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Okay we are live at a very unusual time for me to be live I mean it’s not like super unusual but it’s like a little bit unusual I would usually stream like 2 hours from now yeah so it is a little weird but you know what maybe some new

People will be able to make the streams on these days because maybe I stream too late for them so today yeah I just have class so I’m streaming early and we’re going to go head what’s up Mitchell what’s up Leon how’s it going at notifications live now um doing some insanely poggers cool

Stuff in Hardcore Minecraft um oh wait I think I forgot to do something let me share copy jeez there are so many people here already I haven’t even been able to read their name I’m still sending out the notification what’s up everyone um what’s up SED what’s up Derpy what’s up

Kelly what’s up spicy Benjo what’s up Apple what’s up laser Tom what’s up geography ball what’s up Studio goto um what’s up oh it just scrolled way down in chat what’s up Dallas what’s up everything Brothers um what’s up Renee Renee or Rene why the stream so early cuz I have

Class it’s either early or late so today I’m trying early maybe I’ll do a late one at some point but it’s either Challenger it’s e like I have class at the stupidest time ever it’s from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. which honestly I didn’t even I don’t know it’s just

That’s very early or that’s very late I mean so it’s either that I it’s either I stream before class or I stream after class today I’m trying streaming before class um I feel like like I enjoy streaming earlier rather than later cuz I like to end my day by like hanging out

With friends and stuff um and also if I stream after class then I am like forced to go to bed pretty late so you know um yeah I just have class so I’m streaming earlier okay so as you guys may have seen the uh the title indicated

That today was going to be an insanely cool and fun stream and and I don’t know if you guys are excited but I’m very excited we get to organize our chests and our shulker boxes and take all of these ugly chests down so that we and

Move them and then and then uh I doubt we’re going to finish that in today’s stream but if we do I could always uh I don’t know why my shulker boxes are broken if we do then I can uh begin the next project I really doubt I’m going to

Finish all that in one stream but but I’ll try my best okay I’m just going to put some boats in here for now I’m going to put my mine carts and my rails back in there I’m going to put that in there leads can go in here and that can go in

There I got first chat message and I got redeem first Challenger could never o this will be a fun stream I know right goodness gracious this is early yeah yeah it’s it’s a pretty early stream apologies for that leaving school o sorry about that guys sorry I’m late

You’re like 3 minutes into the stream so no worries Jonathan why are the top of shers De loading I have no idea what’s up staff you’re on the bus dang bro going to be watching a Minecraft stream on the bus that’s crazy um okay so let’s organize wood stuff for now

Okay we’re going to organize all our wood to begin with okay my music paused we need music or else this stream oh it didn’t pause it’s just dude I’ve complained about this a 100 times but and I’ll never stop complaining about it cuz it’s the weirdest thing ever it’s

Just like the music that I play stream beats it’s really good cuz there’s like 500 songs but like maybe like maybe maybe half of the songs have a weird silence at the end of them I don’t know why it they might have been like trying

To hit like a Time quota and not been able to get it there so they just like have like 10 seconds of Silence at the end of like every song and it’s very odd that they choose to do that but you know what it is what it is we need the music

Though so that this uh so that we’re not like so that it’s not unbearably silent in this stream that would just be too quiet oh I’ll put that away as well um campfires enslave more villagers I wish you could make villagers organize your chests for you wouldn’t that be

Amazing it would be so good if you could do that unfortunately you cannot um so I do have to do this myself but the next build in case you guys are unaware I I think I’ve talked about it a bit but the next thing that we’re doing

Is we’re finally going to build like a base for myself to live in cuz I’ve been living in the pill in the uh in the Communist Village for way too long and as much as it’s like a solid spot to live my stor like my storage system is

Absolutely horrible so we are going to fix that finally and um and we’ll we’ll be be able to live in luxury and the main luxury that I’m going for in this in the base that I’m building is auto sords like I know I know you’ve probably seen

A hundred times before people build Auto sords but I’m going to do it again because it’s a very important thing to have um so you’re going to see it another time heck yeah dude cuz like as much as I love like I I think I have a

Cool way to decorate it that will make it original hopefully but it’s one of those things where like as much as I like to be original I also do just for my own Peace of Mind want to get I really want to get um rid of the

Need to manually sort stuff and once I get rid of that need I’ll be able to do things even faster you know I won’t have to have like a stream after every project where I just manually sort everything I can just throw it into my item filter and have it do it for

Me um bro why is Challenger always arguing with people I don’t know I don’t know how I just I’ll just like look over and Challenger will be arguing with Mitchell why is Challenger always in a fight with someone this guy this goon okay I have no idea what to do with

Bamboo fences I think I’m just going to throw them out to be honest oh I need to repair my elytra real quick there it is oh it’s repairing my other stuff before my elytra there we go oops didn’t mean to do that okay boat um wood wood because Mitchell just

Always got to say something please please make capitalist Village I’m going to kind of it’s not like going to be themed like that though cuz I don’t know how to theme it like that you know yes Challenger saying I’m useless for watching your stream when I play five

More Sports than him and have a girlfriend which he doesn’t doesn’t have any room to talk I think Mitchell did I think Mitchell did incite this to be honest I if I remember correctly the first thing Challenger was like what’s up and asked why and asked why Um why I was streaming so early and then Mitchell was like well if you were in the if you read the Discord you would know which is like you know was not a really necessary thing to say so I so however however on the other hand Challenger is a mod who really

Doesn’t need to be arguing with 12y year olds in my stream Challenger just remember just remember Challenger you are supposed to be better than them you know you have a higher rank than them so like you don’t need to con you don’t need to argue with them about stuff

Um Dash all I did was say I got first Challenger then he said touch grass Um I think like yeah but like do you need do you need to brag to him specifically about that you like specifically to him were like I got first Challenger haha you don’t need to specifically say to him that you got first I mean I still still I still think

Challenger is a mod and should not you know shouldn’t be um arguing with you but also but also you could not like Flex on Challenger too hard um bam okay you’re in a new room I am I’ve been in this room for actually like 2 weeks

Now but yeah I can’t get a good connection ah unfortunate yes Dash yes I do because he does because he does what right I’m going stop arguing with these randoms got to be the bigger person yes good Challenger just remember you’re a mod you’re better than them unless they

Give me lots of money and then then you’re not as good as them but otherwise you’re better than them um oh there’s more oh okay I let me just put this stuff away oh man I’m so I’m so hyped to be able to just like throw all of my stuff

Or I even I think what I want to have is I want to have a shulker box unloader that I’ll put down and then it will throw all my stuff out so that I don’t even have to I don’t even have to like reorganize my shulker boxes it’ll just

Be or organized to begin with and that would be so beautiful um oh there’s other wood stuff sign okay let’s come over here oh I just realized oh the music I think the music has been playing this whole time and I I just realized I had my volume like insanely

Low but um it’s not my master volume cuz I have complicated ated audio settings to make streaming work better um but I had my audio volume really low which is why I wasn’t hearing the music I think it was I think it was playing and I was

Like oh I must have stopped and then it was just cuz it was so incredibly quiet the stream will have eventful gameplay turn up to music play four big guys I might get copyright stricken if I played that and I also think that that might be um a little inappropriate for

My viewers you know so I will not be playing four big guys as much as that’s a Bop bro the other day um the other day I was playing a card game with my friends and then I’m sitting there and I just notice I just hear one of my friends started playing

The uh the artist this artist and and but they were playing it like quietly and then I just hear like really sus lyrics and and I I’m I’m like yo is this like that artist and they’re like yeah I was wondering how long it would take

Anyone to notice and I’m just sitting I was just sitting there or like literally no one but me noticed for so long it was beautiful um I don’t care though because that means Dash has more viewers which is good for him Dash when are you making

A new video um as soon as I can man as soon as I can how’s your storage so organized it is my storage is not organized like at all that’s that’s the problem or it’s like barely organized oh my goodness I have a lot of things where is a empty Shuler box that

I can shove stuff into I’m going to just hop in and out of this bed to prevent Phantoms from annoying me um wait I had there was one chest there was one chest with just empty Shuler boxes where was that chest that’s feathers that’s not empty there we go okay um okay that’s

Good I think I’m going to get another shulker box for for wood for logs because I do have a lot of logs that could go in here bam and oh my how did they go all the way over there what the heck that’s crazy those logs just did their own

Thing man they just went wherever the freak they wanted um bro my favorite streamers on let’s go I’m better than Challenger true Dash I’m going to my girlfriend because Challenger said to be useful all right see you later Mitchell I love how you kill mobs painful for real thank you I also enjoy

