DanRobzProbz – How to Become OP in the Minecraft Universe! | UniversIO #5

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to Universe IO this is episode 5 and I’m Dan Rose pros and yes I’ve been quite busy off camera um kind of just making a few more of these air compressors and I’ve actually got something else to show you in Terror and you might have supported it I’ve

Actually got myself a backpack now as well um these are pretty cool you can press B by default and uh yeah you can just fill up stuff in your backpack so basically you get a lot more storage for nothing now I believe you can actually upgrade these as well

Um which is pretty cool but yeah I got this from a creeper which was quite strange um but yeah I’ll explain more in a second but yeah we got three more of these air compressors and I’ve kind of just turned all of these off for now

Um because I’ve reached the kind of the the the pressure in there the right correct bar that I need to if you remember correctly to make the Gold Dust which is just here there we go uh we need to have at least a pressure of two

Bars and yeah you gotta put 16 of the elements in there and it should make one of these gold dust so yeah I haven’t actually done that yet but I do want to explain here I’ve actually made um pretty pipes now this is just so I can actually extract items from the chamber

Interface so yeah if I don’t put this on the item just kind of would sit in there I think so yeah I’ve had to actually put an upgrade on this as well so I’ve saved it up here if you don’t know how this works you just need to make um the

Pretty pipe um blank module and then you just make the other various ingredients and then yeah you just Chuck that on essentially onto a pipe and that will you know make it so it sucks up the item into a chest or whatever um so yeah you also need a wrench as

Well um I guess I could just kind of show you here if I just break this with this I think you have to shift to it there we go you’ll see I’ll actually get the upgrade as well and then if I just put this back like that and then you

Just basically put it on there but once you put one on there you can actually see what you put on there if that makes sense I’m pretty sure you can change a lot of different stuff as well possibly add like filters and things I’m not 100 sure I’ve only played with this very

Briefly but yeah I haven’t really done anything else regarding that this is like I say just set up to over two bar right now and uh yeah this side you saw of the last episode I actually put a hopper on there um so yeah I’m yet to actually try this

So should we try it together um I’ve got a bit of a game plan today though um kind of ignoring the quests uh today I think because I’ve I think I could probably do something so let’s put 16 of these in here might take a bit of time though

Okay I think I’m gonna have to ditch the hopper I did because this is going in extremely slow um yeah I think I’m gonna have to get another pretty pipe upgrade and set that up basically okay it’s finally done it as I’ve been uh actually crafting this

Stuff I’ve just had a a bit like a chicken kind of pops out an item yeah we got the gold dust look so I think eventually the wooden Hopper would work but yeah it’s just it’s just not quick enough in my opinion so someone else I actually forgot to

Mention is that I’ve actually made a kind of like automatic charcoal system uh obviously I’ve got loads and loads of loads of logs right so I just thought I’d set this up in the furnace that constantly is feeding charcoal into itself pretty much um yeah I could just hook up a pipe or

Something but as far as that goes that’s pretty decent for now in my opinion and then yeah I just put a couple more levers around these but yeah I can fill these up with charcoal much more stainable a better uh fuel source in my opinion and also I’ve stored every kind

Of metal that I’m getting from this Purgatory Dimension just here uh for now so something else I actually worked on off camera was making some rich soil now this was just to help me speed up a production of wood and yeah I think this is like probably if I look at the uses

The best like source of soil for growing anything in a botany pot if I’m not mistaken so yeah you have to make the organic compost okay pretty easy recipe apart from the straw is a bit like how do you get the straw but if you look at the

Information you just need to make a little knife now I’ve actually got a knife on me and uh yeah you just go up to like long grass and break it with the knife it doesn’t use up any durability and you have a chance of getting some

Straw from it and yeah I just thought I would mention that because that’s quite a little nice little tip there to kind of help you speed up now why did I want to speed up all of these if I’ve got loads of wood and I don’t even know what

To do with it that’s because I wanted to go ahead and make myself a mob farm now I’m pretty sure it’s actually night time in here and I think there is Phantoms so what I’m going to do is go in here and use my 10 pad

