Delicious Toxic River in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE ЁЯФ┤

Video Information

All right we are live let’s go ahead and pop out the chat and we’re gonna copy this nice little link and then we are going to paste it into here and then we’re going to save changes and then we’re going to top chat to live chat and

Then we’re gonna share and then we’re gonna copy and then did I not change the thumbnail crikey I did not change the thumbnail oh no’s um uh uh what’s up bubsa what’s up Mavis what’s up funniest comment what’s up anti-cringe what’s up anime what’s up Challenger how’s everyone doing let me

Change the thumbnail I forgotten to do that save there we go who got first congratulations Challenger what’s up Hugo what’s up Carl what’s up zelnum what is up everyone if I missed you what’s up blocks how’s it going how’s everyone been doing today we’re going to be playing you guessed it Minecraft

Isn’t that wild I know I know we’re playing Minecraft who would have who would believe that I I never play Minecraft I have never done that before never will um bro I was first you were not first on my screen I don’t think what’s up GG

What’s up void uh void King I don’t know why I mispronounced void King I know you um did I miss anyone I hope not how’s everyone doing all right so we’re continuing the River today um now we have to go outside if I remember correctly yeah we we went up to

Here now we just want to continue this to the outside area so that we so that it’ll be a nice little delicious Green River going out of the town and into the river my name is so difficult yeah I don’t know I just had a little a little classic Dash pump for

Stutter okay don’t bully me for my stutter that’s not allowed um ah let me in thank you dude that’s sick thank you yeah we’re trying to make it look nice I’m we’re doing like random final details around the Pillager Village and then we will uh then we’ll finally move

People in we’re very close to being done with this just not quite there but we’re like almost there were what’s a what’s a lesser word than quite we’re not quite there but we’re I don’t know I can’t think of words um I’m trying to think okay see because I

Need it to I need the river to go down with the Hills um so I’m so like right here it’s gonna go down and then right here it’s gonna go down so okay because I need to the reason I need to know this is so that I can make the ground adequately low

So I’m just gonna put in the like base layer right here and then we’re gonna put that like this and then we’re gonna put this like that and it’s gonna go like so what’s up James how’s it going redeem name item you have to do that separately what’s up dragon how’s it

Going what’s up Apple name your favorite candy what is my favorite candy um Jim what is my favorite candy I like M M’s a lot M M’s are pretty good um I like kitkats as well what’s like my favorite candy though I’m trying to think oh I am also a huge Sour

Patch watermelon fan Sour Patch watermelon gang rise up if you don’t like Sour Patch watermelon then don’t talk to me ever again I’m finally awake when you go live oh nice dragon are you is it because I remember you used to work and I think your job was really late or are you just up late or you just like not awake during my time during my streams because

Of bad sleep schedule or um maybe we’ll say different sleep schedule I recall I recall if I remember correctly I feel like you used to have not the not the greatest sleep schedule in the world so I’m about to offend Dragon so hard that’s nice to see you back on the grind

I have not left the grind but what’s up basti how’s it going I’ve been on the grind I guess I did two streams of non-hardpoor maybe that constitutes not being on the grind I’m so sorry guys I should have never left the grind oh you know what I actually am gonna

Make this one Higher because then it will be good block spot name item did they miss that oh they did oh my bad name and name an egg dead chicken okay do you remember me from last stream I do I do remember you this man deserves a plaque me or who

All right we name in the egg dead chicken do I have to keep the egg I guess I guess that is not specified if I choose to throw the egg that is up to me I will keep it for now the odds that I throw it out at some point are pretty

High because you named a chicken which is or an egg which is not a particularly valuable item but honestly I swear bubzo I actually do remember you I don’t have that many viewers yet that I’m like that I forget about my viewers okay one day maybe I will but

I only have like I have a decent name for decent memory for viewers especially if you chat a few times I’ll probably remember that you exist that you like were at the Stream I’m not gonna remember like personal details about you like if you told me like what your favorite color of

It what your favorite color is I’m not gonna remember that but I do remember that you were at the Stream so that’s the dash pum guarantee not it’s not a guarantee though that’s the dash pum hopefully maybe your name will be remembered and that’s it I mean like honestly to you needing a

Plaque oh okay my bad not earlier you forgot how to say my name void King I know you’ve been to like a million of my streams but I have no idea who you are I don’t think you’ve ever been to stream before and leave love from India thank you

I expect you to remember my favorite color purple dragon I’ll remember that one because my favorite color is also purple believe it or not as much as you might expect my favorite color to be like yellow or or orange or pink or yellow or purple whichever I guess I guess my my

Colors my like channels colors are more of uh are yellow and pink so if you expected that you’d be incorrect because as much as you might expect that those are not my favorite colors thank you My favorite color is purple so it’s pretty easy for me to remember if your favorite color is purple if you ask me what your favorite color is I’m just gonna say purple because if you if your favorite color is not purple then I’m not gonna remember your favorite color

You know so there you go Dash are you a watch guy I am not I do not wear a watch I have one accessory and it is a bracelet that my girlfriend gave me yeah those are I actually would like to accessorize a little bit more but I’ve

Never really been too big of a watch guy I’m more of a like check my phone guy I’ve seen a few like watches that are like stupid and that’s the kind of watch that I would get I think I got I saw a watch that um

Wait what did what did it say there was like some watch and I think it just like points randomly or something it’s like a nice looking watch but it just like points at whatever time it feels like or it might just like spin wildly like a really fast moving watch would be

Funny I would like that I also I also uh think I saw a watch that there was a watch that it’s like kind of hard to read but it was it just had a bunch of words on the face of it but like all jumbled together and then it

Like highlights the what the words of the time that it is I would not wear that but it’s it’s a cool cool idea for a watch I would also wear like a Hello Kitty watch please answer my question what is your favorite food other than anything edible what’s my favorite inedible food

I don’t know if it constitutes a food if it’s inedible but I would go with I would go with like like peanuts would be my favorite inedible food because I have a nut allergy so to me they are not edible I’m gonna go with peanuts final answer

Or if we’re on Jeopardy what is peanuts um boy King is from twitch yes nah no one knows me not even Dash yeah I don’t know who you are can you stop harassing me in my chat mods timeout void King just kidding I feel like Challenger would take that seriously and be like

Gladly wood King’s a homie dude What’s up Happy creeper how’s it going I can’t Dragon would also take that seriously Dragon used to be a mod Dragon unfortunately you haven’t donated me enough money on YouTube for me to make you mod I don’t actually make you money or make you mod if you give me money guys

Dragon got mod for a variety of variety of reasons did the money have to do with it I plead the fifth he also was just a consistent viewer though so you know what oh I don’t need that name a price I might be desperate how about you start giving me money and

Then I’ll let you know when to stop um now he’s taking advantage of you ATP a des adenosine triphosphate who is uh who is ATP who am I taking advantage of because me personally I’m a big fan of ATP ATP is really important to us um it gives ourselves energy and so it’s

Very it’s therefore very important to the human body this moves down again sorry this song is just kind of a Bop um bam oh this one should be a little lower dash I’m doubled you’re doubled oh my gosh fun fact Challenger doesn’t wash Dash bumps YouTube videos

True I can’t believe that but you know what it is what it is it’s very interesting to me that Challenger is willing to watch like hours of live streams which are arguably much more boring than one of my videos and but Challenger won’t watch like a 12 minute long video

