DESIGNING + DECORATING INTERIORS! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.17 Tutorial Lets Play (131)

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Good morning everybody it’s me your boy gap 2t here back with modus over here at tent empire call me if you get lost respect if you know you know respect that is all i can say last episode well to be honest last episode went well side note it’s always like night time as

Soon as i start trying to to like record it happens like i swear every single time yeah so welcome back to the minecraft series i hope you enjoyed last episode last episode was like really long lots of building and of course we finished everything right like the whole building

The whole build is not done there’s so much to do hey yeah 30 minute episode we still have so much more to do in today’s one we’re gonna do the interior of the castle entirely maybe even move in in this one i’ll talk about some tips to

Go through my thought process i hope you enjoy mode is so much noise coming from you so much noise come on come on don’t be lonely right this way right this way this is going to be your castle one day one day soon so you’re working on a

Build maybe you finish the entire outside now you’re thinking about doing the inside how how yeah just how well today that’s what it’s all about but first before you can do the inside you have to finish the outside of the build yeah gotcha bet you didn’t see that

Coming now you don’t have to like finish finish the outside you’re just going to want to have the basic shape in kind of like the outline now i’m actually in a really good spot when it comes to the outside i mean i have to decorate but like the walls are detailed

Things are looking pretty good right now i’m pretty happy with where the outside of the build is which means of course it’s time to do the inside to make this process easier i’ve cut it into steps as soon as you have the outside of the

Build in a good spot you have at least the outlining move to the inside of the build uh if you’re working with more of a complex shape like like i am here we have circles squares uh even opals actually uh you’re probably gonna have like weird spots like this right here that you’re

Probably just not really going to be able to use i highly recommend before you do anything on the inside of the build to fill these weird like corners in so this wall was really bad about it i had like random missing blocks definitely fill those in this is a weird spot i’m

Probably not going to really use it so i’ll fill that in and then i’m going to have like weird connections like in here i’m thinking what i could do probably is just jump up and like fill all of this into i don’t know if i’m really going to need this space i

I don’t think i will so i’ll just fill it in if i end up really needing like that extra block i guess i could take it out but i mean it’s literally one extra block that might be another weird spot right there we might want to like uh just finish

That square right there that could make that look a little bit better and then this spot back here like the whole back of the build yeah don’t even get me started that’s a whole mess so we’re not gonna worry about it right now when you’re doing this step personally

To me i find it easiest to just kind of like use the same blocks that you were already using on the walls you could come back later and change them if you need to but like if the wall is out of polished deep slate maybe just use

Polished deep plate go all the way up to the ceiling and if it’s out of deep slate bricks maybe just use like deep slate bricks really what we’re trying to accomplish here with this step is uh really just like making it easier to look at so see now that that area is

Fully filled in i know that i have this whole like square area over there this is gonna be squared off right there yeah it makes it easier to like envision and work with now if you have parts of the build that you haven’t finished yet aha like the ceiling my ceiling is

Completely empty yeah finish that tube right now this bit right here i don’t know i think for now i’m just gonna make a square maybe we’ll like put staircases or something but i’ll square that off too so yes the ceiling the ceiling uh for now this is kind of a temporary ceiling

I’m not too sure i was thinking maybe i come back in here with like slabs and then pull the tiles out but it doesn’t matter for now i’m just going to cover the whole ceiling with deep sleigh tiles it’ll match the wall it’ll be fine and the deep slate tiles they’re amazing

I completely forgot about them out of all of the amazing grimstone blocks i was most excited for the tiles and i completely forgot about them i should have totally done like a tower in the tiles i mean the bricks are nice but a tile tower oh man huge missed opportunity right there for

Sure the nice thing about filling in the roof right now too like this at least temporarily is we can finish up these towers too like this is so good now we’re going to want to definitely have a way up here i might even put like another tower or a building up here

