Create Minecraft Mods WITHOUT CODING!! – EP1 – Blocks and Items | MCreator Tutorial

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Today I will be showing you guys how you can make your own minecraft mod without any coding let’s get ready so here we are in M creator 20 point 20 point 1 which is the latest version of M creator right now you can download it at their website link in the description and

Install it just like you would a regular program and we’re ready to jump right into this soap just press on new workspace once you have this window open and it will pop up this box to create a new workspace mod display name is the name that we’re going to use in the game

So like when you slash give yourself an item it’s minecraft : and then the item or it’s whatever mod it is and then clone the item so this is what’s gonna be there so we’re just gonna call this tutorial mod there we go and Mart ID

Machine name is what you want to use for identification so in here that’s what’s gonna pop up and you don’t see that anywhere in the game and then the Minecraft version is basically which version you want to use so in this news version you can make mods for one point fourteen point four

Or point twelve point two or it can make a data pack for one point fourteen but we are going to make a mod for one point fourteen and you can see here what’s supported so you can see everything supported but if we go here functions are not supported so let’s just go here

And press on okay and create new workspace basically this is going to pop up this window and it is going to set up a bunch of things it’s also gonna pop up this window just brought over for my other monitor and it’s got a bunch of

Things of what you can do and you can donate and you can learn stuff but we’re just gonna close out of that and I will be back with you guys once this is done alrighty guys there you go it is finished and now if we want to

Actually be able to make our mods we’re just gonna want to click on workspace appear this basically brings you to the workspace of all the different things that you can do this console appear just shows you like the Minecraft console and other things that we will you’d be worrying about and that’s where

We here before us we can just click on workspace to come over here and now this might look intimidating but I’m just gonna maximize it quickly but it’s not that hard to learn so on the left here we have a bunch of different buttons that can be used to add elements so plus

We’ll add a mod element this will edit the selected Mont element this one will duplicate or copy the selected mod element that one’s that one deletes the selected mod element this one edits the code of the selected model element which you will not really need to do at all

Because that’s coding and this is all about not coding so you can lock or unlock the elements code and when you lock it basically it means the EM Creator won’t change the code so then you can edit it yourself and stuff and the last one you can edit the element IDs and register

Names of the selected item now these last are a bit complicated and we won’t be using them pretty much at all but even further to the left here we have these five tabs model elements shows all the elements in your mod and all the blocks and items and other stuff

Resources shows you all of the resources that you don’t actually see in-game except for on a block so the texture files and the models of blocks and things sound files make noises and stuff structures like villages and things except you can make your own and screenshots of your mod under global

Variables there’s a bunch of things here that we won’t need to worry about for right now localization will need to worry about it and remote workspace you can basically use this workspace somewhere else you can work on it from there like another computer but we’re not gonna do that

Right now so let’s just pop back up to mod elements and I’m gonna show you guys how you can create an item first because that’s probably the most simple so you’re just gonna press this plus button and then select what you want so we are going to pick item

Then you have to enter the name of the item which is just for this and you won’t see this anywhere else in the game so we’re just gonna call this our day Neum Inga and for the way that you want to spell this you want each word to be

Have a capital letter at the start but no spaces so just like I’ve done here our Danny Amman get create new item and here we are under the item texture you can basically specify a texture we’re gonna do that last under the item model you’re just gonna want to pick normal

But you can make custom models for these items well we’re not gonna be doing that right now special information about it we’re not gonna be worry about that either has glowing effect that’s kind of like the enchanted shimmering effect so like another star like shimmers like it’s

Enchanted all the time so we can enable that or disable that but I’m just gonna leave that disabled and now we’re gonna come over to the item texture this is basically what it looks like in your hotbar on your hand so we can just click

On this and make our own texture so you can either import the texture from your computer if you’ve already made one with something like Photoshop or you can create it from scratch that’s what we’re gonna be doing here because I feel like I’m creator actually has a really good

Texture editor you wanna pick what you want to fill it with we’re gonna pick transparency so that means it’s like a transparent background or you can do color or template or no there so that you can have those but we’re just gonna go transparency because that’s what we

Want and then under the width and the height here you’re gonna want to specify what width and height the images so the bigger this is the more high quality or texture is gonna be and if you put like 512 by 512 it’s gonna be pretty realistic but 16 by 16 is default

Minecraft so we’re just gonna hit create right here and it pops up this big thing which you can like draw in and you can do whatever you want and this is just how it’s gonna show up again in your hand in your hotbar so just imagine like a big hot bar going

