Diamonds are STILL a Noodle’s Best Friend!! | Minecraft HARDCORE Season 3 [#1]

Video Information

Haven when it’s your friend thick noodles and oh welcome back to the noodle planet on a Minecraft 1.14 guys season 3 starts now now before we get to it first of all if you didn’t watch episode 0 a few changes we’re gonna be playing in hardcore mode

Don’t worry guys I have backed up the original right here it’s just sitting here all by itself but I have backed it up zipped it up put it in the description please download a copy so that in case something really bad happens like I play our core ID I’m

Gonna try not I’m not gonna die I’m not gonna die but let’s say something really bad happens and I lose everything you guys will have my back and be able to give me a copy of the downloaded version so here we go we are starting from

Scratch guys we are in a jungle biome but we are about 24,000 blocks away from the treehouse with what’s that there’s something moving there oh come on are you are you for real dude are you for real okay so we’ve this is a bad okay he’s going that way no come on

Seriously like oh oh come on no no no yeah yeah come on over dude okay I’m just gonna I’m just gonna back away I’m gonna back away so guys we are playing hardcore mode if you don’t know what that means basically you see my angry hearts there that just means that if I

Die oh jeez this is really bad really bad oh okay could have fallen right on top of me there yeah if I die I lose the world well it becomes spectator or I can delete it I can still regen it’s not UHC so it’s not like I’m gonna be playing

Super super conservative but I do have to be careful not to die can still regen okay I don’t see any pandas around here but I did see some other bamboo how quickly does this grow okay I’m not waiting for that uh we need to move fairly quickly here we need to

Punch some wood I’ve gotten rid of all the achievements I did add the a data pack for mob more mob heads I’ll leave a link to that in description basically you add it to vanilla minecraft there are no mods you add it to vanilla minecraft and it allows different mobs

To drop heads like all of them like that zombie could have but it you know there’s like a rare chance and what I want to do is try my best to I think this is a good one this would be a good one I try my best to collect as many mob

Heads as we can I think it also lets you collect like I don’t know Dolphin heads to which I’m not I mean I’m not sure but I’m not gonna be going decapitating dolphins to try and complete it so what we’re gonna get obviously we’re gonna go

After like I don’t know a wither head or a drag well you could always get the dragon head so I didn’t delete the end it is as it was because you can revive the ender dragon now which we’re going to do oh and I’m not allowed to go back

To the right I’m setting a limit on myself going back to the treehouse until it doesn’t matter anymore so basically I get to what was that basically what Oh Doody leo no it’s the it’s the it’s the vines okay please make that noise when they decay I don’t like that so yeah

Once we get Opie enough that it doesn’t matter anymore then we will go back but for now we are going to let’s do pickaxe we’re gonna stay here and start from scratch jungle biomes are actually really good starting points because ah I can’t get up that one because the leaves nope the

Leaves cause it’s make it so you can’t or so that mobs can’t really spawn yeah see this is nice this is a nice thin it what is that a lot there’s a cave there okay I think that’s a cave entrance I thought it was fire yeah let’s get a little bit longer view

Here let’s see so I mean I like they were sort of on the edge like we are in the original tree house oh okay now this this is okay so this is I mean okay all right um I think well we don’t have a bed anyway so we’re not we’re not

Gonna bother here let’s not do that now we’re going there we’re going there this is like this would be a cool I mean it’s not a desert temple so it’s probably not going to be as good as the original like first episode of the new plant

Where he found a desert temple but I love that we found another temple here what is that oh dude that’s right fish can you oh my goodness you can fish without a fishing rod I like this give me that come here come here come here bro

Okay wait where oh yeah there we go yeah dude we got fish we got me let’s go ah this is cool I like that you can fish because one of the things about a jungle biome is that like I said what’s that is that things can’t spawn as easily like

That also goes for passive mobs that you might want to eat like a pig or a cow or something and I gotta cook this so you’re definitely gonna need oh dude I know there’s no sharks in Minecraft but I swear I thought that was a shark oh he gave me a boost