Or I mean in some cases they’re 12 minutes sometimes they’re longer what are you doing here buster do you know who I am he does know who I am I guess okay well that’s one idea I guess he does know who I am you got scared he ran off

Understandable reaction honestly I would get scared too if I was facing the the dash bum 4. 4 is he’s crazy he drowns Enderman for fun um Challenger loves me really bro I only have like seven friends not because I like chatting fair enough I have like I have like eight friends

Not to brag or anything but I’m just better than you because I have more friends I actually the reason my stream was so late tonight is because I was hanging out with Noel himself the no and we also came up with a really fire video idea

It’s gonna be a lot of work so it won’t be it won’t be coming out anytime soon probably next summer because um like I said it’s a lot of work and it’s not it’s not like an ex it wouldn’t exclusively be like a Minecraft video

So it would take real life work as well and therefore um will not be coming out for a while but it will be fun once it eventually comes out okay trust me it’ll be worth the wait or maybe it won’t who knows Eight that’s a lot I know right I would love to join Enderman into death by making them lose air bubbles you can you can I was hanging out with Dash Nola and pesto Diner today yeah Challenger does wish Rose hanging out with my girlfriend when she’s in Canada that ain’t happening

Wait Canada anime anime please I know you have the like nice guy Riz but please leave her with me um anime you got rizz right is it supposed to be Dash Puma or Dash pum for it’s dashpun for thought you said New York no I don’t I don’t think I did

She’s not in New York she’s in Canada right now which I mean depending on where you are in New York is kinda close in some places of New York is very close um I have a lot of female friends no way really women scare me I don’t have I

Have one female friend and she’s my girlfriend because I don’t want to talk to them because they’re scary I get nervous okay well actually it’s crazy because I don’t even have to get nervous anymore now that I have a girlfriend like there’s no there’s no nerves when

Talking to a female because there’s no Stakes back in the day it was like I don’t want to embarrass myself because potential potential you know but nowadays it’s just like I could I could embarrass myself all I wanted and I mean I would still probably be a little embarrassed but it

Definitely doesn’t matter nearly as much um who is your least favorite singer or rapper mine is Taylor Swift I get headaches when I hear her music there are definitely worse artists than Taylor Swift I’m not a Swifty my girlfriend is I don’t think her music is awful I don’t think it’s good though

The other day the other day she was she was uh playing music in her car and she like bro is so funny um her mom I don’t know who was driving I think her dad was driving and her mom asked asked hey pesto um what like her mom asked hey pesto

What Taylor Swift um what it was okay the question was on like um what’s that freaking game uh there’s like a game that asks you like random trivia questions I don’t know what it’s called but it was on that game and the question was like which uh Shakespeare play did Taylor Swift

Reference in one of her songs and I do not listen to Taylor Swift songs but I immediately answered Romeo and Juliet and her mom was like oh that’s right and my girlfriend’s like how did you know that and I’m like because Taylor Swift is not a smart enough artist or a smart

Enough person to reference like Macbeth Taylor Swift is not Taylor Swift doesn’t is not referencing Macbeth in her songs because she is not that smart I’m sorry that’s like pretty much word for word what I said to pesto I was like I’m sorry I know you really like Taylor

Swift’s writing and stuff but she’s not a smart enough artist to be referencing anyone other than Romeo and Juliet because that’s like the most surface level uh reference that you could make for the the easiest reference that you could make um and she and then she also

And then she like pulled up it was funny too she I’m always right because I’m awesome but she pulled up like a um a lyric that had like multiple layers and was kind of like relatively deep right and she was like well look at this lyric

This is a good lyric from Taylor Swift and then I was like look up the writers and then and then she looked up the writers and she was not the only person who wrote the song so there’s a chance that she did come up with that reference

But there’s also an equal chance that the other writers on that song came up with that reference you know came up with that lyric and I just thought that was funny I haven’t read chat in like five minutes bro dissing Taylor Swift Taylor Swift is fine finally watched her squid game

Video it was 10 out of 10 straight Bustin thank you thank you very much no it’s not Jeopardy it’s another one it’s like I actually have no idea what it is TBH I never gave him a chance I heard two really bad songs and never gave him

The shot who are we talking about Kanye is a bad person those songs are good Kanye is your least favorite artist that’s crazy that is crazy Kanye has a lot of really good songs like anime said though Connie yeah Kanye is a bad person good music bad person um

But Kanye has so many good songs and also I don’t know I don’t think I’ve ever I don’t think I’ve heard a single like bad Kanye song I don’t think there’s anything that’s like that I was like this is Trey straight garbage um I’m trying to think of like an artist

That is actually like makes my ears hurt who’s my least favorite artist there aren’t really that many artists that I like actually don’t like I’m not a country fan I don’t like country um but I also I don’t know if I would say that they’re like I don’t think country is like that

Bad that I’m like I don’t know who’s like an actually bad artist you should put a boat in it like it’s in the middle of the river like it’s sinking that’s a pretty good idea my favorite artist is dashboard can you give a world tour no that girl I spice I

Have not really heard it hurt you hate Lil mabu oh there we go yeah you found it okay attack tack found the answer it’s Lil mabu literally the worst artist I’ve ever heard in my life probably I mean the worst artist who’s actually trying I’ve heard like worst

Music but the only worst music than Lil mabu’s music is music from people who are trying actively to make bad songs I genuinely believe if I put in like a month to making music I could be I could make better music than Lo mabu that’s how bad it is

If I cared enough to do it I’m pretty positive I could make better music than him it is it’s terrible well client to use I don’t use a client I spice isn’t a bad artist I have not um I have not listened to much ice spice I only know like

Her features in songs and they’re fine they’re they’re solid I don’t think I understand the like I feel like she has like a lot of um people like Challenger who are like ice spices is My Bae she’s my queen I don’t I don’t get it she’s not that good looking man

If that’s what people like about her I don’t know though to be honest that might not be like the ex that might not be entirely what people like about her you bugging bro dude she’s she’s fine but not like fine in the like damn she’s fine like she’s like okay you know Okay okay is wild bro she’s she’s like I don’t know I’m not gonna rate women on my stream that seems really that seems like not a good thing for me to do I don’t see the appeal as much as other people do and that’s that’s okay you can have different preferences in

Women than I do that’s fine I’ll allow it she’s not my type I guess do you use Minecraft launcher I use I use um freaking multi MC what’s happening Challenger watch watches and Munch the music video 24 7. and wait you have a girlfriend lil bro

Lil mabu is good I have two older sisters as hell that sucks that’s a client no it’s not multi MC is not a client it’s just a Minecraft launcher um Challenger I don’t think I know what you mean I don’t know what me having a girlfriend has to do with anything but

You know what it’s fine um I do have a girlfriend though you’re correct I like men nice die in Minecraft please oh okay since you asked nicely um well so you don’t so if you don’t use a Minecraft launcher you can use what and why would you use

The alternative so multi MC is good because here I’ll literally show you when you’re a content creator this is what my multi MC looks like I have instances of a million different types and you can do that in you can do that in the default launcher but they can’t have

Different mods in the default launcher you can have different like instances like different versions but they all have the same mods folder and the same uh and the same saves folder so like in this example if I pull up this this has a different folder than everything else

If I pulled up like 1.8.9 and I pull up the folder and I go to saves there’s no saves in it right and if I pull up Mods you there’s one mod it’s a different folder for everything that’s why multi MC is awesome foreign would you rather never get over 10K

