Video Information

In today’s episode of insane craft we go ahead and use our mion here to make the ultimate laser gun of all time which does some insane damage and we bring jerome along for the ride as well giving him his very own laser gun as well now these weapons

Are super super op so be sure to watch until the end of the video to see how much damage these things really do and if we can use them to take down sunday once and for all and if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to hit that

Like button and subscribe if you guys knew now before we hop into the video i just want to mention that i actually have a channel with nico sigils and bethel called the regulars and if you guys don’t know about it you guys should really go check it out it will be linked

Down in the description below and we have a lot of new faces on the channel recently so if you guys want to go check that out i’d really really appreciate it now without further ado let’s hop straight into the episode okay so hopping back into our extra

Episode of insane craft this week we’re doing some pretty awesome stuff and that includes making that that laser cannon weapon thing that you guys saw in the intro this is gonna be a crazy one but i want to start off by flying over to my i guess tinker’s construct area over

Here and show you guys a little bit of an upgrade that i made so instead of using lava i started actually making blazing pythonium i don’t even know how you say it just with a magma crucible with some of this stuff which is super super easy to get just sulfur redstone

Blaze powder all that kind of stuff and we threw a bunch of it in there and now it’s heated at a temperature of 3700 which is a lot better than the thousand it was up before but like i said what we’re making is this laser gun to go ahead and see how strong

It really is and if it can maybe take down thunder in our next episode we’ll see but i also want to bring a friend along i think yeah jerome’s on the server right now so i’m going to go ahead and get this first part started and then probably

Invite him over for the next part because this thing is pretty crazy and we do actually have to smelt our meal near that we have into it to make this op weapon so it’s gonna be it’s gonna be crazy but we’re also gonna have to create some other devices as well to

Make them into exactly what we need because these are the four things that we actually want to make our weapon out of we want to use yuri restonia diamentine and then manolium which it was pretty easy because it’s all in the nether that kind of stuff but the other things are a

Little bit more difficult i’ll show you how we make those in just a second but in the meantime now that we have all these let’s let’s run over to jerome’s see if he’s down to make this laser cannon with me um i hope he’s at this house jerome drone

Do you know there’s a doorbell right where where where’s the the where’s the doorbell um yeah anyway hi hello hey jerome how are you how are you doing today you’re doing great you’re doing great yeah no actually i’m not doing great because you see i’m wearing diamond armor

I spent three episodes making armor and fandy punched it off me in one punch it broke the armor well that really sucks for you jerome because in my last episode i actually managed to kill fender a couple times it was it was kind of crazy i mean i didn’t kill him he

Killed him by killing me it’s a confusing story it’s this confusing story jerome but do you want to join me on an adventure today where i go ahead and make an insane laser gun weapon thing and use it to well test it out on mobs and then maybe

We use it on thunder in the night what is going on with your body right now what what yeah sorry i uh desk pop yes i’d love to you you want to okay okay well hey just fly over with me towards my base dude you’re so slow you’re so slow

I’m doing the best i can there you are finally okay okay you know you don’t that’s it i’m taking larry wait no no no larry not larry dude please anything but larry oh larry’s under attack wait where did this guy come from what i was learning in it just a second

Ago okay well drunk larry i’ll turn your red now just like that subscribe button that they should hit down in the description below okay drum drop drop drop the like button red yeah wait like button like button i don’t know i’m calling blind man okay that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair but

Jeremy i saw you flying over here with me on here right yes great great anyway hey come on come over here let’s come over to my setup that i have just over here and you’ll see what we’re doing today here so first of all i have all of the

I guess golden casts that we’re gonna need to make this because there’s gonna be four different i guess parts of this weapon that we need to make the first one’s gonna be pretty easy because it’s just manulium which is just cobalt and our diet these two things and we just go ahead and

Throw these into the smelter and then hopefully it smells them up and mixes them together you get the wrong button no why is that what is this i don’t want me to just leave it no no i’m gonna re-smelt it i feel bad it’s honestly fine we

