DEWSTREAM – Ep19 Automated Charcoal – Minecraft All The Mods 7 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to old mod 7. we are we’re back in action now the last episode it was a little bit messy though we got a little bit too ambitious and we jumped around a little bit but we did get stuff done the main thing was this guy here the obsidian

Furnace um he’s quite phenomenal at the moment i’ve got him set up to use um or sorry to create energy and so as you can see he’s got a pretty big buffer because i’ve left this stuff running i’ve actually processed um almost all of our osmium that dirty osmium is not actually

Meant to be there i think is it oh no it is but i’m meant to just take this osmium out right yeah there we go okay this this is running again um but we also i think we set up this guy so this is turning water into hydrogen and

Oxygen and then the oxygen is going into this purification chamber and that allows us to turn one ore into four ingots okay so that’s a little run down hopefully not too overwhelming to to hear or even like witness um this furnace phenomenal um another thing we

Did i’ll be getting back that furnace in a second so don’t worry um another thing we did is we actually went ahead and made a beacon right we made this guy and we started on a quest to get the blocks to build the beacon and then i completely forgot about it until the

Episode ended um so we’ll probably do that at some point today unless i forget um but in regards to this beacon while we’re on the topic the recipe that i used for the netherstar it’s not there anymore it does not exist um which is pretty fair to be honest

Because like i am in no condition to defeat a wither and yet we we could we could make essentially infinite netherstars at our current setup which is pretty crazy so that doesn’t exist um if we want automated netherstars um you could probably probably do something you probably grow

It or something um or you can loot fabricate it by getting a weather prediction but i i don’t think that’s going to be easy to do but but it’s there okay so that’s a you know that’s the thing okay so this episode what is the main goal

I i want to clean things up but like fix things as well and by that i mean the very first thing that i genuinely want to do is we’re going to go under here um if i can figure out how to we’re going to rip a hole in the wall possibly like

That way or this way and i’m gonna set up automated wood to charcoal to generator setup it’s gonna be beautiful it’s gonna be simple it’s gonna work that’s that’s the main thing and yeah yeah it’s gonna work it’s totally gonna work um so we might end up using this

Obsidian furnace so i will bring this guy with me um also the modpack is updated i don’t know if you guys caught onto that when we were looking in the furnace but in the last episode we couldn’t actually see this button or at least i think i might have seen it but i

Didn’t recognize it as like an actual button because even as i’m looking at it now like what is that it’s just like a little a weird little square but if you click this you can actually see the augments so you can place them in you can take them out it’s pretty simple um

Oh yeah the other thing this is the normal obsidian furnace if i put in a factory augment so if you right-click that on it it uses power and it can smell six things at once and it’s very very fast so so we’re gonna we’re gonna make use

Of that as well there’s all four there is a lot going on um okay so first things first i think what i want to do is rip up these cables i don’t want to rip up all of them because all that stuff’s still hooked up that’s

Fine that can that can stay hooked up but this stuff here i think we can probably vein mine in now and the generators here are gonna get picked up i wanna pick up the botany pots they probably made a big mess we can put a

Lot of this stuff away there’s a lot of wood left over um okay so what are we doing yeah what are we doing um i’m gonna set my ultimine into square mode and then i should be able to just pretty much do this right and already i mean look we

Have a beautiful room to work with um don’t we there we go break this break that switch to a faster pickaxe so you guys aren’t watching that okay so what’s the plan man i’m off to a great start already and i don’t even know what blocks to use okay so

The first plan is actually to set up um a bunch of uh hopper body pots um so we’ve got the hoppers we’ve got the uh the bonsai pot sorry i’m probably gonna say botany pots a lot that’s what that’s what they’re called in a different mod

Um but we’re gonna grab those we’re then gonna get just normal chests so do we actually have any we don’t um that’s fine we’ve got plenty of mineral wood believe it or not so we probably make a bunch of chests this way um yeah we’ll make a bunch but i’m only

Going to use three i think but we’ll make a bunch so what i’m probably gonna do is i’m gonna place them here boom boom boom now if you shift click them as you saw then they don’t connect and whilst it doesn’t matter if they connect it looks a little

Bit cleaner doesn’t it when they’re like um separated right so i’m gonna place the bottom bonsai pots on oh you know what i i still don’t know how to solve the axe problem of putting the axe in there i still don’t really know how we’re going to do that i’ll probably i’ll

Experiment a little bit i guess because we tried with pipes didn’t we but let’s see if just like a hopper works is that going to do anything no just it does not seem to care i mean i could put a hopper in there but that doesn’t solve our problem um

I mean i could google it you know how to put a thingy into bonsai pot um here let’s try this let’s try this axe goes in oh it actually does work okay okay hold on i have a feeling that it went in from the top specifically let’s see

Yeah look at that it doesn’t go in from the sides it has to go in at the top we can 100 work with that oh ladies and gentlemen we we are in for a treat so right here this is where the the axes are gonna magically appear okay

And from there they’re going to go at the top and they’re going to go into each of these bonsai pots and if we shift right click on this twice it disconnects it and it just makes things look a little cleaner and obviously we don’t want them going into this chest there so

So far so good i can then have this guy extracting um what we want to do is oh what we want to do is make sure that at least one hopper is in each of these so they can hopper and they don’t fill up with just axes so there we go that’s

Good um we can put the trees on boom boom boom um what are we doing we’re doing mineral weren’t we oh no we’re doing spruce down here yeah let’s chuck in our spruce there we go so they’re all growing um okay okay i’m i’m pretty excited because

I didn’t think we’re going to be automating the uh axe part and i’m i’m very excited that that worked so now as you can see they’re fully grown but they’re not harvesting if i go ahead and chuck in all of these stone axes have a look at what happens these guys

Get the axes in them and voila magically they’re harvesting so these guys now get sticks spruce logs and as you saw in here occasionally spruce saplings okay so what’s the plan now no you’re thinking ah he’s got nothing you’re wrong i want to make some oak drawers

These are from functional storage um in the past they were from a mod called um storage drawers i think they’re two different mods like i i think these work a bit differently but i think the concept is the same so um i guess let’s show off how these work so

It’s not gonna autofill but if we surround the chest with planks we can make these drawers now the ones i’m making are one by one what that means is that they take up a single block being one and you can put one type of item in them so one by one the reason

Why that’s a has to be said i guess because you might be thinking yeah that’s that that sort of makes sense um if we actually look at these draws you can actually get like um a one by two so it takes up one one block but you can

Put two different things in there um and you can even do uh two by twos um you know what my whole one block thing doesn’t make sense that doesn’t make sense at all um i don’t know i don’t know why it’s two by two or why it’s one by two i guess maybe

They’re talking about columns and rows one column two rows yeah i guess that makes sense and then this one’s two columns two rows yeah yeah that makes sense i don’t know if you guys can see that on whatever you do on whatever device you’re looking at but

Does the concept make sense did i just make everything confusing maybe but anyway i’m gonna grab um hey you know what i think we can get away with one of these and why not we’ll show off the one by two just just for the thrill of it um

So okay nothing’s gonna go in there we’re not allowed to have things easy so two chests in there then we’ll grab planks wherever i find them fill the rest in and here we go we get a one by two draw so what do we do from here well i want these chests

All to extract into these drawers so i’m probably gonna do the one by one i guess we can do it like this and then the one by two on top so there we go um and now here’s the cool part i’m gonna put spruce logs in the bottom and you might

Be thinking okay well where does it go from here well i’m pretty sure you can put a lot of spruce logs in that one block and the other cool thing is when we have sticks and saplings they do not go in there yeah see where this is going

So now this top one this can be sticks and this can be saplings yeah yeah what why is there a hole in the ground who is responsible for this i i blame the tree people but anyhow that that’s the general concept of how we’re going to do filtering now

Pipes do have oh sorry i hit the microphone there hopefully you guys didn’t get launched anywhere and hopefully i still sound normal is it audio working i hope so um oh it’s becoming nighttime um yeah pipes do have filters and i’m sure there’s other mods that have filtering

But this is just a nice simple clean way to do it now i can place another pipe here and that will work that will obviously allow them to go into the top there there is an alternative way to do this i believe now if we actually search for