Subscribers or always have an earring earrings aren’t that bad I would I would rather have an earring oh thanks for the explanation learned a lot no worries do your keybinds get messed up when you do launch different versions because that’s what happens with feather

Um I have to set them up once and then never again it saves it has uh it has different options and stuff I had this like every time I create a new instance I have to change the settings but I just have to change them once and then it saves them

Um you could get the mod standard uh what’s it called standard standard settings I think is a mod and it will uh it will allow you to make the settings across all of your it’ll allow you to make the settings the same across all of your instances of Minecraft

So since if you’re using feather client then you can you could do that because standard settings will allow you to do that do I have more green concrete I feel like I did not have enough lime concrete if I remember correctly okay I need more green concrete then let’s go um

He has been grinding yeah here you got a little little teeny bit of a world tour via this because I’m just gonna be going around or because well you’re gonna get like to see one other location in my world um I was gonna say like I hope that’s

Enough but like too bad if it’s not enough because like I don’t care if it’s not enough then honestly L for you I need to cook up more cactus play fortnite for a stream no you would have to pay me to play fortnite I played fortnite a while ago and uh on

Stream one time and it was it wasn’t much fun I have so much Cactus sick are there any uses for cactus other than dye and like decoration I just want to make sure before I turn literally like 99 of my Cactus into die I don’t think there are

But I don’t want to like have all of my Cactus be die was your totem a deer it’s a bunny because it she’s it’s my bunny this is the Chula of undying my bunny in real life is named Chula the true love undying it can be fuel oh yeah you’re

Right dude you know what I had no idea about did anyone else also have no idea that uh dried kelp blocks have like action like are really good fuel sources I had no idea that they’re like like eight times as effective as coal or something I thought dried kelp blocks

Were like were like the same as like coal or like I don’t know I had no idea was that effective why don’t you make your totem smaller with vanilla tweaks because I don’t mind how big the totem is how small can you make it actually that Loki does sound nice though it would

Cover the screen a little less smaller totem vanilla tweaks totem I I don’t know if I can what a category is it under attack that’s why people have kelp Farms yeah I didn’t realize that is it under unobtrusive or something invisible totem I don’t want the invisible totem texture pack that’s I

Don’t mind the totem being there I don’t see anything small oh smaller utilities wait what does it actually make what other what does it change make utility items such as food totem firework rockets and Potions smaller oh that’s actually really cool Loki do you think I can just download this

And then put it what are the odds I can download it and put it on top of my stuff without it breaking I will try uh let’s see that actually sounds like it would be really nice and I never even thought of that okay I just put it into that folder now

Let me see if I can just Hello Vanilla tweaks where are you do I have to unzip it I don’t think I should oh there it is I’m stupid I just didn’t even see it I don’t know if streamlabs has it but you should add exclamation point streams and it tells you how many streams you

Watched I don’t know how to do that oh that’s pretty neat that’s it that looks a little weird but I can’t tell if I like it why is my totem texture see-through you guys notice that I can’t tell if I like that or not it looks kinda odd It looks weird I do do YouTubers use this usually like no I don’t know I don’t mind it I don’t mind it being big because it’s Chula I feel like I could get used to it but yeah I mean I do like the idea because

It does the totem does cover a lot of the screen I feel like that’s too big of a difference though if they made it like it seems like it cuts the size in like half if they made it like in the Middle where it’s like rather than being this much

Smaller it’s like like St still smaller but not that much longer it looks weird but I kind of like it just because it covers less of the screen I don’t know though I can’t decide you could customize it if you had feather I don’t want to use feather

I don’t know if there’s a mod how how does feather let you customize it I wonder if I could just I wonder if it’s just like a setting within the config files of the pack it probably is and I could probably just change it in that there’s a modern feather settings Dash

Would you be able to have two no I don’t think so I actually have not tried it but I doubt it I I would I would be very surprised if you can I could not tell you for certain though I’m trying it right now oh see I don’t the the food looks weird

Too I like the smaller totem the food being smaller looks weird when you eat it though um okay I need some of this bam okay now we’re gonna do Bam Bam bam what’s up cute gamings how’s it going the bot looks at your YouTube account not your device dash student at Discord

What oh I didn’t have to I didn’t send a notification in the Discord oh you’re right thank you at notifications live now I forgot to send this early earlier do I have the link pasted I did I think okay Attack Just instantly responded with the skull emoji

So that’s why I’m late yeah might be love your live stream thank you make another right how and no thank you Jitter thank you for reminding me you know what though honestly honestly shiroos it’s your fault for not having YouTube notifications on for my streams I can’t be responsible for notifying you

Every stream you should just turn on the notifications and then it’ll be fine one two three four one two three four one two three four one uh two bam bam is that enough that’s probably enough what’s up CeCe how’s it going or Charlotte ooh yuck me on phone typing random chatting oh

You’re just okay I don’t know why I read that um bam okay wait hold on I’ll just oh I can’t even put that stuff away there’s simply too much there’s too much of the ugly green die I’m gonna put some of it back in the furnace because I don’t have room for it

All right look little teeny World Tour here’s the village bye Micro World Tour part one of like 10. you’ll get a world tour if I go to the to it somewhere else in my in my world bam okay and now I have to do this and now

We can chat guys best world tour thank you thank you how’s everyone doing I can read chat I can read every single message now how did you get in 25K in under a month um sub botting this is loud let me just turn this down

Just kidding by the way I did not sub bot it was uh it was because YouTube shorts my brother’s going to college tomorrow kind of Epic nice nice Dash opinion on Blue Beetle I have not seen it yet I want to though why don’t I got a name in your Discord

Like everyone else oof actually really epic do you not like your brother shurus when my brothers went to college I was really lonely so my parents got me a bunny maybe your parents will get you a bunny nah he’s sick do you mean like in like a bad way or

Like nah he’s sick dude Rock on what type of sick are we talking anime you didn’t earn anything though didn’t earn what because it’s epic because it’ll start his career oh I see no because not because he’s gone oh okay I was like that’s so mean when my

Brothers left I wasn’t like happy about it I was like ah is it okay I eat paper um I think so I don’t think there’s I don’t think eating paper is all that bad for you so I would say yeah I mean I have my own room now though

I’m looking forward to my brother moving out of the house because the second he moves out of the house I am commandeering his room I was the I’m the youngest child so I got the smallest room and I want to join his room because and hopefully my other

Brother will not take it because um he has a bigger room than I do and I think he might be a little he might be too lazy to want to move all his stuff into the other room I would I would be willing to move all my stuff into the other room

Like he has enough room in his room for a full for a queen-sized bed that isn’t raised to the ceiling and he has like a couch and a desk and a bathroom he has his own bathroom youngest child smallest room yeah I mean I get it but it is like dang

It is like unfortunate so he my my older brother he will hopefully move out soonish dude you know it’s funny I never have any idea what’s going on in my family my brother my oldest brother is on vacation with his girlfriend’s family and his girlfriend um right now and they were in Puerto

Rico and earlier today he texted me I’m in line for the Tron ride right now unfortunately it’s temporarily closed but I’m so excited or something like that I had no idea he was at Disney there’s no Disney in Puerto Rico I thought he was just at Porter in Puerto

Rico I had no idea he was in he was in Disney now I don’t know how I never know these things but I had no idea that this dude was going to Disney my dad’s from Puerto Rico good for your dad I hear it’s a nice place in some places at least

My parents are going are going on vacation to Puerto Rico in a few months unfortunately they’re going once I’m gonna be back at school so I won’t get to enjoy the like being home alone for like a week my parents are so into pickleball that they’re going to Puerto Rico for a