Which will run program to mob farm and that should protect me so here we go come on Dan we’ve got this it is night time I was right oh no run programmer in progo teleport quick go okay we’re here we’re here sweet spot yes welcome to this little area so yeah

If you can see I’m at the sky basically my base is down there and yeah this is my mob farm now it’s pretty terrible it’s a bog standard mob grinder now why have I built it like this this is because yeah this is weird uh like creatures and

I think it’s called Cloud something yeah here we go um but bad loon spawn egg and a belovediator I don’t even know how you pronounce that but these two mobs are an absolute nightmare there we go there’s one there so this is like clouds that fly around and a balloon that can like

Hurt you the clouds just kind of blow you but yeah I’ve had to enclose all of this and this is probably going to affect rates now I can’t just build it on the floor my mob farm because obviously they will spawn everywhere and I’m pretty sure there’s caves but yeah

Pretty terrible mob farmer but hey it’s going to make it a lot easier for me to get gunpowder if I need to make loads of acid or whatever right now I am actually getting other stuff as well and yeah that’s kind of where I got this backpack

From which is quite nice and now the backpack was actually full up with different stuff like this music disc was in there and other stuff like that but yeah we got ourselves a potato as well I should probably take that but yeah we’re getting loads of cool stuff so yeah

Maybe this is a good idea maybe it wasn’t um I’ve just thrown that on the floor apparently there we go but yeah this mob farmer does not work really very well at night time just want to point that out um it seems to only really work in the day

Um so yeah I’m not really care I don’t really care about rates or anything like that too much um but yeah for me to get actually back down I need to run program and I’ve actually saved the roof as well just in case I wanted to upgrade this a little bit

Um we’re gonna see this but look watch this if you turn this off and turn it on I don’t think you will take any full damage look so a nice little tip there for you but yeah there we go pretty cool right so yeah those mobs weren’t really too much

Of a problem for me because of the gravity effect it kind of neglects the full damage if you know what I mean but yeah another thing as somebody mentioned in the comment section about just block updating these if you do have this issue like me you can just turn a lever on and

Off and it will fix this so you don’t have to keep breaking everything um but yeah that’s pretty much everything in a nutshell and today I want to do something a bit mental and a bit out there yeah we’re supposed to be focusing on a quest right so this is Branched out okay

It’s a gold ingot okay that’s pretty cool I think we just smelled up the Gold Dust right yeah okay not too bad um but yeah we’re not really going to be focusing on that we’re going to actually go back to the Purgatory Dimension and start focusing on trying to get

Different villagers because in my opinion I could probably get better armor right I.E diamond armor um I could probably get some things through the cleric I.E lapis and I reckon I could probably get some better tools and stuff with a grindstone and the most important one is enchantments

Right now enchantments are quite as special on this pack I believe because of that special Crucible yeah the thing that I use to make acid right that took me forever to get um yeah I think if you throw certain books in there you get mind power and I

Think with the mine power you can do other stuff if I’m not mistaken I’ve been reading up okay I’ve been up quite a lot so obviously having all the villagers is going to help me quite a lot right but I reckon it might be able

To make me get even closer to this the ultimate game breaking mechanic project e right uh yeah the transmutation table I love this thing so much but yeah it’s kind of get it a bit behind Britannia but all of these runes we’ve already got because we needed them

For the special um like piece of paper to change the cauldron to a crucible and then lapis is going to be a bit of an issue um there is a couple of ways of getting this um especially the easiest one is probably just making a blue concrete uh

With Cosmic dust and getting it like that but I find that might be quite expensive so I reckon I could probably put it off by using Villages right as well so um clerics again do kind of sell like lapis and Redstone if we can get it

Right but the only problem is we are limited to a certain amount of coins so I hope I can get trades that do the coins back now that’s another reason why I kind of made the mob farm so I can get a fisherman maybe as well

To sell the string and obviously to sell the rotten flesh now we got blaze rods from the actual Blaze mesh that we got in the uh reward um so yeah I’m just gonna go ahead and make a couple of Brewing stands right now I don’t know if I’m jumping the gun here

