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Hi today we’re gonna play the scariest minecraft map ever now guys let’s see if we can hit two likes on this video so make sure you slap that like button and punch that subscribe button let’s go chapter one the forest okay so it seems that we are in the middle of

Absolutely nowhere are you kidding me but we do have a book so let’s read it small things bring considerable excitement to small villagers that is the reason why people have been talking for weeks about the stories of the many bodies swept away by a river of raw sewage you horribly slashed in pieces

Mangled by traps and dissected without leaving bloodstains that is absolutely disgusting but one man took no interest at all in these stories he was by nature reserved and lonely the smiling man man this book is already starting to creep me out he is in truth a very strange villager

Believed to have been a very expert hunter and skillful tamer there are those who say that he is a very feared necromancer doesn’t that make him a witch this villager dwells alone in a very ancient house inside a forest and is reputed to be both exceedingly rich and exceedingly suspicious

My man is sus he’s the imposter those who have entered in the properties of the peculiar villager never came back if we get lost in the woods stay away from the smiling man who knows if he could be interested with you okay thank you mr book but uh

I’m not really scared okay so i’m just gonna sprint through this voice hello smiling man are you here hello right it seems that we have a choice left or right boys you know what i’m gonna go with the right path because i’m a righteous man yes sir all

Right hello anyone here hello smiling man uh delivery amazon hello oh that’s a broken house what’s inside a cobwebs emerald boots this is cursed well we got two emeralds emerald boots nice we can trade with villagers in a bit all right what the actual flippity flip is that is that my

Boy steve hello you good buddy hello hello all right you know what steve i just came to check up on you and if the jumpscare me are you kidding me steve steve you’re so useless man get away from me oh my goodness all right boys well i guess we gotta go

On the left path hello anyone here hello left path oh there’s a house what is this wow that is one ugly villager i’ll tell you guys that holy smokes all right what’s in the house over here a barrel oh nice morama hey check it out boys we’re dripping

We’re dripping all right let’s keep on moving ahead oh oh whoa the thunder is pretty loud i’m not gonna lie what the actual flippity flip is at is this a smiling man hello buddy you don’t really seem too healthy are you good well i’m gonna give you a

Bit of raw mutton there you go man eat up all right so it seems that he doesn’t really have an appetite so let’s keep on moving ahead boys what’s over here it’s a dead end it’s a dead end boys oh okay relax with the thunder man i get it okay i’m flipping

Get it we gotta go over here it’s not that deep He’s just smiling man boy hey give me a kiss okay okay relax relax with the music buddy you think i’m scared i’m gonna be scared okay what’s up with the music i’m getting scared i’m not gonna lie i’m actually getting scared what is this okay so this is a place where they

Execute people um nice what about this well okay there is a bunch of steve just vibing in there and their bodies have been absolutely mangled with this is not uh fun guys this is not fun let’s go into this house over here hello anyone here no no one’s here it seems that this

Village has been raided oh my goodness did you ever see that how did you manage to do that ah oh my goodness yo that’s so grim how could you do my boy steve like that man all right i guess we just got to keep on moving boys because i don’t want to end

Like that hello oh we got a bunch of furnaces oh no i’ll take that coal with me why not all right so i guess we got to go down this flipping cave are you kidding me i don’t want to go down there okay okay i’ll go i’ll go

Ah all right with three boys with three don’t worry about it we’re good okay more dead bodies hello guys how are you doing do you maybe want some raw mutton no okay all right so it seems that we need some type of key to open this gate

I’m guessing so i’m just gonna keep on moving around and let’s see if we can find this key all right so there’s no key in this house there is no key in this house so i i guess i gotta go this way all right broken house over hello oh what is this

Blast furnace okay can i maybe sneak through here nope okay i guess we just gotta keep on moving ahead then oh a chest oh key oh nice we actually found a key that’s crazy all right so we got the key and now all we got to do is go back to