Doing it the uh dude the I hate that the the hogland torture video took so long to make relative to the other torture ones that I’ve done it just like I couldn’t I actually did not like if anyone asks for the World download or anything I’m just not going to give it

To them because I’m not going to lie it does not work like 100% consistently unfortunately but I had at the I had sunk like a good like 8 hours into designing that for a one minute Tik Tok and I was kind of like I’m just not

Going to I’m not trying to fix it there’s like very I don’t know how to solve them problems that exist actually now I’m kind of having an idea for how to solve it now that I of course now that I say this I actually kind of do

Have a idea for one potential way I could have solved the problem but basically it was just I couldn’t consistently get the hoglins into the Minecarts and if they didn’t get into the minecart um like quickly enough then it would zombify and then the whole thing is bad you know

So I had to try and figure that out and I spent so much time trying to figure it out and I just could not get it so I just kind of gave up and was like eh it’s good enough so a little behind the scenes but that does not work flawlessly

Unfortunately you need to fix all your chest and Shuler it’s giving me anxiety I’m sorry I don’t know how make a nuke by exploding 999 million TNT that’s a lot of TNT I commented you killed villagers piglins and now hoglands yo is this a moss Farm it is

Dude I’ve killed so many mobs hoglands Phantoms Enderman like like I’ve made like I I’m I need I need series ideas cuz serieses are like way easier to do than than like educational videos when I just like make a video where I like try and educate people like I can do it but

There’s only so many things to talk about when it comes to Minecraft before I’ll have to like recycle ideas you know so I want to come up with more series ideas and the one series idea that actually I think will be pretty fruitful is the torturing X mob you know

Cuz I have I have a few different mobs that I personally have a vendetta against and would like to torture soon and um and I will do those and then I also there are so many mobs in the game that if I do that like once a week or

Something if I do that series like once a week I can um you know I have a while I’ll have like plenty of content for a or like one video a week for a while and it’s like it’s easy to come up with the idea for those videos it’s harder to

Execute but I much rather I don’t mind at all like spending a bunch of time or I don’t mind that much spending a bunch of time like figuring out how to make something work in Minecraft the thing that I don’t like doing is when I occasionally when I occasionally have to

Like rack my brain for things to make a video about like I’d much rather I would much rather um make a video make a video about about like where I like insert a topic in you know like that series is just like take the I

Take the um I take the torture idea and then I just insert whatever mob I feel like doing that day spiders are just annoying so kill them torture white frogs and name tag them gums seems specific pay you $2 a month that’s why I’m better than Challenger I think

Challenger actually pays me like 250 a month if I remember correctly I think might be uh twitch primed still hey I need your help my friend asked my crush to homecoming and I told her that I was going to ask her to homecoming but my

Friend had beat me and she said it was awkward and when my friend a when my friend asked her what do I do did did the did your crush say yes he’s mod though he’s watched way more streams true TBH I only sub for that series

Cool well if you have uh feel free to comment any any videos that or any mobs that you want me to torture I think I want to do at some point I want to do like I want to do Warden silverfish are pretty annoying I might do silverfish um I will probably do

Creepers because it’s been requested a lot of times and I also have a pretty good idea for how to for how to torture creepers um I don’t know those are some of my ideas I’m just getting all the wood stuff for now see I hate things like bowls cuz I

Have no idea if a bowl constitutes like a wood item I guess it does but like what wood item you know it’s like a weird one um Bam Bam Bam see I have so many boats that I’m probably just going to start throwing them out soon I made a lot of boats for

This build because I needed to transport people and then I would lose the boats and then I would just never once I lost the boats I just wouldn’t get them back and then I would just I wouldn’t be able to find them and then I would freaking

Um then I would be stupid and just craft another boat and like now you see how many boats I have I have far too many boats that’s a full that’s a full thing of boats that’s good enough um bye Dash see you later Jonathan she

Left the bus before she could say yes or no wait before she could say yes or no to your friend that seems like a bad sign for your friend did she say well what did she say when you told her that you wanted to ask

Her did she say like oh I’d love to go with you but I’m already going with this guy with your friend or were you like or did she say like um or what did she say I guess oh she left the bus but she left

The bus before she could say yes or no to you oh no she was just silent after after you asked after you said you wanted to ask her that doesn’t sound like a great sign I’m not going to lie to you not going to lie to you king I don’t

Know if that’s a good sign for you I do not think it is um I mean I hope it works out obviously but that doesn’t sound great does not sound great to be honest I’m going to grab all my dirts next oops Bam um yes so I think Challenger is

Cooler cooler than me if you want to tip I think you do exclamation point tip and then it will if you want to do it through streamlabs or if you want to do it just directly through YouTube you can do that too I think you know I think

That uh YouTube actually takes a good bit of a cut from uh super chats so you know if you want to if you want to use streamlabs I get more of the money uh I think YouTube takes like 30% I think streamlabs doesn’t actually take any percent but I’m not 100% sure about

That but just so you guys know if you want to give me money and you want me to actually get the money uh streamlabs tipping while it might be it’s a it’s probably a little more difficult to actually do but it is it doesn’t it

Doesn’t uh take M uh money from me or it doesn’t take money from the total amount you know I’m G to get rid of that um do we have any more dirt in here I don’t think so no dirt in there as far as I

Can tell no dirt in there as far as I can tell I don’t see any dirt there either I’m just getting rid of leaves I really don’t need them um I think you if you do exclamation point tip you go to the actual streamlabs thing you should torture baby drowns that have Trident

Baby drowns I don’t know if baby drowns are any more use or any more annoying to me than normal drowns are but I guess they would be a little bit what’s up zero how’s it going hello what’s up Jasper how are you um yeah yeah I don’t know torturing

Torturing drowns isn’t a bad idea I could do that drowns are pretty annoying sometimes oh I just realized I haven’t done these guys yet okay you know what I think I want to do once I I want to make a chest that will be for all of our a that

Actually it scared me a little bit that was better than better than a lot of them so you know what congratulations to you whoever did that for actually scaring me a little bit you know wasn’t the scariest thing of my life but it was a little bit spooky a little bit

Scary what about SMP with friends it’s always fun are you just telling me to do to play on an SMP with friends um I’m honestly a big fan of single player I don’t know like I get why multiplayer is fun to a lot of people but I have you

Guys to talk to me so it’s not as big of a deal for me I don’t think I feel like um if you are not like if I wasn’t streaming though I would probably I would probably want to play multiplayer I used to play single player a lot um before I started streaming

Actually yeah I don’t know I played single player a lot before I started streaming and then the reason I started streaming was because I was like I’m I I I was just kind of like one night I was like thinking about my life and I was

Like dang I’m wasting so much of my time just playing Minecraft why don’t I like at least stream like I was like I’m going to do it anyway where did I put my totems I want a second totem for my hand I was like I’m going to play Minecraft

Anyway so why don’t I at least why don’t I oh there it is why don’t I at least um maybe make some money or some connections and stuff off of it don’t worry I scared him who did you scare have you ever played Roblox I have not played a Roblox torture aay for

Never doing their jobs I like a laay are chill man what do you have against aise aay have not done anything to me at least they generally do their jobs occasionally they escape from the place that I put them to do their jobs which is kind of annoying

But you know it is what it is um okay so I need another empty shulker box to store all of our dirt in where was I in the dirt um collection process I think I had made it to the empty Shuler box or to the Shuler boxes they are not empty

Actually um dude this is such a fun part of the Minecraft experience going through all your shulker boxes in order to try and uh to get your stuff or to to organize stuff what a what a wonderful part of the game Life is Roblox for real I scared

You with the creeper true I mean like shorts but yeah it’s cool to talk with you thank you I don’t know what you mean with shorts but I like my shorts I’m I’m I prefer making F length videos but shorts shorts do numbers I’m not going to lie

Like man it’s so so tragic that I made way way more money last month uh off of shorts than I did off of ful length videos cuz I did not think that that would be the case ever but it did indeed happen and it sucks cuz I want to I like

Money so I want to make shorts for the sake of making for the sake of making some money you know I’m a broke college kid I need some money but I also but I also um oh there’s stuff but I also want to have I want to spend time

Making full length videos but a lot but some of the time not all the time but some of the time I spend like all of the free time I have in a day on a short like today I didn’t have any time to work on a full length video because I

Was I spent it all doing a short and then and I didn’t even finish the short either but um so you know I got to figure that out maybe I’ll maybe I’ll do less shorts and do like do like uh three or four shorts a week instead of daily shorts I

Just the one thing that concerns me when it comes to cutting down on shorts is I don’t know I never know um how the algorithms work you know like one thing that’s always uncertain is if Tik Tok or YouTube or whatever like give you more views if you post consistently which I