Because I’m sort of a little freaked out by hardcore mode and you know losing food Oh what hey hey hey hey hey you guys what okay this this okay why is this so hostile this isn’t good so those things can spawn during the day that isn’t cool all right

V okay uh what was making that noise okay we need to cook what what what well what what’s happening here I hear creepers I hear I hear I I don’t I don’t know I hear something steppin wait oh that thing is full of mobs vent pass Oh oh-ho-ho okay yep okay

That was not good dude is that it something coming after me I got to get out of here I’m stuck okay I don’t like this this is not good okay let’s do that let’s do that let’s man I you know what I should block the entrance but then I

Won’t be able to see oh dude what did I just do I didn’t even make it oh dude I don’t even a coal all right so here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna go ahead and do this I’m gonna cook some gonna cook some wood I guess I mean we’re in a

Jungle we got lots of wood anyway so it’s fine let’s do that let’s cook the wood let’s cook the art cook the fish okay and let’s make ourselves a stone sword here there we go all right now I’m gonna go try and get some more fish fish now I

Got a sword I can’t find any fish where’s the oh no okay all right we got it okay yeah well scratch that it looks like it’s nighttime so I’m gonna kind of want to go into the temple there’s got it I mean it’s oh he’s waiting for I see them

Camping the entrance like I don’t think I’ve ever had to fight mobs oh my goodness there’s two creepers in there like I don’t think I’ve ever had to fight mobs inside a temple before like a jungle temple come on up three creepers are you for real dude what is this this

Seems like okay you know like okay I mean to be fair okay like it is like hard mode and hardcore but like like this seems a little why don’t you come in come on see there you go yeah whoa that worked okay that’s how we do why is so dark

Okay I mean I know why it’s dark but like seriously oh man I got I got no torches all right I’m going for it oh okay hit me but it’s okay it’s okay I got I got I got plenty of come on there we go okay listen for mobs I thought

There was a skeleton but I don’t know okay all right let’s go in in let’s go yup there it is oh dude – time is just like the desert temple yo yes diamonds baby okay I need I can’t see anything though I think there’s usually two chests I

Can’t see anything I’ll boost the gamma for you guys I I can barely see so I bet you can’t either a second oh there it is Oh what’s eight diamonds diamond horse armor 4 iron ingots 7 gold ingots guys why even okay I’m oh wait we’re see arrows oh

They they knocked all the arrows out I want them though one fantastic um guys okay I’m going into my little hole there and I don’t have any um no I’m a coal but alright where is it where is it let’s just let’s just okay let’s just okay we’re gonna just what guys dude

This is crazy okay wait hang on hang on hang on okay I I’m gonna make a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe right wait let me make sure that’s a good idea wait three and two so the last real it yeah we’re doing it no way oh my goodness I love the

Noodle planet baby yeah okay alright I’m very happy I’m extremely happy but I am stuck in a hole right now okay so wait hold on so I can actually dump out this I can get rid of that I can get rid of that what else weather junk dude I don’t

Need that I don’t need that I need that you know let’s get so you know what okay I’m not gonna go to the ground with only three fish we got to get some more food first and I’ve got a diamond sword now so those drowns I’m not that afraid of I

Am worried about I should have made a shield okay that’s one thing we’re gonna craft when we get back there here we go yeah there we go one shots there we go where’d the raw one go yo where do they go do they get caught in the cult or something

Oh no they’re there okay there’s my number two wait wait hang on wait whoa whoa whoa whoa where’s my pickaxe what ah no not right now dude I don’t have time for this where’s my pickaxe yo did I did I drop the pickaxe ah go get it dude oh my goodness I’ve

Already made a huge mistake huh dude get in there okay where’s the temple ah it’s gonna be spawn on me isn’t it it’s gonna be BA no no no no we’ve got plenty of time just chill breathe relax you idiots how did that happen what do I even do dude okay wait

A second dude did I I’m just gonna pick up everything on the floor here with what what did I do I don’t okay wait hang on I’m stuck in a hole here I do not want to be in here okay let’s go out whoa he was coming in