But I’ve just been really thinking about how to make my life a little bit easier now I’ve also noticed as well there’s something called a charging station from a Pneumatic craft very cheap to craft and this will actually unlock a new villager as well which is a Pneumatic

Craft villager now this guy who actually sells certain things as well so we might try this as well um for a laugh so I need some reinforced Stone there we go and I think I need to make it into slabs I think that’s it yeah there we go nice

So that’s another kind of um workstation done so we’ve got two uh Brewing stands of that and we need to get a grindstone so we’re gonna have to get some more uh Stone which we’ve got Justin oh no we got we got half slabs there then

So last thing I need to craft is just a lectin and yeah we can just craft up three books like this and we get a bookshelf nice take that like that and we should be able to get ourselves a leptin perfect nice so we’ve got everything we kind of need for the

Villagers now the other thing I want to do is no no there’s already beds there right so I actually forgot to mention about the the drops of those monsters they actually drop Cloud blocks and balloons and there is actually a book here so we’re gonna have to investigate

If this is even worth kind of getting into but these Cloud blocks you seem to be able to make a cloud chest and it’s called cloud storage so should I just try it and see if it makes a bigger chest than what I’ve actually got what they’re like why is there still

Some room in heaven must be under the sky wait what okay uh we’ll try that in a second and last thing I want to do is make this uh all-in-one tool because I’m sick of having a pickaxe and an ax if you know what I mean so I may as well make this

Now I notice Battalion is doing all of them so if I look at all in one tool there’s quite a lot of them now the Terrace steel one is I think is the best we can get um these ones are saying we need to install another mod

Um yeah I think this is probably the best one we can get so yeah we’re gonna keep it for now with a living Rock and yeah I’ve got quite a lot here and hopefully I can make quite a lot of these oh okay we’re gonna have to get some

More wood on the game I think and we should be able to craft this all in one tool now with just getting the hoe there we go and we click on you and boom I’ve never used this before okay it won’t allow me to break these

Blocks so I need to remember that I need to keep my um void Harvester on me um but I’m actually gonna remove it for now if I ever need to mine this to get some more of these protons and stuff I can just obviously switch that

Um right I need to go over here and grab these to be cave so I’ll go back to the pretty pipe again now I keep getting distracted right and we need to make this blank module which requires a couple of stone slabs perfect we’ve got two just in there couldn’t be

Any better there we go and then I think I just need to grab now I’ve already got the Redstone and we just need this low extraction um module again and I’ve already put the pipe right there uh I guess we should probably get a chest right

So I’ve just hooked up a chest with some copper in it for an example to try with a pretty pipe uh yeah it’s exactly the same guys so using a hopper was just the same I think I actually need to go ahead and get speed upgrades because if you

Look it will go there pressure chamber interface this is what this machine’s called and yeah I think we need to probably put speed upgrades in there for it to actually take things all at once if you know what I mean so yeah that’s something we’re gonna have to get into

They look like they’re quite expensive we need all the sugar and we need a lot of lapis now lapis again I am going to be trying to get now um but it looks like we can actually make Lapis what okay that’s interesting um cool right let’s go and do what I want

To do and get some villagers sorted so we’re back in the earth Dimension a minute I just want to kill this Phantom there we go oh no it’s a more spawning I don’t think so I wanted to see what this Cloud chest actually does under the sky

You’re confused what does that even mean under the sky under the sky does it have to be up in the sky then okay I’m a bit confused that we’re heading is not very good to be uh okay mob farm Reef there we go under the sky no balloon assigned to This Cloud Chase

What is this oh God okay I’ll leave that for now I’ll probably need to make the book and do some reading but anyway let’s go to where we need to go to the Purgatory Dimension and start with this villager conversion idea um these guys are probably all asleep right

Yeah okay so we know that this guy is definitely a Mason but he’s not gonna be anymore there we go so he’s gone back to normal so now if we get a little sniffing table down is he going to become what I think he is

Okay so we can sell cut oh these trades actually might have changed okay hang on a Dan’s brain might not be that great because he might have actually changed everything okay well that’s fine we’ve got a smiffer that’s fine um I should have brought some like wood