The flipping gate and put that bad boy in and let’s go hello oh there we go nice it opened up um this is a very nice looking house i’m not gonna lie sheesh wait oh oh what’s going on here don’t make any noise okay okay okay is this a smiling man

Is this the smiling man is it oh oh he’s right over there he is right over there okay we’re not gonna make any noise boys don’t worry about it i’m sneaking i’m a sneaky boy all right so uh i guess we gotta get inside so do i ring the doorbell Oh my goodness are you kidding me i’m sorry mr smelling man i’m sorry mr smelling man holy smokes are you kidding me oh i’m god i’m gone i’m gone yo relax oh my goodness this guy’s crazy bro hello hello what’s going on i’m running oh i’m running back i’m running back i

Guess he’s behind me oh he’s behind me hello relax i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m so sorry please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me oh Hello hello loading good luck what oh oh i don’t hear anything i don’t see anything hello oh hello i don’t see anything what are these sounds uh oh oh okay chapter two the house are you kidding me are you flipping kidding he kidnapped us how can you do that i didn’t even give

Him consent right what do we do now how do i get out i want to get out i want to go home oh okay well i guess we’re out okay thank you thank you um i guess we just got to keep on moving what’s inside this chest oh what an axe nice

And a book diary one dear unknown reader my name is victor and i have been held by babel behemoth for over 20 years i had thought it’d take years to escape from him but i did it once in less than a day that’s all it takes concentration and patience

Oh bevel loves hunting and he can be as unpredictable as smart to be honest the fundamental escape objectives on the following pages the boiler room is the only exit underneath the facilities there is a path to the sewers you must hold back the flue gas to cause an explosion

It’s necessary to open six valves before the switch on the main valve from the boiler room one torture chamber valve two living room valve three laboratory valve four engine room valve crossing a collapsed corridor you will find a room where you can also open doors to other sections

Five backyard valve in the courier you will find a stable where the valve is located but be careful not to wake up the puppies what what puppies six attic valve the key to open the wooden cage is hidden in some barrel of the attic okay okay thank you for the diary what’s this

Switch hello oh torture chamber valve opened we got we already got the first valve are you kidding me nice all right next one now the next one is the living room valve so how the flip do we get to the living room hello oh oh look how can i go through here what

How can i fit through that that’s so cursed okay what about this door over here can i open it right so it seems that this door over here is actually locked so i guess i gotta go through here oh hello is this a camera it’s a flipping camera he’s watching us

Okay so uh what do we do next uh explore the basement a bit oh my goodness what the flip is this oh no that’s the electric chair are you kidding me my man has a flippin electric chair in his basement dungeon okay hello is anyone hearing this dungeon hello buddy you good hello

Oh he doesn’t have eyes he’ll free my man free my man he did nothing wrong all right there’s another village over here at least he looks normal oh he doesn’t he does not look normal can i open this oh oh nice hello what’s up buddy oh three emeralds for leather pants uh

That’s a flipping bad trade are you kidding me and get away from me boy how dare you give me leather pants for three emeralds oh my goodness what a scammer piece all right who’s next oh living room i found the living room what the flap is wrong with you

Oh my goodness i’m dead that man came out of nowhere are you kidding me bro i guess we gotta go through here again go down oh my goodness go away i’ll kill you i’ll kill you buddy you think i’m a noob you think i’m a noob you think i’m a noob you think

I’m a noob you think i’m a noob you think i’m a noob you think i’m a newborn oh oh oh psp oh flip that switch oh living room valve open nice we got to be good is he still behind us i’m dead again all right guys we got the

Living room valve though that’s good what’s next the laboratory valve okay so let’s go through here let’s go into the basement again all right oh there’s a flip in trap over there nice boiler room oh let’s get that real quick to be able to switch on the boiler you must open the

Six valves are you kidding me okay uh courtyard how do we get out here i have to go to the courtyard how the flip do i get to the courtyard laboratory they’re all closed off oh i just broke something nether i chest plate are you flipping kidding me bro