With me oh okay so there it is Paul okay all right you guys can stop freaking out in the comments like I got it back oh I think one dropped a head yes I got oh I got two so there you go guys so there’s

A cod head I’ll show you in a minute oh is that it do it a sea turtle so cool I’ve not seen one before Oh what is that there’s something oh dude there’s like okay there’s a ruins over there there’s also a fish that I

Come but dude hold on I’ve not seen I mean I think I’ve seen sea turtles I mean I’ve seen them before like Dom nails and things like that but I’ve actually never seen one ooh what is that oh is this a salmon oh come here dude do

You taste better than God fish there we go gotcha um but I’ve actually never seen one and survived oh there’s three of them oh I think they lay eggs and I think you could probably like you can probably get like a turtle head but I’m

Not doing that I’m not gonna go kill a sea turtle like if it happens on like accident one dies that’s fine but I’m not gonna purposely kill one there’s like a capsule here this is like a dungeon is there oh yeah dude just like a ruins and underwater ruins it’s the

Lost city of Atlantis here except that’s like really small oh dude I saw something weird oh magma blocks are right there but I can’t it’s weird I can see them above ground but not below like our above water or not below water can you get into this thing oh there’s

Another one over here oh dude there’s a chest oh oh and a fishing rod – yo okay and I’ll take the ax to actually hold on wait how much coal did I just get that is so good all right let’s see let’s put it on oh my goodness so there’s our

First ooh there’s a piece of fish there too wasn’t there I think a floating oh it’s another head okay well we’ve got oh no Ana fish okay anyway that is our cada that is the first mob head we’ve gotten three comes here comes oh are you

Serious I hate it I hate the rain this is so typical of this world by the way all right we can figure out the whole turtle laying egg situation later oh oh oh is that a cake wait hang on hang on ham we can make ourselves some

Torches cuz we got some free coal baby let’s not use it although do that and oh wait wait wait wait wait I said I wanted to make I said I wanted to make a shield we’re gonna do that right now I think shield is the most important

Thing we can do with iron right now because skeletons dude skeletons are awful let’s put this thing here curse of vanishing what does that do does that make the fish disappear when I catch it that sounds like the worst fishing rod ever all right let’s see that hole man this

Whole thing can come down if I hit one single block I mean it’s raining outside anyway let’s let’s start digging down oh you know we need wait how much okay hang on hang on hang on because we want to get some obsidian we want an enchanting table

Right off the bat as quickly as we can get it we’ve got enough diamonds for it as long as we have some ooh wow that’s what was this huh what do you I don’t know dude these things definitely want and maybe if I give them a bigger spot

Like maybe if I do like this they’ll come and lay oh he’s coming he just needed a bigger oh no all right I was trying to give them a bigger spot to like lay their eggs or whatever oh nice nice get ourselves some some coal and

Some xp for our enchanting when we do get to it yo we’re not gonna need coal for a while dude what this stuff goes how much coal is in here dude like I don’t remember how much I started with but like I think I’ve got like over

50 coal now dude what how can this keep going like I could have to light it up because it’s gotten 43 dude oh yeah look oh look at that there we go there’s some iron all right now we’re talking yeah oh yeah dude this was a good little spot I think we just

Got like eight iron and like fifty colt close to 50 coal 48 coal 6:9 okay I can’t count okay fine dude we almost have enough gold for a Golden Apple that’s sweet dude alright there’s that oh there it is whoa okay okay okay wait no no no no no no no

No relax relax dude I don’t think so so we need to go up a little bit aha there we go let’s see yeah we good here above it right yeah okay so it’s flowing lava that’s not really gonna help us much hope that helps though that helps let’s

Do that alright we got one two three four five six seven more pieces because I put this at 15 all right we got eight and then we got this and we’ve got seven that’s enough for an iron chestplate and iron leggings let’s start with the chest plate yeah dude

Suit up there we go what oh dude are those that are those the Phantom’s has it been three days or how many days is it you can’t sleep I guess it’s nighttime and those things okay but they can’t get me in a cave right oh dude I’m

Scared you the slightest noise of the stupid furnace made me think that something was coming for me here we go I got some more iron here oh my goodness shot across the bow dude huh oh there oh man you shoot you gotta be kidding me man that’s all right you know what we’re