I’m thinking maybe uh one of these towers we’ll just have like a door and we’ll be able to walk out not too sure quite yet doesn’t really matter i’m just kind of having that in mind so uh with the ceiling finished Looks a lot more clean this is pretty weird in here but you know what i think we could actually do just pull this out we don’t even need those blocks that one too goodbye so this part of the build is pretty clean the the ceiling’s a little

Crazy we’ll worry about that later over here we’re looking pretty good maybe i’ll pull that one out but i’m gonna leave those and then on the ground i have these remnants from when i was carving out the shapes i don’t really need these either anymore so i can pull

Those out and just open the build up entirely so i can really look at the build and and figure it out see what i have to work with here actually you know what why not let’s just pull these out we don’t need them they’re gone alright so check this out the interior

Is now fully cleaned up i have clean walls everywhere there’s no like weird holes in the wall some of the walls are a little strange with how they connect but that’s just because of the shape but yeah the walls are like really flat they’re gonna be way easier to work with now

I also have the ceiling in and all the outside walls are good oh no oh no oh no oh no this simply cannot no no this definitely can’t do not even a good trade you’re not even worth my time get out of here oh look the llamas have even turned on you you

Were hated by everyone the llamas love me the llamas love me they’re i think they’re saying thank you wow that’s like heartwarming right there so step one today of interiors is making sure everything is clean like easy to look at easy to work with now we’re on step two so on step two

We’re gonna want to start actually carving our build out into rooms now uh this might be weird but i personally feel like uh on this build at least that to make the build feel bigger we’re gonna want to cut it up so here’s my thought process on this so we walk

Into the room and we’re here and we can see the back wall like right away we can see all of the other walls i feel like uh because i can see all the walls from this spot right here it’s gonna make this build feel smaller to fix that i

Was thinking maybe we put like a wall in here somewhere cut that part off from the rest of the build maybe even like another wall in here i’m not too sure definitely a balcony i’m imagining somewhere in here and the towers are going to go

Up maybe we have a room in there maybe even two definitely like three rooms in here and a top floor you’re going to want to take a look at the space that you have it could be a lot it could be a little and think about how you’re going to want to

Actually cut it up and what you’re also going to want to use it for this build isn’t that big so i don’t think i really need signs but if you have like a really big build signs might help like i could label this as like storage room and then maybe like uh

I don’t know like bedroom or something like that like you could label off corners of your build another thing that you could do is use something easy to break like torches to kind of help like section off your build so if you’re gonna do this you’re gonna take out the other torches

Uh and just be careful but you can put torches down where you’re thinking about doing walls without having to place like solid blocks and then break them and and take time like you can just put the torches down and say hey uh yeah no i could definitely see a wall there and

Then maybe we extend the wall out this way uh if we did it this way actually then maybe if we had like a doorway right here imagining that we could have like a closet spot right there and one over here so like more storage storage is always great

Um yeah actually no no i think i actually really like that definitely thinking a balcony in here maybe like the balcony could be i don’t know like sitting up there somewhere i feel like that could be kind of like a good spot for a balcony like we walk around maybe that’ll even have

Like a way up to the roof yeah yeah for sure so while right here where the torches are balcony over there which means we’re gonna need like a way up over here maybe like a ladder climbing the wall that could be good i think we’re gonna have the floor on

This layer everywhere except this tower i definitely think that the floor in this tower should be raised up and i also think the like cobble deep slate maybe on the floor in this tower could look really really cool now if you know what you want to do with the floor go ahead and

Put it in right now same with the walls which for me i think is more bricks um at least on this wall for sure we’re gonna do bricks there and then over here we’ll just continue that out so we have a doorway right there we do like

Staircases so we have like an arch door if you already know what blocks you want to use on your walls then put those blocks in whatever the real permanent block is if you don’t really know quite yet you could use something easy to break like you set torches up for the outline then

When you’re trying to figure out if you actually like the idea of the wall or not you can put like dirt in or something dirt is pretty easy to break just so you can start actually filling things in and getting an idea as to how they’re actually gonna look