Are you kidding me bro are you kidding me and an iron sword and a shield okay mr smiling man hey try attack me now boy hey we did hey come over here boy you think you think i’m scared of you he’s super quick but don’t worry about

It boys i’ma kill him i’mma kill him oh i’m not gonna kill him i’m not gonna kill him i’m sorry for some reason that man is super strong so we cannot fight him all right let’s go back downstairs how the flip do we get to the laboratory

I have no idea oh there’s a chest over here oh a bunch more stuff i mean i’ll take a bow i’ll take a bone nice i wonder what happens if i walk into these traps oh nothing happens they’re useless also what are these little wooden thingies over here can i hide in them

Oh yeah i can’t look oh can i hide in them from the smiling man there is no way i i gotta check this out i gotta try this out oh there he is mr smiling man follow me buddy yeah follow me please please please please please please please

Can i hide from him i can’t hide from him are you kidding me why is i even there all right boys so we cannot hide from him okay we cannot hide from that man oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry we have to somehow find out how to flip

And open the other valves also what’s up with this mini herobrine statue are you kidding me bro i mean it looks kind of cute i’m not gonna lie look at him i guess we go upstairs again um maybe something’s in the cell hello oh what’s up buddy how are you doing you’re good

Oh my goodness he has bad trades too man get out of here man you guys are a bunch of scammers get away you deserve to die i have not actually been to the security room what is this seat do i have to sit on this

All right and then cam one oh oh i can actually look okay what about the courtyard let me see the courtyard ah interesting what about the uh uh attic how the flip do i get to the attic i need to know dungeon okay okay okay we’ve already been there what about the torture

Chamber all right everything looking clean nice lastly the living room okay all right that was pretty helpful actually okay there’s just a villager roaming around it seems but let’s keep on moving boys maybe something’s up with this electric chair what if i turn it on and then

Sit inside oh okay no no no definitely don’t sit inside there holy smokes all right guys we have a huge problem the smiling man is literally covering the flipping entrance are you kidding me buddy move out the way i gotta move through hello oh he doesn’t see us oh he does see us

Run run run run run run villager help me help me please all right just go down here come we’ve got to duke him we’ve got to duke him is he gone oh he’s gone nice oh he’s definitely not gone oh what’s this what’s this oh oh oh oh where did i go

Where did i go where did i go where did i go there’s no way he’s still behind me right okay he’s gone he’s gone holy smokes that was close all i have to figure out is how to open this maybe it has something to do with these paintings no

Oh what is this estoytoperdido okay let me take that with me and a bunch of emeralds holy smokes nice now if i’m not mistaken there is a jukebox somewhere over here oh there it is let me just put that in okay is that the villagers mixtape hello Oh my goodness that’s kind of fire yeah oh oh oh oh oh ho What is up with this cd man i don’t even understand him is he coughing ah buddy i’m just listening to your mixtape oh all right so for some reason i can still hear his flipping mixtape and it seems that he’s vomiting or something it sounds really creepy okay all right

Boys you know what i’m gonna go back to the boiler room because that is the only room that seemed very suspicious to me and here it is the boiler room no no no please please please sir sir i’m sorry sir i’m sorry sir i’m sorry sir i’m sorry sir i’ll

Call the police on you sir this is domestic abuse this is domestic abuse this is domestic abuse i’m telling you this is domestic abuse you don’t want to go into prison you don’t want to go to prison you don’t want to go to prison you don’t want to

Go to prison you don’t want to go to prison you don’t want to go to prison no all right boys i guess what we’re going to do is just sneak in he’s right over there in the corner but there we go okay so what’s up with this room

Oh oh engine room engine room okay okay now all we got to do is go into the engine room oh no we cannot fit through so i guess we’re gonna go from here boom upward through nice finally right now i guess we gotta kind of parkour

Boom and boom nice and then go up here nice what is this courtyard door nice open it all up thank you finally and the valve engine revolve open yes now the courtyard and the laboratory and the attic are open so first let’s check out the courtyard hello