Think might be the case but and so it’s like I don’t want to I don’t want to like not get views because I don’t post daily anymore you know shorts are small but all watch it yeah that’s the thing it’s like most of my Subs are from shorts uh

Studio what is your Discord server link if you do exclamation point Discord it should be there don’t worry the video is blurry again I like shorts they are comfortable how come vexes can go through walls but a lays cannot I don’t know aays are like vexes are like the

Evil witchcraft version of vex’s so maybe it has something to do with evil witch crafty stuff oh so I want to put full like full Sher boxes into their respective spots so that can go in there this can go in here this can uh that can go in there what isn’t that that’s Cobblestone I’m sure there’s Cobblestone somewhere nearby that I can shove in there oh by the way guys today is a stream today I’m streaming but like I literally cannot go over time like sometimes I’ll stream more than like 2 hours hours today I cannot because I

Have class at 7:30 and I need to attend that so if I like were to if I were to keep streaming for like extra time then I would just miss my class and I don’t really want to do that um cuz they will not like me if I don’t go to

Class oh okay here we go so we can put that away now we’re just going to slowly put away shulker boxes that are full food full the best food is rotten flesh are you planning to build a house I have a house I’m planning to build a main

Base pretty soon and I’m excited to do that like I have a house though it’s just the issue is my house is from my house is from 2 years ago I built it like probably right around 2 years ago right now in real Lifetime and that and

I just have so much more stuff now than I ever had back then I used to have like nothing now I have loads of items and stuff and so I need places to store them and that’s the that’s the reason that the next project I do is going to be is

Going to be a mega base for myself because I need places to store my millions of items I have so many items now and I need to put them somewhere and I mainly or and I in addition to needing to put them somewhere I also want to be

Able to put them somewhere um automatically without having to manually put them somewhere every time so how old is your world my world is um 3,000 or 4,500 days old yeah modern crochet stop I hate you okay poisonous potatoes are the best for real 9/10 of the way to being cool let’s go

Um mods crushes skull dang bro that’s aggressive um dude you know what you know what I love you know it’s like one of the most satisfying things for me as a content creator I love oh hey these guys are coming to check out the Pillager

Village I love um when I make a video that makes people mad and then they comment on it because I I always just feel like an evil like when I intentionally say something like say like a word wrong or like say something that I know a lot of people are going to

Agree are going to disagree with which I do a lot in case you guys don’t know a lot of creators do that they will just like you know it’s just like rage baiting you want people to get mad like I don’t actually really think that pork

Chops are like a horrible food source I mean I don’t think they’re the best food source cuz they aren’t like statistically but like I you know I say things to make people mad and I feel like an evil genius when when people get mad over the things that I wanted them

To get mad over that’s like that’s like a I love that feeling when I see someone in the comments being like you idiot it’s pronounced GUI not gooey and I’m like haaha I got you to comment though GUI I I pronounced it that way in on purpose he’s the evil mastermind for

Real TBH I love the small stream now because you reply on everything thank you I try to best food source is beetroots beetroot soup that’s crazy beetroot soup is is a wacky one I’m going to let’s grab all the bone meal and condense it into bone blocks oh

I didn’t mean to do that whoopsie all right we’re just going to go in this Row these do not have bone blocks in them um these do not either bone meal bone meal bone meal bone meal see that’s a nice easy way to check if something has bone meal in it you can just move stuff in and then move it out and then it grabs

It oh we already checked this chest I don’t think I see any bone meal in there I don’t see any bone meal in there either these are all empty oh I see obsidian though I kind of want the obsidian we all know spider eyes are the best food source for real

Fact you can deflect llama Spit with a sword like hitting attack and it goes back is that true I’ve never seen that happen but also I’ve never tried it so that might be true and I wouldn’t even know oh these guys are still just standing there I actually entirely

Forgot about them cuz I didn’t go and kill them you know but they’re just chilling there they’re just chilling there doing their thing they’re just vibing oh I found more grass and more dirt oh I also found more grass and more dirt that’s not grass or dirt hold on there we go

Bam uh um oh we already hit these didn’t we oops that’s all smooth quartz that’s not anything we need did I check all of these or was I doing it in row I kind of don’t feel like doing it in the row order cuz it’s less fun I it’s definitely more

Effective to do it in row order but I also don’t care so shut up um I got to go see you later electric terara thanks for hanging out isn’t that only on Bedrock it might be I remember when you said One D back then it was funny to be honest that

Actually was an honest mistake a lot of my mistakes are intentional but I did make that mistake by accident and then it just happened to work out that it was a mistake and people commented on it and then the video did well cuz it got comments you

Know I don’t know for sure but I think I have a theory and my theory is that comments are King in terms of Engagement um YouTube won’t like directly tell you that or anything but when it comes to videos that do well of mine I think they all are videos where

They get a bunch of comments on them and like it makes sense that comments would be like the most important metric but it’s like yeah I could get a video with like an 100% like rate and like with like 50% of people who watch the video

Watching it all the way to the end and liking the video and then that video will still flop but like if I get a video that like 5% of people comment on it then YouTube pushes it to lots of people so basically I just need to do

More comment baiting because it works is basically what I’m saying comment baiting is very effective at least it seems he’s playing on peaceful mode yeah I’m on peaceful mode hence the pillagers walking around over there um oh buckets I can take the buckets and put them in

There oh more buckets I can take the buckets and put them in there um okay so I think a good thing to do next would be we gather up all the like we do like all the stone get all the stone into their own respective

Shulkers and cuz yeah we can just go by what we have the most of all right buddy you’re all right now he’s bothering me don’t you dare kill my cats sir I’m going to set you on fire because that way he won’t um that way the kill credit Will will not be

Attributed to me and then I won’t have to there you go then I won’t get bat Omen that’s why I do that in case you’re wondering you just burn them to death and then it works out um they are not pillagers they are peace Fullers for real peace Fullers what’s the time because

Tomorrow what’s the time because tomorrow is that BC is because right I’m a little confused is this fortnite yes I love fortnite dude fortnite best game that’s a joke um yeah this is fortnite my favorite game of all time fortnite roblox’s life for real dude I

Saw this video the other day that was like it was just like um people answering like best game of all time and not a single person said Minecraft they interviewed like 20 people not a single person said Minecraft and that was that’s crazy imagine not not even like like Minecraft is for

Sure up there like it it should it should definitely be up there um it’s very subjective about like whether or not you uh whether or not it’s like the best game of all time is subjective but it should for it should have been up there at least I was

Shocked that no one was like Minecraft everyone was just like Elden ring and whatever games who’s ever going to say Minecraft for that dude anyone anyone with a brain should say Minecraft for that Minecraft is a game that literally has like like infinite things to do in it like that’s that’s like the

Beauty of Minecraft as opposed to many other games people build entire other games in Minecraft like you can even in just the base game you can get like thousands of hours in just the base game without it being particularly stale oh I need to um open these chests

And find all the cobblestone in it oh I haven’t slept in a hot minute let me just sleep real quick Minecraft is good bro I think Minecraft is the best game I would agree make life is Roblox in Minecraft how would I even make that best game is pong for

Real Minecraft for what for best game of all time I feel like um I feel like maybe I guess it kind of depends on what you what you judge it for if you were to do like best single player game of all time no you know what yeah I feel like Minecraft would

Still win like every category like I was going to say like Minecraft probably wouldn’t win best single player game of all time but yeah it would because what other game is there as much to do in as Minecraft that’s like at least in my opinion maybe maybe it’s not the best

Game of all time but Minecraft is definitely the um the most game of all time like I’ve I’ve gotten my monies so worth when it comes to Minecraft actually I’ve gotten my money’s more than worth when it comes to Minecraft cuz I’ve made far more money off of playing Minecraft than

I ever spent playing Minecraft so you know I definitely definitely got my money worth um but I’m going to take the mossy Cobble best sandbox it’s for sure the best sandbox like that’s not even a competition no people just have good taste Minecraft is only the best game

For you if you have creativity a lot of people like being L around that’s very true like I actually made a Tik Tok on this because it’s it’s a relatively hot take but if you get bored playing Minecraft it’s because you’re boring not because the game is boring cuz Minecraft

The game has so many things to do and like if you tell me you’re bored in Minecraft I’m sure I could list like 50 things that you could go and do that would that you haven’t done yet and yeah and so it’s just like it’s a you problem

Basically some people will will get mad at me for for making for like blaming you getting bored of a game on you but I truly believe that that there’s like no reason to get bored of Minecraft if you just like do other stuff like I feel like you’re getting bored a lot of

People get bored of like what they are doing and they don’t consider to just like do something else doing stuff in Minecraft isn’t going to make the game fun dude doing stuff in Minecraft totally makes the game fun that’s a really good point how would doing stuff in Minecraft not make the