Don’t even need gold but look there it goes they’ve all smelted and they’re starting to create the millennium or the mal malinois how do you say that yeah when you hold you in yeah that’s the one that’s the one but anyway hey let’s set that to the bottom

And what we need to make is the the battery cell so do you have the battery cell like frame golden thing uh yeah i do the big circle yeah yeah put the big circle in this one right here oh okay i just picked it up

Oh you stole it okay all right let’s go ahead and make two of these so we have that’s coming out we should have enough for two i think oh we’ll definitely have enough that only took half of one okay well that’s that’s easy okay so the progress of this one

This is gonna be the first piece of this laser gun and it’s gonna be crazy did you did you get it i got it i got it did you get it wait give me give me give me it i already put it in the thing oh look at that we have the

Million battery cell cold-blooded so that’s the first piece that goes right there in in the gun area or the laser yeah the laser gun area so this is like this is where the battery is stored i’m not gonna lie i didn’t even know that tinkers had a gun

I don’t think they do normally but this is like an updated version and a way cooler version of it so um we have guns they shoot lasers it’s gonna be crazy good dude how powerful this will be think we could stop fandy in one hit well i mean maybe not one hit

But i was testing these out on a single player world and they actually kind of just you can just spam them like you can just hold down right click on whatever and spam it and whatever you’re killing just can’t fight back it’s good and the fact that

There’s gonna be two of us spamming this as well it’s gonna do a lot of damage to them it’s gonna do a lot of so we have the two battery cells let’s just go ahead and throw these in the chest for now so this is that’s the

First piece that’s the first piece of the puzzle that we are gonna need the next piece is actually gonna require us to make an atomic reconstructor um which i don’t have the materials for here but i think i have something of course an atomic group classic atomic reconstructor um

Hey jerome uh yeah yeah i wasn’t mouthing that you’re crazy to the uh yeah what’s up no no no no do you have any iron i seem to be out of iron recently iron uh yeah get some yeah yeah can you go grab like a bunch of iron because we

Gotta probably need some of that oh yeah let me just go to sandy’s house it will always robin schedules it’s just a thing on the sub you know he has all these chickens just constructed materials out of that poop well that’s why i’m i’m robbing fandy instead this

Time what you’re rubbing ian are you sure that’s a good idea yeah i found uh 24 iron iggets okay that would be great bring them up they were on the ground did not yeah yeah definitely definitely on the ground right yeah yeah okay here you go here you go

So i just put them in my stomach let’s go ahead and make the atomic reconstruct and i also just got the actually oh my god there’s a lot there’s a lot of things in this book okay well this is a book that i just got behind

That’s not what we need what we need is this thing that i just made this is this is about to be super super cool let’s come back down to the tinkers what are you doing i was just making uh i was just i know i was getting a pickaxe out so i could

Help you because your door frame wasn’t big enough so i just shoot i already have to make the okay okay okay jerome oh hey let me go place this down and check this thing out ready wait for it to get powered up in the bottom left there if

You look at it you can see it’s powering up wait wait wait if i sit in the way of it i’m not sure if that’s a good idea okay you’re fine oh nothing yeah absolutely atomically reconstructed that’s not a great thing to do but anyway now that we have this going we

Can just go ahead and throw redstone and diamonds and it turns it into red stonia crystals and diamenting crystals okay so what can we do with these um i think we might i actually i’m not sure if we even need to smelt them i think we might be able to

Do it in here so if we grab the tough tool rod put the top two rod on here for the yeah we could just we can just do it in here so there we go it takes three of those each there you go make one of those and then

We’re gonna we’re gonna need the laser medium thing from here so the laser medium is this one and put the diamond iron in there we have way three pieces of the puzzle for this uh for this thing how do i turn this thing off it’s very very loud dude this is coming together

So easily this is a lot easier than i thought it would be i’m not gonna lie do you have um any any sticks yeah let me just go fly to fandy’s house no no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay there’s wood right here i’ll just i’ll

