the experience take it back with her and then she could turn ancient tomes into enchanted books now based on the rank of oh mark’s way up there based on the rank of the

Enchanters tower it’s going to impact the rank of the enchanted books that she makes so at tier one she’s only gonna be making level one enchanted books so that’s unfortunate um but of course at a rank five she’ll be able to make rank five um and have better odds of doing so with

Each rank also she’ll be able to make up to rank five enchanted books so at that point it’ll be useful the only thing is ancient tomes are not super plentiful um i’ve i think i’ve got like five or six but i don’t have a ton of them honestly i

Think probably i’m assuming that having a looting sword would help maybe but as it stands right now i do not have a lot of tones so well we’ll just see how she does i suppose but i’ll try i’ll try to at least get this up to rank i’m actually

Going to go ahead and just see about upgrading it to be honest 10 oak bookshelves a lot of glass polished and sun oh i bet it’s going to start making the lotus flower at this point okay i’ll maybe get the oh that’s a lot of green stained glass

And i don’t have mold cactus farm anymore i tore it up to make room for this stuff so um i might wait until we get the plantation to bother with that because that’s a lot of green dye so i will probably wait on that i think

But i tell you what at this point i know it’s wrapping up point so i think we’re going to end out this episode of ear we probably won’t do a ton with her just yet and i’ve got to get the plantation researched and next episode i think we

Are going to spend the episode doing some gear upgrades at this point because right now i’m actually pretty happy with where our town’s at as far as a good stopping point but um blacksmith at least level three i have that now that’s why i upgrade the blacksmith i couldn’t remember

I didn’t research mechanic it’s only a two hour thing and that’s what’s going to allow us to make gates and stuff and i want to get that before too long and start working on some actual walls to go around our town but uh we shall get to that but next episode i

Would like to actually spend the episode doing some enchanting of our own making some better gear or maybe upgrading it um as far as gear goes i mean i could go with the standard diamond gear but i have some other plans i don’t think i want to go with your

Standard diamond gear because it’s kind of boring and we do have some alternatives may not be as strong what i have in mind may not be as strong as diamond i don’t think it is but we’ll look a lot cooler and it’ll be a little bit more unique

I do want to get into forbidden and arcanist before too long also but we’ll say right now create luckily i’m having a lot of time to spend building i’m kind of bouncing back and forth between enigmatica and on here doing some building and i’m about to be doing a big

Heavy segment of building once i go farm up some clay so it’s going to be fun but basically right now i’ve got to farm a whole lot of clay to build foundation because i’m going to be making a lot of bricks and the bricks that i’m going with are

Slightly more expensive because i’m actually over in the crate area i made a few um i’m going to pop over there in just a second and show off kind of what i’ve done for the next little bit of recording but i’m making these and i’m just going with this method

Though really i guess going with the nether brick method might be better yeah i’ll probably go with the nether brick method but i am going with this and that way at least i’m getting better output from my clay on making these um but i do have to go farm up a whole lot

Of clay and now a bit of nether rock also basically the create area it’ll be when we when we next tackle create it’ll be basically once i get the main structure we’re building everything done and the structure where the waterfall leads to the item drop off now they aren’t going to necessarily be

Done done but at least built out to where they’re usable but they are originally the buildings i was working on in my head were going to be a lot smaller and since then in my head they have grown and grown to where i’m building this big double building monstrosity

Um at the moment so that’s gonna be fun but anyways anyways um i’m gonna go ahead and pop over there and get recording on a bit of that and uh i’m gonna end this episode out here so i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did as always be sure

And hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already just update with when new videos come out and i hope to see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Composter and the Mage “Tower” : Valhelsia 3 Minecraft 1.16.4 LP EP #13’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2021-03-22 17:52:13. It has garnered 1699 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:48 or 2808 seconds.

Today we are back in our Minecolony town as we first set out to get the composter in order to research how to build ourselves a plantation. We also get our enchanting tower built and look into building a barracks, although we opt to expand a bit first for that. —————————————————————

Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————–

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: ————————————————————————— If you find yourself in need of a server of your own for anything you may need for minecraft or beyond, you can go to and use the code “ToAsgaard” to get 25% off your first purchase ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.… —————————————————- ————————————————– — #Lies #Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

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  • Insomnia SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

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  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

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  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

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  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

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  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

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  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

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  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

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  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

Composter and the Mage “Tower” : Valhelsia 3 Minecraft 1.16.4 LP EP #13