The draw mod no if we search at functional yeah here we go i believe it is called the storage controller this guy here um he would cost two draws um some blocks of quartz and some redstone comparators so not really worth it for a small scale project that we’re doing but

Essentially what it does is it links to the connecting drawers so in other words we could have these two drawers touching this storage controller and then only have these pipes interacting with the storage controller and it would then distribute them amongst the drawers does that make sense um

We’re not going to set it up now but if you were setting up a bigger scale system even for your own like storage at home you can you can do that like that’s a that’s a feature let me sleep real quick so that we don’t get jumped um but

This is going really well listen we’re we’re getting some stuff done i know we’re doing something simple but um it feels good to just get things happening so this stuff’s good um there is another thing i’d like to do i would like to be able to lock a draw but i don’t really

Know if i’m able to do that i’m sort of reading what these things do you can like link stuff there’s obviously a linking tool there’s upgrades multiplies the block storage by eight that sounds pretty cool um there’s some downgrades collectors pullers pushers that’s actually sounds really

Cool so i imagine you can do full like automation with just a draw you don’t have to actually like use pipes um void upgrades that would be good um especially on a server to set up what’s this obsidian around the drawer okay um armory cabinet configuration tool

You know i think that’s what we want i think we want this guy um sorry i’ll i’ll see if we can make one i don’t necessarily know if we can um it looks like we’ll need a little bit more paper which i think we still have

Some yeah we still somehow we still have some sugarcane um and what’s left oh that’s pretty much it but a drawer as well and of course that’s not going to fill itself in to be honest i am sort of pushed to change to like 82 or um

Or refined storage purely to fix this like importing of recipes into the grid thing you know what i mean um how do i get back here at functional nope is it gonna there we go this guy bam there we go okay so configuration tool um a drawer little bit of gold

Emerald paper pretty simple what does this guy do at the moment as you can see the config mode is set to locking so i believe what that means is if i right click on this draw it now gets a lock on it now what that means is if i were to

Punch this or shift and punch this to take all of them out as you can see it’s currently saying zero that means i can’t put any other item in here even though it’s empty whereas if we get rid of this lock and i were to punch this look it’s

Gone which means you know a drawer could go in there or sorry a generator could go in there or even worse you could double up on the same item and obviously we don’t want that so it’s good to to set up locks so that if for whatever reason we drain all of the

Logs it doesn’t fill up with sticks instead so there we go we’ll lock those beautiful now i can shift right click to change the option oh okay so i can hide the amounts so we can just not see the numbers yeah i don’t mind seeing the numbers um

Item renderers oh you can actually have it just hide the items all together i think that those options are good for um performance like if you’ve got a big wall of these drawers that’s uh that’s how you make them a little less laggy um you can show upgrades we don’t have any

Upgrades so i guess maybe that’s turning them off if we had them and then it’s back to locking so at the moment this is all i want i want them locked they’ve got what they’ve got okay so what’s next i’m probably gonna we’ll start off with

This furnace just to sort of see what happens here i think i think that’s what we’re gonna do we’ll we’ll see actually hmm i don’t know we to be honest we need a second furnace like a second high-powered furnace i think because what i want to do is i want to smelt

Them all but i also want to generate power and i want to smell them all fast but then that needs power to power it but then it’s like ah we’re in a bit of a pickle you know what i mean like i’m in a stalemate of this one furnace i

Want it to do two different things um and now you might say we’ll just make another furnace they’re not that cheap to be honest we burnt through a lot of our resources to get that furnace i could like we could work our way there

Again and see what level we get up to in fact i might do that just for the sake of doing that like do we have the gold we might not even have the gold uh you know what we do have the gold dust hmm what do we do here

What do we do um We’re in such a pickle um i’ll jump up here but then this guy doesn’t even have you know what check this um i’m gonna chuck in coal no and i’m gonna chuck it out gold and i’m just gonna process it all like this guy’s pretty fast um he’s not

Any more efficient though so you get what you’re given i guess now i don’t want to do all of this i just want to block and then a little bit for the sides yeah just a little bit off the sides that looks pretty good there we go don’t

Waste any anything else i know we wasted a bit of fuel um but yeah everything’s fine remain calm we’re we’re still on track okay we’re still on track let’s now upgrade the iron furnace to a gold one there we go golden furnace um now this kind of diamond that’s where it

Gets a little bit expensive because um i don’t know if you were caught up we don’t have diamonds we really do not have diamonds now i could make diamonds but then i need the furnace again like to smelt up more charcoal to make more diamonds out of coal

What do i do what do i do ah my brain um you know what i’m gonna think for a bit you know what the golden furnace might be good enough for what i needed to do yeah i i think that was my verdict that’s what i’ve come up with so

Here’s the new plan i’m gonna place the golden furnace uh down somewhere um we’ll place it down here okay that’s where it’s gonna go i’m gonna then place the oh you know what ah do i wanna use pi yeah we’ll use pipes um we’ll place the obsidian

Furnace here right um you know what i have i’ve actually changed my mind this guy’s gonna go there just for just for visuals i’m gonna have the energy coming here we’re going to have an item pipe here let’s also get these guys extracting so

What i should be able to do is make all of these extract and we should see these fill up so as you can see we’ve got a bunch of our logs in there we’ve got some extra sticks going in i don’t think we’ve got any saplings but

You know it’s going well these guys are empty don’t shower a few seconds it’s just gonna get to them so yeah all these chests should empty this should all fill up as you can see we will need to sort out our ax problem but i think we might be able to do that

I haven’t actually looked at any order crafting in fact do we have any order crafter like blocks a sequential fabricator i think that’s an auto crafter isn’t it yeah i think that is uh doable doable yeah doable i’ll i’ll bookmark it i’ll tell you that we’ll bookmark it

Let me just see is there any like if you search crafting sometimes there’s like um i don’t know different types of crafting benches you can make that are actually like automated um although what’s this crafting upgrade crafting table in an upgrade tab crafting upgrade crafting oh oh there’s sophisticated backpacks

And sophisticated storage my bad i didn’t realize there were two of them um that’s cool uh crafting table what does this guy do oh actually hold on this could work maybe um you know i don’t think it’s automated i think this is like semi-auto if that’s a thing um there’s obviously

Create there’s i mean there’s obviously like a2 or something if we get into like an actual proper auto crafting this block assists in order crafting operations for a processor rf tools control oh lots of things have changed lots of things have changed okay and then there’s the other crafting terminal

Okay okay well anyway for now we’ll manually make the um access that’s fine um what i want this guy to be is i actually want him to be the um factory so i’m going to right click that in so he’s now got the big interface here and

I could have placed him right next to the logs and we could have auto inputted which we might do at some point i’ll do it now i’ll do it now i’ll show you what that does so we place this guy down we tuck in our augment that’s all good um what i

Can do is i can set the right side to be input and i can click auto input on and we should see yeah look at that it draws in as much as it can i can set this guy to auto split and he’ll then try to make sure that there’s like you

Know items in every slot once he’s running at least um i can have the energy input from the left so that’s the fuel that should be good um so that’s obviously going to be another one of these this guy is going to be a generator like that see where this is going um

Yeah and that that should be good enough let’s go ahead and chuck in you know let’s do a proper little test here i’m going to put in 8 charcoal i want to see how much charcoal we get in response um fuel input i actually want to set the

Right side to be output and as you can see this lights up with power this guy’s now running already is that modern eight i mean yeah i mean like already we’ve made it back um the problem is though as you can see he does not have enough

Power to run all of these at once so he’s pretty much useless at the moment like he’s not doing too good you know what i mean um but i guess on the flip side that that shows that he doesn’t need to be that good um you know what i’m going to try

Then clearly that’s a little bit overkill in the current setup but what if we actually switch these around and we place that go there and that goes there huh so then this guy becomes the factory he only gets four slots because he’s um not as high tier of a furnace that’s

Good to know as well i i wanted to check that but i was going to avoid checking it by doing it the other way but we’re good we’re good so that should be fine have you input auto input i can manually chuck in some logs