Just get my own sticks it’s fine i was just wondering if you know maybe you could help help me in some way but you know it’s fine i’ll just i’ll just make my own sticks it’s fine i got i got your i got here i found a bunch of oak logs no i

Caught sticks we’re fine i think if i put that there there we go okay it’s stops from doing why why well it was defying gravity it needed sure you know what you know what it looks great you look great jerome it’s fine okay well here we go here we go so we

Have all of wait did you make it how many laser mediums did you make i like the laser medium okay well you can keep these to yourself there you go that they’re already for you and the last piece we’re actually going to need is the euro pipe piece now

Before that go ahead and place down the euro cast right here do you know what you’re okay oh yuri is yeah p right no it is exactly what mionir is made out of so what that’s why i’m gonna grab my meow near throw it into my smell three smelt it up

And turn it into a pipe piece wait so you’re telling me you can melt mjolnir into an oil just just watch just watch it look at it i am sacrificing my meal here for this you know i don’t need it anymore i have a stronger weapon this this bad boy oh

I’m sorry but this is still so crazy and wait so it could actually become something yeah so you can smelt if you get a bunch of beyond this you can smelt them into uru or yuri or whatever it is and it’s like one of the strongest materials

Also there we go okay so it’s almost done there and there we go we got molten euro yuri whatever and uh we just go ahead and put it out there and the way this stuff works is it’s super heavy meaning only super heroes can actually use it so if

You’re not a superhero you won’t actually be able to wield anything that is made out of europe oh i should be good i’m thor right now see okay stop striking me with your lightning otherwise i’ll have to laser eye you otherwise i’ll destroy you with lightning yeah okay well

I’ve got my pipe piece uh the question is jerome i don’t think that’s gonna be enough about yep oh my god there isn’t enough that means you’re gonna have to sacrifice something of your own do you do you want to sacrifice your name i need this to fly and it’s my best weapon

All right i have an idea i have an idea oh no i’ll be right back oh where are you going jerome where are you going crime all right hen you want to see my master plan no jerome we can’t steal from the advents this is oh no no

No trump this is so terrible this is a terrible way david no they’ll probably just think it’s standy think about it it’s a total fandy move it really is it really is i’m not you know you do have a point there but hey let’s go ahead and smell it up i forgot

How slow you are dude i’m already back look at you flying around okay you don’t want to keep making wait how do you fly so quick anyway um because i’m i’m literally superman turn around turn around you see me now you don’t so superman is like the same

Speed as the flash then but he could fly yeah he’s like the same speed as the flash when flying because he can like fly at the speed of sound or something um it’s just melted up okay we’re halfway halfway there once this is smothered up though jerome

We’re gonna have all the pieces we need except for one last thing we’re gonna have to craft which is gonna be to charge this bad boy up um oh that’s not bad okay there we go now let’s go ahead and set this to the bottom like that and finish this off now we’re

Good and you even have some ooh left over i do have some ubu left over okay okay um so we have 75 okay so that’s almost finished like is it dry enough it’s not dry enough it’s what you call that i guess cool enough okay well there we

Go we have each piece of the puzzle go ahead and take your four pieces from the chest there okay go ahead and open up the tool forge throw them all in here and we have ourselves an ubu laser gun dude no way check this thing out this is like

Better than me owner right i think so so it does 11 attack damage but if you press shift on it you can see it actually does 29.48 attack and also you can spam right click on this like with a laser what was it charged up because if

We shift right or if you scroll over and hold down shift you can see that the rf is currently 0 out of 12 120 000. 120 000. let’s charge it let’s charge it dude so to charge it we’re gonna go ahead and make ourselves an energetic infuser so we’re gonna need

Some more iron some more things for this so hey let’s go ahead and grab all the materials that we need and then we can make this bad boy up okay okay jerome so here let’s go ahead and make us a crafting table and make that into a crafting station real quick because

These are just way better than anything else but here we go now all we need to do is go ahead and craft the ender or energetic infuser which means we need two of these bad boys so let’s get two of those there we go this is getting way too sciency first