With me I mean I got wood right here I guess I could just smash one of the guys houses down right for wood I’m sorry dude there we go now this is just so I can make a crafting table and then I get a sign like that there we go

And we just call him sniffer there we go and we can just put trap doors in front of his house so he can’t get out like this we’re going to kind of keep this going forever there we go so that means he should be fine right he

Can’t get out and he can we can still trade with this guy perfect so we’re going to kind of keep doing this as a staple so I’m gonna make this guy the pneumatic craft guy pretty sure that works right yeah so there we go oh my God I cannot

Pronounce your name I’m terribly sorry don’t go out there Oh no you’re looking for a bed right we’ll find your bed here we go there we go you should go back though uh there we go cool so he actually offers me oh my God PCB blueprint and pressure tubes look I won’t actually

Need to craft these anymore nice but we can reroll their trades um to my liking wait a minute how did you get through there huh oh no when I talked to him they will come and jump through okay we’re gonna have to do some house moving here

Let’s put the bed like that instead and now when he talks to me yeah that’s better okay so we’re gonna have to move the bed like that I think so therefore yeah okay so what trades can we get here wow 11 silver coins can give me a block of compressed iron

Oh that’s a pretty decent setup and I used to right I don’t really know if the PCB blueprint is actually good or not uh doesn’t really have a recipe so maybe it’s good air canisters I think I’m gonna stick with these two because this is going to be a lot better

For me to to buy this right rather than craft it I will leave that like that I think oh my God this is so cool it’s working oh this is the trays I’m after look bronze it gives me Redstone and then we can get okay he’s stuck to that oh no

Maybe the trades have changed okay so rotten flesh okay not too bad that’s cool so we call you uh we’re gonna call this one lapis and redstone dude because that is the is the plan right um oh God I want to try this guy now to see

If I’m right or not so Ram program mob farm okay we’re gonna grab any rotten flesh we got okay we ain’t got loads but it’s enough and now I’m at home base as well and I’ll just grab any more rotten flesh I’ve got there we go and now we go round

Program back to there this is so cool man this is so easy dad’s hacked the system here uh there he is that one there we should be able to just trade with this guy now get a load of these maybe I shouldn’t have gone that mad

Because you might not even unlock what I want there it is it’s there I told you this is so good now I’m pretty sure yeah this purse mod thing actually uses it up from your inventory look for me so I don’t even need to get the money out but yeah lapis

As easy as that I mean maybe this is why we get all these villages I’m not really too sure seems a bit easy though right I can just buy Redstone as well if I want oh God this is amazing oh look we’ve unlocked the next

Oh you might so end up our ender pearls glowstone dust as well Jesus man I’m gonna buy some of that as well but I gotta be careful with my money situation okay we’ve used the gold coin already um oh wow it’s actually a girl it’s called Anna

Um it’s a shame about this though it’s the other way around I want it um a bit of a shame uh but yeah eventually they might sell XP as well which could be quite useful wow that actually worked I’m really happy about that that’s really good so

Yeah we’ve got loads of lapis and that’s easy uh so yeah we should be able to craft this thing quite easily as long as we can get the gold I’ve just made myself a chess and I’ve just put everything away that I don’t really need but yeah I

Would say that has been pretty successful right I I’ve got all this for free technically I mean I am using up coins but we can easily get them back because technically now coins are like emeralds I guess um on this kind of uh mod pack right uh

So yeah I’m gonna go back to the Mob farmer minute and drop off the rotten flesh I’ve got left over there we go perfect and there is a bit of glowstone in there so I’ll just take that as well so I’m back in the universe I’ve just crafted up the three lapis

Blocks easy peasy and I’ve got all these Rings if you remember correctly from making the um uh Crucible it’s just the amount of Steel block now and that is basically a block of gold in a Mana pool will give me that block pretty easy

Um but it is going to take a bit of time to get but I’ve just been looking at EMC values right and uh not everything actually has ENC values but like this does like 1 264. look at this quite interesting a log is 86 EMC that