We can place the rest in there maybe do i need to tell you yep there we go um okay fuel input yep that’s good you are obviously going to be a generator now you’re obviously going to output to the right side and i’m going to chuck in the same eight coal

And we’ll put this as this so a coil in here this should generate a lot faster yeah you can see it keeps up a lot faster but he does smelt a lot slower that is clearly the trade-off here um Oh yeah but this guy can upgrade himself essentially right because we’re gonna use this coal to make more diamonds and then we can upgrade him to diamond oh yeah nice okay this is pretty good though right oh you know what i just realized i actually want to move the furnace

Because i’ve realized we can we can oh i took a bit of damage we can hide this all pretty much behind a wall here and it can actually look somewhat decent like if i go ahead and pick this up we could place the furnace i mean we could

Even place it there if we wanted to but i can place him here we can place like a glass frame oh oh oh my god this is going to look beautiful let me pick this up pick this up oh god can i wrench you maybe please no okay uh yeah okay can i

It says no tool um it still breaks i guess but it’s still a little bit like here um okay okay what were we doing sorry obsidian furnace will go here so this is going to be our axe input at the moment this will be our i guess energy output

At the moment which is actually really cool yeah oh this is going to be very nice so oh the other thing is going to be getting the coal into there i didn’t think about that too much did i um hmm indeed indubitably um oh brain hurt okay give me a second i think

All right the simple solution i think is to just run this under there so i’m going to shift right click that to be an output i’m going to oh the bottom’s already set to output so all i need to do is set the bottom here to input yeah yeah you get it

Oh my no i got to set him to fuel sorry send him to fuel there we go then the fuel comes in he’s now self-sufficient so this system as it stands aside from the axes is self-sufficient it should get more i mean i only put eight hole in

And look how much coal oh my look at how much coal we have did that a call make it made 54 pieces pretty cool um now this isn’t now putting an output at the back i need to do output there we go so now this has fuel that’s running okay okay we’re good

We’re good we’re sort of back to where we should be um so this guy as you can see over time will in theory he should fill up because this guy once he fills up with charcoal this guy will fill up with charcoal and then there’ll be

There’ll be some bonus wood here right a little bit of bonus and as you can see we’ve got sticks as well we’re very close to auto crafting wooden axes which i could chuck back in there the question is how do we do it um hmm i’m gonna be honest i’m liking the

The look and sound of um that thing we looked at before this um sequential fabricator i think that’s gonna be our best bet i’m sure there’s another one out here somewhere like even like an engineer’s crafting table like somehow these guys are gonna like you know i

Don’t think that actually does but this thing like the description here there’s so much that i almost feel like it should i i don’t think it automatically distributes tabs to do no i don’t think so ah you know what we could do though um no

I want to automate it i want this to be like properly set up finished this episode i think that would be really fun to do so what do we need to do um i want to make this go what do i need i’m going to need a machine frame

Which is going to need a tin gear which we’ve just made beautiful um so let’s see if we can make this i’m going to put the glass in hopefully we have the glass barely man we’re still what episode is it and i still have not properly solved our glass problem should

I should i do that real quick should we i think we i think there’s a way that we can fully solve it quite simply uh also those guys have been there i’m sort of just ignoring them i don’t really want to deal with them um

Like we’ve got all this stuff let me uh oh god we’ve made a mess okay but yeah we’ve got this guy here he has a quarry b which gets us a lot of these sand chips um as you can see these guys here and these do they do their job

They they make us um sand blocks it’s like they’re pretty good and we can obviously turn that into um glass the issue is he can be a lot better i believe um if we actually go ahead and look at productive bees there are some upgrades and one in particular is upgrade

Um block this guy right here changes the produced output to blocks instead of chips for the quarry b um so can we do that to be honest i think we can um at the moment it’s saying we can’t but i think we can um i’ll need to

Make a diamond we’ll need to make a honey treat which we can actually do very easily so at the moment we just needed a diamond um we’re gonna need some honeycomb blocks which we can also do because we have a bunch of this i think we needed four um we’re going to

Need two wax blocks which once again we can do we’ve got plenty of bee stuff stored as you can see here like look we’ve got a bunch of wax buns honey bunch of combs um all that’s left to two item frames which we can also

In theory do very easily so there we go so all that’s left is this piece in the middle which is actually just um what should i call it it’s just the diamond we’re waiting on um i should have used the teleporter because we’re going over there

Um yeah this should easily be doable in fact um we actually have a diamond waiting for us is this guy he’s out of power though um because we have if you remember we have this guy just one diamond ore i would love to enrich you

But i feel like i’m asking for a bit too much there you know what i am actually going to chuck you there because i think we can pretty much hook up the power pretty much being the key word there give me a second let me let me pick this

Stuff up and sort of figure out how i’m going to pipe it over there like do i just hook it all up to the same system like run these cables back and hook it up to this because we can do that it’s just i didn’t know if we wanted to

You know what i mean like i don’t know if that is the play um but i mean we can should i i should at the very least hook it up right do that we can have the top of the output there we go so that’s now running

Um if i place that there that should be running too this should be hooked up it should get power i think once the rest of these fill up but they’re all full um does this potentially i mean it’s connected that’s connected that’s connected that’s connected it’s all connected top is output

For the power auto output auto output is that now doing anything it’s not really doing anything is it um huh all right well to be honest um we probably want to use these universal cables um yeah we can’t yeah i forgot we can’t really bring it from rf back into um the the

Lightning units from from industrial contraptions so yeah it’s very annoying that i need to have two separate systems i i think that’s just i don’t know that’s yeah very annoying um okay what do i do then what do i do i think i can get away with this if we

Actually break this because obviously it’s not connected it’s not going to work um i can actually just run this guy up oh boom boom that should be fine is that connected what’s going on here what are you doing why are you looking suspicious like he connected um

I was gonna connect the wireless charger this does the seven by seven how far is that um like if i place it here it would be like one two three you know what i think it works if i place it here if we highlight the area let’s see oh you know what

Um i’m slightly wrong yeah i’ve got to go up two blocks We can do that though um what one there doesn’t that seem overkill oh yeah i guess that works yeah okay beautiful and that’ll actually cover the other thing as well oh nice um so how do we get the power over there um you know we’ll probably go under the floor so i’m

Actually gonna have to make a few more of these um basic universal cables which i think needed steel which i’m actually not too happy about because that’s not fun to make at all yeah two steel yeah who’s who is responsible you know what can we can we cheat a little bit i think

We can the steel recipe um okay not that steel recipe there’s two steels that’s also something that needs to change there we go two steals which one’s the good one okay they’re both pretty bad how do i make steel dust this is the recipe i wanted where we can just take iron dust

Add coal to it do i have normal coal though i think that’s my problem i don’t i’ve got a bit yeah yeah i want to do that that seems faster to be completely honest with you um all i need is the ore hammer which i think i have i think or

Did i make a prospecting hammer or hammer yeah we have an all hammer we then grab coal and i might try it with charcoal although i’ll be honest i don’t think it’s gonna work one two three four and then we grab iron dust every time i

Right click this it like gets rid of it iron dust there so first of all there we go that’s our steel taken care of second can i please use charcoal no okay it was worth a try um so then we have what steel dust beautiful i can run down here

Um and i can just quickly place it there do that we have what we want um i should do auto split as well auto split will make this a lot better because as you can see it splits them into multiple so they can you know do what they can here we go two

Steel nice and simple um okay okay remain calm we’re back in business so more of these cables i’m hoping this is enough i would imagine it would be um we can turn off that i now obviously i could run this directly to it but i want it to look you

Know somewhat decent you know we’re going to the effort might as well might as well um oh oh i completely forgot okay you know what that’s actually that sort of works out in our favor because all i have to do is switch these around like run the energy

Under the uh furnace and run the items into the back of the furnace all right and it should look something like this this should still work we should see that’s topped up this guy’s topped up with power beautiful um then i should be able to run these cables under here

Like so beautiful this guy’s hooked up he’s powering these guys are powering we have diamonds on their way we’re back in business okay so what was i using the diamond for oh yeah for the for the sand we we wanted to fix the sand problem um and i’ve also forgotten