Gonna do I’m gonna stay behind the wall I’m gonna I’m gonna grab this know what buddy stop shooting me thank you okay can’t shoot under that Kenya oh yeah there it is what do we got we got 11 mmm five and four oh that’s a full set dude

All right let’s get the legs on boom boom boom oh man that is our fifth iron ingot that will be a hat for me Oh got it all right there we go you know and I know you guys are worried about me in this mode cuz like you know you don’t

Think it one go but like if you think about it in in new plan season one I was always in just diamond boots and chain leggings like you know I’m always in very little armor and I do fine so if we get full diamond and right now we’re

Full iron which is more armor than I normally have I don’t think is open okay I don’t think you guys need to worry that much I think we’re gonna be okay I mean I think it might be being a little bit cocky about it but I I mean yes we

See here’s the thing like so if we come up against an ender dragon or wither or something like I’ll be over prepared because I know the concert quinces right oh there it is okay we got it so there’s the there’s the zombie nobody yep goodbye

All right so could we race down to the skeleton cuz I think it’s down here oh there’s a creeper Anna skeleton that’s a bad combo come on buddy not today thank you come on bring it up bring it up bring it up you coming woof oh geez I switch to a torch dummy

Okay now we’re good is the creeper coming creepers you got to be careful of because if you guys remember to stream that’s what killed me because they like I don’t know they are they like he had like I had full armor okay so that was fine I’m okay with that oh that’s redstone

Oh that’s obsidian haha there we go we don’t even need to find lava we got natural obsidian down here okay alright let’s do this so um we need we five obsidian for enchanting I’m not gonna worry about the nether right now that is not in the cards at all but an

Enchanting table would be very well an almost enchanting table cuz I saw I saw sugarcane we just need to find a couch we probably won’t find a jungle biome but when we do whoa ice bucket challenge when we do fight wait did that go no I

Thought it went under when we do finally get it the leather for the book then we can go straight to enchanting and then we will own this planet once again who’s coming oh it’s a bat are you kidding me dude oh come on come on dude come on come on

There we go come on you’re out you’re out okay okay bat I don’t time you know what I want your head give me your head did you drop it I hate those bats always have okay so the creeper oh he didn’t I thought I

Ought he saw no he did well now he saw me get back dude get back get back get back oh I missed get back bro really come on there we go drop your head oh man is okay that’s a zombie yo oh my goodness is so oh it’s so open we could

Find diamonds here how do you do I risk this and we’ve done so well up to this point do we is there somebody shooting at me or is it just him okay those zombies can’t get me they can’t get through the water come on here we go

Oh dude that’s enough well if I find an apple that’s enough for a Golden Apple I’ll take this though gimme gimme gimme gimme oh man that’s good that’s good that’s uh that’s 13 so that’ll be good we got a check there though we’ve got 200 lapis we need that for enchanting I forgot

Okay can I reach that please thank you all right here they come oh there dude there’s three of them that was actually not the best idea come on yup swipe attack there we go swipe attack swipe attack and I hear a skeleton on his way there we go oh did

He see me he didn’t see me all right get the last bit of lapis I’m just gonna rush this dude where’d he go what he knew us coming man that was crazy he was right there okay we got 24 lapis that’s decent man we uh if only we were in like

A vial of cows we could okay I’m being greedy here like seriously I need to I need to get I need to get out of here probably dude oh hey dude I don’t think something’s there we go yeah get out and there’s this the edge oh no there’s

Still stuff I gotta be careful not to put that oh dude hold that was really stupid because if I’d done that oh it only did one I thought it was gonna bring them all down yeah like that ooh oh how much string do we have I’ve got none

We haven’t killed a spider yet okay come on buddy come on are you stuck how do you uh yeah only one though huh oh okay go go back back back back back eat okay we got two creepers incoming one at a time boys one at a time I’d like to

Collect your gunpowder or I don’t know what well get back get back don’t blow up the Gunpowder dude come on come on come on there we go yep that’s right yep you out ah dude of course it is okay it’s nighttime and we’re right under a tree which actually