Around here and this is like one of the slots but I don’t like what I did there so we’re just gonna quickly erase all that and I’m gonna teach you how to use this on the left here there’s undo redo so we can undo and just redo what we did this

Button can resize it so you can click on it and then pick a new width and height under drawing you have the pencil tool where you can draw things and whenever you click on something down here the properties of it pop up so you can change the opacity so there no it’s

Really not okay and then you can also change the shape so we can make like a frame or a circle or a ring or whatever but we’re just gonna go back to the square and how big you want to be so we said it’s a like eight you can see now

It’s a big square and if we click it does that whole area smooth edge you don’t really want to worry about that for such low quality and then connect points don’t worry about that either under here you’re gonna have a shape and then you kind of just draw the shape and

It draws it for you under here there’s an eraser and you can change the size as well and just erase it then there’s a stamp and you can take a texture like poll and you can just stamp it on there but I don’t like that so we’re just

Gonna undo that then there’s the flood fill which just lets you fill a whole area and then there’s the color picker which you can pick the color but we’re just gonna keep the pencil selected and we can change the color by clicking on here and and we’re just going to set it

To like red and you can see now we’re painting in red that’s actually hurting my eyes so I’m just gonna undo that now what we’re actually going to be doing here since we’re gonna be making an ingot is we can hit up here generate from template and it’ll actually give us

A block right here but we’re actually gonna change this and we can make it look exactly like a vanilla and get so first if you want to maybe and get colored and not just like a normal mingott which we do been internal offset layer one you neither

Scroll through here or you can hit select texture and just see all the textures here you’re gonna want to set it to your ingot so here we go yep and get brick and then you’re also gonna want to set layer to the same and get

And there you go now you can see we have a blue one because you can’t actually color layer one for some dumb reason and you can’t set it to not be a texture either so if you put the same one then it’s perfect and then you’re gonna want

To set your color so you can just hit these three dots and change it to whatever file you want so our Danny um feels kind of pink to me so I’m just gonna pick this pink hit OK and you can see it’s like that mess with

The code is a little bit more you can it lock saturation and brightness to change it and you can see I like this one way better and you can also rotate it but rotation again with such small textures gets a little weird so I’m just gonna

Set it back to zero and leave it like this because the rest of them I don’t need them because this is just what I want but you can also if you want better color control than just these you can hit the dots come over to HSL and you

Can just kind of select your own color however you like it but I’m just gonna pick this one cuz that’s what I like and then you’re gonna press create and merge and then as you can see it’s popped up like this and we can save this texture

It’s gonna ask what kind of texture it is so right now this is an item texture and right now this is an hour day Neum and get texture so using underscores of spaces because you don’t want any spaces and you also have to use all lower case so our day

Um in yacht and I like to just put texture at the end even though you don’t need to do that because it’s under resources and everything and it’s totally different so you don’t actually need that but I’m just gonna be going our Danny man get texture cuz that’s

What I like and hit OK and you can see it’s named up here and up here there’s all the tabs and things we’re working on and we can click them to switch to them but I’m just gonna close this one out and you can see we’re back to this and

We’re gonna click on the item texture and you can see now we have our our dania mingott so just hit select and there it is go to the next page and then we can change a bunch of other attributes about our item the name in GUI is what it’s called in your actual

Game so like with spaces and capitals and whatever you want so I like what it’s giving me here under creative inventory tab this is what tab it’s gonna be under later on we’re going to get to making our own custom creative tabs although right now I’m gonna put it

Under materials because that’s what I’m pretty sure yeah that’s what all of the ironing get some stuff are under Mac stack size is what it stacks to we’re basing this off and ironing it so in our Dania man get should stack to 64 because that’s what iron and get stacked to but

If you’re making something like a snowball or an ender pearl you might want it to stack to 16 just like those enchant ability is how much you can enchant it zero because we don’t want to be able to enchant it max item usage duration fit this to zero otherwise

It’ll have like a durability bar and that’s kind of dumb because if we’re making a tool there’s a separate way to make a tool and we’ll be going over that in later episodes and again not a tool for number one damage zero because it’s not a tool and then damage count just

Zero so these last four you just kind of want to leave them the way that they are zero one zero zero and if you do want to be enchanted for some reason you can mess with that although I wouldn’t do that either can destroy any block I don’t know why

You would even want to check that next page these are a bunch of procedures that we’ll be looking at later so like different things that can happen when you click them and stuff but then we’re just gonna save and we have our very first monitor now I’m also going to