Game fun like if you don’t if you’re if you’re bored of Minecraft it’s probably cuz you’re not doing the right things that is my that’s my hot take though but I feel like getting bored in Minecraft is so avoidable if you just like do other stuff like if you’re bored if you’re not

If you don’t like building or something then then join servers but also if you don’t like building you’re probably a you’re probably a a weenie I want to I want to say an inappropriate word but if you don’t like building you’re just inferior to the rest of

Us um you’re still a Chad though if you play Minecraft in general but if you don’t like building and that’s why you get bored of Minecraft you’re just a weenie honestly some stuff really just isn’t fun I would agree that Minecraft is very fun but it can get

Stale uh even when you’re doing stuff I think I think that’s when you’re doing something and it gets stale that’s when you go and do something else that’s that’s my my thoughts is just like if it’s getting stale then do something else within Minecraft or do or play

Another game entirely but but there is so many things that you can do in Minecraft like you could play an entirely another version you can download a mod that makes the game entirely different and like there are plenty of things that make the game that make the game um not get

Stale or that I think would make the game not get stale you get bored of Minecraft uh you like Tik toks with AI voices reading Reddit stories while Subway Surfers plays in the back actually I like those but I don’t get bored playing Minecraft sometimes sometimes listening to the crazy wacky

Reddit stories are fun but yeah so true so true though like I don’t know I I’m literally diagnosed with ADHD and I still don’t get Bor of Minecraft like I think you just have to be I think you’re just like just in fear if you get bored of

Minecraft mobs mods are hard to understand when it comes to good ones that’s true but I think a lot of games that are really good also have like a learning curve to them you know if you like and so like if I don’t know I think uh games you have to learn

The new the new features and stuff as well so if you’re going to be playing a game anyway you could just do that I think one good way of replaying Minecraft is playing it on hard okay I also think that if you aren’t playing if you’re playing on M

Minecraft on any difficulty other than hard difficulty you’re also probably a weenie cuz hard difficulty is so easy I think I think hardcore is a little bit more of a challenge and speed running is a challenge in some cases I think like if you want to play Minecraft an entirely different way learn

Speedrunning speedr running can be really fun um and is is a very different way of playing the game it’s insane how hard it can get when is when does Minecraft get hard dude but if I’m being honest the only time periods I’m not playing Minecraft is when my friends

Found a fun game to play together but do people not only play on hard dude I hot take but hard difficulty actually makes the game easier because of the villagers um because of the 100% villager zombification rate it’s not that hard and it makes broken villager Halls easy

Yeah exactly like if it like hard difficulty makes the game actually just easier because you don’t have to deal with that o we out of space I guess we can put that in there then and new shulker box time I’m pretty sure it gives you good rates for Farms as

Well I I could be wrong but I don’t think that the difficulty that you’re playing on actually impacts I don’t think it actually impacts the rates of Farms or how how many mobs spawn I’m pretty sure that mob spawn like mobs spawn the same amount across difficulties except for like a few there

Are like a few exceptions like Phantoms that spawn more of them you know what I just learned the Tik Tok that I’m trying to make for tomorrow is about Phantoms and Phantom spawning mechanics and stuff and one thing that I learned while doing that video is that Phantoms deal way

More damage in Bedrock Edition than they do in Java Edition which I find very interesting um Phantoms in Java Edition can do do one and a half hearts on hard difficulty and Phantoms in Bedrock Edition do four and a half hearts in uh in hard difficulty which is very

Neat what a wacky game we all play bam those are Stone pressure plates I want those Stone button stone brick stairs um mossy cobblestone will’ll take oh I saw stone brick stone brick that what’s your next goal what do you mean my goal for what um I know it does for raid Farms

Because raid oh that’s true raid Farms does yes you’re right hello what’s up Jasper in Bedrock wither have more HP yes but also in Bedrock Edition you can spam click the Wither so it is a personal opinion of mine that the Wither in in Bedrock Edition is not all that

Much more difficult if at all more difficult people like to say like oh my gosh the when I whenever I make videos that involve like killing Withers people are like still not as hard like when I I got a comment on my killing 111 with at

Once video that was like still not as hard as killing one Wither on Bedrock Edition like shut up you’re wrong I’ve killed a Bedrock wither before it wasn’t that hard took like three golden apples it was not that difficult best food source is sniffing gunpowder that’s

Crazy that’s one way to do it though oh I have andesite walls that’s not the right type of wall Tia I don’t really want these andesite walls do I do I really feel like organizing them not really wait where did I leave off I left off and I

Remember seeing there was some stone stone bricks there we go dude look at how organized we’re getting guys it’s beautiful isn’t it see depending on my mood I am sometimes down to do inventory organization like today today I’m not I’m not too anti- the inventory organization grind I am

Very excited to not have to do it pretty soon but today I’m not like I’m not hating it you know sometimes I would be like oh I do not want to do this but I but it has to be done done this is not too bad though

I don’t think at least like I’m not I’m not I’m having a good time still just talking to chat talking to chat literally makes streaming so much more fun that’s why I love that I switch to YouTube for streaming because I just have more people to talk to and it’s more fun cuz

More people equals more fun therefore epic um I’m going to throw out these boats and then I’m going to put this away and that away best food source is stepping on wither roses if you’re playing on mobile yes so here’s the thing here’s the thing I don’t think you can count I don’t

Think you can say I don’t think it’s fair to say that one game is harder than another game because of the controller I don’t think you can count the controller in or the lag like if you if your reason that you say that Bedrock is harder is

Because like I’m playing on a phone that’s that’s not a valid reason like that doesn’t count you can’t count the controller on it that would be like me saying like that would be like me playing on a potato computer and being like Java is harder than Bedrock Edition

Because my computer is really laggy like that doesn’t have anything to do with the game that’s not a valid point sorry my like cheek is popping or something best food source is true true Jackie but it’s harder for you though it’s harder for you specifically though

It’s like you it’s just like not it’s not harder for everyone though like if bedrock Edition on the on the computer if you play Bedrock Edition on the computer it’s it’s definitely not much harder and it’s like so it’s like you can’t you can’t um add that as a factor I don’t

Think I don’t think it’s fair to to say that that’s to use that as a factor for what’s harder or easier Bedrock is hard sus um okay I just realized that I did not I haven’t organized any of this epic good thing I left some of them out

Though oh there’s wood in there that I can grab in a second um and then we can put this into there nice hardest wither is on on education Edition does education Edition even have a Wither what can you do on education Edition like how much how much stuff is

There to do I know other than the education stuff can you do all can you like play through the whole game once you like get out of the tutorial I have no idea to be honest I haven’t really looked much into education Edition I didn’t think you would be able

To like play through the whole game though you you need to enroll into school or something just to get the game M for real dude I wonder if I can I wonder if I can get education Edition with my uh college no probably not because it’s strict about only letting school people

Use it Ed education Edition doesn’t remove anything oh really interesting see I have a school email maybe I can maybe I can play some Minecraft education Edition what do I do next iron blocks let’s go for iron and iron blocks oh wait actually I didn’t go

Through did I go through all of these actually I think there’s okay there’s ice in here we can put that away though can you say hi to me what’s up faked brush um the best food source oh that’s kind of gross I have it in school but

Bro there’s nothing o are you trying to get shus to say hi to them or me shus keeps saying hi to you guys I don’t know if that’s who you want to say hi to you or not though maybe it is though shus is like a like a little mini

Celebrity in the the chat everyone’s like Shero Notice Me Notice Me Shero please please notice me I’m just doing favor what if it is me I’m making eggs yo dude I love eggs eggs are so good I could eat eggs I think I think I

Could eat eggs for every meal of the day if I wanted to I would have to prepare them a little differently but I love it eggs eggs are so good oh am I out of empty Shuler boxes I think I am oh on Fort see so many of this so much of this

Stuff is random that and I don’t feel like organizing it I’m just going to throw that in there for now okay um oh there we go let’s just break this then get rid of one chest one chest down um okay and we’ll grab iron now iron stuff and

Things there we go and iron there’s no iron in there oops there any iron blocks I don’t think so this is like the easiest and quickest way to check I would love I got to make like a macro that does this you know it just like every time you open a chest it

Automatically quickly grabs the items out of it if there are any that are that are that type that’d be a cool mod honestly like not entirely not like super cheaty but all it does all it would do is just make it so that like when you open a chest it just searches

That chest and finds the item that you’re looking for iron there we go iron iron iron trap doors are like kind of I guess the close enough that I’ll pick them up I don’t need raw iron at all I’m not going to cook that up ever I have an

