Cortezerino – How To Build A Japanese Shrine | Minecraft Tutorial

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G’day folks it’s cortez arino and today i’m going to show you how to build this japanese shrine now this one was actually a request you see i have done a few tutorials for japanese shrines before but they’re using a lot of acacia wood so the request i had was to design a shrine

That uses the same block palette as many of my other builds so if you’ve already built a village using uh using all my tutorials then this shrine can pop in there nice and easy and just fit in with the whole color palette of the entire village and because it uses the same color

Palette as a lot of the houses i’ve done tutorials for if you’ve already built one of my shrines and you don’t need another one then you could quite easily use this build as just another house in your village okay let’s get started and to begin you want to build a square that is

23 blocks long on all sides and you can just build this out of stone but what i want you to do is on the very center block on each wall just place in a stone brick so we’ve got that marked for later so once you’ve done that go ahead and build another

Square inside of that square just leaving a one block gap on all sides and then you can go ahead with your stone and fill in the middle and when you’re done you should be looking like that so now i want you to come along to the

Front door and what we’re going to do is we’re going to knock out that center block and then two on each side and we’re going to put stone brick stairs in there and then grab some stone bricks and we’re going to place one there and one there and then go ahead and do

That exact same thing at the back door okay so now that we’ve done that at the front and the back i want you to come around to the two sides here and what we’re going to do is just find that center block we’re going to knock out

That block right there and then three on each side of that so we’ve knocked out seven blocks in total and you can grab some stripped spruce wood and we’re gonna run seven of them along like that and go ahead and do the exact same thing on this side okay

Staying with our stripped spruce wood we’re going to run two lines just like that and these are in line with these two stone bricks that we placed up the front so we’re just going to run them straight down the center now we can put the rest of our floor in and we’re going

To do this by placing spruce logs down just in the opposite direction to those logs right there so go ahead and cover up all the grass so when you’re done you’ll be looking like that so now we’re going to grab some regular stone stairs and we’re going to run these all the way

Around the outside starting right next to that stone brick right there and the same on this side so just go ahead and run these all the way around the build okay so grab some stripped acacia and i want you to follow this line of logs in the floor and just where that line

Meets the stone on top of the stone we’re going to place one of our acacia and we’ll do the same right there and do the exact same thing up the back as well and then come along to the sides and we’re looking at this line of acacia

Here just on top of the stone where that ends we are going to place two more logs and do the same on this side and once that’s done we’re gonna add an extra four logs on top of each of these so they are five blocks tall in

Total okay so once your pillars are built we are going to place some composters in each corner and we’re just placing these on top of the stone in between our pillars so starting right next to your pillar on top of the stone build the composters out until we get to the corner here

And then turn around and connect with the other pillar so go ahead and do that in all four corners and now we’re going to build something a little bit different at the front so come along if this is your front door grab some stripped dark oak logs and just in

Front of the acacia pillars we’re going to build another pillar that is four blocks tall so do that on each side of your front door and then come down to the back door and we’re gonna do the exact same thing but this time we are doing it with

Bone blocks so go ahead and do that at your back door okay so now we’re going to start putting up some walls and we’re going to start with the walls on each side and these are exactly the same so i’ve done that side we are going to come around here and do

This side together so the first thing we want to do is right next to this acacia pillar we want to add bone blocks on top of the composters so two pillars of it to the same height as the acacia then we’re going to put one lying on its side down the bottom and

Then two more pillars of four and you can connect it up the top so we’ve got a little window and then looking from the outside we’re going to place an acacia trap door there another one there and open them both up so just go ahead do the exact same thing right here

Okay so now i want you to come around to the front wall that’s where we’ve got our dark oak and next to the acacia pillar we are going to build two pillars of bone blocks just up to the same height as that and then with smooth quartz stairs we’re going to place

Two right there and then place a pillar of four bone blocks next to it then you can grab your smooth quartz again and we’re gonna do two upside down stairs right there then grab your acacia trap doors we’re gonna put two there two there and then flip them both up