You deatomize things and now this you know sometimes you just gotta get a little bit sciencey you know sometimes you just gotta get a little bit sciency to get what you want okay so now if we go ahead and make this there we go we have a machined frame

And now i just need this thing right here um okay and then a couple of these bad boys and then last but not least we’re gonna need ourselves a lead gear which is pretty simple there we go we have all of the things that we need to go ahead and make ourselves

An energetic engineer jerome jerome come on i thought i thought you could you know whatever i can’t read uh so let’s go ahead and place this bad boy down here you can see it’s starting to fuel up and all that rf and we can just go oh my gosh

In our laser guns and if we go and hold down shift on it we can see the rf is skyrocketing and i think i’m gonna wait until this bad boy is filled up all the way i mean he’s already at five 000 there’s only you know a 120 to go

Um yeah yeah no no definitely i’m gonna do the same thing for mine as well because you have plenty of oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think through a bunch of endoposium i think these are all the intervals i found in chess and everything yeah we’re big

Children we’re big children so i’m gonna wait until this is all filled up we can put yours in fuel that one up and then do you want to go fight some bosses in the aether and test how strong this thing is what dude i’ve been trying to get some

People to go to the aether since like episode one i love that dimension all right jerome let’s do it let’s do this wait for this to fuel up and let’s go and fight some bosses here oh shoot me buddy okay okay so now that this is fully charged up you don’t

Have your slime pet on your way to wait no put your armor back on i don’t want to kill you you need hormones okay my god oh my god this thing is insane and i think we might still be able to add modifiers on

Top of it like if we add quartz to this i think we can make it even stronger dude if that works that’s just ridiculous okay i have 38 quarts on me let me go ahead and put it in here i’m way too fast that’s one of the

Issues that’s just one of the issues okay put this with this you can you can literally increase it yes you can yes you can and you can do that like multiple different times i think right oh yeah i mean normally you just keep stacking it okay well let me go ahead

And put 38 on there and now this is okay go ahead and try and shoot me let alone i do have like a lot of hearts i am superman go ahead and hit me with it him what you want that showed me down to two hearts oh wait how quick can you fire

This too oh um you can just literally spam right click uh let’s go find that boss everybody no do not shoot my dragon he will destroy everything he will true he’s a punk hen you’re a psycho you’re a psycho my poor little dragon almost just okay

You know what you know what you’re lucky he was sitting because if he wasn’t last time somebody did damage to him he started destroying my entire house okay that’s normal is it is it really okay well hey should we go ahead and head into the um

Ether and then maybe just see if we can find a boss to test things i guess maximum damage out on because i’m pretty sure it’s gonna be crazy i’ll be right back though i just want to go get some courts okay okay let’s get some quotes all

Right hen well i got two stacks first got one for me oh and for you oh thank you um oh my goodness silly oh my goodness okay okay let’s head into the aether um do you have any glowstone blocks on you i think i might have a couple

Cause we need to make the portal don’t we oh i have closed i have glossier okay perfect i have glowstone right here so let’s go ahead and make the portal to the aether right here and we just go one two three four one two three four one

Two three is it weird to think this is one of like the oldest mods in minecraft it’s been around for over ten years literally been around for so long i think it’s been all around for like more than half my life it’s crazy it’s crazy anyway let’s hop in

And really see if we can find oh be careful we just spawned on a cloud yeah yeah i’m teetering on the oh we’re fine here in the clouds i mean we can both fly right yeah right sort of jerome okay let’s a little faster than others

All right well hey since i can fly around a little bit faster i’ll scout out the area and see if i can find anything i guess you fly a different way and if we can find out wait oh wait this there’s a little do you see do you see

This cloud guy right here yeah i see the cloud guy did you just shoot it with the laser or did you fly into it well i flew i think he only had three hp and i flew into oh okay okay oh my god you can just laser anything

Dude like these yetis as well just zap them they’re gone okay okay oh my god you can literally spam it as many times as you want like oh my okay this is this kind of i’m really excited to test this out on like a boss i think