Courtyard are any uh pigs over here or maybe uh horses oh we’re back outside i guess what’s this is this is this a skeleton oh my goodness that’s huge okay so let’s go through here okay we found another dead body oh what is this hello whose samsung phone is going off

Hey yo who who still has android these days am i right boys hello oh oh oh oh no okay you know what i’ll go to the courtyard later how about we go to the attic first holy smokes all right we’re in the attic and there there’s a level

There’s a level okay we need a key we need a key where can we find the key though but if i open this up hello donkey is the key maybe on you wait wait there’s a chest on the donkey does a donkey have the key oh no it doesn’t the donkey does not

Have the keyboard hello mr villagers how you guys doing you guys good hello now where could this flipping key be are you kidding me maybe in one of these barrels oh check it out i got some potions all right got some emeralds don’t tell me i have to check through

Every single one is this a joke all right i’m looking through literally everything boys and i cannot find it there’s more barrels over here oh golden apple what so many potions let me just uh get rid of the bad stuff because i’m going to take all these potions with me baby oh

And more potions actually you know what i think i’ve had enough okay oh the key i found the key i found the key nice um let me just replace it with that let me also get the fireworks and i also take the crossbow why not all right there we go

Put that key in open it up nice and now just get the lever easy boys oh what’s in his chest i got a saddle are you kidding me i got a flippin saddle i’m gonna take a carrot on a stick with me too and now i’m gonna

Ride a flipping pig check it out boys i got ah oh what’s going on hello hello hello whoa what’s the sound what’s that sound what’s that sound hello okay mr pig how about we just go mr pig just run i don’t know where that sound came from just run mr pig it’s fine

Don’t worry about it me and my pig just on our way downtown we’re gonna go together because me and mr pig we’re best friends yeah all right mr pig you got this buddy don’t worry about it we’re gonna go to the laboratory you got this mr pig don’t worry about it i’m

Right behind you oh the smiling man was behind me okay mr pig i’m sorry i got abandoned you piece okay laboratory oh there’s a valve get the valve get the valve i got the valve yeah i got the valve baby oh you can’t stop me now baby you can’t stop me now don’t

Chase me i’ll shoot you in the face i’ll shoot you in the face buddy all right boy why is he smiling man there i got to go to the courtyard okay peace peace peace peace i’m just gonna run through peace you can’t get through here easy all right now we’re back in the

Courtyard we have to watch out because those flipping puppies are there okay i’m gonna try it again don’t worry about it boys i got this we just gotta go in here okay nice oh there he is there’s the big boy there’s a big boy i’m going to pop a golden apple real quick

Please came out of nowhere what do you mean that’s good run okay okay yeah yeah sorry guys sorry guys there’s the liver i got it i got it i’ve lived in goddard i’m flipping got it i don’t care if i die i don’t care if i die i don’t care

Oh they can’t kill me they can’t kill me they can’t kill me look at this i’m dead all right so we got number one we got number two we got number three we got number four we got number five we got number six two the boiler room

Valve the boiler room valve is now open okay boys we’re gonna escape we’re gonna flip and escape baby let’s go i just gotta go down here the boiler room should be on the left oh there’s the smiling man come on get it get it get it did it work i’m pressing

The button nothing’s happening nothing’s happening nothing’s happening let me out let me out oh oh oh okay uh bomb just exploded nice let me just go through nice baby is this the escape oh we made it we made it let’s escape we made out the house oh my goodness this is a long

Ladder i’m not gonna lie oh loading good luck okay oh we made it out the house oh okay where the flip are we now uh chapter three the sewers okay so there’s a chest over here with dried kelp ew that is flipping disgusting and diary number two and we also have

Route of the sewers okay so we have to actually clear our inventory here so let me just get rid of all of this stuff we’ll take all the maps and now let’s read diary number two i have drawn a map of the most expendable locations valves a and b can