And go ahead and do the exact same thing over here so two bone blocks next to the acacia one on this side right way upstairs upside down and trapdoors okay so now we’ll do the two windows at the back wall and these begin the same but finish

A little bit differently so we’re going to begin with two lines of bone blocks next to our acacia pillar one on this side this time we’re doing the quartz stairs down the bottom but we’re not doing them up the top so we’ll leave it like that for the moment just go ahead

And do the same thing on this side okay so now we’re going to increase the height of our bone block walls so what you want to do is begin in the corner we’re going to place one bone block facing straight up right there and then on the final bone block

Before we reach the acacia we’re going to add another one and the same on this side on that final bone block we’re going to add another facing straight up and then you can join those with bone blocks lying on their sides so you should be looking like that

So just go ahead and do the exact same thing in all four corners and once you’ve done that on the back wall we will be able to place our trapdoor windows so just come down here hold shift and go one two three one two three

And flip them all up and just make sure you’re standing on the outside of the building when you do that okay so we’ve done our corners now we’re going to do the two side walls and on my build both windows are different but if you wanted to you could pick your favorite

And do that on both sides so what i’m going to do is come around to the right hand side and just in front of these acacia pillars i’m going to build a bone block pillar that is five blocks tall and then just next to that i’m going to build a bone

Block pillar that is four blocks tall so one two three four just like that now down the bottom i’m going to run bone blocks connecting them and then up the top just on top of the four block tool one i’m going to run bone blocks connecting them as well

Just like that and then you can grab your acacia trapdoors come around here hold shift place three on that side open them up and three on that side and open them up just like that and then for the window on the opposite side we’re going to begin

In the same way so just in front of the acacia pillar we’re going to place five bone blocks and then just next to that we’re going to place another pillar this one is also five bone blocks and then right in the middle another five bone block pillar just like that and down the

Bottom lying on their side we’re going to place two bone blocks to fill in each gap and then up the top another two bone blocks and then grab your acacia trap doors and then place six trapdoors in each window and open them up okay now you’ve done

Your windows i want you to grab some endocyte and some stone bricks and what we’re going to do is just replace some of these stone blocks with these blocks and just do it absolutely randomly guys and just go around the the base of this building mixing in these

So when you’re done your stone platform should be looking a little more interesting like that so now come along to our front door where we’ve got our dark oak and grab some brown concrete powder and just next to the acacia pillars we are going to place five brown concrete powder

On each side and then grab some sea lens and just connect them with three up the top just like that and then you can put acacia trapdoors on each side of our sea lens and i like to place them up the top and flip them down rather than place it

At the bottom and flip it up i think it looks a bit nicer that way so then come back to the outside and grab some acacia stairs and we’re going to place three upside down underneath our sea lens and then we’re going to place an acacia trap door there

One there and flip them open and then grab two acacia doors come to the inside and we’re gonna place them on the stone just below our acacia trapdoors like that so that is our door and if you want to live in there and stop mobs getting in there then all you need

To do is add an extra door in there but for the purposes of this build we’re just going to leave that wide open and then you can come around to the back door and we’re going to begin placing composters next to our acacia pillars we’re only going to place

Four this time so one two three four and then grab some stripped dark oak logs and right at the top we’re gonna place one lying on its side just like that then from here on in it’s pretty much the same three sea lanterns in the middle you can put

Your trapdoors on the outside and the inside we will put our two acacia doors on top of the stone and then from the outside we’re gonna put three upside down acacia stairs and then the two trapdoors just like that and you’ll notice the door handle on the acacia door is

Facing in a weird direction this time i’d like to have it facing toward the middle like that so the final thing to do is to grab some dark oak trap doors and come round to the inside of the building and we’re going to place one two

Three four five and flip them all up like that and then go ahead at the front door and do the same thing five across the top and flip them up okay so come on in to the inside of the building and we’re looking at these two stripped

Acacia logs in the middle that are running in different directions from the rest of the floor what i want you to do is from the edge of the building we’re going to skip four blocks so one two three four and on the fifth one we’re going to place