Pickleball vacation but my parent is Asian so whoever got the better grade will be their favorite child nice bam Bam Bam cool dude now we go back and we continue our acid River let’s go pickleball tennis Wiffle ball same thing nah pickleball is good it’s it’s easy to

Pick up and play if you’re like even if you’re like if you’ve like never played it before you can play it and have a good time it’s also like good for older people because it’s way it’s like considerably it’s like considerably easier uh than other sports because it doesn’t

Involve as much running and stuff like old people can’t play tennis they can play Pickleball I’ve played pickleball pickleball is pretty fun honestly I think I can get used to the smaller totems I think I like it just clears up the screen for more space for actually

Seeing things I think I’m gonna stick with it I know I said I didn’t like it before but I think I lied I think it’s I think it’s solid it’s not like my favorite texture pack but I think I I think I’m gonna stick with it thank you tack

You know what Wiffle ball is yeah Wiffle ball I don’t think is at all the same thing is it I dislike tennis and pickleball but I love golf so I can’t say either is born have you played pickleball no because pickleball is fun I I enjoy pickleball it’s a good time

My girlfriend really likes pickleball and it’s annoying because every time she comes over to my house taxes and watching every single Marvel movie in order and show in order come on that’s way more fun nah I just I don’t like having to I don’t know pickleball is fun but it’s

Not that much fun that I like want to go do it all the time she joined like a club though to play she joined a thing with her mom where they’re gonna learn how to play Pickleball so we will see if she gets sick of it I’m my theory is that at a

Certain point it might lose the funness of it but it also it didn’t for my parents so who knows but also she’s going back to we’re going well we’re going back to school in like a week or two weeks I mean and then once we’re back to school she’s not gonna be able

To play Pickleball anymore so I won’t have to worry about her wanting to play Pickleball pickleball 24 7. so that’s good at least Dash Why do things load faster when you aren’t looking but when you are looking they take forever um I don’t know I am not the person who

I’m not like uh I mean I know some stuff about Minecraft could not tell you that one I think that’s just because you’re waiting for it and you’re impatient I kind of doubt that it actually takes longer but who knows I could be wrong it’s happened once before only once though so

I’m getting my teacher on the 23 what does that mean I can do a bowling class for Jim really Apple they both take the same amount of time yeah I would I would assume what in the frick okay I think I’m not gonna use this texture pack I think I lied

It looks like it messes with some stuff that I don’t want it to mess with um dang I mean I can I can always have I can always have someone fix it though or I could probably fix it myself Maybe pickleball is mad boring and the rackets

Are so small pickleball is fun man have you played pickleball I feel like I thought pickleball was gonna be boring until I played it and then I was like okay this is kind of fun it’s not like as much fun as like a lot of other things but it still is kind of

Fun um wait what did I need oh I need coarse dirt and I think I put it in one of these chests why is all of my lime glass in that chest okay just remember that the lime glass is over there chat where’s my lime glass chat it’s over there If you need pack help just let me know word I’ve had someone I’ve been having someone else do it Dragon because uh because you hadn’t been around so I I’ve been having someone else do it but Dragon you wanna you wanna download that pack and uh and make it not make it not

Mess with the bucket texture so that my buckets will work I actually you know what though I have no idea I have no idea if uh if it changes anything else and then I’ll once I figure out everything that it breaks then I’ll let you know because

I don’t want you to have to do like a bunch of different takes you know sure two second okay I thought you were ibx toy cat for a second no I’m way better at building than ibx toy cat sorry Ibex toy cat your builds are actually doo-doo though

I’m so sorry the ibx toy cat but his his world is really ugly whenever I whenever I um talk about like whenever I talk about how like no one is gonna judge you for your world ibx toy cat always comes to mind because his world is so bad

Considering how many years of playing on it he’s done like you would I I feel like you would expect it to look nicer than it does but it doesn’t not bros dissing him dude I honestly really like ibx toy cat as a content creator but he is not he’s not that good

At building like I’ve I watched plenty of his videos and I’ll see him like it seems like that’s just not his Focus though the kind of stuff that he does is like I’ll see him like building a massive like Wheat Farm or something and he just like won’t decorate it at

All and then it looks like poo poo and you know what that’s why because he doesn’t decorate it at all Good content creator not that good of a builder though You know though I’m sure some people would say the same about me and be like this stuff looks terrible ibx toy cats world looks way better those people would be wrong though but you know what Everyone’s entitled to their opinion where did you send the cat or the pack

Oh I didn’t even send it to you I just said go here let me I’m just gonna link you it share I just copied the link oh see I thought that’s not okay I said my apologies that’s just I just accidentally sent the Stream oops I

I clicked on share and I assumed it copied it to click to my clipboard but it didn’t and so I just copy pasted really fast and right I just pasted and then entered really fast and then it was just my own stream because that was what

Was in my clipboard and so I just sent Dragon who is at the stream the link to my stream so you’re welcome dragon in case you need to go to the stream again there there’s the link now it’s easier for you I’m such a hero I know I am ibx toy cat and you are mean oh no I like streams streamers who don’t usually have that many viewers because they actually answer chat keep it up thank you the goal is not to continue having few viewers though to be honest with you the

Goal is to eventually get to a point where I have too many messages that I can’t keep up um that’s kind of like every single streamer’s goal So like when you when people are like I really like small streamers so they can pay attention to me it’s like I want them to not grow which is like directly against my goals as a streamer which are to grow anyways yeah so I I I want the opposite of what you want

I guess I don’t want to to be small then make a video and unlist it then send it in chat what opinions on life steal s p i like lifesteal I don’t watch it all the time I don’t watch I’m not like I’m not like

A super huge fan of it to the point where I like watch it watch like every video but lifesteal was the lifesteal was the reason I got back into Minecraft I’m pretty sure I was watching a lot of lifesteal videos and I wanted and I was

And I was like I want to start playing Minecraft again and then I was playing Minecraft a lot and then I was like What if I just like made videos like this and I made and I started streaming and then maybe I’ll get subscribers and stuff and and get money

And then I realized I liked it and then I kept doing it and then it and then the rest is history I don’t mind a bigger chat name I saw planet Lord in a PVP love Lobby once but I lost the screenshot you know after I sent that message I

Realized how that doesn’t sound very true I wouldn’t I feel like that’s not an impressive enough thing for me to believe that you would lie about or for me to like think that you’re gonna lie about it so I believed you Planet Lord is actually one of the

People that inspires me a decent bit when it comes to editing because planetlord has some awesome editing Planet Lords editing is really really good so I I like watching Planet Lord for the sake of their editing is so good that it makes me like it like inspires me to edit better I keep trying to start a hardcore world but I keep dying and then I never start another one any tips um don’t die in like actual tips play it careful play it safe uh trade with villagers until you have full prop 4 Diamond then go into The Nether because then you’ll probably not

Die or no no trade with villagers until you have full prop 4 Diamond then summon a bunch of iron golems do a raid get a totem then go into The Nether if you’re like if dying is the issue then go into The Nether and then once you have done that

Then once you’ve done that uh get beacons make a mob switch get more totems and you won’t die like cheese the Wither though kill it a few times with kill it a few times like not legit you know using like the the uh the Bedrock of the

End portal kill it a couple times get beacons once you have all the beacon effects then you can kill it manually because it’s really not a hard boss to kill but um get lots of beacons get a mob switch you’re not gonna die if there are no