Open the sewer system all right dope all right now let’s check out these maps real quick and holy smokes all right so way over there and we have to go through go to the right and take another right for b okay i just have to activate them

Okay sounds easy enough i’m gonna put this in my off hand and holy smokes don’t tell me the entire thing is under the water you kidding me all right we gotta get through we gotta get through come on swim swim swim swim nice nice nice okay

So now we’re gonna go to the right again right there come on come on don’t run out of there buddy you got this is there an air pocket oh nice all right just take a few breaths again and now i guess we gotta go in here maybe oh nice holy smoke

Smoking smoke smoke oh oh whoa i don’t want to die are we going to die here we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die oh my goodness oh go up here maybe oh oh whoa whoa whoa

Whoa where do i go where do i go where do i go what is this oh oh this gives me back my house oh nice i didn’t know that we just got to find our way to the valve but i have no idea how

All right so we can go up over here i haven’t been here so let’s check it out real quick boom and there’s the air pocket over here let me just get some fresh air real quick nice and now let’s keep going forward all right hello anything over here buddy

Nope nothing over here i gotta get air again come on get air get there okay nice there we go oh why am i taking damage swim i’m actually gonna drink a health pot real quick because i’m kind of scared oh we’re out again all right let’s go in again

Holy smokes this is so hard all right so let me go up all right like this and now let me go straight through here and maybe go down no let’s keep going over here oh we’re taking damage taking damage maybe uh go straight down go straight down oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh that’s the flipping way i found it right over there all right boys i know exactly where to go now so i have to go right here boom go up boom go here go to the right oh no no it was straight was straight was straight wait let me

Just refill my air bubbles real quick all right boom go here i think it was and then here and then here and then to the left and then go straight down yes and then make it out oh we made it holy smokes i found it look

Boom that will be open baby let’s go now let me just look at the map we just opened valve b so what we need to do is somehow get to a so let me just go back real quick boys there we go now valve a should be all the way in the

Corner over here so uh let’s keep going oh where’s this damage coming from holy smokes relaxed oh oh i ran out of air bubbles need anybody i need that okay we got our boys don’t worry about it maybe something inside these barrels oh nice more potions i’ll take it there’s also a chest

Emerald leggings oh snap nice all right so that door over there is closed so i’m just going to swim through over here and i’m probably going to die am i going to die no there’s an air pocket nice oh i found it i found the valve

Nice we got both oh snap sewer system open baby swim boy swim swim boy all right get to that pocket quick quick quick don’t die on me let me drink this flipping potion so now oh there we go there’s air bubbles we open it oh my goodness stop flipping punching me mrs puff

Mrs puff get out of there oh no oh no no don’t worry about it we’re out we’re out holy smokes mrs puff is savage now we’re gonna go to the ladders over here boom nice guys we are literally gonna escape is this poop by the way why is it so sticky

Ew ew open up the door hello i haven’t seen the smiling man in a hot minute i’m not gonna lie is that the end oh hello hello oh oh oh oh oh let me out of me out oh no no no no no oh oh oh oh

Chapter four the warehouse okay so the smiling man is right behind us we don’t want to go there so how about we go to the right no the door is locked okay so i guess we gotta go over here then boys what’s in this chest the nether right

Sword are you kidding me and diary number three in the warehouse there’s an elevator that will take you to the attic the only way to get out to activate it you must find the switch room through the corridors there are several chemical converters scattered throughout the facility that will make you

Temporarily invisible from any threat as long as you know how to use them okay very interesting oh what the flipped edges do very interesting oh hello what did i just do oh oh this is chemical converters it just made me invisible all right give me more of that baby give

Me more of that whoa all right boys now all we got to do is run through bada boom bada bam open up the door it’s still locked okay what if i climb over this oh no the thunder i can hear it baby no we cannot get through here where do i

Have to go are you kidding me there’s something i’m not being told oh over here okay nice um what do i do from here so i’m just gonna move around oh there’s that thing there’s that thing it’s right behind me it’s ripping me okay okay i’m gonna get this real quick boom