An acacia log and that should line up with that acacia pillar right there and we’ll do the same on this side skip four place one it’ll line up with that acacia log and do the same on this one right here so we’ve got four acacia right there and now we’re

Just gonna add another four to the top of each of those so they are five blocks tall and then finish with two stone on top so just go ahead and do that on each of these so five acacia in total and then two stone okay so now we’re going to connect the pillars

In the middle of the room with the pillars on the side walls so each corner will look like that so all you do is grab your stripped acacia place it against that bottom stone block and continue it all the way along until you finish on top of the acacia on the side wall

So when you’re done you should be looking like that and then we’re just going to do the exact same thing right in the middle connecting these four pillars so we’re just going to make a little rectangle in here just like this guys so just go ahead and build

That framework okay so now that’s done come to the inside of the building and at the front door we’re going to place an upside down acacia stair right there and then build it all the way along just like that so go ahead and do that exact same thing on the

Back wall as well just five upside down acacia stairs and then for the side walls we’re going to build the stairs again but we’re also going to do a table so come along here and right in that corner we’re going to place an upside down stair

And run that all the way along and then once you’ve done that grab some spruce slabs we’re going to put one in that corner one in that corner and then grab spruce stairs look at the slab from this direction place an upside down stair like that

Do the same on this side upside down stair and then three slabs in the middle okay so now we’re going to come up above and i’ve already built one on the back wall over there we’re going to build the exact same thing up the front so just in between the two stone blocks

Here we’re going to place five note blocks and then out to each side we are going to place three and at the ends we’re going to place a stripped acacia log facing straight up and then you can place a temporary block there place a stripped acacia lying on its side and

Break that and then we’re going to run our stripped acacia all the way along until we reach the final note block just like that so go ahead and do that at the front and the back and then we’re going to do kind of the same thing on each

Side wall so we’re going to place our note blocks in the middle and then on each side we’re just going to come out two this time instead of three and you can put your stripped acacia log facing straight up and then two lying on their side and then we’ll run the stripped acacia

All the way along the top and then on this side right here two note blocks log facing straight up and then two on the side so go ahead and build that on this side as well so you should be looking like that when you’re done guys so now we’re going to hang some

Lanterns inside the building so walk in the front door and just look up here we’re going to place an acacia fence there and one there and then off to the sides we’re gonna place one right there and then one in the same spot up the far end

And from each of these we are going to hang a lantern so it should look just like that and then you can turn around and in the exact same spot on these pillars go ahead and hang four more so your lanterns should be looking like that when you’re done

Now if you’re building this as a shrine you probably want to leave the interior as it is but i’ve designed mine as a house so i’m going to put up a few walls in here so we’re not doing furniture but we are making the interior look

Nice so i want you to look at the back wall that’s the one with the line of composters and what we’re gonna do is between our two acacia pillars here we’re gonna run four composters there and four composters right there and then we’re gonna run four stripped acacia logs across

The top and then you can grab some spruce strap doors and from the inside here where our door is you can hold shift and fill up this gap with the trapdoors and flip them all up just like that then you can turn around and do the same thing right here

And now we’ll put in a ladder to get right up to the second floor so i’m going to build mine on this side right here so on this first line of trapdoors i’m going to build a ladder going all the way up you’ll have to hold shift when you place them

On the trapdoors and we’ll place the final one on the note block and then just above that we’ll place an acacia trapdoor right there you can open that up and that is now your way up to the next floor and the final two walls i’m gonna build

Will be just at the front door right here so come in the front and look at this pillar on the right hand side we’re gonna put four composters there and one two three four five right there and then on top of those we’re gonna run our stripped acacia logs but i’m going

To leave the area up above nice and open so this is just a nice little entryway to put your shoes and coats down and then you can come around here to the main part of the house now this there’s not enough light in here to stop mobs

From spawning so what you want to do is just run around the building and in all the dark spots just pick a random spot in the floor knock out the spruce knock out the block below and then place some sort of light source in there you