Is a lot of EMC right there especially when you multiply that by how much I’ve actually got so yeah potentially this is a bit of a game breaking mechanic I’m about to do so yeah we’re gonna try it guys we’re gonna try but just look at

This look if I look at a piece of charcoal it’s like half almost just just just doesn’t make sense right you process word more to get the charcoal but yeah it’s worth less I don’t know um probably something the Modpack developers not really looked at but this

Is like your Dan Ross prop special yeah I like to do a lot of digging through mods but anyway I need to go in Britannia a minute and a book and have a read up on this uh thing again because it’s been a very long time since I’ve

Used this and I’m not sure if I’m got everything I need it seems a bit too easy I have to make a bit of a multi-block structure for this I remember now we just need some lapis and some living rocks if I’m not mistaken from reading

And it does say about using Sparks I should probably try to craft up some Sparks to be fair um just to help speed up mana but honestly guys if you remember correctly I could just sleep in the bed right and the bed speeds up time so you know it’s

Gonna take a long time it’s gonna take a long time to actually fill out this whole Mana bar all the way to a half like this but I imagine we’ve just a loaded charcoal which I’ve got over here now and time sleeping in bed it’s not

Going to be that long I don’t think he says but anyway without well we basically just got to make a load of cosmic dust now which I’ve got quite a bit of it here so I’ve just done a bit of a calculation I think I’m going to

Need an actual two stacks of this stuff um to be exact 128 pieces of it which is quite a lot right when you think about it um it’s totally worth it though it’s totally worth it right uh we got a backpack so this shouldn’t be too bad oops

Okay let’s get smashing this stuff up and then we’re gonna just use my backpack and go from there right so I need 128 pieces of gold essentially so yeah if I’m using about 27 pieces of that Cosmic dust I literally got like two or three pieces of gold uh yeah

My backpack’s full of loads of cool stuff but not gold unfortunately so yeah this is going to be I think very brain a dead play free right now we gotta make so many stars I really feel like I shouldn’t be doing this yet but I I want to because I think it’s gonna

Really help me in the future so as you can see I’ve got so many elements on me right now which is awesome so yeah this isn’t actually going to be too much of a bad thing in a way um but yeah I’ve actually got a quarter

Of the way I’ve got 32 now but yeah I remember that um at the very start I wanted to make something called a click machine um we do need to uh craft up a cosmic Ingot but it is actually that so it should be fine yeah there we go click machine how does

This work again okay you can give it a tool look powered by Rainbow Magic what uh right clicking okay because will this actually help me to make this a bit more better is that yeah he’s gonna drop everything wow you see what it just did it turned all of that into everything this

But it wouldn’t actually break the block yeah that’s not right Dan we need to stop it from right clicking yeah it won’t actually break these unfortunately which is a bit of a shame um it will do the right clicking action but it won’t actually physically break them

So yeah that was a bit of a waste um but it might not be a waste we might be able to use it for something else in the future so yeah we’re gonna have to just go around and break these unfortunately like this um I was hoping that

Yo that’s actually hurting me stupid thing so yeah that’s a bit of a bummer I was hoping that maybe I could kind of like automate collecting up all of these with that um because I could just use a piston that pushes it and it would do like five of these in a

Row if you know what I mean but yeah it doesn’t really matter we could just do it like this it’s not gonna be too bad um but we are gonna need a lot now I see what the most thing we always need is the glue one always seems to be the one

That I always seem to run out which is the yellow one so for my mouse I got 100 pieces of cosmic dust right now or maybe in all those stars that was like 20 odd of them um hopefully that though this is gonna be it I’m gonna try and open most of

These as I can down here without picking as many up this is just gonna be a mess isn’t it no matter what I do I’ll tell you what I could probably put all this Cosmic dust in the machine that right clicks right that would make more sense should we try that

There it is oh my God like oh God that was so cool it’s like a fountain of elements oh my God we’ve got I’ve actually got quite a lot okay we’ve got to be quick though because this stuff will despawn yeah I didn’t really pick up any more

No okay we gotta stack in a bit okay we’re actually almost there to be fair God I got a lot of cleanup to do so once again another 18 stars oh God and let’s do it again picky machine do your thing oh my God look at it and