So uh right off the bat yeah yeah i definitely like that wall there we could put like a big painting or even a map that’s cool uh i feel like the spot in the middle shouldn’t go all the way up to the ceiling i feel like that’s a little

Weird so maybe we have to come like i don’t know all the way down to there if we have a balcony uh we could even go one lower and do staircases or one higher i’m not too sure and then this back wall so uh let’s actually change this let’s

Maybe make this back wall i don’t know for me it’s between the polished stuff that could look cool or this stuff right there let’s go polished uh last episode i mentioned something about making this back corner a storage room definitely still thinking about that i

Feel like this is a good spot for chess especially now that we have this thing i’m considering a bedroom in this tower maybe on the second floor i think that could be cool and then maybe like a kitchen big open space over here with this big grand

Window we have this extra storage spot over there now which is cool more staircases in here maybe even more storage i’m not too sure so so far so good we have that wall in there we have the idea of a balcony now there is one more wall that i think i

Want to put in here and it’s going to be on this wall so right now that’s really bad looking like it just looks so weird so uh so i think to fix it all we need to do is deep sleep bricks going up maybe we make like another arch and they’re kind

Of like basically like repeat what we did on the outside uh we make another arch in there but this time it just fills up all the way to the ceiling so no tiles visible no wool definitely no wool oh yeah also let’s take a look at this door so i

Could put the staircases right there and it keeps it low but i feel like that’s like a little too low so uh let’s raise it back up with the staircases up there have a tall doorway now i know that we can still see the back wall right here

But i feel like this is better because it’s all cut up so it’s like uh is there more space over there like what happens to build so yeah front wall should be pretty easy we’ll do staircases right there and then just bricks everywhere else i have to get more cracked bricks by the

Way i’m out or you know what you know what this is the perfect opportunity maybe maybe this is the perfect opportunity to do tiles i mean it might be weird because we have tiles on the ceiling but tiles and like crack tiles on that wall instead oh we have so many bricks

In here let’s try let’s try to do the tiles i think that might be cool it’s so sad sincerely it’s tragic deep slight is really dark so i was thinking like oak wood on the floor in in in the building you know to brighten it up uh however

Oakwood i don’t have any i have one single log and like six planks not good i have to go to the forest and chop down trees right now so i can do the floor and to make it even worse i’m simply banned from leaving this corner

I have to wait over here until i get uh everything that i need all the saplings because if i leave i will forget i also need some leaves hey at least the castle looks cool from over here that’s pretty sweet deep slate tiles they look great on the wall

They look amazing on the ceiling it works i think it works i don’t usually recommend it but i think it’s nice we can put a big painting right there three by three one i think those exist hopefully and it would look cool next we’re gonna worry about the floors so

We’re still kind of on step two or at least what i would consider step two and step two you’re gonna wanna break up your build into sections with the walls and also get all the other like basic outline things in so that means things like the floor the actual wall blocks

Which are those i still need to get the cracked bricks but those blocks before you can fill any of the details in you have to get the actual blocks that you want to have on your build forever and i mean you could try and start filling details in before you

Actually have the real flooring but if you do all your details and then you end up wanting to use like i don’t know some of the blocks that you ended up detailing with for whatever reason as the actual floor it’s gonna look weird so my floor idea in here is pretty

Simple we haven’t used that much wood on the walls we’ve used a little bit but uh that’s fine uh what i’m thinking in here on the floor is oak wood oak wood is going to be a nice balance i think it’s going to look really nice with the deep slate and it’s

Going to brighten up the build a little bit we’re going to do oak wood and stripped oak logs i i think that’s gonna look really nice uh we’ll have some of them facing up some of them on their side yeah this back room however i think is

Gonna be different we’re gonna do a different floor in here i’m not too sure what i’m gonna actually do quite yet but a different floor i’m thinking to bridge the gap in between this room and whatever i do in here i’m going to do some staircases like that and then