Iron farm so so do you plan to have early streams every Wednesday I might because I remember last year you didn’t do any stream on Wednesday yeah I will see so I’m I I should probably do a poll but I also might just go based off a viewer average I can either stream

Before I no I I probably will do early stream yeah cuz now that I think about it if I late streams kind of are not great for me purely because the the late streams force me to go to sleep later then I might want to or I finish

Streaming at like I finish streaming at like 11:30 or something which I don’t really want to do so I I actually it would be 2 days a week that I would have early streams because I have class at 730 to 850 2 days a week so I would do

It I would do it Monday and Wednesday so I will barely be able to attend the stream apologies but that may be the case they’re up though if you want to watch them back see what you missed or you can not do that and you know I

Understand oh wait I have Shuler boxes why am I am I going to get Sher boxes unfort for real I need to figure out what uh I kind of don’t want you to because I have chess club and I’ll be at school every time you start oh I didn’t real that um that

Sucks yeah I don’t know I the the thing is I don’t want to be I kind of don’t want to be streaming if my roommate is like trying to go to sleep and I think he has an 8 a.m. class on I think he has an 8 a.m. class on

Tuesdays I want to say I have his schedule I could check but that’s too much work and that would mean and my class that ends at my class that ends at uh 8:50 is on Monday so I would have so like at least Monday I would have to

Stream early but I could always do a later stream on Wednesdays cuz I don’t think he has anything super early tomorrow but I’ll have to find out I don’t know his exact schedule he might he might also have something early today um will you ever stream FNAF probably

Not I got to go cuz my internet closed in 12:00 p.m. oh really I saw some Ian I don’t know if you got them oh wait did you miss iron nuggets in the top righted chest or am I crazy I saw some Ian oh some and top top right chest

Oh good eyes I don’t want them anyway but good eyes nonetheless okay so now it’s time that we throw out random junk that I don’t really want to keep oh I see rooted dirt as well okay so pretty soon pretty soon we’re going to throw out random junk though

Um let’s put that in there oh iron blocks I found them why did I put this right here instead of over with the rest of the Shuler boxes that are good or that are getting filled um can I say a better joke yeah PG-13 joke bread or

X-ray like what does that even mean bro bread or x-ray like if I had to choose like one thing to keep in the world do you think bread saves more lives than x-rays do cuz I don’t know x-rays probably save a number of lives do they save

More than than than bread does though I feel like I feel like they might not I feel like uh feel like bread probably keeps a lot of people alive by food and if like bread was removed from the equation who who knows what people would

Eat my wife still misses me but her aim is getting better band nuke’s house um get out of here iron nuggets no one wants you get out of here iron ingots no one wants you bread or E bread I’m sure we could replace the letter e I’m sure we could find something

Better to take its place let’s grab sand there’s a bunch of sand in these chests that I can get rid of I don’t know why there’s a bunch of sand in these chests but there is oh for concrete purposes I assume oh I can totally make a chest of that that’s

Easy and Sandstone can come as Well Sandstone sand dude I’m so excited to have a multi item sorder I’ve never done multi item sords before but it’s it’s pretty epic it’s Brad now my father reads the children a good night book the mother comes in and says is he sleeping the son Yes oh yeah let me munch on some Brad for real we all love some some good Brad um oh you know what will also be lovely I’m going to make like I’m going to have like a nice like hallway for all of my for all of my items when I once they’re

Like sorted you know we’re going to like have a hallway full of chests and it will be like really easy to get to them cuz I’m going to like figure out good optimal spots to put them in and whatnot and it’ll be beautiful trust me it’s

Going to be epic so just uh everyone be excited cuz pretty soon well I’m I’m especially excited you guys I guess don’t have to be excited but you should you should be excited because pretty soon I’m going to actually have goodies um what do you call calling cow with no legs ground

Beef did you guys hear you’re my roommate he just went ha when I said that that was beautiful timing he just walked in the room you guys I don’t know if you guys can hear when he walks into the room but you might be able to but he walked

In um yeah we heard that nice I’m eating eggs didn’t you say that already didn’t I already tell you guys about my love for eggs where did I did I put it back in here nope so which one of these has my shulker shells in

It oh I don’t know why I didn’t guess that one to be honest all right I found it let’s put let’s fill this with lime glass oh neat okay let’s just put that into there these ones are full then that’s good we got a few more full shulker

Boxes I mean they’re not like entirely full but it’s like good enough what do bees do when they fall I don’t know got they get the plan B what do you call a deer with no eye I do not know wait what did what do you call somebody with a

Blood with a without a body or a nose nobody knows wait hold on I forgot I have the laugh track what do bees do when they are pregnant I don’t know give birth I guess eventually um all right let’s take we can take this out and we’re going to go ahead so yeah

We’re going to go ahead and make a Sher box for wood and then labs and stairs can all go in one what’s up Dave how’s it going welcome to the stream I don’t think random bees get pregnant there’s a queen bee for that feel like they would Panic if that were

To happen yeah you’re right bees are weird man bees be bees be crazy oh what the freak are Spruce things doing in this chest don’t they know I tried to organize them Bob for real bees or the letter B I think bees are like very important to

Our to the environment so I got to go with the animal the like bees they can be eased now yeah that’s fine I guess I got to go with ease ease are are chill we can have ease what a weird what a random like topic that we’re just talking about on stream today

Reese’s what oh there’s so much oh there’s so much stuff over here oh I guess it’s not that much but it’s like enough it’s like some stuff that belongs in there some might call it crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room

A rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a

Rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once all right I’m done now um is it rare not to get stung by a bee or wasp in your life I don’t know one of the people I know says bats instead of rats oh the person you know

Is wrong I think I’ve never heard it as bats before so I’m pretty sure they’re wrong I said it for a while as they put me in a room a rubber room but I’ve also heard it that way like on the internet I’ve heard it as both both locked and

Put so it’s kind of I don’t really think it matters that much but they they bats instead of rats seems like something that actually does matter saying saying um put versus locked is probably not a huge deal but locked versus uh lot or bats versus rats is is a is a

Wild thing to change all right um concrete time we get all our concrete and put it into a chest I actually think I’ve been organizing my concrete yeah I have look at that beautiful concrete lovely I’m going to put stripped logs and reg and Hy in there or wait is it

Called high no it’s just called Wood high is only for the um isn’t it called like like high for warped stuff it’s like warped stem and then warped H rats or bats as in existence I like I like rats more what would you do if you

Woke up and you were a penguin from Madagascar I’d probably make a really good movie about my life um yeah and I’d probably have some wacky friends named uh private and Skipper and I don’t know and Kowalski and I want there’s one other one I think but I’m think I’m

Blanking on its name so apologies all my Penguins of Madagascar fans out there but I do not think I know the name of it can we see your microwave no my microwave is a secret my microwave is private okay I keep my microwave private no one no one

Gets to see that not until marriage all right guys and we are not married so um I have no idea where to put this stuff just going to throw it in there see I think what I want to do for what are you building I am building actually

Nothing right now I’m just organizing chests Concrete Jungle with wet dream Tomatoes what does that even mean that is a very weird sentence Rico oh is that the one I forgot my cousin got injured very badly would you be kind if you would be kind if you pray for him

I am not religious so I uh get well soon your cousin but I don’t really pray I have a ring I’m not getting married to you sorry sorry to rain on your parade buddy but I don’t I’m not getting married to you so I I will not be able to show you

The uh the microwave unfortunately I know I know know a tragedy bam okay um see none of these are full which makes it like kind of weird to get all my stuff into but I guess I can can just put this here and then we can just dump all of

Our stuff into here cuz it I’m pretty sure it all fits in this one I don’t need the boat though I don’t want the boat to be I’m not I’m not keeping the boat I need to go by see you later faked brush blow up all of your stuff no thank

You I want to want to put a rang on my finger put it on and is that lyrics to a song what would you do if you woke up one day as a pair of gray foam what does that mean you still sorting wood um yeah I’m just

Uh it’s we’re we’re making progress okay guys we’re getting getting there slowly but surely that goes in here I don’t know why I have oh I know why I have prismarine stuff it’s because of the uh cuz the ravager has prismarine on it I’m

Glad I made like a lot of I’m glad I like how I built this Village because a lot of it is very Bland which makes the other stuff pop a lot more which I think is like a nice thing and makes it look pretty pretty

Cool cuz some of it is very boring and lame to look at like the houses but they’re just like there for they’re there because it fills in the space and also they’re there and they in order to make the other builds look even better when compared you

Know you can’t have like a million nice looking I I would think I would think if you had everything look nice then nothing would St stand out but instead some of my stuff is all of it is nice but some of it is nicer than others so