That’s a much better technique then much better guys we’re sick short wow okay we’re very very close it might be some more in here but I don’t think so I’m gonna risk it here and I’m only gonna make five stars okay let’s see if I’m lucky today or not

Okay that’s good we got 27 I would say that I’ve got a very good chance of getting this now and let’s put all that in there get that juicy stuff flowing au9 guys we’ve done it we’ve got enough oh we got sweaty there look easy stuff

Oh my God my plaid worked I can’t believe it okay okay okay uh right we got a bit of cleaning up to do again put all this in my backpack for now so we’ve got a bit of storage here we go so Au is there right

So let’s just collect up the rest of these things so we don’t despawn so I’ve taken out my two stacks of gold look as you can see I’ve got two stacks exactly I calculated that we need oops 128 pieces of gold here um so we’ve actually got a something in

There now which is actually copper so we need to export that out and yeah we need to start getting this in basically now I’m probably gonna have to turn on one of these or maybe even two to keep this pressure right but yeah this is going to take probably about 14

Million years to actually do this um but there’s only seven in there that’s exactly what I put in there so while that’s doing that we’re going to kind of probably fill in this hole or no I’ll leave that hole there but what I’m gonna do actually is trap door it up right

So I know then if I ever need to do cosmic dust again I can just go in there and yeah Chuck it in there sort of thing but anyway while that’s doing that I’m going to start filling up all of this because this is going to take me a

Bit of time to do and because I’m an absolute idiot and I’ve actually cleaned out all of this now if I press B yeah I left this on Craft on all so yeah it needs to be on crafted guys if you are going to be using this uh bear that in mind um

Because yeah everything I just put in there was back in this chest because I’m an absolute idiot so yeah um I’m gonna investigate how we can craft up some speed upgrades quickly uh so we need a fluid tank but it needs to be lubricant um now I could actually upgrade the pretty

Pipe little extraction thingy so I might give that a go just quickly it’s only going to require a bit of iron and I’m pretty sure I’ve actually got some spare eye in here uh yeah it’s only four iron to actually upgrade this so this might make more items come out there’s a problem

With this Auto crafter thing we’ll see we’ll see is that going to make more items come out at once I need to do there we go foreign at once look I think it actually put eight in there wait a minute oh my God it is yes okay screw to speed upgrade

Now we got one in there ready look okay I’m gonna turn off one of these because this is getting a bit sketchy now this is the red I think it blows up so I gotta be careful oh okay this isn’t gonna be too bad then that’s all you have to do upgrade it

Like that okay oh I just heard it again so then literally we just need to put this into a uh smelter um I don’t think it works in the blast furnace no so we can just Chuck this in here for now and that should make me a gold ingot

Which is actually part of the quest but we’re not ready after that we’re trying to get the uh Mana infuser and this should probably go down there there we go oh and then the next thing is actually to make some um weirdly okay yeah that pipe upgrade is definitely proven to be useful

Especially for the price of it okay we’ll screw that then um okay let’s just quickly have a look in the earth Dimension a minute and see how much man I’ve actually got okay it’s not okay we can actually do that so done so as the quest wants me to make some

Iron dust and copper dust I’m just gonna go ahead and do it as well I don’t know how much of that I’ve got 14 there we get we’ve got the iron dust that’s good news and there’s the copper dust perfect so that’s all that done and it’s actually

Telling me to go on to making some pipes Luke Dan’s already kind of done all that um but yeah then this is telling me to make um some a terror still ingots which is telling me to make the special thing I’m trying to make okay okay okay so I’m

Not essentially jumping a massive gun then am I really so I reckon I’ve got everything I need now to go ahead and try to make this special thing so first of all we need to turn all these into Mana ingots there we go and then we turn this into a block right

There we go and we should be able to craft this oops I just need the runes which I’ve got here there we go nice that is probably a quest um but hey we’re kind of jumping the gun here now I need to make a couple of these blocks but I need to

Go and visit the Purgatory Dimension again so we only need uh two more blocks I think perfect now we can go back F spawn nice oops and we make these into two blocks perfect right so where’s my Britannia book I’ve got this out just so I can look at how