We’ll have like the actual floor in there i don’t know if i’m going to do deep slate or what but different floor in there maybe stone even to get up into this tower bit over here here’s what i’m thinking at least for now uh two deep slide staircases right there put another

Block right there to fill that in and we step up easy all right so i’m making some good progress on the build here uh i decided to lower the floor in here lowering floors raising floor is always a good idea it makes it a little more interesting so we’ll lower the floor in

Here still don’t know what i’m gonna do i’m kind of leaning towards like maybe stone and cobblestone that might work but at the same time i don’t know if it’s like too much stone but anyways out of oakwood again gonna have to go do that and i have a

Really weird roof thing in here so i’m trying to work on this connection right here it’s difficult i’m having a lot of trouble but what i was thinking i was looking at the build and that’s three right there if i were to stand here i think oh that’s four All right well never mind about that towers are going to be pretty simple i’m thinking instead of spiral staircases which was an idea that i had but they just take up so much space and it’s not good so the compact way to do it is definitely gonna be ladders i

Think we’ll do spruce floors in here we’ll do one right here and then we’ll do one more right here and then we’ll have the top floor ladder is going up on this wall all the way up to the top of course i’ll get like strip spruce

Logs in there too to make that look a little bit better uh over here not too sure what floor i’m gonna do but i’m gonna do the same thing i’m gonna have a ladder on the inside wall going up maybe it’ll be this wall maybe it’ll

Be that well i don’t know ladder going up though to a floor in there and then another floor up there i don’t know if i’m going to use the top floor it’s going to be like an attic area and then the balcony which i’m thinking should probably be

Even more oak wood i was thinking maybe stripped oak logs uh then like oak planks in there the stripped oak logs go straight across we can do another ladder over there up to the ceiling that’s all coming together i just need to figure out this really weird spot

Right here like i don’t know what to do i’m so stumped like maybe just do walls on both sides keep it symmetrical and figure i don’t know i can’t figure it out it’s really hard also kind of running out of deep slate surprisingly too didn’t think i i would say that today

But yeah deep slate is like running out i mean thankfully i have a little bit more so no big deal but i might have to go back down to the mines too at some point wasn’t planning on it see here’s one of my only ideas that i have here to make

This look more normal and this might be uh like the answer here but uh staircases like that to make like another doorway maybe we have the walls on that side i could put walls on this side to make it look like fully finished uh maybe what i do is i take that off

And do like a tile or even like a tiled staircase in there that could look cool same on the other side keep it symmetrical i don’t know it’s tricky to work with it almost would have made it like way easier to just make this whole wall instead of tiles

Uh just bricks that would have been the easy way for sure surely i wouldn’t use the rest of the copper that i have basically on a lightning rod that’s for a decoration surely only three pieces of leather that’s not good i should probably conserve those oh yeah

New item frame recipe i don’t have the glow stuff though i just made a frame house steward time welcome to my house so we walk inside of my house and this is what we see this is the main big room on the ceiling i put some logs i think

The logs look pretty nice over here i have more logs i’m thinking about changing these to strip spruce logs but they’re logs they look nice too going over this way we have this small circular room i closed off the entrance a little bit more and it feels good in

Here maybe this will be a bedroom maybe it’ll just be a room i’m not too sure moving up here we have this room over here maybe this will be a bedroom maybe this will just be a room i’m not too sure over here though i do know one thing this is definitely a

Balcony i don’t need a ladder over here though not anymore because of something else that i’ve done now up here on the balcony i was definitely thinking about making a ledge for sure i was thinking maybe fence this goes there that goes there this goes over here and then i’m out of

Trapped doors but imagine this we have the trap doors go a little bit lower in the middle uh and then they go back up over there oh yeah that’s gonna be fancy that’s gonna be a nice ledge for sure back to the house tour though over here

I have a room i’m not too sure what i’m gonna do with this room but it’s a room uh going over this way we have the tower we go up this ladder to the next floor this floor right here has sky access look at that it worked out perfectly that’s how we’re