It’s like it stands out more and I like that um I’m just looking for lights right now and also Soul campfires also just campfires cuz that’s wood stuff wood stuff in general I’m looking for there we go um I cooked an entire meal and you’re still sorting wood how much do you how

Much wood do you have oh well I sorted a bunch of other stuff and then continued sorting wood I have like like I’m kind of I’m making my way through it in a sort of somewhat random fashion I do not have that much wood that I’m like still sorting wood it’s just like

I’ve been sorting a bunch of other materials but I occasionally sort some wood you miss a stack of campfires in the top right chest there were campfires oh thanks I have so many campfires I remember I know exactly why I crafted them but then I never used

Them I placed them all down and then I had to break them all cuz I didn’t like how they looked um yeah I guess it’s more shulker box time uh oh brother this is there’s so much things to sort and I’m losing the motivation to sort this is simply too

Many too many sorting things this is a lot of sorting how do you get not get sick of each of the songs that play all the time I don’t know cuz I’m I don’t really listen to them I am like pretty much not ever listening to them cuz I’m just

Talking um yeah I’m just like talking so I don’t even I don’t I don’t hear them play pretty much my I just kind of drowned them out oh more lighting see I can put away these two shers these two just have random potions in them you have your voice louder than your

Sound no I just have the I just have the music pretty loud for myself like me personally I have my what you guys hear is different from what I here in that I have my Minecraft sound is louder is much louder than than the mcraft sound

That you guys hear and my music is maybe quieter I’m actually not sure it might be the same volume as what you guys hear but but I I don’t know but it might be different okay I don’t know what happened what happened to my colored glass chests oh more

Glass wait where is my ice there’s the ice okay there we go um I totally had some chest that had a bunch of colored ice or colored glass I think that they filled up though and I put them away I think that’s probably what happened Dash pun used to be my

Favorite you YouTuber until I got blocked you got blocked also that’s not my name but I I honestly I don’t even care when people call me the wrong Name um what did you get blocked on oh I have Shuler shells nice okay we’ll put this in here colored ice did I say colored ice colored glass whatever same thing um Dash would you rather eat a 100 live Dash pums or throw up whenever you say the and

When I would rather throw up whenever I say the and when assuming that you mean like eat a hundred of meat like do you mean like the Minecraft character that’s like a pumpkin or do you mean like literally like a person cuz like I could have I I’m

Pretty sure after a few months I would get used to not saying the word the or when I would just have to substitute them for something else and it would it would suck for the first little while but then once I got used to it I would probably not have I probably wouldn’t

Say those words all that often I would think and so like I don’t really want to eat people so you know Minecraft new features colored ice snow cones that’d be sick Minecraft should add it though should add snow can you give me a high five

Sure do you plan on making a mega base or just staying in the Communist Village that’s actually the next build we’re doing is going to be a big a big old base I don’t know exactly where we’re going to do it I think I have the coordinates written down of where I want

To do it though I just am not 100% sure um yeah 100 100 million live ladybugs I have to kiss the closest person when it’s 12: 12:00 p.m. is that like every day I have to kiss the closest person when it’s 12 12 p.m. or is it just once

Because I could just make my girlfriend near me at 1212 p.m. and then that would be a pretty easy pretty easy way out of that you know every day 100 I think that 100 million live ladybugs would take like years of my life to eat and the reason I think that is

Because don’t ask why they were looking this up but the other day my friends were researching how many ants it takes to like fill a human stomach and it was like 2,000 something ants would be like would be like um a uh to fill a human stomach or the average

Stomach so 100 million live ladybugs I think would be would take forever and I think that oh I guess I guess one problem that would most certainly arise from having to kiss the nearest person every day is um like would I would I get arrested for kissing someone without their

Permission or like would they be fine with it because would they be fine with it due to the uh due to the rules of the game answer are smart they ain’t getting caught H 100 quadrillion or there’s no there was would you rather eat 100 quadrillion or

Would you rather eat 100 million live apples you just said quadrillion and didn’t and didn’t didn’t mention what is the 100 quadrillion potion effects with snow cones that’d be cool make a snow golem no thanks don’t eat too much ice or brain freeze like the screen True you still haven’t said what I’m eating 100 quadrillion that’s just would you rather eat 100 quadrillion I would rather eat 100 quadrillion just wear a shirt saying your condition and if they kiss gets kissed it’s their fault eat one beard that’s disgusting but I would that would be much better I

Watch you every day thank you as you should honestly um I need a chest oh my gosh bro I have class after this I’m going to be so so tired yesterday I was so tired during my class and again today I’m going to be I’m going to be just falling asleep in class

Fortunately it’s a very easy class from what I can tell it’s an introductory statistics course and I think it’s pretty I think it’s pretty easy so hopefully if I’m just absolutely snoozing through class it I’ll he’ll call on me and he’ll be like what is 5% of 100 and I’ll be like

Oh five it’ll just take me a second you know I’ll buffer for a little bit while I’m waking up but oh lights um have no idea what to do with that I was that a pool park party oh cool imagine I imagine people staying many yards away and you sprinting towards

Them as it turns to 1212 I imagine that it wouldn’t even be I imagine that it wouldn’t even be like a voluntary reaction and it would be like I I would be like doing whatever and then I forget and all of a sudden I’m just possessed and I’m like and start sprinting towards

Them at full speed I’m like on all fours sprinting towards them and I have no control of my body that’s what I think it would be like oh we can grab quartz quartz slabs and quartz all right we can put the chicken away I guess I don’t actually do I really feel

Like bringing this chicken with me I don’t think so I think I’m going to leave it here I really don’t need a chicken oh I actually totally let’s uh no you guys are not supposed to be like that can you oh no no no no no can you guys stop can you guys

Stop being in that position oh my gosh why are they like that what are they doing uh okay we’re just going to go over here bye that was not I didn’t expect that I definitely did not expect them to be doing that at least it’s not one

Hand Dash would you rather have 100 P pesto Dino girlfriends or would you have 200 million Lives 100 million or 100 pesto Dino girlfriend seems like more pesto Dino than I would want like I love pesto Dino but that seems like too much of pesto Dino sorry pesto but um I think unless no unless I could like teach her I guess okay so here’s here’s the

Thing am I allowed to teach her editing and and uh make her I guess not make her but have her edit for me she will voluntarily do it I swear because if so then that’s chill then then yes I would have 100 pesto Dino girlfriends

But I I kind of um I kind of suspect that I feel like if I had that many and they were all like clamoring for my attention I no actually yeah I think e even if even if I could like have them do her schoolwork you know imagine like I don’t

Know if you guys know the the movie what happened to Wednesday or to Monday what happened to Monday it’s about like the family that um they live in a dystopian Society where you can only have you can only have one uh one kid and they had seven kids so they name them different

Days of the week and on certain days of the week they’re allowed to go out and do things and then on the other days of the week they can’t um I guess I could do that and have pesto Dino just like only be there like have pesto Dino go to

One class a week or something that would actually be sick pesto just like she has each pesto has like one course that they have to go to you know really lighten the load for pesto W boyfriend honestly clones her so that she doesn’t have to do school work

Anymore ask for one Buck off each one yeah you can make them helpers okay so what will you choose though I don’t want 200 million lives that’s like un like that I think that would be kind of miserable I I feel like uh immortality is one of

Those things where I where like you know it very well could be miserable so I think I would definitely go with the 100 pesto Dino helpers um cuz otherwise otherwise you got to watch everyone you know die and stuff like that doesn’t seem like much fun and like

I feel like over time if if you were um I I feel like if you are if you’re Immortal right I feel like over time you get used you’d probably get used to like like loving people and then them dying but like still I don’t think I I feel like

In I feel like 200 million lives would be like if I had that many lives to live I think I would outlive the universe or something or not no not outlive the universe but outlive the planet for sure feel like the planet would surely die before I finished my lives you

Know that’s a curse immortality would be good if you could switch it off when you want see I think yeah immortality is definitely a curse in a lot of situations I feel like immortality is I feel like immortality would be really cool if you could switch it back

On if you know what I mean like if you could just take a long sleep but then come back to life or like um yeah I don’t know I feel like uh immortality you would definitely get so bored like I there’s just like no no way

That you wouldn’t run out of things to do and I just don’t I don’t think I would want that where did I where was I putting my um bone meal blocks they were here no they were here no they were here no I found quartz though all right final answer they

Were I put my my bone meal blocks or my my bone blocks I put them I put my bone blocks right here I found it first try let’s go I’m so good at this game you guys see how fast I found that that was crazy that was like

I must be like really good at this game or something you could speedrun death true you would outlive the solar system if you’re 500 years old and you flip the switch you’re going to die instantaneously oh I meant like like if you could like reincarnate yourself later or something that would be cool