We craft this again um okay I’m not too sure what’s actually underneath this but I guess we could see it like that okay let’s move my bed then okay we’re gonna kind of dig this underground here okay put you there okay there’s four in there and then a special

Thing on there perfect done easy so that’s that part done so I’ve just been having a bit of a read on this again um all we need to do is basically just fire the Mana at it much like how we did the runic altar I think so I’ve just set

This up so I’ve just actually put the um Mana spreader pointing at that with the bind made with the wand look um so that’s all set we got all the uh charcoal there and everything all we need to do now is get the ingredients we need

Um right so let’s go back in here and place a block as I always do grab a piece of obsidian there we go and I guess I could just get the compressed iron from here right okay we should be able to make a block of that

There we go and the last thing we need is a cosmic Ingot which is one right there I think that’s it right yeah those three things make that we need so much Mana let’s go please oh my God is this it is this actually going to work one of you oops

One of you and one of you all right it’s doing its thing now this is probably going to take about 14 hours I reckon so what we’re going to do slip The Night Away there’s monsters near me God damn it ready that’s something I never thought about actually

There you go Bray let’s torch this area up well that sounded like a sheep not a sheep a witch okay it’s starting to struggle a bit now I’m gonna pick up all them put them back down just two stacks Maybe oh God am I breaking this a bit maybe a bit scared appeared

What where’s it gone to the despawn huh it’s D spawned doesn’t it all my items oh no what I think everything despawned because it just took too long if you know what I mean so I think I’m gonna have to make more Mana spreaders more Endo flames and

Get this baby running like mental um I think that’s probably the only best way now there is something in the in the in Britannia called Sparks which help speed up things I could potentially make a couple of these but it is going to require another gold ingot which I don’t

Really have access to um but I have got an idea and that is to go up to my mob farm and smell these question mark yeah we can okay that’s fine so there’s two Sparks perfect that’s that done so that helps move Mana faster I believe if I’m not

Mistaken so I got two more Mana spreaders as well and then I probably want to go ahead and make a couple more Endo Flames um all right so it’s brown red and light gray isn’t it nice that will help speed up everything I think so I’ll just put down the two Endo

Flames I just crafted and I think I’m going to just kind of set everything up here so I’m just going to bind all of these Mana spreaders to this look and you should go there you should go there you should go there and then you should

Go there and then these two new ones can go to the very first Mana spreader there so there we go that’ll be that setup so I just had a little bit of a read about the Sparks I think I just need to literally put it on top of there

And I think that will help it I guess um yeah okay I reckon we’re pretty set up now to make this a bit faster and I’ll just put the other one on there for now um okay so the only thing I am missing is the cosmic Ingot so yeah we’re gonna

Have to go and get some more um stars and stuff like that on the go cool so we’ve got four of them I’ll just keep one of them in there there we go so we could start clearing out my inventory a little bit because it’s a bit of a mess again uh

Bad habit than to keep making it a mess we’ll just put you back in there right hopefully this time now this will actually work uh so let’s start filling up with these because this is going to eat all this up like really fast I reckon and let’s get a little wand out

And we can see that’s kind of filling up like that one’s kind of full and that one is full nice so they’re all pretty much full now what we need to do is put all these ingredients down again so you you nope you you and you right do your thing please

Oh my God it’s worked already guys it’s worked it’s worked it’s worked oh my god I’ve got it I’ve got it don’t worry I’m so happy I’m so happy I’ve got it I’ve got a transfusion mutation table we’ve learned some gravity how lovely okay so all we need to do is pick this

Thing up God I really don’t think I should have this right now on episode five it’s mental this is mental okay okay okay I’m gonna just stick you to there like that because that’s gonna be funky right so I’m thinking in my brain is take a load of logs

Because they’re worth so much and we just chuckle these in here look how much EMC I’ve got 33 000. oh God this is brilliant it’s always making me want to cry it’s so good I can eyeline sticks yes I can okay now this is this is a big game changer yeah so