I need to be smelting up this sand into glass because we need to fix the we need a glass or something i don’t remember listen i don’t remember what it was but i remember we needed it um what is this floor this floor is cobble isn’t it

It’s this cobble there we go are we good we’re pretty much good there you know we can we can tidy some of this i just want the general area to be somewhat clean this is just oh god yeah i don’t know what we’re doing with with those old machines we

Might even just retire them to be honest um okay so we good we’re almost good yeah oh yeah yeah yeah i i know i know what we’re doing we wanted to make uh this guy right the sequential fabricator yeah this is what we’re doing so what we needed was the

Glass for this right yeah and we’ll get to the sand later remember sand is not the main mission at the moment so we can jump back to that if need be i think we already have a crafting table so that should be fine although it looks like it needs a vanilla ah fine

Can i just make you cry yeah crafting table beautiful awesome gotcha what’s next um two copper gears we can do that oh we can almost do that what’s the extra piece an iron nugget we can do that easy um okay where are we yep one more copper

Gear uh not that recipe actually sorry um i have an iron gear an iron ingot or nugget with your name on it so yeah keep that in mind two different copper gears one uses a lot more than the other apparently um okay then a redstone flux

Coil so this is just going to be golden redstone nice and simple and we should have ourselves a sequential fabricator hopefully hopefully you guys followed along there so this guy i should be able to place here we have two more energy cables which i should be able to run quite nicely under

The floor here like um you know what no that’s that’s going to look very ugly isn’t it oh what have i done here um let’s just oh no that’s not even where that goes oh god oh i’m oh no i’ve created just a horrific mess all right all right the mess is cleaned

I can place this cable here we can have it so that the right side is an output so now this guy’s got power beautiful oh what’s this fluid i didn’t know i needed fluid i don’t know what it might need water it might just be water anyhow let’s continue and pretend everything’s

Gonna work i would then like to place ah we’re gonna need like two of these aren’t we to put two different recipes in it’s not the end of the world it’s just close to the end of the world is there any other way hold on hold on hold on

Spruce how do i stern turn spruce logs into planks is there a machine that will do it for us okay there is a machine that will do it for us and that might be the easier way to do it and i’ll show you what the plan is

The plan is to quite simply have this guy create wooden axes so for example can i oh we don’t actually have any in there let’s actually grab out this um so once this guy fills up with with charcoal um we’re going to have it do this recipe right here i’m going to

Click tick so now this is a bound recipe and i believe if all the ingredients happen to find their way in there it creates an axe pretty simple um now i do see a potential issue which is these filling up with like you know the same object like if this is all

Sticks and obviously there’s no planks in there that doesn’t really help us but i think this is fine i think um so yeah this is good we would have this then output the right side we could then place a single item pipe and we could

Have this do that and then the axes go in there and then i think you’ll find i wouldn’t act made it into one of these yeah see the system already works okay so we need to just turn the wood logs that eventually will get there we need

To turn those into let me just get this end go running to speed this up a bit we need to get those um enters into planks now we could make another one of these guys yeah we could um how difficult will that be to be honest it’s not that bad of a recipe

Especially compared to the sawmill which will turn them into planks um but but it needs a scary saw blade right and that’s a little bit more expensive than just making a second one of these like you know trading a bit of tin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everything’s fine um

So i’m just gonna make another one why not so that’s gonna be a crafting table do it do we remember the recipe um we need quite a few gears i know that much we need two of these we’re also going to need i think a tin one in here no not

That tin one tin man what tin gear do i want do i want the all the oars no i i want the the thermal one that’s still in here yeah the thermal gear yeah let’s let’s grab that one before that’s removed in the next update um let’s grab some glass

Here we go um pretty sure we put a lot more glass in there so i’m a little bit disappointed because that means that this guy is yeah out of produce um i guess i can place it in here that’s fine all righty there we go two of these bad

Boys boom boom that is our machine frame wonderful um next up is just the redstone flux coil oh which needs gold which we don’t have which when we i swear we’re doing something with gold didn’t we i guess i didn’t i guess i was smelting

It down there um because we do have some gold on us um what’s honestly i don’t know what’s the fastest way to get our like gold into gold does that mean i don’t is this the fastest probably not hey you know what this melter is still pretty fast like

That’s pretty good oh no no no no no oh okay that was almost very bad there we go okay we’re casting golden gold by the way that’s what you’re witnessing um okay there’s our gold here’s our fox coil you guys you’re still following along i hope so because we’re doing some

Pretty good work here sequential fabricator this guy is going to be placed like this um no this guy’s going to be placed like this that way he doesn’t connect to this pipe we don’t need a user pipe there instead we place a pipe here the back of this

Guy is going to be an input the left of this guy is going to be an output the right of this guy is going to be an input so blue so the right of that is obviously that draw then what i can do is i can have this guy order input so

He should automatically pull in um spruce logs when he can now obviously this guy might be taking a bit of precedence here but once again in theory once it fills up we should be good in the meantime i probably could artificially fill this guy up like if i

Chuck these in it will fill up right it’ll burn fully this might be the play let me actually take all this stuff out let me grab another stack of you place you there all the extra spruce that’s created here should in theory go into this guy that

Should just simply be how it works um i will also have to get power in there which is actually a little bit tricky like once again if i placed him here i could do the power but then the pipe you know what yeah i don’t want to make another pipe cable another uh

Universal cable instead he’s going to go here which is roughly the same the only difference here is going to be this pipe will be disconnected like that yeah beautiful beautiful so have this guy extract that should hopefully work there’s currently no spruce logs in there i don’t know where the spruce logs are

Going though are these guys just not chopping down spruce i mean i suppose it’s possible that that was a spruce where do you go i don’t spruce like zero it’s going somewhere it has to be right yeah what have i done here what have i done i’ve done something i

They’re not going in here obviously they’re not going there they can’t go there they can’t go there they’re not there but spruce hello this if i hold crouch look in the top left it was it existed is there like a hidden inventory that i’m not seeing here

I feel like there must be is it possible what are we getting yeah we’ve only got one wooden axe i was like maybe it’s like fully processing them you know what i mean like running through the whole system um let me maybe just quickly add in this

Recipe can i do that can i add in just a a plank recipe i mean hold on hold on you know what let me punch this until i get a spruce like out of here okay okay i’ve got my hands on a spruce log it was pretty quick i might not have

Even cut there um let’s take this recipe auto input enabled is that the issue do i need a not auto input okay yeah look magically turning off auto input made it work i i guess sure but this entire system i believe should work now although once again

Oh these are here i need to do auto output there we go now this oh my we’re we are in business we are in business the final step of this puzzle is getting the sticks in and only the sticks now that could be tricky that could be

Very tricky indeed oh you know what though this will always use three planks oh wait no because then right here it messes up and gets rid of them i was gonna say like that would mean that we always have an extra plank there uh how do we hmm what do we do here

Because i obviously want sticks to go in but then it will fill up entirely with sticks and it will fill up entirely with um what am i trying to say here it’ll fill all the slots and we won’t have any slots for the planks to go so

How do we how do we actually do this you know i’ve sort of realized the solution if we just hold out for a little bit this guy’s pretty much full once he’s full then we can stockpile this guy up because the axes will always outlast you know what i

Mean like when one single tree is chopped a new axe is built like we have enough wood to make an entirely new axe and the axes last for 59 they have a 59 durability so like this will always stay full which means this will always stay like this or if i

Make it a little bit cleaner uh is there an odd amount here there is um i guess i could alternate we could do like this and then that should work like this should be perfectly fine all i need to do now is also have oh this guy will not need sticks

Oh how do i do that um oh you know what simple solution i set this up i disconnect this oh yeah this already just works um we’re gonna have this guy obviously except from the top yep there we go and then i have this guy extract and then hope that only sticks come

Or we can place these in and that’ll guarantee it so what we should see is obviously it’ll fill up with sticks and then over time slowly it will fill up with spruce planks but we’re good this is it what you’re seeing at the moment is listen it might not be the prettiest