Why do I have this here I’ve had that like the whole stream too unless I logged out at some point which I don’t think I did I’m like so close to being done sorting all of this stuff I think it’s like we just need like a little bit

More and I got like 20 minutes left so maybe we can finish finish sorting this today actually that’d be kind of nutty if we did but if I just start throwing stuff out that that’s going to be my my master plan to get this stuff done is just

Throw stuff out that I don’t need and can get easily ice or not ice glass um hey Dash can you die in this world for me I’d really appreciate it yeah sure I got to go by see you later Jasper um I don’t need name tags these

Name tags are not named either I don’t feel like keeping them um so we have all of our polished deep slate in here we have a bunch of Cobble deep slate then other stuff oh my gosh I don’t want to do this bro I so don’t I so don’t want to do

This this is so I’m so I’m so done with uh with sorting stuff now let’s let’s just throw stuff out all right I’ll keep this the copper ore yeah I’ll keep ores um I’ll keep that the ominous banners I don’t think I need I’ll keep amethyst blocks um keep

That I want to say everything else in here is not necessary to keep is my scaffolding CH uh Shuler full it’s not okay so I’ll just dump that in there um I can grab that pointed drip why do I have pointed dripstone here would you rather eat 100 iPhone 15 Pro Max as

Whole or become a robot AI for 10.8 years would I be like chat GPT or what what robot AI am I becoming do I really need this the emerald or I’ll keep I have a whole farm for that at home um I think there’s one over here BR

Showing even more of his forehead I am my forehead I think has stayed the same yes you’d be forced to answer all questions like chaty PT how in in how much time do I have to eat those 15 iPhone Pro Maxes oh wait ho oh jeez like I’d have

To like swallow them without cheing I think I would die I’m like pretty certain that I would die so I guess I guess become an AI kind of a lose lose question I would say say but you know what you have 10.8 years to eat

100 but but I have to eat them whole though like I think I think it would definitely I think there’s like a good chance that you would die if you ate a single iPhone 15 Pro Max hole I don’t think I I think I would choke to death I

Don’t think I could swallow one iPhone Pro Max 18 whatever um hole bro you’re trapped in Minecraft I am I was unaware of this all right final look is there anything in here that I want I’m going to go with no the die is easy enough to replace

Soul Sand I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take I’ll take that I’ll take the apples hay bales I will take Phantom membran I’ll take Coral um that saddle is really easy to get oh fermented spider I’ll totally take glowstone I now have lots of dispensers I’ll take sponge I’ll take nether wood

I’ll take I don’t need brown mushroom blocks what about the point of dripstone I don’t really want it oh I have a bunch of fish um I’ll take those I’ll take all the fish I think I’ll just release them into the wild though to be honest I don’t know why I have these

Fish but I don’t really think I want or need them um I’m not sure though I’m uh here we’ll just release them into this little Pond yeah this is just a normal fish that’s also a normal fish that’s also a normal fish oh yeah these are all the generic

Fish types I’m going to litter in their Pond though sorry guys oh I don’t want that um bam and Bam um what happened I feel like I had like a brewing Shuler going on I don’t remember what I did with it you know I actually have no idea I

Have a cave spider spawner I don’t know if I wrote down the coordinates for that or anything or if I will have to like find that again like I have no idea where that might be um would you rather kill 10.81 7,000 baby dust mites or eat a cow’s eye I

Aren’t dust mites like tiny I feel like you could probably beat dust mites easier ticktockers on their way to explain to the cop that they Sigma bro what are you even talking about BB just says things sometimes with like no no context or meaning behind them them what a what a wacky

Guy what a wacky dude was it here okay let’s wait let’s put our powered rails into here I have dispensers dispensers are good I like to keep dispensers on me they’re they’re uh they’re expensive to craft you know so I will for sure keep dispenser is on me

Um man my Redstone chests are so disorganized I’m going to throw that out okay I still am not sure where to put all my Brewing stuff I’m definitely not finishing organizing this tonight but you know what I’ll at least be maybe close to finishing or I’m going to be pretty

Close to finishing I think I don’t need that I don’t need that I do not need any of that don’t need any of this diamonds I’ll take that I’ll take that’ll take that’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that’ll take um that’ll take gas TI is kind of oh and leads more

Diamonds obsidian I don’t even need obsidian I don’t feel like finding the chest that I want to put it in I’ll take that guy I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that sponges I will take that I’ll take apples I’ll take since I already have them in my inventory

Goodbye goodbye stuff final look don’t see anything that I really need I hope that wasn’t my enchanted fishing rod um I have I think I might have it still in here yeah it’s right there opinion on Minecraft story mode I’ve never played it but it seems cool would you rather eat

1,439 or 93 Crest plus complete whitening toothpaste or become a wolf spider for 108.3 53 days I think think if I were to guess I feel like wolf spiders on average might not live for that many days so and so I feel like the whitening strips

Dash can you get one more black C can I name it please if you if you buy it you can name it for sure um I’m sure there I’m sure there is one somewhere in my Village that isn’t named that I could find if you want to if you want to buy it

Um I’m going to put that in there I’m going to I’m also going to take this wait where I’m putting that in there and then emergencies had my gets the sponges let’s get into the bed and then leave so that I don’t um no Phantoms need to spawn I don’t really want them

They’re annoying Let’s uh put this guy in there and then drop our buckets would you rather eat that’s a big family bro that’s like more people than are in the world wait no no it’s not that’s like that’s like a quarter of the world though so I I guess I’ll take the hit

And eat a lot of oculus quests because I don’t really want want to um I like I think if 2 billion people suddenly disappeared from the earth it um we would have some problems uh so I think I will take I think I’ll sacrifice myself for the good of

Humanity okay I’m going to take that and that and that and that and that that okay that seems decent I think there’s a clear answer it is though it’s 19 billion people did I misread it I thought it was 1.9 billion people oh I did misread it cuz the the

Second number cuz they put they put uh commas in a very odd spot yes who is the best YouTuber other than you I like Drew Gooden a lot that’s that’s like he’s like my favorite you YouTuber that I cons that I frequently watch he’s not at all like my content

Though I think I have a somewhat similar sense of humor to him but he his videos are not at all similar to mine he does like commentary videos while I do Minecraft videos uh where’d he go oh there it is okay cool um and then I was putting stuff into here and

Hoppers I guess I’ll shove the rest in there and um wait I had where’s my ores chest I had a Shuler box that I put a bunch of ores into oh there it is okay now I have one more shulker box nice okay name tags we’ll keep those we’ll keep that we will

Keep um I’ll save the bucket of tadpole because I just feel bad not saving it I’ll save that that I don’t think I have many jungle saplings I’ll take carrots as well cuz I don’t think I have many um oh concretes I’m going to want cuz concrete I actually tend to use a

Good bit levers flower pots H I kind of do want some of this stuff but Dash is my favorite Italian I am not Italian Dash would you rather destroy Mexico or would you rather destroy the United States I mean I live in the United States so I guess Mexico

Would you rather get a 50 cal sniper shot at you every time you go outside or be itchy for the rest of your life are they trying to kill me and how good of a how good of a shot are they cuz like shooting at me doesn’t

Necessarily mean that I’m going to die if I go outside you know can we see the Llama the llama’s right there behind me also what constitutes outside like could I could I get in one of those bubbles could I get in one of those uh one of those bubbles

That you roll around in and would I still be inside cuz I’m inside of something like if I if I built like a shed and I picked it up and walked around while standing inside of it would that be considered inside would I be safe if I did

That these are the important questions chat um this one there we go I found it much faster that time at least still took a second but I found it much faster popcorn’s good but all I’m saying is SE seeds you like seeds would you rather eat a llama hole IRL or kiss

Someone for that many seconds how many how many like hours is that many seconds that’s one 1 million seconds right I feel like that might be I feel like um that may be like a year of seconds or something that might be like over a year of seconds so I get

I guess eat a llama hole popcorn overrated dude popcorn is great man you’re wrong popcorn is so good I Love Popcorn oh let’s let this tadpole go and then I’m going to I think I’m going to end stream in a minute I’m so tired and

I need to I also have not eaten in many hours so I need to go get food I’m going to go get dinner and then go to my class hello friend the tadpool is now free would you rather die or get the monkeys paw I don’t know what that means bro

Honey roasted peanuts are the best I’m allergic to peanuts so I well I’ve had them before but I wouldn’t I I don’t know if I would say that they’re the best but I’m sure they’re all right um 1,000 pumpkins you have a th000 pumpkins let’s

Go nice it’s 11 days by the way 11 days of straight kissing gez man that’s that’s a lot of kissing how do I like how do I go about like while kissing how do I eat food and stuff are you ending um yes in a minute