Mobs to kill you and you dual wield a totem and you have Beacon effects all the time becomes like impossible to die or nearly impossible to die so that would be my recommendations what are your thoughts on hermitcraft I do not watch hermitcraft The Raid is more dangerous than nether

That’s why you get yeah if you have if you have Golems you you get you just summon a bunch of iron golems and you’ll be fine some in like like 10 15 iron golems and then you’ll be good and like if um if you can’t like afford

It then go live at a village right live at a village and every time that an iron golem spawns rather than killing it just uh get a lead and just walk it away walk it out of the town if you walk it really far away then more

Villa or not really far if you walk it like a hundred blocks away then more villagers will spawn and then you’ll be good laughs ah so the only thing that’s affected is the bucket correct I actually don’t know Dragon which is why I said before like I’ll I’ll figure out everything that

Needs to be changed and then tell you but then you were like oh I got it and so then the only thing that I currently notice is the bucket but there might be other stuff maybe I’ll hop into it here let’s just to make dragon’s day a little bit

Easier let’s hop into creative and just look okay so all of the buckets are affected all of the buckets are affected um this stuff all looks fine yeah these all look okay I think it’s just the buckets I think it’s every single bucket if you just like deleted the textures I would assume

It would fix it do I actually know if that’s true no sassy stew will sussy stew not working did the associates do look bad I didn’t notice if the sassy Stew was bad foreign it’s like a bucket oh The Sassy stew is a bowl The Sassy suit isn’t three-dimensional

The reason that it looked bad was because the rest of it was 3D the rest of the stuff was in 3D and then and then so I guess when the texture pack tried to change the three-dimensionalness it didn’t do it right or it just like broke some stuff Bam Bam Bam

How much okay I still have a lot more good because I still need a lot more before I’ll be like fully done Um yeah Dash make a short on what flowers do in Celsius too yeah honestly I could I don’t know if I could get it to be an over a minute long though my short for tomorrow is kind of a banger guys I’m not gonna lie to you tomorrow’s short is pretty swag

So just just so you guys are aware tomorrow’s short is awesome I it’s one of some of my shorts I I’m I I am I will be I will hopefully continue to be very honest with you guys sometimes maybe to a fault a lot of my shorts I don’t actually

Enjoy making I just make them because they get me money and I like money and also because I need to be consistent or else the shorts that I do enjoy making won’t get views because Tick Tock values consistency but the video for tomorrow I actually had fun making and it came out pretty

Great I think um so yeah foreign Dash what is the name of the mod you’re using right now what mod am I using right now I’m just building what’s up Levi has it gone welcome in I actually have no idea what you’re talking about Pedro sorry I do not know which mod you’re

Referencing if you can be more specific then I will do my best to tell you which mod I’m using uses a mod to let him die barrier blocks green dude I do love my barrier blocks I dude sometimes sometimes it’s really tempting to to like post stuff on my

Community page just like little poop posts you know but sometimes I decide not to I got a comment on my short from this morning that was somebody saying he’s he is like it said like he’s stealing this from other YouTubers and I wanted to just I took a screenshot of it

Because I thought it was funny I really really had to resist the urge to just uh post it on my Community page and be like oh no he got me but I was like a people might think that I’m being serious because you know some people are dumb and then B

I don’t want to just like I don’t want to be like Petty like that you know and like every time someone claims that I’m faking stuff like feel the need to call them or to be like no you’re wrong I want to just ignore comments like that

Actually I think I did respond and I I responded they said he’s stealing this from other YouTubers and I responded and I said I am with a question mark um which I think is a pretty good response to be honest what’s your favorite mob villagers

I like villagers a lot they well I don’t like them but they’re very fun to work with and they do a lot of things they’re sometimes very irritating but they have a lot of functions and they have a lot of ways that you can murder them and

Torture them and stuff so it’s fun it’s they’re fun to play with um aren’t mobs going to spawn in the bottom of this yes but once we so no what we’re doing is we’re making an acid River that is covered with uh green blocks wait why does this look not like

It’s supposed to does that mess with things is there like Smooth Lighting on or something now did I what did I do to make this look different I feel like it looked different before didn’t it maybe it didn’t I don’t know what’s up a gaming God how’s it going

What’s your favorite color I’m a big purple fan oh I’m putting that resource pack back on real quick not some people are dumb a lot are true true saw a comment on your short about YouTube ranks saying you should play Hypixel in 1.8.9 instead of the newer version

I literally do play Hypixel on 1.8.9 so what are what are they talking about back from watching a parrot vid nice I like Paris Fizz oh I remember the mod it’s named lymatica lightmatic is a good mod oh my pickaxe needs to be repaired also I don’t have tool steps on

What’s your real name Dash Dash pum4 is my full legal name um and when my parents are really upset with me they’ll call me dashing pumpkin the fourth you know you get down here right this instant and explain why you pooped all over the kitchen counter or whatever

That’s just an example from last week the what makes Minecraft fun vid what is that is that a parrot video or what are we talking about are you doing this video now what did I tell them um I told them my bad I couldn’t get to the

Bathroom in time so the uh the kitchen counter was the next best thing when is the next FNAF stream I finished the game what do you so maybe Halloween I’ll play FNAF maybe on Halloween I’ll play FNAF but like FNAF is so scary I hate it dude I know there are like way

Scarier games but like the real FNAF games literally have me shivering my Timbers okay they have me quaking in my boots I don’t like them they’re far too scary for my liking spoopy yeah how did you get out of that situation um well you see I didn’t I am now homeless

I just sneak into my room every night to stream no just kidding I moved my entire room I took it elsewhere I picked it up and I moved it it’s outside now inside of a cardboard box I know I’m crazy I fit the whole room inside of a cardboard box

Excuse me that’s rude the short for tomorrow has something to do with what’s currently happening crazy thanks for doing that Dash that’s dedication you’re welcome so what’s your age and by the way you’re my favorite YouTuber thank you my age is a certain amount of years old um picked it up with what

That has the Ant-Man Tech I do what’s happening um Phantoms yeah or maybe not who knows Noel has seen the short for tomorrow though because I liked it I liked it so much that I wanted to like I wanted to like show it to someone to get their approval

And Noel gave me the approval that I was Desiring thank you Noel I also showed null dude being friends with me in real life has its perks um no paid for my food today and in exchange he got to see the first seven minutes of the next hardcore video

That’s how much I have by the way so far so if you’re like expecting it to be like fully done you are incorrect I do still have another like 10 wait what’s today today’s the 17th I still have another what like 13 days in this month I don’t know how many days

Are in this month um before I would ideally like to post it because I wanna post it by the end of the month if that happens if that doesn’t happen that sucks and that’s unfortunate but there’s no promises because um I’m just a humble YouTuber trying to do his thing but

I don’t know there’s a chance that it happens there’s like a I want to say a good chance that it happens because as much as the editing takes a while I think that I’m most of the way done but I don’t actually know for sure for sure because I

Won’t really know until I’m I won’t really know until I like see that I have almost edited every single footage every single like every single footage yeah every single piece of footage okay there we go okay so the river is now done being concreted and now we just need to

Lime glass this bad boy lime glass it up if you will swag are you a God yes like patreon without the middleman that is true that is why I paid for his food only for the video yeah true let me know if the pack works oh let me check

Your pickaxe is about to break nah it’s fine am I annoying you no not really actually I’m gonna say not at all dragon is best is the name of this texture pack oh Dragon I love you and your naming conventions for texture packs I think for a while my texture pack was