Thing ever but it’s it’s a thing it’s the it’s yep that’s the thing um okay so where are we what what have we achieved by doing this well for one we now have infinite charcoal essentially now the problem is i guess we still have to grab

It from here i guess we could grab it from this or even better yet we could have an extra little chest that holds um charcoal as like a bit of a bonus should we do that to be honest i think we should the question is is it doable at the

Moment or should i wait um i reckon we can do it now let’s go ahead and get some pipes we’re going to need two droppers for this one two there we go pipes oh by the way i looked at the quests when we made it a a um sink

In the other episode we ended up crafting a full stack of pipes like to be able to use them we crafted 16 of them um the quest reward for the sink is a fluid pipe which is all we needed we just needed one so that would have been

Good another weird thing is this one here diamond site um craftable x-ray potions i i knew that part but it says we have one when we don’t and i sort of looked around in the um like in our inventory to see if we even had one but i was like we don’t i

Believe like if i search diamond we don’t have one so i’m just not gonna retrieve that reward until we can get one oh which reminds me as well um the blazer auto recipe also is gone from hostile neural networks that that cheatsy recipe we had so that’s gone um

So now we would actually need to get a blaze prediction if we want to make some of these blaze rods um however the blaze powder is still there um but i’ve already looked i don’t think we can turn blaze powder back into blaze rods i had

A little look i i checked i checked um so yeah at the moment what’s happening all of these are powered now to be fair they’re not running at the moment so you know that’s part of the reason why they’re all powered but they should be receiving power as you can see this guy

Is currently the simulation chamber so like these guys will fill up they’ll run door they’ll do all their thing that should be good all courtesy of our little this guy down here like he’s doing his thing um so that’s that’s fine arguably like this is still filling up very

Slowly because it’s reduced to um i think 200 rf per tick per block and he obviously he wants more he wants like 500 rf per tick um so we could hardwire that i don’t have the wires at the moment to do that so we’re just not

Going to um but that is an option we can do that um yeah yeah and this guy’s obviously like he’s pretty much full he should be good um once again he could be upgraded in the future that’s fine um oh we got the pipes so what i actually want to do is run

This here um we can disconnect this to make it look a little bit nicer i guess um and then what i wanted to do we could do that i want to do a draw um believe it or not i want to do another one because i quite like them

They’re pretty cool um if i remember how to actually make them do this uh do this oak drawer there we go place him there and there we go we’ve got some charcoal yeah pretty cool i think it’s pretty cool i’m gonna lock it that should be

Good um what that means is this guy will be back up and running again which means this guy won’t get any planks going in which hopefully won’t be an issue it could be it very well could be but i’m gonna hope it’s not in fact i might

Do that just to make sure that we have like all these filled um but we should be good these should hopefully completely fill up and then we’ll be back in business yeah yeah in fact we can do a bit of that in fact if if we’re

Worried about it we can do a bit of that there we go there we go okay yeah nice so we should be good we’ve got our charcoal here so if for example i want to make a diamond or something we can grab out our charcoal we can chuck it in here we can

Do i don’t even have them bookmarked anymore but we could set that up and we could do that which is very cool um what was the last thing we still haven’t done the um the beacon we’ll we’ll get to it there’s honestly so much to do

That it’s really fun like i’m excited to do something every day like every day i’m like okay but but it’s just what do i do i’m glad we did this because i’m like infinite charcoal infinite power i’m happy i’m pretty happy um but now i’ve got some other stuff to do like all

This wiring we’ve got to figure out what we’re doing with realistically i can set up the generators again and just get some charcoal in them like that’s fine that can work um obviously this stuff doesn’t need to be connected with um low voltage cables that can go um we might do a

We might actually experiment with some wireless uh item transferring to get the items from here there although once again i could just set up item pipes you know what look hey let’s let’s do this properly right let’s finish this episode with something that like we don’t have to

Work on in the next episode let’s place these here let’s dig up the floor just rip it completely open do that than that let’s uh go all the way through here boom boom boom ah we’re gonna have to go we’re gonna have to go pretty far in the under the ground

Here let’s get i don’t know if we have the item pipes for this but we’re gonna give it a shot i’m gonna do this this this let me make sure i pick everything up with my magnetic uh little sword there let’s go into here boom boom boom um

You know what for the sake of making things look nice let’s just run through here this should still look just as good and have it go there here we go so boom boom boom boom there we go make sure this guy’s extracting so these should now be receiving coal as you can

See beautiful they should fill up wonderful um i’ve got my cobbles so we can tidy everything right back up yeah looking pretty good looking pretty good now we could center this but then like that would look a little bit weird so i think we’re fine it’s it it is

Getting a little cramped in here i do apologize another thing i wanted to do is actually place these tiles like in this corner so that it matches up with that but now there’s pipes here and i don’t think like even still yeah pipes don’t seem to have like a camouflaging

Function you know i mean like i can’t hide this pipe behind another another block um which is very odd like i i don’t really know why that’s not a thing yet unless it is and like it’s from a different mod or something pipe cover frame but that’s for elemental craft pipes um

So i don’t know let me know if you know of a way to do that like i i just want to i i pretty much want to put a cover on it you know what i mean so that we don’t see into it um even

You know what we could do hold on let me search cover let me search panel panel framed panel framed you know what you know what i want i think it’s called a floorboard oh listen ladies and gentlemen you’re in for a treat um we’re gonna do a little

Bit of crafting just to tidy this up i’m gonna create a framed hammer which is going to be framed cubes which i need a few more of which are going to be planks and sticks like this so i’ll make a few of them we’re going to go ahead and make that

Framed hammer so here it is we’re going to create framed floorboards i’m going to place a frame floorboard there and then i’m going to disguise it as something now what do i want to disguise it as um what would it look like if i do that

That didn’t work i don’t think you can disguise um tile entities like blocks that have functions i don’t think you can do that um but um i don’t know what to do um deep slate tiles should we do that yeah yeah yeah yeah this is not bad it’s

Not bad um arguably we could do this as well we’d have these go here does that look weird now it might look weird but that’s like my plan right to do something like that and then just mechanism surely mechanism come on come on mechanism you know you want to you know you want

To have like a cover of some sort or like a disguise gun yeah surely surely to be honest they might have one i don’t know what it is i i wouldn’t be able to tell you what it’s called there’s so many things here like it could exist it

Could not exist it could be a paint gun it could be a special special gun what’s that a dashboard what i don’t know but um if you guys know please let me know lots of knowing happening but um yeah yeah like you know it doesn’t have to

Look too bad um okay so what was next what was the next plan um oh yeah this guy’s running okay so all i need to do now is oh this is gonna look ugly oh it’s gonna look very ugly like if i do that oh disgusting oh not good oh god

Why’d you guys let me do this um oh oh fixed there we go okay okay beautiful beautiful beautiful so now these machines have power you know these guys are good again excellent okay okay um is that it we good what were we doing we’re doing something else that needed a

Diamond why did we get this diamond what was it for the b upgrade oh yeah for the sand yeah let’s do that real quick just to finish off this episode with a nice bow tie um so upgrade with the sticks um will give us an upgrade base there we go

Make it count one two four okay sure um oh yeah upgrade base and then i want to turn it into the upgrade block all right so we’re going to go we’re going to give this a shot um and then we’ll you know snap up a beautiful thumbnail or something and hopefully i

Don’t remember something else that i was meant to do um so how does this work i right click with it i’m just now realizing it might not go in this hmm let me let me sleep and do a little bit of reading oh okay i think i might know what we

Need okay so hopefully we don’t get too involved here but i believe they’re calling expansion boxes and we can craft them with a honeycomb and some some planks um we don’t have a lot of planks can what’s this gonna do nothing ah i’m gonna have to go back and grab some spruce

Okay i stole some spruce from here nice and simple we’re gonna do this we’re gonna put in a honeycomb spruce expansion box there it is okay bigger is always better get an expansion box for your advanced beehive oh you know what this is actually gonna be

Really cool i i feel like i know what’s gonna happen i feel like we essentially turn this into a multi-block right so now i right click the upgrade on the block You know what it didn’t do what i expected it to do expansion box okay what do i do with you oh oh okay extra slots oh my god it’s not centered anymore and it’s not on the floor oh my what have i done oh no okay okay