Uh I would say I think the Llama is definitely better would you die in the worst way or just die randomly and you won’t know when so I will know when but it’s like the most painful way possible um I I guess randomly cuz I’m already going

To die randomly probably and I won’t know when you know pretty much like I already will die randomly you know like most people do you know I mean you might like have an idea like some people die like in the hospital and they’re like I they know that they’re going to die but

Like a lot of the time you know you you don’t know when you’re going to die so do you think you’re the best yes all right ending stream on that note I am the best goodbye everyone join my Discord

This video, titled ‘INSANELY COOL AND INTERESTING AND FUN MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-09-07 12:30:19. It has garnered 603 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:11 or 7031 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdl7HxFZzN658UU_S0c5yxnl Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0A3hOMpbYdnaFMkOzGS68tz1s0VWM3TP

Discord: https://discord.io/dashpum4 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashpum4

Texture packs: https://youtube.com/shorts/a4gKguilceQ?feature=share

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    IP: play.boxxymc.fun New season started on April 1st, 2024! If you’re looking for a vanilla Minecraft server with a Hermitcraft-style experience, join BoxxyMC! Quick Links Wiki: https://wiki.boxxymc.fun/ Discord: https://discord.gg/7b5a4uBJjU About Us & Values At BoxxyMC, we play in a custom-designed Minecraft world with a player-built shopping district and a diamond-based economy for an immersive SMP experience. Applications Join our Discord and read the rulebook. Select the Vanilla Role. Create an application ticket. If you don’t meet our standards initially, don’t worry! We provide the opportunity to edit your application to meet our criteria. Join our Discord to apply! https://discord.gg/7b5a4uBJjU IP:… Read More

  • Saphira Factions Version 2.0 (Need Beta Testers and Staff!)

    Saphira Factions Version 2.0 (Need Beta Testers and Staff!)IMPORTANT: THIS SERVER HAS LAUNCHED UNDER A NEW IP ADDRESS:PLEASE USE104.243.32.156:2268104.243.32.156:2268104.243.32.156:2268104.243.32.156:2268104.243.32.156:2268Game Version: 1.20.1Cross Compatible with most 1.20 and 1.19 After playing Minecraft Factions servers for almost 10 years Sink (The Owner of Saphira Factions) finally had enough of poorly managed and poorly staffed servers. Saphira Factions aims to provide a unique old-school inspired, refined, and tight nit Factions Server for all the enjoy. With the player experience always at the forefront of our philosophy, we are pleased to say Saphira is a PLAY to WIN server.Saphira Factions is launching for BETA-TESTING on 4/26/2024. Anyone is welcome to come play, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why does that crap always happen? 😭

    Minecraft Memes - Why does that crap always happen? 😭When your Minecraft character dies and loses all their stuff: “Well, looks like my inventory went on a vacation to the void without me.” Read More

  • Border Banished: Minecraft’s Server Snafu

    Border Banished: Minecraft's Server Snafu In the world of Minecraft, a tale to tell, Eden’s Evil Neighbor, kicked out, farewell. To the edge of the world, they tried to fly, But banned from the server, oh my, oh why? Crafting a flying machine, with blocks and slime, But alas, the journey ended before its prime. Fooling around on April Fools’ Day, A prankster’s delight, in a mischievous way. But fear not, dear viewers, it’s all in fun, A celebration of 100k subs, we’ve won. So like, share, and subscribe, if you please, For more Minecraft adventures, with ease. So here we are, at the… Read More

  • Coal Vein So Hot, It’s LIT! 🔥

    Coal Vein So Hot, It's LIT! 🔥 When you find the biggest coal vein ever in Minecraft, it’s like hitting the jackpot for all those torches you need to light up your dark, scary caves. Who needs diamonds when you have an endless supply of coal to keep you warm and toasty? #CoalIsTheRealMVP #MinecraftRiches Read More

  • Experience Epic Firework Rocket Flight on Minewind Server!

    Experience Epic Firework Rocket Flight on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking for a vibrant and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an active community and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and build something truly amazing. While watching a recent Minecraft Shorts video on crafting firework rocket flight durations, it’s clear that the possibilities in Minecraft are endless. Joining Minewind server can take your creativity to new heights as you collaborate with other players, explore unique worlds, and embark on thrilling adventures. Experience the thrill of crafting, building, and surviving in a… Read More

  • 1v30 Minecraft PVP Challenge: Can I Survive?

    1v30 Minecraft PVP Challenge: Can I Survive? The Exciting World of Minecraft PVP Challenges Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. One such challenge that has gained popularity is the 1v30 Minecraft PVP challenge, where one player faces off against a team of thirty opponents in intense player versus player combat. Top 5 Rounds The adrenaline-pumping action of the top 5 rounds in the 1v30 Minecraft PVP challenge is a sight to behold. With strategies, skills, and teamwork put to the test, each round is a thrilling experience for both the players and the… Read More

  • Craft Wizard Robes in MINECOLONIES #9!!

    Craft Wizard Robes in MINECOLONIES #9!!Video Information hello guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to all the mods 9 welcome back to Magic colonies we carry on with this a magic H series where effectively what we doing guys let me show you very quickly is just doing all the magic mods within all the months now that what the series is about if you just landed in here but if you haven’t then you’ve been following the channel let me show you something very quickly look at the University magical indeed indeed so there you have it now we have the university… Read More

  • Shadowy Minecraft Part 9: Survival Gameplay Walkthrough

    Shadowy Minecraft Part 9: Survival Gameplay WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 9 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by DarkPlayerGame on 2024-03-09 18:30:37. It has garnered 489 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 9 (iOS, Android) Minecraft Walkthrough Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFfZzcXkzrAeGMZs1bHvh_no9EOR4jD8 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Paid Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Farming Tricks Revealed! Ep. 4

    Ultimate Minecraft Farming Tricks Revealed! Ep. 4Video Information हेलो मास्टर गेमर्स तो कैसे हो आप सभी लोग उम्मीद करता हूं ठीक होंगे तो आज की वीडियो में हम दोबारा से कंटिन्यू करने वाले हैं अपनी माफ्ट सर्वाइवल सीरीज ये है एपिसोड फोर और जिसने एपिसोड थ्री और टू और वन नहीं देखा वो देख लेना लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन बॉक्स तो आज मैं माफ के सारे फार्म बनाने वाला हूं आयरन फार्म गोल्ड फार्म और एक्सपी फार्म और तो और फूड फार्म ये चारों फार्म और भी फार्म होंगे तो बनाना शुरू करते हैं देखो मैंने पीछे एक सिटी बनाई थी मतलब कि अपने विलेज को ट्रांसफॉर्म… Read More

  • MANZEL’s Terrifying Night: Bunny Vanessa Kidnaps JJ & Mikey in FNAF Minecraft – Maizen

    MANZEL's Terrifying Night: Bunny Vanessa Kidnaps JJ & Mikey in FNAF Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information hey guys Mikey and I are sitting at his house watching some weird cartoons on TV Mikey stop plugging away at this madness let’s do something else look at this JJ it’s so much fun you could watch this forever why did you even bother to turn it on and watch it there’s nothing interesting here take a closer look it’s very funny no Mikey there’s nothing worse than watching a clown dance you just don’t understand what great creativity means be more patient and look more closely are you kidding me or something that’s not creative Mikey… Read More

  • Insane Hack to Dominate Hive Mini Games

    Insane Hack to Dominate Hive Mini GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive bedwars how to ez win in hive mini games (Hive comantry)’, was uploaded by Ayanlovepro on 2024-04-28 17:55:55. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:40 or 220 seconds. Minecraft but how to ez win in hive mini games and many more Guys subscribe to my channeluys support me 😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭 Read More

  • SPLOODIE: Create Shark Dimension Portal in Minecraft

    SPLOODIE: Create Shark Dimension Portal in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER SHARK Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Sploodie on 2024-04-05 14:00:14. It has garnered 24709 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER SHARK Dimension in Minecraft PE minecraft,mcpe,minecraft pe,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft be,mcbe,minecraft portal,minecraft dimension,portal,dimension,zoonomaly,zoonomaly minecraft,zoonomaly mcpe,zoonomaly minecraft pe,zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mod,zoonomaly mcpe addon,zoonomaly minecraft mod,zoonomaly portal minecraft,minecraft zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mcpe mod Read More

  • SHOCKING Minecraft Stream Reveals INSANE Secrets!

    SHOCKING Minecraft Stream Reveals INSANE Secrets!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] y [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] h [Music] h what h [Music] h [Music] [Applause] what [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server Now!

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft server info join if you want’, was uploaded by Chase Gaming on 2024-01-08 08:11:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More