And now i’m just gonna run through and hopefully you cannot see me oh can you see me oh you can still see me for some reason how can you see me i’m invisible i’m literally invisible buddy we’ve got the way move out the way move out the

Way boy i don’t want to flip and fight you okay move god bless this chemical converter whatever it is boom boom boom oh buddy oh buddy listen listen i will give you a treat if you don’t attack me but if you do attack me i will literally kill you buddy don’t chase me

Do not chase me okay he’s chasing me boys he’s chasing me where am i where am i please let me out oh there is another one there’s another one please please let me go please let me go please let me go guys i never hurt you i never hurt you

I love your mother i love your mother i love your mother i love you mother i love your mother okay i guess not boys i guess not you’re not gonna get any treats for christmas yeah just push me out thank you thank you much appreciated thank you okay

Listen buddy you really wanna attack me just move out the way buddy it’s not that hard i wonder what’s up with these rockets though i also have a bunch of rockets let me just get the invisibility real quick boom and now um what do i do oh oh oh sorry about that

Sorry about that sorry about that sorry about that maybe get this okay yeah no buddy listen listen i don’t want no beef okay i don’t want no beef i do want some kfc though all right come on come on i gotta run through here yes yes yes

Get this real quick nice now run run run run run haha you can’t get through here oh we can’t get through there you too big oh a little fatty all right let me just drink some potions it seems that we’re good so far boys okay oh hello buddy hello hello okay okay

Okay okay there’s the valve i switch it elevator activated okay we can go back okay please open please open yes we got it we got the elevator we’ve got the way i got to escape i gotta escape right now buddy oh my goodness that boy is thick run run run run run run

Run stop stepping in pool guys the only exit i can take is over here so i’m just gonna make a run for it again man oh okay you know what just jump through let’s go use your shield you’re the shield nice nice nice where’s the elevator where’s the

Elevator come on it was over here somewhere no is this the elevator no is this the elevator yes it is yes it is okay come on make a jump make it jump make a jump oh we made it peace peace peace oh you can’t get me here can you oh

Peace i’m escaping baby let’s go is this the end loading okay so it seems that we are now in the attic chapter five okay um now where do we go everything is awfully quiet i’m not gonna lie let’s open this door hello there okay i’m people victor okay you have a pretty

Nice family there buddy yeah that’s uh johnny bonnie and sony very nice family man what is this a great truth that i haven’t been able to tell you is that wherever i go bible will always follow me i can only act myself when he needs to

Rest getting time to write and hide the books behemoth is one step away from knowing my plan to eradicate his existence i don’t think i can contain him much longer he’s much more powerful than me i am bible behemoth what the flip what’s up with all these paintings man

Is that herobrine oh my goodness holy smokes what’s in the chest codex nine by bible behemoth and some skeleton skulls okay let’s read it behemoth and herobrine made a covenant because he loved him as himself victor is the weakness bebo is the revenge and the behemoth is the monster

Bible made countless demonic pacts and sold his soul to behemoth oh my goodness okay he sold his soul he sold his soul for a bit of fame are you kidding me buddy now there’s a few more books that bible behemoth wrote but i’m not really going to look through

Them because they’re kind of weird and they’re really creeping me out so let’s go to the other door i just want to escape man please oh the door opened by itself nice hello oh you good there buddy hello are you people behemoth victor what i didn’t write that in the chat

I didn’t write that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa is this victor hello i know you what do you mean you know me which mean you know me you must stop him stop who it’s just us do here buddy oh my goodness he’s getting stronger every day

Okay what does i have to do with me though what does that have to do with me you must listen to me very carefully before he comes back okay i’m listening buddy i’m listening can i trust you i didn’t write that but not for long why listen i’ve

Secretly made a poison that’s the map’s name and it’s hidden in the room to my right oh snap if i drink it i’ll take people away from this world holy otherwise a terrible war is going to start oh my goodness this map is crazy this map is crazy