Okay we’ve redeemed it a little bit so this is now massive oh okay yeah yeah yeah so now i place in my upgrade block and what should happen is we shouldn’t get chips anymore we should get full Blocks uh which sounds silly but we we should and it should genuinely be pretty good um we can probably put all this stuff away um okay i mean i could wait or we can just see in the next episode right how does that sound but that should be good this should give us

A sandblocks yeah oh i like this you know what while we’re here i mean we’re here you know what i mean like while we’re you know while we’re here we might i mean we might as well we might as well just make it a big box oh oh wait no wait yeah no

This interacts with it the multibot’s broken though can i f3 no that didn’t i don’t know what it but yeah look grass blocks i don’t know what’s i don’t i don’t know i don’t i don’t really know what i’ve done here i don’t yeah hmm what do we think of what we’re seeing

Because that’s spat out the upgrade this is now this is still a big multi-block this is still a big multi-block i’m gonna open the middle and place the upgrade in i don’t i don’t i don’t know what to tell you anyway anyway anyway um what have you got for us term of enchanting

Refreshes enchanting options by using some xp that’s actually pretty cool i actually like that were the skulls indigo yellow orchid and shaded leaves sea pickles i don’t care too much about that stuff um i’ll probably regret saying that when i need to see pickles in the next episode now well what is he

Going to shoot the bee anyway um there was something else i wanted to do this episode but um i think we’ll wrap this up and this can be a nice completed quite nice episode um yeah yeah i’m actually really happy about this obviously hmm these guys are actually

Churning through our call i think we’re good yeah yeah yeah we’re are we good are we good we yeah yeah we’re good i don’t know things have been a little bit suspicious i think we’re just waiting now just waiting on these things to just fill up the stockpile okay um

Oh another thing is we probably do want to eventually put void upgrades in these mainly because once like the saplings fill up because samplings aren’t getting used or even sticks or even wood these guys will then fill up with like say saplings and then eventually the

Whole system will break so you do want to put void upgrades in these to stop that from happening um the other thing i wanted to do that will probably be in the next episode is in the other dimension i think that’s where we snap these up ancient vines

From the older modern mod and look at these the ancient soul berries they’re fast to eat you can always eat them so even when you’re full and they give you night vision now i was told they give you night vision for a minute now i i

Don’t know if you know but that man that is going to make these videos so much nicer like if i just put like a stack of those berries in my my backpack and we’re just like you know going through a cave or something and we just constantly

Have night vision so that you guys can constantly see and i mean so i cannot constantly see as well man that’s going to be very nice um but it might make shaders look a little bit weird by the way using complementary shaders we’ll toggle these on we’ll chug away as we

Load everything um but what i wanted to do oh god we’re extra laggy today for whatever reason um it doesn’t look nice does it how do we fix that how do we make this look nice do i need to do the walls you know what i’ll tell you what it’s a

Friday night for me i’ve got plenty of time i’m gonna i’m gonna do the walls yeah yeah i’m gonna do the walls and you’re gonna you’re gonna sit here and you’re gonna watch you’re probably not gonna watch i’ll probably cut um as for the walls before i do cut what do we

Wanna make them out of um Man it’s rough i i never know what to make them out of can we make bricks out of these no what can we use this for calcite it’s from minecraft is this a new block you can make deep slate out of calcite with manipulation essence of course you can of course can um

Okay yeah we we can chuck it in a stone cuttery category cut-cut all right so what what do we want from here do we want bricks do we want cool patterns do we want layered calcite i think we want layered calcite i think that looks pretty cool should we do that

What’s this cut calcite slabs polished cut slabs slab slabs cut slab slab with the cut cut pillow slab what would you grab these blade calcite so do these multi-block together oh they do look at that yeah yeah oh but they work better as a floor yeah okay

Well i guess we’ve got the floor then and i don’t know what we’re going to do is the wall uh yeah oh but i like my little concrete like this this concrete i quite like i guess this can be like a lab floor little look i guess

All right i’ve done a little bit of remodeling we had to change the walls around a tiny bit i’ve gone with um cobblestone on the floor because there were too many holes that um these layered uh calcite or whatever it doesn’t look too well uh too well it

Doesn’t look too good uh with all the holes in it because they like try to multi-block but they can’t um we should probably torch this area up a little bit because it is actually very dark in here um as for the walls i really don’t know what to put there to be completely

Honest with you i like i i don’t know i don’t know i kind of want to put wood but i almost don’t because the rest of our base is made of wood but it’s like it feels like the play doesn’t it i really think it does um

We could do oak wood we could spice things up but i mean spruce is clearly the play here it’s just a matter of i guess doing it so here we go what’s up oh wow this is oh we have a lot um okay uh actually you know what

How do we do this do i place the spruce on the walls i almost feel like i do it behind the walls you know what i mean so instead of having this wall i break behind it and make that the wall uh you know what no that’s that’s a bit

Weird i think ah you know what oh better idea oh you guys are gonna like this one we get our good old friend you ready for this um oh wait wait uh panel good old friend framed panel grab out 30 of these place these guys along the wall like that

And then we get the benefit of like the indented uh pattern on the wall but we also get to not have a breach outside so this is like one of my favorite parts about the frame panels look at this we we get the benefit of the dent and

The little bit of extra room in the room room room um but yeah how cool is that i actually really like this see i i’m gonna do this okay so already i mean like that area now looks infinitely better i think um i think we can also argue that these can go like

It doesn’t really work arguably this doesn’t realistically like i really just want to place the brick there can we can we literally spend the time to remodel this so that i can have the pillar be the pillar is that but we’re gonna need to literally make more pipes to do this is that

Do i do it i’d have to run it into the wall back there but i think that still looks nicer to run it through and under we’re gonna do that man the things we do just to make things look a little bit nicer i think it’s worth it

And the thing is it’s not even really nicer you know what i mean because it’s like i’m doing it so it’s gonna look quite horrific still it’s just gonna look slightly slight ever so slightly better ever so slightly so let’s go here um oh but we have pipes there is that

Gonna be a problem no place that here we can disconnect that that should be fine run this under there so the yeah that will go there that goes here this goes there beautiful yeah beautiful because then i can place this guy there oh there and then from the front and from

Most angles that looks pretty good like you you wouldn’t know you wouldn’t know would you know oh you might know um the problem is as well i don’t know what to i don’t know what to do here what do i i always feel like it does this does need

To be here but it just needs to be something else to be completely honest with you just needs i don’t know even just like a little bit of spruce slab for spruce plank is that yeah you know what i think that works um so then

Um it’s not going to work in a second when i place these everywhere oh but hear me out if we then place a stair here then does that yeah yeah you know what that looks better than the alternative i think i think that’s nice it’s just a little oh yeah little

Ah of course yes yes of course this looks cool as well oh this is oh you know what i’m i’m quite proud of what we’ve done here i think we’ve uh we’ve sort of redeemed this entire little basement area that sort of it looked good for like half an episode and

Then we ruined it and now i think i think just now in this episode we’ve fixed it um one other little issue is the universal cables i i hate to say it i want to put them in the wall you know what i mean i want to move them over one um okay

Here we go i reckon i reckon we might be able to get away with it uh we might not be like if i place this here and we look at the range it’s not enough see it doesn’t reach these top ones um although although if we were to then make another wireless charger

This new one being a low level one would oh we don’t have redstone okay but i mean that’s that’s a good thing for another episode like we could place another charger here and it would reach because this wireless charger would wirelessly charge that charger yeah

Not not too bad of an idea i don’t think it’s too bad of an idea well i mean realistically we just make another cable i think that’s what we actually do so i’m gonna place i’m gonna place it up there in preparation for the cable um this thing

I’m gonna remove we’re gonna clean that up these are all gonna be panels um we’re obviously gonna have to place a thing here oh man i think this room actually looks really nice i think if i do this and then we could even have to be honest we could even have glass

Panels here um and i think that could look really cool like if we search glass real quick do we have any clear glass we don’t but i think i can make stuff we can go connecting glass clear glass can i place that in here oh the question is will this multi-block together