I think it might be pretty crazy so yeah this is too much power it really is it really is i mean to be fair we did have to smell me on there to make it so it does make it makes a little bit of sense but let’s fly around and see if we

Can find ourselves a boss and see how much damage this thing’s really going to do jerome we found it we found the i told you to meet with your nuclear reactor though it’s pretty crazy and we have a big boy at the top there so let’s go inside and see see what we

Can find if we climb up here okay oh boy oh what is that i get out of it why am i blind i am am i poisoned i’m and you’re why yeah inebriated yeah that happened get out of here wait dude there’s a lot of cool stuff in here let’s get it let’s

Keep looting it no because we can’t open remember remember this chest is locked until uh oh this is so annoying maybe we can open it with a laser i wish i wish but it is it’s locked until we kill the boss who gives us the key to open it but hopefully

Let’s wait until i’m on the ebr wait wait also we need to go through it together because it closes off you ready okay all right three two one easy let’s go dude how long do you think we can kill him oh wait no i think we need to click this

There we go it’s game time fire shoot your lasers oh my god okay should you listen oh yeah you can only shoot him when he lights up yellow but dude that is insane he did we did like half the damage all right shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him oh my god

He’s dead he’s on zero health he’s actually on like zero i think we can punch him i think we can literally punch him yeah he’s done head that guy when he landed he had 500 hp we wore that to him we did 500 wait the key

I also think that this is one of the strongest bosses in the either like i’m pretty sure this is one of the strongest it’s the platinum key which is like the strongest key we are let’s go up with a loot dude way too powerful man oh my god okay let’s see what’s inside

The chest oh what the i want a live shot um i’ll take a live shot what does this do what is the use for election what is it cloud stuff um i just ate the light life shard and did you see my clouds no wait do it here i i did it it’s

Clearly only i could see here you use one wait what the why do i have two clouds dude oh my wait they’re like shooting gloss at you all like oh what the well yeah you too wait what wait what the heck okay this is crazy

Oh my goodness you hold on to that i’ll hold on to oh my this laser gun is incredibly broken i i think in the next episode we need to like make more of these get the whole avengers of one of these and just shoot shoot sunday as many times as possible

And see if we can take down thanos once and for all i’m so down we’ll ambush somebody we will address when he’s least expected this is gonna be great this is gonna be great but for now um you’re lucky you have the slime belt on you hey hey

Hey i don’t have a slide pad okay i don’t have a slime fair okay let’s get out of here let’s get back home but jerome it was a pleasure it was yeah a pleasure i will see you oh um what i died one less time than i thought i

What the heck is that what the heck is that oh that’s just my dad don’t worry well okay well i’m heading back to the portal i’ll see you later toronto this weapon is crazy well that is where we’re going to end it for today hopefully you guys did enjoy

This crazy uru or or whatever laser gun this thing is actually insane you can just spam it on anything you want so if you guys did enjoy this episode be sure to hit that like button and if you guys want us to test it out on sunday

With like six of us all with laser guns each to see how much damage it really does to him then let us know with a comment down below as well and without further ado i’ll see you guys all again next time peace You

This video, titled ‘CRAFTING the ULTIMATE WEAPON in INSANE CRAFT!’, was uploaded by Henwy on 2021-06-22 23:45:01. It has garnered 573442 views and 24644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:19 or 1279 seconds.

In this video @Henwy explores the world of Insane Craft a modpack with over 200 different mods, and creates the Ultimate Laser Cannon, using MJOLNIR!


⛏️ Check Out More Insane Craft!