Is kind of good I just mmm all right we’re just gonna block up here right where are we what time is it anyway wee wee deep okay we’re just gonna get up into a tree and like maybe where are we dude I wanted to be like I wanted to

Be in a tall tree near the water but I don’t know is that water over there yeah okay here we go this looks like a tall tree um that would grow right there let me can I can you go like this and then you can you go

No almost like cut ah oh okay this is not working um I need shears like I don’t have an you know it’s like I don’t have oh yeah yeah yeah it’s not like I don’t have enough iron you know what wait okay there’s just gotta be one thing I can

Climb and just claim for now as like a stopping point there’s a zombie alright here we go that’s good what’s that okay that’s just beach I mean we’re kind of in the area I don’t want to be but I want to be on a tree like that like that can you

Are you serious you’re not coming here are you No okay cool right alright so guys I think this is a good place to end the episode we’ve got an angry mob of zombies awesome that will fry in the sunlight this is like middle of the night too so

We’ll just stay up here or they can’t get up there and neither can anything else the only thing I have to worry about is uh it’s got oh my goodness he’s got an iron sword oh this is fantastic anyway I think it’s a good place to end

The episode we’re at full liar we got diamond sword diamond pickaxe and also 46 iron or like 12 gold ingots three more diamonds yeah I think dude I am terrified right now um especially with that stupid sword this guy’s guy not gonna stand on his head are you so if

You guys enjoyed it you’re looking forward to season three let me know by clicking a like button and also subscribe if you’re new here don’t forget to tap the bell I’ll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course

This video, titled ‘Diamonds are STILL a Noodle’s Best Friend!! | Minecraft HARDCORE Season 3 [#1]’, was uploaded by Thinknoodles on 2019-08-01 16:07:05. It has garnered 614560 views and 9970 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:03 or 1623 seconds.

Minecraft Hardcore Survival on the Noodle Planet officially begins!! Let’s try for 3 likes for Season 3!!!

Diamonds are STILL a Noodle’s Best Friend!! | Minecraft Hardcore

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The Noodle Planet was my longest-running and first-ever Minecraft series on my channel. Watch as I continue to progress and learn more about the game and, of course, make careless mistake while taking unreasonable risks.

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Noodle on, Noodlers!

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    Join Minewind: Where Epic Mapart Builds Lead to Legendary Wars! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “This Minecraft Mapart Led to War!” Although the video itself is not directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought about the importance of finding the right server to unleash your creativity and engage in thrilling adventures. Just like the SMP featured in the video, Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience that is unlike any other. With elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, this server is known… Read More

  • Testing TikTok Trick with Trident in Minecraft Server

    Testing TikTok Trick with Trident in Minecraft Server Minecraft Adventures with Siro: Testing TikTok Tricks and Farming Tridents Join Siro on his latest Minecraft adventure as he delves into the world of tridents and tests out some TikTok tricks in his YTB Co-op Tập 18 video. From farming tridents to exploring new features, Siro never fails to entertain his audience with his gaming skills. Trident Farming and Testing TikTok Tricks In this episode, Siro takes on the challenge of farming tridents in Minecraft. With his expert knowledge of the game, he navigates through the virtual world, searching for tridents to add to his collection. Along the way,… Read More

  • Unorthoblocks SMP Season 4 Trial Chamber LIVE Vibe!

    Unorthoblocks SMP Season 4 Trial Chamber LIVE Vibe!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE :: Let’s Vibe out a Trial Chamber on Unorthoblocks SMP Season 4!’, was uploaded by JampottBong on 2024-07-26 02:08:59. It has garnered 144 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:56 or 14036 seconds. yippeeeeeee what could possibly go wrong #unorthoblocks #minecraft #minecraftsmp Read More

  • Girls Only Minecraft Madness!