Go over creating on our Danian block and then we’ll run minecraft and look at them so we can just hit plus then block and then our day and block create a new block and then we’re going to want to select the textures but this is a little

More complicated as you can see so block base this is what you want to base your block on so if you have it like stairs you’ll be able to like run up it like you can and fence or wall basically you can’t jump over it we’re just gonna base

It on a default base block special information again don’t worry about it luck model don’t worry about it except you might want to select single texture which means that if your block has all of the sides is the same texture like an iron block then you only have to select

This bottom line and you see all the other ones we can’t click on them but if you said it’s like normal you can see that they’re all there we’re just gonna pick single texture and then cross model basically it’s like grass or flowers how it’s like a cross which is interesting

And then block rotation this is like how it’s gonna rotate so you can have like a log rotation or however you want to rotate but right now it’s just not gonna rotate transparency we want it solid but you’d pick like translucent if you want like glass but check this if you block

Out transparent parts we’re not gonna check that because it doesn’t walk dimensions a bounding box just set this as solid and then we can change this however we want now if we wanted to make a slab you might set this y-coordinate to like 0.5 because that means that it’s only half

The height of a normal block but I’m just gonna pick one because we want again a full block and before we go on to the next page as you can see we need to select a texture so we are going to click it create a texture from scratch

16 by 16 I’m gonna go over this part a little quicker cuz you’ve done it before generate from template and we can select what we like the most is kind of like an iron block so we’re gonna do that and then the color or recent colors we can

Just use the one that had before block saturation to make it look a little bit better I don’t know which one I want though I’m gonna go with that one rotation zero and create save this texture block and then it is an hour day neom block texture there we go close it

Out click and select now come over the next page and we got a bunch more things than we did with the item but again name and GUI just what you want to show up as material this is just kind of the material that it’s based on we’re just

Gonna pick iron cuz it is kind of like iron there’s a bunch of different ones you can have here inventory tab building blocks but again we can make custom tabs later and we can always edit them so we can just go back and then change these

All to our custom tab later now hardness and resistance are a little complicated hardness is basically how long it’s gonna take to mine and resistance is how resistant it is to explosions and you can just hit the question marks on both of these and bring them up but I’m gonna

Provide the link in the description to a hardness guide and a resistance guide and as you can see here we have hardness value all you need to know and if we scroll down this is basically all the hardness values from things in the game

So ever hard you want it to be so as you can see the blocks of all these ores are 5 so we are going to set our hardness to 5 as well and as you can also see the resistance value for these blocks are thirty so

We’re gonna make our 30 there we go how’s gravity that’s whether it falls like gravel and sand but this shouldn’t fall tickrate don’t mess block color on the map this is like if you have a mapper mini-map what it looks like so we’re gonna set it probably to pink

Because it is pink complained to stand on this block it’s like if you can put like flowers and things on it and the block be beacon base we’re gonna want to check this is the block flammable that’s just weather it burns so if you’re making like it’s something like

Wood then you’re probably gonna want to check it but we’re not this vents don’t connect to this block it’s like repeaters or something where you know if you place down a redstone or like see like turn into the repeater we’re not gonna check this because just we don’t

Want that cuz it doesn’t have really any minute of redstone and check your power bonus this is like a bookshelf so if you’re making something like a bookshelf you might want to give this a number so like when you place it near an enchanting table what it’ll do custom

Drop if you leave it empty it’ll just drop itself but you can select it to drop something else so you can have it drop like vanilla items or you can drop like your moderate items so we can make it like drop in our datum and get first

Not what we want how many of those it drops whether it’s affected by silk touch and if it drops yourself just uncheck it and creative pick item it’s like when you middle click on the block and creative what it gives to you and we’re just gonna make it do the default

Tool able to destroy it this is what is able to destroy so if it’s like a stone you want to pick out as if it’s a would you want an axe and if it’s desert or something you want a shovel we’re just gonna go pickaxe to little

Harvest level to break with the drop this is kind of complicated but basically zero is wood tools and gold tools one is stone tools to is iron tools and three three is diamond tools have you set it to for like nothing combine it and actually have a drop

Unless you make a custom tool with that high of a harvest level but I’m just gonna set to one because that is what iron blocks and stuff are light sound and hardness what you want it to sound like on the step we’re in a set set it to metal because again that’s

What we want luminance this is like what light level in a minute and 15 is like glowstone 14 is like torches and 15 is the highest you can go but we don’t want it to emit light light opacity this is like how much light can go through it it’s unbreakable