You’ve got sticks in there we can learn Living Word as well lapis no uh the water bucket yeah interesting uh arrows no the hydrogen yes okay okay we’ve already got the gravity in there so what other things can I put in here I guess I could put in like

Every element right so let’s just grab for example the gold yes it’s got an EMC value and we just put you in there thank you very much and now I got millions of gold thank you for my logs right so yeah I’m gonna end it there guys because this is taking a

Very very long time to get there but we’ve actually got the transmutation table on episode five and I don’t even know if we’re supposed to have this thing really yet but I saw an opportunity to do it and I thought I could try and it has paid off I think

Um all we need to do now is make this eventually into a tablet version so I can just carry it around with me um because that’ll be a lot easier but yeah not everything is emcable um which is good so but a lot of things are like even this chopping board a

Crafting table this Earth block okay the drawers are oh I was going to say the botany Parts but they’re not um but yeah charcoal is and weirdly charcoal as I mentioned at the very start isn’t worth as much as logs so yeah I reckon the Modpack developer

Probably needs to fix the logs issue um because that to me is a bit too op maybe or maybe I’m being nice here I don’t know um but yeah no I’m over the moon that’s awesome anyway I’m Darrell’s probs Frameworks for watching that’s the end of episode 5 of universe I oh University

IO God I’ll never get it right will I anyway take care I got a lot of thinking to do with camera and probably I’m gonna be filling this thing up remember I’m on 23 268. I probably won’t be on that when you when I come back foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘How to Become OP in the Minecraft Universe! | UniversIO #5’, was uploaded by DanRobzProbz on 2023-04-28 15:00:32. It has garnered 6363 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:40 or 2680 seconds.

Hello! I stumbled across a cool new Minecraft modpack recently called UniversIO and I just fell in love with the whole concept of it… That’s why I have decided to hit record!

You can check out the pack that was created by Crypt1C_mdp here; https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/universio

I really do enjoy a challenge and a fresh take on the Minecraft experience, this pack surely does tick all those boxes for me!

Let me know what you think of this unique pack below… 🧪

Do you reckon I have what it takes to beat it?

Also, can I remember all my science lessons from school as I’m probz gonna need them for this one! 😅



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#danrobzprobz #universIO #moddedminecraft

👾Thanks For Watching My Video🤩


MUSIC USED:- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com

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  • ObsydiaMC SMP 1.20.4 Jobs LiveMap Economy McMMO ArtMap Bedrock Support Community

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    Desert House Build: Minecraft Survival Made Easy! In the desert, a house stands tall and proud, Built with skill, creativity allowed. A cozy oasis in the sandy land, Crafted with care by a skilled hand. MadenPlay is back with a new creation, A desert house, a sweet sensation. Using blocks and materials with precision, Creating a home, a true vision. Follow along, subscribe for more, As MadenPlay’s builds continue to soar. Check out the material list provided, For those who want to be guided. With music by Kevin MacLeod, The atmosphere is set, the mood is stowed. A desert house, a Minecraft delight, Crafted with love,… Read More

  • GODLY MINECRAFT SHOWDOWN πŸ”₯ #minecraftmeme

    GODLY MINECRAFT SHOWDOWN πŸ”₯ #minecraftmeme Why did God create Minecraft? To show off his building skills, of course! #divinecreativity #minecraftmastermind #godlygamer Read More

  • PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 – The Fun Quest Replay

    PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 - The Fun Quest Replay Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft with TheGuill84 Join TheGuill84 on Twitch for Live Minecraft Adventures! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and love watching engaging gameplay, then you definitely need to tune in to TheGuill84’s Twitch channel. With a variety of live events and streams happening regularly, there’s always something exciting to watch. Connect with TheGuill84 Across Various Platforms To stay updated on all things Minecraft and TheGuill84, make sure to follow him on his different social media platforms: YouTube Main Channel: TheGuill84 Main Channel YouTube Clips Channel: TheGuill84 Clips Channel Twitch: TheGuill84 Twitch Channel Twitter: TheGuill84 Twitter… Read More

DanRobzProbz – How to Become OP in the Minecraft Universe! | UniversIO #5