    Girls Only Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIRLS ONLY TIME IN MINECRAFT!! | Let’s play /pyon/craft!’, was uploaded by Kiki Ch. on 2024-08-23 05:40:20. It has garnered 1645 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:16 or 16456 seconds. Thank you my champyons for tuning in to today’s stream! Welcome to Rabbitville ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎ Support me! Donate: Merch: Twitter: Send me feedback: Buy your very own Kiki Bodypillow! ~ Credits: Model artist – Model Rigging – Model touchups – Model update art – Character sheet –… Read More

  • Minecraft Ultimate Rainbow Wave Tutorial!! 🌈🤯 #shorts

    Minecraft Ultimate Rainbow Wave Tutorial!! 🌈🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌈Minecraft: How to make a Rainbow Wave!🤯 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Sk Loki on 2024-04-29 14:08:41. It has garnered 8054 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. 🌈Minecraft: How to make a Rainbow Wave!🤯 #shorts #minecraftshorts Your Queries • Minecraft Minecraft tutorial minecraft builds minecraft building minecraft tutorials minecraft design minecraft interior design minecraft build tips minecraft building ideas minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft shorts minecraft building video minecraft short tutorials top 5 minecraft builds 5 minecraft interior designs 5 minecraft designs Hashtag #️⃣ #viral #ytshorts… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Themed Video! 🔥 #lokicraft #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Themed Video! 🔥 #lokicraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Rated a noob’s😱#minecraft #lokicraft #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by AKC YT SHORT FF on 2024-02-23 01:47:57. It has garnered 8252 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. I Rated a noob’s😱#minecraft #lokicraft #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #mc ———————————————————————————- minecraft minecraft hunger games minecraft survival island minecraft mods minecraft song minecraft style minecraft xbox 360 minecraft parody minecraft herobrine skydoesminecraft minecraft yogscast tnt minecraft parody herobrine minecraft castle minecraft 100days hardcore lets play minecraft minecraft adventure map minecraft tutorial minecraft skyblock minecraft creeper minecraft noob adventures minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Lime Dye HACK Exposed!

    INSANE Minecraft Lime Dye HACK Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘why did mojang make it so hard to get lime dye?’, was uploaded by Jysq on 2024-05-03 20:00:30. It has garnered 23696 views and 1376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftfunnymoments #minecraftfunny #funnymoments video inspired by NotVixios Read More

  • JJ’s Arms Broken?! Mikey & Banana Kid to the Rescue in Maizen Minecraft!

    JJ's Arms Broken?! Mikey & Banana Kid to the Rescue in Maizen Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ has Both of his Arms Broken and Mikey and Banana Kid feeds him – Maizen Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D Story on 2024-07-04 07:00:00. It has garnered 155953 views and 1002 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:14 or 3554 seconds. JJ has Both of his Arms Broken and Mikey and Banana Kid feeds him – Maizen Minecraft Animation Hello, I’m creating 3D animation based on the game Minecraft! #minecraft #animation #maizen #jj #mikey Read More


    NEW 1440P SMP LIVE - JOIN FOR EPIC PVP MINIGAMES!Video Information This video, titled ‘(FIRST 1440P) STREAM PULBIC SMP LIVE 24/7 JAVA SERVER | PVP MINIGAMES JOIN NOW !!!!’, was uploaded by DevanshXD on 2024-07-11 15:49:51. It has garnered 115 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:42 or 7422 seconds. #youtube # minecraft live 🖥️ PC Specs : • Processor: I5 12400F • Motherboard: Asus prime h610 M E • Graphics: RX 6700 10G • Ram : 16GB 3200 MHz • SSD: 500GB NVME M.2 SSD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rules: 1. Don’t abuse anyone in the chat. 2. No profanity or hatred. Or else will face the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drama: Mikey vs JJ Train Crash and Crime Investigation!