But place your bets place your best does it multi-block together it doesn’t um but it still looks pretty good and i think if we break this we get the glass back yeah how cool is that so what that allows us to do is actually make the rest of this uh wall here

Spruce um look at what we’re doing here we’re actually making this look really nice i’m i hope you guys are proud of what we’ve achieved here i think yeah i think this will look very nice we probably won’t be able to see that far down

Like i mean only if we try you know what i mean and really for the most part this is what we’re going to see oh i missed the top ah yeah you know it annoyed me uh so i fixed it i couldn’t i couldn’t handle it it was

It was far too irritating um but yeah i quite like how this looks um so we can place the glass there and place the glass there i guess waiting for that one more piece which we’ll make in a separate episode because for this episode i believe these are all pretty

Much full this guy doing the thing doing thing i think this guy needs to yeah i think our issue at the moment is this guy is going to fill up with spruce logs before they go back into the system um which is honestly not really a problem

Apart from being out of power um yeah once this goes full we’re fine the other option here that we could do is three stacks is pretty good um i could play stone in the rest of these oh i actually can’t really i can’t i was gonna say i could place a

Different block in all of these slots and it would um it would stop them from filling but it actually doesn’t let me very interesting yeah okay anyway am i fine okay okay we’re done we’re done yeah we’re done okay beautiful um oh wait wait it’s been you know uh

Listen listen we’re pretty much done i’ll let you not see it we’re pretty much done i’m kind of procrastinating a little bit i want to check the b ladies and gentlemen big b look at that 15 sand already pretty cool um okay so yeah all right i think that’s a pretty good

Thumbnail or even like that we slap the title in top left i think that’s pretty good i’m i’m extremely happy with how this episode went hopefully you guys are too thank you guys for watching um yeah we’ll have to deal with those in a future episode we’ll see we’ll see how

Long they stay there they might just chill there for the rest of the series um yeah lots of stuff to do i want to automate these berries i don’t know if it’s possible but i want to i also want to try them out to begin with um there’s

Stuff we can do with redstone we need some blaze predictions so we’re going to do that in an episode um there’s some cool stuff we can do with even more iron furnaces if we really want um there’s a lot to do there’s there’s genuinely a lot to do and like we

Haven’t even touched on starting on applied energy sticks 2 or something to revamp this whole system i haven’t even finished the beacon which by the way the shaders give a beautiful glow to which i never realized before um so we’ll do the beacon in a different episode man that beacon um

And yeah yeah that’s it thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed it hopefully you learned something hopefully you had some fun um thank you of course to everyone who supported me financially um watching the ads on the videos helps me out big time i say it

Every episode but i mean it helps me out every episode i guess um thank you of course to everyone who’s donated or become a channel member that stuff obviously helps me out big time as well but um you guys do not have to do that don’t feel pressured to donate or

Anything the uh watching the ads is more than enough um oh my god it’s disco stu yeah thank you guys for watching and hopefully i will see you guys in the next one goodbye you

This video, titled ‘Ep19 Automated Charcoal – Minecraft All The Mods 7 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2022-06-03 13:53:26. It has garnered 21127 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:29 or 3989 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 7 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to probably some other cool mods we’ve never even heard about! They even have their own mods which add cool resources like Allthemodium, Vibranium, and Unobtanium!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-7 Client Mods for shaders – Rubidium and Oculus Common shaders used – Complementary – Seus – Sildur’s

#ATM7 #Minecraft #ATM7modpack

Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community ATM 7 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

I really hope you all enjoy this pack, we built an incredibly nice community around the ATM 6 modpack and we managed to have over 200 episodes, and many community episodes which is something I never expected to be possible. Thank you all so much for taking part in this crazy adventure 😀

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – AzzaFortySix –

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Shoot ‘n Build Adventure

    Minecraft Mayhem: Shoot 'n Build Adventure In Minecraft, a shooting game we shall create, With redstone circuits, we’ll set the stage. Aim, shoot, and score, a challenge to beat, Let’s test our skills, with every feat. VABLOCK on YouTube, where creativity thrives, Inspiring us all to build and survive. Check out the video, for tips and tricks, In the world of Minecraft, let’s get our fix. #vablock #minecraft, a community so grand, Where gamers unite, across the land. So grab your pickaxe, and let’s begin, In this pixelated world, where we always win. Read More

  • Hungry for Trouble – Minecraft Episode 60

    Hungry for Trouble - Minecraft Episode 60 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring a Vast World Embarking on a Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. In a survival mode adventure, the journey begins in a beautiful world filled with challenges and surprises. The exploration leads to unexpected encounters and discoveries. Discovering Unique Elements As the adventure unfolds, the player encounters strange blocks and landscapes, each holding its own mystery. From mossy dungeons to hidden treasures, every corner of the world offers something new to explore. Surviving and Thriving Navigating through the world requires resourcefulness and strategy. Gathering essential items like food and tools becomes… Read More

  • Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap

    Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where endless possibilities await with the awakening of the MOD System. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds as you freely add and modify mods to enhance your gameplay experience. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the MOD System at your fingertips, unleash your creativity by adding a plethora of mods to your Minecraft world. From new items and tools to exciting gameplay mechanics, mods allow you to tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences. Exploring New Dimensions One of… Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

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  • Muslim Wolf’s Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6

    Muslim Wolf's Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muslim Wolf roams, living out his dream. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, Each episode a new adventure to see. From mining to farming, his skills are top-notch, Facing challenges head-on, never a botch. With each new chapter, the story unfolds, In the vast world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join Muslim Wolf on his journey so grand, In the land of blocks, where creativity stands. Watch as he builds, fights, and explores, In the world of Minecraft, where excitement soars. Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4

    Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4 In the 1v1 Minecraft showdown, Natop and I clashed, At the barcode scanner, our skills were unmatched. With Amazon Prime links, and Discord invites, We battled it out, under the bright lights. Editing and subtitles, all done by me, Bringing the action, for all to see. Join the channel, for exclusive content, Minecraft news, with a rhyming intent. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In the world of gaming, let the rhymes begin. Read More

  • Craft a Free Aternos Server: Minecraft Masterclass

    Craft a Free Aternos Server: Minecraft Masterclass In the world of Minecraft, a server we create, Using Aternos, it’s free, no need to debate. Just follow the steps, sign up and log in, Choose Java or Bedrock, let the fun begin. Give a unique username, a password too, Click create server, it’s all up to you. Select the game version, don’t make a mistake, Options to customize, your world to make. Start the server, wait for it to load, Invite your friends, on this adventure road. In Minecraft multiplayer, type the address in, Join the server, let the games begin. Share the IP, let the fun… Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure

    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure Welcome to! Today we have an exciting update for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. While you may be busy with your own projects and solo survival games, there’s a world of adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With an epic survival game experience and regular Minecraft mod updates, Minewind offers a vibrant community for players to explore, build, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why not take a break from your solo adventures and join the fun on Minewind? Connect with like-minded gamers,… Read More

  • JJ and Mikey’s Impossible Choice in Minecraft – Maizen

    JJ and Mikey's Impossible Choice in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information I finally arrived on this earth now I will dominate her I’ll start with this city I’m from here it will be completely mine but no one will be able to dominate it so let’s go I’m going to start releasing my boys here and they will defeat all the citizens they have here in front of them and who dare to hit me headon so come on cities will now be completely mine isn’t it guys good morning we are in another video I hope you enjoy today’s adventure let’s get started man I had a weird… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes – Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMING

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  • Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex – LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!

    Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex - LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by Dino Gopi on 2024-06-14 11:17:30. It has garnered 973 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:35 or 755 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE Addon

    EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE AddonVideo Information BL F to the kill [Music] the know [Music] the that so going [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] in [Music] the sorrow blacking all staring down the Barrow waiting for [Music] the This video, titled ‘Warfare Addon for Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by MCPE Mods on 2024-03-16 17:48:59. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. Addon name: Warfare Tags: Minecraft, Pocket Edition, gaming, sandbox, building, exploration, crafting, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, game modification, game customization, virtual world, block-based, survival, creative mode, adventure, multiplayer, redstone,… Read More

  • SCANDAL: Jamesy’s AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!