This map is crazy hurry up okay okay okay i’ll hurry up what you have to do open this door okay okay okay okay um uh where do i go here hello jump over here i guess oh uh i’m in here now hey victor oh my goodness victor you’re looking kind of

Creepy or is this people is this people victor i don’t know oh wait bible took over victor bible what’s in the chest nothing but send him to sleep off are you telling me bebo is victor you’re late i’m not late buddy i’m not late am i trapped i’m trapped aren’t i i’m flipping

Trapped i’m trapped no no no no no i’m trapped i’m trapped i’m trapped humbly trapped are you kidding me very soon i will command a great and terrible army with the power to rule them all buddy stop flipping yo listen just take a chill pill okay how about we play some

Minecraft together hey hey buddy about that poison what about it bring it to me am i supposed to bring it to you the chest doesn’t even open buddy hello you don’t scare me yeah exactly you don’t scare me huh you don’t scare me you got a stupid little smile on your face

Yeah you ugly boy you ugly i must say i’m quite impressed yeah you better be check out these muscles baby woo think i’m scared i’m never scared so passionate so young that’s right i’m 20 years old baby i’m young i’m strong and if you come in here i’ll beat you up

Bro you’re exactly what i’ve been looking for what no listen relax relax i’m not into that type of stuff buddy stop being so weird let’s get to the point yes finally man this is taking so long where is the poison open the chest dr victor poison take the poison with you

Okay uh let me just take that i won’t give it to you buddy yeah of course you won’t why why why why you sounding so weird man this will be more interesting uh hello oh oh a buddy just flipping broke through the door do i drink it should i drink the poison

No no i’m not gonna drink it okay so i guess he opened up the door for us there’s a chest over here with an emerald helmet nice i’ll take it look at that boys we are fully equipped if this man comes here i’m gonna flip and beat him

Up finally we also got some food man i’ve been needing this all right we’re in the next room and the flipping thing close behind me oh what’s that sound oh hello why are you doing this exactly yeah why are you doing this what’s wrong with you man you’re crazy you’re a psychopath to

Change the world you must be willing to make great sacrifices no you don’t you can be a nice person how about we just play some fortnite together buddy come on relax your people have shown how greedy and cruel they are pretending to prove yourselves as a superior dominant specie

They took everything what victor loved oh is this villages against steve’s is that what it is is that what this battle is about and from his grief i was born of anger and revenge was victor bullied by steve’s is that what it was now i will destroy everything you love okay

Um gas two minutes what is he gonna gas me buddy i don’t want to get gas relax what do i do what do i do where did the poison go where did the flipping poison go oh no um diary five by doctor victor and a lodestone compass

And also gas chamber routes okay let’s read the book you have only one chance to avoid the gas if you fail it will be your end you must be prepared before crossing that door it’s very important that you introduce the poisoning to the hopper of the machine

The poison is the only thing that could kill beeble i’m sure i mean i don’t really have the poison oh i do have the poison never mind i do have the poison okay i guess i gotta put the poison oh what just happened what just happened

Run run why run why run hello hello oh there he is there he is oh no no no no please go away from me go away from me go away from me go away from me oh no oh no oh no oh no i don’t know what to do i don’t know what

To do i i don’t know what to do i’m not prepared i’m not prepared for this i am not prepared for this boy where’s the hopper where’s the hopper where’s the i’m going back i’m going back there is no hopper boys there is no hop but we’re going to die

We’re going to die here oh everything is just closing on me come on where’s the hopper where’s the hopper is this it no that’s not the hopper oh no oh no oh no oh no what my game just crashed are you kidding me bro

All right so it seems that i lost all of my stuff and i was sent all the way back over here now before i go through this door we actually have a map that i missed map by victor you are not here don’t go nothing here okay so i’m pretty sure we

Are here and we have to go where it says we don’t go so uh i’m just gonna ignore it so we have to run out okay and then go through that little crack over there and then take the first right and then take another right and then we should be over there okay