    Minecraft Drama: Mikey vs JJ Train Crash and Crime Investigation!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY FAMILY TRAIN vs JJ CRASH ACCIDENT in Minecraft vs NVESTIGATING CRIME’, was uploaded by Maizen JJ & Mikey on 2024-05-09 00:00:10. It has garnered 6537 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:05 or 605 seconds. Who DID THIS To Mikey JJ is INVESTIGATING CRIME How Can JJ and Mikey ESCAPE From JJ MONSTER in Minecraft JJ and Mikey @maizenofficial Read More


    🟧 MINECRAFT HORROR SERVER FT. FOLLOWERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘🟧 SERVER DE TERROR MINECRAFT Y MINIJUEGOS CON SEGUIDORES #minecraft’, was uploaded by anderCrack09 on 2024-07-22 05:34:19. It has garnered 267 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 09:33:00 or 34380 seconds. WE ARE LIVE ON TWITCH: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #parati #viral #twitch #minecraftbuilding #vtuber #minecraftshorts #anime #itachi #memes #fyp #gaming #gym #gymmotivation #irl #paloma #peru #memes #mexico #fypシ #viralvideo #paratii #irl #charla #capa #minecraftcape #parati #viral #minecraft #minecraftmemes #twitch #vtuber #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #memes #tnt #fypシ #gojo #jujutsukaisen #itachi #anime #shorts #gym #gymmotivation #gaming #memes #humor #updateminecraft #minecraft #minecraftmemes #parati #twitch #viral… Read More

  • Pokeclash BCG

    Pokeclash “Friendly Staff” – Raids, Form Changes, Custom Mods – No P2W Come check out our comfy, stardew inspired cobblemon mod pack! Read More

  • Power of Creation Modded SMP 1.20.1 Java Whitelist

    Welcome to Power of Creation! Power of Creation is a server seeking long-term players who want to create and tell stories in a beautiful world. Players must be 18+ and the server is hosted in the UK. Our custom modpack focuses on giving players the tools to build whatever they desire. Main content mods include: Create: mechanical machinery to automate tasks HexCasting: complex spellcasting system Farmer’s Delight: variety of dishes to grow and cook Tetra: modular tools forging Figura: custom avatar creation We also have quality of life, vanilla+ additions, and performance mods. Terrain generation is diverse and follows vanilla… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sonic Reacts to Minecraft Movie Trailer

    Sonic is probably just trying to figure out how he can run faster than the blocks in Minecraft! Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Avatar Parade: How Many Can You Name?

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Avatar Parade: How Many Can You Name? In the world of Minecraft, where avatars roam, Do you recognize them all, in their pixelated home? From Steve to Alex, and Enderman too, Each character unique, with a story to pursue. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Bringing laughter and joy to everyone. With animations that are funny and bright, Spreading happiness, day and night. So join in the fun, subscribe and see, The world of Minecraft, full of glee. With Fangkuaixuan leading the way, In a world where creativity holds sway. Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Run: Explosive Laughs! 🔥

    Minecraft TNT Run: Explosive Laughs! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft TNT Run and you hear that sizzling sound…run faster than you’ve ever run in your life! Read More

  • Dubious Hacks: ThreeDubs EP#4

    Dubious Hacks: ThreeDubs EP#4 Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building towering structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to unleash their creativity and strategic skills. The Thrill of Exploration One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is its vast, procedurally generated world. Players can venture into dense forests, scale towering mountains, and dive deep into mysterious caves, all teeming with resources waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re hunting for diamonds deep underground or taming wild wolves in… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Teaser Trailer

    Minecraft Movie Teaser Trailer Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Sneak Peek at the Official Teaser Trailer Get ready to be amazed as Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures bring to life the iconic video game Minecraft on the big screen in 2025. Directed by Jared Hess, “Una película de Minecraft” stars Jason Momoa, Jack Black, Emma Myers, Danielle Brooks, Sebastian Eugene Hansen, and Jennifer Coolidge in a thrilling adventure that promises to captivate audiences worldwide. A Unique Storyline Step into the world of Minecraft, where creativity is not just a tool for creation but a key to survival. Follow the journey of… Read More

  • "Insane NEW 2024 OP Skyblock Server! | Minecraft 1.8-1.21"

    <p>"Insane <em>NEW</em> 2024 OP Skyblock Server! | Minecraft 1.8-1.21"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BRAND *NEW* OP SKYBLOCK SERVER OF 2024! | Minecraft Skyblock | 1.8 – 1.21’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-12 23:20:40. It has garnered 384 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:17 or 557 seconds. BRAND *NEW* OP SKYBLOCK SERVER OF 2024! | Minecraft Skyblock | 1.8 – 1.21 In today’s Minecraft Skyblock Episode I show you guys a new video on a brand new op skyblock server which has all the versions! ▬▬▬▬ SERVER INFORMATION ▬▬▬▬ IP: IP: IP: Port: 19379 STORE: ▬▬▬▬ Socials▬▬▬▬ ⚡️Discord: ⚡️Public… Read More

  • Unbelievable Riches Found in Jar-Only World!