Named this is a title because Dragon just named it that I might rename it just so that it’s less confusing if it so that it doesn’t say wait where is it why is it not in my folder Windows can’t open my folder why is dragon is best dot zip not a valid folder

The compressed zipped folder is empty it says Dragon did you send me an empty folder Continue to download yeah it’s an windows cannot because it’s invalid if I try and extract all yeah it’s a it’s an empty folder apparently it’s an empty folder Dragon just gave me like 12 viruses hopefully not that’d be kind of rude if Dragon just gave me a bunch of viruses

What kind of computer do I have uh 40 90 TI um plus a um 200 gigabytes of RAM no I’m kidding I have a uh 2070 super 3900 X ask anime for the specs honestly yeah there we go thanks anime anime knows the specs of my computer better than I do

W anime common anime W honestly dude I’m just gonna put glass there downtown Dash do you have a cousin or brother I have both believe it or not I feel like it’s Gotta Be insanely rare to have no cousins actually no it’s probably not that rare to have no cousins but I have so many cousins that I feel like it’s got to be

Like a little bit rare um how many pumpkins do you need to redeem Mouse 750. just downloaded it and it has stuff in the zip well it did not work for me for some reason um maybe computer brocked hopefully not that’s weird yeah anime has so many points dude

I have like 11 other boy cousins stank I have I don’t have 11 I don’t think but I have a I have a substantial number of cousins is it 11 I don’t think so oh dang I need I need um here’s what we’re gonna do

There we go I need to make this wall look nice Look how beautiful this is gonna be this river is going to be so good Dash because I’m poor I can’t buy Minecraft so I need to use tea launcher okay you don’t need to be telling me that because that’s like a crime but you know what it’s I mean

Yeah I don’t I don’t know what I don’t know what you want to hear about that I don’t support the use of T launcher but also you are able to do whatever you want I’m not I’m not in control of you Dash where is your mom my mom is

I think home by now I think she’s in I think she’s somewhere at my house Dash mom 4 is nice I haven’t seen much of them but they seem cool they’re pretty chill yeah Tasha are you like trying to steal my identity right now what’s your mom’s maiden name and um what was the name of your first

Pet and what are the and um what’s your social security yeah thank you like so many questions jeez man chill out why are you asking me like what my mom’s name is my mom’s name is Dash mom4 Natasha is strange no I’m not a little bit

You saw I’ve gotten better at the game true you have you’re still pretty dog but you know what a little bit a little bit better should I eat live goldfish or the snack I would say you should eat the snack the snack that smiles back you know

Live goldfish seems kind of cruel to the goldfish I don’t personally support the consumption of goldfish while they are still alive I don’t know if people ever like cook up and eat goldfish but that is much more acceptable I would assume you like cooking up and eating a live

Goldfish or cooking up and eating a goldfish is is one thing because it’s dead but if it’s alive seems kind of mean dude you know what I hate I hate the cooking videos where they cook like a lobster or something and it’s still alive in the pot

Like please just kill the animal put it out of its misery don’t boil it alive that’s so mean and it takes like not that long to like kill it from what I’ve seen from videos I’ve seen where they do kill it it’s like it’s like a very easy process

Why are you boiling the lobster alive like I don’t know if lobsters can feel pain but if they can that’s seems kind of not very nice of you and I’m not even like trying to be like a vegan but I don’t think cooking lobsters alive is is a good thing to do

My friend cooked up one of my fish thinking he was dead he was sleeping oof I was saying I was better than Dash You Are by no means better than me Challenger that’s crazy you’re better than me maybe in PvP or in in 1.8 PVP in every other facet of this game which

Are like there are like a bunch of them you are significantly worse than me I am better than you though you’re better than me in one category that I don’t play so like it makes sense that you would be better than me because I don’t play the category you know um

I only play 1.9 8.9 PVP I don’t even play 1.8.9 PVP so I guess give yourself a pat on the back for being better than someone who doesn’t play that game um liking the green tones getting Tron Vibes thank you it’s supposed to be an acid River

Um you’ll see it will hopefully be done fairly soon we’re getting towards the top of it it makes the little foggy effect which looks real nice and all it requires is tons and tons of glass which fortunately is not really a problem because sand dupers exist oh man I love sandeepers

If they ever make sand dupers not work it’s gonna be a sad day unless they make sand unless they replace sand dupers with something if they replace sand dupers with something else to make you not need Hadoop sand anymore I’ll gladly build something else to get the sand that I need but

I’m not I’m not going further and further away every single time that I want sand and going to like a new desert biome you know that’s just way too much work I think Foreign it’s getting dark it’s getting spooky chat chat it’s getting real spooky Dash I build your 1K gold box for our pigeon farmer man it took a while to get the materials but it was worth it for real nice and build without lighter lymatica well honestly thank you for building without

Lymatica as much as I as much as I love light madica for myself if every single person just built my farm with light madica um I would get way less views and way less viewer retention and stuff which is bad I don’t want that my gold farm tutorial for the next one

For the for the gold farm that I designed that hasn’t been released yet will basically just be a light matica tutorial because I literally because it’s so big that I don’t feel like tutorialing the whole thing but some of it will still be necessary and there’s a

Lot of information about the actual farm that is going to be necessary so hopefully people will watch that I can’t wait to get a million comments that are saying like this Farm isn’t working I built it in 1.14 and it’s not working and I can’t figure out why and

It’s like oh well maybe it’s because you built it in the wrong version you you silly goober trying not to be mean to the people who don’t know how Farms work but there are a lot of them and sometimes it gets a little irritating how many people just like ignore every

Single instruction that I give and then like somehow manage to goof it up because they like they they somehow they goof it up in some way because they just freaking are dumb oh this is not the right level me sorry it’s okay don’t say your age yeah don’t say your age chat

This video, titled ‘Delicious Toxic River in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-08-18 17:11:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Unbelievable History of Minecraft Bedwars Exposed!Video Information Minecraft bedw wars one of the most popular Minecraft mini games ever but where did it come from at Minecraft’s release nobody even knew the possibilities of what was to come especially in terms of game modes like bedw Wars but trust me at the time of Minecraft’s release it was still super revolutionary in fact the game reached 10 million registered accounts before he even left the beta phase but soon after Minecraft’s release we would meet Simon Collins laflam and Philip toue better known as their in-game names and Reus they were known for making super… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks – Unreal Tricks!