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  • Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viral

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  • Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!

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  • The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shorts

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  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • FredBobbersSMP

    FredBobbersSMPWelcome to FredBobbersSMP! This server has a Earth based map with a claim plugin (lands) that allows you to create towns and nations!We are constantly adding quality of life and game breaking plugins!Dynmap: PMCd629222cacea6cf7c0aab186124ab8aeDiscord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it really worth it gamers…

    Is it worth it to spend hours building a giant house in Minecraft just to have it blown up by a creeper? Probably not, but at least you’ll have a high meme score to show for it! Read More

  • Upgrade Galore: EP 3 – Java Joy Ride

    Upgrade Galore: EP 3 - Java Joy Ride In the world of Minecraft, adventures unfold, As Alexa searches for sheep in the jungle so bold. With iron armor and shield, she faces the night, Crafting bread and trading with villagers in sight. Two blacksmiths, a stroke of luck so grand, As she explores the village, with wheat in hand. Donkeys and chickens, a farm to tend, In this Minecraft world, her journey will never end. So join us next time for more fun and delight, As Alexa’s Minecraft playthrough shines bright. Like and subscribe, don’t miss a beat, In this world of blocks, where stories meet. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Jef’s Hilarious Minecraft Prank!

    Jef's Hilarious Minecraft Prank! Exploring the Hilarious Adventures of Jef in Minecraft! 😂 Join Jef on a side-splitting journey through the world of Minecraft that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Watch as Jef navigates through the game with humor and excitement, creating a truly entertaining experience for viewers. Unveiling the Laughter in Minecraft As Jef embarks on his Minecraft adventure, the gameplay is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. From hilarious encounters with mobs to comical mishaps while exploring the vast landscapes, every moment is sure to keep you entertained. Humorous Gameplay Moments Witness Jef’s antics as he navigates… Read More

  • EPIC Pizza-making at Domino’s in Minecraft!

    EPIC Pizza-making at Domino's in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey MAKE PIZZA In Domino Pizza in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mizer Craft on 2024-02-23 06:32:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!

    Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!Video Information where’s my music dude I just can’t hear anything oh my god dude Nvidia is a like a curse I don’t know what it is hey Jack how it going D blue how you guys doing my Nvidia broadcast Nvidia broadcast is a thing you’ve seen that can make your background a green screen even though you don’t have a green screen and you can like remove the background noise on your mic and it just keep keeps launching despite me saying I don’t want it to launch when I turn on my computer and it keeps launching… Read More

  • Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeed

    Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make minecraft old photo #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by TG gaming on 2024-05-03 10:09:44. It has garnered 4272 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what… Read More

  • Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shorts

    Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shortsVideo Information [Applause] [Music] huh Grandpa fought in World War II he was such I can’t even finish school him violent my God that’s so insane that’s shame next don’t feel so bad but I can’t help myself I’m feeling bad feel [Music] like the worldest violin needs an audience so if I do not find somebody soon I blow up This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by All Gaming on 2024-04-05 08:00:07. It has garnered 865605 views and 25679 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616

    Insane Minecraft Lamp Post Build by stan616Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Lamp Post #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-05-13 17:00:16. It has garnered 174243 views and 15809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!

    UNREAL! Megumi Sukuna Survives 100 Days in Minecraft!Video Information egomi fushi Guru has been shown multiple times within the show to have insane potential even being recognized by sukuna if y’all have read the jjk Manga y’all already know what this leads to sua taking over megumi’s body created a beast who was able to beat Gojo himself it’s without a doubt the strongest swarm of any character we’ve seen in the show so far with the ability to control the 10 shadows and still have access to his slashing techniques This Man sua created a monster he was even able to fully teame the aasta mahara… Read More

  • Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!

    Unleashing a Terrifying Monster in MineKrish!Video Information लेजर वाला प्रोटेक्शन यहां से ओ नूब नूब के पीछे गाइ वही पड़ गया चू चार्ल्स भाई आजा आजा आजा भाई नूब आजा जल्दी से आजा नूब आजा ओ यार ये तो वही छू चास है अब हमें यहां से भागना पड़ेगा भाई यहां से हमें भागना पड़ेगा गाइ य पहले ट्रैप बिछाने दो इसको गाइस यहां पर ट्रैप बिछा रहा है ओके नाइस ये लो शावल अब यहां पर ये नीचे गिर जाएगा शावल जैसे यहां पर देखो गाइ यहां पर जो शावल यहां पर गिर जाएगा ना वैसे ही गाइस ये भी नीचे गिर जाएगा और… Read More

  • Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥

    Bijay EPIC Minecraft battle: noob vs pro vs hacker 🔥Video Information [संगीत] ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला ला अरे यह कौन है काला काला आदमी अरे इधर देख तो मेरी आंखों में अरे इसको क्या हो गया मैंने तो बस इसकी आंखों में देखा था अरे बचाओ अरे आज तो बहुत काम कर लिया मैंने अरे एंडरमैन कहां से आ गया चलो यार साइड में से निकल लेता हूं नहीं तो यह मेरी ऐसी की तैसी कर देगा इसको तो देखना ही नहीं है बिल्कुल अरे ये एंडरमैन क्या कर रहा है यहां पे तो कैसा है तू अरे कांपने की जरूरत नहीं है तुझे… Read More

  • Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!

    Insane Mutant Toilets vs Titan Drillman in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Mutant Toilet Vs Titan Drillman Multiverse || minecraft addon battle’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-05-18 11:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to TentenCubify! Subscribe today and join the Cubify community! Read More

  • Intermix

    IntermixWelcome to Intermix! Dive into the captivating world of Intermix, hosted at We’re not your average Minecraft server; we’re a box server! Discover Limitless Creativity: Intermix is all about maximizing creativity within the confines of a box. Challenge your building and survival skills as you navigate and thrive in our compact world. Survive and Thrive: The compact size of Intermix adds an extra layer of challenge to your survival experience. Gather resources, build shelters, and collaborate with others to make the most of your limited space. Unique Boxed Adventures: Despite our compact world, Intermix offers a variety of adventures… Read More

  • FoundersSMP – Vanilla SMP Survival, Community Events, Whitelist, NO Resets, 1.21 Java

    Founder’s Vanilla SMP Whitelisted Minecraft 1.21 Enjoy 100% vanilla gameplay on our whitelisted server with a focus on long-term planning. Explore our fun seed with Trial chambers and deep dark directly under spawn in the new 1.21 world generation. Apply on Discord for whitelist access to our small community on our dedicated server. Features: PvE Community-Based Events Builds No-Raiding No-Griefing Legit Vanilla Apply on Discord now – Whitelist ON! Read More


    Looks like even Minecraft mobs have better manners than some people on the internet. Read More

  • Alpha Minecraft’s Creepy Clues: andy72 ARG Unveiled

    Alpha Minecraft's Creepy Clues: andy72 ARG Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, In the Alpha version, a story untold. “minecraftandy72” reuploads old clips, But something is off, giving us the creeps. From blue legs to strange anomalies, The player is scared, facing odd realities. Teleported back, with no exit in sight, The truth is hidden, shrouded in night. Animals’ sounds, but no creatures in view, A figure in the shadows, a player or two? In the empty village, a cow or a ghost? The mystery deepens, the clues we must boast. Is this just a hoax, or something more dire? In “minecraftandy72’s” world,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! – Minecraft

    Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! - Minecraft The Thrilling World of Minecraft Step into the exciting world of Minecraft, where every decision you make can mean life or death! Join Adem and Ahmet on their thrilling adventures filled with entertainment, escape, horror, and mystery. Don’t miss out on their latest videos by turning on notifications 🔔! Subscribe and Follow 🟥 Subscribe for free ➡️ here 🟪 Follow my Tiktok account ➡️ here 🟩 Become a member of my channel ➡️ here For Business Inquiries For advertising and sponsorship opportunities, contact [email protected] Exciting Minecraft Content Explore a variety of themes in Minecraft, from escape challenges to revenge… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep19 Automated Charcoal – Minecraft All The Mods 7 Modpack