Can just put a torch if you want i’m using sea lens and then put a trap door on top and just do these randomly around the build until the place is fully lit up okay grab some acacia stairs and look at these upside down stairs just at our front door what we’re going

To do is we’re going to continue that line of them all the way along to the side so do it on that side and do it on that side as well and once you’ve done that look at your back door and do the same thing just continue that line of stairs

All the way along so once you’ve done that at the front and the back in each corner i want you to add some upside down stairs on that side and upside down stairs on that side so just on the two sides of that and not in that section there so

I’ll do it again here we’ve got our upside down stairs we’re going to add one two three and one two three and once you’ve done that you can put some acacia slabs across the top like that to create a nice ceiling so go ahead and do that in all four corners

The only difference will be the one where we’ve got the ladder all you do is you leave out that third stair but you can go ahead and put in your ceiling normally as you would just like that so go ahead and do that in all four corners

Okay so now we’re going to start building the roof and we’re going to begin at the front and the back doors and these are the same on both sides so i’ll show you the front and you can copy it to the back so we’re going to begin

With a nether brick slab against the top half of that middle trap door and then looking from the side we’re going to place two upside down nether brick stairs from that side and two upside down near the brick stairs from that side then on top of the slab we’re going to place a

Sea lantern with dark oak planks on each side of that now come along to our pillars at the front door it’s dark oak and at the back door they are bone blocks but on top of both it’s exactly the same we’re going to do two dark oak planks there two

Dark oak planks there and then against the bottom one upside down dark oak stairs toward the front and then upside down dark oak stairs toward the middle so same on that side and then up above looking from the side on top of the stairs we’re going to put

Right way upstairs facing in that direction and right way up stairs right there now staying with our stairs we’re going to go up to this nether brick right here we’re going to go stair and then another stair out to the front same on this side stair and steer

Out to the front and then grab some dark oak slabs and just against the top half of that stair we’re going to place a slab and a slab just like that guys and then on top of the sea lantern dark oak slab and another one toward the front

And then you can grab some dark oak trap doors and we’re going to place one just there in front of the sea lantern one there and one right there and once you’ve done that go back to your nether brick stairs and where we’ve got this stair in the corner

We’re just going to place another nether brick stair right next to that same on this side whoops right there coming toward the front above that another one so we’re staring up toward the middle just like that and then nether brick slabs we’re gonna place one there one there and one right there

So go ahead and build that same thing on the back wall then on the two side walls we are going to build that right there so i’ve built that one we will come along to this side and build the other so we’re going to start with c

Lens just on top of the middle block right here the middle bone block place a seal in with another one on each side with dark oak trapdoors in front and then on top of the middle one i’m going to place some crimson planks if you don’t have any

Crimson just use dark oak it’ll be fine and then on each side of that we’re going to go dark oak planks and then dark oak slabs so do it on both sides here planks and slab and then grab some dark oak stairs we’re going to place one on top

Of the sea lantern like that and another one on that side and then we’ll finish with dark oak slabs on top so we’ve made a little triangle and then we’re going to bring these slabs and stairs forward by one block so up the top against that slab place another one

Poking out toward the front and the slabs on the sides another one poking out toward the front now we’ll also add slabs to the top half of the dark oak planks just like that and then we are going to mirror those stairs so just placing another one right next to it whoops

Coming out toward the front just like that guys now go back to your dark oak slabs and against the top half of these bone blocks here we are going to run a line of slabs all the way across just like so and now i want you to grab some

Nether bricks and against the last slab we’re going to place a brick in front and another brick off to the side same on this side brick in front and brick to the side and then with nether brick slabs against the bottom half there we’re going to run a line of them

All the way along just like so and then we can go slab there and slab there so we’re coming up on the angle same thing on that side switch to stairs we’ll put another stair in front of the dark oak stairs and then up the top we’ll put a nether brick slab there

With another nether brick slab underneath and that’s finished okay now we’re going to start building the rest of the roof so come along to the triangular roofs at the sides and we’re going to place a dark oak slab on top of that dark oak slab right there so