    Unbelievable Riches Found in Jar-Only World!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BECOME RICH IN CAVE IN JAR ONLY WORLD’, was uploaded by Fexxon Gaming on 2024-04-26 17:35:31. It has garnered 308 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:31 or 871 seconds. I BECOME RICH IN CAVE IN JAR ONLY WORLD #fexxongaming #gamer #minecraft HI, Welcome to our Youtube Channel. 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 💢 ABOUT THIS VIDEO :- Friends, you must watch the video and if you like it, please like it 👍, share it and ☑ subscribe to the channel. If you have any questions, you can also comment…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge with Aphmau!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge with Aphmau!Video Information This video, titled ‘EXTREME Would You Rather with Aphmau! Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft6 on 2024-05-08 18:17:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build hacks 🔥

    Insane Minecraft build hacks 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks 🤯💥#shorts #short #youtubeshorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Cuteboy 96 on 2024-01-04 02:30:11. It has garnered 3368 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft build hacks 🤯💥#shorts #short #youtubeshorts #ytshorts video topic:- minecraft build hacks minecraft build tutorial minecraft building hacks minecraft build minecraft testing minecraft build hacks minecraft secret build hacks minecraft build hacks bedrock edition minecraft building build hacks minecraft build tricks minecraft hacks minecraft building ideas minecraft build battle what to build in minecraft minecraft best build hacks minecraft gaming build hacks minecraft… Read More

  • Knock on this Minecraft server for crazy surprises! #short

    Knock on this Minecraft server for crazy surprises! #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрафт сервер с модами! Это новый ивент? #short #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Get knock on it on 2024-08-17 06:31:25. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Various assemblies with mods from technomagic to technical servers on the island. Vanblock, astroblock, volcanoblock and pixelmon are waiting for you! Many interesting quests and tasks that you can complete on the servers! Minecraft servers with mods: Read More

  • Suited Blaze Update: Boys Are Back!

    Suited Blaze Update: Boys Are Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update To Bring Back The Boys!’, was uploaded by Suited Blaze on 2024-06-18 08:44:14. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:03 or 6783 seconds. Minecraft has had another big update and it’s time to see what it’s all about along with helping Joker finally beating Minecraft for the first time. Interested in joining our Guilded? Check out the link below: Read More

  • SCAMMED by Piglins!? Furry CorgiCam in Hardcore Minecraft – Part 3! 🐶🎮🔥

    SCAMMED by Piglins!? Furry CorgiCam in Hardcore Minecraft - Part 3! 🐶🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘SCAMMED BY PIGLINS! | Furry VTuber Plays MINECRAFT SOLO HARDCORE – Part 3 | July 6, 2024’, was uploaded by CorgiCam VODs on 2024-07-09 14:00:51. It has garnered 568 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:56 or 14036 seconds. #furries #vtuber #vr SUB TO MY MAIN CHANNEL: ============================== ⭐️WATCH ME LIVE 5 NIGHTS A WEEK!⭐️ ============================== ============================== 🔴 Twitter: 🔴 TikTok: 🔴 Discord: 🔴 Merch: 🔴 VOD Archive: 🔴 Wishlist: ============================== Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creativity! Join Lukeoo

    Insane Minecraft Creativity! Join LukeooVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative COME JOIN’, was uploaded by Lukeoo on 2024-07-29 03:34:50. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 06:43:17 or 24197 seconds. Just a small channel trying to grow Read More

Diamonds are STILL a Noodle’s Best Friend!! | Minecraft HARDCORE Season 3 [#1]