Okay um let’s go i got it so we gotta go right here yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll take another right go go go go yeah yeah take the first round and close don’t be kidding me oh no no oh what’s going on here what’s going on here i’m getting shot is that the

Smiling man hello there that is smiling man run run please run please run please run okay so i guess we’re gonna go over here oh just close up again go right go right go right go right we got this we got this i guess we gotta go over here oh just

Closed again all right go over here okay maybe over here straight down straight down is that it is that it May be right over here hello is this it I have to look for a hopper i don’t know if this is it i don’t know if this is it please oh everything’s so dark okay i guess we got to go over here now come on come on come on no just close up again bro keep

On moving you got this buddy you got this buddy don’t worry about it come on move move move move all right is this it is this it put the poison in the hopper i did it i did it i did it i put it in i put it in i put it in

What’s going on now bieber behemoth he has a health bar oh no i don’t have any i don’t i don’t have anything i don’t have a sword i don’t have a sword buddy i don’t have a sword i don’t have a sword i don’t have any equipment oh no

Wait is he dead oh he just died oh we didn’t need anything oh wait is this the end hold up real quick oh my god is that bboy as a baby oh look at him he’s so cute well guys i guess we just kind of defeated this without any weapons

Is this the elevator is this yeah is this the end did we escape oh no he’s still there i knew it i knew i flipping you i don’t have anything please i don’t have any armor please buddy please just let me win oh oh what’s going on oh oh i just got trapped

Okay buddy okay really you’re gonna gang up on me is this is this really the end listen i don’t have anything i’m gonna die i’m actually gonna die i am gonna die what’s going on here oh oh oh oh oh oh rest in peace to your arm buddy oh

Feels bad feels bad are we going up oh oh hello you are here to protect me oh that was the golem from earlier the one who was trapped oh my goodness wait is he friendly oh he he just opened it thanks buddy thank you okay oh oh okay yeah yeah he opened this

Up for us i will not forget this buddy i appreciate it is this the end i guess i have to just go down here hello did i make it exit exit exit exit what are you kidding me is he still alive is he still alive please i don’t have anything please how

Long is this map going to keep on going on for please just let me exit please just let me go please please please oh oh oh my goodness are you good there buddy i’m sorry uh dr victor why are you sorry buddy uh the exit is right behind me uh

What is he doing oh oh is he gonna explode oh my man oh he’s full hp he’s foolish me am i gonna die am i gonna die is this the end please please i just want to go home i just want to play some fortnite please please please please please please

Please no no he’s banging his head against the flipping thing buddy i’m sorry i’m sorry please let me go no no no no no oh please please go away please go away oh what is that what is that like look behind you look behind you oh oh

Ellie what is going on here i i don’t have any idea what’s going on i’m so confused i don’t know who that is i don’t know ellie i don’t know ellie oh he’s gone he’s gone uh bible behemoth is gone can i exit now please can you open up hello

Bible all right i guess bebo is just gone oh the door opened is that it is that it bible behemoth long to purge the world of vice and sin and he saw corruption everywhere except with himself there is a quote that says no death no doom no anguish can arouse a surprising despair

Which flows from a loss of identity hp lovecraft the end we made it oh my god that was such a crazy map bible behemoth reminds me of quebecois anyways guys click on one of these videos and i’ll see you over there oh that took me literally like an hour

Let me know if you want to see more long maps and i’ll see you on these two videos peace

This video, titled ‘DON’T PLAY THIS MINECRAFT MAP AT NIGHT..’, was uploaded by Liger on 2021-04-16 04:55:21. It has garnered 3240515 views and 90190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:35 or 2315 seconds.


Today we will be playing the scariest Miencraft map and apparently it is so cursed that you should never play it.. but we’re going to play it anyways! The map is called ‘Poison’. WHATEVER YOU DO.. DON’T PLAY THIS AT NIGHT! ESPECIALLY NOT AT 3AM!

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  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

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  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More