One there and then continue that line all the way along to the corner and what i want you to do is when you get to the corner i want you to turn around so we’re just leaving a distance of one block between our line of slabs and the building so just keep running

That around until we connect right there so we’re gonna do that in all four corners so that final slab run the edge we’re gonna place one on top of that and then run the line around turn the corner leaving a one block gap between our slabs and the bone blocks

And keep going until we connect so go ahead and do that in all four corners okay so now switch to nether bricks labs and i’ll show you one corner and you can copy it to the others so come along to our triangular roof and just against the top half of the nether

Brick block we’re going to place a nether brick slab and we’re just going to run this all the way around just skirting the edge of our slabs we placed earlier and the final one will be placed right there just on the diagonal from our nether brick stairs now come to

The corner knock out the corner one and the one on each side i’m going to place a slab against the dark oak slab there same thing right here slab right there and then we’re going to have to place a few temporary ones just so we can place another one just flicking up

In the corner like that now grab a dark oak slab we’ll place an extra one right in the corner right there and then we’ll put an end rod on top of the nether brick slab right in the corner so let’s go ahead and do that on all four sides

Okay once that’s done we’re gonna grab some dark oak fences and we’re gonna put four of these little pillars of them in each corner so i’ll just show you this corner over here and you can copy it to the others so looking at this window right here we’re looking at the

Composters down below so the last composter i’m going to skip one block and then place a fence and then over here the final composter skip one block place a fence now if you look at it from this side it’s the same thing we’re looking at the last composter

Skip one block place a fence last composter skip one block place a fence and then you can just build all of these up until they connect with the roof okay once that’s done i want you to grab some acacia slabs and come right to the middle up here this little middle

Rectangle and against the top half of the acacia logs right here we are going to fill in the ceiling with our acacia slabs just like that and then we are also going to build them out a little bit to each side so on the sides here

You can see we’ve got the three logs sticking out we’re going to build out our slabs by three on this side and the other side just like that guys and then at the front and the back you can see our logs are sticking out by two

What we’re going to do is just add two acacia slabs at the front and at the back and that is how you should be looking when you’re done guys the final thing to do is just where our ladder is right here on each side we’re just going to put

Two acacia planks so two right there and two right there alrighty so come behind our little triangular rooves and you can see we’ve got our stairs going along we’re just gonna add another stair to the end on that side and another stair right there in this gap you can just put some dark

Oak planks and we’ll put a dark oak slab on top so go ahead and do that on both sides and then for these rounded rooves just come behind these and we’ll start the same way we’re going to continue these stairs with another stair same thing on this side and then we’ll

Just use slabs here so a slab at the top there a slab there and a slab in the middle okay so now i will show you what to do in one corner of the roof and you can copy it to the other three corners so at the top half of these bone blocks

I want you to place a line of slabs and keep going until it connects right there and on this side we will also continue to keep going until it connects to that roof and we’ll pop an extra one in the corner and then we’ll do that one more time so

We’re going to be on top of the bone blocks this time just run it all the way around the corner until we connect with the dark oak there and put an extra one in the corner alrighty so once you’ve done that in all four corners come around to where your triangular roof is

And just stick your head in here and you’ll see a little gap just put a dark oak slab in there so there’s one on each side so do that on both sides of the building okay continuing with the roof i want you to grab some dark oak slabs and just on top

Of this acacia right in the corner we’re going to go one two three darker slabs like that and then coming out from each direction we go we’re going to grab a chiseled nether brick that’s the one with the little skeleton face i’m going to place one of these

Every second block just do that all the way around when you get to the other corner place your three dark oak slabs in then your chiseled nether brick and just keep placing these every second block the entire way around the building okay once you’ve placed all of them all

The way around you can come back to each corner and just for the two chiseled bricks in the corners we’re going to put a dark oak fence on top of each of those and then we’re going to grab regular nether bricks and just place one of these