Going to get up to the top there’s a ladder that goes up to the next floor which is this spot right here i don’t know what i’m going to do with this room to be honest and then there’s one more floor which is all the way up here at the top

Look at the view the view is amazing from here this is such a good view by far the best view over here like imagine it we set something up over there you can just see it from here it looks so good and there’s another mountain oh it’s crazy

I also decided to add some details to the tower over there i put staircases above and below the windows chisel deep sled in the middle it looks a little bit better still needs work after you finish laying out your walls you put in the floor you make the

Walls look really good or at least how you want them to look for now it’s time to start detailing your build this is my favorite part so uh we’re gonna run through a bunch of details detail the house as good as i can starting with the clock we’re gonna put

A loom right there on the ground i think the loom will look good then we’re gonna grab some trap doors and do this we’re gonna go three up like that uh then we’re gonna go ahead and open those trap doors so they go up like that

Uh same thing on the other side three trap doors open the trapdoors check that out that looks pretty cool one more trap door right there uh we could use any log here but we’ll just use this one because we have it and we’re gonna strip it so it matches the trapdoors

Item frame clock lightning rod hanging out right there it’s perfect it’s a clock now there’s one block behind here i don’t know if i really like that what we’re gonna do to fix that because we have the option to is change the wall to wood now it all

Blends in that’s the first lightning rod of this world that’s a good looking lighting rod they’re amazing for decorating so i was thinking about it actually a lot of the 1.7 blocks are like amazing for decorating like i mean candles candles are so useful you could do so

Many things with them lighting rod same thing you put them upside down sideways they look good no matter what basically amethyst geodes are amazing too you can use those in so many different situations and guess what i don’t really have access to like any

Of this stuff i forgot how hard it is to detail a build and like decorate early game before you have very many things so we’re gonna try our best here we might have to come back later and make it look a little bit better but we’re gonna try

Oh yeah and that’s completely forgetting about the plants too the plants in 1.17 those are really really good for decorating too i’m not too sure what i’m going to do about the outside of the build to be honest i don’t know if we’re really gonna do the outside

At all today uh because the inside bit is taking way more time than i thought so we might have to come back to that it’s not really much of a detail but it’s a trick that i do on every single build on the inside pressure plate by the door so the doors

Open automatically oh yeah over here i was meant to make a courtyard i forgot about that i was thinking that this area over here could be like a kitchen so of course we’re gonna put smokers for cooking food on top of the smokers we’re gonna put detector rails the detector

Rails are like the stove top this is a good counter block we’re gonna put a normal furnace so we have one over here uh we could put another one right there but actually no no no no i think the two right there is good enough let’s do this we’ll make like a

Kitchen island so we put a barrel like that uh we go over here we put another barrel like that and then we take those off and we can see that right there fully finished right there kind of looks like a kitchen island and of course even more importantly

It’s functional too we could store stuff inside of here we could make the island even better by doing that we could add like more shape to it if we wanted to but it’s kind of a small spot right here and i want to keep the build open so i’m

Just going to take that off i always forget about them cauldrons cauldrons are actually great for a kitchen so how about we do we do this we take that out we put a cauldron right there and we’ll put water inside of the cauldron to make it look like a sink

Sink faucet a couple different options you could do a tripwire hook those work or you could do a lever i like the lever kitchen cabinet’s pretty simple chests in the air and then some kind of wood like connecting everything i think what we’ll do actually is uh staircases facing the normal way and

Then we’ll put like slabs along the top to make it all look like fully connected and we’ll put the chest in front of the window so nothing weird happens we’ll do three like that i feel like that’s probably gonna be good now these detailing tricks that uh

That i’m doing here uh really they just come from experience like play around in the game and you’ll come up with new ideas watch youtube videos you’ll also get ideas and really just think about things in the real world that you would find in like a house

And try and recreate them in the game so here we go we have the kitchen cupboards they go like that now maybe trap doors on the top that might look a little bit better and then i’m thinking over here we’re gonna have to run something straight down so maybe we could do like