    Minecraft 1.21 Build Hacks - Unreal Tricks!Video Information today I’m going to be showing you some 1.21 build hacks ranging from very useful like this fence all the way to the most cursed build hacks ever and at the end of the video I’m going to be making a house using only new blocks to show you just how good these build hacks really are this is chiseled copper and because of this cool X design on the sides of the block it actually makes a really nice crate if placed with some other crate looking things and if you place these blocks in a 2X… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Chair REVEAL ЁЯкСЁЯТе #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Chair REVEAL ЁЯкСЁЯТе #shortsVideo Information build realistic Wheeling chair in [Music] Minecraft [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘Minecraft ЁЯТ║Realistic Wheeling Chair ЁЯдй #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-16 08:15:15. It has garnered 212 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Minecraft ЁЯТ║Realistic Wheeling Chair ЁЯдй#minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will TryЁЯе╢ #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival… Read More

  • Insane Sand Art Builds in Minecraft! ЁЯШ▒ЁЯФе #shorts

    Insane Sand Art Builds in Minecraft! ЁЯШ▒ЁЯФе #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr This video, titled ‘satisfying sand art #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #trending #youtubeshorts #shorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-01-03 03:30:08. It has garnered 3605 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming… Read More

  • ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft NOLIFE SMP Season 2 OPEN BETA Build!ЁЯФе

    ЁЯФеEPIC Minecraft NOLIFE SMP Season 2 OPEN BETA Build!ЁЯФеVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOLIFE SMP Season 2 Open Beta Creation’, was uploaded by Denk Playzz on 2024-01-15 14:08:31. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Yes i did it ЁЯЩВ Read More

  • Insane Mr Beast Minecraft Speedrun! #shorts

    Insane Mr Beast Minecraft Speedrun! #shortsVideo Information mer Beast is speedrunning Minecraft for the first time hello everybody and today I will speedrun Minecraft for the first time let’s go first we need to find a village we found her right [Music] away wow I’m so lucky with the items let’s run on wow what is it let’s check what’s in there is this an Ender portal we jump into it now you need to kill the dragon 1 2 3 please subscribe to this channel if you subscribe I’ll give you $10,000 This video, titled ‘Mr Beast speedrun Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Flukzee… Read More

  • MIND-BLOWING Challenge: Guess the Zynacol item! #shorts

    MIND-BLOWING Challenge: Guess the Zynacol item! #shortsVideo Information so we are back with the Minecraft of the day be sure to like And subscribe if you haven’t already and someone wanted me to start off with a campfire which is kind of generous because it’s giving us three things off the bat but it’s absolutely none of them we’re going to come in here with glass and it’s not glass panes either H all right what could it be brev furnace potentially no okay hopefully it has some sort of wood in it what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a barrel because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft madness with pals! ЁЯШВ

    INSANE Minecraft madness with pals! ЁЯШВVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crazy funny moment in minecraft with friends’, was uploaded by shv732 on 2024-03-07 06:28:13. It has garnered 489 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Funny moment in minecraft with friends Get ready to laugh out loud with this crazy funny moment in Minecraft with friends! Watch as we navigate through the game and stumble upon hilarious situations that will have you in stitches. If you enjoy Minecraft and could use a good laugh, be sure to hit that subscribe button for more funny moments in gaming! minecraft minecraft… Read More

  • LOCKDOWN HORROR STORY!!! Part 1 #shorts

    LOCKDOWN HORROR STORY!!! Part 1 #shortsVideo Information рдмреЗрд╕рд┐рдХрд▓реА рдХреНрдпрд╛ рд╣реБрдЖ рдЬрдм рд▓реЙрдХрдбрд╛рдЙрди рд▓рдЧрд╛ рдерд╛ рд░рд╛рдЗрдЯ рддреЛ рд▓реЙрдХрдбрд╛рдЙрди рд▓рдЧрдиреЗ рдХреЗ рдмрд╛рдж рдУрдмрд╡рд┐рдпрд╕рд▓реА рд╕рд╛рд░реЗ рд╕реНрдХреВрд▓ рд╡рдЧреИрд░рд╣ рдмрдВрдж рд╣реЛ рдЧрдП рдереЗ рд╣рдорд╛рд░реЗ рднреА рд╕реНрдХреВрд▓ рд╡рдЧреИрд░рд╣ рдмрдВрдж рд╣реЛ рдЧрдП рдереЗ рдореИрдВ рддреЛ рдмрд╣реБрдд рдЦреБрд╢ рдерд╛ рдорддрд▓рдм рд╕рд╛рд░реЗ рд╣реА рдмрдЪреНрдЪреЗ рдЦреБрд╢ рдереЗ рдорддрд▓рдм рд╕реНрдХреВрд▓ рдХрд┐рд╕рдХреЛ рдЬрд╛рдирд╛ рдкрд╕рдВрдж рд╣реИ рдЕрдм рддреЛ рдУрдмрд╡рд┐рдпрд╕рд▓реА рдореИрдВ рдЬрд╛ рдирд╣реАрдВ рд╕рдХрддрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдХреНрдпреЛрдВрдХрд┐ рдореИрдВ 12рд╡реАрдВ рд╕реЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рд╣реЛ рдЪреБрдХрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рддреЛ рдпрд╛ рд╡реИрд╕реЗ рднреА рдореЗрд░рд╛ рд╕реНрдХреВрд▓ 12рд╡реА рдореЗрдВ рдбрдореА рдерд╛ рддреЛ рд╣рдорд╛рд░реЗ рдЬрдм рд╕реНрдХреВрд▓ рдмрдВрдж рд╣реБрдП рдереЗ рддреЛ рдЯреАрдЪрд░реНрд╕ рдХрд╛ рдореИрд╕реЗрдЬ рдЖрдпрд╛ рдХрд┐ рдРрд╕реЗ рдРрд╕реЗ рд╣реИ рдорддрд▓рдм рд╕реНрдЯрд╛рд░реНрдЯрд┐рдВрдЧ рдХреЗ рдПрдХ рджреЛ рдорд╣реАрдиреЗ рддрдХ рддреЛ рдмрдЦ рд▓рд╛… Read More

  • Vanilla Playground SMP Anarchy, No hacks

    A Public Vanilla SMP With No Plugins. Rules: No Hacks IP: Version: 1.20.4 Discord to find a team: Classical survival on modern version that has been up for 3 years You can grief, explore, and build with friends JOIN NOW. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang roasted me: “You’re a what?!”

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang roasted me: "You're a what?!"Why did the Minecraft player bring a ladder to school? To get to high school! Read More

  • Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans ЁЯФе

    Spicy Witherstorm Shenanigans ЁЯФе When you accidentally unleash the Wither Storm in Minecraft and suddenly regret all your life choices ЁЯШИ #minecraftregrets #witherstormwoes #gamerproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Tour of Thunder SMP Base

    Sneaky Tour of Thunder SMP Base Minecraft SMPs: A Collaborative Gaming Experience Minecraft SMPs, or Survival Multiplayer Servers, offer players a unique and dynamic environment where they can interact with others, share resources, build structures, and survive together in a shared world. The World of SMPs In an SMP, players join a persistent online world focused on survival and creativity. Unlike single-player mode, SMPs provide a communal aspect where multiple players coexist and contribute to the virtual landscape. The gameplay involves gathering resources, crafting tools, and constructing elaborate structures while facing challenges from natural elements, hostile mobs, and other players. Cooperative Gameplay One of the… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Discover the Ultimate Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating beautiful and intricate worlds in Minecraft? If so, you’ll definitely want to check out Minewind Minecraft Server at YT.MINEWIND.NET. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level on a server where the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re building a park like Neutral_Mob in their showcase series, or embarking on epic adventures with friends, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about crafting, exploring, and collaborating in this virtual world. With the latest version 1.20.6, you’ll have access to all the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach building in the game. Get ready to be amazed by a plethora of innovative techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your structures from ordinary to extraordinary! Discover Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that will leave your friends in awe to jaw-dropping landscapes that will make your world truly unique, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Worlds of Minecraft & Roblox LIVE with Yaezer! ЁЯМОЁЯФе

    Uncover the Hidden Worlds of Minecraft & Roblox LIVE with Yaezer! ЁЯМОЁЯФеVideo Information one and what is up everybody it’s your boy yaer the next big YouTube live streamer at least I’m really trying to make that happen I’m putting in the work guys I’m trying believe me trust me I’m I’m doing this I’m all in anyways what is up guys thank you all for supporting me thank you all for helping make this last weekend like one of the best weekends ever for my channel I think I’ve grown like almost 100 subscribers like that like that’s that’s crazy that’s crazy and I’m very appreciative I’m very thankful thank… Read More

  • The Return of Jacob Boy69: Minecraft Horror Land Part 2

    The Return of Jacob Boy69: Minecraft Horror Land Part 2Video Information [Music] yo what’s up everybody Welcome to the Stream uhoh here we go here we go let me add a poll and then we’re going to get smoked up by some mobs storm welcome in Avery Jazelle elicio lemon squeezy dude what’s up Reagan Joe Bobby Jam Brooke Dilly what’s up guys how’s it going you guys are [Music] early hold on I type like I never typed before GNA throw that pole in there kind of get people looking kind of get people looking you know you know what I’m saying get people looking here we are… Read More

  • B_H_A_V_Y_A10M REACTS to CRAZIEST Minecraft Video EVER!