In the gap between each of these chiseled ones just remembering in the corners place your two dark oak fences now in each corner we’ve created a little dead space just in here so what i want you to do is just grab any junk block i’m just going to use stone

And fill in that area just with a single layer of stone if you look from above you can see i’ve done it in all four corners and then grab another brick slab and just where we’ve got these little arches and triangles on each side you can see this top line of slabs where

It finishes we’re just gonna add another brick slab right there so go ahead and do that on all four sides okay so grab some stripped dark oak and we’re going to need both kinds here the one with the back end and the one with the log end and we’re

Going to start with the with the one with the back end so looking from the front we’re going to come all the way down here to that fence post and we’re just going to place the bark ended one against that and then we’re going to run

Logs all the way down here until we get within one block of the fence and then we can turn grab the one with the back end on it and place it right there and go ahead and do the exact same thing on this side and just using the regular stripped

Dark oak log now we’re gonna make a square out of this so come along to the last one place your log there and run it all the way along until it connects to the other one and do the same up this side and you’ll see we’ve made some little gaps in here

So what you can do is grab some acacia planks and just fill these in okay so come up the top here and i’ll build one corner and you can copy it to the others it’s exactly the same in each corner so just on top of that acacia right in

The corner we’re going to place a dark oak log stripped dark oak then skip a block place one and skip a block place one so three just like that and then add an extra three on top so they are four blocks tall in total now just in this little gap right here between

Three we’re gonna go one two three sea lanterns with a stone block on top then you can come to the outside against the stone we’re going to put an upside down acacia stair on that side one on that side and then in front of the sea lens we’re gonna put three

Acacia trapdoors so that’s what it’ll look like from the outside of the corner and that’s what it looks like on the inside okay so once you’ve built that in all four corners we are going to build this on all four walls and it’s exactly the same

On each side so what you can do is come along to where you’ll see lens are just skip a block and then place a composter and do that on the opposite side skip a block place a composter and then put three more on top one two three

One two three so they’re four blocks tall in total and then you can just run composters across the top and then underneath here on each side we’re gonna go one two three note blocks so let’s go ahead and do that on all four walls okay so grab some

White concrete and we’re gonna place this on top of the composters but we’re only going to place it on the composters on the two side walls not at the front and the back so just over here we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven on that side

And seven on this side and on the ends of that just place a stone block and once you’ve got four stone blocks in place grab some stripped dark oak and we’re going to connect these stone blocks with the dark oak logs just run them all the way along just like that so

These composters at the front the back are not covered up and then you can come underneath here and where we’ve got that stone block just run stripped dark oak down to the bottom so just do that underneath all four of those stone blocks and once you’ve done

All four of those you can put a composter against the side of the stone block right there and then trap doors against the sea lens so go ahead do that in all four corners okay so now we’re gonna run some acacia fences all the way around the building so i’ll

Show you how to do one side and you can copy it to the others so in the corner we’re gonna put a fence with a lantern on top so we’ll do it over here as well the next one goes just in here so against the composters we’re going to put a fence on

Each side with a lantern on top and then we’ll put another fence just in front of that one same here and then one fence right in the middle and then you can grab fence gates and just run them all the way along the front connecting these okay so grab

Yourself some nether bricks and on top of the dark oak pillar in all four corners i want you to place another brick block just like that and then we’re gonna run a line of dark oak planks connecting them and do that all the way around so once you’ve done that you’ll notice

This little gap above our composters just go ahead and plug that up with stone so there’s one at the back and one at the front just cover them up and then in each corner grab a nether brick slab and just on top of the bricks we placed before

Just place the slab on top and then switch to dark oak slabs and against the bottom half of the dark oak that we placed just before we’re going to place a line of slabs all the way around when you get to the corner place a nether brick block and then you

Can turn the corner and continue with your dark oak slabs okay so once you’ve done that all the way around we’re going to build that little triangle and we’re going to build one at the back wall and one at the front wall so not on the side so i’ve