Basically bedrock so no and can walk through the block this is like whether you can walk through it pretty much so like torches you can kind of walk through it but now it’s gonna be solid next page particles if you check this then it can spawn particles around the

Block so maybe like the end portal out kind of like puts particles off it or we’re not gonna do that next page thai lunch tea in inventory this is like if you right-click on it what kind of an inventory its gonna have we’re not gonna enable this next page more procedures

We’ll look at that later next page or generation will also look at this in a later episode and making an or for our day Neum but right now we don’t want that so safe now that we have these two blocks I’m gonna show you guys how we

Can launch the game and look at them so you can just come up to this right here and press this button or you can click this to the right to run the server and the client if you want to like see how it works on servers or just gonna run

The client here and I’ll be back with you once it’s ready All righty here we are we are in Minecraft and we’ve spawned on an island you’re also gonna not have your skin because it doesn’t log you in as you it logs you in as dev so yeah you’re not gonna have your skin but here I am and

We can open up our inventory scroll down but a boom bada bing this is our our Danian block and under miscellaneous but a boom bada bing there’s our our Danny and then get so you can see we can place it down and it looks pretty darn neat or

Our Danny mingott doesn’t really do anything right now but it definitely matches up to the block and we can make it do stuff later because as you’ll be able to see right now if we grab a crafting table currently it’s impossible to craft this block so we will look into

That later and be able to actually fix that but for now that’s the end of this video I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope it helped you guys out leave a like if it did I will see you guys next time good bye You

This video, titled ‘Create Minecraft Mods WITHOUT CODING!! – EP1 – Blocks and Items | MCreator Tutorial’, was uploaded by ModMonster on 2020-03-06 20:33:10. It has garnered 265907 views and 6376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:19 or 1279 seconds.

Sorry that I haven’t uploaded in so long!

In this video, I show you how to create your own custom blocks and items for Minecraft 1.12.2 or 1.14.4. You don’t need to know how to code at all to use this tool!

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    Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero faces challenges, like a never-ending dream. Losing everything again, a common theme, But our gamer remains undeterred, like a laser beam. With each new episode, the stakes are high, But our hero never fails to give it a try. Crafting, building, exploring the sky, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity can fly. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we watch our hero’s adventures take flight. In the realm of gaming, shining so bright, Roohsclues, our favorite, always gets it right. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

    INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | PS4 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Ninwiindo on 2024-09-09 04:32:27. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:35 or 5615 seconds. Minecraft Lets Play Read More

  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

    Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL RL CRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Lion HIMSELF on 2024-08-06 04:38:50. It has garnered 1140 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:54 or 13974 seconds. Minecraft Survival Caseoh #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftharcore #caseoh #minecraftfirstday #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreepers #minecraftcreeper #creeper Discord ► Donation ► CashApp ► $Shlonkboi Live! ► Live on Twitch 8pm Monday-Saturday! ►Instagram: ►Twitter: ►TikTok: Read More

  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – Recipes+ – Resource pack: none Shaders:… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival modern house build’, was uploaded by Blue Clue Gaming on 2024-04-22 09:44:44. It has garnered 0 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Sacrifice – Trapped Families Steve & Navar” #clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Sacrifice - Trapped Families Steve & Navar" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Flying Gaming on 2024-09-17 04:38:33. It has garnered 203 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds. Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice 💔⛏️#minecraft #shorts Steve’s Epic Battle: The Giant Zombie Showdown 💥#minecraft #shorts Steav Vs Herobrine 🥹 Part – 4 #minecraft One Trader Kid VS Two Villager Kid😂 Minecraft Funny animations shorts #minecraft #shorts Heart of a Bear: Child Loses Parents in Car Accident, Rescued from Wolves #minecraft #shorts Eating from Trash, Losing Her Emerald: The… Read More

  • TerritoryMC PVP Towny Modern Weapons Custom Enchants Launches This Weekend!

    Welcome to TerritoryMC! This is a Towny SMP with Custom Enchants x Modern Weapons, where players can participate in massive multiplayer battles during the weekends. We recently reset the server due to low participation, and we are looking to gather more players for the second season. If you are interested in joining the community, please join our Discord server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft"Wow, a score of 53 in the highly coveted Meme Olympics! Watch out, we’ve got a meme connoisseur over here! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

Create Minecraft Mods WITHOUT CODING!! – EP1 – Blocks and Items | MCreator Tutorial