📌 INSANE CRAFT CREW: @SSundee @sigils @BiffleWiffle @Nicovald @JeromeASF @sparkuniverse

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    Buying Whatever 100 People Draw in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Building, Buying, and Exploring! Step into the virtual world of Minecraft with Eray Can Özkenar as he embarks on a unique adventure. In this gameplay session, Eray challenges his audience to showcase their creativity by building various structures. The twist? Eray will purchase the best creation from the participants! Let’s dive into the exciting details of this Minecraft extravaganza. Building and Showcasing Talent With 100 participants in the mix, the Minecraft universe is buzzing with activity. Each player puts their construction skills to the test, crafting unique and imaginative creations within the game. From… Read More

  • Bridge-Building Fails in Vanilla Minecraft

    Bridge-Building Fails in Vanilla Minecraft Minecraft Adventures on CasualCraft SMP Exploring the World of CasualCraft Join Jumbosale on their Minecraft journey on the CasualCraft server, a private multiplayer realm created by members of the Spawn Chunks podcast discord. While not officially affiliated with the podcast, CasualCraft provides a space for like-minded players to come together and enjoy the latest version of Minecraft with the help of Fabric mod loader. Enhanced Gameplay with Mods and Data Packs On CasualCraft, players benefit from a few quality-of-life mods and data packs that enhance their gaming experience. These additions optimize performance and make it easier for players to… Read More

  • Unlock Magic Powers in Modded Minecraft! | GlowKing’s Wizard Journey

    Unlock Magic Powers in Modded Minecraft! | GlowKing's Wizard JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming A Wizard! | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-05 17:00:46. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:11 or 3491 seconds. Hey everyone today we contonue using magic and finally get all our gear:D please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations skin layer 3D wavey capes additional lanterns advancement plaques ambient sounds 6 amendments arcane lanterns… Read More

  • Minecraft Infected #9: CatZ Strikes Again

    Minecraft Infected #9: CatZ Strikes AgainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infected #9’, was uploaded by CatZ The Third on 2024-07-11 02:23:55. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:13 or 11173 seconds. Hampter MinutemanMatt’s Stream:–DirkD81UA5pl Link to Discord Server: Read More

  • Surviving 30 Days on 1 Dirt Block?! Day 1

    Surviving 30 Days on 1 Dirt Block?! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived On 1 Dirt Block For 30 Days – Day 1’, was uploaded by Agilix on 2024-05-11 16:00:04. It has garnered 1443 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:52 or 772 seconds. 1 Minecraft Player – 30 Days – 1 Dirt Block Hey everybody, and welcome to my new series titled I Survived On 1 Dirt Block For 30 Days! Today is Day 1 of the journey, and I hope after watching this video that you decide to stick around for the rest! This video takes huge inspiration from @ryan… Read More

  • Xekall – The ULTIMATE Minecraft Replacement?!

    Xekall - The ULTIMATE Minecraft Replacement?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is THIS Game The NEW MINECRAFT???’, was uploaded by Xekall on 2023-12-18 17:00:43. It has garnered 3112 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. DISCORD : META GAME EPISODE 1 : TWITCH CHANNEL : Fortnite Really acquire a LOT of stuff with this update. From Battle Royale, Lego, Racing, to Rhythm they got them all. Join Vibrant, Crucifix, and I where we explore the new update (well mostly the minecrafty lego game with a little bit of racing), will we enjoy it or not! If… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hogwarts Classroom in Firenze! 😱

    Unbelievable Hogwarts Classroom in Firenze! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Firenzes NEUES Klassenzimmer! 😍 | Let’s Build Hogwarts #1804’, was uploaded by dagilp_lbh on 2024-03-31 12:00:47. It has garnered 2680 views and 432 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:52 or 1972 seconds. Let’s Build Hogwarts, a viewer project from me (DaGiLP) and you. Together we will recreate the world of Harry Potter in Minecraft in SURVIVAL MODE! 🙂 __ Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: Patreon – Instagram – Twitter – __ LBAH server address: Server article: LBAH Server Installation Guide – Downloads (Mods,… Read More

  • OMG! NEW Minecraft Scary Seeds! 😱

    OMG! NEW Minecraft Scary Seeds! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Most Horror Scary Seeds’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-03-17 07:30:03. It has garnered 2856 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. Minecraft Most Horror Scary Seeds Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror videos ujjwal minecraft minecraft techno gamer… Read More