Strip spruce logs those might look good or even just actually actually maybe we could just do normal spruce logs that might look good too and then we could do that Maybe also when you’re filling up a build uh be ready to change things you might have to change things a lot so i’m definitely thinking stripped logs i think that’s going to look a little bit better maybe uh to add a little bit more of like interestingness to this we could

Turn that one out that could look cool up there same thing on the other side maybe button in the middle and then uh because i pulled everything out uh what i could do here is actually have the kitchen like kind of like walled off a little bit more

I could put like pots there that could be kind of cool buttons are one of my favorite things for detailing because they just add like a like an extra bit of depth to something so like buttons right there helps spot the kitchen out even more i think that’s pretty cool looking so here

We go here’s what i have for the kitchen for now i think that’s pretty cool looking uh moving on so i thought about it a little bit this is like the perfect spot for like a table now the perfect table the exact table that i want to make

Is impossible right now so the table uh we need like an azalea bush right there maybe some moss on the ground for like a carpet or something but an azalea bush and then we do a chair and a chair for now we’re gonna build a different table

Uh but eventually once i have an azalea bush i will come back in here and change it for now and also to make things a little bit easier i’m honestly just thinking like plain glass paints i think they kind of look like really good in here anyways so plain glass paints

I could even i could oh how about that look at that that makes it look even more cool look please be kind to my table and chairs for now they’re stone chairs okay uh i would do like acacia wood honestly or something like that just just okay yep okay they’re good

It’s really not the best the azalea bush is gonna look so much better but it works let’s move on to the storage room so the storage room i have to finish the ceiling still uh chests i’m thinking chests are going to just be stacked in here

What we could do to make it look a little bit more interesting is uh like make individual shelves like that that would be cool it’s less space efficient though you could also be using things like slabs if you’re doing like a wall like this for chests but honestly i

I don’t know i just like the texture of the trap doors more so i like to use trap doors the trapdoors are a little bit thinner too so if you’re going for like realism and you’re like thinking about how this actually works uh the chest like swings open right and

It gives you even more room so i don’t know i feel like the trap doors look nicer now i want to be clear uh this storage room isn’t the forever storage room we’re going to build a better building i had there’s no way i’ll be able to store everything in here

I’m going to try and cram a lot of chests into here uh but still make it look good ceilings can be tricky sometimes for sure especially if you’re working with like a stranger shape and shapes that have merged together if you’re having trouble with uh with the ceiling in your build try a

Chandelier start with a wall doesn’t have to be deep slated it could be like cobblestone whatever you want do a wall then a chain after that we’re gonna need glass panes you could really use any color of glass veins depends on what you want to do with your build

We’re gonna use white stained glass paints we’re gonna go glass paint glass paint glass paint glass paint glass paint glass paint right there that’s basically it now this is a small chandelier really compact and uh this chandelier would definitely look better with candles if you had candles and you could put like white

Candles on here or just really match the candle color to the glass color it’s gonna look really good i don’t have candles which is really sad so it’s gonna look a little funny for now uh but that’s where we’re gonna leave the chandelier as the chandelier is

Gonna help kind of distract from the ceiling so now instead of a really weird ceiling we’re looking at an ugly chandelier i promise that chandelier would look a whole lot better if i actually had like the right things which is candle candle is a big one so

We’re gonna add a little bit more storage in here uh what we’re gonna do is a barrel then we’re gonna go uh log log then we’re gonna do one more barrel and that’ll be like the top right there i think that’ll look nice so extra storage extra storage up there

A couple more trapdoors going all the way around the ledge here uh we’ll have this wall filled with chests on top of every trap door and then in here uh let’s see i’ll have a chest there uh then i could actually fit one more really high up by the ceiling i don’t

Know if i’m gonna be able to reach it though yeah seems like it’s gonna be a little high i might be able to jump and reach it though so maybe i just put something in that chest that i don’t use very often definitely gonna add a stone cutter to