Already done that one i’ll show you how to build this one and it’s going to go on top of that stripped dark oak so on the last dark oak block we’re going to place dark oak planks and then just inside of that we’re going to place acacia planks and then bone blocks

Lying on their side connecting them now grab some nether brick fences and right in the middle on top of the bone block we’re going to place one there one on each side and one on top and then we’ll finish with a case you’re playing so one two one two and another

On top okay so come back to our darker groove up the top and we’re going to run another line of slabs all the way around and we’re just doing this half a slab lower than the previous bit of roof so just at that level right there so just go around

And do that in one great big square and then when you’re done in each corner on top of that dark oak place a nether brick slab and now we’re gonna do pretty much the exact same thing so coming down just on the angle by half a slab we’re going to run

All the way around again but this time we are using the nether brick slabs instead of the dark oak and then finally we need to add a little decoration to all four corners so what you can do is grab two slabs and place them on top of the

One in the corner so one two and then when you break the one below you’ll be left with that single slab there next break these two one two and place them against the dark oak instead so one there and one there and now you’ve got a pretty little corner so go ahead

And do that in all four corners okay so up above here you can see we’ve got a little square made of stone and white concrete what we’re going to do now is just cover that up with dark oak slabs so we’re just running this around in a little square okay so now we’re

Going to start building up our roof and what i want you to do is grab dark oak slabs and against the planks right there we’re going to place the slab against the top half of that and run it all the way along until it connects to the other plank and

Then we’re just going to add an extra slab in front there and over at the back we’re going to add an extra slab right there as well so go ahead and do that on both sides okay so grab some dark oak stairs now and looking at our acacia blocks here

We’re going to place three stairs on top of them so one two three just like that and then we’re going to bring them out one toward the front so just next to those stairs place an extra one and you can go ahead and do that over here as well so do that

At the front and the back and once you’ve done both sides you can just run these stairs all the way along until they connect and this is how you should be looking once you’ve done that on both sides just make sure that the roof is hanging over

Past this acacia by one block at the front in the back and then up the top we’re just going to put some dark oak slabs so one on top of that acacia one in front and then run this all the way along to the other side just extending one block beyond the acacia

So now i want you to grab some nether brick slabs and we’re going to frame this bit of roof so just where we’ve got this dark oak block here place a nether brick slab against the top half of that then one out toward this side

One on top and then you can break that first one we placed so you see we’ve got two coming up on the angle and then we’ll just add a third one on the angle like that so i’ll do it again over here so temporary one one beside it one on top

Break that then an extra one right there and then the next step is just to add two nether brick stairs next to the dark oak stairs on that side as well and then up the top we’ll put a nether brick slab against that slab with an extra one beneath so do that on

Both sides alrighty so once you’ve done that on both sides the top of your roof is 100 done but we’ve still got some work to do underneath like these trapdoors right here so we’re going to place one of them or a line of them on each side so what you can do

Is come through your little doorway here and look up i like to face toward the outside and we’re just going to run a line of them between our two dark oak pillars so just come out here and do that on all four sides and the last thing to do is to add a

Little bit of light to the center of this room so we don’t get any mobs spawn so just find the exact center and then look up and place a dark oak fence right there in the ceiling and we’re going to add one two three chains to that now it might be easier to

Add a temporary block to the end of the chain and then we’ll use jungle trapdoors and we’re just going to fold one of these down on each side then you can break the temporary block and i’m going to hang a lantern right there there’s enough light to stop the mobs

From spawning and your build is 100 complete and finally just to decorate scatter around a few cherry blossom trees and put your shaders on and this place looks lovely so thanks for watching guys i’m courtesarino i’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘How To Build A Japanese Shrine | Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Cortezerino on 2020-09-09 16:42:06. It has garnered 230177 views and 7180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:59 or 2699 seconds.

Tutorial for a Japanese Shrine using the same block palette as most of my Japanese house tutorials. This means the build will fit in perfectly with any village you’ve built using my tutorials, and if you already have a shrine, it’d make a nice house.

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More

Cortezerino – How To Build A Japanese Shrine | Minecraft Tutorial