  • Defeating Minecraft at Last! Jonnaay Archive’s Epic Win

    Defeating Minecraft at Last! Jonnaay Archive's Epic WinVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY BEATING MINECRAFT TODAY’, was uploaded by Jonnaay Archive on 2024-06-04 15:00:15. It has garnered 76 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:50 or 10610 seconds. Jonnaay is FINALLY beating Minecraft Chaos Mod (not) 31st May 2024 Streamed live at: Jonnaay’s Socials: YouTube – ​ YouTube alt – Twitter – Twitter alt – Instagram – Discord – Jonnaay Archive is managed by: Read More

  • 🔴New Girl in My Life – Ep 1: The EMC Grind Starts!

    🔴New Girl in My Life - Ep 1: The EMC Grind Starts!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Project Architect 2: The EMC Grind Begins – Ep 1’, was uploaded by Kare to Kanojo on 2024-08-14 23:05:26. It has garnered 132 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:43 or 10543 seconds. #minecraft #projectarchitect2 💰Regular donation: 💰Donate here for funny Memes! 📱Join our discord: ​​ 💥Welcome to Kare to Kanojo!💥 Project Architect 2 is a new minecraft mod that is all about automation and EMC optimization. I haven’t played too many modpacks before, so I decided to make my first playthough on one of the most helpful aspects… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation – Unpledged Alliance Meme

    Insane Minecraft Animation - Unpledged Alliance MemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Unpledged Alliance [meme]” (Free template for Prisma3d) – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ilma02 on 2024-05-30 09:46:11. It has garnered 4334 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Enjoy :]Template: (Give credits/tag me if you use it!) Original/ib: Song: My Social media⤵️ Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Join my Discord server⤵️ Sub? 🙂 Hashtag: #minecraftanimation #prisma3d #prisma3danimation #prisma3dindonesia Read More

  • Blossom Survival

    Blossom SurvivalWelcome to Blossom Survival, the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure and exploration bloom! Dive into a world rich with diverse activities and challenges. Survival Mode: Experience classic Minecraft survival with a twist! Gather resources, build your dream base, and thrive in a vibrant, ever-evolving world. With unique biomes and custom features, every day brings new opportunities for discovery. RPG World: Ready for a change of pace? Step into our immersive RPG world where epic quests, intricate lore, and fascinating characters await. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the genre, there’s something here for everyone. Dungeons: Challenge yourself with… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP Features: Nations: Claim land, build bases, and engage in wars. Cross-Platform: Play with Java and Bedrock players easily. Minigames: Enjoy various games with friends. Events: Regular events with rewards for participants. Collectable Maps: Earn unique map art through server activities. Land Claims: Keep your belongings safe. Community-centric: We value your feedback. Join today: Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as a friend or join our Discord for updates: Read More

  • ✘ ɴᴏᴛᴀᴍᴄ » Survival « (1.16.5) ↳ ᴛᴇᴄʀᴜʙᴇʟɪ ᴇʟʟᴇʀᴅᴇɴ, ᴋᴀʟɪᴛᴇʟɪ ᴏʏᴜɴᴄᴜʟᴀʀᴀ! ↲

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.16.5 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.16.5 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mine-tax season is here

    Minecraft Memes - Mine-tax season is hereI guess even creepers have to pay their creeper taxes on time! Read More

  • Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft’s Delight

    Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I’m the news reporter, bringing updates with glee. If a chicken crosses my path, the video will end, But until then, let’s dive into the news I’ll send. New features, new mobs, all in rhyme, Crafting adventures, one block at a time. So join me in this Minecraft journey so grand, As we explore the world, hand in hand. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes #1

    Spicy Minecraft Memes #1 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Uncovering a Secret Base Worth Millions in Minecraft