    B_H_A_V_Y_A10M REACTS to CRAZIEST Minecraft Video EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘realistic Minecraft video watching full video #shorts’, was uploaded by B_H_A_V_Y_A10M on 2024-04-30 12:29:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. realistic Minecraft video watching full video #shorts. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modern House Build ЁЯМЯ | Easy Survival Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Modern House Build ЁЯМЯ | Easy Survival TutorialVideo Information рдЕрд╕реНрд╕рд▓рд╛рдо рд╡рд╛рд▓реЗрдХреБрдо рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдмреИрдХ рдЯреВ рдЕрдирджрд░ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдСрди рдорд╛рдп youtube4 рдЪреАрдЬ рддреЛ рдирд╣реАрдВ рдмрдирд╛рдИ рдмрдЯ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдЖрдЧ рд▓рдЧ рдЧрдИ рдкрд╣рд▓реЗ рдЖрдЧ рдХреЛ рдмреБрдЭрд╛ рд▓реЗ рд╣рдо рдЕрдВрджрд░ рд╣рдорд╛рд░рд╛ рдПрдХ рдЖрд░реНрдорд░рд░ рд░рд╣рд╛ рд╣реИ рддреЛ рдЖрдЬ рд╣рдордиреЗ рдПрдХ рдЪрд▓рддрд╛ рдлрд┐рд░рддрд╛ рдЖрд░реНрдорд░рд░ рд╣рдорд╛рд░реА рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓ рд╣реИ рдЬреЛ рдХрд┐ рдЬрд▓ рд░рд╣реА рд╣реИ рдФрд░ рдпрд╣ рд╣рдорд╛рд░рд╛ рдмреЗрдб рд╣реИ рдЖрдЬ рдореИрдВрдиреЗ рдпрд╛рд░ рдлрд░реНрдиреАрдЪрд░ рдореЗрдВ рджрд░рд╛ рдХреБрдЫ рдирд╣реАрдВ рд▓рдЧрд╛рдпрд╛ рдмрд╕ рдмрдирд╛рдпрд╛ рдореИрдВрдиреЗ рдЬрд▓реНрджреА рдЬрд▓реНрджреА рд╕реЗ рддреЛ рдКрдкрд░ рдмрд╕ рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓ рд╣реА рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓реНрд╕ рдХреА рд╣реБрдИ рд╣реИ рдФрд░ рдЬреЛ рдХрд┐ рд╕рдм рдЬрд▓ рд░рд╣реА рд╣реИ рддреЛ рдЪрд▓ рдмрд╛рд╣рд░ рдХреЛ рдЪрд▓рддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдФрд░ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рдЗрд╕рдХрд╛ рд╡реНрдпреВ рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд╡реНрдпреВ рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдиреЗ… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of the InfernalShadow0 in Hypixel Minecraft Cane Farming!

    Unleash the Power of the InfernalShadow0 in Hypixel Minecraft Cane Farming!Video Information wow I should be live on YouTube right now oh that’s nice yes on YouTube isn’t that crazy uh okay let me pop out the chat close the thing and have the chat on my screen uh also let me close uh epic games and all the other stuff yeah good idea good idea yes and I want all chat not only top messages everyone can chat with me hey War Gordon wow this is fun let me turn on sounds well this is going to be fun e oh the cat is back in the window again… Read More

  • Unleash Generzon, the Ultimate Mob Grinder in Skyblock! #6

    Unleash Generzon, the Ultimate Mob Grinder in Skyblock! #6Video Information we’ve been working towards getting the most efficient farming method here on Sky Block to become rich and today I think we finally got all the tools we need given a couple of uh you know rare chances that we might be able to unlock the official method let’s get right into it and see if it is going to be the right method and if it’s going to be beneficial for us here today yes Hello everybody welcome back into a brand new episode of Minecraft Sky Block today of course we’re back here on Akuma MC… Read More


    ЁЯФеEPIC MINECRAFT ADVENTURES & PUBG CLUTCHES ЁЯФеVideo Information рдЯрдЬ рдореА рдЖрд▓ рдЯреВ рдордЪ рдбрд┐рд▓реЗ рдЗрдЯреНрд╕ рдлрд╛рдЗрди рдЪрд▓реЛ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдмреИрдХ рдкрдмреНрд▓рд┐рдХ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдмреИрдХ рд╡рди рд╕реЗрдХрдВрдб рдореИрдВ рдЪреИрдЯ рдЦреЛрд▓ рд╣рдордХреА рдЪреИрдЯ рд╣рдордХреЛ рдирдЬрд░ рдирд╣реАрдВ рдЖ рд░рд╣реА рд╣рдордХреА рдЪреИрдЯ рд╡реЗрд░ рдЗрдЬ рдорд╛рдп рд╣рдордХреА рдЪреИрдЯ рд╕реНрдЯрд░ рдпрд╛ рдорд╛рдп рдбрд┐рдпрд░ рдпрд╛ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдкрдмреНрд▓рд┐рдХ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдЕрд╕реНрд╕рд▓рд╛рдо рд╡рд╛рд▓реЗрдХреБрдо рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдмреИрдХ рдЯреВ рдЕрдирджрд░ рд▓рд╛рдЗрд╡ рд╕реНрдЯреНрд░реАрдо рдСрдл рдмрд╣реБрдд рд╕рд╛рд░реА рдЧреЗрдореНрд╕ рдЖрдИ рдиреЛ рдореИрдВ рд╕рд╛рд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдПрдХ рдмрд╛рд░ рдЖрддрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдмрдЯ рдорд╛рдл рдХрд░ рдЧрд░реАрдм рдЖрджрдореА рдереЛрдбрд╝ рдмреАрдорд╛рд░ рд╣реЛ рдЧрдпрд╛ рддреЛрдп рддрдмреАрдпрдд рдмреАрдЪ рдореЗрдВ рдЦрд░рд╛рдм рдХреБрдЫ рдореМрд╕рдо рдРрд╕рд╛ рдЯреЛрдкреА рдкрдиреА рд╕реА рдлреЙрд░ рдпреВ рдиреЛ рд╡реНрдЯ рдЗ рд╕реА рдл рдкрддрд╛ рд╣реИ рддреЛ рдмрддрд╛рдирд╛ рдордд рдореБрдЭреЗ рдХреЛрдИ рдирд╣реАрдВ рдореИрдВрдиреЗ… Read More

Delicious Toxic River in Hardcore Minecraft!  LIVE ЁЯФ┤