This room and maybe a blast furnace too i feel like i could put one right there just have it in the build in case we ever need it oh man it’s all aging it’s all aging over here i don’t like it i don’t like it oh

Man that’s my favorite type of copper i really need honeycombs maybe we’ll do that farm soon did that just age in front of me i don’t know armor stands look really cool they’re great for decorating i think we’re gonna add two armor stands in here we’re gonna put one right there

We’re gonna put one right there then i’m gonna do more chests on the floor right there and that’s probably gonna be it for chests i i just have to actually get the chests in here which i’ll do at some point i wish i could afford more lanterns we need an iron farm

For now i’m just going to put a lantern on the ground they’re really great for detailing too and i’ll leave a torch there i don’t need that torch right there pressure plates are also another cool way to detail the floor if it looks really flat to you which

This one kind of does to me you could put pressure plates or you could put things like buttons on the ground too buttons will look like rocks in a room same with pressure plates the buttons are a little more rocky in my opinion but i think i’ll

Leave them both hold on a minute why do i keep hearing though oh no no no no no this is huh weird spot to find you uh could you not could you go away so here’s what this room is gonna end up looking like for now i added some

Cobwebs up top cobwebs are amazing because they’re really interesting looking kind of makes the room feel a little bit uh like older if you will and then the blast furnace i made the blast furnace look a little bit better in my opinion by putting a wall on top of it and then

A campfire on top of that surrounded by signs if you don’t like the look of this with the signs you can do trap doors right there spruce ones might look pretty nice you could try putting this right on top of the blast furnace that could look cool

If you have this outside you can put a stair behind the wall so the wall connects to the stair and then a solid block behind it or you could just not like you could leave the blast furnace alone that would work too uh i really like campfires though so i

Wanted to add it in somehow then i put a smithing table down here eventually so soon we will get to use that which will be great i still need to get all the chests in here i’m just kind of like low on wood let’s save us some time today’s episode

Is starting to get pretty long i made some changes out here first big one is carpet now white carpet i don’t know i don’t really like white carpet it’s all that i have right now so i put it down i put some light underneath the carpet so it says bright in here but

Carpet carpet is a really nice way to decorate an area i highly recommend matching the carpet color to like whatever you have going on in the space if i had every wool color over here i would maybe do like dark gray that could look really good i love red carpet

Maybe purple or blue too you could do a pattern or you could not flower pots are an amazing way to decorate an area too you could put a flower inside of it you could put a cactus bamboo whatever you want i put a yellow flower in here and a fern

Over here we’ll get to that room in a second though paintings are amazing too paintings look so nice and you have so many options so i put a big painting up there i also really like lanterns and chains chains look interesting lanterns look interesting yeah a common theme here uh

Blocks that look interesting are really really good for detailing a cool way to make spruce wood look a little bit more interesting barrels backwards it’s what we did in the kitchen on the island is what i did on the front of the build i think it looks cool

Now this side of the barrel i don’t really like it so i put trapdoors over it the pressure blade is down here so it doesn’t affect them it’s perfect i got also hide things in the barrels right there which is nice and over here on this while i decided to

Come in with a little bit more barrels i put them sideways so the stripe goes right down the wall and i put them facing the the other walls if you will so like i don’t see that circle side i just see this i think it looks really cool and from

The outside right here it looks pretty interesting maybe i’ll add like more up there though now that i look at it so the stripe continues all the way up if you have an entrance to a room fences can make that entrance look a lot more interesting

If you have a long beam like this uh try putting some trapdoors on it trapdoors will break it up and also make it look cooler now uh this is a starter castle of course i need a bedroom in the build i didn’t put one in yet

This is kind of like a sitting room i put beds in here with signs on them to kind of make like a like a couch or a bench and then a small table plants are great i hate sweet berries i don’t know why i put the sweet berry in here but i did

Now let’s say you have a weird connection like this spot right here like check this out uh yep pretty weird painting is a really good way to cover it so if you put a painting down like that check that out you can’t really see the weird intersection anymore and you have