    Uncovering a Secret Base Worth Millions in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: From Rs1 Secret House to Rs100000000 Mega Mansion The Ultimate Showdown In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a fascinating showdown is about to take place. It’s a battle between a humble Rs1 secret house and a luxurious Rs100000000 mega mansion. Which one will emerge victorious in terms of security, design, and creativity? Let’s dive in and witness this epic build-off! Rs1 Secret House: The Underdog The Rs1 secret house may seem unassuming at first glance, but don’t be fooled by its simplicity. This sneaky design is all about cleverly… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

    Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Logic and Fun Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building towering structures to battling fierce mobs, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience that has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With the rise of Minecraft shorts, players can now enjoy bite-sized snippets of gameplay that showcase the game’s endless possibilities. Whether it’s a hilarious skit, a daring speedrun, or a mind-bending challenge, Minecraft shorts offer a fresh take on the beloved game. Exploring… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!

    EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hermitcraft :: Darkness and Light become friends’, was uploaded by BdoubleO100 on 2024-09-08 15:00:27. It has garnered 302974 views and 23673 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:06 or 2346 seconds. Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 19. Go to for 15% off your order, plus free shipping! Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we play Etho’s game, Ravager Rush and then build a convenience store in the cyberpunk city. MY LINKS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta Twitter: Patreon: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hermitcraft Website: #minecraft #hermitcraft Read More

  • Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!

    Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Broke This Minecraft Map… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Block Party on 2024-04-30 17:00:23. It has garnered 71 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:05 or 605 seconds. Broken Minecraft maps! We didn’t mean to, seriously! What started as a nice Zelda map ended up turning into a disaster, not really sure what happened! New full videos every Monday, and new shorts every day! #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #viralvideos #viral #minecraftvideos #blockparty #minecraftmeme #minecraftmap #broken #challenge #challengevideo #minecraftmaps #viralvideo #minecraftchallenge Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!

    UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosmalverse OFFICIAL Minecraft RPG Server Animation’, was uploaded by Lerfing on 2024-09-07 22:33:13. It has garnered 501 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:30 or 150 seconds. Cosmalverse Survival RPG has finally been released! This is basically a mod pack without needing to download anything similar to medieval mc, except you can follow a main campaign and lots of dungeons, custom mobs, and more! More videos will be made on this server in the upcoming weeks. Join the server today: IP (Java): IP (Bedrock): Website: Wiki: Get… Read More

  • Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!

    Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and then Lethal Company!’, was uploaded by GalSal on 2024-02-17 04:38:42. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:43 or 12583 seconds. Powered by Restream Powered by Restream First we escape the room in Minecraft and then we will hop into some Lethal Company! ALL THE GOOD STUFF: SUBSCRIBE NOW: Use code “GalSal” to get 5% off PowerA Gaming products here: THE GROTTO DISCORD: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON TIKOK: BUY MY BOOK: CHANNEL ART as of November… Read More

  • Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682

    Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682’, was uploaded by Smithy MC on 2024-03-18 15:03:25. It has garnered 2600 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682 | Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric Flora Mod | Prehistoric Nature Mod Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Skeletons | java Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric mod | minecraft dinosaur mod | minecraft dinosaurs | Prehistoric Age Mod | Minecraft In Minecraft Dinosaurs… Read More

  • VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐

    VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐Video Information This video, titled ‘he broke my bed… So I Had to Lock IN 🔐’, was uploaded by VIPER Z on 2024-02-18 07:18:26. It has garnered 261 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. #minecraft #blockclutch #bedwars #minemen #blockin #hypixel #lockin sometimes u just gotta to lock in 🤷‍♂️🔒🔒🔒 | (Sub for Goodluck 👍) Bedfight / Bedfight Minemen Club / Hypixel Bedwars / Top Bedwars / pvp combo / Gotta Lock In Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video… Read More

  • EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #Giveaway

    EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft’, was uploaded by Carrymangal on 2024-09-01 07:31:49. It has garnered 1413 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:17 or 12977 seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft Minecraft live streaming first time minecraft playing Minecraft for the first time minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!

    Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-04 17:30:02. It has garnered 74314 views and 361 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:05 or 3965 seconds. How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More