A detail on the wall one trick that i love to do is uh slab on the wall and then flower pot on top of it i like ferns i think ferns look pretty cool i did a small chandelier in the top it’s really nothing much just a solid block

Of wood a chain and a lantern and then i did a matching table on the ground matching pieces of uh furniture if you would consider it that uh make an area look a little bit more interesting you could break a wall up make it look a little bit more interesting and give

Yourself storage by putting a barrel inside of the wall and putting a trapdoor on top of the barrel i think an oak trap door looks really good here this won’t work on every wall though it’ll work here now let’s go upstairs uh upstairs in this room definitely thinking bedroom this is

Gonna be the proper bedroom i don’t know how much i’ll use it but proper bedroom in here i didn’t end up doing the bedroom today though because there are a couple blocks that i i don’t have yet that i want to put in the bedroom like an enchanting table i think it

Could be a cool nightstand so i skipped the bedroom this is what i did on the balcony no block they’re amazing for decorating hay bales are pretty cool too and i put a crafting table down there i don’t know if i’ll ever use it but it’s down there i’ll put a lantern

There too this is the proper balcony railing that i was talking about before i think it looks pretty cool trap doors and spruce fences it looks like this from down here kind of like a rope i think that’s cool and then finally the last room that i did

Ah the treasure room now uh it’s not very impressive not the best blocks in here but it’s what i have for now this is all of my valuables right now uh over here i put some rails and then other cool things like all of my leads

Up top i didn’t do anything i’m thinking maybe enchanting in this tower or even higher up i’m not too sure and then we have this rooftop space too i could also build like an enchanting room up here with like amethyst i think that could be pretty cool

Two more things banners are of course great for decorating we’re gonna make a wolf farm we’re gonna have a bunch of banners soon i could decorate with them more those banners are cool too but they’re kind of evil and to make a space feel a little bit more like welcoming and

Like open i like to leave some windows open so i put two glass panes right there and then nothing right there to keep mobs on the outside outside all that you have to do is put a slap if you put a slab right here the mobs can’t

Jump up they might stand here or something but they won’t be able to get it and finally of course of course modis modis you can come inside of the house now putting a pet inside of the house it makes it feel so much more welcoming the vibes are immaculate no way it’s

Another link i wonder what happens if i click on it huh doesn’t work so i grabbed this footage from the subreddit a couple days ago because this comment i didn’t want to forget about it and i forgot to put it in the last episode waddles i don’t know

If you’ll see this but i wanted to point out in your latest episode uh which was the glowberry hunt episode at the time in the globe area episode uh my inventory was full i completely forgot about ore blocks this update is crazy it has changed

Mining like so much but at the same time it’s like the same uh or blocks have existed for things like coal for a long time so of course i can compact those down which works great uh but they also exist for gold and iron now and i completely forgot in that

Episode i was down in the caves and my inventory like filled up all the way i didn’t know what to drop what to put down and i forgot about it or blocks four blocks of course i i just completely forgot so starter castle detailing the inside

That’s gonna do it for most of the inside of course we still do have portions that i need to finish which we will at some point and then there’s the outside honestly i have no clue when i’m gonna do the outside i don’t know if i want to really do like

Three episodes working on the same build on a row here let me know what you think we might just do something different next episode anyways and thanks for watching hope you enjoyed today big shout out to my patrons ground crazy may and archangel thank you so much for the support

I’ll see you all in the next one goodbye Everyone You

This video, titled ‘DESIGNING + DECORATING INTERIORS! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.17 Tutorial Lets Play (131)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2021-06-30 17:57:35. It has garnered 210703 views and 9910 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:38 or 1898 seconds.

Interiors in Minecraft can be a little tricky. Episode 131 is all about planning the inside of your builds and interior decor tips and tricks! Starter castle is coming along nicely I think.



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  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

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  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

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DESIGNING + DECORATING INTERIORS! | The Minecraft Guide – Minecraft 1.17 Tutorial Lets Play (131)